Emails pertaining to Gateway Pacific Project For September 22-28, 2012 From: "Wilson, Shannon B NWS" <
[email protected]> To: "Perry, Randel J NWS" <
[email protected]> CC: "Tong, Kristina G NWS" <
[email protected]>, "Riley, Melinda... Date: 9/24/2012 6:51 AM Subject: Special Public Notice - Gateway Pacific Terminals and Custer SpurExpansion (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: PITBNSF SPN.docx.pdf Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE The attached PDF document is a Special Public Notice of intent to prepare a draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminals and Custer Spur expansion projects from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District. To view the attached document, you will need to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader. For a free copy of the Acrobat Reader please visit: To provide any project specific comments in writing or by E-mail, please visit the link below and follow the instructions outlined in the "How to Submit Comments" section. For more Regulatory Program information, please visit Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE US Army Corps Special Public Notice of Engineers Seattle District R egulatory Branch Public N otice D ate: September 24, 2012 Post Office Box 3755 Expiration D ate: January 21, 2013 Seattle, Washington 98124-3755 N WS-2008-260, Pacific International Telephone (360) 734-3156 Terminals, Inc. A TTN : R andel Perry N WS-2011-325, BNSF R ailw ays N OTIC E OF IN TEN T TO PR EPARE A DRAFT ENVIR ON MEN TA L IMPACT STA TEMEN T FOR THE PR OPOSED GA TEWAY PACIFIC TER MINALS AND CUSTER SPUR EX PANSION PR OJEC TS PURPOSE : The U.