Irene Cruz is a Spanish photographer and video artist born in in 1987, currently living and working in . She studied Advertisement & Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid. Later, she attended an International Master at EFTI specializing in Conceptual Photography and Artistic Creation.

Her visual work is mainly focused on the relationship between nature and human being, her photos always present a soft and delicate scene where the human subject is harmoniously integrated into the natural environment.

Light has a central role in Irene’s creative process, she is always looking for a specific, soft and natural light able to give to her shots an ethereal and daydream dimension. The research of this celestial light is the reason why she’s mainly shooting and working in Northern Countries such as or Iceland.

Irene Cruz’s artworks have been presented in several exhibitions, art fairs and festivals around the world, winning many awards like “Fototalnetos” and “ Photography Contest”.

Among her most recent projects, there is a collaboration with the Spanish National Award photographer Isabel Muñoz in . In 2017 Irene performed as a DoP for the first time on Alejo Moreno’s feature film titled “Diana”, which premiered during the last edition of the Malaga Film Festival. From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 Moonlight

“The path of transformation begins in the body, The soul moves itself through an intact eternal land, I embrace its depths hoping to become one with the Earth.

The hopeless dust was once the burning lava, I get lost in its dark blurred immensity, A dot on the black fields melting against the tide.

Purple lines crush the brightness of the last sunset, Fixed widened pupils broken by the incandescent sky, The forgotten rebellion of an exhausted soldier.

The patient water sublimates rusty wounds, Turning them into ferocious scars of future legends, That will wipe away my fear and hunger.

If only I could trap the wind in the center of my eyes, And erase my reasoning as it consumes the instinct, Then I could fuse my conscience with the crying landscape.

Its spirit cradles me softly in an ethereal lap, Carrying me as a child till the next moon awakes, My existence is captured by the purest beauty.

The broken waves are stopped by these bare hands, They are pushed to a frozen shore, That receives them kindly anticipating their death.

The ice unleashes the mind from an unwanted slumber, There will be no blood, but the heart remains, I promise this won’t be a permanent farewell.

I’ve found my roots in the birth of a volcano, Holding my origin back as a curious animal, Beating lifeless dreams among the stones.”

Nadia Tunez From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 INTERVIEW TO IRENE CRUZ

by Muriel Resnik for SingularArt

How did you find your voice as an artist?

Spending time with myself is important. I normally live in my parallel world half of the time. I’m not scared of failure, what is important to me to create, I believe that nothing we do is by accident. By failing I learn about what I can improve and what I don’t like, which is also important. I love to daydream. I give myself plenty of time to think, to write the things I connect with on a note book. With this in mind, I try my artworks to be a mirror of my inner universe as much as I can.

Could you describe your procedure for a new photo project?

I look within myself, for which I normally start drawing and on a note- book the images that appear in my mind. I also write down other ideas that may emanate from the main one. In Berlin it is very easy for me to find the places I imagine. When I have an initial idea, I ask myself a lot of questions about it, I ask others about their own thoughts. I read about it, and I start a creative process to express it through my photographic language. When the idea starts to be solid, I prepare the shootings. Sometimes I need an assistant, because normally I shoot when its raining, or I am working inside of a lake. Since I work 99% of the times with natural light, I only shoot when light condition is best outside. I feel comfortable in blue-lights, I feel it truly represents the spirit of my work and that is the most important thing for me. If I don’t like the light, I don’t work.

Where comes your inspiration from?

No idea ever comes to me suddenly; it sits inside me for a while until it reaches the surface. I am not sure where exactly my ideas come from. Berlin, and the experiences that I have here really help on that, it is an amazing place to create. It is very important to feeling inspired to go elsewhere: to move away from the city and into the forest. I also enjoy to sit on a plane and disconnect from the world for a number of hours. Train journeys are good. Sometimes I sit on the Berliner ring S- Bahn as it loops around the city. I observe people; I watch movies or music videos, I read, I think about the conversations that I have. Sometimes the inspiration comes from the imagination that awakens the books that I read, mostly of them, philosophy or sociology of authors like Nietzsche, Simmel, Ritter, Spinoza, Heidelberg, or Sennett. These are some of my favourites. From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 “Habitat I and Habitat II”

Body and lanscape awareness

“The artist creates through different ways a habitat: a place which joins together the suitable conditions to encourage a fertile relationship between life, Art and nature.”

As Joachim Ritter suggests, the landscape is a cultural construct created by modern society, which being away from nature is only able to admire its beauty once it has emancipated from the needs that linked it to nature. Nevertheless, the landscape does not exist without a spectator that consid- ers that this piece of nature is subject to be contemplated, the artist invites the spectator to adopt another viewpoint. She pushes the spectator to aban- don his passive observer role and to get into nature so as to get his body involved by nature. At the same time, while the body becomes a receptacle of sensations during this aesthetic experience, it is when the body gets into nature when it becomes a conscious part of nature. As the artist claims, our society has forgotten that we are a part of nature, that we come from nature and that it rules over us, those are the reasons why we shall come back to nature.

Sol Izquierdo abour Irene Cruz’s series “Habitat I and Habitat II” From the series “Habitat I”, 2014 From the series “Habitat I”, 2014 INTERVIEW TO IRENE CRUZ

by Julia Mari Bernaus for ArtConnect

In your artworks there is never good weather. If you still lived in , would you be able to create such artworks?

Yes, but not in Madrid city centre where I used to live. Normally I was always going to the Mountains in Northern Madrid (Guadarrama, Soto del Real…) and also San Rafael in Segovia, where my best friend and one of my muses, Sara, has a lovely house.

You get very close to your model, how do you choose them?

In the beginning, I was only doing self-portraits, but with Blumen series, in 2013 I started to work with my most beloved friends, dressing my own clothes, hiding their faces and their identities in order to become genuine photographic vital doubles. So around 99% of the times people that are an important part of my life. It’s easier for me to create a connection with them.

You’ve been in Berlin for a while already, how has the city influenced your artwork?

Berlin gave me the strength to continue with this hard career, has given me the opportunity of survive, and also its wonderful light, its wonderful wilderness (very close to the actual city). Also, finding people that has a sen- sibility for arts.

There is a lot of nudity in your picture, why is that?

Because I am talking about nature. I want people to feel comfortable with their own naked bodies, the real “us” is that, and not the clothing or disguises that we use to cover up what we don’t feel good about, what we’ve been told is not ok, what we truly are.

What has influenced you the most in your work?

Countries like Sweden or Berlin, the blue light, yearning of knowledge, cinema, philosophy, literature…I am always influenced by the things I do, the things I see, I don’t always know where my inspiration comes from. But I can say that all my works are continuous life learnings. And my projects have fed themselves one from each other all along my career. From the series “Habitat I”, 2014 From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 INTERVIEW TO IRENE CRUZ

by Esther Harrison for ArtBerlin

Which of these elements (space, air, fire, water, earth) would you choose in relation to your practice and/or your self, and why?

I mostly do photography, cinematography and , although I am more into analogue photography. I feel like my images flow through space and time, I freeze moments that I’ve imagined before, that I’ve projected in my inner world, it’s quite a seamless process: it feels like a gust of wind, of sud- den inspiration. My muses are also mostly ethereal, an unknown whisper. I let myself go with the flow of life, and I allow myself to have it change my mind all the time. I’m also always wondering why things happen the way they do and I try to learn from that what life teaches me. Well, the bottom line is, definitively I choose Air, it might be because my sing is Gemini.

Is there a particular artwork/person/place/situation that inspired/motivated you to become an artist?

Summer of 2011. That August I found myself as an artist, it was magic, like a revelation. I discovered the light that I feel drawn towards, a light that has ever since felt like I belong to. It happened in Berlin. I can still recall it like an encounter so vivid and impressive that it made me think that these northern countries had always held a light to be found and understood every time as if it was the first. I think the vibe and feel and the experiences that I have here really help on getting inspired, and continue my career as an artist. Berlin is an amazing place to create. The person that encouraged me to believe in myself when I was just starting, will be always part of me and of who I am. He is Eduardo Rodríguez Merchán, my mentor and Audiovisual Communication and Cinema professor at the Complutense University. He is sadly not with us anymore, but I know that his energy stills helps me and pushes me to accept new challenges and set myself new goals in art, and cinema. He also never missed any of my events or exhibitions. I miss him a lot. Do you consider yourself spiritual and how does this feed into your work?

I meditate quite often, my work is a reflection of my inner self, my feelings… my opinions. I consider my art poetic, and also quite introspective. I try to reflect and speak about my place in this world, my thoughts, the belonging of human beings to nature.

How did you meet Luisa Catucci and what is your experience working with her?

I met Luisa at an art fair in Paris back in 2017, I think we had an instant connection due to our energy, both being workaholics and a love for art. It also just so happens that we were (and still are) neighbours in Berlin! She has great intuition and taste for art. I am glad and proud to be part of her “family”. My experience with her so far has been amazing, we have been working together for close to a year now, we get along very well… I hope this is the beginning of some great teamwork, the start of a thrilling journey together. I am glad to be represented by her in Germany.

Please tell us in your words about the meaning of the moon for you as an artist.

The moon affects me in my regular life, and thus it does affect my art too - since it’s a mirror of my inner self. As a woman I am very aware that I’m affected by the moon, we are all water... I am an active follower of the moon phases and it’s energy. I prepare a purpose/wish-list once per month (at least). I write down all the things that I want to happen in my life, normally during the black morning, and I try to get rid of old thoughts and beliefs that don’t work or drag me down during the full moon. Sounds like I am a bit of a witch, but I genuinely can sense all these things. As I acknowledged that, I went on to create my new series Moonlight that I will showcase for the first time in the upcoming edition of Photo Basel together with Edoardo Romagnoli’s work. I am so excited to share it with you all. AWARDS

2018​ Finalist. Caminos de Hierro Photography Contest. ADIF. July Malaga Talent 2018. Festival de Cine Español. Málaga. April ​ 2017 Selected Video-Artist for Art Sevilla Art Fair. October Invited Artist to La Quatrieme Image Fair of Paris. April

2016 “Foto des Tages”. BVG + Berliner Fenster channel. 7 April 2016. March Part in the selected projects “Atlas de quietud” and “10x10” for Carta Blanca Efti Exhibition Project Contest. February Selected Artist for a solo exhibition in CEART (by the Jury Jose Luis Serzo, Suso33 & Chema Madoz). January Selected Artist for participating in ROOM ART FAIR with Anormalmag. January

2015 Finalist at “We want to film you”. A la Luz. October 1st Price Best Emerging Artist of the year by Why On White. October

2014 First prize. “Aus Heiterem Himmel” International Best Videoart of the Year. 360º Video Challenge. December Third prize in II Upcyling Photography Contest. October First prize in II Iberdrola Photography Contest. September Second prize in National Aena Foundation Photography Contest. May Winner Artist in “BookMark” Fine Arts Contest. Habitat I 1st Prize. Art Basel & Miami. May Second prize in EFTI Portfolios with the project Urlaub. February One of the 10 significant and outstanding artists in 2014. VeoArte & AbsolutNetwork. February Winner Artist in Nave 73 Fine Arts Contest 2014. With Seele Series. January

2013 Second prize in EFTI Network with the project “Mär”. December Finalist in “Cartas a la Nave” Fine Arts Contest. December Finalist I Creative Photography Contest “Manifeste Des Yeux Photographies”. October Winner of the contest “Miradas de mujeres” in the matter “Nature and landscape”. September Finalist III Beca de Fotografía MADPHOTO - September Finalist in Upcycling - ECOLAF - ECOEMBES - EFTI - September Finalist in “Iberdrola-CFCBilbao” Photography contest. September Finalist in “Vicios y Pecados del mundo antiguo” (Universidad de Alcalá y el Museo Arqueológico Regional (MAR). May Finalist Work in Absolut Porfolios contest. May

2012 Finalist in Digital Camera contest “Fotomundo”. October First Prize in EFTI Network with the project “Björk”. December (go)

2011 Finalist FotoMercè 2011. September. First Prize in EFTI Network with the project “Seele“. September (go)

2010 Accesit “Fototalentos 2010“ (Banco Santander Foundation and Universia). June (4 times finalist too).

2009 Finalist in national Renfe contest. “Atrapando el movimiento”. November From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 SOLO EXHIBITIONS

2018 LUZAZUL. Luz y Vanguardias Festival - Espacio Nuca. 13 June - 10 October 2018 (Salamanca) Curated by: Naiara Valdano In collaboration with: El Corte Inglés, Vida y Comida, Hoss intropia. “Retreat & Recover” - Facyl Festival - Espacio Nuca. 23 May - 11 June (Sala- manca) Curated by: Sol Izquierdo “Drowning in Blue” Fiftydots Gallery. 23 March - 1 May 2018 (Barcelona) Curated by: Andrea Perissinotto “Drowning in Blue” Theredoom Gallery. 21 February - 19 March, 2018 (Madrid) Curated by: Andrea Perissinotto Organised by Theredoom in collaboration with Fiftydots gallery “Moonlight”. Unicorn Berlin. Azucar Gallery. March 2018 (Berlin) In Collaboration with Aaron Shahanan (Music) & Nadia Túnez (Muse) Curated by Stephan van Kuyk

2017 “Shades of night” “Nuances de nuit” - Arts-et-Métiers ArtSpace. Curated by Alexandre Pikiakos. 14 - 29 November 2017 (Paris) The Muses - SanFest Festival. 14 / 15 / 16 Julio. In collaboration with FiftyDots Gallery. (Madrid) Curated by: Antonio Carralón Shatten- Galatea Berlin. 48 Stunden Neukölln Kunst Festival. 23 - 25 June 2017. (Berlin) In collaboration with D Eceolaza The Muses. Solo Exhibition at Fifty Dots Gallery - 9. March - 5 May 2017. (Bar- celona)

2016 [Photoespaña Festival] Symbiosis Naturae - Exhibition at CEART. 2016. 9 June - 3 July 2016. (Madrid) In collaboration with Victor Alba Curated by Noemí Mendez Irgendwo - Galatea Berlin. 48 Stunden Neukölln Kunst Festival. 24 - 28 June 2016. (Berlin) In collaboration with D Eceolaza Lieber Geist. Solo exhibition at Lab_in. 13 May - 25 June2016. (Vigo) Curated by: María Marco Opening May 13th -20h “Zeitraum Traum” Solo exhibition at C.C Buero Vallejo, Alcorcón. 13 January - 13 February (Madrid) Opening: Wednesday January 13th - 19h Curated by: Sol Izquierdo

2015 “Materia es lo soñado”. Lamosa Lab. 1 October - 1 November 2015 (Cuenca) Opening: Thursday, October 1st. Curated by: Naiara Valdano (Art-Gossips) “Waldeinsamkeit”. Arte Lateral (C.C Arturo Soria). 11 June - 27 September 2015 (Madrid) Opening. June 11th - 19h (Arturo Soria Plaza) In collaboration with: Alan Gleeson (Sound Designer) : Ana Sanfrutos “Habitat: Body & Landscape Awareness”. September 2015. Newcastle Foun- dation (Murcia) Curator: Nicola Mariani “Culture of Nature. Nature of Culture” 48 Stunden Neukölln Art Festival 2015. Galatea. 26 - 28 June (Berlin) “Urlaub. Vacation: Retreat & Recover”. 12 March - 24 April 2015. MUA (Ali- cante) [Photographic Festival - Photo Alc] Curator: Sol Izquierdo

2014 “Waldimsamkeit”. Kleiner Salon - BCMArte. 18 February - 1 March 2014 (Ber- lin) In collaboration with: Alan Gleeson (Sound design) & Altea Hernández (Performance) Curator: Ana Sanfrutos “What Dreams Are Made Of”. The Ballery Gallery. 6 February - 17 February (Berlin) In collaboration with: Sara Bounajm (Poetry) & Sound Awakener (Sound design) Curator: Carlota Ibáñez de Aldecoa “Urlaub. Vacation: Retreat & Recover” . Dispara Gallery. 21 November 2014 15. January (A Estrada) Outono Fotográfico Festival Curator: Vitor Nieves Glocal (hi)stories - Irene Cruz’s Videoart Retrospective Show. 5 - 11 Novem- ber 2014 (Berlin) Kunsthistorischen Instituts der freien Universität Berlin Curated by: Timur Kiseljov “Aus heiterem Himmel”. Mediadvanced. 26 September 2014 - 31 October 2014. (Gijón) Curator: Juan Martínez “Die Stille” - Sala La Capilla. Palacio de Pronillo. 2 June - 20 July (Santander) Curated by: Luis Bezeta “Habitat” 48h Neukölln. Hans Wallner Kunstraum. 26 - 30 June 2014. (Berlin) Curated by: Hans Wallner Habitat//Native. PPC Gallery. 1 - 22 March 2014. Berlin 2 video-installations. Habitat: Solo // Native: with Giovanina Sequeira. : Sol Izquierdo (Habitat) & Tania Gomes (Native).

2013 “Aus heiterem Himmel”. Art & Weise Kunstraum. “Nacht und Nebel Festival”. 2 November - 9 December 2013. (Neukölln-Berlin.) Curator: Ana Sanfrutos. (Circular Culture). From the series “Moonlight”, 2018 GROUP EXHIBITIONS

2019 -FUTR.1. FK- Galerie (Fotoklub Kollektiv). 25 Februar - 23 March. (Berlin) Curated by: Anton Lang -“¿Sueñan los artistas con Ovejas Electrónicas?. La Casa Amarilla. 21 Febru- ary - 13 March. (Málaga) Event inside MaF (Málaga de Festival, in the frame of Málaga Film Festival) Curated by David Burbano -“Unfiltered Emotion”. International Women’s Day Event. Casa Bonay. 8 March (Barcelona) Curated by: Laskimal Organized by: She Said so -“Caminos de Hierro”. Estación de Campo Grande. 10 January - 11 March (Valladolid) Main Train Station. 14 February - 18 March (Oviedo) -Alégrame esas pascuas”. Gunter Gallery in collaboration with Factoria de Arte y Desarrollo. 28 Diciembre - 10 January. (Madrid) Curated by Javier D. Guardiola. - “Caminos de Hierro”. Cordoba Main Train Station. 25th October - 26th No- vember. (Córdoba) Main Train Station Cáceres. 29th November - 7th January (Cáceres). - [Photobook Fair] Fiebre Photobook. Centro Cultural Daoíz y Velarde. 30 Nov - 2 December (Madrid) - “Anniversary” Group exhibition. Galería Léucade. 16 November - 15 De- cember (Murcia)

2018 - [Photography Fair]. Fotofever 2018. Paris Photography Week. Represented by Fiftydots Gallery. 8 - 11 November. Carrousel du Louvre (Paris) - “Caminos de Hierro”. Palacio Fernán Núñez. 28th September - 19th Octo- ber. (Madrid) - “Imperceptible Echoes” Group Show with Belén Ordovas + Isabel Con- sigliere + Irene Cruz. Luisa Catucci Gallery. 5. October - November (Berlin) - “Defunción del Arte”. Performance / Happening / Installation. Galería Theredoom - July 2018 (Madrid) Museo Mausoleo de Morille. August - October (Salamanca) Curated & Organized by: Laura G. Villanueva, Olga Isla, Mimi Ripoll - Duckout! The exhibition. Centro Municipal Eugenio Trías. Casa de Fieras de El Retiro. 18 - 22 October. (Madrid) Curated by: Sara Ruiz Ortega & Sergio Mas - Sync, Psych, Self (sic) : The Self Portrait Exhibition. Fk-Galerie. 2 - 29 Septem- ber 2018 Curated by: Stephanie Ballantine. -[Art Fair] Positions Berlin Art Fair. Berlin Art Week 2018. Represented by Luisa Catucci Gallery. 27 - 30 September (Tempelhof- Berlin) - IV VideoArte El Escorial. - Escuela de cine y teatro Medinacelli. 27 - 29 September (El Escorial. Madrid) Curated by Olga Isla - DIANA The Movie. Armando Seijo, Irene Cruz & Alejo Moreno. Ephemeral Gallery. 13 September 18 September (Madrid) - “Summer Disquiet”. CoGallery Torstrasse. 1- 15 August (Berlin) Curated by: Stephan van Kuyk “Guess Who is in the Spanish ” & “NegOcio” CC Las Cigarreras Alicante. 2 August - 30 September. (Alicante) Curated by: Beatriz Martínez, Alba Refulgente y Rosa Lendínez. - “About Women”. GEDOK Künstlerinnenforum Karlsruhe. 20 July - 20 Au- gust (Karlsruhe) Curated by: Katia Muñoz - II Certamen Miró and Art. Cercle Artístic de Barcelona. 14 June - 14 July (Barcelona) Organized by: Gremi de Galeries d’Art de Catalunya y Vermut Miró - [Photography Festival] Voies Off - Les rencontres de Arles 2018. “Transeünts”. 2 - 8 July. Fiftydots (Arles) - [Photography Festival] Photoespaña 2018. - “Inmensa Luz” Palacete del Embarcadero- 19 June - 8 July (Cantabria) ENAIRE Foundation Photography Collection. Comisaria: Ángeles Imaña - [Art Festival] 48 Stunden Neukölln. “Reality exchange”. 22 - 24 June. Fk- Galerie (Berlin) Curated by: Stephanie Ballantine - Videoarte Estival. La Casa Amarilla. 21 June. (Málaga) - [Photography Festival] Revela-T. Odysseys. “Transeünts”. Fifty Dots Gallery. 26 April - 20 June. (Barcelona) - [Berlin Gallery Weekend] “Magma”. Unicorn Berlin. 26 April - 27 May. (Ber- lin) Curated by: Stephan van Kuyk & Vanessa Souli - Barcelona Papel Gallery. “Transeúntes”. Fiftydots. 26 April - 26 May. (Bar- celona) -DSP @ (.BOX) Video Project Space. 22 February - 8 march 2018. (Milan) Curated by Joas Nebe - [Art Fair] MIA FAIR MILANO Palazzo Litta Cultura. Fiftydots Gallery 9 - 12 March 2018 (Milan) - “5 Years of Upcycling” collection of winning images from the 5th World Press Photo Contest. EFTI, Ecoembes & Ecoalf. Sala EFTI. 19 January - 23 February (Madrid) - “The Lunch”. Galeria Theredoom. 23 January - 9 February (Madrid) Curated by: Andrea Perissinotto - “50th of December” group exhibition at Fifty Dots Gallery - 14. December - 26 January (Barcelona). - “Proyecto 18” - Mercedes Roldán Art Gallery. 18 January - 18 February (Madrid) Curated by: Mercedes Roldán

2017 “Inmensa Luz” - ENAIRE Foundation Photography Collection (Selection). Instituto Cervantes de Milán- 19 October - 12 January (Milan) - “Alégrame esas Pascuas” - Factoría de Arte y Desarrollo. 29 December (Madrid) (online until 15 January 2018) Curated by: Javier Díaz Guardiola - [Photobook Fair] Fiebre Photobook. Matadero de Madrid, Casa del Lector 15 - 16 December (Madrid) - Launch of FK-Press. FotoKlubKollektive Gallery. 16 - 17 December (Berlin) - MAGMA. 6 artists + 6 curators. Unicorn Berlin. Brunnenviertel. 8 - 12 De- cember (Berlin) Curated & Organized by: Stephan van Kuyk, Vanessa Souli, Eva Moll, Peter Wasmachteigentlich - “Dogma” - Galería Léucade. 17 November - 15 December (Murcia) - [Art Fair] SCOPE Contemporary art show. Mercedes Roldán Art Gallery - 5 - 10 December (Miami) - “Azucar” - (group exhibtition: Irene Cruz + Anne Bengard + Mora Kirch- ner) Das Giftraum. 24 - 29 November (Berlin) - “Mudanza” - Sala de exposiciones la Casa de la Cultura. 8 - 26 November. Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) - [Photography Fair] - Foto Fever - Fifty Dots Gallery - 9 - 12 November (Paris) -“HEIMAT? Eine Chaostheorie”. ID estudios. September (Berlin) Co- curated by: Anna Corpas & Ester Criado - III Encuentro de Video-Arte El Escorial - Organized & Curated by: Take Away Process. 26 September - 1 October (Madrid) Directed by: Olga Isla - [Art Fair] Art San Diego - MR Art Gallery. 28 Sept - 1 October (San Diego - USA) - Festival de Videoarte 1 minuto - Lamosa Laboratorio Artístico Modulable - 30 September (Cuenca) - [Hybrid Art Festival]. 15 - 24 September. (Madrid) - “From the inside”. Galería Mercedes Rodán. (MR Galería). Intra- neus collective. - “Autosubvención” Proa ArtSpace. Collaborating with Nino Maza on Autosubvención project. - [Arts Festival - Berlin Art Week]- Azucar Pocket Show #5. The Gift Berlin ArtSpace. 14 - 17 September (Berlin) Curated by: Stephan van Kuyk Organised by Azúcar Gallery - “In difesa delle acque”. Direzione Alterità Festival. 5 July - 21 September (Cisternino - Italy) Curated by: Francesca Pietracci - “Inmensa Luz” - ENAIRE Foundation Photography Collection (Selection). Instituto Cervantes de Palermo- 8 Juni - 31 July (Palermo) - “The Blind Curator”. F.K. Kollektiv Kunstraum. 23 June - 17 July (Berlin) Curated by: Zack Helwa - Un cierto panorama (reciente fotografía de autor en España) - PhotoEs- paña Festival. Fundación Canal. 8 May- 23 July (Madrid) Curated by: Cristina de Middel & Jesús Micó - [Photography & Art Festival] - SANfest. Nuevo Baztán. 14 - 16 July (Madrid) - Exist. A solo women show. Gallery Mainoeuvre. 11 - 18 May (Berlin) Curated by: Tiffany Graham - “Conciencia ecológica. Inner Nature”. VideoArt Screening. Palacio de la Madraza. 6 June (Granada) In collaboration with: UGR - [Photography Festival] - Segoviafoto. 10º Anniversary. Invited Artist by the organization. Palacio del Quintanar. 17 March - 7 May (Segovia) - [Photography Fair] - Art Photo Bcn. Fifty Dots Gallery. Fundació Enric Mi- ralles. 5 - 7 May (Barcelona) - About Women 2017. Galería Ronda Barcelona. 6 - 24 April (Barcelona) Curated by: Katia Muñoz - “Inmensa Luz” - ENAIRE Foundation Photography Collection. Instituto Cer- vantes de Napoli - 30 March - 8 May (Napoli) 2016 - [Photography Fair] EntreFotos. Intraneus. Matadero. 2 - 3 - 4 December (Madrid) Curated by Pepe Frisuelos - [Video Art Festival] Pop Up Kino #10 - 10 December. (Berlin) Curated by Nati Grund - Glogauair Open Studios - 9 + 10 December (Berlin) - Polizontes. MARCA. Museo Arqueologico de Cacabelos. 28 October - 6 January 2016 (Cacabelos, León) Curated by: Silvia Blanco Iglesias - “Cuarto dos Desexos”. Lab in. 27 October - 8 January (Vigo) Curated by: María Marco - [Bienal] “Mujeres Aladas” Bienal Miradas de Mujeres. Reial Cercle Artístic. 27 October - 12 November (Barcelona) Curated by: Carmen Berasategui y Carmen Hurtado - Begira Photo. The Forest. El bosque. 20 October - 13 de November (Du- rango - Bizkaia) - [Video Art Festival] Festival Internacional de Videoarte. Museo de Arte Contemporáreo de la UNL (MAC). (Buenos Aires) 22 - 24 September. Curated by: Stella Arber - “Contrarios”. Estudio22. David Catá + Rosendo Cid + Rosa Neutro + Irene Cruz. 1 July - 30 September (Logroño). Curated by: David A. Pérez - [Video art Festival]. Jornadas de Video Arte en El Escorial. 28 - 30 Sep- tember (El Escorial - Madrid) Curated by: Olga Isla (Take Away Process) - “Historias del Agua: ciencia, ecología y videoarte” - Campus dels Tarong- ers. Universidad 8 - 11 September. (Valencia) - #Hashtag. Galería Léucade. 14 July - 18 September (Murcia) Curated by Sofía Martínez - Women Video Artists. Organized by Vidivit. Norman. 4 - 25 August (Tel Aviv) - #instintosdistintos. Glogauair Berlin. 8 - 15 July (Berlín) Curated by Ana Márquez & Anna Corpas Organized by Instituto Cervantes Berlín + La Red - “Corneilles” - Irene Cruz & Leila Amat. Exhibition + Performance - Kleiner Salon 24 - 16 June (Berlin) - [Video Art Festival] Under the subway videoart night #5 + Pop Up Kino #9 - 25 June. (international) *Madrid - La Casa Encendida *NYC - The Local NY *Berlin - Project Space Kleiner Salon *Buenos Aires - KINO PALAIS, Palais de Glace *Valencia - Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Octubre Curated by: Antonio Ortuno At the Luisa Catucci Gallery, we believe in the power of inspiring art and culture.

Humanity’s emancipation and evolution, since the beginning of time, is reached by feeding the soul and brain with stimulating nourishment, in order to open more doors hidden in our brains, to become better beings, better societies and thus a better planet. Art is an outstanding power food. We truly value its fundamental role of instigator for reflections and feelings out of the ordinary.

Based in Berlin, in the newly trend neighbourhood of Schillerkiez Neukölln, just a few meters away from the unique park of Tempelhofer Feld, Luisa Catucci Gallery, is more then just a conventional art gallery; it places itself as one of the fundamental elements of the area’s cultural turmoil.

The gallery’s program focuses mainly on art exhibitions, inspired by ecological, social and existential matters, through a variety of media, including photography, video, painting, sculpture and printmaking.

Beside the exhibitions, Catucci organises regularly multidimensional events, in order to bind art with talks, culture and enjoyment, supporting the vibrant spirit of the town and the area.


Luisa Catucci Gallery | Allerstr. 38, 12049 Berlin | | | | | Owner&Director: Luisa Catucci | [email protected] | +49.176.20404636