

Seasonal Variations of Surface Height in the Gulf Stream Region*

KATHRYN A. KELLY,ϩ SANDIPA SINGH, AND RUI XIN HUANG Department of , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole,

(Manuscript received 2 October 1996, in ®nal form 12 March 1998)

ABSTRACT Based on more than four years of altimetric sea surface height (SSH) data, the Gulf Stream shows distinct seasonal variations in surface transport and latitudinal position, with a seasonal range in the SSH difference across the Gulf Stream of 0.14 m and a seasonal range in position of 0.42Њ lat. The seasonal variations are most pronounced west (upstream) of about 63ЊW, near the Gulf Stream's warm core. The changes in the SSH difference across the Gulf Stream are successfully modeled as a steric response to ECMWF heat ¯uxes, after removing the large SSH variations due to seasonal position changes of the Gulf Stream. A phase shift between predicted and observed SSH changes in the Gulf Stream suggests that advection may be important in the seasonal heat budget. Consistent with the interpretation of SSH variations as steric, comparisons with hydrographic data suggest that the fall maximum SSH difference is from the upper 250 m of the . The maximum volume transport is in the spring. Zonally averaged indices are used to quantify seasonal changes in the Gulf Stream, which are analogous to changes in the atmospheric jet stream.

1. Introduction inverted echo sounders suggest that the SSH ¯uctuations do re¯ect changes in upper-layer transport (Teague and Sea surface height (SSH), as measured by a radar Hallock 1990; Kelly and Watts 1994; Hallock and altimeter, contains the signature of several pro- Teague 1993). However, seasonal SSH and even inter- cesses, including the steric response to the seasonal heat- annual variations may be dominated by the steric re- ing cycle and changes in ocean circulation, both baro- sponse to seasonal heating. clinic and barotropic. Changes in both the ocean's heat SSH maps can be interpreted in terms of circulation storage and the large-scale circulation are important to because the ocean is approximately in geostrophic bal- understanding climate issues; however, it is necessary ance, and the SSH ␩ (relative to the earth's gravitational to distinguish between the two processes in SSH ob- geoid) gives the surface pressure, pЈϭ␳g␩. Gradients servations. An increase in the transport of the Gulf of SSH are related to geostrophic velocity ug at the Stream may signal an increase in the deep-water for- ocean surface by mation rate at high latitudes. Coupled ocean±atmo-

(sphere models suggest that changes in the meridional f k ϫ ug ϭϪg١␩, (1 overturning circulation of the North Atlantic require changes in the Gulf Stream transport (e.g., Delworth et where f is the parameter. A useful quantity in al. 1993). If changes in upper-ocean circulation can be describing the current ¯uctuations is the SSH difference inferred from altimetric SSH, changes in the overturning across the current (surface transport), which is the in- circulation could be monitored by satellite. On time- tegral of (one component of) the geostrophic velocity scales of weeks, comparisons of altimetric data with f ⌬␩ ϭ u (yЈ) dyЈ, (2) g ͵ g y where y is a line across the Gulf Stream. This quantity * Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution Number is insensitive to the orientation of y relative to the current 9367. direction. To infer volume transport from surface trans- ϩ Current af®liation: Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. port, it is necessary to know the vertical structure of the current. In a barotropic ocean, for example, ⌬␩ would be proportional to the total transport of the cur- Corresponding author address: Dr. Kathryn A. Kelly, Applied rent system, or in a system characterized by one active Physics Laboratory, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, Uni- versity of Washington, 1013 N.E. 40th Street, Seattle, WA 98105- upper layer and a quiescent lower layer, it would be 6698. proportional to the transport of the upper layer. E-mail: [email protected] Seasonal heating produces changes in SSH, ␩steric, due

᭧ 1999 American Meteorological Society 313 314 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29 to the thermal expansion or contraction of the water particularly west of about 60ЊW. The most robust sea- column, given by sonal variation is large-scale position changes: the four

0 years of altimeter data shown here are consistent with ␩ ϭ ␣ TЈ dz, (3) analyses of seven years of AVHRR data by Lee and steric ͵ Tm Cornillon (1995) and with previous analyses summa- Ϫh m rized by Tracey and Watts (1986), showing the most whereTЈm is the temperature anomaly, hm is the depth northerly position of the Gulf Stream occurs in the fall. Ϫ1 Tm In addition, Kelly (1991) and Qiu et al. (1991) pointedץ/Ϫ␳ 0 ␳ץto which the anomaly penetrates, and ␣T ϭ is the coef®cient of thermal expansion. Spatial gradients out that more northerly positions of the western bound- in ␩steric will give rise to geostrophic currents as in (1), ary current are associated with larger surface transport. but these currents will be con®ned to the region above These Gulf Stream ¯uctuations are reminiscent of the shallow seasonal (Gill and Niiler 1973). changes observed in the atmospheric jet stream. Namias When the dominant source of SSH ¯uctuations is sea- (1950) described the ``zonal index cyle'' in which the sonal heating, then the surface transport anomaly ⌬␩Ј jet stream transitions in late or early spring from is more logically interpreted as a heat content anomaly a northerly straight path with a large eastward velocity than as a volume transport anomaly. (high index) to a more southerly, convoluted path with There have been numerous studies of altimetric SSH accompanying and weak eastward velocity in an attempt to characterize the seasonal surface trans- (low index). The zonal index, de®ned as the zonally port of western boundary currents. Studies using data averaged eastward velocity in a ®xed latitude range, was from the Geosat altimeter in both the Gulf Stream and ®rst introduced by Rossby (1939) and was widely used the Kuroshio Extension showed that the maximum in in synoptic studies of the in the SSH difference occurs in the fall (Tai 1990; Zlotnicki 1950s and 1960s. Namias argued that changes in the 1991; Kelly 1991; Qiu et al. 1991). Recent studies of index cycle were tied to the seasonal heating cycle and surface transport using the TOPEX/Poseidon data (Qiu that the abrupt change from a high index to a low index 1995; Wang and Koblinsky 1995), including the analysis in the early spring corresponded to a release of the res- presented here, show a fall surface transport maximum. ervoir of cold air from winter cooling, which was con- Because hydrographic data show a spring or early sum- ®ned to northern latitudes by the strong jet stream. mer volume transport maximum (Worthington 1976; To quantify the seasonal changes in the SSH, we de- Sato and Rossby 1995), seasonal heating has been sus- ®ne several zonally averaged indices. To understand the pected of creating the fall surface transport maximum. vertical structure of seasonal variations, we compare the Seasonal heating causes SSH variations of the right observed SSH variations with dynamic height derived magnitude, but the maximum in SSH difference across from hydrographic data. Finally, we estimate the effects the Gulf Stream requires that the regions north and south of seasonal heating on the SSH difference across the of the Gulf Stream front have seasonal steric responses Gulf Stream using the net surface heat ¯ux, and discuss that differ by more than 0.1 m. Using the Levitus (1982) some implications of the seasonal heating cycle. The data, Zlotnicki (1991) suggested that the seasonal cycle processing of the data ®elds used in this analysis is in steric height difference was too small by a factor of described in section 2. Maps of total SSH from the 2 to explain the Geosat SSH difference. Using the newer TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter were made by adding the version of the Levitus data (Levitus and Boyer 1994), SSH anomaly to a mean SSH (Fig. 2), which is also Wang and Koblinsky (1996) showed that the seasonal discussed in section 2. The analyses of the data ®elds steric height variations were consistent with seasonal are presented in section 3, followed by a discussion of variations in TOPEX/Poseidon SSH in the region of the results in section 4 and conclusions in section 5. Gulf Stream recirculation. However, based on a buoy- ancy budget using heat ¯uxes from the European Centre 2. Data ®elds for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), they concluded that the heat ¯ux gradients over the Gulf Collinear height pro®les from the TOPEX/Poseidon Stream were 2±3 times too small to explain the observed altimeters [the Archiving Validation and Interpretation SSH gradients. Here we show that the inconsistency of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO) Merged Geo- with the ECMWF heat ¯ux is primarily the result of physical Data Record] cycles 4 through 80 (October neglecting the SSH variations due to the north±south 1992±November 1994) were processed using programs seasonal Gulf Stream position migration. described in Caruso et al. (1990) to obtain pro®les of There are other low-frequency variations in the Gulf residual SSH. Cycles 1 through 3 were discarded be- Stream besides the seasonal surface transport (Fig. 1), cause of poor data quality. All of the suggested correc- some of which are similar to those in the atmospheric tions from the CD-ROMs were applied and no orbit jet stream. A comparison of SSH from August 1993 correction was made. The tidal correction was that of (Fig. 1a) and April 1994 (Fig. 1b) shows a decrease in Cartwright and Ray (Ray et al. 1994). Collinear SSH the SSH south of the Gulf Stream and a change from was ®rst averaged in time using a boxcar ®lter width of a straight Gulf Stream jet to one with large meanders, 60 days. The temporally averaged values were then spa- MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 315

FIG. 1. Sea surface height (SSH) maps for the Gulf Stream region from TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data. Monthly maps of total SSH for (a) Aug 1993 and (b) Apr 1994, showing a relatively straight path (a) with a large SSH difference across the Gulf Stream and a meandering path (b) with a small SSH difference. The straight path also corresponds to a more northerly position. 316 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

lation gyres in the blended mean may be due to the missing barotropic component in the hydrographic data. This blended mean SSH retains the narrow jet structure in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream and allowed us to compute both the Gulf Stream position and the SSH difference across the jet. Collinear height pro®les for the 2.5-yr Geosat Exact Repeat Mission (November 1986±April 1989) were pro- cessed in a manner similar to that of the TOPEX/Po- seidon data. However, an orbit correction was applied to the data (Caruso et al. 1990). Construction of the weekly SSH ®elds used for the Geosat data was de- scribed by Qiu and Kelly (1993); these maps were sub- sequently averaged to produce monthly ®elds on a 0.5Њ grid. Other data ®elds available for the Geosat time period FIG. 2. Mean sea surface height. A mean ®eld was constructed by combining dynamic height from historical hydrographic data with the were used here (Caruso et al. 1995). Monthly net surface mean from a jet model applied to altimetric data. Units are meters. heat ¯uxes were estimated from the ECMWF values for September 1986±December 1989 on a 1.125Њϫ1.125Њ grid. Monthly (SST) maps from tially interpolated to a 1Њ grid to produce monthly SSH the advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) anomaly maps. The spatial interpolation was done using were also used in analyses presented here. Mixed layer a two-dimensional biharmonic spline (Sandwell 1987), depths and temperatures were derived from values com- which adjusts the spline nodes to give better resolution piled by Levitus (1982). where there are more data, but does not ring in data- sparse regions. The uneven spatial resolution results in a more accurate measure of the SSH difference across 3. Analysis of observations the Gulf Stream, but inhomogeneous SSH statistics. In the analyses described here zonal averaging minimized a. Seasonal variations in SSH the effect of this inhomogeneity. An estimate of the Seasonal variations in both Geosat and TOPEX/Po- mean SSH was added to each anomaly map to obtain seidon data were quanti®ed using four measures: the a total SSH ®eld. Hydrographic data from the Lozier±Owens±Curry position of the center of the jet, the SSH difference (Lozier et al. 1996, hereafter LOC) hydrographic da- across the jet, the curvature of the jet, and the mean tabase (HydroBase) were used to compute climatolog- eastward geostrophic velocity. The SSH pro®les along ical estimates of dynamic height. The LOC database lines of constant longitude were ®rst interpolated from contains an extensive set of historical pro®les and has the 1Њ grid to 0.125Њ, and the measures were computed the unique quality that quantities are averaged on iso- at intervals of 1Њ long. For each measure an index was pycnal surfaces, rather than on level surfaces, to min- obtained by averaging over the speci®ed longitude range imize the smearing out of water properties in an un- (zonal average). physical manner. The SSH difference was estimated by ®tting an error The mean SSH (Fig. 2) was constructed using a com- function to the SSH pro®le along each line of constant bination of mean SSH from the Kelly±Gille±Qiu jet longitude, centered on the jet, in an approximation of model (Kelly and Gille 1990; Qiu et al. 1991) and mean ``stream coordinates'' (cf. Hall 1986), as opposed to on dynamic topography (0/2000 m), as described in Singh a ®xed grid, such as that used by Zlotnicki (1991). Due and Kelly (1997). Using the LOC HydroBase data and to the narrow region over which the error function was tools, the mean dynamic height was calculated from ®t, the surface transport index re¯ects the eastward ¯ow densities computed by ®rst averaging pressure, temper- of the Gulf Stream, rather than than than the net ¯ow ature, and on density surfaces (Curry 1996). (eastward minus recirculating ¯ow). The position of the Near the eastward ¯owing Gulf Stream the mean SSH center of the jet was estimated using different methods synthesized from the altimeter data was used; far from for the TOPEX/Poseidon and the Geosat data, due to the jet and east of 40ЊW, the mean dynamic topography differences in the mean SSH ®eld. For the Geosat data, was used. To account for the recirculation gyres, which the center of the jet was taken as the center of the error were not modeled in the mean SSH, the two means were function. For the TOPEX/Poseidon data the latitude of blended by ®tting a single error function (spanning the the contours corresponding to Ϫ0.1, 0, and 0.1 m were eastward jet and corresponding to westward velocity) averaged to produce a robust position estimate. The to the difference between the mean dynamic height and mean eastward velocity, analagous to the zonal index the mean SSH estimate. The relatively weak recircu- used for the jet stream, was computed by averaging MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 317

TABLE 1. Annual cycle in position and surface transport.

Upstreama Downstreamb Index % of variance % of variance Position, TOPEX/Poseidon 70 69 Position, Geosat 32 7 Transport, TOPEX/Poseidon 72 24 Transport, Geosat 24 3

a 73Њ±64ЊW. b 63Њ±50ЊW. FIG. 3. Fraction of surface transport variance in the annual har- monic. The SSH difference across the Gulf Stream has no signi®cant seasonal variation in the region 59Њ±63ЊW. data (Fig. 5). Combining both series gives a fall (Oc- tober) surface transport maximum corresponding to the most northerly positions, and a spring transport mini- eastward velocity estimates 0.5Њ on either side of the mum corresponding to the most southerly positions. peak jet velocity. Based on a least squares ®t of an annual harmonic to Curvature was computed from the following formula both the TOPEX/Poseidon and Geosat data (about 4 yr 1|yЉ| of data), the annual range in position in the upstream ϭ , region is 0.42Њ lat and the annual range in the surface |R|[1ϩ yЈ23/2] transport (fall minus spring) is 0.14 m. The curvature where y ϭ f(x) is the position (latitude) of the jet center in TOPEX/Poseidon data appears to have a seasonal at the longitude corresponding to x, yЈ and yЉ are the variation, with minimum curvature (straight path) in late ®rst and second derivatives of position with respect to summer (September). However, curvature from Geosat the x coordinate, and R is the radius of curvature of y. shows shorter timescales. The mean eastward velocity The relatively coarse resolution of the SSH maps sim- combines information about surface transport and me- pli®ed the curvature calculations because there were no andering because meandering can increase the meridi- multiply valued positions at a given longitude, such as onal velocity component and, therefore, decrease the those observed in AVHRR images. Because these eastward velocity without changing the transport. Mean smooth maps may not accurately represent curvature eastward velocity, like curvature, also contains shorter statistics, additional statistics were computed on the timescales than the transport index. anomalous positions of the centers of the jet using the original alongtrack SSH pro®les. The position anoma- b. Seasonal SSH and dynamic height variations lies showed similar temporal variations to that in the curvature index (appendix A). To determine whether the observed fall surface trans- Based on an analysis of the strength of the seasonal port maximum is due to changes in the seasonal ther- cycle, the zonal indices described here were computed mocline or to changes deeper in the water column, we for two regions: an upstream region (73Њ±64ЊW) and a compared the SSH ¯uctuations with the seasonal dy- downstream region (63Њ±50ЊW). Figure 3 shows the namic height variations from . The winter/ fraction of surface transport variance described by a spring ®elds (February±April) were subtracted from the single annual harmonic as a function of longitude, using summer/fall ®elds (August±October, Fig. 6) for both the both Geosat and TOPEX/Poseidon data; two regions altimeter data and the dynamic height for several depth with signi®cant seasonal cycles are separated by a region levels. To compensate for differences in spatial reso- (59Њ±63ЊW) with no signi®cant seasonal cycle. Since lution, the altimetric SSH change in Fig. 6b was spatially the (eastward) seasonal transport varies greatly with lon- smoothed. The dynamic height change for 0/1000 db gitude, regions with large seasonal variations presum- (Fig. 6a) has a similar magnitude and sign to that of the ably have compensating seasonal recirculating ¯ows on altimetric ®elds (Fig. 6b) although the region of large either side of the Gulf Stream to conserve net transport positive values is considerably broader and noisier. The in the stream. Although there were differences between contribution to this 0/1000 db change is clearly domi- the two altimeter time series (TOPEX/Poseidon indices nated by the 0/250 db ®eld (Fig. 6c); the dynamic height have twice as much variance in the seasonal cycle as change for 250/1000 db (Fig. 6d) has the opposite sign the Geosat indices), the upstream region consistently (smaller dynamic heights in the fall than in the spring, had a stronger seasonal cycle for both altimeter series south of the Gulf Stream). The similarity between the (Table 1). In the downstream region the seasonal cycle 0/250 db change and that from the altimeter suggests was discernible only in the TOPEX/Poseidon indices of that the seasonal SSH is dominated by processes in the position and transport (Table 1). upper 250 m, in agreement with the results of Wang and There appears to be a distinct seasonal cycle of po- Koblinsky (1996) using the recent Levitus climatology. sition and surface transport in the upstream indices for Much of the seasonal SSH variance is due to changes the TOPEX/Poseidon data (Fig. 4) and for the Geosat in the Gulf Stream position, as shown by a schematic 318 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. 4. Zonal indices for the upstream region from TOPEX/Poseidon. Longitudinally averaged indices for 73Њ±64ЊW for the Gulf Stream of (a) position, (b) SSH difference (surface transport), (c) curvature, and (d) eastward velocity. The ®rst three indices show a clear seasonal cycle. SSH difference has a maximum in October, nearly coinciding with the most northerly position in September. Curvature has a minimum in August.

FIG. 5. As in Fig. 4 but from Geosat. The seasonal cycle is less apparent than for the indices from TOPEX/Poseidon SSH data in Fig. 4. MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 319

FIG. 6. Fall minus spring height change for (a) dynamic height of the surface relative to 1000 db, (b) SSH from a combination of TO- PEX/Poseidon and Geosat data, and (c) dynamic height for the surface relative to 250 db and (d) for 250 db relative to 1000 db. comparison of seasonal SSH pro®les using ®xed co- sition change in a region with large SSH gradients pro- ordinates (Fig. 7a) and using stream coordinates (Fig. duces a large seasonal change in SSH (Fig. 7c). The 7b). Although the surface transport may change sea- contribution to seasonal SSH changes (Fig. 8a) from sonally by only a small amount (Fig. 7d), a small po- position changes alone was estimated for each longitude 320 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. 7. Schematic of seasonal SSH changes in Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates. Pro®les of SSH across the Gulf Stream in (a) ®xed coordinates and (b) stream coordinates for spring (solid line) and fall (dashed). SSH changes (fall minus spring) in (c) ®xed coordinates and (d) stream coordinates. by subtracting two error function pro®les, each with the c. Seasonal heating and SSH variations width and amplitude ®xed at annually averaged values but one with the mean fall position and one with the Based on the comparisons with hydrographic data, mean spring position (Fig. 8b). The largest changes be- the observed seasonal SSH variations correspond to ste- tween the spring mean position (blue line in Fig. 8b) ric changes in the upper few hundred meters of the water and the fall mean position (white line) correspond to column; we next wish to determine whether these steric the largest values of seasonal SSH change (Fig. 8a). In changes can be explained by the ocean's response to net the region near 63ЊW, where the seasonal position ex- surface heat ¯uxes. An equation for steric changes in cursion is largest, a seasonal SSH change of as much SSH can be obtained by combining the equation for as 0.25 m is found due to position changes alone, com- thermal expansion (3) with the mixed layer heat equa- pared with a total seasonal SSH change of about 0.35 tion, TQϪ q(Ϫh ) ⌬Twץ m. Note that the position changes in Fig. 8b do not m net me 2 (١TmTmϩ A ٌ T , (4 ´ contribute to the SSH difference in the surface transport ϭϪϪu tc␳ hhץ index (Figs. 4, 5), which is measured in stream coor- p 0 mm dinates, as discussed in section 2. However, the contri- where Tm (hm) is the mixed layer temperature (depth) bution from position changes is important in any anal- and u is the velocity in the mixed layer (Qiu and Kelly ysis of SSH variations in Eulerian coordinates (®xed 1993), to obtain grid), as discussed in the next section. ␩ Qץ The negative values of dynamic height change (fall (١T ϩ Ahٌ2T . (5 ´ ϭ ␣ net Ϫ h u tcTmmTmm␳ץ minus spring, Fig. 6d) suggest that the spring transport []p 0 below 250 m is a maximum. To determine the season- ality of the transport of the Gulf Stream, we computed We have neglected vertical entrainment and heat losses the transport from the surface to the bottom of the water out the bottom of the mixed layer q(Ϫhm) because these column at 68ЊW between 36Њ and 41ЊN from the LOC processes merely redistribute heat within the water col- database. The volume transport in the spring exceeds umn and do not change the heat content. We have as- 6 3 Ϫ1 the fall transport by about 7 Sv (Sv ϵ 10 m s ), or sumed that the coef®cient of thermal expansion ␣T is a about 9% of the average transport (81 Sv), compared function only of mixed layer temperature and that the with a seasonal range of 8 Sv found by Sato and Rossby largest contributions to SSH from advection and dif- (1995). fusion are in the mixed layer. If we neglect advection MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 321

FIG. 8. The effect of position changes on seasonal SSH variations. SSH change (fall minus spring) for (a) the altimeter data and (b) the estimated contribution from position changes alone. The blue (white) line corresponds to the mean spring (fall) position of the Gulf Stream. 322 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

and diffusion, the expected steric anomaly can be com- puted simply as

␣TQnet(tЈ) ␩steric ϭ dtЈ. (6) ͵ cp␳0 t To estimate the steric component of SSH, we used

(6) and monthly heat ¯uxes Qnet derived from ECMWF values for 1987±88, a period for which SST and an estimate of the contribution of advection were also available (Kelly and Qiu 1995, hereafter KQ). However, we compared the results with monthly SSH variations derived from TOPEX/Poseidon data (1993±94), which had more accurate low-frequency variations than the Geosat data. For the analyses described below, the monthly values of all the variables were computed by averaging two years of data and then detrending the result. Monthly values for the coef®cient of thermal

expansion, ␣ T , were estimated from the monthly AVHRR temperatures and a Taylor's expansion of the nonlinear equation of state. All of the comparisons were done on a ®xed grid (Fig. 9) and were averaged over

FIG. 9. Fixed grid points used to compute various quantities north the three regions denoted by the symbols. of the Gulf Stream (open circles), within the Gulf Stream (stars), and The agreement between the observed SSH and the south of the Gulf Stream (diamonds). The three regions were selected estimated steric response for the regions north and south using contours of the mean SSH shown in light solid lines. of the Gulf Stream is quite good (Figs. 10a and 10c). North of the Gulf Stream agreement in the phases is

FIG. 10. Seasonal variations of SSH from TOPEX/Poseidon data (dashed line) and estimated using ECMWF net surface heat ¯uxes (solid line) for (a) the region north of the Gulf Stream, (b) the Gulf Stream itself, and (c) the region south of the Gulf Stream. (d) The SSH difference between the Gulf Stream region and the region to the north. In the Gulf Stream region (c), the residual SSH (dash) was calculated by subtracting an estimate of the SSH due to the variations in Gulf Stream position from the total seasonal variation of SSH (dotted). MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 323 also good (Fig. 10a), but south of the Gulf Stream there A comparison of (7) with the de®nition of steric height are some rather distinct discrepancies, particularly in (3) shows that the SSH difference anomaly ⌬␩Ј is a the fall (Fig. 10c). Within the Gulf Stream region (Fig. measure of the difference in heat content, weighted by

10b) the seasonal range of the steric response (solid line) the coef®cient of thermal expansion, ⌬␩Јϭ⌬(␣TH). is approximately 0.17 m, which is considerably less than Next, we examine the relationship between seasonal the seasonal range of 0.22 m for the observed SSH mixed-layer depth and SSH. The fall maximum in SSH (dotted line). Using (6) the heat ¯ux required to produce across the Gulf Stream ⌬␩Ј corresponds to a minimum the additional 0.05 m rise in SSH over a 6-month period in mixed-layer temperature difference⌬TЈm (Fig. 11a). is approximately 47 W mϪ2. Based on this comparison, Thus, the fall maximum must be produced by differ- seasonal variations in ECMWF heat ¯uxes are too small ences in mixed layer depth or in the coef®cient of ther- to account for the observed SSH changes, in agreement mal expansion, which was computed using constant typ- with the conclusions of Wang and Koblinsky (1996). ical for regions north and south of the Gulf However, this discrepancy can be eliminated if seasonal Stream front and monthly temperatures. We solved for

Gulf Stream position variations are accounted for, as depth estimates hm, which gave steric height close to discussed below. the observed SSH anomaly, while also minimizing the The large negative heat ¯uxes over the Gulf Stream departure from a spatially uniform initial estimate of are due to the loss of heat by the warm core; thus, the mixed layer depth h 0(t). Speci®cally, we minimized ¯ux minimum presumably migrates seasonally with the 2 2 2 Gulf Stream itself. It is unlikely in this coupled system [␩obsЈ Ϫ hm␣TTЈm] ϩ w [h 0 Ϫ hm] , that the position changes are a direct result of thermal expansion, as in (6), although they may be tied indirectly where w is a weight factor. The weight factor was set to the seasonal heating cycle, as suggested by Worthing- to twice the average value of ␣T to make the two con- ton (1976). Therefore, to separate SSH changes due to straints have approximately the same importance in the Gulf Stream position from SSH changes due to heat depth estimate. SST was used for mixed layer temper- content, the comparisons should be done in stream co- ature Tm. To get sensible results, it was necessary to ordinates. However, the coarse ECMWF grid cannot re- temporally lag the SST by a month so that the minimum solve the half-degree spatial variations needed for this in the steric height estimate corresponded to the mini- calculation. Instead, we removed an estimate of the SSH mum in observed SSH. This one-month discrepancy is contributions from seasonal position changes, as in the consistent with that found between the AVHRR tem- previous section, which resulted in an annual range of peratures and climatological SST by KQ in their heat SSH of 0.15 m (dashed line in Figure 10c), a better budget estimates. agreement with the 0.17-m steric estimate. Thus, For consistency between the observed seasonal SSH, ECMWF heat ¯uxes are consistent with the observed the steric response to heating, and the seasonal cycle of SSH differences (surface transport) in the Gulf Stream mixed layer temperature, the mixed layer depth must region. The discrepancy between the Eulerian and be much deeper in the Gulf Stream (200 m in the winter) stream coordinate SSH in Fig. 10c is much smaller than than in the slope water to the north (about 100 m, Fig. suggested by the schematic in Fig. 7, which is only 11b). Climatological mixed-layer estimates based on a slightly exaggerated, because all the values have been density criterion (e.g., Lamb 1984) show values similar averaged over the regions shown in Fig. 9. to those estimated here for both the Gulf Stream and An estimate of the steric height difference across the the slope water. In contrast, mixed layer depths based

Gulf Stream ⌬␩steric agreed well with the observed SSH on a temperature criterion alone, as used by Qiu and difference anomaly after removing position effects on Kelly (1993), KQ, and Wang and Koblinsky (1996), SSH in the Gulf Stream (Fig. 10d). The discrepancy give larger depths for the slope water than for the Gulf between the observed and estimated values is primarily Stream. Using the same mixed layer depth for both re- due to a phase difference between the predicted and gions would reverse the seasonal SSH difference (Fig. observed SSH in the Gulf Stream region (Fig. 10b). We 11d, dashed line), consistent with the temperature dif- investigate in the next section whether advection could ference. Thus, it is primarily the relatively deep Gulf cause such a phase shift. The success of the steric re- Stream wintertime mixed layer that is responsible for sponse to heat ¯ux (6) in explaining seasonal variations the seasonal SSH difference: the wintertime heat loss in SSH suggests that the SSH difference across the Gulf from the deep Gulf Stream warm core, as described by Stream is a measure of the difference in heat content Worthington (1976), causes a large contraction of the between the Gulf Stream and the slope water to the water column. For comparison, an estimate of the sea- north. Heat content is a function of both the magnitude sonal steric height using the same (time varying) value of the temperature anomaly and the depth to which it for ␣T for both regions, and differing mixed layer depths, penetrates, hm,as nearly eliminates the seasonal cycle in SSH (Fig. 11d, 0 solid line); this suggests that an accurate estimate of ␣T H ϭ TЈ dz. (7) is essential to interpret SSH differences ⌬␩Ј in terms ͵ m Ϫhm of heat content differences. 324 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. 11. The relationship between seasonal changes in SSH and mixed layer depth for (a) seasonal SST from AVHRR and (b) inferred mixed layer depth for the Gulf Steam (solid line) and the region to the north (dash). (c) Best-®t steric height (solid) and observed SSH (dash) and (d) SSH difference estimated using a constant coef®cient of thermal expansion (solid) and a constant mixed layer depth (dash). The fall maximum in the SSH difference is primarily due to mixed layer depth differences across the Gulf Stream, but also to differences in the thermal expansion coef®cient.

4. Discussion stream analogy governing meandering of the jet does not hold. Surface transport ¯uctuations with shorter Based on 4 years of altimetric data, seasonal changes timescales are probably related to Gulf Stream mean- in the SSH of the Gulf Stream have been described using zonal indices and compared with hydrographic obser- ders. SSH differences across the Gulf Stream with am- vations. The seasonal cycle is most pronounced west plitudes of 0.10±0.40 m at the temporal resolution of (upstream) of about 63ЊW, the region with a distinct the Geosat altimeter (17 days) have been shown to be warm core (Caruso et al. 1995). The combination of a correlated with thermocline ¯uctuations (Kelly and more northerly position and a larger surface transport Watts 1994). For comparison, seasonal variations in is directly analogous with the jet stream cycle, as de- SSH difference have amplitudes of about 0.14 m, as scribed by Rossby (1939) and Namias (1950). As in the described in section 3. jet stream, the Gulf Stream index cycle is related to Seasonal surface transport variations from 73Њ to seasonal heating and cooling; however, the Gulf Stream 63ЊW can be explained primarily as a response to sea- surface transport maximum is con®ned to the upper few sonal heating using the net surface heat ¯ux from hundred meters of the water column. Although the 2- ECMWF (averaged over a band 4Њ±5Њ wide). Our result yr TOPEX/Poseidon record of ``curvature'' or mean- differs from that obtained by Wang and Koblinsky dering is suggestive of a seasonal cycle, a shorter period (1996), who suggested that spatial gradients in the is apparent in the Geosat data, as noted by Kelly (1991). ECMWF heat ¯uxes were too small, because we ®rst An analysis of a 7-yr record of Gulf Stream fronts from removed the SSH variations due to the seasonal position AVHRR by Lee and Cornillon (1995) showed a pre- changes of the Gulf Stream. Without this correction, the dominate 9-month period in meandering. In fact, the observed seasonal SSH difference (in Eulerian coordi- Geosat meandering peak values (Fig. 5) are remarkably nates) is about 30% larger than the predicted steric re- similar to those of Lee and Cornillon for the same time sponse. Conversely, the observed stream coordinate period, despite the much coarser resolution of the al- SSH difference should give a stream coordinate estimate timetric data. Lee and Cornillon also showed that var- of the net surface heat ¯uxes. The stream coordinate iations in meandering intensity are not related to larger- SSH of the Gulf Stream core can be estimated as the scale position variations. Therefore, the part of the jet sum of the SSH to the north (Fig. 10a), a region not MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 325

tor of 3 smaller and leads the residual here by approx- imately 50 days. The seasonal variation in advection in KQ was due to a combination of early spring warming by the geostrophic Gulf Stream current and early sum- mer cooling by the advection of cool slope water by the southward . In their analysis of the heat budget, Wang and Koblinsky (1996) neglected advec- tion by Ekman transport, based on scaling the Ekman velocity component against the larger geostrophic ve- locity; however, KQ showed that advection by Ekman transport is actually more important than advection by geostrophic currents because the Ekman velocity is con- sistently oriented across the temperature gradient of the Gulf Stream, whereas the geostrophic velocity tends to be aligned with isotherms. The ability to quantify interannual changes in the heat content of the Gulf Stream core may have important FIG. 12. The seasonal anomaly of advection and diffusion estimated from SSH. The difference between the steric height estimated from climate implications. Unlike SST, which in a shallow ECMWF heat ¯uxes and the observed SSH (solid), compared with mixed layer can change rapidly in response to heat ¯ux- the seasonal anomaly of advection and diffusion (dashed) from the es or to vertical entrainment, heat content is a temporally heat budget estimates of Kelly and Qiu (1995). The seasonal SSH integrated measure of the heat input to the ocean; that not explained by thermal expansion may be due to seasonal variations in advection and diffusion in the Gulf Stream. is, it has a longer ``memory'' than SST. The warm core of the Gulf Stream supplies large quantities of heat to the , particularly in the winter, because it is affected by position changes, and the SSH difference in warmer than the surrounding ocean. The heat content stream coordinates, estimated as described for the sur- of the Gulf Stream warm core, which is due to a com- face transport index in section 3. This gives an annual bination of past heat input and advection, re¯ects the range of 0.26 m, larger by 50% than the 0.17-m value ability of the Gulf Stream to maintain this temperature estimated from the ECMWF heat ¯ux averaged over a gradient, despite cooling from winter storms. band 4Њ±5Њ wide (Fig. 10b). Using (6), the surface heat There are some intriguing questions that cannot be ¯ux in the Gulf Stream core should also have an annual answered by the above analyses. If seasonal heating is range approximately 50% larger than the ECMWF Eu- con®ned to the upper few hundred meters, why is there lerian average; this would correspond roughly to win- a seasonal cycle of position changes? Perhaps these sea- tertime values of Ϫ650 W mϪ2 and summertime values sonal position changes are surface-intensi®ed. What is of 210 W mϪ2, compared with regional ECMWF av- the connection between large-scale seasonal position erages in ®xed coordinates of Ϫ431 and 140 W mϪ2, changes, recirculation gyre changes, and seasonal me- respectively, with all values zonally averaged in the re- teorological forcing? The position variations may be gion between 73Њ and 63ЊW. related to changes in the recirculation gyres, which can There is a phase difference in the Gulf Stream region be caused indirectly by cooling, or by ¯uctuations in between the expected steric response and the observed the . Wintertime cooling can increase the strength SSH (Fig. 10b), which may be due to interannual var- of the Gulf Stream and its recirculation gyres by ver- iability between the time of the TOPEX/Poseidon data tically mixing horizontal momentum downward into the (1993±94) and the time of the heat ¯ux estimates (1987± water column (Huang 1990). This effect can be seen in 88) or to errors in the heat ¯uxes, which are dif®cult the seasonal dynamic height variations that extend much to quantify. Another possible explanation for the phase further into the water column (Fig. 6d), associated with differences in the Gulf Stream region is seasonal vari- the of mixed layer water and the formation ations in horizontal temperature advection and diffusion. of mode water. Perhaps this is a critical connection be- From the residual between the observed SSH (Fig. 10b, tween seasonal heating and the Gulf Stream position. dashed line) and the steric height (solid line), we can compute the corresponding temperature tendency resid- ual as 5. Summary and conclusions ␩)1 Zonally averaged indices of the Gulf Stream from␦)ץ ( T␦)ץ m ϭ four years of altimetric data show a seasonal cycle in ␣thץ tץ mT the surface transport and position, similar to the zonal (Fig. 12, solid line) for comparison with the sum of the index cycle of the atmospheric jet stream. A maximum advection and diffusion terms (Fig. 12, dashed line) in the SSH difference across the Gulf Stream coincides estimated by KQ. We see that the two estimates are with the most northerly position in the fall, with a min- qualitatively similar, although the KQ estimate is a fac- imum in the spring, consistent with previous observa- 326 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. A1. Statistics of Gulf Stream position. (a) Position residuals from several ascending and descending TOPEX/Poseidon subtracks, with the longitude of the mean Gulf Stream position indicated. (b) Zonal average of the positions residuals in (a). (c) Temporally smoothed position residual index (dashed) and curvature index for the upstream region (solid, cf. Fig. 4c). As a check on the curvature index, which was derived from SSH maps on a coarse grid, position statistics were computed from the original along-track SSH data. tions using only the Geosat altimeter; seasonal ranges with B. Qiu, M. Cronin, and G. Johnson. Comments in these parameters are 0.14 m for SSH difference and from two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the 0.42Њ lat for positions. The seasonal cycle is most pro- text. TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data were provided by nounced west (upstream) of about 63ЊW. AVISO and Geosat altimeter data were provided by Comparisons with hydrographic data suggest the ob- NODC. ECMWF data and net surface surface heat served fall maximum SSH difference is primarily from ¯ux were provided by NCAR. the upper few hundred meters of the water column. The spring volume transport exceeds the fall transport by about 7 Sv at 68ЊW. APPENDIX The seasonal change in SSH from the TOPEX/Po- Estimates of Meandering from Gulf Stream seidon altimeter can be modeled successfully as a re- Position sponse to seasonal heating, using the net surface heat ¯uxes from ECMWF, if the SSH variations due to the Because of the relatively coarse track spacing for TO- seasonal position changes of the Gulf Stream are re- PEX/Poseidon, the curvature index may not accurately moved. A large discrepancy between the predicted steric re¯ect the presence of Gulf Stream meanders, which changes and the SSH observations arises from using a could lie between the tracks, or be aliased. As an ad- ®xed grid for an essentially Lagrangian process. Al- ditional check on the estimate of curvature, some simple though they may be an indirect response to seasonal statistics were computed on the positions of the centers heating, seasonal position variations cannot be ex- of the Gulf Stream jet using SSH pro®les from both the plained by thermal expansion. Seasonal variations in ascending and descending subtracks. For four descend- temperature advection and interannual variability may ing and three ascending subtracks, which cross the mean be responsible for smaller discrepancies. Gulf Stream position at longitudes between 61Њ and 71ЊW, time series of position anomaly relative to the Acknowledgments. The authors gratefully acknowl- mean position for the two years, were computed (Fig. edge the support of NASA under Contracts NAGW- A1a). These anomalies show a tendency for smaller de- 1666 and NAGW-4806 (KAK and SS) and NAGW-4331 partures from the mean position for yeardays from about (RXH). The authors also bene®ted from discussions 160 to 300 (June±October) in 1993 and from about day MARCH 1999 KELLY ET AL. 327

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