5Ys Will .Siberia March Gth the Japanese People Ing on the Siberia, and Our Whole Stock SHANGHAI;- - Mar

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5Ys Will .Siberia March Gth the Japanese People Ing on the Siberia, and Our Whole Stock SHANGHAI;- - Mar ispw T"" J.l" .t"M1 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 18. HONOLULU, H. T., TUESDAY, MARCH I. 1904 SEMI-WEEKL- WHOLE No. 25G8. CRUISER IN N TORPEDO BOAT SUNK DEMOCRATS WANT NO ACTION II CHALLENGE BY CONGRESS ON COUNTIES BY MIKADO'S The Democratic Central Committee put itself on record at a meeting as opposed to Congressional action on the County Act. The committee also opposed working; with the Home Rulers to se- FLEET cure such action. ' . The meeting- - of the Democratic Central Committee was called at Waverly hall last evening for the purpose of considering a com- munication from the Home Rule parly asking the cooperation of the Ships Democratic party in securing, a Congressional county act. The Czar's Come Democrats and Republicans were asked to unite in non-partis- appeal to Congress for such action as would insure a county act for Out of Port Hawaii. The letter was discussed at some length and it was the unanimous decision that no joint action should be taken with the Arthur. Home Rulers in the matters. The objection was not only towards acting with the Home Rulers but also to Congressional interference v.ilii local afTaiis. A reply will be sent to the Home Rulers today; They Are Driven Back acquainting them with the decision of the Democrats. The Republican Central Committee will consider a similar re- In Bad Con- quest from the Home Rulers at a meeting to-b-e held Saturday night. dition. FOOD FAMINE LIKELY FIRST-CLAS- S JAPANESE CRUISER IWATE. BECAUSE OF JAP WAR (A8800IATED PKB8B CABLEGRAMS.) NEW YORK, Feb. 29. Jim Jeffries, champion heavyweight, LONDON, Mar. i. Fifteen Japanese warships bombarded Port and Jack Munro, the Montana wonder, were matched today. The fight will take place in San Francisco during the month of May. Hawaii has another food famine, but In the city nnd Hawaiian rice lias also Arthur for two hours today. Three Russian cruisers and four It Is caused this time not by the pres- - gone up to live dollars per bair. I un- - MANILA, Feb. 29. A fight between Hassan's division and the enc of an Amoilcan lleet in port, but derstand that the lalns did much dam- - torpedo boats advanced to meet the attack but were forced to retire. by actual wnr In the Orient. There Is aire to the Hawaiian rice ciop anil no al- -- - t Japanese rice in the city and there will not be the usual supply. Wo One vessel was in a sinking condition and one torpedo boat was sunk. f f though It Is quoted at live dollars per received 1,000 bags of lice on the last bag, there Is none to be hud at any Us- steamer, and expect to get more on the The Japanese withdrew unharmed. ui e. The Hawaiian ike Is also said to Siberia which will relieve the rice hac suffeied jjreatlj by the recent famine heie. Wo have alieady sold NAVAL GUNS FOR FORTS. btorms and until the aitival of the 5,000 bags In advance of what is com- iJ?5yS will .Siberia March Gth the Japanese people ing on the Siberia, and our whole stock SHANGHAI;- - Mar. The Russians are transferring guns from heie are likely to suffer from lack ot has alieady been taken. I expect that i. food. The Slbeila has aboaid some It the war continues Japan may shut their disabled ships to the Port Arthur forts. 10,000 bags of lice and other Japanese ' off on the shipment of supplies from provisions, which will lelieve the sit- - there altogether, but so far wo have nation somewhat, although tho whole- - ' rprol ml no ndvlces to effect. But CONCEDED. ' thnt VLADIVOSTOK BLOCKADE sale dealeis In these goods ulieady have all the rice will be needed for our sol- - advance oiders which will tukc all of dioisiuid snilors and, of course wo ST. PETERSBURG, Mar. 1. The probability that a blockade this. It is the opinion ot Some how togeflt here.''" ever If the war Is piolonged Japan is Russian gov- that IIAMANO'S VIEWS. has been established at Vladivostok conceded by the will shut olf the shipment of any pio-islo- ernment. from Japanese ports as the sup- At the wholesale provision house ot plies will be lequiiod for the army and H.'IIamano, the manager said: "Prices BIG FOR THE COSSACKS. navy. of Japanese provisions hae advanced JOB K. Yamnmotu, manager for S. KoJI- - fiom ten to llftccn per cent, since the in.i, wholesale piovislou mci chant, said war began. Means aie golug higher ST. PETERSBURG, Mar. 1. Cossacks are advancing along yesterday. "We aie unable to quote still and there Is no ilco In the market main Japanese army. any lived prices Tor Japanese lice or, at tho quotations glvn of (he dollais Eastern Korea to prevent the landing of the provisions. We get cabled advices ev- - per bag. The shoitago In food supply o oiy day and they aie never twice alike, and the Incieaso In prices Is due not But all Japanese piovlslons have gone only to tho war, but also to the taking up and theic will piolmhly be fuitherloff of the three Maui stcameis. The lncieube If the war continues. Soy and now on the run Insulll-bea- BRITISH FLAGSHIP t steamers aie A will be especially high as since clent to bilng over all the food supplies the war commenced we hae been tin- -. needed In Hawaii, and tho famine Is IS able to get a shipment tluough. 'J he likely to cause consideiable sulYcilug.' REPORTED ASHORE beans come fiom China and communi- At S. Ornkl the manager said that :: cation between 'that country ami Japan theic had been a geneial Incieaso In ; tip., is cut off. pi Ices, In Japanese ilce of about twen- Klco is now quoted nt five dollars ty per cent. Ho said that he had a VICTORIA, Mar. 1. It is reported that His Majesty's flagship per bag, but none can be obtained at ' small quantity of ilce still on liuud, that llgure, Theia is no Japanese rice I but it would not last vciy long. Bonaventure is ashore on the coast of Central America. (A8BOOIATED PRE8B OABLEOHAMB.) Great Britain is unfortunate with her Pacific squadron. From WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Messrs. Smith and Alexander ap- the station at Esquimalt, Vancouver Island, come frequent reports peared before the House Committee on Insular Affairs yesterday of disaster to vessels stationed on the coast. Recently the cruiser and opposed the Frye-Littlefie- ld bill extending the coastwise navi- Flora went ashore near Victoria. Everyone remembers the loss'of gation laws to the Philippines. They said that $32,000,000 invested in Hawaiian plantations only earned $900,000 in and that the the Condor, en route to Honolulu. The Bonavcnture, a protected 1903 planters cannot pay'the increased freight rates on sugar cargoes cruiser and flagshipof the squadron, has been making a leisurely which would come of the absorption of American vessels in the Phil- cruise along the Central American coast. She is a sister vessel to ippines trade. the Flora. The cruiser is of 4360 tons, and is 320 feet long. She TOKIO, Feb. 2g. The Korean troops are massing on the was built in 1892 and on a four hour test at forced draught made Hangveng frontier." TYPICAL JAPANESE NAVAL OFFICERS. twenty knots. If she has a full crew on board there are 318 men ALEXIEFF STILL IN COMMAND, a to handle her. YINKOW, Feb. 29. Alexieff will remain at Mukden until the 0 reorganization of the Russian forces is completed Dattos of Jolo took place today in which the Dattos were routed. GALE AT PORT ARTHUR. GOVERNMENT AID Lieutenant West and six troopers were wounded. PORT ARTHUR, Feb. 2g. The situation here is unchanged. There is a heavy gale with much thunder and lightning. LONDON, Feb. 29. The Anglo-Spanis- h Arbitration Treaty FOR THE PHILIPPINES TIENTSIN, Feb. 25. The reported landing of Japanese at was signed today. Possiet Bay is unconfirmed. tm 9mf-- - 9 mm-'mm- m- o -- -- tm WASHINGTON, Mar. 1. A bill prepared by Secretary Taft ICEBOUND BOAT WILL has been introduced in the House for an issue of $10,000,000 for pub- lic improvements and government aid to railways in the Philippines. "BE o blown up (ABaOOIATKJD FBES3 OABJbXOBAJC ) CABLE TALK OFFENDS RUSSIA. NHWCHWANd, Feb. 10. Tho Uus-slo- ti ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 28. The news "that the United States is likely to assent to the extension of a Japanese cable to gunboat Slcoutch Is Icebound hero Hsple'glo Guam, to connect there with the trans-Pacif- ic line, has aggravated alongside tho British gunboat popular resentment. and the Ameilcaii gunboat Helena. The CIIEFOO, China, Feb. 27. Twenty Japanese warships are KuBslau vessel is cleared for action said to be engaged in a blockade of Vladivostok. but hep captain has asked Admiral ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Feb. 27. The Russian Govern- ment has raised an objection against Japan's request to land its Stark, commanding the lleet at Port cable at Guam. A formal protest will be made to Secretary Hay. Arthur, for authorization to blow lier LOND'ON, Feb. 28. It is predicted that Parliament will be H. M. S. Flagship Bonaventure, Supposed to be Ashore on Central America. up In the event of the Japanese land- dissolved in six weeks. ing. HAWAIIAN CAZETTt, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1904 SEMI-WEEKL- SUGAR STOCKS HAWAII INTERESTED III JOE FINN HOLT TO BE HtTiTClT TAKE A BRACE Strengthening of ninny sugar plan- tation stocks was npporcnt jesterday BILL BEFORE CONGRESS ASSESSOR III TflOUSERS nt the Stock Exchnnge sessions, the re- NOTJlin sult of the fnorable reports made at the nnnual meetings of various plan- tations which have been held this week.
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