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Ship's Crew Refused NET PRESS RUN ' ^. xllB:.wBATRkR’ ^ ‘AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION F o f f f u l > 7 U. ^ Weather Boreaa, for the month of October, 1028 ' New-Oaeea , 5,205 FfUr tonight; < Thursday increas­ Hember of Ibe Audit Bnrenn of ing doiidihess' and wanner ' ' tSi ___________ ClrcnlattoBB VOL. XLin., NO. 32. (SIXTiSEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1928. (R. 0 . So. Mimchester, Conn.) PRICE THREE CENT'S -<s> 4^- \WNTER’S FIRST SNOW RED CROSS Photo Adds to Murder Mystery Sm iAH O N IN STRIKES NEW YORK New York, Nov. 21.—-The first real snow fiurry of the sea-i SHIP’S CREW REFUSED STRIDE IN ITS son descended here today,’ giv­ ing boys on their way tb school something ta conjure with. On A N N m DRIVE October 26 a few flakes fell but WITH^NAMITE today’s snowfall was more like to OBEY COMMANDS the real thing. ----------- ------------------- - Energetic Young Workers Public Buying WiU^ and Refused to Obey Orders in Aid— One-Fourth of the Break Must Coine, Says HOOVER TRIES Hour of Gravest Danger, Town’s Quota of Member­ Expert— Nothmg to War­ HAND AT DEEP Sex, Second in Command Ad­ ship Dollars Raised. rant High Prices. Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 21.— ganism the sex to he developed de­ mits on Stand-—Captain SEAjISHING That environment, influences the pends upon whether a female or Though the annual Red Cross sex of the unborn young was as­ male influence has affected fertili­ New Yurk, Nov. 21.— With an zation. Delayed Calling for Help drive for memberships did not ahsorlute disregard for the funda­ serted by Arthur M. Banta of the “ But there are certain cases in start off in Manchester as promptly mentals in trade and finance, the After Fish Weighing 300 Department of Genetics, of the Car­ which sex determination does not Until 10 O’clock Monday as in some years or in some com­ public is rushing pell-mell into the negie Institute of Washington, in a readily seem to fall under the op­ munities, it bids fair to accomplish paper he read today at a session of eration of such a mechanism. Stock Market In a frenzy of excite­ Pounds and Over— Has the fall meeting of the National Mothers under normally favorable as important results because the Morning. ment, searching every nook atad Academy of Sciences, being held conditions produce only daughters. organization affected this time is a corner for profits, William J. Woll- Picture Taken With Foot­ here. If, however, mothers are crowded particularly active one. There are man, head of the brokerage and In­ Dr. Banta said that it is proba­ together, are reared at low tempera­ more young workers than in any vestment banking bouse of W. J. ble that this sex control is accom­ ture or are otherwise subjected to New York, Nov. 21.— Admissloo previous year and they have start­ Wollman & Co., told International ball Champions. plished through the control of a conditions which retard their devel­ that officers aboard the liner Ves- ed off with a bang, having already News Service today. sex determining mechanism. Con­ opment, their young instead of de­ trls which sank a week ago Mon­ obtained more than a fourth of the “ The public is making money— cerning the work he said in part: veloping into exclusively female off­ day with a loss of 110 lives, re­ “ It is well known that in most spring develop into a large per­ town’s membership quota, which lots of it,” said Wollman, “ but the Aboard U. S. S. Maryland, Via' fused to obey orders in the hour this year is a thousand more than probabilities are that the bulk of animals there is a sex determining centage of males. It is clear then previously alloted to Manchester. public traders will leave the most Wireless to Los Angles, Nov. 21.— mechanism, the so-called sex chro­ that sex in this animal is subject to of grave danger was made on the When cne remembers that the df it behind them before the move­ President-Elect Herbert Hoover mosomes, and that with most or­ control by environmental factors. witness stand today by Robert National Red Cross is the first and ment is over. The public knows will, try his h.ind at deep sea fish­ Johnson, chief officer and next in infcllable recourse of the nation nothing, care' nothing, about command to the captain of the Ill- wUenc-ier disaster brings its de- ing today off the southern tip of values. It is following blindly the fated ship. iiiand for Instant rescue and relief leadership of the most skilful and California, known all over the SIR THOMAS LIPTON TELLS work, ana that it has never yet powerful group that ever operated world as the Mecca of fishermen in Johnson testified at the govern­ failed to meet an emergency as no in Wall street, and will follow the the western hemisphere. ment inquiry into the disaster which other agency possibly could meet will o’the wisp of profits wherever Mr. Hoover exciianged his white is running at the federal building it, the quick response of the peo­ it leads them. ABOUT HIS ONLY SWEETIE ple of the community to its appeal flannels for the sturdy canvas concurrently with the steamship in­ for membership support is under­ Situation Dangerous clothes of a fisherman this morning spection service quiz at the Cus­ standable. “ Never was the'situation in Wall and busied himself with getting his toms House. street as dangerous as it is today. troll lines and other deep sea How Red Cross Works These pieced-together ffa's^ents of a photograph, found In a corn­ Squirming about in his chair un­ On tlie very day that the news of With thv. floor of the Stock Ex­ equipment in readiness in his quest Noted Yachtsman Says It EXPLORER FINDS der a severe cross fire of questions field near Norristown,. Pa., beside the body of a pretty young woman, change ^inadequately manned, the the Porto Rico hurricane came. Na­ have only added to the mystery of her Identity and the reason for her for tarpon, marlin, sailfish and from United States Attorn‘<5 tional Red Cross headquarters at ticker an hour behind and practi­ yellowtails. He is out avowedly for Charles H. Tuttle, the witness in­ murder. After both-the bod^^ of the victim and the girl shown in the- cally useless as a reflection of ac­ Was His Mother— Says Washington started Its national re­ left of this photo had been Identified as that of Mrs. Bertha Wilgus, of “ bites” scaling upwards of 300 sisted be did all he could to stop tivities on the floor of the exchange, REAL WILD FOLKS lief director and four staff mem­ Bridgeport, Mrs. Wilgus appeared in.person to declare that she was very pounds. leaks and prevent the inrush of wa­ bers to Cbhtleston to board a navy much alive. • ' a violent reaction in prices, with The fishing will be done from a He WQl Bring Another ter into the listing and sinking destroyer for the scdhe of the dis­ disastrous results might easily oc­ motor launch, about 40 miles south­ ship. aster. Nobody knew any details, cur. bringing about a mild tanic west of Cap San Lucas, Mt. Hoo­ Q.— (By Tuttle)— Was there an only that something terrible had before the outside world was cogni­ ver has studied these famous Yacht to America. Live Like Animals, Walk officer detailed to each lifeboat? happened. By the time these rep­ zant of what was going on, spawning grounds from afar for A.— Yes. resentatives had taken the first WHOLE CRY TERRORIZED “ Those who are buying stocks at many years, and today he was eager Q.— We have had testimony that Like Gorillas and Worship few officers were in the boats. swift view of the situation and dis­ current le-els are disregarding also to have a try at the game fish Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 21.— Sir patched the briefest summary of it, the important matter o f dividend which are so abundant in these wa­ Why? Thomas Llpton has lots, of hobbies tile Red Cross had a government returns and i re discounting the ters. A.— They wouldn’t go. BY ‘HATCHET MURDERER’ a Grasshopper. Would Not Obey ship ready at New York, immedi­ future prosperity of the' country too Making Good Time. besides tea and yachts. ately loaded it with $160,000 worth far ahead. Either there muqt be a Since leaving San Pedro, the But they are all the same kind— Indicating his amazement at Of­ of rice, beans, salt pock, flour and corrective reaction or a long perlodv Maryland bearing the Hoover party all ladies. ficer Johnson’s statement, Tuttle other supplies and started it to the of doldrura , markets to permit on ; the good-will tour to .. Central New York, Nov, 21.— In 20,000 said: “ Didn’t you control your of­ rescue of the starving thousands. Bloodhounds Used to Trace business to catch up with the mar­ in A South Ata®rick. bas been mak- That is the. reason he is a bache­ square miles of tangled, unexplored ficers?” Before the storm had struck Flo­ LOTS OF LUCK IN lor, he said today. “ Well,” replied Johnson hesi­ ket. .. .... - ....... X- • jungle; north of Capetown, Africa, rida the Red Cross had started a It is expected that the Maryland “ 1 like ’em all,” he said. “ I tantly, ^‘the boats were lowered. 1 Fiend Who Killed Three The FunJamentals dwell stone-age men, who live hand said to them to get in them.
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