NET PRESS RUN ' ^. xllB:.wBATRkR’ ^ ‘AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION F o f f f u l > 7 U. ^ Weather Boreaa, for the month of October, 1028 ' New-Oaeea , 5,205 FfUr tonight; < Thursday increas­ Hember of Ibe Audit Bnrenn of ing doiidihess' and wanner ' ' tSi ______ClrcnlattoBB


- 4^- \WNTER’S FIRST SNOW RED CROSS Photo Adds to Murder Mystery Sm iAH O N IN STRIKES NEW YORK New York, Nov. 21.—-The first real snow fiurry of the sea-i SHIP’S CREW REFUSED STRIDE IN ITS son descended here today,’ giv­ ing boys on their way tb school something ta conjure with. On A N N m DRIVE October 26 a few flakes fell but WITH^NAMITE today’s snowfall was more like to OBEY COMMANDS the real thing. ------Energetic Young Workers Public Buying WiU^ and Refused to Obey Orders in Aid— One-Fourth of the Break Must Coine, Says HOOVER TRIES Hour of Gravest Danger, Town’s Quota of Member­ Expert— Nothmg to War­ HAND AT DEEP Sex, Second in Command Ad­ ship Dollars Raised. rant High Prices. Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 21.— ganism the sex to he developed de­ mits on Stand-—Captain SEAjISHING That environment, influences the pends upon whether a female or Though the annual Red Cross sex of the unborn young was as­ male influence has affected fertili­ New Yurk, Nov. 21.— With an zation. Delayed Calling for Help drive for memberships did not ahsorlute disregard for the funda­ serted by Arthur M. Banta of the “ But there are certain cases in start off in Manchester as promptly mentals in trade and finance, the After Fish Weighing 300 Department of , of the Car­ which sex determination does not Until 10 O’clock Monday as in some years or in some com­ public is rushing pell-mell into the negie Institute of , in a readily seem to fall under the op­ munities, it bids fair to accomplish paper he read today at a session of eration of such a mechanism. Stock Market In a frenzy of excite­ Pounds and Over— Has the fall meeting of the National Mothers under normally favorable as important results because the Morning. ment, searching every nook atad Academy of Sciences, being held conditions produce only daughters. organization affected this time is a corner for profits, William J. Woll- Picture Taken With Foot­ here. If, however, mothers are crowded particularly active one. There are man, head of the brokerage and In­ Dr. Banta said that it is proba­ together, are reared at low tempera­ more young workers than in any vestment banking bouse of W. J. ble that this sex control is accom­ ture or are otherwise subjected to New York, Nov. 21.— Admissloo previous year and they have start­ Wollman & Co., told International ball Champions. plished through the control of a conditions which retard their devel­ that officers aboard the liner Ves- ed off with a bang, having already News Service today. sex determining mechanism. . Con­ opment, their young instead of de­ trls which sank a week ago Mon­ obtained more than a fourth of the “ The public is making money— cerning the work he said in part: veloping into exclusively female off­ day with a loss of 110 lives, re­ “ It is well known that in most spring develop into a large per­ town’s membership quota, which lots of it,” said Wollman, “ but the Aboard U. S. S. Maryland, Via' fused to obey orders in the hour this year is a thousand more than probabilities are that the bulk of animals there is a sex determining centage of males. It is clear then previously alloted to Manchester. public traders will leave the most Wireless to Los Angles, Nov. 21.— mechanism, the so-called sex chro­ that sex in this animal is subject to of grave danger was made on the When cne remembers that the df it behind them before the move­ President-Elect Herbert Hoover mosomes, and that with most or­ control by environmental factors. witness stand today by Robert National Red Cross is the first and ment is over. The public knows will, try his h.ind at deep sea fish­ Johnson, chief officer and next in infcllable recourse of the nation nothing, care' nothing, about command to the captain of the Ill- wUenc-ier disaster brings its de- ing today off the southern tip of values. It is following blindly the fated ship. iiiand for Instant rescue and relief leadership of the most skilful and , known all over the SIR THOMAS LIPTON TELLS work, ana that it has never yet powerful group that ever operated world as the Mecca of fishermen in Johnson testified at the govern­ failed to meet an emergency as no in Wall street, and will follow the the western hemisphere. ment inquiry into the disaster which other agency possibly could meet will o’the wisp of profits wherever Mr. Hoover exciianged his white is running at the federal building it, the quick response of the peo­ it leads them. ABOUT HIS ONLY SWEETIE ple of the community to its appeal flannels for the sturdy canvas concurrently with the steamship in­ for membership support is under­ Situation Dangerous clothes of a fisherman this morning spection service quiz at the Cus­ standable. “ Never was the'situation in Wall and busied himself with getting his toms House. street as dangerous as it is today. troll lines and other deep sea How Red Cross Works These pieced-together ffa's^ents of a photograph, found In a corn­ Squirming about in his chair un­ On tlie very day that the news of With thv. floor of the Stock Ex­ equipment in readiness in his quest Noted Yachtsman Says It EXPLORER FINDS der a severe cross fire of questions field near Norristown,. Pa., beside the body of a pretty young woman, change ^inadequately manned, the the Porto Rico hurricane came. Na­ have only added to the mystery of her Identity and the reason for her for tarpon, marlin, sailfish and from Attorn‘<5 tional Red Cross headquarters at ticker an hour behind and practi­ yellowtails. He is out avowedly for Charles H. Tuttle, the witness in­ murder. After both-the bod^^ of the victim and the girl shown in the- cally useless as a reflection of ac­ Was His Mother— Says Washington started Its national re­ left of this photo had been Identified as that of Mrs. Bertha Wilgus, of “ bites” scaling upwards of 300 sisted be did all he could to stop tivities on the floor of the exchange, REAL WILD FOLKS lief director and four staff mem­ Bridgeport, Mrs. Wilgus appeared in.person to declare that she was very pounds. leaks and prevent the inrush of wa­ bers to Cbhtleston to board a navy much alive. . . • ' a violent reaction in prices, with The fishing will be done from a He WQl Bring Another ter into the listing and sinking destroyer for the scdhe of the dis­ disastrous results might easily oc­ motor launch, about 40 miles south­ ship. aster. Nobody knew any details, cur. bringing about a mild tanic west of Cap San Lucas, Mt. Hoo­ Q.— (By Tuttle)— Was there an only that something terrible had before the outside world was cogni­ ver has studied these famous Yacht to America. Live Like Animals, Walk officer detailed to each lifeboat? happened. By the time these rep­ zant of what was going on, spawning grounds from afar for A.— Yes. resentatives had taken the first WHOLE CRY TERRORIZED “ Those who are buying stocks at many years, and today he was eager Q.— We have had testimony that Like Gorillas and Worship few officers were in the boats. swift view of the situation and dis­ current le-els are disregarding also to have a try at the game fish Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 21.— Sir patched the briefest summary of it, the important matter o f dividend which are so abundant in these wa­ Why? Thomas Llpton has lots, of hobbies tile Red Cross had a government returns and i re discounting the ters. A.— They wouldn’t go. BY ‘HATCHET MURDERER’ a Grasshopper. Would Not Obey ship ready at New York, immedi­ future prosperity of the' country too Making Good Time. besides tea and yachts. ately loaded it with $160,000 worth far ahead. Either there muqt be a Since leaving San Pedro, the But they are all the same kind— Indicating his amazement at Of­ of rice, beans, salt pock, flour and corrective reaction or a long perlodv Maryland bearing the Hoover party all ladies. ficer Johnson’s statement, Tuttle other supplies and started it to the of doldrura , markets to permit on ; the good-will tour to .. Central New York, Nov, 21.— In 20,000 said: “ Didn’t you control your of­ rescue of the starving thousands. Bloodhounds Used to Trace business to catch up with the mar­ in A South Ata®rick. bas been mak- That is the. reason he is a bache­ square miles of tangled, unexplored ficers?” Before the storm had struck Flo­ LOTS OF LUCK IN lor, he said today. “ Well,” replied Johnson hesi­ ket...... - ...... X- • jungle; north of Capetown, Africa, rida the Red Cross had started a It is expected that the Maryland “ 1 like ’em all,” he said. “ I tantly, ^‘the boats were lowered. 1 Fiend Who Killed Three The FunJamentals dwell stone-age men, who live hand said to them to get in them. They party of relief workers to that “ Getting down to the fundamen­ will steam into the first foreign couldn't seem to choose among point. They were there almost as in hand with animals, walk like wouldn’t, get in. What would you’ STOVE EXPLOSION tals,” said Wollman, “ there can be port— Amapala, Honduras— Sun­ them so I didn’t choose at all.” soon as the hurricane. What they day. The battleship, however, will Besides, Sir Thomas has another gorillas, run faster than gazelles— do?” did for everybody knows. and Wounded Others; no doubt of the strong position of Tuttle in a surprised tone re­ American finance, trade and indus­ have to maintain a speed of 17 reason for confining , his affections the “ missing link” race. In the last year the Red Cross to “ ladies of the sea”— his yachts. peated: “ You ask me what I would has acted in 89 disasters. With the try. The big business concerns— In this unpenetrated region have done.” Rounding Up Suspects. Pola Leaves Garage Just the steel manufacturers, the motor (Continned on Page 8.) It was his mother. single exception of the Florida re­ In Reminiscent Mood vrhere the lion Is king, these "mon­ Pressed for an explanation why lief. for which special contribu­ car b-uilders, the copper and oil key men” hunt with arrows, live in the officers were not in the boats, companies, are all making money, In a reminiscent mood, the big, tions were necessarily sought, the Ahead of Blast, Cars Es­ gruff Irishman, who is known holes, worship a grasshopper for a Johnson replied that he “ couldn’1 relief work was paid for out of the Omaha, Neb., Nov. 21.— Bloodr and ploughing back a good portion God and know not that they may be go around and look for them.” He of their Darnings into their own throughout the world for hisi suc­ funds raised in the membership hounds were to be turned loose to­ TO DRAW TIGHTE cess as a tea magnate and his the answer to the riddle of the uni­ was “ too busy.” drive last year. day in an attempt to pick up the cape Metal Barrage. business. But that Is no reason why verse, - No Generrf Call stock prices should go on sky­ sportsmanship as a yachtsman took During the last five years the trail of the “ hatchet murderer” an old daguerreiotype of his "one Dr. O. E. Cadle, of the Cameron- Q.— Was there any general call Red Cross has given instant aid in rocketing without even a co- rectlve love” , from his dressing table and Cadle Expedition of the National to man the lifeboats? an average of eighty disasters a who already has taken three lives reaction.” Luigi Pola, well known coal and IMMIGRATION BARS told huskily how he had never Museum of National History, of A.— No. year of all sorts. In the very great here, wounded two other persons Wollman pointed out that the Denver, told of this missing race in Q.— Why not? wood dealer of 55 S'jhool street, can found another like the sweetfaced majority of all of them the funds and terrorized the city.. growth of new industries is uow lassie there portrayed in garb of an exclusive interview with Inter­ There was no answer. come from the Red Crosk treasury, thank his lucky stars that he Is Johnson could not explain why Horror-stricken Omaha slept be­ making a powerful appeal to people the early ’60’s. national News Service today. Dr. supplied by the annual dollar mem­ alive and well today. Only a mat­ who can afford to speculate over Cadle not only has seen, them, liv­ the women with children were left berships of millions of Americans. hind barricaded doors last night Congress to Ask for Speedy “ It wasn’t only the pancakes she ter of moments stood between him the long range. used to fry, and the pies she used ed with them and charted them but sitting in liftboats dangling over It is for dollars to be employed in while 250 policemen and scores of “ The airplane Industry,” he de­ to make, it was the sweetness and he returned today on the liner the port side for nearly two hours. this miraculous work that the men and death or serious injury yester­ He “ wasn’t on that side.” He in­ American Legion members patrol- day. clared, “ in its growth and appeal to Action as Soon as Com­ wisdom of her,” he said. “ Never a Olympic with a photographic rec­ ord, including^ moving pictures, of sisted that in spite of all th| ed the streets in the belief the Less than five minutes after he the public investor, is paralleling time did I go to her In trouble that (Continued on Page 8.) the automobile and the radio Indus­ she didn’t help me. these seed-men of the human race. trouble aboard the ship the capi fiend slayer might appear at mid­ left his garage and went into the tain never discussed the calling Eoi night, as he did in his other noc­ tries in their formative years. mittees Meet. “ ’Coui-se she’s gone now, but I Are Pygmies house for supper, a small stove in “ The io'wesf form of this tribe assistance before ten a. m., Mon* turnal raids. which he had started a fire fifteen “ It is now apparent that the busi­ had gotten somewhere near the top ness of the principal manufacturers before she died, thank heaven, and are pygmies who stan.' In their day. All through the night suspepts minutes earlier exploded, damaging At the inquiry in the Custom! were being brought in by police. of planes this year will be about Washington, Nov. 21.— Congres­ I repaid her a little. I used to telT nakedness up to your armpit,” said STILL DISCOVERED two automobiles a few feet away. Dr. Cadle.“ They represent the only House Edward J. , of Mont­ The majority, were negroes, for the The explosion was heard all over 300 per cent greater than m 1927, sional backers of restricted immi­ her she could have a dozen fine carriages if she wanted 'em, but true democracy in the , wtorld— clair, N. J., a survivor, told a “ hatchet man” is said to he a ne­ the neighborhood. Mr. Pola, and the former record year. More than graphic story of how passengers 600 planes are being turned out gration, accepting the recent elec- she never wanted much, more’s the where every man is his own boss. gro. Some resembled the murder­ his family rushed to the garage to “ They take as many wives as and crew of the Vestris scrambled IN STATE’S PRISON er’s description, but detectives did find the stove in a hundred pieces. monthly, and the uutput by the end ^tion as a popular endorsement of pity,” he went on. Memorial Home they can support by hunting. As madly for positions in the lifeboats, not believe the “ hatchet man” was The building ’’s a brick four-car of the year will be at the rate of the policy, today opened a cam­ once the women and children had among them. The Lipton Memorial Nurses food is precarious, more than two garage which Mr. Pola built last 7 00 a month. Here is something to paign to draw the bars tighter than or three wives is a luxury, and been lowered over the port side in July. Two of the stalls were emp­ Home in Glasgow was built in, hon­ May Be Maniac fire the imagination of investors as ever in the coming session. families are small for the women the first two lifeboats put over the A check-up of various institu­ ty. The stove stood at the north v/ell as traders in purely specula­ or of his mother. Sir Thomas added. Also Drugs Smuggled Into A meeting of the House immigra­ Vehement in his assertions that kill their babies If there are too side. ^ tions for the insane and feeble­ end of the garage between the point tive stocks, for wise elections will many.. minded failed to show escape of where Pola’s new Graham truck mean fortunes to thousands of men tion committee called for today— a “ Shamrock V” should enter the next contest for the America's cup Nol Ijaws New York, Nov. 21.— A graphic Charleston and Money any inmate whose description, tal­ and his Overland sedan were stand­ who arh willing to- wait for them." the first committee gathering for story of how passengers and crew the new session^—signalized the which he pointed out, has been held “ There is no law except the poi­ lied with that of the man now ing. Only three or four feet separ­ soned arrow. They are a slight, of the ill-fated Vestris scrambled sought. ated the cars from the stove. opening of the drive. by American yachtsmen for seventy Lent to Prisoners. years. Sir Thomas related several wiry race, like all hunting peopls. madly for positions in lifeboats, The slayer is described by Mrs. Cars Little Hurt Realizing the difficulties faced In They are vicious, . unsocial and once the women and children had The blast, after the freakish way enactment of legislation in the anecdotes pertaining to the sailing Harold, Strlbling, whom he forced careers of his previous racing child-like. They are as primitive as been lowered over the port side in to accompany him to a swamp near of explosions and lightning, failed SENATE SWAMPED short session, ardent restrlctlonists their ancestors, of a million years to damage the cars to any great yachts— all Shamrocks. two boats, was related on the wit­ Boston, Mass., Nov. 21— While Carter lake, Iowa, where she suc­ prepared to. urge the committee to ago. Their, oiily sign of civilization ness stand today by one of the sur- extent. The Overland was the demand prompt action on many im­ “ There’s one man who doesn’t revelations of collusion, bribery, ceeded in escaping him, as a negro want' me to sail another Shamrock is their folk lore which is in terms 'rlvors, Edward J. Marvin, of Mont­ youth of light complexion, about worse sufferer, a chunk of Iron portant measures. of animals, plants and the stars. and smuggling of arms, narcotics piercing the cowl. The truck was WITH MANY BILLS into an American port,” he said. clair. N. J. He was testifying at 21. Important Oleasnres “ His name is Belcher, and he “ When a youth desires a wife, he the U. S. Steamboat inspeciion ser­ and liquor at Charlesto.wn state Mrs. Stribling’s husband, a for­ more fortunate. The hub cap on Among the measures expected to will pursue a gazelle for twelve the left front wheel was struck lives in a fittle harbor town on the vice Inquiry into the disaster whfch prison continued to increase, ex­ mer- University of Nebraska stu­ j3e dealt with by Congress are: Atlantic coast. This Is the reason hours or so to show his-prowess. cost 110 lives when the Vestris dent, lay near death today front squarely by a big piece of iron and The national origins clause, Then he will drive the exhausted pectations today were that the badly dented, yet hot , one of the Fear Thousands W3I Be for his aversion to my ‘Shamrocks,’ sank off the Virginia capes a wpek voluminous report on conditions at wounds sustained when attacked changing the basis of immigrant according to a letter he sent me. aninial into the presence of his In­ wooden spokes was ^ brqjien. quotas. The measure has been post­ ago Momlay. * ■ by the “ hatchet man” prior to the “ It seems .that when the Sham­ tended. He does not ask— he takes “ The order to lower the lifeboats the institution prepared by the dis­ kidnaping of Mrs. Stribling. Another piece of metal passed poned twice and an effort is expect­ his bride. They go to live before a through the inner flange of a run­ Sidetracked in Mad Rusk rock II sailed into port, his wife c"me about 10:30 Monday mornT trict attorney’s office would be ed to be made to kill It despite a wind-breaker, a crude collection of ning hoard. There isn’t a less im­ rose >10 the occasion and presented ing,” said Marvin, a first class pas­ made public shortly. strong demand for the law. him with a baby son; with the ad­ brambles. portant part in an automobile. “ We believe that this race will, senger. “ The women and children Meaflwhile, having nipped a Three garage window panes- were for Legislation. A drastic deportation bill, aimed vent of Shamrdok II, a few years CHICAGO CANDY STORES chiefly at alien law violators. The be-one of the Important links tn were placed in lifeboats NumberslA wholesale jail delivery plot In the broken but no glass was even crack­ later,'a baby daughter was born to and 6. Oars had to be used to push Lii: Is on the House calendar. the same household, the letter said, the proof of man^s evolution from bud, prison officials announced that ed in either automobile. One of the two boats over the side. There the ringleaders would pay for their the windows broken was on the Washington, Nov. 21.— A top- Extension, of the restricted sys­ and simultaneously with the arrival animals. I believe that within twen­ SELL BOOZE TO KIDDIES of Shamrock IV, still some years ty years science will have an in­ was no confusion while this wa’Sr'go­ plotting by solitary confinement for same side of the garage as the heavy legislative program awaits tem to Ca,nada, and South ing on, however. life. Stephen Hoppe, jail breaker America as provided in the Box later, a third baby made its ap­ disputable chain of evidence to sup­ stove and near the opposite end of the Senate, while a rather easy port the evolutionary theory, which Mad Scramble extraordinary, was the “ brains” of Speakeasies Located Near the building. bill pending In committee. pearance.” the plotted break, officials say. session confronts the House, al­ “ That’s enough— don’t come practically all scientific men firmly “ But, once the women and chil­ Schools, Officials Discover; Mr. Pola figures his damage is Schneider 'Bill dren were over the side a mad Others in separate cells today about $100 all told. Both cars and though both branches of Congress The Schneider bill legalizing en­ again!” the letter begged, accord­ believe in.” were: Leo J. Nolin, convicted mur­ High School Student Shot.- ing to Sir Thomas. .scramble occurred. The crew dash­ the garage were insured. He could must enact $4,700,000,000 worth of trance of immigrants smuggled in ■ '•I I derer; John Ferrin, lifer Philip before 1921. Antl-restrictionists ed for the other lifeboats. So did give no reason for 'the stove ex­ departmental appropriation bills. the passengers. Cronin, serving a long term for Chicago, Nov. 21.— Further ploding. ■ He had started It up at propose to extend it to 1924, thus GRAND RABBI SEARCHED holdups. raids against “ Ice cream parlors” This was the, legislative outlook “ I rushed toward lifeboat Num­ . . .< 6:30 last night for the first time of Congress today with its first legalizing entry of 1,000,000 aliens. MAY GET MEDAL Probe Started and “ candy stores,” In which It i5 in order that the motors in the cars The Box bill and deportation ber Eight. There was a hole In It charged liquor is being sold to meeting of the short session two Ne,w York, Nov. 21.— Grand and a deckhand \yas patching a Following the shooting and kill­ might not he cold in the morning. weeks away. measures are expected to furnish Rabbi L. -Twersky, father of Rabbi ing of Frederick Pfluger a school children, were planned to­ New Britain, Conn., Nov. 21.— piece of tin over the hole. 1 said to Nothing but wood was being burn­ The Senate’s calendar wHl be the flrewords. Both are backed by Joseph Bartumloli. aged tvrelv'o. Jacob Tw’ersky, J^Jlwaukee. was fortnight ago. Assistant District At­ day by local authorities working in ed in- the stove, Mr. Pola said. Rep. Albert Joh-hson (R) of Wash­ myself; ‘Here’s one lifeboat I won’t torney Frederick T. Doyle started co-operation with federal prohibi­ so heavy, administration leaders ad-: who risked bis life to rescue a detained for three hours today folr get In.’ I finally got In lifeboat No. mitted, that thousands,of bills,will ington, committee chairman, and small boy from a: burning barn oh Icwing his arrival here from An­ a probe. The result is contained in tion agents and school authorities. SEATS GOME HIGH 10.” . be slain In the mad rush for legis­ Rep, John Box, (D) of , rank­ Lawlor street, Monday qfternoon, twerp on the line- Olyihpic. a report] if 80,000 words, which The vigorous campaign against lation. The Jam is due partly to ing minority member. Marvin testified that it was was expected to be turned over to speakeasies located within six has been recommended for a Car­ The Grand Rabbi was searched the greatest difficulty that lifeboaV New York, Nov. 21.— Member­ the long filibuster last spring by The natiopal origjns clause, de­ personally and his baggage ran­ Commissioner of Corrections San­ blocks of any school building was ship in the New York Stock Ex­ negie medal. Mayor A. M. .Paones- No; 10 was Taunched. For one ford Bates. opponents of the Swing-Johnson signed to increase the percentage se, in the presence of the boy, diC: sacked by custom:, agents. The precipitated by the fatal shooting change, Wall Street's exclusive Boulder Dam bill. thing, the ax used to cut ''tti'e Among the startling revelations of hhrthern European' immigration, tated a letter to, the Carpegie Grand Rahhi came to America to last Sunday of William AdomaytlV, club, was valued for the first time The Boulder Dam measure h ^ may be side-tracked but not with­ ropes was dull and pen knives had-- unearthed was that a system exist­ high school student, by the keepen ■today at half-a-million dollars. A Medal Commission, this afternoon visit his son Ih Milwaukee and. to to be used to sever the ropes. ed whereby a prisoner was able to of a sorcalled Ice cream parlor, the right of way in the .Senate un­ out a fight. President-Elect Hoover, relating the circumstances of the CQfifer with other American, rabbis. seat sold at $525,000, an increase der an agreement entered before hOTvevef,. is opposed to this .meas-> Q. (By Dickerson N. IJooy'eiV obtain money with which to pur­ Anthony Juskus, who did the of $30,000 from the last previous rescue. Then, the mayor .announced . A delegation of New York rabbis, hehd of the steamboat‘s Inspectlf^^. chase, drugs. the last session enfied. This will ure. that if the medal werevhbt forth­ who had gone to the pler\to wel­ shooting, claimed self-defense and sale, and topping $500,000 aftoi not insure its enactment by any service, who was . presiding.)--*;;/ According to officials, Nolin oper­ was houiid over to the Grand Jhry The present status of the Cana­ coming he would ask- the city to come Gpan.3 Rabbi Twersky, ex­ a sensational climb from below means, hut the bill must be dis­ What was the condition' of- ’’ ated a “money lending” business on a manslaughter charge. Police dian. immigration case in- the Su­ issue a medal. - pressed their indignation at the "ac­ boat you entered? - $‘200,000. a little over two years posed of in come fashion before any preme Court, in which lower courts and charged 25 per cent for chang­ who found a store of hidden liquor ago. Bartiimioli, after rescuing one tion of the officials and the nisthods Lifeboat Ijeakedl; ing prison credit slips Into cash. other Important huslness cAn be held that. British subjects under boy, led out two horses, and when used in the seatob* Rabbi R. Bahii- in his place claim he had been transacted. The appropriation bills, A. It leaked badly. It It was also charged that a still making a business of “ debauching treaty have the unrestricted right he le'afned another hoy was still to nowitz. spokesman for the deiega^ condition iintl);,,we' TREASURY BALANCE hhwever. will super^sede it. probably to cross and recross the border for for making moonshine was found in school children ’ ’ rough the sale of Washington, Nov. 21.— Treasury tiie building started back though ! tion, said that a protest would be picked upi cell of a prisoner, liquor.” business' purposes,. may. spur the the roof v/ns falllr la, and- Had x^sde. to Wa&b^iigtoD with a :d • -Vi..' balance Nov. 19V1119,529,20L94. (ContJnned-on.Page-si) fif tfphly the sy«tem to Oanada^ - V ■ ) ■ ' • ‘ si- . rt..: - ]■> r.Ti r^AGETWO'^Vv. IT V* -r ^ MANCHESTER XCONN.V EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, lf«8.

crew of tht Vestris •: lat the liner OFnCERSOFVESTRlS had leaked on her four previous MISS MORROW MUM LEOPOLD CASE voyages, and that nothing hAd been done to repajr the more than 60 N .Y. Stocks WOULD NOT MAN BOATS leaks. ON UNDY REPORT HELP RACE WITH DEATH ^ ^ ® ^ S t O c k s TO THE On the other hand were the stat^ (Conttnned from iPage 1.) ments of three inspectors, made Furnished by Fatniuu & Co. 1 p. m. under oath in the customs house Daughter of U. S. Envoy Will Child Driven 500 Miles to Ailed C h em ...... 235 Waterbury,. CPun.,., ^ Nov 21.— before a boarH representing the Not Ccoihrm News of Her DEATHS Bridgeport Hospital to Un­ Bank Stocks Am Bosch ...... 36% The case of Louis N. Leopold, for­ In the boat but nine of them were mer furniture dealer, charged with United States Department of Com­ dergo an Operation. Am Can ...... 47% defective. Engageitient. Bid Asked first degree murder in connection Sunday night— the night before merce, that they had made a thor­ Mrs. Sarah McGrath Am L o c o '...... 103 ough, four-day inspection of ' the Mrs. Sarah McGrath, 68, of this Bankers Trust Co . . ; 300 — ■ Am Smelting ...... 280% with the buraing of his Baldwin the sinking— the Vestrls listed so New York, Nov. 21>—Miss. Eliza­ Bridgeport, Conn.,; Nov, 21.— A Capitol Nat B&T . . . .375 — street warehouse last February, badly to the starboard side it was Vestris just before her last voyage beth Morrow, daughter of Dwight town, died Monday In a Norwich powerful motor car, escorted by Am Steel F d y ...... 65 and found her seaworthy. They hospital. She leaves on^ daughter. City Bank & Trust . .1225 — Am Sugar...... 85% will be given to a Superior Court with difficulty that passengers were W. Morrow, ambassador to Mexico, relays of motorcycle policemen, jury, by Judge Carl Foster late this also depied charges that they had Miss Violet McGrath of Manchester, Conn River ...... 400 — Am Tel & T e l ...... 197% able to traverse, the decks, Marvin one of the storm tossed passengers' thundered through four states lu First Bond & Mort .. — 60 afternoon. Judge Foster started been, drinking during the inspec­ who returned today from Cher­ one soli, William of Orlando, Fla., a victorious race with death which Anaconda...... 111% said. He noticed about' that time tion. and one sister, Mrs. James McVei&h First Nat (Htfd) ^..250 286 his charge to the jury at 3 p. m. that the ship was standing. The en­ bourg; on the Olympic, refused eith­ ended here today. A tchison...... 211% Arrangements are being made to Coal Blocked Ports oZ this town. The funeral was held Htfd Bank T r ...... 580 — Balt & O h io ...... 116% gines had stopped. er to affirm or deny her reported Six-year-old Catherine Adams, Htfd-Conn Trust Co . . — 800 lock up the jury If necessary. It was admitted, however, by betrothal to Col. Charles A. Lind­ this afternoon from the undertak­ Beth Steel ...... 82% Marvin testified that while the who lives in a sparsely settled sec­ Land Mtg & Title . . . — 60 L. L. Lewis, state’s attorney, Captain Edward W. Keane, assist­ bergh. ing parlors of William P. Quish at tion of northern Maine, was rush­ Can P a c ...... 241% passengers were at dinner Sunday ant inspector of hulls, that his in­ 225 Main street wi*h burial In the Morris Plan. Bank ..160 — spent the entire m'orning session of evening the ship gave a violent ” I won’t discuss that,” she said ed to this city on the advice of phy­ Chi M & St P a u l...... 36% court in making a plea for Leopold’s spection of six of the fourteen coal East cemetery. Rev. Watson Wood­ Phoenix State B&T ..480 — Chi Rock I s l ...... 113% lurch. The chief officer dashed out firmly and though ship news re­ sicians when it was determined conviction. The state’s attorney, in ports on the Vestris had been su- porters plied her with any number ruff officiated. Park St B a n k ...... 900 — Cons Gas ...... ;... 90 % to see what was.wrong. He (Mar-: p^erflcial. Coal stored In the bunk- that only an operation could save Riverside Trust ....600 — course of bis arguments mentioned vin) saw furniture piled high on of^ questions in an effort to draw her life. Corn Prod ...... 91% Morris Sbelnitz, of New Haven, ar­ eVs had blocked his.approach to the her out she stuck to. her first de­ West Hart Trust ... .300 — Del & Hud ...... 195 the starboard side where it had ports, he said, and he had merely The child, suffering from con­ Bonds rested in connection with thd fire claration. FUNERALS genital dislocation of the hip, was Du Pont ...... I ...... 493 and now held as an; accomplice. slipped across the floors. He talked examined them from a distance Htfd & Conn West 6 95 — E r ie ___ i ...... 65 to the purser about what was Miss Morrow was a member of J. placed in an automobile at Lisbon Mr. Lewis declared Shelnitz “ will with a flashlight. Plerpont Morgan’s party. The bank­ East Conn Power 6s . .101 102 Gen Elec ...... 187% transpiring and was told: “ Yes the Assertions have been made by Stanley Matushak Palls, Me. At 10:30 p. m., her Conn L P 7 s ...... 1 1 7 119 be prosecuted to the limit” for his er with whose house her fathef was The funeral of Stanley Ma- father. Prank Adams, was at the Gen Motors ...... 212% share in the affair, for Shelnitz engines have stopped but that Is passengers and members of the associated before he became the Conn L P 5% s . . . .107 109 Inspirattion ...... 40 good seamanship. The captain has crew that the hold of the Vestris tushakTTkilled in an automobile ac­ wheel and her mother supported Conn L P 4% s ____100 101% “ has no promise of immunity of Mexican envoy, intervened when the cident on the Camp Meeting road, her in the rear seat, at the start Int Harv ...... ,373 any sort.” been at sea for 40 years.” was flooded by water from two questioners became too persistent. lirid Hyd 5s ...... 102 104 Int Nickel ...... 191 ( Uneasy M l Night leaky coal ports. ' Sunday was held at St. James’s of the 500-mile journey. ^ Insnrance Stocks Mr. Morgan would not comment church this morning. A requiem Motorcycle policemen of Maine Kenecott ...... 139 “ I was uneasy all night,” the The investigators, at a loss to ac­ xxAetna Insurance ..645 655 Mack Truck ...... 105% on the recent activity In Wail high- mass was celebrated. Mrs. accompanied the car to the New witness continued. “ When I awoke count for discrepancies in the testi- j Street, on his’ trip abroad or on any do r ig h ts ...... 272 276 Marland Oil ...... 47 about 8 o’clock Monday morning mony, were determined to get at Margaret Sulli-van sang “ Jesus Lov­ Hampshire border, where the state Aetna Life ...... 905 915 other subject, contenting himself er of My Soul,” and at. the offertory, police there cleared the way to Mo Pac c o m ...... 71 Vs the water was up on the port win­ the bottom of the matter and dis­ with the simple declaration that he Aetna, Casualty ....1120 1140 N Y Central...... 185% De Relff’s “ Ave Maria.” At 'the . Another relief took Automobile ...... 455 470 WILLIAM dows although the storm had sub­ cover, the true condition of the Ves­ had been grouse hunting. New Haven ...... '..... 71 % sided by that time. The ship was tris before she left on the fatal elevation Mrs. Sullivan sang Mart- them through to Connecticut, and Conn General...... 1720 1750 When photographers finally got zo’s "O Salutaris.” At the close of Nor Am C o ...... 86 listing badly. I saw women and voyage that culminated in the loss Miss Morrow to pose for a picture, thence to Bridgeport. Doctors Hartford Fire ...... 880 890 Nor P a c ...... 115 children huddled in the smoker of 110 lives. More,witnesses were the service Mrs. Sullivan ' sang George Hawley and Arthur Gris­ Htfd Steam Boiler ...720 740 she invited them into her state­ “ Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Call­ Penn R R ...... v ...... ,69% with their lifebelts on. to be examined at the resumption room. Mr. Morgan in a nearby state­ wold, bone specialists, were prepar­ xxLincoln Nat Life ..130 — Postum Cereal ...... 69 v\ “ I thought an S O S had been of both inquiries this mor,ning. ing,” and Organist Packard played ed to operate when the child ar­ do rights ...... 20 — room, got wind of the preparations Chopin’s funeral march. Pressed Stl Car ...... 22 sent out Sunday and I was surpris­ NOT A “ CRANK” SHIP. and ordered the picture men away, rived at 7:15 a. m. xxxNatioual ...... 1120 1140 Pullman New ...... 90 ed that' no S O S hs.d even been New York, Nov. 21.— Robert Interment was in St. James’s It is said she will live. P h oen ix...... 830 840 backing up his decree with the aid Cemetery. Radio Corp ...... 374 sent thus far. L noticed that the Johnson chief officer of the ill-fated of the ship’s officers. , Travelers...... 1585 1600 Sears-Roebuck ...... 186 Vestris, was recalled to the witness Public Utility Stocks crew. was tossing cargo overboard The photographers later cornered Riidnlpli K^sman. Sou Rail ...... 127% stand when the federal Investiga­ FAMILY IS EVICTED Conn ElecSvo pfd. 90 95 Studebaker ...... 75% but only small packages— things Miss Morrow on deck and the flash­ The funeral of Rudolph Kissman they cptild get their hands on. They tion of the disaster was resumed to­ lights boomed despite the banker’s xConn L P 8% ____118 122 Tob P r o d ...... 106% Thriljs Aplenty day before Commissioner Francis of 237 Spruce street was held yes­ xConn L P 7% ...... 115 119 Union Pac ...... 219 in this amazing were not using winches to toss the protests. Miss Morrow would not terday afternoon with the services O’Neill. He' was grilled at length talk about; her future plafis. AS MANY LOOK ON xConn L P 6% % Pfd HO 114 United Fruit ...... 146 picture story of cargo out because, I was told there at his home and at the German was no steam to operate the by Captain E. P. Jessup, official ob­ xConn L P 5% % pfd. 99 102 U S Rubber ...... 41% the underworld server for the government, John­ Zion Lutheran church. The serv­ Conn P Co (par 25) .'.136 140 U S S te e l...... -...... 169% of New York — winches.” ices were largely attended and Cattle Driven Off, Hay Tossed Preceding Marvin to the stand son denied that the Vestris was a RUTH KEYES QUIZZED Greenwich W&G 6 .. 98 100 Westiughouse...... - . . ..139 packed with “ crank” ship. there were many floral tributes. From Barn, Furniture Put Hart El Lt (par 25).132 136 "Willys Overland ...... 27% d r a in a and was (Seorge B. Do Valle of New Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz officiated York, a third class passenger, who Jessup asked him if he had notic­ In Road. do Vtc ...... 122 130 abounding in ed listing of the ship on pre­ and burial was in the East ceme­ Hart Gas c (par 25). 90 95 swift-moving ac­ talked with a decided accent. He IN ROTHSTEIN PROBE tery. The bearers were Raymond said that Shortly after the Vestris vious voyages. That depended, the Meredith, N. H., Nov. 21.— do pfd (par 25) ... 67 75 tion— a produc­ witness replied, on the state of the Montie, "Walter Montie, Herman, While 200 persons, standing in the xS N E T Co ...... 174 178 tion . that will left New York the glass In his William, Arthur and Paul Kissman. SOVIET GRATITUDE dabin port hole crashed through cargo. Best’ Detective in New York snow covered, road, looked on in Manufacturing, Stocks long linger . in and water sloshed in steadily there­ “ There was a swimming tank Department is Placed in silence, Sheriff Frederick. , D. El­ Am H ardw are...... 77 79 your memory. American Hosiery . . 26 — after. He asked the steward to fix and when that filled with water the Charge of Case. liott and his deputies today, evicted TO SCIENTISTS FOR it but the steward could not “ be­ ship took a four or five degree two women and three men from American Silved .... 25 •— Added Feature cause‘there was no gasket on the list,” Jessup said. BIG UNER BATTERED their home on the hillside here. Arrow Electric pfd , .106 108 New York, Nov, 21.— Ruth Arrow-Hart & Hege ..51 53 SERVICE RENDERED Alice port hole.” Q. (By Jessup)— In other words Keyes, blonde “ free lanc.e model,” The family on the lonely hilltop that was not a "crank” s]jiPr~l had been reported to be barricaded Automatic ReM g .../ 10 20 Stewards baled in and around from Chicago and the last hope of Acme Wire. 19 21 White the cabin all day Sunday and Sun­ mean a ship taking a list for no police for solution of the Rotbstein BY ATLANTIC STORMS and qrmed for a, siege but no re­ in reason? Billings, Spencer com. 1 5 Moscow.— Sixty former wealthy day night, he asserted. murder mystery faced a barrage of sistance was offered. scientists and professors have re­ A, No. The sheriff had taken the pre­ do pfd ...... 10 14 ‘SHOW GIRL’ SVater in Cabin searching questions today at the xBlbelow'-HHd com . . 95 98 tained, possession of their town “ There must have been a half Johnson said he had e.xamined Olympic Had Toughest Trip in caution to arrest Arthfft Keyser, district attorney’s' office. do pfd ...... 100 105 house by special grant from the T o m o r r o w A inch of water in the cabin all the the Vestris before she had sailed. During hef'^ tete-a-tete with her Years— Gales All the Way alleged leader in the battle of He said he saw to it that the coal Bristol Brass ...... 32 33 Moscow Soviet as a reward for ser­ time,” he said. questioners, a poorly dressed Indi­ A cross. heirs over the 200-acre farm, Case Lockwood & B.375 — vices rendered the Soviet govern­ f r T d a y ^ * a 1 E j Q. (By Hoover.) What happened ports were screwed down. vidual, about,^28, was hurried into when the latter came to town in Q. (By Jessup)— have stat^ Collins'Co ...... 120 130. ment. They have positions in uni­ Monday morning? the room by .detectives, who rushed New York, Nov. "21— Buffeted and his milk truck. Cojt’s Firearms .... 47 49 versities or as technical experts in ments from the crew that no sta­ Furniture from the Keyser farm A. When I awoke the ship was him out in 15 minutes,. It was re­ tossed-about like a cork-’by the hur­ Eagle Lock ...... ‘ 69 73 the toverment. A recent survey of listing and leaking. I ascended to tions were • ^signed for life boat ported that the "mystery man” has ricane that swept the English coast, was moved into the road, 26 head drill. Is that right? Fgfnlr Bearing ...... 145 155 the municipal housing commission, the boat deck. It was inclined at claimed he was an eye witness of the Olympic of the White Star line of cattle were driven to a hired Fuller Brush Class A — 21 such an angle that I could not A. Our first boat drill was sched­ limped into her pier today from barn in the vicinity, 100 tons of however shows that there are at the shooting of Rotbstein In the do Class AA .. ^ . — 84 . least a hundred other persons who walk without grasping ropes. uled for Monday. We sailed Satur­ Cherbourg and Southampton 16 hay was tossed from the^ barri loft, Park Central hotel,. Hart & Cooley ...... 250 —: have lived unmolested in their own De Vaile described how he board­ day. It was learnefl today that Lieut, hours late'.. Chickens were carried out in bur­ Hartman Tdb 1st pfd — 98 houses since the revolution, in spite ed one of the lifeboats on the port Would Not Steer. Dick Oliver, long known as one of The ship clearly showed the ef­ lap bags. . d'j com •'...... 22% 24% side which continually banged The witness was asked why the the ablest detectives In the,, police fects of her stormy voyage char­ James Nave, formerly.' of Lan­ of the •atlonalization of property Itithrnatidnal Silver . ir o 160 and the inc)*easing demand for liv­ against the wide of the uptilted Vestris heaved to at noon Sunday. department, has bee n removed acterized by her master, Captain W. caster,, Ky., one, of those evicted, do pfd ...... 120 125 hold with every roll of the vessel. “ The wind was abeam and the from desk duty and assigned to the H. Parker, as “ one of the toughest had givenjorders of “ nd gun play’’ ing quarters. They are now facing Landersi' Frary & Clk 73 75 eviction. There were'iS occupants in his ship would not steer,” John replied. Rotbstein case.' trips we have -experienced in many and all the stern-faced men and Manning & Bow A . . 17 19 lifeboat. ' Q. (By U. S, Attorney Charles H. His ransfer was accoIUpUshe'd years.” One of the staircases was women with tear-dimmed eyes; did Most of the so occupied do Class B ...... 11 15 were in siich bad condition that It. Q. What was the condition of the Tuttle)—Why not? without tumult, while'Mayor 'iValk- smashed to bits, 30 feet of the rail was to keep exclaiming; “ It’s un­ New -Brit Mach pf . .100 — -WINGS' was not thought worth while to re­ lifeboat? A. I knew it wouldn’t steer and er was regarded as “ hedging” on at the forcastle head was carried fair; it’s unfair.'” They must be do com ...... 38 40 C Q m nnount away: the'steel and wood promen­ pair them and turn them into work­ A. It began to leak as soon as it we had to keep the beam hard over his declared inientiou to force rer given shelter by the town. W I T * S No^th & Judd ...... 31 33 ers dwellings. The former owners was put in the water. to keep the vessel on its course. suits in the inyestigation'or tdke ade deck was battered by the sea; xPratt & "Whitney; pf 98 — Q. Did you bale? The witness insisted, that the sumraary”: action. Because Oliver en­ the steel hatch bar was twisted as SCREEN STARS TO WED Peck, Stow & "Wilcox. 21 25 have gradually repaiied them and A. No, I was shivering and'shak­ only list Sunday was that caused by tered the case so quickly. It was If-it were a hairpin; the port lights Russell Mfg C o ...... 140 150 Installed modern conveniences at ing. the wind, and that when the wind whispered . that he might' be given were smashed and the ventilators Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 21— Both Seth Thomas Cl com . 3 0 — their own expenses. Now that the Q. Was there any drinking wa­ subsided the list stopped, entire charge of the probe,, with un. carried away. John Barrymore and Dolores, Cos-, houses are -onsidered to be in the The Olympic carried 729 passen­ do pfd;; ...... 26 ,— ter on board the boat? Q. At 7:30 Sunday evening the limited po-wers over the city detec­ tello ■ remained uncommunicative Smyth Mfg Co ne'w . .105 class of. “ income producing,” they gers, most of them returned badly, A., No. The water keg was empty. ship lurched. Why didn’t she come tives. today regarding their marriage Standard. Screw ..-.320 are to be divided up among the Repoi’ter Testifies back? shaken by the rolling and pitching plans. Stanley Works com .., 74 hordes clamoring for quarters, one of the ship as she was tossed about James Duffy, a newspaper re­ A. Because of the shifting of the PROFESSOR STRICKEN The noted stage and screen actor Scovlll Mfg Co 63 family for each room, with the own­ porter, took the stand and repu­ Cargo in hold No. 1. at the mercy of the violent storm. appeared at the court house yester­ er, if he Is lucky, occupying one of LAST Mountainous wave bfokes over her Taylor & F en n ...... 125 diated the testimony given yester­ Q. How much ;was the list after Waterbury,-..iQonn;, Nov. 2,1.— day iVid filed intention of marrying Torringtpn new . . . 74 the rooms. day by Frederick .Sorenson,^ one of the lurch of-the ship?" Rev., Dr. qhofks; M decks as she, foundered.-'ln the gale Miss Costello,, film actress and Underwood-El Fish .. 81 TLMES A. Ten degrees. professor^ in” Yailfe^fidvinity School,; that lasted< tha‘ qntire iyo^ige.: daughter of^ Maurice Coetello,,.ono FIRE IN HOTEL the survivors, who testified that he “ On Friday qs we came out to (hiio’n Mfg Co ...... 23 TONIGHT had been misquoted in interviews Q. Did the list Increase during stricken; with indigestion' as he of the pioneer actors of the motion U S Envelop pf .... .118 the night? was about to deliver a lecture here sea,” Captain Parker said, ‘V e ran pictures. - ' New Yorki Nov. 21— One hun­ published in New York newspapers into the same hurricane that was do coin ...... 240 quoting him as saying the captain A. Yes. last evening, is under' treatment Under the laws of California, a Veeder-Root ...... 43 dred men, clad in night attire, Asked what he was doing about today at the home of Dr.; Charles lashing the English coast. Satur­ wait of three, days must elapse, be-^ scrambled out of Edwards’ hotel in and crew of the Vestris were day we hoVe to for an hour to per­ Whitlock Coll Pipe — “criminally negligent.” Duffy in­ the list Sunday night, Johnson re­ A. Brown, a physician who is a tween the filing of intention, and Brooklyn .early today and shivered personal friend of Dr. Dinsmore. mit the seaman to stow away the wedding ceremony. Barrymore, XX—Ex-rights, XXX—^^Ex-special for an hour in the streets while fire­ sisted that Sorenson was quoted ac­ plied that he “ was working on the wreckage forward.” curately. half door” as water was coming Announcement was made; here this It is understood, will finish the pic­ dividend of $5. men extinguished thj blaze. QUESTION OF VERACITY through it. He also examined the afternoon that Dr. Dinsmore had ture in which he Is working in two New York, Nov. 21— The joint cargo and coal bunkers. He admit­ so far recovered, that he would be days. Miss Costello is scheduled to inquiry here into the sinking of the ted the ship was not in safe condi­ sent to his home in New Haven to­ finish hers in ten day.s.' Lamport & Holt liner Vestris off tion. Asked why, as chief officer; morrow morning. HARVARD HONORS the Virginia Capes a week ago Mon­ he hadn’t tried to find out if there TO ARREST MAYOR day resolved itself today into a were other leaks he replied: SUICIDE’S WILL FILED. question of veracity between in- “ Well, I sent the ship’s carpenter TO SONS OF HERO New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 21. snectors of the United States steam- around to make soundings.” Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 21.— The — The arrest of Mayor Frank ~"«-ion service and mem- rie said yes, he had reported to will of Fred Bowater, who on Hague of Jersey Glty in connection Cambridge,, Mass.— A scholar­ with the State-Legislature’s coh-

that their 'husbands have been noad toda^.4 Investigation indioat- lift the car -alone', ran^': SENATE SWAMPED ._ _ 4 .solicited at store,or offipe. This js . jBd that Mr.tSkelly had;been seized Mr. Skelly was a natfeehy a misunderstanding, as only the ington. He leave's elgli|.1i residpntial'''8treets *re being can- iwith apoplexy^while at the wheel df Wnn MANY ^QiS vastsed. ■ ...... | 4 - ' -the car, that "the' car'^Bad swerved into a pole, rebp^nded, apd upset. The new ^ord dkts-kiei AT DEEP ThomasbomasjVeWHe; amftoloEiraiio t (Continued jTrom Page 1.) IN ITS , iviil bq the sj^eaker at'- a r.«tv prpi^.nent Joseph “Red” Garren,. a lociil box­ immediate dcUt-ery; thiaactentt meetltfg in Goispel Halit at 7: 45 ^to- grocef--.-nerf,”.Tf^ dead. be­ er, came upon the car\while ^dolng. Jfotor .Sales, 11069'Main by unanimous consent, due to their tells PROFESSIONAL nlght. neath ,f dada’ter -oh .the jV!dlc'6tt road'traihing work.and, unable' to P. ■ Coleman," Manager.— Adv. - ■ SEA F I S K privileged character. ANNUAL DRIVE Senate Program; ‘ (Continued from Page 1.) The Senate program tentatively GIRLS ABOUT MEES Building-, permife issued -t^is adopted by administration leaders-,' (Continued from Page 1.) month '• indicate tht^many prosWc- includes plans to enact th e . ne.w tlve. home o’Wners afp- plannlngrtp knots an. hour in order to keep on “big navy” bill, which :pnwides for and women of the Red Cross’teaihs ; Mrs. Marion Dakin of the state construct houses thepasel'Ves rather. schedule' time. ' the construction of 15 fast, cruisets are now canvassing Manchester. I college extension service gave the than through the agency o f . rjeal On this trip southward, the Navy and an airplane carrier,, for passage ■ . Help the Workers - 1 | P'‘o«essional Girls'club of Center estate developers. A great ^JaJ^Qr- , is doing itself proud in every detail of a new farm relief bill, .forpsonje church an interesting and instruc­ ity of the-permits issued In recfiint i of the cruise. The big battleship action on President Coolidge’s , There are more young ‘ workers tive lecture last evening on the sub­ years have beeil to realty agencies cleaves through the water with veto of the Norris Muscle Shoals on the Red Cross teanis appointed ject of “A Square Meal for the Pro­ that in turd sold to Individuals, .' never a quiver, and the crew of bill and for ratification of the Kel-'. by Chairman Prank 'Gainey r than fessional Woman.” Practically 1,300 officers and men operate with logg anti-war treaty. have ever before taken part In-one every member of the club was pres­ Miss Ann Valukonis of Plainyllle clock-like precision. Due to the prospects of a new of these campaigns. The wayV'they ent and a number brought their and Nicholas Canazzo of New Brjt- Football Champions. filibuster against the Boulder Dam have been hustling for-the past two friends. Mrs. Dakin explained the ain, a carpenter, who obtaiifed . Miles Timmins,' of Boston, was bill, some administration leaders days, much of the work” being done constituents that formed the proper their marriage libense for the l?llh. one of . the proudest athletes in the were fearful for both the Navy bill in the evening, after the solicitors diet for a day and the “ Armistice Day, but. did not call’-for Navy today, for Captain Timmins and the Kellogg pact. -It likewise themselves had put in a full day at meal.” Two sides of the square it as the town clerk’s office Wes and his stalwart football squad was may cause such a legislative jam their regular vocations, has brought closed, were married here .yesterday the list of annual members qp surs inadeiup of the, carbohydrates and photographed with Mr. Hoover on after the Christmas holidays ‘las to fats, and the other two sides the afternoon by Joistlce bf- Peace Stu­ the quarterdeck of the Maryland make impossible the' enactment of prisingly. Citizens who..tal^VintOi art J. Wasley. , consideration the sacrifice of time vitamins and minerals. She gave He was congratulated by Mr. Hoo­ the proposed farm relief bill. the girls valuable advice on the ver for winning the championship Administration forces will seek and effort being made by‘'''^t'hese team workers and who consequen'-r choice of energizing and tissue- In response to many requests;^the of the fiffh division in Saturday’s to carry out the farm program but building foods, and - answered a game at San Pedro. Timmins was ly receive them with, cpurte^ aild ladies of St. James’s church hive the Boulder Dam bill may prove number of questions on this and decided 'to conduct a food sale^tin a former siar on the Mechanic Arts the stumbling block. It alone has save their time as - much'"as'possi­ high school football team at Bos- ble will be giving something be­ other topics they were interested ■'connection- with the bazaar noli go- 1 bright prospects of final action, sides money to the Red Cross. in. ing ;on at Sf. - James’a hall. T ^ y •-^tonr: though that action may not be en­ ■'’* , 'fljwp cqmmunications have’ been Thirteen Teanis Working,. Miss Ruth Cowdell, chem’' will offer a big variety of hutoe actment. If the filibustering op­ the Orford Soap company made' cakes, pie'si cookies, doujgh- sent to the American Legations at Last night the team c^tains cam position postpones a final decision graduate of Connecticut uuts and other food stuffs and pf-er DllHINQr-. J- ' , SUITES Panama and in which „ntii tUp npw year, administration vass for this enrollment turned in Mr. Hoover e.xpresses regret that he tiira] college, was in charge serves, made by -the igood cookh of leaders may agree to sidetrack it to the Red Cross headquarters at pibgram for the evening ani. the phrieh. A'inong those In cbafge cannot visit either country. The in order to carry out the remainder the Chamber of Commerce rooms note to Panama said; assisted in serving the refresh­ will be Mrs. Joseph;-Leary, Mrs. of their program. nearly $.300. This is the largest 'William Cotter, Mrs. James Pogai*ty fior Thanksgiving Mr. Hoover requests the Ameri- sum turned in in one day by the ments by Miss Gertrude Carrier The appropriation bills, due to and. Miss Hughes. and Mrs, William^ Humphries. fcan.legation to express to the presi- their privileged position in Con­ teams since the drive opened. Its ' dent of Panama his deep and' sin­ gressional legislation, are sure of addition brings the total subscribed cere regrets at not.being able owing enactment. to date to $655.40 out of the total ROY KIDNAPED More_.t.han 3.0 0_ tickets - have been to pressure of time to call at Pan­ quota of $2,500 assigned to Man­ distributed by Mrs. Merrifleld and her pupils to parents: and frien&s, ama and to pay his respects to the chester this year. I New York, Nov. 21.—Police to- president and peoples of,a country, j for the complimentary recital tq-jbe TWO KILLED IN CRASH About ninety workers are enroll- day continued their wide search for given 'this evening at, the Hollister in whose prosperity, progress and I ed under the leadership of thirteen Joseph Stofello, 7, who disappear­ happiness he has the most friendly i captains and under their directions street school hall. hfiss LIRjhn Chicago, Nov. 21.— Two persons ed ‘from hi.s east side home four Grant will give humorous resdlhjgs interest.” are conducting a systematic canvass days ago under circumstances The following was sent to the were killed and 16 others injured and John Johnston ypcal solos' he- today when a St. L^uis-Chicago of the residential sections of the which point to kidnaping. American Legation at Guatemala: town. The drive officials wish to tween the numbers by the play^s motor coach crashed into a truck The boy’s inother believes the of fretted instruments,. - “Mr. Hoover requests the Amer­ emphasize the fact that no solicita­ lad was kidnaped and was anger­ ican Legation to inform the presi­ near Braidwood, 111. The coach. Chicago-bound, ca­ tions will be made at stores, fac-^ ed when police expressed doubt ol dent that he had hoped to have the lories or business places. The rea­ - Annual inspection and' a supper reened into a large truck operated this theory. She ha's six other chil­ at the State Armory'this evening pleasure of calling at Guatemala son for stressing this point is that dren. The boy was last seen Satur­ but owing to the pressure,;of lime by an inter-state freighp transfer will 'engross the attention of Mary company. ■ ' i the canvassers l.ave found that in day night standing in front of a Busbnell Cheney auxiliary to the and difficulties of Iftnding and the some instances housewives claim motion picture show. danger in the event of bad ■weather, Spanish-War 'Veterans. he has been compelled, to abandon “n* this project and asks you to express TO AID UNEMPLOYED to the president his cordial appre­ ciation of the president’s most New Orleans, La., : Nov. 21.— cordial invitation and his . extreme Governor Brewster of Maine, ad­ regrets that he shall not have the dressing the governor’s conference pleasure of calling and paying his here today, urged the necessity for rhspects and of visiting a country a three billion dollar- building: re­ , l^n,^hose progress and prosperity he serve fund to alleviafe the unem­ tke^- deepest interest, and for ployment problem. The fund, he ■W^hOm^Jie cherishes the most friend­ said, was proposed by Herbert ly sentiments.” Hoover and put before the gover­ nors at his request. dw, More Than Ever, It Is Time To A dd BLACRMER APPEARS Paris, Nov. 21.— H. M. Blackmer, TOO LA TE FOR Ttr YopK Dining Room ^ missiiig Teapot Dome -oil. witness, .whose, extradition is being sought CLASSIFICATION n ® ]S B E ’S a veritable feast of values in this offering of dining suites for Thanks^iv-'j. bjTlEhe Hhited States goveruinent to in;^. If you need new furniture for the dining room what better time of the year’ -- alJ^bfe^V-(?harge of perjury in con- IN BIEMORIAM ,’ . Thanksgiving when it will add endless pleasure to your ■ neclion with his income tax re­ ------^—' -f' ^ To the memory of C. 'Willis Tryo'n, fga^t.; and beautiful exhi b.itipn of dining suites We fire in a position turns in Colorado, appeared in formerly of this own who was kill­ court today for “identification,” but ed in Yonkers, N. Y.. by a hit and run to supply youT'h^eite-at a si^risingly low pri^^^^ - . there ■was no decision of any kind autoist on Nov. 21, 1927. ..i 4 ^ of the most pretentious homes in an infinite ■ya- - UNCONDITIONAL bearing upon the case. The fii>est tribute we can pay riety of styles and sizes. 'All at prices that place them within reach of the average in- , Blackmer’s appearance at the Unto our dear brother today GUARANTEE come. Our profit-faring credit plan enables you to enjoy this furniture immediate­ palabe ofijustice: fi^ja>..formality.' /Is not.of speecli or roses'rc's ), ' ■ ' .•«■ ■( ■■ ...■ ■ fiut living, throbbing hettrl^- instead. l e a ^ e W e- guarantee '"R iverside” ..Tires ly By Snaking, a small, d o ^ year to pay the balance. > He gave his.age asr.-^^agd his resi­ for 1:6,000 miles-of satisfactory-ser­ dence as the Hotel Plaza Athenee, The dead friends live and always t/ill vice under ALL .conditions—no “Ifs”, Paris. tneir presence hovers round us still i no -"buts”, no time liihfj;,' You; are SPECIAL! YOUR CHOICE Officials said that Blackmer must It seems to me they come to siiare the Judge! Unless you,receive, this Each joy or sorrow, that we bear. service we-replace-your tire with a 157.50 again appear personally next week rices OP THREE BEAUTIFUL $ Signed by brand new “Riverside” .and charge'' before the “Chambre Mise en Ac- you only with actual mileage used, . A YEA R TO PAY WIPE AND DAUGHTER,. BHjQTH- or repair the tire fvee. f l T E S A T ... cusatipn.’! ERS AND SISTERS. . 1 zt: miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 splendid pieces In richly grained Ameri­ can walnut. Large extension table, buffet and set of six chairs with bright jacquard seats. China at slight extra cost.

A popular suite in beautiful red mahogany i" with distinctive pedestal type table. 8 pieces of first quality and workmanship. China at. • slight extra cost. Imtti edictte Delive i| R A D E M A R K A big massive suite in dark walnut. Ideal • ■ for a large dining rohm. 8 attractive pieces - Including table, buffet and seven chairs cov­ ered in tapestry. China at slight e.xtra cost. :er Motor Safe I I 1069 Main Street. Opposite Army and Navy CInb J .PRIZE DRAWING I Dennis P. Coleman, Mgr. THANKSGIVING EVE -tf THREE LIVE TURKEYS TO Tiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiEiiiisiiiiiiiimiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|||||„„|,„„„ 16.000 iiiiiiiflisniiiiiiiiiiri BE DRAWN BY LOT, ■ • - _ : .'in' HILES And a score of other prizes too! Free cou^-' pons will be given out this month with every,,, Before you buy your next tire, be sure what protection dollar we receive. On ThnlTsgivihg'eYe we''' Sewice Quality ^ Low Prices you get—what assurance you have that the tire you get hold our big party v^hen alf ciiupoiVstubs-yif.aF-"'' will deliver the full mileage you have paid for. When be brought to the .store and the lucky one ^ you buy “Riversides” you actually buy a Guaranteed 'V Number of Miles. If anything keeps you from receiving 16,000 miles a new tire,;is yours— you are charged only with the actual mileage you have received— or your tire Of*, Finest Fresh Sea Food is repaired free.- Keitli FMfiiitasfssi I Fancy Fresh Mackerel .... Ttm Q...... • •'...... 22c lb. Stealt Cod Fresh Butterfish Riverside Tire aiul Tube Offer Riverside Tire aiid Tube'Qffer : MAIN-'-'-STOKE,-. - 'c;;! TWO STORES .ci’TDvvS iijlAkoti i > Boston Bluefish Fresh Halibut Steak For Chevrolet ahjd Ford Cars. For Chevrolet and Ford Cars ' OPPOSITEc . »■-> 5 Fresh Flounders 29x4.40 Balloon 'fire ■ftith 30x3% F, O. S. Clincher Tire A ly 1 A HIGH school; V; . SOUTH MANCHESTER Fr^h Red Salmon Molded Circle Tube . $ with Molded Circle Tube . . . . ^ / • X vr Fresh Smelts Chilled Swordfish 8.05 Fresh Bullheads Fresh Scallops Fresh Snapper Blues Round Clams for chowder. Riverside HiJh,Pressure Riverside BaUoon'Kres Scotch Salt Herrings...... • • • • ...... ,10c each 4 ’^^ r d s '4 ' Fat Salt Mackerel...... 25c^ach 16,000 Jlile'-Guaj^tee. 27x4.40 ...... $6/70 $L35 EiUet pf Haddock Fillet of Cod ^ ifi; Tires Tubes 28x4.75 .$9.00 $1;60 Smoked Fillets 30x3 . . . ii '.$5;25 $1.10 GrandaiQther^Kh«w BAKERY SPECIALS 30x3% Reg. .■;;:.$5.70 $1.13 29x4.75 ...; - -CV.; $9i25 there wai n^tfaidg «o good fcrcongee- tioo and coliffr wmye6r$(- But the ■V Prune Rings ...... 30x3% 0. S. •>.. $5.98 $1.23 30x4.50 . . . . . |7;65 C$1.75 Pineapple Kringles...... ” ■' , ‘ ...... 2;)C 30x3% S. S. .. .ji‘-.$7.39 30x5.00 ...... $R);i5 $1.75 *MU6!|w^ Almmid H o rn s...... $1.23 ' \ You can get up to $300 to pay your past, due hills, buy cloth-;? >...... 2t)C that dmttgrd pI ■ ing, or coal,- pay insurance premiums, make a payment od' yOur> Fig R in g s ...... 31x4 ...... '.*.$9.98 $1.75 31x5.00 ...... $10,45 $1,85 the plast^ hM' wiwoutithe'j^ ‘ home— for any lyorthy purposd. Payments are extended over? ...... 25c Qmuy itin. '8eehow4}Uic|^the: Ra$jiberry Horns___ *••••••• 32x4 ,4.i.:..;$10.75 $1.85 30x5*25:.. • • . . t'wenty mnoths time-so that they cannot become burdensome to ^ Raspberry Turnovers ...... 25c. .... ypUv , You have the privilege of paying In full any time, In-J^ .. 4 0 c dozeiff' *’ ter^st is charged just for the actuartime you use the money. ^ Walnut Cup C a k e s...... 33x4 . . C$11.35 $1.05 3iLx5*25 ...... 25c dozen 32x4% ...... 4 $15.00 $ $2 a month repays a ijtlO Ina.i. k Chocolate Meringue Pies .... ' • • • • 15cr35<; each ' 2.20 a month repa,ys ,a $80 loan. V 30x5 J7 ...... $14.7^^ ‘ ’ $5 a month repays a $1(M» loa .. v Almond Cakes ...... 25• vJ ; -Mf-} 'Am y: -jt. A.- m P A G E FOTIB MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMMB 81,1988.

m a u d ALLAN TO APPEAR at a Sunday afternoon concert at will dance one or two of her fam­ arose on account O EY ADULTS AnEND ANDERSON GETS BACK BEFORE TX)NDON PUBLIC the Albert Hall. A symphony or­ ous dances including Dabinsteln’s of her costume, ... SOCIAL SERVICE GROUP AT CONCERT IN JANUARY chestra will - play Tchaikowsky’s ^‘Value Caprice” and Mendelsohn’s “ Spring Song." be regarded, as mora-- Sixth Symphony and Miss Allan Although pef BAZAAR’ S FIRST n STOLEN AUTOMOBILE London-—Miss Maud Allan, tbe will give expression to the poetry f ■ V famous classical dancer, is to ap­ , It was; Just over 20 years ago banned in Manchc of the music by dancing through­ that'Miss -Allan created a sensa­ cities, she appeared; i TELLS OF WORK DONE pear in public again, In London, out the recitaL next January. ^ tion, by her dance“ Tho Vision of King Edward: and| Large Gathering Dances, Milford Police Recover Fa­ Her re-appearance will take place After th i symphon-^ a”-- A heated controversy dra. Hears Music and Enjoys mous Constable’s Car in an |eportson Work Accom- WATKINS ACCEPTS Show by Ladies Minstrels. Auto Repair Shop. The opening of the three night Milford, Conn., Nov. 21.— The ^ idished Daring First Yean bazaar in St. James’s Hall drew a new car that Amos And^bn.^ Da­ a U B PRESIDENCY large gathering last evening, al-- rien policeman, lost yesterday in though the attendance was limited Stamford,, has been recovered and Has Raised Fond of to adults only. The entertainment, two- men are under arrest In Stam­ E | M provided by the Ladies Minstrels of ford as the result of activities of Manchester, was well received. The Milford police, and an alert motor i -3 $835.95. Becomes Head of Manches­ sketch presented an Interior view mechanic. The prisoners are Thomas of a theatrical emplpybaent agency Kearns, 28, of either 32 Relay ter Choral Clnb as Ben- i and each person applying for a place, Stamford, or 2272 Broadway, I At a recent meeting o l ,the Social position was given an opportunity New York; and Walter Ryan, 28, fcrvice Committee for ^tho town of to demonstrate. They were passed of either 27 Fulton street or 42 Manchester and the Memorial hos- dall Refuses Election. on one at a lime as they entered. York street. West Haven. fttal, an outline of tho^, work ac- The agency as decorated with por­ Kearns and Ryan each had two smplished in its flrst^ year was traits of moving /and stage stars. addresses for the police. Each had a resented in the report"~glven be- After all the applicants had been car on which the engine serial num­ C. Elmore Watkins has accept­ bers had been carefully erased. The w pw. Until October of last year Miss ed the pfesidency of the Manches­ given opportunity to display their SBsie Reynolds carried , on this “ wares” , in- the. form of songs, car R^an had: was the one Amos ter Choral Club, goffered to him at dances and recitations, they united Anderson lost. Ryan wanted a lor ’^ork with fuiids generously given, the recent election of the club. Mr. fheneyer needed, by a' very few in a chorus. cal garage man to strip the acces­ Watkins m esf'ceptionally well known Preceeding the entertainment sories for him. He was told lo ianchester people. It wa:s rightly in Manchester as a vocal artist and >' 5lt that the responsibility and was a concert by Al Behrends or­ leave the car and return later, be­ business man of ability. It is con­ cause of the size of the job, anff )ort of, work of this kind fidently expected that under his re­ chestra, which also played for the dancing that followed. he did, only to find police waiting ijiould be shared by the commu­ gime the choral club will reach new for him. They picked up Kearns nity as a whole,’ and It-was toward This evening the. entertainment V heights of artistic success, the path will be provided by i^women’s min­ who drove Ryan to the garage, and _ a t end that 'the Social Service for which was so capably paved by found Kearns’ car also had been Committee was formed-?-priafairny, strel troupe from Norwicb. The booths all did a good business last relieved of the engine number. to raise funds to enable Miss Rey- Immediately after the arrest an solds to carry on her work as thor- night and a still larger crowd is looked for tonight. The bazaar extensive search was started on the ghly and efficiently as possible, thory that the man may have been he committee is composed of Mrs. will come to a close tomorrow night. responsible for thefts of many cars. y'.. awrence Case, Mrs, D. M. Cald- Then Ryan and Kearns were taken ioell, Mrs. A. E. Friend, Mrs. Rob- to Stamford, where they are to have jpt Dougan, Mrs. E. C. Higgins, hearings today. ftrs. Howard Boyd, Mrs. Walter HELP WANTED ^uettgens, Mrs, vM:' H.- Strickland, VERY KIND rs. George Waddell, Mrs. George EDITOR (to applicant for a job) undberg, Miss Prances Cheney, Any previous newspaper experience? APPLICANT: No; but I was edi­ "And you saw Jean’s wedding, rs. Carl Bengs, Mrs. Charles •ioar? Who gave the bride away?" rebbe, Jr., Mrs. Warren Keith tor of my school magazine. EDITOR: Oh, I am so sorry; ••Ob, nobody said a word.”— An­ d Miss Reynolds. swers. MBnrlBg the past year, the com- we've got an editor.— Answers. Q Radio values are now crystallized in the public mind. ^ Kolster Model K24, for example, pietared above, stands deddedfy mittee has raised $835.95, through in a class by itself! This A. C electric setis a floor model equipped soliciti^tion by letters, by food People know what value is and they know that Kolster has salesf-^add bridge parties. The year’s it. Q Such faithfulness o f tone quality, such rare selectivity with Kolster dynamic Power Reprodnc» and Power Amplifier. Opei^ expeddllures o f $T10l05 were made atCT with 7 tubes, mider single control, with fllnminatsd diaL C abiyi Doctor Found What is Best and such distinguished appearance have created a feeling in response to calls for clothing is of Ozark walnut, designed by BL BiaiA. nnrt housekeeping supplies, rent, of satisfaction and confidence in thousands of homes. food and coal, and medical atten- 1, Constipated People q Kolster offiers a wide price range o f distinctive models for A. C. ar i including doctor’, nurses’ and Wherever you go, you will hear **Kolster is a fine set,’* D. C. operation or for batteries. *»• *»»**• ' “pltal cate, and d‘i*ug supplies.) nothing ...... $112,93 rood, coal ...... 150.26 As a family doctor at Monticello, ^ • V s lent ...... 131.50 Illinois, the whole, human body, ledical attention . 278.21 not any small part of it, whs Dr, (Miscellaneous a n d C. Elmore Watkins Caldwell’s practice. More than half committee expense ., 37.15 his “ calls” were on women, chil­ Social Service work in Manches- the sterling qualities of leadership dren and babies. They are the consists in aiding those faml- and untiring efforts of his predeces­ ones most often sick. But their ill­ (s or individuals who are forced sor, Fred Bendall nesses were usually ot a minor nh* ask for some temporary help Mr. Bendall resigned the presi­ ture— colds, fevers, headaches, bil­ im the community— in some dency because business activities iousness— and all of them required IK0 ses, for medical treatment, in required so much of his time that first a thorough evacuation. They lers financial assistance or some he did not feel he could longer do were constipated. '' ' idjustment of living conditions. justice to his work as head of the In the course of his 47 years’ Id given In this work is advanced choral club._He recommended some practice (he was graduated from ly after thorough investigation one of the many capable members Rush Medical College back in the case— it is not indiscrimi- of the club who could devote a bit 1875), he found a good deal of more time to the work. Mr. Wat­ Rte charity. It Is constructive success in such cases with a pre­ Enjoy the Kohter Program every Wednesday >rk-*-an attempt to help a family kins was tbe candidate chosen. scription of his own containing evening at 10 P. M. Eastern Standtsrd Time individual over a. temporary dlf- The Choral club at its last meet­ simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Ihulty so that they can become ing definitely decided to present Jn 1892 he decided to use this for­ over the nation-wide Columbia Chain, liolpful, independent members of two concerts this season, one in mula in the manufacture of a January and one in April. community, instead of possible medicine to be known as Dr^ Cald­ AT AQE eS m charges. well’s Syrup Pepsin, and in that ^i'-Back of the expenditure of ac- CURFEW ENFORCED year bis prescription was first il money are the stories of twen- placed on the market. one families or individuals Newark, N. J., Nov. 21.^Curfew hundreds of letters from grateful The preparation immediately people telling us that it helped t ,M|Biich the committee, has been ableshall ring tonight and every other had as great a success in the drug lb’ help in this one year. There are night, as 138 parents here found them when everything else failed. stores as it previously had in his Every drug store sells Dr. Cald­ jtjiptances of hospital treatment for out today. The “ delinquent” elders private practice. Now, the third f^ildren whose parents could not were to be arraigned in court well’s Syrup Pepsin, but you may charged with having permitted generation is using it. Mothers are try it free by using this coupon. jgjssibly afford skilled care for giving it to their children who their children to roam fhe streets m, or the placing of a practical were given it by their mothers. •se in a home whefe five chil- after nine o’clock in violation of II the ancient curfew law. Every second o f the working day t were ill— one with pneumo- someone somewhere is going into FREEBOTTLE TheC.S.MERSICK&G 0 -and the mother herself too ill a drug store to buy it. Millions of » Mail to "SYRUP PEPSIN,” tbt care for all of them. Another bottles of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup j Montiocllo, Iliinois. New Haven Hartford nily, also with five children was Pepsin are being .used a year. I Please send bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s I tfitted with housekeeping neces- Its great success is based on I Syrup Pepsin to try, entirely FREE, j CONNECTICUT DISTRIBUTORS Sies and clothing to make their merit, on repeated buying, on oue ^bme livable and enable the chil- satisfied user telling another. I Name * TT ii^ n to go to school. In this case, There are thousands of homes in ^ In several others work was this country that are never with­ ^u n d for the father so that the out a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Mmily might continue to be self- Pepsin, and we have gotten many j^pporting. Tbe payment of a n c '.iffonth’s rent, in cases where the WATKINS BROTHERS. I . of the family has been 111 or of work, has given several fam- a63£XXKXXS0690SX10^ .wes a foothold again. Six families re'given coal to help them AGENTS FOR KOLSTER RADIOS rough the winter, and groceries ere supplied to seven different imilles. There were also several pses where the committee supplied ^ticles which would make more Jmfortable an invalid in the fam- or a patient recuperating . at jme from an operation or long = ^ C N E 5 , Iness. TDANE-Y( SELECTMAN ARRESTED New Hair Mode ---- ‘XTv *T^ -• ■— >• 15^ New Britain, Conn., Nov. 21. ;|^zimir Majewlcz, second select- FEATURING THE.; ° from Broadway •man of the town of New Britain, Kolster Offers placed under bail here ‘today i^r a hearing next’ A^uday on a “ Everyone admires my hair, now -Marge of driving a car while he KEMP’S that I’m doing it the new way that Radio •,was under influence of liqtior. Ma- nearly every really smart girl I t|ewicz was arrested on Beaver I know is using,” says Miss Agnes ' reet while Tiding with his .YH? Traney, popular dancer, now ap­ 10 either fell or was pushed from pearing in the Broadway hit, “ Rio Perfection Je car, according to witnesses. Ma- Ritai” “ My hair doesn’t need sham­ ?icz was elected selectman last In Tone and Quality KOLSTOR ALL - ELECTRIC iring. pooing more than once a month, now. My scalp feels better than it A Mellow Pumpkin Pie of Reproduction ever has felt. L have gotten rid of Dealers for all my dandruff. My hair is much Once you have easier to arrange, and it stays that The harvest again brings its offering of golden yellow heard it in your Three Years Better Than way. All I do to keep it like this is pumpkins to crown, the Thanksgiving feast. And put a few dashes of Danderine on home there will I housewifely thoughts are turning to delicidus^ spiced RADIO my brush every time I use it. .It’s Any Diet wonderful how Danderine adds to pumpkin pies and tarts, baked to a deep, rich brown and be no other the beauty of your hair, makes it u look so silky and lustrous.” topped with swirls of whipped cre ^ . choice. T i7 the AY less attention to Danderine is noi oily. It removes what you eat; not the oily film from each strand of To save time and work during the busy Thanksgiving Music Store one person in a hair, and restores the natural color season, try this tested recipe,for pumpkin pie. It can thousand need diet; and lustre. It dissolves dandruff, First or ever really has cleanses and invigorates• the scalp'. be baked without “watching” in the oven of a modern S O U T H M R N CH£S T£R ■ COMN indigestion. Acid­ It Is delightfully fragranced. The gas range equipped with a heat regulator. ity, flatulence and big bottles are just 35c at all drug heartburn are stores, 'Beautiful, smooth, gleam­ KEMP'S caused by excess ing hair and a healthy scalp for a 103 Center St. Tel. 1174 stomach acid and few cents.— Adv. Spiced Pumpkin Pie,. food fermentation, Following a hasty lunch, or too 2 cups steamed pumpkin 1 1 tablespoon cinnamon X |earty a dumer, a little Tape’s Dia- 3-4 cup sugar , 1 teaspoon ginger )Bm,”I instantly’ neutralizes excess V- 1-2 teaspoon . \ 1 pint scalded niUlr dity, stops that fermentation, and MULTIGRAPHING 1 egg , 2 tablespoons flour. {othes and heals the acid-inflamed lach lining as if by magic. Your BILLING “ TT is quick; and complete. Make After running the pumpkin through a sieve, add sugar, Al^olster Ra£o Will Proinde Yqu ^Wi|h Everythnig You apeefal point of getting a 60-cent ADDRESSING flour, salt, spices, milk'and well-begten egg. Line pie pan with ‘Tape’s Diapepsin” from crust and add filling. Set the oven heat regulator at 350 de­ grees and bake bne hour. * IN TONE — QUAUTY — REPRobucTiON AND APPEARANCE _ list toda^, and so follow COPYING lie eXompm of millions all over the RADIO REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES. I "Id T^o tiae ‘Tape’s Diapepsin” to Bd' indigestioii and Alll«i stomach FILUNG-IN ronblea. W i^ ‘Tape’s Diapepoin” bandy you : eat and. enjoy whatever you fancy Mary E. W g a r a g e bout fear'of pain or discomfort to : The Manchester Gas Co. Public Stenngi*a|iber 16-18 Main Street Telephone 701-2 bllow.. -At, any rate,: it’s .worth the 647 Main St., Farr Bldg.. Tel. rial, for lots of io lb have found a fnedom at the table. IL. m ■ ; \ ■ . V. . ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ' A i 1 ?r:?ni*;rv,r : bL. ■'-'? j n' MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,. 1928. Kit’ AT Prize • Winning' Float, BOTH ADEPT The' nadib''of the” new?' president of Mexico, Emilio Fortes Gil, Is ' - ■'r’^ pronounced “ heel.” Here’s hoping '^AtE TOMORROW -Mrs. Village; Our new miniiiter the new president never has to is, .wonderful. He brings things take to his Gils. CUP THIS ADVERTISEMENT home to you that you neyer... saw 'H M ^ellar Role in *fThe Cop” ; before. - - ' “Show Girl” Is (io'Feature. ^ ; Mrs. Town: Our laundry man It IS WORTH »4 IF does just the same thing.— Tit- A most engrossing ^tory of the Bits. underworld of a great dity 4s "The SILVERWARE PRESENTED NEFORE NOV. 25 Cop,” William Boyd’s latest Pathe starring vehicle, which heads a double feature program at the For Thanksgiving State Theater for tomorrow and Friday. Have you enough so that you can It is a picture production that sqt your table properly to entertain will exert a powerful appeal upon your guests.' all who see it. The celebrity and popularity of the star;, the win­ 1847 Rogers in Sets and someness of Jacqueline Logan, his Do You Individual Pieces. leading woman, the dramatic strength of the supporting players, Nee^. Money? the tense dranja packed within the limits of the story, the ability of We will help you, if you the director— all these important are keeping house. Strict factors make “ The Cop” a piece de - privacy. 24 hour service. Seth Thomas Clocks resistance that picture fans cannot afford to miss. $7.00 and up J. P. McEvoy’s famous . story. $100 Loan "Show Girl,” which ran serially in may be repaid $5 monthly, the Liberty Magazine, has at last plus lawful interest been dramatized for the screen by First National with pefite little Alice White in the leading role. It $200 Loan Westclox Alarm Clocks will be presented as the compan­ may be repaid $10 month­ Nickel and Colored Finishes ion feature at the State for tomor­ ly, plus latvful interest row and Friday. , $1.50 and up THE IDEAL GIFT * , .. “ Show Girl,” according to ad­ vance reports, is one of the snap­ $300 Loan This Advertisement and $1.00 Entitles Bearer to One Riegular piest, peppiest and funniest light may be repaid $15 months comedies of the current season. Miss ly plus lawful interest $5.00 Indestructible Pearl Necklace : > White in the role of Dixie Dugan Coming— Military and Shaving IN NEWEST DESIRABLE ADD 10 CENTS FOR has a part that calls for plenty ot Every payment reduces I SHADES AND LENGTHS MAIL ORDERS action— both comedy and serious the interest cost. Sets for men in various colors. An alike— and she handles her part to excellent Xmas present for him. absolute perfection. • — Photo by Fallot PERSONAL FINANCE QUINN'S DRUCr STORE Charles Delaney, Donald Reed, Above is pictured the prize win­ Kate Price and Richard Tucker ap­ of all the allies placed around the COMPANY ning float in Manchester’s big Ar­ monument represented the unity * . .81 pear iq.,.,thq supporting cast. mistice celebration entered by the Roniiis '£ and B. Stale Theater 873 Main St. fTha J to n '■ South Manchester,' Conn, .’ds Suri^AYh^hd Mbftday brings John of the allied nations. French societies. It was designed The monument rested oc a base ISiiildiiig. T.’ta Itlaiii SIn'et, ■ hi; Gilbehb.^o'-his latest MGM picture, by John F. Tournaud and was in­ SO. i\IAN't'IIESrKlt. CO.N.N. "The J^a^v ,a^nd the^ Devil.” 12 feet square and 3 1-2 feet high. tended to picture as closely as pos­ The shaft measured 12 feet high ('all. Write or I’liune 1-0-4. 0|K>ii S:»0 to 5. Sat. 8:BU to L. R. DONNELLY sible a cenotaph in memory of Vic­ and the tip of the monument was tory and the peace of the World 15 1-2 feet above the ground of Licensed by State, JEWELER iiiLBOROOGH War allies. It was designed to rep­ the float. All the names of the al­ bonded to public. 515 Main St., South Manchester resent a monument carved out of lied nations were inscribed on the Mrs. F. E. Hall, superintendent a solid block of marble. Its color, monument in cut-out letters to rep­ of the local Sunday school, Mrs. E. pure white, represehted purity— resent carved stones. Beauty, dig­ T. Thieves, Miss Lois B. Lord and the purity that arose from the ruin nity and simplicity were the key­ Miss Emigafr.P;- Ladd have b§en ap­ and misery of the battlefields. The note of the entire float and because pointee's d'eljfegates from the'’'Coa- four angels of peace'holding these points were so successfully gregatigfcal ^Swday school to at­ victory palms represented victory carried out this entry won the first M e n ’ s . tend tm Stto^i'^tmday School co'n- and peace for the allies. The flags prize. vention^^h®i^l!^lil be held i.P'.-Nor- Sheepskin Coats JILL ItNOWS HER Allen Blish has Reinforced sentlBft bijlfeflro^the perdonaP tax ' "Jack dear, am I the only girl— ?’ Pockets which are now due. "Jill, don’t ask me whether you Mr. and Mrs. William O. Kier- afe the only girl I ever loved You stead are in Pennsylvania on one know it as well as I do,” Reg. $12 value of their business trips. “ That wasn’t what «t#as Several from here attended an to say at all. Jack. |;j%as(^olhSif auction of tested cows at Fitch N. to ask you if I was thV only gitl Sale Price Jones in Hebron Saturday. who would have you ."---Answersr: Miss Lydia T. Lord of Hartford spent the week-end with her par­ SO ACCO.'VIMODATING! ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lord. $7.95 Mrs. Henry J. Blakeslee has been St. Louis.— There was a bootleg­ spending a few days with relatives ger In this town who;t is accommo­ in Durham. dating If nothing else. He explain­ nasty days —wet feet Same in Boys Friday evening, November 30 the ed to an officer of the law that the Lawrence family of Middletown will empty bottles he was carrying were make a cold complete! give a musical entertainment in the 0. vestry of the Congregational to be filled with hooch made from Drive it away by apply* $4.95 church. It will be under the aus- his own little still and sold to city spices of the Dorcas Society. employes. The officer requested to in^ Baume Bengue! Leon L. Buell and Mr. and Mrs. see the plant and was very Howard B. Lord and son, Robert, graciously accommodated. As a result of his- courtesy our hero is were callers in Bolton Monday. I A A A A Miss Mildred Hough, teacher at “ out of business.” BUY S A V E M O N E Y the Nor^h School, spent the week­ end at hf^r'home in Hebron. Famous last words: “ I’ll just put my gun here and we’ll sjse if we aume engue Mr. ai|d^Ir.sjj; J(!^p Av''fuller and B (ANAL&CsiqUE) B childrenbn relaftves'^iti Fast pan change seats witho\tfe^ raqjkfeg Hampton sttib. Hist of ijthe week. the boat.” (VEUEVES A(HE$ Er PAINS Mr. and Mrs.'Howard Becker and OVR IAJSS YOVR GAIN children of East Hampton were guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Is- ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lieb the first of the week. --Hahribh of Hartford The Warm weather has wrought havoc. We stock ed heavily for the Winter £seasbu and- suffered;' Now ie.^W^ek-end, with Mr. and I TOiCiHRISTMAS CLUB MEMBERS i mnS- A. Myers,' we need money and must move the Winter stock that fills our shelves. This sale is the, result of Na­ Miss Evelyn Islieb was given a I No payments wiU be accepted in 1928 Christmas Club 1 birthday tarty at her nome Wed­ = amouRIs.,afjter Thursday, November 22 (this week). = nesday evenh g. ' ture’s lack of pity. Miss Shaplcigh, the assistant su S Checks be maile^.'to'members on December 3r)d. s pervisor, was in town visiting s The 1929 Christmas Club will open December 6th. | schoois Friday. Men’s Bear Brand Hose. Reg. 20c value. 1 O Men’s Dress Shirts. The new Ford cars arj ready for I THE MANdHESTER TRUST 00. I Sale P r ic e ...... 1. ^ C Sale Price .... immediate delivery. Manci'.ester , — i ■ II— I II ip .1 . . _ I ■ Motor Sales, 1069 Main St. Dennis S South Manchester, Conn. = 1 P. Coleman, Manager.— Adv. Men’s Beacon Fancy Hose. Reg. 35c value. Q O ^ Men’s Flannel SAirts with “Whizzet” Fast­ TmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGiiimiiimiiiimiiiiin Sale Price ...... C ener. Reg. $3.50 value. Sale Price ! ______^______. ' ' ' '______I. NOTICE! Men’s Fancy Silk Hose. Reg. 50c value. Men’s Leather Reversible Jackets. Sale Price ...... Reg. $10.00 value. Sale Price

Men’s Heavy Wool Hose. Reg.‘75c value, Men’s Leather Jackets, sheep lined.

X X l V C • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • 4 v q • •'•^8; Reg. $14.00 value. Sale Price Open Thursday ’ • ‘ -u Men’s Work Shoes. Reg. $4.00 value. Men’s Genuine Horsehide Jackets.' The Best Guardian o? Sale Price ...... § Z / Reg. $16.50 value. Sale Price .. ______^ ' . ' ' ■ - __ I Rear 192 Main St. Life and Property Men’s Dress Oxfords. Reg. $4.00 value. d ^ Q ' 7 Q Men’s Heavy Wool Crew Neck Sweaters Sale P r ic e ...... § % / Reg. $4.00 value. Sale Price ....

Men’s Springtex Shirts and Drawers. 7 0 a Men’s Wool Coat Sweaters. C— Reg. $1.00 value. Sale Price, garment / ^ C Insure Your Valuables Reg. $5.00 value. Sale Price Men’s Part Wool Union Suits. 1 O A BOX m A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAlJLf Reg.. Value $1.50. Sale Price ...... ^ I • 1 ^ Men’s Work Pants. Sale Price . . . IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. Men’s Springtex Union Suits. d j 1 > 1 7 Reg. $2.00 value. Sale P rice ...... O ^ I Men’s Work Pants. -i pp __ ^ Sale Price . . . cgo'ihe old “canopy The J^)anche8ter Trust Co. led "Ta the greater Men’s “ Lee” Work Shirts. Reg. $1.00 value. O Q comfort and usefulness of the ...... »»■»■»« . . - Sale P r ic e ...... C ' Boys’ Lined Pants. modern motor car. Years to Sale Price . . . jppme will show even greater C... “'IlflfpifbVemehts along meiny Men’s Flannel Shirts. Reg. value $1.25. - - —4mes. — ...... Sale P r ic e ...... 89 c Big reductions on all gloves* r Make-sure now or money to fnjoy them with— of a life Fire an^ Liability I ;ncome for ^ q u r Uter years. , ConnecticurGeiierkl Plan guar- SALE STARTS THURSDAY,'NOV. 22 j antees it — $100 monthly for \ life starting at age 60. Same I plan insures life, for $10,000, i and earning power, for $100 I monthly, mesmw-hile. Cedi RlCHARh: G. RICH Connecticut General­ . -d 'iB ly Life Company Tinker F'iildingi " South Manchester. .FAYETTE B. CLARKE 693 MAIN STREE'l' JOHNSON BLOrK, “ ^■^NSHRA"NeE- Denot Square, Manchester m m s


Cornea A. Putnam of Cassadago, Steven Lojzen i . turned to Hart­ will meet Wednesday at the parson­ serve an oyster and baked bean evening but a PET TORROI WAPPING COVENTRY N. Y., has entered tfie employ of ford after spending the week-end at age. supper at the'chapel from 6:30 to Wll be tfeken ferbicb ’WlU John E. Kingsbury as herdsman. home with her parents. Tuesday In the regular annual be divided between the clubs. The Londoni-‘^jNi^dyr“3 K ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carver of 7:30 p. m.. Following the sapper, months, an leaped ifionkey rfej *‘Tlie Light of Faith," a four reel Miss Eunice Koehler spent the meeting of the Farm Bureau to be Sunshine Scissor club will have the Rockville were Sunday guests' at week-end with her parents. there will be a combined Achlevin ed a neighborhood j^ a r here, notion picture starring Lon Chaney held at Rockville in the Prescott pro^eds of the supper. There will peal after appeal t o ^ e police E, A. Sweet and granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. S. Noble Loomis. Building, The dinner.will be serv­ ment Program put on by all t^e ^alsu be an exhibit of the work ao- ,I Hope Hampton, was shown at The net proceeds of the Thank 4H club members In North Coven­ ed to stop the majrfeader*s Miss Gladyce Benton, also Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and ed by the ladles of Vernon. contofleliejO by the children this e Federated church last Sunday family of Manchester were Sunday Offering amounted to $43.00 — try. The program will consist of a However, the n^ghborhoud tgening. Two motion picture ma­Sweet’s daughter, and husband, Mr. within two 'cents of the amount Thursday the clothing leaders of short play by the Buck school.' A j| d a few articles wlU be more' at ease. Tfif monkey guests at -their parents Mr. and cleared last year. on rin es were loaned and operated and Mrs. Masterson motored here Mrs. S. Nob.e [..numia. 4H Sewing clubs will meet with Some musical numbers furuUbed trapped in a tiee and was sbo£ Sspectlvely by the Hartford County from East Greenwich, II. I., to visit Rev. Mr. Busey of Somerville, oc­ The Christian Endeavor meeting Miss Elsie Tratue and Miss Ellen by the Symphony Orchestra of the a policeman. j TP. M. C. A. and the Young Peoples their cousins Mr, apd Mrs. A. B. cupied the pulpit of the Second was led by Chas Christensen last Van Cleff to arrange for the next Silver street school; song panto­ society of East Hartford Congrega­ Porter. Congregational church Sunday evening and was very largely at­ year’s work. mime "Home Sweet Horae" by the England’s ■ new temperance COOKS UNITE. )■ 4 tional church. The "County Y” Mr.' and Mrs. T. D. Morley of morning in exchange with the regu­ tended. Saturday evening, the Climax North school: singing by all the pledgev.(o»’blds drinking except in t^ale quartet consisting of Elmer T. Paris.— According to Trade Hartford spent Sunday with their lar pastor. Rev. j; N. Atwood who The choral society will meet at chapter ot the Order of the Eastern clubs with many other interesting the afternoon and evening. Sug­ Hhenes, Rev. Truman H. Wood­ sister Mrs. A. B. Porter. missioner Finger, a local confer^|e went to Somerville. the home of Mrs. A. J. Vinton, Star will serve a supper for the facts about club work In Coventry. gested aniendment to the 18th of cooks, attended by 1U0 detegajt^a. ward, Sidney S. Stoughton and Levi Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott and Miss Sadie Rowll of New Haven, Tuesday evening. New members Uriel Lodge at Merrows. After the program will be shown a It Dewey sang two selections. Wil- two daughters were Sunday guests Amendment: Liquor shall not be is the initial step to-ward organta- spent the week-end with her grand­ are welcome at any time. November 30, the members oi motion picture entitled "The sold daring total eclipses of the lion of culinary sqcieties tbrotijgo- ifem Couch of East Hartford sang at Autumn View Farm. mother Mrs, Sarah Marr. The Ladies Fragment Society the 4H Sunshine Scissor club will Modern Clnderalla." There will sun. love to tell the Story". The out the world. ‘ T j| f Jlrty young folks who came from Bast Hartford were guests of the Zapping Christian Endeavor So- oletv, which served refreshments for them In the parish house. At 0je picture service there were 110 present. „ ^ ^ , The play which the Federated jjtorkcrs presented last Friday Smartness that reads the i^-ening. entitled “ Diamond and Ijietectlves" proved to be highly en- Why can you buy the^ ■fertalnlng to a large crowd. Both stylebook of the .present ie lines and the costumes provok- RUBINOW’S many a hearty 1 mgh. To ihen- smart and lovely dresses Aon individual stars would be dlf- mode is the keynote of GARMENT FASHION CENTER Icult Indeed because every one took for the amazingly low |helr parts so well. Miss Doris Senjamln played an Instrumental the many varied models Solo, and the Rose Boys trio sang price of $18? - because selections, after which dancing in this collection. When ti^as enjoyed. There were ten members from 178 stores in all parts IZipping Grange who motored to these dresses are gone Beginning Tomorrow iToJland last week to attend Pomona Jrange. The morning session of the country com­ pened at 10:30, and a class of no more can be obtained •vfilve candidates were initiated la hfe fifth degree. A fine dinner was bined their purchases erved at noon by members o f Tol- at the price. We urge THURSDAY iihd Grange. In the afternoon at Jne thlry, the Lecture., Mrs. Caro­ to get lower prices. line Bidwell Introduced H. B. Hale you to come at once. dttor and publisher of the East iqrtford Gazette, who told an In- You save the difference. erestlng story of his trip around ie world last winter. The election : officers followed and were as fol- A. jiiTB: Master,-George Creelman of lulfield Grange; “Overseer, Edward ^ocke of Enfield Grange; Lecturer, Its. Elsworth Stoughton -of East Windsor Grange; Steward, Lathrop f/fesl, of Tolland Grange; Assistant iteward, Clare Brewer of Hillstown Blunge: Chaplain, Harry Bridge of ftqfield Grange: Treasurer, Charles \,Corbit of Goodwill Grange; Sec- etary, Mrs. Laura G. Loomis of finchester; Gate Keeper, Ira Wil- jjt, Tolland: Ceres, Mrs. George jowton of Granby Grange, Pomr ma, Mrs, Lillian Hathaway of East lartford; Flora, Mrs. Elsie Jones '-Bolton; Lady Assistant Steward, fiss Grace Sykes of Ellington Grange. Wells Dewey, Henry Chandler, tr.. Otis H(lls, Arthur Pratt, Ralph liiiiih, Clyde Johnson and G. Wal- Smith fell amended the Wesly- jfniBowdoln ^ at Midr etowu last Saturday" afternoon, eslyan won and the "-Y Boys” re- mm trpned quite happy. r. and Mrs. Ernest Strong and 'Si. babies who have been staying fK. it. the home of their parents for a Rw days, left Sunday for their fioine in Hartford. 4 The funeral service of Mrs. Edith ]Ji|'rhans was very largely attended fjora the Federated church here on iulnday afternoon, Rev. Truman |}.i. Woodward officiating. Sidney tl^oughton s.nnc twti solos. There Jyere manv. heauiifnl floral pieces. The bearerf'were ('. Vinton Benja Ijpin. Ravniond Belcher, Frank Bouse. Gin- .MudgoU/ Herbert ftrong. Davidi' A-rmstfifi^ BuriBl' was in Wappihg cemetery. 5 Edgar L. Fujrey. of Willson, fassed away last Saturday: morning gt 10:30 o’clock at his home. He lad been HI only a week with pleur- pneumonia. Mr. Furrey was 7S Sif'i fears old, and w-as' a' twin brother Erwin L, Furrey of Hartford. Mrs. Ernest Strong and infant nighter. ; returned from Mrs. lowe’s matturnity home to the irme of her parent."! Mr; and Mrs. be;orge A, Collins, latt Thursday tfternooii. Four of the Union School, (South /Indsor) graduates, class of 1928, MART ^ress^s that would usu­ .e aliendinig Rockville High School % lid have made the honor roll for e lir.'-t marking period. Wapping hHmvs closely with three out of a ally sell from $25. to $29.50. pialler das*. The Federated Workers postpon- . their meeting until next Friday ternoon and it will he held at the /nine of Mrs. Ralph E, Collins and ALL at this one sen­ Mrs. Albert L StHfes will be the as­ sistant hostess. ' Henry Prior of South Windsor is ipendingIv Mrs. Julia several Pease weeks returned at Bermu- to her sationally low price. fiome in South Windsor, from vlstt- g friends in Collinsville recently. G. Walter Smith of this place was ken suddenly HI Sunday after­ ion and Dr. Higgins wfes called, e rushed him to the Manchester .emorial hospital, where an opera- inn was performed. Pupday even- ' He is resting all comfortably can he expected. Mrs. Howard H. Spencer of Avery reet received a niight letter from datives in Sarasota, saying her asband was very HI with the Not a clearance sale—not __^,flnenza, but a letter following every occasion in every smart ^ter said he was improving. just another dress sale—but fabric is included. The selec­ fuLIUS C.ABSAR ATE “ CASEOUS HELVEXntS.’ an event possible only be­ tions are so wide—so exten­ Bern, SwMlzerland,— A recent cause 178 affiliated stores in irvey of the cheese industry re- sive—that th^e are numer­ sals there are 3,000 factories mak- »g what Julius Caesar knew as all parts of the country have caseous Helvetlus.” The ho*me- ous smart'models for every ^nd of one of the world’s oldest Idustrles was known as Helvetia cooperated by pooling their purchasing the Romans and the product was taste— every figure— for the woman; ffie ascribed by numerous writers of ^at historic time. power to ohtfiin unusual price concessions There Is an average of one cheese smaU woman; the miss. ^ the junior. Ictory to every 1,300 Inhabitants ■Y. the land. The art of cheese from high grade dress manufacturers. ijaklng has been handed down jfom father to son for hundreds of We urge you to come dt once while the irs. Naturally cheese is one of These savings are now being passed on - i lie chief elements In the diet of choice is' large and complete—for the val­ le Swiss, and its popularity with to you . [)ple pie and sandwiches In the iited States provides a ready mar- ues are so tremendous that an enormous si for the surplus.

FOOLISH QUESTION Practically every important styfr trend for response is inevitable. ; Angry Fathers If you: ’vfranted to > iswlmmlug, why didn't you come d ask me first Sammy: Because 1 wanted to go Imo^g.—Answers^ '■ ; N. V T V ,

MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 19?8; uiH > fr , SEVEL. Seafood Specials! On Sale Tomorrow

At Park St Market Only ,T *. : • •

Halibut Steak ii>.3&

Swordfish • • • • •r*T*r«T* lb. 45c Salmon Steak • • • c*T*9 • • • • •r«T*'i» • lb. 35c Cod Steak ------. . .., lb. ISc Pollack steak ...... lb. 15c Fresh Haddock ...... lb. 12c Tile F ish ...... t. . . . . lb. 15c ] ; H a k e ...... lb. 12c If 4 Fresh Herrings ...... lb. 10c Fresh F illet of Haddock___ lb. 30c

lb . 4 0 ' :: m m Fresh Shrimps ...... lb. 25c § ^ ery Boiled Shrimps ...... lb. 35c ^ L T H Shore Scallops • • • • ___ pt. 45c Finnan Haddies...... lb. 25c — Large Clams...... qt. 25c - f Small Neck Clam s...... ------qt. 30c O ysters...... ___ pt. 35c

1] Cooked Crab M e a t...... lb. 90c ■------l,!j! Deep Sea LargeScallops pt S5< t h e Haleys Second



F course, everybody wants to know why we are ment the very latest electric slicing machine is provided opening another grocery and market. We with an automatic stacking arrangement which elimin­ L ive L obsters ib.4& O opened our famous Self-Serve Grocery eight ates the need of clerks handling meats that do not have years ago. Four years ago we opened our Health Mar­ to be cooked. ket. They have proved a phenomenal success from the Our first consideration is quality. Our second con­ Fresh Flounders...... lb.10c beginning. We have never been able to properly han­ sideration is price. We have demonstrated to the ex^ Large Butter F ish ...... lb. 35c dle the crowds who wish to trade with us. This new tent of 300,000 people a year that “It Pays to Wait on Self-Serve and Health Market is provided to take care Yourself.” j Sea Bass ...... lb.32c I Snapper B lu es...... lb.25c of our overflowing business. The prices at both stores We invite you to visit both stores. As formerly^ will be just the same. At the Park Street Market we deliveries anywhere in town will be | made at the Oak Sea T rout...... lb. 32c will carry a most complete line of fresh fish, shell fish, Street store with the additional charge of fifteen cents Fresh Boston Mackerel...... Jb. 25c seafoods of all kinds, and delicatessen. for each delivery. No delivery at Park St. store. Fresh Spanish Mackerel . . lb. 32c We have used the best engineers in the business in We open Thursday morning at nine o’clock.- We .1: Large Sm elts...... lb. 32c the laying out of our new market. The meats will be trust that you will feel at liberty to visit our new store ■I V Shod Herrings...... lb. 10c cut with electric saws. At the Delicatessen Depart­ whether you de^sire to purchase or not Fresh E e ls ...... lb.20c

• ■ ' \ . I / Fresh Fish Delicatessen Fresh Fruit and To The First Thousand . Department Customers Thursday Vegetable Dept. ‘The handling of seafoods safely”—will be our Cheese in bulk and im padtages—all kinds o f Mr. John Andisio, who has devoted his lifetime slogan. Our .fish storage boxes in the basement imported delicacies—cooked meats, including our to the study of the fruit and vegetable business* are the very latest. The fish will be shipped dur­ .4 i Finest American Granulated own and Grote and Weigel’s o f Hartford—^the will do nothing else but buy for this depaurtment ing the night from Boston and New York. Our best selected milk and cream from Bryant & at both stores. At the Park Street Market wS display and cleaning cases on the main floor are will carry the fancy fruits and vegetables which’ Chapman daily. A little later we will carry a built to eliminate all odors of any kind. We will we cannot terry under the Self-Serye plan at th« carry as complete a variety as the people of Man­ complete line of salads and other cooked foods. Oak Street market.^ When you think of thC; best Sugar 5 •>» 25 chester demand. Everything is under automatic refrigeration. in fruits and vegetables, think of Hkle's.

Packed in sanitary cloth bags.

Store open Thursday NO DELIVERY SERVICE FROM PARK ST. SELF-SERVE Night Until 9 \0*cloek, ’ >.■5 ■ SOUTH MRNCHHSTEP • CONN

y ■'...... »■ .. •••■rs B? " * -7 Ttv “ ' ' V"

PAGE EtGBT MANC3HESTBR (t!ONN.) EVE^nNG HERALD, t^^lDN^SDAY, NOVEMBER 21.1928. * f* 'rtn 9 their story to the court in under­ there was no quorum of the Senate ibmri|»8trr standable terms and a whole lot committee present when he testi­ "W less language. The nation will feel fied. The court instructed' the Jury Heulth and Diet Cwnbtg Reralb like standing on a bench and giv­ that, if the hearing were not a PUBUSUEQ BI ing three rousing cheers for Chief valid one, as it would not be In TRB .D PRfN'riKO CQ> Justice Taft and his associates for the sense of a quorum, the ques­ Advice PottadM by Blwoob < Bib, this long needed and scathing re­ tion of false swearing need not be V- Dot. u i m ■ By DR. FRANS Mc€X>T buke to the time wasting practices considered at all. J11 ’a. Sv«ry Bvaatng Bxoapt Sandbys bad Rolldaya. of the legal profession. On that basis Mr.- Stewart, who Bn (brad at tb« Pont one* bt Man* The city and the Transit Com­ was probably the most Insolent and 9h«bt«r an Sboond Clbaa Mall Mattar. Dr. McCloy wtll< glniliy ans SUBSCKIP'i'lUN KATUa: Bf Mall mission had filed seven briefs to­ defiant witness ever summoned in Wer personal . .qiieetl«>nfl oo alx doUara a yaar, alzty oanta a taling 992 printed pages and the any of the oil Investigations, -Js health aoA diet* addressed to month tor ahortar parloda. Interborough and Manhattan Ele­ freed. And the great man, chair­ hfin. care of The ^Herald.., ««• By oarrlar, atghtaaa eatita a vaak. Sing la ooptaa tbraa oanta. vated had filed nine totaling 810 man of the board of the Standard cloae stamped, addressed, laliic envelope fpr reply. SPBCIAL AUVlfillTISINa RBPUID- pages, while the complete, record, Oil Company of , no less,^ SBNTa TIVB. Hamll»im«Oa Uasar. including appendices and copies of condescended to hug the womeii I no., 186 Madtaon Avoiiaa. Now York / MACARONI, SPAHHETTI AND'; and

9- t,|^*i^*'0^O...... niiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii||||||||||||||||||||||||||||p C. E. HOUSE & SON, Inc: Of Good Toast | Our Windows Will Soon Be Ready I : is A Good Toaster I Business Going On As Usual Get a ■ i ■' ' Torrid Toaster -h * . * f-* ' The Season’s -..y Newest . ^ Just push a button and the s Big Store With The Little4» Prices H l i ! toast is turned automatically. We = ' are giving a regular $1.50 nickel 5 * ’ i . • ; plated utility tray with*;ev6ry one = H A T S of these toasters we rieU tMs = month. l^■: 5 Specially Priced a $5.50 During ,'i (. ■ DIAMOND SHOE STORE .’ijca-, -S $ 2-98 . < and ■ 8 . ■- ’J- ji.'.' 5 Particularly- smart in style and color are these varied November ' H 1 iii ' S- shapes in stunning off the face effects, .small brims and tucked crowns. Just the hat you need for your wintw ^ 5 ' sot Down $1.00 a Month ' S . ■ .w^rjc.;n ' 3 outfit in all the new shades. Every Kat looks twice the .)•.«' [ — 2 Self Serve Bargain Basement price. V • ■ i 1013 MAIN STREET - --.r-v f} - • O J. u ; . v | SOUTH MANCHESTER V 773 Main St., Phone 1700 '<1 ALICE E •ni'Wy), g- MILUNERY SHOP ' jPARK-hultDING 894823487 77UPPPUPPUPUP7UP7UPPP77P , 1^; S ilPw i I- - - ;.^r- ■ ■:■• • -:..^l; fi,-.; - * . .

; : u- ■,;">V-^.'' a ’••••> '; •' * ■'' ,/' v. ' ■.' '-''!'’^'r;*•: ■

IP A X ^ T B S MANCOTSTER^^CONN.): EVENING HERAIiD,;WEbNEST^AY^ NOVEMBER 21? 1028.- ■ J - -i t '.,- !•.:■ ■ ‘ V s^. , Sharkey Is furnishing Hahley^s Purple Ready for P^artmouth M ; H : S . $50,000 Home In Boston

f V ^ Jack Has Become Real So­ t.' ciety Swell, His Friends BOWIMG - -. '4 C. B. GIRLS’ LEAGUE ____ In case the CIIoverleaye3”'win. the Assert— Servant Problem next gaihe from the Cubs naaking Keljey Obtained Two ^ jeih v n i-^ iiN p e Old Mil] a third necessary. Referee Clyde M, P alm er...... 83 83 88 Waters and ^IJinplre Jfiy Merriman Bothering Him. A. Taggart ...... 72 78 74 will not be able to officiate because Title and Windbam Scalp;; loss o f^ w d lHidiei learn L. Armstrong...... 76 70 65 of previous engagements. Others B. M cCourt...... 98 82 103 will have to be obtained. Dummy ...... 54 78 71 More Deterai^ to Beat YUitorV New York, Nov. 21.— The Tunney hot influence, committed to better­ One thing Is certain. There Is ment and uplife among vegatatlng 383 391 401 positively no danger of, a frame-up ^ ® a g - ears, has claimed a prominent con­ Velvet No. 1 between ‘ the two teams , to insure vert, according to audible gossip B. Lennon . . . . 54 78 71 three games. The rivalry is too In­ that filtered up the backstairs from H. Bedreau .. . 95 98 84 tense and ;the„ feeling too bitter for B. Ronsell .. . 80 84 88 Regardless of the outcome of tho^more reason why'taey should the servants’ quarters today. The such a transaction. It would leak Manchester High’s important bat*- win'. ' , r •, ; I M. Sherman .. .108 101 96 out in a minuted Fans can bet thei? Jack Sharkeys, of Boston,- have tie with Naugatuck. ..High at th? Just who will filp-Dow^’s shoes ai J. L iicas...... 99 88 98 money without the least bit of joined the young married set of and West Side, Playgrounds Friday af­ tiaurter- has .not been dfiffhlfoly de­ contiguous to Chestnut Hill, where worry in this.respect. ♦ ■ cided. "Tubby” , Johnsoil, regular 436 449 437 ternoon, it pannot be denied that field trials in suburban swank are the''1928 season has been the most halfback, wastried: out at- that-post held daily. They are preparing to . Dr. Moran now says he was "only successful In th® .school’s history. yesterday and went g o ld .' How­ exchange neighborly calls. , Throwing No. 1 kidding” when he renaarked that Seven of the eight ganies of the ever, .there is a hare possffiillty that Mr. Sharkey, whose name'attain­ M. Peterson ...... 69 53 some fans bought tickets, tore them schedule have .resulted In . victories Te.d..Lupien may be drifted from ed considerable prominence in the T. Gee ...... 84 80 in half and gave part to someone for Coach Torn Kelley’s crimson- end for that- role, with Hugh,’Mor- newspapers several years ago in a M, Hadden...... 8 2 102 else for admission at last Sunday’s garbed warriors!. What more could iapty taklrig ^ils place.^ IlhehythBre professional way, has purchased a S. Sheekfcy ...... 80. 87 game. . . . anyone ask? It’s almost a perfect is Nicola,, the Vsubstitute quarter- $5^0,000 home in this exclusive do­ Dummy ...... 67 65 ERICKSOM record. - hack to he considered. Naugatuck'Is main of the idle rich and, having Jimmy Quish, star tackle on the There are two big objectives on coming here fresh from a;39'to 6 been sponsored by the scion of es­ 382 387 399 Cubs, was such an extent the High School’s football slate an­ victory over Crosby Satur^y^-^: tablished millions, is in a position * Spinning that he didn’t know his team hah nually. One is to win the'cham­ Nanjcy Aerial Strop® to bow formally whenever bowed V. Phillips...... 70 65 scored and Jim admits himself that pionship of the Central Connecticut Naugatuck" Is said .. ito i; have ‘ a to. Meanwhile, his managing di­ the most he knows about, the game Interscholastic League and the streng overhead game 'andi, to ha-v'e rector, Mr. John Buckley, has been M. Duncan ...... 68 79 M. K arpin ...... 84 8.5 he learned from reading The other is to heat Windham High of two, great •backfleld’thrpatl In Cap­ most conspicuous at Boston’s "first Herald the next night . Jim is all Willlmantlc. This season, Man­ tain Eddie Butkiis, who' pliys, quar­ nights” of the theater, Mr. Buckley, L.. Ladd ...... 72 65 V. Mozzer ...... 67 65 right now and will be back in .the chester won. the league title for the terback, arid ,.Jfthririy> White, who' being a man of very commanding lineup next Sunday, ‘ •, first time arid also beat Windham play3.;fullhack. - That'tbelt line is presence. His white shirt front alone 361 359 362 for the second" time in the history riot so hot, Is.evldericed 'hyi'the fol- has been the cynosure of many en­ Except for the loss of ' Ernie of the two Institutions. This does lowiiig excerpt from ■ Spoftpl Editor, vious eyes, Mr. Buckley is not one not mean the locals are not anxious William P, O’Dorinell In the Water- to neglect the amenities of his po­ Throwing No. 3 Dowd on the eve of the Naugatuck A. Gabbey ...... 95 75 86 game. It must be stated that Coach. to .take Naugatuck Into camp., bury Repuhliean the .day.raore the sition as associate of Mr. Sharkey, Cfoshy.. battle:.'J.; of the Chestnut Hill Sharkeys. A. Walckowskl . . . 68 52 75 Kelley has had remarkable luck" Big Glory. at .St/ike Proper Background M. Mukr.lls ...... 60 61 62 with the members o f his HigE Naugatuck, is the only undefeated . “ The,’ Garnet- 0193 Gray INauga- Work upon the latter's estate is R. O’Neill ...... 69 69_ 75 school team so far as injuries are schoolljoy foam ,bf., Impprtanc.e trii tuck)' has defeated Brildgepwt Cen­ concerned this season. There have the state and if iVIanchester can de­ tral and Tqrrlhgtpn and whs iprlun­ going forward apace, I am inform­ H. Frederickson .. 66 73' 82 feat theni it will be a big foather ate to nq'se out''Wilby‘, Contial, arid ed, and soon his Imposing residence been no serious accidents, such as broken bones. Knock on wood. in the hat of Coach Kelley, who pot Thrrifigton' -were ndt 'lri 'Hhei class will be .furnished in taste; also in 358 330 380 only has piloted the High School to ■with 'Naugatuck’s - team• of'laht sea­ some opulence. It Is said that Mr. Ribbon a.great season, but who. has also son, and Coach Peter J.^Polsy can Sharkey has taken it “ on the nut” A. Ponticelli ...... 87 81 78 There will be practice for hasket- ballically Inclined members of steered the. Cubs through an unde­ tell you that this ypaFa editWri does to the amount of $20,000 in order T. U bert...... 76 74 77 not match his .19'27 clt^l The to give his new home just the pro­ LEVI SON R A K E fO Chenoy Brothers’ Girls’ Athletic feated'season and one leg of the E. Armstrong .... 70 88 65 town championship. According to borough team-has a n®^ Hrie'With per background. The expression in H. Gustafson.... 81 90 79 Association Friday night from 7:30 question tvas used by a young so­ all reports, irfaugatuck is coming the exceptteri*'^ of-: EraBtfet-'-i Carroll, J, Jackmore ...... 81 81 94 to 9 o’clock at the West Slde'Rec,^^ here a top-heavy .favorite to beat arid they mlss 'J&Ifcttriifi'i&^hh^ ciety man” from Revere Beach. It Coach Mac' Macdonald will be In Bill .'Stokes, tfa>: Raraban8, *Nixoii, isn’t likely that Mr. Sharkey would Manchester,. ‘ 395 414 393 charge. With Ernie Dowd, star quarter­ Sweeney' arid -Mazllauskas, Willry know him. bad no trouble .breaking through In the rear,of the estate is a back and signal barker, out of the Weaving No. 1 I Johnny Powers is getting Into the local lineup because'of strained abr the new NaugatucTc'Uriei. .In-- fadt,, four-car garage and, of course, the Two football elevens, each beaten injuries this season and hope to Northwestern team: Walter Holm- lineup quite frequently this season Westbrook Tracy, the '140 pouid servants’ quarters must be kept u{f Strong ...... 75 77 dominal muscles, It cannot be Li.tjle...... 82 100 at least twice this season by oppon­ enter this final game with all of its er, fullback and captain, whom for Connecticut Aggies who play denied" that Manchester wiU be im­ Wilby center,-got through'the bqr- because the help nowadays are so ents, will stage one of the big in­ members in fit condition. Coach Hanley thinks is one of the best their hardest game of the season ough. forwards so times ,by tie independent. It’s a problem, really. Taggart* . . .\ . ..,.97 79 mensely -handlcaiped. When Nelson ...... 74 81 tersectional battles next Saturday Dick Hanley’s team is functioning fullbacks in the business this year; Saturday ■ Matched With not give much- protection to the Johnny .'white, who ogn do eve®- busy winter season, democratically « I Both teams claim they have.a strippini to the waist like any com­ West Point, N. Y., Nov. 21.— young man if he pla3red. The'In* thing well. - He fo ' hlig-.enolii® ]fo Totals 406 393 341 lot of plays which their quarter­ Jury is nothing 'Serious, but if gain yardage, consistentty agalmt' moner. He thus will have his mo­ Meeting. Army's coaches are- none too well Mickey Roberts Again. backs did not use Sunday that will ments when he will mix freely with Velvet No. 2 satisfied today with.-the varsity’s further strain #ere added, It might' any high school 'foam, and^^dol^ D. Miller ...... 68 71 be seen in the second game. The take a long'while for complete re­ sky,' Rozint and Trlano' th. the man in the street; also with the ability to break up end runs. < The 'Cubs used a few of tlielr trick man in the ring. Always well to see F. Kanehl ...... 65 61 scrubs, using Nebraska plays, turn­ covery. Dowd' was injured In lightweights, but If 'Naugatucll’s G. Kanehl 75 65 The annual meeting of the Hart­ Frankie O’Brien will meet a plays and the same holds for'the the New London game when he was, ltne''fails to make the opmUags.'^r how the other half lives, you know. ed the ends repeatedly yesterday. Cloverleaves. i In closing, I wish to state that I E. Lautenbach ....89 8( ford Count> YMCA Athletic Asso good boxer and a hard puncher tackled hard and thrown out fof these' big ball carriers, theyi iriight am against the further conversion M. McKinney ...... 90 75 dation was held in the new ban­ when he faces Eddie Adonnis of bounds. Dowd'plupkily refused to jus t as well’ he sitting on the side­ Princeton, N. J., Nov. 21.— Old ’Manchester High school has a lines. ■ But Naugatuck can. depend of vegetating ears. I make this pro­ quet hall, Hartford YMCA. Satur­ Man Globm is stalking the Prince­ Athol, Mass., in the star bout at adpilt hlS' Injury, and', in the.Wind­ test from motives purely selfish. Totals 387 367 353 the Foot Guard armory in Hart­ band of which it may well feel ham game'it was aggravated. upon its passing game. Bpth'Wjilte day evening, with eighty represeii- ton campus today. Captain Chuck proud. This organization made a arid Butkus are capable'pasgdfh"ri°d Who am I to demand a working tatives of member teams represent­ Howe, who starred in the Tigers’ ford tomorrow night. No one feels worse than Dowd press seat at the next heavyweight Throwing No. 2 Adonnis, who has been in the big impression on the large crowd over the fact that h® will be upable receivers, A year ago Eh»met, Har- ing Bristol. Enfield, Kensington. triumph over Yale, and Quarter­ which watched ;.the ' Manchester- rdll riaissed a loriS- Prisa by Jnebes championship fight with all the L. F o o ts ...... 84 77 95 Highland Parh, Nev Britain, North back Norman are indisposed and ring professionally three years, has to play. It is a: severer.blow- to . Windham game when it marched Manchester’s chances, whatever with a clear field ahead of him. in society editors to be taken care of? M. M arks...... 74 79 , 69 Granby. Simsbury, Southington, may not get into the Navy game. a record dotted with knockouts. E, Anderson ...... 74 68 71 He has kayoed many of the well- around the field the halves, a la they might have ,been, at full the earl.v..part of the gam^. it'Car- South Windsor, Manchester, West college style. strength.. Nevertheless, the high roll had caught' the Dali, it Would L. Pukofky ...... 95 81 84 Hartford, and Wapping. Annapolis, Md., Nov. 21.— Navy known New England welters and C Ritchie ...... 77 78 64 middleWeights. Last summer at the school is godtig into.that game de-* have been a different story. Crosby Harry .N. Anderson, head com­ is concluding its preparation for According to all reports Coach termlned to,-wln. ■ The loss of Dowd must .have a defense for Nauga­ CONRAN’S LEAGUE the Princeton game with drill In Hartford Velodrome Adonnis out­ Totals 404 383 383 missioner of the association, pre­ Kelley and Coach'^Fay sure did give has made'them feel thaf this Is all tuck's aerial game.” > ' sided and gave an account of breaking up the forward pass, one classed the rugged Farmer Hill of ' Dressing Mill Westerly, R. I., and the referee the boys a talking to last night America’s part *in the Olympic of the Tigers’ chief offensive weap­ TO S T M FRIDAY H. Lacer ...... 70 82 73 ons. Castree is now slated to start was forced to stop the bout. when they reported' for practice. S. Sedeska ...... 77 64 78 games at Antwerp last summer. The result should be a,big improve­ Trophies were presented to the at left half. O’Brien Needs Win L. C u ster...... 51 66 67 The Athol boy cashes with a ment in both teams next Sunday. K. Gustafson ...... 87 90 88 winners of County YMCA. cham- Cambridge, Mass. Nov. 21.— On rugged boy and a hard hitter In Four Teams Entered in Bowl­ F. Mikoleit ____ ...93 83 85 pionsjiips during the past season, meeting O’Brien. Frankie, after a It is understood that the Cubs as follows: Intermediate basket­ the eve of the Yale game. Har­ are banking heavily on Johnny Gro- vard’s football team is enveloped In summer of idleness, caused by can­ Totals 378 . 385 391 ball— Southern section; New Bri­ cellation 0/ bouts through rain and man to help them win the next ing Circuit; Schedule An­ tain Lions, Farmington Valley sec­ the cloak of mystery and secrecy ganie. Johnny has the making of a demanded by tradition. Secret prac­ injuries to opponents, launched his tion : Simsburj Cardinals, County fall and winter, campaign with a very good player. All he needs Is intermediate ''asketball champion­ tice has been inaugurated at Sol­ ei. his stake he was going to,quit. nounced. diers’ Field. win over Frankie KonoLina .of New a little more opportunity toi show MISUNDERSTANDING ship, 3-year Hartford Times cup; York and he. sees Adonnis as vic­ his stuff. Groman can hit a line “LittleFiddle” and Jaclde He did retire as the flyweight New Britain Lions, Senior basket­ tim number two in his onward hard, run like a deer and hurl p champion. He entered Stanford ball champions, Nev/ Britain South New Haven, Nov. 21.— The vet- march, forward pass with the best of them'. P'n 1 verstty and , got;hlntemf Conran’s Bowling League with OVER PLAY SUNDAY church, presented with a 3-year ieran Johnny Hoben has regained his O’Brien is claimant of the New Were Olympic Champons ness ..nd 'that when: he ^qm r- a membership of four teams will cup by the .Hartford Times. quarterback job on the Yale eleven, England middleweight title since ried,' And. then he decld^ to re­ start operation on Friday night. • ------■ Senior , Spalding base- replacing-Bob Wilson. Hubbard is his win on a foul over Ai Mello at In 1924; Have Bright turn, 4>'. (he' ring v'and .se§k ;^ e Teams entered are All Stars, Clov- Kelley Clears Fay of Accusa­ Ijall trophy presented to the Kens­ back at right half,^ but the other the Velodrome last summer and he baritarnwriight chaxdpjorii^ip,'. 4^y erleaves. North Ends'and Talcott- tions Made Regarding Rough ington Triangles, 1928 tennis crippled regulars'apparently are In is- ready to meet all comers in de Southworth New , It may'bp; that .the s t ^ hWiS'd ville. Cliff Chartier has been namdd Play Involving Mullen and champions, singles— Frank Lanza, no condition to break into the Har­ fepse of his claim. Frankie ould Future. set' aside ’did not prove Dp^nf president of the league with Lefty Kensington: doubles, Frank Kram­ vard game. ' Mozzer. like another bout with Harry Eb- proper dimeriS'opB for''the -ydring LaChapelle as secretary and treas­ er, E. Berlin, Bruno Miglioli, E. bets, who Friday night meets Phil bead of a household, but regardless urer. The first night’s matches Berlin; 1928 swimming champions, Kaplan in the Garden. Cardinal Pilot o r the reason, he 'ls ' hack' Ip "the bring together the All Stars and Coach Tom Kelley of the Cubs Manchester Hl-Y^ presented with BY HENRY L^FARRELL last - night asked The Herald to . Several bouts support the business and itm ay not. he torigriW- Cloverleaves while the North Ends trophy shield. Hartford County O.’Brlen bout, whiph is down, for ten clear up a misuderstanding which CONRAN SHATTERS : tll he wll'iu :be. and Talcottville collide on the YMCA athletic emblems were pre­ rounds. Mickey Roberts meets ;• St. Louis, Md., Nov. 21.-pBilly has existed since the game Sunday. jSquthworth, idol of St. Loiils' base^ It is interesting.-'as a coincidence such as. little Johi^y^BuPLhiiealrie a other alleys. sented to the forty"boys who won BroWnle Tuckep in-a return match; if nothing else, to,"observejthat tw ' numheriOf years ago.-:' . Following is the schedule: Flayers on the Cubs team and spec­ places on the County YMCA cham­ a l l e y ^ball-'fans when he played here with tators about the Cubs’ players' OWN THREE •Vic Morley takes on Eddie Thomas of the yourig men who seem; to he Lt. '"arbr already has one de­ .Alleys 1-2— 3-4 pionship swimmln.g team to com­ of Boston; Buster Nadeau battles the Cardinals in 1926 and 1927, to- bench have expressed the opinion jlajt^^waa flamed, to succeed William only one step.'removed from'a ring cisive declslbri over Bushy Grahamv pete In the State Inter-County meet Jimmy Picardi*'bf Boston; Joey championship, pre , two Olympic Nov. 23 . .1-2— 3t4 that Coach Jerry Fay of the Clover­ STRING WITH 424 IpijtC chiflie' as manager of the the; recogmized ^champion, but , the leaves did not live up to an agree­ on December 1st. Flyhn of Hartford meets Georgle champions of 1624.. Nov. 30 . .2-4— 1-3 Athletic plans for the season Krar of East Hartford and-Frankie C arditis In 1929, President Sam title* did'r’t go WUh-' 'hlBr victory. ment he made before the game re­ Breadon of the Cardinals, who ' Fidel La Barb.a, former flyweight They* are >: matched again and La Dec. 7 . . .1-4— 2-3 were announced as follows: Vozzola of Hartford boxes Nick professional champion and the .next Dec. 14 .. 3-4— 1-2 garding withdrawing any player ffiade the annoim.ement after a ■Barba'‘ cerlali.1/ ought to cop olfi- Nov. 26— Basketball Leagues be­ Tommy Conra’n, former holder of Christy of Bristol. world’s bantamweight champion if . . 1-3— 2-4 from the game who was guilty of eojtference with Southworth at' the Dec. 21 gin. the. town duckpln title, last \ilght the figures are not, all; wrong, won Dec. 28 . . 2-3— 1-4 rough and intentionally illegal play­ C^fflBals office, this morning stated Dec. 1— State swimming meet, shattered the high three string rec­ the Olympic flyweight champion­ In having a, matclr'fe'kt/t^imd Jain, 4 . . . 1-2— 3-4 ing. thpt?McKechnie would ,be retained The play in question was when Hartford. ord for his alleys when he rolled ship fourl. years ago and one^of his agalrist the Jan. 11 , . 2-4— 1-3 Jan. 19— County indoor track, scores of 143, '.1’52 . and 129-for-a CASEY MAY SUCCEED > 'as ' manager of the- Rochester Red ri'nrih mare' for Jan, 18 . .2-3— 1-4 Felix Mozzer and "Whitey” Mullen Wings of the Internatiqnal League, teammates,'Jj^ckie Fields,^ won thb had their mix-up near the Cubs’ meet, Manchester. total of 424. The previous record Olympic briddyi ’ - ybun^^p^fds. Jan. 25 . .3-4— 1-2 taking over, the post filled by South-: featbefvsight crown' In’-Paris. bench In the second half. Coach Feb. 2— State Inter-County ..In­ Was 410. Conrap strikes, It .Is Inlerristirig, as a mere tnen- Jaukle has done'mprp’io '^ripijri Jh Feb. 1 . .. 2-4— 1-3 door track meet. New London, and twelve spares Incidentally, HORWEEN AT HARVARD vorth during the past season. ?elf -the real; champibn-vrit iho Vel-*. Feb. 8 . .. 1-4-2-3 Kelley and several other persons tiOn at'least, tbit the list o f cham­ say that they saw Mullen hurl Moz­ Feb. 9— County Junior basketball Conran is hitting the pins , pretty terwelghtit lass then Feb. 15 .. 1-2— 3-4 pions crowned In; that memorable zer into the laps of the players on tourney— 1st and 2nd rounds. good right nbw. and it. wouldn’t be tourn luenit In Paris'Included^ Otto done ,lri flyweight dlyislom-but. Feb. 22 ..1 -3 — 2-4 Feb. 16 — County basketball surprising to see him challenge Report Unconfirmed But Bing- Joe- Dupdse May baTre- tb .ba led'by, Mar. 1 the bench by unnecessary and in* "ViDn Pofat, of , who wori the .. 1-4— 2-3 tentional roughness. Meikle was leagues finished. Finals, Junior, Howard Muxphy.fpr the title before .ham- Mentions Change ip a 'forty rmrilp' team* .th* ateg Mar, 8 . . 2-3— 1-4 heavyw’elght'tltfo. . carrying the ball around end on the basketball tourney. ' ^ long,. '■ ' ' • ' \ ! Statement. wy;h Any wdrt)iwBJo Mar. 15 . . l - 2 ^ - 4 "Von Porat, • it so happens, was play in question and a few saw Feb. 23— State basketball tour­ very much. In the professionai .The welter' -was'iAt'hei^-ktr^^^ Mar. 22 .. 2-4— 1-3 ney— 1st round. Ganabridge, Mass., .Nov. 21— On Ouridee' until, KEY: what actually happened. Those who ^'eavyWPlghvment^lon until recently HERE’S THE Mar. 2— State basketball topr- the heels of .unconfirmed rumors match with Jack Tbompspn ahd. i f 1— !-A11 Stars. saw Mullen rough Mozzer were of meet, Wesleyan.. • Wkeriihri, forit^-a ten-fourid^.-^ the opinion that Fay should have ney— Semi-finals. Athletic commissioners were re­ that Arnold,, Horween, head qoach ^0 'pkulirib IneNew York.;.But wtfjle QUridee ‘"'bad: any m8dn--4A*-te«* 2— Cloverleaves. Mar. 9— State basketball tourney of' the Harvard' fdotbali, squad 3— North Ends. taken him. right out of the game appointed for the 'yfear. as follows: lost? theTdeclsIoh He didn’t ref Thq.miisori bb b'ae ever^^easpn to like Kelley did several of his play­ --Finals, Middletown. Central District, Louis Main. Smith: would resign at the end of the sea­ mpve': himself entirely as a possl" be just soared to 4— Talcottville. May 4— County outdoor track son and that “ Eddie” Casey, Fresh^ Tomorrow night,la bargain night ers. , Windsor and Hugh Greer, Glaston- in the Herald , Bowling. ? League^ hiilty iri However Cbach Kelley now statws meet, Willow Brook Park, New hujry. man coach, would succeed him, Wll* Britain. llani- J. 'Binghamv director of the The teams that are apparently the distinguished artists. lecirig after. Tlfo^scni neck­ that he has talked with Fay and Southern District, W .'A. Bailey, best in the Idague'are matched and ',‘L,lttle Fiddls;” ' as La / BriTbia ed bSt !puntf,e;,lri Clilcagb; But i.i believes.that, Jerry did not see the May 25— State outdoor track crlinson athletics, yesterday issued Plainvllle, Kermit . Parker, . New. the following statement:' vice versa. was known |n. Paris, returned; from m'us't be ,eald^ W'.fb® ‘ Oredlt> ol Last Night^s Fights violation as he claims. For that Britain, Rev. V. L.i,Phillips-, Kens­ A't Murphy’s ^alleys the Bon 'Aml the Olympic games and proceeded ,'lPhoropsop'; that a b 4yent through matter, neither did the three of­ "I -am responsible for Horween’s fore Mullen tossed him into the ington, Geo. Backinan. Southington. coming here 'to Harvard, and my and West Sides will clash with Lp® slmpst A once ipto.the professlongJ witb 4^ ficials'who were right close to the Cubs’ bench. Farmington V.alley District, Allen ronfidence In hUn now is greater Beethoven, Center Church mlh? TSyw’eigiit/iftlirim .. • ' matches, Tbblriprioo ptmlfflLave run- At Cleveland-—George Courtneyi scene. Fay’s view was also screen­ Fay’s reputation as a clean Jacobsen, Simsbury. i than when I asked him o coach'in gling and Highland park iheetihg ^ I.ri. annQririding that ,,he had .d;^ ;oatvbri. Ebride When he must have Oklahoma cowboy, stopped Charley ed by several players who stood be* sportsman needs no mention In col­ North District,. .S,” J. Maglll, March 1926. If any changes occur Manchester Construction. ’ ’ ; • mdridv^^'jbeodine- g. prof bsslbrial,, M kriowp tbat-Fierdi Belanger, Canadian light-heavy­ tween him and the Cloverleaves’ lege circles or in the professional Thdm'psonville,' /A. L. ! Randall, in the Harvard doaching staff; they At Farr’s Chai^ter Oak alleys, the l^ t !ail6W' gnydne' to 'iriu- Aftep., rweMirig ^ weight, 6. bench was across the other side of football world where he has made a Broad Brook, T.-K- Cureton, Jr., will be announced through the pins are bound fly when Man-* .riridwstand .his 'motives; Hii made Flelfe;; made -kin' /pbitt^oii^^^tbe At Indianapolis— Johnny Mason, the field. The officials called no fine name for himself. He is 'not Suffleld. ' f Harvard Athletic Association. Chester Greien and the Sons of Italy; It quite 'ete‘ai;,lhkt he was going fo rekkirigvekillebcw Scranto^ Pa., middleweight, foul OIL Mullen b” did impose a 15 the kind of a man to tolerate, unr Manchester Dlsttlct, Geo. .Beer, Neither Mr, Horween nor I will meet on one pair of alTeya andltli^ fighl^ t lU f o -rkcguirad efi with Jonany Burns, of San Ihrancls; ~ say-on the Nighthawks and CharV'-r'^aks^’,'>r ^Gaks:’ bnop 'rakW'^'’'lUPkfiee W riburdb thrbogk through pet pfof athe; e Npw New Yi^k • bogil^ cottb- CO. 10. ij 1 7 on Mullen. .This occurred be- ley as was proved Sunday. chester. matter.” another m U ’ . ; cbllege aiiril Bet hintwlf.up |ri'buai-/'iMttMbn^^^^ r* i ’ V- ' ■ -, ' . , MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,’ 1928. PAGE ELEVEN

Britain Republican town commit­ CAMPAIGN EXPENSES tee filed here today^ . Contributors to tho Demod^^ic r*>' - ' The Newest In The Six-Cylinder Family New Britain^ SJov* 2 toY^n Committed Included . J-. ,-H. Contributions of $1,000 each ’• by Vance'$100, Judge'; B. F. Gafthey DAILY \ George T., and Arthur Kimball, $2,50, W. J. Farley $250, and Pat- \ s rlck'’ McboiHiugh, $250. . ; I^pvember 21. 9:00—WJZ harmony teS $750 by Harold' Judd, $500 from 10:00—Grand opera wlti Leading DX Stations. Phllip' B. .StAillex, $400-.froln: Gjiar-; The Repohljca^n qnmmlttee had The Troubadours orchestra will de­ 10:30—Hits and bits. $10,800.85 'to' work wilh aa j.gpent part from their usual program of dance ^ 405.2—W&B, ATLANTA-740. les F. Bennett, ' an'd-‘$20O' ffom _ 499.7—WTIC, HARTFORD—600. . 9:30—WE.\F Palmolive hour. FIXED FOCUS. TDEPRESSIBLE $6,896.19, while the Democratic music on Wednesday night to play a 7:30—WEAF prograhis (4 hrs.) ,11:45—Biltmore entertainers. Charles B .. Pjaraons,,.,nrQ!nih,?.nt. lo­ .collecUon o f well known college songs 8:30—Magic melodies; 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. BEAM HEADLIGHTS ' cal manufacturers, are reported lii committee had $6,916.55' and spfent ir43i(|iap|K WBIAF and.associafed stations . .422.3—WOR, NEWARK—710. 10:0u—Grand opera with WJZ. the list of contribntora to the- New $5,793.50, a^4*ilocki The-^atirring strains ol .'8:00—Kutuers L'nivufsity program. 11.100—IVJZ Slumber music. Yale’s "Down the Field." Harvard’s 8:30—Studio stock company. 12:0.3—EdgewHter Beach orchestra. "Harvardiana.” Navy’s “Anchora 9:00—N. IL teature hour. 1:00—Insomnia Club program. , Aweigh” and Army’s "On, Brave Old 9:30—La Pslina hour.. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. Army Team" will vie with the gentler 10:00—Kolster Radio hour. 10:15—I’intio moods; orchestr'a, ...... "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” and 10:30—United MUitpry band. 11:0^Plantatlon Jubilee .Singers, '■Vparlasinaa." Leslie FYick, contralto; 11:00—Astor orchestra. ’ 11:45—Ixmiliaido's daiice' music. 'TniT bif the featured artist of the Jeddo 11:30—The Witching'nour. 2o4.1t -WJJD, CHICAGO— 1180. Highlanders’ program which will be 302.8— WB2. NEW ENGLAND—900. 7:Oo—Victorian orchestra; talk..' ■ .^bros^cast' by ;w jZ and allied stations 7:35—Radio Nature league. 8:30—Btudio enterlainment,... ; Igit-T o'clock.. The selections to be pro- 8:00—Bing family entertainment. 9:00—WJZ harmony team. ' ■sented by Miss Frick will be "Little 8:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 9:30—Theater presentations. David Flay on Your Harp," a Negro 9:30—Studio players presentations. 12:00—Studio progriams; artists. rdbiritpnl by Johnson; and Teresa del 10:00—Grand opera with WJZ. 416.4— WGN.WLIB, CHICAGO-720. •'Reigo’ f* popular ballad "Homtnif." Sie- 11:06—Newcomb’s dance orchestra. 9h)0—WEAF programs 1 1 % hrs.) fano di Stefano will play “ Mighty Lak’ 464.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660. 10:30—Studio musical program. ' a Hose" as a harp solo with orchestral 6:00—Waldorf-Astoria dinner music. 11:16—tjuintet; tenor; orchestra. i? accompaniment. At !i the wander­ 6:30—Fur trappers program. 12:00—Di'enm.ship; nighthawks. ings of the Irresistible funny male 7:00—Synagogue services. 1:10—Meeker’s dance orchestra. ' quartet of WIP will carry them In con­ 7:30—La Touralne tableaux. 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO—870. junction with the Four Hawalians into 8:00—Home Companion hour. 8:00—Scrap book; round-up. many unusual and mirth-provoking 9:00—Troubadours orchestra with 0:30—All-state hour; choral music.. places. '"Montreal." sung by the Wan­ football music, 11:00—Popular entertainmenL derers, will be their first stop, then 9:30—Palmolive request program. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. .on to "Constantinople." stopping en 10:30—Phil Spitalny's mu.sic. 9:00—WOK programs (2 hrs.) . ^ . route to find “ Giggling Gertie" and 11:00—Hal Kemp’s orchestra. 11:00—Ten o'clock mualcale. "Sonny' Boy." The Hawalians will 11:30—White organ recital. 12:00—Benson’s dance orchestra. take their listeners to their island 393.5—WJZ. NEW YORK—760. 319— K O IL , C O U N C IL B L U F F S — 940. homo In the Pacific to acquaint them 6:00—Yoeng’s dinner music. 9:30— WOB Columbia hour. with their native music. At 10 o’clock 6:.50—Dog talk. Frank Dole. lOtoO— L o g C a b in days, the WJZ^ chain will offer a Chicago 7:00—Jeddo Highlanders with Leslie 12:00-Radio hitut; organ. Clvlo opera and at 11:30 D. & R. G. W. • Frick, contralto. 299.8— w o e , DAVENPORT—1000. band many be tuned In from KOA. 7:30—Talk, J. B. Kennedy, 8:00—WEAF programs (2iA hrs.) 7 :35 -Mme. Galnsborg. pianist. 10:30—Studio program. Black face type indicates best features 7:45—Talk. Frederick W. Wile. 11:00—O’ Hearn’s dance orchestra, 8:00—Songs, saxophone sexteL 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. All programs Eastern Standard ’rime. 8:30—Foresters male quartet. 11:00—The novelty shop. 9:00—Smith Brothers, harmonists. 11:30—0. 4. R. G. W. band. i^eading East Stations. 9:30—Blue Danube nights. 12:00—Two dance orchestras. 10:00—Chicago Civic opera. - 400—PWX, HAVANA—750. ELECTRICrtpRADIO 272.»-i-WPQ, ATLANTIC CITY^IIOO. 11:00—Slumber music. 8:00—Military orchestra. 8:30?T-HarmoDlo duoj eong redial. 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 9:00—Cuban troubadours. .. 9 JLfi--Orche8tra; studio program. 7 :00—.Story; two pianos. 10:00—Sludio music hour. Follies Bergere orchestra. 7:30—King Joy dance orehestra. 491.5— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610, ■ 883-^WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060.. 8 :00—Wanderer’s male quartet. 9:00—WEAF programs (1% hrs.) 8;0(k-^oprano. tOnor. 9:0(H-Ne\vton radio forum. 10:30—Katz boys entertainmenL g:30—WJa programs hr.) 10:00—Three dance orchestras. 12:45—Nighthawk Irollc. America’s Greatest Raifio Value ° ■3130—Thd mudc bo.x. 535.4—WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. ■ 10:00—Grand opera With WJZ. 9:00—Stanley theater hour. 11:30—Isuan Uraies broadcasL 248.»—WNAC, BOSTON—1230. 9:30—WEAF Palmolive hour. 12:00—"Roads to Romance." the Table Model Shown Above 7:30—Seotts musical program. 10:30—W E A F music; orchestra. 1:00—Dance orchestra. ' 9:00—Columbia programs (2 hrs.) 305.9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 333.1— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900. Simplicity itself! Neat—cleau-cut—most compati^;’, 11:10—^Stevens dance orchestra. 6:30—Bestor’s dinner music. 11:00—Orchestra; vocal soloists. . 546.1-WGR. BUFFALO—550. 7:00—Address; studio. 12:00—studio entertainers, of all. A cabinet of Tanguile, the most beautiful of aH-c -ZiOO—Buffalo Symphony orchestra. 7:45—WJZ programs (3^ hrs.) '1:00—Dance orchestra, 8:30—WEAF programs (2% hrs,) , llrOO-rBestor's dance orchestra, ' 365.6— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—820. Philippine woods, richly finished in D ucg. " A six-tube • 1X:10—Van Burdam’s orchestra. 245.8— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. ■-9:00—WEAF programs (1^ hrs.) . . - ■ m • rrfd'. f r tuned radio frequency receiver using AC tfibes. IlluifiT.’-I . 338.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—600. 6:00—WEAF dinner. mustci,. 10:80—Studio musical program. im 7:80--Como dinner music. 7:00—Studio Gospel BOojgH. 461.3—WSM, NASHVILLE—650. inated single-dial control together with volume controljVo 8;00—Wolanek Conservatory music. 7:30—Qulnby Symphony orchestra. 8:00—•Allen Fireside hour. The new six-cylinder Chevrolet sedan and a close-up of the motor, showing some ot the improvements. 9 :00—^oldmbia programs (2 hrs.) 8:00—WEAF progratme (3-bra.) 9:00—WEAF programs (1V4 hra) switch and antenna compensator—all grouped •within ■ 11:05—Alex Hyde’s orchestra. 260,7—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150, 10:30—Orchestra; artists. Flint, Mich., Nov. 21 — At car, there are such novelties as a the beautiful antique finished bronze escutcheon plate. 428.3—WLW. CINCrNNATI—700. 7:00—Rochester Univerelty prograhi 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. $525 to $725, at Fllnf, Mich., a:30—ITofessor Kyrock’s program. 7:45—Violinist; studio program. 11:30—I.augh with .Isuan. practically the same price'* as the camshaft, a heavier while that for the old four-cylin­ Comes in two types. Model 261 for 50-60 cycle current'’;^ ■ 10:00—Grand opera with WJZ. 8:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 12:00—The Road to Romance. , grouped dash instru- der car was from $495 to $715. and Model 262.for 25-40 cycle. The utmost in radio lt:00—Variety hour: orchestra. 9:30—"On Wings of Song." 12:30—Grand opera album. four-cylinder automobile it re­ 18:00—Organist; dance orchestra. 10:00—Grand opera with WJZ. 1:00—Trocaderans entertainmenL ments, spark and throttle levers The new sedan, however. Is to be value. 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 379.6— WQY, SCHENECTADY—790. 270.1— WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. places, the new six-cylinder Chev- on the dash instead of the steer­ sold at the same price as the old 8:80—Crystal gazer; orchestra. 11:55-Time; weather: mtirkets. 9:00—Edgeworth variety hour. loiet springs many additional sur­ ing column, only the horn button •: 8100—'WEAF Troub^ours orchestra. — $675. The “Sevilla” Model 266 - 6:00—Stocks, markets, farm forum; 10:00—Studio entertainmenL prises upon the public. at the steering wheel, long, •• 40:30—Two dance orchestras. 6:30—Original Nightbawks orchestra. 11:00—Richmond dance music. ’ JJL:30—Memory Garden hour. , 7:00—Mr. and Mrs. radio skits. ' i 440.9—KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—680. A list of the innovations intro­ chrome-vanadium steel springs, A beautiful cousole In th%^ ,399.8—WCk-WJR. DETROIT—750. 7:30—WEAF programii <8 hrs.) . 11:00—N. B. C. entertainments. duced wii.h this model, which will 2C by 4.50 tires, chromium plated Spanish mode vvith an atmo^-^ 8:QflL3Go1dkette*s orchestra. 10:30—Musical program; time. 1:00—Henderson’s dance band. be ready for distribution January radiator, motor meter on the dash Pkere of grandeur which makes.^ Secondary EaBtern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. 1, runs the gamut of practically and a headlight control switch at British Isles- it the showr-ploce of any homei ' ' 508;2—WEEI, BOSTON-S90,. 254.1—WGBS, NEW YORK—1180. 344.6— WENR. CHICAGO—870. all the improvements to bo foun4 the driver’s left foot. , 7:30—WEAF programs (3 bra.) 8:14—Popular songs; music (2% hrs.) 7:00—Organ; artists; stocks. on the higher priced automobile,3. The price range for the new Made of American Black W ai-"“ 10:45—C. of C. organ recital. 11:00—Arcadia dance orchestra, 9:00—Samovar orchestra; artists. 274.8-WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. Such, for instance, are: Chevrolet passenger car is from nut with burled Walnut over­ 526-WNYC, NEVyt VCBKi^70. 202.6— WHT, CHICAGO—1480. Summer Of 1929 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 7:55—Air college; folk songs, '' A high compression motor, lay finished in Duco. Artistic , 11:00—Castle Farm orchestra, 8:30—Sittig Instrumental trio. 9:30—Vocalists; Instrumentalists, smaller bore and stroke for grill work backed with dulL' 215.7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 9:45—Soprano,' pianist; btritone, 10:00—Ramblers entertainment, A party of Ulster folk of Spring- 9:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) -10:30—Your hour league. higher power, four exhaust and gold cloth covers the speaker^’ 367—CKCL, TORONTO—840, field and vicinity invite friends in u ’, - i 11:00—Amoa 'n ' Andy, comic team. 299.8— WHO, DES MOINES—1000. three intake ports, a fuel pump opening. The Speaker is a l f ; l l —Two dance orchestras. 9;00—Puppy Club, philosopher. Steinlte “ Polyphonic” with a S25.9—WWJ. DETROIT—920. 9:40—Microphone mummers. 8:00—Little Symphony orchestra.' instead of the conventional vacu­ South Manchester to join in a de­ ; -|I;80—WEAF progroinB ,(3*.4 hra) 11:00—Orchestra, teiior, organ'. 9:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) um tank, an-accelerating pump at lightful trip with congenial com­ unit matched both to the speak­ ll:WABC. N iW YORK—860. 8:00—WEAF programs t,T hrs.) . .. 10:15—Arlington ensemble; organist. into the manifold when the throt­ of the heavy Steinlte Audio n 0:60—Studio programs. 11:00—WJZ Slumber music.. 12:15—Studio specIoUies. C O A L IN I tle is depressed suddenly, higher Londonderry and Glasgow about System asrin all cousole models . beam headlights, adjustable V O U R B l N ! June 29, 1929. Leave on return shown in this adV., giving a. , driver’s seat and solid steering about Aug, 14. Choose your own brilliant, tonal array that inter- shaft, ' _ prets the deepest tones of', itinerary on arrival in Ireland. Visit In addition to these features, A L kO V D B great pipe-organs as well as the highest notes of the piccolo. i:y*j ^•Lvioyr INC .-i remarkable in a small, low-priced old friends and make new’ ones. Models 261-262 are installed in this console without the use of ^ Siiisifssi n'iW . i • • . ’ tools. A striking valuer Price $75. . ^ —. -S In order to secure good steamer Price with Model 261 or 262 ...... $ 1 5 ( ^ MANCHESTER OEMS. accohimodatious write at once for Complete with tubes $172.50. Second Mortgas:e further particulars to i WTIC SPENT NEARLY S50 Foreign News Money David E. ^Eravelefs Insurance Co. NOW ON HAND We sell "safe-coal-for-tbe-bome.” Hartford Hartford, Conn., Nov. . 21.— In Election expense returns continued Arthur A. Knofla Our coal glows with pride as it .1 I ^ 535.4 m. 560 k.c. to pile up in the secretary of state’s Greenaway Headquarters for Electrical Supplies. office here today. Among reports Cable Flashes B7 5 Main HL Phone 7 8 2 - 2 serves you well. Order now and 75 Mapledell St., 855 Main St., Park Building, South Manchester are the following, all Republican, be sure of enjoying a cozily warm Program for Wednesday. from town committees:, ‘ Hartford Springfield, Mass. :P. M., $13,862, Ansonia $632j Broqklyn house this coming winter heated ^5:25— S.ummarj’^ of program and $163, with a balance left of $94; London, Nov. 21.-^Couut An­ Acknowledgment with good clean coal. ^ news bulletins. Bristol $3,829, Brookfield $300; thony de Bosdari, wealthy member The general committee in “•’0 : 30— Hotel' Bond Trio, Emil Cheshire $131, Colebrook $127.50, of the Italian nobility, who is to Also Fuel Oil in any quantity. Heimhe^er," director. Derby $873, Southington $366,99, marry Miss Tallulah Bankhead, charge of the North'Methodist American actress, on Christmas eve, 'J'. . o? Request Music. with a balance of $171,97; lijejiden 3-night bazaar, takes this Tune in on the Old Company’s " 7;0^0—^Station WCAC will broad­ $2,913, Suffield $271,..-tPIymputh has settled $500,000 upon her, it cast oft this same frequency until $23.49, Woodbury $146-.,; was reported today. method of expressing the deep program. We are the sole distrib­ 7:30. . Democratic town committee re­ appreciation of the committee 7:30.—-La Touraone Concert from port expenses as follows: ■ Vienna, Nov. 21,— Because he utors for Old Company’s Lehigh has already served two terms, Pres­ e Are Canton. $100; Derby $975.49; and of the church to the local N. B. C. Studios. Coal In town. 8:00— Home Companion Hour Stratford $909; East Hayeu_ $2'24; ident Michael Hainlsch, of the Aus­ merchants, the entertainers, from N, B, C. Studios. « Willington $51; Manchester...$’49,- trian republic, will not be a can­ 9:00— Ipana . Troubadours from 20; Meriden $ 7 l; Stafford $273. . didate for re-eleotiOn- in the presi­ the general public for their pa­ N. B. C. ^fiidios. ; The Greenwich Sjnitli’ 'C|lub re­ dential election next month, it was tronage, and all who cooperated 9:30— PalmoHVe-Hbur from N^ B; ports rspending •'iaf which stated today. G. E. Willis & Son, Inc, Owen D. Young, ttfe- : General to make the project a success. 2 Main St. Tel. 50 Electric Company, $100. c^'reGt timW ^’r v Paris, Nov. 21.— Grand Duke jA^gen,ts for caudida'lies report as Alexander of Russia, cousin of the mustbrfrom i-'ii■■ ■> '')))• J tub Grill'of ' Hotel Pennsylva'nla. follows:. Kenneth,\yynne, agent for. late Czar, whose fortune ran into miiuiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM J,l.:t)0— News and- bulle­ Charles G. Morris, Democratic can­ many millions before the Bol­ m m tins. didate for governor, $1,149.69; H. shevist revolution, will leave for R. Alsworth, for Lieutenant Gover­ New York oh Friday to lecture. nor J. Edward'Brainard aa ^ n ^ - date for representative from-Bl^n'^ London. Nov. 21.— The Most I Get It Better With A i RADIO ford, $45; Martha L. Blakeslee fo| Rev. Cosmo Gordon Lang, arch­ SUNDAY George. E ., Half, a Senatdir-elect bishop of York, today was formally from New Ha-ven, $100, given by elected archbishop of Canterbury We feature RCA sets of all types biut we can get an^ of the fol­ > 7 DM. Mr. Hall; Howard C. Cone, for by the dean chapter of Canterbury lowing sets for you and install them. : Samuel R. Spencer, state treasurer- cathedral. The inaugural ceremon­ GREBE I OLDCOMPANr^ elect, $1,147.25; Jean Af. Byrne, ies will be held on Decenk’, efr 4. for Hannah D. Townsend, a de­ RADIO RtCITAL feated candidate for Senator from New Haven, $347. ' Miajestic AIINALD MRIUNKArU PARENTS UNDERSTOOD G rebe Atwater Kent America's Foremost Baritone THIS BABY’S LANGUAGE

G ^ e ^ W E A P "W e thought we were going to Steinite Federal ASSOCIATED lose our baby, teething,” says a Kentucky mother. “ He couldn't ; SW IpNS digest anything and was getting People-' ' with thinner every day. After one' of his Brown Eyes are I - Grebe Synchrophase A-C Six Bosch fretful, crying nights, I thought of nanally S3rmpathetic and i An all-electric receiving set in every sense of the ■ WEAF VEEI Castoria and got some. A few drops affectionate, but not = word. Uses A-C (alternating current) tubes and entire- j made him comfortable, and after easily deceived. WGY WeSH = ly eliminates batteries and socket power units. Just • WGR WTAG a few doses, he seemed like a dif­ Your eyes tell many Philco ferent baby.” Doctors everywhere S plug into the light socket. , i WLIT) WJAR things about you. Keep them recommend purqly-yegetable,* harm­ looking their best—always. S , Incomparable range and selectivity—superb tone — j w n s w n c ANTHRACITE less Fletcher’s Castoria for colds, If they are dark with the yelfow S freedom from A-C hum—maximum volume without dis- i •esr SINCE ISM WRC constipation, colic and other ills of tinge which indicates consti­ Crosley babies and children, and millions i tortion—and other individual Grebe features including, j Copyright U C. & N. (Jo.. 1928 pation and liver trouble, correct E Local-Distance Switch for better local and distance re- i fH r lEHlGH COAL AND these conditions by thele rjearegular = ception, Antenna Control for sharper tuning and Single j use of Beecham’s laxHtiVe/^ils. S Illuminated Dial in kilocycles to match figures in news- i NAVIGATION COMPANY Beecham’s are purely vegetable. Safe. A. C. Dayton 1 Hhd. Effective. Not habit-forming. = paper programs. i . • : ■ I ■ , ■ ■ ■ 5.<<; Produce naturar action. 60p at all E The table model here shown is beautifully finished in ; druggists. Trial size 26e. i mahogany, with burled walnut panel. : BANISH THE YELLOW TINGE .WITH THESE SETS RANGE IN PRICE PROM ...... $46.50 to $550.iJ0 Bring Your B eecham ’s 'P ills I ^Stube,) $197.50 I BOSCH AND MAGNAVOX SPEAKERS $55 to $7fl FOOT TROUBLES lUu! ■bontDARK KTZS in tb« Mst Beedum sdl s Grebe—^The Way to Complete ’ ■ ' ■ ' ' , “ 1-i .We have our own installation and service men. CaU or phone for a. demfmstratio%^ .,i .5. ' to a’ • I Radio Happiness.

' S P E G I A M ^ Studio of Dramatic Art Voice Culture, Folse, Huinorons and Urainatic ‘Readings I EDWARD HESS | PEIMAR A. AUSTIN Classes Being Formed for Adults i Headquarters for Electrical Supplies, ALFRED A . Footr.tCorrection Specialist and Children i 855 Main St., Park Building, South Manchester E Main St., 0pp. Park St., South Manchest^i BB5 MaittiSt., So* Manchester Beatrice (\ Johnson I ;■ -c' CfRisultation F ree- 1 9 Juhiisuu Terrace Tel. 742^ .itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiii:iiiti|i m * J*r V V 'r' ■ . V • -'t.f * . • - J ■ T- .... ■ <■ 'Z- * -is, T- .?• ^ - V- f‘ ■^“;Tt, . . .. ill.'". WW •>( f 1‘ V^u p i *?}*?' ■' •SSSSt' (ajTWEBVir ‘ iviAjs^UllJiiaTBR^(UONJS.) HlVliJNiJSlG K B R A tl), WEDNESi>AY, MOVEMBER 21, 192B. * ■,*». ■ / . t . ■_ 1-,^, I Il3i

AUTHOR y. i*WHEN AQRLLOVES* I MsCiervic^l •LOVE FOR TW O'i|c- I THIS :h a s ? Aquifer! himself for an exchange ;£t Fate introduces Jl^B Y ,f(4Y ■ IE iiSe SSTEB OABSTAHCS t!b|k a fool,” Dan . said les his airplane'ii|to ,tl|e! j .J^pK'klll you, and I iijon’t' m r ^e is sharing W)^>|ij|r cl^l^lbod of such an animal Hy BTLE. She likes his pilot, D* you bn' my hands. A pretty cur © 1028 bt| NEAr ib^RVEY,' brjt blester ia^ st|a|pk by yfiu,.::, to wear . “,’ said Ted’s father to Ted.?’’ 'askgd: his, jfath#rff’ '*^ Cer beauty w d .shotWs h ^ " a n ^ i^ .« ■ c|^fch<5i' Ted’s mother, “ every time , I tell ^ Unable‘to bny- a gowifYot 'a^ becautt^Hifceo2%'2*^6lng to biff you him to do something he answers . “ .When did' yoff • Be has invited her to, Jerjy fields some day before finding out what that you’ve given him other orders. " “About 5:3#. ' ^^ng «b the temptation to slip' one frp^. a, poor Tmltation of a man you are.” I sdistinctly told him this morning Ae store where she works, for Ae “ And I suppose you think-lyoiir to carry the rest of those screens “ Well, yo#’v#,h'^d*3 ^itr gening. When they tannt Ler<'withi '.sliSe’.gives you the right to rifig in off the back porch down to the and, a good supiiei*.^ i3P‘ho?H* “Slftfiild Ceing a "dry dud” at the party,. Jer^ a littte .rounder on a decent girl,” cellar. And they’re still there. He see you -tlil-bdgh- tfAj^KW^iSWW^- It’i drinks too much. A rowdy danc* Jael fired back Instantly. says you told him not to touch '^ quarter to seveo,vTh^4i have partner throws her into the them.” an - hour! tOf'rettd Bb»W«»ed. ,;|^ 1 to' re vlve^hi^li|]im.apj^^ “ Yes, I did,’.’ answered, Ted’ s I gtiess yoffi* 'aigittwdrtpworfitoklll hielp her, but Alester twes her . . . . tne inequality of their strength mother with asperity. “ He had a you;” : •- • -5 .l.-, zjec ,.txome...... that he was a guest in some- shirt on that he can wear ‘to school - “That’s the way:yom'are,*Tain!” tomorrow. If he touches those: Indignantly shot buf’TSd’aaiBaCHer. ' ™'She is dtscb'arged'frb'm thS st6re~ .'ibaft'TelaeTr'.r.BroMEi^.rifdrgot.eve^ thing except that this man had screens it would have meant an­ ‘!The mlnutd I slnaw tbffi.'qhHfl a , wlien she confesses about the dress.. other clean one. My ironings are little sympathy yon.^takfi thesothei ' Jerry seeks another job and is sur- dragged Jerry’s name in the mud. big enough.” He might have hurt him badly had ,didfi.!’i -v> f , prised one evening when Dan calls. 3 2 5 “ He could have put on some-- not Evelyn and some of her guests suteh: ,v:thht&”-rt i^ feg d q d hli He proposes and she tells him she thlng old, couldn’t he?” father. )t'PBa- trying‘ tf>-,^^te-iblm does not believe in love, but hopes who had been crowding in the “ It was almost dark when he doorway rushed out and separated buck 'up.and do .whatrjLe-n -tQldJ’- to marry for money. He leaves after came home, and he was tired.” “ Take the teacher’ll jMjt.-!|haLt’i warning her. them. “ I see!” said Ted's father, know­ Jerry was among them. She % right, ,My ■word doesn?£jcduh’t Joi < Alester drives Jerry out to the ing it was no use to argue. ’ a thing in this caught Dan by the arm when Jael ,7'i' Ted’s teacher gave the class • deserted camp, where he makes ad­ was pulled free of him, and tugged If Te,d gijpiws .in^o^JL'tla.'sv-abiding vances which she repulses. Dan nightwork. The fall evenings were at It until he looked at her. Tears WHY OH.' WHY -I>o Af ARE' V()EV iqU —XOokiE- long and frosty and the exemptioa happens along and, under cover of were streaming dowmher cheeks TAtV M.1. GO i-'^CT Tiler his presence, Jerry for^ces,-. ^les^er TK*.T-< she had-given them as long as out­ apd'nK^ .TOasj'^rwhita-as a Sheet.■ 'Cowe door play was possible was at an • to .take her home. lYb^y^^leitms Panvjej5kfed*one,.ai’m Ibc^'Trnfnlhts? -fHiv’Rk end. more .ma^eris."'than' th arents. ' that she has lost her job tuiliis‘'ac- captors and put it around her V^l^PSI “ Darn these old books,” growled , count he uses his Influence to get Ai(?nAM Moth’ets '!sh'brild‘’',r^a£lr^ e_neces- shoulders. She swayed against him Ted banging his arithrnetlc 'on the Sity foir. ptiehjerice^,^ (ftf^law a ^ her a place in a chorus. r and rested there, , table. “ I’ve got about a million than their pwi^- ' '^-': 5a'??3Tri ; Rehearsals are hard for her, but “ Aiilr’'^Iiss Starr for dur things,” problems to do.” " '\0 ri the sitreet'childi'qri-'’iftfii^ do I she is befriended by ;JBVEL3rN : Dan said'-tq a man at- his- elbow,; . ^ s . EPfl SMART JUNIOR “It’s a shame!” declared . his -what tlty s8h8bf-^ey ■ STARR, who is in love JAEli In a few seconds Evelyn, who' had -smart model fo f ih'e'junior that mother. “ You work all day In are unde^ Ae.teactfdi*.'5^ri^'#t!ift>m6 ; THANE. Evelyn gives a paii^y'and .'.been seeing to. it^ that Jael was let^- creates- new. interest in-daihty neqkr' school and you shouldn’t have to they, ‘oWe’-#s ' ifldetf' ' to J when Alester says he caflnbt take into the kitcheri,‘came td Jerry and line, with-upPlled ■banSk’ that simu­ ruin your eyes at night.” fath''ers-a3‘‘t#'tnbtli#r*^H a 5 her, Jerry invites Dan. Jael takes Dan and tried to apologize for late a diagonal closing, .fastened, “ How many problems have you one-master world -fdf;’ ipls. J exception to Jerry’s presence in Jael’s behavior. with buckle. The back shoulders- ’ Evelyn’s home. extend over shirred front forming I* “ Please let me ‘take Jerry into my room and quiet her,” she said yoke effect. The circular skirt rip­ \ NOW’ GO ON WITH THE STORY to Dan. ples gracefully at every move of its He shook his head. wearer. Any little miss of 8, 10, 12 .f:■ CHAPTER XXIX “ No,” he said, “ I must take-her or 14 years would be glad to be the proud owner (^Jhis attractive drefe Jael did not come up to Jerry home.” s m m m K Evelyn appealed to Jerry. of wool jersey in sealing-wax red, J as she expected. Instead he stood printed in floral pattern in deeper off a few feet from the guests to “ I can’t let you go until Jael has Nun (Joncepclon, known as “ In-’^He’s t. M.'SheJpartt^o'ibf .SQ^rgla, tone, with plain faille silk crepe in tellectrial author” of the murder by holding his youngest:^i'«ffY SiPochib !„ whom Evelyn was presenting Dan made an apology,” she said. same shade 4 or band collar and Jerry clung closer to Dan.- ) Jo^b, 'Toral bf Obregon,' Mexico’s dren upon his .knee.. .‘‘Sfinetefti are i,' and waited quietly until she turned ctes, wqtriJ- with black pateht president-elect, has been sentenced living. There’s no picturfe'ofilihis ( to him with Dan beside her. ' 'J > : • ,*|i^tlier ls'‘ byerjgofhe,i!,'.’ Ev^^yn l^T b^ .^mt.*'^lann€d*in bright fed' 5 w.- f' • ■ ... / .// to twenty years imprisonment. Tor­ wife or ' wives. Tliejsrife .qsSdbably Dan put out his hand when JafeTs ^w.fi4t_|)jf‘^pleadin-gl5f-^‘feM tfiR never wltri' bmpl?' velveteen “col^r, .cqffs 1 .l^j-glTve''me for'letting you go’ be­ al will die before the firing squad. dead, too. The only petitoEdstare- f name was given him, but Jael did and belt is striking for the dark­ fore we get this horrible affair ’Throughout • the. trial the wild claims to fameCIs ‘^Weil/;I,-3Teriildn’t j; not take it. Evelyn looked at Jael, haired miss. Patou’s slate blue flan­ youHi insisted that the elderly nun boast Straightened out. Jael is laboring nel in tiny-self-check pattern-with ► startled by his strange attitude.. under, .^’some'in^j,,'delusion. You e 'Oa. BY NtA SERVICE. INC. wS'3'’'’'lria'oceai; of any plotting with .; i tweqo-j U , e il*l « Dan appeared bewildered for a plhin -ri^tchto'gj'flanriBl 'contrast' is hini, and begged for her freedom. know, Jerry, he isn’t like other NEW MOVIES ds'il ■ moment, then he dropped his arm flattering .for .._tbe little blonde. Here'is a theme for a soldier of Woufcl-'yoiliiiygB movie people. He will t^l'm e why he-iact- r to his side, bowed to Evelyn and Brown and'' , 'beige .checked tVfeed fortune author, indeed! One won­ with: a eherojtge as ed as he did. I want you here when with trimming contrast cut on bias, [ went to join Jerry. ders much about this meek-faced beautiful,AS .Helen, ^gd a he does.” navy blue, wool crepe with bright MOSCOW MUSHROOMS ? Jael's voice cut the embarrassing nun'who, moving quietly about her herb. who,,jvifaa-... #qithqr., .A.-i^qimaD Jerry lifted her tear-stained.face. red crepe and jyittle green velveteen tasks o,f Caring for the widowed and Npyarcb qr/r £ silence in low, clear tones. are chic ideas-for Style No. 325'-. Russians serve mushrooms in in­ I ‘‘Just a moment,” he said, and “ I knew •'hat he means,” "she fatherless, seems with no or fev? There’s a new- ybi^^l^ Hoily.;^nod said miserably. “ He said something Pattern price 15 cents in stamps or numerable appealing wriys. One of [ such was Dan’~ surprise that he in- words to have set going a crim« —;a .(lermari ■ direbtopi'/w^Q^jlnBlsts to me the first day I went to re­ coin (coin is preferred). the mt^jjVdbletable is made as fol­ J. stantly wheeled back to face him. with powerful results for' church, that rich ari4'Mg ari^r'aEiflsIgrig'ex­ hearsal.” We suggest that when you send Daily Health Seryice lows;: Boll-.a'pound of mushrooms, and state. Another proof that a wo­ periences, ...fuRr =f>erimqbD,;find ' ‘‘I believe you have made a mis­ for this pattern, you enclrfse'10 take,” Jael went on, without rals- gently man is either cause or objective in-, drama. - can .. ab)i;na“'i#‘'.'reAj/tffe to . Evelyn 4poked/_ be^segqhingly. at cents,- additional for a copy of our TO KEKP WELL Drain volved in most all crime! women ■who are #bt‘ijQ' »Miy'l)&u- , Ing his voice. ■ Dan. ' ’ " ' “ " Win’ter' Fashion Magazine, showing 6 “ Jael!” Evelyn had a hand on ' ^by Famed Authority fPwfe ;iump tifnl and , '■‘^I.ichtt-t MftglHfe What ft ls,”.:she all trie most attractive Paris styles. the .qpo;k;^,d muBhri.c«)mS • around In perfect' bf hhysique,^ pblisfied' as a his arm, her eyes entreating him to said,, “ but I know Jael will explain. Also embroidery and interesting THE NEW TEACHER silence. 3 fit., "t^eh' :put them, again carefully jewel in manner, nor, haSSsbirie, of He wouldn’t speak-' ill -of anyone ideas' for Xmas gifts you, can make. ■ •T.ria'they, will stay whole,';into a pan Though there is no money in the face. ' ' ' '• ■ ■■:■ Dan waited. iw- town treasury of Bedford, 0., to unless he felt he was . right. It’s DON’T TRUST, YOUR EYES , ■bf'.^'hbt-.butter and brown ' evenly. “ If you do not understand me only fair to Jerry to hear'whal'he workers wear special goggles'to pay its 75 teachers, every one of WHAT’LL PUBLIC *SAY^'- we will step into the hall and I’ll, 'Manchester HeTald TO QUACK DOCTORS prevent Injury to the eyes v * o'^^r.Phud pieces of toast, I has, to say.” a , ’|:.aiTilihrid.Wfth cress. them has agreed to go bn. teaching .TMs“ dIrebtot^“ *'>rlIf’-*'#ttempt to make myself clear,” Jael Said to 'Dari looked down'at Jerry. .'- I l*attern Service' ! ...In the case of difficulties of Vlsi for months till some money is forth­ STibstttu^’’iy”'^lfts and By DR. MORRIS PISHBEIN sibh, eyeglasses act exactly In the him. , “ Miae Starr is .rlglit,’^, he, •; said: coming rather than have the schools women* who look Ifkfe'-erferydaf -’peo- 'Ais bur patterns are mailed .-'it.-,* T--^—^ .;• , • same way as a crutch acts to aid TASTY SUPPER closed and their 1900 pupils turn­ ’ The few people near them were “ You ought to get this cleared up, frym New York City please al- ple for “ the dbir beautl*8’^/'!#nd listening now in amazement. Jerry Editor Journal of the American a weakened limb. They lend syp- ed out to get into such mischief as Jerry. There-w ill'be'a lot of talk tow'^tive days. Medicril’ Association and o f’ Hygeta, Soak .qalves’ brains In cold water “ football captain men" who aj*i^bur stole close to Dan, trembling with port sometimes sufficient to permit they would till school reopened. present heroes. ■' >■. if it Isn’t ” „ J;h,e .Health; ^ g o zin e the eye to recover to a consider­ two. hours, take off niembrane and apprehension. He felt her hand Jerry choked back a sob. Pattern No. . f; . We hear a great deal about the Here’s a alee question"; Doea^the touch his own, and glanced down able extent from its weakness. ' Oq, soak/an'pther hour in salt water. passing of the old-fashioned teach­ rathei?,,myself,” she .Du,rlplg the last few years a half Then dip. .them In flour, eggs and public vwanf . (romance .afnther than into her troubled face. He guessed Price 15 Cent's the other hand, there are maffy er who took her job as a divine reality? Will-,i v pr.eferrfthesfltamor- said, drawing awdy frorii Dan. He dozen quacks of assorted varieties cases in which the structure of the cracker crumbs and saute all over call and worked for love and not then that she was Involved In this let her Ago, and Evelyn put an. arm ous tales wiyyen, abou.t^suflei^tural unexpected situation. Name h.ave .sought public Interest with eye Is wrong, and in which eyeglass­ in hot butter. Serve with grilled for her own reward. We hear a around her. scare-head on their al/ertisihg mat­ people unlike the.mseliyeq-'tn ithiq:;so­ He faced Jael again. “ If you es can never be dispensed with sat- tomatoes and hot rolls for a deli­ great deal about the modern flap­ lacing thought „thati .qveB;,ordinary Jerry could not bring herself to ter, “ Throw away your glasses.’’ ilsfactorlly. cious meal. per school 'marm who works only will,” he said with ominous calm look at.him.,, _ Size . people can haye rlch>.:emptloaa4..ex- Like.quacks of all,varieties, thpy Bejlond all this there are many for the short hours and a fairly fat perlences? , in his voice. Jael bowed. “ Everyone knows' that Alester' relied on the power-bf-ku^estiori;' diseases and forms of intoxication Address • •eeee.eeee, MANY p u r s e s ch6ck< isp}^#;:|,lttle tale sePihs'to say Evelyn placed herself between got Mr. ';give me.a'place knowing that th e . person who, frdm food and bacteria which afj ' ' 7* c- f, V . i B* . them as they moved away and sdSrie^ri'g different. It makes! one in the chorris,” she said miserably. throws away his glasses VIl! make feet the eye particularly. In such •ivondbf/tbo', if a profession run in thrust out her hands in a swift > • • t f 'e, e I , are growing individual Evelyn pattedr •he’* shoulder en- a special effort .to see without them., oasqs a correction of the disease or Each costume calls for Its own. the main by men rather than wom­ POINTED DEGOLLBT!(¥€»e gesture. .■siiiq .QOUfaglngly. .Dan. was .very quiet. Seqd your order to„the and will believe for a while that he a reinoval of the dangerous, sub­ :Th.eref the.Carstairs glrl,” ’'Jerry said, be­ .ma.tism. that he is unable to see 'at physician, at least ip the very her ^'’‘When one Is Inclined to doubt' line cut In sharri'-pblntS.s^' 'snop Dan’s eyes snapped as he turned all without his glasses. ' • ed and'has a stunning gold mono­ ■ . iV; ';;•, 'r.iiho ginning reluctantly and ending ginning, In relationship to a dis* gram on It.,, that there is much of “ a new wom­ upon him. “ If she wishes,” he said, with her head tip and her eyes Vide CLEAN FURNITURE Result of Popularity turbance of the eye is the fact that an,” after all, or'that woman has wfet-y------1 as a conclusion to Jael’s remark. The director of the National So­ he will be concerned with’^ the hur Wj|th defiance. ' ,-, ' , . ‘‘QlOB” jpAJAMAS a place in the scheme of things Jerry came up to him, white and, There'was a mo.irient of silence ■ Before polishing furniture, al- ciety for the Prevention of Bllnd- man body as a whole and with Its much,different now than that which shaken. . • as. the meaning of her words pene­ iTyays w;ipe it clean with a cloth ■,p.eajj,h^;'Po.l°ted out recently that diseases as a whole, rather than she ever Had”, one hears, for In­ ITCMIlik iimio^ A new.-;set!-''of winter.. lounging • “ Please,” she said, “ don’t go out trated. the understanding of her wrung out of lukewarm water to when glasses first came Into popu- with the eyes primarily. On the stance, tjhat for the first time in the [I with him, Dan. I don’t want tto Vhlch' a little vinegar has been larUy-'.xAnd when eyestrain was a other hand, the man who is prima­ pajamas,-has/a.'.^mart little white age-old records of the empire of hearers. ‘ - - . tuck-In„.crepe satin blPuse, with el- OFMSKIRiUlDSf^ ; stay. I shouldn’t have come,. I know •added. Let the furniture dry be- popular topic of conversation, rily In the business of selllpg ; the mere wlfe of the emperor /Don’t suffritf: froM “ Oh!” Evelyn^gaspled, ,, glasses were frequently prescribed glasses Is likely to concern hlmsblf boyr.-8leeves,---aBd^blue flannel trbus- he doesn’t like me.” Dan’s lips tightened, ■ for# polishing. . * was eni,th'i*bned with him. The !Em- skin. Do not’e»dure':Sdii(Martnie3 ■ “ Is he the host?” Dan said to when they, were .not necessary. only with eye and with prescriblriji: 6rs./cu.fe?. .just;, like . sailor’s flaring pres3,‘..-Nagakb mounted her “ cur- .-and’ Irritation3.r iBaaiSi Evelyn. “ Oh,” Evelyn repeated. “ I think In many Instances the people glasses if there is the slightest ex­ ">'y:trilned throne” the other day at the I understand. Poor Jael. H e___ Notches, Rashes.’: and n I Jael answered for her. “ No,” he Fashion Plaque came for .glasses and would feel cuse for such a prescription. ' -same time the/Emperor Hlrohlto dmff and Eczema.' I’m sorry to betray his Intimate that they had not been satlsfac- Some Good Advice ! ' .- ORANGE VOlSUH " ' i"- took his throne. There had, how­ tiseptic. dromdable ' said “ but I will not permit her to story, but you see it explains why ^ . r 1- 1 .'.- *■ be imposed upon b y .. . . ” tbrlly -treated unless a prescription rProper glasses can relieve eye- ever, been 1 1 former empresses in anytime. ‘Thesa|i^.sure^1 he— why he thought what he did !. Dan’s hand shot forth and seized .was given to them; in other cases; strain; on the other' hand, ifn- Grange prbihises* To be' the fa-- their own right of blood. The em- skm cle^ and fjree aboul Jeqry. ^Phere was... a girl— a manufacturers Were •' promoting photer glasses may make the edni vorit.e sports h'color fo r'. Southein however,' does not take her . and skin ^oubtes;^ 3 ^ him by the shoulder. < ^ ‘ j girl -.h^ loyedjjdea^jy,’iV ' ^ ^ . i “ Perhaps you’d better a o^ '^ fA 1 glares too strongly. • dition much mora severe. The di­ thls;;year. A* pale’,'blue kasha' ■seAt'tlU the emperor has taken his. Jerry alonet heafdrthe ‘ softferitoh’ It is pethaps as a result' ot the re*- rector of the National Society fo^. tweed nnd'.sijk ensemble has wide And it will really be too bad If the it,” he said with suppress^'furyi in, her voice. “ She bought her way,” “ We don’t need an enemy of Miss aotion,.against overprqscriblng that •the. Prevention of Blindn'eas gi'vea orange,})\naings;. . • •„ ',' Jap feminists fix that up; after all, Evelyn stumbled on, “ to the to p ... the fakers of today have been able definite advice as to the selection ‘of certain traditions should be found FOR SKIN IRRTltl^IOelS Ray’s to characterize her foir^u^.”,; to ‘ get , a considerable following: of, .1 --if Jael tore himself loose ' frdtn with. Jael's heaft.” • a competent authority on the eyes:, rich to both men and women re­ persons to throw away glasses and “ If he keeps a store or has- a- gardless. • Dan’s hold. “ But Miss Starr needs It was now 'Jerry.-who consoled. -~ r ~ thus to'.hariri themselves. ' ' " ' ' sigh with 'specialist’ in letters!# Some/yeity :fliie''new French han- to have her characterized,” he re- She put he.'.,* around Evelyn Th,e three chief reasons for wear­ foot high, or If his office looks llk^ torteef hotly. “ If she knew how Miss kiea -iight green-linen, ‘ “ CHAHIPION PA” ; 5 and they stood there ' silent until ing glasses are: to protect the eyes, a high-class barber shop with many 'Here’s another picture of onq of 5 Ray got into the show business ahe Da.n turned away, with one of the to see -well, and to see without fa^ plaiffed '^^In.^vdatker green, with machines and few i books, you ejau orangejlnearfor gaiety. those pesky “ champion fathers!” J wouldn’t have asked her here.” guests Vho"'sugge'sted that they re­ tigue. Nowadays in all industries be almost certain that he is not tha : “ Oh, Jael, please . . . . ” • Eyelyn tire *lnt'o the. living room, in. which the eyes a,re likely to -be :niah for yourself or for your chjli ‘‘Smart-; Yet'liw.v^iMve®"^ began tearfully. Jerry went with Hvelyn to her subjected to danger from chips the dren.” T 'i State-' Theatrir'lIafirndM ' .Tael did not reply to her. Dan mother’s room. Mrs. Starr was hlSiiyiO )! had seized him by the arm and was trying to regain her composure un­ SiSiia ■; propelling him out of -he room into der the mlnistr'ations of' the maid. TASTY SALAD ' a the foyer. He was almostv,.beside , ..Jerry bati^mefc Evelyn’s mother 1 himself with ra3e— a rage that 'vyqs once before •when she came to din­ Stuff celery with raisins and ) S2';‘ lo ‘ partly inspired by the kno^edge ner. She had been delighted to be roequefort , cheese mixed -with Get Ready H eh tf that he couldn’t beat the man to a with people among whom she did cream, cut into one-inch pieces and / . “Always Something! New” .U'.' ; pulp. not need to be on guard against a jSSr-vrq .on, Roroaine, ■ .'with , French ■ The feel of Jael’s thimarm un- careless.word, a.too-inviting glance GERTRUDE ‘LAWRENCE wears 'dressing'sp'ririkled with''paprika" . r* SJate ThMter Building, South Manchester .6 &!:.i ; der his strong fingers sickened, Dining with , iUester,' as she, -had this charming hat of lighfc'greyt felt ' .V ----- —:— , him. "Why, the fellow was little told herself ■ ■* frequently, was' like in “ Treasure Girl.” The brim VINEGAR BAt 6 / Thanksgiving , more than a skeleton! And : the trying to eat with- a temed starts just in back of the’ byebrtiws, ' A 'h o t bath, to'Which!'two cups I whiteness of his face did not re­ . . . .you had to watch him all the the right side -being shorter than, of vinegar has been added, will-re- We Are Continuing flect.fear, Dan knew, because his time. the left which iS pleated and topped, inoye stiffness after strenuotis exer­ ' • - stf*ostf*b 4ij... eyes blazed with courage. Mrs. Starr put out a feeble, wel­ with a jewelled pin. cise. ■••y v ' ' -'v i. Our First Anniversary He did not try to resist as Dan coming hand. She hadn’t had a Have Your shoved him through the doorway. chance to greet Jerry before Jael daughter’s hopeless love for Jael STOPPER HINT Out In the foyer Dan released him. started the trouble. Jerry rushed Thane. ^ , SALE' '3 “ Now, you dirty rat, say what over and knelt beside her. “ I’m so “ Stay, here, Jerry,” Evelyn said, When putting a stopper Into a Coats and Suitis Jyou have to say, and say it quick, sorry, Mrs. Starr,” she said. “ until I talk to Jael. I’m sure bottle, always give-it a half turn All This Week Of Wintetaa#::: 5 because In two miflUtes you’re gb- - “ I'm s ^ e dear,” the efverything- - ^ '1 ''he.'gib’'right v^en round-after it “is in.-|Jhjs- prevents 0 €,aiiqS This Week ;jing back in there and apologize to older wonfen a l ^ ^ r ^ Mn^ly, “ but I-tell'him:' tfiat/iiknowvall about sticking.. . '*'«**; i !}Miss Ray or I’ll thrash you within fft ls‘w^ fhp i»uft apologize, Jaei you and Alesl^er.*^ / i,?' ,, - and an Inch of your life!” is a qui'er briy, biit I 'don’t know Evelyn lef't trie room and Jerry ^ *-•' n e St sAtAbs-':-'- SPECIAt%OT I Jael did not cringe. what possessed him to commit such was alone with her mother. ' ‘You may do that,” he acknowl­ a frightful act.” “ Poor Evelyn,” the mother mur­ Separate head lettuce' carefully Avoid the Bush ! edged, “ and I might even apologize “ We know,” Evelyn.-sald sooth­ mured softly.^i‘.‘J wisJ^ sb^had never, and,then make nests of the wash- '[»—though. I shall not— and still it ingly. “ It's that Tojb^^lqn .of his. .ombt Jael. Hb’^ a g|e^|l)u^’i|eE tc^: rid Spjpces.'. into these put a salad •'■i* (I Wouldn’t make Miss Ray anything You see,” she 8^gaJ,^.;yerry h*a.s a her ailrid she ich sbq .mixture hrade.. of tuna fish, chop- DIUBSSES i|)»lBe than what she is.” rich young man' Vhose infiuerice feels impelled to humanize him.” ‘ped grfenri peppers, pecan nut meats -j. Dan sprang at him. Jael stood put her where she is and Jael Jerry was embarrassed by this and chopped apples,' covered, with !i anfllnching before the attack. His jumped to his usual bitter conclu­ confidence. She felt certain that mayonnaise, Top with a devilled b i fearlessness itself defeated Dan’s sion.” Mrs. Starr offered it orfly ‘ in re­ half egg. 3 IHirpose. He could not strike a man The smile vanished and Evelyn sponse to an uncontrolled nervous 'j w4to was a physical weakling. His bit her underlip to still its trem­ emotion. She scarcely knew what SWEATERS kj.'/lAssorted Colors ’IWI^Hdrbpped^helplesslyv’’ ' bling;r--...... ■to sayy but she-was -sparred' "the' NEW TASTB- “ You must make him apologize,” necessity of answering. , M O D E R N ^ her mother said weakly, and turn­ Evelyn burst, into the room to DYERS and CLEANERS Qnr stock always includes plmity of large sizes ed her eyes away from Evelyn’s announce, in obvious excitement, 1 1 School St. .Tel; 1410 for Matrons. '’ face. She was unable, as always, to that Alester had come. ook upon tha revealed proof of her iT o ha Ocmtlnued). MANCHESTER

■■•■ ;A.- .....

V! The afternoon session will center froih the annual outdoor affairs ex­ there will be s fishing pond with about the topic “ To what extent ALL CIRCUS FAKIRS cept for the fact that there will lie prizes for -all. lOCAL GROUP GOING can we hope to abolish interna­ no horse-racing or gambling de­ Susa’s Tin Fan Band/^i five piece Rockville tional war and what steps can be vices. , minstrel eombluation will fur^sh taken toward this end?" The speak­ ATRECrSIHGFAIR music. Pop-corn, peanuts, pink TO BIG CONFERENCE ers that wilt address the gathe’’ing Mr. .Lloyd gave out the “ con­ lemonade and hot dogs wiljl. be «on tents’* of several of the booths but i I3|iagi-BaCk In cards rafter attending the fair. .Ac­ immediate' delivery. .Mjmc'uester on i:>ternational relations. 1915, Robert J. Tom pson :^of cording to' the program announced,; Eclair will also be present to tell Motor Sales, 1 0 0 Main St. Dennis staff; Vice:Deputy, Carl Schmelske, The morning session will open at the fair will not ;be much dlfferen;^. your past,, present and future and P. Coleman, Manager.~Adv. , Master of IWork, Arthur Friedrich, Chicago bought marks 10 o’clock with an address on “ The worth of Imperial G ei^^-Govern- ..<■1 Chaplain. Bert Schuey, Inside Need to End War” and "^?^at Guard, Raymond Schrumpf. ment bonds. He paltf';':ilipr them everyone should know about the $103,000 in’ Good.American goldl , Firemen Resign From Snipslc Co. Multi-lateral treaty” . The speakers John Bock and Walter Johndrow, Since then he has been trying to will be Miss Emily Louise Plumley collect on his investm^ipt. hut — drivera of the Snlpalc Hoek & Lad­ representing the Connecticut Fed­ der Company, • have tendered their out much luck. - eration of Womens Clubs, Mrs. Today a suit was on lile lu : reaigBations. Both men have been Milton Simon representing the Na­ connected with the Are department trict Supreme Court in whicu , tional Council for Jewish "Women, Thompson seeks to recoveriv . the for several ydars. Senator Alice Pattison Merritt, Mrs. value of his Investment from the M ar^ ge Intentions Josepha Whitney representing the Marriage Intentions have been U. S. Government. His suit con­ National Womens trade union tends that the American govern­ filed at ^ e town clerks office -by league and Miss Primrose Woolver- ment holds enpugh German proper­ Lester D. Russell, and Helen E. ton representing the Y. W. C. A. ty t(y cover the apount and. be Silva, both of this city. The meeting will be presided over wants sufficient of it .transferred to H o]ie4^ pter Meeting by Miss Emily Louise Plumley. him to cover his loss. he President of the United States says: Hope Chapter, 0. E. S. held a The round table luncheons that meeting Tuesday evening in will be served at 12:30 o’clock will The new Ford cars are ready for Masonic ,hall, with a large atten­ he addressed by the following Immediate delivery. . Manchester WE HAVE tested the Red Cross in war and peace. It has never failed us. It dance o f the members. The meet­ speakers: Mrs. Harrison Elliott, Motor Sales, 1069 Maia St. Dennis; ing was followed by. a social and a Miss Alice W. Hunt, Clayton Erno{ P. Coleman, Manager.~Adv. never will so long as it holds your support As President of the United States and as playlet, , "The Anti , Gossip Club" and Miss Esther Everett Lape. The which was ably presented by the following topics will be discussed: President of the American Red Gross, I earnestly ask all our citizens to renew their following cast: “ Methods of Building a Club Pro­ HAVE YOUR HOUSE RID OF Mrs. Harlow Wing— Mrs. Oswald gram on Foreign Affairs” , “ World COCKROACHES, BED BUGS membership in this legion of mercy. Saengec. ■ Friendship for Children” , “ Inter­ Mr8.vGieorge Suders— Mrs. Mar­ AND MOTHS BY FUMIGA­ national Fellowship for Young Peo­ TION. Safe and sure. ... CALVIN COOLIDGE tin Metcalf. ple” and “ The United f ta|es and Mr». Fred Jones— Mrs. J. W. BOX 69, ' the World Court.” McClellan.' Manchester, Cdnn. Mrs.'Russell Sorrelle-?-Mrs. E. H. MotcaH. * * Mrs. John Dawflon-—Mrs. H. Louis Weir. Mrs. Robert Smit^— Mrs. Elmer Oleott. What Doctors Think •Mrs. Fannie Gray— Mrs. Harry V: w £■ Bodman. of the ^ Mrs. Marion Gardley— ^Mrs. Al- The American Red Gross says: bert Knhnly. Laxative Habit Mrs. Utopia Black— Mrs. Delos Rich. READ this Roll Call of Service.. . then you'll proudly help in the rendering of that ’ Wedding Announcement In all history, no Indian was ever •! Announcement has been made of known to have constipation. Nor service by answering now the Roll Call of Red Cross Membership. the.marriage of Miss Emma Belyea need YOU. He chewed the bark of of Houlton, Maine, and Horace E. a tree called cascara. Today, we West of this city. The wedding took haVe the candy Cascaret, . place at the parsonage of the Union Cascarlzing the bowels never ❖ * is Congregational church, Saturday, forms a laxative habit. If, already f^yember 17. Rev. George S. formed, an occasional (Jascaret will B rook s officiated. The couple were tisually break the habit. For casca­ ra strengthens the muscular walls **The m ost destructive hurricane in tb * altended by Miss D. L. Lepine and of the bowels, and their meed of Charles Scheinor. any aid at all grows constantly less'. Red Cross workers in 316 camps - and stations, . Mrs. West Is a member of the history of the. West Indies.** What other cathartic has this char­ nursing staff at the Rockville City acteristic? The writer knows of assisted 245,000 men of the regular Army and hospital. Mr. West is employed by none. his father who Is in the local ice The American Red Cross rendered immediate ser- Navy. 47,252 nurses were enrolled in the Red An evacuation brought gently , . business. I ' , about by cascara will, nine times in vice at , every point touched by the hurricane—, Cross Nurses’ Reserve. 30.000 are on the active Entertained At Bridge ten, be followed by full function­ ideal laxative— an^ the ton^e^ tells ’ Mrs. Walter Robinson of Davis ing of the bowels on the morrow— us candy Cascarets are its ideal assisting more than 500,000 victims with clothing, list, ready to respond tp calls from the AnW and avenue entertained the Afternoon and for days after. For there Is no form. At least a million people Bridge Club on Tuesday afternoon. REACTION as with sickening salts, know this; what a pity t'oere are medicines, tents, and daily sustenance. Approx^ Navy, with the Red Gross disaster force at home The prize was awarded to Mrs. A. or any of the man-made purgatives any who don’t! Especially parents, L. Martin. A delicious luncheon was that go through one’s system like a because children love to take a imately $5,000,000 will be expended in actual re-. an . i 3500 chapters. Other relief rendered included memb^s conducted a service program in the sonal tax collector at the town clerks office in Memorial Hall. that given during the New England floods, and the schools for the benefit of their communities, the Walter O. Dailey To Sing Over Radio tornado in the city o f St. Louis. country at .laige, and children in other lands. A ' Wafter O. Dhiley,. ./well known monthly average of 10.049 civilian families were barito&e Singer will be heard over thrraflio-Saturday evening at: 6:30 “Prom Mexico to Jerusalem, assisted last yejff by Red Cross Horae Service b’icdiMK fhnh Station W B'Z, Spring- field, His many friends are from Albania fo Brad!** Workers. 253,040 gaments and 2. 276,621 sur­ raure to tuna in oUiSatnrday, as they A will be pleased to hear him sing. gical dressings were made by Red Cross Volun­ -Notes :/ The American Red Cro0 knows no frontier; rec­ teers. •1C. Frank M. Dickinson is con­ ognizes no “questions of policy” ; bows to no so­ fined to the house by fliness. ' Gerald Pagano of Lawrence cial, political, religious; or racial prejudice. Ihir- street is 111 at the Hartford hospital, johh B.'^Thomas, town treasurer, ing the past year the Red Cross rendered md in. i ^ l f s share'of the state foreign disasters, assisting over 650,000 people ta A v ]^ ,^ :f7 . iimd. military tax 22 otU,fi8d.l2i —furnishing fo^ , clothing; shelter and .m ^ w l What Do YOU Say Parley B. Leonard who hks been confined to the house with the grip, assistance., Epidemids^earthqiiakes, shipwrecks, is improving slowly. H i i o I b o S w F yott Ere proud of America’s name the ^oild Alfred F. Ludwig, local ioe deal-, volcano eruptions, fires, floods,'typhoons, tornado, X over as first among the nations to resend to er, ia re ^ v in g ice by;fr0ight. With famine and landsiido—whatever the disaster, any cry of humanity in need— thes^.mi,spoil: there has been' a big demand for ice. wherever,'whenever itatrikes, .the Red Cross acts George,Herzog has rented the If you don’t want'the American Red. Cross to tenement , of Mrs. Jane Jones on M I l ^ K instantly. b e h « n i0 red in its work of mercy during the Orchard street and will occupy «nergen

CmL and ordered Bat­ FOUOT>—POCKfiiTBOOK at Birch and FOR SALE — vegetables W. B. A. DEEGATfe tista’s celease.i - Manchester Maint. atreeta,: containing money. and- apples for your Thanksgivinif RULING OPENS Battista was charged wlthi bur­ Owner may have by proving prop­ dinner. Underhill 46 Foley strdet. erty and paying advertisement, and Telephone 1212,4.' glary and_|;rahd larceny. ' | Evening Herald calling at Herald office. Attbrne'yJtSeneral Albert OttJn,ger Classified Advertisements Fooltry and Supplies 48 INBAIWTHEE ^ 4 oR CONVICTS appealed to the- Aj)pelIate Diifision LOST—GOLD ELGIN watch with old Phone Your W a n t Ads ______bf the Supreme; Court. The appel­ Pmint six ftveraxe words to s line. English initials E. M, J. on .back. Finder Call 2299j late division then .reversed J^dge Initials, numbers and aWrevlatlon^ FOR SALE—GEESE 621 Hartford To The District RaDy Concluded Senn’s , declmon, declaring : the >aoh count as a word and compound LOST—THURSDAY Nov. 15. gentle­ Road. ^Telephone 37r3.. . ' ' Ainendnient to Baames la w (rords as-two words. Minimum cost Is man's "Waltham watch between amendment constitutional. price o£ three llne& ^ Adams street and North Main. Find­ FOR - SALE—NATIVE turkeys for Attorney Hunt was convinced of Thanksgiving. Order , early. Gilbert With Big Get Together in Line rate! per day for transient er please phone. 864-W and receive Out bjr Supreme the soundness of Justice SOnn’s reward. Storrs, Coventry, Conn. Telephone opinion and cariH^ his case to. the Manjchester 106f-5. Hotel Sheridan. Court of App^js^ri^ ‘^’J ^ ’charge LOST—GERMAN police dog, license 6 Consecutive Days J ots » ow No. 367S7. Finder please call 1653. ArtIcliBs for Sale 45 3 consecutive O^ys Sts U Annoancemeotg Si FURNACES,- pipe, and pipeless, no The main dining room of the Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 21— Legal ATTAtH $75,000 p l o t All orders'for Irregular Insertions dust, air washer heaters at bargain Hotel Sheridan was filled to over­ will be cha 'od at the one-time rata prices, selling out,- year to pay. flowing last night with a gay par-, o'nnnestimated that Special rates for long STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts Of Hero, 2-5416, Hartford,' 54 Church St.' Call 664 9,000 prisoners throughout Nev{ dav advertising given upon request ■ the world. Ask tor sailing lists and ty of the members of the Woman’s FOR A CLAIM>OF-$750 rates. Phone 750-2. Robert J. Smith, York state have suddenly found a Ads ordered for ‘ hree j'r six days FOR SALE—^1928 A C (6 ’tube, radio In Benefit Association. The district legal path open to them upon which and stopped before the third ot Hfth 10Q9 Main street. console. Reasonable. Call at' 100 And Ask for “Bee” opened in Odd Fellows hall in day win he charged only for the ac­ Woodland street. . they can take steps to secure their Plaster on; ithe ;.©n6|^rest tual number of times the ad nPPear- AalomoOlles for Sale -tlife Sfternoon with delegations from freedom as the result of a decision Pd. charging'at the rate earned, hut FOR SALE—BOVyLlNa alley.'lriqulre 'tell Her What You Want a number of the reviews in this' banded down by the New York Tract Covers the no allowances or refunds can be mane Qf E. C. Packard at Packard's section of the state present and on SIX time ads stopped after FOR SALE—1927 WHIPPET coupe, Pharmacy. / Court of Appeals sustaining Su­ , Amount at Issue.^ good rubber, perfect condition. In­ two supreme officers, deputy musi­ preme Court Justice Joseph D. filth day. quire 120 Walnut street. Sba-wULtake^your ad. help you word it for best results, No ‘‘till forbids display lines not cal director, Mrs. Fleda C. Jack- Senn in knocking out one of the A lawsuit, in-volvlhg; 4>nly $750 Electrical AppUancee— rtadio 49 and see tbat It Is properly inserted. Bill will be mailed son, of Evanston, 111., and supreme FOR SALE—4 REO SPEED wagons,' same day allowing you until seventh day after Insertion Baumes la'vy penal code amend­ has resulted in attachments being '’"The Herald will not be r-aponslble 3 express bodies, canopy tops and 1 [rp^qinal. jdii*e5ctor for New England, ments.: ' - • placed on all of the fgrty Jots; with for more than one incorrect Insertion dump. All in good condition. Phone EUE3CTKICAL .CONTRAO'I'ING. an.v to take advantage of the CASH RATE. mss Rose Mlllier of Pawtucket, R. nf any advertisement ordered for 1476 Manchester. pUances. motors, generators sold The amendment, which Justice the exception of three, which have more than one time. and repaired. Work called for. Senn had ruled against, had per­ been sold^ in the Pine-Forest tract. The inadverieni omission of 'ncor* FOR SALE-—1925 Reo Speed wagon, Pequot Ejeutrto Co„ 407 Center Bt. Mrs, Grace Best of Hartford, mitted-prisoners to plead guilty to Lots in this section*, have been sell­ ree,t (inhilcation of ndveiwistne will le Tel. 710-W. president of the local branch, which rectified nnlv hv cnncpllaflon of the 1925 Reo Speed wagon with dump felony charges without having their' ing each fqr;"fa0fe;,fS5^';^^ charge made tor the service rendered body. 1925 Chandler big 6 coach. 7 is. second oldest in the state, pre­ cases considered by the Grand price.of the e:ttiLcl>p)BnL';)b^ the ♦ • • passenger Reo touring. Brown’s sided at both meetings and acted as Garage. Telephone S69, Corner,Coop­ Fuel and Peed 40^A Jury. The thousands of prisoners Hartford; deputy sheriff. on a All advertisements must conform er and West Center streets. Apiwlinents, Plats, Tenements 03' mistress of ceremonies at the ban­ thus sentenced may -now petition writ issued- b7 ,.a- Ha^poTiI /lawyer, In style, copy and typograpbv with quet, calling on the, various speak­ regulations enforced bv the publish- FOR SALE—HARDWOOD $11.00 . a WOMEN VOTERS ELECT, for writs of habeas corpus. Justice has placed. ; attabjb^eijth..',4Qii the prs. ind they reserve the right to I'OR Sa l e —Oa k l a n d sedan in per­ f o r RFNT—1-2 ROOM apartment. 1 ers. Toasts were given by the pre.s- Senn declared today. whole tract, jnoIndiiig-»^;fioHjies, a fect condition. Will sell cheap. In­ cord, full measure. Satisfaction furnished' room. Improvements and edit, revise or releot any copy con­ quire 95 Pine street. guaranteed. Telephone 1779. Lathrop idents of the visiting lodgds to Mrs. Prisoner Released protection for 'the $fB0 cTafm of sidered oMectlonaMe. Bros. heat, 26 Birch, street. Jackson, to the supreme president. C1.0SINH 1(01! HS—Classified ads HEAR OF CONVENTION At a special session of the Su­ about 100 times the.amount of the FOR S.ALE—CADILLAC 7 passenger FOR r e n t —THREE rooms, furnish­ Miss Bina M. Wdst; to the associa­ preme Court, held at Elmira, in Mil. . , to be puhllshed same day must be le touring car, ir good condition. Wal­ <-o|ved bv 12 o'clpek noon. Saturdays FOR SALE—SI.1AB wood, stove ed or unfurnished, steam heat, at tion, to Miss Millier, to the W. B. February,. Attorney D. W. Hunt of ter Oleolt. Telephone 357. length, .fireplace wood 6 to 9 dollars '109 Foster street. Telephone 2682-W. A. girls, and to our soldier boys. 10:30-a, m. a truck load. V. Flrpoi 116 Wells Annual Meeting Held at Mrs. Syracuse argued for the release RE\TENGE SWEET BUT— FOR SALE—GOOD USED CARS street. Phone 2466.-W and 3634-2. ,Pb'R RENT—6 ROOM bungalow, all Harold Alvord’s Home; Dele­ Carnival Atmosphere from Elmira reformatory of Patsy Appleton, Wls.— Angry because • TeleDhone Your Want Ads CRAWFORD a u t o SUPPLY CO. Ufiproveitierits, Including steam Every one of the eighty odd din­ Battista, Endicott, N. Y-., charging his pet cat had been killed by a Center Hr Trotter Streets gates Made Reports.. ers was provided with an orange Ads are accepted pver the telephone Tel. 1174 or 2021-2 FOR SALE—h a r d w o o d slabs $10 a heat. Inquire -14 Ashworth street. his'commitment was illegal in that bulldog. Melvin Moen, of this city, the OHAH'IK KAl’HJ given above cord. Inquire 92 West street or tele­ and black paper cap, plenty of noise the Grand Jury had never pr.ssed in turn killed the ;bulld0g and IB a convenience to advertisers. Lii’ phone,-440.. , , ■ ' FOR .R©TT—\VITH garage, very de- Mrs. Harold Alvord of Robert makers and streamers. Mrs.. Sheri­ the CASH KA'I'KS will be accepted as Aaio Acressorlfis— 'rtr«a o ■ slfa’ble’ five room flat at 23 Elro road opened her home yesterday upon the case. ' Under Section 222, threw him in the fiver., To get FULL PAYMI5NI' U nald at the busl- . st-r^e't. Inquire 21 Elro street. dan, who is a member of the order, of the penal code, as amended, he FOR SALE—SEASONED hard wood, afternoon for the annual meeting even, the owner ‘of the '"dog had ii'ess office on or before the seventh stove length $12,00 a cord. O. H furnished a delicious meal consist­ had entered a .plea of guilty short­ Moen brought into court-an4-ifined dw-tv following the llrsl Insertion ol RATTRRIES FOR YOUR automobile Whipple, telephone 2‘328 evenings. FOR. RENT—SIX ROOM upstairs flat. of the Manchester League of Wom­ ing’ of soup, roast turkey with ly kfter arrest an'J was sentenced. $25 under a. law forbidding the ojich ad. otherwise the CMa KHi- ranging from $7 up. Recharging and '28 BeritOn ■ street with garage. A-1 en Voters. The meeting was large condition.. Apply Benson Furniture gravy an^ dressing, cranberry Justice Senn ruled that such pro- throwing of a carcass Into the-idver. ri.\TB will ne collected No rp.spnnsl- repairing. Distributors of Prest-O- FOR SALE—BfS^T ‘C^F HARDWOOD and much enthusiasm was evidenc­ hllliy for errors in telephoned ads lite Batteries. Center Auto Supply slabs, large load $7. hardwood $8;' Company. sauce, peas, celery, mashed pota­ will he assumed and accuracy Co.. 155 Center. Tel. 673. ed in both the election of officers toes, Pickles, rolls, coffee, ice also fireplace wood. Charles Palmer- FOR cannot, be guaranteed.• « • Telephone 895-3. . ' and the reports of the state con­ cream and wafers. At intervals NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE your vention held last weejc in New Lon- throughout the meal Mrs. Jackson Index of (’lassifications car cliecked ud *or the winter sea­ WOOL) FOR ' SALE— Hard, ohestuiit. son. Experienced mechanics tr"lned mixed, white blroh end slab. Season­ jdon. Delegates who were present led in the spirited singing of W, Ryenlng Herald Want Ads are now by General Motors assure you ex­ ed and sawed to order, L-, 1\ Wood FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, mod­ yesterday and gave short accounts B. A. songs. Rrotiped according to cla.sslflcatlons pert work. Co.. 66 Bissell street. Phone 496. ern conveniences. Apply 7 Allen of the proceedings at New London Tl?e evening was held in Odd Fel­ We Offer - You Cfioose helow and for handy reference will H. A. STEPHENS Place. - ♦.V.'—j;-. . .. • t* appetir In the numerical order indl- Chevrolet Sales and Service included Mrs. George F. Borst, lows hall which was decorated with Only. $500 cash gives warrantee deed tp an excellent 6 room 1 ed ■ Center at Knox fel. 939-2 Garden-Fanrn-nalry Produots 6u ONE FOUR ROOM AND ONE 3 ROOM Mrs. Carroll Hutchinson, Mrs. L. 3. cut flowers, ferns and potted plant.4. single, oak floor and trim, steam heat, separate sink room and Births ...... A' flat at ,170 .C^k street, all improve­ Burr, Mrs. George H. Wilcox, and In the afternoon a beautiful mem­ pantry, large attic. 2 car grage.apd thq.price only $6,i5^s.._^It Engagements ...... H ments; Incluoirig hot water heat. In­ Marriages ...... t- Garagpfi— Norvire— Storage 10 FOR SALE—STRICTLY fresh eggs. quire 164 Oak. Tel. 1667-W. Mrs. Max Bengs. It is expected orial service for members deceas­ is a bargain. Oeaths 1^ 611 and 75c dozen. Delivered. Tele­ Representative Marjory Cheney ed in the various, lodges during the 8 room single on Haynes street, all modern, 2 . cap garage. Cards of Thanhs ...... phone 1179-5. > FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tenement who was unable to be present yes­ year was carried; out with the aid This is -a beautiful home offered for. sals only agcniipf,.oyn'- In Mernonain ...... 'F li'pR RE.VT—GARAGE at 81 Benton on Roll street, all improvements. In­ of candles and red carnations. Mrs; :i'ten's-business calling him to another city. Price and^rm ia're fjost and Found .•. ..'■[XV .1 h Street. Telephone 9-2. ' FOR SALE—-Vp p LES. Greenings. quire at 111 loll street or telephone terday will later report on the leg­ Announcements ...... '3 Baldwins. .lonathah. Delicious Spies. 1214-4. ■ . islative round ^ble. Jackson at this session;;delighted all attractive. * ■< ^ ^ | Kings and Pippins, by the basket, Personals ...... 3 Florists- One of the delegates spoke of with the way sh.e played the piano Seven room single of latest model ajid ^estgn nq Hitl AntniHobllea Nurseries . J6 bushel or barrel, at the' farm or de­ PQR RENT—THREE ROOM suite. accompaniments and sang the ritiD street, 2 car garage, now ready. Price and-terms seiasonable. Automobiles tor Sale ...... 4 livered. RdgeWood Fruit Farm. Tel. Johnson ■ Block. <’acing Main street, the words of commendation from AutoniobU^s tor Exchange 6 EVERflREENS FRt)M 50 to 75c. Blue 945. W, H. Cotyles. all modern improvements. Phone Miss Belle Sherwin, the national alistic songs. In the evening she Nice new single six rooms, English Closed in Auto Accessories—r'1’1 res ...... 6 Spruce $1 00 each. Cafalpa frees 2040 or 624. president for the wonderful work again presided at the piano and ' sun parlor, a beautiful home with garagej $6,000, en very .easy Auto Kepairing— Painting n o p .e^ph. 379 B ^ 'a id e Avenue FRESH PICKEDW ruUs and vege­ gave a talk on. the value of mq.sic terms. ■?: . . ... ' . Aato Sch lols ...... A tables. from ;-idiUf farm, roadside f o r - r e n t —SEVERAL 'first class accomplished by the Manchester Autos—Shin by' Trucft' J . ‘'X 8 stand. DrivewavltThh. 655 North Ilain rents, with all Improvements. Apply League in getting out the Woman in making the sessions interestih.? ‘If you are interested in the construction ofj new up^to-^te Au'ps— For Hire ...... H street. Phono 2659. Edward J. Holl. 865 'fain street. Tel. vote and in securing new women and effective. Miss MiHler also gave houses take a stroll or drive through EUzabeth”Park on Henry. 560. voters. Another delegaie told of a short address on,the subject of street. ;; r " FOR SAf.E—APpr.ES, abrsved hard the order in general, called atten­ Wanted Autos —Motorcycles ... 12 7~~—------picked Bald,wins,. Russets. Belte- FOR RB.NT-^5 ROOM tenement, the address f.iven at the convention nnKiiics* and l*rtirexsl,innl Servippn LOCAL AND LON(? distance m ovlig fleurs $1.25 ^ bushel. Wind falls Mather-street. rent $16, Robert J. by Mrs. Grace Thompson Seton, on tion to the wonderful European Busine.ts Services Offered ...... IS by expeo^iced meA' Bublie store- IOC bushel. Delivered in town. The Sn>lth. Telephone 750-2. trijr-iplanned fojf 19.29 and the At- Gllnack FaTm,-i'7South Main street. the subject of what women of otjier ROBERT ]. SMITH Over Post Office Hotisehiild Servicfs ('ffered ; f|3-A Wood. 5.5 Bissell street, nations were dping since they had lanti

I S E E . - - ^ OUR POLICY JS r._ AHEM.-YOU, TO GIVE EVERY CERTAINLY W ISH TO EMPLOYEE AN NOT, SIR. PROTECT YOUR EVEN BREAK. IF I JUNIOR NEPHEW. WELL-^ r GAVE YOUR W A N T S NO t h a t 's A MATTER NEPhEW a CONTRACT,' FAVORS. MY OUTSIDE M Y I’D BE GOING OVER MISTAKE, SIR. JURISDICTION. THE CIRCULATION DLL SEE t h e AFTER THE CIRCULATION m a n a 6 er’s h e a d , CIRCULATION CAREFULLY MANAGER HANDLES AND THAT m a n a g e r * C'' DRESSING THOSE THINGS. WOULDN’T BE THANK YOU, }'/ JUNIOR IN HIS FAIR S IR ; SUNDAY BEST, HEM, FEELING VERY IMPORTANT, ARRIVED AT THE EDITOR'S OFFICE T O DICTATE THE TERMS Of= ' Once a madman got into the White House liiVough:^ JUNIOR’S • / S' CONTRACT: FOR ’ tba South Portico and the Red Room windows. ' Two HfciCARRYING A > doorkeepers grappled ' witfci the man.. .Tne prpjSlfie'rpt '' ^ PAPER the noise and came down stairs^ WhVe w.iiiS iL- -guiards held the invader, the presic^t cut a witrtki'fr"'' _ and helped to tie himf " (^Jo Portyidued^*/.

V'li Sketches and S y n o p se s,1 9 2 T 5 , The CFolnlr

... r>.. -• - , 9.- ••• ■■ ” 1, - -tf . " : “ « * • . I- . (y* ‘ r, . .r ‘ 'v r/4 .‘.;" ^ f " . y i " • • . . — . v; . . * ' ". MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERAIP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,. 1928. P A G E F T B t ^ W f fAPPER FANNY SAYS; SENSE »< NONSENsI SKIFPY By Percy ta Crosby.^j

A way to abolish accidents. Cast V- TIRCoT WHY, Yoo^vf your optics on these rules. The last legislature changed the secM ASiceA 5iNce rules for drivers, and It is well for NiMC 0*ClecK UliTM liHr. everyone to read up on the ^evr sig­ nals and gel acquainted with them. An arm protruding from the car A HAtF HOUR ahead now means that the driver l/P * n ' s is: ' 5ATtfltMV Md

It was speeder’s day in the police u< - court. The first offender .vowed he was traveling only fifteen miles an V. S X> \ hour when apprehended. Next a JL j notorious fast driver told the judge THE RULES he was going only ten miles an hour. And how fast were you go­ 1— The Idea of letter golf la toing?’’ asked the judge of Tim tsr ^ change one word to another and do O’Brien, third in line> it in par, a given number of “ May it please the court.’’ said strokes. Thus to change COW to Tim with straight face, “ I wuz I HEN, in three strokes, COW, HOW, backin’ up, Yer Honor.’’- HEW, HEN. 2— You can change only one let­ Motorist (trying, to excuse him­ ter at a time. self): “ I was hurrying *up town 3— You must have a completeto see my attorney.’’ word, of common usage, for each Hard-hearted Cop: “ Well, you’ll I • jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ have some more news for him tions don't count. * now!’’ 4— The order of letters cannot Curious Bystander: “ I say, did lu TOT riAIR.-T'o/dlC be changed. / .^REG.U. s.m.______you have an accident:’’ (CFoniaine Fck. 1928, The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ,© J92R. BY HIA S ^ 'ic c IMC.* 1,\ -T tiE . TbftM UU.A-^ A question of etiquette: In case Battered Motorist: “ Not at all— of an auto wreck, who should speak I just turned the car over to see first? And should the man precede what made- the wheels go.’’ the lady through the windshield? WASHmGTON TUBBS U The old-fashioned man who used Think Fast, Boys! By Crane: A road is no safer than Its most to be driven to drink now has a son / ------> /eckless driver. who drinks as he drives. m RBTORWS MUCH mFORWMlOH. DNOO V aND desert JADA? NAYi!^ W dffN neither can vie give ALKSl NASl I BRiNCf. ONIV i l l TIP1N6S? DATTUE To the lAlHOlE Vie. ) \N£ BEEN 1M?R\'S- hot ONV'f doth the LUSTFUt SHEIK PLAN CAMP, unarmed, iwe i 60HHN /0U6HT8 ohed bw sheik To fOKCE JADA INTO HASTV MARRlACtE, MUST STRIKE A CUNNIKS . ABPUllA BOM- BUT HE IS TO DESTROY OS TO OAlN DO? / BE^■r Plan in hereby w e'MAY I s n e v V COCHBAN— KMCK EELIAW ONTIL oui^ Riches, r— ------A lt BE EAVED^^^/-^ SHE CONSENTS TO BECOME H\S X f P VJIEE.

her companions ARE desperate. ANP UNARMED.

V. __'»> FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS He’d Have the Distinction

AJOVW pSdAR SA/S AE’S <501NS ) so W R E TELLIM’ ENERyBODY 70 FUy 7D ARABIA IM AlS ^ VOO <50r AN AIRPLANE ^yTwWATlFTAE BE// WAY X'D B E OWN AIRPLANE* 1AAA6INE.' Xm c o\KJM 7AAT YOU'RE 60INS 7D WORLD SAOULD COAAE YOU’D BE L A S T '0 N 6 Al^AUQNE,TDO'! DID YOU AS p l a NE? ALL AI-ONE a l l T)X w a y / (VvA'T TO A N END WWUE NOAAT?? kAiCAN cNER AEAR ANVmiNO'AS ) u p-^ nin i ^ a c r o s s a l l 73AAT LL yx ; WAS WAY our i SlUy AS 7AAT ? ? ^M or T7tER£ UP OMER 7RE ] A IP> il OCEAN c e & t ^ r ? V A N E ^eR . AUR?? •mousAT OP t h a t , / ^ d r o - BE --T D 8 E - 1



Rco. o. s. RAT. orf. ' 01938. by NCA SERVICE INC. ^ » I.. « !■ ■> in.u.s.PAT.6ni.i_- »Y we* sgBvict. I (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE* PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM A Successful Failure By Smal^ Upon the moon brave Clowny but you will be tbe only one to crawled, and for a moment he get a ride upon my chin. My time just sprawled around and almost is short, you see. The Milky Way /c; r ■nAEY VJORK, ow e op'etA ) <5e .t e u 6 y a w w in d CARRie.0 'EMI %s ened! You’re all right. Just sit Tinies think that 3mu’re,.as lucky UPSET I yLOAO UP *TH’ baskets A L L AVJA*T\ / up straight and hang o\i tight, I as can be.” < ^ ©LfMPToOUR va*m ORDERS I will not whirl around ’cause you’d Up'through the milk;y.w?ty they IHEVY ^ CUST0t^eRS-e moon then to spacej and Clowny looked real drifted slowly thrugh the air. The scared. The Moon Man shortly first thing Clowny knpw, the Tiny- noticed this, and said, “ We can­ mltes were shouting. And he land­ not go amiss. I promise you ed near the boat. you’re safe. Just think' how lucky you have fared. - (Scfmty and Carpy take a star ' “ I’m al'waya glad to furnish fun. ride to the neat storj;,! •

. t-.' • 7^ ^ S tX IB E N

The Ladies’ Guild of St Mary’s FIRST ANNUAL CONCERT Episcopal church will meet in the DANCE Guild room tomorrow afternoon at '. -.J Introdncinsr 2 o’clock. It is hoped every one of • —^ V-. . Si-'rY - To Local Qance Lovers the members will be present as GQefGleeCliib O R D ER N O W ! LLOYD TEMPLE there is much work to be done in preparation for the sale on Decem­ Read Gur Full- and H is TUESDAY, NOV. 27, 1928 ber 7. The Guild is making a line Persoiial Engraved ORCHESTRA of aprons, useful and fancy articles Page Announcement HiDrsdaj Not. 22 H i l SCHOOL HALL and children’s and house dresses. Christmas Cards • ' • --H Mrs. Charles Svarren of Cooper ■ ^ ■ Stationery-^Main Floor on P a g e 7 . 'Assisted by ' ' ., .1 . . ■ . street entertained yesterday after­ ODD FELLOWS’ HALL noon in observance of the eighty- Miss ,G. E. Berggren, contralto first birthday of her mother, Mrs. At the Center Esther C. Strong, to whom the par­ And. the Miller Trio. Admission— 50c. I ty came as a pleasant surprise. The guest of honor was Mrs. Charlotte G irls’ \ The Ladles Sewing Circle of the Elliott of Rocky Hill, president of 7 ’' t Concordia Lutheran church will the club in Hartford known as Stunning. ‘The Elderlies.” A pleasant social ABOUT TOWN meet for work tomorrow afternoon ' i- at 2 o’clock. afternoon wound up with a de­ Trim m ed licious supper served by Mrs. War­ ren. Mrs. Strong was remembered The Army and Navy club auxil­ The “ unit” leaders are requested to meet at the parsonage of tho with many gifts and flowers. She iary will meet at the clubhouse for formerly lived in Glastonbury and its regular business session tomor­ North Methodist church this even­ ing at 7:30. a few years ago came to make her row evening. A full attendance of home with her daughter here. the members Is hoped for as the election of officers will take place. The Town Players will hold a rehearsal this evening at the School There will he another children’s SPECIAL Street Rec for “ The Poor Nut’ clinic at the Memorial hospital an­ Mrs. Harriet Skewes of 147 which will be presented at the State nex tomorrow afternoon at three Pearl street is recovering from a theater some time in December. o’clock. severe attack of bronchitis. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice Lecremier Group One of the Washington Joseph Hoha, bill poster at the $4.95 of Moodus has been caring for her. Fund at the High school which will State theater, has purchased from present “ The Whole Town’s Talk­ the George S. Smith agency a new Mrs. L. St.Clair Burr will repre­ ing’’ as its part of the drive to Chrysler Plymouth sedan. Suede dress coats trinimed with sent both the Manchester League raise funds for the annual senior mandel collars and cuffs. Warmly of Women Voters and the'Cosmo­ class trip to Washington held a re­ The annual visitation of the Red lined. Blue, red, brown and tan. politan club at the meeting tomor­ hearsal last night in the assemblv Chiefs to the Mianotonomah Tribe row at thf Hartford Woman’s club­ hall. of Red Men will be the feature of Sizes 7 to 14 years. Coats that or­ house on Broad street. the regular tribal meeting to be dinarily for a much higher ‘’Hurry, Hurry, Hurry’’ a three held tomorrow night in Tinker hall. price. Special while they last—*' From tropical to arctic weatjier act pla;y that will be presented by The adoption degree will be worked $4.95. within a few days is the experience on new candidates. The degree the Epworth League of the North' I A Of New Englanders this week. Sat­ Methodist church the first week in work will be followed by a banquet urday and Sunday local people sat. December is rapidly rounding, into at which Claude Truax will act as Without wraps watching the foot­ presentation form and will probably toast master. The woman who appreciates distinc- ball games: early this morning the be given the first week In Decem­ G irls’ first snowflakes of the season fell ber. The play is under the direction tion of smart lines, splendid fabrics and for a short time. of Louis Smith. MRS. C .R . BURRAS MOTHER j careful tailoring will be delighted with these new broadcloth coats. Silk crepe IS DEAD IN DURHAM lined. Featuring the new tuckedjbacks. rr-'- Black, brown, and navy trimmed with Woolens, Jerseys, Silks Mrs. Clifford R. Burr of 138 Main WATKINS;BROTHERS: Tnc. street yesterday received word of deep cuffs and shawl collars of ' the death of her mother, Mrs. i TOMORROW! Marion E. Hlckox, widow of Dwight L. Hickox, at her home in Durham, ESTABLISHED 5 4 YEARS, Conn., yesterday morning. Baby Seal ^ Skunk Mrs. Hickox was 83 years old C H A P E L A T i i ; d a k s t :> and had been ill for about a month. She wa^ fairly well known in Manchester having visited here ,Wolf Caracul P f\ o h ^ 5 0 b many times. In addition lo Mrs. i($4.9| and $5.95 Grades) or2837-W Burr, she leaves one daughter, Mrs. M arm ink An opportunity for mothers to pick up Herbert S. Heath of Hopkington, two or three well made and practical Mass., and three grandchildren, frocks for school wear. One piece jer- Barbara Hqath, Marion Burr and s#yS;:;n.oYdh;y crepes, woolens and silks'in' Charles Burr. HALE’S COATS—Main Floor ’ tailored models. Blue, red, green, navy, She was a member of the Dur­ brown and tan. sWpp 7 to 14 vears. ham Methodist church and a char­ ter member of W. C. T. U. and Red Cross Chapter. The funeral will be held at the Durham Metho­ dist church tomorow afternoon at 2 o’clock with Rev. Lester P. White It Is A Correct Hat Whose Women’s and Children’s officiating. Burial will be in the Durham cemetery. ^ -/'GOOD TMINOS TO CAT** Lines Sweep The Windbreakers Bacon (sliced rind o ff) ...... 39c lb. PUBLIC RECORDS Round Steak Ground ...... 44c lb. p Attachments Pinehurst Ham burg ...... 30c lb. ^ The Hartford Sash and Door Beef Liver . ------23c lb. Company of Hartford has brought suit in the amount of $750 against the Pine Forest Realty Company, The really smart bats this, whiter, hgve dosens ^ 4. We have reduced our entire stock of women’s and Early June Peas .! ’ : . i ... iSclcan developers of the Pine Forest Tract, of clever tricks for achieving snpgness and children’s leather windbreakers. High grade wind- Good Cut Green Beans, 2 cans ...... 35c with office at 15 Lewis street. Hart­ smallness. But when they resoft. tOi cheeHr, breakers' with novelty woolen collars, bands and cuffs. ford, the case being returnable to sweeping, lines— that’s when the. fashionable Large patch pockets. Wool lined. Blue, navy, green Dill Pickles, 6 fo r ...... 19c the' Hartford City Cjurt, December world has High praise tor them., We.are show­ and red,. Girls’ 7 to 14. Women’s 36 to 42. term. Thirty-six lots, including ing charming small felts In a .variety of. becom­ Potatoes ...... 89c bushel two houses, in the second dP'^Ision ing styles in black, brown and blue. of the Pine Forest tract are attach­ p Fresh Oysters, Swordfish, Halibut, Mack- ed and also the major part of the HALE’S MILLINERY^Maiu Floor ; * 4;‘ GIRLS’ SHOP— Main Floor front section. p, erel. Filet of Haddock, Dressed Haddock, Building Penults A building permit has been grant­ ^ Open Clams for Chowder. ed through the office of the build­ ing inspector to William McKinney for the erection of a single tene­ ment house on lot No. 13, Oxford street. Holger Bach will do the work. Lawrence Converse has taken out a permit to built a single tenement house on North Elm street, the work to be done by Contractor Linen Damask Cloths ^ Ralph Carlson. Special Sale Ralph Carlson has obtained a of a beautiful quaUty d ’pprb white^taen. permit for the erection of a single Cheice of three pattern^-^n^r^iiij^ .kVbry, tenement house on lot No. 13, Can- rose and wild rose. Hems^lt'ohM libihs. 3 DAYSONLY 3 field street. In the Bluefields tract. He will do his own work. Tomorrow morning promptly at nm^iG^tock we; shall place on. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Marriage License sale linen sets that formerly were priced'^ to $9 at this price. The 64x64 inch Cloths A marriage license was granted assortment includes plain, white dam ^-'^d'attractive two-tone yesterday afternoon to Felix A. colored linen table sets with hemstitched-hehisV' Size 64x64 inches. 64x84 inch Cloths .. .$6.98 Kennard of Stamford and Miss Julia H. Haraburda, daughter of Frank Come early for best selections.' ’ ' Haraburda of Birch street. Formerly priced $6 to $9. ^ ' Mrs. Elliott’s Shop Hand Painted Cards LinehT^ieClotte ‘ Luncheon Sets., Linen Table Sets for in plain, white, pure 'lirlsh^ in attractive colored bor­ Thanksgiving and Christmas linen.',...;, H^stitched .fibnis. ders. Hemstitched, hems. 853'Main St. Size; 5,4x54 iiiches. is Size 54 Inches sfiuare. - Six our o^-ii&portatlon apdfa napkins to matdh. ' Special very good; value at 1 <• \ V %' ■; ■ ‘vv. ’• '•i - - ' i Preserve The Top of Your Car TableCldths H eavy liiie n Every car to^ should be dressed of a good quality lin. Glass To^^els over twice a year to preserve the with solid colored material and keep It looking well. striped borders in colors. 50 ’inches Regular. $1.9 8. Top Dressed like new 91.50. High grade, all Slip Covers, pnt on 911JH) np. linen glass' toweld in blue, red and {^id. bor­ ders. Regular : ’ 4Dc Chas. Laking each. Boys’ 4 piece suits with two pairs knickers, all wool, Linen Crash — new fall patterns, values to $17.95. Now Tow eling A of the well known. ,. Sbpveii ^ lin en Toweling $9 75‘°$12.75 Announcement quality^linen .crash. Blue, ■ which we Impdi^ed direct gold! and rose borders. Yard,-’' ^from abroad. Heavy qual- This is to let folks know that _ L_-. ' -•______;Ity, all lindUaiwelUik-ivflth the - ^the new pastel >^9k««d bor- TOPCOATS ‘ders. Yard"'" Broken lot of men’s and young metfs topcoats, all new S E L w r r z patterns. Values to $30.0.0. ' ^Cf SHOE REPAIR SHOP Lifien Now Youri ctioice of a';'!*ptdrev-. has moved from 10 Pearl St. to Irlsh lineth; damask ^i»kfn77 V ‘ size 18x18, in rose, clbvpr / Purn im. 625 MAIN STREET anU' .patterns or a :pjainported fron^t^^Bhy^la. white ..tea'napkln^:wit)iVhfiinr,,!'j;r':j.:'I^^ ready to use, Selwitz Bnilding,' stitched hems. ' Each; Arthur L. Hultman Comer Main and Pearl Sts. 917 Main Stre^.:,; Every job large, or small will Boys’ Department, Down Stairs be appreciated. SELWITZ

•- i-' ■ ....