Discover Laura's Keynotes
LAURA SCHWARtZ Keynote SP eAKeR AU tHoR C oMMentAtoR The Keynotes LAURA SCHWARtZ Custom Keynotes ThatNAMED Connect ONE OF THE 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN THE GLOBAL EVENT INDUSTRY — Eventex NAMED ONE OF THE BEST KEYNOTE SPEAKERS BY MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS MAGAZINE NAMED“ ONE OF SEVEN AMERICAN SPEAKERS WHO EXCEED AND SURPASS EXPECTATIONS BY SUCCESSFUL MEETINGS MAGAZINE “ What Laura Schwartz will do for you SHe PUtS YOUR GoALS FRont SHe’S YOUR BiGGeSt BRAnD women business leaders, CEOs or young professionals, each presentation AnD CenteR AMBASSADoR is packed with powerful tools to propel Laura listens before she even speaks. Laura’s work for your brand starts with your audience to the next level in Whether it’s a short afternoon talk or a the first conversation and it contin- business and beyond. Her keynotes four-day conference, her preparation ues to the stage and beyond. She’ll have been acclaimed overseas in starts far before the audience arrives. embrace your corporate culture and Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Laura does a deep discovery phase goals, and share your message on Australia and the Americas. for each client, in which she conducts stage and off, whether she’s attending extensive research into your industry, conference events, or sticking around brand, culture, mission, audience and to meet everyone who wants to talk HeR KEYNOTES KeeP AUDienCeS more. By understanding your objec- after a program. She’ll also share your enGAGeD tives, she is able to deliver a custom- message on social media leading up Laura’s keynote is a chance to present ized experience that connects, mo- to, during and after the conference, the audience with something different tivates and resonates long after your and record preview videos for you to — a chance to re-imagine, re-energize, event has ended.
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