constructed from the foothill of Gunong Jerai in Gurun to Alor Star in 1885 by the famous Menteri Besar, Wan Muhammad Saman. The building of this 42 km long canal was an engineering feat and the canal played an important role in the rice trade and for irrigation.

In modern times, the Muda Agricultural Development scheme was established in the 70’s to harness the waters of Muda and Pedu rivers and enable double cropping. The MADA area now produces about 40% of the rice grown in the country.

Rice cultivation has had a profound influence on the language, culture, customs Masjid Zahir stands majestically along Sungai Anak Bukit, and way of life of the people and it continues to play an important economic KEDAH LAUNCHES A role in the state. New Model for IRBM

edah is the “rice the Sungai Kedah and Kbowl of ” Sungai Anak Bukit as Inside and water has always a port for the rice been essential to the trade. The customs River Tourism for Sungai Kedah? 3 state. The rivers have office at Tanjung Chali been used for collected taxes for the Monitoring for IRBM 5 irrigation, government and “Water Seeding” - An Innovative 7 communication Indian moneylenders Technique for Rice linkages between provided the finance Wastewater from Markets, Restaurants 9 villages and to via the Chettiar houses and Food Stalls transport rice grown along the Pekan Cina. Oil and grease 10 in the vast area of YB Dato’ Syed Unan Mashri bin Sand Mining in Kedah 11 paddy fields. The Syed Abdullah - Kedah State To facilitate the relatively gentle flow Secretary transport of padi from Environmental Assessment of 12 from the Southern Animal Husbandry made navigation easy and Alor Star hinterland to Sungai Kedah by Freshwater Aquaculture 13 was established at the confluence of sampans, the first canal was in the Sg. Selangor Basin Bio-Indicator Courses 15 IRBM • 1 IRBM Training 16 and this is especially a problem in existing agencies, who will maintain INCREASING DEMAND urban areas. As a result, most storm their current roles, for instance in water drains are very polluted and permitting and enforcement. The Paddy uses a lot of water, and in spite smelly, especially in the dry season Board will have a coordinating role of the reservoirs of Muda, Pedu and and it will formulate action plans. It Ahning, water remains a scarce A NEW APPROACH will also draft guidelines and resource. MADA has therefore regulations to fill identified gaps. It will introduced water saving methods, Kedah realises that to deal with these be chaired by the State Secretary. The including recycling of drainage water. problems, and with other issues such Board will appoint a Water Resources Irrigation is still by far the largest Director and the UPEN Director will consumer of water, but industrial as sand mining and flood mitigation, demand is growing and the rising the traditional sector-based approach assume the role as Coordinating standard of living also means is inadequate. While each agency Director. Implementation will mostly increasing domestic demand. Tourism has it own mandate, priorities and be delegated to relevant authorities also consumes a lot of water. Finally, expertise and need to play their roles such as MADA, DID or the local Kedah supplies water to and in addressing the problems, it is authorities. shares Sungai Muda with . necessary to use a holistic approach The economic development thus and bring all the stakeholders This model draws on the experiences increases the demand for a limited together. from elsewhere. We find that it is resource. suited for the situation in Kedah and After a review of experiences from hope it will be proved to be not only WATER QUALITY other countries and from other efficient, but also effective in Malaysian states, the Kedah State addressing the issues. We look Water quality is also a concern. Government is studying the forward to the process of drafting the While the rivers are pristine in the possibilities to establish a Water enactment. upstream areas, they become Resources Board and has asked the increasing polluted downstream due IRBM project to assist in preparing a By to discharge of urban wastewater and new water resources enactment. The YB Dato’ Syed Unan Mashri bin agricultural run-off. All too often solid Water Resources Board will be a Syed Abdullah waste often also ends up in the river small organisation drawing on the Kedah State Secretary

Paddy fields in Kedah

2 • IRBM River Tourism for Sungai Kedah?


The view from the top of the newly constructed Tower at Tanjong Chali at the confluence between Sungai Kedah and Sungai Anak Bukit in Alor Star is magnificent: to the west Sungai Kedah flows towards the coastal town of Kuala Kedah, to the north the Sungai Anak Bukit bring out a grand view of the Zahir Mosque, and to the East the twin bridges are straddling across Sungai Kedah. One can easily imagine the glorious by-gone days of Alor Star The annual boat race is a popular event at Ampang Jajar, Sungai Kedah. some two hundreds ago at the exactly the same spot: sailing junks Some years ago, there was talk of shop houses, the immense green and trading ships from India, Middle turning Alor Star into the “Venice of carpet of paddy fields, an intriguing East, China and far off places the East” and this idea has always and interesting story of a kingdom moored along the banks to take our been at the back of the minds of and a city build on the trade of the rice, spices and other produce, planners and some entrepreneurs in humble rice grain could certainly be sampans criss-crossing the rivers, the tourism industry. Located in the woven into an interesting story, not workers loading and unloading largest rice bowl of Malaysia, Alor just for locals but also foreign goods from the ships, and the Star has a rich history and is the tourists! buzzing activities along Pekan original founding spot of the oldest Melayu and Pekan Cina. Could this Malay sultanate. Together with the INTERESTING FLORA AND history be made into one of the main beautiful Zahir Mosque and the old FAUNA attractions for tourists and visitors to palace complex right in the city Alor Star? square, the many old world quaint In addition, there are interesting natural riparian flora and fauna along Sungai Kedah and Sungai Anak Bukit that are unique to the tropics. Take for example the nipah palms that are still found on some stretches. A nice cool drink called nira nipah can be extracted from the cut inflorescence, and a natural sweetener called “gula melaka” can also be made from the same exudates. Some berembang trees where fireflies congregate are still growing in some part of the riverbanks. The mangroves and natural vegetation along the banks from the tidal barrage to Kuala Kedah have rich bird life where some 50 species of birds and hundreds of migratory egrets roost in the trees. Could these be developed to form a river cruise package for nature lovers Sungai Pedu is a beautiful clean tributary to Sungai Kedah and eco-tourists?


Upstream, nearer to the source of Sungai Pedu, the twin water spouts at the base of the Pedu Dam spew out a large volume of clear water for about one third of the year to irrigate the paddy fields in the Muda Scheme. The Sungai Pedu is scenic and ideal for bamboo rafting and in the past many bamboo rafting races from here down to the coast have been organised. This could easily be revived as an annual sporting event. Chinese temple near Pekan Cina

POLLUTION PROBLEM the rivers too. The construction of the URBAN PARKS AND tidal barrage on Sungai Kedah near RECREATION Like in so many parts of the world, MADA head office, built to prevent rivers have been used as a the intrusion of sea water into the rice Another approach is to create more conveyance route in the past. But fields, has aggravated the pollution linear parks along the riverbanks of with the advent of motor vehicles and problem because the daily flushing the rivers in Alor Star and link up with the modern road systems, rivers are and cleaning of the river by the tidal the existing parks and paths along no longer used in this way and sadly cycles is now prevented. The end both Sungai Kedah and Sungai Anak land reserves on riverbanks are often result is that Sungai Kedah and Bukit to add on and enlarge the Sungai Anak Bukit are now not occupied with unsightly squatter recreational and green lung areas for houses. People dump rubbish and all appealing to the eyes and also not the city. Foot path and bicycle path sorts of things into the rivers. attractive for water sports and other could be added to link the linear Wastewater from the shops and recreational activities. parks and encourage local residents houses in the city find their way into The pre-requisite for river tourism is to use and enjoy the scenery along the therefore improving the water quality rivers. The penny boat ferry service by reducing and eradicating river can also be revived and be given a pollution through several means: new lease of life for residents to use to Control the flows of wastes and cross the rivers for leisure or for work. grease into the rivers, relocating the This would improve the quality of life squatters along the river reserves, of the residents of Alor Star and also educating the public to love the enhance the city’s image. rivers, etc. This requires a concerted effort by many government agencies. Combined with the gradual Newly constructed tower at Tanjung Chali improvement in water quality, water sports such as canoeing and kayaking currently promoted by the Youth and Sport Ministry could certainly flourish along with angling. This would compliment the boat races which is an annual event in the birthday celebration of HRH Sultan of Kedah. With increased utilisation of the rivers by local residents, river tourism will surely follow suit.

Turning Alor Star into the “Venice of Malaysia” is not an impossible dream after all! Penny boat ferry service F.K. Phang

4 • IRBM Monitoring for IRBM onitoring is important for good Menvironmental management. Many agencies are monitoring the environment for various reasons, but there is little coordination and it is difficult to get a clear perspective. The working groups for water quality and water resources recognise this and the IRBM project therefore asked ERE Consult to help develop a strategy for the Sungai Kedah basin.

The main purpose of the strategy is to ensure that the right environmental information is obtained to support the implementation of IRBM. This has been translated into three main objectives, namely information on:

• environmentally sensitive areas, which has been identified as the six water intakes and the MADA area. • the environmental state of the river basin as a whole. This includes the water quality index (WQI) and the pollution load (concentration x discharge). • special issues which here has been identified as pesticide levels Proposed Monitoring Network DEVELOPING THE STRATEGY would not get drowned in data. It from the Muda reservoir, which is In developing the strategy, two main was necessary to sieve a large outside the natural basin and it issues needed to be resolved as early number water data which was supplies water to the MADA scheme as possible. The first was the amount important at the technical and which is a heavily modified drainage and type of information needed for operational level but not for the system. IRBM while the second issue dealt strategic level. with how to divide the river basin into The approach the team adopted was smaller management units or sub- SUB-BASINS to consider the MADA area and the basins. Muda reservoir catchment as part of Traditionally river basins are sub- the basin. This resulted in 7 sub- The team soon realised that a lot of divided according to hydrological basins: 3 along the main river, 2 water-related information is collected boundaries and homogenous land main tributaries plus the Ahning and in the basin, but the focus should be use. For hydrological modelling this Pedu reservoir catchments. on information needed at the can be quite detailed, but such a strategic policy-making level as level is not needed here. Moreover The team then reviewed the data opposed to detailed technical the Sg Kedah basin does not quite sources and identified stations that operational data. The principle the conform to the traditional river basin were particularly relevant for the team adopted here was 'less is more' in that it has been substantially objectives and recommended how to ensure that the monitoring strategy modified. The basin receives water the gaps could be filled.

IRBM • 5 PROPOSED MONITORING river basin. Ultimately the pollution • In-situ DO measurement at NETWORK load approach also means that MADA stations pollution loading targets can be set • IRBM Unit to calculate the BOD At present there are 54 water quality and monitored for each individual and TSS loading at the monitoring stations, 26 water discharge (flow) sub-basin. stations (load (kg/day) = stations, 95 rainfall stations and one concentration x discharge) to get groundwater station in the river To achieve this it is recommended to a more accurate picture of the basin. The agency with the most expand a number of stations so they state of the river basin extensive water monitoring in this collect both water discharge data • ASMA to establish river flow basin is MADA which operates more and water quality data. In some (discharge) measurement by than 50% of the total stations. locations it is possible to pair water establishing rating curves for each quality stations with flow stations station. The proposed monitoring network nearby. consists of only 26 stations and only FLOW OF DATA one of these are new, namely a The main parameters are the six station has been proposed for the parameters of the WQI which are The study showed that there is an monitoring of pesticides. DO, BOD, COD, SS, pH and AN as abundance of data, but the well as water discharge data. availability of information is poor so One unique feature of the proposed the data are not fully utilised. One monitoring strategy is that it OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS of the main areas the IRBM incorporates monitoring pollution monitoring strategy attempts to loads which would mean obtaining The monitoring strategy has also tackle is therefore the integration both water quantity and quality data. provided other recommendations: and flow of information between the Traditionally water monitoring • telemetric online monitoring to various data sources and stations in Malaysia only monitor enable a better protection of the monitoring stations. It is proposed either quantity or quality data and water intakes in the event of acute that the IRBM Unit facilitate not both at the same station. This pollution. integration of this information via a approach to monitor pollution loads • coordinated training on water platform for data sharing that is when used in combination with the quality sampling procedures to easy to understand and readily existing WQI approach would result ensure the quality of the data accessible. in more accurate monitoring of the collected. Dennis Victor

Two GIS training courses have been held in Kedah


ater plays an essential part in Wthe entire growth cycle of the rice plant. Water ensures the healthy growth and eventually a bountiful harvest of the crop. In addition, water also plays another equally important function in ensuring that the paddy field is free of weeds.

The construction of the Muda and Pedu Dams to conserve water resources and the network of canals and drains has enabled double cropping in the entire Muda Scheme of 96,588 hectares in Kedah and Perlis. The Muda Scheme, aptly Water seeding: treated rice seeds are broadcasted into flooded fields by a motorised blower named the Rice Bowl of Malaysia, now produces about 40 % of all the field. In this labour-intensive method intensive ways. As a result, direct rice in Peninsular Malaysia. water is retained in the fields. Since seeding rice culture took over as the weed seeds cannot germinate under crop establishment technique in the Rice cultivation practices have flooded conditions, weeds are not a Muda Scheme. changed since the scheme was major problem in the fields. established. WET DIRECT SEEDING However, Malaysia’s rapid TRANSPLANTING industrialisation in the eighties meant Wet direct seeding is now practised a massive out-migration of farm by the nearly all farmers in the Until the early eighties, transplanting workers and this created a critical MADA area. Wet seeding requires was the main method to establish the labour shortage. Rice farmers had to the rice field be levelled, ploughed crop. Here rice seedlings are raised adopt mechanisation and employ and puddled under flooded in small nursery plots and later other labour-saving techniques to conditions. Water is led into the fields transplanted by hand to the main replace the traditional labour- for pre-saturation of soils and to soften the soils for ploughing and subsequently seeding. However, just before seeding water has to be drained off again because rice seeds, like all other seeds, require oxygen for germination and growth. Only when the rice seeds have germinated and the young plants established themselves is water re-introduced in the field.

Wet direct seeding therefore not only uses more water, but also loses a fair amount of soils when the water is drained from the field. This pollutes Measuring the populations of rice plants, grassy weeds and padi angin in a water the waterways and rivers. In seeded plot. addition, the exposed rice fields

IRBM • 7 enable weed seeds to germinate. Grassy weeds infestation is a serious problem arising out of this change from transplanting to direct seeding. Direct seeded rice crop therefore requires heavy usage of herbicides to control the grassy weeds, thus increasing costs and aggravating the water pollution problem.

More recently, direct seeding has caused the emergence of a new type of rice called weedy rice or padi angin which is early maturing and easy shattering. The origin of this new type of rice is still not completely known but it has become a major factor of yield loss in Malaysia and some neighbouring rice producing The water seeded plot at about one month after seeding countries. As the name suggests, padi angin perpetuates and seeding has been developed to Secondly, standing water in rice field establishes itself very quickly in the overcome the grassy weeds and will prevent the germination of weeds rice field because the early ripened paddy angin problem in the MADA and padi angin seeds, thus reducing grains are shattered and blown by area. With this method the seeds are the infestation of these two groups of wind to the field. Once the padi first soaked in water with chemicals unwanted plants. Water seeding angin is established in the fields, they (mainly peroxide-based compounds) technique has high potential in are very difficult to eradicate as they that will supply enough oxygen to saving water and costs of production. cannot be killed by herbicides (they enable the seeds to germinate in a belong to the same genus and same flooded field. DEMONSTRATION PROJECT species as rice). It is a big problem because they compete with the There are many advantages of this Realising the importance of this normal rice for fertiliser and farmers new technique. Firstly, water water seeding crop establishment cannot harvest their grains! introduced for pre-saturation of the technique, MADA has initiated a field and for subsequent ploughings demonstration project with the WATER SEEDING is retained in the field during support of the IRBM project to fine- seeding, thus saving vital water tune the technique in their Research Recently a new innovative rice crop resources and reducing pollution to and Training Centre in Alor Serdang, establishment method called water the waterways. , Kedah. Initially, MADA is seeking the optimum water level for good crop establishment and determining the required water consumption.

Data from the first trial in season 1/2005 are very encouraging - both in terms of water saving and in control of grassy weeds and padi angin. Once this method is proven to be practical and effective, MADA will continue to search for more answers to field problems that may arise out this new water saving technique. Wide adoption of this technique will not only benefit farmers but will also contribute towards the conservation of the precious water resources. The water seeded plot at heading (flowering) stage. F.K. Phang

8 • IRBM Wastewater from Markets, Restaurants and Food Stalls


Y.B. Dato' Ahmad Bashah Md. Hanipah, the EXCO member responsible for Housing, Local Government and Environment, officiated a seminar on `Treatment of wastewater from markets, restaurants and food stalls' held in Langkawi on 29 March 2005.

A total of 40 representatives from local authorities, government agencies and representatives from the Hawkers Association participated. An exhibition on river water pollution was held in conjunction with the seminar. Y.B. Dato' Ahmad Bashah Md. Hanipah opening the seminar Among the papers presented were: • Water quality of Sg. Kedah : urban areas (Universiti immediately relevant to the pollution sources and mitigation Teknologi Malaysia) problems in Malaysia and the measures (DoE) • Ideas for demonstration projects demonstration projects now being • Management of grey water for IRBM Sungai Kedah designed by the project. from restaurants, food stalls (Chemsain Konsultant) and wet markets: DID's The participants learned about the perspective (DID) TECHNICAL VISIT TO approach used to clean-up the • Experiences of grey water SINGAPORE Singapore River, including the management in Kuching, involvement and coordination of Sarawak (Natural Resources The Singapore Public Utilities all the key agencies concerned, as and Environment Board) Board hosted a technical visit for well as the planned Marina Bay • Demonstration projects in Malaysian officials from 28-29 project and the associated clean- Selangor for water quality September 2005. The 22 up of the urban watershed that will improvement (Lembaga Urus participants came from some of discharge into the future reservoir. Air Selangor) the partners the project works The Singapore River clean-up and • Experiences in water quality with, mainly from Selangor and Marina Bay projects provided improvement (Majlis Kedah. inspiration to the participants as Perbandaran Petaling Jaya) case studies in IRBM in an urban • Water quality issues from the In Singapore the participants setting. The group also learned perspective of MBAS - roles, exchanged experiences with the about Singapore’s water problems and plan (Majlis Public Utilities Board on the reclamation activities including Bandaraya Alor Setar) handling of oil and grease from wastewater treatment and • Grey water management in restaurants and food stalls. This is NEWater.


alaysian food is rich in oil and Mgrease and much of this ends up in the wastewater when plates and utensils are washed. All too often the washing in restaurants and food stalls ends up in the storm water drains. The drains become smelly and attracts rodents and vermin, and sooner or later the dirty water finds Oil and grease trap installed under the Large traps outside restaurants in its way to the river. While this is not floor of a restaurant Singapore the main source of water pollution - that is usually domestic wastewater - Singapore uses two standard deliver the sludge to the sludge it is a significant source. designs, both are concrete tanks treatment plant. Here the sludge is installed in the ground outside the condensed and eventually deposited And even if the wastewater from the restaurants. The smaller trap has a at landfills with other sewage sludge. kitchen is led to a wastewater diameter of 1.0 meter and caters The PUB has a close relationship with treatment plant, as it should be, the for up to 7 stalls with a total the licensed contractors and the high content of oil and grease means seating capacity of 100 chairs, contractors have to report to PUB if that the sewer often clogs. while the larger unit has a they find that a trap needs to be diameter of 1.8 meter and can be maintained or emptied more The answer is to let the wastewater used by up to 20 stalls with a total frequently. pass an oil-and-grease trap before it of 300 chairs. is discharged. But how should this be DEMONSTRATION PROJECT done? MAINTENANCE The IRBM project is installing oil- SIZE MATTERS In Singapore there are 6,000 oil- and-grease traps in Selangor as and-grease traps. All shops which well as in Kedah in order to gain In this case, size matters. The reason prepare food have to be connected experience from Malaysia and to is that a big trap has a higher to a trap before they can get a demonstrate how this can be done. retention time, which means that the business licence, and they also need At present it has been decided to wastewater spends sufficient time in to have a service contract with one of install traps in Bukit Sentosa in the trap to allow the small drops of the 24 licensed contractors. The units Selangor and in two locations in oil and fat to rise to the surface where are normally emptied once a month Alor Star. they accumulate. If the trap is too and it is more small, much of the oil will simply pass economical in through the trap and it will not be installation and effective. operation if the stall owners, who pay the A big trap also has another costs, can agree to advantage: you don’t need to empty share a bigger unit. it so often. If the trap is small, even a small food stall will need to empty it The outlets of the once or twice a day. That is a messy, vacuum trucks that unpractical and unhygienic service the traps are operation. Some time after provided with installation, many of these units are numbered seals by no longer in use. The small units are the Public Utilities relatively cheap, but they are not Board (PUB) to effective and often only used for a ensure that the short time. contractors always Large trap being emptied by licensed contractor

10 • IRBM Sand mining way beyond the river banks (Sungai Muda) Sand Mining in Kedah

he Sand Mining Working Group agencies in planning, regulating, in an integrated manner; that sand Theld a workshop on 5-6 January monitoring and enforcement of sand mining operators, land owners and 2005 in Sik to discuss the problems mining activities. This included permit holders need to play an active associated with the industry. The existing regulations and guidelines as role to ensure that guidelines and participants were sand-mining well as monitoring and enforcement. conditions are adhered to; that operators, politicians, administrative awareness campaigns to educate and enforcement agencies. Several background papers were stakeholders and implementing presented by DID and JMG. Case agencies are important; that it is The workshop discussed the technical studies in Sungai Muda were used as necessary to establish Sand Mining aspects, the problems faced by the basis for discussing the issues. It was Working Groups at district level to various stakeholders and reviewed concluded that there was a need to enhance management of the the responsibilities of the various conduct monitoring and enforcement activities; and that a policy paper should be submitted to Majlis Mesyuarat Kemajuan Negeri Kedah.

As a follow-up, a Sand-mining Policy Formulation Workshop was conducted from 2 -3 August 2005 in Cameron Highlands. Background papers were presented by the Department of Land and Mines, Department of Irrigation and Drainage and the Chief Technical Adviser of the IRBM Project. The participants discussed a draft state policy for sand mining. It is planned to finalise the draft policy at another Sand mining policy workshop in August 2005 workshop soon.


nimal husbandry can be a water is channelled to Asignificant source of water ponds, on others to pollution and the Sg. Selangor Basin streams. Much seeps into Management Committee therefore the soil and may pollute established a working group with the groundwater. The representatives from Department of report recommends that Veterinary Services, DOE and LUAS wash water is collected to assess the situation in the basin and that storm water and propose appropriate measures. management is improved. Animal husbandry is not a major Sampling pig effluent at the discharge into the first industry in the basin. There are over CATTLE treatment pond 400 farms, but most of them are to large ex-mining pools with no small. The 47 commercial and semi- Cattle farming accounts for only 3% visible outlets. All farms thus practise commercial farms account for the of the value of animal husbandry, but "zero-discharge". Since the farms bulk of the production. The total pollution from cattle farming is a annual production (ex-farm value) is cause of concern. Most cattle graze are surrounded by ex-mining ponds RM 74 million. on public land or in oil palm estates. and are located only slightly above Grazing itself is not considered a the groundwater level, there is little To supplement the available source of pollution as the animal risk of groundwater contamination statistical data, a team visited 60 density is low, but there are problems except for wells at the farms farms, including all commercial and with stables and more intensive forms themselves. With the relatively small semi-commercial farms, and took of production. Most cattle and number of pigs and the large water samples at 14 farms. buffalo farms do not have any form ponds, the current pig farming of proper waste management, and operations do not pollute the river It was found that the total generation liquid waste is often channelled in any significant way. of animal waste is about 228 ton per directly to streams or seep into the day of which 41% from poultry, 36% ground. During rain stored manure LEGAL FRAMEWORK from cattle and 19% from swine. This also washes into water courses. The is a lot of waste, but fortunately direct two feedlots in the basin are the only With the exception of the pig discharge from animal farms to cattle farms with waste management. enactment, the existing legislation water courses is not common. It is The waste from these is channelled to does not address environmental difficult to measure the actual unlined, 3-stage earth ponds. Some issues. DVS advocates good animal pollution as the discharge is irregular of the solid waste is pressed into husbandry practices, but at present and often flows over land. The team pellets for use as fertiliser, while the these are voluntary schemes and they was therefore not able to quantify the liquid fraction is spread on may not be sufficiently detailed to be total pollution load from animal grassland. It is recommended that readily enforceable if made husbandry to the river. proper waste management be mandatory. introduced on all cattle and buffalo POULTRY farms in a systematic manner. MITIGATION MEASURES

Poultry farming is the main activity. PIGS DVS will follow-up on the findings Chicken manure is bagged and sold and examine ways to implement the as fertiliser for vegetable farming. There are now only five pig farms in various recommendations made in Poultry farming generates only little the basin with a total population of the report. The issue will also be wastewater, but some is produced in 10,660 pigs. All pig farms treat the taken up during the preparation of connection with cleaning of cages waste in a series of ponds and the IRBM Action Plan and it is and sheds, and from splashing of samples indicated this was rather expected that it will include a list of rain on manure. On some farms such effective. The treated water was led mitigation measures.


was mostly sufficient for aquaculture, but due to sand mining, silt is a problem and some areas (especially Sg. Sembah which drains the Rawang sub-basin) are affected by high levels of BOD and ammonium.


The amounts and the quality of the discharged water also varied considerably. Only 13 of the 28 farms were found to discharge used water, and some only in small amounts.

Intensive tilapia culture The most polluting farms were rearing catfish, but other catfish reshwater aquaculture is a species are cultured at 28 farms had only very limited Fsignificant activity in the Sungai aquaculture farms, mainly in discharge and the wide variation in Selangor basin, which not only excavated ponds and cement tanks. farm types and culture practices provides a livelihood for the The two most important species are made it difficult to relate the effluent operators, but also fish for the tables, hybrid catfish (keli) and tilapia. discharges in relation to farm type. recreation and ornamental fish. Freshwater obviously requires water WATER USE Effluent concentration in itself was not of good quality, but the industry also a good indicator of the pollution. impacts on the quality of water in the Most of them use rivers as their main About 80% of pollution load (in river. water source. The river water quality kg/day) was actually due to a single

There is a concern over possible pollution caused by the discharge of used water from the ponds and the IRBM project therefore asked WWF to study assess the environmental impact of freshwater aquaculture in the Sungai Selangor basin. The study was supervised by the Fisheries Working Group and carried out in close collaboration with Department of Fisheries, DOE and LUAS. It recommends measures to ensure the sustainable development of the industry, including zoning.


Aquaculture activities in the basin are quite diverse. More than 20 Harvesting catfish

IRBM • 13 farm practising very high stocking is relatively small, appropriate be stored within the farm before density of more than 50kg/m3, mitigation measures should be taken being properly disposed of. which discharged a high volume of to encourage farmers to employ Where pond sediments are not effluent with a modest organic load water reuse strategies and removed, they must be dried out concentration. When regulating the wastewater treatment. At present and tilled to facilitate aeration and industry, it is therefore important not many aquaculture farms in the Sg. then compacted to prevent to look at concentration alone. Selangor basin employ basic erosion. production technologies that do not • The discharge outlets should have The total discharge of phosphate include sustainable husbandry double screened gates to trap feral from aquaculture operations is techniques, water reuse strategies organisms. estimated at 125 t/yr. Compared to and wastewater treatment the total transport of the river this is infrastructure. ZONING insignificant. The discharge of nitrate and sediment is also small compared RECOMMENDATIONS It is also recommended to gazette to other sources. Discharges in aquaculture zones (aquaculture connection with harvesting and The team recommended that: development areas). Such zones emptying of ponds are not • All farms should either (a) could give the industry better considered as there are no data to practise zero-discharge or (b) protection and perhaps allow the indicate the extent of this treat the wastewater in establishment of common treatment sedimentation / oxidation ponds facilities for used water. Although the regular discharge from with a retention time of at least aquaculture operations in most cases 24 hours to ensure that the REGULATION effluent meets Standard A. • Hatcheries should be equipped The team found that the draft Inland IN MEMORIAM with a two-stage discharge Fisheries Rules (Aquaculture) treatment system. The first stage provides a good framework for the Allahyarham Ir. Hj. Rahmat bin including disinfection to destroy industry and should be enacted. Hj. Mohd. Sharif passed away pathogens and feral releases, Alternatively regulations may be on 7 February 2005. The late while the second stage is an developed using the LUAS Ir. Hj. Rahmat was the Director oxidation pond with minimum 24 Enactment. It was also recommended of Luas, seconded from DID hours retention time. to develop guidelines for the since the establishment of Luas. • Where pond sediments are appropriate freshwater aquaculture Hj. Rahmat was very dedicated removed after harvest, they should systems. to improvng the enviroment and to the organisation he served. He was very supportive of the IRBM project, and though we did not always agree, we enjoyed a very good working relationship. I wish to thank him for all the help. Our thoughts go to his family. Bo Christensen

Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihiraji’unn, Allahyarham. Ir. Hj. Rahmat bin Hj. Mohd. Sharif, Pengarah Luas telah kembali kerahmatullah pada 7 Februari 2005. Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah S.W.T. dan Takziah diucapkan kepada keluarga The Danish ambassador, H.E. Börge Petersen and wife visited the project in Allahyarham. Kedah on 5 October 2005 and were briefed by Tn. Hj. Juhaimi bin Jusoh, DID.

14 • IRBM Petaling Jaya and NGOs and their response was very encouraging.

The training familiarised the 42 participants with the common freshwater macro-invertebrates and their habitats, taught them how to take samples, how to use the guide to assess water quality and how to teach school children these skills.


A similar training was conducted in Alor Star during 1-2 June 2005 in Sampling collaboration with the Kedah BIO-INDICATOR COURSES quatic insects and other small Afreshwater organisms depend on their environment. The presence of certain groups of animals therefore indicates whether the water is clean or polluted. It is actually possible to calculate a biological water quality index from samples of macro- invertebrates - and this can even be Examining the macro-invertebrates Identifying the small animals done by school children as an environmental education activity. participants how to use the Education Department. 40 secondary “Freshwater name trail”, which was school teachers from the districts of COURSE IN PENANG adapted by the project for use in Padang Terap, Baling, Langkawi and Malaysia. The participants came Sik who are involved with `Kelab The project held a training course on from DID, DOE, Natural Resources Alam Sekitar' participated in the this during 2-3 February 2005 in and Environment Board (Sarawak), training course. Penang. Here Dr Salmah Rawi from Environment Protection Department the School of Biological Sciences, (Sabah), Kedah Education Subsequently, the Kedah Education Universiti Sains Malaysia, taught the Department, Majlis Perbandaran Department collaborated with DID on a subsequent course in Sg Sedim for a school in Kulim.

In July 2005, DID conducted another session on bio-indicators in FRIM as part of an MNS environmental education awareness course.

In addition, DID gave a talk on IRBM and gave demonstration of bio- indicators during a state-level meeting organised by Kedah Education Department in November Using the guide to identify the animals 2005.

IRBM • 15 In a swale the rain water seeps into the ground (USM campus in Nibong Tebal)

Visit to the Kota Tinggi water treatment plant

IRBM TRAINING Visit to the rehabilitated Melaka river he IRBM training gives an the various parties involved. The Peninsular Malaysia as well as Tintroduction to the technical training consists of two modules of 3 NGOs and private sectors that deal aspects of water and land days each and includes field visits. with some aspect of water resources management as well as the and river basin management. The institutional and legal framework and The target group is quite wide and structure and contents of the course it provides an overview of the roles of includes all agencies throughout was developed by the DID and the IRBM Project and refined through CONTACT DETAILS : several rounds of discussion with relevant government agencies and FEDERAL COMPONENT NGOs. Department of Irrigation and Drainage Senior Assistant Director (River Engineering) : Ir. Hj Md Khairi bin Selamat The IRBM training courses were ENTERIAN PERTAHANAN MALAY Tel : 03-2697 2575, 2697 2600 (DL) Fax : 03-2693 2850 conducted in 2004 and comprised E-mail : [email protected] four 3-day courses for about 230 SELANGOR COMPONENT participants. Following positive LUAS (Lembaga Urus Air Selangor) feedback from the courses in 2004, Acting Director : Ir Mohd. Said bin Dikon the EPU proposed that the training be LEMBAGA URUS AIR SELANGOR (LUAS) Tel : 03-5511 1800 Fax : 03-5510 1800 E-mail : [email protected] extended to all states in Peninsular Malaysia. KEDAH COMPONENT Kedah State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN Kedah) In 2005 DID therefore organised a Director : Dato’ Abdul Mukthi Abdullah Tel : 04-700 7086 Fax : 04-733 0908 series of 8 IRBM workshops with a total of 430 participants from all Department of Irrigation and Drainage (Kedah) states. Overall, the workshops were Senior Assistant Director : Ir. Hj Juhaimi bin Jusoh Tel : 04-733 3433 Fax : 04-733 3372 well received by the participants. E-mail : [email protected] Feedback obtained from participants and lecturers will be used to fine-tune CONSULTANT future workshops. It is envisioned that Chief Technical Adviser : Bo Christensen similar workshops in 2006 will be Mobile : 012-277 1326 E-mail : [email protected] Assistant CTA : Joanna Tang targeted specifically at the local Mobile : 012-2929 470 E-mail : [email protected] authorities in the states the project works in.

16 • IRBM