Select Bibliography
Select Bibliography The bibliography is divided into two parts: a schedule of general texts 2 the politics of portraiture c. 1660–75 selected readings for those who wish to explore the back- arnold, dana and peters corbett, david, eds., barber, tabitha, Mary Beale (1632/3–1699): Portrait ground of developments described in the book – both A Companion to British Art: 1600 to the Present, of a Seventeenth-Century Painter, Her Family and as a whole and chapter by chapter – followed by a much Chichester, 2013. Her Studio, exhibition catalogue, Geffrye Museum, longer list that is intended to function as an introductory barrell, john, The Political Theory of Painting from London, 1999. guide to research in the field of British two-dimensional Reynolds to Hazlitt: ‘The Body of the Public’, New coombs, katherine, The Portrait Miniature in art between the Restoration and the Battle of Waterloo. Haven and London, 1986. England, London, 1998. To facilitate usage of the more comprehensive bibliogra- bindman, david, ed., The History of British Art, Volume macleod, catharine and marciari alexander, phy, its materials have been organized under the follow- 2: 1600–1870, London, 2008. julia, eds., Painted Ladies: Women at the Court of ing headings: brewer, john, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Charles II, exhibition catalogue, National Portrait Culture in the Eighteenth Century, London, 1997. Gallery, London, 2001. general texts: history (social and cultural) craske, matthew, Art in Europe, 1700–1830, Oxford, marciari alexander, julia and macleod, catha- and the history of art 1997. rine, eds., Politics, Transgression, and Representation the london art world: institutions, exhibi- farington, joseph, The Diary of Joseph Farington, at the Court of Charles II, Studies in British Art 18, tions and the art market vols.
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