ELECTION 2015 a Guide to Voting and the Candidates

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ELECTION 2015 a Guide to Voting and the Candidates TE RUNANGANUI O NGATI POROU ELECTION 2015 A guide to Voting and The Candidates TRONPnui Election 2015 1 2 CANDIDATES INVITED TO SHARE THEIR VISION FOR NGATI POROU LOREMNgati Porou are goingIPSUM to the polls DOLOR1. What SITis the best AMET way to share the This is the second runanganui election this week through to October 14. to elect 14 representatives for their wealth now within Ngati Porou for since the iwi’s historic 2010 settlement The decisions made at the board VOTING OPENS MONDAY A QUICK GUIDE TO VOTING collective interests and to make generations to come? with the Crown. table over the next four years will have decisions about the tribe’s $200 million Ngati Porou are the country’s second an intergenerational impact on Ngati 14TH OF SEPTEMBER For more information about the voting process go to www.ngatiporou.com or pick up a copy of the Loremasset base. ipsum dolor sit amet, pertinacia forensibus2. What qui do tatosyou think vis eu. is theIus inmost novum largestinvenire iwi comprehensam. with about 90,000eripuit members, evertitur, Porou, ea and propriae the role placerat the Iwi hassigniferum at a - TRONPnui Election 2015 Guide from any Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou office site. ei. ToPartem aid the sententiae democratic in per. process, Delenit The principes pressing pro no, atissue Quod for the lorem iwi and habemus what his mostlyeu. Possit dispersed indoctum around ac -Aotearoa/Newque per. No regionalvix laudem and nationalaperiri level.moderatius, This is theeum melGisborne adhuc Heraldimperdiet. and Vel Te ullumRunanganui denique posidoniumdo you want ut. tocusamus see done his about cu. Per it? cu dicantZealand noluisse and theluptatum, world. (Thein latineelection maiorum key adolescens opportunity te, Ngati mea Porouex enim have veniam. to Moderatiuso Ngati Porou inciderint have provided pri at, in this mei case dicit erroribus. qui primis detracto. An melfeature idque will quodsi. also be Pri available ut- onlineQuot autemat exerciselaoreet nectheir no, tribal at democraticduis nominati right mei. to opportunityUbique accusata for the 38mel candidates ei, ne tosea justo3. probaWhat- changesamur wouldfabellas you ad, like at cum justowww.gisborneherald.co.nz graeco veritus. Par- and at www. decide who are the best people, with the tusshare concludaturque. their vision for theEi iwi. alterum melioreto see fuisin the- typetem andmandamus level of abhorreantngatiporou.com at ius. An vel ) elitr re- Ei pro fabulasbest placerat skills to lobortis.make the Magna best decisions ludus deon- STEP 1 ARE YOU ELIGIBLE STEP 2 HAVE YOU RECEIVED electionz Helpline setThis vis. electionPro an special dignissim has been necessitatibus, run investments et re- beingpudiare made percipitur, by the sed posseFor graece the purpose accumsan of the ei. election,lectus nec eu,their qui dolorebehalf. neglegentur at. Te usu vide independently by The Herald and is runanganui for the social, economic, iwi members nominate the Rohenga What will TO VOTE? YOUR VOTING PACK? For enquiries about the voting que corrumpit eam, eros mundi aliquando et est. Mutat saepe invidunt quo an. Ad rebum augue libris nostrum, id vis putant discere. Ei dolorum senserit funded by TRONPnui. Each candidate cultural and environmental Tipuna (hapu and marae clusters based the future look process: If you haven’t received your pack by the Obliquefor the runanganui euismod volutpatboard was an asked vim. Aliquandowellbeing fo- of Ngatipri, et Porou?enim civibus singulis onper. shared No possim whakapapa) complec they- willsalutandi vote or quo, like mundi for your tritani appetere cu mea. Dicat Must be of Ngati Porou descent rensibusto compose no a per,profile denique article, eleifend of no delicata an est. titur sit. Eu mel choro vocent.stand Forensibus in. Each ofintellegam the seven rohengalabore omnesquehas mokopuna? ex sit, soleat praesent dignissim cu second week of voting please contact Tel: 0508 666 557 moreMei utthan fabellas 700 words, vituperata. to introduce Detracto pertinacia4. How mel would ex yousit. Exlike affert to see dictasthe doctustwo representativesquo, cum hinc on malis the TRONPnuieos. Ex nec quaestioHave your suscipiantur, say nec vidit principes 18 years or over electionz Helpline. Email: elections@electionz.com id,themselves ex est prima and praesentto also answer ocurreret. the Est id nihilrunanganui altera, developprompta its ea. relationships Ornatus laboramus board. definiebas vel eu. mnesarchum byet, votingeripuit in aliquando the et eum. In quas. mutatfollowing homero questions commodo posed byusu The in. Ne dicitacross eleifend hapu, Crown Vim andsuas strategiclabores delicataVoting an. Ne runs pro over doming a month, from the 2015 TRONPnui Jeremy Muir Must be registered on the Ngati sed,Gisborne in solum Herald: dolore his, maiorum postulantpartners? trac- mailout of voting packs at the start of elections. Editor, The Gisborne Herald Porou Register Ngati Porou Register Administrator Identified Primary Marae to determine Rohenga Tipuna where STEP 3 HOW DO I VOTE? To check or update you will cast your vote You are eligible to vote for up to 2 your contact details candidates in your selected Rohenga or Primary Marae/Rohenga Tipuna. Choose from one of three Tipuna info: Not registered yet? methods for casting your vote: NGNGATIATI POROU PORO UROHENGA ROHENG TIPUNAA TIPUNA Tel: 0800 NPOROU (0800 67 67 68) It’s not too late. Registrations will be accepted until the close of voting. Email: elections@tronp.org.nz People who register after the 12th of MARAE WHARENUI August will be able to participate in the Postal Online Wahi Pooti election by casting a provisional vote. 1. Potaka Te Pae o nga Pakanga Rohenga 1: Potikirua ki Provisional Voting 2. Hinemaurea Tuwhakairiora Contact the Ngati Porou Register Whangaokeno 3. Punaruku Te Pikitanga o KauwhakaAdministratortuakina or register online at Contact the electionz Helpline to VOTES MUST BE CAST Represented by two Elected 4. Paerauta (Tutua) Tamakoro request a provisional vote if you 5. Hinerupe Hinerupe BY 12 NOON, WEDNESDAY Representatives www.ngatiporou.iwi.nz haven’t registered yet or if you 6. Matahi o te Tau Matahi o te Tau registered after the 12th of August. THE 14TH OF OCTOBER 7. Awatere Te Aotaihi 8. Te Kahika (Hurae) Hurae Rohenga 2: Whangaokeno 9. Putaanga Putaanga 10. Kaiwaka Te Kapenga ki Waiapu 11. Rahui Rongomaianiwaniwa Represented by two Elected 12. Taumata o Tapuhi Te Aokairau 13. Hinepare Tairawhiti Representatives 14. Ohine Waiapu Te Ohaki 15. Karuai Te Rehu o Karuai Rohenga 3: Pohautea 16. Tikapa Pokai 17. Te Horo Rakaitemania ki Te Onepoto 18. Waiomatatini Porourangi Represented by two Elected 19. Kakariki Rakaihoea 20. Tinatoka Whenuakura Representatives Rohenga 4: Te Onepoto 21. Reporua Tu Auau 22. Umuariki Umuariki ki Rahuimanuka 23. Ruataupare Ruataupare Represented by two Elected 24. Mangahanea Hinetapora 25. Uepohatu Uepohatu Representatives 26. Rauru (Taumata o Mihi) Rauru Nui a Toi 27. Te Heapera (Mangarua) Te Heapera Rohenga 5: Rahuimanuka ki 28. Kariaka Ngati Porou 29. Hiruharama Kapohanga a Rangi Mataahu 30. Te Aowera Te Poho o Te Aowera Represented by two Elected 31. Whareponga Te Poho o Materoa 32. Rongohaere (Pahou) Rongohaere Representatives 33. Rongoitekai (Penu) Rongo i te kai Rohenga 6: Mataahu 34. Te Ariuru Te Poho o Te Aotawarirangi 35. Waiparapara Te Poho o Te Tikanga ki Kokoronui 36. Pakirikiri Te Hono ki Rarotonga Represented by two Elected 37. Tuatini Huiwhenua 38. Iritekura Iritekura Representatives 39. Taharora Mihi-Koinga 40. Te Kiekie Hau Rohenga 7: Kokoronui 41. Anaura Hinetamatea 42. Hinemaurea ki Mangatuna Hinemaurea ki Te Toka a Taiau 43. Okuri Okuri Represented by two Elected 44. Puketawai Te Amowhiu 45. Hauiti Ruakapanga Representatives 46. Te Poho o Rawheoro Hapu Ngati Patuwhare 47. Whangara Waho te Rangi (Whitireia) 48. Te Poho o Rawiri Te Poho o Rawiri Cover image: Four-year-old Neri Waititi contemplates his aspiration to be the future TRONPnui chairman, while looking across the Waiapu towards Hikurangi. 11 The Gisborne Herald • Saturday, September 19, 2015 3 LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET VOTING OPENS MONDAY A QUICK GUIDE TO VOTING 14TH OF SEPTEMBER For more information about the voting process go to www.ngatiporou.com or pick up a copy of the Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, pertinacia forensibus qui tatos vis eu. Ius in novum invenire comprehensam. eripuit evertitur, ea propriae placerat signiferum- TRONPnui Election 2015 Guide from any Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou office site. ei. Partem sententiae in per. Delenit principes pro no, at Quod lorem habemus his eu. Possit indoctum ac- que per. No vix laudem aperiri moderatius, eum mel adhuc imperdiet. Vel ullum denique posidonium ut. cusamus his cu. Per cu dicant noluisse luptatum, in latine maiorum adolescens te, mea ex enim veniam. Moderatius inciderint pri at, in mei case dicit erroribus. qui primis detracto. An mel idque quodsi. Pri ut- Quot autem laoreet nec no, at duis nominati mei. Ubique accusata mel ei, ne sea justo proba- amur fabellas ad, at cum justo graeco veritus. Par- tus concludaturque. Ei alterum meliore fuis- tem mandamus abhorreant at ius. An vel elitr re- Ei pro fabulas placerat lobortis. Magna ludus de- STEP 1 ARE YOU ELIGIBLE STEP 2 HAVE YOU RECEIVED electionz Helpline set vis. Pro an dignissim necessitatibus, et re- pudiare percipitur, sed posse graece accumsan ei. lectus nec eu, qui dolore neglegentur at. Te usu vide TO VOTE? YOUR VOTING PACK? For enquiries about the voting que corrumpit eam, eros mundi aliquando et est. Mutat saepe invidunt quo an. Ad rebum augue libris nostrum, id vis putant discere. Ei dolorum senserit process: Oblique euismod volutpat an vim. Aliquando fo- pri, et enim civibus singulis per. No possim complec- salutandi quo, mundi tritani appetere cu mea. Dicat Must be of Ngati Porou descent If you haven’t received your pack by the rensibus no per, denique eleifend delicata an est. titur sit. Eu mel choro vocent. Forensibus intellegam labore omnesque ex sit, soleat praesent dignissim cu second week of voting please contact Tel: 0508 666 557 Mei ut fabellas vituperata.
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