Brewers Hill and King Drive
FINAL REPORT .-„ .. NORTH THIRD STREET AREA INTENSIVE ■ 'HISTORIC STRUCTURES SURVEY City of Milwaukee Department of City Development Milwaukee, Wisconsin July, 1983 "This project has been funded with theassistance of a grant-in- f aid from the National Park Service, U.S. Deaprtment of the Interior, under provisions-of the:National Historic Preservation Act of .1966, as amended.- Historic\P^eservAtion-grants-in-aid are administered .in Wisconsin in'7.f<?pnjuriction with the National Register of Historic Places.programbyvthe Historic Preservation Division of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.. However, the contents and opinions contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of'the National Park Service or the State Historical.Society.of Wisconsin." RESOURCE DESIGN GROUP ••• 331 East Kingsley Ann Arbor Michigan 48104 ABSTRACT The City of Milwaukee, Department of City Development, has undertaken an intensive survey of an area known as Brewers' Hill, for the purposes of determining and recording the architectural and historic resources of the area, and for developing planning and development strategies for the area. The area surveyed and inventoried encompassed approximately 495 acres. The Brewers' Hill area consists of a variety of land uses, but is most easily described as consisting of the North Third Street commercial corridor, the industrial district along the north bank of the Milwaukee River, and resi dential areas closely tied to those two districts. The area is bounded by North Sixth Street on the east, McKinley Avenue on the south, the Milwaukee River on the southwest, and North Avenue on the north. A sub-area also included in the study extends north from North Avenue to East Center Street, and from North Second Street on the east to North First Street on the west.
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