
Dies irae, dies illa day of wrath; that day, solvet saeclum in favilla, it will dissolve the world into glowing ashes, teste David cum Sibylla. as attested by David together with the Sibyl.

Tuba mirum spargens sonum, The trumpet's wondrous call sounding abroad per sepulchra regionum, in tombs throughout the world coget omnes ante thronum. shall drive everybody forward to the throne.

Preces meae non sunt dignae: My prayers are not worthy: sed tu bonus fac benigne, but Thou, of Thy goodness, deal generously (with me), ne perenni cremer igne. that I burn not in the everlasting flame.

Lacrymosa dies illa That day will be one of weeping qua resurget ex favilla on which shall rise again from the embers iudicandus homo reus. the guilty man, to be judged. Huic ergo parce, Deus: Therefore spare him, O God. Pie Iesu Domine, Merciful Lord Jesus, dona eis requiem. Amen. grant rest. Amen.

La Passacaglia della vita English translation by Paul Archer Oh come t'inganni O how you deceive yourself se pensi che gl'anni if you think your time non hann' da finire, won’t come to an end, bisogna morire. we have to die.

È un sogno la vita Life is a dream che par sì gradita, that seems so pleasing è breve gioire, but is briefly enjoyed, bisogna morire. we have to die. Non val medicina, Of no avail is medicine, non giova la China, of no use is quinine, non si può guarire, we cannot be cured, bisogna morire. we have to die.

Non vaglion sberate, It’s no use ranting minarie, bravate and railing, the bravado che caglia l'ardire, that stiffens courage, bisogna morire. we must die. Dottrina che giova, No guiding doctrine parola non trova finds the words che plachi l'ardire, to allay our fears, bisogna morire. we have to die.

Non si trova modo There's no means di scoglier 'sto nodo, to untie this knot, non val il fuggire, there's no escape, bisogna morire. we must die. Commun'è statuto, It’s our common fate, non vale l'astuto no cunning ploys 'sto colpo schermire, can fend it off, bisogna morire. we must die.

La morte crudele Cruel death a tutti è infedele, betrays all, ogn'uno svergogna, shames each of us, morire bisogna. die we must. È pur ò pazzia It's just lunatic o gran frenesia, and frenetic par dirsi menzogna, to tell lies about it, morire bisogna. die we must.

Si more cantando, We die when singing, si more sonando we die when playing la Cetra, o Sampogna, the zither, the bagpipe, morire bisogna. die we must. Si muore danzando, We die when dancing, bevendo, mangiando; drinking and eating; con quella carogna trapped in our bodies, morire bisogna. die we must.

I Giovani, i putti Youngsters and toddlers e gl'Huomini tutti and all of humanity s'hann'a incenerire, are burnt to ashes, bisogna morire. we have to die. I sani, gl'infermi, The healthy, the , i bravi, gl'inermi the brave, the helpless, tutt'hann'a finire, all come to an end, bisogna morire. we have to die.

E quando che meno And when you are least ti pensi, nel seno expecting it, you will ti vien a finire, come to your end, bisogna morire. we have to die. Se tu non vi pensi If it's not on your mind, hai persi li sensi, you’ve lost your senses, sei morto e puoi dire: and are dead, so you can say: bisogna morire. we have to die.

Se que me muero Sé que me muero I know I die Sé que me muero I know I die me muero de amor I die of love y solicito el dolor. and I request the pain.

Sé que me muero I know I die me muero de amor I die of love y solicito el dolor. and I request the pain.

Aún muriendo de querer Even while dying of love de tan buen aire adolezco, I suffer of such great appearance que es más de lo que padezco that is more than I suffer lo que quiero padecer. what I want to suffer

Y no pudiendo exceder And harshness is unable a mi deseo el rigor. to exceed my desire.

Y no pudiendo exceder And harshness is unable a mi deseo el rigor. to exceed my desire.

Y no pudiendo exceder And harshness is unable a mi deseo el rigor. to exceed my desire.

Sé que me muero I know I die me muero de amor I die of love y solicito el dolor. and I request the pain.

Sé que me muero I know I die me muero de amor I die of love y solicito el dolor. and I request the pain.

Lisonjéame la suerte Praise my luck con piedad tan advertida, with such advised piety, que me asegura la vida that assures me life en el riesgo de la muerte. in the risk of death.

Vivir de su golpe fuerte To live off its powerful blow es de mi salud primor. is my health’s artfulness.

Vivir de su golpe fuerte To live off its powerful blow es de mi salud primor. is my health’s artfulness.

Vivir de su golpe fuerte To live off its powerful blow es de mi salud primor. is my health’s artfulness.

Sé que me muero I know I’m dying me muero de amor I’m dying of love y solicito el dolor. and I request the pain.

Sino alla morte By Sebastiano Baldini, 1615-1685. Trans. By Richard Kolb Sino alla morte Until death, Mi protesto d'adorarvi, I vow that I will adore you. Voglio amarvi I want to love you A dispetto del tempo in defiance of time E della sorte, and fate, Sino alla morte until death. L'inanellato crine, Let your adorned locks, Che biondeggia superbo in masse d'oro, magnificently resplendent in masses of gold, Per le man dell'età divenga argento; be turned to silver by the hand of age; L'amorose rovine Let the beloved ruins Della vostra beltà ch'io tanto adoro, of your beauty that I so adore Calpesti il tempo a consumarle intento. be trampled by time intent on consuming them. Resti ogni lume spento Let every light be spent Delle pupille, e d'ostri e di cinabri from your eyes and let the scarlet and vermilion Veggansi impoverir le guance e i labri. of your cheeks and lips become impoverished. Pur del pensiero Even against thought Che nudre l'alma, that nourishes the soul, Havrà la palma the blind archer Il cieco Arciero. will take the prize. Al desio ch'a voi s'aggira, The desire that surrounds you, Che per voi sempre sospira, that sighs for you continuously, Goderò del mio core aprir le porte will delight in opening the door of my heart Sino alla morte. until death parts us. Turbi la fede mia Let my trust be troubled Il tosco de gl'amanti, by the poison of lovers, La ministra de' pianti, that overseer of tears, L'origin d'ogni mal: la gelosia. the origin of every ill: jealousy. Servirò la tiranna I will serve the tyrant Ch'a morir mi condanna, that condemns me to death, Tra cure ne' martir, fra le ritorte amidst the cares of misfortune, amidst trials, Sino alla morte. until death. Scuota la mia costanza Let my faithfulness be troubled La nemica d'amore, by the enemy of love, La madre del dolore, the mother of suffering, La furia d'ogni cor: la lontananza. the frenzy of every heart: separation. In adorar costei In adoring her, Con tutti i voti miei, by all my vows, Mi vedrà quale Anteo sorger più forte I will be seen, like Antaeus,* to rise Sino alla morte. stronger than before, until death. Può la fortuna Let fortune Trarmi lontano, carry me afar, Ma sempre invano yet always in vain Gl'affanni aduna. will it bring vexations. Aque non serba il fiume dell'oblio, The river of oblivion doesn't hold Che bastino a temprar l'incendio mio, enough water to quell my passion, Poiché ad estinguer l'amoroso foco for to extinguish the fire of my love would take Ci vuol un mare, anzi ch'un mare è poco. an ocean, and even an ocean is too little. Io so ch'alle faville degl'amanti, I know that all the oceans of the world are not Tutti i mari alla fin non son bastanti. equal to the sparks that fly between lovers.

O Death, Rock me Asleep Attrib. Anne Boleyn, 1501-1536 O Death, rock me asleep, Bring me to quiet rest; Let pass my weary, guiltless ghost out of my careful breast. Toll on the passing bell Ring out the doleful knell, let the sound my death tell. Death doth draw nigh. Sound my death dolefully, for I die.

Farewell, my pleasures past: My pains . In prison strong, who can express, alas they are so strong. My dolours will not suffer strength, My life for to prolong, Lest my woe work his cruel hope That I must taste. This misery.

Cantigas d’amigos Ondas do mar de Vigo, O sea waves of Vigo, se vistes meu amigo? have you seen my lover? E ai Deus!, se verra cedo? O God, will he be back soon?

Ondas do mar levado, O turbulent sea waves, se vistes meu amado? have you seen my lover? E ai Deus!, se verra cedo? O God, will he be back soon?

Mandad’ei comigo, Word came today: ca ven meu amigo. my friend´s on his way, E irei, madr’ a Vigo and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.

Comigo’ei mandado, Today came the tidings: ca ven meu amado. my friend is arriving, E irei, madr’ a Vigo and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.

Ca ven meu amigo My friend´s on his way e ven san’ e vivo. and is alive and well, E irei, madr’ a Vigo and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.

Quantas sabedes amar amigo, All girls who know what it means to love, Treides comig’ a lo mar de Vigo. come with me to the sea at Vigo, E bannar nos emos nas ondas. and we´ll bathe in the waves.

Quantas sabedes d’amor amado. All girls who know what loving means, Treides comig’ alo mar levado. come with me to the risen sea, E bannar nos emos nas ondas. and we´ll bathe in the waves.

Treides comig’ a lo mar de Vigo. Come with me to the sea at Vigo E veeremo-lo meu amigo. and there we´ll see the good friend I love E bannar nos emos nas ondas. and we´ll bathe in the waves.

Mia irmana fremosa, treides comigo Lovely sister, come with me a la ygreia de Vigo, u e o mar salido. To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough, E miraremos las ondas. And we will gaze at the waves.

Mia irmana fremosa, treides de grado Lovely sister, come willingly a la ygreia de Vigo, u e o mar levado. To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up, E miraremos las ondas. And we will gaze at the waves.

A la ygreia de Vigo, u e o mar salido, To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough, e verra i mia madre e o meu amigo. And my mother and my friend will come, E miraremos las ondas. And we will gaze at the waves.

Ay ondas que eu vin ver Oh Waves that I came to see, Se me saberedes dizer Can you possibly tell me Por que tarda meu amigo sen min. Why my lover tarries without me?

Ay ondas eu u mirar Oh waves I came to gaze at, Se me saberedes contar Can you possibly explain Por que tarda meu amigo sen min. Why my lover tarries without me?

Interrote Speranza Interrotte speranze, eterna fede, Broken hope, eternal faith, fiamme e strali possenti in debil core; powerful flames and rays in the weak heart; nutrir sol di sospir un fero ardore with just one sigh nourish the fervant ardour e celar il suo mal quand’altri il vede; and hide your weakness from others; seguir di vago e fuggitivo piede follow from the wandering, fugitive foot l’orme rivolte a volontario errore; the tracks that lead towards willful erring; perder del seme sparso e’l frutto e’l fiore lose from the widespread both fruit and flower e la sperata al gran languir mercede; and the expected from the great anguish; far d’uno sguardo sol legge ai pensieri from just one look dictate the laws of thought e d’un casto voler freno al desìo, and with chaste resolution stifle the desire, e spender lacrimando i lustri interi: and tears shall flow for lustrums; questi ch’a voi, quasi gran fasci invio, I send you a large bunch donna crudel, d’aspri tormenti e fieri, of harsh and dire torments, cruel lady, saranno i trofei vostri e’l rogo mio. that shall be your trophy and my damnation.

Interrotte speranze, eterna fede, Broken hope, eternal faith, fiamme e strali possenti in debil core; powerful flames and rays in the weak heart; nutrir sol di sospir un fero ardore with just one sigh nourish the fervant ardour e celar il suo mal quand’altri il vede; and hide your weakness from others;

Lamento della Ninfa Trans. Paolo Montanari "Amor", dicea, il ciel - O Love - she said, mirando, il piè fermo, Gazing at the sky, as she stood - "dove, dov'è la fè Wheres the fidelity ch'el traditor giurò?" That the deceiver promised? -

Miserella. Poor her!

"Fa' che ritorni il mio - Make my love come back amor com'ei pur fu, As he used to be o tu m'ancidi, ch'io Or kill me, so that non mi tormenti più." I will not suffer anymore. -

Miserella, ah più no, no, Poor her! She cannot bear tanto gel soffrir non può. All this coldness!

"Non vo' più ch'ei sospiri - I dont want him to sigh any longer se non lontan da me, But if hes far from me. no, no che i suoi martiri No! He will not make me suffer più non dirammi1 affè. Anymore, I !

Perché di lui mi struggo, Hes proud tutt'orgoglioso sta, Because I languish for him. che si, che si se'l fuggo Perhaps if I fly away from him ancor mi pregherà? He will come to pray to me again.

Se ciglio ha più sereno If her eyes are more serene colei, che'l mio non è, Than mine, già non rinchiude in seno, O Love, she does not hold in her heart Amor, sí bella fè. A fidelity so pure as mine.

Ne mai sí dolci baci And you will not receive from those lips da quella bocca havrai, Kisses as sweet as mine, ne più soavi, ah taci, Nor softer. Oh, dont speak! taci, che troppo il sai." Dont speak! you know better than that! -

Sí tra sdegnosi pianti So amidst disdainful tears, spargea le voci al ciel; She spread her crying to the sky; cosí ne cori amanti Thus, in the lovers hearts mesce amor fiamma, e gel. Love mixes fire and ice.

Tirsi Morir Volea Tirsi morir volea, Thyrsis desired death, Gl'occhi mirando di colei ch'adora; looking into the eyes of the girl he adored, Quand'ella, che di lui non meno ardea, when she, who burned no less for him, Gli disse: "Ahimè, ben mio, said to him, "Alas, my dear, Deh, non morir ancora, oh, do not die yet, Che teco bramo di morir anch'io." for I desire to die with you." Frenò Tirsi il desio, Thyrsis reined in his desire Ch'ebbe di pur sua vit'allor finire; to end his life alone; E sentea morte,e non poter morire. but he felt death in not being able to die. E mentr'il guardo suo fisso tenea And while he kept his gaze fixed on those Ne' begl'occhi divini beautiful divine eyes E'l nettare amoroso indi bevea, and drank the amorous nectar, La bella Ninfa sua, che già vicini his beautiful nymph, who felt Sentea i messi d'Amore, love's beckonings drawing nigh, Disse, con occhi languidi e tremanti: said with languid and trembling eyes, "Mori, cor mio, ch'io moro." "Die, my heart, for I die." Cui rispose il Pastore: The shepherd answered her, "Ed io, mia vita, moro." "And I, my life, die."

Cosi moriro i fortunati amanti So the fortunate lovers died so sweet and Di morte si soave e si gradita, welcome a death, Che per anco morir tornaro in vita. that they returned to life to die again.

Ay, que me abraso Trans. By Franciso J. Fernández Díez ¡Ay, que me abraso Oh, I burn of love de amor en la llama! in the flame! ¡Qué dulce violencia! What sweet violence ¡Qué tierna regala! it tenderly gives! Celestes incendios Celestial fires al pecho motivan, motivates the breast, que anhela el tormento which longs for torment que es gloria del alma. as the glory of the soul.

O guerra misteriosa Oh mysterious and en la forma gloriosa, yet glorious war, vivamente contemplo lively my soul a quien erige templo, sees the one who ansiosa el alma mía, constructs this temple, remedio de mi ciega fantasía. cure for my blind fantasy.

No deje de arder Don't stop burning yourself, mi fiel corazón; my faithful heart, será la ocasión this will be the time de mi merecer, of rewards to deserve. no, no deje de arder; No, don't stop burning, verá que en su fuego you will realize that in it's fire la dicha halla luego joys you will find de mi padecer. suffering.

Anime, amor, la llama Love, fuel the flame del celestial incendio, of this celestial fire, seré en sus puras alas If I am reborn to heavens glorioso fénix si renazco al cielo. I will be like a phoenix of pure wings.

Avive la materia Fuel the flame mi amor y mi deseo, my love and my desire prestando mis suspiros giving my sighs al aire que voraz anima el fuego. to the fierce air that fuels the fire.

El corazón la ofrenda The heart will be the será, pues el primero offering, because he was fue quien al dueño mío the first that, to my Lord, franqueó las puertas del humano templo. opened the gates of the human temple.

Y en tan celestiales And in such celestial divinos incendios, and divine fires, al suave amoroso the soft amorous suspiro que exhala, sigh that I exhale, repita mi pecho must be repeated su fiel consonancia. in faithful consonance, by my breast.

Ciaccona di Paridiso e dell’Infero Attr. Francisco Ratis, Trans. By Paul Archer O che bel stare è stare in Paradiso Oh how nice it is to be in Paradise Dove si vive sempre in fest’e riso Where we live in the Elysian fields Vedendosi di Dio svelato il viso Seeing the face of God revealed, O che bel stare è star in Paradiso. Oh how nice it is to be in Paradise.

Ohimè che orribil star qui nell’inferno Oh how horrible it is here in hell Ove si vive in pianto e foco eterno Where we burn in eternal fire Senza veder mai Dio in sempiterno Without ever seeing God appear, Ahi, ahi, che orribil star giù nell’inferno. Oh how horrible it is here in hell.

Là non vi regna giel, vento, calore, Here we don't suffer ice, wind and heat Che il tempo è temperato a tutte l’hore The weather is temperate all the time Pioggia non v’è, tempesta, nè baleno, There’s no rain or storms or lightning, Che il Ciel là sempre si vede sereno. Here in Heaven it’s always peaceful.

Il fuoco e ‘l ghiaccio là, o che stupore There’s fire and ice here, oh it’s awful, Le brine, le tempeste, e il sommo ardore The frosts, the storms, and the scorching heat Stanno in un loco tute l’intemperie We’re in a place of such terrible weather Si radunan laggiù, o che miserie. Oh we’re gathered here in such misery.

Havrai insomma la quanto vorrai We have here all we could ever wish for E quanto non vorrai no haverai And we have nothing that we dislike, E questo è quanto, o Musa, posso dire There’s so much more, O Muse, I could say Pero fa pausa il canto e fin l'ardire. But I’ll pause the song, not daring to say more.

Quel ch'aborrisce qua la tutto havrai Ah we have everything that is abhorrent Quel te diletta e piace mai havrai Nothing we like, never any pleasure, E pieno d'ogni male tu sarai We’re surrounded by evil and badness Disperato d'uscime mai, mai, mai! Desperate to escape but never, never, never!

Schiarazula Marazula / Danza de la Muerte Yo soy la muerte cierta a todas criaturas I am the certain death of all creatures que son y serán en el mundo durante; who are and who will be for as long as the earth shall last; demando y digo: “¡Oh, hombre!, por qué curas I ask and I say, “Oh man, why do you care so much about de vida breve en punto pasante? a life which is so short and fleeting?

A la dança mortal venit los nascidos Come to the dance of Death – come hither even que en el mundo soes de cualquiera estado, The last, the lowliest – of all rank and station; el que non quisiere a fuerça e amidos Who will not come, shall be by scourges driven; fazerle he venir muy toste parado. I hold no parley with disinclination!