

"Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22 12.


livered into the hands of sinful men, and be sented himself before the throne of God, down into the water in the likeness of Vato (Coto of tilt Zinito crucified, and the third day rise again." showing the marks of shame and cruelty Christ's death and burial, and he is raised out These angels were well acquainted with the upon his brow, his hands and feet. But he of the water in the likeness of his resurrec- IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE words of Jesus to his disciples, for they had refused to receive the coronet of glory, and tion—not to take up the old life of sin, but Pacific Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, been with him in the capacity of guardian the royal robe, and he also refused the ador- to live new life in Christ Jesus. angels, through all the scenes of his life, and ation of the angels as he had refused' the The other women who had seen and been ELD. JAMES WHITE, PRESIDENT. had witnessed his trial and crucifixion. homage of Mary, until the Father signified addressed by the angels, left the sepulcher with With combined wisdom and tenderness, that his offering was accepted. mingled feelings of fear and great joy. They B2r- TERMS : Two DOLLARS a year in advance for a volume of 48 numbers. When paid by Tract Societies, the angels reminded the women of the words He also had a request to prefer concerning hastened to the disciples, as the angels had or.by individuals for their friends, $1.50. of Jesus, warning beforehand of his his chosen ones upon earth. He wished to directed, and related to them the things crucifixion and resurrection. The women have the relation clearly defined that his re- which they had seen and heard. Peter was Office, 1059 Castro St., bet. 11th and 12th. fully comprehended the words of their deemed should hereafter sustain to heaven, expressly mentioned by the angel as one to Address, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Oakland, Cal. Master, which at the time were veiled in and to his Father. His church must be j - whom the women were to communicate their mystery to them. They gathered fresh hope tified and accepted before he could accept news. This disciple had been the most de- spondent of all the little, company of Christ's It Is Finished. and courage. Jesus had declared that he heavenly honer. He declared it to be his would rise from the dead, and had rested his will that where he was, there his church followers, because of his shameful denial of 'To finished all I The fearful debt is paid claims as the Son of God, the Redeemer of should be; if he was to have glory, his peo- the Lord. Peter's remorse for his crime was And guilty man once more can lift his eyes, the world, upon his future resurrection from ple must share it with him. They who suf- well understood by the holy angels, and their And hope for , through the priceless blood, the dead. fer with him on, earth must finally reign with tender compassion for the wayward and sor- Of Jesus Christ, the spotless Sacrifice. Mary, who had first discovered that the him in his kingdom. In the most explicit rowing is revealed in the solicitude they 'Tis finished all, and at the wondrous words, tomb was empty, hurried to Peter and John, manner Christ pleaded for his church, identi- manifested for the unhappy disciple, and Bright angels touch their golden harps and raise, and announced that the Lord had been taken fying his interest with theirs, and advocating, which evidenced to him that his repentance One grand, triumphant strain of victory, out of the sepulcher, and she knew not where with a love and constancy stronger than was accepted, and his sin forgiven. And tongues immortal shout their joyous praise. they had laid him. At these words the dis- death, their rights and titles gained through When the disciples heard the account Oh, boundless mercy; depth of wondrous love ciples both hastened to the sepulcher, and him. which the women brqught, they were aston- Fit theme for sage's lore, or poet's song, found it as Mary had said. The body of God's answer to this appeal goes forth in ished. They began to recall the words of That lead the guiltless Son of God to die I their Master was not there, and the linen the proclamation : " Let all the angels of God their Lord Which foretold his resurrection. To suffer shame and cruelty and wrong ! clothes lay by themselves. Peter was per- worship him." Every angelic commander , this event, which should have filled Oh, sinful man How can'st thou e'er repay, plexed; but John believed that Jesus had obeys the royal mandate, and Worthy, their hearts with joy, was a great perplexity That love so deep, so infinite, so free? risen from the dead, as he had told them he worthy is the Lamb that was slain ; to them. their great disappointment Yield up to Him, thy life, thy love, thine all, should do. They did not understand the and that lives again a triumphant con- in the death; of Christ, their faith was not In grateful homage bow thy stubborn knee. scripture of the Old Testament, which taught queror ! echoes and re-echoes through all strong enough to accept the fact of the res- To prove thy gratitude by deeds of love, that Christ should rise from the dead; but heaven. The innumerable company of an- urrection. Their hopes had been so blighted To wash thy spirit from its sinful stain, the belief of John was based upon the words gels prostrate themselves before the Re- that they could not believe the statement of Forsake thy pride, thy folly, that for thee, of Jesus himself while he was yet with them. deemer. The request of Christ is granted ; the women, but thought that they were' the The blood of Jesus be not shed in vain. The disciples left the sepulcher, and re- the church is justified through him, its rep- subjects Of an illusion. Even when Mary L. D. A. S. turned to their homes; but Mary could not resentative and head. Here the Father rat- Magdalene testified that she had seen 'and bear to leave while all was uncertainty as to ifies the contract with his Son, that he will .spoken with her Lord, they still refused to what had become of the body of her Lord. be reconciled to repentant and obedient men, believe that he had risen. 6.entral Avtirlso. As she stood weeping, she stooped dqVel-k LQ_ and take tberOpte,diviue faYor -tlaraugll-the They .woei terribly ,depreseed by gle.ey.fntse once more look into the sepulcher ; and lo, merits of Christ. Christ guarantees that he that had Crowded upon them. On the siXth' there were two angels, clothed in garments wi'l make a man "more precious than fine day they had seen their Master die ; Upon THE WOMEN AT THE TOMB. of white. They were disguised by an appear- gold, even a man than the golden wedge of the first day of the succeeding - week they ance of humanity, and Mary did not recog- Ophir." All power in heaven and on earth found thetiselves deprived of this body, and BY MRS. E. G. WHITE. nize them as celestial beings. One sat where is now given to the Prince of life; yet he the stigma resting upon them of having the head of Jesus had rested, and the other does not for a moment forget his poor disci- stolen it away for the purpose of practicing THE spices with which the body of Jesus where his feet had been. They addressed ples in a sinful world, but prepares to return a deception ,upon the people. They de- was to be anointed had been prepared on the Mary with the words : " Woman, why weep- to them, that he may impart to them his spaired ot ever correcting the false impres- day preceding the Sabbath. Early in the est thou? She saith unto them, Because power and glory, Thus did the Redeemer sions that had 'gained ground againfit them ; morning of the first day of the week, the they have taken away my Lord, and I know of mankind, by the sacrifice of himself, con- and now they were newly perplexed, by the Marys, with certain other women, went to not were they have laid him." In view of nect earth with heaven, and finite man with reports of the believing women. In their the sepulcher to proceed with the work the open sepulcher, and the disappearance of the infinite God. trouble their hearts yearned for their beloved of embalming the body of the Saviour. As her Master's body, Mary was not easily com- Jesus said to Mary, " Touch me not • for Master, who had always been ready to ex-, they neared the garden, they were surprised forted. I am not yet ascended to my Father." When plain the Mysteries that perplexed them and to see the heavens beautifully lighted up, In her abandonment of grief she did not he closed his eyes in death upon the cross, to smooth'their difficulties. and the earth trembling beneath their feet. notice the heavenly appearance of those who the soul of Christ did not go at once to They hastened to the sepulcher, and were as- addressed her. As she turned aside to weep, heaven, as many believe, or how could his Not Ashamed of the Gospel of ChriSt. tonished to find that the stone was rolled another voice inquired, " Woman, why weep- words be true—" I am not yet ascended to away from the door, and that the Roman est thou ? Whom seekest thou ?" Her my Father "? The spirit of Jesus slept in " No I when I blush, be this iny:shaine, guard were not there. They noticed a light That I no more revere his name "Z°' arn eyes were so blinded by tears that she did the tomb with his body, and did not wing ..._ — shining about the tomb, and, looking in, saw not observe the person who spoke to her, but its way to heaven, then; to maintain a sepa- THE gospel brings good tidings to all. Its that it was empty. she immediately grasped the idea of obtaining rate existence, and to look down upon the merciful, bountiful provisions are just ad- Mary then hastened with all speed to the from her interrogator some information con- mourning' disciples embalming the body from apted to the exigencies of our case. It disciples, and informed them that Jesus was cerning the whereabouts of her Master's body. which it had taken flight. All that com- brings strength to the weak, relief to the op, not in the sepulcher where they had laid him. She thought that the speaker might be one prised the life and intelligence of Jesus re- pressed, joy to the sorrowing, hope to the de- While she was upon this errand, the other who had charge of the garden, and she ad- mained with his body in the sepulcher; and spairing, humility to the proud, meeknesi to women, who waited for her at the sepulcher, dressed him pleadingly : " Sir, ifo thou have when he came forth it was a whole being ; the arrogant, ,peace to the troubled, drink to made a more thorough examination of the borne him hence, tell me where thou bast he did not have to summon his spirit from the thirsty, fOod to the hungry, apparel to interior, to satisfy themselves that their laid him, and I will take him away." heaven. He had power to lay down his life the naked; wealth to the poor, sight to the Lord was indeed gone. Suddenly they be- She felt that if she could only gain pos- and to take it up again. blind, hearing to the deaf, wisdom to the held a beautiful young man, clothed in shin- session of the precious crucified body of her The brightest morning that ever. dawned foolish, forgiveness to the erring, mercy to ing garments, sitting by the sepulcher. It Saviour, it would be a great consola`tion to her upon a fallen world, was that in which the the lost, cleanliness and purity for pollution, was the angel who had rolled away the stone, grief. She thought that if this rich man's Saviour rose from the dead; bat it was of light to those in darkness, energy to the in- and who now assumed a character that would tomb was considered too honorable a place no greater importance to man than the day dolent, faith to the doubting, knowledge to not terrify the women who had been the for her Lord, she would herself provide a upon which his trial and crucifixion took the ignorant, moderation to the intemperate, friends of Christ, and assisted him in his place for him. Her great anxiety was to place. It was no marvel to the heavenly patience to the impetuous, beauty to the re- public ministry. But notwithstanding the find him, that she might give him honorable host that he who controlled the power of pulsive and deformed, love for hatred, rest to veiling of the brightness of the angel, the burial. But now the voice of Jesus himself death, and had life in himself, should awaken the weary,, health to the , life to the women were greatly amazed and terrified at fell upon her astonished ears. He said to from the sleep of the grave. But it was a dead. the glory of the Lord which encircled him. her, " Mary." Instantly her tears were marvel to them that their loved Commander There is no' want which it does not meet, They turned to flee from the sepulcher, but brushed away; and he whom she supposed should die for rebellious men. no moral disease it cannot heal, no necessity the heavenly messenger addressed them with was the gardener stood revealed before her— Christ rested in the tomb on the. Sabbath which it will not supply. Its perfect work, soothing and comforting words : "Fear not it was Jesus ! For a moment she forgot in day, and when holy beings of both heaven wrought in us, fits us for, and enables us to ye; for I know that ye seek Jesus, who was her joy that he had been crucified ; she and earth were astir on the morning of the find, our place as members in the body, bring- crucified. He is not here, for he is risen, as, stretched forth her hands to him, saying, first day of the week, he rose from the grave ing us where God can use us as instruments he said. Come, see the place where the Lord " Rabboni ? " Jesus then said, " Touch me to renew his work of teaching his disciples. to forward his work. " But now hath God lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father ; But this fact does not consecrate the first set the members every one of them in the that he is risen from the dead ; and behold, but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I day of the week, and make it a Sabbath. body, as it hath pleased him." 1 Cor. 12:18. he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ascend unto my Father, and your Father; Jesus, prior to his ,death, established a me- ye see him; lo, I have told you." Be it his to work in us to will and do of and to my God, and your God." morial of the breaking of his body and the his good pleasure; ours to work out our sal- As the women responded to, the invitation Jesus refused to receive the homage of his spilling of his blood for the sins of the world, vation with fear and trembling, that the gos- of the angel, and looked again into the sep- people until be knew that his sacrifice had in the odinance of the Lord's supper, saying ulcher, they saw another angel of shining pel' may prove unto us the power of God' been accepted by the Father, and until he " For as often as ye eat this bread, and unto salvation. brightness, who addressed them with the in- bad received the assurance from God himself drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death quiry : " Why seek ye the living aniong the " And, oh I may this my glory be, that his atonement for the sins of his people till he come." And the repentant believer, That Christie not ashamed of me." dead? He is not here, but is risen; remember had been full and' ample, that through his who takes the steps required in conversion, how he spake unto you w hen he was yet in blood they might gain eternal life. Jesus commemorates in his baptism the death, bur- HAPPINESS is neither within us nor without Galilee, saying, The Son of man must be de- immediately ascended to heaven and pre- ial, and resurrection of Christ. He goes us; it is in the union of ourselves with God. 250 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Vol. 4, No. 32.

LIFE SKETCHES. "At this time I prized the Christian's hope. This chased the cloth for an apron to cover the bare scene brought vividly to my mind the day of the arms of my child. CHAPTER VII. Lord's fierce anger, when the storm of his " But little Henry was soon taken very sick, and will come upon the poor sinner. Then there will grew worse so fast that we were much alarmed. MARRIAGE AND UNITED LABORS. be- bitter cries, tears and confession of sin, and He lay in a stupid state. His breathing was quick THE subject of this narrative was very feeble. pleading for mercy when it will be too late. and heavy. We gave remedies with no success. She seemed like one rapidly going to the grave with Because I have called and ye refused, I have We called in one of experience, who said he was a consumption. Her weight was only eighty pounds. stretched out my hand and no man regarded, but very sick child, and that his recovery was doubtful. As she traveled on the steamboats and on the cars, ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would We had prayed for him, but there was no change. she would very frequently faint and remain breath- none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calam- We had made the child an excuse for not traveling less several minutes. In this condition it was neces- ity, I will mock when your fear cometh.' Through and laboring for the good of others, and we feared sary that she should have one or more attendants. the mercy of God we were all landed safe. But the Lord was about to remove him. Once more we Either her sister Sarah, or Sister Foss traveled with some of the passengers who manifested much fear went before the Lord, praying that he would have her. And as her aged father and feeble brother in the storm made no reference to it only to make compassion upon us, and if the child was to be were not suitable persons to travel with one so fee- light of their fears. The one who had so solemnly taken from us in wrath, because we had not been ble, and introduce her and her emission to the peo- promised that if she was preserved 'to see land she willing to travel, to spare the life of the child, and ple, the writer, fully believing that her wonderful would be a Christian, as she left the boat mock- we would go forth trusting in him wherever he experience and work was of God, became satisfied ingly cried out, Glory to God, I am glad to step might send us. that it was his' duty to accompany them. And as on land again.' I asked her to go back a few " Our petitions were fervent and agonizing. By our thus traveling subjected us to the reproaches of hours, and remember her vows to God. She turned faith we the promises of God. We believed the enemies of the Lord and his truth duty seemed from me with a sneer. the child would recover. From that hour he began very that the one who had so important a "I was forcibly reminded of death-bed repentance. to amend. Light from heaven was breaking message to the world should have a legal protector, Some who serve themselves and Satan all their through the clouds, and shining upon us again. and that we should unite our labors. Mrs. W. says : lives, as sickness subdues them, and a fearful uncer- Hope revived. Our prayers were graciously " August 30, 1846, I was married to Elder James tainty is before them manifest some sorrow for sin, answered. Sister Frances Howland offered to take White. In a few months we attended a conference and perhaps say they are willing to die, and their care of the child, while we should lie down for an in Topsham, Maine. Elder Joseph Bates was pres- friends make themselves believe they have been hour's rest. It was daylight when we awoke. The ent. He did not then fully believe that my visions truly converted and fitted for heaven. But if these child had slept sweetly through the night, and was were of God. It was a meeting of much interest. should recover they would be as rebellious as ever. fast recovering. But I was suddenly taken ill and fainted. The I- am reminded of Prov. 1 : 27, 28. When your " While at Topsham we received a letter 'from brethren prayed for me, and I was restored to con- fear cometh as desolation and your destruction Brother Chamberlain of Connecticut, urging us to sciousness. The Spirit of God rested upon us in cometh as a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish attend a conference in that State. We decided to Brother C.'s humble dwelling, and I was wrapt in a cometh upon you, then shall they call upon me, but go if we could obtain means. Husband settled vision of God's glory, and for the first time had a I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but with his employer, and found that there was ten view of other planets. After I came out of vision I they shall not find me.' dollars due him. With five of this I purchased related what I had seen. Elder B. then asked if I " August 26, 1847, our eldest son, Henry Nichols articles of clothing which we much needed, and had studied astronomy. I told him I had no recol- White, was born. In October Brother and Sister then patched my husband's overcoat, even piecing lection of ever looking into an astronomy. Said Howland kindly offered us a part of their dwelling the patches, making it difficult to tell in the sleeves he, This is of the Lord.' I never saw him as free which we gladly accepted, and commenced house- the original cloth. We had five dollars left to take and happy before. His countenance shone with the keeping with borrowed articles. We were poor us to Dorchester. Our trunk contained nearly light of heaven, and he exhorted the church with and saw close times. My husband worked at hand- everything we possessed on earth. We enjoyed power. ling stone on the railroad, which wore the skin on peace of mind and a clear conscience, and this we " I was shown that I should be much afflicted, his fingers through, and the blood started in many prized above earthly comforts. We called at and that we should have a trial of our faith on our places. We had resolved not to be dependent, but Brother Nichols, and as we left, Sister N. handed return to Gorham, where my parents had moved. support ourselves, and have wherewith to help my husband five dollars, which paid our fare to On our return I was taken very sick, and suffered others. But we were not prospered. My husband Middletown, Conn. We were strangers in that city, extremely. My parents, husband and sisters, united worked very hard, but could, not get what was due and had never seen one of the brethren in the State, in prayer for me ; but I suffered on for three weeks. him for, his labor. Brother and Sister H. freely and had but fifty cents left. My husband did not Our neighbors thought I could not live. I often divided with us whenever they could; but, they dare to use that to hire a carriage, so he threw the fainted like one dead, but in answer to prayer re- were in close circumstances. They fully believed trunk upon a pile of boards, and we walked on in vived again. My agony was such that I plead with the first and second messages, and had generously search of some one of like faith. We soon found those around me not to pray for me, for I thought imparted of their substance to forward the woik, Brother Q. who took us to his house. their prayers were protracting my sufferings. until they were dependent on their daily labor. " The conference was held at Rocky Hill, in the Brother and Sister Nichols, of Dorchester, Mass., " My husband left the railroad, and with his axe large, unfinished chamber of Brother B.'s house. I heard of my afflictions, and their son Henry visited went into the woods to chop cord wood. He will here give an extract of a letter from my hus- us, bringing things for my comfort. My sufferings worked from early morning till dark with a contin- band to Brother Howland respecting that meeting. increased until every breath came with a groan. ual pain in his side to earn about fifty cents a day. April 20, Brother B. sent his wagon to Middletown The neighbors gave me up to die. Many prayers He was prevented from sleeping nights by severe for us and the scattered children in that city. We had been offered to God in my behalf, yet it pleased pain. We endeavored to keep up good courage and arrived at this place about four in the afternoon, the Lord to our faith. After others had prayed trust in the Lord. I did not murmur. In the and in a few minutes 'in came Brethren Bates and Brother Henry commenced praying, and seemed morning I felt grateful to God that he had pre- Gurney. We had a meeting that evening of about much burdened, and with the power of God resting served us through another night, and at night I fifteen. Friday morning the brethren came in until upon him, rose from his knees, came across the room, was thankful that he had kept us through another we numbered about fifty. These were not all fully and laid his hands upon my head, saying, ' Sister day. One day when our provisions were gone, in the truth. Our meeting that day was very Ellen, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole,' and fell husband went to his employer to get money or pro- interesting. Brother Bates presented the com- back prostrated by the power of God. I believed visions. It was a stormy day and he walked three mandments in a clear light, and their importance that the work was of God, and the pain left me. miles and back in the rain, passed through the vil- was urged by powerful testimonies: The My soul was filled with gratitude and peace: The lage of Brunswick, where he had often lectured, word had effect to establish those already in the language of my heart was, There is no' help for us with a bag of provisions on his back, tied in differ- truth, and to awaken those who were not fully but in God. We cannot be in peace only as we rest ent apartments. As he entered the house very decided.' in him and wait for his salvation. weary my heart sunk within me. My first feelings " Soon after this we were invited to attend a " The next day there was a severe storm, and were that God had forsaken us. I said to my hus- conference held at Volney, in August, 1848. Two none of the neighbors came to our house. I was band, Have we come to this ? Has the Lord left years before this I had been shown that we should able to be up in the sitting room. And as some saw us ? I could not restrain my tears, and wept aloud visit New York at some future time. Brother the windows of my room raised they supposed I for hours until I fainted, Prayer was offered in Edson wrote that the brethren were generally poor, was not living. They knew not that the great my behalf. When I breathed again, I felt 'the and that he could not promise that they would do Physician had graciously entered the dwelling, and cheering influence of the Spirit of God. I regretted much toward defraying our expenses. We had no had rebuked disease and had set me free. The next that I had sunk under discouragement. We desire means to travel with. My husband was suffering day we rode thirty-eight, miles to Topsham. Inqui- to follow Christ and be like him ; but we some- with dyspepsia. His diet was very spare. But the ries were made of my father, at what time the fu- times faint beneath trials and remain at a distance way opened for him to go into the field to mow neral would be. Father asked, What funeral ?' from him. Sufferings and trials tiring us nigh to grass. It seemed then that we must live.by faith. Why, the funeral of your daughter.' Father re- Jesus. The furnace consumes the dross and bright- When we arose in the morning we bowed beside plied, She has been healed by the prayer of faith, ens the gold. our bed, and asked God to give strength to labor and is on her way to Topsham.' " At this time I was shown that the Lord had through the day. We would not be satisfied unless " Soon we took passage in the steamboat at Port- been trying us for our good, and to prepare us to we had the assurance that the Lord heard us pray. land for Boston. The boat rolled fearfully, and the labor for, others ; and that he had been stirring He then went forth to his labor, not in his own waves dashed into the cabin windows. The large up our nest, lest we should settle down in ease, and strength, but in the strength of the Lord, to swing chandelier fell to the floor with a crash. The tables that our work was to labor for souls, that if we had the scythe. At night when he came home, we were set for breakfast, but the dishes were thrown been prospered, home would-be so pleasant that we would again plead with God for strength to 'earn upon the floor. There was great fear .in the ladies' should be unwilling to leave it to travel, and that means to spread his truth. We were often greatly cabin. Many were confessing their sins, and crying we had been suffering trial to prepare us for still blessed. I will, give an extract, from a letter writ- to God for mercy. Some were calling upon the Vir- greater conflicts that we should suffer in our travels. ten to Brother Howland by my husband, July 2, gin Mary to keep them, while others were making We soon received letters from brethren in different 1848. It is rainy to-day so that I do not mow, solemn vows to God that if they reachesl land they States inviting us to come and visit them ; but we or I should not write. I mow five days for unbe- would devote their lives to his service. It was a had no means to take us out of the State. Our lievers, and Sunday for believers, and rest on the scene of terror and confusion. As the boat rocked, reply was that the way was not open before us. I seventh day, therefore I have but very little time one lady above/me fell out of her berth to the floor, thought that it would be impossible for me to to write. God gives me strength to labor hard all crying out at the top of her voice. Another turned travel with my child, and that we did not wish to day. Praise the. Lord ! I hope to get a few dollars to me and asked, Are ,you not terrified ? I suppose be dependent, and were careful to live within our to use in his cause.' Again he wrote to Brother H. it is a fact that we may never reach land.' I told means. We were resolved to suffer rather than get July 23 : We have suffered from labor, fatigue, her I had made Christ my refuge, and if my work into debt. I allowed myself and child one pint of pain, hunger, cold, and heat, while endeavoring to was done, I might as well lie in the bottom of the milk each day. One morning before my husband do our brethren and sisters good, and we hold our- ocean as in any other place ; but if my work was went to his work he left me nine cents to buy milk selves ready to suffer more if God requires. I not done, all the waters of the ocean could not for three mornings. It was quite a study with me rejoice to-day that ease, pleasure and comfort in drown me. My trust was in God, that he would whether to deny myself and child of milk, or get this life are a sacrifice on the altar of my faith and bring us safe to land if it was for his glory. an apron for him. I gave up the milk, and pur- hope. If our happiness consists in making others AUGUST 22, 1878. THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. 251 happy, we are happy indeed. The true disciple for the packet, so we took a line boat, designing to lovely person of Jesus, his glorious appearance in will not live to gratify beloved self, but for Christ, change when the next packet came along. And as we the clouds of heaven, as he comes to earth the sec- and for the good of his little ones. He is to sacri- saw the packet approaching we commenced making ond time; with what majesty and power he rides fice his ease, his pleasure, his comfort, his conven- preparations to step aboard ; but the packet did not forth upon the cloudy chariot, escorted by all the ience, his will, and his own selfish wishes, for stop, and we had to spring aboard while the boat angelic host, and with the glory of the Father. He Christ's cause, or never reign with him on his was in motion. Brother Bates was holding the grew angry, and raised his umbrella as if to strike throne.' money for our fare in his hand, saying to the men me. He was vehement. In great rage he left the "My husband earned forty dollars in the hay on the boat, Here, take your pay.' As he saw the house, showering denunciations upon us as he went. field. With a part of this we purchased some cloth- boat moving off he sprang to get aboard, but his But a sweet spirit rested upon us. ing, and had means left to take us to Western New foot struck the edge of the boat, and he fell back " Our meetings in that place were cheering to the York and to return. I had been troubled with a into the water. He then commenced swimming to few who loved the truth. We felt to rejoice that pain in my lungs and a severe cough, but I believed the boat, with his pocket-book in one hand, and a the Lord in his providence had directed us that the Lord would give me strength to endure the long dollar bill in the other. His hat came off, and in way. We enjoyed the presence of God together, journey. We left our little Henry, then ten months saving it he lost the bill, but held fast his pocket- and were comforted to find a few who had stood old, in Sister Bonfoey's care at Middletown. This book. The packet halted for him to get aboard. firm all through the scattering time, and held fast the was a severe trial to me. I had not been separated His clothes were wet with the dirty water of the messages through the mist and fog of Spiritualism from him before for one night. My health was Erie Canal, and as we were near Centerport, we de- and fanaticism. This dear family helped us on our poor, and it was impossible for me to travel and cided to call at the home of Brother Harris, and put way after a godly sort. We continued our journey to have the care of our child, and we dared not let our them in order. Our visit proved a benefit to that Brooklyn, and held meetings in Brother Moody's affection for the child keep us from the path of duty. family. Sister Harris had been a sufferer for years house. Jesus laid down his life to save us. How small is with catarrh, had used snuff for this affliction, and " Thursday afternoon, we were to take the boat for any sacrifice we can make, compared with his. We said she could not live without it. She suffered Middletown, Conn. It was our last opportunity to took the steamboat for New York city. On board much pain in her head. We recommended her to get to our appointment at Rocky Hill, unless we the boat I coughed almost incessantly. Remarks go to the Lord, the great Physician, who would heal should travel on the Sabbath. We had a season of were made as follows : That cough will carry her her affliction. She decided to do so, and we had a prayer before leaving. All present did not rea- to the grave-yard." She cannot live long.' Some season of prayer for her. She left the use of snuff lize that the boat would not wait for us, and the said that I would not live to see New York. But entirely. Her difficulties were greatly relieved, and season of prayer was made too long for the occasion, I knew in whom I believed. He that had bid me her health from this time was better than it had and we had but a few moments to get to the boat. go would give me relief'when it would best glorify been for years. I took my husband's arm, and we ran about a mile him. One word from him would heal my irritated " While at Brother Harris' I had an interview to reach the boat. Brethren Gurney and Bates throat and lungs. with a sister who professed to be looking for Christ's were on the boat waiting for us. The captain was " The next morning we reached New York city, coming, who wore gold. We spoke of the express about to withdraw the plank, when Brother Bates and called upon Brother Moody who was then declarations of Scripture against it. But she re- interceded, telling him that he had friends that were living. We there met Brethren Bates and Gurney. ferred to where Solomon was commanded to beau- detained, and he Must wait a few moments. He My cough increased. I knew I must have relief, or tify the temple, and to the statement that the streets was prevailed upon to wait five minutes. He then sink beneath disease. I had not had a good night's of the city of God were pure gold. She said that . declared he would not wait another moment. Just rest for weeks. I followed the directions given in if we could improve our appearance by wearing then we appeared in., sight. Brother Bates cried the fifth chapter of James, and asked the brethren gold so as to have influence in the world, it was out, They are coming I They must go on the boat to pray for me. They prayed earnestly, but as often right. I replied that we were poor fallen mortals; and to-night I 'You must wait ' We, sprung upon the as I attempted to pray was broken off by severe instead of decorating these bodies because Solomon's plank as it was being withdrawn, the boat started, coughing. I relied upon the promise of God, Ask temple was gloriously adorned, we should remember and we were on our way. and ye shall receive.' I tried to tell those present our fallen condition, and that it cost the sufferings " At Middletown we met Sister'Bonfoey and our that I believed, but severe coughing prevented my and death of the Son of God to redeem us. This little Henry. My child grew feeble. We had used speaking. I retired to rest trusting in the Lord. should cause in' us self-abasement. Jesus is our simple herbs, but they had no effect. The neighbors I commenced coughing as usual, but soon fell asleep, pattern. If he would lay aside his humiliation and who came in said we could not keep him long, for and did not awake till daylight. I then awoke with sufferings, and cry, If any man will come after me, he would die with consumption. One advised us to gratitude in my heart, and the praise of God on my let him please himself, and enjoy the world, and he use one medicine, another something else.. But it lips. I felt the blessing of Heaven resting upon me. shall be my disciple, the multitude would believe, did not affect the child favorably. Finally he could My cough was gone. In the morning my friends and follow him. But Jesus will come to us in no take no nourishment. Townsend's Sarsaparilla was noticed a pimple on my face which increased and other character than the meek, crucified one. If we recommended as the last resort. We concluded to spread and did not leave me for several years.' I would be with him in heaven, we must be like him try it. We could send by a friend to Hartford that was anot.x troubled again with a cough on that on earth. The world will claim its own, and who- day, and must decide=' ink a few moments. I weitt journey. ever will overcome, must leave what belongs to it. before the Lord in my room , and while ,pray- " Our first conference in Western New York was " We took the packet on our way to Madison ing obtained the evidence that our only source of at Volney in Brother Arnold's barn. There were county, N. Y., which left us within twenty-five help was in the Lord. If he did not bless, and heal about thirty-five present, all that could be collected miles of Brother Abbey's. Here we hired a carriage the child, medicine could not save him. in that part of the State, but there were hardly two to complete the journey. When we arrived at the agreed. Each was strenuous for his views, declar- house, it was proposed that one go to the door and " I there decided to venture the life of the child ing that they were according to the Bible. All make inquiries that if we should be disappointed upon the promises of God. I had a lively sense of were anxious for an opportunity to advance their we could return with the driver, and keep the Sab- his willingness and power to save, and there alone sentiments and preach to us. They were told that bath at a public house. Sister Abbey came to the before God exclaimed, We will believe, and show we had not come so great a distance to hear them, door, and my husband introduced himself as one to these unbelieving neighbors, who are expecting but we had come to teach them the truth. Brother who kept the Sabbath. Said she, I am glad to see the death of the child, that there is a God in Israel, _Arnold held that the one thousand years of the you. Come in.' He replied, There are three more whose ear is open to the prayers of: his children. twentieth chapter of the Revelation were in the in the carriage with me. I thought if we all came We will trust alone in thee.' I felt the power ,of past, and that the one hundred and forty-four thou- in together, we might frighten you.' I am never God to that degree that for a short time I was help- sand of the Revelation were those raised at Christ's frightened at Christians,' was the reply. Heartily less. My husband opened the door to say to me resurrection. And as we had the emblem of our were we welcomed by Sister A. and her family. She that the friend was waiting for our decision, and dying Lord before us, and was about to commemo- expressed much joy at seeing us, arid when Brother asked, 'Shall we get the Sarsaparilla?'.I answered, rate his sufferings, Brother A. arose and said he had Bates was introduced she said, Can this be Brother No, tell him we will try the strength of God's no faith in what we were about to do, that the Bates, who wrote that hewing book on the Sabbath ? promises. Lord's supper was a continuation of the passover to And come to see us ? I am unworthy to have you " The neighbors looked upon me with astonish- be observed but once a year. come under my roof. But the Lord has sent you to ment. They were confident the child would die. " These strange differences of opinion rolled a us, for we are all starving for the. truth.' That night we anointed him, and my husband heavy weight upon me, especially as Brother A. A child was sent to the field to inform Brother prayed for him, laying his hands upon him in the spoke of the one thousand years being in the past. Abbey that four Sabbath-keepers had come. He name of the Lord. He looked up with a smile. A I knew that he was in error, and great grief pressed was in no hurry however, to make our acquaint- light seemed to rest upon his features; and we there my spirits, as it seemed to me that God was dishon- ance ; for he had previously been imposed upon by had the evidence that the Lord had answered our ored, and I fainted under the burden. Brethren some who had often visited them, professing to be prayers. We gave him no more medicine. He Bates, Chamberlain, Gurney, Edson and my husband, God's servants; but whose work was to scatter error gained strength fast, and the next day could stand prayed for me. Some feared I was dying. But among the little flock who were trying to hold fast upon his feet." J. w. the Lord heard the prayers of his servants, and I the truth. Brother and Sister A. had warred revived. The light of heaven rested upon me. I against them so long that they dreaded to come in The Throne of Grace. was soon lost to earthly things. My accompanying contact with them. Brother A. concluded we were angel presented before me some of the errors of of the same class. When he came into the house IF you want your spiritual life to be more healthy those present, and also the truth in contrast with he received us coldly, and then commenced asking and vigorous, you must come more boldly to the their errors, that these discordant views which they a few plain, direct questions, whether we kept throne of grace. The secret of your weakness is claimed to be according to the Bible were only ac- the Sabbath, and believed the past messages to be your little faith and little prayer. The fountain is cording to their opinion of the Bible, and that their of God. When he had become satisfied that we had unsealed; but you only sip a few drops. The errors must be yielded and they unite upon the come with truth, he joyfully welcomed us. This bread of life is before you, yet you only eat a few third angel's message. Our meeting ended victo- dear family were just coming out from the furnace crumbs. The treasury of heaven is open; but you riously. Truth gained the victory. Those who of affliction. They had been visited with that only take a few pence. 0 man of little faith, where- held the strange diversity of errors there confessed dreadful scourge, small-pox, and were just re- fore do you doubt? Awake to know your privi- them and united upon the third angel's message of covering. leges I awake, and sleep no longer I Tell me not of present truth, and God greatly blessed them and "While we were there, we had an exhibition of a spiritual hunger, and thirst, and poverty, so long added many to their numbers. some of the trials they had passed through, from as the throne of grace is before you. Say rather " From Volney we went to Port Gibson to attend those visiting them who made great pretensions, but you are proud, and will not come to it as a poor sin- a meeting in Brother Edson's barn. There were were Satan's agents to worry and devour. A spir- ner; say rather you are slothful, and will not take those present who loved the truth but were listen- itualizer came in, and talked in such a fanatical and pains to get more. Cast aside the grave-clothes of '' ing to, and cherishing error. But the Lord wrought blasphemous manner that it was painful to hear pride that hang around you. Throw off that Egyp- for us in power before the close of that meeting. I him. He at last declared himself to be Jesus tian garment of indolence, which ought not to have was again shown in vision the importance of breth- Christ, and that there would be no literal, personal been brought through the Red Sea. Away with ren in Western New York laying their differences appearing of Jesus. My spirit was stirred within that unbelief which ties and paralyzes your tongue. aside, and uniting upon Bible truth. When we left me. I could hold my peace no longer. I told him You are not straightened in God, but in yourself. Brother Edson's we intended to the next that my Saviour did not bear such a disgusting ap- Come boldly, for you may, all sinful as you are, if Sabbath in New York city. But we were too late pearance as he manifested. Then I described the you come in the name of the great High Priest.--Sel. 252 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Vol. 4, No. 32.

as a flame of fire, and on his head were many rusalem, but the new Jerusalem as in the very The first of July we made a tour , stop- int of Ivo of text Cum crowns ; and he had a name written, that no foundations are inscribed the names of the ping at Rosevelt and Bucksbridge, N. Y. The " Oen ye not discern the signs of the times ?" man knew but he himself. And he was clothed twelve apostles. It will be seen that to apply day before we left we drew what remained of with a vesture dipped in blood ; and his name such a description to the work of grace in any the principal and interest. When we reached OAKLAND, CAL., FIFTH-DAY, AUGUST 22, 1878., is called The Word of God. And the armies man's heart, or the hearts of any set of men is the place of our second appointment we put up which were in heaven followed him upon- JAMES WHITE, white simply absurd. It is said by many that this at the house of Elder Byington and while there J. N. ANDREWS, . . EDITORS. horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. city represents the grace of God in general; but we received a note from his son, a printer in TIBIAE SMITH, And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that we would invite them to apply the general the Review Office, that the day after we left with it he should smite the nations ;*and he measurement of length, breadth, hight, etc., Battle Creek, these brokers made an assign- The Bride of Christ. shall rule them with a rod of iron ; and he to the grace of God. Has the grace of God ment. At that time not less than fifty thou- treadeth the- winepress of the fierceness and twelve gates ? has it a wall that is great and sand dollars from the citizens of Battle Creek gBRIVEON TWO. wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his high? and has it three gates at each point of and vicinity was in their hands on deposit, and vesture and on his thigh a name written, King the compass ? and does the grace of God lie TEXT: "And there came unto me one of the seven there has never been any dividend whatever angels, which had the seven vials full of the seven last of kings, and Lord of lords." Rev. 19 :11-16. foursquare ? and is the grace of God fifteen paid them. Many in Battle Creek knew that plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I Here Christ, the King and his grand escort are hundred miles long and fifteen hundred miles we had deposited with these men and they sup- will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." Rev. 21 : 9. represented by an army. Therefore at his sec- wide? Here we meet with absurdity as absurd posed that we had lost as others had done. There is at the present time an inquiry among- ond advent, he comes as king, wearing many as the application to the good man's heart. And on our return from the east the question students of prophecy as to what is, or what is to crowns, as explained by a recent writer "a No, says the third, the new Jerusalem rep- was frequently asked us, How much did you be, the bride of Christ. Two extreme positions crown within a crown," and on his vesture and resents a state which is the gospel dispensation. lose, Elder White, by these men? We had are taken upon this subject. One class believe thigh is written, King of kings and Lord of Then we inquire again, does the gospel dispen- the pleasure of responding, Not one dollar. and teach that the church alone constitutes the lords, proving that he has received the kingdom sation lie foursquare ? has it on the east three Well you were lucky, was the frequent remark. bride, while another class, occupying another before his second advent. gates, on the north three gates, on the south The providence of God has cared for this means extreme position, believe and teach that the In the great family of heaven, Christ is the three gates, and on the west three gates ? Is that has been solemnly dedicated to the cause holy city alone is to be the bride of Christ when father of his people. The prophet describes him its length as large as its breadth ? and is there for which we have given the best of our life ; the marriage of the lamb shall take place. But as follows : " For unto us a child is born, unto fifteen hundred miles on each one of the four we would then relate the facts in the foregoing by close investigation, it will be seen that both us a son is given ; and the government shall be sides of the Christian dispensation ? narrative, and felt justified in making the strong are wrong, and yet both are right in their conclu- upon his shoulder ; and his name shall be called The fourth falls back upon the old theologi- statement, that God sent his angel to warn us sions. Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The cal view that the city represents the church. as verily as he sent his angel to warn Joseph in The union of man and woman by marriage is everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of Again we inquire, has the church four sides a dream to take Mary and the infant Saviour used in the sacred writings to illustrate two the increase of his government and peace there with three gates on each side ? Does the and flee into Egypt from the wrath of Herod. things. shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and church lie foursquare ? and will she measure J. w. 1. Union between believers and their Lord upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish fifteen hundred miles on each one of the four it with judgment and with justice from hence- in this life. This union has existed since hope sides ? J. W. Jesus as an. Householder. dawned upon fallen man through a coming Re- forth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of God's Providences. deemer. Paul states to the church at Corinth : hosts will perform this." Isaiah 9 : 6, 7. " Witco then, is a faithful and wise servant, " I have espoused you to one husband." 2 Cor. In that great family, the New Jerusalem IN the advancement of the cause of the third whom the Lord has made ruler over his house- 11 2. This husband is Jesus Christ ; but who above will be the mother. Speaking of the two angel's message, God's providential care has hold." Matt. 24 :45. The Redeemer of the believes that the marriage of the Lamb took Jerusalems, Paul addresses the church at Galatia been manifested all the way. We would here world asks who ? and the question should come place in Corinth, A. D. 60 ? No one. The mar- in these words : "For this Agar is mount Sinai mention one marked case with which we were home to every heart, Lord, is it I ? Christ is riage of the Lamb is one event. It is ,a future in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which connected. represented in the text as a man who took a event, which takes place in connection with the now is, and is in bondage with her children. When the Seventh-day Adventist publishing far journey, left his house and gave authority coming of Christ and the resurrection of the" But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is association was incorporated at Battle Creek, to his servants, and to every man his work. dead. the mother of us all." Gal. 4:25, 26. And when Mich., some of the most ardent friends of the Thus it appears that a work is given to every 2. Union by marriage represents Christ re- the king, who is the father of his people, shall cause who designed to take stock had advanced person, there is no exception, and the faithful ceiving the throne of David 'which will be in come and raise all his children of every age, and money to the amount of two thousand dollars. performance of this work will bring to its doer the new Jerusalem, the metropolis of his future take them to the city above, to the marriage of This sum we placed in the hands of brokers, at the commendation of the Master. To ignore kingdom. The prophet John was doubtless as the Lamb, then the whole family in earth and ten per cent interest. While on a western tour responsibilities makes men slothful servants, anxious to know what constituted the bride of heaven will be gathered together in one, the in the autumn of 1860, we stopped at the house and the do-nothing in religious service will Christ as many are at the present time. The father, the mother, and the children. The of Brother H. Pratt, of Markesan, Wisconsin, receive the condemnation of the Master. ,angel being aware of this, says to him in the children will be there as guests to witness and The work of each one corresponds with the to partake of the great Marriage feast. On the and while at family prayer we had a presenti- language of our text : " Come hither, and I will ment that our babe then six weeks old was ability given him of God. All responsibility show thee the bride the Lamb's wife. Did the occasion of establishing the Lord's supper, the sick. He appeared lying in his mother's lap, does not rest upon the ministers who teach the Master said he would not eat of the bread nor angel conduct the prophet of God in holy vis- with head and face terribly swollen and in- truth but upon every one who believes the ion to the plains of the new earth, and there drink of the wine until they should partake of truth. Religion, in this age of the world, is it anew in the kingdom of God. flamed. We immediately wrote to Mrs. W. show him the numberless hosts of the white that all was not well with the child, and when made to connect with the day of rest, and the Then again how natural the figure that a robed ones who had been redeemed by the she received the letter, three days later, and as ordinary church service, but is divorced from blood of Christ ? No. These will not consti- marriage should take place before the birth she read it with the apparently healthy child the daily business transactions of life. Many tute' the bride at the marriage of the Lamb of the children who are to be brought forth at on her lap, she stated to those around her, that professed followers of Christ are content with the first resurrection. And right here we which will take place in the near future. They if husband was there he would not have faith merely performing their formal religious duties. would suggest that birth is used in the Script- will be guests at that marriage supper. What, in his presentiment. But that night the bed But when asked, What have you done for ures to represent two events : 1. Conversion, then, does the angel show the prophet as the was dressed with damp sheets, the next morn- Jesus, what self-sacrifice have you made for bride of Christ? The answer to this question and 2, the resurrection from the dead. We ing the child was sick, indeed it was a marked his dear sake who made the infinite sacrifice rests upon the veracity of the holy angel in the would inquire of those who still adhere to the case of erysipelas, affecting first the head and for you, they must answer, Nothing. Christ courts of heaven, and the truthfulness of the old stereotyped doctrine that the church is the face. identified his interests with suffering humanity. prophet of God who has placed the transaction bride of Christ. If the church is the bride in Now we will go back in this narrative to the He laid aside his high command in heaven, upon record. The testimony of. John in this the marriage of the Lamb who are the guests? house of Brother Pratt of Wisconsin. That where he was worshiped of the angels, and case is definite : " And he carried me away in The prophet continues the description of the night we dreamed that the brokers, with came to a world seared and marred by the the spirit to a great and high mountain, and holy city in these words : " And had a wall whom we had deposited the money for the curse of sin, in order to save man. He suf- shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, great and high, and had twelve gates ; and at Office, were selling shop worn shoes in an infe- fered, and died, the just for the unjust, that descending out of heaven from God, having the gates twelve angels, and names written there- rior store, and as we saw them we exclaimed fallen man might be partakers of his glory here- the glory of God ; and her light was like unto on, which are the names of the twelve tribes of They have come down ! These words awoke after. But this sacrifice of Christ in man's a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, the children of Israel." We receive this de- us, and for a moment we felt a little concerned behalf does not lessen the necessity of man's clear as crystal." Rev. 21 :10, 11. Christ scription as meaning just what it says ! hence, for the Lord's money which was in their hands. denying himself, and making sacrifices for God will appear the second time in glory, raise all the city has a wall which is both great and high. But soon both the dream and the presentiment on his own account, and in his own behalf. the just from the, dead, and leading the way, It has twelve literal gates, each of which is passed from our mind. We had an appoint- The life of Christ is for our example ; we are to accompanied by all the holy angels, will ascend guarded by a holy angel, and there is written ment at Monroe, Wis., and at Clyde, Ill. We follow in his footsteps. to the holy city where the marriage supper will on each one of the gates a name of one of the filled the appointment at Monroe the next Some ministers are dangerously misleading be celebrated ; but prior to this, the marriage twelve tribes: week and then passed onto Clyde. We put the people. They would have them accept the of the Lamb takes place. When in our boyhood we were giving a dis- up at the house of Brother E. Wicks. As we fatal sophistry of Satan that simple belief in Christ says to his waiting people, "Let your course upon the golden city, one of those good entered the house Brother R. F. Andrews, who Christ is sufficient for their salvation ; that loins be girded about, and your lights burning, old fashioned, broad-brimmed gentleman in the has since entered the ministry, handed us a good works have nothing to do with it. Christ, • and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for congregation came to us at the close of our dis- telegram from Mrs. W., stating that the child by his example and precepts taught an entirely their Lord, when he will return from the wed- course, and placing his hand upon our shoulder was at the point of death and requesting us to different doctrine. Men must not depend too ding." Luke 12 : 35, 36. When Christ comes said, " Young man, thee is mistaken about return home immediately. We then stated to much upon what the ministers tell them, but to raise the dead, it is on his return from the that city. Thee will- never see a great literal those present that we were prepared to receive must themselves examine the law and the tes- wedding. When his work as priest, and his city coming down from heaven. I have that the news for God had shown us the sickness of timony. If religious teachers speak not accord- pleading before the Father for sinners, is fin- city in my heart." Thought I, I have found a the child while at the house of Brother Pratt. ing to this word, it is because there is no light ished, then he will lay aside his priestly gar- big hearted man this time ; for in the further We were so confident in this matter that we in them. The word of inspiration shows us ments, and put on his royal robes, receive the description of this city the prophet says, " And told Sister Wicks that she would hear from us that beneficence is essential to the Christian kingdom from his Father, take his throne in the the city lieth foursquare [all in the good quak- that the child's disease was in its head and face. character, and its growth in grace. Our means holy city above, and in the place of the Priest's er's heart], and the length is as large as the When we returned home we found the child must be consecrated to God, and we must feel mitre which he now wears, will put on his breadth ; and he measured the city with a reed, lying in its mother's arms, precisely in the same that it is not our own, but given us in trust, to kingly crown. Thus, united to his throne in twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the posture and condition in which it passed before be used in the Master's service. Our labors the capitol of the great city, he becomes united breadth and the bight of it are equal." The our mind while bowed before the Lord at the should be sanctified to God. We must do with that city which in the figure of the mar- city, then, lying fifteen hundred miles on four house of Brother P. The child lived four good, and use our means and influence for the riage, is the bride of Christ. And when he sides which would require more than one-half weeks. The funeral was in the forenoon, in benefit of our fellow creatures. In short, if comes to raise the righteous dead, they will of the width of the American Continent to give the afternoon we went to the Review Office, and we would truthfully bear the name of Chris- constitute the guests at the marriage supper, it a place, was in this good man's heart. as we stepped over the threshold the presenti- tian, we must follow the example of Christ, and he will lead the way followed, by all the The prophet is very minute" in his descrip- ment and the dream flashed before our mind. who went about doing good. holy angels as described in Revelation as fol- tion. " On the east, three gates ; on the north, We then stated to the foreman in the Office He gave his life to elevate and ennoble fallen lows :— three gates ; on the south, three gates ; and on that God had shown us in a figure that the man, and that he might exalt him to his right "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a the west, three gates. And the wall of the city money was not safe, and that we should imme- hand. We have here the pattern of the purest white horse ; and he that sat upon him was had twelve foundations, and in them the names diately take it out of their hands, which we did self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Worldli- called F aithful and True, and in righteousness of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." to purchase stone, brick and lumber for the ness, selfishness and pride are foreign to the he cloth judge and make war. His eyes were Here is evidence that this is not the old Je- new building. character of a true Christian. Many profess- AUGUST 22, 1878. THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. - 253 ors of religion de nothing for Christ by per- down the indignation of the Lord upon such " Is any one in doubt whether the practice or sell it very cheaply. Can they afford to sell sonal effort. They are contented to have families. Pour out thy fury,' he says, upon omission of family prayer will be the more pleas- out cheaper than Esau did ? others do what properly belongs to themselves the families that call not on thy name.' I would ing subject of retrospect from the dying bed, or R. F. COTTRELL. to perform, and, by lending a feeble influence not like to have been a member of one of those the eternal world ? Parents should not forget for the workers, feel that they are doing good families and much less the head of one of that presently may come the long deferred and Reports from the Field. them. It must have been very offensive to the by proxy. Such persons do not possess that greatly dreaded season of taking the last look, (Condensed from Review and Herald.) faith that works by love, and purifies the soul. Lord that there were families in which he was and the last leave, of those whom their decease They have no genuine religion, that enters into not acknowledged and worshiped. And if is to make orphans. Oh ! then, what a sweet Texas. their daily business, and regulates every action there were such families among the heathen na- thought it will be to enter into the dying medi- PEORIA AND CLEBURNE.—Brother Jenson, of their lives. A living faith in Christ is dem- tions that offended him, how much more must tation, that they have been in the daily habit of writes : " Sabbath, July 20, I was with the onstrated by good deeds in our families, and it have displeased him that there should be bowing down with their children in prayer, and brethren at Peoria, where we had a good meet- our neighborhoods, by thoughtful, and practi- such families even among his people Israel ! commending them to the care and grace of their ing in their newly completed house. Here I cal consideration of the poor, by visiting and families that did not in the family capacity in- heavenly Father, and that they may now, in- heard of seven who had lately commenced to comforting the widows and the fatherless in their voke him ! I do not know why it should be dulge the confident hope that he will infinitely keep the Sabbath from reading. These reside affliction, by keeping ourselves unspotted from less offensive now. I do not believe it is. more than supply the paternal place which they between Peoria and Cleburne, twelve miles the world, and by using our means and influ- Families are now under as great obligations to are to leave vacant ! south-west of Cleburne. I was with them ence for the advancement of the cause of God. God as ever they were. "But what need of more argument ? I suspect the 22d and staid 'several days speaking This must not be done grudgingly or murmur- "Some persons ask why we insist on family everybody secretly admits the obligation of fam- five times. Sabbath, July 27, these breth- ingly, but freely and cheerfully as Jesus gave prayer as a duty. They say that we cannot ily prayer. I judge so from the trouble many ren and sisters joined us in a meeting at Cle- all for us. produce any precept enjoining it. That is true are at to apologize for the neglect. It tries burne. This was a profitable occasion, and we Nothing should be withheld from Gad ; he enough. But I wonder if that is not a duty, them not a little to satisfy even themSelves with enjoyed much of the blessings of the Lord. claims the whole heart, talents, and property the omission of which is the subject of pro- an excuse. The usual plea is inability. They The 30th I reached the place twenty-eight miles of those who profess his name. Those who phetic denunciation. I wonder if that is not have not the gift. they say. What gift ? Can west of Dallas where I labored some last win- ignore responsibility and their work for God by implication commanded, the neglect of which they not collect their family together night and ter, and six took a stand on the truth. Two are in a deplorable condition. The angel's brings down the wrath of God on those guilty morning Have they not so much authority in of these had moved away, one had given up record of their lives, as far as usefulness in the of the neglect. There are some things so man- their own house as that ? And then can they the truth, and three are still faithful." cause of God is concerned, presents one mourn- ifestly reasonable, and of such self-evident obli- not read a portion of Scripture to them ; and Minnesota. ful blank. Such persons are as trees destitute gation, that they need no law expressly enjoin- kneeling down express their common desires tg thaTTSP.r —BrctliNn cux* anci Pattie of fruit, bearing only leaves. They are only ing them. It is not necessary that they should God? But what if it be hard at first, it will report August 6 " Eight have signed the cov- cumberers of the ground, darkening with their be taught in so many words. soon be easy if persevered in. The beginning enant, and We believe that several more are unproductive boughs the ground that should " But if we have no express precept on the of almost every good habit is difficult. The keeping the Sabbath, and will come out after a be occupied by fruit-bearing trees, and exclud- subject, we have pretty good examples in favor most of those who make this apology presume time. Last Sunday and evening, the Methodist ing the sunshine from those that would be pro- of it. I suspect Abraham, who was so careful on their inability. They say they cannot before minister gave two discourses upon the Sabbath, ductive but for their shadow. to instruct his household in the way of the they have tried. But until they have tried, taking the ordinary course, yet finally telling Conformity to the world is positively forbid- Lord, did not neglect to pray with them. And they do not know whether they can or not. his- audience that Christ never gave a com- den in the word of God. The inspired apostle David, I am quite confident, prayed in his fam- What if some have tried once and failed. One mand for keeping any Sabbath ; ' that there is writes : "Be not conformed to this world." ily. It is said of him on one occasion, that failure should not dishearten them, nor two, not in the New Testament a thus saith the In order to prevent this the opposite course he returned to bless his household.' No nor even twenty. Demosthenes tried speaking Lord for a seventh-day Sabbath, nor a first-day is enjoined upon the true believers : " Be ye doubt there were both prayer and praise in many times before he became an orator. Be- Sabbath, nor any other Sabbath.' He then transformed by the renewing of your minds." that family. Certainly Joshua must have sides, how do those who presume on their ina- proceeded to establish a first-day Sabbath on The all-powerful grace of God, uniting with the prayed in his house. How otherwise could he bility to conduct family worship know what as- the authority of Christ, the apostles, and the efforts and will of man, works the transforma- have fulfilled his resolution that his house, as sistance they might receive from God, if they early fathers. Last evening we reviewed him tion in the life and character of man, and well as himself, should serve the Lord ? What ! were to make an humble and faithful experi- at the tent, before about a hundred quiet and brings him into a position where he can prove resolve that his house should serve the Lord, ment. attentive listners. His effort has helped us what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect and not join with them in supplication for the " If any one shall condescend to read this who greatly.," will of God. One who engages in the work of grace to serve him ! That is not at all likely. does not pray in his family. I advise him to Michigan. helping and blessing others is being transformed " Now I would ask if it is not proper and •right commence immediately. He knows that he ALLEGAN AND DOUGLAS.—Elder W. H. Little- by the renewing of his mind, being a partaker that every head of a family should adopt the will never be sorry for it, if he does ; but he is john writes : " On Sabbath, July '6, and Sab- of the divine nature, having escaped the cor- resolution of him who said, 'As for me and my not so sure that he may not be sorry for it, if bath and Sunday, July 13 and 14, I was with ruption that is in the world through lust. The house we will serve the Lord ?' But can there he does not. If there were no other reasons in the church at Allegan. On the latter of these apostles are, diligent in their injuactions not to be religion in a house without prayer ? Is there favor of the practice, this alone would be suffi- two days, the regular quarterly tract and mis- love the world, neither the things that are in not inconsistency in saying, I and my family cient. I think it is Jay who hays that a family sionary- meeting was held. The attendance the world. " If any man love the world, the will serve God, but we will have no family altar without prayer is like a house,without a roof— was large when we take into consideration the love of the Father is not in him. For all that nor offering' ? Is not prayer an essential part it has no protection. Who would like to live fact that the meeting took place in the midst is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the of the service of God ? I wonder if any one in such a house ? " of the harvest. Elder U. Smith was present, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of ever lived who supposed that family prayer was and Brother J. M. Baker was ordained elder of the Father, but is of the world." not more pleasing to God than the omission of The Giver Is the Gainer. the church. The labors of Brother Smith were Christ was ever severe in his denunciations it I wonder if any one ever omitted it for fear appreciated, and added greatly to the interest "REMEMBER the words of the Lord Jesus, of hypocritical professors, those who bore no of being guilty of will-worship, or through dread and profit of the meeting. On Friday, July how he said, It is more blessed to give than to fruit to his glory. He frequently declared that that it might for some reason offend God. I 19, I went to Douglas, where I vent the Sab- receive." Acts 20 : 35. If all believed this there was more hope for the veriest open sinner wonder if the practice of family prayer ever dis- bath and Sunday. The church in that place is assertion, there would be less desire to receive, than for the pretender. Jesus would cleanse tressed any conscience. The omission of it has small, but active and well united." troubled many. and more would covet to be givers. Yet it is the temple of the soul from the defiling sins of Missouri. selfishness, pride, envy, and love of the world. " It is admitted, I believe, to be the will of God doubtless true, whether it is believed or not. SEDALIA.—Elder Butler reports August 8: He would purify it for his own abode. God that we should pray to him socially. The Lord's The apostle Paul calls attention to this saying " We have thirty-five names on. the covenant. calls for workers. All who are his followers prayer was constructed for social use. The dis- of our Lord, which had otherwise remained In some respects the interest has been greater must work the works of Christ, deny self, and ciples were directed to use it when they should unrecorded ; and his life and labors were such this week than any time before. The Presby- take up their cross daily. All may wash their pray together ; and it is accordingly in the plu- as to convince all that he, for one, believed it terian and Methodist ministers have preached robes of character, and make them white in the ral number ; not my Father, but, our Father. true. His own hands had ministered to his six or eight sermons against us, on the immor- blood of the Lamb. This white vesture pro- Now, is God to be socially worshiped, and yet own necessity and the necessity of those who tality question. The latter opened up last vided by the Lamb of God slain from the foun- not worshiped in that first, most permanent, were with him. He had set an example so Sunday quite heavy in two discourses. He dation of the world represents a life of purity and most interesting form of society- -the form that others might willingly labor to support warned his hearers against this rehash of Ger- and holiness, distinguished from the life of the of society instituted by God himself—the fam- the weak. And in harmony with this great man materialism,' told them ' this which came worldling. Such a course will leave a bright ily? Is that to be believed ? But the Lord's truth concerning giving and receiving, he says with the Bible was more dangerous than Ger- track heavenward, which attracts all who would prayer seems not only intended for social, but to the Philippians, "Not because I desire a man atheism,' was worse than pantheism,' leave the vanities of the world for holier joys for daily use. Give us this day our daily gift ; but I desire fruit that may abound to etc. We thought it was best to give the gen- beyond. We would intreat the idle professor, bread' is one of its petitions. It does not con- your account." Phil. 4 : 17. tleman, the benefit of a special notice, so we got the fruitless tree to be a fruit bearer, doing template the morrow. It asks supplies but for Here the same principle is required. The out a handbill for Tuesday night; for his ben- their duty to the world. E. G. WHITE. one day. Now if, as it appears from this rea- fruit of giving abounds to the account of the efit, as he is rather the leading clergyman of soning, social prayer should be daily, where but giver. He is the gainer. the place. We had the largest congregation Family Prayer. in the family, the society which is abiding, and All have the privilege of sharing in this fruit. which a single roof covers, can it with propriety The blessing is not confined to those who can we have had since the first Sunday night. Nearly a thousand people were out, and lis- A BROTHER asks, "Does the Bible teach fam- be daily? Should there be public religious serv- give largely. The pureness of the motive is tened with close attention for an hour and ily prayer? Does the Bible teach that a man ices daily, or daily prayer-meetings for this pur- weighed, rather than the gift. The large gift three-quarters. The Lord specially helped me. must thank God every time he eats ? There is pose ? Then, how suitable it is that those who given to be seen of men and admired by them, I felt quite weary and worn from constant labor a church here that call themselves Christians together share their daily bread, should together has its reward in human and applause. before the service, but had much freedom in that say 'no, it would be too formal to do so.", daily ask it ! " Verily, they have their reward." They gain showing up his fallacies. It was a great moral It is a strange idea that true thankfulness of "How reasonable and comely is household re- the object sought ; but it is worthless. But victory. Last night I spoke on spiritual gifts, heart to God expressed by our lips will lead to ligion—family worship ! Common blessings, the mites given by the poor, with an eye single confining myself to the Bible argument for formality. We certainly believe in thanking such as families daily share, call for common to the glory of God, amount to more than all their perpetuity." God every time we partake of a meal for the thanksgivings. Common wants, such as fami- such ; yes, and more than all that is given with bounties of his providence. We are told by lies together feel, call for common supplications. good motives from those that have an abun- MOORESVILLE.—Tent labor closed in' this the apostle Paul, " Whether ye eat or drink, do Is it not fit that families, in retiring to rest at dance, and consequently feel not a sacrifice. place July 26. As the result of tAa labors all to the glory of God," and " in everything night, should together commit themselves to the And it should not be forgotten by ministers of Brethren Chaffee ,and Woodruff six have give thanks." We think the Bible clearly teaches Divine keeping ; and in the morning unite in that the priests who received tithes from the embraced the truth, none of whom ever be- family prayer, for a curse is pronounced upon the praising the Lord for having been their pro- people had the privilege of giving a tithe of longed to any church before. families that call not upon God. This clearly tector ? It is a clear case, it seems to me. Be- the tithes thus received to the Lord, Those Indiana. implies in a family capacity, and not simply as sides, fathers are directed to bring up their chil- who receive means consecrated to God have the REESE'S Mids.—The attendance was good individuals. But we present this subject in an dren in the nurture and admonition of the privilege of doing something that may abound during the meetings held here. Elder S. H. article from Nevins. He says :— Lord.' But can they do this, while they pray to their account. If they fafil to embrace this Lane reports ten as taking a decided stand " There are families that call not on the name not with them, and for them ? I do not know privilege, they are the losers ; since they per- upon the truth. Besides these there are sev- of the Lard. Nor is it a new thing. There were how we are to comply with the apostolical ex- mit the blessing which might be theirs to rest eral living near who came out some months such so long ago as when Jeremiah lived. He hortation to pray everywhere,' unless we upon others. If they receive much, they cer- ago ; and Sabbath meetings are established. takes notice of them. He has a prayer about pray in the family, as well as under other cir- tainly cannot afford to lose this privilege ; but He commenced meetings at Noblesville, Au- them. It seems he was divinely inspired to call cumstances. if they receive 'but little, by withholding, they gust 2, with good congregation. 254 . THE SIGHS OF THE TIMES. Vol. 4, No. 32.

The Mysteries of Prayer. living God, was even master of the king of auburn curls, her soft manners and graceful cumstances made it needful for her, to per- beasts, and proved an extinguisher of " the movements, at once won the admiration of I AsKED for grace to lift me high form. But the secret was now told ; she had Above the world's depressing cares. violence of fire." the little girls, who treated her with the come herself with a disquieted mind to the God sent me sorrows. With a sigh Pre-eminent in true heroism stands the most gentle affection.. performance of her task; and although she I said, " He has not heard my prayers." noble St. Pan], the vessel of the gospel to the The older heads of the district were had not suffered her lips to utter the truth I asked for light that I might see Gentiles. If ever the combined forces of 'shaken in doubt that one so youthful and that labor was painful, the lineaments of her My path along life's thorny road; But clouds and darkness shadowed me earth and hell were directed on a single man, gentle could control and teach the band of face, and the tones of her voice, had con- When I-expected light from God. , it was on Paul. But his foot was planted mischief-loving children that thronged the veyed to their young minds this impression I asked for peace, that I might rest, on a rock, the Rock of ages, his heart was school-house. Miss Carey, or Miss Lilly, as more deeply than any words she could have And think my sacred duties o'er; fixed to go at the call of his Master, whether she wished to be called, was soon so firmly uttered. That children are good physiogno- When 10, such horrors filled my breast enthroned in the hearts of all, both old and As I had never felt before. that call led to Jerusalem to await , mists, is a common remark; but few realize imprisonment, or death, or in the gladsome young, that their doubts gave place to ear- how well they read the mother in her eyes. " And oh I " I cried," can this be prayer, Whose plaints the steadfast mountains move?" mission of feeding the hungry with the bread nest efforts fcr her success. A disobedient Her looks make a deeper impression than Can this be Heaven's prevailing care? of, life. We are well acquainted with his urchin soon found himself so unpopular, her words—her spirit than her precepts ; And oh, my God, is this thy love I" victory shout as he fell on the field : " I that he was glad to pay his way back to and when her instructions are neglected, her But soon I found that sorrow, worn have fought the good fight," etc. The gospel favor by becoming a pattern of propriety. example is never forgotten. When all these As duty's garment, strength supplies ; And out of darkness, meekly borne, had in him an able advocate, and his 'writ- I saw all this, yet I could not consent to are at variance, the quick eye of childhood Unto the righteous light doth rise. ings will be a sacred legacy to the church for yield my independence, as I thought, for I detects the inconsistency; and true to the And soon I found that fear's, which stirred all time to 'come. considered myself too much of a man to be impulse of feeling, he at once decides that My startled soul God's will to do, In all these examples there is a daring and longer under woman's government. I as- truth is falsehood, or that his mother is not On me more real peace conferred unchanging purpose linked with the omnip- sumed a, lawless air, and amused myself by Than in life's calm I ever knew. sincere ; and thus he early learns, either to otence of faith and confidence in God, and playing various tricks upon my more obedient despise the truth, or to reject that authority Then, Lord. in thy mysterious ways Lead my dependent spirit on ; these constitute true heroes. The object of neighbors. Miss Lilly reproved me gently, which he cannot respect. I believe many of And whensoe'er it kneels and prays, worldly heroism being selfagranclizement and but I was not willing to acknowledge the our sons learn their first lessons in infidelity Teach it to say, " Thy will be done." personal fame, the road to these necessarily power, of kindness. on their mother's lap ; and far better had it Let its one thought, one hope, one prayer, lies across the rights and safety of the help- One day, in class, the word patch was been for those sons, had they learned those Thine image seek, thy glory see ; less and unarmed. given me to spell. In rapid succession I. Let every other wish and care lessons in the school of Hume or Voltaire. Be left confidingly to thee. Had the world, a fair and impartial view spelled patch, patched, patched dress, point- Better put into our children's hands the —Set. of the moral phase of the principles and mo- ing at the same time to her well worn gar- writings of Paine, than fill their minds with ment, which had been neatly darned in vari- objections to the truth derived from the True Heroism. tives which prompt these heroes, it would tend to rob them of much of their glory. ous places. Instead of the laugh which I inconsistency of parental example. ALL the great and noble characters of his- Men in public positions often dream that the expected to raise, a feeling of horror like an When mothers learn to bear the necessary tory have laid claim to heroism, and the chief end to be attained is the applause of electric shock, pervaded every member of toils and trials of life, not only with, meekness common consent of mankind has, in all times their special friends, forgetting the public the school. Little faces, pale with anger, and patience, but with cheerfulness and com- conceded them the honor. good. Thus they become the tools of cun- and eyes flashing indignation, were turned posure, they will meet in the bright eye and But there is a dignity and beauty which ning intrigues until they are accomplices in upon me from all sides. happy faces of those for whom they labor, invests the heroes of the Bible, and which the most daring acts of corruption and dis- Miss Lilly first blushed to her eyes, then the reward of whatever of self-denial or, self- lends a pleasing charm even to their fail- honesty. Now in such characters there is pale and trembling sank to her chair, while control it may have cost them. The man ings. A contrast between the world's hero, not a single element of the true hero. The she forced back the tears that gathered in whose hands are red with the blood of his and the true moral hero will show in what brave man would stand up in opposition to the her eyes. Suddenly that little band gathered fellow-man, is called a hero; many speak they differ mainly, and make manifest the solicitations to corruption around him, and around her, twining their arms about her his praise ; but the word of wisdom tells us beauty of the latter over the former. in God conquer. neck, kissing her face and hands, and show- that he that ruleth his own spirit, is greater Heroism as set forth in the great of this In social life there is much need of being ing every kindness that little sympathizing, than he that taketh a city—and those who world, means, in a great measure, the op- heroic—evil and destructive habits threaten hearts could devise. It- being the hour for have achieved this triumph, find in their pression of the weak, taking advantage of the church, and the individual. To yield to dismissing the evening school, Miss Lilly own experience, that curse from which they the ignorant and helpless, and the extent of these, and be led to the block,, is the tamest sent all away with a kind kiss, until I alone may not escape, converted into choicest bless- its destruction of honor, property, and mor- cowardice. remained ; she then said gently, " Albert ings.—A dvocate and Guardian. als. War, is said by some one, to be the The heralds of the cross must have the you may be dismissed." I Was completely sport of death, and rejoices only in the ex- courage to raise the alarm, and Zion's host subdued, and quietly leaving the house Truthfulness at Home. tent of its spoils; and such as have been the daring to enter the field and vanquish seated myself under a tree by .which she OF all happy households that is the bappi- most skillful and successful in warlike opera- sin. The evergreen laurels of God's blessed- must pass. est where falsehood is never thought of. All tions have been reckoned the greatest heroes. ness will be the crown of all his true and When she came, with tears trickling down peace is broken up when once it appears there If this were the legitimate course to true he- loyal heroes, and this will surely be enough my cheeks, I begged pardon for my misdeeds. is a liar in the house. All comfort has gone roism, there would be high premium on vice for us to all eternity, but let us not forget She wiped the tears from my eyes, and seat- and sinful ambition. But such is not the he- when suspicion has once entered—when there that before the victory is celebrated, there ing me by her side, talked to me as I never must be reserve in talk and reservation in be- roism of the Bible. comes the struggle for the mastery.—REv. I. before had heard woman talk. In that hour The object of the world's hero is the grati_ lief. Anxious parents who are aware the pains M. PINES, in Evang'l Messenger. I felt myself a changed being ; and ambition fication of a selfish ambition, at the sacrifice was born to become good, great and rich, of suspicion will place general confidence in of ennobling principle for the sole purpose of that I might help such women as Miss Lilly. their children, and receive what they say securing the homage of the lauding populace. THE HOME CIRCLE. She told me of her infirm father, of her freely, unless there' is strong reason to dis- The object of the true moral hero is the glory mother's labors to support her little ones, trust the truth of any one. If such an occa- of God, and welfare of men. The former Miss Lilly and Her Pupil. and of the effort she had made to give her, sion shOuld unhappily arise, they must keep seeks to enthrone and deify human might the eldest child, sufficient education to the suspicion from spreading as long as possi- MY father was a farmer, and a practical and ingenuity, the latter to conceal, and put teach. She told me of her own efforts to ble, and avoid disgracing their poor child man, who always had as good crops and large in the far background the human, and assign assist her mother by sending her nearly all while there is a chance of his cure by their as the country produced. He wished his to the proper place, .the divine element of her little wages, and of her nightly studies confidential assistance. He should have children to be educated well, so far as the true heroism.—God's power through human to prepare herself for teaching a higher their pity and assiduous help, as if he were stone school-house of the district afforded instruments. school. suffering under some bodily disorder. If he facilities. It pleased him to see them stand Who has failed to see something in the life I went home that night with my head full can be cured, he will become duly grateful at the head of the spelling class, and to hear and character of Abraham far surpassing of grave 'reflections and good resolutions, for the treatment. If the endeavor fails, that they wrote the best hand in school. anything in the records of human greatness? some of which I strictly kept. Ever after means must of course be taken to prevent his He was one of the trustees of the district When called out to offer his only son as a I was ready to fight any boy who showed example from doing harm; and then, as I and was very particular in selecting teachers, sacrifice to God, he came in contact with the least disrespect to a female teacher. said, the family peace is broken up, because so much so that it came to be understood, some of the strongest passions of the human In after years, when wealth and opportu- the family confidence is gone. I fear that, that if Captain Humphreys was pleased, soul ; parental affection—the bond of the nity were mine, I carried an open hand, from some cause or another, there are but that was at once a passport to the favor of race, and the unseen end. The natural was heart and purse, for women striving against few large families where every member is al- the whole district. A man was employed to brought into subjection to the higher law of difficulties to gain honorable positions. Miss together truthful. But where all are so or- teach the school in winter, when large boys God. To conquer the opposing circumstances Lilly lived to earn wealth and fame, and a ganized and so trained as to be wholly reliable and girls were in attendance, and a woman in the way of ,God's glory, that he might be- rich store of love from all with whom she in act and word, they are a light to all eyes filled the post in summer. To the former come the father of the faithful, was an mingled.— &I. and a joy to all hearts. They are public ben- achievement which the world never under- four dollars a week was paid without a mur- efits, for they are a point of general reliance ; stood, and more signal than any ever achieved mur, but to the latter one dollar was con- Influence of Example. and they are privately blessed within and on the battle-field or on the road to literary sidered ample compensation. My father without. Without, their life is made easy eminence. was usually a just and benevolent man, but SAID a lively little boy to his mother, " I by universal trust ; and within their home The world had never been blessed with an like many others, he had never thought of wish you would hire Sally again, I don't and their hearts they have the security of illustrious example of patience until the the injustice done to a woman in the small like to work so much." "And why not, my rectitude and the gladness of innocence.— army of opposition and discouragements were compensation allowed her. son l Work is good for us; work makes us Harriet Martineau. driven back by Job'sldeath.like grasp on the When .I was in my tenth year, full of fun happy." " It does not make me happy, and living Redeemer. "Though thou slay me, and frolic, a perfect hater of fractions and it does, not make you happy," was the BOWED knees and beautiful words cannot yet will I trust in thee,"—this very willing- syntax, and at enmity with teachers in gen- prompt reply. That mother saw her error. make prayer ; but earnest desires from a heart ness to die proved the vanquishment of all eral, there came to teach our summer school Tender and devoted as she was, she had bowed by love, inspired by God's Holy Spirit, his foes. a delicate looking girl who could not have often been grieved by the indifference which and thirsting. for God, the living God will do The fixed and unchanging purpose Of Dan- numbered more than seventeen years. Her her children manifested when required to it anywhere, or in any place, or at any' iel and the Hebrew children to be true to the fair face, deep blue eyes, and clustering share with her these labors which her cir- time. AUGUST 22, 1878. THE SIGNS OP THE TIMES. 255

GOOD HEALTH. however, the opposite is the case. They —The Mechanics' Institute Industrial Ex- was that in which you grew most ; and. that engage largely in agriculture, cultivating hibition opened in San Francisco on the the roughest road, and the heaviest storm, barley, millet and various vegetables. The 13th, and bids fair to be a success. and the most crooked way, which seemed to Proper Diet for Man. you to be leading you off from- the promised national dish is millet porridge. —Stanley is said to have agreed to make Canaan, was the nearest route to the ever- Here we have given two fair illustrations another exploring 'trip through the continent MODERN NATIONS. lasting rest that remaineth for the people of which ought to settle the question if no fur- of Africa, at the expense of the king of God. You will find, what you feel now, that ther evidence could be advanced ; but this is Belgium. ALTHOUGH all ancient history abounds with aardly a beginning of the testimony. A the bud had a bitter taste ; but you will then this class of testimony, we will not dwell large volume would be required to do the --The total length of railroads in the discover, as you have not yet, that sweet in- longer upon this branch of the subject, but matter anything like justice. In addition world at the end of 1876, was 184,002 deed is the flower. will now come to consider the testimony of to these evidences of a national character, miles. America has nearly as much as At the last day, the last sacrament of the the world at the present time. As already we have the testimony of thousands of indi- Europe. The United States have 74,095. Lord's supper will be administered. You will observed, a large majority of the human race viduals in this country and England who have —An English paper states that the slave need no Bible there ; for all space is radiant are obliged to subsist almost exclusively during the last twenty-five or thirty years, trade in Zanzibar is largely on the increase, with its texts, and texts ten thousand 'times upon vegetable food; yet when we compare adopted the vegetarian system. When the owing to the withdrawal of the cruisers, more precious still. You will need no sacra- the condition of such nations with those who change has been properly conducted, it has which leaves 2,000 miles of coast un- ment of the Lord's supper then; for you did make large use of flesh food, both mentally invariably resulted in salutary effects. watched. it in remembrance of One who was not pres- ent bodily on earth, and in expectation,of the and physically, we can come to none but a COMPARATIVE NUTRITIVE VALUE. favorable conclusion in regard to a vegetable —Strong proof of the rapid stride which advent of One who is not yet come to the diet, at least when we take into considera- In regard to nutritive value, there is a education has made in France is derived from earth. But then there Will be no remember- tion the effects of climatic and social influ- striking difference in favor of vegetable the fact that only 4,992 of the 294,382 men mice of Him, for He is present; there will food. Notwithstanding the generally - admitted into the army last year were un- ences. be no more expectation of Him, for He is talent opinion that flesh is concentrated nutri- able to read and write. come.. The sun is risen, the morning Oar is Professor Lawrence, although himself a ment, and far more nutritious than vegeta- not wanted, the substance is present, the meat-eater, makes the frank admission that bles, grains, etc., the results of analysis, ac- —The Brandon (Miss.) Republican says shadow is not needed ; the temple has had the Laplanders, Esquimaux, Tartars; Karns- cording to our best chemists, unmistakably that lands can be purchased in that State for its last ,copse-stone and corner-stone laid upon chatclales, and several other nations of sim- show that such is by no means the case. 10 cents an acre, while whisky costs 15 cents it, the scaffold must now be taken down and ilar dietetic habits, although living almost a drink ; and yet there are people that are Our most reliable investigators have deter- put away forever. In that day the- last entirely upon flesh, are the smallest, weak- mined, by the most carefully conducted ex- landless who spend $1 a day for whisky. promise will be fulfilled, the 'last prophecy est, and most cowardly people upon the globe. periments, that one pound of beef contains —The Primitive Methodists of England will be realized ; what is now ,prospect to On the other band, we find that, as a general no more actual nourishment than is afforded have flourishing missions in Australasia. your hearts will then be possession—and rule quite free from exceptions, the most by a pound of peas or lentils.; and if we in- At the annual meeting of their missionary what a 'possession ! A possession exceeding lived, robust, well-developed na- hardy, long clude what Liebig terms respiratory food, we society, held recently, it was reported that all prospect, transcending all expectation ; tions, both physically and mentally, are those find that wheat and barley meal furnish there are 95 ministers and missionaries. till: yon say, as she of Sheba said of. Solomon's whose diet is almost entirely, if not exclu- more than twice, and oat meal and rice more grandeur, " Half the glory and excellence sively, vegetable. We have abundant evidence —The total expenses of Russia during the than three times, as much nourishment as of that blessed land was not told us by of this, even in our own country. The men late war, including its issues of paper money an equal quantity of flesh. We see, then, prophet, by apostle, or by evangelist." The who construct our extensive railways, who and its outstanding debts, were, up to the that in fact, flesh food ranks below many of streams are sweet; but how sweet will be dig our immense canals, who bridge our 24th of June last, considering the deprecia- our common vegetables in nutritive value. the fountain ! The bread of our Father's , rivers and, tunnel our mountains, are almost tion of the rouble, about $592,800,000. entirely of foreign birth. The hardy Irish house as it is distributed in Crumbs is now —Upward of 600,000 acres of land are now precious, but how precious will. be , bread peasant, who comes to this country after set apart in New Zealand, to provide funds having been reared upon a diet almost wholly RELIGIOUS NEWS AND NOTES. eaten in his own .presence ; where they for her educational establishments. There shall hunger no more,, nor thirst any. more, made up of oatmeal and potatoes, far out- is a university whose degrees are recognized rivals the flesh eating American in physical neither; shall the sun light upon: them, nor —The Old Catholics of Basle have in- as equal to those of the English universi- shall there be any heat 1" endurance and muscular power. And in creased in number the past year from three ties. The last, toil, and struggle, and labor, of point of mental activity, the Irish are proverb- to four thousand. ial for their ready and characteristic wit. —The cotton crop of the present year will which you- have now the bitter and tearful The same is true of the Irish girls who come —The American Board have opened a be the largest since the war, and is estimated experience, will have passed awaya,„. The to this country and engage in domestic serv- special fund for the establishment of a mis- at 4,700,000 bales. In 1859—'60 the crop march Of duty will be finished; the journey ice. Their readiness and activity are sion to Central Africa. amounted to 4,861,000 bales; 1670—'71, 4,- of life will be done, your days and nights of really surprising. But it is a very signifi- 437,000 bales; 1875—'76, 4,632,000 bales; weariness will be ended, you shall enter into cant as well as patent fact that after having —Nebraska has 130 Baptist churches, 1876-'77, 4,474,000 bales. rest You rest from your labOrS, and your - with a membership of nearly 4,000, This spent a few years in this country and becom- —August 17, the Mormon- Temple at St. works do'follow you." When one thinks of is the work of twenty-five years. ,1riale„ ing accustomed to the diet in common use, George, Southern Utah, was struck by light- all the:tribulations, the sorrow,- the:' this difference rapidly disappears, so that in —Twelve clergymen are said to have with- ning, which demolished the dome, blackened the distresses, the sicknesses, the pestilendes; the second orthird generations little vestige drawn from the church of England within a the ceiling and tore up the floors and plaster- the plagues, the ..famines, the hattlesi ,amid it stormy` spo, of former superiority remains. The same month, to join the church of Rome. ing. This makes the third temple struck by whicli,'Iiis amid the waves of, might be said of other nations as well, as the lightning since the organization of the Mor- thousands every day are struggling fora pre- , Germans, Danes, etc., and would be true of —A United Presbyterian church is to be mon church. The first was at Kirtland, carious; existence, we cannot' but hail the them, as also of the Irish, in a much more built at Blentyre, Scotland, the birth-place Ohio; the second at Nauvoo, Illinois, and prospect, and pray for the joyous advent of marked degree, were it not for the baneful of Dr. Livingstone, as a memorial of the mis- the third at St. George. that day, when the hopes of the Inimbleatbe- influence of their great addiction to the use sionary traveler. liever saall, be realized, awl this tangled web —Sixty-seven failures were reported in of alcoholic beverages. —The prisoners of the Concord, Mass., Shall be unravelled, and these perplexing New York city in July, in which the aggre- struggles, and toils, and trials shall be ,ended; But as it may be claimed that in the in- State prison are allowed to subscribe to one gate liabilities amounted to $5,738,171, and stances cited the manifest difference may be religious newspaper. Over 100 Boston Pilots and we- shall here the words—richer, sweeter, the assets were estimated at $2,702,442. deeper, than the sweetest , strains that ever due to natural disadvantages of climate or (Catholic) are thus taken. This shows an increase of thirteen failures some similar causes, we will compare nations angels sung,—" Come, ye blessed of my --The Massachusetts Congregationalists and $1,400,000 of liabilities, compared with to which this objection cannot be raised. Father; inherit the kingdom prephri'od tor you report a net increase of 3,658 members, be- the 'record for the previous month, an 1 an Take, for instance, the natives of New Zeal- from the foundation of the world." ing the largest gain in many years. The increase of 50 per cent in number and double and and those of Australia. Neither of these And 'when that day comes, those we total membership in the State is now 91,- the amount of assets compared with July, people, when discovered, possessed any do- with on earth, to see no more its busy 131. 1877. mestic animals. The Now Zealanders de- scenes* its trials, and its troubled to SymPar rived a considerable portion of their aliment —The Revivalists, Moody, Sankey, Whit- — America's contributions to the 011 World thize with us as we suffered, or to strengthen from various vegetable productions, while tle, McGranahan and Pentecost, met in Bos- carried by ocean steamers are varied. The us in the battle of life; shall ,.emerge.again the Australians subsisted almost entirely ton last week and held a consultation. Mr. cargo of the lost Idaho comprised 141 pack- from the shadow of, the graye.: ' Counte- upon animal food, a large portion being pro- Moody, it is understood, will go to Baltimore ages of agricultural implements, 77,000 nances long hid shall have all the darkness cured from the sea. According to the ac- next winter. pounds of bacon, 98 packages of clocks, 17,- rolled aai ay ; voices long silent -shall be heard 311 bushels of corn, 1,994 bales of cotton, counts of reliable travelers, the difference be- —An exchange says: "The Presbyterian again ; broken circles complebed ; , once tween these two races is very great. The church, south, expresses its disapproval of Mr. 94 bales of hops, 58 horses, 200 tons of fresh happy agiampe more happy than . they: eyer meat, 75 tierces of salt meat, two cases of former are well-developed, and seem calcu- Moody and other unordained preachers, by were before. For at that day„ when, ail lated to endure fatigue and hardship. adopting a report strongly condemning lay machinery, 5 pianos. 12 kegs of ink, 25,258 things old Shall pass away and all things new bushels of wheat, and 12 packages of manu- Many of them are really handsome, and ex- preaching as contrary to the Word of God." shall begin, „ cellent models of symmetry. The Austral- factured wood. "There shall be no more farewells to the dyillg, ians present quite a different aspect. They —The statistics of the. diocese of South Or mournings for the dead ; ' are ill-proportioned, with small, thin, dwar- Carolina are as follows : Clergy, 46 ; par- The Last Day to the Christian. The heart of Rachel, for her' hildren crying, fish limbs. One eminent writer says of them ishes and churches, 73; number in parishes, ,Will then be comforted."—.D,'. summing: that they are "the most miserable of men," 6,949 ; baptism—infants 466, adults, 57 ; WHEN the last day of this dispensation while another, in speaking of them, remarks, confirmations, 202 ; in Sunday-schools-- shall arrive, the last tear that you will shed "They are undoubtedly the lowest created teachers, 264 ; pupils, 1,696; in parochial over sin will then be wiped away. You are OBITUARY. beings that wear the form of humanity and schools, 255 ; communicants, 4,051 ; offer- now blessed in your mourning upon earth , ings, $63,257.33. claim the name of man." then and at that day you will be comforted DIED, near Grand Prairie 'Station, Dallas A similar comparison might be drawn be- forever ; for 'God will wipe away all tears county, Texas, May 28, 1878, Brother John A. tween the Calmucks and the Circassians. SECULAR NEWS. fzom all eyes, and there shall be no more McDearman, aged nineteen years and eleven Dr. Clarke says, in describing the first men- weeping, or crying, or sorrow. At that day months. lie was not a church member, but tioned, " Nothing is more hideous than a the last doubt shall have gone from your was a regular attendant upon Sabbath meetings —The railroads are beginning to refuse to minds like a passing cloud from the sky; the and Sabbath-school ; he was obedient, respect- Calmuck." Their form and features are ex- ful to his, parents, and careful of his words and ceedingly uncouth, and, in the words of the carry mails for the compensation the Gov- last suspicion of the love of Him whom hav- his temper, and was much esteemed and be- same writer, " so horrible and coarse is the ernment allows. ing not seen, ye love, will be dissipated for- loved by his parents, and by all who knew him, appearance of the women that it is difficult ever ; the glass through which you now see for his many virtues, and noble traits of charac- —The 'largest flour mill in the world is to distinguish sex." The Circassians, on the darkly will be broken ; and those mysterious ter. From his childhood he prayed daily to now being built at Niagara Falls. Capacity, other hand, have long been celebrated for dispensations that you cannot understand; God, and when any of the family were sick, he 1,200 barrels per day. their great superiority in point of beauty that cross, the load and pressure of which would go alone and pray for them with fer- and symmetry. Their women are said to be you are unable to bear, you will then and vency ; yet he was timid and reserved, and this —The number of deaths in San Francisco it is believed, hindered his making a public the most handsome of any nation, and are during the year 1877-78 was 4,977 against there discover to have been messengers from profession of the truth. In his last illness, remarkable for the delicacy and fineness of 6,170 the previous year. God, reasoning of righteousness, and temper- Brother. Kilgore and others, assembled at his their features. Says Dr. Lamb, a noted ance, and judgment ; and that there was as request, to pray for his recovery ; at this time English physician and writer, " Few will —The entire yield of wheat in Michigan great a need be that you should have gone Brother K. faithfully exhorted him to make hesitate to pronounce that the ugliness of the this year is 30,000,000 bushels, an average through that baptism of sorrow, as there was thorough work in repentance and confession, Calmucks is the natural consequence of their of from 19 to 20 bushels per acre. that Christ should have died upon the cross, and he called each member of his father's fam- diet." It consists almost wholly of flesh, —For 151 regiments Englandpas 828 or that you should have been washed in his ily to his bedside, and to each he had a word of kindness and confession, and praised God horses being to them what the reindeer is to generals, about 1,300,colonels, and nearly 2,- precious blood. You will then discover that aloud ; and to all he gave hopeful evidence of the Laplander—his slave during life and 000 lieutenant colonels. The United States your bitterest cup was your most precious reconciliation to God. Remarks at the funeral food' after death. With the Circassians, has one general and three major-generals. one ; that your darkest and dreariest night on 1 Cor. 15 : 17. J. G. 2.5'6 THE SIGHS OF THE ,TIMES. Vol. 4, No. 32.

lected to send men to England, whore Northern California Camp- .Books, Pamphlets, Trac ts, Etc. ffiigno of tht Zituto they could commence at once to preach M eeting. and scatter publications in our own language. CRUDEN'S• Concordance. $1.75, post-paid. OAKLAND, CAL., FIFTH-DAY AUGUST 22, 1878. Yet this is doubtless all consistent with the THE northern California camp-meeting of Dictionary of Bible. $1.75, post-paid. providence of God. Had the opposite course Seventh-day Adventists will be held at Yount- Hymn and Tune Book ; 537 hymns, 147 tunes. $1. been pursued, the English mission would now ville, Napa county, commencing Thursday morn- Progressive Bible Lessons. 50 cts. On Time. ing, August 29, at six be far advanced, while there would have to be A. isf., and closing Septem- " for Children. 85 pts. ber 5, at six A. M. LETTERS are received stating that there has a delay of years before we could do much in Let all our brethren and The Way of Life ; a beautiful engraving 19x24 sisters in northern California make especial ef- inches, with key of explanations. $1.00. been a failure in getting the SIGNS on time. the French, German, and Italian languages. fort to attend this meeting. Come, bringing your The Game of Life (illustrated). Satan playing For a few weeks there was some delay in get- Now our brethren there are fairly prepared to with man for his soul. In Board, 50 cts. friends and children with you. Come, praying ting off the paper. This was owing to the work in these languages just as the English The History of the Sabbath and First Day of the removal of presses, and changes requiring new mission is to be entered upon with vigor, and the Lord to meet with us in power. Come, con- Week. J. N. Andrews. 528 pp, $1.00. machinery which necessitated considerable ad- thus both can be nearly on an equality in dos- secrating yourselves to God as never before. Thrilling Life Sketches. Incidents in the life of justing before the work could without interrup- ing up the great work for the world. Come so as to be all in readiness to commence an Italian of noble birth. By Francesco Urgos. $1.25, tion go on. Last week there was no hin- with the meeting and to stay to its close. Thoughts on Daniel. U. Smith. $1.00. Con- This mission is another grand step in this densed paper edition, 85 cts. drance ; and it may be expected that the paper great work. Firmly believing God is in it, and Coining thus, it may be made to us indeed a Thoughts on the Revelation. U. Smith. $1.00. in future will be mailed on time. that he will abundantly sustain his servants source of great spiritual profit. who shall go there to labor, and not doubting G. D. HAGER, Life of William Miller, with likeness. $1.00. Reno. Nevada. E. R. GILLETT, The Sanctuary and its Cleansing. U. Smith. the readiness of our people to fully equip this JOHN CUSTER, aim. Condensed edition in paper, 30 eta. WE have now held twenty-three meetings in mission as Brother White has suggested, let us Camp-Meeting Com. of Northern Cal. Life of Joseph Bates, with Likeness. Revised. the tent here. Have canvassed quite thorougly all do our part, as individuals, in establishing Edited by James White. Tint, $1.00; plain, 85 eta. the question of immortality and the Sabbath. and sustaining it, and be faithful in our stew- Southern California Camp- The Nature and Destiny of Man. U. Smith. We held our first Sabbath meeting last Sabbath. ardship. May God abundantly bless the En- Meeting. 384 pp. um. About twenty-five children and adults met in the glish mission. GEO. I. BUTLER. The Constitutional Amendment. A discussion tent. Ten of the adults signed a covenant to THE southern California camp-meeting of between W. H. Littlejohn and the Editor of the "Chris- Seventh-day Adventists will be held near tian Statesman," Bound, $1.00. Paper, 40 eta. First keep all God's commandments. Last evening Meeting of Clergymen. part, 10 cts. Grangeville, TularS county, commencing Tues- two discourses were given in the place on im- Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. I. Mrs E. G. White. day morning, September 10, at six 416 pp. $1.00. mortality. .We dismissed the tent meeting and AUGUST 19, there was a meeting of the cler- A. ss., and gymen of Oakland and San Francisco at the closing Monday morning, September 16, at six Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. II. Mrs. E. G. White. I listened to one discourse and Brother Harld 400 pp. $1.00. A. M. Let all our brethren and sisters of the took notes of the other. I shall give some at- Calvary church, S. F., to consider the propri- Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. III. Mrs. E. G. White. tention to their weak efforts against the truth, ety of requesting the coming State convention southern California field come to this meeting 400 pp. $1.00 in the same manner as is requested above of Life of Christ, in seven Pamphlets, by Mrs. Ellen' in connection with my discourse to-night. I to formally recognize the Christian Sabbath, those in the northern part of the State. We G. White:— continue here another week, and hope for a few Sunday, in the constitution. After the object No. 1. His First Advent and Ministry • - 10 cta of the meeting was stated a paper was read are one, and if we seek God alike we may No. 2. His Temptation in the Wilderness - 10 eta more to give their names to obey the truth be- No. 3. His Teachings and Parables • - 15 eta stating more broadly the action deemed desira- share like blessings at both meetings. No. 4. His Mighty Miracles - = - 15 ots fore we leave. No. 5. His Sufferings and Crucifixion - 10 eta M. J. CHURCH, Like most of Nevada towns, Reno has not a ble in the premises, at the conclusion of which No, 6. His Resurrection and Ascension - 10 etc W. R. SMITH, the, following resolution was moved as a basis The Apostles of Christ. Mrs. E. G. White. 10 eta. great amount of interest in religious or Bible R. F. EAGLE, matters. Last night, (Sunday) while a few were of discussion and a suggestion for a constitu- Camp-Meeting Com. of Southern Cal. Sabbath Readings for the Home Circle. En two tional amendment volumes. 60 de. each. at the churches a brass band called a full house :— THE LAW.—Every citizen of this State shall California Conference. The State of the Dead and Destiny of the Wicked. together, two blocks off, to witness a theatrical U. Smith. 40 cts. performance of the Taylor family. So it goes. have the right to one day of rest in seven. THE seventh annual session of the California The United States in Prophecy. U. Smith. If we cannot reach the masses we must try to It was thought that the people of the State Bound, 40 cts. Paper, 20 eta. would be willing to have added, " and to wor- Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be help all we can. Pray for us in our effort. A Word for the Sabbath, or False Theories Ex- ship God according to the dictates of their own held at Yountville, Napa county, in connection ' posed. (POEM.) U. Smith. Muslin, 30 cts.; paper, 15 eta J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH. August 12, 1878. hearts." The opinion was then expressed that with the camp-meeting, from August 29 to Sep- Advent Keepsake. Muslin, 25 cts. tember 5, 1878. First session the 29th, at 5 P. the resolution was not sufficiently comprehen- Sermons on the Sabbath and Law, embracing an sive to cover the ground ; it needed to go far- M. Let each company choose their delegates outline of the Biblical and Secular history of the Sab- ther and to amend that section of Declaration immediately, furnishing them with credentials bath for 6,000 years. J. N. A. 25 cts. WE have given eleven discourses in this place. and a statement of the standing of the church, Facts for the Times. 25 eta. When we came here we found a deep prejudice of Rights that allowed any degree of religious freedom not incompatible with public morality. both financially and as to numbers. All minis- The Nature and tendency of Modern Spiritualism. among the people, which had been produced by J. H. Waggoner. 20 cts. ters and licentiates should have their written re- false teaching and misrepresentations. From As an amendment to the motion it was moved ports of labor and expenses prepared to pass in Our Faith and Hope. Sermons on the Millen- this condition of affairs we have worked up a that this be added to the section of the Decla- nium, Second Advent, the Kingdom, the Judgment, the ration of Rights in question :— at the first session. Let all church and system- Time, the Sanctuary, and Saving Faith. 20 eta. good interest, so that our attendance ranges atic benevolence books be brought to the Con- The Ministration of Angels, and the Origin, His- from fifty to one hundred and fifty. This being THE AMENDMENT.—And to secure the ob- tory, and Destiny of Satan. D. M. C. 20 cts. ference. J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH, a country place many of these come from quite jects above stated, general and secular pub- lic business and public amusements shall be JOHN MORRISON, The Atonement. J. H. Waggoner. 20 eta. a distance, some of them walking five miles. suspended on the first day of the week, called W. N. GLENN, The Spirit of God. J. H. W. 15 eta. We expect to see some take their stand with us California Conference Committee. the Sabbath day or Sunday, and the Legisla- Miraculous Powers. 15- cts. before the camp-meeting closes. Pray for us. tures of the State shall enforce the above pro- vision by appropriate legislation. California State Missionary The Complete Testimony of the Fathers con- W. M. HEALEY. cerning the Sabbath and First Day. J. N. AndreWS. August 19, 1878. The former provision was withdrawn in favor Society. 16 cts. of the amendment. THE The Three Messages of Rev. 14, and the Two- Denmark. eighth annual meeting of the California horned Beast. J. N. Andrews. 10 cts. State T. and M. society will be held at Yount- The New Song Donk. The Mbrality of the Sabbath. D. Al. 0. 15 eta. DURING the past week we held meetings ville, Napa county, in connection with the in the vicinity of Nortvig, west of Horsens camp-meeting, from August 29 to September 5. The Resurrection of the Unjust ; a Vindication of Six souls have covenanted to keep the com- WE are now ready to fill orders for our new the Doctrine. J. H. Waggoner. 16 eta. Sabbath-school song book, The Song Anchor. First session, August 30, at 5 P. M. All direc- The Two Laws. D. M. Canright. 15 cts. mandments of God and the faith of Jesus. tors, secretaries of districts, and church mis- They were organized into a small church, and We will have a supply at the California camp- The Seven Trumpets of Rev. 8 and 9. 10 cts. meetings, where all who desire can obtain cop- sionary officers are requested to bring their T. Brother Niels J. Pedersen was ordained elder. Redeemer and Redeemed. James White. 10 cts. ies. The selection contains a greater number and M. account books to the meeting, that all Systematic benevolence was arranged. They may be audited. Christ in the Old Testament and the Sabbath in are rather poor, and cannot contribute much ; of the popular tunes of the day than any other the New. James White. 10 eta. J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH, President. but God blessed our willing offerings according book of its character, and many of the new The Truth Found. J. H. W. 10 cts. pieces are destined to become general favorites. A. M. LOUGHBOROUGH, Secretary. to the means with which he had entrusted us. The Two Covenants. J. N. Andrews. 10 cts. Of about fifty books of this class now before us, We felt that the Spirit of the Lord was near, Systematic Benevolence Fund. The Hope of the Gospel : What it is, and when it and thanked God for the blessing he bestowed emanating from various publishers all over will be consummated. J. N. L. 10 ots. LET there be an effort on the part of all s. B. upon us, when celebrating the ordinance of the country not one appears to us as hand- Review of Gilfillan on the Sabbath. 10 eta. some or substantial as The Song Anchor. treasurers to collect the s.: B. funds for the quar- the Lord's house. Sunday evening I held a Vindication of the Sabbath. Morton. 10 ots. ter ending October 1, and all arrearages on s. B., meeting at Bjerre, south of Horsens. Here I Price 50 cents ; per hundred $40. Address, before coming to the camp-meeting, so that The Date of the Seventy Weeks of Dan. 9, estab- found a few who liked to hear, and investigate PACIFIC PRESS, Oakland, Cal. lished. J. N. Andrews. 10 cts. there may be ample funds to settle all accounts God's blessed truth. The next day I conversed • Matthew Twenty-four. James White. 10 cts. For Camp-Meeting. against the Conference. J. N. L. with them about the kingdcm of God. To-day Review of Baird's Two Sermons on the Sabbath and Law. J. H. W. 10 cts. I am cn my way to Alstrup. PARTIES in Oakland who have commutation Tract -and Missionary Funds. J. MATTESON. tickets for the Yountville camp-meeting will The Ancient Sabbath. Forty-four Objections THERE should be an earnest endeavor in Considered. 10 cts. Horsens, July 16. bear in mind that they will have to take the each of our churches and districts to have all Milton on the State the Dead. 5 cts six o'clock boat for San Francisco, Wednesday The Mission to Er gland. pledges made to the $1,000 T. and M. fund, all Four-cent Tracts : The Second Advent-1 ne morning, 28th instant ; the local train connect- dues on the Missionary one-third, and all dues Seventh Part of Time—Celestial Railroad—Samuel an, ing with this boat, leaves Broadway station ten the Witch of Endor—The Ten Commandments not Aboi- NOTHING has occurred for many years in con- to periodical' account, settled up by the time of ished—Address to the Baptists—Present Truth—The minutes before six. All who have more bag- Sufferings of Christ—The Two Thrones—The Third bles- nection with our cause which has afforded me the camp-meeting. J. N. L. sage of Rev.. 14—Spiritualism a Satanic Delusion—Re- gage than they want to carry in the hand can demption—Systematic Benevolence—The Two Covenants more satisfaction than the expected mission to --Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists. England. For years I have been waiting with have it taken over to San Francisco on Tuesday, by informing Brother G. A. Baker in time, as Three-cent Tracts : Much in Little—The Lost- much interest for the development of God's BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, Time Question—Argument on Sabbator —Infidel Cavils he will make a special trip across the bay for Considered—The End of the Wicked— Scripture Refer- providence to indicate that the right time had ence—Who Changed the Sabbath 1—The First Message come. I believe we have reached it at last. that purpose. All, both in Oakland and San Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord de of Re-v. 14—The Second Message of Rev. 14. oeitfully," (margin, negligently.) Jer. 48':'10. Brother White's recent article concerning this Francisco, who have half-price tickets should Two-cent Tracts : Christ in the Old Testament— The Sabbath in the New Testament—The Old Moral mission and the plans for making it a success not forget that the Vallejo boat leaves San Code of Ten Commandments not Revised—Definite Sev- Francisco at seven A. M., and that these tickets $2.00 EACH. M J Wyman 5-32, Walter Hobble 5-32, enth Day—Seven Reasons for Sunday Keeping Exam- seems to me to be excellent. Paul Gros 5-32, Geo W Hutchings 5-24, Sarah A Stem ined—Elihu on the Sabbath—The Rich Man and Lazarus I cannot refrain from expressing my great joy will not be good only on the date above men- 5-82. —The Sanctuary of the Bible—The Millennium—Depart- $1.50 EACH. Jonathan Lockwood 5-32. Dr A Church- ing and -Being with Christ—Fundamental -Principles of at the prospect of the establishment of the tioned. S. D. Adventists—The Judgment •' or the Waymarka of ill 5-32, C 0 Burnett 5-32. Mrs Mary A Washburn 5-32, Daniel to the Holy City—The Two Laws—Spirit of Proph- Nancy B Phelps 5-32, J Wratten 5-32, R M Mandain 5. English mission. For years it has seemed Camp-Meeting Mail. ecy—One-Hundred Bible Facts—The Lew and the Gospol 32, J Pannan 5-32, A E Rice 5-32, Sarah Ann McCully —God's Memorial—The Sabbath, the Day. strange indeed that while we have been mak- 5-32, Peter Outscnsohn 5-32. ing earnest efforts to plant the truth among A POSTOFFICE is kept at each camp-ground. Misont,LANEouS. Mrs Geo A Hubbard $1.00 5 8. De One-cent Tracts : Appeal ' on Immortality— Irish P Atwood 1.00 5-20, A W Smith 50e 4-44, It R Dory Thoughts for the Candid—Nahum's Chariots—The per- those of other tongues, and have sent leading All letters for the northern meetings should be 50c 5-1, C Smith 50c 5 1, J 0 Barber 50c 54, Geo W fection of the Ten Commandments—Coming of the Lord L —Without Excuse—Which Day do You keep and Why?— men among them, who had to go through the addressed, Yountville, Napa county, camp- Hough 50c 5-1, Noah Bodges (12 copies) 11.00 5-13, Geology and the Bible—The Sleep of- the Dead—The Sin- It J Frego 1.00 5-16, Laura Curran 3.00, 5-23, Thomas ner's Fate—Can We knows—Is the End Near 1— A Dia- long and tedious process of learning strange ground. All letters for the southern meeting Brown 1.00 5-8, Ira Abbey 1.10 5-1. logue—Brief Thoughts on immortality—Is the End Near $ languages and becoming acquainted with the should be addressed, Grangeville, Tulare county, Can We Know?' European Mission. Address, THE SIGN-S OF THE TIMES, customs of the people, we should have neg- camp-ground. Mrs L A Walker $1.00, Mrs Mary A House 1.00. OAELAND 0A.L.