
The original documents are located in Box 11, folder “Supreme Court Nomination - Background on Recommended Candidates” of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

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SUBJECT: Candidates for the Supreme Court

I. Comments. The following comments have been received by Phil Buchen or myself concerning the nomination to the Supreme Court.

1•. Jill Ruckelshaus, Audrey Colom (Chairman of the National Women's Political Caucus) and the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs strongly urge the appointment of a woman to the Supreme Court.

2. Harry Dent holds the firm belief that the appointee should be a conservative woman.

3. Roger Blough advised the nomination of an individual with a 11 middle of the road'' philosophy rather than a more conservative one. Blough's reasoning was that if the Court was perceived as being unduly conservative then respect for it as an institution would be diminished.

4. Congressman Grassley (R-Iowa) urged the appointment of a 11 conservative strict constructionalist. 11

5. Congressman Michel (R-Ill.) urged that the appointment 11 be excellent. 11 If so, he would not be concerned if the individual was a Democrat.

II. Candidates. Attached are the names of individuals who have been recommended for appointment to the Supreme Court. Listed are Judges (Tab A), Legal Scholars (Tab B) and Attorneys in Other Activities (Tab C). f

Judges (continued)

Name Recommended by

Normalie Holloway Johnson, Judge, Pat Lindh Superior Court of D. C.

Irving R. Kaufman, Chief Judge, Roger Blough Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Florence Kelley, Judge, Pat Lindh New York City

Cornelia Kennedy, Judge, U.S. Pat Lindh District Court-Eastern Michigan(7) National Women's Political Caucus Richard Van Dusen

Elizabeth Kovachevich, Judge, Pat Lindh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Constance Baker Motley, Judge, National Women's Political Caucus U.S. District Court-New York

Sandra O'Connor, Judge, Superior Pat Lindh Court of Maricopa, Ariz.

Susie Sharp, Judge, Supreme Pat Lindh Court of (8) L. H. Fountain N.C. Congressional Delegation

Charles E. Simmons, Judge, Senator Thurmond U.S. District Court-South Carolina

Philip Tone, Judge, Seventh Bob Goldwin Circuit Court of Appeals

Joseph W eis, Judge, Third Terry Slease Circuit Court of Appeals

Emery Widener, Judge, Fourth Senator Thurmond Circuit Court of Appeals TAB A


Name Recommended by

Arlin Adams (1) Hugh Scott Judge, Third Circuit Court of Appeals Frank McGlinn William Scranton

Sylvia Bacon, Judge Pat Lindh D. C. Superior Court (2)

Robert Chapman, Federal District Senator Thurmond Judge of South Carolina

Charles Clark, J'\idge, Fifth James 0. Eastland Circuit Court of Appeals

Mary Coleman, Judge, Supreme Pat Lindh, Paul Harvey Court of Michigan John Byrnes

Julia Cooper, Judge, Pat Lindh D. C. Cour.t of Appeals (3)

John Feikens, Judge Thomas Munson U.S. District Court -Michigan (4)

Alfred T. Goodwin, Judge, Ninth Mark 0. Hatfield Circuit Court of Appeals

Cynthia Holcomb Hall, Judge, Pat Lindh United States Tax Court

Margaret Haywood, Judge, Pat Lindh Superior Court of D. C. (5)

Smith Henley, Judge, Eighth John Byrnes Circuit Court of Appeals

Shirley Hufstedler, Judge, Ninth Pat Lindh Circuit Court of Appeals (6) Bobbie Kilberg National Women's Political Caucus

Frank M. Johnson, Jr., Judge Bar Association U.S. District Court-Middle Alabama

(number) denotes Tab.


Legal Scholars

Name Recommended by

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Professor, National Women's Political Caucus Columbia Law School (9)

Herma Hill Kay, Professor, National Women's Political Caucus Univ. of Calif. Law School (10)

Soia Mentschikoff, Dean, Univ. Pat Lindh of Miami, Fla. Law School Bobbie Kilberg National Women's Political Caucus

Dorothy Nelson, Dean, USC Pat Lindh Law School (11) Judy Hope

Ellen Peters, Professor, National Women's Political Caucus Yale Univ. Law School

Harriet Rabb, Professor of Pat Lindh Law, Columbia

Jean Kettleson, Professor, Pat Lindh Harvard Law School Judy Hope


Attorneys in Other Activities

Name Recommended by

Bella Abzug, M. C. National Women's Political Caucus

David W. Belin (12) Robert D. Ray

Robert Bork, Solicitor General (13) Stan Ebner

Philip Buchen, Counsel to the David Rabinowitz President

Yvonne B. Burke. M. C. National Women's Political Caucus

Edwin Cohen (14) Ed Cohen, Jr.

Len Garment, former Counsel John Byrnes to the President (15)

Martha Griffiths, M. C. (16) Pat Lindh National Women's Political Caucus

Rita Hauser (17) Pat Lindh

Margaret Heckler, M. C. (18) National Women's Political Caucus

Carla Hills National Women's Political Caucus Pat Lindh Hugh Scott (2nd choice) Bobbie Kilberg

· Elizabeth Holtzman, M. C. National Women's Political Caucus

Barbara Jordan, M. C. National Women's Political Caucus Bobbie Kilberg

Edward Levi, Attorney General(l9) Charles Percy Roger Blough

Patsy Mink, M. C. National .W orrien' s Political Caucus Attorneys in Other Activities (continued}

Name Recommended by

Betty Southard Murphy, Chairman, Pat Lindh National Labor Relations Board (20)

Pat Schroeder, !v1. C. National Women's Political Caucus

Harold R. Tyler, Jr., Deputy John P. Campbell Attorney General (21)

Caspar Weinberger, former John Byrnes Secretary of HEW (22)

Charles Wiggins, M. C. (23) William Cohen Otis Pike Sam Garrison

---··-~"'"'-"-·--,... . ADAMS, ARUN MARVIN,judac; b. Philo., Apr. 16,1921; s. Aaroa M. and Mathilda{l.an4au) A.; B.S:ia Ecaas., Temple U-1941; LLB.. U. Pa.•l947, M.A_ 1950, D.H.L, 1964; D.SC.. Phila. CoiL, 196S; LLD., Piula. CoiL Tallies. 1966; 111. Neysa CrisiOI, Nov. 10, 1942; children-Carol (Mrs. Howard KUshner). Judith A.. Jane C. Admiued 10 Pa. hat, 1947; law elk. Chief Justice Honcc Stern, Pa. SuP.rcmc CL, 1947; asso. firm Schnadcr. Harrison. Seaal & Lewis. Phda., 1947-SO, sr. partner, 19S0.63, 66-69: sec. pub. .,.·clfare Cotnmonwcalth of Pa., 1963-66; judge U.S. Ci. Appeals 3d Circuit. Phila., 1969-: lnstr., Am. lnsL Bankins, Phila.. 1948,50; lecu. fed. practice law Seb., U. Pa.. Phila., 1952·56. constl. Ia"·· 1972-. Vice pres. Fed. Jewish Agys., 1969-71. Albert Einstein Med. Center. Ph ilL 1970-. Chmn. b4 dirs. Moss Rehab. Hosp.. Philo_ Fc!s lnst. Gon.. Phila., Sch. Social Work. Bryn Mawr (Ps.) Coli.. Diagnostic and Rehab. Cmter, Phil!'-, 1971-72; trustee U. Pa. La·.. Sch.. Hosp. Suney Com_ Hebrew Umon Coli., Cin_ German MarshaU Meml. Fund.. Lewis H. Steotens Truu. Served to 1t. USNR, 1942-46; PTO. ~em. Am. law JnSL,Am. Bar Found., Am. (deL ho. ofdels. 1966-67.clurut. trade usn. corn.), Pa. (del. ho. or dels. 1967·71). Pbila. (chanc:cllor I 967) bar asans_ Am. Judicature Soc:. (dir. I 969-72, mem. exec. com. 1972-), Order of Coif, Beta Gamma Siama. Mason (32 deg.). Ou!:s: Midday, locllit Union Leacue (Philo.).. Home: 3006 Fox lane Philad,lphia PA 19144 Office: S044 US Courthouse PA 1910! '-;...... ' . . . .

'BACON,SYLVIA,judge;b. Watertown,S.D.,JuJy9,!93!;d.Jiilius Franklia and Anne Rat {Htde) Bacon; A.B., Vassar Co!!.. 19~J; certificate London Sch. Econs., 1953; LLB., Harvard, 1956; LL~ Georget.,.... U., 1958. Admined to D.C. bar, 1956; asst. U.S. otry , D.C., 1957-65; asso. dir. D.C. Crime Co!llmn., 1965-67; "'ith s;>l · ~ ~ Justice Dept., 1967-69; e.ee. assL to U.S. acy~ • Washington, 1969-70; asso. judge D.C. Su;>erior CL, 19io-. M~ l Am., D.C. bar assns.. Am. Judic..rure So.:., Bus. and Pro~. Wo,.,.,·s 'I Club. Office: 613 G St Washington DC 20001 Home: ZSOO Q>Je S: NW Washington ·DC 20001

COOPER, JULIA PERRY,. lawyer;.. . b. Fayetteville, N.C.,-· July 17. 1 1920; d. L and. Emily (McKay) Perry; B.S., Hampton lnsL, 19•0: LLB.• Howard t: .. 1951; m. Jerry S. Cooper. July 30. 19~3; I dau., Cl!etyl: m. 2d. Clilford S. !'>fack, Nov. 21, 1957. Admined to D.C. bar, 1952; lepl conL OPS. Wasbinaton, '1952-53: any .• aJvisor , ollice Jell. counsel Gen. Servicu Adminstm.. 1953-S~; trial appellate · any. criminal div. DepL Justice. 1954-68: civil rishts any. Offi;e Gen. Counsel, Equal Employmen1 OpP<>rtunity Commn.. Walhi,gton. 196i-. Mem. Am.. Fed., Washington, Nat. bor a.sn•. H,,.,., 16!0 Varnum St SW WashinJton DC 20011 Office: Equal Employment Opportunity Commn Washington DC 20506


--~".--;c:;BN,judp; II. Oilloa, N.J~ Dec.. 3, 1917; s. S":pl

HAYWOOD, MARGARET A~ judge.: b. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 8, .. J912;d.Jonathan W. M.and Mayme (Fain) ..>.l!St;n; LLB., Robert H. . Terrell Law Sc:h., 1940. I dau., GeraldUlc H. IMrs. Porter). Admitted 10 D.C. bar, ) 942; practiced in D.C.. 1942-~2: a:em. D.C. Council. 1967-72; judge Superior Ct. of D.C., 1972-. Real estate broker, 195().67. Mem. D.C. Commn. on St.a:.:, of Women; bel. din. Nat. Capil&l council Girl Scouts U.S.• I ~68-72. Bd. din. Council Chs.. Greater w.. hin&ton, 1950.70. Mern. lambda Kappa Mu (mem. nat. ace. bel.). Re;rublican. Mem. l:nited C,. of Christ (exe<. council). _.Home: 4424 Hunt PINE Washing:on DC 20Vl9 05ce: Superior Ct ~·DC 440 G St SW Waohinaton DC 2()()1jJ

HUFSTEDLER. SHIRLEY MOU~T (MP.S. SET!l :'>f. HUFSTEDLER), U.S. judge; b. Denver, Aug. 2•. 1925: d. Ed Sllinley and Eva (VonBehren) Mount; B.B.A, U. N.\l,l945.LLD.• 19:2; LLB., Stanford, 1949; LLD.. C. Wyo.• 19~0. Go,u.~a U_ 1970, Occidental Coli.. 1971; m. Seth Manin Huf.:e. !961: ju~ge Superior Ct.. County los Ar.ge!es. 196i-~~: jus:i'" Ct. AppeJI 2d Dt>l., 1966·68: mcuitjudge L".S. Ct. Appe•;; 'k':. Circuit. 1969-. Trustee lnst. CL .\.l~mt., Occidenul Coli.. 197~-; b..!_ c...... ·J::cilors L'. So. C Jl. Law Ctr.:<:r. \rem. Am .• Los Ar.seJe1. b:::r ass;"...S.~ Town Hell. Am. Law lnst .. Am. Bar Found .• Womc:n La~!~:s Assn. (~res. 1957-58). Am. Judicature Soc .. Am. La~· ln;L. Orc!e: of Co• f. \11!1":1. naff S:ar.~('lfd Law Rev .. 19~7·49, an:.:!es and bonk r:". tdi!("'T. 19.;.8-~Q. Hc.:;:e: i20 '\' ln\c,:rr.-ess Dr Pasa.:!en.J CA 91 ;.j; O!fi.:e: LS Courthoc><: los Angelos CA 90012 T A B

7 KE'.S:SEDY. COR:"ELIA BLA:>;CHE GROEFSE!IIA (!\IRS. CHARLES S. Jo:E:":>;ED\'. JR.J.judje: b. Detroit. A14- -4. 1923; d. Elm..- H. a.~~ '\1. Blanche !Gibbons) Groef"'ma; A.B .. U. Mich., 194$.J.D .. ~~~7: LL.D.. :>;o. \lich. t.;., 1971. Eastern \!idl.u.• t971; m. Char~ S. Kennedy. Jr.. '\13!. ~. 1960: 1 son. Charles S.. Ill. Law cU.. Harold '\!. Stephens, l".S. Ct. Apceals, W•shi~Jlor.. 1947-43; admitted to ~flch. ::ar. 19~7: any. Eimer H. Groe:~~1. Dctro~t. )9.;8-51. pra.::.iced. :r: Detroit. 19!'~-54; rr.em. firm ~h.:;.:: & \1.d.rk.:e:. Detroit. 195"-66: jud;~e Wayne County Circuit Ct.. Octroi:.. 1967-70; t.;.S. cis!. >o;< E..,;tern dist. Mich .• 1970.-. F<::o..- A:n. B.ar Found.; mcm. Phi Be~ Ka;~. Offkc: 257 F~d Bi~g Detroit ~f! !.~226

SHARP. SUSIE !\.!,••~BALI., iO:,c: b. Rocky Mount, S.C., 1uJ~· 7, 1907; d. James Memn and k::ue (Biack•·el!) Sharp; LLB., C. N.C., 1929;LLD-Woman'sCoU_t:.N.C..19SO,QueensColL, 1962. Elon Con., 196J; LH.D., Pferlfe: CoiL. 1960; LLO., Wake Forest CoiL, 1965, Ca:awba CoiL, 1970, U. KC., 1970. Admitted to S.C. 'bar, 1928; &cc. law practice •i::!: father Sharp .t Sharp, Attys_ 192?-49; at)· a::ty. Re;~,~e. X.C. 1939-49; SP!· judge Superior Ct. of S.C. 194~2; as50. JUSbcc S"l"'L Delta Kap;10 Gamma. Democrat. Methocfut. 0111>5: Soropli::list r..on.): Altru5:1 (hon.). Home: 629 Lbc;ey S: .Ralci&h SC 2~601 Office: Ju:sticc !!id& Raleigh !'iC 27601

CINSBURG, RUTH BADER, educator; b. J'rdyn.. Mar. 15, 1933; d. N&lhaa aad Celia (Amiur) lladct; BA. CorneD U., 19S4; Rlldent Harnml Law Sch.; 1956-SI; l.D~ Columbia, 1959; LLD. (bon.), Lund U. (Swedeo), 1969; m. Martin Daqd Ginsbura, Juae 23, 19S4; children-Jane Carol. James Stc>-en. Admitted to S .Y. bar, 19S9; law elk. to dinjudp So. Dist. N.Y~ 1959-61; research-. CoiiiOibia Law Sch.Pnljecloolacaur. Prooecl-.!961-62.uso. c!it~ 1962-63; asst. prof. law Ruracn U_ Newark. 1963-65. uso. prot, 1966-69, prot, 1969-71; prot law Columbia, 1971-. DeL, lntcmaL Conpas Comparative Law, 1962,66,70. Mcm. com."" Wometl iD lepl eda. A-. Am. Law. Sells.. 1970--; mem. exee. com. A-. Am. Law Sells.. 1971-; bel. din. Citizens l:Qioa. 1972-. Woman's Law Fund, 1972-; coordiDator ,.omen's riz!:ts project Ailt. Civil Liberties Union. Mcm. A::l. Bar .'Usn. l:!:ur.::. corn. on compuative procedure, bel. editor> juw-. 1972-). S..r Assn. S.Y.C (co:n. on post-admissioa lepl cdr:.), Am. Faa. La•· Assn. (dir. 1970--), ' Wom.,·s Equity Action l.aJuc, Phi Beta K.appa. Phi Kappa Phi. Author: ("'itb AIICiers Bnlleli<:s) Ci•il ~~Lore in Sweden, 196S; (with A. Bruzelius) The S•edis~ Code I. Bla.kcj Trade RcauJation iD the Co111J110n Marta, vol. J. Bclpum, l..uu:mbaoq. Setherlands, 1968; lid. editors Am. Jour. Comparative Law. 1964-. Home: ISO E 69th St New York City NY 10021 Ollice: Columbia Law Sch 43S W II6th St N- Yort City :to."Y 10027

.. --···-· ... .- --·· ..... --· ...... -·· .. -·· '1 / NELSON, DOROTHY W. (MitS. .lAMES F. NELSON), univ. adminstr., lawyer; A.B. in PoliL Sci. (with honors). U. Cal. at Los. Angeles. 19SO, J.D., 19H: LLM.. U. So. Cal.. 19S6: m. James F. Nelson; chilclten-Franklin, Lorna. Acltnitced to CaL bar; now dean. . prof'. taw. Univ. So. Cal, Los Anaelcs. Mem. Judicio! Process Task ! Force. Cal Council Criminal Justice: c:o-chmn. panel President's 1 White House. Conf. on Children. 19.70. Named Univ. Cal. at Los · Angeln Law Alumnus of the Year, 1967, Los Angeles Times Womllll I of the Year, 1968; recipient Univ. Cal. at Los Angeles Alumni Professional Achievement award. 1969. Mem. Am. Judicature Soc. (dir.). Continuins Edn. of the Bar (JOY. bd.), Am. Assn. Univ. Women. Am. Bar Assn. (seer. judi<:ial adminstm., seer. f:unily law), State Bat ~· CaL (com. lcpl cdn., com. continuinalc&al cda.).l.qion Lex. Univ. CaL at Los An&eles Alumni Asan., Law Alumni Assn.. Phi Beta 1 Kappa. Metn. Baha'i World Faith (mcm. naL spiritual aucmbly, nar. 1 &rcas.. Baha'is U.S.). Contbr. articles on law to proll. jours. Office: Univ I So Cal Uoiv Park Los Angeles CA 90007

BELTN, DA\'lD WILLIA::\1. li•·ycr; b. Washinrton. J"r~ 20, 19~8; s. LouisJ. an-Agnew. 1968. B(J. dirs. Des Moines Chic Music Assn .• 1959-61. 0.. .\fci~es Communi')' Drama Assn., 1961-64. Des ~oines Sym~!K·n;·. I 9e S- 70. U. ~ich. Alumni Assn., 1963-66. Served with .-\CS. 19-9~7. Recipimt Henry M. Bates Meml. award U. ~ich. Law S.,h.; bon. orator U. Mich.. 19SO. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Order of Coif. Phi Kappa Phi, Delta Siama Rho. Beta Alpha Psi. Michipm~a. HC'me: I 70S Plaza Circle Des Moines lA 50322 Oftice: Home FC

. ·;..-- JIORK. ROBERT HERO!Ii, goVL ofcl.. lawyer. educator; b. Pins.. · Mar. I. 1927; s. Harry Philip .and Elizabeth (KuniJe) S.; B.A.. U. · 0,0.. ·1948, J.D.• 1953; m. Claire Davidson. Ju.'le IS, 1952; '· .. c!Didrat-Robert Heron. Charles E.. Ellen E. Adm!ned to Ill bar, "'-· · 19S3: asso. and mem. firm Kirl!.osl.cn, Chgo., 1955-62: asso. prof. Yale Law Sch.. 1962·65, prot. :::.__ '"-· J96j-, on leave. 1973-; solicitor gen. of u.s_ U.S. De;>:. · ·. J.JStice. WoshingiOn. 19iJ, acting atty. gen. U.S .. 197 3-. Sen·od "'itb ,~.· .USMCR. 1945-46, SO.S1. Home: 90! Turkey Run Rd McLean VA ,.o...22101_: --·, ~)~~- .. ---1 ...... -

COHEN, EDWIN SAMt!EL, lawyer, educator; b. Rich:nond, Va., Sept. 27. 1914, s. LeRoy S. Cohen and Mirian (Roscnheim) C; B.A., U. Richmond. 1933: LL.B.. U. Va., 1936; m. Helen Herz. Au&- 31, 1944; children-Edwin C.. Roger, Susan Wendy. Admit:ed to v •. Bar, 1935, N.Y. bar, 1937: asso. Sullivan & Cromwe!l. N.Y.C.. 1936-49: partner Root, Barrett, Cohen, Knapp & Smith and predecessor firm, N. Y.C., 1949-65, counsel. 1965-69; prol.law G. Va., Charlot:sville, 1965-68, 73-, Joseph M. Hartfield Prof., 1968·69, 73-, Faculty Center Advanced Studies, 1973-74; asst. sec. treasury for Ia.\ policy, 1969-72, under sec. treasury, 1972-73; counsel Covington & Burlina. Washington, 1973-. Mem. and counsel •dv. group on corporate taxes Ways and Means Com. Ho. of Reps., 1956-58; spl. cons. on corps. Am. Law Inst. Fed. Income Tax Project, 1949-54, mem. adv.group Fed. Estate and Gift Tax Project, 1964-68; mem. V a. Income Ta.' Conformity Study Commn., 1970--; cons. Va. Income Tax Study Comma., 1966-68; mem. adv. group Commr. Internal Revenue, 1967-68; mem. adv. com. N.Y. U. InsL on Fed. Taxation, 1968-. Recipient Alexander Hamilton award Treasury Dept. Mem. Am. Judicarure Soc., Am. (chmn. com. on corporate stockholder relationships 1956-58, chmn. spl. com. on substantive tax reform 1962-63, spl. ad,iser 1963-68). Va., D.C., N.Y. State bar assns., \'a. Tax Conf. (planning com. 1965-68), Assn. Bar City N.Y., N.Y. County Lawyers Assn., Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Law Inst. Order Coif, Raven Soc., U. Va., Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Delta Epsilon, Phi Epsilon Pi (Nat. Achievement award). Oubs: University of Virginia of N

CAR.\f£:1.1, U:O:SARD, gOVL orcL: Jrad. Bklyn. CoiL 19-19; ct.; 2 children. !\.!em. 13w firm Mudac. R~. Guthrie cl A!c:ucdc:t. S. ~-.c.. 1949·69. :».~er. 1957-6~; spl. cons. Pres. 1\uon. Wa¥~~. 1969-73, spl. ~ounse~ 1973-. Address; The Wbi-.e H0<5e IOIJU Pennsylvania Av Washington DC 20500"

GRlFPlTBS, MARTHA Wli.IGHT, eonlfCSSwomon; b. Piace Ory, Mo.; d. Charles Elbrid&e and Nelle (Sullinaer) WJi&hl; A.B~ U. Mo.. 1934; J.D~ U. Micb., 1940; m.. Hicks G. Gril1hbs. Admined to ~ bar, 1941; contract negotiator Deuoit Ordnance OisL. 1942-46; praelieed law, Detroit, 1946; partner Griffiths A Gril!itbs; men"~ !>fie b. Ho. Reps.. 1949-S2; judJe. recorder Detroit RC'Ctlfder"s Ct.. 1953; mem. 14\h-92d Conaresscs. 17th Mieb. Dilt., m=- joint ccoa. com.. ebmn.· bou•c com. ..-ays and means, sub<:om. lisa! policy. Mom. Detroit City Election Commn., 1953, Dcmoetat. Ofi= Lonrcnh House Office Bldg Washington DC 20S1S also 26547 Gnnd Riwcr Detroit Ml 48240

• HA!.!SER, RITA ELE;A:-.oORE ,ABRAMS (l\lRS;,GlJS!AVE l\1. l HAUSER), lawyer, L;:-; ofcl.; b. N.Y.C. July 12, IS~~: d. l'>at.'>an and Frieda (Lit) Abrams; AB.. Hunter Coli., 1954: Dr. PoliL Economy (Fulbright grantee). l!. Sa-.sbourg (France), 195S; LL.B., Ha;vard, 1956, :-i.Y. U., 1958,1icence

LEVI, EDWARD WRSCR, univ. preL, lawyer; b. Chgo.,Iune 26. 1911;s. Gerson B. and Elsa B. (Hinch) L; Pb.B..L'. Chgo., 1932, J.D~ 1935; J.S.D., Yale (Sterlina fellow 1935-36), 1938; LLD., U. Mich., · 1959, V. Cal. atSantaC111Z,Jewish lbeoL Scm. Am., t;.Ja., Bl'l.lldeis U., Late Forest CoiL, U. Rochcs1a', U. Toronto. Yale; L.H.D~ tlcbre'A' Union Coli., DePaul U~ ~ala U.; m. Kate Swzbcrgcr, June 4, 1946; children-John, David, MIChael. Asst. prof. U. Chgo. La,. Scb., 1936-40, prof. law, 194S-, dean, 19~2. provost univ~ 1962-68, univ. pres., 1968-; 'Thoma Guest prof. U. Colo~ summer 1960; spl. ust. to auy. p:n. U.S., Wasbinstoa, 1940-45; lstU5t. '"''V diY. Dept. Justice, 1943, 1st -.. aalitrust cliY~ 1944-4S; cbmn. ilttcnleptL com. on monopolies and canels, 1944; counsel Fedn. Atomic Scientists with respect to Atomic Encrzy Act. 1946; COW!SCI IUbcom. on IIIOROpOiy PQ"cr Judic:ilory Com., &1st Congress, 1950. Mem. -.:11 ..tv. bel. Com. Ecca DcveL, 1951·S4; bel. Social Sci. Research Council, 1959-62; Council legal Edn.. and Profl. Responsibility; mem. Cki2CII!l Commn. Grad. Med. Edn., 1963-66, Comma. Founds. and Pvt. Philanthropy, 1969-iO, Pres. T.. k Force Priorities in Higher Edn., 1969-70, Sl0211 Commn. Ca;lc: Communications, 1970, Na1. Commn. Producti>ity, 1970--. Trus:ee U. a.a~ Internal. Legal Center, Woodrow Wil>on Sat. Fellowship Founor (france). feiiow Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., Am. Bar Found.; mcm. ~ Ill., Chgo. l>ar assns., Am. Law lnst. (council), Am. Judicature Soc., Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Coif. Oubs: Centllf)' (N. Y.C.); Chicago, Commcrci:sl, S&andan1, Yale, QuadranJie,EcOnomic, M.id·Am. (Ch&o.); Col=bia Y acbt; Cosmos (Washingron). Author: lniJ'Ocluction 10 !.qat llcasoaing, 1949; Four Talks 011 legal EdliCation, 1952; Point of V~ew, 1969; The Crisis in The Nature of Law, 1969. Editor: Gilbert's Collier on Banltrup!Cy(withJ. W. Moore), 1936; Elcmenuohhc Low (with R. S. Stefl'cn),l950; editon.l bel. Jour. Lc&ll Edn., 19S6-S8; -.editor Natural Law Forum, 1956-61. Home: !ISS University Av Cbicaao IL 6U637 Office: S801 Ellis Av Olic:aao IL 60637

------:- - ~-·----····--- - - MARGARET ~ BECXLER. RepublicaD, of Wellesley, MaaL; bom- in Flushing, N.Y., June 21, 1931; B.A. d~ 1953, Albertus Magnus College (scholarship); LL.B degree, 1~6, Boeton Coll~ Law School (scholarship); editor, Annual Survey of Ma~~tAChuaettiJ Law; U.S. student representative, Universi\y of Leiden, Holland.; honorary degrees: Northeutem University, doctor of humane letters; Stonehill College, doctor of laws and letters; Emmanuel College, doctor of humane letwra; Regia College, doctor of laws, honoris causa; Albertus Magnus College, doctor of laws; admitted to Massaclllvetts bar, 1956; member, Boston Bar .Asaociation, M8886Chuaetts Trial Lawyers Association, 'Massachusetts Women Lawyers Asaoclation; admitted to practice before U.S. Supreme Court; Govemor's councilor, Commonwealth of MaSsachusetts, 1962--66; le~turer, University Speakers Bureau; member Foxboro Business ud Professional \\omen's Club; various offic~ Massachusetts Women's Rep.ublican Club; past. president, Catholic Women's \,;ollege Alumnae .Association; member, Committee on Government, Legislation and Public Interest of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic law Division of the Section of Co~ration, Banking and Business Law of the A~l'riean Bar Association; married John M. Heckler, August 29, 1953; three chtldren: Belinda, .Alison, and John; elected to the 90th Congress, lio'\o-ember 8, 1966; reelected to each succeeding Congress.


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TYLER. HAROLD RUSSELL, JR~ U.S. judge; b. Uti<:a.. N.Y.• May 14, 1922; s. Harold Russell and Elizabeth (Glenn) T.; grad. Philips Exeter.Acad., 1939; A.B .• Princeton.l943: LLB.• Columbia, J9.;9; m. Barbara L Eaton, Sept. 10, 1949: children-Bradley E., John R., Sheila B. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1950: pvt. pnctice. N.Y.C., 1950-53; 55-60: mem. firm Gilbert&. Segall, 1957-60. 61-62; asst. U.S. atty., 1953-55; asst. atty. gen. U.S. charge chi I riP,ts div., 1960-61: commr. N.Y.-N.J. Woterfront Commn., 1961-62; C.S. dist.-judge So. Dist. N.Y., 1962-: adj. prof. law N.Y. t:. Law S<:h. Bd. dir<. Fed. Jud. Center, Washington. i968-72. Home: Indian Hill Rd ~ford J>;Y IOS06 Office: US Court House Foley Sq New York City NY 10007

MURPHY, BETl'Y JANE sotJ1'HARD (MRS. COR.,"EUUS F. ~MURPHY), lawyer; b. Eut Oranae. N.J.; d. Flo,.t Theodore and Tlael- (Casto) Southard; A.B., Ohio St.ate U., 195.2; postsracl. All~ Frmciase and U. Sorbonne (Paris), 1952-53; J.D.. Am. U~ 1958; m. Cornelius F. Murphy-~ 1, 1965; childreo-ADnSouthard Murphy, Cornelius Fraacis M , Jr. Corr., f...W.C:.. joumlllisl Europe and Asia,~ 1953-~. .Pl. Wuhinaton. 1955-56; pub. relations counsellor Capitol Properties, Inc. or Columbus (0.),! Wuhinatoa. 1956-511; admitted to O.C bar, 1958; my. A;>;llclate Cu. br. NLRB, WuhinJ!on, 1958-59; practiced in WasbiDJt.OG, 1959--; mem. firm Mcinnis, Wilson, Munto11 A Woods and ~firm, 19S9·70;p. pertner Wilson, Woods &A Villalon, 1970-;adj. prof. law Am. U., 1972-. Mem. adv. com. on rights ancl rcsjlonoibilities of women to sec. DepL Health, Edn. and Welfare. Mem. Am., Fed., Inter·Am. (editor Newsletter 1960-69; Silver mcdall967) bar usns., Bat AssiL O.C, World Peace Tbrotach Law Ccnter,lnternat. Soc. for 1 . Labor Law and Social Lqislation, Am. U. Alwm~i Assn. (dir. l~S. sec; law sc:h. 1965-66, pres. 1966-69, chrrm. bd. fOVS. law sc:h. alumnll969--}, Kappa Bet.a Pi, Delt.a Delta Delta. RePublican. Episc:opalian. Mem. Order Eutem St.ar. Home: 4105 Se.;ostin Way Annandale VA 22003 Oftice: Pa Blda Suite 1032 4ZS 13th St Wubinatoa DC 20004

lift:tNBERGER, CASPAR WILLARD, govt. ofd.; b. Sa:! I'~ · ... 18, 1917;s. HcrmananciCerueCarpenter(H..,poon) W.; .U. cum lallde, Harvard, 1938, LLB., 1941; m. Jane DaliOn, Aua. M2; chii~Arlin CeriJe (Mrs. Richard Patenk), CupU E Law elk. U.S. Judge WiUiam E. Ott, 1945~7; with firm ~.Ehrman, White& McAulifre,l947-69,panner,l959-69;mem. ~lanae from 21st Di!L, 1952·58; vice ciunn. C>L Republican Com., 196();.62, chmn. 1962-64; chmn. Com. Cal. govt. Orgn. .Econs., 1967-68; dir. ftnance Cal., 1968-69; c:bmn.. FTC, 1970; dir. Office MgmL and Bw;Jget, 1970.72, dir. 1972-73; sec. U.S. Hea.lih, Edn., W.,lfare, 1973-; c:ounseUor 10 llle prco., 19n; 1 staff book reviewer San Franciac:.o Otroni'*- Chmn..lhc..'s 11111lofenta1 itetardatie!!. Bd. iow. Am. N •L Red Cit)ss; bdl. din. ~ IDst.; trustee Mecl\. lnst.; bel. goV!. S.n Fro-ncisro H~ · aovernin& mem. San Franci!co YMCA. Served from p.vt. to · ·infantry, AUS, 1941-45; PTO. Dc:c:oralcd Bronze Star. Mem. ···Bar AsSn., State Bar Cal. EpiJccpall&n. Oul:s: Ce:uury (New . Bohemian (San Franci!co); Ha.-,atd (San Fnuu::iseo, · · D.C.);n, D.C.). Wrilcrcoh=n. sovt.. 1959-68. Home: 114 Jd St S£ W~ DC 20003 -l . care Dept Health Edn Well'an: 330 ~ Av SW \ ..illlilqJfOG DC 20201

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