Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C.: Second Lecture Delivered in The
Library of Congress Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. SECOND LECTURE DELIVERED IN THE METH. PROTESTANT CHURCH, GEORGETOWN, D. C MARCH 9, 1859. BY REV. T. B. BALCH. WASHINGTON: HENRY POLKINHORN, PRINTER. 1859. Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. SECOND LECTURE DELIVERED IN THE METH. PROTESTANT CHURCH, GEORGETOWN, D. C. MARCH 9, 1859. BY REV. T. B. BALCH. WASHINGTON: HENRY POLKINHORN, PRINTER. 1859. TO MISS ELIZABETH DICK. FOR SIXTY YEARS A RESIDENT OF GEORGETOWN, THIS SECOND LECTURE, COMPOSED OF JUVENILE REMINISCENCES, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE AUTHOR. Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. Library of Congress More Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. The Creator has been pleased to bestow on man the power of retrospection, while our prospective faculty has been limited for wise purposes. Burke indeed foretold the end of the French revolution, but the second-sight of that statesman resulted from views founded on the opening of the tragedy. A person of even common understanding may reason as to consequences on facts already known, but he will be liable to mistakes in the conclusions at which he arrives. He may reach probability, but demonstration escapes his foreknowledge. Napoleon, who was a political prophet in the estimation of many, is said to have predicted the late attempt of Nicholas, the Russian czar, on the dominions of the sultan. This prediction, however, was no proof of sagacity. Attempts had been made on the Crimea by ambitious czars and czarinas long before the time of Bonaparte. Was there, then, anything wonderful in the disclosure made by the exile of St.
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