"The two arrested Israeli spies, Jonathan Pollard, and his wife, are merely third-level figures in a ring working under the sponsorship of Israeli bully-boy Ariel Sharon. The ring reaches high into the ranks of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. This is not merely an Israeli spy-ring; it is a spy.,ring operating

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In this remarkable, thoroughly researched document, you will finally learn the truth about: • Billionaire Soviet agent Armand Hammer, and the complex of wealthy financial figures known as "the Trust" who are the power behind would-be dictator Sharon. • The role of Henry A. Kissinger in the notorious "Iandscam" real-estate swindle in the Israeli-occupied West Bank territories. • The history of the Luzzatto family of Venice, the Recanati, and the Syrian Jewish families of Aleppo, the Jewish fascists of the Irgun, and the noose of organized crime tightening around Israel today. 148pp. • The plot to set off a new Middle East general war, by blowing up the second Order your copy today! holiest site of Islam, Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock Mosque. The facts, exposing the plot Price: $250 and the plotters, some never before published anywhere, are the results of an investigation covering four continents, an investigation which risked the dea�h of the investigators. From • The massive coverup of the Pollard case itself-the" facts which Secretary of E IRNews State George' Shultz, and especially Undersecretary of State Elliot Abrams, are fanatically Service determined to bury. P.O. Box 17390 • The anatomy of a·JDL terrorist, Mordechai Levi, and Levi's role as a joint-asset of Washington, D.C. the FBI and the Anti-Defamation League, as well as an asset of Sharon's cohort "Dirty 20041-. 0390 Rafi" Eytan. Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editor: Nora Hamerman From the Editor Managing Editors: Vin Berg and Susan Welsh Editoral Board: Warren Hamerman, Melvin Klenetsky, Antony Papert, Uwe Parpart­ Henke, Gerald Rose, Alan Salisbury, Edward Spannaus, Nancy Spannaus, Webster Tarpley, T he historic dimension of the Resistance against satanic Bolshe­ WiUiam Wertz, Carol White, Christopher vism is portrayed on the cover through a detail of the engraving by White Science and Technology: Carol White Albrecht DUrer, known as "Knight, Death, and the Devil." This Special Services: Richard Freeman celebrated early 16th century print depicts a Christian Knight, who Book Editor: Janine Benton Advertising Director: Ma1'Sha Freeman sets out to do battle against evil, personified by the hideous specters Circulation Manager: Joseph Jennings of Death holding an hourglass on the left, and the Beast-the Dev­ INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: il-on the right. Africa: Mary Lalev�e Agriculture: Marcia Merry DUrer's masterful design gave visual fonn to the notion of the Asia: Linda de Hoyos moral soldier developed by the Christian humanist thinker Erasmus Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Paul Goldstein of Rotterdam, whose short book Enchiridion Militis Christiani Economics: Christopher White (Handbook of the Christian Soldier) was first published in 1503. European Economics: William Engdahl, Laurent Murawiec Quickly translated from Latin into every living language of Europe, lbero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis SmaU it became one of the most popular books of the Renaissance.Erasmus Law: Edward Spannaus Medicine: John Grauerholz, M.D. wrote at the outset, "To begin with we must be constantly aware of Middle East: Thierry Lalev�e the fact that life here below is best described as being a type of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George continual warfare'-warfare against Satan.He then observed, "Since Special Projects: Mark Burdman it is quite plain that all of us are engaged in a major and difficult United States: Kathleen Klenetsky effort against an enemy who is numerically superior, better anned, INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bangkok: Pakdee and Sophie Tanapura and more experienced than we are, are we not insane if we fail to Bogota: Javier Almario take up anns against him?" Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen With this image in mind, I invite you to turn to Lyndon La­ Houston: Harley Schlanger Lima: Sara Madueiio Rouche's detailed report on the motives, the context, and the deeper Mexico City: Hugo LOpez Ochoa, Josefina issues at stake in his recent call for a worldwide resistance against Me�ndez Milan: Marco Fanini Bolshevism, in the Feature. In the tradition of Nicolaus of Cusa and New Delhi: Susan Maitra Erasmus, LaRouche describes himself as "a leading figure of an Paris: Christine Bierre Rio de Janeim: Silvia Palacios ecumenical fonn of international philosophical association, which Rome: Leonardo Seryadio, Stefania Sacchi includes among its associates and friends peoples of all continents of Stockholm: Michael Ericson Washington, D.C.: Nicholas F. Benton, William this planet, and several religious beliefs.Thus, no man or woman in Jones any part of the planet has any good reason to fear the author's Wiesbaden: Philip Golub, Garan Haglund invoking Christian principles; rather each must recognize that such ElRJExecutive Intelligence Review (ISSN 0273�314) is publirMd weekly (50 issues) exceptfor the second week principles, so invoked, are an expression of good will toward all ofJuly and last week ofDecember by New Solidarity International Press Service P.O. Box 65178, Washington, mankind." DC 20035 (202) 457-8840 Can the battle be won? Erasmus wrote: " ...I reiterate that the ElII'fJIIHIf H«IIIq_,.: Executive InteUigence Review NaehrichteDagentur GmbH, Postfaeh 2308, outcome of this war is not in the least to be doubted.Victory is not Dotzheimentrasse 166,0-6200 Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of


Book Reviews Departments Economics

45 Professional insight into 52 Andean Report 4 Paul Volcker puts S&L Demjanjuk trial Colombia responds to terror. crisis at center stage A review of Identifying Ivan: A "The U.S. shouldn't allow its Case Study in Legal Psychology. 53 Report from Bonn concern with budget deficits to A case of deep moral degeneracy prevent it from spending whatever it takes to rein in runaway thrift industry insolvencies," he told the 54 Report from Rio Science & Thchnology National Economic Commission. The Uruguayan Connection. 14 Space program threatened 6 Peru battles for survival 55 Panama Report by industrial collapse against new terrorist No nation can advance its Panama readies for long haul. assalts technologies for space ventures 56 From New Delhi and defense purposes on top of a 8 Bipartisan challenge to rotting and bankrupt industrial The Gorbachov- "summit." 'untied loans' base. Marsha Freeman reports.

57 Mrica Report 9 Currency Rates 18 Defense Science Board Is Sudan out of control? documents collapse of 10 Banking U.S. technology base Money laundering probed in Europe.

11 Agriculture The new U.S.-U.S.S.R. grain pact.

12 Business Briefs i

Volume 15 Number 49, December 9, 1988

Feature International National

42 Soviets ratify war powers . 60 Will Bush renege on to Gorbachov in 'reforms' ' through strength' The new Constitution gives the vow? Soviet President more power, at Demands for deep cuts in least on paper, than Josef Stalin American military spending, ever had. including on the Strategic Defense Initiative, are coming from nearly 44 Israel-Palestine crisis: every quarter.

"Knight, Death, andDevil," by AlbrechtDiirer, 1513, Events outpace the one of the most famous images of human fortitudeever scriptwriters 62 Hallowe'en party key in created. Justice Dept. case against 47 Britain's Heseltine warns: LaRouche 22 Forces rally to fight Soviets to mobilize 'Green The party was held back in 1986, Bolshevism worldwide Peace' against the West and federal prosecutors are now Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. reports desperate to keep the lid on what on the circumstances, and the 48 Rome meeting proves case went on there. effects, of his call for a worldwide for lower tuning anti-Bolshevik resistance. "In the A groundbreaking conference in 66 The Alexandria trial: smallest and greatest matters of Italy's capital hears several Some truth comes out human affairs, the moral experimental proofs that Middle C From our reporter's notebook on individual who meets the challenge must be tuned to 256 vibrations a the ongoing courtroom battle. of the responsibility which second. circumstances have thrust upon 68 Drug war ravages nation's him, does the Creator's Will, and 50 Gnostics run cover for becomes, in that manner and that capital degree, the Hand of Providence, terrorist penetration of an instrument to call into fuller Venezuela 69 Eye on Washington play, within the consciences of On the eve of the presidential Carlucci spells out agenda for men and women, those great election, a small party's chief NATO. powers of natural law, the candidate has exposed the political Creator's Manifest Will, which protectors of Colombian terrorism 70 National News must be served." in Venezuela.

58 International Intelligence �ITmEconomics

Paul Volcker puts S&L crisis at center stage by ChrisWhite

Cut the budget deficit, but spendwhat you have to, "without mains after the $30 billion in cuts are subtracted from the respect" for the budget deficit, to deal with the crisis in the $100billion starting point for dealing with the S&Ls. If this savings and loan institutions. That was the two-faced mes­ crudeexercise tells some people that thedeficit is now going sage laid before the Robert Strauss-Drew Lewis co-chaired to increase more than twice as fast as it is reduced, then National Economic Commission during its latest round of perhaps lessons can learned, and the whole insane approach hearings Nov. 30. junked for something that will actually work. As usual, Volcker's cigar-chewing did not pacify the As is well known, there is an insovlency crisis with the bluntness with which he addressed what other of the com­ thrifts. That crisis, however, is not what it is usually ascribed mission's witnesses have left unsaid. He did follow what has to be. There are two features to it. One admittedly much become the party line, calling for $30 billion in cuts from the larger than the other, both deadly, and neither can be dealt budget, saying, "If you can do it, without tax increases, God with by the kind of measuresproposed . bless you," and he did recommend his preference for a 9¢ on Of equal concern, the Nov. 28 increase in the prime rate the gallon gasoline tax. His more dramatic intervention, how­ to 10.5%, rammed through by the money center banks under ever, was left for the case of the insolvent thrifts. He told the the leadership of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan, as part of commissioners, according to the Wall Street Journal's ac­ the international central bankers' efforts to break the will of count, "the V.S. shouldn't allow its concern with budget the incoming administration, threatens to set off the chain deficits to prevent it from spending whatever it takes to rein reaction which will detonate both. in runaway thrift industryinsolvenci es." The two features are: first, thanks to Volcker's changes Volcker's testimony was paralleled by press conference made while he was in office, the S&Ls, under his high interest remarks of William Seidman, chairman of the Federal De­ rate usury regime, were forced into dependence on money posit Insurance Corporation, speaking at the National Press market funds, borrowed to cover the shortfall in payments Club on the same day. Seidman demanded that the FSLIC be against mortgages outstanding. Now, of the $800 billion or removed from oversight of the Federal Home Loan Bank so in thriftdeposits , a sizeable portion is made up of "parked" Board, that $30 billion be providedimmediately to shut down certificates of deposit, funds borrowed from Merrill Lynch insolvent S&Ls, and warned, "A deposit insurance system and other money center outfits, which, when under the out of controlhas the potential to melt down and damage the FSLIC's $100,000 limit, qualify for insurance protection, entire V. S. economy." just as real savers' deposits do. These funds generally find The concerns about what might be called "the integrity their way to where the interest return is highest. Therefore, of the savings and loan system" are well taken. The prescrip­ they are a proportionally greater part of the deposits of the tion, that another $100billion of taxpayers' money be poured insolvent thrifts, which pay higher rates, to attractjust such down the sink is ridiculous. Its merit lies simply in the reality deposits. Thus the insolvent FSLIC is no longer simply in­ that those who call for $30 billion and upwards in cuts from suring savings deposits of households and individuals, it the budget, are now going to have to face the reality that, also, in effect, has been put behind a chunk of the off-bal­ however they choose to label the action, the budget deficitis ance-sheet liabilities of the banking system as a whole, im­ going to be increased by more than the $70 billion that re- partingthe implicit full faith and credit guarantee ofthe V . S.

4 Economics EIR December 9, 1988 governmentthereto . two aspects: the external obligations of the United States, That's part of what Seidman called "the potential to melt reflected in the momentary exchange rate valuation of the down and damage the entire U. S. economy." dollar, and the internal credit structure of the country. They The other part is more devastating, because it threatens endeavor to maintain the interrelationship between the two, not only the banking and investment houses, but also the using crisis management methods in manipulating the dollar credit of the U.S. government. Under the Reagan adminis­ to force internal adjustments in credit and fiscal policy to tration, quasi-governmental agencies, such as FNMA and safeguard the income streamfor foreign creditors. Thus, the GNMA, have been used to securitize a major share of out­ latest round of interest rate increases is the trade-off for cen­ standing mortgage debt. Growing from a level $200 billion tral bank forbearance in dollar support agreed on by the Big of such transactions in 1982 to about $900 billion by now, Four of the Groupof Seven-theUnited States, Japan, France, these securitized obligations carry the implicit full faith and and Germany-at secret meetings in Paris on Nov. 14. Their credit backing of Uncle Sam. This, too, is part of Volcker's game is to threaten the dollar to force a tightening, and further destructive legacy. Unsecured obligations were bought from savage austerity inside the United States, and then another the thrifts by the quasi-governmentaloutfits , repackaged, and round against the dollar for another round of tightening and sold as instruments secured against Uncle Sam's good faith austerity. and credit. In this way, bad assets were transformed into good liabilities, by a touch of a magical wand. Worse to come Beyond the deposits covered by insurance, the govern­ As with Baker's so-called "stability" policy last year, this ment is also expected to stand behind the mortgage instru­ typeof central bank-enforced "crisis management" effort will ments it has securitized for resale. make things worse; it will also more than likely detonate the In part done to maintain artificially high valuations for bombs that Baker and company built into the basement of the real estate, the secured debt of these government agencies is edificeof debt they attempted to shore up over the last year. the realbomb ticking away. What happens, in the course of So now we hear the experts: "Bush is not going to know the developing thrift crisis, if some $200billion of secured what hit him. . . . George Bush is going to have a financial paper are presented back to the governmentfor redemption? crisis in his first six months as President and it's going to be Does the government walk away from the obligation, print a doozie ....We 're a debtor nation now and there are other paper to cover it, or what? Hypothetical that case might be. people calling the shots. . . . That's the reality. . . . The Under the urgency now communicated by Volcker and com­ fact of life is out there in those foreign exchange markets, pany, the plain fact is that the thrift crisis, on its own, can and they have changed in attitude." That was Wall Street pull down the foundations of the entire usury system, and economist David M. Jones on ABC's "Good MorningAmer­ blow out the credit of the U.S. government itself. ica" with Charles Gibson, on Nov. 29. Also, the plain fact is that as part of the $15-20 trillion Just bear in mind that neither the ones who are pushing debt bubble of thedollar credit system, which was punctured for the crisis, nor the ones who claim they are out there between August and Odober of last year, and threatened to maintaining stability, actually know what they are doing, let explode Oct. 19, 1988, this is going to come down anyway. alone what has already been unleashed. Nor do any of them Some deceive themselves that they were controlling, or man­ as yet give any indication that they might be preparedto take aging, the process over the last year, to theeffect of prevent­ the trouble to findout what it is they should be doing. ing another blowout before the elections. ·What they were So now, they lay before us the further prospect of interest actually doing was aggravating the swollen pile of indebted­ rate increases, next the Fed's discount rate, by the end of ness which is the driver of the collapse process, thanks to December another increase in the prime rate, as it heads back their own obsessive stupidity and insanity. Exemplary is toward 13%. All this, that the Group of Seven might conclude what the man who made himself chief instrument of the the outline of another dollar stability pact on Jan. 20, or aggravation, James Baker, permitted poor Danny Wall to do thereabouts. with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. It is estimated by And, meanwhile, by doing this, they are surely setting insiders that for the $30 billion Wall has put into the thrifts into motion the collapse of another $7-10 trillion worth of in the form of FSLIC notes, he has added 10 times that in the bloated paper. And with their insane obstinacy they are help­ formof government obligations, as partof the process called ing to dismantle the means available to turn the whole thing "keeping the system under control. " around. The core of the S&Ls' functions, as depository and On this, the technical managers argue, as they do on the mortgage lending institutions, is a vital conveyor belt for approximately $900 billion of U. S. faith-and-credit-secured feeding credit into actual economic recovery policies around mortgage obligations, that since such guarantees will never the country. Without the S&Ls, that won't happen, but that be called, it's not a real obligation, so it doesn't have to be is what these demented systems managers are walking the counted. rest of us into. Just as the captain of the Titanic took his ill­ That brings us back to the latest round of interest rate fated vessel into the icefieldto ensure that he arrived in New increases. The managers look at this collapsing system under York on time.

EIR December 9, 1988 Economics 5 Peru battles for survival against new terrorist assaults by Liliana Pazos and Mark Sonnenblick

On Nov. 22, the 7 million residents of Lima, Peru, awoke to al austerity: cutting the budget deficit. As always happens, find no electricity in the capital city, or in half of the rest of recessionary policies reduce what the government collects the country. Shining Path terrorists had blown up electrical from sales and income taxes. towers dozens of times before, but Peru's capacity to respond Yet, Salinas and President Garcia still spout the nonsense has been so worn down, that this time it took a week before that Peru's economic crisis was caused by government food power was fully restored. A few hours later, murky water subsidies. Garcia raised Peru's output by 7 -8 % yearly in 1986 with a foul stench started pouring from the faucets. Word and 1987, through dirigist measures to stimulate production spread that the terrorists had broken a sewer into the water and consumption. The result was that millions of Peruvians system. Radio messages by local authorities urging people to rose from starvation to subsistence and other millions rose boil their water only served to intensify the shock. from bare subsistence to adequate nutritional levels. Garcia "They want to kill us," people said. has been engaged in the disgusting spectacle of repudiating The aim of November's terrorist upsurge was to force those accomplishments, in hopes of getting a few crumbs President Alan Garcia into further surrender to the Soviet­ from the international bankers. backed narco-terrorists, as well as to the International Mon­ Peru's economy is now a disaster. Foreign currency re­ etary Fund's (lMF) austerity "packages" and repression. For serves are gone, gold reserves are gone, and inflation is the past 18 months, Garcia has retreated miserably from his running at more than a 1,000% annual rate. But Salinas and early reforms, which included a ceiling on foreign debt pay­ Garcia mislocated the problem and the solution. Peru's crisis ments equal to 10% of foreign exchange earnings. With this does not come from Garcia's daring to confront the IMF nationalist program, Garcia incurred the wrath of both the usury system, as his critics charge. On the contrary, it comes internationalbankers and the Kremlin. from other debtor countries failing to join that effort. Those With his Nov. 27 appointment of an anti-monetarist eco­ who failed to fight, and left Peru isolated, are as badly off as nomics minister, the President has gone back on the offen­ Garcia, who fought and then retreated. sive; but it may be too late for a country whose economy is The truth is that the Horsemen of the Apocalypse have virtually devastated. been unleashed against the Peruvianpopulation since Social­ ist International agent Armando Villanueva took over as prime The IMF shock program minister in August and ruled in conjunction with the pro­ The night of Shining Path's Nov. 22 assault, a stunned Soviet forces. They cornered Garcia and blocked him from population listened on transistor radios by the light of kero­ fighting back against the bankers who want to make a bloody sene lamps to Economy and Finance Minister Abel Salinas example of him. decree an "economic shock" package which raised the prices of gasoline, bus fares, rents, and utilities by 100% or more The narco-exporter model and of basic foods by 100-270%. The number of intis, Peru's The IMF's Sept. 9 and Nov. 22 "packages" brought more national currency, it takes to buy a dollar was doubled. Sali­ and more economic chaos. These were followed by calls from nas baldly stated that the only compensation for this hyper­ the friends of Dope, Inc. for Garcia to resign and let some­ inflation would be a 60% increase in the minimum wage to body the IMF likes better take over. Former Economy Min­ $48 a month and a 50% increase in the average wage. Gov­ ister Javier Silva Ruete, who signed the Inter-American Dia­ ernment employees will get 40% increases. logue's proposal for "selective legalization" of narcotics, was Salinas had imposed a similar shock package on Sept. 9, one of the first to push for Garcia's removal. Inter-American also secretly drafted by the IMP. On Nov. 22, he admitted Dialogue staff director Peter Hakim wrote in the Financial that the 60% cuts in real wages imposed then had totally Times Nov. 30 that Peru "is paying the bill" for Garcia's failed to accomplish the ostensible purpose for such genocid- efforts to buck the banks.

6 Economics EIR December 9, 1988 The international drug cartel wants a resurrection of the defender of Garcia's earlyefforts to develop Peru and a fierce IMF's policies during the 1975-80 presidency of Gen. Fran­ opponent of the recent backsliding toward an economy de­ cisco Morales Bermudez, which opened the door to the co­ pendent on cocaine exports. The narco-capitalists charge that caine export boom and the destruction of industry built up Rivas lacked "internationalconnections," by which they mean under the preceding nationalist military government. Mo­ the approval of the IMF and Wall Street. rales Bermudez, who got 4% of the vote in the 1985 elections, But Rivas's "international connections" are to thoseforces admitted at the end of November that he would not mind working for continental integration for economic develop­ taking over as prime minister in another IMF coup. "I do not ment. The Economists' Guild which he heads co-sponsored favor a coup, but a change is necessary if we are to reach the Lima presentation of the Schiller Institute's book Integra­ 1990 .... Otherwise we are going to live constantly be­ cion iberoamericana (Ibero-American Integration). Rivas tween the pendulum of a coup or a civil war," he stated. The also shared the podium with Lyndon LaRouche in Lima dur­ IMF wants Peru to service its $16 billion debts by becoming ing an April 1987 conference in celebration of the 20th an­ one big cocaine plantation. niversary of the papal encyclical Popu[orum Progressio, and Peru's bankruptcywas not caused by the several hundred he was a member of the Peruvian delegation to an August million dollars spent annually subsidizing food production 1988 meeting on continental integration, ''Toward a Second and consumption. More than $4 billion has been sucked out Amphictyonic Congress," in Panama City. of the country in recent years through capital flight. In the Rivas has precious little room to maneuver. He comes to month of October alone, $140 million of the $180 million in power in a year in which nearly every lbero-American gov­ export income remained in foreign bank accounts, according ernment will be changed. His commitment to lbero-Ameri­ to Congressman Freddy Ghilardi of the ruling APRA party. can integration could enable him to bring into operationfood On Nov. 9, the president of the oligarchy's exporters' asso­ security pacts with brother countries; only throughsuch mea­ ciation threatened, "if a change in the exchange rate is not sures can Peru finally overcome its isolation. obtained, the problem will be much bigger and there will be The pressure of economic terrorism on Rivas and Garcia greater shortages of goods than now exist. " will, if anything, get worse. Business groups have called for The Sept. 9 wage-gouging package, which included a their members to go into tax revolt. The Moscow Commu­ 400% increase in the price of medicine, inflamed Peru's nist-led General Confederation of PeruvianWorkers (CGTP) workers and made them easy prey for communist destabili­ called a general strike for Dec. 1. Its chief, Valentin Pacho, zation efforts. The copper miners went on strike against wage claimed, "The strike is against the economic measures that cuts on Oct. 17, and Peru has since lost over $300 million in the government has just announced." Labor Minister Orestes income from minerals exports. Narco-terrorists have threat­ Rodriguez responded, "All protest is just, but paralyzing the ened to kill any miner who goes back to work. country, without offering alternatives, will just further deep­ Between the narco-capitalists and the narco-terrorists, the en the country's economic crisis. " dollars Peru had planned to use to import food disappeared. Because of the lack of funds, 600,000 tons of food ordered Terrorism's toll was not shipped to Peru. Five ships laden with milk powder, On Nov. 29, the Shining Path terroristsbegan a 72-hour wheat, and com were anchoredat Callao port with their goods "armed regional strike" in the jungle Valleys where most of still on board, because there were no dollars to pay freight Peru's raw cocaine is produced. They proclaimed the strike charges. to be against the new economic "package" and Garcia's plans With food imports blocked, speculatorshoarded existing to use herbicides to erradicate 2,400 acres of coca bushes in stockpiles, expecting to make fortunes by forcing huge price the Huallaga Valley, in collaboration with the U. S. Drug increases. Lima residents had to get on line before dawn to Enforcement Administration. This program, called Opera­ buy some of themeagre food quantities released daily by the tion Condor 8, is scheduled for December. govemment. Economy Minister Salinas claimed that his Nov. Starting Nov. 22, Shining Path attempted to drive the 22 price increases were to bring the hoarded food back on the military out of the Huallaga cocaine area. At least 300narco­ market. But the hoarders wanted even more, and the endless terrorists ambushed a convoy on theonly road up the valley, food lines continued. Salinas had also fought to let the spec­ killing 22 soldiers. A few days later, the military caught up ulators set prices to the further detrimentof the realeconomy, with the guerrillas, killing 100 of them. But, the terrorists but was blocked by Garcia. He resigned Nov. 27. then raided an air force base and destroyeda convoy of trucks carrying palm oil. Toward a new policy? The November death toll fromShining Path's actions was In what observers in Lima see as an important political close to 1,000, mostly peasants and unarmed local govern­ tum, Garcia named Carlos Rivas Davila as economy minister ment officials. Almost every day, officials and APRA party on Nov. 27. The appointment was immediately attacked by activists are assassinated. Even in Lima, they have been able the oligarchy as "a regression," since he remained a firm to launch rockets against the police station.

ElK December 9, 1988 Economics 7 purposes inimical to United States interests, thereby damag­ ing the security interests of the United States and its allies. " The bill also provides that "the President may prohibit, curtail, monitor, or otherwise regulate the export or transfer, or participation in the export or transfer, of money or other financial assets, including the making of a loan or the exten­ sion of credit . . . to the government of any controlled coun­ try"-e. g. , the Soviet Union and its allies. The reason that Congress focused upon "untied loans" is summarized by a "Fact Sheet on Untied Loans to the Soviet Bloc" prepared by Congressman Roth's office. Based upon Bipartisan challenge a Treasury Department estimate that the Soviet bloc received $24 billion in medium-term loans from Western banks and to 'untied loans' governments in 1986, it appears that approximately 80% of this total, "or about $19 billion, took the form of untied, general purpose loans-pure cash with no underlying trade by Scott Thompson transactions, projects, or jobs." The "Fact Sheet" then cor­ roborates statements from fonnerReagan administration Na­ As last week's EIR began to document (see "Want to buy a tional Security Council personnel that such "untied loans" used perestroika?"), a faction fight has erupted against the have, in reality, been used by the Soviets "for purposes in­ now hegemonic policy of Westernrentier-financier interests imical to vital Western security interests, such as support for that seeks to "bail out Gorbachov" by "financing perestroi­ Soviet client states, the KGB/GRU," and modernizing the ka. " While the Reagan administration, especially since the Soviet military. INF treaty, has lined up increasingly with those financial The "Fact Sheet" also notes that: "In 1986, nearly 100% interests that seek to strengthen the Soviet Union militarily of the hard currency requirements to support Soviet global and economically, a strong counterattack has been mounted commitments and activities Were funded on Western finan­ against such lunacy by a bipartisan coalition in the U. S. cial markets [e. g., the annual $7 billion relending to Cuba­ Congress. The flanking issue around which this coalition has ST], if one assumes that Soviet hard currency income was chosen to fight for the moment is the issue of "untied," gen­ earmarked solely for the purpose of imports from the West eral purpose loans to the Soviet Union at terms that are more and to service debt. " favorable than those available to Western farmersand indus­ trialists. Alliance compliance sought The first major salvo in this counterattack was the Aug. It soon became apparent toCongressmen opposed to "un­ 4, 1987 introduction to several House committees of the tied loans," that unilateral action by the United States against International Financial Security Act of 1987, which was this practice, would have little real impact upon the Soviets' drafted by the office of Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.), who was ability to obtain "untied loans," because 90% of all such loans then a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. are granted by banks in W¢stern Europe and Japan. Also, Kemp's bill has 16 cosponsors, including Rep. Toby Roth roughly $10 billion in Western bank deposits in Soviet-owned (R-Wisc. ), who has helped steer the bill through the com­ subsidiary banks are also untied credits, although these de­ mittee process since its inception. The Kemp-Roth Bill is posits/loans are not included in Western statistics as part of designed "to amend the Export Administration Act of 1979 the total indebtedness of the U. S. S.R. Finally, there is no and the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to authorize controls information whatsoever on the nature of the $14 billion in on the export of capital from the United States, to control short-term credit that Soviet bloc borrowers received in 1986. exports supporting terrorism,to prohibit ownership of United If there was to be any solution, Congress determined that States banks by controlled countries, and for other purposes. " compliance would have to be sought from Western Europe Key passages of the proposed amendment that would hit and Japan on the issue. the question of "untied loans" to the U. S. S. R. include: The firststep in this direction was taken on June 15, 1988, "Section 2 of the Export Administration Act of 1979 is when the Senate passed a non-binding resolution 96-0, which amended by adding at the end thereof the following: (14) called on President Reagan to consult with allied leaders on Loans and other transfers of capital to the Soviet Union and the issue of "untied loans" at the Toronto Economic Summit. its allies, especially untied, no-purpose loans and interbank Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives, a letter was deposits, from public and commercial sources significantly circulated by Roth and Rep.. Charles E. Schumer (D-N. Y. ), increase the ability of those countries to obtain sensitive which gained some 50 signatories and said: "It has become goods and technology and to more easily divert funds to apparent that Moscow's ability to maintain costly military

8 Economics EIR December 9, 1988 commitments worldwide may, in large part, be due to the willingness of Western banks to make loans, especially un­ Currency Rates tied loans, to the U.S.S.R. This, in tum, likely translates into a multi-billion dollar increase in the defense burden on West­ The dollar in deutschemarks erntaxpayers." The letter concluded by urging the President, New York late afternoon fixing at the Toronto Summit, to suggest that the Organization for

Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) "super­ 1.90 vise and monitor the voluntary adoption of more prudent and disciplined lending practices by Western banks toward po­ 1.80 \. - tential adversary nations." � It took some time for congressmen to drag out of the 1.70 1""""""00. Reagan administration, whether or not the issue had actually been raised at the Toronto Economic Summit. An Aug. 8, 1.60 1988 letter from Treasury Secretary James A. Baker III in 1.50 response to Representative Roth's letter, finally indicated: 10/12 10/19 10126 1112 1119 11116 11123 11130 "We strongly believe that controls on capital movements should be exercised only in emergency situations. After re­ The dollar in yen viewing the whole range of East-West economic relations, New York late afternoon fixing the Summit countries adoped a policy that East-West eco­ nomic relations, including financialrelations, can be expand­ ISO ed 'so long as the commercial basis is sound, they are con­ 140 ducted within the framework of the basic principles and rules of the international trade and payments system, and are con­ 130 sistent with the security interests of each of our countries.' " 1"-.,...... - 120 Round two of 'untied loans' The issue appeared tabled until Oct. 7, 1988, when Rep. 110 Robert Garcia (D-N.Y.) introduced the International Finan­ 10/12 10/19 10/26 1112 1119 11116 11123 11130 cial Cooperation and Security Act of 1988, at the height of The British pound in dollars the ten-day orgy, during which Western Europe and Japan New York late afternoon fixing extended $9 billion in loans to the U.S.S.R. According to

Garcia, the legislation "would require the Secretary of the 1.90 Treasury to enter into negotiations with other nations belong­ ing to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and De­ 1.80 - velopment to establish multilateral standards for entering into � � -- and reporting financial transactions with the Soviet Union. 1.70 'M-- At the same time the Secretaries of Defense and State are instructed to hold discussions at NATO with our allies on the 1.60 security implications of conducting financial transactions with 1.50 the Soviet Union." 10/12 10/19 10/26 1112 11/9 11116 11123 11130 On Oct. 18, Sen. Steven D. Symms (R-Idaho) introduced amendment 3717, which passed 64-2. Its main provision The dollar in Swiss francs states "that it is the sense of the Senate that the President of New York late afternoon fixing the United States should instruct the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, and the 1.60 Secretary of Commerce to consult immediately with allied r"\.. - governments on the impact on Western security of various 1.50 - ., - types of private and public sector credit flows and debt res­ """" � I- 1.40 � chedulings to the Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba, Vietnam, Libya, and Nicaragua, and to call for a multilateral 1.30 voluntary initiative, supervised by the Organization for Eco­ nomic Cooperation and Development, to end untied, general 1.20 purpose lending to those countriesfor reasons bothof nation­ 10/12 10/19 10/26 1112 1119 11116 11123 11130 al security and prudent commercial banking."

EIR December 9, 1988 Economics 9 Banking by Our Special Correspondent

Money laundering probed in Europe check the origins of his deposits! Several major scandalsare about to explode in the wake of the In France, much attention has been U.S. crackdownon BCCI. given to U.S. Customs' decision to subpoena the records of theNew York­ based Republic National Bank of Ed­ FOllowing October's crackdown on ing in gold and precious metals. It had mond Safra, alleged to be holding a the money-laundering activities of the reportedly received money from drug $450,000 bank account originating Bank of Credit and Commerce Inter­ sales in the Mideast and laundered it from drug sales. The U.S. Customs national of Agha Hassan Abedi, sev­ into the Swiss banking system through move could not have come at a worse eral major scandals are about to ex­ a Sofia-Zurich axis. The money often time for Safra. Less than a month ear­ plode. One may involve the BCCI found its way back into the region in lier, he hit the front pages of the Eu­ branch in Nigeria. Investigations to the shape of gold or other precious ropean financial press by announcing prove that the BCCI branches in Af­ metals. the creation of his London-based new rica were also used for drug money According to reports, the Ameri­ bank "only for the super-rich," as the laundering, have been ongoing since can, Italian, and Swiss investigators Financial Times described it. Safra last spring under the sponsorship of a who had originally dismantled the outlined that his banking strategy U. S. Senate subcommittee. Pizza Connection, collaborated in this aimed at making the most of the Single According to theParis-based Lettre crackdown. On Sept. 16, 1987, law­ European 1992 Act. du Continent newsletter, the DEA, the enforcement teams from the three Safra's name surfaced at the end Department of Justice, and the New countries met in Bellinzona, a Swiss of October as a shareholder in the York U. S. Attorney are looking at all border town and key financial center "Marceau Investment" company drug cases involving Nigeria, sus­ of thePizza Connection. A few months managed by financier George Peber­ pectedof being a transitpoint for Pak­ later, U. S. Customs officers in Los eau. It coincided with the decision of istani-produced heroin into Europe and Angeles arrested two Lebanese broth­ Pebereau, clearly backed by the French the United States. Evidence is also ers, Jean and Barkev Magharian, Socialist government and its finance emerging on links between the local caught with $30 million in a suitcase. minister, Pierre Beregovoy, to launch Nigerian mafia and the Medellin Car­ Further work led to the Shakarchinex­ an hostile bid for control of one of tel. On Nov. 23, two Nigerian Air­ us. France's largest de-nationalized banks, lines stewardesses were caught carry­ The Swiss political establishment SocieteGenerale. ing cocaine. was reportedlyshocked to discover that By using Pebereau and a few as­ BCCI, which has become one of one of Shakarchi'sboard members was sociates, the French Socialists want to Nigeria's main banks since the Biafra Dr. Hans Kopp, husband of the justice de facto re-nationalize the bank by War, and recently extended a $1 bil­ minister, Elisabeth Kopp. He had re­ taking a majority control of its shares. lion credit to Nigeria at a point when signed from the board more than a Though Safra-decorated a few the country was in strained negotia­ month before. months ago with the French Legion tions with the International Monetary The scandal erupted while Elisa­ d'Honneur at the behest of President Fund, is suspected of having played a beth Kopp was sponsoring a new law Mitterrand--is still a shareholder of role there, too, says the newsletter. to criminalize money laundering, a law Pebereau, he is no longer mentioned BCCI's executive manager, Nazir denounced as ineffective by Switzer­ as one of Pebereau's associates in the Chinoy was arrested in Paris in Octo­ land's leading bankers. The chairmen bid, which is still provoking a major ber. From Paris, Chinoy managed the of Credit Suisse, Union Bank of upheaval in France. European and African accounts for Switzerland, and Swiss Banking Cor­ Several French magazines have BCCI's Cayman Islands subsidiary. poration, whose banks were used by publicized the U.S. Customs move and On Nov. 4, indictments for laun­ the smugglers, went on national tele­ began asking questions about Safra's dering up to $1 billion in drug money vision to complain that they could not financial resources. The right-wing were issued against a set of Swiss­ be equated with crooks. While com­ weekly Minute obviously went too far based companies. At the center of the menting that they could not oppose the as it began linking Safra to BCCI di­ scandal was the Zurich trading com­ new law, they all stressedthat it would rectly and numerous other affairs. pany of Mohammed Shakarchi, deal- be "impractical" for any banker to Safrais now suing for libel.

10 Economics EIR December 9, 1988 Agriculture by Marcia Meny

The new U .S.-U . S . S . R . grain pact agriculture sector, and the looted state It is part of the Soviets' fo od buying binge in the West, which is of the farm and food industries of the going on, protocol or no. East bloc. The issue of food, and other basics, is behind much of the unrest and demonstrations now occurring al­ T he Nov. 28 grain trade protocol was a commitment to increase bilat­ most daily in the Soviet Union and between the United States and the So­ eral trade between the two superpow­ Eastern Europe. viet Union is just the most formal part ers. In addition to the orders from the of an ongoing food-importing binge On the day the grain deal was United States, Russia bought a total of by the Soviet Union-with or without closed, U. S. officials downplayed the 1. 75 million tons of soybean pellets the niceties of a treaty. What sur­ implications of the Soviet economic from Argentina and Brazil the last rounds the new grain deal is more re­ demands. Alan F. Holmer, U. S. Dep­ week of September, and a record vol­ vealing than the specifics of this par­ uty Trade Representative, present in ume of tapioca (for animal feed) from ticular protocol itself. Moscow Nov. 28, said, "We wanted Thailand. The agreement extends for anoth­ a pure grain agreement. It took a while On Nov. 28, the same day as the er two years, the terms of the last Long before we realized how insistent they announcement of the new U .S.­ Term Agreement (five years) on grain, were that those provisions be in, and U. S.S.R. grain protocol, the Paris which expired Sept. 30, 1988. The it took a while before they realized trade house of InterAgra announced a new treaty is retroactive to Oct. 1 of how insistent we were that they not be sale of 2 million metric tons of French this year, and is reported to maintain in." cereals to Russia. The order is to be the same terms. The new treaty ex­ The two-yeartiming of the current delivered in early 1989. pires Dec. 31, 1990. deal is interesting, since it expires al­ These export commitments are all The Soviets are pledged to buy a most exactly at the time that the So­ the more strikingbecause of the severe total of at least 9 million tons of grain viets will be starting their next Five grain stock shortages that exist in the and soybeans each year, but could buy Year National Economic Plan. Soviet West. This year's worldwide harvest 12 million tons, and perhaps much "friends" on the U. S. side can now be of total grains is only about 1. 532 bil­ more. The terms-which were not expected to start lobbying and secret lion tons, down from 1.682 billion in honored for two years under the ex­ negotiations to have a new five-year 1986, and 1.602 billion in 1987. Av­ pired LTA-specify that the Soviets Long Term Agreement between erage worldwide consumption is high­ should order 4 million tons each of Washington and Moscow that will in­ er than this, so there is a record draw­ corn and wheat, and an additional 33 stitutionalize the current flowof W est­ down of stocks taking place, yet the million tons of grain, or 500,000 tons ern food to the East bloc. Soviet import demands are all being of soybeans or soybean meal. Part of this Soviet lobby in Wash­ honored, no matter what. In fact, the Soviets have already ington is Daniel Amstutz, a 25-year It is expected that within a short booked 5. 5 million tons of corn and Cargill executive who served in Car­ time, the USDA will put icing on the soybeans in the first two months of the gill's Brussels office, and set up Car­ Soviet's imported cake by offering trade year (Oct. 1 to Sept. 30, 1989)­ gill's TRADAX officein Switzerland. discount prices for the remaining 4 even before a protocol was arranged. While serving a four year stint as Un­ million tons of U . S. wheat the Soviets Sources close to the trade negoti­ dersecretary of Agriculture, Amstutz are pledged to buy this trade year. ations for the new treaty, which began negotiated the 1983 five-year LTA. Roger Bolton, spokesman for Clayton over eight months ago, say that the This year he has served on the nego­ Yeutter, denied that there areany sub­ Soviets held up agreeing toa new treaty tiating team for the new grain pact, for sidy sweeteners in the new pact, and because they presented a set of de­ Trade Ambassador Clayton Yeutter. stressed that the same terms prevail as mands for economic concessions by With or without a treaty, the So­ under the last LTA (begun 1983). the United States, that would have viets have been ordering food like mad However, since its enactment in 1985, gone very far toward closer integra­ from the West. They may demand at the Export Enhancement Program has tion of the respective economies. One least 55 million tons of grain and soy­ been used to provide the Soviets with demand was for greater access to U. S. bean products this trade year, because millions of tons of cheap grain, at a ports and related facilities. Another of the miserable condition of their own discount of up to $44 or more per ton.

EIR December 9, 1988 Economics 11 Business Briefs

Debt Panic buying is theworst since the19508, place for the new administration to look for as tens of millions are threatened with hun­ budget savings" in order to avert a tax hike, Kissinger speaks ger or famine this winter, said the report. should be the sphere of agriculture. A series of editorials in the official Peo­ The Heritage reportnotes that Congress on Ibero-America pie's Daily and other presshave called for a will soon have to deal with the "subsidy returnMao to Zedong' spolicies. Mao's slo­ issue," because the 1985 Farm Bill expires "It is absolutely essential that the United gan was, ''Take Grain as the Key Link." in 1990,and the 1985 bill pushed taxpayers' states' foreign policy be identified with China's Outlook magazine recently ac­ costs up to a record $25.8 billion in 1986. growth in Latin America, and not with the cused "some people of believing that agri­ "Despite media portrayal of the average collection of interest on debt," Henry Kis­ culture is no longer the foundation; they do farmer as hard-pressed," states Grizzle, "the singer said in an interview published in the not want to put any more effort into farm­ farm family has had a higher net income Nov. 20 issue of Welt am Sonntag, a West ing." Very low state purchase prices have than the median American family every year German weekly. driven farmers into producing "cash crops" since 1980, and, more important, the net How such an identification is to be or into rural industries. Price "reforms" were worth of the family farmer far exceeds that achieved under Kissinger's policies, how­ recently halted in a desperate effort to stop of the American family." Farmers who are ever, is not clear, since he repudiates debt what China Daily recently called "raging in trouble got that way because of the "get­ moratoria and advocates "debt-for-equity" inflation," but the government, which al­ rich-quick land speculation" of the 1970s, deals that will deprive the nations of the ready spends a crippling 12% of its total and "it is unfair to expectthe taxpayer to bail Western Hemisphere of their sovereignty, expenditures on grain subsidies, cannot in­ them out." industry, and natural wealth. crease subsidies further. The Heritage Foundation is a covert op­ "While I have my doubts about the ar­ The poorharvests have been in part due eration launched by the socialist British Fa­ gument-with respect to the Soviet Union­ to Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping's agricul­ bian Society at the outset of the first Reagan that helping them domestically will solve all tural "reforms ," which led to the division of administration, to cloak anti-production foreign policy problems, in the Western communes into individual plots, and pr0- policies in "free-market" garb, for the edi­ Hemispherethe United States needs to iden­ duced so much subdivision of the land that fication of credulous conservatives, as its tifyitself with the aspirations of the people," family farmsare now fartoo small for mech­ founders bragged to EIR in 1980. the former Secretary of State said. anization. Kissinger praised Mexico's new Presi­ dent, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, for being "eager to reform the economy," and ex­ Europe 1992 pressed hope thatwhat Salinas is doing (he Agriculture is committed to enforcing the International Business leaders Monetary Fund's austerity demands) "could Heritage: Slash then be a model for what we do in Argentina warn of shutdowns and Brazil as they come along ." farm subsidies He added, there is a "window of oppor­ "Europe 1992" will mean "drastic and pain­ tunity of about 18 months in Latin Ameri­ The Bush administration should "make its ful restructuring," a London conference on ca," beginning with Dec. 1, the day Salinas top priority slashing farm programs, espe­ the schetne to eliminate customs barriers takes office. cially programs that rewardfarmers for high among the 12 members of the European production," according to a Heritage Foun­ Community was told by Sir John Harvey­ dation report,"Mandate for LeadershipII I,�' Jones, former chairman of Imperial Chem­ which is to be officially issued in January. icals Industries. Food The agriculture section of the report, He warnedthat within the next 10 years, written by former senior USDA official more than half of Europe's factories would Chinese have fourth Charles Grizzle, received prominentplay in be closed and half of its companies would an Associated Press wire carried in Mid­ disappearor be absorbed by mergers . straight bad harvest western newspapers the weekend of Nov. His remarks echoed similar warnings 26. Farmers , it declares, "should be forced three weeks ago from the secretary general Mainland China is facing a poor harvest for to operate in a more competitive environ­ of the Confederation of British Industry. the fourth year in a row, Britain's Indepen­ ment" and "break out of the cycle of depen­ Percy Barnevik,president of the joint Swed­ dent newspaper reported Nov . 25 . Com­ dence on federal subsidies." ish-Swiss electrical group, ASEA-Brown munist Chinese grain production will prob­ Outgoing budget director Joseph R. Boveri Corp., told the London group thatit ably come in 10 million tons short of target. Wright is quoted saying that a "principal would not beeasy for the EC simultaneously

12 Economics EIR December 9, 1988 Briefly

• MIGUELDE LA MADRID, the outgoing President of Mexico, did the best possible job for his country, the New York Times thinks, even though to restructure overcrowded sectors and to China National Offshore Oil Corp. he leaves office with real wages 40% open markets to competition from other (CNOOC) and Atlantic Richfield Co. are lower than when he entered six years countries. "These are the hard realities be­ scheduled to sign a second suplementary ago. "Most foreign bankers and hind the nice words 'higher productivity' agreement on the development of the Ya 13- economists here agree and praise Mr. ,,, and 'morecompetitive. 1 gas fieldin the Ying-gehai Basin, south of De la Madrid for his willingness to Hainan Island. absorb the domestic political costs and Arco China Inc. , a subsidiary of the Los to take other long-overdue economic Angeles-based Arco, holds a 34% interest adjustments," purred the Times. Foreign Exchange in the project. CNOOC spokesman Wu Xunduo said • HUNGRY CHILDREN and the City of London demands that the gasfield will beginoperation in 1993, elderly are rapidly growing in num­ with an annual output of 3.25 billion cubic bersin the state of Maryland, accord­ end of Reaganomics meters. ing to a study released by the Mary­ landFood Commi ttee. It said that25% In an editorial Nov. 30, titled "Reaganomics of the families receiving food assis­ Warmed Over," London's Financial Times tance at Thanksgiving were people warned that there will be no support for the International Credit who were never served before, two V .S. dollar without the enforcement of what of five served were children, and one that paper's editors deem appropriate V.S. Central bankers hope in fivewas a senior citizen. Forty per­ fiscal policies. cent of the adult clients are working When the Reagan era opened in 1981, to control the collapse poor. the paper comments, high economic growth, combined with tight control over public ex­ Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan • INSURANCE may be hard to penditure, was supposed to bring about the "is at one with his central bank colleagues come by for people temporarily liv­ desired result. "It did not work out then­ to impose austerity and plunge the world ing in or making business trips to Af­ and it is very unlikely to do so now. " economy into recession, not only the V . S. ," rica, because of AIDS, London's "Given the growth of Japan and Western stated a senior City of Londonbanking source Guardian newspaper reported Nov. Europe this year," the paper wrote, "those on Nov. 30. "Like with Paul Volcker in 26. Some British life insurance com­ countries can afford to bequite relaxedabout 1979, Greenspan and the Bank of England panies are also shunning business weakness of the dollar. Certainly, dollar de­ are embarking on a 'controlled disintegra­ from anyone planning to live in parts preciation is more dangerous for the V.S. tion' to liquidate the over-leveraged finan­ of the Vnited States, and are treating than for the rest of the world. So the G-7 cial paper in world financial markets," he applications from regular travelers to should make it quite clear that there will be said. high-risk areas with caution. no major dollar support operations without The source reported that likelysome time a fully credible program of fiscalad justment in January, with the new V.S. Congress in • THE CIllNESEgovernment will in the V. S. A repeat of Reaganomics Mark office, the central banks will precipitate a put strict controls on importing cars, 1 is precisely what the world does not need. new, far more serious dollar crisis, which electrical goods, wine, and other So it is up to the leaders of the other major then would lead to a threatened repeat of "luxury consumer goods," the China countries to help save Mr. Bush from him­ "Black Monday" on the stock markets. In­ Daily reported Nov. 25. The Peo­ self." terest rates under these conditions would be ple's Republic of China's trade defi­ sharply and steadily increased. cit has been as high as $3.8 billion The expectation among City of London over the past year, and measures to circles is for a V. S. prime interest rate of at curb it began in October. Energy least 12% by summer, and comparable V . K. interest rate levels of 16%. "Vnlike before • OIL PRICES will not go signif­ U.S.-China joint venture Oct. 19, 1987," said the source, "when po­ icantly higher over the next several litical financeministers were controlling the months, report industry traders in to develop gas field process, now the central banks are quite Western Europe, despite an appear­ confident they have the process under their ance of a new OPEC production re­ Chinese and American oil companies have control. Vnder such conditions of economic straint. The Brent North Sea price is agreed in principle to jointly develop a large recession, all the demands about Gramm­ expectedto hover in the $13-14 range natural gas field with reservesof 100 billion Rudman budget cuts would be quietly for­ for several months. cubic meters in the South China Sea. The gotten. That is just a pretext to set the stage. "

EIR December 9, 1988 Economics 13 �TIillScience & Technology

Space programte threa ned by industrial collapse

No nation can advance its technologiesJor sp ace ventures and dlifense purposes on top qf a rotting and bankrup t industrial base. MarshaFree man reports.

The recent good news is that the incoming Bush administra­ nomic crises to face any modern President. A space program tion is seriously considering announcing a long-term policy with long-range goals, which thrusts this country out toward for the nation's space program this summer. However, the the frontiers of new technology, is the only sensible or even recent shutdown and quick reopening of one of the space practical way to make sure we can produce our way out of program's and Defense Department's critical subcontractors the current crisis. But if the new administration does not demonstrates that a nation cannot advance its frontier tech­ completely revamp credit and investment policy for industry, nologies on a rotting and bankrupt industrial foundation. agriculture, and infrastructure, no amount of long-term space At a business briefing on NASA's Freedom space station plans will help. project Nov. 1, Bush campaign issues representative Jim Carpenter stated that the President-elect is considering the MoonIMars options occasion of the July 20 twentieth anniversary of the first Engineers and managers at the NatiorialAeronautics and manned landing on the Moon, to announce a long-term pro­ Space Administration headquarters in Washington, and at gram for space. To get there, Bush will "do everything in his the Johnson Space Center in Houston, are now engaged in an power to have the station operational in 1996," Carpenter accelerated planning effort to develop a series of options for stated. He acknowledged that this would have to include a the leadership of the space agency and for Mr. Bush. By the fight for the $2. 1 billion NASA is requesting for the station end of January, the NASA administrator is supposed to have in next year's fiscal 1990 budget. a first draft of possible policy options. Bush supports "manned and unmanned exploration of the Four basic scenarios are being considered, though what Solar System," he continued, and indicated that some version is chosen could include any reasonable combination of these of a Moon/Mars effort was being considered to bring an missions. The first scenario would be an unmanned mission optimistic vision for the future back to NASA. to. the Martian moon, Phobos. There is speculation that the But, while Mr. Carpenter was briefing the aerospace in­ two tiny moons of Mars contain water and other volatiles, dustry, about 60 miles away in Front Royal, Virginia, work­ which might provide the raw material for human consuma­ ers were picking up their pink slips at the Avtex Fiber Com­ bles needed by a Mars crew. Though the Soviets have already pany plant. This factory is the sole producer of a specialty sent two spacecraft to Phobos this year, only one is still rayon fiber used in the booster rocket motors for the Space operational. Shuttle and the MX Peacekeeper missile. Without this or a A second possible long-term space goal would involve similar product, there is no space program. sending a human crew to Mars, or perhaps more than one By the time he takes office, George Bush is going to be . group, but to go as soon as possible. Apparently, there are faced with the most serious monetary, budgetary, and eco- those in the space community who are worried that the Rus-

14 Science & Technology EIR December 9, 1988 The Space Shuttle booster motor in test stand at Morton Thiokol's Wasatch Division. Without the product of Fiber plant, it couldn't be produced.

sians will land men on Mars before we do, and propose to go posal, is an evolutionary approach to the colonization of the there as quickly as possible, to avoid this Soviet "first." Such near-Solar System. This option is most similar to that rec­ a mission would most likely have to rely on technology that ommended by the National Commission on Space in 1986, is near-term, or already in existence. This is dangerous. and by Lyndon LaRouche in his presidential campaign. The Some of the older engineers are proposing to resurrect first step in this 30-year perspective would be a return to the nuclear fission propulsion as a near-term goal, which would Moon, for the purpose of building a scientific base, but also not have to be "man-rated" but could be employed to take to take advantage of the raw materi s available on this rela­ separately , the massive amount of cargo that is needed to tively large moon. support humans on Mars. When the cargo ship arrived, con­ One of the most valuable materials on and near the surface taining the consumables for people on Mars, and the fuel for of the Moon is a rare isotope of the �lement helium, which the return trip of the crew, the much smaller manned vehicle will bean important fuel for both space-based and terrestrial could leave Earth orbit to rendezvous with the cargo ship. fusion energyreactors. Groups of resdrchersat various NASA In this general scenario, the manned vehicle would use research centers, Department of Enerh laboratories, the Bu­ today 's chemical propulsion system, which is already used reau of Mines, and in industry and universities, are studying I in the Space Shuttle. The idea is that this would not require the technologies required to mine helium-3 from the surface any revolutionary new technology development, and could, of the Moon. perhaps, get Americans to Mars in the beginning of the 21st This valuable commodity could I be transported back to century. Earth, and perhaps become the first lunar import for our The stay of the crew at the red planet, however, would economy. Other manufacturing industries could likewise be be short, a few weeks, and the infrastructure needed for established, to lay the basis for the Mars colonization which permanent habitation of the planet would be lacking. This would follow. mission would be akin to the Apollo program, where the The second major phase of thisI "evolutionary" future American flag was left on the Moon, and some material was space scenario, would be the use odhe industrial capability brought back to the Earth, but there was no long-term trans­ and experience of the lunar settlemeJt, to send men to Mars. port or in-orbit infrastructure to make the Moon a new home Over the two-decade period of lunarlinfrastructure develop- ' for mankind. ment, the revolutionary technologies needed for Mars, such A third option under study is to establish a scientific base as fusion propulsion, would be developed and tested. Man 's on the Moon. On the far side, away from the electromagnetic move further into the Solar System Jould be with the aim of "noise" of Earth, large telescopes and other scientific instru­ permanently settling this new frontie�. ments could be placed, for superb observation of the Solar There could be no more appro�riate time for the next System and the universe. This would require establishing at President to commit this nation, and the free world, to mov- ' least a human "outpost" on the Moon, but not necessarily a ing humanity into space, than during the celebration of what I large-scale manufacturing base. was the finesthour of this country in this century. The fourth, most ambitious, and actually "realist" pro- But some serious economic changes will have to accom-

EIR December 9, 1988 Sci Ince & Technology 15 pany the laying out of exciting goals for the space program. lion to bring the factory back idrooperation-to pay employ­ Underneath the top layer of 200 or so major industry ees, buy raw material feedstbck, make needed improve­ contractors,there are thousands of smaller companies which ments, and ship out product. manufacture critical parts for the largest weapons and space On Nov. 9, less than a week before the last worker was systems, though government work is usually a small part of to leave for good, NASA, thrdugh Morton Thiokol, relayed their total business. Like the family farms across this country, $7 million to Avtex, and the company announced it would these medium-sized and small companies are facing extinc­ resume production. An additonal $11 million was forwarded tion. fromThiokol to purchase the rights to the process for making the material, and for 1. 1 million pounds of the fiber. That Industrial base collapse amount of rayon fiber is enough to produce boosters for 12 One of the recent examples of the fact that the United additional Shuttle flights. The �ir Force is in the final stages States is quickly losing even the most basic of industrial of writing the necessary docu�ntation to assure the remain­ capabilities, and what that means for our national security, is ing amount of money. the case of the Avtex Fiber Company plant in Front Royal, The plant shipped its fi� product at the end of the Virginia. Thanksgiving holiday week. Ttie management of Avtex plans For 50 years, the plant has been producing rayon, and is to keep the factory open, and restructure its product line thelargest rayon plant in the country. A small part of its total toward specialty products, like the carbonized rayon, where production, roughly 5-6%, is a base fiber for a resin-impreg­ it will have an assured market. nated cloth used in the production of rocket nozzles that go It is possible that other materials could be substituted for into solid rocket booster motors. These solid-fueled boosters the rayon fiber. However, the extensive testing that would be are used in the Space Shuttle and the MX Peacekeeper mis­ required for such a change in the booster, especially for the sile, among others. Shuttle program, which must be man-rated, would mirrorthe On Oct. 31, John Gregg, A vtex' s chief executive officer, two-year booster redesign and testing effort forced by the announced that the plant was going to shut down, putting Challenger accident. 1,300 employees out of work. The reason the company's Avtex spokesman Nick Nichols pointed out that the two management had made that decision, was largely because other companies in the U. S. that could produce the specialty their rayon competitors were importing cheaper wood pulp material are both foreign owned. At least some people in the from South Africa, below the cost of Avtex's Canadian and Department of Defense are alarmed at the weakness of the domestic suppliers. defense industrial base in the United States, and fear any In addition, over the past few years, A vtex management reliance on non-domestic components for military systems. has been forced to spend millions of dollars trying to bring For the past two years, the Defense Department has been the plant into compliance with environmental and health and developing a computer-based tracking system for defense safety regulations. On Nov. 2, Virginia Attorney General subcontractors, called DIDNBT-Defense Industrial Net­ Mary Sue Terry filed a $19. 5 million law suit against the work. DIDNET program manager Dan Dennison stated to company for noncompliance. This, despite the fact that on­ Washington Technology newspaper in mid-November that going negotiations between A vtex and the Environmental the program should allow a user to find some of the prime­ Protection Agency had led to a plan whereby the EPA's contract suppliers used by companies like Morton Thiokol. Superfund was slated to fund the clean-up, with the company "Obviously we didn't have the capability to get all the reimbursing the government. way to Avtex," he stated. Even if they did, it does not seem Only when the story that Avtex had closed its doors hit that DIDNET could do anything, except identify possible the newspapers, did booster manufacturer Morton Thiokol alternative suppliers for a product after it becomes known realize there was a problem: Without production of the spe­ that the usual supplier is in trouble. DIDNET does not seem cialty fiber,there would be no Shuttle boosters available after able to do anything to ensure that economic circumstances 1990. A spokesman for Avtex stated to this reporter that the are changed so that American companies can stay in govern­ company had "conversations with the government for months" ment and commercial business. about its tenuous economic situation. That kind of change-in credit and investment policy­ It did not take too long for NASA and the Air Force to will require, for one thing, that the reality of the nation's realize that theyhad to do something veryquickly. Although worsening economic-military vulnerability be brought into Avtex had washed out the piping of the factory with water, general deliberations on overall economic policy. viscous material, once frozen into the equipment, would One thing is clear: Without a halt to the shutting down of make it economically impractical to reopen the facility once the workplaces that supply this country's most advanced it were actually shut down. aerospace/defense industries, we will not be able to start or Avtex had closed the plant when it could not meet its finish a Strategic Defense Initiative, or a Moon/Mars mis­ payroll. Management estimated that it would take $38 mil- sion.

16 Science & Technology EIR December 9, 1988 Defense Science Board documents collapse of U. s. technology base

by Charles B. Stevens

It was not so long ago that, for better or worse, the primary sure ...to provide short-term returns.... Uncoordinated reservoirof advanced U. S. science and technology was to be effects of ...acquisition policies.... Increasing uncer- found in the so-called military-industrial complex. In Octo­ tainties surrounding the defense budget and acquisition pro­ berof this year,the Pentagon's Defense Science Board(D SB) cess .... issued a general report on the deterioration of the U . S. indus­ "e The maritime industrieshave deteriorated to the point trial and technological base, and a reporton the U. S. failure where they cannot supportnational security objectives .... to take the lead in the development of a crucial new technol­ Membersof the subcontractorand supplier portion of indus­ ogy, high-temperature superconductors. Whencombined with try, ranging from very large manufacturers down to small Marsha Freeman's report on the Avtex Fibers case, these high technology companies, either refuse defense business reports and studies document both the collapse of existing or segregrate older technology and older production lines technological capabilities, and with them, America's poten­ from their commercial business to apply to defense. DoD

tial for future technological leadership. acquisition policies engender this behavior. . . . " In the following report, EIR presents an analysis of and In terms of specifics, the DSB gives the following cases: major excerpts from the DSB report,Military System Appli­ "Consider the examples of computer and semiconductor cations of Superconductors, and the more general study, The technology. While American computer technology is still Defense Industrial and Technology Base, togetherwith Mar­ competitive with foreign systems, we are losing out in the sha Freeman's analysis of the A vtex case. semiconductor field. Because of this, foreign computers could surpass us in the immediate future. Those technologies are 'The defense industrial and technology base' the foundation of every defense system, either as a part of the The Final Report of the Defense Science Board 1988 system itself or in its design and development. Summer Study on The Defense Industrial and Technology "Other critical technologies further demonstrate our loss Base, reports, "In the eight years since the last Defense Sci­ of leadership. The numerically controlled machine tool in­ ence Board (DSB) study of the industrial base, the global dustry is now led by Japan. Their lead in flexible manufac­ political, economic, and technological scenes have changed turing systems, a key to many complicated manufacturing considerably. America's technological superiority has di­ tasks, is growing each year. Similarly, America has lost its minished. Many countries, including Japan and the Soviet leadership in precision optics in the past two decades. We Union, challenge our leadership in technologies essential to cannot retain battlefieldsuperiority without assuring we have defense." access to technological leadership in those fields. Among the principal findingsof the DSB study are: "This loss of technological leadership can be attributed ". Of greatest importance is the fact that the continued to many political and economic factors . Too often, both deterioration of the industrialand technology base diminishes governmentand industry ignore the effects of their own man­ the credibility of our deterrent. It is a national problem re­ agement philosophies. Recent studies, such as the one being quiring a coordinated responseby governmentand industry. conducted by Professor Bruce Scott, of Harvard, point out If our nation is to ensure its security for the coming decade the disadvantages of those philosophies in comparison with and beyond, it must adopt a strategy which links military those of countries such as Japan, the European Economic strategy with a policy to ensure the availability of the indus­ Community, and Korea. trial and technological resources on which operations plans "Professor Scott's works characterize America's loss of rely .... technological leadership in terms of competitiveness and is "e A pattern of inadequate long-term investmentby prime demonstrated in Figure I -I" from page 14 of thereport. "The and subtier suppliers is a primary cause of the increasing overall problem, one of short-termplanning, manifests itself deterioration of the defense industrial and technology base. in emphasizing: This inadequate investment can be attributed to: ....Pres- "e Products over productivity

EIR December 9, 1988 Science & Technology 17 "e Short-termprofits over long-termcompetitiveness the industrial element of our deterrent." "e Returnon investment over market share. By contrast, the Defense Science Board reports, "The "The effect of combining the short-term planning philos­ Soviet priority attached to military power has required a ophy with America's uncoordinated policy-making mecha­ national commitment to a dedicated and militarily oriented nisms is best stated in the Data Resources Report on U.S. industrial system. During the past 35 years, there has been a Manufacturing Industries: 'The decline of position of man­ tremendous growth in all sectorsof Soviet militaryindustries ufacturing is a major industrial development for this coun­ and the tightly integrated national strategy of military pro­ try . . . . There are so few exceptions to the decline of the duction, from mining of raw materials to the fabrication of international positions of U . S. manufacturing industriesthat finished weapons systems. one must seek . . . general causes that act on the entire "Defense industrial requirements receive the highest economy.' priority in economic planning. . . . Soviet defense planning ". . . The result is the short-term planning which now is based upon a strong, coordinated industrial premobiliza­ dominates industry investment decisions. With short-term tion structure. planning, the DoD cannot be assured of the advancement "As a further indicator of shortfalls in DoD technology of technology on which our deterrence depends. There is base funding, Figure V -4" from page 38 of the report, "com­ danger in the contrast with our adversaries whose stable, pares U.S. versus Soviet military RDT&E spending levels long-term planning may permit them to overcome techno­ for almost 20 years. logical advantages. The loss of this advantage is the loss of "This deficit can be tied to the relative trends in U.S.! U.S. S.R. standing in the 20 most important basic technology areas found in Figure V -5" from page 39 of the report. "While the U . S. is in the lead, the arrows indicate the relative FIGURE 1-1 technology level is changing in favor of the Soviets. Manufacturing productivity, 1965-85 "The importance of technology as a factor in weapon

(1965=100) systems deployment is shown in Figure V -6" from page 39. "The chartindicates the relative U.S.!U.S.S.R. standing in 500 strategic and tactical forces. The arrows once again indicate significant changes in relative superiority of the U.S. versus

450 the Soviet Union in key military systems."



350 U.S. vs. Soviet military �esearch, development, test, and .valuation

40 300 ,l 250 , , 1970 through 1985 � 200 Deficit = $638 � -__ fII#: --.....-_ -- U.S.


10 1966 1969 1973 1977 1985

1965 1970 1980 Source:Final Report of the Defense Science Board 1988 Summer Study on The Defense Industrial and Technology Base, October 1988, Vol. I, Office of the Under Secretaryof Defense for AcqUisition, Washington, D.C.; U.S. Dept. Source: Final Report of the Defense Sqience Board 1988 Summer Study on of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Productivity and Technology: The Defense Industrial and Technology Base, October 1988, Vol. I, Office of 1986. the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Washington, D.C.

18 Science & Technology EIR December 9, 1988 The DSB report on Military System Applications of Su­ perconductors gives a specific case study of how the United FIGURE V-6 States is currently falling increasingly behind in the race to Relative U.S.lU.S.S.R. technology level in develop frontier technologies and industries. It is not only deployed military systems the fact that, given the recent realization of high temperature superconductors , which promise to revolutionize every as­ U.S./ u.s. U.S.S.R. U.S.S.R. pect of science and technology, the United States has failed Deployed system Superior Equal Superior to rise to this challenge, but also, as the DSB emphasizes, the fact that this recent experimental breakthrough has un­ Strategic ICBMs X covered the failure of the United States to vigorously pursue SSBNs X the immense potentials of already existing high temperature SLBMs X- superconductors . Bombers X- SAMs X As documentation, we excerpt from the DSB report its Ballistic missile defense X "Executive Summary" and "Recommendations" together with Anti-satellite X other selections. From the body of the superconductor report, Cruise missiles -X

it is clearthat high temperature superconductors (HTS) prom- Tactical

Land forces SAMs (including naval) X- Tanks X- Artillery FIGURE V-5 X Infantry combat vehicle S S S X Relative U. .lU. . .R. standing in the 20 Antitank guided missiles X- most important basic technology areas Attack helicopters X-- Chemical warfare X u.s.! Biological warfare X U.S. U.S.S.R. U.S.S.R. Basic technologies Superior Equal Superior Air forces Fighter/attack and X- 1. Aerodynamicslfluid dynamics X interceptor aircraft 2. Computer & software X Air-to-air missiles X- 3. Conventional warhead X- Air-to-surface missiles X- (Including all chemical Airlift aircraft X- explosives) 4. Directed energy X- Naval forces 5. Electro-optical sensor >E-- SSNs X- (including IA) Torpedoes X 6. Guidance & navigation X Sea-based aircraft X 7. Life Sciences (human factors X­ Surface combatants X- bio-technology) Naval cruise missiles X- 8. Materials (Lt. Wt. High X- Mines X strength, high temperature) 9. Micro-electronic materials X C31 & integrated circuit manfacturing Communications X 10. Nuclear warheads X Electronic countermeasures X- 11. Optics >E-- 12. Power sources (mobile) X Early warning X (includes energy storage) Surveillance and X- 13. Production manufacturing X-- reconnaissance (includes automated control) Training simulators X 14. Propulsion (aerospace and X- ground vehicles) IA-lnfraAed 15. Aadar sensor X ICBM-InterContinental ballistic missile 16. Aobotics & machine SSBN-Ballistic missile nuclear submarine intelligence X SLBM-Submarine launched ballistic missile 17. Signal processing X SAM-Surface-to-air missile 18. Signature reduction X- SSN-Nuclear attack submarine 19. Submarine detection X- C31-"C-cubed-I," or command, control, and communications; 20. Telecommunications X intelligence (includes fiber optics) ECCM-Electronic countercounter measures

Source: Final Report of the Defense Science Board 1988 Summer Study on Source: Final Report of the Defense Science Board 1988 Summer Study on The Defense Industrial and Technology Base, October 1988, Vol. I, Office of The Defense Industrial and Technology Base, October 1988, Vol. I, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Washington, D.C. the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Washington, D.C.

EIR December 9, 1988 Science & Technology 19 ise to revolutionize computer, electronic sensor, and electri­ 120-ton ship with MHD drive in operational test. In addition cal technology. More significant is what the report leaves to surface ships, MHO drives can also find use as quiet unsaid. From the data presented, it is clear that low temper­ propulsion systems for submarines and torpedos. Speculating ature superconductors (LTS) will revolutionize the recently about further term applications, an MHD collector-diffuser developed radio frequency weapon technology and other types and anMHO magnetic nozzle may makefe asible a 'a scramjet' of directed energy weapons. Furthermore, there are strong propulsion system for space bodies traveling in an ionized indications that the U.S.S.R. has not ignored these possibil­ medium." ities, either in the case of the existing low temperature super­ conductors (LTS) or the recently demonstrated HTS. Do the Soviets have it? In 1986, Jane's Fighting Ships put forth the thesis that The MHD submarine the Soviets had developed a wide range of advanced subma­ A good case in point is that of the application of super­ rine systems, including super-cold, absolute-zero cryogenic conductors to development of advanced MHO propulsion electric superconductingmotors and propellerless propulsion systems. The OSB report notes: based on electromagnetic and MHO drive. Except for EIR , "'The quickest payoffin high-power applications will come this thesis was almost universally ignored at the time. Now, fromthe exploitation of superconductormaterials in rotating with the advent of HTS , this thesis no longer sounds so wild, electrical machinery. Substantial weight savings can be re­ particularly if the Soviets had run across HTS some years alized by eliminating magnetic circuit materials and custom­ before scientists in the West. ary field windings. Already, an experimental 3-megawatt The Jane's thesis was "based on an hypothesis which is, superconductingDC motor has been built for ship propulsion in tum, based on freely available literature published over and tested at sea. This motor was 33% smaller than the thelast 25 years. It will, inevitably, be described as muddled equivalent conventionally air-cooled AC motor. thinking with little, if any, basis in fact. But the truth of the "Substantially greater motor size reductions are possible matteris thatthere is a possibilityof some ofit beingright . . . . with conventional LTS materials. A superconducting hom­ In 1963, the U.S. Bureau of Ships published Friauf's papers opolar DC motor of 40,000h. p., employing superconducting on magnetohydrodynamic propulsion. Nearly 30 years ago, shielding, could be built at about one-fourth the size and Dr. Stewart Way suggested the principle of electromagnetic weight of a contemporaryAC motor. The decreased size and thrust and, 10 years later, produced a working model. The weight and increased electricalefficiency reduce fuel require­ principles of cryogenics have been available for a long period ments and lead to an overall reduction in propulsion system in the West ....Contemporary to much of this work were demand on the ship's resources. A superconducting genera­ efforts of Soviet scientists and engineers ....In 1965 , a tor, which may be located remotely from the ship drive mo­ volume entitled New Sources of Electrical Energy was pub­ tor, will provide an efficient, flexible ship propulsion system. lished in Leningrad under the name of A.P. Baranov, and it The effect on a destroyer-class ship's performance would be was then that it was forecast that magnetohydrodynamic to reduce ship displacement by 14 percent and increase its (MHO) generators would be available for use by Soviet ships range by 30 percent. If the propulsion were mounted in an in the 1980s. About the time of pUblication of this book, external pod, the ship's displacement could be decreased by civilian applications of the MHO principle in Traveling Wave 25 percentand its cruising range increased by 40 percent. Pumpshad been investigated in the West and it had also been .. . . . High temperature,high field materials would al- . proposed as a means of torpedo propulsion. The energy re­ low further decreases in weight and size. At this point, the quired to push an object through the water is, in MHO, propUlsion system would be a negligible fraction of overall produced by pulsating magnetic fields causing sympathetic ship displacement, and multipleredundant drive systems could pulsations of ferro fluid surrounding a tube, open at both ends be installed. to the sea. Thus, a travelling wave is set up in the enclosed "While the first high-power propulsion applications are fluidand thewater is expelled at the rear, resulting in thrust. likely to be in ships . . . high field superconductors could Thereare numerous advantages to such a system: no radiated also providelight-weight generators and motors for armored noise from cavitation or moving mechanical parts, improved vehicles and, more speculatively, for aircraft propulsion. It thrust for a given power and less wake turbulence. The last must be emphasized that if these systems are to come about, of these would probably mean a reduction in detectable mag­ the necessary cryogenic support systems must be developed netic flux variations." to withstand the rigors of an operational environment. In summary, it should be noted that these MHO applica­ ..Other superconductor propulsion systems are clearly tions of high temperature superconductors also have revolu­ foreseeable. In Japan, Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHO) drives tionary implications for radio frequency weapons. have been built and tested at scale-model level by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. By 1990, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, in Next week: The Report of the Defense Science Board Task partnership with Toshiba and Kobe Steel, plans to have a Force on Military System App.ications of Superconductors.

20 Science & Technology ElK December 9, 1988 SPETSNAZ

WHAT THE PENTAGON WON'T TELL YOU ... Two EIR Special Reports will.

' (3WBAL SHOW lL� At.ATES � SPETSNAZ In the Pentagon's "authoritative" report on the Soviet military threat, Soviet MilitaryPower 1988, the word spets­ naz never even appears. But spetsnaz are Russian "green berets." Infiltrated into Western Europe, spetsnaz have new weapons that can wipe out NATO'S mobility, fire­ power, and depth of defense, before Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov launches his general assault.

ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE WEAPONS At least the Pentagon report mentions them-but only their "defensive" applications. In fact, they can be trans­ ported by spetsnaz, finely tuned to kill, paralyze, or di­ sorient masses of people, or to destroy electronics and communications. With EMP, as strategic weaponry or in the hands of spetsnaz, the Russians won't need to fire a single nuclear missile to take Europe. Global Showdown Escalates, 525 pages, $250 Electromagnetic-Effect Weapons, 100 pages, $150 Order from: EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. In Europe: EIR, Nachrichtenagentur GmbH, Dotzheimer Str. 166, 0-6200 SPECIAL REPORT Wiesbaden, FRG, Phone (06121) 884-0.

EIR December 9, 1988 Science & Technology 21 TIillFeature

Forces rally to fight Bolshevism worldwide

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The memorandum printed below was issued on Nov. 18, 1988, under the fulltitle, "A Worldwide Anti-Bolshevik Mobilization Is Now in Progress."

A call, for the rallying of groups and individuals, to fonn a worldwide anti­ Bolshevik resistance movement, was issued internationally during the week of Nov. 13-19, 1988. A copy of that declaration's text appeared in EIR , Nov. 25, 1988, Vol. 15, No. 47. The call was issued by a fonner U .S. presidential candidate, the author of this report. The author's actions were motivated chiefly by the following several considerations. 1) A cascading series of developments, centered around Soviet orchestration · of the forced resignation of the President of West Gennany's Parliament, Herr Philipp Jenninger, demonstrates that the strategic situation within the NATO alliance has deteriorated to the degree, that civilizationcan no longer be defended without the worldwide mobilization of an effective fonnof anti-Communist resis­ tance movement. This must be a movement prepared to resist by aid of the methods fairly described as those of People's War. 2) Some key elements of such a resistance movement alreadyexisted , but were not mobilized as an effectively unified force. The overwhelming majority of potential recruits were not actively mobilized in any fonn . Therefore , the call for such a mobilization must be issued as widely as possiblethroughout this planet. 3) It was most desirable that such a call be issued by an internationally promi­ nent public figure of the United States. That figure should be a person whom the Communists at the highest level have repeatedly identified as their principal ad­ versary in this world, and who is himself a target for earlyelimination by powerful Soviet accomplices in the West. This person must also be an internationally prominent public figure. This must be a figureassociated with the fightfor justice for all nations and peoples. This figuremust be a personwith political qualifications in insurgency and counterinsurgency.

22 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the author, Lyndon LaRouche, pay their respects to the martyrsof the German Resistance flgainstHitler, at the Berlin memorial, in October J 988.

4) At this moment, the author is the person who best act in obedience to clear signs of the Creator's Will. The meets those qualifications. Most notably, inside the United perception of such signs must be premised upon an intelligi­ States, there is no other person who meets such qualifications ble form of knowledge of the nat ral law by which this for issuing such a call. universe is ordered. A form of action must be chosen which 5) Therefore, the author issued that call. draws upon those powers which are greater than the powers For clarity, it is important that we make clear the author's of any man, or any government. In sqch matters, the individ­ own position in such matters. Two leading points are to be ual must act not on his own behalf, but as an instrument to made. The presentation of the first of those two points in­ call into fuller play, within the consciences of men and wom­ cludes a citation from the issued call. The second point, is en, those great powers of natural lawl the Creator's Manifest the relevance of the fact that the author is threatened with Will, which must be served. earlyextermination inside the United States, by forces acting In Christianity, the individual confronted with such a in complicity with the government of the U.S.S.R., and in personal call to duty, must act in imitation of Christ, with the accordance with instructions to the U.S. government from image of Christ in Gethsemane befoFe his eyes. He must act the Soviet government. in great matters with a correspondingly awesome humility A. The authority for issuing this call was taken from before the eyes of the Creator. He must act only to accept the Western Christianity. The author used the following words Cup of trouble, and possibly a m11fyr's death, which the to clarify the nature of this authority: Creator has set before his lips. He must drink from that Cup, ". . .like . . . the . . . Good Samaritan of the ,New Tes­ and drink deeply, without any mental reservation. tament, I find myself in the circumstance the responsibility The Good Samaritan was confr I nted with the helpless for a certain action falls upon me. So, as the Hand of Provi­ man by the side of the road. No other person would assist dence fell upon that Good Samaritan, in that fashion, it has that helpless man. The Good Samarftan acted according to demanded that I do an awesome deed, which I do here and the Will of the Creator, because, in that matter confronting I now." him, there was no one else situated to do what must be done. If man is to prevail in any awesome endeavor, man must So, in the smallest and greatest matte s of human affairs, that

EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 23 moral individual who meets the challenge of that responsi­ form of international philosophical association, which in­ bility which circumstances have thrust upon him, does the cludes among its associates and friends peoples of all conti­ Creator's Will, and becomes, in that manner and that degree, nents of this planet, and several religious beliefs. Thus, no the Hand of Providence. man or woman in any part of the planet has any good reason B. The author is threatened imminently with political to fear the author's invoking Christian principles; rather each martyrdom. Through elements of the U.S. government, in­ must recognize that such principles, so invoked, are an cluding the designated Soviet agent inside the U. S. Depart­ expression of good will toward all mankind. ment of Justice, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Although powerful forces within Western European civ­ Richard, and through Soviet agents and degraded agents of ilization have violated these principles, oftenwith outrageous influence such as Armand Hammer and the Bronfmans, the cruelty, the good which Western civilization has enjoyed author has been targeted for immediate elimination. This from Christianity has produced cultures with the greatest grisly result is currently being sought by aid of a politically power per capita of any part of this world. In the course of motivated effort to convict him on falsifiedindictmen ts, and recent centuries, all among those peoples we associate with to effect his early death under circumstances intended to flow developing nations, have sought nothing so much as theright from such indictment. of choice to make the advantages of Westerncivili zation their A man, situated with the responsibilities assigned to him by the Hand of Providence, and faced with the threat of imminent political martyrdom, must face his martyrdom boldly, and arrange affairs to such an effect that his martyr­ dom itself might become a powerful act on behalf of victory for that great cause of God and humanity which he represents. In the following portions of this report, it will be shown that the forces against which our cause is arrayed are the forces of avowed satanism. To fight such a foe , it is urgent that, in the minds of ordinary men and women of good will, the enemies of God and humanity wear plainly upon their foreheads the Mark of the Beast. Thus, the prospective mar­ tyr must act to ensure that his martyr's blood were written upon the foreheads of those who are complicit in murdering him, that that stain on their brows shall be known among men as a sign, the sign which is the Mark of the Beast. Like a soldier in battle, but in a much more profound sense, no cause as awesomely sacred as that before us can prevail, unless it is led by those who respond in that spirit to the prospect of early martyrdom. If and whenever that might be the case, such persons must meet the challenge with ac­ tions which set the stain of their own blood, as the Mark of the Beast, upon the brow of the enemies of God and human­ ity. For all Christians, the image of Christ's acceptance of his Crucifixion, for the sake of God's love toward all mankind, is the light which shines upon the path we must walk when facing the satanic forces of the First, Second, and, that would­ be Communist world regime, Moscow's Third Roman Em­ pire . The author's personal position in these matters affects the published call in a twofold way: First, as a defender of Western European Christianity, he regards those benefits which Christianity has bestowed upon the best moments and institutions of European civilization, as a gift bestowed upon those of European culture for the Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. by Albrecht Durer. "In benefitof allhumanity, to love all nations andpeopl es, whether Christianity. the individual confronted with such a personal call to they are Christian or not, for sake of the Creator. duty.must act in imitation of Christ. with the image of Christ in .. Second, he is himself a leading figure of an ecumenical Gethsemane befo re his eyes .

24 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 own: as that man of Providence, Dr. Sun Vat-sen did for the Now, let us take the oath of this new league. people of China. We will become a single land of brothers , Let the object for which this call is issued be clearly seen, nor shall we part in danger and distress. as a determination that our struggle shall bring forth on this We shall be free, just as our fathers were, planet a new justice for all nations, peoples, and individual and sooner die, than live in slavery. personalities of mankind. To that purpose, the RutH Oath We shall rely upon the highest God from Friedrich Schiller's Wilhelm Tell was chosen as the and we shall never fear the might of men. proposed oathof allegiance to the worldwide anti-Bolshevik resistance. Hear that oath in its original German, and its In the following portions of this report, we shall examine English translation: first the immediate prompting for the issuance of the call. Second, we shall examine the true circumstances which have First, the original German: brought upon this planet the most perilous conditions of evil Nein, eine Grenze hat Tyrannenmacht, against which we must stake our lives, that the hundreds of Wenn der GedrUckte nirgends Recht kann finden, billions of people, to come after us, may live, and live in Wenn unertraglich wird die Last-greift er freedom. Third, we shall examine the conditions of warfare Hinauf getrosten Mutes in den Himmel under which the worldwide anti-Bolshevik resistance must Und holt herunter seine ewgen Rechte, fight to win victory. Die droben hangen unveriiusserlich Und unzerbrechlich wie die Sterne selbst­ Der alte Urstand der Natur kehrt wieder, Wo Mensch dem Menschen gegenubersteht­ 1. The Jenningeraffair Zum letzten Mittel, wenn kein andres mehr Verfangen will, ist ihm das Schwert gegeben­ The German Vereingten Verfolgten des Naziregimes (the Der Guter hOchstes durfen wir verteidgen Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime-VVN), also Gegen Gewalt-Wir stehn vor unser Land, known by some German anti-Communists as the Vereingten Wir stehn vor unsre Weiber, unsre Kinder! Verfolgern des Naziregimes, (Association of Followers of the Nazi Regime), was established by the Soviet Chekists as the mother-organization for the recreation of Soviet Chekist operations inside post- 1945 Germany. -Wir wollen sein ein enzig Volk von Brudern, Nominally, the VVN operates in Germany, France, and In keiner Not uns trennenund Gefahr. the United States, among many Western nations, as the arm -Wir wollen frei sein, wie die Vater waren, of the East German Ministry for State Security ("Stasi"). In Eher den Tod, als in der Knechtschaft leben. fact, the Stasi is rated by the Soviet KGB and GRU as a -Wir wollen trauen auf den hOchsten Gott Soviet Mitkiimpfe r agency; the VVN operates theunder screen Und uns nicht rurchten vor der Macht der Menschen. of its connections to the Stasi, but is a direct armof the Soviet KGB and GRU , and of the Moscow Procurator. Presently, it Second, the English translation published in the twice-week­ is under the direction of the former KGB director, Viktor ly English-language U.S. national newspaper, The New Fed­ Chebrikov , in his new capacity as minister of the Soviet eralist: Central Committee's Intelligence Secretariat, in charge of the Soviet KGB , Military, Interior Police, and Justice sys­ No, there is a limit to the tyrant's power, tem. when the oppressed can find no justice, when Recently, under explicit direction issued openly by the the burden grows unbearable-he reaches Soviet and East German press, to the VVN, by name, the withhopeful courage up unto the heavens VVN acted in concert with other Soviet agencies to orches­ and seizes hither his eternal rights , trate the summary forced resignation of Philipp Jenninger, which hang above, inalienable the President of the Bundestag (national parliament) of the and indestructible as stars themselves. Federal Republic of Germany. This was accomplished through The primal state of nature reappears , a pre-planned operation conducted in cooperation with lead­ where man stands opposite his fellow man. ing figures ofnot only the Soviet fellow-travelingGreen Party As a last resort, when not another means of West Germany, but also leading circles of the Social De­ is of avail , the sword is given him, mocracy and Liberals. The operation was conducted in pre­ The highest of all goods we may defend orchestrated cooperation with elements of the leading press from violence, Thus stand we before our country, of West Germany, and the international press. thus stand we before our wives, and before our children. The boldness of this Soviet-orchestrated action against

EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 25 the stability of the government of the Federal Republic of and experience to defeat Communism in those localities it is Germany has the form of a pre-war political covert operation most unpopUlar: where peoples have bitter firsthand experi­ by Moscow. The extent of complicity with so obvious a ence with the realities of Comm,nist tyranny. Soviet KGB-staged affair, among leading Western wire ser­ We also know how to resis� in those parts of the world vices and others, shows how advanced is the deterioration of where the illusion of peace, and ignorance of the realities of the political security of the West as a whole. Communism, have combined influencesto make much of the The Jenninger affair, taken in the context of other global populations soft-headedin these, matters. developments in progress, warns us that this affair is the To those who understand such matters, these elements of moment at which the mobilization of a worldwide anti-Com­ the call are chieflyself-explana tory. What more need be said munist resistance movement must have begun. In some states, on that subject, will be treated in the closing portion of this report.

2. The global strate�ic assessment Fro m the Soviet side, the Wes tern liberals ' world:federalist To estimate the dangers and the foes against which our resistance must be mobilized, we must uncover the reality of utopianism is seen as the principal the post- 1943 period of modern world history. We must op ening through which Soviet rescue that knowledge from the �ick accumulation of igno­ irifluence might march to establish rance and willful deception usually read in the Western news media and from the mouths of thepoliticia ns. Moscow'sworld domination blifore the close ojthe century. The Soviet The Yalta policy-matrix rulers today have the same Consider firstthe simplest aspect of the real history of the post -1943 period: the 1943 Y alta,agreements, and the process Dostoevskian messianic goals as leading fromthat Yalta policy, to the frantic effort to set into the steerers ojthe earliest phase oj place a "New Yalta" sort of global power-sharing agreements Bolshevik power. between the Western liberal establishments and Moscow to­ day. During the wartime years 1943-1945, at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences with Josef Stalin , the U.S. and British governmentssurrendered a grea� portion of Easternand Cen­ where leading official political , juridical, and military insti­ tral Europe to postwar Soviet �ministration. At the same tutions still resist the Bolshevik attempt at world takeover, time, the same Anglo-Americ� establishment factions re­ the leading function of the worldwide resistance is to defend sponsible for the Yalta and Potsdam concessions, pushed a and strengthen those institutions. Where those institutions similar policy for East Asia, with the results seen in Mao have been undermined to the degree that they no longer Zedong's rise to power over the·mainland in China, and the defend their nations, or become even instruments of the Mus­ circumstances of the same AngJo-American liberals' ouster covite assault, the resistance must take the leadership of the of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. offensive in the appropriate manner. The entirety of U.S.-Soviet relations during the period In this circumstance, the logic of current history selected 1943-1988 is divided into a succ�ssion of several subordinate a former U. S. presidential candidate, the single international phases, as follows: public figure most hated and feared by Moscow, to issue the call for the mobilization of the worldwide anti-Bolshevik 1. The period of close collaborat;ionwith Stalin, 1943-1945 . resistance. That call has been widely publicized, and will 2. The "Iron Curtain" period, divided into two sub-periods: continue to be published more widely into every relevant A. The "Preventive Nuclear War" debate, 1946-1947. place on the face of this planet. B. The "Cold War" period, 1949-1953. Some among us will require no explanation of the speci­ 3. The "Khrushchov Period," n�bly the period 1955-1963. ficationsfor the principles and organization of the resistance, 4. The "Early Brezhnev Period," 1964-1968. featured in the content of the call issued. Those among us 5. The "Detente Period," 1969-1982. who are familiar with the roots and history of Communism, 6. The " Andropov Period," 1982-1988, divided into two sub­ and who have also studied the methods of Communist insur­ periods: gency and have studied the problems of effective counterin­ A. 1982-1983 SDI period; surgency in various nations, know how to use our knowledge B. The 1984-1988 period of drive toward global power-

26 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 sharing agreements between the Anglo-Americans and Mos­ a complex and hazardous one. For one thing, they must be cow. careful to deceive the foolish liberal-financier establishment of the West, up to the point that Moscow has such over­ The importance of noting these successive periods, is to whelming superiority that it is no longer strategically re­ emphasize the fact, that despite the secondary differences quired to deceive the West. They must shape their actions between each period and its predecessor, a continuous drift according to the correlation of global forces. They must also of Anglo-American and Soviet strategic policies persists reckon with the difficult problems of constantly reshaping through all of them. Without understanding that underlying the institutions of the Soviet empire, to meet the challenge of continuity, we can not grasp many of the essential features changing conditions. of the strategic situation confronting the worldwide resis­ Thus, while the liberal establishment forces pushing their tance mobilization. "New Yalta" sort of world-federalist utopianism are impelled The underlying thrust of all leading Anglo-American pol­ to use methods of "balance of power" and "crisis manage­ icy during the 1943-1988 period, has been to establish a ment," to cope with the external and domestic realities of global power-sharing arrangement between the Anglo­ their nations and their bloc, so the Soviets are faced with a American liberal-financierestablishment and Moscow. The different, but similar difficultyfrom their side. method which those establishment circles have employed, is Thus, in history generally, the major changes in the course a Metternicheanpolicy of "balance of power" diplomacy. of life of nations come about not all at once, but through a From the Soviet side, the Western liberals' world-feder­ thicket of twists and turns, advances and retreats, and such alist utopianism is seen as the principal opening through difficulties. So, in all history, the connection between the which Soviet influence might march to establish Moscow's adoption of a profound change in institutions, and the result world domination before the close of the present century . toward which that policy leads in practice, occurs usually The Soviet rulers under today's Andropov dynasty have the only over the course of several, or even many more genera­ same Dostoevskian messianic goals as the steerers of the tions. earliest phase of Bolshevik power: to establish Moscow as In the study of real history, we must never permit the the eternal capital of a worldwide empire successor to the appearance of differences among successive phases of a pro­ first and second Roman empires, to establish Moscow as the cess to distract us from the essential fact, that these apparent eternalcapital of a "Third Rome," as the satanist Dostoevsky differences are lawful expressions of a process which contin­ proposed, as did the notorious Filofeos of Pskov, in A.D. ues throughout, and governseach of the shorter periods of its 1510, long before Dostoevsky. elaboration. The differing qualities of subsidiary phases of that long The case of Stalin is an example of this. process, arise from the obstacles which confrontthat contin­ During the initial period of the Yalta agreements, 1943- uing policy. These obstacles reflect a period of altered cir­ 1953, while Stalin was alive and in power, Moscow refused cumstances, or a change in tactics required by the maturing to accept a feature of the Western liberal-financierestablish­ of the continuing process itself. ment's terms which the liberal establishment considered cru­ In the language of physics, all historical processes are cial. What the Westerners' desired, was relations with Mos­ characteristically non-linear ones. As non-linear processes, cow modeled upon the "Trust" arrangements of the 1922- they are characterized by a succession of changes in phase­ 1927 Soviet "New Economic Policy" period, the so-called state of the process, each phase-state set offfrom its prede­ "economic concessions" in trade, financing and investment, cessor by what we call in physics a singularity. To understand which are a leading feature of Western liberal-establishment any non-linear process, whether as a subject of physics, or as negotiations with the ruling Andropov faction in Moscow an historical process, we must shift our attention from the today . internal details of each phase-state, and define the process as It should be recalled that the terms of trade which the a whole as an ordered succession of its singularities. Western Trust partners of Moscow imposed during the 1922- Commentators unfamiliar with such considerations, have 1927 period, threatened to collapse the Soviet economy, attempted to explain each distinct period of Soviet history in largely as a result of the collapsing prices of Soviet grain­ terms of the internal evidence ostensibly peculiar to that exports . The "Third Rome" faction in the Soviet Nomenkla­ period as such. They have failed to grasp the fact that each of tura, sometimes described wrongly as the "nationalists," re­ these distinct periods of Soviet short-term and medium-term acted to this by backing Stalin's rise to power, and the sys­ policy response characteristics, is no more than a phase-state tematic purging of those Left Opposition and Right Opposi­ expressing the essential continuity of a process begun with tion factions of the Comintern which were tied most closely the Bolshevik assumption of state power. to Westernliberal -financier interests. Although Moscow's goal of world empire is a simple and Hence, as long as Stalin lived, and remained in power, consistent one throughout the recent seventy years, the path Moscow would not accept any agreement conditional upon by which the Soviets move to bring that utopia into being is terms of trade like those associated with the 1922- 1 927 Trust.

EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 27 This was the crucial issue of the 1946-1953 period . The right agents of Communist states, and the Social Democra­ Westernliberal-financier interests previously associated with cy's drift into a similar role, would not have been possible the 1922-1927 period of the Trust, wished to enter into a with only the resources ofthe Trotskyist and Bukharin-Love­ global power-sharing condominium with postwar Moscow: stone penetration of Western governments' institutions. that was the motive for the Yalta and Potsdam concessions These networks have maintained their position as left­ to Stalin. They hoped that a war-bled Soviet Union would wing assets of those liberal-financierestablishment potencies have no choice but to accept such Western terms. When which participated in the 1922-1 927 Trust agreements with Stalin refused, and looted Eastern Europe as a way of avoid­ Dzerzhinsky's Cheka. It is the relationship between these ing economic and related concessions to the West, Winston ousted Comintern factions and the tradition of the Trust, Churchill's "Iron Curtain" address, and the period of "Cold which is key to the increasingly treasonous role these com­ War" were the result. bined forces have played against Western civilization since Initially, the world-federalist faction desiring a global the 1955-1958 interval of Pugwash and related negotiations. condominium with Moscow thought to threaten Moscow with This is a crucial aspectof the problem faced by the world­ "preventive nuclear war," as a way of inducing Moscow to wide anti-Bolshevik resistance today. The case of the Love­ accept a global condominium on the terms the liberal-finan­ stone networks inside the U.S. trade-union bureaucracy and cier establishment desired. Over the 1947-1951 period, this U.S. intelligence community, is but one important example liberal Anglo-American faction pulled back from serious ideas of this. The relationship between Lovestone confederate Leo of such a war with Moscow; this is key to the ouster of Gen. Cherne and John Cini Train, is but one prominent illustration Douglas MacArthur, as the MacArthur firingis key to under­ of the nature of this kind of internal security problem. standing that travesty which was U.S. military policy in Through the Bukharinite and Trotskyist networks' pene­ Indochina. tration of the so-called conservative currents of the U.S. With the consolidation of Khrushchov's power, by the intelligence community, and the relationship of these net­ time of the 1955 London Conference of Bertrand Russell's works to such liberal establishment sponsors as Train and World Government association, the liberals had found a dis­ Richard Mellon Scaife, "dangerous anti-Soviet figures," such cussion partner more or less to their liking in Moscow. By as this author, are victimized by a duped U.S. government the 1958 Pugwash conferences in Quebec and Vienna, the itself; and, in this and related ways, the nominally conser­ Western liberals reached general agreement with Khrush­ vative flank of the U.S. political establishment is occupied chov's Moscow on the arms control process intended to bring by a powerful channel of covert Soviet influence. the global condominium into existence during later years. Nonetheless, for both the Communists and their liberal As a result of the argeements which Khrushchov reached banker friends in the West, the ultimate fruits of subversion with the Western "Trust" faction, through such channels as and treason are not quickly harvested. The Pugwash-centered Bertrand Russell's, in 1955, Moscow adopted the project of set of policy agreements met with resistance from within Comintern leaders Otto Kuusinen and Eugen Varga, estab­ relevant institutions on both sides. Within each bloc, and lishing IMEMO and its auxiliaries as the political form of between the blocs, a difficult period of crisis-management revival of the Moscow-Western channels used by the .1922- game-playing unfolded over the period 1958-1968. 1927 form of Feliks Dzerzhinsky's original "Trust." Then, with the establishment of John J. McCloy's pro­ tege, Willy Brandt, first as foreign minister and then chan­ The internal security problem cellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the adoption With the establishment of this revival of old Comintern­ of Brandt-linked detente policies by the Nixon administra­ Trust institutions, centered around IMEMO, the old Comin­ tion, the period of detente proper became the new phase tern opposition organizations, the Trotskyists and Bukhar­ moving the world closer to the sort of global power-sharing inites, began to move into the KGB 's camp beginning the arrangements in the foreground of diplomacy and strategic period 1955-1958. Since many of these Trotskyists and Buk­ balance-of-power manueverings today . harinites had moved, as anti-Stalinists, into the intelligence The next breaking-point came following President Rea­ and related institutions of Western governments, these old gan's March 1983 announcement of the SDI. Had this policy Trotskyists and Bukharinites, such as the circles of Jay Love­ been implemented as originally projected, it would have ru­ stone inside the United States, were enthralled by the hope ined the grand strategic design of Yuri Andropov's and Mar­ that their former Soviet leaders might be rehabilitated in shal Nikolai Ogarkov' s circles. Beginning April 1983, those Moscow, and that they might resume the status which the liberal-financier establishment circles with traditional links Trotskyists and Bukharinists had enjoyed in Moscow prior to to the 1922-1927 Trust, acted in aid of the Soviet effort to Stalin's purges of the late 1920s and the later purges of the derail the SDI at the inception. Not only was a massive 1930s. campaign run, on Soviet behalf, through Western liberal The resumed role of the Trotskyist and Bukharin-Love­ news media; a more effective campaign was conducted by stone organizations as variously agents of influence, or out- financierinter ests, who used the U. S. federal budget deficits

28 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 as a way of slashing U.S. defense expenditures through the mism respecting the need to retreat before Moscow's strateg­ Gramm-Rudman legislation and kindred actions. ic demands. The Pugwash Conference was a pack of traitors, in fact. There is no cheaper victory, than that won against The ' Andropov Dynasty' even a physically superior adversary by destroying his polit­ The most recent phase of Soviet policy began with the ical will to defend himself. accession of Yuri Andropov to the position of Leonid Brezh­ If we outlaw strategic ballistic missile defense, as the nev's designated successor, during negotiations in Moscow Pugwash back-channels induced the U.S. to do so, then, of during the period March-June 1982. This marks the point of course, general war using rocket-borne nuclear weapons is Soviet adoption of the strategic war-plan jointly developed only less horrible for the undefended power than the fanatical by Andropov and his partner, Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov. This pacifists tell us it is. If, as Marshal V.D. Sokolovsky wrote strategic war-plan, which combines methods of People's War in 1963, new technologies are deployed to eliminate a critical with development of war-winning first-strike regularmil itary margin of the adversary's nuclear-tipped rocket assault, for capabilities, represents the Soviets' adoption of a final phase the power so equipped, nuclear war is no longer "unthinka­ of the drive toward early world conquest. ble." The feasibility of launched general war, with the com­ The dominant forces among those ruling in Moscow to­ mitment to winning it decisively, exists as soon as a major day, are a collection of persons fairly described as the " An­ power adopts and deploys active defense suited to achieving dropov-Ogarkov Kindergarten, " like Andropov' s designated elimination of a properly defined"critical margin" of nuclear "crown prince," Mikhail Sergeivitch Gorbachov. This war­ firepower. plan for world conquest by the end of this century, is the There arethree leading features to active strategic defense operative policy of Moscow today . policy today: To the degree this war-plan has been successful over the 1) It is a general principle, that whichever power secures period 1984-1988, those relative strategic successes have more effective mastery of the full range of the electromag­ been made possible through Soviet exploitation of Western netic spectrum, including non-linear pulse-effects, domi­ liberal-financierobsessions with the dream of establishing a nates this planet more effectively than it was ever formerly kind of world-federalist utopia based upon turning the planet dreamed that massed artillery fire could reshape the battle­ into an Anglo-Soviet condominium through global power­ field. sharing agreements reached with Moscow. Nothing could be 2) The firepowerand mobility of strategic ballistic missile more pleasing, and advantageous to a hungry bear, than a defense systems based on high-powered lasers and more ad­ family of rabbits who seek what they imagine to be the warmth vanced electromagnetic weaponry, is, per unit of effort and and security to be found inside the bear's stomach. cost, several orders of magnitude superior to the rocket­ Broadly, the Andropov-Ogarkov strategic war-plan is power of the nuclear-tipped assault. based chiefly on a doctrine of total war, People's War. Sub­ 3) It is feasible, using deeply deployed Soviet spetsnaz sumed within that is the Soviet view that the success of troops of proper training and equipment, to conduct a first­ People's War requires Moscow to possess absolute, war­ strike against the approximately 250 strategic military and winning military superiority. This latter feature of the Soviet logistical targets in Western Europe without the firing of a war-plan of world conquest has two, interrelated, crucial single Soviet missile. It is technically feasible, to accomplish aspects. Their bearing upon the work of the worldwide anti­ similar effectsagainst the second echelon of Soviet forces. Bolshevik resistance is crucial, as we shall examine this now. Pre-infiltrated Soviet spetsnaz, equipped with compact As a matter of scientific principle, there could be a clear "nuclear land-mines," a repertoire of chemical-biological ca­ victor in a war fought between the principal nuclear powers. pabilities, and electromagnetic anti-personnel weapons, are Nuclear and electromagnetic technologies require a higher implicitly capable of conducting, by covert deployments, a form of physical geometry than that used in calculations of 250-target first -strike assault against Western Europe without offense and defense by Vauban, Monge, et al. If we use the requiring a single Soviet missile to strike any among those proper higher physical geometries, of Karl Gauss and his targets . followers, the proper combinations of active and passive More broadly, a relatively small number of spetsnaz bri­ defense can achieve a devastating offset to a rocket-borne gades, in addition to pre-infiltrated sp etsnaz, can be pinpoint­ strike. The Soviets believe this result to be feasible, and they ed into the second echelon of the NATO defending forces are right on that most important fact. during hours preceding the general assault, and can be the Modem general warfare is not "unthinkable." The same critical margin to ensure that NATO defenses are not mobi­ liberal establishment forces which seek a world-federalist lized effectively at the moment of the assault or during a sort of global condominium with Moscow have used the myth number of hours following. This requires, on the Soviet side, of the "unthinkable" to base Western doctrine on "deter­ a change in the Soviet order of battle, and the proper training rence" and "crisis management," and to throw large masses and high-technology equipping of the spetsnaz and support­ of the Westernpopulations into a deep pit of cultural pessi- ing echelons of regular airborne units.

EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 29 Throughout the postwar period, the functioning of the U.S.S.R.'s economy has depended absolutely upon a critical margin of looting of the wealth of occupied Eastern Europe . Soviet military expenditures, including those for Admiral Gorchkov's fleet, were increased to no less than 17% above official Western estimates, already during the Carter admin­ istration period. Beginning 1982, the rate of Soviet military expenditures, in real, physical terms, was accelerated to much higher percentiles of total Soviet and East bloc physical ex­ penditure. What was done in both Eastern Europe and the Soviet economy itself, to support this buildup, was what Soviet economist Evgenii Preobrazhensky, during the 1920s, de­ fined as "socialist primitive accumulation." Except for the machine-tool sectors of East Germany and the Bohemian region of Czechoslovakia, Eastern Europe was looted to the degree that the affected economies reached the threshold of a downward, physical breakdown spiral during 1988. This reporter had predicted such a 1988 downward-turn­ ing point in the Soviet sector's economy during early 1985. This forecast was based upon knowing the physical-econom­ ic half-life of vital Soviet capital investments in agriculture , industry, and basic economic infrastructure . The use of ex­ treme measures of "socialist primitive accumulation" for such military mobilization, meant that at the end of an approxi­ The dome of Florence Cathedral, 1420-36, by Brunelleschi. mately five-year half-life cycle, beginning with the Andro­ "History shows, that wherever the emphasis is upon the fo stering of the developing of the creative-mental powers of the individual pov mobilization of late 1982, the Soviet and East bloc econ­ mind, ...we need notfear we might lack technological omies must have reached a point of singularity in the physi­ progress." cal-economic process, with precisely the results seen in those sectors during 1985. As a result, the Soviet bloc economy as a whole has now Such a reshaping of Soviet forces was to have been more entered into a spiral of physical-economic collapse, a col­ or less completed by approximately 1988, including the de­ lapse which is irreversible as long as the Andropov-Ogarkov ployment of Soviet strategic ballistic missile defenses. Partly plan for world conquest persists. because of the unexpected death of Andropov, and the Cher­ nenko interregnum, two years or more were lost from the Mainland China compared Soviet scheduled buildup, to the effect that the scheduled A parallel state of affairs is appearing on the China main­ date is now estimated between 1990 and 1992. land, and is spreading into Vietnam, for example. By inducing the West to disarm politically and otherwise, In the case of mainland China, the included problem is the Soviet military buildup according to the Ogarkov Plan the resistance to the development of China's basic economic was to achieved a net condition of effective war-winning infrastructure in depth. In the past ten years , the conditions superiority of Soviet over disarrayed and demoralized West­ of life in rural China generally have fallen behind rural con­ ern forces. This capability was either to be used for launching ditions in the poorer regions of India. a first-strike attack, to cover a Soviet overrunning of Western By 1986, Japan's representatives engaged in heated de­ Europe within approximately 72 hours , or the threat that such bates with representatives of the Beijing government over a capability existed, and could be used, was to induce the this issue of basic economic infrastructure . Japanese repre­ West to submit by other Soviet means. sentatives rightly observed, that without development of bas­ In principle, this war-plan is not a new one. It is the old ic economic infrastructure in depth , foreign industrial tech­ Soviet Tukhachevsky European Plan of the Offensive tech­ nology supplied to Beijing would not realize scheduled ob­ nologically updated and extended to global application. It is jectives. \ the combination of People's War and military blitzkrieg seen To a physical economist, the relevant calculations are in the old Tukhachevsky Plan , adapted to a modem environ­ elementary . It is a matter of correlating the occupational ment division of labor within the mainland's population of family This Soviet buildup is being accomplished at a terrible households, with both land use and energy per capita unit of price to their system. population-density for each class of land-use (agriculture ,

30 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 industry, and so forth). Good rough estimates can be made urgently needed water-management, rail rehabilitation, and by measuring energy-density per per-capita unit of popula­ energy programs. tion-density in kilowatt-hours per year. These correlations Formally, this India bureaucracy is not Communist, al­ are compared with yields of physical product, measured in though the Soviet influencethrough Evgenii Primakov's Ori­ standard per capita "market -baskets" of producers' and ental Institute agents, as well as the various Communist po­ households' goods. litical organizations, and the Bertrand Russell-style Fabians Given the approximately I billion population of mainland are effectively Communist forces by tests of practice. The China, a small percentile of the total labor force employed in bureaucracy's mentality has a marked kinship in philosophy urban industrial and related occupations is a very large urban of social and economic practice, to the Soviet bureaucracy labor force relative to any nation of Europe. Wishful thinkers and that of Beijing. among Westerners drooling over prospects of economic The second crucial factor causing the axiomatic tendency concessions in the "many Hong Kongs" of the mainland coast for failure of Communist economies, is the collectivist men­ and, prospectively, Hainan, see only what they wish to see, tality. "many Hong Kongs"; they do not see that the small percentile In part, this collectivist mentality prevents the healthy of the industrial ration of the labor force, averaged with the development of those usually small-scale machine-tool shops pitiably low per capita output of the rural population, and the which are the transmission belt by which technological prog­ growing mass of an army of permanently unemployed, means ress is delivered to larger-scale industries. This is an impor­ a mainland China sliding into the pit of economic crisis. tant secondary result of collectivism, but it is not the most As the Republic of China's experience has demonstrated, fundamental one. the use of the kinds of "protectionist" measures specifiedby From the standpoint of Leibniz's economic science, the such American System economists as Treasury Secretary science of physical-economy, the fundamental functional Alexander Hamilton, Friedrich List, and the two Careys, for difference between man and beasts is man's manifest capac­ agrarian reforms, combined with a state emphasis upon ity for the increase of the productive powersof labor through building up basic economic infrastructure, is the foundation efficient generation and assimilation of scientific and tech­ of prosperous growth in the urban sector. If we could apply nological progress. this lesson to the entirety of mainland China, we can define In the hypothetical "primitive hunting-and-gathering so­ rather readily the massive infrastructural development proj­ ciety," an average of approximately ten square kilometers of ects in water-management, mass transport, and energy pro­ Cenozoic wilderness land-area were required to sustain an duction and distribution needed to effecta significant growth average life in miserable conditions, with very low life ex­ of productivity in the rural sector, and to provide also the pectancies. That would place a ceiling on the planet's human indispensable base for successful development of urban population at approximately 10 million miserable persons. economy. Today, this planet sustains 5 billion persons, most badly A study of the physical-economic geography of mainland sustained; however, with full-scale use of technologies al­ China as a whole, with a view to emphasizing a critical lack ready available in industrialized nations at the beginning of of sufficientdensity of modem basic economic infrastructure the 1970s, we could sustain a world population of between per square kilometer of territory, and per per-capita unit of 15 and 25 billion at a European standard of living, including popUlation-density by economic class of land-use, shows us 2 billion or more in mainland China. That represents more immediately the general, and catastrophic nature of the eco­ than 1,000 times the population-density for "primitive hunt­ nomic problems of mainland China as a whole. ing-and-gathering" modes of existence. Here, we have touched upon one of the two principal Under healthy economic conditions, scientific and tech­ reasons, that as economies, Communist systems do not work. nological progress already under way, by two generations The first of those two reasons, emphasized for the case of ahead, will tend to write terawatts where we write gigawatts China, is the role of development of basic economic infra­ today. This increase in energy-density and energy-flux den­ structure in overcoming otherwise narrow , and tight con­ sity, together with related advances in technology as such, straints for general increase of productive powers of labor in means an increase of mankind's potential population-density the society as a whole. by approximately a factor of ten relative to today's. A kindred problem arises in India. The Indian bureauc­ No animal could effectwillf ul modificationsof its behav­ racy, which controlled the subcontinent during the period of ior to the effectof doubling its species' potential population­ the Moguls, and under the British, has continued to be the density. center of government power in India under post-colonial Thus, the functional differencebetween man and beast is government. This bureaucracy ensures that fixedpercentiles centered in the development of the individual person's crea­ of development funds are used to allot development funds to tive powers of reasoning, as these powers may be typifiedby pre-existing categories of application of funds, to such effect valid fundamental discoveries in physical science. It is the that no matter how much the development budget is expanded generation and assimilation of those ideas which are the fruit in total amount, no percentile of significance is allowed for of creative reason, rather than mere logic, which is the motor

EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 31 of technological progress. Technological progress is the mo­ sustain an average individual human life with improved in­ tor of increase of a society's potential population-density. In comes is also increased potentially. all of this, the generation and transmission of the ideas which The question is posed to the science of physical economy: are technological progress, it is the creative powers of the Does the development of the creativepowers of the individual individual mind, and nothing but the individual mind, which mind exist, to make possible technological progress and its are the means by which human development is accom­ benefits; or, is it not the purpose of technological progress to plished. foster the development of the creative powers of the individ­ For this reason, Communist societies, like the most op­ ual mind? History shows, that wherever the emphasis is upon pressive forms of so-called "traditionalist society," are axi­ the fostering of the development of the creative-mental pow­ omatically economic failures. Not accidentally, in the por­ ers of the individual mind, and also fostering the opportunity tion of the Soviet Union with the highest incomes, and the for the individual's use of those developed powers, we need greatest political privileges, Moscow, each year, there are not fear we might lack technological progress. The true pur­ more abortions than births. pose of the good society is the development of those powers It might be observed, that in these respects, Communist to do good, which are the creative-mental potential setting nations impose upon their populations conditions resembling all individuals, of all mankind, apart from, and above the the economic and related cruelties which we associate rightly beasts. with nineteenth-century colonialism. Communism in Russia On this account, Communist society has features in com­ was imbued with the ideas of a worldwide empire, of many mon with the most backward of primitive and barbaric soci­ subject nations and peoples, under the rule of a Moscow eties. Even when it professes to promote scientificand related master-race. Among the rulers of Communist Beijing, and in progress, its intrinsically racialist characteristic rejects the the role of Beijing in Pol Pot's massive genocide against the idea that the quality which sets persons apart from the beasts Cambodians, we see what might be thought a natural tenden­ as human, is the essence of human nature, and of human cy of Communist Beijing to converge upon a Communist's needs. In Russia, the social base for the Bolshevik party was parodyof Middle Kingdom policies. the raskolniki, the most fanatically backward layer of the Collectivism, by rejecting the sameness of all human Slavic popUlations of Czarist Russia. There, as elsewhere, beings before the Creator, a sameness of all nations and so­ Communism bases its mass appeal on the bestiality of man's called races in the potential creative powers of the newborn ideas about man, which is endemic among the most backward individual, is inherently a racist society, which like the Soviet peoples. Russians, believesthat dif ferences between national cultures Communism resembles barbarism on these accounts, be­ are matters of racial and kindred distinction. So, all imperi­ cause Communism is a parody of barbarism. alist powers , by seeking to justify the assumption that some On this account, those Westernliberal-financier interests peoples are racially superior to others, denies that which which are associated with eighteenth- and nineteenth-century makes all persons equal in their natural individual human colonialism, and whose wealth flows largely from original rights, the creative powersof reasoning, which are a potential fortunes accumulated in the East India Company's China to be developed in every newbornchild . opium trade, such as the circles of Lord Palmerston in Brit­ In the practice of moral nations and moral political forces, ain, have the greatest affinities for creating an East-West the progress of society, as far as we can trace the history of power-sharing agreement with Moscow as a basis for their civilization, back to the fertile region of Central Asia during dream of a world-federalist, global condominium, in which the millennia before 4000 B.C. , is associated withtwo lead­ the sovereignty of nation-state republics is outlawed. ing results. The convergence of such liberal-financier interests with On the one side, there is technological progress. This Moscow, in common promotion of so-called neo-malthusian includes the development of science, as typifiedby the exis­ ideas, is typical of the mutual ideological complementarities tence of an excellent solar astronomical calendar based on between the old opium-trafficking colonialists' descendants, the very long equinoctial cycle, in Central Asia before 4000 and the Communist regimes. B.C. There is the development of spoken language as an So, as Soviet economist Evgenii Preobrazhensky wrote instrument of more refined reasoning and communication of with such insight, back during the 1920s, Bolshevik econo­ reason among persons. There is, associated with the devel­ my is based upon the practice of "socialist primitive accu­ opment of science and literate forms of language, the devel­ mulation," the looting of production to the advantage of the opment of classical poetry, and the development of classical Communist state's increase of its physical power. All Com­ music on the basis of polyphonic singing of classical poetry. munist states, as soon as they begin to consolidate their rule, Parallel to this, but also caused by this, there are advances adopt policies like those which Preobrazhensky identified as in the technology of production, by means of which the "primitive socialist accumulation." average physical income and life expectancies areincreased, This policy of"primitive socialist accumulation," and its at least potentially, and the amount of land-area required to correlatives and effects, is the premisefor the effective con-

32 Feature ElK December 9, 1988 duct of People's War against internally rotting Communist Western Europe and North America over the recent twenty­ states. five years, the recent twenty years most emphatically. These The Communist society denies its subject individuals the three factors are the combination of skyrocketing rates of natural rights of each and every human being. It denies those financial usury with "post-industrial" utopianism and the qualities of the individual which set mankind apart from and spread of the anti-Judeo-Christian, radical counterculture. above the beasts. By failing to promote the individual's ef­ While financial aggregates in the hands of a diminishing fective role in scientific and technological progress, and by number of financial interests increase astronomically, the the practices of "socialist primitive accumulation," Com­ physical basis for economy has been collapsed. Agriculture, munist society creates, over a span of two or three genera­ industry, and basic economic infrastructure, are in a state of tions, the kind of economic instabilities which energize more collapse throughout Western Europe, North America, and and more of the population to hate the regime more or less as most developing nations. In real terms, as measured by the much as they fearit . physical content of a standard market-basket of producers' The tasks of the worldwide anti-Bolshevik resistance are and households' goods, the physical productivity of the pop­ manifold. However, among these manifold tasks, one fun­ ulations of Western Europe, North America, and the devel­ damental task is the most essential one. oping sector as a whole, has been collapsing. For what cause will a man or woman lay down his or her In other words, the potential population-density of this life, that the hundreds of billions of persons in generations to planet, under present economic and related policies, has now follow might be free? Much more than the soldier in regular fallen significantly below the level of 5 billion living persons. warfare , the individual resistance-fighter, who lacks the psy­ Under the financial, fiscaland economic policies which con­ chological benefits of being a member of a regular armed tinue to prevail in North America, Western Europe, and force, who is a vulnerable isolated figure of total war, must supranational monetary agencies today, this collapse would look deeply inside himself, to discover there something so accelerate over the two and more years ahead. precious to him, that he will gladly sacrificehis life for that On the surface, what threatens us is a worldwide financial cause. crash, or series of such financial crashes, continuing that of In every person, potentially, that great source of moral October 1987, which now threatens to plunge the world as a strength is to be found. This strength is of a twofold nature. whole into a worldwide economic depression far worse than Most immediately, it is the quality which sets every individ­ that of the 1930s. In reality, the danger is much worse. What ual of mankind apart from and above the beasts, that devel­ looms before us, is the plunge of this entire planet into a New opment and exercise of the powers of creative reason which Dark Age. It is a New Dark Age in the sense of the collapse is the right name for the term "individual freedom." At the of Europe during the fourteenth century . It is much worse same time, each individual has a second fundamental idea than that Europe experienced then, and this time on a global which is potentially a great source of his courage as a fighter. scale, rather than a regional disaster. He knows that the individual life is brief, and that the impor­ So, in every nation throughout the world, what is at stake tant thing to be obtained from the opportunityto live a mortal in the fightof the worldwide anti-Bolshevik resistance move­ life is the good which that life may transmit to the advantage ment, is the rescue of all mankind from the immediate threat of present and future generations. of the worst global disaster in the known history of the human So, as a parent lays down his or her life for the sake of species. The defeat of Communist imperialism and subver­ children and grandchildren, the highest cause is to defend the sion, is an indispensable, crucial element of this total war we principle of individual creative personality for the benefitof must wage. Nonetheless, for reasons to be made clearon the the hundreds of billions of human beings whose future lives basis of the following evidence, the fight against Commu­ we fight tosecure . nism can not be won, unless we destroy those policies which It is on this level of insight into oneself, that the true are Communism's allies in the West, the policies of un­ resistance fighter finds the source of moral strength to do checked usury, "post-industrial" utopianism, and the radical what must be done in the total warfac ing us all today. counterculture. On a global scale, and in every small comer of individual The global aspect life throughout this planet, we face three sets of leading This spiral of economic breakdown within the leading adversaries. The first, is Communist imperialism and sub­ Communist nations coincides with, and interacts with a gen­ version as such. The second is represented by those in the eral economic breakdownnow occurring in most nations of West whose zeal for global power-sharing with Moscow the non-Communist world, and within the non-Communist impels them, whether they are fully witting of this or not, to world taken as a whole. adopt policies which, in fact, are treasonous aid and comfort The chief cause for the present breakdown in the non­ to the Communist cause. The third is represented by those Communist economies generally, is the combination of three who perpetrate the three wicked policies which we have just policies which have taken control of the policy-shaping of introduced to this report: rampant usury, "post-industrial"

EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 33 utopianism, and the radical counterculture. the preferred name of the Anti-Christ was "Dionysos." For Of these three adversaries of civilization, the following Crowley, the preferred name of the Anti-Christ was "Luci­ must first be said. The third adversary overlaps the second, fer." and is supported by the Communists as the best weapon of This satanic movement was the mother of two radical subversion for destroying the West fromwith in. It must also political movements, the one Communism, and the other be said, in the second instance, that all three policies have fascism. During the 1930s, Benito Mussolini once identified the same mother. So, if we understand the connections among Bolshevism and fascism as the twins of the twentieth century , these three adversaries, each of the three adversaries is but a and claimed that the Romulus, fascism, had triumphed in its different mask wornby the same, single, common adversary. competition with the Remus, Communism. By the close of Once we understand these connections, and understand the World War II, it was Remus, Bolshevism, who emerged as historical setting in which they presently confront us, we understand more clearly who we must fight, why we must fightat all costs, and how we must fightthat adversary . The looming disaster, this onrushof a New Dark Age, is So, Communism is the enemy, and not unintentional . During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, there arose an avowedly satanic movement, cen­ yet is not the real enemy. ifan tered around the writings and other influence of such figures enemy sends an assassin to as Oxford University's John Ruskin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, destroy our home andJamily, that Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, and BertrandRussell . Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Crowley, were explicitly com­ assassin becomes also the mitted, as Nietzsche emphasized so famously, to unleashing immediate enemy we mustfig ht, the Anti-Christ against WesternEuropean civilization and its even though the assassin is not our influence. This was not merely the workof some morally degenerate ultimate enemy. individuals. These ideologues were thecreatures of a faction in Europe's life which had been known as the "Venetian party" during the early eighteenth century, and were also the forces behind the creation of that Holy Alliance which estab­ victor in the sibling rivalry between these two children of lished the Russian Empire as "the policeman of Europe," Satan. from 1815 through 1849. In the English-speaking world, So, Communism is the enemy, and yet is not the real these were the same forces associated with the colonialism enemy. If an enemy sends an assassin to destroy our home and opium-trading of the Anglo-Dutch East India Company and family, that assassin becomes also the immediate enemy during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The center of we must fight, even though the assassin is not our ultimate radiation of the power of this faction was the collection of enemy. The ultimate enemy is the force which sends such fo ndi associated with the great reinsurance financial cartels assassins of nations as Communism, fascism, the World of Venice. Council of Churches, the circles of former U.S. Attorney During the second half of the nineteenth century, this General , the Socialist International, and so the faction which had beenknown as the "Venetian party" during list goes on. such periods as the early eighteenth century, unleashed three In Central and South America, for example, where Com­ movements to the purpose of destroying the institutions, and munist insurgency appears in the forms of narco-terrorism, even the memory of WesternEuropean Christian civilization such as the Sendero Luminoso of Peru, or the Communists fromthis planet. and other narco-terrorists of Colombia, the Socialist Inter­

The first, and primary movement was the theosophical national and its arm, the ICFfU, are , day to day, the com­ movement associated with John Ruskin and Aleister Crowley rades in arms of the Soviet Andean Spine project. Often, the in the English-speaking world. This was an occultist move­ organization built up inside the U.S. trade union movement ment based explicitly on gnostic and overt forms of Satan­ and the U.S. intelligence community by "former" Cheka worship. This satanist movement is that described by such as agent Jay Lovestone and circles, supplies politicalprotection Nietzsche and Crowley as the "Age of Aquarius" movement. to both Soviet and other narco-terrorist factions. "Project This movement, whose occultism impelled it to use astrol­ Democracy," which PresidentReagan , and many in the U.S. ogical symbolisms to express its dogmas, stated that its pur­ Congress were duped into supporting and adopting, is a ve­ pose was to end "the Age of Pisces," which it associated with hicle for projects which do nothing but support Soviet sub­ the images of Socrates and Jesus Christ, and to bring the version efforts in various parts of the world. planet under the rule of "the Age of Aquarius." The "Age of It is possible to show close, direct cooperation between Aquarius" signified the Age of the Anti-Christ. For Nietzsche, such agencies as the World Council of Churches and Mos-

34 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 cow. The ecumenical agreements reached recently between also leading accomplices in arranging the 1917 Revolution, the Soviet Cheka' s Russian Orthodox Church and the lead­ had a different choice of revolutionary assets, centeredaround ership of the Church of Scotland, is merely one example of forces such as the dupe Kerensky. the connections. However, as Germany was defeated in World War I, the The same can be said of former U. S. Attorney General Anglo-American supporters of the 1917 Revolution soon Ramsey Clark and his pro-Soviet International Association reconciled themselves to the victory of the Bolshevik horse of Democratic Lawyers. The international federations of the from the Okhrana's stable. These powerful Western finan­ West German Green Party, with which Ramsey Clark is ciers split the Social Democracies of the non-Communist directly allied, are another example of organizations which nations, and fused the so-called leftistsplit -wing of the Social were created, and to a significantdegree controlled by Mos­ Democracy with anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist elements, cow , and by arms of the Soviet Cheka such as the West to create the member parties of the Communist International. Germany-based VVN. The international "human rights lob­ So, over the perioduntil 1927, the Communist International by," including France's Cheka asset Jacques Verges, is an­ was a joint-stock company of Moscow and these powerful other such example. Western financierinter ests. Some of theseare directly controlled assets of the Soviet So, when the break between Moscow and these Western Cheka or military intelligence, or of the special intelligence financier elements occurred, beginning 1927, the Comintern unit associated with the Secretariat of the Soviet Central factions largely controlled by the Western financierinterests Committee. Some are only partly controlled by Moscow; in emerged as the smaller Trotskyist Left Opposition, and the many cases, it is only an influential segment of the leadership largerBukharin-Br andler-Lovestone Right Opposition. of these associations which uses the other members of such The period of the Soviet New Economic Policy, from associations as mere dupes. Essentially, the relationship of 1922 until 1927, has many s!milarities to the Western fac­ these networks based outside Communist territory, to Mos­ tional supportfor Mikhail Sergeivitch Gorbachovtoday . The cow itself, is of the nature of a joint-stock ownership. Mos­ Western financiersview Gorbachov as almost a reincarnation cow controls these jointly with complicit elements of the of their former asset, Bukharin, and seek to establish eco­ liberal-financierestablishment in the West. nomic concessions and global power-sharing arrangements This is not a new type of arrangement. of the sortreached with Bukharin' s Soviet dictatorship of the The 1905 and 1917 Revolutions in Russia were controlled NEP period. jointly by certain elements inside Russia, and by powerful During the period until near the close of 1927, this ar­ agencies outside. Inside Russia, the sundry radical move­ rangement between the Westernfinancier joint owners of the ments of the 1882-1917 period were created by, and con­ Comintern and Moscow, was known as the "Anglo-Soviet trolled by the Czarist regimes secret political police, the Trust." The powerful faction in the West which is pushing Okhrana. The Okhrana, in tum, was controlled by the most for "New Yalta" forms of global power-sharing arrangements powerful aristocraticlandowners of Russia, stichas the pow­ with the circles of Andropov and Ogarkov today, is com­ erful Vorontsov family, families which hated the memory of posed chieflyof financierinterests which were part of the old Czar Peter the Great and the Westernizing reforms of social "Anglo-Soviet Trust" during the period 1918-1927. The re­ life, economy, and religion, which Peter instituted. They turn of anti-Stalinist Trotskyist and Lovestonite elements to were determined to destroy the form of state established by cooperationwith Moscow today, reflectsthe new joint-stock Peter, and worked with powerful forces in Venice and else­ arrangements reached, beginning 1955, between Moscow where, to organize theassassinations and revolutions by which and these Western financial potencies formerly associated the Romanov dynasty might be overthrown. with the Trust. The mass-based social force which these revolutionary This same kind of arrangement is key to the roleof insti­ Russian aristocrats used to create the revolutionary forces, tutions such as the World Council of Churches and Socialist were the same dissident religious movement, called the Ras­ International today. Some are purely Soviet assets; most are kolniki, which had been the force commanded by the eight­ Soviet accomplices under the terms of a joint-stock arrange­ eenth-century insurgent Pugachov. As Lenin himself admit­ ment, like that governing the pre- 1928 Comintern. ted, the Revolution of 1917 was largely a Raskolniki insur­ Thus, most of the best-informed anti-Bolshevik fighters gency in the footsteps of the Pugachov revolt. throughoutthe world have often described the highly placed The only complicating feature of the Bolshevik Revolu­ Western accomplices of Moscow as "Communists in deed," tion, was that it was created by a Venetian agent, the famous or have simply called these Communist fellow-travelers Alexander Helphand, also known as Parvus, who operated "Communists" in the same sense as members of Communist with funding and other backing from the German Kaiser's parties. Since the joint-stock arrangement places theWestern military intelligence services. The British military intelli­ financiers involved in the position of being promoters of gence services, and the circles associated with President Communist interest, it is not unjust, and somewhat useful to Theodore Roosevelt inside the United States, which were lump both sets of members of the joint-st ock company under

ElK December 9, 1988 Feature 35 the single nameof "Communists ... Since, to defend ourselves of that movement. It sought to represent the allies of Soviet from the scourge of Communism, we must fight both, it is interestsas controlled by Communism, when, in fact, it was properand necessary to view both as wearing the same ene­ Westernfinancier interests which had created and used Com­ my's uniform. munism as a banker might hire and deploy a pack of assas­ However, from the standpoint of the strategy and tactics sins. of that form of total war called People's War, it is of great The issue is not simply that some powerful bankers , such practical importance to a fighting worldwide anti-Bolshevik as the Warburgs, have fundedBolshevik causes, such as L. D. resistance, that we also take into account the important dis­ Trotsky. That is too simple. It should be obvious that they tinctions among the various members of this joint-stock ar­ did not become joint-stock partners with Bolshevism because rangement. bankers are inherently pro-Communists. They did so, be­ For example, one of the most powerful figures inside the cause they were something other than typical, powerful bank­ U . S. intelligence community today is a longtime accomplice ers. of Comintem R!ght Oppositionist Jay Lovestone, Leo Cherne. The Warburgs, for example, are a Venetianbanking house Cherne was formerly associated with the late CIA director which moved to Northern Europe, and North America, and William Casey, is linked to the bankers' circles of John Cini changed its name in the manner immigrants often do. It was Train and RichardMellon Scaife, with close ties to former part of that special collection of powerful financier families TrotskyistAlbert W ohlstetter, was formerly an officialof the which represented what had been termed the "Venetian par­ President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and has ty" during the early eighteenth century. been a de facto coordinator of President Reagan's Foreign This is the same "Venetian party," then known as the Intelligence Advisory Board. Effectively, Cherne, like Dep­ Lombard bankers, whose usury and subversive operations uty Assistant U;S. Attorney GeneralMark Richard, is a wit­ plunged Europe into the New Dark Age of the fourteenth ting agent of Soviet influence highly placed within the U.S. century. This is the party which the Americans fought in the government and intelligence community. 1775-1783 Warof Independence, and which has worked to A section of the U. S. Catholic hierarchy is also a witting subvert and destroy the United States ever since. This is the accomplice of Soviet interests. This faction is centeredin the force, represented by the Venetian Count, John Capodistria, American Catholic Bishops' Conference, and includes Phil­ which Venice appointed as CzarAlexander I's foreign plen­ adelphia-based Cardinal Krol, and interests such as former ipotentiary, and who ran that 181S Congress of Vienna which CIA director William Colby, General Rowny, and others. established the Muscovite hordes of Alexander I and Nicho­ Krol is nominally an American Catholic priest of Polish ex­ las I as the "policeman of Europe" through Kossuth's Hun­ traction, and is a key figurein the Catholic Church's policies garian uprising, through 1849. towardPoland today. Yet, at the same time, he works openly These fellows view Bolshevik Russia as an instrumentby and closely with Quaker and Jewish accomplices of Soviet which to eradicate from this planet, those ideas and institu­ interests, and is the titularleader of the Vatican adversaries tions associated with the influence of St. Augustine, of Char­ of Cardinal Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II, and, to this lemagne, and of the A.D. 1439 Council of Florence. Their reporter's somewhat detailed knowledge, works closely with objectives, for which they have chosen Communism as a leadingcircles of today's reactivated''Trust'' inside theU.S .A. preferred instrument of policy, include the destruction of the The fact which the worldwide anti-Bolshevist resistance following features of the traditions of St. Augustine and the must understand, if it is to do its work effectively, is that Council of Florence in Western European civilization: although Communism as such is the chief strategic assassin 1) The institution of the sovereign nation-state republic, sent against us, in the deeper and higher scheme of things, as typified by the constitutional form of federal republic es­ Communism is merely one of the instruments of policy sent tablished by Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, et al . against us by those who are partners of Moscow in a Trust­ in the United States. like joint-stock company arrangement. It is the policies and 2) The policy of fostering technological progress and intentions of those Western financier elements which must development of basic economic infrastructure, as the means be understood if we are to aim our efforts efficiently at vic­ for promoting the increase of the average productive powers tory . of labor. It is for such reasons that the earlier international anti­ 3) The principle, affirmedby the 1776 U.S. Declaration Communist effort, such as that of the World Anti-Communist of Independence, that the affairs of mankind are properly League (W ACL) failed. It was not wrong, that W ACL drew ordered by a body of natural law higher than that positive law such a varied assortment of forces into its cause. The problem adopted by any state, or any law dictated by any ephemeral was, that WACL's leadership became so fascinated with majorities of capricious popular opinion. For example, the building up its "united front" in this way, that, for the sake principle that any peoples and individual persons are en­ of that "united front ," it traded away elements of policy which dowed by the Creator with certain natural rights, and that were absolutely crucial in determining the success or defeat such natural law is intelligible to rational men and women.

36 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 The mentality which these enemies of modem civiliza­ Syrian priests of the Cult of Mithra, known as the Magi. This tion continue, is that of the ancient empires of Mesopotamia, island had been made the hereditary property of the Roman and of the establishment of such Mesopotamian forms of emperors, and was the location from which the Emperor imperialism as the model for the empire of Rome's Augustus Tiberius had ordered the trial and crucifixionof Jesus Christ. Caesar. It was the Cult of Mithra which created the doctrine of the From the time of the ministry of Jesus Christ, the progress Anti-Christ, and the offshootof that doctrine known as Gnos­ of Western European Christian civilization was based upon ticism. resistance to the evil Mesopotamian culture represented by At Capri, Maxim Gorky trained the leaders of the future the empire of Augustus and Tiberius. That was the issue in Bolshevik state in the doctrine of the Anti-Christ, and laid the conflicts between the Christians and the Emperor Con­ down the principles of cultural warfare against the West stantine at the Council of Nicea. This was the issue between which Communism has fo llowed to the present day. Here, the Augustinian West of Charlemagne and the Second Ro­ Hermann Goring appeared, attempting to buy the site of man Empire of Byzantium until the ecumenical agreements Tiberius 's palace, arguing that Adolf Hitler was the reincar­ reached at the 1439 Council of Florence. The characteristic nation of Tiberius and the living incarnation of the Anti­ feature of the Venetian party, during the eighteenth century , Christ. This island and the cult of Tiberius were the cynosure was the revival of the traditions of Roman Law against Chris­ of the Aleister Crowley who created that radical rock-drug­ tian law. sex counterculture which has ruined the United States and In the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century history of Brit­ Western Europe from within over the course of the postwar ain and France, the emergence of the notion of empire was period to date . premised explicitly, as in the case of the Code of Napoleon This radical counterculture is the officialcultural dogma Bonparte, upon the revival of Roman Law as the model to of the Soviet appeasers controlling the U.S. Democratic Par­ replace Christian law. The idea of establishing empires like ty 's leadership since 1972. This same radical counterculture those of ancient Mesopotamia and Rome, was shaped by is the dogma of the so-called libertarian faction of the Repub­ studies, such as those of Montesquieu, which argued for the lican Party . This is a doctrine which 'is supported by the replacement of Christian law by the Roman model . liberal-financier establishment of North America and West­ The idea of making Moscow the eternal capital of a new ern Europe. This radical counterculture, the mask of the worldwide Roman Empire, which has been Muscovite policy Phrygian Satan, Dionysos, is the true face of our ultimate officially since A.D. 1510, and since the reign of the self­ enemy. This is the force which has pushed all of humanity, appointed Caesar, Czar Ivan Grozny , was adopted by the inside and outside the Communist world, to the brink of a nineteenth-century Venetian partyin the West, as a suitable global New Dark Age. choice of instrument for eradicating the institutions of the As we have noted, there are two dangers immediately Council of Florence from this planet. before all humanity. The most obvious, immediate danger, From such sources of evil as today's Cini Foundation is that the self-induced moral and physical weakness of the based at Venice's San Giorgio Maggiore, there is a continu­ West might permit Communism to establish a global empire ing war against Western European culture, and against any" during the years just ahead. The great danger of such Com­ thing which resembles its secular institutions in the portions munist victory , is that a world dominated by Moscow, a of the world which are nominally non-Christian. The leading Moscow using the Western liberal-financier interests as its expression of this, as directed from San Giorgio Maggiore's satrapal agents, is one in which it becomes impossible to Cini Foundation today, is the radical rock-drug-sex counter­ avoid a further danger, the danger that nothing will prevent culture. the collapse of the entirety of this planet into a New Dark Communism is but a political movement of subversion Age. and conquest, like fascism; these were both created as but an That is the deeper significance of the fact, that financial instrument of the forces behind today's radical countercul­ and economic collapse of the West is approaching at approx­ ture. That radical counterculture was conceived, designed imately the same rate , and with greater maturity of its process and steered by circles which based this dogma upon an elab­ of internal political decay, than the internal economic col­ oration of the particular form of a doctrine of the Anti-Christ lapse of the Soviet Empire and mainland China. as seen from the writings of John Ruskin, the theosophists Yet, despite the top-down political decay of most among generally, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Bolshevik cultural high priest our political institutions, in the other institutions of Western Maxim Gorky , and Aleister Crowley. Europe, North America, and friendly nations of Asia, Africa, From the late nineteenth century, into the early twentieth and Central and South America, as well as Australia and New century, the ideological center of the avowedly satanist lead­ Zealand, we have still living institutions and traditions which ership of today's radical rock-drug-sex counterculture was are adequate to defeat Communism, and to make those urgent the Isle of Capri. This island had been the place where the changes in policies, away from the radical counterculture, agreements were reached between Augustus Caesar and the "post-industrial" utopianism, and rampant usury, by means

ElK December 9, 1988 Feature 37 of which changes the New Dark Age can be prevented. Our main adversary is the joint-stock company arrange­ ment between Moscow and those liberal-financier factions which represent the tradition of the pre- 1928 Anglo-Soviet Trust. In fighting against that choice of single adversary to be defeated , we must be aware that the radical counterculture is the policy we must eradicate . Victory in cultural warfare against the radical counterculture, is the day-to-day struggle against the essence of that joint-stock company. Majority rule in Moscow prevails in but one ironical sense, that the number of abortions occurring each year in that city , exceeds the number of human births. This phenom­ enon is a characteristic fe ature of the most privileged strata in the capital city of every empire sinking into its ultimate doom. The key to the decay of the Roman Empire in the West, is the correlation between the notorious Roman orgies of the privileged elite and the collapse of the internal population and physical productivity of the population of Italy. Moral degeneracy rampant in the secular establishment and clergy of Byzantium, was the sign of doom written upon the fore­ head of the second Empire of Rome. The same Mark of the Beast is written on the forehead of the rulers of the Soviet Empire, and also the jet-set of the rich and celebrated in Western Europe and the United States today .

Example: 'the authoritarian personality' An image of witchcraft by Albrecht Durer. "The pagan dogma of The effort to eliminate this reporter physically from the earth-mother, lunar goddess worship, believes the 'soul' of a race surface of this planet is led by Soviet appeasers centered is a collective soul, the soul of the earth-mother goddess,flowing around Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Richard in from the soil, into the blood of the members of that race." the U.S. Department of Justice, in the U.S. liberal news media, in the leadership of the U. S. Democratic Party , and world conquest. among the libertarian faction of the Republican Party . The In a famous address setting down the tasks for which that explicitly adopted dogma for these legal operations and cor­ "Frankfurt School" of Marcuse, Wittvogel, Korsch, Horkh­ related libels, is the same dogma employed to similar purpose eimer, Habermas, and Adorno was created, Lukacs argued among the Soviet assets and Soviet appeasers in today's that the Bolshevization of the West could not be accom­ Western Europe . plished until what he termed the "cultural matrix" of Western That dogma is known as the "Frankfurt School's" doc­ European Christian civilization had been destroyed. He de­ trine of "the authoritarian personality." fined the task, to be that of identifying, and subverting those This doctrine was presented originally by Hungarian cultural characteristics df the Western European Christian Georg Lukacs during the period that veteran of Hungary 's which represented the "immunological factor" preventing the . , Bela Kun Communist dictatorship was still, together' with successful spread of Bolshevism in Western civilization. Yuri Andropov's later cosponsor, Eugen Var ga, a leading Out of this came the Frankfurt School 's dogma of "the official of the Communist International . authoritarian personality." As a student of Max Weber's circles, and a Communist The development ofthis dogma was begun before World specialist in cultural warfare , Lukacs's function within the War I, in the circles of Adam Smith's disciple, Max Weber. intelligence apparatus of the Communist International was to The Frankfurt School also drew upon the work of such New explain the reasons the 1917-1921 attempt to spread Bolshe­ Age existentialists as Karl Jaspars, Martin Heidegger, and vism throughout Western Europe had failed. Lukacs's work Martin Buber. The form in which the present version of this to this effect was his role in shaping the founding of what "authoritarian personality" dogma came to the surface in became known officially as the Frankfurt-based Institute for 1945 , was the lengthy treatises of cultural-warfare specialist Social Research, the institution which came to be better Teodoro Adorno and the popularized parody of Adorno's known, to the present day , as "the Frankfurt School ," one of dogma offered by Buber disciple Hannah Arendt. the leading institutions, over the course of the 1920s and Presently, this dogma is the philosophical standpoint of 1930s, into the present day, in serving the cause of Moscow's a U.S. operation called "Project Democracy." Project De-

38 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 mocracy and its philosophical co-thinkers among the Social­ basis for Smith's famous, irrationalist dogma of "The Invis­ ist International, the Social Democratic trade union interna­ ible Hand." tional, the World Council of Churches, and so on, is the So, for example, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's famous Three Prin­ faction within the U.S. establishment which is conducting ciples are hostile to British Liberalism, and to the Bolshevik actual or planned destabilizations of various sovereign gov­ dogma of "the authoritarian personality." For that reason, ernments of Central and South America, and of such nations really consistent British and kindred philosophical liberals as South Korea, the Republic of China, the Philippines, Bur­ who follow Hume, Smith, Bentham, and John Stuart Mill in ma, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia, among their outlook on public affairs, are of one mind with the other targeted Asian states. Among the cronies of Soviet Soviets in their determination to exterminate the influenceof fellow-traveller and U.S. Rep. Stephen Solarz (D-N.Y.), and Dr. Sun Yat-sen from this planet. That is exemplary of the among these destabilizers generally, the word "democracy" way Bolshevism, such as that of Georg Lukacs and the is used to signify a dogma based upon the Adorno-Arendt "Frankfurt School's" Adorno and Arendt, findsallies among version of "the authoritarian personality. " Western liberals in cultural warfare against Western Euro­ In the modem history of Western European civilization, pean civilization. the forerunners of this "authoritarian personality" dogma are The Three Principles oblige the person and the state to the axiomatic features of the philosophical dogmas associ­ consider the natural rights of the individual as a matter of ated with the rise of British empiricism and liberalism, as the rational form of intelligible, and moral relationship among latter is associated with the work of Francis Bacon, Bacon's persons, and in the relationship between the individual and secretary and reputed male lover, Thomas Hobbes, Locke, the society as a whole, including the self-governmentof that Hume, and the British East India Company's "philosophical society. These are also the proper principles governing the radicals" such as Jeremy Bentham, Thomas Malthus, James relations among nations and peoples, as much as they must Mill, John Stuart Mill, John Ruskin, the theosophists, and governthe internal orderingof each society's affairs. We are Bertrand Russell. each and all bound to act only in such ways as are consistent St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Nicolaus of Cusa, and with that principle, as Christian solidarity demands this, too. other leading thinkers of Western Christianity had fought In practice, the liberal's, and Frankfurt School's notion against occult mysticism, by insisting that all of the Creator's of individual "freedom," is a self-contradictory and evil no­ Law bearing upon the moral behavior of the individual in tion. society, and of society itself, is intelligible for human reason. The characteristic of ancient Mesopotamian society, is a ("Mystery ," in Christianity, is focused upon the Resurrection racialist dogma of "blood and soil." For example, the Russian of Christ, and is essentially limited to that subject.) raskolniki worship the mythical earth-mother goddess, the Thus, the characteristic of the superior, matured repre­ "Harappan" Shakti, the Chaldean [shtar, the Canaanite As­ sentative of Western European culture, is the governance of tarte, and the Phrygian Cybele, in the guise of Sophia or individual behavior by a conscience which is informed of the Matushka Rus, as the pagan goddess Rodina . This pagan intelligibility of a body of universal law of higher authority dogma of earth-mother, lunar goddess worship, believes the than any constitution or positive law of governments, higher "soul" of a race is a collective soul, the soul of the earth­ than any merely ephemeral . majority of popular opinion for mother goddess, flowingfrom the soil, into the blood of the support of some capricious whim of taste. This type of mature members of that race. personality, is what Adorno and Arendt, among others, de­ Mesopotamian, and Russian forms of imperialism are fineas the "authoritarian personality." based upon this racialist dogma. Such dogmas require that The characteristic opposition to this moral principle of races are as distinct culturally as different species, or, at a Western European civilization is that of existentialists such minimum, varieties of species, among the beasts. The idea as Jaspars, Heidegger, and Buber. These existentialists, and of some moral, natural equality among the nationalities is most modem sociology argue for what they identify as "inner alien to such dogmas. For them, one race must rule, and the personal freedom." That "inner personal freedom" is the others must be subject races, arranged in some hierarchical same doctrine argued by the irrationalistic hedonist David ordering of relative inferiority and superiority of one race Hume, and by Hume's disciple Adam Smith, and Smith's with respect to another. disciple, Max Weber. To us, all persons are equal in natural rights, by virtue of Smith, in his 1759 Theoryo/ the Moral Sentiments, ar­ the same potential for creative reason. All peoples need the gues that the human individual is obliged to limit his concerns same rights. For us, the division among nations, into respec­ in practice, to "original and immediate instincts. Hunger, tively sovereign nation-states, is a necessary precondition of thirst, the passion which unites the two sexes, the love of self-government. For, to be self-governing, a people must pleasure, and dread of pain, prompt us to apply those means deliberate its nation's policies by means of a common form for their own sakes, and without any consideration of their of literate use of language, and according to principles of tendency to those beneficentends which the great Director of self-governmentembedded in the use of that literate form of nature intended to produce by them." This became, later, the language. As these nations are equal in their right to enjoy

ElK December 9, 1988 Feature 39 sovereign self-government,they are morally equal within the actors in those performances, is:the stereotype of an address community of nations in every other respect. The individual by a Robespierre, Danton, or Mllfat, before the rabble of the nations of this planet are as nation-personalities, which must left-wing lacobins of the French Revolutionary parliament, share the same equality among them otherwise accorded in or some street mob. Rage and hatred are what that television · any good society to the relations among equal persons. mistakes for heroic qualities, the vengeful rage of the down­ IfI am moral , as Friedrich Schiller emphasized this point, trodden beast, is held up as the highest emotion. Their dra­ I must be both a patriot of my own nation, and also a world­ matic culture is very tiresome, boring and ugly; it reveals the citizen. My nation is the institution through which I make my characteristic degradation which Communism has superim­ individual contribution to the well-being of mankind as a posed upon a distorted form of German culture in that unfor­ whole; that defines for me the true purpose of the existence tunate semi-country. of my nation. I must act as a patriot in fully efficient con­ The beautiful soul of the tnie martyr is something alien sciousness of that purpose of my own nation's existence. to Communist culture. In Communist drama, one may pity As President Charles de Gaulle sought to re-dedicate a the victim, as one pities the cruelly tortured and slain dog, demoralized France of the Fourth Republic, into a moralized but there is nothing shown for which it is worthy to weep Fifth Republic dedicated to France's proper service to the tears of joy respecting the beautiful soul all humanity has lost cause of civilization as a whole, each nation must find for in the death of a noble martyr for the cause of humanity. itself, in every period, some higher purpose which defines There is not even those tears oiljoy we may weep over the the necessity of the existence of that nation, at that time, in memory of a loyal dog who faithfully sought to defend us, to the history of mankind as a whole. To be a patriot-citizen of maintain our company, or to play joyfully with us as a dog's a nation so dedicated, is a source of great happiness; one intelligence permits it to do so. : knows that one's contribution to one's nation is a contribution It is for the beautiful soul exikting, or waiting to be awak­ to the world-purpose-mission which that nation is serving. ened within each and all newborn children of humanity, that Such a patriot of the nation is justly also a proud citizen of all we must fight a terrible form of t(!ltalwar against our common humanity. adversary. It is the evil dogma M the "authoritarian person­ Such is the beauty one moral person finds in the soul of ality ," which we must regard as exemplary of that evil we every other moral person. Such is the beauty, the true patriot must destroy wherever it arises. We make war for the sake of of each nation seeks to discover in the character of every our love of the Creator and of all humanity. other nation. Such is the love of each moral person for every soul of humanity at large; such is the love each moral patriot of each nation feels toward every other people. 3. The great works of mankind What best binds the individual to the nation, are two obvious things. Immediately, the individual loves his or her Great soldiers, preparing the defenses of their nation, nation as that society is committed to serve the natural rights take up the maps, to plan the logistical infrastructure of water­ of each person within the society. That society is to the management, transportation, urban centers , and so forth , individual as loving parents are to the child. So, the good needed for deployment of forces; and efficient depth of lo­ king was beloved of the people in former times. Also, the gistical resources, in case of wat. This sound military plan­ patriot admires and loves his or her nation for the good pur­ ning follows naturally the basic principles of sound physical pose it is serving respecting the condition of humanity as a economy. Thus, the strength of nations for times of peace, whole. and their capacity of defense fot time of war, are two sides Communism, as liberalism carried to racialist, immoral of the same coin. extremes, is incapable of justifying such love of persons It is the natural function of the military departments of toward governments, or of justifying pride in the role of that government, to be at the same time an effective combat force, government among nations. Thus, although there is Com­ and also a great civil-engineering force of national infrastruc­ munist partnership against civilization by Moscow and Beij­ tural, agricultural, and industrial development. These latter ing today, there is also hatred between them. So, there is are logistical skills and resources required for time of war, natural emnity among the peoples of the Soviet Empire, for and the proper civil function of military forces during times the same reason. of peace. If a military force is so occupied, and imbued with We know very well the nature of the motivation of the a sense of mission and moral principle consistent with Dr. Communist movements. It is hatred, it is rage. It is not love Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles, a nation may trust and ad­ of humanity. mire its military as a patriotic force serving the true interests This is shown by observing, in relevant regions of West of the people in every way. Germany, the television broadcasts of East Germany. This is Let us so regard the world as' a whole. Wherever there is shown most clearly in what East German television presents economic injustice, the natural irlclinationsand skills of such as serious drama. The idea of noble passion simulated by the a patriotic military force are the ;proper view of an essential

40 Feature EIR December 9, 1988 national interest of one's own nation, and of all friendly was widely recognized among all iqformed persons of good nations. The dedication of this military viewpoint to fu lfilling will, to be a temple of liberty and beacon of hope for all the common aims of mankind, for our own nation and for mankind. This was reaffirmed in a important way by U.S. other nations, is the road to true peace. Secretary of State John Quincy Adar.s, in his writings on the A crucial water-management project here, a transporta­ subject ofthe U.S. government's un lateral declaration ofthe tion project there, a communications grid here , the develop­ 1823 Monroe Doctrine. Secretary l'\.dams emphasized that ment of production and distribution of power there , and the the United States must affirm a comTunityof principle of the development of the proper site of future urban centers here United States with the aspirations for sovereignty and devel­ and there , are the indispensable infrastructuraldevelopme nt, opment among the new republics of Central and South Amer­ by aid of which the foundations for prosperity of agriculture ica. He also emphasized, that the U- nited States must affirm and industry are prepared . that principle even though it lacked lhe means to enforce that The development of the conditions of life of the family principle against the combined mig�t of Britain and the Holy household and the individual, require increases in productiv­ Alliance; the United States must be 90mmitted to enforce that ity through technological progress. This requires the devel­ principle whenever it had the power to do so, as the United opment of the creative powers of reason, and associated States did in expelling the French ocbupation forces from the . moral qualities of the young individual . This also requires a Mexico of our ally President Benito Juarez, at the close of form of self-government committed to service of these cir­ the U.S. Civil War. cumstances for the higher level of development of every The idea of community of prinCIple was that affirmed by individual in every nation. President Lincoln in his Gettysburg address: that the system We must base our re sistance not only upon that which is of goverment of the people, by the �ople, and for the people good within each of our respective nations, but on a sense of must not perish from this Earth . The United States will find common moral purpose, and a necessary division of labor in its path back to greatness by reaffirmingthose three principles service of this common purpose, respecting the improvement again, today. Those principles are different than the three of the conditions of life in every nation . principles which must unify our wide anti-Bolshevik The true purpose of the existence of the United States, resistance effort now.

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EIR December 9, 1988 Feature 41 Soviets ratify war powers to Gorbachov in 'refonns'

by Konstantin George andChris White

On Dec. 1, the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet's extraordinary bachov the "liberal reformer," and would have exploded it session ratified by, according to Radio Moscow, "an over­ on the eve of Gorbachov's big December swing West to the whelming vote," a series of amendments to the U.S.S.R. U.S. and Britain. Constitution. Drafted by the former KGB chief Victor Chebrikov, who Gorbachov sets the stage now heads a special central committee section on legislative The stage was set for passage of the "reform" package on and administrative organs, the reforms, through draftArticle Nov. 26 in Moscow, when the Presidium of the Supreme 119, give war powers to the new executive body of the Rus­ Soviet convened in the midst of the latest violent uproar in sian state, to deploy armed forces, whether internally or the Transcaucasian republics and the growing movement for externally, in "defense of the socialist brotherhood." autonomy in the Baltic repUblics. Gorbachov's Saturday The coverage in the Western media on this subject has speech, carriedover Soviet television, presented the reformer fallen for the noise created by Soviet propaganda, which has beloved by his Western sycopbants, as a snarling, abusive spread the line that the supposed "central" issue involved bully of the recalcitrant. According to wire service reports , concerns amendments that would increase the powers of the same blunt message was delivered as the opening speech Moscow at the expense ofindividual republics. The Western to the Supreme Soviet session. media then accepted, gullibly, Moscow's propaganda that On Saturday, Gorbachov singled out the Estonians, whose some of the offending increased centralization passages had Soviet had recently passed a declaration of independence either been deleted or changed. All of these nominally true from Moscow. Gorbachov pointed to AamoRuutel, head of "facts" are less than irrelevant. the Estonian Soviet, to attack vote "illegality. " The cold-blooded reality that defines the new Constitu­ If reportedly in lower key, the message laid before the tion just ratified as perhaps the most hideous document in Supreme Soviet ought to be more bloodcurdling to Western Russian history lies in the Articles which grant the State ears not seduced by the siren song of perestroika, glasnost, President, i.e., Mikhail Gorbachov, far greater powers, in and democratization. Gorbachov told the delegates that the the spirit of Russian absolutist rule, than ever enjoyed, at bloody developments, whose latest phase is unfolding in least on paper, by either Josef Stalin, or for that matter, any Armenia and Azerbaijan, are the result of his perestroika. of the pre- 1917 Czars. The new Constitution is in fact a War "Perestroika breaks up a false illusory peace which people Powers Act which establishes the legal framework for one­ had believed in during the period of stagnation," is the way man rule under Gorbachov as a modem-day Stalin. he put it, elaborating on a theme struck during a French It is clear why the Western media had to censor the truth television interview aired on Nov. 26, in which he identified about thenew Soviet Constitution. To have honestly covered his perestroika restructuring as the cause of the recent re­ it would have exploded the myth they have created of Gor- newed bloodbath in the Transc�ucasian republics.

42 International EIR December 9, 1988 The new Constitution of Yerevan is under a military commandant, as are the other Under the new Constitution, the U.S.S.R. Supreme So­ main cities. The military, besides its patrolduti es, physically viet will rubber stamp Gorbachov's continuing as President, runs all communications and utilities. in the form of the new State President, who will chair the Article 119 can now be invoked to make permanent and National Defense Council and be commander-in-chief of the give legal cover to the "extraordinary administrative mea­ Soviet Armed Forces, with the power to declare a national sures" already imposed on Azerbaijan and Armenia. The mobilization, and to declare war. same measures can, and will if required, be extended when Under the new Constitution, the President, again Gor­ expected eruptions strike in other Captive Nations, whether bachov, can individually order the "deployment of contin­ in the Baltic Republics, the Ukraine, or the Muslim Turkic gents of the Soviet Armed Forces to fulfillinternational treaty republicsof Central Asia. obligations." No General Secretary has had this scope of The "reform" package and the accompanying military poweron paper, and in reality, only Stalin had such a capa­ crackdown show how the Kremlin has chosen to deal with bility. unrest within the enslaved nationalities of the Soviet empire The extent of Gorbachov's domestic powers under the and the prospect of difficulty in ruling the even larger empire new Constitution is no less awesome. For example, the Con­ they envisage: by imitating the imperial model that goes back stitution's Article 119, paragraph 13 gives him the power to, to ancient Mesopotamia and was copied, subsequently, by "for the protection of the Soviet Union, declare martial law the Romans and then the Byzantines. This is to enflame or a state of emergency in individual regions, or in the entire racialist hatred among the various subjugated peoples, so that country, and as required, impose extraordinary administra­ they hate their neighbors more violently than they hate their tive measures." oppressors in Moscow. Here one sees the full scopeof the fraud presented to the It would be wrong to only stress the new powers granted West concerning the Soviet "debate" on the "rights" of the Gorbachov by the new Constitution. The articles from which RepUblics. Under Article 119, whatever paper "rights" are we have quoted above also vastly increase the powers of the granted national republics elsewhere in the Constitution, can military and the KGB , the pillars of internal security within be taken away at a stroke by Gorbachov. For that matter, the Russian Empire. The vast increasein powers for the KGB with his power to "impose extraordinary measures," not only was already manifested by the personnel decisions taken at can a Republic's government be dissolved, but the Republic the Sept. 30 CC Plenum, which made "former" KGB boss itself, if absolute ruler, "Czar" Mikhail so desires. Viktor Chebrikov a virtual "czar" for internal security, by promoting him to the powerful CC Secretariat, with respon­ Military rule in the Transcaucasus sibility for internal security. This picture of emerging brutalabsolutist rule is not some The added powers for the Military High Command are future horror. Moscow has used the latest crisis of ethnic clear from the new Constitution's emphasis on the extraor­ conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians in the Tran­ dinary powers of President Gorbachov in his function as head scaucasus to begin the firstde facto implementation of Article of the National Defense Council, which means a War Powers 119, before the new Constitution was ratified. Azerbaijan Act "executive" composed mostly of Gorbachov and the and Armenia are under military rule. Both Republics are military leadership. The on-the-ground situation in the Tran­ under martial law , with troops patrolling city streets, curfews scaucasus we described earlier, further attests to the growing imposed, and with the troops having ordersto shoot violators political-administrative role of the military in the Soviet on sight. Roadblocks exist on all the roads, and airports, train Union. and bus stations, telephone exchanges, other utilities, and There is yet another striking demonstration of the high government buildings are occupied. profile of the military now surfacing. Since the Azerbaijan­ The huge military deployments into the Transcaucasus, Armenia crisis began, the most detailed and informativecov­ however, are not merely for the purpose of "maintaining erageof whathappened therecan beread in Krasnaya Zvezda, order." Under martial law, the permanent institution of a the Defense Ministry daily. In total contrast to the central militarygovernment for the regionis being established in the Soviet civilian media, which during the week of Nov. 19-26, following way. carried stock phrases of "clashes between Azerbaijanis and Each of the main cities of the two republics, as well as Armenians," Krasnaya Zvezda graphically portrayed the hand whole regions, are directed, since Nov 24, by militarycom­ grenade attacks by Azeris against soldiers. While Moscow's mandants, the exact same model employed by Moscow in Foreign Ministrywas issuing tortuousdenials of martial law , the past when it occupiedfo reign territory . In Azerbaijan, Krasnaya Zvezda was detailing how rule by military com­ there is a military commandant for the capital of Baku, for mandant had been established in the cities and regions of the city of Kirovabad, for the Agdam District, for the Nak­ Azerbaijan and Armenia. While the civilian Soviet media hichevan region on the border with Iran, and for the Arme­ was describing the situation as "tense" and "complicated ," nian-inhabited region of Karabakh. For Armenia, the capital Krasnaya Zvezda emphasized it was "alarming."

EIR December 9, 1988 International 43 whether the authors of these two terroristattacks were Israeli Israel-Palestine Crisis nationals or, alternatively, Soviet agents of some stripeact­ ing to cover up the same jeopardized structure of operations. The murder of such a respected public figure as Eytan is a measure of the intensity of the factional warfare now grip­ ping Israel as the Likud and Labor blocs continue to jockey for control for control over the still-unformed Israeli govern­ ment. Eytan resigned from the military court in 1979 in protest over continued atrocities against Arabs by Israeli De­ fense Forces soldiers in the occupied territories. In 1982, while serving as a High Court judge, Eytan signed a public statement denouncing Israel's ArielSharon-ordered invasion Events outpace of Lebanon, even though he knew that it would mean his automatic firing from the court. His death is not expected to the sCriptwriters deter the release of the documentation of the Israeli-Russian perfidy. by Jeffrey Steinberg Shultz, Ararat, and the Bush transition Nor is George Shultz's veto of Yasser Arafat's visa ex­ The headline-grabbing veto by Secretary of State Shultz of pected ultimately to deter the PLO chairman's presentation Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat's of the Palestinian case for statehood before the world body. visa to come to New York to speakbefore the United Nations, As one Palestinian spokesman in Washington, D.C. put it, temporarily drew the spotlight from even more ominous de­ Shultz's action was read by many as being directed as much velopments that threaten to hasten Israel's delivery into the against President-elect George Bush as it was against the hands of Mikhail Gorbachov. PLO. On Nov. 29, Dov Eytan, one of Israel's most respected According to one version of the Shultz action, the out­ attorneys and a former senior military judge, was murdered going secretary of state did not wish to deliver the global on the eve of his representation, before the Israeli court of spotlight to Arafat while Israel had still not resolved its gov­ appeals, of John Demjanjuk, the former Cleveland auto­ ernment crisis. Shultz reportedly threatened Israeli Prime worker falsely accused of being aNazi war criminal. Eytan' s Minister Yitzhak Shamir that he would grant Arafat the visa death, immediately labeled as a "suicide" by the Israeli gov­ unless Shamir agreed to invite the rival Labor Party into a ernmentand press, was, according to Israeli military sources, new coalition governmentthat would either diminish or elim­ a case of cold-blooded murder, aimed at blocking the release inate altogether a role for the religious fundamentalist or of critical information that would have likely blown the lid right-wing fringe parties that scored impressive electoral gains off a vast Soviet-Israeli treasonous arrangement linking the on Nov. 1. Demjanjuk frame-up and the espionage efforts of accused Shultz then reportedly went to President Reagan-after KGB spy Shabtai Kalmanowitch to ongoing joint Moscow­ the fact-seeking his backing by explaining that to give Tel Aviv machinations. Arafat the red carpet treatment at the United Nations would According to these Israeli sources, Dov Eytan's recent have driven the Sharon faction inside Israel to go for an joining of the Demjanj uk defense team signaled thatan entire immediate war confrontation and mass expulsion of all Pal­ faction of Israeli military and intelligence seniors tradition­ estinians from the Israeli-occupiedterritor ies. ally opposed to the Ariel Sharon hard-core "crazies" had In short, Shultz sought to play out the same "crisis man­ determined to break up the Soviet-Israeli operations. agement" games that have doomed the Middle East since the According to U.S.-based representatives of Demjanjuk, heydey of Henry Kissinger, and once again painteda picture Eytan was optimistic about the pendingappellate hearing, in for all to see of a U.S. government bowing to the suicidal discussions just hours before he plunged from the 15th floor whims of Israel. of a Tel Aviv building. Events at this point, however, are out-racing all of the As if the Eytan assassination were not sufficient to warn scenarios and scripts. As the consequence of Shultz's outra­ his collaborators to back off from the planned expose, on geous moves, the entire moderate Arab world is united be­ Dec. 1, at the funeral for the deceased attorney, a second hind Arafat and the Palestinian statehood cause. Iraqi Presi­ Demjanjuk attorney, Yoram Sheftel, and a female compan­ dent Saddam Hussein's trip to Cairo in the immediate after­ ion, wereattacked with battery acid by an assailant described math of the Shultz move, was unprecedented, as was Saudi as a "deranged" Holocaust survivor. Ambassador Prince Bandar's reported walkout froma private Israeli sources emphasized to EIR that it was unclear discussion with Shultz when he learned that the secretary of

44 International ElK December 9, 1988 state was about to veto the Arafat visa after Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan had placed immense pressure on the PLO Book Review to wrestle the recognition of lsrael's right to exist from the Palestine National Council meeting in Algiers. An Arafat appearance before the United Nations is now all but certain. Whether it takes place in New York City or in ProfeSSional insight Geneva, the event will be spotlighted worldwide. Perhaps the greatest toll has been levied against the in­ into Demjanjuk trial coming administration of George Bush. Shultz's shameless pandering to Israel's intransigence on the Palestinian state­ by Mark Burdman hood question, and his ignoring of CIA and other U. S. intel­ ligence estimates that Arafat is not linked to Palestinian ter­ rorist circles, casts Washington as a slave to Tel Aviv, and throws new impedimentsin the way of a Bush administration seeking to chart a new policy course in the Middle East. Identifying Ivan: A Case Study in Legal Shultz and Bush have been at odds for several years on a Psychology range of policy issues, especially revolving around Middle by Willem A. Wagenaar East policy. Shultz made it a point on several occasions in Harvester Wheatsheaf. Hempstead. Herefordshire. 1988 recent years to ignore Bush policy suggestions. When the U.K. £14.95 hardb ound. 187 pages with index. vice president announced his choice of James Baker III as his secretary of state hours after his election last month, few people missed the message to Shultz: Pack your bags now In June 1989, the Israeli Supreme Court is scheduled to hear and make way for the new team. the appeal of John Demjanjuk, the man who has been sen­ tenced to death in Israel, after being convicted in April 1988, Chaos back in Tel Aviv of having been the infamous "Ivan the Terrible," the guard As this issue of EIR goesto press, Prime Minister Shamir at the concentration camp Treblinka who committed mass is faced with a 72-hour deadline for putting together a new murder and acts of vicious sadism. Demjanjuk, a retired government coalition. At that point, he must either win an Cleveland autoworker, was illegally deported to Israel for extension from President Chaim Herzog, or the mandate to the trial. It is almost certain that Demjanjuk's appeal will be attempt to create a new cabinet may be passed to Labor. On denied. Dec. 1, the executive council of Labor voted 61-57 against Whatever verdict is given, the newly issued book, lden­ joining a new coalition with Likud. Such a governmentwould tifying Ivan. should be required reading internationally, to have retained Yitzhak Rabin as defense minister and would give a sense of what kind of frameup and legal travesty the have given Shimon Peres either the finance or foreign min­ Demjanjuk case has been. It gives the reader a precious istryportf olio. While Labor is horsetrading with the religious insight, from one useful standpoint, into how the Soviet crazy parties in an effort to form a coalition free of the Likud, Union, the U.S. Office of Special Investigations, and com­ theentire political process in Israel is rapidly devolving into plicit elements in Israel can manufacture a frameup. It is chaos in which all serious policy issues are ignored. chilling reading, and therefore all the more necessary, espe­ Ultimately, whatever governing Combination takes charge cially as this combination of forces is also behind the ongoing in Israel, it will be immediately confronted with a string of frameup of Lyndon LaRouche and of others . pressing decisions: how to handle the mounting pressure to Author Willem A. Wagenaar, a Professor of Experimen­ reach an agreement for a Palestinian state; how to respond to tal Psychology at the University of Leyden in Holland, was Moscow's accelerating efforts to stake out a major role in all a witness on behalf of the defense, an act which in and of future Eastern Mediterranean matters by, among other things, itself took courage, given the enormous hysteria built up reaching a series of bilateral deals with the government in around this case, and given his own hints that he was sub­ Tel Aviv; how to resolve the social decay that has unleashed jected to pressure not to testify on behalf of Demjanjuk. He a growing wave of Jewish fundamentalism. does not write with the prose of a crusader, but rather adopts How Israel handles these crises will itself be in large the understated tone of an accomplished, but humble, profes­ measuredetermined by the kind of Middle East policy crafted sional, doing his job. His professionalism extends to refusing by the incoming Bush administration in Washington, and to make an explicit condemnation of the Israeli court verdict, how that policy is conveyed to the new government in Israel. since that is not his brief. He lets the facts speak for them­ Astute observers will keep close tabs on the Demjanj uk front, selves. where some startling developments may figureprominently Professor Wagenaar is an expert in what is called "iden­ in the playing out of all these crises. tification"procedure , i.e., what arethe rul es, or methods, by

EIR December 9, 1988 International 45 which legal authorities can ensure that a witness is giving killed, and had given a second, somewhat modified, account adequate, honest, and usable testimony, in identifying the of "Ivan's death" to investigatorsin Vienna in 1947. Sudden­ culprit in a crime, whether it be froma photographic mugfile, ly, by the late 1970s and early 1980s, Rosenberg has become or from a police lineup. This reviewer is not competent to one of the star witnesses for the prosecution, claiming his judge some of the more technical aspects of Wagenaar's earlier testimony on "Ivan's death" was only a wishful account of the overall methodology of the profession of "dream," and that Demjanjuk is without question the real "identification." But he leaves little room for doubt, even for "Ivan"! Even so, his accounts on various occasions during the layman in law and experimental psychology approaches, the last ten years have oftendiffered from each other! that every usual rule or norm of "identification procedure" That leads to the third problem: the presumption of col­ has been violated in the Demjanjuk case. lective guilt of Ukrainians. In some senses, this is the key This is vitally important. Although the facts have been strategic issue in the Demjanjuk case. The Soviets, OSI, tremendously distorted in the international media, the issue U.S. netWorks associated with Armand Hammer, and com­ in the case was not that horrifying crimes were committed at plicit Israelis want a Ukrainian innocent humiliated and fried, Treblinka. That is universally accepted, and has been docu­ as part of a general effort to defame Ukrainians, at a time mented in many published accounts, including one interna­ when the U.S.S.R. 's suppression of "captive nations" has tional best-selling book. (in which, by the way, an account become an explosive international issue. is given of the murder of "Ivan the Terrible" by courageous In describing the pressure on experts like himself not to Treblinka camp inmates). The issue is: Is Demjanjuk"Ivan?" testify on behalf of Demjanjuk. Wagenaar writes on p. 148: This question is crucial for three reasons. "Another argument put to me by many people is that if First, obviously, if John Demjanjuk is not Ivan, then an Demjanjuk is not Ivan, he is still a Ukrainian, who probably innocent man has suffered unbelievablehumiliation, and will served the Germans in another way. Therefore , it would not now likely be executed, unless an international mobilization be a terrible mistake to convict him, and any effort to defend could cause Israeli justice authorities to show clemency. him would be a waste." Second, if the kinds of perversion of usual and accepted Wagenaar comments: "This argument has nothing to do procedure that have gone on in this case are allowed to bring with scientific viewpoints. It simply reflects a prejudice that about Demjanjuk's death without challenge, then the ideas runs counter to my most basic beliefs about justice, fair trial, of justice on which Western civilization has been built, will and human rights. One cannot convict a person because, if be damaged dramatically, and Israel will not be the only party he did not commit the crime he was charged with, he probably to blame. On this perversion of practice, we invite the reader did something else." to plow through some of the technicalities of Wagenaar's Here, we come to the deeper reason why Wagenaar's presentation. We only mention some of his more interesting book is important, even in some sense precious. At a time of points of detail, some of them only reported by him en pas­ growing anti-science irrationalism and media manipulation sant, without his further comment. of truth, he is, in his way, asserting the importance of scien­ tific truth itself, above and beyond the particularities of Presumption of guilt Demjanjuk's gUilt or innocence. Wagenaar notes, for example, that the Soviets were the As he reports, in his usual understated way, the presump­ first to accuse Demjanjuk, in 1976. Further, an alleged I.D. tion of guilt of Demjanjuk, and the hysteria accompanying photograph, purporting to show Demjanj uk to have been at that presumption, were so strong, that important potential the Trawniki center where concentration camp guards were defense witnesses dropped out of the case, fearing for their trained, was Soviet-supplied. He also reports, without further professions, their families, etc. comment, that Mrs. Radiwker, the policewoman from the Wagenaar says, of himself, that he decided to be a witness Israeli Nazi Crime Investigation Division who originally in­ out of "personal choice." But he adds: "After a careful study terrogated Treblinka survivors in 1976, had practiced law in of the immense file, I chose to act as an expert witness Poland and the Soviet Union, until she emigrated to Israel in summoned by the defense of John Demjanjuk because I felt 1964.Obvio usly, she learned her lessons well in theU.S.S .R. that some matters had to be presented in court. No individual From the outset, she worked from the premise that Demjan­ scientist could be forced to testify in this case. But what about juk was presumed guilty, rather than presumed innocent, and the obligations of science as a collective? What if all psy­ almost certainly "suggested" to the survivors that they iden­ chologists, for personal reasons, refused to say the things that tify Demjanjuk in a certain way. had to be said? . . Would not the basic right of the accused Through the antics of Mrs. Radiwker and others, results to their defense be endangered?" were brought about where, by any objective standards, the We have to be thankful to Professor Wagenaar for raising witnesses' reliability is dubious at best. The most egregious such questions, and for having had the courage to buck the of such cases, Treblinka survivor Eliahu Rosenberg, had tide on behalf of Demjanjuk, and for having written this testified as early as 1945. that he had seen "Ivan" being useful book.

46 International EIR December 9, 1988 Britain's Heseltine warns : Soviets to Illobilize 'Green Peace' against the We st by Mark Burdman

On Nov. 23, former British Defense Secretary Michael He­ Heseltine's warnings coincide with a growing alarm in seltine made a surprising speech in London. Usually regarded British military and intelligence circles about intensifiedSo­ as what, in Britain, is called a "wet," or someone with soft­ viet spying operations against the West. On Nov . 27, the liberal views toward the Soviet Union, and speaking before mass-circulation Sunday Express weekly ran a front-page the arch-liberal Royal Institute of International Affairs, He­ article, under the banner headline, "Call off your spies, Mik­ seltine delivered a toughly worded speech, warningthat the hail," reporting that British Prime Minister Thatcher is under Soviets were trying to underminethe defenses and political intense pressure from the heads of Britain's MIS and MI6 structures of the West, by exploiting and manipulating envi­ intelligence services, to "order Mr. Gorbachov to clear out ronmentalist and "Green" movements in the West. the red spy network in Britain." The paper reported that the Heseltine warned that the Soviets would use the concept mastermind of this spy offensive was none other than Com­ of "ecological security," to "hijack the environmental agenda rade Kryuchkov, the man "handpicked by Gorbachov to head . . . for ulterior purposes." Soviet initiatives on "the environ­ the KGB ." ment," he said, would be aimed at energizing "Green Peace" movements, especially in the Federal Republic of Germany, A political storm in Italy that will demand the demontage of Westerndef enses. Hesel­ Heseltine's RIIA address was not an isolated event in tine also warned that the Soviets would use the idea of "in­ Europe. On Nov. 24 and 25, the Italian Catholic daily A vven­ ternationalcooperation in the ecological field," as a sly means ire published a two-part, detailed expose on the international of procuring from the West, advanced technologies with controllers, East and West, of the Greens. potential military applications. Journalist Maurizio Blondet reported on Comrade The former defense secretary linked this to the new "so­ Kryuchkov's July speech, and other features of Soviet pro­ phistication" of Soviet policy since Gorbachov came to pow­ green propaganda. But whereas Heseltine neglected to men­ er, which, rather than furthering the cause of peace and co­ tion those Western interests whose patronage of the "green" operation, might soon create a "more dangerous, less pre­ movements opens the door to Soviet subversion, Blondet dictable world, in which a new ingredient of instability re­ mercilessly went after the Westernoligarchical control points injects something of yesterday's dangers into the continent over the "green movements," ranging from Prince Philip in of Europe ....Mr. Gorbachov has a new approach. And as Britain and Prince Bernhard in the Netherlands, to such mul­ yet little appreciated in the West, Green Peace is to assume a tinationals as Shell, and such age-old European noble fami­ new and potentially dangerous significance.... You do not lies as the Caracciolo. have to be a cold war warrior to recognize that a new arena Blondet reported that leading Green spokesman in Italy, has been opened in which to fightsome of the old battles." especially in and around the Radical Party, had begun to echo In crucial fe atures, Heseltine' s speech echoed EIR ' s pub­ the propaganda and ideology of the Nazis. As a prime source lished warnings about Soviet-green cooperation. Most re­ for his information, he cited "the dossier of Executive Intel­ cently, and exclusively in the West, this magazine had pub­ ligence Review, an American group whose expertise is look­ lished excerpts from the July, 1988 speech by Soviet Col.­ ing at the occult lobbies." Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov, prior to Kryuchkov's Sept. 30- This has provoked a storm ofcontroversy in Italy. Italian Oct. 1 appointment as head of the KGB . Speaking before an Green city councilman Alexander Langer, from the area internal Soviet Foreign Ministry conference, Kryuchkov de­ around Bolzano, is threatening to sue Blondet because of his clared that Soviet policy toward the West, especiallybut not exposure of Langer's relationship to Libya's Colonel Qad­ only toward West Germany, would be to "orient to the Greens dafi . The tobacco conglomerate Philip Morris is threatening and the peace movements to put these people in the fore­ a suit, over Blondet's claim that the company had helped front." (See "The Soviets play their ' green card' to destabilize finance the Italian Radical Party's campaigns in favor of the West,'� EIR , Vol. 15, No. 45, Nov. 11, 1988.) legalization of drugs. Perhaps the fact that, in recent years,

EIR December 9, 1988 International 47 Philip Morris chairman Joseph Cullman III, had been the effective coordinator of the activities of the U.S.. branch of the World Wildlife Fund, may have something to do with the company's reaction.

'Green perestroika' and 'Eco-Nazis' In mid-November, French Communist Partyhead Georges Rome meeting proves Marchais was invited to West Germany by the West German Communist Party , the DKP. According to the French CP case for lower tuning daily L'Humanite, a central purpose of the Marchais visit was to hold strategy sessions with the German Greens. More than 90 people, including famed musicians and gov­ Then, on Nov. 26, the liberal London Guardian reported ernment officials, gathered in Rome Nov. 24 to attend a one case study of how the Soviets work with the greens. conference on the theme, "Let's Keep Bel Canto Alive in the Since Guardian correspondent Walter Schwarz is devoutly World." Bel Canto, or beautiful singing, was the methodof sympathethic to gnostic "green" ideologies, in their Eastern teaching voice developed during the Italian Renaissance. The and Western forms, his account is all the more revealing. conference was sponsored by the Schiller Institute, which, in Schwarz reported on a recent East-West ecological confer­ Milan last April, launched an international campaign to re­ ence that was held sailing up the Danube River. Calling this store the original lower tuning of the great classical compos­ event a prime example of "green perestroika, ecological ers, pivoted on middle-C at 256 vibrations per second awareness that is breaking out all over Eastern Europe," he (A = 432), as against the currentorchestral practice of tuning reported that "even official Russians can sound like deep to A = 440 or higher. The lower tuning is deemed essential greens ...[and] deep ecologists ....In Moscow's cauld­ not only to preserve the human voice, but to render trulythe ronof ideas, deep ecology is being mixed in with refurbished intended registrationof great musical compositions. Marxism." Conference spokesmen said they were confidentthat this "Deep ecology" is a specific term, used by followers of and other events on the same theme were helping to forge theNorwegian gnostic philosopher Arne Naess(known among what GiuseppeVerdi called an Esercito di Prodi, an army of ecologists as "the father of the 'deep ecology movement' ") fighters for culture, freedom, and justice. to connote a radical challenge to the very premises of the The Italian Ministryof Culture's auditorium in the State Judeo-Christian belief in scientific and technological prog­ Recording Library was filled with people representing im­ ress. One of N aess ' s pet ideas is that global population must portant parts of the music world. Two officers were sent by be drastically reduced, to a level perhaps as low as 100 the General Staff of the Italian Army, one the conductor of million people. In pursuit of such policies of mass murder, the Army Military Band, and the other representing the his­ certain Naess followers who write for the American maga­ torical office, where the War Ministry Decree of 1884, in­ zine Earth First! have praised the AIDS virus, as a means of spired by Giuseppe Verdi, establishing tuning at A = 432, is population reduction. It is to Naess and followers that the kept. The two reported thatthey would write a report for the

Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera was referring in June General Staff recommending theacquisition of A = 432 wind of this year, when it coined the term "eco-Nazis." instruments. Naess is linked to those Norwegian circles who hosted a Among dozens of singers attending, there was a baritone meeting of the Soviet-front " Council" July 2-4 who chairs the Lauri Volpi Singers Competition, and who of this year, on the subject of "ecology." This was one of the said that, beginning with his organization's Dec. 6-8 com­ signal, if little publicized, events of the year, in bringing the petition, Verdi's scientific tuning would be used. Presidents "peace" and "green-ecology" movements together under So­ of cultural associations were also in attendance, including viet patronage. the prestigious Academia Filarmonica Romana and the Per­ The group that sponsored the Danube conferencewas the osi Center. "Eco-Forum for Peace," founded in the mid- 1980s by East­ Two singers from the National Soloists Association an­ ern and Westerngnostics and officiallyheadquartered in the nounced that they will organize an A = 432 concert inside the Bulgarian portcity of Varna. The "Eco-Forum" has also been Italian Parliament in December. The Parliament is about to known as the "Varna Group," or the "Club of Varna." Its consider legislation that would make tuning at the lower pitch past president, who participated in the Danube meetings, is the law in Italian concert halls. Ivan Frolov, recently appointed one of the select few in the An alto lieder singer of English origin, now living in inner advisory "cabinet" of Soviet leader Gorbachov. Frolov Rome, was so enthusiastic about the tuning campaign that is quoted by Schwarz, declaring, "The problem of peace and she telephoned the editor of an important British music mag­ the problem of preserving nature are dialectically interrelat­ azine, who not only asked her for an article about the Schiller ed." Institute initiative, but also volunteered to organize a confer-

48 International EIR December 9, 1988 ence on the subject in London. She reported to the confer­ lower-tuned organs was noticeably better. ence, to much laughter, that an attack on the institute and its Bruno Barosi then gave a scientific demonstration of initiative by critic Stefan Zucker in Opera News, reprinted in C = 256 for Cremona violins, using in particular the ground­ Professione Musica in Italy, was not very effective, because breaking results of an experiment conducted there . Before "Zucker is a notoriously incompetent musician, who claims showing a videotapeof Maestro Norbert Brainin, former first he is a tenor, but has such a hoarse voice that nobody can violinist of the famous Amadeus Quartet, playing a Bach imagine he's a singer. " piece at A = 432 and A = 440 on his Omobono Stradivari Also attending were instrument makers and instrumen­ violin, Barosi showed the oscillographic graphs done at the talists, including the famous harpsichordist Egilda Sartori, Cremona laboratory on each open-string note and its octave, who conducts harpsichord tuning classes at the Cini Foun­ first at A = 432 and then at A = 440. This demonstrated vis­ dation in Venice, and reported that a Venetian tuner had ually how the sound of the violin at A = 432 is much richer almost destroyed her harpsichord by trying to tune it to in harmonics and more consistent in tone than at A = 440. A=44O. Barosi then showed the result of another experiment: An official envoy of Italian Education Minister Giovanni Brainin's violin was put in the frequencybox , where it under­ Galloni attended, as well as the conductor of the Rome Opera went frequencies from 20 to 20,000. The resulting "electro­ Choir. cardiogram" showed the highest peak at exactly C = 256, "to The conference was covered by three national radio pro­ the joy of the Schiller Institute and Mrs. Celani," he said. grams and Radio Vatican, all of which recorded interviews When Brainin played Bach at A=432 and A =440, ex­ with thefamous baritone Piero Cappuccilli and Bruno Barosi plaining that the sound ofviolin is "more brilliant, but shorter of the Cremona Violin-Making Institute, as well as Schiller and drier" at A = 440, the audience immediately perceiVed Institute leaders Liliana Celani and Fiorella Operto . The press the difference. "With A = 432, it sounded like a human voice!" agency ANSA reportedon the proceedings, as did the dailies said a singer. La Stampa and II Popolo . Sacchetti asked to comment on the video, indicated that not only was the sound much warmer, but also, Bach's coun­ Polemical tone terpoint was much "cleaner" at A = 432. Barosi also ex­ The three main speakers were Piero Cappuccilli, Arturo plained that with A = 440, the bow jumps moreon the strings, Sacchetti, artistic director of Vatican Radio and a well-known which is the reason that many violin players use a lot ofrosin organist in Rome, and Prof. Bruno Barosi, who chairs the on the strings. physics laboratory of the Cremona Institute. Then, Cappuccilli took the floor to ridicule conductors The conference was opened by Liliana Celani, who who oppose A=432, because "they fear they will not be thanked Lyndon LaRouche for launching this initiative three gods any longer." He said that many people endorsed the years ago in defense of voices and of natural law. She em­ Schiller Institute initiative because Verdi was right. The key phasized that Verdi and LaRouche were right in defending issue for the voice, he stated, is the register shift. He dem­ the connection between science and music, and that this was onstrated this with two pianos, one tuned at A = 432 and the thereason so many people had become upset by the initiative. other above A = 440, singing the Marquis ofPos a' s aria, "Per She read Verdi's letter to the War Ministry in 1884, which me e giunto il dl supremo" from Verdi's Don Carlos, and was welcomed by a round of applause, and reported the "Ah dei verd'anni miei" from Verdi's Ernani. Both have a endorsements of the Schiller Institute initiative since the April register shift at the E-natural for the baritone. He demonstrat­ conference, reading telegrams which had been sent to the ed that he has to shift registers too early with A =440, and conference by Renata Tebaldi, Luciano Pavarotti , Carlo Ber­ the color of the voice thus changes at the wrong point. gonzi, Rolando Panerai, and Gardar Cortes, head of the Is­ The audience was moved by his performance of Posa's land Opera. aria, one of Verdi's most beautiful. The difference the tuning Maestro Sacchetti then spoke, thanking the Schiller In­ makes for the register shift could not have been clearer. A stitute for its initiative. On the "A = 440 mafia,"he had harsh woman commented, "I do not know music, but God gave me words: They are "prejudiced" and say absurd things, such as ears, and I can say that when Maestro Cappuccilli sang the that violins cannot play under A =440, which only shows aria at A = 432, it touched my heart; when he sang it at theirignoran ce. He insisted that it is a moral obligation of the A = 440, it disturbed my ear, although he sings so beautiful­ performer to respect the will of the composer. He gave two ly, because the human ear is disturbed by brilliant frequen­ examples of the difference made by the two tunings. One cies." was a recording of two pieces played on a modem organ Later, members of the the Senate Commission consider­ tuned to A = 440. The other was a recording of the same ing legislation to reinstitute the Verdi tuning reported that pieces played on two old organs which are located in two they are open to discussing and approving the law, and were Rome churches. The latter were built in 1881 and 1885 at especially interested in seeing the video recordings and sci­ A = 415, half a tone lower than A = 440. The sound of these entificproofs .

EIR December 9, 1988 International 49 Gnostics run cover for terrorist penetration of Ve nezuela by Val erie Rush

The issue of the narco-terrorist threat to national sovereignty institutions. The scenario began on Oct. 29, when Venezue­ exploded in Venezuela, in the last days of its presidential lan security forces sustained an armed confrontation with campaign leading to Dec. 4 general elections. A months-long suspected terrorists in the border municipality of El Amparo, propaganda and organizing drive by Venezuelan Labor Party killing 14 of them. Although the zone's cattlemen have been (PLV) candidate for President Alejandro Pefia Esclusa, to the repeated targets of cross-border kidnaping sorties by Co­ tum the national limelight on the Soviet-sponsored, narco­ lombian terrorists, making the military's charges of an en­ guerrilla subversion of the strategically critical Andean re­ counter with guerrillas more than probable, a motley crew of gion, and on the political and financial patrons of that sub­ leftistand opposition politicos immediately raised a national version, has finallyawakened leading layers in Venezuela to hue and cry over the incident, claiming the dead were "in­ the danger, all the way up to the presidency itself. nocent fishermen," and accusing the military of "dirty war" The PL V exposes have, in particular, honed in on the tactics. satanic Gnostic sect, whose influence extends both through The government ordered an immediate investigation of political networks in the region and through control of the the incident, simultaneously ordering the detention of the interconnected terrorist movements that are wreaking havoc two surviving "fishermen" for interrogation. Lo and behold, in Ibero-America, such as the Colombian M -19. A key figure the two had been sequestered by none other than Congress­ inside Venezuela, whose subversive activities have been man Walter Marquez, When ordered by the Venezuelancourts highlighted in a series of nationwide ads and interviews put to surrenderthe two terrorists, Marquez used his parliamen­ out by the PLV's Pefia, is congressman and Gnostic "bishop" tary immunity to flout the law, delivering the two instead to Walter Marquez, who maintains political links to the presi­ the residence of the Mexican ambassador in Caracas, where dential candidate of the ruling AD party, Carlos Andres Per­ they applied for political asylum. Unjust laws were made to ez, also known as CAP. be broken, said the self-proclaimed socialist congressman. Carlos Andnies Perez, who first made a fool of himself Role of the military by claiming that the dead terrorists were his own campaign On Nov. 25, Venezuelan President laime Lusinchi told a workers, later changed his story to coincide with Marquez's. military audience that he feared imminent narco-terrorist His next politicalfa uxpas was to claim insider knowledge penetrationof Venezuelan borders, under the sponsorship of that the "unjust" detention orders against the two survivors forces both within and outside the country, who were deter­ had been revoked, only to learn that the judge had recon­ mined to "internationalize the subversive process" now rip­ firmed the arrest warrants, with the public backing of Presi­ ping apart neighboring Colombia and Peru. He placed his dent Lusinchi. totalconfidence in Venezuela's National ArmedFroces (FAN) Said the President in his Nov. 25 speech, "Some gentle­ to contain and combat the drug trafficking-terrorist combi­ men have presented themselves to thepublic as virtual Robin nation which he described as "grotesque, inconceivable, and Hoods, bearers of the truth, without realizing that their be­ demoniacal," and warned against those who are lending havior places them outside the law." Lusinchi insisted that themselves-wittingly or merely as "useful idiots"-to the El Amparo was no bucolic fishingvillage , as Marquez,CAP , plot against Venezuela's democratic institutions. and others would have it, but a battleground: "Although it is In this last reference, Lusinchi was implicitly indicting difficult to say so, this is a war zone, despite the fact that CAP and Marquez, both of whom have played as up-front some candidates don't wish to believe it, who perhaps be­ role in the latest anti-military scandal shaking Venezuela's cause of intellectual errors woukl serve as useful idiots.' "

50 International EIR December 9, 1988 The Gnostic serpent ravings of a psychopath, Gnosticism cannot be taken lightly, In an interview published on Nov. 26 by the Diario Ca­ for its ranks are growing in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, tolico of San Crist6bal, Venezuela, Marquez responded to and other countries. Its initiation rites, as described by "Mas­ PLV charges on his Gnostic affiliations by insisting, "I am a ter Samael" in his book Keys to the Mental Dynamic, are Christian, not a guerrilla." And yet, Marquez's position in classic recipes for brainwashing through what he calls "an­ the upper hierarchy of the Universal Christian Gnostic Church nihilation of the personality." His book is dedicated to Co­ suggests otherwise. A closer look at the Gnostic "church" lombian Gnostics Jose Vicente Marquez and Julio Medina goes a long way toward explaining who Marquez really is. Vizcaino, who helped found the Venezuelan chapter of the In a Nov. 28, 1983 interview in the Peruvian magazine Universal Christian Gnostic Church, together with none oth­ Caretas, the then leader of the Colombian M- 19 narco-ter­ er than CongressmanWalter Marquez. rorists , Jaime Bateman, explained what made his movement Once the ideological roots of the narco-terrorist enemy tick: "Look, the bottom line is that my mother is Gnostic. are laid bare, it is not difficult to understand the role of a She was responsible for the organization of gnosis in Santa Walter Marquez in orchestrating his two-pronged assault on Marta[Colombia] , and every Saturday, they made a chain to both the Armed Forces and the Catholic Church, two major protect us, the organization. . . . Those they make a chain obstacles tothe advance of the narco-guerrillas in the Andean for are made immortal ....Their leadership regularly sent region as a whole. The bigger question that is raised, is why us congratulations." Bateman's chain of protection failed the likes of Carlos Andres Perez, possibly the next President him in 1984, when he met his demise in an airplane crash. of Venezuela, would be found in such close proximity to Gnosticism was not a matter of Bateman's individual Marquez. Could his close friendshipwith former Colombian preference, but rather is an essential part of the internal ide­ President Alfonso L6pez Michelsen, known as the political ology and recruitment mechanism of the M-19 today. Current "godfather" of the devil-worshipping drug mafiain that coun­ M-19 leader Carlos PizarroLeon-G6mez declared in his k,boo try , have anything to do with it? Guerra a la Guerra (War on War) , which came out in July of this year, that "Bateman was like the chief warlock. . . . Look, for example, at the anguish and the effort made for us by the mothers of Corinto, the number of candles they lit for Documentation us. . . . This doesn't have a name, and that force is the chain of love of which Bateman spoke ." Gnosticism is not only responsible for swelling the ranks of the narco-terrorist armies with ignorant, superstitious, The fo llowing are excerpts fromthe Nov. 25 sp eech given by lumpenized youth, but has made a major assault on the very President Jaime Lusinchi to the Tachira Army Garrison: foundations of the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Peiia wrote in a Nov. 21 political statement, "Gnosticism is not only In the sister Republic [of Colombia] , there exists-and we explicitly based on perverse sexual rites, but the founder of deeply lament this-a subversive process in which the guer­ the Universal Christian Gnostic Church, the late Colombian rilla and the drug trade are especially involved. It is a process Samael Aun Weor, openly confesses it. In his book, The in which Venezuela cannot intervene, but against which we Perfect Marriage, (Venezuela: 9th edition), he asserts, 'All must remainon the alert, precisely because itis a neighboring religion has a sexual origin ....The Four Gospelscan only country which is affected. . . . Some sectors participating in be understood with the key of Sexual Magic and the Perfect this internal confrontation in Colombia do not seem to un­ Marriage ....There exists an intimate relationship between derstand that Venezuela is interested in the political and so­ the Word and sexual forces. The Word of the Great Master cial peace of its neighbor. And since they don't understand Jesus has been Christified by drinking the Wine of Light of · it, they are trying to internationalize that fight, making our the Alchemist in theChalice of Sexuality. ' Can this be called country one of its immediate objectives, which we cannot Christianity?" asks Peiia. permit. Peiiacontin ues, "In the cited interview in Diario CatoU­ Given thissituation, it is up to the Armed Forces toavoid co, Marquez claims to believe in the Virgin, but he doesn't the transfer and contamination of the subversive process in say which. However, his patriarch Samael explains: 'There Colombia into our country. The FAN should remain alert not exist two serpents: that which rises through the marrow and only against subversion, but also against the drug trade, whose that which descends. . . . The serpent rising through the tentacles could corrupt the Venezuelan social body. It is marrow is the Virgin. The serpent descending from the coc­ undeniable that it exists, and this I should say with all con­ cyx toward the atomic hells of Nature is the Holy Mary of viction because I am not inventing anythging, there is a Black Magic and Witchcraft. Hereyou have two Marys: the grotesque, inconceivable and demoniacal alliance between White and the Black.' (The Perfect Marriage. p. 1 19)" subversion and the drug trade, which would bring serious Although these statements can easily be dismissed as the consequences to our country should it penetrate our borders.

EIR December 9, 1988 International 51 Andean Report by JavierAlmario

Colombia responds to terror violence are the path for change or for President Barco backs military, decrees life imprisonment fo r the reforms most needed by the coun­ narco-terrorists, in a major policy reversal. try." Barco was specificallyreferring to the fact that for its upcoming year-end congress, the PCC has already an­ nounced plans to present its thesis that "the combination of all forms of strug­ gle," presumably including armed After the Nov. 22 near-miss assas­ "dialogue" instead of confrontation struggle, are permitted. In documents sination attempt against Colombian with subversion. already in circulation for discussion at Defense Minister Gen. Manuel Jaime Among the measures which Pres­ that congress, the PCC states that it Guerrero Paz, President Barco went ident Barco announced in his Nov. 25 will no longer be limited to "legalized on national television to decree "a state speech was "a mechanism to expedite mass action, whose range is increas­ of siege to establish the punishment of the apprehension and jailing of per­ ingl y more restricted. . . . We should life imprisonment for the authors of sons against whom there is serious take what might be called informal ac­ massacres and homicides committed evidence of their assaults on the public tions. " in terrorist assaults against officials and peace." He also reported to the nation That the Communists are prepared leaders." He further authorized the re­ that a meeting of the top military com­ to move openly into violent action was supplying of the Armed Forces, to mand "has agreed to carry out an made clear by their first-ever ac­ ready them for battle status. emergency plan for increasing the knowledgement of their links to such The President's abrupt change in troop strength of the military forces "armed branches" as the FARC: line, from a policy of "dialogue" and and military police.... We are going "Armed struggle has gone through virtual coexistence with Soviet-spon­ to demonstrate that we are not a ter­ different phases of development. In sored irregular warfare troops, to one rorized and silenced majority, but a the last period, it has acquired much of long-overdue wartime measures, vibrant nation that does not surrender greater political importance ....The was especially urgent in view of the to terrorism." openness to mass action, the conquest dramatic renewal of narco-terrorist vi­ The next day, on Nov. 26, the of new political space, and the left's olence in the country. Considered the government's long-standing truce with escape from outcast status were all de­ most experienced irregular warfare the FARC not to touch its headquar­ cisively influenced by the . . . armed force in Ibero-America, the Colom­ ters , known as the Green House, was movement and its impact on political bian narco-guerrillas are the spear­ shattered when combined Army/Air life and the social movement of the head of Soviet strategy for seizing Force troops assaulted the security de­ working class." control of the geopolitically strategic tachment charged with guarding the Barco's response to the Commu­ "Andean Spine." Thus, the impor­ FARC command. A vast arsenal was nists was his strongest ever: "It is com­ tance of President Barco's speech for seized. At the same time, Army Com­ pletely inadmissable for one to argue all of Thero-America. mander Gen. Nelson Mejia Henao an­ that progress and well-being can be Several retired Colombian gener­ nounced thatfrom here on in, the Army won through violence." Barco also als had recently expressed their fury would no longer wait for the guerrillas addressed those pro-terrorist forces that while guerrilla groups like the to ambush them, but would take first­ who would straitjacket the govern­ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Col­ strike action against known terrorist ment with pious "human rights" ap­ ombia (FARC) had the political sup­ concentrations. "We have to win, and peals, such as Amnesty International, port of the Colombian Communist that's it," he said. which has repeatedlyaccused the gov­ Party (PCC) and the Patriotic Union In his speech, Barco made a point ernment and military of running a (UP), the Armed Forces had been left of warning the Communists and the "dirty war" against the citizenry: "We virtually bereft of the support of the UP, the latter created as a legal front are not going to allow, under the fal­ country's traditional political parties for the FARC, that it would no longer lacious pretext of purifying our dem­ and of the government itself, because be permitted for "someone to still have ocratic credentials, that society and its of the announced policy of pursuing the audacity to say that terrorism or institutions be left defenseless. "

52 International EIR December 9, 1988 Report from Bonn by RainerA pel

A case of deep moral degeneracy in her new office, that she very much The election of the new German speaker ofparliament Sussmuth favored the idea of seating a Green helps Moscow and its proteges, the Greens. party member on the parliamentary presidium board. She expressed deep regret that a parliamentary motion to have the Greens seated was defeated this time, but after the next national T he German mmlster of public "policies leading to a loss of civil elections (in late 1990), she thought health, Frau Rita Siissmuth, left the rights. " the seat should be given to the Greens. ministry on Nov. 24 to become the Frau Siissmuth also made herself What gives this endorsement of the new speaker of the parliament. A lib­ an advocate of drug legalization. Aft­ Greens, the first-ever in public by the eral member of the Christian Demo­ er a recent U. S. tour, she announced formal head of the German parlia­ cratic party (CDU) , she replaced CDU an official inquiry into whether con­ ment, a special political weight, is the conservative Philipp Jenninger, whom sumption of "softdrugs" like hashish fact that it was given at a point that the an internationally concocted phony should be legalized. "In practice," Soviets are reactivating their contacts scandal over his parliamentary speech there was "already something like tol­ to the Green movement for the pur­ on Kristallnacht Remembrance chased erance of hashish smoking in soci­ pose of upgraded subversion and ir­ out of office Nov. 11. ety ," she said; the government should regular warfare operations in the rad­ Leading the campaign against Jen­ not prosecute what society had ac­ ical environmentalist cause. ninger, with support from the Bronf­ cepted long ago. This new activity on the part of manites in the German Jewish com­ Reporting on her findings in the Moscow, which maintains, through a munity, werethe opposition Green and United States, she also argued for newly created Soviet "council on en­ Social Democratic parties, and influ­ making the heroin substitute metha­ vironmental affairs ," very close rela­ ential factions in the governing bloc done more easily available. She sug­ tions with the German Greens, is pro­ of CDU and liberal FDP party . gested that laws be changed to permit ceeding under the command of the new Rita Siissmuth was elected to her doctors to give out methadone if "no head of the KGB , Vladimir Kryuch­ new post with two-thirds of the votes other life-support" was possible, and kov. In a speech before a select audi­ in the parliament. Ironically, quite a called for an end to police prosecution ence of senior Soviet intelligence and number of CDU deputies voted her in of drug addicts for possessing needles. governmentofficials in July, Kryuch­ to get her out of the health ministry. Distribution of disposable needles in kov mentioned the German Greens as Her record as health minister is scan­ the drug scene was termed by Rita an "efficientway to influencethe minds dalous, indeed. On the AIDS issue, Siissmuth a way to "contain the risk of of the governingpoliticia ns." she defended a letting-things-go ap­ infection with AIDS." For ministry Endorsing the Greens in this con­ proach, spending budgets primarily for programs supporting the drug addicts text, as Rita Siissmuth did, is the same marginal interest groups like the "drug­ through their own initiative groups, as encouraging Moscow to "go ahead" scene" street workers and various Siissmuth allocated an average of 10 with its subversion. Is she, who al­ prostitute (both sexes) initiatives, million deutschmarks over the 1988- ways kept a low profile on foreign af­ rather than for in-depth research into 90 three-year period. fairs , a secret member of the "CDU medical counter-measures. Officialsof her ministry called the Moscow Faction," which wants Ger­ The LaRouche-inspired campaign "drug street worker scene," a "most many to opt for deals with the Soviets, for an effective war on AIDS, for reg­ useful ally in the fightagainst AIDS ." rather than the Americans, in the ular screening of the population, mas­ This fantasy-ridden policy shocked 1990s? sive fu nding of research and medical many, especially among the conser­ Recently, at a German-Soviet treatment, and isolation measures to vative Christian Democmts, but earned seminar on youthprob lems, she called protect the uninfected, was vigorously Siissmuth applause from the Green on German youth to spend their sum­ opposed by Rita Siissmuth. Copying party, which has its main voter base in mer holidays doing farm labor in the the slang of the Green party and relat­ the counterculture. The Greens also Soviet Union. Thiswould help to build ed rock-drug counterculture groups, voted for her as new parliament speak­ confidence between Germans and ' she slandered all efforts leading to­ er' and she returned the favor by stat­ Russians, and help Gorbachov s re­ ward an effective combat of AIDS as ing, in her first parliamentary speech forms, too, she said.

EIR December 9, 1988 International 53 Report from Rio by Lorenzo Carrasco

The Uruguayan Connection co-dollars. Uruguay has gone into moneylaundering, with the help of the Gazeta Mercantil described the world's biggest banks and Brazilian "debt reduction" schemes. following procedure: Brazilian "busi­ nessmen" deposit dollars in Uruguay "by means of a shell company (which can be opened in Uruguay for $1 ,500) or directly in an international bank, which immediately sendsit toits Grand T he Uruguayan government of Ju­ the Caribbean," Gazeta Mercantil re­ Caymans branch" or to another "tax lio Maria Sanguinetti has taken the op­ ported. paradise" inthe Caribbean or beyond. portunity offered by the crackdowns The president of the BCCI Brazil­ "The Grand Caymans branch buys against dirty money laundering, par­ ian subsidiary's board of directors is Brazilian foreign debt paper on the ticularly in Miami and Panama, to tum ex-minister Emane Galveas. And Ser­ secondary marlret at a discount of more his country into South America's gio Correa da Costa, the former Bra­ than 50% from its nominalvalue ." The money-laundering champion. The zilian ambassador to the United States "businessman" then brings the paper Brazilian daily Gazeta M ercantil re­ and currentKissinger Associates, Inc. to the Braziliandebtor who negotiates ported at the beginning of November partner, is also a senior partner in to buy it from him at a lower discount. that Uruguay had come to that point, BCCI's Brazilian operation. The Bra­ That lets him launder his money in the thanks to its 1976 financial sectorde­ zilian branch was planning large-scale stock market or other assets. regulation. It stressed that the opening foreign debt conversions. Standing out in the eight foreign to dirty money was substantially wid­ J. Carlos de Assis, an economic debt conversion auctions which have ened when Sanguinetti came to power adviser to the National Confederation taken place in Brazil are companies in 1985 . of Industries, charges that those op­ based in the various "tax paradises": By now , 80% of the total banking erations were being aided by Finance Netherlands Antilles, Bahrain, Baha­ deposits in Uruguay arein foreigncur­ Minister MaI1son da N6brega, whose mas, Gibraltar, Cayman Islands, Vir­ rencies. The equivalent of about $4 career was promoted by none other gin Islands, Liechtenstein, Luxem­ billion is stashed there . than Galveas. Assis emphasized, bourg , Panama, Switzerland, and The Uruguayan banking system's "Minister da Nobrega lacks character Uruguay. Such companies perform a "new clients," Gazeta Mercantil re­ and he defends the interests of people quarter of the conversions; only U.S.

ported, " are Brazilian businessmen who are linked to him and who are firms do more. This is not counting who since last year have been making involved in debt conversion." the more than $2 billion of "informal informal conversions of Brazilian for­ The list of internationalbanks and conversions," which are not regis­ eign debt [into equity assets] and the companies under investigation by the tered with the central bank. narcotics-trafficking chiefs who are U.S. government on suspicion of The entire Uruguayan narco-dol­ under pressure from the U. S. govern­ laundering narcotics money correlates lar-laundering operation would not ment on several investigative frontsin closely with the biggest players in ex­ function without the toleration and Florida, in Panama, and in the tradi­ changing Brazilian debt for equity. complicity of the Sanguinetti admin­ tional Caribbean tax 'paradises.'" Such is the case with Deutsche Suda­ istration, including Finance Minister The linkage made between laun­ merikanische Bank, Barclays Bank, Horacio Zerbino. The Montevideo dering narcotics dollars and informal Security Pacific Bank, Manufacturers daily La Hora wrote in a recent edi­ conversion of Brazilian debt is not Hanover Trust, Morgan Guaranty torial, "So long as there are Zerbinos mere conjecture, as was demonstrated Trust, and most notoriously, Safra in the world, there will be financial in the mid-October indictment of the Bank. The owner of thelast, Edmund markets for 'laundering' capital." The Bank of Credit and Commerce Inter­ Safra, was implicated in the lrangate entire economic strategy on which national (BCCI) for its involvement in arms-trafficking scandal; he is also a Sanguinetti's political stability de­ dirty money laundering. "The Uru­ major gold operator; 30 tons of gold pends is based on the implicit com­ guayan Connection was recently em­ were smuggled out of Brazil last year. mission his government earns by in­ ployed to recycle U.S. Treasury cer­ Gold is the metal preferred by the big­ corporating narco-dollars into the tificates, bought by BCCI branches in gest drug dealers for laundering nar- worldwide integrated capital market.

54 International EIR December 9, 1988 Panama Report by Carlos Wesley

Panama readies for long haul the Soviet plot, the local communists The nationalists do not expect a change in policyfrom the responded by trying to kill the mes­ incoming Bush administration. senger. In mid-November, the Pana­ manian communists devoted a full page of their newspaper Unidad, to attacking "the LaRouchites" and EIR , accusing this publication of distorting the Soviet position andof taking quotes President Manuel Solis Palma of runs V. S. foreign policy. out of context. When confronted with Panama denied Nov. 21 that the V.S. Joining Project Democracy in the actual copies of the Soviet publica­ had sought to reopen talks to settle the war on Panama is the Socialist Inter­ tions that retailed the State Depart­ dispute between the two countries. national and, for its own reasons, the ment's line against Panama, the Pan­ "Officially, we have not received any­ V.S.S.R. The Panamanian govern­ amanian communists sputtered: "Well, thing," said the Panamanian leader, ment dismissed its ambassador to that is the personal opinion of the writ­ replying to reports from an American Venezuela, Marcel Salamin. Salam­ ers . It does not represent official So­ TV network that V. S. officials are in, the reputed"adopted son" of Ven­ viet policy. " seeking a resumption of talks with ezuelan presidential candidate and So­ Although there is the hope, as So­ Panama to propose negotiations. Ac­ cialist International bigwig, Carlos lis Palma has said, that the new V.S. cording to the V.S. government's For­ Andres perez, had unsuccessfuly tried, administration will have "the good eign Broadcast Information Service, on Perez's orders , to prevent a confer­ sense" to change "its Panama policy, he added, "We have always been open ence on Thero-American unity­ because it is not what it should be," to any understanding with the Vnited known as the Amphictyonic meet­ there are no illusions. "Panama must States government," but any negotia­ ing-from taking place in Panama last not expect a change in V. S. policy," tions must be based on "respect for the August. He was also known to favor a stated Foreign Minister Jorge Ritter Panamanian government, our sover­ plan to oust Noriega prepared by Pan­ after Bush's triumph. "The new V.S. eignty, and our dignity. " amanian Benedict Arnold, Jose I. administration will not change its fun­ It is by no means clear that the Bland6n, now on the Project Democ­ damental policy toward Panama be­ Vnited States is prepared to do that. racy payroll. cause it has a strategic interest in re­ President Reagan is reportedly prepar­ The Soviets, who want the V.S. maining in Panama beyond the year ing an offer to Gen. Manuel Antonio out of Panama in order to take over the 2000," he said, referring to the dead­ Noriega, the head of Panama's De­ Panama Canal, signaled that they were line set by the Carter-Torrijos treaties fense Forces (PDF), to drop trumped­ willing to help Washington get rid of for Panama to take over the Panama up drug charges against him, in ex­ the Panamanian government and na­ Canal, and the V.S. to leave its mili­ change for his giving up command of tionalist military as a step toward their tary bases. the PDF. According to Newsweek, goal. Their plan, as revealed in the In a speech Nov. 24, Noriega said: which reportedthe story in its Nov. 28 August issue of America Latina, the "Our people are not enemies of the issue, Reagan is willing to take the journalof the Soviet Academy of Sci­ American people. We want the Amer­ blame for this deal in order to clear the ences Latin American Institute, is to ican people to know that while they decks for the Bush administration. "internationalize" and "demilitarize" celebrate Thanksgiving-a celebra­ To soften up Noriega, the maga­ the Panama Canal. Security for the tion that represents the determination zine reported, his Panamanian oppo­ canal would be provided by "interna­ to build a free and sovereign nation, nents are being put up to stage a new tional peace-keeping forces." which was the inalienable right of the wave of "destabilization," including This sent the local communist par­ Pilgrims, who in 1620 abandoned the street demonstrations, which will be ty-called the People's Party-into British Crown in search fortheir free­ steered from Washington by ousted conniptions, since they nominally dom, because they did not want their PDF Col. Eduardo Herrera Hassan and support the government. Moscow had freedom to be like the British version other opposition leaders on the payroll to send Soviet Communist Party Inter­ of freedom-the Panamanian people of the State Department and the so­ national Department honcho Karen are being besiegedby hunger," brought called Project Democracy, the gov­ Brutents to Panama in September to on by the V. S. economic sanctions ernment-within-the-government that cool things off. So when EIR exposed against Panama.

EIR December 9, 1988 International 55 From New Delhi by Susan Maitra

The Gorbachov-Gandhi 'summit' tween India, China, and the Soviet The Russian was seeking Indian support fo r his Afghan move, Union. and he got it-in the short run. Indeed, the fuss that has been brewinghere, nominallyover the Sino­ Soviet .relationship as a whole, is ac­ Mr. Gorbachov took the opportu­ score is reassuringto South Block, and tually a kind of shadow-play rooted in nity of his Nov. 19-20 visit-sched­ at least temporarily wards off the sus­ South Block's Pakistan fixation and uled months ago to confer the Indira pician that perhaps the Kremlin's stat­ the resultfug paranoia that colors In­ Gandhi Peace Award on the Soviet ed intention to improve relations with dia's entire strategic outlook. Mr. President-to fu rther the Kremlin's a democratically elected Pakistani Gorbachov took the unusual step of Vladivostok initiative. In particular, government may be the seed of a addressing the issue publicly at the he sought Indian support for a new line change of heart in Moscow on this outset-if' only to keep the private on Afghanistan and tried to smooth axiom of Indian foreign policy. agenda fo� talks clear for more impor­ over the Soviet rapprochement with Though no hard information is tant matters. China, India's adversary for morethan available, Prime Minister Gandhi's Otherwise, the visit consisted in two decades. report · to the parliament Nov. 23 on the standard, pre-cooked fare that is As the joint blast against "certain the Gorbachov visit points to the fact obligatory when a superpower visits forces" violating the Geneva Accord that most of the private discussion was an under�veloped nation, that, too, issued by Gandhi and Gorbachov on devoted to what Gandhi describes as one with which it boasts a "model" Nov. 20 indicates, he was success­ the two leaders' agreement that "a new relationship. The accord to supply two ful-for what it is worth-on the first era is emerging in international rela­ 1 ,000MW nuclear power reactorshad account. Whether the effort to reas­ tions. " Gandhi told parliamentthat the been finalized some months ago, and sure nervous nellies in South Block Soviet Union is highly appreciativeof work on one of the plants has already (Foreign Ministry), on the China mat­ India's constructive role in the Non­ begun. The announcement of a $4 bil­ ter will prove successful in the long Aligned Movement and India's effort lion financing package was a flashy run, remains to be seen. to promote peace, disarmament, and addition to the signing ceremony, Extensive private talks with Prime development. All of this, including the though fineprint of the creditdeal was Minister Gandhi-as much as nine joint call for a new and just interna­ not revealed. The power plant is a sol­ hours in two days-gave Mr. Gorba­ tional economic order, was codified in id anchor for still somewhat airy if chov the chance to convey the Krem­ the joint statement issued at the end of enthusiastic talk of joint ventures and lin's views and desireson a broadrange the visit. other possibilities tied toefforts to up­ of issues. He made clear that Afghan­ Mr. Gorbachov's wish to have In­ grade the two economies. Two-way istan is the single most important fo­ dia play a more decisive role in his trade now amounts to the equivalent cus of Soviet concern in South Asia Vladivostok initiative for Asia-Pacific of $3.3 billion annually. right now, and undoubtedly confided security was most probably a promi­ Lastly, the cultural agreement, in­ that grave difficulties were being en­ nent theme. That means patching up cluding unveiling a statue of Pushkin countered in keeping the pro-Soviet with China, among other things, a in Delhi. These ties have a long back­ government in power there . timely topic in light of Mr. Gandhi's ground, gtven that the Russians' own In the event, Rajiv Gandhi joined December pilgrimage to Peking. research-backed claims to insight into Gorbachov in charging Pakistan and There is every indication that Mr. the Aryan secrets and the overlap of the U.S. with violating the Geneva Gorbachov's assurances on the China Central Asian populations with those Accord and in calling for the United matter were taken to heart. Mr. Gan­ of the subf;:ontinent makes it a practi­ Nations to convene an international dhi was not bluffing when he told the cal matter: But they areclearly getting conference on the matter. India is parliament that China was "unimpor­ a new push under the baton of Raisa frantic that no pro-Pakistani regime be tant" as far as the ties between India Gorbachova, who was featured in consolidated in Afghanistan, but lacks and the Soviet Union were concerned, Delhi as the co-pilot of a joint Hindu­ the credibility or political leverage to and, interestingly, seconded M. P. Sa­ Russian magazine for women spon­ do much about it independently. mar Mukherjee's proposal for a wider sored on this side by theCongress high Cheerleading Soviet bluster on this debate on the emerging relations be- command.

56 International EIR December 9, 1988 Africa Report by ThienyLalevee

Is Sudan out of control? a riot, to protest the agreement. A hit attempt on the defense minister is being blamed on the Though sabotaging an embarass­ prime minister, and things may not cool off. ing agreement, which would go to the credit of his potential rival al Mir­ ghani, was certainly one considera­ tion in Mahdi's mind, this was not the The Nov. 19 assassination attempt government in Khartoum would re­ only one. The real motivation is Khal­ against Sudan'sdefense minister, Gen. view the implementation of the Sharia il's determination to reassert the con­ Abdel Majid Hamid Khalil, and the (IslamicLaw) in Sudan, Garangwould trol ofthe Sudanesenational army over Chief of the Anny, Gen. Fathi Ahmed go for a ceasefire and political nego­ Sudan's westernprovin ce, the Darfur. Ali, was not just one more incident in tiations. Since Mahdi' s arrival in power Sudan's ever troubled political life. Behind these provisory commit­ with the overthrow of longtime Su­ The attempt took place when a SAM- ments stand several layers of pres­ danese leader Gaafar Numayri in 1986, 7 ground-to-air missile was fired at sures. First, the obvious fact that years theDarfur has become, in allbut name, Khalil's plane, just after take-off, in of civil war in the south has exhausted a Libyan province. As previously doc­ thesouthern region ofBahr al Ghazal. the entire countryfrom the north to the umented in EIR , this was the result of Though hit, the plane was able to south, and has aggravated Sudan's a deal made in Paris in 1980 between land safely. problems in the wake of this fall's se­ al Mahdi and Qaddafi. Intelligence provided to EIR indi­ vere floodsin the region. In exchange for Libyan financial cates that theassassination attempt was Second, there are international support, while he was an opponent in initiatedand planned by Sudan'sPrime pressures from both East and West to exile, Mahdi offered to "lease" the Minister Sadiq al Mahdi, with the help reach a regional package which would Darfur for Libyan military operations of the National Islamic Front of Has­ see the solution of the southern Su­ against Chad. san al Turabi, the present justice min­ danese war and the wars between Ad­ To renege on his agreement now ister. dis Ababa to the Eritrean and Tigres would mean his downfall. Yet, as soon as news of the attempt rebellions, as well as the still-existing However, how long can Sudan's began spreading, al Mahdi didn't hes­ tension betweenEthiopia and Somal- national sovereignity be "leased"? itate to put out an official statement ia. Khalil's decision converges on a blaming the southern forces of rebel A panacea being mooted under the growing concern in neighboring Egypt John Garang as the culprit, underlin­ rubric of these New Yalta-style "re­ over Sudan's rapid collapse. ing that this showed that "Garang does gional deals," would be the establish­ Egyptian leaders are having night­ not want peace." ment of federated systems in which mares at the sight of Sudan, whose Why did the Sudanese prime min­ the rebel minorities would be called western province is under de facto ister want to kill his own defense min­ on to participate. Libyan control, a southern province ister, who was only appointed last Yet theterms of the agreementbe­ close to secession, and a central gov­ spring? Could he not just decide to fire tween Mirghani and Garang were un­ ernmentin Khartoumruled by Islamic him? acceptable for Hassan al Turabi, who fanatics of the ilk of al Turabi, even Apparently Mahdi had a plan to wants the Islamic fundamentalist though his main supporters are to be kill two birds with one stone. The at­ Sharia to be implemented and im­ found in the U.S. State Department tempt took place afterweeks of nego­ posed on all Sudanese citizens, re­ and the Faisal clan in Saudi Arabia. tiations in Addis Abeba, between em­ gardless of their religion. Likewise, The targeted Defense Minister issaries of John Garang of the South­ Turabi's party has been campaigning Khalil, a former military aide to ex­ ern Sudan People's Liberation Anny actively for an actual partition of the Sudanese leader Gaafar Numayri, (SPLA) and Mohammed Osman el country, arguing that Southern Sudan shares such concerns, as does al Mir­ Mirghani of the Democratic Unionist has become an "economic burden to ghani, who has been traditionally close Party (DUP), which is a member of the rest of the country." to Egypt. The events of the last two Mahdi's coalition government. On Nov. 22, Turabi's followers weeks of November indicate that A mutual agreement was then rat­ organized a mass demonstration in Khartoum is now about to witness a ified, stipUlating that, provided the Khartoum, quickly degenerating into showdown on those issues.

EIR December 9, 1988 International 57 International Intelligence

headquarters, on a spot alertbasi s. The alert Soviet fo rces in has been decreed in the GSFG, on the front Chinese minister Germany on alert line, so to speak, but it could also be involv­ ing other commands, inside and outside the visits Moscow U.S.S.R." Units of the Soviet Anned Forces in East He suggested investigating parallels be­ Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen be­ Gennany have been put on special alert, gan an officialvisit to the Soviet Union tween patterns of alerts now, and patterns of Dec. according to source reports fromWest Ber­ 1-3 at the invitation ofForeign Minister Ed­ alerts in the period leading up to the Soviet lin which were covered front page in the uard Shevardnadze, the China Daily report­ invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 . Nov. 26 Franlifurter Allgemeine Zeitung. ed Nov. 26. Talks will focus on Kampuchea Reporting on mass arrests of oppositionists and other issues of Sino-Soviet bilateral re­ in East Gennany, the West Gennan daily lations, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said stated that the command of the Second So­ Europeans mend fe nces Nov. 25 . viet Guard Anny, one of five stationed in "If the talks go smoothly, then it should East Gennany, ordered servicemen and of­ with Mideast radicals be possible to arrange a meeting between ficers to stay in their barracks for the time the top leaders of the two countries [Mikhail being. West Gennan Foreign Minister Hans-Die­ Gorbachov and Deng Xiaoping] at an earlier The specific reason for the alert is not trich Genscher, a Soviet asset, arrived in date than previously thought possible," the clear, but may be related to the upcoming Teheran, Iran Nov. 27 to further economic spokesman said. extraordinary Soviet party Central Commit­ ties between West Gennany and the mul­ Chou En-lai was the last mainland for­ tee plenum in Moscow, or to the situation in lahs' dictatorship. Only one day earlier, eign ministerto visit the U.S.S.R., in 1957. East Gennany itself, which, with partyboss Libya's number-two, Abdel Salam Jalloud, Andrei Gromyko, accompanying Nikita Erich Honnecker ill, is characterized by in­ arrived in Rome for a series of high-level Khrushchov, was the last Soviet foreign tensifying succession fights inside the SED political meetings, possiblyincluding a short minister to visit China, in 1959. party organization. audience with the Pope. Then, there is the unstable situation in Both diplomatic events are consistent Poland; the Group of Soviet Forces in Ger­ with all of the European countries trying to many (GSFG) is not confined to East Ger­ mend fences with the radical Mideast coun­ Thousands may have many, but also has strong forces stationed tries. in the westernparts of Poland. Fourth, is the Along the same lines, the Archbishop of been killed in SriLanka possibility of military action against West­ Canterbury, Robert Runcie, began a series ern Europe . The GSFG exists first and fore­ of denunciations of Iraq in the House of About 400 people have been killed by the most for offensive action against the West. Lords on Nov. 23, particularlyon its alleged ethnic Sinhalese extremist JVP organiza­ Infonned of the report of a state of alert, use of chemical weapons, as a furthergood­ tion, and their opposite numbers, the Tamil a senior British experton the U.S.S.R. made will gesture toward Teheran. This was fol­ guerrillas,in Sri Lanka in one month's time, the background evaluation that the Soviet lowed by a series of articles in the Financial the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Vin­ anny is in a "j ittery" state after the deaths of Times denouncing Iraq. On Nov. 23, a com­ cent Perera, announced in Parliament Nov. Soviet soldiers in the Transcaucasus (Geor­ mentary said, for example, that Iraq's sup­ 24. gia, Annenia, Azerbaijan). portfor a Palestinian state was "obscene" in According to Britain's Guardian news­ "The anny would be jittery, and, con­ light of its treatement of the Kurds. paper, the latestofficial figures are 439 killed sidering that the Soviets may have to be Foreign Minister Genscher was expect­ in violence in the 30 days before Nov. 15, using troops soon in the Baltic states, for ed to focus his talks in part on the issue of and 70 killed in the following week. But example, this could be an occasion to test Western hostages in Lebanon, in the hands rumorssay that thousands have died. out the alert, down to the barracks lev­ of gangs effectively controlled by the Irani­ During 1988, some 700government of­ el . . . . The anny has been in difficulty in ans. He has already announced that a Ger­ ficialsand rulingparty supporters have been the Transcaucasus, and an alert in East Ger­ man-Iranianjoint economic commission will killedby the JVP in the country's south. The many might have the dual purpose of deal­ meet in both December and February. terrorist organization is a majority-Sin­ ing with the psychologically jittery feelings, Economic issues are also at the top of halese racial chauvinist party. diverting attention in a certain way, while the agenda in Jalloud's visit to Rome. Libya Parliament overwhelmingly approved a also testing out the alert in case of an actual may seek to use the leverage of its sizeable request by Perera to extend the country's movement of troops . They want to know the investments inside Italy to receive privi­ stateof emergency by one month. state of readiness of units, fonnations, and leged trade treatment. A new dimensionto the terrorwar opened

58 International EIR December 9, 1988 Briefly

• MOSCOW'S new ambassador to when threeforeigners were killed by 25 JVP I to growth.... We are transferring abroad Dhaka, Vitali Stepanovich Smirnov, terrorists in military unifonn who raided a 5% of our national producteach year [which] has expressed his government's ex­ sugar factory the night of Nov. 23 . is unacceptable and unsustainable. treme displeasure at the way the Ban­ Most of the island nation is now a dis­ "I will avoid confrontation [with credi­ gladesh officialmedia "engage freely aster area, a source in the capital city, Col­ tors], but I declare emphatically and with in anti-Soviet propaganda." The en­ ombo, he told EJR . The Northern and East­ conviction that the interests of Mexicans are voy noted with "pain and concern" ern provinces, where a majority are Tamils, above the interests of creditors." that while his country's relations with that is, of Indian extraction, have somewhat The Wall Street Journal commented that the U.S. and China are improving, stabilized, with the separatist Liberation Ti­ the new President's "rhetoric was tougher "Bangladesh perhaps has not taken gers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) having reduced than anticipated, though his proposals wer­ into account or appreciated the to 1,000 fighters by an Indian peacekeeping en't specific." It reported that U.S. bankers changed Soviet policy." force. Vital infrastructure like water sup­ were split over whether this was just rheto­ plies and transport are being restored, he ric, or whether political pressure might push • BANGLADESH, reeling from reported. Salinas to take real action. the worst floods in history, has now But the south is under constant attack "His aims don't make a whole lot of been hit by drought. There has been from the the JVP, whose model for bringing sense to me," said one banker, noting that almost no rain since the floods. Water down the government of Junius Jayewar­ Salinas wants to reduce the transfer of re­ available from surface sources is full dene is the 19th-century "Narodnik" anarch­ sources, reduce the debt, and still get banks of salts. Containers in which vil­ ists of Russia. They are destroying bridges, to lend new money. lagers traditionally collect and pre­ railway tracks, the water supply system, Salinas and his technocratic colleagues serve rainwater for storage under the transport, and communications to the point "have got a lot to prove politically. That earth were destroyed by the floods. thatit is a rare occurrence to receive or make could be really dangerous," commented an­ Drinking water is scarce everywhere, a telephone call, said the source. other banker. including the capital, Dhaka, a city People are hungry, even starving, in the of 6 million. southernmost part of Sri Lanka, the Guard­ ian reported. The paralysis imposed by the • REAGAN administration offi­ NP is so complete that food supplies are cials are attempting to help the Soviet shortand gasoline not obtainable. Buses run Indian,Pakistan Union gain the release of over 300 only with large groups of guards to keep the expel diplomats troops believed to have been captured driversfrom being shot. Banks are only open by mujahideen resistance fighters in an hour at a time. Government officialsmust India arrested Pakistan's military attache in Mghanistan. The State Department be driven to work by the army to protect New Delhi Nov. 30, on charges of spying. welcomed a Nov. 27 meeting be­ them from assassination. The arrest was reportedly the result of a tween Soviet diplomats and resis­ In one case in Hambantota, JVP guerril­ months long investigation. The Indians tance leaders to discuss a prisoner ex­ las ordered that the widow of a policeofficer claimed they had caught the attache, Brig. change. they had killed should not bury her husband Zhair-ul-Islam, red-handed with a sensitive for five days. When she went ahead with the defense document as he was meeting with • A WEST GERMAN parliamen­ burial, the NP dug up the decaying body a his Indian contact point. tarian privately reported that, when few days later and dumped it on her door­ . The attache was declared persona non he was in Moscow recently, he spoke step. grata and put on a plane for Pakistan. The with laser scientist Yevgeni Veli­ Indian Foreign Office refused to contact the khov, vice chairman of the Soviet Pakistani ambassador, who is being in­ Academy of Sciences, who said, "I fonnedof events surrounding thearrest only know you have been a good friend of Salinas pledges through the TV news. America for many years now. But In retaliation, Islamabad Dec. 1 ex­ just think of all that which unites us return to growth pelled Indian diplomats from Pakistan. with you-a common culture: Dos­ The incident comes at an awkward toevsky, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven. Incoming Mexican President Carlos Salinas point-given the creation of a new govern­ And what kind of culture do the de Gortari told his nation in his innaugura­ ment in Pakistan by Benazir Bhutto. Paki­ Americans have? McDonald's ham­ . tion speech Dec. 2, ''The priority will no stani fears of Soviet-instigated Indian burgers !" longer be to pay [foreign debt], but to return aggression were already at a high point.

EIR December 9, 1988 International 59 �TIillNational

Will Bush renege on 'peace through strength'vow ? by Kathleen Klenetsky

President-elect George Bush is going to have a very difficult of $400 billion in military-spending reductions within five time fulfilling his campaign pledge of "peace through years. "We need to have a review of all the hardware pro­ strength," in light of the myriad pressures that are being grams, including those that have already been started," he exerted upon him to overhaul u. S. strategic policy so that it said, acknowledging that this will mean canceling weapons conforms to so-called budget realities. systems already begun. Demands for deep cuts in American military spending, It will also almost certainly mean the abandonment of for the wholesale cancellation of key weapons programs in­ America's commitment to Europe, and its withdrawal from cluding the Stragetic Defense Initiative (SDI), and for a dra­ other key strategic arenas, including Korea. Although such matic scaling back ofU .S. defense commitments abroad, are moves will be justified by claims that the United States can coming from nearly every quarter, ranging from the biparti­ no longer afford to bear the burden of defending other na­ san National Economic Commission, to Wall Street bigwigs, tions, and that America's allies should shoulder more of the to key members of Bush's own camp. costs, they will make America's own defense much more Congress, whose irresponsible attempts to dictate u.S. difficult, if not impossible. arms control policy and savage assaults on the Pentagon over Nunn implied that the decoupling of U.S. defenses from the past several years have made that body one of the worst its allies is the wave of the future when he went on national domestic threats to national security, has already let it be television Nov. 27, on CBS-TV's "Face the Nation," to tell known that it has no intentions of permitting defense spend­ Bush that the firstplace he should look to save defense dollars ing to increase at all. is in "our relationship with our allies." Dismembering NATO, If the House and Senate hold fast to this vow, it will mean under the guise of encouraging greater European "indepen­ that an incredible $400 billion worth of cuts in the Reagan dence," has been one of Nunn's favorite obsessions since at administration's projected military budgets will have to be least 1984, when he introduced his infamous amendment to made over the next fiveyears . slash U. S. troop deployments in WesternEurope by 50%. Despite the chummy atmosphere which Bush has triedto It was left to Reagan Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci engender through his meetings with assorted congressional to make Nunn's threat explicit. In remarks to a conference leaders in recent days, there is no evidence that Capitol Hill on NATO and Europe's defense, which took place in Wash­ intends to soften itscommitment to a zero- or negative-growth ington Nov. 28, Carlucci said that the United States will be Pentagon budget. forced to reduce its overseas deployments if Congress doesn't Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Sam Nunn grant a 2% real increase in thePentagon budget. America (D-Ga.), that great representative of the self-avowed "re­ will have to make cuts in "deployable battle groups and some sponsible, centrist" wing of the Democratic Party, made that force structure overseas," Carlucci told the conference. Al­ clear when he announced Nov. 30 that the United States must though he didn't specify where thesereductions would take undertake a sweeping review of its defense programs, be­ place, the Washington Post's coverage of his remarks cor­ cause the exigencies of deficitreduction demand a minimum rectly observed that "Europe is a leading candidate."

60 National EIR December 9, 1988 Pragmatic compromise told the Washington Post that Bush is "clearly aware" that Although it is too soon to predict with any real certainty the SOl cannot continue to take an increasingly large share exactly what course Bush will follow in dealing with the of the defense budget, adding that "it's impossible" for SOl range of defense and related policy issues before him, several to "continue along the lines that Ronald Reagan wanted it recent developments, especially his appointment of Brent to." Scowcroft as his national security adviser, and his hints that Scowcroft was also affiliated with a package of recom­ he may not even ask Congress for any real growth in the mendations to the new President, issued by the Center for defense budget, suggest that Bush's well-known tendency Strategicand InternationalStudies in early November, which toward pragmatismmay override his expressedconcerns about asserted that "it is against the national interest to adopt de­ U.S. military strength. ployment of SOl as a goal at this time," and also recom­ And pragmatism is just about the worse possible ap­ mended partial withdrawal of the U.S. military presence in proach Bush could take. With the Soviet Union becoming Western Europe and Korea. increasingly dangerous as a result of its own internaleconom­ More damning evidence comes from the paper on defense ic and political crisis, as well as Gorbachov's proven ability and arms-control policy which Scowcroft authored, together to seduce various factions in the West, the new President with retired Adm. James Woolsey, for the American Agen­ needs to take a series of bold initiatives that will send a clear da, a private transition group headed by former Presidents signal to Moscow that any aggression will be met with a swift Ford and Carter. The paperdemands a comprehensive review and firmrespon se. Such initiatives should include a sufficient of U . S. national security policy and defense priorities, and a increasein military spending to permit the rapid development "major restructuring of the defense budget," premised on a and deployment of precisely those "exotic technologies" such minimum of $300 billion in defense cuts over the next five as radio-frequency weapons and the x-ray laser which the years. "The only way to make substantial early savings in the pragmatists findso offensive, and which the Soviets, at least, defense budget," authors Scowcroftand Woolsey argue, "is recognizeas the new frontier in military technology. to cancel major programs and to reduce the size of the armed Taking these steps now, before Bush's Dec. 7 meeting forces-tocut divisions, airwings, and carrier battle groups­ with Mikhail Gorbachov, would go a long way to rectifying and to reduce readiness and sustainability." (If this sounds the Munich-like which Moscow has now come remarkably like Sen. Sam Nunn's prescriptionscited above, to expect fromWashington. it should: Nunn and Scowcroft arepart of the same incestuous Unfortunately, the one major public step President-elect policy grouping, centered at CSIS.) Bush has taken so far in defining his administration's likely With Scowcroft as national security adviser, and ultra­ strategic policy outlook, the Scowcroft appointment, reeks pragmatist James Baker running the State Department, the of pragmatism. need to have someone heading up Defense who is a staunch The appointment, announced Nov. 24, was not unex­ anti-accommodationist and willing to fightfor adequate mil­ pected. Scowcroft and Bush have been friends for some time; itary resources, becomes more urgent. the retired Air Force General headed up the Bush campaign That does not appearto be in the cards. Despite the slew strategic policy advisory committee. But it is definitelya bow of personal scandals that have come out about him recently, to the policy circles represented by Henry Kissinger, which formerSen . John Tower still appears to be Bush's firstchoice are committed to a global power-sharing arrangement with for Pentagon chief. The Texas Republican, who chaired the Moscow, even if they do disagree with their more liberal Senate Armed Services Committee and then went on to be­ confreres in believing that the United States should retain come the Reagan administration's chief strategic arms ne­ some military clout to enforce the arrangement. gotiator at Geneva, is campaigning for the job by assuring Scowcrofthas been allied with Kissinger since the latter liberal outlets like the Washington Post that he won't insist hired him as his deputy at the National Security Council; he on annual defense budget increases; will withdraw U.S. troops currently serves as a partner in Kissinger Associates, Inc. from Western Europe; will crack down on defense-procure­ Like Kissinger, Scowcroft firmly believes irithe doctrine of ment "corruption"; and won't make the same "mistake" he deterrence, and consequently has had almost nothing good to did in the early 1980s, when he went to bat for Reagan's say about the SOL In fact, ever since President Reagan un­ military buildup. This is definitely not the message which veiled the program in March 1983, Scowcrofthas been among Washington should be sending to Moscow. its most outspoken "conservative" opponents, insisting that The one bright spotin the picture is that the number-two the goal of defending the populations of the United States slot at Defense may go to Martin-Marietta CEO Norman and its allies from Soviet missile attack was "impossible." Augustine. Augustine, who met with Bush Nov. 28, helped Scowcroft; along with the superliberal arms-control lobby author two recent reports (one issued by the Defense Science and the Kremlin, also supports the so-called "narrow read­ Board, the other by the Air Force Association) which warned ing" of the 1972 ABM Treaty, which has placed killing that the erosion of the U . S. industrial base is alreay wreaking restrictionson the SOl program. havoc with military p�paredness, and called for the Penta­ Less than two weeks before the presidential elections, he gon to have greater input into economic policy.

EIR December 9, 1988 National 61 1986 Hallowe'en party key in Justice Dept. case against LaRouche byEIR News SeIVice

You might say that the U. S. Departmentof Justiceis spooked. and from such as Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Earlier this year, in a Boston trial against U.S. Demo­ Richard and the OSI. cratic presidentialprimary candidate Lyndon LaRouche, fed­ The principal direction of the legal frame-up from other eral prosecutors were desperate to keep the relevant doings partsof the Reagan administration comes from the circles of ofU .S. governmentspooks fromcoming to the surface. That long-time Jay Lovestone crony Leo Cherne. Lovestone is the - case ended in a celebrated mistrial, in which the discharged former Soviet Chekist once appointed by Soviet dictator Ni­ juryvoted that they would have acquitted the defendants on kolai Bukharin to head the Communist Party U.S.A. After all counts. being dumped from the U. S. Communist Party leadership by Stalin, the Lovestone intelligence network continued to co­ A ghastly gathering operate with both Stalin's intelligence service and the U.S. Following that mistrial, the inter-agency governmental State Department until approximately 1938, under the cover task-force behind the legal harassment of LaRouche et al. of the International Rescue Committee. The Industrial En­ shifted tactics. They attempted to retry what is substantially gineering Department of the New York City-based Interna­ the same case, using the same key witnesses, in an Alexan­ tional Ladies Garment Work� Union, was the Lovestoneite dria, Va. federal court. Now, with that second trial in prog­ base of intelligence operations inside the U.S.A. ress, spooks are back in the picture again. This time, the After 1938, but especially during the post-war 1940s, ghastlies in question are of a different variety than those Lovestone and his crony Cherne rose to a powerful position featured in Boston. Prosecutors aretrying desperately to keep inside the labor-centered operations of the U. S. intelligence the lid on the facts of a certain Hallowe'en party, back on community. In recent years, Chernebecame a leading figure October 31, 1986. of President Reagan's President's Foreign Intelligence Ad­ That Hallowe'en party is a featured part of the entire visory Board, and a guiding hand behind covert U.S. govern­ federal case against LaRouche et al. That curious festivity ment operations conducted under the cover of such Reagan comes into the center of the prosecution's case in the follow­ Executive Orders and Directives as Executive Order 12333 ing way. We identify theprincipal forces behind these legal and 12334. This complex associated with Cherne is the p0- frame-ups. We then identify the nature of the general charge litical center of legal harassment operations from inside the on which all of the cases are based consistently. We show Reagan administration's intelligence community. how the prosecution in both federal cases has conspired with The role of Cherneand his accomplices overlaps a similar a circle of left-wing LaRouche-haters, centered around the roleby Project Democracy, an officialarm of the U. S. gov­ 1986 Hallowe'en party, to construct both the Boston and ernment. Some of the most direct targeting of LaRouche and Alexandria cases. his associates for legal harassment has been coordinated through an ostensibly unlawful domestic covert intelligence The 'Get LaRouche Task Force' operation known as the Ofqce for Public Diplomacy. The The legal targeting of LaRouche and his associates by latter operations against LaRouche et al. have been associ­ both the federal government and several Democratic Party ated since no later than mid-1983, with former CIA official state attorneys general, is the work of a federally-coordinat­ Walter Raymond, and crony of long-standing Soviet agent ed, national inter-agency task-force, composed of several Armand Hammer, Charles Z. Wick, Director of the U.S. federal agencies and sub-agencies, sundrystate agencies, and Information Agency. an assortment of private associations and even business firms According to Vatican sources, this cabal of Soviet ap­ including such as the so-called Anti-Defamation League peasers also includes the circles of former CIA Director Wil­ (ADL), a syndicate of private banking officials, and Federal liam Colby and U. S. Ambassador to the Vatican Frank Express. The political direction of the prosecution comes Shakespeare. The circle of liberal Catholics associated with fromleft-wing elements , such as former Boston U.S. Attor­ Colby in this enterprise, areotherwise distinguished by their ney William Weld, from elements of the U.S. Department of posture of appeasement of Moscow, as is merely illustrated Justice which workin close cooperation with the Soviet KGB, by Colby's recent statement in support of negotiating a blend-

62 National EIR December 9, 1988 ing of operations of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Party, which was brought into the West German parliament and the Soviet KGB . through aid of Secretary of State George Shultz's policy of Most of the legal harassment since approximately Octo­ "dialogue with the Greens." ber 1983 has been done on direct orders of the Soviet govern­ However, the evidence does not show that all of these ment at the highest level. There has been no legal harassment elements of the "Get LaRouche Task Force" operationswere of LaRouche et al. by the U. S. Departmentof Justice during simply the work of Soviet assets inside the U. S. government. this period, which was not taken in obedience to prior de­ Although many of the hard-core adversaries of LaRouche mands for such actions issued from the highest level of the inside the Reagan administration have backgrounds as former Soviet command, and published in the leading Soviet press. Trotskyists or Lovestoneites, they are not simply long-term Everything done against LaRouche et al. was done as part of Soviet intelligence penetration-agents into our Justice and the Reagan administration's 1984-1988 pattern of appease­ Defense Departments' administration and intelligence ser­ ment of Moscow. vices. On the Justice Departmentprosecutors themselves. This At the highest level of political control, the "Get La­ operation has been centered in a collection of documented Rouche Task Force" is composed chiefly of a combination of left-wingers inside the Criminal Division of the Justice De­ two elements with common and conflicting interestsand ob­ partment. These left-wingers have included former head of jectives. the Criminal Division, Stephen Trott, whose singing career On the one side are purely Soviet assets, such as the with a "Weavers"-modeled group, the "Highwaymen," was cronies of Armand Hammer, the Bronfmans, and the com­ managed by the same agency which directedthe "Weavers" plex of official and private-consulting agencies around Mark and Pete Seeger from the 1940s onward. According to his Richard and the OS!. own written admissions, Trott's subordinate, former Boston On the other side, are high-ranking Anglo-American fi­ U.S. Attorney and later Criminal Division head William nancier interests associated with the "save Gorbachov" ef­ Weld, was associated with left-wing causes from no later fort, whose political representatives are typified by Lloyd than the mid-1970s onward, with business investments in Cutler and the Peace Links, World Wildlife Fund, and Club production of Communist propaganda filmsby Beijing mili­ of Rome cabals within the U.S. Congress. By standards of tary intelligence. the Cold War period of the 1950s, all of the latter circles Apart fromtheir targeting of LaRouche et aI., Trott and would be dassed as "Soviet fellow-travelers," as ineligible Weld areon the swornCongressional Record, as cooperating for a federal security clearance. Former CIA Director Col­ with Senator Grassley (R) of Iowa and others to destroy the by's current appeasement antics would not have been toler­ Defense Department's fragile system of procurement, an op­ ated then. By today's standards, these circles have been ele­ eration in which Alexandria U.S. AttorneyHenry Hudson, a vated from the indignities of the term "Soviet fellow-travel­ member of the federal "Get LaRouche Task Force," has er," to the esteem of "back-channels to Moscow. " played a key role. Typical of the forces used by former CIA official Walter The official liaison with the Soviet KGB and Moscow Raymond, in setting into motion the covert Public Diplomacy Procurator Pustogarov within the Criminal Division of the operation against LaRouche, during the summer of 1983, is Justice Department is Deputy Assistant Attorney General one Roy Godson. Godson is a second-generation Lovesto­ Mark Richard, the official responsible for the Soviet official neite, who had been a virulent LaRouche-hater since approx­ channel within Justice, the OSI (Officeof SpecialInvestiga­ imately the time LaRouche's associates beat offCommunist tions). The OSI has the officialresponsibility for using forged hooligans, b,ack in 1973. What Raymond and USIA Director evidence manufactured by the Soviet KGB and the office of Charles Z. Wick did, through what became Executive Order the Moscow Procurator, to persecute U.S. citizens targeted 12333's Officeof Public Diplomacy operation, was prompt­ for elimination by the KGB . So far, it has performed that ed chieflyby President Reagan's March23 , 1983 nationally service to Moscow faithfully. televised announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative. To assist the OSI, the Justice Department relies upon What the Presidentdid then was to adopt a project on which other Soviet channels, including one Charles Allen and the LaRouche had been working with Judge William Clark's Anti-Defamation League. Typical of the ADL's sources are National Security Council for more than a year prior. Beate Klarsfeld and the West Germany-based VVN organi­ Ironically, what Walter Raymond, Roy Godson and oth­ zation (Vereinigten Verfolgten des Naziregimes). Both are ers did, from inside the National Security Council, was to formally agents of East Germany's Ministry of the Interior, spread a forged charge that LaRouche was a secret asset of the dreaded "Stasi." The VVN was created by Soviet intelli­ the Soviet government, to drive a wedge between LaRouche gence during the immediate post-war period as the mother­ and Judge Clark. Then, approximately October 1983, Ray­ agency for creating the post-war Communistparties and their mond, Godson, et aI., with backing fromLeo Cherne's cro­ networks of accomplices inside West Germany. Beate Klars­ nies inside the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory feld is an asset of this network. So is the West German Green Board, unleashed the current Justice Department operations

EIR December 9, 1988 National 63 against LaRouche, in coordination between NBC-TV news oration with the Armand Hammer-linked Raymond-Wick and other assets and accomplices of Cherneand Godson. As Public Diplomacy covert operations, and in close collabora­ partof the same operation, they secured the ouster of Judge tion with elements of the Democratic Party centered around Clark asNational Security Adviser. Democratic National Chairman Paul Kirk, Senator "Pat" The clincher was the leaking of what is known today as Moynihan (D-N.Y.), and New York's Governor Mario the Oleg Gordievski report. This leak alleged that Moscow Cuomo. The legal harassment by combinations of state Dem­ was ready to go to war against the V.S. during late 1983, and ocratic Party attorneys general and certain networks of pri­ that LaRouche must be eliminated as a virtual casus belli vate attorneys, is coordinated by a national, multi-agency between the two superpowers. The Gordievski leak was a task-force centered in the Criminal and Civil Rights Divi­ Soviet -concocted hoax, run into the V. S. through complicity sions of the Justice Department. of a corrupt section of British intelligence. This task-force uses complicit elements of the news me­ So, although LaRouche et al. were already hated and dia, such as AP wire services, Reuter's, etc., to try the legal under attack by bankers' and other circles which the Cold cases in the press by aid of such means as the oft-repeated War period would have classified as "Soviet fellow-travel­ piece of gibberish, "political extremist Lyndon LaRouche." ers," the "Get LaRouche Task Force" was set into motion by Various private agencies, including Federal Express, and a the Reagan administration, and Reagan's cowardly abandon­ network of former FBI agents operating as security officers ment of a leading architect of his SDI policy out of fearthat within banks, are an integral partof this operation. Moscow viewed LaRouche as a casus belli for nuclear war The purpose of the operation is twofold: 1) to eliminate between the two superpowers. By 1985, the administration LaRouche, including arranging circumstances for his assas­ line became, "Keep away from this man; he is dangerous." sination, to the degree possible; 2) to shut down the business This is exactly what the Soviet governmentdemanded at operations and flowsof revenue associated with persons ac­ the highest level, already during mid-1983, but most em­ tually or suspected of being linked to LaRouche in some phatically during the period January-March 1984, the period sympathetic way. For this reason, the type of "financial war­ of the covert operation run through NBC-TV News. In the fare" developed by the war-time Special Operations Execu­ later period, the Soviet press published statements from the tive is a leading feature of the legal and extra-legal operations highest level of the Soviet government: the Reagan admin­ coordinated through the Justice Department. Every effort is istrationmust break openly and definitively with LaRouche, made to discredit LaRouche's security problems, thus to "or else." create the circumstances in which he might be assassinated It was this Soviet policy, aided by corrupt accomplices in by a disavowed "lone assassin" or a group of terrorists. the highest levels of British and V. S. intelligence, which was The targets of the "Get LaRoucheTask Force" itself, are used, with assistance from the cronies of Armand Hammer, LaRouche personally, foremost, and the philosophical asso­ Edgar Bronfman, and Charles Z. Wick, to bend President ciation of which he is the leading intellectual figure, the Reagan's will, to induce him to make the vast concessions to National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCL C). It is on these Moscow he has made during and since 1984. accounts that the Justice Department has reached down into This pattern of behavior by the "Get LaRouche Task the political sewer for its key charges and key witnesses in Force" continues to the present day. both the Boston and Alexandriacases . It was this cited complex of Cherne associates which The 1986 Hallowe'en party enters the trial in the follow­ initiated the 1984 legal actions against LaRouche et al. Dur­ ing way. ing the period from the summer through the end of September In the Alexandria federal frame-up case, there are three 1986, Raisa Gorbachova's Soviet Cultural Fund, funded charges, of which two are the specificcriminal charges: The prominently by Armand Hammer, called repeatedly for what premise on which the entire case depends, is the charge that became the Weld-Hudson Leesburg Raid by a joint federal­ the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) , is a state task force on October 6-7, 1986. That raid was done as specific sort of conspiracy, in andof itself. The second charge, the fruit of an understanding between Moscow and Washing­ which covers twelve of the thirteen charges of the indictment, ton, an agreement directly related to the October 1986 Reyja­ is that the defendants were each and all Labor Committee vik "summit" between President Reagan and General Secre­ members engaged in a loan-scheme conspiracy. The third tary Mikhail Gorbachov. charge, the thirteenth count of the indictment is weird: That If Gorbachov wears what the New Testament identifies is the allegation that, while Lyndon LaRouche is "not charged as the Mark of the Beast, so does each and every member of with evasion of taxes, he is charged with a conspiracy to the "Get LaRouche Task Force." conceal income which might have been subject to taxes. The charges are so constructed, that if the NCLC is not The prosecution itself the kind of conspiracy the prosecution alleges, then there is The "Get LaRouche Task Force" is run through the indi­ no conspiracy on any ofthe thirteen counts of the indictment. cated left-wing channels of the Justice Department, in collab- Throughout the indictment, at all times the prosecution al-

64 National EIR December 9, 1988 leges a conspiracy on the counts of an alleged loan-scheme, wife Gail. It was during the final phase of this secret love or tax-conspiracy; the prosecution's alleged evidence of the affair, during 1982-1983, that Bardwell's degeneration was existence of a conspiracy on those counts, is the allegation accomplished. that the NCLC is a conspiracy of the sort it alleges. He turned against the Labor Committees openly during It is formal deductive logic; the connection is of the sort January 1984. The specific issue was President Ronald Rea­ termed "the hereditaryproperty ." The prosecution's premise gan's characterization of the Soviet shooting of Korean Air­ is that the NCLC is a conspiracy of a certain sort, and all lines Flight 007 in September 1983. The fact that the Soviet charges against the defendants in the Boston and Alexandria pilot and his control-base had acknowledged the craftto be case are simply "hereditary" extensions of that premise. displaying civilian airliner lights prior to shooting the craft This is where the Hallowe' en party comes upon the scene. down in cold blood shortly after that, was the feature of It is a group of actual conspirators, associated with that Hal­ President Reagan's and LaRouche's reports to which Bard­ lowe'en party, who invented the fairy-tale which the prose­ well objected, and that hysterically. cution employs as the basis for its misrepresentation of the Bardwell left several of his secret organization's adher­ NCLC as a conspiracy. The fact of that connection is already ents in the Labor Committees until August of 1984, when the in evidence on the legal record. last of them was pulled out. He soon developed a significant income as a computer programmer and part-ownerof a soft­ The Bardwells celebrate the raid ware firm. He built up a cult-following among a small circle, Following thenews of an armed raid, in battalion strength, a cult based upon Teodoro Adorno's "FrankfurtSchool" dog­ on Leesburg, Virginia, on October 6-7, 1986, a certain Ste­ ma of the "authoritarianpersona lity. " Hannah Arendt's pop­ ven Bardwell and his wife Gail organized a Hallowe'en cos­ ularized account of Adorno's dogma is the text referenced by tume party to celebrate the government's action. A printed Bardwell. invitation was issued, avowing this to be the purpose of the This Bardwell-centered cult of hatred against LaRouche, party. is the chief source of the federal prosecution's key witnesses The two hosts, and all but one of the core of featured in both the Boston and Alexandria cases. Not only has the guests invited to that party, were already scheduled as pro­ prosecution relied upon that stable of perjured witnesses as spective prosecution witnesses against the defendants in the its key witnesses against the NCLC. The federal prosecu­ Boston "LaRouche trial. " The one featured guest not on that tion's indictments and direct examination of these witnesses, list, was a self-professed sewage engineer from Florida, Cos­ have been based upon the prosecution's adoption of the Ador­ tas Kalimtgis, who is the political leader, so to speak, of that no-Arendt "authoritarian personality" dogma. tight little, LaRouche-hating cult centered around the Bard­ Not all those invited to the Bardwell's 1986 Hallowe'en wells. According to eyewitnesses at that party, Kalimtgis party are accomplices of Bardwell's little "Get LaRouche" delivered a guest of honor's address to the party, in which he cult. A significant number of the guests, some of whom stated that his purpose in traveling from Florida to attend that walked out in disgust, had simply responded to the invitation party was to "send LaRouche to jail." to a party with old acquaintances. All those whom the federal Behind Kalimtgis and the Bardwells, stands the Soviet prosecution has tapped as listed prospective witnesses in the KGB. Boston and Alexandria cases, are hard-core members of that According to his own repeated information, two of Kal­ left-wing cult. imtgis's uncles, on his mother's side of the family, are high­ The federal prosecution has not been deceived. By ar­ ranking operatives of the Soviet KGB . One uncle, who Kal­ rangement, Bardwell wrote a document for the federal pros­ imtgis has stated trained him, is based out of V ama, Bulgaria; ecution, purporting to show that NCLC is a conspiracy by the other is based out of East Germany, and is a high-ranking the standards of Hannah Arendt's version of the "authoritar­ official in the Greek seamen's section of the KGB . Kal­ ian personality" dogma. That is the dogma which the prose­ timtgis's mother's first husband was a high-ranking official cution adopted as the constructused to charge that the Labor of the Greek Communist organization, the KKE. According Committees are a conspiracy in that sense. to Kalimtgis' s own account, it was his mother, in 1977, who The only flyin the prosecution's ointment on this count, turnedKalimtgis to work against LaRouche. is that the Bardwells made the tactical errorof holding a 1986 Bardwell is a former nuclear-plasma physicist, turned Hallowe'en party to celebrate the October 6-7 Leesburg raid. computer programmer. He was worked over by the Soviets Worse, a printed invitation was issued by Steve Bardwell. beginning a science-trip to the Soviet Union in 1978, and According to Bardwell co-conspirator Charles Tate, this in­ was worked over by Kalimtgis later. He was recruited to his vitation was composed by Bardwellpersona lly, on the prem­ present role beginning approximately 1980, when he struck ises of a New York firm, Lewis Business Machines. The up a secret love-affair, which he continued behind the back invitation "spills the beans"; as a result of the issuance ofthat of his wife and two children over approximately four years, invitation, the federal prosecution has reason to regret that its until breaking from his wife to marry that woman, his current key witnesses lost controlof themselves to the point of calling

EIR December 9, 1988 National 65 that party at all. of Western civilization. He argued, that to prepare the way for the "bolshevization" of the West, work must be done to The 'authoritarian personality' undermine the Judeo-Christian "cultural matrix." The devel­ Briefly, the "authoritarian personality" dogma is the re­ opment of the "authoritarian personality" dogma by the so­ sult of a project set into motion during the early 1920s, on called "Frankfurt Schoor' (FrankfurtInstitute fo r Social Re­ the initiative of a Georg Lukacs, then a leading offical of the search) and its Marcuse, Horkheimer, Habermas, and Ador­ Communist International. Lukacs, a key figure of Soviet no, was Lukacs' proposed project of subversion of the West. cultural subversion against the West, explained the project in At the close of World War n, the Allies were at some the following terms of reference. pains to cover up the truth about Adolf Hitler and Western The Bolshevik revolution had failed in its effortto spread bankers' roles, in ordering Hitler placed in power back in into post- 1917 WesternEuro pe. Lukacs attributedthis failure 1933, and continuing to support Hitler against the German to what he defined as the Judeo-Christian "cultural matrix" anti-Nazi resistance through 1938. For this and other reasons,

Curtis was also revealed to be acting under threat of indictment himself, when defense attorneyWilliam Mof­ fitt brought out that it was he,. and not defendant Dennis The Alexandria trial: Small, who actually closed the deal on one of the loans in the indictment. While Curtis denied he had been threat­ Some truth comes out ened or pressured, he several times showed that he was primarily concerned with "what was going to happen to

In week two of the trial of U.S.A . v. LaRouche, ongoing me," especially afterthe Oct. 6, 1986 federal raid against in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, the government companies associated with LaRouche in Leesburg, Vir­ brought on about a dozen witnesses, four of whom were ginia. compelled to testify under grant of immunity, to try to In a blatant effort to emotionally sway the jury, the prove their conspiracy case. Defense cross-examination prosecution brought 80-year-old stroke victim Audrey succeeded in knocking some big holes in the prosecution's Carterto the witness stand. She had suffereda strokeaft er conspiracy theory, especially by discrediting the testimo­ the periodin which she lent money to Caucus Distributors, ny of the government's star witnesses. Some progresswas Inc., the firm which distributed publications of the La­ also made in establishing the defendants' clear intent to Rouche political movement. She was brought up from repay their loans and the financial warfare they faced in Florida by the government and wheeled to the stand, de­ tryingto do so. spite her ill healthand great difficulty in speaking. LaRouche and six associates are charged with a loan Nov. 29: RichardWelsh , a memberof theNCLC who fraud conspiracy, and LaRouche alone is charged with a went on the stand as a compelled government witness, one-man conspiracy to commit tax fraud. On trialwith the testified to extensive loan repayment plans by the defen­ former presidential candidate are Michael Billington, Paul dants, and the partial success of those plans, until govern­ Greenberg, Joyce Rubinstein, Dennis Small, Edward ment harassment and other financial warfare made repay­ Spannaus, and William Wertz. ment impossible. Here are some highlights of the week's proceedings: Welsh, who has headed accounting efforts for the Nov. 28: Christian Curtis, a dropout fromthe National company which manages various publishing corporations Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC, the philosophical associated with LaRouche, and acted as assistant treasurer association founded by LaRouche), was exposed as hav­ for LaRouche's 1984 presidential campaign committees, ing embellished his testimony against defendants, in order testified that in September 1986, he had launched an to avoid being indicted himself. Curtis regaled the jury "Apollo project," toget on top of the loan situation. There with tales about how the defendants allegedly conned were two objectives to this effort, he said: 1) to contact all lenders out of money, with no intent to repay. Curtis, lenders in person, and through a mailing, in an effort to obviously hostile toward his former associates, even con­ get them to forgive or restructure their loans; and 2) to tradicted his previous interviews with the FBI, and his update the records of the corporationsinvolved by sending testimony in the Boston LaRouche trial. Whereas there out a statement of account, to be verifiedor challenged by Curtis had said that he believed fundraiserswere acting in the lender. "good faith" when they took loans, he now claimed that Over 3,000 lenders were scheduled to be contacted they never had the intent to repay. under this plan-a most unusual undertaking if the defen-

66 National EIR December 9, 1988 Adorno's myth of the "authoritarian personality" was used America. Herbert Marcuse'sradical cult-textof the late 1960s, as the basis for the mythical argument, that Nazism was a his One-Dimensional Man. is directly representative of the product of German rationalist culture. Beginning 1945, the Lukacs-Adorno-Arendt cult of the "authoritarian personali­ left-wing of the Anglo-American occupation forces joined ty," by a Marcuse who was an integral part of that project. with Moscow in equating Hitler to Adorno's myth of the Thus, what the federal prosecutors have done borders "authoritarian personality." upon outright treason. Not only have they acted as hod­ This Allied occupation's brainwashing of the German carriers for the Soviet government, in conducting the legal population in this pro-Soviet myth, was used to create the frame-ups and related harassment against LaRouche et al. German branch of the New Left during the second half of the The exotic "conspiracy theory" which they have adopted for 1950s, and to spread the same New Left into the United States thisprosecution , is the theory on which Soviet cultural war­ during the early 1960s. This myth was used as the premise fare against the West has been based since the early 1920s.­ for promoting the radical counterculture in Europe and North November 23. 1988.

dants were, as the governmenthas accused, attempting to that the corporations had made substantial progress in run out on their obligations to repay loans. repaying loans and reducing the ratio of loans to income, Before the project could be carried out, however, on before the October 1986 raid and involuntary bankruptcy. Oct. 6, 1986 a host of government agencies, along with Concerning the political and financial harassment the Virginia state police, carriedout a massive raid against against LaRouche's movement-an issue which the pros­ the offices of the corporations. The raid resulted in the ecution has fought hard to keep out of the trial complete­ confiscation of every financial record which the govern­ ly-Welsh was able to point out that Henry Kissinger had ment could find. This seizure greatly hampered the Apollo sent a letter to then-FBI director William Webster, de­ project effort, Welsh testified, although efforts to solve manding an FBI investigation of LaRouche. That letter the loan problem continued. was entered into evidence. Then, the federal governmentmoved to put three cor­ In other testimony, compelled government witness porations into involuntary bankruptcy, freezing their funds, Kathy Magraw, also an NCLC member, rejected the pros­ and making it impossible to repay any lenders. Under an ecution's hype about "LaRouche's lavish lifestyle," his order from presiding Judge Albert V. Bryan, Welsh was "estate," and his alleged effort to avoid income tax pay­ not permitted to be questioned about the government's ment. She reported on the actual purposeof Ibykus Farm, rolein the bankruptcy. where LaRouche and his wife live when they are in Vir­ Welsh rejected the government's theory that La­ ginia. She testifiedthat the farm was a "safehouse," used Rouche and others sought to cover up illegal activities, for a variety of guests as well as the LaRouches, and for and to avoid income tax liability. He reported, for exam­ meetings and cultural events. ple, on his near seven-year history of efforts to implement Retired accountant Murray Altman testifiedbriefly for several memoranda by LaRouche on improvement of ac­ the defense, saying that his recollection was that La­ counting systems. The memoranda, he said, had two pur­ Rouche had no tax liability for the four years for which he poses: 1) to organize a chart of accounts according to the had prepared tax returns. actual economic activity of the corporations; and 2) to Dec. 1: Attempts by prosecutor Kent Robinson to create a clear audit trail so that embezzlement and fraud make it appear as though Lyndon and Helga LaRouche could be prevented. He testifiedthat former NCLC mem­ have lived a "lavish life-style," while LaRouche allegedly ber Costas Kalimtgis, and other employees of the com­ evaded taxes, fell flat, during examination of the head of puter firm Computron, had carried out such embezzle­ physical security for the NCLC, Richard Magraw. Ma­ ment, which led LaRouche to insist on such a reorgani­ graw described LaRouche's life as a "virtual captive" in zation in 1981. the "safehouses" which have been set up for him and other Welsh's testimony also contradicted the impression guests of the NCLC. Speakingof LaRouche's life in New which government witnesses had attempted to convey, York City, Anderson asked how often Mr. LaRouche that LaRouche runs every aspect of the NCLC. Even dur­ could go out and take a walk? Not one time, Magraw ing the 1981 period, when LaRouche was taking an active answered. How often could he go to a movie? Never. To role to straighten out the problems, Welsh testified, La­ a symphony? Never. To an opera? Never. To Mc­ Rouche was not involved in day-to-day operations, as far Donald's? Never. In other words, Mr. LaRouche was a as he could tell. virtual captive in this house, Anderson asked. Yes, said Nov. 30: Welsh's continuing testimony established Magraw.

EIR December 9, 1988 National 67 The most that a police department spokesman would ad­ mit in a Dec. 1 interview withEIR was that"competing drug­

trafficking networks" are baUling over turf, but he denied there are gangs as such, and said that there was no breakdown of homicide statistics to reflectwhat percentageof the deaths have been related to such warfare, compared to deaths re­ sulting fromindividual drug deals gone sour, or frompersons Drug war ravages under the influence of drugs. However, a member of Mayor Barry's Youth Leadership nation's capital Institute was quoted in the Dec. 1 Washington Times that gangs are burgeoning in the District due to the influence of the Crips, who, he says, are "much more sophisticated in by NicholasF. Benton their organization" than anything previously in the District. As a result of their influence, however, local youth are A Washington, D.C. city councilwoman has called on Pres­ engaging in a deadly drug-traffickingturf war called "Gangs­ ident Reagan to declare a state of emergency and deploy the ter Rock." The object of the "game" is to sell "rock," or National Guard in an effort to stem the record homicide rate cocaine crystal, which is smokedin the highly addictive and in the nation's capital, which has resulted froman escalating dangerous form of "crack," on another dealer's territory, or drug trade. "turf . " District of Columbia Councilwoman Nadine Winter said What results, according to Mario Perez of the federal Nov. 21 that she fears for the safety of the hundreds of Drug Enforcement Administration, is "urban guerrilla war­ thousands of participants in the presidential inauguration next fare ." He said, "They are still using semi-automatic and month, because of the level of lethal violence now occurring automatic weapons. There are still firefights." in the shadows of the White House. The Times article quoted a 24-year-old drug dealer say­ So far, President Reagan has given no response to the ing, "The war on the streets is between the New York boys call. As for Washington Mayor Marion Barry,according to and the Californiaboys . When one particular dude gets iced, an aide in Councilwoman Winter's office, he "does not want you know it was done on the say so of a New Yorker or a to admit there is a problem serious enough to warrant mea­ California dude because they are the major suppliers in the sures of this kind." area." However, the cold statistics indicate otherwise. Through According to sources, New York drug suppliers used to November, there have been 331 reported homicides in the dominate in the District-whichhas been ravaged with some District in 1988 alone-a rate of almost exactly one per day of the highest unemployment and poverty levels in the nation. and already far ahead of the total of 277 last year, and the However, the Los Angeles Crips arrived in the District in previous all-time record of 289 set in 1969. The one-per-day January, and began offering 50-50 cash splits to local dealers, murder rate is phenomenal, given the population of the Dis­ as well as providing them with guns. It is reported that 30 to trict, whichis only 600,000. Officially, 165 of the murders 40 Crips are headquartered in the southeastern quadrant of this year remain unsolved. the District, and one Crips member was arrested across the The rate of homicides is also rising, with the total of 43 Potomac in NorthernVirginia last September. in November setting an all time one month record (averaging Perez said the DEA is "bracing for an all-out war between out to a annual rate of 526). In October, the total was 42, and the different drug factions," although there are many indica­ in September, 41. tions the war has already begun. Clearly, the biggest cause of the homicides is drugs. The In her Nov. 21 announcement, Councilwoman Winter District police department estimates that 60% of the murders called on President Reagan to redeploy military police divi­ are "drug-related," although other sources say the percentage sions of the National Guard to immediately supplement the is over 70%. District's police force effort at intelligence gathering and The most alarming factor in the drug-related homicides enforcement to put a stop to the war and drug trafficking is ' the evidence of a growing a turf war between competing altogether. gangs or drug networks . Police spokesmen deny that gangs She also called for police reservists to be called up to take are a factor in drug trafficking inthe District,but other sources on administrativefunctions in the department. This, she said, point out that the notorious Los Angeles drug-trafficking would free up 50 or more police officers for redeployment gang, the Crips, are "well established" in southeast Washing­ onto the streets. She said that Mayor Barry's proposal tohire ton, where many of the murders have been occurring. These 200 new police officers would take too long. The time con­ sources point to a pattern of "execution-style" murders since sumed in their recruitment and training cannot be iost, she the firstof the year. said.

68 National EIR December 9, 1988 Eye on Washington by Nicholas F. Benton

was the inclusion of defensive opera­ budgetary obstacles. Moreover, there tions in military exercises. is no denying the serious political and "That is hardly convincing evi­ public sensitivity about needed nucle­ dence when, for example, Warsaw ar modernization. Today I bring no Pact bridging equipment remains po­ secret formula to breach these obsta­ sitionedwell forward,and every month cles. The key remains for us to stress Soviet factories tum out enough tanks the sound basis for our security pre­ to equip an entire armored division." scription: that Soviet military power He cautioned, "In NATO let us remains a formidable threat, which we continue to base our defense prepar­ can only deter with modem nuclear Carlucci spells out edness on actual Soviet military ca­ and conventional forces." pabilities. It would be ironic and dan­ 3) Arms control. We must ensure agenda for NATO gerous if so-called Soviet reforms than any agreement in arms control Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci dis­ ended up affecting NATO forces more "enhances regional stability and pre­ cussed the Soviet threat at a confer­ than the Warsaw Pact's. Kremlin in­ serves NATO's ability to execute its ence of leaders from NATO countries, tentions could change overnight, but strategy of flexibleresponse ," Carluc­ called "The Atlantic Alliance and it would take years for NATO to re­ ci said. "In the arena of public opin­ Western Security as NATO Turns cover from defense neglect. The pru­ ion, we must justify our proposals Forty," held in Washington Nov. 28- dent course is to base our security on convincingly, especially if the Soviets 29. facts . Moscow still devotes 15-17% of are pushing appealling, but ultimately He spelled out a six-part agenda its gross national product to the mili­ dangerous alternatives." for NATO, making it clear that NATO tary. Under Gorbachov, defense 4) Burden sharing. "For our part, should respond to Soviet actions, not spending has continued to increase at we in America should approach the words. This was in contrastto the re­ 3% a year. burden sharing issue with an appreci­ marks by Gen. Brent Scowcroft, "All indications are that Moscow ation that our own security, not phi­ George Bush's choice to become na­ still seeks to increase its foreign influ­ lanthropy, justifies our forward de­ tional security adviser, who claimed ence, at least until confronted with ployments in Europe, Japan, Korea that theSoviets arein "a benignmod e." formidable resistance. Nor has the and elsewhere," he said. "The goal 1) Threat assessment. "A firm Kremlin abandoned its central secu­ here should be for all members to ful­ sense of realism about our major po­ rity aim: to foster the disintegration of fill collective security roles commen­ tential adversary will be especially NATO and induce Western nations to surate with their evolving military and important now that we face a more relax their defense efforts. economic potential." sophisticated Soviet leadership under "The key to interpreting changes 5) Armaments cooperation. ''The General Secretary Gorbachov," he in the Soviet Union is to recognize the aim here is to buy more defense for said. motivation behind them. Gorbachev our money," he said, adding, "For "Kremlin leaders will continue to has correctly analyzed that the Marx­ NATO nations, armaments coopera­ try and persuade us of their benign ist economic system is a failure. tion is becoming less an option, and intentions, and to exploit the trusting "Let us make sure we are not in­ more an imperative." idealism of democratic peoples. advertently helping Moscow build a 6) Public support for NATO. "Consider, for example, Mos­ more productive military industrial This, he said, "is really the foundation cow's recent claim that it has adopted base, which would hardly be in our for all the others." a 'defensive doctrine.' The fact is, we interest." "As free governments, we can have not yet seen any change in the 2) Modernization. NATO must move forward only with the public be­ arms or the positioningof WarsawPact "maintain modernized military forces hind us. Ultimately our assessment of forces now capable of massive offen­ sufficient to deter Soviet military the military threats we face and our sive operations deep into Western Eu­ power, whatever its future character prescription for countering them must rope. In my discussions with the So­ or disposition," Carlucci said. "We be accepted by our citizens. Above viet defense minister, I repeatedly must not neglect our forces in antici­ all, we must continue to avoid exploit­ asked for evidence of this new doc­ pation of a diminished threat." ing NATO for internal political pur­ trine. Butall General Yazov could cite "Each of our nations face major poses."

EIR December 9, 1988 National 69 National News

sponses was sent to the White House in mid­ November. With the ink barely dry on the Interme­ Dukakis asked Noriega diate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty signed Mitchell wins Senate last December, nine compliance issues were for dirt on Bush raised on this treaty by the report, including Majority Leader post The head of Panama 's Defense Forces, Gen. Soviet rejection of the use of U.S. equip­ Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine) defeated Manuel Noriega, said in a speech Nov. 24 ment at a missile plant in Votkinsk to check Sens. Daniel Inouye (D-Ha.) and Bennett that during the U.S. election campaign, he the inside of missile cannisters. Johnston (D-La.) as Senate Democrats was approached by aides to Michael Dukak­ elected a new Majority Leader Nov. 28. is , whom, he said, "asked us, through his Mitchell replaces Sen. Robert Byrd (D­ election advisers , to tell him something about W. V .), who stepped down from the leader­ his opponent, even if it were a lie." ship postto chair the Senate Appropriations The request was rej ected outright, he Committee. said. "We not only regarded it as blackmail, Mitchell is the most liberal and had the but as an insult to Panama's intelligence." Pentagon prepares SOl lowest seniority of the three candidates but He added: "We do not meddle in the election was, by public accounts, chosen for his pho­ campaigns of other countries." anti-satellite role togenic qualities as a nationally televised Noriega's refusalto go after GeorgeBush The Pentagon will soon move to demon­ spokesman, and his restraint against upstag­ during the campaign, led some American strate the feasibility of an "anti-satellite mis­ ing other senators. A strong environmental­ media to speculate that a deal had been sion" for the Strategic Defense Initiative, ist, Mitchell both pledged to work closely worked out between the incoming Bush according to a report in the Nov. 27 New with the Bush administration, and said that administration and the Panamanian govern­ York Times. Democrats will prepare their agenda for the ment. "Defense officials are under mounting incoming lOlst Congress. The deficit, health In an articleNov. 22, the Miami Herald pressure to demonstrate payoffs from the care, day care, and the environment are went so far as to say that Noriega "may have more than $16 billion spent to date on Star among their top priorities, he said. damaging information on Bush, which would Wars research," according to the article. Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) was chosen possibly give the general some leverage in After a January review by the Pentagon's to head the Democratic Senate Campaign future dealings with the U. S. President." Defense Acquisition Board, the Pentagon is Committee. Breaux had the backing of Pa­ expected to formally restart work on devel­ mela Churchhill Harriman, guru and chief oping an anti-satellite weapon so that it would funding conduit for the party. be ready, if policymakers conclude it is needed. The Timesquotes Lt. Gen. Robert Ham­ President cites Soviet mons, Commander of the Army's Strategic Defense Command, who asserted last week ABM Treaty violations that the nation "badly needs" an anti-satel­ Devastating North President Reagan on Dec . 2 submitted to the lite weapon, and that his command "stands Congress a report, prepared by the State De­ ready" to build one from any of a variety of profile revealed partment's Arms Control and Disarmament anti-missile technologies now under inves­ A new book by Constantine Menges, a for­ Agency (ACDA) , which criticizes "contin­ tigation. mer National Security Council staffer for uing violations" by the Soviet Union of the Paul Stares, a senior fellow at the Brook­ Latin American affairs, paints a devastating ABM Treaty. It cites in particular the Kras­ ings Institution, commented, "With a new profile of the psychopathology of former noyarsk radar installation in Siberia. The administration, a new Congress, and the NSC staffer Oliver North. According to report falls short, however, of charging military services concerned about trimming Menges, North was unable to distinguish Moscow with a "material breach" of the the budget, the SDI program is at a critical truth from his own fantasy life. treaty, as some critics have demanded. juncture. Anything that maintains momen­ Excerpted in the Nov. 27 New York U.S. experts believe the radar is de­ tum will be keenly pursued, and the devel­ Times, Menges says North claimed to have signed specificallyto track the new D-5 sub­ opment of anti-satellite weapons is clearly had dinner with Jeane Kirkpatrick, and a marine-launched ballistic missile scheduled one possible source of momentum." score of private meetings with President for deployment late next year. The report The Soviet Union has already demon­ Reagan, when he hadn't had either. North suggests three possible proportionate re­ strated a capability to cause major structural disobeyed orders, and did things for which sponses to the violation including the testing damage to satellites in low earth orbit, and he falsely claimed authorization. He saw of space-based interceptor missiles as part damage components of satellites in higher himself as justifiedin manipulating the Pres­ of the Strategic Defense Initiative. A Pen­ earth orbits , using lasers and other ground­ ident. tagon study outlining possible military re- based directed energy weapons systems. Menges says he once challenged North

70 National EIR December 9, 1988 Briefly

• THE NEW JERSEY Right to Life Committee has called on the state on his favorite statement, "We must cause The Post suggested that the next HHS Sec­ Attorney General to investigate this to happen," pointing out that the Presi­ retary work on developing a consensus whether "vulnerable patients" are dent is the one who must decide what will among physicians about eliminating "un­ being quietly murdered in New Jer­ happen. "No, you're wrong . We have to box necessary" and "ineffective" medical pro­ sey hospitals . The Committee is him in so there 's only one way he can go­ ceedures, and finding a way to reduce doc­ charging that patients may be being the right way," was North's chilling reply. tors' fees. denied "ordinary medical treatment Yet, National Security Adviser Robert Incredibly, over 15% of all the money such as antibiotics and basic needs McFarlane , and after him John Poindexter, spent annually on health care and health­ such as food and water, sometimes to continued to promote North. related research in the United States is al­ the point of death by dehydration and Menges reveals that in 1974, North was ready devotedto the "study" of how to make starvation. " admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital for a medical care more "cost-effective ." mental breakdown. It was not until Mc­ HHS Secretary Otis Bowen objected to • A SATANIC HIDEOUT con­ Farlane accompanied Northto Iran in 1986, a proposed $1.1 billion cut in Medicaid pro­ taining satanic symbols , an altar, an­ that he realized that North was sick. North gram payments to states, and proposed cuts imal skulls, and wax doll figures at one pointgot up at 4 a.m. to secretly open in Public Health Service programs to com­ nailed to a cross was discovered near negotiations with the Iranians , in defiance bat AIDS , as "unjustified and unsupporta­ Fall River, Massachusetts, by a hunt­ of McFarlane. On his return, McFarlane sent ble" in a letter to Office of Management and er. Police said they believe both the Poindexter a note saying North should be Budget Director Joseph Wright on Nov. 30. huts and the theft of a 120-year-old removed from the NSC staff immediately, "It is unrealistic to expect states to be able body may be related to satanic activ­ and suggested "disability leave" at Bethesda to absorb additional reductions in federal ities in the state forest. again. supportof the magnitude proposed," Bowen It should be noted that in ''The Mind of said. • HARVARDUNIVERSITY held Ollie North," written on July 15, 1987, Lyn­ a mid-November meeting to counter don LaRouche identified North's psycho­ the "enemy image" which Americans logical profile as that of the patriotic , gung­ hold of the Soviet Union and turn it ho military grunt who finds himself ham­ into one of peaceful competition. The strung fighting "limitedwar" with both hands Environmentalists push Italian Communist Party daily L' Un­ tied behind his back, as all U. S. servicemen ita reported Nov . 18 that the 1,500 and officers did in Vietnam, and then again austerity in Bush meet participants focused on "the role of in the debacle in Lebanon. Representatives of the elite environmental­ anti-communism in life, culture, and ist organizationsemerged ecstatic fromtheir politics in the U.S." meeting with President-elect George Bush on Nov. 30, after presenting him with a list • THE GENERAL Accounting of 700 recommendations compiled in a re­ Office, sticking its nose into ever port called, "Blueprint for the Environ­ wider domains, said that George Bush Health programs targeted ment." should rethink U.S. militarycommit­ "It's night and day," said Jay Hair, pres­ ments, strengthen federal regulation for brutal cuts ident of the National Wildlife Federation, in of banks and stock brokerages, and The outgoing Reagan administration plans comparing Bush's opennessto Reagan's at­ provide new federal incentives for to propose brutal cuts in the federal health titude . "Read my lips. Protect the environ­ private investment in low-rent hous­ care budget for FY90 which it will submit ment," Hair said, reportingwhat he had told ing for the poor. Comptroller General to Congress in January , and which will re­ Bush. Hair said that Bush replied, "I will." Charles Bowsher criticized the DoD portedlyinclude a $5 billion cut in Medicare Bush, however, never specificallycom­ handling of an "unprecedented alone. mited himself, according to press accounts, peacetime buildup of defense," and A spokesman for the Department of to more thanbeing open to listen,and seemed for more "burden-sharing" by U.S. Health and Human Services insisted to re­ to rej ect a proposal to make the Environ­ allies. porters on Nov. 28 that Medicare recipients mental Protection Agency a cabinet-level won't have to pay more, or receive fewer post. • OF ONE mOUSAND "street benefits, because the intended cuts will sup­ But the real thrust of these oligarchic children" in major American cities, posedly come from the health care provi­ organizations, is to propose austerity and 74, or over 7%, tested positive for the ders-surgeons, radiologists, and hospi­ reduced living standards. While rejecting AIDS virus, according to an ABC na­ tals. According to an HHS summary of the nuclear energy, these groups recommend tional news commentary Nov. 30. cuts, ''They will feel the pain." mandating increasing car mileage to 45 mpg Most such children fighting for sur­ The "liberal" Washington Post on Nov. by the year 2000; a significant increases in vival on the streets have had numer­ 28, editorialized that further Medicare cuts gasoline taxes; and acid rain controls, i.e., ous sexual encounters . by theBush administrationare "a good idea." industry shutdowns.

EIR December 9, 1988 National 71 Editorial

Stop playing the perception game

The weakness that has brought the United States and same measures that have postponed an eruption of the the world to the brink of a planetary New Dark Age, is crisis, will make it far more severe when it occurs-as an erosion of both material and spiritual-political inevitably it must. strength , such that we are lacking the raw power, and, The problem is that those who wished to play the more significantly, the political will needed to use that perception game, using GNP statistics to bolster their power effectively. One sign of this is the willingness of claims of the health of the economy-despite evidence major players in the political game to manipulate pop­ to the contrary in the decline in industrial production ular opinion, rather than to present serious policy issues and increase in the number of farmers driven off the for discussion. land-these same people have convinced themselves The driftinto a post-industrial utopia, in which the of the magic of GNP. direction of popular-opinion-shaping is largely defined As long as GNP increases, Washington and other by a radical counterculture , has destroyed the econo­ relevant locales pronounce the process one of economic mies and the military potential of nearly all non-Com­ expansion, so that the realities of per capita and per munist industrialized nations. These economic con­ hectare energy available, or the rate of investment in straints arevariously the cause or the rationalization for advanced technology, or the number of babies born the lack of military means to defend our civilization. drug-addicted, are cheerfully ignored. Large sectors of the population increasingly have lost It appears that the Reagan administration sees an any hope that things can be different. Cultural pessi­ economic priority in preserving financial institutions, mism grips the citizens of the West, destroying the rather than in protecting the real economy and living essential quality which has differentiated us from So­ standards. Even when it comes to saving financial in­ viet culture . stitutions, they appear to have made the choice of sac­ The quality of decision-making by leaders of gov­ rificing troubled savings and loan institutions, in favor ernmenthas been correspondingly affected . of bailing out the large banks such as Continental Illi­ The actions taken to delay a financial crisis until nois. The problem here is that it is the savings and loan after the November 1988 election, may perhaps have institutions which can act as a conduit of credit into the seemed a welcome respite , but they have in fact aggra­ real economy where it is desperately needed. vated the crisis enormously, relative to what it would We cannot tolerate the continued collapse of farms, have been had it occurred during the firsthalf of 1988. industries, and basic economic infrastructure. We must A financial bubble has been created which rivals maintain and expand the leyels of employment in both the worst period of the Weimar Republic's hyperinfla­ the production of useful pbysical goods and develop­ tion . The apparent relative health of the economy is a ment and maintenance of basic economic infrastruc­ case of the perception game run amok . In fact, as the ture , using investment tax-credit incentives and com­ latest statistics show, the GNP is growing because of petitively low borrowing costs for such investments, as increased business inventories and food-price hikes. an instrument for fo stering stability and growth in per There is no way that the financial bubble, some­ capita physical output. times known as the Reagan recovery , which was gen­ This is the basis for our present and future economic erated beginning in October 1982, can be brought under strength, including the real strength of the dollar. If we control without wiping out one-half or more of the succeed on this account, we have the means to succeed nominal financial assets accumulated in this way. The on all fronts.


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