The Governorship of Quijos, Sumaco and La Canela Frameworks of the socio-historical production process of the territory in the Ecuadorian High Amazon, sixteenth and nineteenth centuries La gobernación de los Quijos, Sumaco y La Canela. Marcos del proceso de producción sociohistórica del territorio en la Alta Amazonía ecuatoriana, siglos XVI-XIX Saúl Uribe Taborda Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Sede Medellín Colombia
[email protected] Orcid code: Aura González Serna Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana-Colombia
[email protected] Orcid code: Edvȃnia Tȏrres Aguiar Universidad de Pernambuco-Brasil
[email protected] Orcid code: Suggested citation: Uribe Taborda, S. F., González Serna, A., & Tȏrres Aguiar, E. (2020). The Gover- norship of Quijos, Sumaco and La Canela Frameworks of the socio-histo- rical production process of the territory in the Ecuadorian High Amazon, sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Universitas, 32, pp. 55-74. Print ISSN: 1390-3837 / electronic ISSN: 1390-8634, UPS-Ecuador, No. 32, March-August 2020, pp. 55-74. Universitas, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador, No. 32, March-August 2020 Abstract The following article explores the socio-historical production of the territory in La Gobernación de los Quijos, Sumaco and La Canela, Ecuadorian High Amazon. From a historiographic perspective we approach the historical process and the dynamics that motivated various social actors to exercise their power from the 16th to the mid-19th centuries in the Ecuadorian High Amazon.