Vol. LIV Tuesday. January 25, 1977 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. No. 29 New policy Name bill adopted for introduced admissions in assembly Madison has adopted a new The bill to change the name admissions policy in which all of Madison College to James applications are accepted and Madison University has been considered after a Feb l introduced into the Virginia deadline, according to Dr. General Assembly. Fay Reubush, dean of ad- Senator Nathan Miller of missions and records. Rockingham County offered the name change bill to the The new system replaced state Senate Wednesday with the "rolling admissions" the support of Senators policy previously employed, William Truban (Woodstock), in which applications were J. Marshall Coleman selected on a "first come, first (Staunton), Eliot Schewel served basis," according to (Lynchburg), and Dudley Dr. Julius Roberson, dean of Emick, Jr. (Fincastle). the school of education and Delegate Bonnie Paul of former dean of admissions Harrisonburg introduced the and records. bill to the' House Friday with The new system, which was several other Valley approved by the Board of legislators as co-sponsors. Visitors last spring, is The bill, prepared by the currently being used at the CHEERLEADER DOUG DREWYER finds " time out' quite exhilarating. Attorney General's office, University of Virginia, The Ptat* by Walt Morgan provides that the name College of William and Mary "Madison College" be and Virginia Polytechnic replaced by "James Madison Institute and State University. University" wherever it The change was considered Need for WJMU questioned appears in the official code of last spring because of Virginia. pressure from outstanding The education committees students who wished to attend Broadcast training facilities 'sufficient' of both houses will hold Madison, but who applied too By SANDY AMANN hearings on the measure late to be considered under The college's non- receiving practicum credit, before it is sent to the floor for rolling admissions, Roberson Some communication arts commercial FM educational Holp said. "I have never had final approval. said last spring. department faculty and radio station, WMRA, "meets to turn away anyone" who WMRA staff members object If passed by the General Also adopted was an honors all the needs advocated at the wanted to work at the station. Assembly, the new name to the Student Government present time," according to A carrier current station admissions policy, which Association's (SGA) rationale would become effective July considers students who have Dr. Robert Finney, head of the (Continued on Page 11) 1. for establishing carrier broadcast area of the com- excelled in high school and on current radio here. their college board munication arts department. As reasons for establishing The department has no examinations, according to such a station, the SGA states need for such a training 100 students compete in the 1976-77 catalog. the station would provide "an facility, he said, because it Applications for honors excellent training ground for has one instructional radio lab admissions are processed on a people who aspire to the world and another is projected. campus-wide tournament continual basis until Feb. 1, of broadcast"; an outlet for When the projected lab is the catalog states. Those expression of opinions, in- By TAMI RICHARDSON many more people were in- applications for honors ad- completed, the department formation and news, and will have both mono and In the beginning of any volved. The tournament missions received after Feb. 1 various forms of music, in- semester most students try to wasn't organized well enough will be processed according to stereo facilities on which to have as much fun as possible cluding jazz, country, rock, train students, said WMRA last year to be able to do as available residence hall and and classical. before the work starts to pile much, North said. classroom space, it stated. program director Karen Holp. up, which is one reason for the The reasons appear in "A A carrier current station "Next year we hope we can It will be difficult to proposal for WJMU, the popularity of the campus expand even further," he would transmit on the AM game room. determine what effects the student voice of Madison band and would have only added. change will have, Reubush College," which the SGA Last week nearly 100 Madison students have mono facilities. students competed in table said, until all the applications Executive Council presented » In addition to the lab, 96 never done well beyond the are processed after the Feb. 1 to President Ronald Carrier in students currently work at tennis, chess, bridge and regionals, North explained, deadline. December. WMRA and 80 of them are billiards as part of a tour- because they get into nament which will send the situations where there are first and second place winners professionals. It becomes to the Southern Regional difficult to progress although Championship at the all the competitors are college Alumni contributions up University of North Carolina. students. The tournament is spon- (Continued on Page S) By KENT BOOTY the face of the bleak national various area and chapter sored by the Association of Alumni contributions to economic situation and meetings of alumni also help College Unions International 9 Madison College have "about despite the lack of a fund- to raise money, Sonner said. (ACUI), according to Jack 'Mail fraud tripled" since 1971 according raising staff for alumni Because Madison is a North, the night manager of public institution and the campus center and the Chicago law en- to Charles Scott, director of services, Scott said. forcement authorities the alumni services office. All alumni contributions therefore ineligible to receive person in charge of Madison's have arrested Dennis L. Scott attributes the in- are solicited through an an- any gifts, contributions go to tournament. Roberts, 45, and crease in contributions to nual fund drive, "The the Madison College Foun- Most colleges are members charged him with mail "more emphasis placed on Madison Fund" which sends dation, Inc., Scott said. of ACUI, which is an fraud in connection with fund raising." "Contributions mn letters to more than 15,000 The funds are then organization for student union a mail order offer of a definitely will continue to go allocated by the Board of administrators to get together $16.95 LED watch. up" he said, especially if a Directors among four broad and discuss better ways of full—time staff member is direct mail categories : library and running student unions, he On Dec. 3, The faculty development, general said. Breeze displayed an added to concentrate on fund appeal used advertisement for the raising. development, scholarships, About 10 colleges will be LED watch. The ad was Although exact figures for and administrative costs. involved in the Southern ordered by Creative the 1976 fund—raising cam- alumni. This direct mail Although contributions can Regional competition, and the Media Specialists of paign are unavailable, they appeal raises most of the be ear—marked for a specific winners of that w\il go on to Rosemont, 111. will show about a two percent funds, said Dr. Ray Sonner, purpose, Scott said most come try for the U.S. championship. rise over 1975 Scott said. vice president for public af- in unrestricted. Those that Eventually there will be an The Breeze suggests Contributions for that year fairs. are intended for a specific international champion, that persons who sent totalled $33,887, an increase of The alumni telethon, an area often go to certain North said. the $16.95 for the watch about $2,000 over 1974 and annual telephone solicitation scholarships, scientific Last year Madison only contact the proper equipment, and individual authorities, specifically more than $8,000 over 1973. campaign, the alumni participated in billiards, but the Better Business Surprisingly, these in- reunions held during academic departments, this year the tournament was creases have t>een achieved in Homecoming every fall, and Sonner said. expanded to four games and Bureau. ■1L .\

Page 2. T1IK BKKKZK. Tuesday. January 25. 1977 Pardon is a step to new committment

On Friday. President Jimmy Carter helped lay to rest an era of national turmoil and strife which brought America close to revolution, according to various scholars. That epoch, often called "the sixties" was actually born in the Eisenhower years and continued well into this decade despite the menacing calculations of Richard Nixon. Carter's contribution was simple. He fulfilled a campaign promise and pardoned those people who resisted the draft during the Vietnam War. He could have been more thorough Given the consensus that Vietnam was a mistake, a complete and unconditional amnesty would have been in order, and it should have been granted to all who non-violently attempted to halt the war effort in Southeast Asia. But for all intents and purposes, the agony is over. There may be dissension over Carter's decision-it was too much or not enough. Carter will lose favor with groups such as the American Legion. That is to his credit. Arguments postulated by these groups opposed to amnesty or pardons usually amount to the following: "because 50.000 men died, those who refused to fight should not be rewarded." This argument reduces to the absurd position that more men should have died in the war. For many of us. the pardon is personally satisfying. Our generation entered the world of politics when it was torn by assassinations, racial strife, civil chaos and a foreign war. Watergate was the last of a series of atrocities that shocked our conscience. But it's over. Many of us missed the hard questions of personal direction that college students of "the sixties" ex- perienced. Most of us have not experienced the draft though for a long time we feared it. The war to us was semi-real, glossed over by the transience of television. We did not have to make the moral choices that sent many to jail, many to Capitalists also frightening Canada, many to their death. But the problems that remain will require a different By EDWARD CONNORS "But here is the unsettling thing about the degree of personal committment. The cultural and political Happy Inauguration! We have a new Trilateral Commission," continues the Post protest of many students of "the sixties" was essesntially a president, and rejuvenated political directions story. "The President is a member. So is Vice- non-intellectual process. It was emotional. It was anti- are being nurtured by a fresh administration. President Mondale. So are the new Secretaries intellectual. It was a reaction to the well-educated national A letter in the Jan. 18 Breeze, though, shows of State, Defense and Treasury. So is Zbigniew leaders who measured human life with slide rules and elec- that there is a lack of this inauguration spirit at Brzezinski. Carter's national security ad- toral votes. What was sought was a pre-intellectual ex- Madison College. viser." perience, an undistorted vision, and finally, a simplification The author of the letter was Bill Borges, What lies beyond the horizon of in- into issues of black and white. chairman of the local chapter of the Young ternational politics? Soviet analyst Victor That these people influenced national policy is remarkable Americans for Freedom. As Mr. Borges has Zorza gives a hint in this description of Mr. testimony to their personal integrity and committment. been kind enough in the past to respond to a Brzezinski: "A great deal of what Brzezinski \ This new generation will face a different task. As President column of mine, I feel it is my responsibility to has said in recent years makes it clear that his Carter espouses the need for a recommittment to the return the compliment by responding to a concepts are wider than Kissinger's, that his American dream, the new generation will have to help define letter of his. grand design would embrace Europe and that dream. Words such as "alienation," "imperialism" and We have just entered a new era in American Japan, as well as the less developed coun- "equality" will acquire a new meaning in the coming decade, politics. In doing so, we have, I think, placed tries—but also the Communist world. And just as "freedom." "security" and "America" did in the past. ourselves at an even greater distance from this," Zorza concludes, "Is what the Kremlin is The pardon of the draft resistors was long overdue. those cold war days of the 1950s when paranoia afraid of." Hopefully the Carter administration will continue to heal the guided our foreign making. What are the goals of international wounds of the past. The role of the government in the in- That is why Mr. Borges' letter is significant. capitalism, as represented by the It reminds me of those terrible stories I heard Trilateralists? No one knows yet. But surely, dividual's life needs to be reconsidered as well the specifics of Mr. Borges, we capitalists are as much a many programs that have become institutions in and of themselves. threat to world order as the communists. This But the lesson of the past is that it is dangerous to allow 'we are not the Mr. Clean is clearly seen by applying your logic to an these decisions to rest exclusively with political figures. An analysis of world affairs. involved and intelligent citizenry is a prerequisite to a free 9 Communism in its many forms is here to society. This new generation must meet that task. of this planet stay. To what extent is our national security threatened by this fact? Little, I would venture to say. Because the U.S. and Russia, collec- about McCarthyism. Extreme youth prevent, tively, have the capacity to destroy the world me from remembering any of the noise first- some 20 times over, it follows that the world is hand. safe and secure. The balance seems to be The United States, asserts Madison's YAF working. chairman, is threatened by the "forces of Actually, communism in the world is International Communism." Since "history fragmented. China and Russia are perilously shows that periods of freedom are rare" we close to armed conflict over border disputes'. The communist parties of Italy and France freedom o« roe press is on* of the treat bulwarks ol liberty, and can must maintain a constant vigilance against the never be restrained but by despotick governments." James Madison Red Menace, he said. openly scorn the Kremlin. And the strong I agree that periods of freedom are very resurgence of Catholicism in Hungary and rare. Just ask any American black over 40 how Poland underscores a growing schism with long he's been free. And often, those periods Moscow. K.IHTOR are terminated violently. Witness the Native The World, I believe, has grown up a great deal since the surge of nationalism that Roger Wells Americans and the atrocities committed in the destruction of an entire race. hallmarked the 30 s.Jingoism is outdated. Stephen S. Rosenfeld agrees, writing, "The MANAGING EDITOR My point, Mr. Borges, is to question the BUSINESS MANAGER collection of myths which you so powerfully whole world is moving beyond or away from a Frank Rathbun Ward Lancaster espouse. Your rightward rhetoric is as ex- central focus on political liberation into a focus tremist as that of the European nationalists of on economic advance and equality. The News Sandy Amann: Kditorial Gary Michael; Sports the 1930s. Palestinians are the exception proving the Jim Morgan and Wade Starling; Photography Walt Let's face it. We are not the Mr. Clean of this rule. National liberation movements are out; Morgan Production Kathi Rechin; Advertising Joyce planet. U.S. history thoroughly supports this the 'new international economic order' is in. Morrell and Greg Hodge; Advisers Alan Neckowitz and conclusion. Post-Watergate realism Vietnam now belongs to the World Bank." Dave Wendelken crystalizes it. And our foreign policy positions The global village appears to be growing serve to illustrate its practical implications. more intimate as Carter begins his term of The Breeie encourages letters lo the editor on top.es dealing w,th (he Now, you speak of an International Com- office. This presents his administration with Madison college campus and community AM letters must be signed the exciting opportunity *'of enriching in- typed, and include phone and box number Letters may he addressed lo munist conspiracy, Mr. Borges. If that sounds me Breeie. Z.rkle Mouse Letters should be no longer than J00 words frightening to you, think how the other side ternational friendship and cooperation. The onger letters may be used as guestspots at the discretion of Ihe editor feels as Jimmy CaYter assumes the spirit of the inauguration is distinguished by its Letters and other material will be edited at the d.scretion ol the editor curiosity-ar.i-iis opti..rtsm * etters. columns, reviews and guestspofs reflect Ihe opm.on of-their presidency. I'm Speaftlhg, ot course^'df tn£ authors and not necessarily those of The Bree/e Unsigned editorials are the opinion ol The Breeze editors Trilateral Commission.' Complaints about The Breeie should ne directed to the Bree/e "The Trilateral Commission is a private The Breeze encourages Publication Board and may be addressed to Dr Donald McConkey. head of international organization put together by the Department of Communication Arts David RockerfelTer, to stimulate dialogue- political and business—between Western responses to all columns 433-6127 433—65% Europe, Japan and the United States," reports the Washington Post. and editorials

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THE BREEZE, Tuesday, January %, 1977, Page 3 Readers'/orum 'Weaver and Logan exercise control' 9 To the Editor: Obviously, the two Upset with students attitudes The December Breeze statements contradict each article "CPB vetoes To the Editor: I guess what really bothers predecessors, but I'll take other. If the movie was ex- me is that this guy was Flamingos" gave the latest plained before it was voted on, I came across two com- idealism over selfishness any news on the controversy ments recently—one spoken, speaking for a lot of us "young day. how can Weaver say that the people.' A decade ago, many raging within the Campus students didn't know what the the other written—that These are two little com- Program Board. It was stated worried and upset me. students were thinking in ments that aren't going to content of the film was? His terms of what's best for the that Jerry Weaver said that statement appears to be an The first I overheard in the wreck the universe; similar most of the students who voted library while passing the people; some were actually remarks are made all the attempt to evade the fact that trying to change the world. for "Pink Flamingos" didn't the students wanted to show upstairs Xerox machine. A time. But that doesn't mean realize what the content of the student was making dozens of Too many folks in "our that they should go unnoticed. the movie. generation," however, get film was. The article also stated that copies of papers, apparently Are things so bad that we In the very next paragraph, for a faculty member. A trapped in following the "I'll can't think more about the Jim Logan read parts of a look out for number one," it was stated that before a review so the Executive friend stopped and remarked welfare of others than we do? movie is voted on, an ex- that the student was making a policy. Some will say that Council would know what they Chuck Berlin planation of the movie is' were voting on. The review lot more copies than we're more realistic than our given. necessary—knowing, I sup- that was read was a negative pose, about how many ac- -Out on the Margin - one. It would seem that in tually were required. The' order to present an unbiased student replied, "I don't care, explanation of the film, a it's not my money." favorable review should have been read also. So it wasn't his money; Coping with current cold wave It is unfortunate that the does that mean he can spend it Executive Council was willing as he pleases? Sure, we're By DWAYNE YANCEY "but we feel that the time is student froze to death while to make a decision based on probably talking about a In a candlelight ceremony right to commit ourselves to running last week. one adverse review, presented' small amount—Xerox copies at Hillcrest last night, the great sport of ice hockey." The fatality will not be a by a less than neutral person. here are pretty cheap—but Madison College President Although admitting that "total loss," however, said The article said there is a that's not the point. What is Ronald Carrier announced his scheduling would be difficult Carrier, stating that an art lot of negative feedback his attitude: wasteful, plan for coping with the this late in the season, Carrier class is already at work coming from faculty, students careless. I'd just love to have current cold wave. stressed that X Parking Lot studying whether the and administrators about I* him handle my money. He'd Noting that recent studies would make "an excellent ice deceased could be "fixed up to showing "Pink Flamingos" make a great public official. have shown that below hockey facility since we don't look like a statue of James here. Yet no basis is given for average temperatures may be Madison." The written comment that have a parking problem this negative feedback.. in store for several years, anymore. If that is possible, be in- The issue appears flPte not got me down appeared in the Carrier said that his program Jan. 18 edition of "The A hockey team could be dicated that the body would be so much the "sick" content of would allow Madison to ac- fielded, he said, by granting Placed on a pedestal at the the movie, but more the fact Breeze." One of the "Campus commodate the frigid weather Comments" was from a guy full scholarships to Eskimos, ort Republic Road entrance. that Weaver and Logan wish "without altering the mission, which would serve the double The life-like statue would to exercise control over the who said that his New Year's enrollment, or character of resolution was "Just do what purpose of making Madison's be "a nice touch" to the CPB, and further, over the the institution." minority enrollment figures campus, he said, adding that entertainment of the students you want to do, what makes In accordance with the you happy." look better. "everv university needs a at Madison College. Governor's directive to save "If we hurry and do this couple of statues standing Whether or not each student Well, there's no law against energy, Carrier announced before the name change, "the around to make the place look sees the movie is a personal being happy, and it's great to that the basketball program President said, "maybe we cultured." choice that is made by each be able to do as you like, but will be discontinued im- can sign up a lot of the little For the duration of the cold individual. If the contents of within reason. What about mediately to save heating puck slappers before they front, Carrier proposed that the movie are objectionable to doing things that make others expenses at Godwin Hall. realize we're not in Madison, the Campus Police be some people, they have the happy, or doing things that Taking its place will be the Wisconsin." renamed the " Royal choice of not going to see it you're not particularly crazy state's first college ice hockey The only major problem Madison Mounted Police" and For those who don't find about doing but that need to be team. the cold weather has would be "fully equipped "Pink Flamingos" ob- done anyway? There are more "I know that Lou (Cam- presented at Madison so far, "with snowshoes and dog jectionable, the movie should people out there than just panelli, basketball coach) will be said, was in the 7:20 sleds to ensure their be shown. ourselves! be disappointed," he said, jogging class where one (Continued on Page S) Sandra Clay tor Changes listed for 1976 income tax returns By JOSEPH E. HOLLIS and jointly. The maximum for been replaced with a incapable of caring for self, cent credit even if one is KEVIN G. MILLER married taxpayers filing nonrefundable tax credit of 20 are allowed a 20 per cent working part-time, but there First in a series separately is $1400. per cent and the rules for credit for expenses up to $200 is a limit. The expenses used qualifying for child care ($400 credit) for one in- in applying the 20 per cent Tax Changes For Individuals Child Care Expenses - Ef- credit have been eased. dividual and $4000 ($800 credit are limited to the fective for taxable years Personal care and credit) for two or more in- earnings of the spouse with A quick check-list of ending after 12-31-75. household expenses for tax- dividuals. the smaller income. changes individuals in- The child care deduction payer's dependents under 15, Married couples filing If one spouse is a full-time elude: has been eliminated and has or spouses or dependents jointly may now claim 20 per student or a dependent with no earned income who is in- standard deduction capable of self-care, then the child care new law treats that spouse as moving expenses having an earned income of vacation homes $133 a month if there is one home office deductions dependent or $266 for 2 or sick pay more dependents. This alimony deductions earned income limit also retirement income credit applies to unmarried tax- optional tax table pavers. (Watch out for the tax credit - earned income full-time students, earned tax credit - taxable income income and dependents qualifications.) Standard Deduction • Ef- Payments to relatives for fective for taxable years child care expenses now ending after 12-31-75. qualify for tax credit if the *A The minimum standard relative is not a dependent of deduction has been increased the taxpayer and the to $1700 for individual returns payments are subject to social and $2100 for surviving security taxes. Deserted spouses and married couples spouses may qualify for child filing, join* {ftocii,-. For care credit if the spouse was married individuals filing deserted for the last 6 months separate returns, the of the year. minimum deduction is $1050. Out-of-home and in-home The maximum standard expenses are no longer deduction remains at 16 per distinguished and child care cent of adjusted gross income expenses terminate at the with a maximum of $2400 for date a child reaches 15 years individual returns and $2800 7\W of age, not the end of the year. for surviving spouses and A divorced or separated married taxpayers filing (Continued on Page 8) - ' —-r*"


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...... i..., • • »'.»•« ■••»«• • ■ ■ ■ ■ t. ,. »•»». Debate tourney held here HE_BREi:ZK, Tuesday, January 25, 1977, Page 5 High school studen tsparticipate B v P A I! |, A visit Madison and gain ex- and 'expand on their MEIUiENIIAGEN perience by debating others of knowledge." A bicentennial debate the same level," Maiman The topic debated in the tournament was held at said. high school circuit this year Madison this weekend in- Winners were from Turner concerns penal reform, while; volving 175 high school Ashby. varsity, and Dulaney, intercollegiate competitors debaters, including some of novice. are now dealing with the Virginia's finest. The Madison debaters have problem of consumer safety. This competition served as held collegiate as well as high Debate is "one of the very the qualifying tournament for school tournaments. In few interscholastic activities the national Bicentennial November, they held an in- that is intellectual in nature," Debate Tournament, he said. vitational tournament in While the Madison debaters said senior Arthur Van Lear, a which 27 colleges and seasoned Madison debater help out during tournaments , universities participated. and coach of Harrisonburg most of the responsibility lies While all are welcome to High School's dabate team. with forensics director Earle watch these events, many Debate tournaments, both Maiman and assistant students, unfamiliar with high school and collegiate, forensics director Roger debate, might be confused by require one and a half to two Soenksen. the terminology. months of prior planning. Every year until 1981, each There are two teams- Difficulties often arise the state is asked to send its two affirmative and negative-in day of the competiton, said best high school teams-of two each debate round. "Debate," Maiman. For instance, when members «ach-to the national said Maiman, " is really like one team is late, it can throw Bicentennial Tournament. a trial with the entity on trial - the whole tournament off One of the Virginia teams is being the status quo." schedule. Sometimes, he is selected at Madison and the The affirmative team, he informed an hour before other at Old Dominion explains, is "like a starting time that a school is University in Norfolk. * prosecutor." It "tries to prove dropping out or that an extra A team from Woodson High the status quo is guilty of one will show up. School in Fairfax was selected causing difficulties and In general, Maiman said, here Sunday. problems." The negative high school tournaments are The weekend's activities team, on the other hand, more difficult to host than also included the Madison functions as the "defending collegiate ones. Coaches in Invitational High School attorney," trying to prove that college are usually experts EARLE MAIMAN AND ROGER SOENKSEN evaluate the Debate Tournament, the status quo is not guilty of results of the invitational debate tournament. featuring both varsity and and "understand the dif- what it is accused of. ficulties involved in running a Pte* by Jtrry CJWW.II novice divisions. The purpose One subject is debated the tournament." of this tournament was to entire school year. In this Last weekend the Madison Coping with current cold wave "give lesser experienced way, Maiman said, students College debate team opened debaters an opportunity to may "improve on arguments" its second semester schedule. (Continued from Page 3) with the renaming of the The team of freshman "swift and safe arrival" at the security force, their motto AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR Angela Hochmeister and scene of major disturbances would henceforth be "we I . ALL MAJOR AIRLINES, Steve Holsinger won three of such as parking violations and always get our man." >( 0•utW STEAMSHIP LINES, TRAIN six debates at the Charles water balloon fights. In another move designed AND T0UR Wishart Tournament at the Head Mountie, Constable to save fuel, Carrier P \G \is/ \ COMPANIES College of Wooster in Wooster, Jay Crider, issued , a authorized the director of f40 Call us for all your travel Ohio, defeating teams from statement yesterday in^which housing to approve co-ed the University of West he decried water baloons rooms for those students Virginai, Temple and Wayne "They are particularly willing to keep their rooms no State. Hochmeister was dangerous at these times," he higher than 50 degrees. awarded fourth place trophy said, "Students should know He added, however, that 1774 S. Main St. in the novice speakers better than to throw them at this was likely to have little division. us. Don't they know that effect because, in light of the Harrisonburg 434-1796J Varsity teams competed at water freezes into ice? After moral climate on campus, he travdfflfl counsellor*, Inc. the College of William and all, we're here to help them." doubted if many students Mary. Van Lear and Mark The constable added that. would make the move. Reisinger defeated teams from Seaton Hall, Kings, Temple and the University of Students compete in tournament Interested in People? Indiana. Rennee Wenger and Bill Mitchell defeated teams (Continued from Page 1) ' one dollar fee for billiards. from Saint Johns, George By far the most popular The game room had to be Washington University and game in Madison's tour- closed so it wasn't making any BE an R.A.! Norfolk State. nament was table tennis, revenue, but North said the Here's a chance for you to share followed in popularity by- real reason for the fee was to BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY billiards, chess, and bridge. keep too many people from your creativity, energy & interests Only four girls entered the signing up just to play tournament; one in bridge and with others. the others in table tennis. North said he had hoped to The first and second place Stuff Envelopes have enough girls sign up for winners in chess were Allen Monday, January 31 $25.00 PER HUNDRED table tennis to have a separate Lofdhal and Glenn Cole; in womens' match. bridge the winning teams Chandler Ballroom 7:30 pm Immediate Earnings Trophies will be given to all were Brian Leslie and John Send $1.00 To: the first and second place McAllister, and Walt winners and Madison will pay Cymansky and Diane Irish; All interested people must attend! Envelopes Dept.339A for them to go to the Southern and the winners in billiards Regionals on the weekend of were Stuart Anderson and 310 Franklin Street Feb. 4. Dave Deatherage. The table 2.5 G.P.A. required There was no cost to enter tennis competition was still in Boston, Mass. 02110 the tournament except for a progress. 1 | SPECIAL - " Midway Arco-Grocery Beer Snacks Soft Drinks' Next to Campus on Main St. JVC" .it*r.'t»rj. JRSJOOI _ featuring studio-quality HUGHES' PHARMACY 5 Band Graphic Eaiializer 1021 South Main Street **-i -**•" FM - AM STEREO RECEIVER DIAL 434-8850 100 Walts Power/20 HZ to 20 KHZ with less than 037, THD. . . S400 List PRESCRIPTIONS - FILM J SPECIAL ACE PRICE: COSMETICS ■ STATIONARY 26 Pleasant Hill Rd. Harrisonburg 434-4722 •LECTRIC .. CANDIES ■ GREETING CARDS t Page 6. THE BKKKZK. Tuesday. January 25. 1977 Master ofBu. Ad. and Master of Ed. most popular: Growth in graduate studies is predicted By LAWRENCE EMERSON nine foreign countries come most popular, Caldwell said. Council approved a letter of For example, most schools "Since Madison College is here. "In the years ahead, as the intent for a Master of Science give teachers salary increases essentially an undergraduate Fewer than half of problems and concerns of the degree in accounting. The for graduate hours completed. institution, the potential of the Madison's 1.266 graduate individual and society are Board of Visitors and then the A master's degree is almost graduate school is not students are from Virginia, more carefully defined and State Council of Higher essential in accounting, recognized and accepted by and only "20 to 25 per cent" of delineated, there will be Education for Virginia must educational counseling, school all students and faculty them received their continual growth in graduate also approve the letter before psychology, and middle members," said the graduate bachelor's degrees from studies at Madison," Caldwell the program can be offered. school dean. Madison, he said . predicted. According to a recent This year, the school is survey, research facilities 'Financial Yet, according to Dr. The Madison Graduate offering a M.S. in psychology here "appear adequate for Charles Caldwell, dean of the School, started in 1954. offers for the first time. This master's theses." But, he committmcnl to school, Madison's graduate eight master's degrees in 28 program is designed for said, the graduate school has studies are well-known distinct programs. students who will become the same problems as the rest graduate scho(»l nationally and , in- The Master of Business researchers or doctoral of the college—limited space ternationally; graduate Administration and Master of students, he said. <""* Tersonnel. increasing'' students from 39 states and Education degrees are the Recently, the College nowever, he believes Madison's financial com- mittment to the graduate management, he added. school is increasing. Students interested in Eight faculty grants awarded College budgets pay 106 working in community Inventory of Language graduate assistants. Teaching colleges or vocational- For the first time, the The grants are sponsored Disabilities"; Madison College ad- by the college and designed to assistants teach two un- technical schools also need aid faculty in specialized Dr. David Hallman, dergraduate courses a advanced degrees, according ministration has awarded associate professor of eight additional faculty research and professional semester, service assistants to Caldwell. English, "Southern Writers work in non-academic areas Placement of Madison summer research grants. interests. Grants are used Abroad: The Expatriot Previously, six grants were such as athletics, and other graduates with Master's during the summer, usually in Experience Between the graduate assistants do degrees is "extremely high," awarded each summer but lieu of teaching loads. Some Wars"; because of "the excellence of bibliographical research of he said. "A number of may teach part-time. Dr. Harry Smith, assistant other teaching-related jobs, graduates have gone into the proposals" this year, The additional recipients professor of mathematics, President Ronald Carrier Caldwell said. Each graduate community college and four-* and their proposals are as "Structure of Derivation assistant receives a monthly year college work." appropriated the additional follows: Alternator Algebras"; awards, according to Dr. stipend and a tuition The Graduate Student Dr. Raymond Prince III, Dr. Cameron Nichols, scholarship. Association, graduate lounge, Charles Caldwell, dean of the associate professor of assistant professor of English, graduate school. The college also offers and graduate news-letter are economics "An Estimation of "The Autobiography of numerous scholarships and designed to encourage more The six original recipients, the Rates of Embodied and Elizabeth Oakes Smith"; announced last semester, fellowships to graduate active involvement by Disembodied Technological Dr. Charles Stanley, in- students. graduate students here. were awarded grants of $2,200 Change in a Manufacturing structor of speech pathology, to $2,800, based on current Madison's graduate faculty Madison also has an Sector of the United States "Programmed Instruction in, includes 220 members plus arrangement for seniors in- salaries. The additional eight 1950-1970"; the Administration of faculty members will receive other instructors with special terested in graduate work, Jerry Coulter associate Diagnostic—Screening Tests expertise who are approved to according to Caldwell. Seniors grants of $1,200 each. professor of art, "Painting, 41 for Speech and Language"; teach by semester, according who need fewer than 15 hours Sculpture, Printmaking, and Dr. Roger Allen Hall, to Caldwell. for graduation may enroll as Teacher exams Beyond"; assistant professor of com- "The value of a master's "provisional graduate Dr. Gerald Minskoff, munication arts, "A Multi- degree can be stated bluntly in students," and take graduate professor of special education, dimensional Approach to economics," Caldwell said. given Feb. 19 "Statistical Aspects of the Introduction to the Theater." courses for credit, he said.

The National Teacher Examinations will be given at Madison College on Feb. 19. Scores from the examinations are used by many states for certification of teachers, by many school systems for selection and identification of leadership qualities, and by many colleges as part of their graduation requirements. Educational Testing Service, which prepares and administers the tests, says they are designed to measure knowledge gained from professional and general education and in 27 subject- matter fields. Bulletins of Information describing registration procedures and containing registration forms may be obtained from the Counseling Center at Madison College or directly from the National Teacher Examinations, Educational Testing Service, Box 911, Princeton, NJ 06540.

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Coiffures r* =«= :-"-*■"•- nowofferedJ- - at x *(•■' "*■ *-. Lorren

434-7375 dD^™ —adison 48W. Elizabeth! Call! 433-6264, or come by Maury Hall, Rm 115 THE BREEZE, Tuesday, January 25, 1977, Page 7 Travel SideShow Arts, People Tolliver Harrison retains exemplifies

i jazz artist Beatle standards By JIM DAWSON Lennon is leaning towards the By GARY FUNSTON One of the most obnoxious same fate. Trumpet player Charles cliches of the 1970s is that But George is still basically Tolliver is a prime example of George Harrison was the most George; a little heavy on the the plight of the American talented member of the preachy side, but much the jazz artist. He has played with Beatles. same as the George of 10 some of the top names in the Utter nonsense. However, years ago. Although the other field, including Jackie Mc- Harrison has had the talent three mop-tops have Clean, McCoy Tyner, Lee and integrity to turn out the degenerated into stenching Morgan and Sonny Rollins. most competent albums of the mediocrity, Harrison has And for the past eight years four ex-Beatles. consistently displayed at least he has been recording ex- But the fact remains that a modicum of talent on each of cellent albums with his group Harrison's work with the his solo outings. Music Inc. Yet, despite this Beatles was not over- The overall freshness of "33 background, Tolliver remains whelmingly impressive. 1-3" partially makes up for the largely (unknown and unap- "Something" and "Here permeating boredom that preciated. \ Comes the Sun" were pretty marred Harrison's first three Tolliver began developing songs, but nothing to hyper- albums, although the same his distinct style while a ventilate over and "I Me fault hinders two songs on the member of saxophonist Mine" was nothing, period. new album. McClean's sextet in the mid The white album produced "Woman Don't You Cry 1960s. This group also in- "While My Guitar Gently For Me" is a dull blues parody cluded the brilliant trumpeter Weeps"--thank you, Eric that starts the album on an Lee Morgan, who at this time Clapton. Harrison did not inappropriately sour note and was considerably more play lead guitar on what is wastes time and vinyl. "Dear mature as a musician than often referred to as his best One" is yet another mindless Tolliver and probably in- song-ironic, but true. excursion into the pop-rock fluenced him. McClean's The list goes on in much the pseudo-religion that Harrison "Jacknife" LP—Blue Note same manner. Harrison's milks a little drier on every LA457 — is a fine introduction Beatle material was generally LP, this time aided by bubble- to the music of Tolliver and good, but nowhere near what gum Gary Wright's organ Morgan in the 60s. Lennon and McCartney were antics. doing at the same time. The remainder of the Tolliver's first album as a 1 leader, "The Ringer" ap- Harrison owes much of his album, however, is what peared on the small Freedom present elevated musical makes this Harrison's best label in 1969. It is now status to the fact that Lennon since "All Things Must Pass" available through Arista LARRY JAMES, singer-pianist, pauses to speak to the and McCartney couldn't "This Song" is a bouncing, Records, along with another audience during a coffeehouse Saturday. James maintain their standards fast-paced nose-thumbing by Tolliver release, "Paper presented a program of religious musk. when they went solo, making Harrison towards the folks Man." George look that much better who successfully sued him for (Continued on Page 8) photo by Mark Miller by comparison. usins the melodv of "He's So McCartney is now Fine" in "My Sweet Lord." thoroughly unlistenable, and (Continued OR Page 8) Movie review: '' 'underrated but unrealized9 By MARK MILLER at one time. They too must The concensus seems to be probably do effectively in his stead a more low-keyed, mild The credibility is strained have had personal reasons for sleep. kind of comedy laced with when Woody hands in his that "The Front" fails its making this movie. subject and therefore fails as But what I like best about necessary bits of drama. And friend's script and bingo, it's a But although the movie is his performance is the way when the tone of the scene is smash. Since we know that his a film. I can understand why it always sincere, the absurdity that it moves in and out of an dramatic. Woody is sur- friend is an experienced has been criticized for the of the black-list era is embarrassing situation like a prisingly effective,"but it is the writer we have to wonder why former but I am not so sure demonstrated primarily by about the latter. good comedy variety show different form of comedy that all of a sudden he's writing so comedy. taking time out for a breather. he really does his best work much better, especially with True, the film never really But at least the comedy is Best scene: when he is forced with. less imputus than before. We confronts us with seriousness smartly paced and cleverly to make a quick rewrite on the And yet the appeal of also have to wonder why the of the black-list matter as well realized. Woody Allen stars as spot and cannot go home for Woody's clowning is the very TV people don't recognize the as it could. This is perhaps a restaurant cashier who puts help. thing that limits the movie. familiarity of his writing after because the drama of the his name on a black-listed Of course, "The Front" is "The Front" only has two a while. McCarthyist purges is never friend's TV script and quite brought to light. not, as you may have guessed, flaws, but they are major: the Better yet, why doesn't receives 10 per cent of the pay. as broad or farcical as most strain of credibility and the someone in this TV business Dramatically speaking, Hence the term "front." Woody Allen films. It is in- stress of comedy over drama. notice the difference in styles only one segment is Before long Woody wants between the men Woody is satisfying. That segment more. His friend tells him of fronting for? How could four concerns a comic who is the three more black-listed TV victim of the black-list, yet he Mime Theatre troupe different styles possibly be the writers who need to continue .. • work of one man? is clearly no more a com- but cannot. Woody fronts then- — The credibility is further munist than those who indict scripts and takes a bigger cut strained when Woody and finally destroy him. of the pay. to present concert tonight develops a relationship with a . The comic, by the way, is Then things really get out S'rl in TV who does not spot played by , whose of hand. Woody gets the ex- The Claude Kipnis Mime the mime business," Lyon m as a phony. Come on. reason for appearing in this pected undeserved fame, Long before he admits that he film is eventually made clear Theatre will present a concert said. appears on talk shows, is of "contempory pantomine" is barely literate, we know to those who don't know. awarded by his former tonight in Wilson Hall. Kipnis came to the United , from his inarticulateness that Mostel actually was black- elementary school, is put in The theatre specializes in States from France in 1966 he is incapable of writing a listed in 1950 and I am left to with a literary crow,q an,d "s?*fc2~imusic", acec?^.^i and UV.eight perfofmarcuiin- grocery.list _-^wta» "fcondatte thaf 3ns picture fmally^afouses the suspision to Dr. John Lyon of the music the troupe have performed JUT These lapses in credibility must have been something of of the House Un-American department. Among the over the world. The concert are due to the ill focusing of a personal challenge to him. Activities Committee. starts at 8 p.m. and is free pieces the theatre will "act with ID. Ritt and Bernstein. Before it And he was not alone. We have seen this routine out" are Moussorsky's came out in October, I ex- Writer , before but it never goes stale "Pictures at an Exhibition" The theatre will also pected it to be a drama director and thanks largely to Allen. and Mozart's "Eine Kleine conduct a master class in a because of these two capable several of the picture's cast Naturally the movie puts him Nachtmusik." They will also movement and mime for men and inspite of Woody members (. in situations where he must be present "Circus" and "Bot- actors and dancers at 10:50 Allen. Joshua Shelley and Lloyd modest and unassuming, tle," a fantasy on alcohol. today in the dance studio in Now that I have seen the Gough) were also black-listed something Allen could The troupe is "at the lop of Godwin HalL (Contfaaed M Page 8) Page 8. TIIK BKF.KZK Tuesday. January 25. 1977 Harrison's 633 W maintains Beatle standards (Continued from Page 7) upbeat and very slick Even on the album's slower Harrison pulls off a win- studio musicians for the sake The style and attitude of the production job that plays up songs, Harrison has avoided somely innocuous per- of fleshing out poor material song, with Billy Preston on Harrison's good points also the tedium that made "Extra formance without sounding at to a state of acceptability, organ and Tom Scott on hides most of his weaknesses. Texture" so easy to forget all patronizing. And it works. George has produced an saxophone, bring to mind the For some reason dedicated album that was superstar NBC Saturday Night theme Harrison's unique and The next single from "33 r-S' to Herb Alpert, "Learning quality while it was still on song (and the brief ap- impressively strong vocals will hopefully be "Crackerbox How to Love You', displays paper. The songs ara good, pearance of Monty Python's are brought closer to the Palace," an Infectiously Harrison's liltingly clear the lyrics are nothing to Eric Idle certainly doesn't forefront than usual, while his cheerful little fantasy that you voice at its finest. Although complain about, and George is interfere with this im- moodily introspective and just know George was smiling the lyrics don't look over- in exceptional form pression. ) religious overtones are, for through as he sang. As with whelmingly substantial on the Although George Harrison This same flavor runs the most part, blissfully the entirely unlikely choice of jacket, George's sensitive was not the most talented throughout "33 1-3." The subdued. Cole Porter's "True Love," treatment gives them the Beatle, he has produced better same dignity that his un- albums as a solo performer complicated guitar work gives the melody. than any of the other former "Beautiful Girl" works Beatles. Harrison now Tolliver exemplifies jazz artist much the same way, with completely outclasses Len- (Continued from Page 7) non, McCartney, and Starr. characterized by a full tone, reminiscent of Tyner's music. simple words and an un- While they wallow in their own In the liner notes to "The often using vibrato and other Since the Freedom LPs, pretentious melody combining declining ability to express Ringer" Tolliver sums up his techniques to get the desired Tolliver and the various in- tor exceptional effect. their talents, George just musical philosophy: "I feel, effect. Tolliver plans and carnations of Music Inc. have Perhaps one of the nicest seems to get better and better. as Charlie Parker felt, that executes each note with great been recording for the artist- things about "33 1-3,' is jazz is meant to swing and care, that he may derive the owned Strata East label. George's rejection of the self- Maybe he's the only one pretty notes be played." maximum meaning and These albums are the best indulging superstar image. who remembers what he was Though Tolliver delves beauty from that note. examples of Toiliver's music, Instead of using first rate before he went solo. frequently into the most but they may be difficult to modern of styles, he never His melodies are highly obtain. loses sight of this basic lyrical and contain strong 9 9 principle. African and Eastern in- Tolliver is at his intensely 'The Front 'underrated personal best on' his live Toiliver's sound is fluences, frequently recordings, such as the "Live (Continued from Page 7) Instead their film was at Slugs" and "Live in film I am somewhat im- marred by "obligatory" Tokyo." pressed by the comedy but I romances and art inconclusive Income tax changes Tolliver prefers to work in am wondering where the ending. In short their film was a quartet setting, using only drama went. By stressing ill focused. (Continued from Page 3) piano, bass and drums to comedy over drama Ritt and Here they are slightly more For partnerships, trust, Bernstein have mitigated a parent may qualify for child estates and Subchapter S compliment his trumpet. fortunate although the same care credit, even if the parent Pianist Stanley Cowell, who potentially strong social and problem is present. What they corporations, "personal use personal statement. does not qualify for the days" is the total days or part has recorded several out- could have gotten in "The dependency exemption, if the standing albums on his own, Actually they made a Front" was a film with a of a day that partners, similar mistake before in child is under 15 years of age stockholders or the contributes some charac- strong enough dramatic bite and the parent claiming the teristically dynamic African their muddled "The Molly to make us really angry at the beneficiaries use the home. Maguires" (1970). In that film credit has custody of the child If the taxpayer rents his or piano rhythms and melodies black-list period instead of for a longer period than the to the music. their objective was simply to just annoyed at it. What they her vacation home for less show the struggle of the Irish other. than 15 days, no revenue is have gotten is some good Tolliver also has an ex- miners in Pennsylvania in the acting and a good deal of mild Moving Expenses recognized and the cellent ear for bass players, depreciation and maintenance 1870's against unfair wages comedy mixed with oc- A job related move will now having used such modern and rent. casional toughing drama. be deductible if the new job expense deduction will not be virtuosos as Reggie Workman location is 35 (down from 50) allowed. and Cecil McBee. miles further from his former A word of caution. House residence than was the former "swapping," reciprocal This article is meant only place of work. arrangements or , other as an introduction and an If the taxpayer had no similar types of arrangement incentive, in the hope that you former place of work the for vacation homes are will be inspired to seek out the move need only be to a new counted as "personal use music of Tolliver and other residence 35 miles closer to days." Use by employees, if lesser-known artists. his new job. That portion of necessary in the performance the moving expenses relating of .their work duties, are not £$**********£ to house-hunting and tem- counted as "personal use porary living expenses days." Depreciation, combined with expenses maintenance and other ex- related to the sale, purchase, penses relating to vacation or lease of a principle homes may be limited if the residence has been increased activity is not engaged in for from $2500 to $3000. profit. Taxpayers who have 15 With an additional or more days of "personal use | SK*,AREA* limitation that not more than days" will have to contend For latest on Campus $1500 of this amount be for with the new rules which are house-hunting and temporary generally the same as those living expenses. There is no for hobby losses and expenses. ZSkiI Instructor** Activities call CPB overall limitation on basic 2 * moving expenses. Other Home Office Deductions qualifications must still be The bad news. Taxpayers, * Wanted Entertainment Line met. employed or self-employed, Vacation Home Deductions will have to show that the * That vacation home, lodge, portion of their income used Massanutten or apartment that you have as a home office was used Ski School been renting or leasing during exclusively on a regular basis the year and taking a as a place of business in order # call289-2121 * deduction for depreciation to claim the business 6054 and maintenance expenses deductions related to the will now come under more home. Interest and property strenuous rules. tax can be deducted if A taxpayer can use his or business related or not. Opening Feb. 4 her vacation home for per- Taxpayers must also show Downtown Harrisonburg (next to NewbysT-Shirts) sonal use up to 14 days or 10 that their home is (a) his per cent of the number of days principle place of business, or the home is rented, which ever (b) a place of business which is greater, without losing the he uses in the normal course Noah's Ark Pets and Plant Shop depreciation and maintenance of his or her business for expense deduction. The meeting or dealing with [Over 50 kinds of tropical fish* exotic birds* small animals! property tax and interest patients, customers or clients expense deduction relating to or (c) the employer does not (aquarium and pet supplies* house plants* decorative pots) the home is still allowable provide him with an office or whether rented or not. place of business and that owned by a The "personal use days" providing the home business limitation is the actual days or facilities is for the con- Advice always {*"""""^ ^^professional Biologist part of a day that the tax- venience of his employers. payer, members of his or her family, persons with interest Dr. Holus and Mr. Miller are FREEand sound. Afciu x^B»staffed with experts !| in or members of that person's faculty members la the family, uses the vacation department of accounting and home. Every day or part of a finance, school of business, »♦ Madison College. Both are "If we don 'l have it we can order it day is counted as a full use certified public accountants. day.

rtiiiiiirrfititttf't'tfl't »»»>»•■ ,.•• THE BREEZE, Tuesday, January 25, 1977, Page 9 Toiletries, goldfish, oil lamps, etc.

CAMERA SUPPLIES make up the major portion of Glen Stiteler's (center) inventory. The store has the largest department of camera supplies and selections in the area. < above). Glen's Fair Price • a inostwnusual store

An old Lutheran church the bulk of the store's in- owner when Glen retires. customers into the store is if tbey don't have something, building is currently the home ventory. There is a small There - seven female em- extremely diversified, ac- and he does the same for of toiletries, goldfish, oil pharmacy department, ployees within the store, cording to Stiteler. "It would them. lamps, lawn-care items and working in what Stiteler get kind of stagnant if all the Stiteler does not want to costume jewelry. They shelves of candy, pdrakeets refers to as a "family at- same types of people came branch out his store because a combine to make Glen's Fair and goldfish, and a glass-ward mosphere." "The girls don't in." good family life and com- usually quit and we don't fire On a good day, the store munity service are more Price Store Inc.. what owner department all in a cluttered Glen finds disarray throughout the store. 'em," Glen said. "It is brings in $600. Stiteler gives important to him. Glen Stiteler says is Stiteler's son Gary unusual for a girl to leave the other stores in the com- his Fair Price Store can "Harrisonburg's most unless she gets married or has munity partial credit for his usually provide him with unusual store." presently manages the cor- to leave town." steady business flow. They every want and need, and has Camera supplies make up poration and will become the The daily stream of send their customers to Glen's the cozy, relaxed atmosphere of home.

THERE SEEMS TO BE no end to the supply of sources for acquiring new stock, as evidenced by one's first shopping impressions of the store.

Photos by .

Walt Morgan

■ t*> Page Hi. THE HKKK/.K. Tuesday. January 25. 1977 Campus Comments

By ZELDA TERRY alien interferences. They need Beth Conk (Sophomore) Do you think the system of to set up an independent group "Basically good. Some of the faculty advising used at mot teachers) who are advisers aren't available. My Madison College is adequate? knowledgeable and capable of freshman adviser was never Why or why not? What advising arid have all their around. Now I have a good changes would you suggest? working time^ to devote to adviser in the math depart- advising." Melanie Pustay (sophomore) "No. I don't think they have Gil Giltiam (Sophomore) "I don't know. I ve never gone personal contact with to my adviser. I just go to the advisory center to get things signed." Cindy Grey (Soplibmore) *> "No. I can say that I think I was lucky in the adviser I was LEE SMITH assigned because I think she BETH CONK did her best. I think she knows should cut down the number ot Lee Smith (Junior) Tjvhat she's doing. She seems to people an adviser has. Maybe "Not really. I know tn my case have had a lot of experience there just aren't enough ad- I very rarely see my adviser with advising. visers." and he doesn't contact me. I Idon'tthink the school is have to go out of my way to be training new professors how GIL GILLIAM Willie Jennings!Junior) told things—like registration to advise. I think a training or "No. Because most of the time things. Iin not very happy seminar program should be ment. He knows what he's the advisers are not available. with it at all." developed with the help of talking about. When they're available, I'm MELANIE PUST4%V George Price (Sophomore) experienced advisers, I think probably if people not. They need more advisers could have more of a choice in students. If they would make "I can't answer because I've graduate students, and any for students." had no experience with the other students interested to picking their adviser in their more of an effort and let their discuss the needs of an ad- major it would be better. Then Dennis Martin (Sophomore) services be known to the advisory system here because "No, I don't feel it is adequate I've avoided contact with any visee. the adviser should discuss the students." I think that it should be complete course outline for because it's too hard to see required that all advisers be the four years, because your adviser and the advisers trained in this program once it certain courses aren't offered generally seem not to be in- Illegal parking is established. each year—which students terested in your problems. It I also think that when it is have no way of knowing." would be an improvement if the advisers themselves were possible, your adviser should Nancy Kelley (Freshman) be of your major." more adequately trained to causes complaints "Yes I do. I haven't had any help students with their problem with it. I think they problems with* courses." By TOM DULAN said, "because faculty have Steve Driebe (Sophomore) Several faculty senators certain obligations, being "No. Because they're never disagreed with Dr John Mundy employees of the college, that around when I need them. It i Thursday when the campus a student wouldn't have." seems to me that a lot of parking situation has been "It has happened a few people don't keep their office The Fabric Shop "generally good this past times," that a faculty hours and that sometimes year." member has avoided a fine by their office hours are rather Various senators com- calling the security office, inconvenient, around plained of having difficulty security and safety director registration especially. They finding parking spaces in their William Wilberger saidThe should have enough advisers 157 N. Main St. designated lots, attributing situation has never arisen so they can get in touch with the problem to student with a student, he stated, but the students so they are not vehicles being parked students have various parking overwhelmed by the number Harrisonburg, Va. 22801 illegally. options. "X lot has never been of students they are ad- filled," he said. - vising." "It's worth two dollars to Mundy cited the acquisition | Michael Hellberg 703-4-34-5663 j students to get to class on of the commercial lot across ■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■» time," said Dr. Robert Atkins, from Rockingham MEmorial referring to the parking fines Hospital and possible ex- : \ewby'» I charged by the campus police. pansion of the hospital lot and Custom T-Shirts \ • "The college should get a tow of X lot as ways of increasing truck or else start hitting the parking space. There are no S Clubs-Dorms-Frats £ MoWul/exies students with $20 fines." plans for a parking deck at the • 115 Water St Mundy said that if a faculty present time, he said. ■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■ •■•■• member is forced to park in 3b8B»»W3B»aaOtfMM«»»»^^ lot other than the one to which he is assigned, he may avoid a fine. "A call to security after the fact can take care of it." GITCHELL'S he said. STVDIQ & CAMERA SHOP Reached for comment afterwards, Mundy said a fine may be avoided this way 20% DISCOUNT "with proper justification." * on all camera shop supplies but it "would be up to the security people to decide what photo finishing and both color and constituted proper justification." black & white or free film A student may not avoid a fine the same way, Mundy 79 E. Market St. 434-5314


434-1010 BINNACLE LOUNGE 433-8181 107 S. MAIN, HARRISONBURG, VA. British film series THE BREEZE, Tuesday, January 25, 1977, Page 11 shown this semester A series of recent British "Murder, She Said" (1962), films with the basic themes of starring Margaret Rutherford British novels, comedies and and Arthur Kennedy. Agatha society will be presented this Christie's amateur sleuth semester. Miss Marple takes a job as a These films are major maid in order to solve a British productions from the murder. Feb. 27. decade of the 1960s, according "The Entertainer" (1960), to Dr. James Ruff of the starring Lawrence Olivier, English department. Joan Plowright and Albert Each semester, the Finney in Tony Richardson's Campus Program Board' adaptation of John Osborne's (CPB) and English depart- play about an aging second- ment present a sampling of rate vaudeville performer. films with common themes, March 20. such as film history, classic "This Sporting Life" films and nationalities. (1963), starring Richard A few years ago the CBP Harris and RicheT Roberts in sponsored a series of comedy Lindsay Anderson's view of movies, and last spring the the subjective consciousness CPB sponsored American of a rugby star and brutal musicals. world of success. April 3. The films are free and will "Billy Liar" (1963), be shown at 7 p.m. on Sunday Starring Tom Courtney and evenings in Harrison A206. Julie Christie in John Following is the schedule of Schlesinger's wistful and films: whimsical film about the "Make Mine Mink" (1960), erratic and erotic fantasies of UNUSUALLY COLD weather causes this student some car trouble. PM, by wait M«r..n a comedy starring Terry a clerk in an automated Thomas as a fur thief Jan. 30. mortuary. April 17. "The Innocents" (1961), "Women in Love" (1970), starring Deborah Kerr and starring Glenda Jackson, Michael Redgrave in Jack Oliver Reed and Alan Bates in Clayton's adaptation of Henry Ken Russel's highly ac- Need for WJMU questioned James' "The Turn of the claimed adaptation of D.H. Screw". Lawrence's novel. April 24. (Continued from Page 1) more specifically and attempt student support for carrier could provide a training to meet those needs more current, Anestos said. ground for students to run a thoroughly without taking The SGA proposal puts too commercial station, Finney away from its other con- much emphasis on the "ab- AV said. According to SGA stituents." sence" of Federal Com- President Mike Anestos, Although the public radio munication Commission Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer however, WJMU would not station must serve the valley, (FCC) regulations for carrier $ 38 solicit advertising for at least Madison is a significant part current, according to Rex 6 pk. cans I. a few years. of that audience, he said, Houser, WMRA chief Holp now programs the adding, WMRA must serve all engineer. types of music proposed for segments of the area. , Although a licensed Pepsi Co/a ?6oz. 8 pk. 99*&dep. WJMU, although a student- WMRA, which was one engineer is not required for run carrier current station year old in November, should carrier current, someone will would probably play a dif- be "given time to develop," he have to be employed to repair ferent proportion of the types, said. the small transmitting units Finney said. that will be installed on "As an alternative to Holp is currently making campus buildings, Houser carrier current," he said, "it an "ascertainment of con- said. "He won't have to have a is incumbent upon WMRA to tent preferences and she will FCC license, but he'll have to ascertain the needs of the be taking a random survey of be just as knowledgeable." Madison College community the general public. She plans to survey a larger percentage To serve all buildings on J* \t *^y& ^m •'y •'vi^^ of Madison students to get a campus, he said, the signal "better representation of the might leak to the hospital. feelings of students." Anytime the signal reaches into the community, the By the end of the semester, station is responsible for all Holp believes she will know FCC regulations regarding "the needs and wants of such matters as obscenities Madison College students," and station identifications, and will see if there are any Houser said. ideas which can be in- The carrier current station corporated by WMRA. would probably have trouble The SGA is asking the finding a member of the administration to pay the communication arts depart- estimated (21,000 initial set-up ment to serve as a faculty costs, but Anestos has said adviser as the SGA proposes, that the SGA could fund the according to Finney, Holp and Gject out of next year's Houser. get if enough students Holp believes faculty want carrier current more members would be "reluctant Train for the than other services now to offer to serve." funded by the student The department has government. "limited resources," Finney Navy's sky now. The SGA would hold a said, and most faculty are referendum to determine committed to WMRA. If you qualify, you can sign up for Navy flight training while you're still in college and be assured of the program,you These beautifully designed, want. Our A0C program (if you want to be a adjustable rings are LUIGFS pilot) or our NFOC program (if you want to available in many popular be a flight officer), can get you into the 5 Lunt Sterling patterns. Shown above, floral lace, Navy sky for an exciting, challenging ca- Modern Victorian and; reer. Dwiden Scroll. Now Delivering As a sophomore, you can guarantee your- ,5-11 pm AAon.-Thurs. 25'charge self a- seat ir. a flight' school *fcrough the AVROC program. Subs, Pizza, & Salads CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-552-9947 OR SEE THE OFFICER INFORMATION TEAM, CAMPUS CENTER, rmm, FEBRUARY 1 § 2, 9 a.m. .- 4:30 p.m. It M'FWIS Open for Breakfast 7 am 0 J 16 South Main THE NAVY. MORE-THAN A JOB, AN ADMSfRIRE. 1 Harrisonburg, Mon.-Fri. 433-1101 \ ar... ar„ m..m.i ■„ aid/-*' '-*-'*J kfrssssssssscsssssssssa • ■ ! Forty-six per cent unhappy with intramurals Survey indicates criticism of Toliver, organisation Of those who expressed reasons for problems in the running of the program" Bv BOB GRIMESEY muters tyeing reached by because he attempts to con- " Forty-six percent of the telephone.! displeasure with the organizations. participants in the Madison CM" thojse questioned, 72 organization, most indicated Toliver said on Saturday cern himself only with they believed Director of that the figures indicated a "overall administrative College men's intramural percent said they participate duties" such as.securing funds program are displeased with in at least one of the in- Recreation George Toliver "lack of knowledge" on the the program's organization, tramural sports during the had too much say as ad- part of students as to how his from the administration, based on a Breeze survey of year. " ' ministrator of the program department functions. insuring equal rights for all It was from that 72 percent and that he should be more "When we started off participants under the Equal 345 male students last week. Rights Amendment and The survey, which con- the Breeze found the large responsive to the views of before last year, before there number of| displeased students participants. even was a director, things finding ways to reduce the sisted of a 60 to 40 percent i number of injuries as a result ratio of on campus residents and although another 48 Incidents where students were not done consistently, to commuters, was percent said they were felt Toliver had not been and there were a lot of things of the program. distributed at random through satisfied vith the program, responsive included, in order that had to be worked on," he "Where issues involve each of the male dormitories the figures still show a definite of vote, the new flag football pointed out. participants, we have the and fraternity houses with the split in the opinions of par- regulations designed to cut "To build an organization," Executive Intramural remaining number of com- ticipants. down on the number of in- continued, Toliver" of course Council," said Toliver. juries, Toliver's decision to you have to have goals. But The council has met three eliminate former varsity you always work toward times this year and consists of athletes from the intramural something and it just can't be nine students, Assistant sport which they had been done overnight or even in the Recreation Director, Bill involved on the intramural course of the turn of a Walton and Toliver. sport which they had been calendar." It was this group that voted involved on the intercollegiate Toliver disagreed that he 8-3 last November to exclude level, and the switching of had "too much say in the (Continued on Page 16) basketball and flag football seasons due to a lack of <"> available gym space in the Tuesday winter. January 25, 1977 A smaller number in- dicated poor announcing of Sports Page 12 sign up times and schedules, and poor officiating as Rally in closing seconds: Dukes gain overtime win By PAUL MCFARLANE point advantage, 93-87. a shot from the same place For the fans who thought But the Dukes tied the Dosh hit his, and the score was the Madison-Roanoke game in the last 20 seconds, tied with four seconds basketball game was over then won it in overtime. remaining. with one minute and 17 "We. did everything right Roanoke was unable to get seconds to go Saturday night, that we had to do," explained off a good final shot as the they had another thought Madison head coach Lou game went into overtime. coming. Campanelli. In the overtime period, the Even those fans who Van Snowdon started the Dukes scored nine points, with thought the game was over last-minute rally when he Cross accounting for five of with just 29 seconds tipped in a shot to bring the them- remaining found they were Dukes to within four with 20 Madison, after winning the wrong, as the Dukes came seconds to go. About the only opening tip, took the first home with a 102-99 come- thing Madison could hope for possession of the overtime from behind win. at that point was to the period and scored on Dosh's Both times, Roanoke had inbounds pass twice. eight-foot jumper. taken a six point lead. The Dukes stole the first Gregory and Mark^ Flet- Alphonso Conner gave the inbounds pass and Pat Dosh cher both missed shots for Maroons their first six point hit a 14-foot jumper to make Roanoke before Cross was FRESHMAN STEVE STIELPER slam-dunks the ball in late spread with 1:17 to go, and the score 93-91. On the second fouled. The freshman con- second half action of last Wednesday's 74-65 win over Wilkes after a Madison basket, Scott inbounds attempt, Cosh stole verted both of the College. The Dukes downed Roanoke College 102-99 Saturday Gregory hit two free throws to the ball at mid-court, then attempts to give Madison a night for their fourth straight win. give Roanoke another six passed to Jeff Cross, who sank Photo by Bob i.everon* (Continued on Page 13)

intramurals are still in an early stage of better next year since students will be more evolution. That means there will constantly be familiar with what is going on. adjustments and rule changes such as those However, let us not resolve that everything which have occurred in the last several is the fault of the students. For it is the l<)th Holt months. For that reason there should be more responsibility of the director to make his understanding towards the director in his department as workable as possible. efforts to find a happy medium. After last week's Breeze survey showed that One problem that does seem to keep 46 percent of the participants in the program haunting the Madison program is that so many What direction were displeased with his organization, Toliver controversies have arisen in recent months. commented, the survey "shows a basic lack of Is this right fo* something that is supposed to Intramurals? knowledge" about his organization and the be so simple? problems they encounter. Of course this instability is characteristic of By BOB GRIMESEY Certainly his conclusion was well founded in a new program and one must salute Toliver in In 1974, the Madison College Athletic that 86 percent of the participants said they did his effort to form a constitution, and handbook. Department created the Office of Recreational not favor the elimination of football, yet their But in the meantime, the director must Activities and named former Madison only alternative was to build more facilities, develop a sense of stability and not make so basketball player and coach George Toliver as something Toliver has no control over at all. many major decisions in the middle of the director. In addition, most students indicated Toliver year. Such wide ranging decisions as ex- The move showed a realistic concern for the to be totally unresponsive to the students clusion of varsity athletes and moving football social and athletic needs of the Madison views, despite the fact that he attempted in to the dead of winter belong to the executive College community. vain at the beginning of the year to encourage council for vote in the upcoming year. In effect, it allowed for an organized participation in the Intramural Executive This way, rules would be decided primarily program through which the students could Council. Although he tried to get resident by students, and would last throughout an actively participate in sports and further advisors to elect activities chairpersons to entire year. develop their overall growth at the institution. work with the council, the response was still Everyone must also realize that there does However prior to this organization, there unsatisfactory and the council didn't became exist an extreme shortage of facilities and if had been a haphazard program that allowed representative. they do not wish t© offer better alternatives in for an unorganized routine and planted the In spite of the lack of cooperation. Toliver the right fashion, they they must become seed of irresponsibility in many students. believes the council to be representative „r*2» accustomed to living within the bounds As a result, even though the present students interests. However, if the nine provided by others. organization offers much more in the way of students on the board were selected from- a Otherwise, all parties should concentrate activities, students are having a difficult time group of about twenty as they were, how less on controversy and more on having an adjusting to the fact that some one must dic- representative can they be? enjoyable time. Intramurals are not supposed tate what activities are to be held when and But can Toliver be blamed if students did to oe controversial, they are supposed be fun. how they are to be carried out. not take the initiative and apply for the The sooner all parties recognize this, the Everybody, wants to rum the show.,... ,. . council? «i i i i i r( .sooner the program will become what is What everybody misses, is that Madison's The director believes representation will be supposed to be. v

THE BREEZE. Tuesday, January 25. 1977, Page 13

'eagerness to learn, competitive spirit .enthusiasm and ability to adapt well t&playhtg situations'

Coach Margaret Tyson

Women 9s JV basketball team is alive, well and winning By GEORGIA STELLUTO "Eagerness to learn, Looking ahead, Tyson, a Although obscure and competitive spirit, , en- former University of Georgia unknown to most Madison thusiasm and ability to adapt player, sees the possibilities of College students, there is a well to playing situations," more competition and travel. women's junior varsity were pointed to by Tyson as She would like to schedule basketball team. And, in spite the team's strong points. She some games against teams in of being unrecognized, they expressed the importance of Pennsylvania next year, if are alive and well. keeping the girls very con- funds permit. Currently, their record fident about their capabilities. As a future outlook for stands at 2-1. The first game "This is needed in a one-on- womens" athletics in general, against the University of one situation." Tyson feels there will be Maryland resulted in a loss by The JV's competition "improvement in competition nine points. However, coach comes from the junior and level, more weight-training, Margaret Tyson, in her first community college level, or and specialization in sports." year of coaching, was not other junior varsity teams. The majority of the JV displeased. "They were our Game scheduling was very team's audience | is the strongest competition; their light before Christmas Break, womens' varsity team. There varsity team is nationally but January and February is some student support, but ranked. It was a good game hold very heavy loads, with lack of it from faculty considering it was the first one the season ending in mid- members. our team played, and the first February. Tyson expresses a great one I coached." Leslie Patton and Vickie amount of resentment about The JV team is considered Collins have been the most the lack of recognition that the a "feeder" to the women's impressive newcomers, ac- team receives. "As paying varsity team, and little is done cording to Tyson. Patton students, these girls deserve to actually recruit players. plays forward-center and as much coverage as the The AIAW, which rules Collins plays guard for the money-making sports. It women's sports, has ruled team. "I like their ability to would be good learning for that the college cannot make remain calm in clutch everyone involved. If it's a initial contact with the situations. . . they are both matter of cost, an effort could Leslie Patton goes up for two points players, and it has banned the consistent players," she said. be made," she said. use of money in recruitment procedures. But interest and PtMl* by Mark Thompson contact with the school have been encouraged, according to Tyson. Thirteen girls make up the JV team, consisting of two seniors, two sophomores, and the rest freshmen. Tyson cited the team's general at- titude as good, and is not aware of any rivalry within the team. "It's a large team, and sometime it's hard to get everyone working," she said. "Sitting out can get boring, but everyone always has the option of doing individual work." Practices are held five days a week, which also in- cludes two or three days of weight training. The court Eradices consist of ball- andling, dribbling series, free-throw drills, and other shooting and passing drills. "These drills increase awareness, appreciation, and the ability to become more agile with the ball," explained Tyson. Coach Margaret Tyson cheers her team to victory Dukes edge Roanoke in overtime, 102-99 (Continued from Page 12) was fouled and went to the made the first shot, but hit the "helluva improved team." panelli said, that Roanoke four point 97-93 lead line, but missed the shot to the back of the rim on the second, Roanoke was 3-13 going into hadn't been out in front by 15 with 2:30 remaining. right. The ball bounded to missing the shot. Fighting for the game, and for the Dukes, at halftime, instead of Jeff Weber then brought Snowdon. who threw it back the , Cross was called it was only their second win on trailing. 47-46. the Maroons to within two outside and again, Madison for a foul, his fifth. the road in six tries. The Dukes kept the game went to its "tease." close in the first half by out- with a 15 footer. Weber sank both foul shots "We showed a lot of poise With 2:22 to go, the Dukes Cross was fouled, and he hit to pull the Maronns to within scoring the Maroons on the both free throws to give when we were behind," said free throw line, 13-4. In the went into their "tease" of- one, but Roanoke couldn't get Campanelli, "And our bench fense to kill the clock. The ball Madison a 99-95 lead. the ball back. second half, Roanoke stayed With 50 seconds remaining, was tremendous. It's a key close by outscorins Madison was mishandled and Dosh was Instead, Beckom was win for us to beat a team that called for an offensive foul in Dosh committed his fifth forced to foul Hughett, hoping on the line, 31-23. All but 16 of personal foul. He fouled out of shot the way Roanoke did the scramble for the loose to get the ball back on a tonight." Roanoke's second half points ball. Gregory missed the foul the game with a career-high missed free throw.. were scored from the foul line. shot and Madison again had 32 points and 11 rebounds. The plan backfired, The Maroons shot 68 The big difference, control. Dave Beckom hit the however, when Hughett hit percent from the floor in the however, came from under resulting free throws and the both shots for the final score, first half, hitting on 21 of 31 the boards. The Dukes John Cadman, who played Dukes' lead was cut to two. giving the Dukes a 102-99 win. attempts. Madison hit 17 of 34 outrebounded Roanoke 44-28 for the first time since his Cross was again fouled with Campanelli credited for 50 percent. in the game and 26-14 in the suspension three games ago, 13 seconds remaining. He Roanoke. calling them a It was surprising,- Cam* ■ second half. ■ •' '

«<••.>••>• t i ••>'> t < » • i><»Mt > t t t r t i r t t > > 11 r > r > r I t t > I t ' H * 11 • ' • '/>. Page 14. TIIK HHKKZK. Tuesday. January 25. 1977 Track team wins as records broken By KEN TERRELL nandoffs, Floyd-Young, Keith After being outrun and Joyner, Roy Allen, and outjumped in most events last Conrad Briggs combined for a week in its meet with VMI, the 46.3 first place in the quarter Madison track squad received mile. Allen also anchored the a repreive of sorts Saturday winning mile relay team, when the University of turning in a good 53.4 quarter Virginia sent only its pole after running four previous vaulters to a scheduled meet races. The other three legs with the Dukes, Lynchburg, were run by Mike Weaver, Bill and Ferrum. Miller, and Desrosier. Without the solid UVA team Turner, Greehan, George to contend with, Madison Woodson, and Dave Rinker performers dominated the comprised the winning two meet, sweeping all three mile relay team with a time of relays and breaking two 8:24.8. A hastily recruited school records in the process. team of Madison distancemen No official score was kept. Lindy Bain, Jim Haley, Kevin Pete Desrosier, not running Keegan, and Pat Barger, his usual 600 yd. run because managed a third place finish of lack of entrants, saved his )n 8J57. best for the 440, which he won Individually, Madison in 51.6. Desrosiers' time runners captured both eclipsed the old Madison in- distance events. Freshman LEADING THE DUKES to a 70-43 win over here on his way to a record 5:05.28 time in the door mark of 52.4. Madison's Richard Ferguson won the arch-rival VMI is Jack Brooks. Brooks is seen 500 vard freestyle. ph0,0 or W»Y"« PII-MO* two-mile with a 9:51.7 Roy clocking, and posted a 4:35 >•*• Allen captured second in the mile to place second behind event in 54.1. Greehan's 4:28 first. Mark Freshman Jeryl Turner Namuth finished third in the Swimmers down Keydets 70-43' broke the Madison record in two mile with a 10: .06 run. The Madison College swim first victory over VMI in four Arnold. "You have five the 1000 yard run with a time Keith Pope, still trying for team took first place in seven years.. players, and people call it a of 2:22.4. In his first attempt a nationals qualifying time of team sport. It's much the at the distance this season, events and defeated VMI, 70- "It was supposed to be a 7.2, breezed to victory in the 60 43 Saturday. close meet,'' said coach same way in football. Turner broke the old record of yd. high hurdles in 7.5. • "In swimming, the events 2:24.6 in addition to winning Freshman Jack Brooks Charles Arnold, "but we Following Pope across the line captured the 500 and the 1000 swam superbly. I can't are totaled together, so it is a the race. Mike Greehan were Madison's Jeff Artis at picked up a second for the yard freestyle events and complement our team total team effort." 7.7, and Jerry Cutright at 8.0. sophomore Kris Weimer- enough." , Friday, the Dukes will host Dukes in that race. In the field events, Mike Millersville State of Penn- The Dukes capped off the skirch won the 200-yard in- Swimming, much like Perry went 14' to capture the dividual medley and the 200- basketball and football, is a sylvania and Saturday, successfull afternoon with pole vault. Briggs bested the team effort. Hampton Institute comes to victories in the 440, mile, and yard butterfly. (Continued on Page 17) The win marked Madison's "In basketball," said Harrisonburg. two mile relays. Despite bad "We won't have any trouble winning," said Arnold con- 4 fidently of Hampton Institute. Grapplers suffer the knocks' at W&M "It's just a matter of how many points we get. University of Pennsylvania, all they had and that's all I of the opponents rely heavily "The meet will give us an By BOB GRIMESEY opportunity to do a few things. The Madison College 33-0. can ask. on scholarships, and added Two of the points against "You have to understand that Franklin and Marshall We'll go for a couple of record wrestling team suffered three attempts, maybe three dr of "the knocks" that come as ODU came as a result of that because of the physical had previously defeated the sophomore Mark Elander's strain of wrestling, it is harder Athletes in Action team, lead four." a result of competing on the The strategy of striving for Division I level last Saturday, draw at 177. to compete in this sport at by Olympic gold medal Division I than any other winners Ben and John records in some meets and not as the Dukes finished last in a The three losses dropped in others, Arnold explained, is four-way meet at William and the Dukes' season record to 2- sport. It's hard to imagine the Peterson. Prince added that there to prepare for the meet. Mary. 7. pounding one has to go "It's a stimulus factor," he Aside from Dale Eaton's Head coach Jim Prince had through in those eight was no reason to be discouraged about the results, said. "If you don't get the 190-pound win by default Eredicted earlier in the week minutes." team stimulated, they may against Old Dominion, the is team would have a "rough "It's not that I'm considering 12 of the 17 wrestlers that competed for not preform well." Dukes failed to win a single time" and on Sunday voiced discouraged," he continued, He added, "If you don't match while losing toODU, 36- respect for their performance. "it's just that they were much Madison were freshmen, and only four of the losses were by have anything to strive for, 8, William and Mary, 38-0 and "The kids did an excellent more accomplished-than us." the meet might be a joke." Franklin, and Marshall job," he said. "They gave it He pointed out that all three pins. l>- Ehlers: keep football at Division III

By JIM MORGAN tertainment and it's not expensive. conference or a conference for all sports ex- Representing Madison in the NCAA national Q. Although foot ball obviously isn't going to cept football that would involve other sister convention last week in Miami Beach, Fla. Division I, the attendance is still very good, institutions in the state of like size and like along with Madison president Dr. Ronald and the basketball team is Division I and interests. We are talking in terms of this, we've Carrier and faculty representative Dr. William receives considerable support. Is it possible in had a preliminary meeting and it looks like at Callahan, Ehlers spoke of the NCAA meetings the near future that Madison students won't be this point that Old Dominion, William & Mary, as well as how they could affect Madison's allowed to attend games free?. VCU, VMI and Madison are very interested in athletic future in a recent interview. It depends on how financing goes, and I would trying to get something started. Richmond has hope that we could keep it the way it is. the shown an interest, but want to go where they (continued from last week) thing that concerns me is that if our sports can play football. Virginia Tech attended the Q. Assuming that the NCAA stays within its continue to be popular with the student hody meetings, but I feel that it was more of a present framework, and Madison remains an we're then going to have to some up with an courtesy on their part than an interest. But we NCAA Division I school, how long would it alternative plan. Students are now taking up are definately interested in a conference and before the football program could meet the more than the space we have allocated for are optimistic about the possibility. standards for Division Iset by the NCAA? them, and I also believe that we have to A. Well unless something changes my mind, provide soke opportunity for our community to Q. With the growth of athletics at Madison I'm under the opinion, and it certainly may not see our games. We're obligated to provide there to an obvious need for more facilities. reflect the opinion of the president of the some revenue from games, but at what point How far in the future will It be before those college or the hoard of visitors, that we should do we do that. If there was a change our first facilities are built? keep football where it is-Division III. I really step would either be to set up an alternate A. We are planning practice areas already to have some serious doubts about our ability to game type of system or a first—come—first- be built on the land available across the in- finance football, and I guess at this point I serve type of system. I would oppose a plan to terstate. When I say practice areas I mean wonder if that expenditure is worth the turn all our seats over to students bacause I tennis courts, practice fields and other benefits you derive from such a program. And feel that we have an obligation to the com- facilities... eventually, and I believe there is a admittedly, we discriminate because we are munity and to our alumni, and an obligation to need for it, we will have to build either a new saying that football players can not have generate some revenue. recreation building or a colisieum. I would hope athletic grants, but at that point I g think that Q. At the moment Madison to a Division I in- that we can get the colisieum built, but I you have to took at the cost. It takes a lot of dependent, and it is harder to qualify for post- realize that the priorities are for seeral other money and a lot of people to play football. I'd season play and to schedule major college building, an education and an addition for the personally like to see other schools come to our opponents as an independent. Do you foresee library. But the students have indicated they type of program, because in my opinion, and Madison becoming a number of a conference need another facility, not only for athletics, but again I'm prejudiced, I fell what we are doing In the next few years? to ease conflicts in our Dresent facilities, as . provides a fine Saturday afternoon of en- A. Hopefully we could get into abasketball well as for concert, and ©ti^eyeaU. #V/ f #, THE BREEZE, Tuesday. January 25. 1977. Page 15 Football season opens amidst controversies Despite record low temperatures and a says his team "will have the same basic game able to overcome heavy losses to pull together concrete hard aetroturf that should overcome plan with maybe a little more passing." a strong competitive team. the drastic efforts of the Director of Recreation In the other corner there will be last year's Although Boehm said his team will "be to cut down on injuries, dedicated souls of all runnerup, the Bears. tough after the first three games," look fa- shapes and sizes will begin their bid for the The Bears look very strong offensively with Logan to gain an early lead and hold it for the flag football crown of Madison College this such standouts as quarterback and team remainder of the season week. captain Jim Barbe. running back Pat Tracy, One of the primary reasons for the possible Should the group last through the bitter cold and receivers Tim Semones and Steve "the dominance of Logan will be the problems in the and sufficiently adapt to the new rules which Buck" Buckhantze. organization of Shorts IV. have what many participants call a "powder Defensively, the Bears are anchored by Usually a consistent winner in intramural puff" look, the competition appears to be linebacker Bucky Elliot, who Barbe called sports, Shorts IV is presently disgruntled about similar to that of last fall's basketball season. "about the best linebacker around." playing football in the extreme cold, and very In other words, the race appears to be a "They (Weenies) had the best team last disturbed over the disqualification of team matter of two powerhouses once again. year, but we have part of the team that won the captain Rick Greaver, who played varsity • Also like basketball, both teams will be in championship two years ago and part of the football for Madison three years ago. the same division, A league of the Independent team that came in second last year. So put the Otherwise, Monte French of AXP is con- Division. two together and we're there (number one), fident of his team's chances in the Cham- In one corner there will be the defending Barbe argued. , Eionship Division, as he pointed out his team champion S. H. Weenies, called Weaver Before it is all over, however, the Weenies as "a lot of people to work with, good size, Weenies last year. Despite the new name, all and Bears will have to watch for such A league speed and some, people who can throw the else remains the same as the Weenies return darkhorses as the More Tubes, Kappa Sigma ball." all but one of last year's champions. and the Zoo Crew. In B league, it is always hard to predict the Last year, the Weenies recorded eight In the Championship Division, although finish, but early estimates place the Wain shutouts and allowed a mere three touchdowns team captain Steve Boehm would disagree, Team under Paul "Weeb" Weber at the top. during the course of the year. Logan A seems to have the inside track. Again the Breeze will publish the weekly Offensively, team captain Mike Parratore Logan has good organization and should be Top Five, however for football the poll will be decided on by team captains. Duchesses win third; Popular Prices - down Longwood 68-55 The Madison College "Our defense was ab- But Never A Compromise women's basketball team solutely awesome," said defeated Longwood College Jaynes. "It had-to be the best 68-55 Saturday afternoon in an defensive game we have important Virginia played this year." In Quality Federation of Intercollegiate Madison was led by Sports for Women (VFISW) Katherine Johnson with 20 Large College Division game. points, followed by Sharon The loss was the first of the Cessna with 15 and Mendy V year for Longwood, and the* Childress with 14. Cessna led first time in Madison coach Madison in rebounding with Entire Stock of Betty Jaynes' seven year 14. coaching career that Madison Madison upped its record to DENIMJEANS has defeated Longwood on the 3-7 overall and its VFISW LEA THER road. record to 1-1. "It was simply a great The Duchesses' next game From $11.99 game," commented Jaynes. will be Saturday, when the COATS "The gym was packed and Duchesses host Norfolk State there was lots of enthusiasm at 2 p.m. Sizes 28-44 for both teams." V2 Price Madison stayed even with Longwood through the first Johnson third Largest selection fifteen minutes of the first half, but with five minutes left Madison College senior FLANNEL the Duchesses fell behind and forward Katherine Johnson is in the area! trailed by eight at halftime third and sophomore center In the second half the Mendy Childress fiftr in the SHIRTS Duchesses used an aggressive latest scoring statistics defense to turn the game released by the Virginia ■ rom around and give Madison the Federation of Intercollegiate HEAVY lead for good. Sports for Women (VFISW). $6.99 Imported Car & Truck Parts JACKETS 883 Chicago Ave. & CO A TS Corner of Waterman Dr. A Chicago Ave. Phone 433-2534 Discounts w-Madison ID >—*«***—*»«———##——————»»f—#—*« SWEATERS From $22.99 ■%%%***.%%%%%%»*%»3i*tt»tt»ttttS3ogpaK rom !k>#i Largest selection uetball U2.J9 in the area! equipment availible| at Valley Sports Center 4346580 I X30atX%XXXXX300t3gX%XXXXX363»X%%%3tX3tX30»%3^ IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIimillHIWIWimillWiHIWIIIHIl UNUSUAL MERCHANDISE It's Harrisonburg's Most Unusual Stores GLEN'S FAIR GLEN'S GIFT Tfa* PRICE STORED CENTER 187 N MAIN ST. 95 S. MAIN ST. WITH A COMPLETE GIFTS OF DISTINCTION CAMERA SHOP Home Owned Stores With Virginia is for Friendly People TO Serve pjfig Lovers You And Solve Your Needs SniHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIIIIIIIIIIimimilllMIIIIHMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *1» Page 16. THE BRF.KZK. Tuesday. January 25. 1977 Forty-six per cent unhappy with intramurals (Continued from Page 12) He added the council is also the views of students and that show a much more favorable the participants questioned former varsity athletes. presently working on an in- he was hard to get in touch opinion of his efforts. said they did not believe The decision caused enough tramural handbook to with. After dealing with the football should be eliminated. controversy to where the familiarize students on the general questions concerning However when asked what group took another vote two organization. The director concluded he views of the general program, sport should be eliminated if weeks later and upheld the is confident things will start students then answered one had to be, 66 percent exclusion unanamously. Until then, Toliver en- settling down over the next specific questions related to believed some alternative Toliver said the council's courages anyone with com- year as the department finds a their views on the possible could be found other than function in the future will be to plaints or suggestions, to secure organization within elimination of flag footballs. eliminating a sport. Despite uphold the values of a con- contact him. He disallowed which to work. He predicted if Reaction showed a clear the fact that they were told to stitution that is presently the accusation of the survey the same survey were to be support for the retainment of suggest something within the being designed. that he is "not responsive" to conducted next year, it would the activity as 86 percent of present confines, a large majority of those responding said either "build more Breeze Intramural Survey facilities," or they did not know what to do. Otherwise, the survey How often do you participate in the Do students have enough say in run- Do you believe intramural flag football found that 41 percent of the Madison Intramural program during the ning intramurals? should be eliminated from the program? students believe there is a year? -No 52 per cent — No 86 per cent. proper amount of attention — 6 or more sports 6 per cent. -Yes 21 per cent — Yes 10 per cent. given to intramurals at — 3 to 4 sports 27 per cent. — No opinion 21 per cent —No opinion 2 per cent. Madison, and that 93 percent — 1 to 2 sports 39 per cent. — Don't care 6 per cent believe intramurals to be — never 28 per cent. a needed function within the How pleased with the present Madison community. . organization of Madison intramurals are Do you believe there is a shortage of How much emphasis do Madison you? recreational facilities at Madison? students place on intramurals? — Satisfied to pleased 48 per cent. — Yes 71 per cent. — Toomuch 5 per cent. — Displeased 46 per cent. — No 27 per cent. #» — Just enough 41 per cent. — No opinion \ 6 per cent. — No opinion 2 per cent. — Depends on sport 29 per cent. — No opinion 6 per cent. Are you familiar with the present set of rules in intramurals flag football to cut If so, which of the following intramural back on injuries? sports should he eliminated to make \ room for thcothers? Do you believe intramurals are a — Yes 74 per cent. needed function within the Madison — No 34 per cent. — alternative can be found 66 per cent. community? If so, are these regulations necessary? — Flag football 13 per cent -Yes 93 per cent. — No 41 per cent. —Soccer 12 per cent. -No 3per cent. — To some extent 37 per cent. —Softball 6 per cent. — No opinion 4 per cent. — Yes 22 per cent. — Basketball 3 per cent.

Gymnasts first in meet ATTENTION COMMUTERS! RESIDENCE HALL SPACES ARE STILL The Madison College Settle tied for first place in women's gymnastics team vaulting (7.35), junior Carla AVAILABLE FOR SPRING SEMESTER. swept three of four events Walters won the uneven IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MOVE 0N-CAMPUS Saturday night to defeat parallel bars (7.55), freshman OR TO THE SH0WALTER APARTMENTS, William and Mary and East > Melody Haynes took first in Carolina University in a meet the balance beam (7.50) and CONTACT THE OFFICE OF RESIDENCE held in Godwin Hall. freshman Sherry Duckworth HALLS AND COMMUTING STUDENT SERVICES, The Duchesses compiled won the floor exercise (8.35). ROOM 101, ALUMNAE HALL, 433-6489. 92.00 points to 68.75 for Allen also placed third in William and Mary and 54.30 the uneven parallel bars for East Carolina. Madison before withdrawing from the gymnasts took first place in all-around competition with a every event and finished 1-2-3 knee injury, while Settle was WERNER'S MARKET in vaulting, the uneven runner-up in the floor exercise parallel bars and the floor as well. ^The Party Package Store' exercise. Madison is 3-1 on the year, 7 Madison junior Miriam while William and Mary is 1-1 Old Milwaukee Ret.bot. 4. ' Allen and freshman Tyra and East Carolina 0-2. case ana deposit Stroh's 12 pk. cans cold 2." i Drummond Brothers 6 pk. I.79 Just Arrived... 69 * Men's terry cloth shirts• I Budweiser 12 oz. cans 6 pk. I. Coors Colorado Spring flavor * Ladies' gauze fops cold 2.69 v% r \ (both in assorted colors and sixes) Heineken Holland Import 6pk. Ahocorduroy pant* 20% off I \ MateusRose 2." cold 3." THE " 66 E. Market St. I Siefert Liebfraumilch BODY SHOP open 10-5 Mon—Sat. German Import I.79 and Fri. nites til 9 Siefert CellerSchkatz I." Andre Champagne Pink and White Cold Duck I." SALE! Thru January Pink Chablis-Burgundy Magnum (Gallo) 2." something 30 •«^B% T.J.Swann all flavors I.49 for 30%OFF Coke-7-Up- Dr. Pepper 3 Qts. 99* Clothing Kraft Orange Juice Qt. 49* everyone 59 and everyone likes ius/c Boxes Milk 1 gal.jug l. something from... Turquoise Luncheon Meats Esskay assorted 6oz.pkg. 49* Bacon Esskay l lb. I.'9 OpenThurs Esskay Sausage Farm Style I lb. 79* & Fri Nites Cigarrettes Cartons all brands 3.'3 30% discountonfilm processing BOOKS ) IKK S MawM Si —*» THE BREEZE. Tuesday, January 25,1977, Page 17 Scoreboard

Wrestling Kathy Williams (UVA) 116 Women's Basketball Nancy Hester (VCU) 11.7 Univ. Div. Standings THIS WEEK Hi — Artie Strunk. lost 4-1,114), 4-2. Traci Schneaweis (ODU) 13 4 Madison Longwood 126 — p. Martin pinned at 1:53, lost 21-2, Shirley Jones (Radford) 13.0 RICHMOND — Virginia Under- FG FTT FGFTT 4-0. sity Division basketball standings: Women's b«nimm,ny VFISW State 0 0-0 0 Harvey McGraw 2 0-4 4 134 —Steve Kish, lost 10-7.20-4. 4-0. REBOUNDING state All Games Meet, Tuesday away 0-2 Nalaro Mills 0 0-3 0 142-NickPoth, lost 13 -2. Avg. W L Pet.W L P«t. Men's basketball against George Mason. 0-0 Waddell Wiggins 4 2-3 10 142 — Kevin Sampson, lost 4-1,6-1. Inge Nissen (ODU) 15.4 Va. Military 4 1 400 14 1 433 Wednesday at home, 8 40 2-3 Abbott Mitchell 0 0-0 0 ISO —Jay Griffith, pinned 4:27. Michelle Coorart VCU) 12.7 Wm.4. Mary 2 1 .447 10 7 .5(4 Men's swimming against Mlllersville 0-0 Peter Baumler 4 2-4 10 150 — Bill Boyne, lost 54. pinned 1:54. Shirley Jones (Radford) 12.3 Va. Tech 2 1 .447 10 4 .425 State. Friday at home. 3 eo 4-5 Johnson Stowe 4 2-4 10 Katherine Johnson (Madison) 10.4 Virginia JV basketball against Brldgewater, 15S — Dave Bechtllhiemer, pinned 1:44. 3 2 .400 7 1 .447 4-12 14 Cessna Smith 4 34 11 158 - Scott Hosier, lost 3-2, 3-2 Jewel Stewart (Norfolk St.) 9 5 Richmond 2 3 400 t 4 .524 Saturday away, 8 30 2-2 14 Children Rama 4 2-4 10 Karen GabrisiVPI) 12 Equitation, IHSA snow. Friday away 147 — Kevin Schwab, lost 4-4,4-0. Madison 4 1 .000 4 4 .S24 Men's swimming against Hampton 24 14-24 44 Totals 23 1J-24 SS 147 — Bill Randolph, lost 5-4. O. Dominion 0 1 000 12 2 457 institute. Saturday at home. 2-40 177 - Mark Elander. draw 4-4. lost 4-1. FG PERCENTAGE VCU 0 3 .000 7 7 .500 Men's basketball against Wilmington, 177 — David Havens, lost 10-0. Fg-Att Avg Saturday at home, 8 CO 190 — Dale Eaton, default, lost 1-0.10-7. Inge Nissen (ODU) 70-12* .547 Women's basketball against Norfolk Men's Swimming Unl - Sonny Salmons, lost 7-1.11-1,4-2. Kelley Bradley (VPI) 23- 44 .515 State, Saturday at home, 3 eo ACC Standings 400 med relay 1. Madison 4 02 213 Nancy Hester (VCU) 14- 40 .475 Women's gymnastics against Towson Kathrine Johnson (Mad) 64-152 .454 St w va , Saturday away. / «o 1000 freel Brooks (MC) 10:34.455 Women's Gymnastics Coat. All Games Fencing against William and Mary N C 200 freel.Duffy (MC) 1:53.1 W L Pet W L Pet State, Saturday away. 1-40 50 freel Cararella (VMI) :27.50 M adison (2.40 North Carolina 5-1 444 13-2 447 200ind medl. Weimersklrcb (MC) 2:1S.S15 Wmi Mary 44.75 Men's Basketball Wake Forest 4-1 400 14-2 .475 200 butterl Weimerskireh (MC) 2:07.24 ECU MM G Pti Avg. N.Carolina St 3-1 .750 10-5 .4*7 1-meter divingl Northern (VMI) 204.5 BuUer 11 21 2.1 Clemson 3-2 .400 13-3 .41} Men's Basketball lOOfreel Carafella (VMI) : 50.2(2 Va«K 1. Allen (MC) 7.35 Cadman v » 41 (.8 Maryland 1-3 250 13-4 .754 200 backl Wenninn (VMI) 2:19.042 1 Settle (MC)7.35 Cross 11 41 6.4 Duke 1-4 .200 11-5 444 Madison ** Roanoke 500freel. Brooks (MC) 5:05.25 3 Llikey(MC)7.10 Dosh 11 241 18.5 Virginia 0-5 .404 7-4 .447 FG IT T FG FT T 200 breastl Weber (MC) 2:24.94 Uneven bar 1. Walters (MC) 7.55 Duckett 12 27 2.3 0 0-1 0 Cadman Beckom 7 4- 3-meter divingl Andrews (VMI) 2 Llskey(MC 17.50 Hughett 13 1(4 14.5 6 2 0 400 freel Madison 3. Allen (MC) 7.25 Latham 5 1 4.4 3 5- 4, 11 Cross Thomas 6 Bio 21 Bal. Beam 1. Haynes (MC) 7.50 Lawson 1 1 1.0 Swimmers 4 16-18 32 Dosh Gregory 3 3-5 9 2. Larson (WM) 7.30 Maturine 11 74 4.1 5 2- 2 12 Hughetl Weber 4 Ml 17 Women's Swimming 3. Wethrlie(WM)4.90 Railey 11 47 1.4 0 0-0 0 Latham Deford 5 0-3 10 Floor Exer. l.Duckwth(MC)4.3S Snowdon 12 24 1.7 edge Towson 3 1-3 7 Maturine Vizi 4 1-3 9 200 med. relay 1 Madison 1:59.(5 2 Settle (MC) 4.25 Stielper 11 222 17.1 1 12-15 21 Stlelper Flther 13-4 5 200freel Kelley(MC) 2:03.1 3 Carter (MC) 8.05 10-0 2 Railey Conner 2 4-4 4 100ind. medleyl Towson 3 Haynes (MC) 8.05 The Madison College ( * 10-1 2 Butler Dec 0 0"- 0 0 50 backl McClauiin (MC) :30.49 Ail-Around 1 Settle (MC) 24.15. Intramural women's swimming team won 3 0-0 6 Duckett SO breastl. Hill iTl 34 45 the final event Friday to pull 10-0 2 Snowdon 50 freel. Callahan(MC) :24.30 football from a three-point deficit to a 33 34-46 102 Totals 12 35-44 99 50 butterl. Sbaw(MC) :29.74 VFISW Statistical Leaders Halftime score: 47-44, Madison. 1 -meter divingl. Bowen (T1153 7 PRESEASON TOP FIVE 71-67 win over Towson State in Fouls: Mad 37; RC 31 Foul outs: 100 freel. Callahan(MC) :57.92 SCORING 1. Weenies Savage Nataorium. Mad —Cross. Duckett, DostCStielper. 100backl. McClausin (MC) 1:07.2 Avg. The Duchesses' 200-yard RC-Beckom. Uni, Fletcher 500freel Kelley(MC) 5:42.97 Inge Nissen (ODU) 24.2 2. Bears Rebounds: Mad 44: RC 24. Turnovers: 100 breastl. Carrington (MQ) 1:15.79 Vivian Green (Norfolk St.) 24.2 3. Logan freestyle relay team of Mad 19; RC 14 Shooting percentage: 3-meter divingl Bowen (T) Katherine Johnson I Madison 1 17.3 4. More Tubes Frances Kelly, Diane Cayce, Mad, 33-44 (31 per centl; RC 32-42 (52per 200free relayl. Madison Marilyn Beery (UVA 15.0 5. AXP Kathy McCauslin and Anita cent i MendyChildress (Madison) 13.8 Callahan edged Towson by a length and a half to give Madison the win. Kelly, McCauslin and "When I grachiate from Callahan each won two events and McCauslin and Callahan were also members of the winning 200-yard medley Madison relay team. Kelly won the 200- yard freestyle and the 500- yard freestyle, McCauslin the I won't go into 50-yard backstroke and the 100-yard backstroke, and Callahan the 50-yard freestyle management training. and the 100-yard freestyle. Madison is 2-0 on the year, IUgointo while Towson is 3-1. nranagement* Track team wins meet (Continued from Page 14) long jump field with a 21'6" Take leap, ahead of teammate Young with a mark of 21W. Fred Garst improved his Leadership Lab indoor mark in the shot this season with a second place throw of 49T'. Coach Ed Witt blamed the poor weather and loss of Thursday 1505 hrs. practice time for the lack of Laura Snow, Sophomore good handoffs in the relays, but was encouraged by the teams overall improvement in Km 342 Godwin Hall the past weeks. "We're still weak in the techniques, but our distance training has paid off in the events which require "As a freshman, I remember wondering if ROTC would be a waste of conditioning," he said. time. I also thought I'd look pretty silly marching around on a field in an Army uniform. "The fact is-ROTC is a challenge; A real challenge. It's been exciting and I've learned a lot. The best part is, when I graduateT know I've got a job- N. and it won't be in management training. It'll be in management." Learn what it takes to be an Army officer. You'll get the kind of manage- ment and leadership experience that will be an asset to you in any career,s military or civilian.

Learn wtat it takes to lead. Call: 433-6264 or see us in Room 115AAaury Ha < w» -;• rm ; ttsi "-r Page 1H. TIIK BKKKZK. Tuesday. January 25. 1977

CROCK byBIIIHfchin*BrinlP»rkn lllOlll'lS fT VfE'U, LE4VE AT PAYUGHT, <5C \ BPILLANT THPOU6H THE <34&S- 4NP ^TfAL. PKEfTY B0Y& TBHT. receives commission John Thomas of Riverton, Friday, Dec. 17 became the first Madison College student to receive a military com- mission through Madison's Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTO program. Thomas received his commission as an Army second Lieutenant in Announcements ceremonies in Madison's Wilson Hall. English Club Chrysalis Porpoise club Summer jobs Taking part in the ceremony were Thomas' j>. The English Club will meet The Chrysalis will be ac- AH those interested in The American-European parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. •~r Thursday. Jan. 27 at 6 in cepting student submissions synchronized swimming and- Student Service helps Thomas, Jr., Madison . meeting room D. This meeting through Feb. 21. Literary or costuming and staging for American college students President Ronald E. Carrier must be attended if you wish submissions (poems and short the Porpoise Club's spring find jobs in Europe for the and Lt. Col. J. Walter Shugart to reserve a place for the stories) should be sent to Box show come to a meeting summer. For more in- HI, head of the Madison Folger trip. 3534. Art submissions should Tuesday. Jan. 25, 9 p.m., at formation and applications, Department of Military ^3 be taken to the art department Godwin pool. Come prepared write: A. ESS., Box 34733, Science. Essay contest main office. All submissions to swim. FL 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein Thomas completed his should include name and box (Europe). 4 degree requirements at the The National Association of number so they may be The Miser' end of the college's first m Broadcasters is sponsoring an returned. Youth Hostel semester and also received a essay contest. Typewritten Moliere's farce, "The bachelor's degree in essays of no more than 2,000 Godwin courts Miser," will be presented by For a free travel folder marketing and management words may deal with any the Pinion Players of with information on the from the Madison School of aspect of "the First Amend- All calls regarding Bridgewater College in Cole American Youth Hostel's 1977 Business. He graduated with ment and the Electronic reservations for handball, Hall, Feb. 3-6. This production trips, membership in- better than a 3.0 average out Media" and must be received raquetball, and squash courts will be staged in-the-round formation and application, of a possible 4.0. by June 1. First prize is $500. in Godwin Hall should be and seating will be limited to write: AYH, Inc., National Thomas had previously Send entries to: First made to 6561 after 3 p.m. 150 each evening. Campus, Delaplane, VA 22025. served in the army as an Amendment Essay Contest, Monday through Friday. enlisted man. He served three NAB. 1771 N Street, N.W., SEA speaker Auditions years and had reached the Room 602. Washington. D.C. Foreign Studies rank of sergeant. 20036. Dr. Michael Davis will Auditions will be held for Madison College students speak on "Teacher the Madison Folk Dance The ROTC program at can register at Madison, but Awareness" to the Student Ensemble on Wednesday, Madison for Thomas included study abroad in coordination Education Association on Jan. Jan. 26 at 5:30 p.m. in Godwin work on campus as well as with many other universities 26, at 6:30 p.m. in WCC room 356. No prepared material is summer duty at Fort Bragg, OFFICE OF CAREER A. necessary: auditioning N.C. PLANNING AND both here and abroad. For more detailed information, material will be taught at Thomas is the first to PLACEMENT contact Dr. Bijan Saadat- Travel discounts try outs. receive a commission solely mand, Chairman of Foreign through the Madison Interview Schedule for Studies Committee, Depart- S.I.A. offers travel program. Madison ROTC January, 1977 discounts and courses in Disco students earlier received ment of Psychology, Johnston commissions through the 221, extension 6119. foreign countries. For more Jan 25 information write: S.I.A. There will be a disco Jan. 29 University of Virginia Spotsylvania County Interchange. P.O. Box 5579, in the WCC ballroom. Cost is program which was offered in Schools . Letters Abroad Amsterdam, Holland. 50 cents and ID. ' cooperation with Madison. Spotsylvania, VA 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Letters Abroad has Jan 26 and 27 requests from students in U. S. Marines more than 100 nations for correspondents at American colleges and universities. For further information write to Big Brothers Letters Abroad, 209 East 56th GALERIA A local Big Brothers-Big Street, New York, N.Y. 10022, Sisters program is being giving your name, ad- organized in Harrisonburg dress,age, college class, and International Shop and Rockingham County. special interests, and enclose Interested volunteers develop a self-addressed, stamped all products are a one-to-one relationship with envelope. a boy or girl who needs this special type of attention. For mere information contact Pat Busch Gardens PURE COLOMBIAN Churchman at 828-6073. Auditions for summer iobs hand-made & purchased direct from at Busch Gardens will be held SEA meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 1-5 the artisians p.m. in Godwin Hall , Room The Student Education 356. There will be 175 Association will hold its positions available for per- Hand Knitted monthly meeting Wednesday formers and technicians. , Jan. 26, ay 6:30 p.m. in Room Applicants must be 18 years of Wool Products > A of the WCC. The speaker age and be available for full- 10% Discount will be Dr. Michael Davis of time employment and the Madison College rehearsals in the spring. Leather Hand Elementary Education Specials Department. The topic will be Skiing exemption & "Teacher Awareness." For Students The exemption test for Travel Bags Elementary Skiing, P.E. 131, Spiritual Life will be given on Tuesday, Wall Hangings Jan. 25 and Wednesday, Feb. The 82nd. Spiritual Life 2, at, 7:30 P.m. at the Baskets Institute sponsored by Massanutten Ski Area. Both Eli*. Bridgewater College will be written and practical tests held at the Bridgewater will be conducted. Students Gift Items Church of the Brethren Feb. 1, must sign up with Mr. Bab- 2, and 3. Featured speakers cock (Godwin 318) at least Come in for a free cup for this year's Institute are one week before they plan to Dr. Granger Westberg of take the test. Hinsdale, Illinois, Dr. Howard A $4 fee will be charged to of Colombian coffee Hageman, president of the those who do not have their New Brunswick Theological own equipment. A $15 fee 60 K W. Elizabeth Street Seminary, and the Rev. H. must be paid to the Lamar Gibble of Elgin, Treasurer's Office prior to Mon Tues Wed Sat 10 - 5 Thurs - Fri 10 - 9 Illinois. taking the exam. ■'/ys/s/ss//'//// ■////. ■■ >//////'////////'// /////// /////////A //S//////// ■///////"////'////////////'/////, ■/// //: '//.'S//., CPB BILLBOARD *-* The Comedy of Edmonds and Curley

Dance and Show Band Thursday, January 27th 8 P. Wilson Hall Free w/ID $2 public at door *•*•••*••• ••****•*•* ***•*•**** •*•*•**•** 1r+&m'&ir1tirw'1t

Godwin Hall , January 28th 8 P.M. $4 Madison ID $5 Public General Admission

IC kets - Blue Mt. Records, Town & Country Discount, Muse, Warren Campus Center, At the Uoorj _——

'.*»\»«WV.A»V*W-A'.V»*'.V(.*>-V.'1.V.V.V.V.\\VVA*;.^*»»*»»*., «... Page 2(1. TIIK HKKK/.K. Tuesday. January 25. 1977 By Garry Trudeau * m DOONESBURY 1 Classifieds excuses,MISS, OH,YES,MR OKEY DOKE WELL, IBE6 ANYONE BRENDA NICKS REDFERNi'Ut'VE WILL WUBE ATTEND/NO TM i THINK WE'VE GOT FROM "PEOPLE" BEEN EXPECTING THE FULL WEEKOF PEOPLE' AFRAID EVERYTHING HERE ■ YOUR, FAMOUS? ITS PARDON' FOR YOUR For naif 1 SENTMEOVER-. 10U,SIR' SEMINAR. TRAINING, so. OH, yes, COULD v MR RBDFERN? . I ' YOU TELL ME WHO £ NAMETA6. SCUBA DIVING - ~N I frt -U Jr WRE SLEEPING js^ DISCOUNTS. Rental, Rock Shop, Blue Ridge Dive and §S -JSPA Craft Shop, 1726 Allied St., r-- YES' Charlottesville. Only hours: 1-5 Sat. and Sun., Ph. 804-293- v-nr \ i y>\2** AKC Registered standard Schnauzer. Excellent pedigree. All shots. Healthy, 2 yrs. old. Urgent! Needs home by Monday. Call 433- \U>E>Jf4<($*t4i^- 1411 after 5 on Friday and all day Saturday. Mil WELCOME TO PEOPLE FOR V^E NEXT FEW DAYS, WE'RE GO LATERINTHEWEEK, WE'LL 8EDISCUSS- BEFOREWe TWO LIVING ROOM CHAIRS SEMINAR TRAINING > YOU IN6 TO BE TALKIN6 ABOUT PERSON IN6 THE PRIVATE LIVESOERECLUSES START, DO YES. IS for sale. Gold, upholstered, ALL KNOW ME, AND I'M SURE Airry JOURNALISM!AND WE'LL BE LIKE REOFORDANP GARBO, AND WE'LL YOU PANEL- THERE ANY- good condition. $25 each, $45 WU RECOGNIZE THE MEDIA ASKING SOME WU6H QUESTIONS ALSO BEHEARIN6 FROM TV'S TOP ISTSHAVE.. ONE HERE WHODOESNT, pair VIVITAR ENLARGER fr7^KA0OUTt^t^&E.I7t, ri_ \ ^c-v GOSSIPS, VETERAN RONA \^t?r*. SUPERSTAR. : in excellent condition. Up to PANELISTSW , '3 BEENAND'WHERE [Si BARRETT AND NEWCOMER- RECOGNIZE- 2Vd negatives. Two lens. $95. MY LEFT I W*B ^i IT'S60/N6! .'SB DAN RATHER I ME?\ Call 879-9570. - m ACOUSTIC GUITAR for sale. FT-350 Bl Epiphone with hard shell case. One year old,- excellent condition. $275 new, $170 must sell. 434-4722 10 £> a.m. to 5 pirn, ask for Jack. PRIVATE AND GROUP PIANO LESSONS will be 687*4«6' offered this semester by LETS TAKE A LOOK AT -WHATEVER HAPPENED Maggie Wright. For in- YOU KNOW, A QUESTION I WE HAVE AS A PRECEDENT TO THE VIETNAM WAR? formation, call 433-8204 after HEAR A LOT THESE DAYS IS, 'WALTER SCOTTS PERSONALITY SOME OF THOSE QUESTIONS. WASNTfT A NATIONAL 3:30 PM. "LIZ, WILL 60SSIPEVER BE- PARADE", WHICH FREQUENTLY I THINK WE CAN ALL LEARN PROVIDES ANSWERS TO ISSUE- AWFROMMR-SCOTTS TRAUMA OR SOME- BORING! COME MEANIN6FUL?"I \ _ THING?* REALLY WALNUT DRESSERwith ' ALWAYS ANSWER ORlENTED QUESTIONS SENT IN /. CHOICES.! mirror and marble top for BYREAPERS! fgfc BORING! sale. Good condition. Call 289- / 5149. GK AM-FMCAR RADIO for sale. ■*1 Fits most dashboards. Only $35. 433-1186.^ ATTENTION COMMUTERS: For Sale- one full second semester housing contract for 75 per cent (will pay 25 per cent). Must move now. Contact Ralph 433-5785. 6dfc#4a*~ NEEDED: Person to take PETER AND JOHN: Yeah, MOOCH Sorry about the over housing contract in Ash- Yeah, Yeah! Get in touch bad times this weekend. I by dorm on quad side. Loft with "Beetle" to arrange still had a great time. Have a Are you out in the cold? included. Call Larry 433-4060 esoteric taping sessions of nice week. I'll see you or box 1543. Rare Tracks; sponsored by Saturday. I love you. B. Bear HELP ME! Wanted: Someone Beatlists United!! All systems are A-OK for Rare HEADLY-HAPPY AN- (male) to take over my NIVERSARY! !What a year housing contract for Spring Tracks Sessions, so get your 1977. Please call 433-4457 or tape recorders ready! You we've had, may we have 433-8462. know my name, look up my many more. I LOVE YOU!! number! YOUR BABY DUCK. Wanted ALL I REALLY WANT TO DO DHW: Blackboards of ATTENTION: Anyone-male is get out get off, get back, get America unite! It is time to or female-interested in down, get away. Today will throw off our oppressors and organizing a RAQUETBALL have to do. Tomorrow is a avenge our abuses .. . watch CLUB contact Bud Grey at long, long time. out for folding walls. 4005. For rent ROOM FOR A GIRL two blocks from campus. Call - ■SKI RENTALS 434-9452. Jobs I Harrisonburg JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Ski Rentals i* Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay. ()LIN SKIS W^ \ I fflFCNTS Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for I SOLOMON BINDINGS \ information. SEAFAX, Dept. Breeze classifieds M-6 Box 2049, Port Angeles, EXCELLENT RATES Aft£ Washington 98362. 1434-6580 119 E. WATER STREET! bring results Personal Inexpensive, and interesting to read SO OFTEN we speak and act COMING ATTRACTIONS and then we long to erase the ON FRIDAY. JANUARY 28. 3 pM moment . . "LIVE COUNTRY AF- deadlines: 2p.m. Sat. - 5p.m. Tues. TERNOON" HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Cheryl WITH HOSTS PHIL AND Prindle!!! God Bless You! •HMM. GAYE rates: 0 to 25 words $.50 FMIO.7 ^ JOHNSON AND FRIENDS "MARLIE, Jeffiie, Loah, (REQUESTS TAKEN) ^£■26 to 50 $1 Rubba.Snitzjfc $nev" U you FRIDAY. JANUARY ». -\ ».« -. all donT write soon, 1 rngonna ; SUNDAY. JANUAlty 30. 5 P.M. SATURDAY. JANUARY 29. 9 A.M. *Sl~to75 *' $2 have a gerbil orgy. Weener. •SONLIT WAY".WITH ••COMMUNITY CON- MARY FAIREST FAIRY Joette of CERT'.THE CLAIRE STACKHOUSE. over 75 display Nigeria, please cast your SENIOR RECITAL OF RELIGIOUS CON- SOPRANO TEMPORARY rates apply magic spell on me. Love ya DEBBIE SWABB MUSIC AND TALK best of all, a friend from send to the The Breeze Libraria xoxoxoxoxox.