


Marwan A. Hassan, Michael Church, Thomas E. Lisle, Francesco Brardinoni, Lee Benda, and Gordon E. Grant2

ABSTRACT: This paper reviews transport and channel INTRODUCTION morphology in small, forested streams in the Pacific Northwest region of North America to assess knowledge of channel stability and morphology relevant to riparian management prac- Forests significantly influence channel morphology tices around small streams. Small channels are defined as ones in and processes in streams. Particular effects are creat- which morphology and hydraulics may be significantly influenced ed by within channel accumulation of large woody by individual clasts or wood materials in the channel. Such chan- nels are headwater channels in close proximity to sediment sources, debris (LWD) and by channel margin trees. Wood is so they reflect a mix of hillslope and channel processes. Sediment critically important in regulating inputs are derived directly from adjacent hillslopes and from the and diversifying channel form, thereby also having channel banks. Morphologically significant move mainly major effects on aquatic and riparian ecologym(e.g., as , mainly at low intensity, and there is no standard Bisson et al., 1981; Sullivan, 1986; Bilby and Bisson, method for measurement. The larger elastic and woody elements in the channel form persistent structures that trap significant vol- 1998). This paper presents a review of small forested umes of sediment, reducing sediment transport in the short term dynamics, drawing primarily from research and substantially increasing channel stability. The presence of such conducted in the Pacific Northwest region of North structures makes modeling of sediment flux in these channels - a America. potential substitute for measurement - difficult. Channel morphol- Wood has its greatest effect in channels with ogy is discussed, with some emphasis on wood related features. The problem of classifying small channels is reviewed, and it is recog- dimensions similar to those of the larger wood pieces, nized that useful classifications are purpose oriented. Reach scale hence smaller streams rather than large are and channel unit scale morphologies are categorized. A "distur- most especially affected. Church (1992) characterized bance cascade" is introduced to focus attention on sediment trans- "small channels" as ones in which individual bed par- fers through the slope channel system and to identify management ticles greatly influence channel morphology. On steep- practices that affect sediment dynamics and consequent channel morphology. Gaps in knowledge, errors, and uncertainties have er gradients, step pool is a dominant bed form. been identified for future research. Absolute width would normally be less than 3 to 5 m. (mYTERMS: streams; sediment transport; ; geo- He characterized "intermediate channels" as ones morphology.) with width much greater than characteristic grain size that might still be influenced by blockage across Hassan, Manvan A., Michael Church, Thomas E. Lisle, Francesco Brardinoni, Lee Benda, and Gordon E. Grant, 2005. Sediment Transport and Channel Mor- Or of the cross-section, most often by phology of Small, Forested Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources woody debris- In forests, this might include channels Association (JAWRA) 41(4):853-876. up to 20 or 30 m in width. Particle accumulations greatly influence channel morphology, pool being a typical bed form feature. According to the British Columbia channel classification (British Columbia

lPaper No. 04072 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) (Copyright 0 2005). Discussions are open until February 1,2006. ZRespectively, Assistant Professor (Hassan) and Professor (Church), Department of , University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 122; Research Hydrologist, USDA Forest Service, Southwest Research Station, Redwood Sciences Laboratory, Arcata, Cali- fornia 95521; Graduate Student, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 122; Research Sci- entist, System Institute, 310 North Mt. Shasta Blvd., Suite 6, Mt. Shasta, California 96067-2230; and USDA Forest Service, Pacific NW Research Station, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 (E-Mail/Hassan: [email protected]).


Ministry of Forests, 1996a,b), small and intermediate the limited available information on small forested channels have a range of particle size/width ratio streams, certain information accumulated from larger between 0.002 and 1.0, while relative roughness (par- mountain rivers will be included in this paper, and its ticle sizeldepth) ranges from 0.1 to 1.6. Such channels applicability to small streams will be assessed. are strongly influenced by the entry of wood into First, the fundamental phenomenon of sediment them. In contrast, large channels, with major transport is considered under the headings sources, development, -bend pools, and crossover rif- mobilization, phases of transport, measurement, vari- fles, are essentially hydraulically controlled, although ability of transport, and modeling. Then channel mor- significant wood accumulations might still occur on phology - the product of sediment transport and bar surfaces. - is introduced under the headings reach Whereas external sediment inputs such as mass morphology, channel units, and channel classification. wasting and collapse, along with wood accumu- Finally, slope channel interactions and disturbance lation, tend to dominate channel morphology - hence are considered, with some emphasis on timber har- - in small forest streams, larger channels are vesting and . primarily affected by downstream fluvial sediment transport and bank . "Small streams," as dis- cussed in this paper, would be classified as small or intermediate in the channel typology of Church SEDIMENT TRANSPORT (1992). His definitions are relative because sediment texture and forest morphology influence the size Much research has been conducted into sediment range of such channels in a particular environment. transport processes and sediment transport rate pre- Insofar as they speak to process, they seem more diction in rivers, mostly in relatively large rivers. appropriate than arbitrary classifications by absolute Techniques conventionally used to calculate sediment size. transport in large rivers are not appropriate for head- The focus on small streams stems from recognition water streams where episodic sediment supply from that these represent a distinct class of streams with adjacent slopes, rather than the hydraulic conditions, distinctive morphologies, processes, and dynamics. dominates the sediment transport regime. LWD often There are, of course, small, low gradient channels pre- constitutes a significant portion of material transport- sent in a range of environments, from mountain ed by forested streams (Bilby, 1981) and is a major meadows to lowland and secondary chan- impediment to the downstream progress of clastic nels. Although important geomorphic and ecologic material (e.g., Megahan, 1982; Rice and Church, 1996; environments in their own right, these channels are Hogan et al., 1998). not considered here. The focus of this paper is the The particulate sediment load of a stream is con- steeper portions of the channel network where episod- ventionally divided into - particles ic sediment and wood inputs from adjacent slopes moving in the water column with their submerged exert significant control on channel dynamics and weight supported by upwardly directed turbulent cur- morphology. In these channels significant amounts of rents - and bed load - particles moving in contact LWD tend to control the amount of sediment stored with the bed. This division reflects the mechanics of within the channel and impact their stability (e.g., movement and the conventional methods for mea- Swanson et al., 1982c; Bilby and Ward, 1989). surement. A somewhat different division provides The concentration of wood in the channel decreases insight into channel formation and stability. Wash with increasing and channel width, material is relatively fine material that moves direct- implying little impact of wood on channel morphology ly through a reach without being deposited in the of high order streams (higher than fifth order) (e.g., main channel, whereas bed material is the coarser Swanson et al., 1982c; Bilby and Ward, 1989). On the material that is apt to be deposited and form the other hand, wood typically spans the smallest channel bed and banks. Wash material moves in sus- streams and has little hydraulic effect there. Conse- pension and is an important determinant of water quently, attention will be focused on channels that are quality; bed material may move either way. The move- typically of third through fifth orders (as determined ment of bed material along small channels will be the in the field), which are likely to contain significant focus of this part of the review since that is what amounts of wood. determines channel morphology (see Gomi et al., The primary objective is to critically assess channel 2005, for a discussion of fine sediment dynamics). In processes relevant to riparian management around headwater and mountain streams there is high corre- steep, wood loaded streams and to identify gaps in spondence between bed material and bed load. Hence, knowledge. Most research has been focused on large bed load will be considered. and intermediate size channels of higher order. Due to

JAWRA 854 JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION Sediment Sources behind obstacles to form sediment wedges. In the for- mer case, the channel may be partially dammed for a more or less protracted period. Sometimes, part of the Sediment is supplied to channels from surface ero- deposit remains for a very long time to form persis- sion on slopes, , stream banks, and trib- tent, complex channel morphology. In the latter case, utaries. In small forested streams, where the channel on sufficiently steep gradients, the immediate onward ' usually is not bordered by a flat or devel- movement of the sediment mass may take the form of oped , rapid mass wasting and bank erosion a , a like mass flow that typically are primary sources of sediment supply. Roberts and entrains additional material from the channel bed Church (1986; see also Church and Ryder, 2001) sum- and may scour it to (Swanston and Swanson, marized sediment mobilization and yield from - 1976; Miles and Kellerhals, 1981; Costa, 1984; Bovis slopes in the Pacific Northwest in relation to forest and Dagg, 1988). practices ( 1). They reported that episodic mass Debris flows may be relatively rare in individual wasting provides the most significant input to chan- channels unless there is a prolific source of sediment, nels while continually recurring processes such as but they are by no means rare in steep lands. Benda surface erosion and creep are of relatively minor and Dunne (1987) have calculated that they consti- importance. Ditches, roads, and skid track surfaces tute the dominant means by which sediment is deliv- are the main sources of fine sediment in harvested ered into the low order system in the Pacific basins in the Pacific Northwest (e.g., 07Loughlin, Northwest (see also Slaymaker, 1993). The behavior 1972; Swanson et al., 1982c; Grant and Wolq 1991; of a debris flow - in particular, how far it goes - Montgomery, 1994, Megahan and Ketcheson, 1996). depends on the fluidldebris mixture and on total Table 2 summarizes sediment yield from episodic momentum (hence size of the flow). Fine sediments sources and delivery to channels for several harvested hold water and can flow out onto quite low gradients, basins in British Columbia. whereas sandy matrix material drains readily and Sediment entering stream channels from adjacent tends to stop the flow on gradients of order 10" or slopes or upstream tributaries may be deposited more (Hungr et al., 1984). The total volume of materi- immediately, to be remobilized and moved onward by al moved in a debris flow depends on initial volume, fluvial processes at a later stage (Sutherland st al., the distance of travel and the volume mobilized per 2002), or it may travel along the channel for some dis- unit length, which may be in the range 5 to 25 m3lm tance and be deposited in low gradient reaches or

TABLE 1. Sediment Mobilization and Yield From Hillside Slopes.

Mobilization Rate - Yield Rate to Stream Channels Process Forested Slopes Cleared Slopes Forested Slopes Cleared Slopes


Soil Creep (including animal effects) 1m3/km/yr* 2x 1m3/kmlyr* 2x

Deep Seated Creep 10 rn%k~dj~* lx 10 m3/km/yr* lx

Tree Throw 1m3/km/yr - - -

Surface Erosion: Forest Floor c 10 m3/km2/yr < 1 m3/km2/yr

Surface Erosion: Landslide Scars, Walls > 103 m3/km/yr ( area only)

Surface Erosion: Active Road Surface - lo4 m3/km2/yr - lo4 m3/km2/yr (road area only) (road area only)

EPISODIC EVENTS Debris Slides lo2 m3/km3/yr 2-100x to 103/m3/km2Iyr to 50x

Rock Failures (fall, slide) No consistent data: not specifically associated with land use

*These results reported as m31'km channel bank. All other results reported as m3h2 drainage area. Results are generalized to order of magnitude from a table that originally appeared in Roberts and Church (1986).


TABLE 2. Sediment Yield and Delivery to Channels in Several British Columbia Basins.

No. of Slope Yield Area Percent Sediment Failures (m3/km2/yr) Location (km2) Logged Delivery To Natural Logged Natural Logged Acceleration

Chapman Creek (API) 56.0 36.3 Permanent Streams Unchannelled Slopes

Centre Creek (API) 38.0 28.2 Permanent Streams Gullies Unchanneled Slopes

Nesakwatch Creek (API) 48 10.1 Permanent Streams Gullies Unchanneled Slopes

Howe Sound (API) 26.8 25 Permanent Streams Gullies Unchanneled Slopes

San Juan ~iverl(API) 517 25 Permanent Streams Gullies Unchanneled Slopes

Capilano ~iver~ 12.9 27.9 Permanent Streams (API and ground checking) Gullies Unchanneled Slopes

Queen Charlotte 1slands3 350 13.4 Permanent Streams (HI) Gully Connected Unchanneled Slopes

Notes: API = Air photo interpretation. IModified from Rood (1984). %Modifiedfrom Brardinoni et al. (2003). 3~orthwestHydraulic Consultants (1997, unpublished report).

(Hungr et al., 1984; Fannin and Rollerson, 1993; Bovis same magnitude may create different channel mor- et al., 1998). Typically, only a few hundred cubic phologies and sediment mobility (e.g., Buffington and meters are involved in initial mobilization, but flows Montgomery, 1999; Lisle et al., 2001). Ryan (2001) commonly grow to volumes of order 103 to 105 m3. compared three streams which differ in rate of sedi- Sediment from the stream bank is also entrained ment supply and consequent channel morphology. by water. In forested streams, roots provide strength Streams with a relatively large sediment supply have to the bank so that bank material is much more sus- typically fine surface sediments and high sediment ceptible to erosion below the rooting zone (e.g., transport rates. In creeks with low sediment supply, Hickin, 1984). In boreal and temperate coniferous the sediment transport rates are relatively low and forests, even quite small streams (depth approximate- the bed surface is well structured and typically ly 1 m) may scour below laterally spreading root sys- coarse-textured (Ryan, 2001), consistent with experi- tems. LWD positioned along banks can reduce bank mental findings of Parker et al. (1982), Dietrich et al. erosion whereas diagonally oriented LWD may (1989), and Hassan and Church (2000). increase erosion by diverting flow toward a bank sec- Internal sources of sediment supply occur within tion (Keller and Swanson, 1979). the stream channel. Bed material is entrained from The response of a channel to external sediment sediment stored in pools or behind obstructions such supply depends on history (i.e., magnitude and as logs and boulders, including rarely moved clastic sequence) and the sediment supply history. The tem- keystones and pieces of LWD (e.g., Whittaker, 1987; poral and spatial variation in the amount of within- Lisle and Hilton, 1992). Mobilization may result from channel sediment storage depends significantly on the the displacement of the obstruction, suddenly releas- supply from external sources (e-g., Swanson et al., ing large volumes of sediment (Sidle, 1988; Smith 1982a; Benda, 1990). Consequently, flow events of the et al., 1993a, 1993b). The localized release of large

JAW RA 856 JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCESASSOCIATION sediment stores results in the movement of sediment remains an open question requiring consideration of in or pulses. Swanson et al. (1982a,b) and bed surface texture and structures. Megahan (1982) noted that the volume of temporarily If there is a wide range of grain sizes in the bed, stored material is usually more than 10 times the the larger grains may be moved more easily because average annual export of total particulate sediment. they are more exposed and the position of the pivot Thus changes in sediment storage can cause major point about which they move is lower than that of changes in sediment yield even if there are no exter- smaller grains (e.g., Komar and Li, 1988). Corre- nal sources. On the other hand, within channel sedi- spondingly, the smaller grains may be sheltered from ment storage also delays and attenuates sediment the flow and their movement may be obstructed by waves introduced from external sources. Within chan- the larger ones (e.g., Parker and Klingeman, 1982). In nel storage of sediment can produce an event-scale steep streams, Shields' criterion may be modified to hysteresis effect on transport, the sense and magni- take into account the particle's downslope weight tude of the hysteresis loop depending on the amount (e.g., Graf, 1971; Mizuyama, 1977; Rickenmann, 1990, of stored sediment and position along the channel 2001). The effect of gravity on the relative motion of (Meade, 1985) and the timing of sediment mobiliza- small and large particles in steep channels has been tion within the event. examined by Solari and Parker (2000). They found that large particles are more mobile than small ones on gradients greater than about 2 percent. These phe- Initiation of Motion nomena tend to reduce the range of dimensioned shear stresses over which mobilization of all sizes An outstanding characteristic of small channels is occurs. the high boundary roughness created both by the Still, in heterogeneous sediments, there is no single large clasts and by the frequent obstructions and flow (or mobility number) above which all clasts of the . rough banks that make up the boundary. This same size will move (Wilcock and McArdell, 1993, extracts much energy that might otherwise be avail- 1997). Furthermore, bed surface structures, such as able to mobilize bed material. The force exerted on imbrications and bed forms, restrain part or all of the the grains may be a small fraction of the total force beds until higher forces are applied (Church et al., exerted by the flow. The standard approach to predict 1998). Large parts of the bed remain stable during sediment transport in stream channels is to suppose small and medium size events (e.g., Lauffer and Som- that an unrestricted supply of material is available in mer, 1982) while, during large events, the bed surface the channel, and that it is moved in quantities that structures are destroyed and the channel is freighted are fundamentally correlated with the forces imposed with a large amount of sediment (Jaeggi, 1995). In by the water flow. However, it is first necessary for the summary, for poorly sorted sediments a range of flow to pass some threshold required to entrain any threshold mobility numbers has been reported from material at all. 0.01 to more than 0.1 (e.g., Church, 1978; Buffington The pioneering modern investigation of the shear and Montgomery, 1997). stress needed to initiate the movement of uniform Sediment mobilization in steep headwater streams grain sizes was by Shields (1936). On the basis of is ultimately controlled by sediment supply from out- experiments with narrowly graded sediments, he side the channel and by the step pool and boulder determined that, for particles larger than 5 mm, the morphology. These morphologies are controlled by the scaled shear stress (dimensionless mobility number large individual grains that form stable steps or by scaled by grain size) is constant at about 0.06. This woody debris that performs a similar role. While some means that the dimensioned critical shear stress of the key material is moved by running water, many increases in simple proportion to grain size. Assuming of the channel morphological elements are supplied to that individual grain size fractions in a mixture have the channel by nonfluvial processes such as debris no influence on each other, the force needed to initiate flows and debris slides. Fluvial sediment entrainment movement of a given size would be equal to that in a depends upon the particle location within the highly uniform bed composed of that size. Larger material in structured (e.g., step pool) morphology. The overlap narrowly graded sediments would be left behind when between fluvial and nonfluvial processes (e.g., Mont- fine material moves away. gomery and Buffington, 1997) in controlling the bed While Shields' equation appears to work well in stability makes modeling of the system difficult (see fine and well sorted sediments, its application to the Benda and Dunne, 1997b). Therefore, the question of poorly sorted sediment typical of small forested chan- channel stability in these streams is still largely an nels has proven more difficult. Prediction of the initi- open question in fluvial geomorphology that needs to ating conditions for nonuniform sediment motion be further studied.


Bed Material Transport Phases modify the turbulent flow. Debris feature unusually high bed load transport in steep, coarse Field studies of sediment transport in bed grained channels which may, or may not, be associat- ed with suspended sediment hyperconcentration. rivers have identified two (e.g., Jackson and Beschta, 1982; Klingeman and Emmett, 1982; Andrews, 1983) or three phases (Ashworth and Ferguson, 1989; War- burton, 1992) of transport (Figure- 1). In two-phase models, Phase I occurs when fine material, mainly , moves over a stable bed; Phase I1 occurs during higher flows when coarser material is entrained local- ly. In Ashworth and Ferguson's (1989) three-phase model of transport, Phase I consists of over passing sand; Phase I1 occurs during moderate flows when size selective entrainment and transport of local bed (Influenced by surface structure) material occurs; and Phase I11 occurs during the high- est flows under conditions of effectively equal mobility of all sizes (Parker et al., 1982). Ashworth and Fergu- son's Phases I1 and I11 correspond to Wilcock and McArdell's (1993, 1997) partial mobility (only some of the exposed grains in a given size range experience entrainment within a period of time) and to classical ++++ / Overpassing Fully Partially . full mobility, respectively (Figure 1). In Figure lb, the A mobile mobile scaled fractional transport rate is computed as qbpi/fi, where qb is the sediment transport rate (glm s), pi is ./ 4 the proportion of each size fraction i present in the A i transported material, and Q is the proportion of each size fraction in the bulk bed sediment. Distinctions

a are made between overpassing, partial mobility, and A w 0 0 full mobility. w Phase I conditions cover a relatively narrow range of discharges. Gravel sizes are likely to be mobile only at the transition to and during Phase I1 (e.g., Particle size (mm) Andrews, 1983). In almost all places and times in for- est streams, Phases I and I1 dominate the sediment transport regime while Phase 111 occurs at relatively Figure 1. (a) Schematic Diagram of Sediment Transport Rate extreme flows. In sufficiently steer, channels. Phase Versus Shear Stress for Varying Grain Sizes; and (b) Transport I11 transport may develop into a "debris flood," a con- Ratio as a Function of Grain Size, a Selected Example From dition of very high transport in which substantially Harris Creek, British Columbia (after Church and Hassan, 2002, Figure 2b: p. 19-4). the entire bed moves (e.g., Warburton, 1992). Debris floods give rise to lobate wedges of gravel when the material is deposited. It is likely that they are In channels with strongly structured beds, the restricted to intermediate gradients (< 15 degrees) onset and duration of Phase I1 and Phase I11 trans- since, on steep gradients (> 15 degrees), they are apt port is strongly constrained. Long term measure- to propagate into debris flows. The essential differ- ments of bed material yield in steep streams in ence between these phenomena is that, whereas the Austria revealed very little sediment movement dur- former remains essentially a fluid flow with sediment ing floods and showed that the actual sediment trans- traction, the latter is a landslide like flow of a more or port rate is much lower than the theoretical (that is, less homogeneous sediment-water mixture possessing functionally estimated) transport capacity (Lauffer distinct rheology. There is little systematic documen- and Sommer, 1982). Furthermore, the size distribu- tation of debris floods, which should be distinguished tion of the bed load material was much finer than the from so-called "hyperconcentrated flows," The latter surface layer, implying that the surface entail sediment concentrations in the water column of remained intact during most observed floods (see greater than 40 percent by weight (20 percent by vol- Lauffer and Sommer, 1982, Figure 6, p. 442). ume) (see Costa, 1988; Jakob and Jordan, 2001). Such Recently, Zimmerman and Church (2001) identified unusually high suspended sediment concentrations three distinct sediment populations in a step pool

JAWRA 858 JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION SEDIMENTTRANSPORT AND CHANNELMORPHOLOGY OF SMALL,FORESTED STREAMS channel, each exhibiting a characteristic degree of Measurement of Bed Material Load stability. The coarsest population includes the boul- ders that form the step keystones, which appear to be In forest headwater streams, measurement of bed immobile under commonly recurring flows (keystones material load is customarily considered to be equiva- have been reported by Grant et al,, 1990 to be mobi- lent to measuring bed load. Bed load measurements lized during flows with of 25 to 50 have been made using box or basket samplers, pit years). The loose cobble population in the pools traps, and magnetic detection devices, and by observ- appears to be mobile once every few years. There is ing ponds and tracers. Bed material transport also a granule gravel population which is found as lee side "shadow" deposits and is the most mobile sedi- occurs under relatively high flow conditions for a very short period of time (previous section), and therefore ment found in the channel. At the bankfull flow condi- it is difficult to measure. This is particularly true in tion measured by Zimmerman and Church (2001) it step-pool and boulder streams in which the operation appeared that the loose cobble population was on the of bed load sampling devices is difficult. threshold of motion. Ryan (1994), Adenlof and Wohl (1994), and Blizard and Wohl (1998) similarly found Weir ponds provide volumetric total bed material transport between surveys and particle size distribu- that a relatively small amount of fine material moves during a flow event and most of the channel bed tion of the integrated sample (e-g., Ryan and Troendle 1997; Gomi, 2002). Data of this provide a remains stable. The distinct sediment populations record of long-term sediment yield but the informa- identified by Zimmerman and Church (2001) probably tion is limited in temporal detail (Troendle et al., can be associated with the three transport phases in such channels. 1996). Pit traps have been deployed successfully in small gravel bed rivers in a wide range of environ- Ryan and Troendle (1996) developed rating curves ments (e.g., Milhous, 1973; Hayward, 1980; Reid et for bed load transport in St. Louis Creek, a cobble boulder stream in Colorado. They then related the al., 1980; Sawada et al., 1983; Kuhnle, 1992; Reid and Laronne, 1995). Traps are assumed to yield relatively rating curves to bed load transport phases and flow conditions relative to bankfull . Phase I good estimates of event bed load transport (Sterling (phase zero in their terminology) transport occurred and Church, 2002) and are recommended for small at half bankfull discharge, Phase I1 was observed forested streams. However, they provide only period between 70 and 100 percent bankfull discharge, and it average or event transport rates, unless continuous seems that Phase I11 is associated with flow well weighing devices such as pressure transducers (e.g., beyond bankfull stage (Andrews, 1984; Ryan and Reid et al., 1980) are installed beneath them. Troendle, 1996). Bankfull discharge in the study site Box and basket samplers proyide site specific or occurs typically between 5 and 20 days per year (or cross-sectional averages of transport rate and sedi- about 1.4 to 5.5 percent of the time). These estimates ment texture. A large number of samples are needed in order to derive acceptable estimate of sediment concur with that of Andrews (1984), who lists a range an transport rate, which is expensive, time-consuming, for the bankfull discharge between 0.12 and 6.5 per- and labor intensive (e.g., Emmett, 1980; Hubbell et cent of the time for a number of streams in Colorado. The return frequency and duration for Phase I11 type al., 1985; Ryan and Emmett, 2002). The Helley-Smith sampler is the most commonly used, however, it was transport are difficult to estimate but might be relat- ed to the decades length estimates of Grant et al. designed for use in coarse sand and granule-gravel (1990) for boulder mobilization. beds (Helley and Smith, 1971) and is known to pro- In summary, streambed structure and particle cal- duce biased results in coarse materials (Sterling and Church, 2002). iber appear to dictate the transport mechanisms of bed material within the channel. Phase 111 transport Automatic detection systems can track the move- likely occurs only in debris floods, and sediment ment of natural or artificial, inserted magnetic trac- transport normally is restricted to Phase I even ers. The underlying principle is that when a magnet though this phase may encompass the transport of passes over an iron cored coil of wire, a measurable only granule gravel. With a characteristically wide electrical pulse is generated (e-g., Ergenzinger and spread in particle size distribution, the unavoidably Custer 1983; Reid et al., 1984; Bunte, 1996). This type of system provides in situ continuous measurements selective transport results in bed load being finer - of bed load movement during flow events, and an usually much finer - than the streambed surface material (e-g,, Lisle, 1995). unlimited number of stones can be recorded. A system has been developed and tested by Tunnicliffe et al. (2000) that promises a high resolution picture of bed load transport activity. The main advantage of these systems is the automatic detection of the traced


particles, but they require relatively sophisticated authors further demonstrated clockwise variation in data recording and analysis. There also remain diE- bed load at seasonal time scale. culties to translate stone count rates into mass flux rates. Recovered tracers can be used to estimate volumetric sediment transport, three-dimensional dis- persion of sediment, and flow competence, but their deployment and recovery are labor intensive. Studies using magnetic tracers have been conducted in the Pacific Northwest, including Hassan and Church (1992, 1994), O'Connor (1994), Gottesfeld (1998), and Haschenburger and Church (1998). Hassan and Ergenzinger (2003) provide a comprehensive review of the available techniques. Finally, scour chains have been used to estimate depth of scour and fill, depth of the active layer, and sediment mixing between the surface and the subsur- face (e.g., Leopold et al., 1964; Hassan, 1990; O'Con- nor, 1994; Montgomery et al., 1996a; De Vries, 1997; Haschenburger, 1999; De Vries et al., 2001). This information is directly related to bed material flux. Box or basket type bed load samplers remain the I most frequently used method because of their logisti- 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 cal simplicity, even in headwater streams, but there is Discharge (rn3/s) little agreement as to what is considered to be a valid sampling scheme in any fluvial system. The best sam- Figure 2. Time Line Plots for the Sediment Transport Rate pler for obtaining true sediment transport rates in Versus Discharge for: (a) Harris Creek (after Hassan and Church, 2001, Figure 6c, p. 819); and (b)Bridge gravel bed rivers remains undecided (Ryan and Creek (based on Nanson, 1974, Table 2, p. 481). Troendle, 1996).

In almost all reported cases, the bed load fluctuates Variations in Sediment Dansport for a given flow condition with time scale ranging from a few minutes to two or three hours, depending A number of studies have examined the short term on the channel size (e.g., Reid et al., 1985). The tex- variation in sediment transport through a flood ture of the mobile sediment also may vary significant- (cf., Williams, 1989). For a given flow, the ly during the course of a flow event (Hayward, 1980; sediment transport rate on the rising limb of the Hassan and Church, 2001). It has been suggested hydrograph often is higher than that on the falling that short term variations result from partial destruc- limb (clockwise hysteresis) (Figure 2a) (O'Loughlin et tion of the armor layer (e.g., Milhous, 1973), the dif- al., 1978; Paustian and Beschta, 1979). This variation ferential pattern of scour and fill in relation to is due to sediment supplied between floods that are channel morphology (e.g., Andrews, 1979), turbulent mobilized as soon as flow increases. Counter-clock- fluctuations in flow velocity (DeJong, 1995), the devel- wise hysteresis (Figure 2b) occurs on a well packed opment and destruction of small scale bed forms such and armored where little sediment moves as pebble clusters or stone cells, and micro-scale until the armor layer is disrupted, usually near peak eddies developing around obstacles (Reid et al., 1985; flow. Then, relatively large amounts of sediment move Hassan and Reid, 1990; Hassan and Woodsmith, during the falling limb (Milhous, 1973; Reid et al., 2004). 1985; Lisle, 1989). Gomi (2002) reported both clock- Variations in the sediment transport rate over wise and counter-clockwise hysteresis in bed load longer periods of time are associated with episodic transport, depending on the amount of sediment sediment supply from slopes and banks (Gintz et al., stored within the channel system and the inputs from 1996; Ryan, 1997) and from sediment stored within adjacent slopes and bank collapses. During a flood the the fluvial system behind LWD and bars (e.g., Lisle, bed load transport rate often peaks with or after the 1986; Adenlof and Wohl, 1994). Gomi (2002) examined peak discharge (e.g., Paustian and Beschta, 1979; the influence of woody debris on sediment movement Reid et al,, 1985; Moog and Whiting, 1998). The latter and storage in relation to timber harvesting and

JAWRA 860 JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION episodic sediment supply in headwater streams. He disappear but is modified by punctuated and complex found that the availability of sediment and woody storage and releases by wood. debris alters the threshold for sediment entrainment, transport processes, and sediment storage. Sediment supply and the abundance of woody debris are the Models of Bed Material Transport main controls of particle travel distance. For example, a large sediment supply results in an increased dis- In headwater streams, predictions of sediment tance of movement (Gomi, 2002). Rice and Church transport rate via hydraulically-based functional rela- (1996) related scour depth and particle travel distance tions are often an order of magnitude greater than to log jam characteristics such as age, integrity, and measured rates. These discrepancies have been span: old jams are likely to be more permeable than explained by the dominance of step pool and boulder younger ones, allowing more sediment to move morphology, heavy bed surface armoring, and low sed- through. They found that tracers placed on the iment availability. Sawada et al. (1983) examined the upstream side of young, impermeable jams remained impact of step pool morphology on the total bed load. in place whereas tracers placed on the downstream They showed major shifts in bed load discharge rela- side of the jam moved for a relatively short distance. tions as a result of variations in the volume of gravel In the case of old, permeable jams, most of the stored in the pools. Discrepancies also are related to upstream tracers moved and surpassed those placed the assumptions that underlie the models: uniform on the downstream side of the jam. These results sediment, general movement of sediment, and no con- strongly suggest that jam conditions exert significant sideration of the impact of sediment supply on sedi- influence on sediment mobility. ment mobility. For modeling sediment transport in A number of studies have linked temporal varia- headwater streams it is important to distinguish tions in sediment transport to secular variations in between phases of transport and to recognize supply- sediment supply from outside the channel system limitation or transport limitation. More than two (e.g., Dietrich et al., 1989; Ryan, 2001). Mass wasting orders of magnitude variability in sediment transport inputs triggered by large storms or caused by forest have been attributed to in-channel scour (e.g., Jack- practices or fire increase the sediment supply to chan- son and Beschta, 1982) and to episodic supply of sedi- nels. In streams where the transport capacity exceeds ment from external sources (e.g., Hayward, 1980). normal sediment supply, little sediment is stored Recognition of the distinct character of steep moun- within the channel so sediment transport is directly tain streams has prompted focused and field linked to episodic mass wasting inputs (e-g., Nanson, studies (e.g., Mizuyama, 1977; Smart and Jaeggi, 1974). Major sediment supplies due to mass wasting 1983; Rickenmann, 1990; D'Agostino and Lenzi, 1999; may have a long term influence on both sediment Lenzi et al., 1999). After experimental trials, Smart transport and channel morphology. and Jaeggi (1983) extended the well known Meyer- There is evidence that episodic, rapid wedge depo- Peter and Muller (1948) bed load formula to gradients sition and relatively slow fluvial erosion operate cycli- of about 20 percent (11 degrees). Bathurst et al. cally with time scales ranging from decades to (1987) modified Schoklitsch's (1962) formula for chan- centuries (Pearce and Watson, 1983; Benda, 1990). nels with up to 9 percent (5 degrees) gradient, but This may be the case after mass wasting events asso- noted limited predictive success in rivers where sedi- ciated with timber harvesting (e.g., Megahan, 1982; ment supply limitation is an important problem. Rick- Wohl et al., 1993; Madej and Ozaki, 1996; Benda and enmann (1990) conducted steep flume experiments Dunne, 1997a) or fire (Swanson, 1981; Meyer et al., using various concentrations in water. He devel- 1992; Benda and Dunne, 1997a). However, Lancaster oped a formula to calculate sediment transport for et al. (2001) suggested that LWD attenuates the both clear water (no clay) and hyperconcentrated movement of sediment in headwater streams such flows on gradients ranging between 5 and 20 percent that coherent waves of sediment, as observed by by modifying the Bathurst et al. (1987) formula Roberts and Church (1986), Miller and Benda (2000), through the addition of a suspension density factor. or as modeled by Benda and Dunne (1997b), are not A large number of deterministic and stochastic likely to occur where wood debris dominates the chan- mathematical models have been developed to describe nel. However, LWD can act as a "valve" by temporari- sediment transport. Most formulae are based on trac- ly storing and then releasing sediment from an tive force or on the concept of stream power, both of advancing front. The Lancaster et al. (2001) which are highly correlated, in the mean, with model does not account for such a sediment wave. streamflow. The complex nature of sediment transport LWD jams are rarely tight, but release sediment as leads to a situation in which almost all bed load equa- they partially float during a high flow event, when tions contain, directly or indirectly, an empirical ele- they often shift or break up. Thus, the wave does not ment. The performance of bed load formulae in steep

JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 861 JAWRA HASSAN,CHURCH, LISLE, BRARDINONI, BENDA, AND GRANT mountain streams was tested by D'Agostino and bedrock, hillslope , and rooted . Lenzi (1999). They reported good agreements between There is also a continuum of particle sizes in upland measured and computed bed load volumes, over time channels from those that move frequently to those interval ranging from a few tens of minutes to the that do not move at all. The channel may incorporate whole flood, using Bagnold's (1956) formula, the lag boulders of the same size as channel depth (Grant Smart and Jaeggi (1983) extension of the Meyer-Peter et al., 1990; Church, 1992) or larger. Accordingly, their and Muller formula, and Rickenm ann's formula morphology reflects the irregular addition of non-allu- (1990, 1992). Modification of the Bathurst et al. vial elements and alluvium forced into storage by (1987) formula also provided reasonable estimates for those elements. The objectives of this review include instantaneous transport rates and limited sediment the following: to describe reach morphology in small, supply conditions. forested streams; to describe channel unit morphology The relevance of formulated transport relations in in small alluvial streams; and to describe briefly the headwater streams remains limited. In the dominant, forced channel morphologies associated with LWD. tractive force approach, flow depth is part of the stream force calculation. Due to the difficulty of mea- suring depth accurately in boulder bed streams, lkach Morphology estimates of the mean flow depth using conventional methods are highly unreliable and are often subject to A reach is a length of channel under the influence significant errors. Field studies often report water dis- of uniform governing conditions, hence exhibiting charge, and so the transport function is converted to a uniform morphology. Channel reaches are several discharge-based correlation (e-g. Schoklitsch, 1962; (usually > 10) to many channel widths in length Bettess, 1984; Ferguson, 1994; Lenzi et al., 1999; (Montgomery and Buffington, 1998). The reach may D'Agostino and Lenzi, 1999). be characterized by , bed material, bed Since bed material transport occurs during short forms, channel planform, ecology, or a combination of periods of time, seasonally and within single flow all these features (Wohl, 2000). Headwater reaches events, wholly empirical rating curves relating sedi- are classified into bedrock, colluvial, and alluvial ment transport rate to flow discharge have also been types, described briefly in the following paragraphs studied, but results are highly unstable and site spe- (for more detailed descriptions see Benda and Dunne, cific (Hassan and Church, 2001). Where hysteresis is 1987; Grant et al., 1990; Montgomery and Buffington, present, no single rating relation between sediment 1997; and Wohl, 2000). and water discharge can be applied to both rising and Bedrock reaches lack alluvial deposits. They are falling flow stages, or to all events (Klingeman and characteristically steep and sediment supply limited Emmett, 1982; Hassan and Church, 2001). For these (sediment transport capacity is greater than supply reasons only a limited number of studies have rate). Bedrock reaches are usually located in the explored the possibility to apply rating curves to the uppermost part of steep drainage basins. Constrained prediction of sediment transport rates (e.g., Adenlof by outcrops, they differ in form and development and Wohl, 1994; Moog and Whiting, 1998; Emmett from alluvial reaches. Their characteristics are deter- and Wolman, 2001). mined jointly by flow and sediment transport rate - For the development of a reliable model, a better which influence of the rock boundary - rock understanding of the relations amongst flow, sedi- jointing and/or bedding, and the resistance of bedrock ment transport, and sediment supply is needed. A to abrasion and processes, which influ- sophisticated model of channel bed stability will be ence the rate and style of erosion (see Tinkler and . required to describe conditions in structured moun- Wohl, 1998). Temporary storage of material supplied tain channels, and it appears that a successful model by episodic events can change bedrock reaches into for sediment transport in such channels will have to colluvial reaches (Benda, 1990) whereas debris flows incorporate some information about sediment supply. may scour the reach, exposing bedrock (Swanston and These circumstances greatly complicate information Swanson, 1976; Grant et al., 1984). requirements for modeling. Colluvial reaches are channels that contain materi- al derived from adjacent hillslopes. A variety of pro- cesses supply sediment to the reach, including soil creep, surface erosion, debris slides, tree throw, and CHANNEL MOFWHOLOGY burrowing by animals (Roberts and Church, 1986; Benda and ~unne,1987; Montgomery and Dietrich, The channel mor~holog~of hadwater streams is 1988; Montgomery and Buffington, 1998). Such reach- hfluenced by n~~~fluvialinputs of sediment and wood es normally have insufficient stream power available from adjacent slopes. Boundary elements include to transport the boulders and wood pieces introduced


into the channel (Montgomery and Bufington, 1998) influence on the distribution of bedrock and alluvial which, along with bedrock steps, constitute large reaches. roughness elements. Alluvial reaches are channels that contain stream deposited sediments. They are transport limited chan- Channel Unit Morphology nels characterized by a wide range of bed morpholo- gies reflecting the interactions amongst flow regime, A channel unit is a morphologically distinct portion sediment supply rate and characteristics, sediment of channel, usually one to a few channel widths in transport regime, and geomorphic and geologic set- length. Mountain headwaters exhibit very variable ting (e.g., gradient, confinement, lag deposits), Chan- units (Grant et al., 1990; Hawkins et al,, 1993), over nel morphologies in alluvial reaches in small, forested which there is some confusion of terminology. Here, streams are described in the section following. the most commonly used terms are adopted, following Montgomery et al. (199613) examined the distribu- the summary given in Table 3. For practical reasons, tion of reach types in forested streams. They also; "forced" and "free" morphologies are distin- described the threshold between bedrock and alluvial guished. This distinction creates some problems channels using a model that relates the local sedi- because step-pool is included in the free morphologies ment transport regime to the sediment supply. The (as is usual in the literature) yet it is in fact a forced threshold for the excess of either sediment or sedi- one. ment transporting capacity is expressed in terms of slope and drainage area (Figure 3). Boulder Cascade. Boulder cascades are steep channels characterized by longitudinally and laterally disorganized cobbles and boulders with small, non- t 08 1 -'--"r ''---* r . .. A channel spanning "pocket" pools among them (Sulli- van, 1986; Montgomery and Buffington, 1993, 1997, i 1998). During low to moderate flow events in cascade reaches, fine move whereas boulders are

1 b rarely mobile (Grant et al., 1990). Grant et al. (1990) described the flow in cascade reaches as water tum- g 106 . .-'L A rn m. ~AOD bling over boulders and turbulence around them .- Channel without LWD which dissipates flow energy (see also, Sullivan, 1986; IABedrock . Montgomery and Bufington, 1997). Relative rough- Reaches with LWD ness is near or greater than 1.0. Such reaches are . Forced alluvial . A : found on gradients greater than 4 percent, mainly D Slope of underlying bedrock I 04 I ...... ,It . . I . ..I, considerably greater and, in the smallest channels, 109 1.0 Q 10 -1 too may be as steep as 45 percent (Halwas and Church, Slope (m m-1) 2002). They probably form by limited movement and stabilization of lag colluvial boulders and quite proba- Figure 3. Area Versus Reach Average bly should be regarded as a colluvial, rather than an Slope for Basins in the Olympic Mountains, Washington alluvial, morphology. (after Montgomery et al., 1996b, Figure 1, p. 587). Step-Pool. Channel steps, formed by boulders or logs, create significant channel morphologies in small Montgomery et al. (1996b) found that inputs of streams (e.g., Hayward, 1980; Likens and Bilby, 1982; to bedrock reaches could force the establishment LWD Chin, 1989; Grant et al., 1990). At low flows, they of alluvial reaches. In a more detailed, field-based appear as a series of steps with water moving slowly study, Massong and Montgomery (2000) examined the through pools and flowing over steps into the next influences of lithology, local variation in sediment pool, forming a (Hayward, 1980). At high supply, and LWD on the distribution of bedrock and flow, relative roughness is near 1.0. Step pool alluvial reaches in mountain streams. Their field evi- sequences are characteristic features of headwater dence confirms the assumption that LWD can change streams with average reach gradients greater than a bedrock reach into an alluvial reach. Average gradi- 3 percent (Hayward, 1980; Whittaker, 1987; Chin, ent is reduced significantly where the change occurs. 1989; Abrahams et al., 1995; Gomi et al., 2003) and Furthermore, they reported that the bedrock alluvial occur at gradients up to 30 percent (Montgomery and threshold varies with lithology, sediment supply, and Buffington, 1997; Halwas and Church, 2002). Judd local flow obstructions. They concluded that, in their and Peterson (1969) reported that the more steep the study area, the LWD distribution exerts a strong channel gradient becomes, the more prominent and


TABLE 3. Summary of Channel Unit Morphology and Gradient Ranges of Steep, Clastic Channels.

Reference Pool Glide Riffle Rapid Cascade Comments

Bisson et al., 1981 S < 0.04 S > 0.04 Steepest rock, boulder, Many channel subunits or LWD jams identified

Sullivan, 1986 S < 0.01 0.010.04 0.04 = 0.07 = 0.068 in length scour, 0.006 = 0.022 (a) step pool plunge, 0.009 (b) slip face

Grant et al., 1990 S - 0.005 - = 0.011 = 0.029 = 0.055 Channel subunits 0.4- tranquil flow not ribbed ribbed boulder; bedrock 0.8~;channel units 1-low; channel reach 100-1,000~;steps have = 0.17

Wood-Smith and closed Sb<0.02 0.02

Montgomery and = 0.012 for "plane bed" - "step pool" =0.11 Gradients are means Buffington, 1997 poollriffle unit = 0.023 = 0.044 0.020

Halwas and Church, Closed topography cSb> = 0.06 = 0.09 step pools cSb> - 0.45 Small channels, Sb<0.25, 2002 depression = 0.20 (boulders) generally (a) dammed - 0.49 (b) (rock)

Summary Closed depression S~0.02 Sc0.04 Sl.O

Notes: S = water surface slope; Sb = bed slope; = mean water surface slope; = mean bed slope; Dld = relative roughness (D = particle size; d = water depth). Most results follow Bisson et al. (1981), and Sullivan (1986), with amendments by Grant et al. (1990)- The results of Montgomery and Buffington (1997), and of Halwas and Church (2002) are not comparable with the rest. Montgomery and Bufffington (1997) measured mean gradients over some distance; Halwas and Church (2002) observed much smaller streams than all others (from Church, 2002, Table 1:547; and Halwas and Church, 2002, Table 6:255). regularly spaced the steps. Abrahams et al. (1995) pools are insensitive to change in flow regime even suggested that step pools maximize resistance, there- during extreme conditions (Ryan, 1994) and to both fore stabilizing the bed surface. Both field and flume sediment yield and flow regime changes caused by studies support these findings. timber harvesting (e.g., Madsen, 1995; Montgomery Grant et al. (1990) listed conditions for the develop- and Buffington, 1997). ment of step pools: low sediment supply, large boul- ders, immobile except during the largest events Rapid (plane bed). Ikeda (1975) and Montgomery (hence the claim that these are forced morphologies), and Buffington (1997) described relatively featureless and channels with a low width-to-depth ratio. There gravel channel units with moderate gradients in remains controversy over the mechanism of step for- which pools are typically absent as "plane beds." To mation (compare Grant, 1994; Abrahams et al., 1995; avoid confusion with the plane bed regime well estab- Chin, 1999; Zimmerman and Church, 2001). Step lished in sand bed hydraulics, Zimmerman and height is largely controlled by the size of the forming Church (2001) suggested the term "rapid" for this boulders, whilst step length and slope are negatively morphology. The typical range of gradients is 2 to 10 related (Whittaker, 1987; Chin, 1989; Grant et al., percent and relative roughness is of order 0.5 to 1.0. 1990). This implies that step size is close to constant The well armored surface (Buffington, 1995; cited in along a reach, any increase in channel slope being Montgomery and Buffington, 1998) is associated with modulated by reduced spacing between the steps features such as clusters, stone lines, and stone nets (Knighton, 1998). It has been suggested that step (Church et al., 1998) that indicate relative stability

JAWRA 864 JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCESASSOCIATION SEDIMENTTRANSPORT AND CHANNELMORPHOLOGY OF SMALL,FORESTED STREAMS and a supply limited sediment transport regime (cf, sediment (Keller and Swanson, 1979; Montgomery Dietrich et al., 1989). Partial destruction of the bed and Bufington, 1997, 1998). Obliquely oriented logs surface, typically at near-bankfull flow, may increase are associated with scour pools and store sediment on the transport rate from Phase I to Phase I1 (Church both sides by upstream buttressing and downstream et al., 1998; Hassan and Church, 2001). According to low energy zones (Smith et al., 1993b; Montgomery Montgomery and Buffington (1997) rapid reaches rep and Buffington, 1998). In forested streams, LWD resent a transition between supply limited and trans- alters the flow pattern and sediment passage, which port limited reaches. may lead to the development of forced rime pool mor- phology on a gradient reduced by sediment accumula- Pool and Riffle. Pool and riffle morphology is tion (Montgomery and Bufington, 1997, 1998). Forced associated with and they are important pool associated with LWD may replace rapid or aquatic (e.g., Leopold et al., 1964; Sullivan, bedrock channels (Montgomery et al., 1995). Further- 1986). In gravel bed rivers the channel bed undulates more, Montgomery and Bufington (1998) speculated in alternating shallow zones called riffles and deep that. LWD might force the development of step-pool zones called pools (e.g., Leopold et al., 1964; Keller, features in cascade or bedrock channels. 1971; Sullivan, 1986; Grant et al., 1990; Montgomery and Buffington, 1997). Pool rime morphology forms in reaches with gradient less than 2 percent and is well Stream Classification expressed at gradients of order 1 percent and less. The rimes and associated barforms consist of vertical- Streams are complex systems that defy simply clas- ly piled accumulations of many clasts, so relative sification. Stream classification depends upon the roughness is much less than 1.0. Riffles mediate ener- purpose and the type of data available and remains gy expenditure in a manner that promotes channel essentially subjective. Several methods of stream clas- stability. These elements appear to develop by selec- sification have been suggested, based on hydrological, tive scour and deposition along the channel so that geomorphological, and ecological characteristics of the relatively large material collects (or remains exposed) fluvial system. Stream classifications for hydrological on the riffles. Alternatively, nonfluvial features, such research have been based, among other criteria, on as exposed bedrock, rockfall or landslide debris may flow regime classifications (Jones and Peters, 1977), form such a feature. average monthly flow, average daily flow (Poff and In free formed pool riffle reaches, the pool/pool Ward, 1989), and on flow indices (Hughes and James, spacing averages five to seven channel widths 1989). From a practical point of view these classifica- (Leopold et al., 1964). Shorter spacing, between 1 and tions are probably most appropriate at a regional 5 channel widths, has been reported for forest scale. streams (e.g., Keller et al., 1981; Grant et al., 1990; Most stream classifications used in ecological Hogan et al., 1998). It has been suggested that the research are based on the premises that channels con- wide range of values obtained for forested streams is sist of distinct physical elements (units) such as rif- related to non-alluvial pool forming features such as fles, pools, and steps, and that these features each LWD jams (Myers and Swanson, 1997; Hogan et al., have intrinsic and distinct ecological value (Bisson et 1998). Montgomery et al. (1995) reported that pool al., 1981). Therefore, underlying most habitat classifi- spacing indeed depends on LWD loading as well as cations is a geomorphological framework, but rarely is channel type, slope, and width. that connection formally made. The ecological value of a habitat type may be defined, for example, in terms Forced Morphology. In forested streams, LWD of fish density, insect production, or primary produc- and bedrock outcrops influence channel morphology, tion. All animals including fish are habitat specialists flow and sediment transport (e.g., Lisle, 1986; Hassan and habitat classifications attempt to recognize which and Woodsmith, 2004). These elements cause "forced" channel features (i.e., habitat types) are used by morphologies (MonTgomery and Buffington, 1993, which species throughout its various life stages. The 1997). Log steps are one of the most common features "litmus test" for a habitat classification is whether or in small, forested streams. They form when individual not ecological patterns (e.g., species distribution and pieces of wood come to rest across a channel (e-g,, production) along a channel match the boundaries of Hogan, 1986). Like boulder or rock steps, log steps the physically defined habitat units (Hawkins et al., create a stepped longitudinal profile, alter flow, dissi- 1993). pate energy, and store sediment (e.g., Keller and Few geomorphologically-based stream classification Swanson, 1979). Transversely oriented logs are asso- systems have been proposed that discriminate ciated with plunge pools and hydraulic jumps which amongst smaller streams. Rosgen's (1994) channel are very effective in dissipating energy and storing classification scheme produced 41

JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCESASSOCIATION 865 JAWRA HASSAN,CHURCH, LISLE, BRARDINONI, BENDA, AND GRANT based on channel boundary conditions, entrenchment classification was adopted by the Panel for purely ratio (which expresses the degree of lateral confine- pragmatic reasons: it was considered possible to iden- ment), sinuosity (the degree of meandering), tify and classifjr channels on these criteria using map widtlddepth ratio (channel shape), and channel slope. evidence and walk through inspections only, the usual Small, forested streams are classified as Rosgen sources of information in land management exercises. Types A and B. In Type A, the entrenchment ratio is The British Columbia channel classification system less than 1.4, widtwdepth ratio is less than 12, sinu- (British Columbia Ministry of Forests, 1996a,b; osity is less than 1.2, and the gradient is greater than Hogan and Bird, 1998), again developed explicitly for 0.04; in Type B, entrenchment ratio is 1.4 to 2.2, aquatic resource management purposes, is based on widtlddepth ratio greater than 12, sinuosity greater field measurements and makes use of earlier typolo- than 1.2, and gradient 0.02 to 0.1. Superficially, the gies by both Grant et at. (1990) and Church (1992). It gradients assigned to these types appear to distin- combines channel relative size and boundary condi- guish channels apt to have structured beds (, tions with the bed material and LWD conditions to step pool, cascades) and limited sediment supply from produce seven channel types (Table 4). Each of the ones without (riffle pool). Insofar as the latter chan- seven channel types is then assigned a disturbance nels are usually larger, being found farther down the state based on field indicators of disturbance, which drainage system, the discrimination of width/depth include sedimentological, bank, morphological, and ratio is superficially plausible, as well. But there LWD features. seems to be no essential reason for consistency in the Whiting and Bradley (1993) have developed a remaining characteristics. process-based classification of headwater streams Montgomery and Buffington (1998) point out that based on the domains in which various processes act the Rosgen classification is not process-based and (Figure 4). The primary variables that are likely to lacks any rational explanation of response potential control the stream ecosystem and sediment mobiliza- for each channel type, However, a superficially similar tion in headwater streams include: (1) hillslope gradi- classification was proposed by the Scientific panel for ent, which determines slope stability and mass Sustainable Forest Practices in Clayoquot Sound movement magnitude, frequency, and type; (2) chan- (1995) for purposes of headwater channel manage- nel gradient which determines stream power (shear ment. Fundamental distinctions were made between stress); (3) valley bottom width (defined as the dis- alluvial and nonalluvial channels (reaches), between tance between opposing valley sideslopes at the base ones with gradient less than 8 percent and greater, of these slopes), which influences flood hydrology and between entrenched and not entrenched, and width determines whether debris flows coming off adjacent classes less than 3 m ("small channels" herein), less slopes will enter the stream; and (4) sediment caliber, than 30 m ("intermediate channels" herein), and larg- which determines movement modes and the amount er ones. For very steep channels (S > 20 percent) dis- of sediment transport. They included two response crimination was also made between seasonal and elements: (1) channel width, which indicates the ephemeral flow regimes. The gradient distinction degree to which the hillslope contributes material was based on probability for fish presence. Such a directly to the channel (e-g., a wide valley bottom, but

TABLE 4. British Columbia Channel Types and Associated Characteristics (after British Columbia Minisw of Forests, 1996a,b).

Code Morphology Subcode Bed Material LWD

RP Riffle pool Gravel Present, major function RP Riffle pool Cobble Present, major function CP Cascade pool Cobble Present, minor function CP Cascade pool Boulder Absent SP Step pool Boulder Present, minor function SP Step pool Boulder Absent SP Step pool Boulder block Absent

Notes: Wood functioning implies that the arrangement of the channel is controlled largely by wood and sediment transport occurs in conjunc- tion with wood transport. Minor function is when wood is present and may influence small portions of the channel but sediment trans- port is largely controlled by flow hydraulics and channel morphology.


one entirely taken up by the channel, will not have a its load in . In Class 5, sediment finer than valley flat on which to trap sideslope debris flows); sand moves primarily in suspension. and (2) channel depth, which, with channel gradient, The foregoing classifications, except the British determines the shear stress. The resulting classifica- Columbia channel classification system, are not com- tion is presented in Figure 4. prehensive because they do not consider the impact of wood on channel morphology in forested streams (Montgomery and Buffington, 1998). Montgomery and Buffington (1993, 1997) proposed a framework for classifying mountain streams based on the fundamen- tal relation that exists between bed surface rough- ness, sediment supply, and sediment transport g-loo capacity, which links processes to form in stream V c channels. Because channel morphology is likely to be .-5 50 3 affected by external controls such as coupling and -2 LWD, they combined these external conditions with f the sediment transport regime to classify channel units into reach scale aggregations. Their classifica- tion scheme was tested using data collected from Ore- 10 gon and Washington streams. The results of this test

5 suggest that each channel type occurs within a limit- 10 100 ed range of slope classes, confirming the findings of Channel width fm) Grant et al. (1990). Myers and Swanson (1997) have subsequently detected a significant link between pool spacing and Montgomery and Buffington's (1993) stream types.


The Disturbance Cascade

A cascade is a system though which mass and ener- gy passes, a formal representation of a process involv- ing mass transfer. This usage is entirely distinct from 0.01 0.1 t 10 100 too0 Median sediment size (mm) that which denominates a channel type, described earlier. A range of geomorphic processes operates in mountain watersheds that can be linked sequentially Figure 4. Figure 4. Process-Based Stream Classification System (a) Characterizing the Degree of Hillslope Interaction With to define a disturbance cascade which moves from the Channel, and (b) Characterizing the Transport of slopes into the channel network. Material in the Channel (modified from Whiting Although the importance of coupling between and Bradley, 1993, Figure 1:607). stream channels and the adjacent hillslopes has been long acknowledged, relatively little work has attempt- ed to characterize its role in the context of the sedi- There are six domain classes in Figure 4b. Class 0 ment cascade through the fluvial system. In coupled represents channels in which sediment remains systems, both hillslope and fluvial processes control immobile in all but extreme events. In Class 1, channel morphology; the former are likely to be domi- sediment is above the criterion for motion in forma- nant, Nakamura et al. (2000) considered two classes tive events and grain size is coarser than 64 mm. In of hillslope processes: small, rapid movements of Class 2, the mobile fine gravels to cobbles are debris from hillslopes to channels and large, slow armoured and shear stresses are never greater than movements of earth material. Small, (10 to 1,000 m3) three times the critical value needed for initial move- episodic debris slides are initiated on slopes and move ment. In Class 3, the mobile gravel to cobble bed is into headwater streams. Slow but large (1-100 ha) unarmoured because shear stresses are more than movements of material include earthflows and rock three times the threshold for motion. In Class 4, the sags that slowly force material into the channel by unarmoured, and primarily sand, bed carries most of

JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 867 JAWRA HASSAN,CHURCH, LISLE,BRARDINONI, BENDA, AND GRANT the mechanism of bank erosion. Low order streams in will, in the end, depend upon the relative time scales steep mountainous regions are typically small, steep, of sediment supply and in-channel dispersion. In the and contain coarse material. The hydrological regime very long term, weathering of lag materials also may is flashy and channel stability is controlled by forced become important. bed forms (e.g., step pool). Field work shows that first order streams might become clogged with sediment delivered from hillslopes and that stream flows gener- Impact of Timber Harvesting and Roads on Sediment ated by small drainage basins are too small to remove Mobilization all of the supplied material, especially the coarser material (e.g., Benda, 1990). Forest harvesting practices consisting of road Debris slides initiated on steep hillslopes enter building, logging and slash burning can significantly channels and may propagate into debris flows that alter the production and transport of clastic sediment. eventually come to rest somewhere downstream near The impacts of forest harvesting have been studied or in low gradient reaches for several decades, allowing some general inferences (Benda, 1990). The region of debris flow deposition is to be made. In most cases, study basins have been still well upstream in the channel network (often at drained by relatively steep, low order streams with junctions of first-order and second-order channels, at rock or gravel bed channels. the base of valley side slopes). In some situations, Harvesting can indirectly influence sediment high pore pressure at the head of steep first-order transfer by altering the hydrology of harvested channels directly generates debris flows, thereby basins. Road building and clear cutting can alter both extending the channel network headward (cf., Mont- the timing and the magnitude of storm runoff events, gomery and Dietrich, 1988). which can cause changes in fluvial sediment trans- In third order and larger streams, side slope collu- port. However, land use may have more direct effects vium and episodic side slope debris slides continue to by making much more sediment available for transfer supply coarse material to the channel. Basin history as the result of soil exposure and disturbance, altered governs the volume of sediment and wood stored on slope stability, damage to streambanks, and the hillslopes and in channels, hence controlling their emplacement of forest debris in gullies and stream redistribution by flow events. In contrast to upstream channels. The consequences of harvesting related sites, the flows are sufficient to move most of the sedi- changes of streamflow are almost always confounded ment downstream. Channel morphology is dictated by with changes in sediment mobilization due to surface the location and volume of sediment and wood sup- disturbance and altered stability of stored sediment. plied to streams. Long term effects of sediment and This review emphasizes sources and mobilization of wood transport are the creation of LWD jams, log sediments. steps, accumulation of boulders, and the construction Most studies in the Pacific Northwest have empha- of alluvial fans (Benda, 1990; Benda et al., 1998). sized acceleration of mass wasting processes following Channels are often bounded by narrow flats that may road construction and clearcutting (e.g., Brown and represent flood benches, debris flow berms, and/or Krygier, 1971; O'Loughlin, 1972; Swanson et al., side slope colluvial fans (e.g., Benda, 1990; Church 1982c; Rood, 1984; Sauder et al., 1987; Rood, 1990; and Ryder, 2001). Grant and Wolff, 1991; Megahan and Ketcheson, Processes in channels control how sediment and 1996). Logging activities affect hillslope stability by wood are transported onward through linked stream reducing or removing root reinforcement, increasing reaches. Benda and Dunne (1997b) developed a sedi- site disturbance, and modifying water interception ment routing model which is based on the stochastic and conveyance (Sidle et al., 1985; Bovis et al., 1998). supply of sediment to the channel network in a Forest practices may increase the incidence of episod- drainage basin. Episodic sediment inputs condition ic mass wasting events up to ten times and sediment pulse like movement of dispersing "waves" through yield by two times or more (Table 1). Hence, post- the channel system. Consequently, it appears that, for harvest mass wasting alters the balance between sed- most of the time, headwater streams are sediment- iment supply and transport in stream channels, starved (Lancaster et al., 2001). It is apparent from thereby changing the channel morphology. both experimental and field studies (Lisle et al., 1997; The deposition of sediment in channels alters chan- Sutherland et al., 2002, and references therein) that nel gradient (Hogan et al., 1998; Montgomery and gravelly inputs to streams are dominantly dispersive Buffington, 1998). A large accumulation of sediment (Lisle et al., 2001), with little or no translation. Mate- may force a lateral shift in unconfined channels, rial caliber and the selectivity of fluvial transport will diverting the flow and causing bank erosion. These have a substantial influence on the results. Hence, sediment inputs change through the drainage net- the condition of channels anywhere in the network work, leading to changes in channel stability and

JAW RA 868 JOURNALOF THE AMERICANWATER RESOURCESASSOCIATION stream ecology. The impact of episodic mass wasting approach, Grant and Wolff (1991) documented 30 events depends on whether they occur in close succes- years of sediment mobility (suspended and bed load) sion (Montgomery and BufEngton, 1998) or only occa- from three small basins with different road building sionally (Gomi, 2002). Bunched events are likely to and forest cutting treatments. A single event in 1964 clog confined channels with large amounts of sedi- transported about 85 percent of the total 30-year load. ment and wood over a relatively short period of time Consequently, they believe that even long term stud- and are likely to bury the pre-existing local morpholo- ies using paired watersheds have limited generalizing gy (e-g., Benda and Dunne, 1997a; Montgomery and value, hence applicability, in places where episodic Buffington, 1998). Occasional events are likely to sus- supply and transport dominate the . tain chronic, though less extreme, impacts on the There are two ways to mitigate sediment delivery channel over longer periods of time (Gomi, 2002). to streams: reduce the volume of erosion through on- Road related mass wasting is a major source of sed- site control practices and reduce sediment delivery by iment (Reid et at., 1981; Reid and Dunne, 1984). Sev- increasing sediment retention on the hillside (Mega- eral studies (Schwab, 1983; Reid and Dunne, 1984; han .and Ketcheson, 1996). Madej (2001) examined Rood, 1984; Rollerson, 1992) have shown that logging the impact of different types of treatment to aban- roads alone can account for up to 90 percent of the doned logging roads in California. She found that sed- increases in slope failures and sediment delivery to iment production from treated roads contributed stream channels. Slaymaker 42000) asserted that the about 25 percent of the sediment produced from failure to avoid unstable during road construc- untreated roads. Also, hillslope position was an tion and lack of maintenance of road drainage struc- important variable in explaining the post-treatment tures are the main factors causing road related erosion of road reaches; erosion problems were most failures. Unsurfaced roads also increase the rates of common on steep, lower hillsides. She concluded that fine sediment production and the amount which is road treatment significantly reduced the long term delivered to streams (e.g., Megahan and Kidd, 1972; sediment risk from abandoned roads. Janda et al., 1975; Rei'd and Dunne, 1984), with conse- The influence of roads on slope stability and sedi- quent impacts on downstream and ment delivery to channels depends on road location, aquatic habitat. Reported road surface erosion rates construction practices, physiographic conditions of the encompass a wide range from a few millimeters per basins, and storm characteristics (Wemple et al., per year to tens of millimeters per acre per year 2001). Within the last 20 years, there have been (e-g., Dyrness, 1970; Megahan et al., 1983; Riley, major changes in accepted road management prac- 1988). Although roads increase sediment transport tices which have resulted in better road designs and rate by both mass wasting and fluvial processes, they decreased sediment transport to channels (Slaymaker, also can function as storage sites by trapping sedi- 2000). There remains a significant need to extend ment in ditches (e.g., Wemple et al., 2001) and mass knowledge of road effects from individual segments to movement transported soil and debris in the road road networks. prism. Wemple et al. (2001) examined the impact of forest roads on the initiation, movement, and interception of sediment during an extreme storm event in the Look- CLOSING REMARKS out Creek and Blue basins, Oregon. Despite the dual function of roads as both sediment source and Channel processes and morphology in forested, depositional sites for mass wasting, the net effect of small streams are controlled by several governing roads was an increase in the basin sediment produc- conditions including water discharge, availability, and tion. Fransen et al. (2001), in a New Zealand study, texture of sediment supplied to or stored in channels, reported an increase of three orders of magnitude in wood supply to channels, channel gradient, and the erosion rates, but also a decline of mass wasting rates conditions of bank vegetation. Sediment supplied with road age (Fransen et al., 2001). Luce and Black from slopes and stored within the channel is the main (2001) monitored sediment loss from road segments control on channel morphology. Sediment transport in that covered a range of soil textures, gradients, plot these streams reflects the balance between supply lengths, and slope heights. In general, however, and transport capacity. Episodic sediment supply the particular location of study sites, the recent histo- causes the channel to alternate over time between ry of the roads, and the small scale of study plots supply limited and transport limited situations. The make it difficult to extrapolate results to watershed impact of episodic sediment supply on channel mor- scale (Dunne, 2001). phology remains poorly understood and needs to be The timing of logging activity relative to large addressed in future research. storms is important. Using a paired watershed


Channel morphology and bed surface structures to spatial variation of hydrological and geomorpholog- control channel stability in headwater streams. ical processes in the landscape, as well as to accumu- Channels are considered to be stable with little sedi- lating adequate temporal records. Many of the ment movement between major sediment supply observations will have to be made as part of opera- events from the adjacent hillslopes. Based on field tional management of the land. Accordingly, the measurements, three phases of sediment transport authors' advice to land managers is "tuum est," or "it have been identified: overpassing fine sediment is yours." - (Phase I), partial mobility of local sediment (Phase 11), and mobilization of most of the sizes found in the bed (Phase 111). In headwater streams, Phases I and I1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dominate the sediment transport regime, while Phase I11 occurs only during relatively extreme flow events. The authors thank Steve Bird, John Buffington, Takashi Gomi, In steep channels, Phase I11 transport leads to debris Dan Hogan, Dave Montgomery, Sandra Ryan, and Rick Woodsmith flows. Due to the major impact of bed surface struc- for data, suggestions, and/or review comments received during the writing of this paper. The authors also acknowledge the construc- tures on sediment mobility, the usefulness of current tive comments of two anonymous reviewers. sediment transport models developed for lowland streams is limited. A successful model should take into account the bed surface structure. Such a model still needs to be developed. LITERATURE CITED Forest management in small, forested basins is Abrahams, A.D., G.Li, and J.F. Atkinson, 1995. Step-Pool Streams: likely to change water, sediment, and wood inputs to Adjustment to Maximum Flow Resistance. Water Resources channels and significantly affect channel morphology, Research 31:2593-2602. channel stability, and aquatic habitat. 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