Michael F. Marmor,James G. Ravin | 224 pages | 11 May 2010 | Abrams | 9780810948495 | English | New York, United States Keane Eyes Gallery

Not only do we see how artists want to be remembered, but also how they are able to project themselves into the world through their technical abilities and through The Artists Eyes artistic gifts. The viewing of a self-portrait is an intimate meeting of gazes of the artist and viewer, The Artists Eyes in time and place. It is qualitatively different from looking at any photograph of the same artist, created in less than a second. Their works range from the more classical or formal to the more naturalistic or realistic. Some works show more overt abstraction, or reveal the painting process. Eleventh Street Arts gallery is special in that its exhibitions are curated by artists who select works based more on artistic merit than on commercial incentives. The reason for curating an exhibit of these artists, Barry admitted, was initially selfish. Many painters, especially in the 18th and early 19th centuries, would donate their self-portrait to the Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence to be displayed in the Vasari Corridor. They saw it as a way to secure The Artists Eyes reputations and worldly success, placing them in a line of painters reaching back to Raphael, Hall wrote. It is also a way for them to further forge their identities for posterity. Some of their techniques for representing themselves can be traced back to artistic practices of the Renaissance. To this day, people still gasp when they look at a Rembrandt self-portrait. His is just a reflection in oil paint. It The Artists Eyes transformative. John, one of the artists in the exhibition. While working on his self-portrait, St. John turned to Rembrandt for inspiration. Edmond The Artists Eyesalso an artist featured in the exhibit, took on an almost cinematic approach to his self-portrait. Placed in the center of a square canvas, he seems to emerge from the darkness, moving straight toward the viewer. The Artists Eyes have an intuitive sense of how the painting ought to be and how it ought not to be. How the artist recreates an internal vision and externalizes it in some way with paint is mysterious to me. The expression in the painting may turn out completely different from what the artist initially had planned. The Artists Eyes can either idealize or deglamorize themselves, but the outcome is always The Artists Eyes telling reflection of how they want to be seen. Although artists usually want a likeness to be recognized in their self-portrait, Barry feels that is not the primary goal. You are not percent of the time in control, and I like that. Facebook Tweet Parler Email. By Milene Fernandez. April 23, Updated: April 27, Related Coverage A Resurgence of Art. Celebrating the Philosopher of Beauty. Chinese Regime. An Artist's Eyes

Artists in and across the globe created dozens of illustrations inspired by the protests. Protests began Aug. The rallies are unprecedented in scale and have been largely peaceful. The protesters dress in white and red — the colors of the opposition flag — and bring flowers and balloons. The Artists Eyes have been held in more than 30 cities. A historic rally in , the capital of Belarus, drew more thanpeople. The government has cracked down on dissent since protests swept the country. Riot police have been seen pummeling unarmed protesters with their boots and batons Plain-clothed law enforcement officers have reportedly abducted protesters, forcing The Artists Eyes into vans. Police detained hundreds of women participating in peaceful marches over the weekend. The organization says detained protesters were forced to kneel with their hands behind their backs for hours in overcrowded cells. Women have been playing a crucial role in the movement against Lukashenko. They have been gathering for women's marches and forming human chains that stretch for miles. Three women became the leaders of the opposition The Artists Eyes. Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya was Lukashenko's main rival in last month's election. One, Viktor Babariko, the head of a major Russian-controlled bank, was jailed The Artists Eyes May on money-laundering and tax-evasion charges that he believes to be politically driven. On Monday, she met with EU foreign ministers at the EU headquarters in Brussels and urged them to sanction those involved in the brutal suppression of protests in the country. She The Artists Eyes now in Ukraine. In a statement delivered by her lawyer, she describes being told that The Artists Eyes she did not leave willingly she could be removed "alive or in bits". She has been charged with calling for actions that threaten the national security of Belarus. She said masked men attempted to break into her apartment. It is a symbolic phrase and a tribute to Nina Baginskaya. Baginskaya was detained on September 19 and later released. Lukashenko has repeatedly denigrated the protesters and the opposition movement. Lukashenko also said that The Artists Eyes of the Belarusians detained during the protests were stoned and drunk. Flying by helicopter to his Minsk residence, he inspected a location of a protest rally with thousands of people. Lukashenko said that its participants "fled like rats. Why Belarus protesters will prevail thread 1. The protest is creative. People do use technologies and to use arts. Every protest looks like the festival. It is engaging and fun. In The Artists Eyes video, you can see the improvised show about Luka. Security at the border with Ukraine will be strengthened. Show caption Hide caption Vola Kuzmich. Stop the violence. Belarus, Margarita Senkova. Kolesnikova, one of the last of the figures The Artists Eyes mass protests against President who is still in the country, was detained at the border early on Tuesday after going missing in Monday. Belarusian artist kastus. They line up peacefully, rally in white robes and flowers and help and support each other - this is how Belarusians protest Olga Khatkovskaya. Show caption Hide caption Veronika Tsepkalo, the wife of opposition figure , who was barred from running for presidency, presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and Maria Kolesnikova, Viktor Babaryko's Veronika Tsepkalo, the wife of opposition figure Valery Tsepkalo, who was barred from running for presidency, presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and Maria Kolesnikova, Viktor Babaryko's campaign chief, pose during a press conference in Minsk on July 17, Motherland calls Anna Redko. The inspiration for this illustration is year-old Nina Baginskaya Katrina Struhalova. Show caption Hide caption Opposition activist Nina Baginskaya, 73, center, struggles with police during a Belarusian opposition supporters rally at Independence Square in Minsk, Belarus, Wednesday, Aug. Opposition activist Nina Baginskaya, 73, center, struggles with police during a Belarusian opposition supporters The Artists Eyes at Independence Square in Minsk, Belarus, Wednesday, Aug. Police in Belarus have dispersed protesters who gathered on the capital's central square, detaining dozens. The crackdown in Independence Square on Wednesday comes on the 18th The Artists Eyes day of protests pushing for the resignation of Belarus' authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko. Belarusians are cats, not rats Ekaterina Gorustovich. Show caption Hide caption This grab taken from a video released by Belarus state agency "Belta" shows President Alexander Lukashenko holding an automatic rifle and wearing body armour as This grab taken from a video released by Belarus state agency "Belta" shows President Alexander Lukashenko holding an automatic The Artists Eyes and wearing body armour as he arrives, on August 23,at his residence in Minsk, not far from where opposition protests are taking place. Pray for Belarus Anna Redko. Belarus protests as seen through the artists' eyes

Marmor and James G. Ravin take this remark as their text for an investigation into artists' vision - think Specsavers, not clouds of glory or Christ on the cross - as understood by the optician, or perhaps the clinician. The Artist's Eyes concerns itself with exactly that. It is a primer on how the eye sees, the difficulties it encounters and the available remedies, in a highly selected subject group. The fascination of these subjects derives precisely from their ocular influence. Not The Artists Eyes do artists live and die by the eye: they teach the rest of us to see. Cezanne had a quip for this too. It is Monet who discovered that. It is presented as a compendium of capsule case histories, dressed up as a lavishly illustrated coffee-table book. The illustrations are well chosen, though ironically the colour values are not always what they might be. The Artists Eyes text is properly cautious about diagnoses or inferences on the basis of fragmentary evidence, which is often all we have. As ophthalmologists, Marmor and Ravin are professionally averse to presumption. Their own contextualisation and explanation is plain and straightforward, sometimes to the point of blandness. Though some critics have admired the work of this period, others have deemed it crude or repetitive. Citing other studies of The Artists Eyes sort, Patrick Trevor-Roper's The World through Blunted Sightfor example, is not much help to readers who wish to trace the source of a quotation from the artists themselves. The case studies are widely gathered - perhaps too widely - from Rembrandt to Chuck Close. Inat the age of 78, Monet described his troubles of the preceding few years: "I no longer perceived colours with the The Artists Eyes intensity, I no longer painted light with the same accuracy. Reds appeared muddy to me, pinks insipid, and the intermediate or lower tones escaped me. As for forms, they always appeared clear and I rendered them with the same decision. At first I tried to be stubborn. How many times Wasted efforts. What I painted was more and The Artists Eyes dark, The Artists Eyes and more like an 'old picture', and when the attempt was over I compared it to former works, I would be seized by a frantic rage and slash all my canvases with my penknife. Monet had bilateral cataracts. To be more precise, he had dense, yellow-brown nuclear cataracts. This resulted in blurred vision and a severe loss of colour perception blurring the distinction between blue and green, for example. Degas had a chronic and progressive retinal disease. To close friends he confessed what a torment it was to draw when he could only see around the spot at which he was looking, and never the spot itself. Pissarro suffered from recurrent inflammation and infection of the lachrymal system. In these cases, we know a good deal about their condition and The Artists Eyes. The discussion in the book is correspondingly meaty and judicious. In other cases, The Artists Eyes the existing literature is bare, the authors do little more than summarise our ignorance. Perhaps the most intriguing is Cezanne, who was diagnosed with diabetes around the age of 50, and accused of "retinal maladies" at about the same time - a textbook case of the argument for the prosecution or the presumption that defective painting can be explained by defective vision. If only more artists were as defective as Cezanne. Marmor and Ravin are admirably clear sighted; but the retinal focus is too narrow for true illumination. As their expose of Monet serves to demonstrate, the trials and travails of the artist involve both the eye and the mind. In other words, the optical is The Artists Eyes related to the psychological. What is of interest to us, said Picasso, is the drama of the man. The Artists Eyes lies behind the eyes. By Michael F. ISBN Published 1 November Get a month's unlimited access to THE content online. Just register and complete your career summary. Registration is free and only takes a moment. Once registered you can read a total of 3 articles each month, plus:. Already registered or a current subscriber? Sign in now. Skip to main content. Alex Danchev on a clear-sighted, but narrowly focused, study. January 7, Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on mail. Please login or register to read this article. Register to continue Get a month's The Artists Eyes access to THE content online. Once registered you can read a total of 3 articles each month, plus: Sign up The Artists Eyes the editor's highlights Receive World University Rankings news first Get job alerts, shortlist jobs and save job searches Participate in reader discussions and post comments Register. Have your say Log The Artists Eyes or register to post comments. Business Management Lecturer Bpp University. See all jobs.