THE BRATTLEBORO DAILY KKL-OUMER-, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1022. TOWER CO.'S REASON'S. Maturity. (Continued lroiu Page 1.) - Jut yesterday, Inside ray eluiir Chittenden World's Ghost lie romped in happy phiv, IUit now I cannot titicl hitit there, Am damage which it tias caused, but that of little lad with flaxen I Absolutely course should not include claims based yy hair liie years have lured away. Masocd Free of Rheumatism, Center Back in Forties ' a. On the acquisition of property potatoes I more VKir.ntile than the prop- - His merry feet were ever slrnv Ls'iter and more Nervousness and ' erty which was destroyed, or To heed my fdightfst call; cigestible. "Mother had On damages caused by 'others, Xo'.v may footsteps come and Saves time and -- Two Pro- 1871, after Eddy journeyed Thanks to Eddy Brothers from land of tin; living and bit tie1 or lint tbis that I would welcome labor. Dyspepsia' tif I "c which 1 never hear fit entire glio--- t business of Chittenden in On damages sire excused all. duced In ! becnitse of decisions Ghostly Stunts tbe hand. o3 her highly ceinpc tent sons. past cf tiiii n of . There is a once ho 55 v Atsts Rutland had at least two rcprcscnta-tive.- s the SeKi Prattlebor jacket that wore, wsr'nj nn Gave ; bra tP' Cave Traveling that held' down one end of the "Takitig these matters up in order our iw 'del jacket blue, - A book his hatv finders tore; mPkm p im&ri primitive split lot: seat tlutt acciimmo- contentions are But. Exhibitions I their vee owner comes no r TANLAC i!::fod the itarr'v on that eifie occasion. ' "First. The present bridge is a RYZON very The listening hours through. should be j Cavo Part of "Kccitcry." j lr.ueh better structure than the bridge March 20. The county of . ' . medi- K1TLAXI, wlibb it lepbo-es- Tin' town now has a r , 1 put in mashed po- It is a wonderful ! s iicvoMi care or Xova holds Ti.e scene of tlie r.t.uii Testation what (Ut lie n)ne my .en; re-inovi- nft: S.M;a, today new for at in 1 s before Antigonish. good M-ar- tatoes states Mrs. F. E. bridge years We dwell i,i cine, about the same place in the world of; the cinneraiiUin today would rail a place of an old bridgo which was jibont apart. I clmst was in a shadow Oh, Time, too swill your jrreed lor men: from the Tounsel, 731 Merchant wraiths aa did Rutland s neighbor. Chit--; lid ears old when destroyed. ;uid there- 1 wart tnv n (.,(, V.ttom f th ravilllf one-thir- d little boy a.iin, fire. Less all( th(. fore at least depreciated. Fur- 'J'o on whip- St., Los Angeles, Cal. tenden, ia the late 4is when the b.ddy j "cave" nbont the thins; that was cradle my jienrt. only thermore, the new bridge is a modern Anna Camden Hall in Life. Order a SW ping 13 needed. Millions of family headed by a. sturdy fanner, (not faked in connection with the efFair structure weighing over .'11! tons, as can today. people - l i was if The results will Ti,u- :wni-Pi- fur Vermont, merely two larRe fragments against an old bridge', weighing 1W tins. Have delicious. Tk'V ' rocKs in such ns to make a Mips Maud Karl, an English arti-d- , creamy monrf position in the of the obi J 'ddir surprise what today would be termed a nngMde )f . Counting depreciation baa the of nil tlie p Gt at or at you. over U. Canada t ,an nocturnal antics it is evident new painted portrait prin- yliMti,-you-' all the S., in the arena of the bridge, clearly that the of Great t.rxl meal. supernatural. ,,f wraiths. bridge is woith to the town at least. ."50 cipal dags Britain, including '. 'jr and Mexico have testified to i the of the Despite the fact that traveling was V"!,i!e tremors agitated the spines of per cent more than the old bridge and we pets royal family. "H Wlllliei1 the remarkable reconstruc- :f probiem than it is today, 70 j 0ll tnere in the certainly should not tie expected to pay i sun-dcii- ly the-a- open mat. cmi .May ncre this wonderful veers students of the occult, ll nignr. for such betterment. tive power of ago the ghost of a - to- sorts of appeared Santuri, "If a man's Innw is insured for S70,- medicine. Get a bottle spiritualists and ('cad redskin, and :i few moments later 000 and he cboo to rebuild with a - the Indian's who had to the day. At all good druggists. diseipies of the isms of those 'days jour- so.uaw, gone house worth miiii.immi, the insurance com tiim i'i lu'tii i s ot mi cm to i no l ome oi t pany oases us paymcju. upon the value Ghost Santuni po.-e- u on u,e oi tlie Eddvs and witnessed scores of man- - iop lf rho the rock the -.S- eV-ond Ro-to- ifestalioiis. against skyline vision of, Tho n M:,ine railroad those on the rail and, as he silhouetted fj, nfl...... V-.- i.,...... Chittenden for more t'nr.n n star-tlecke- d ' ' quarter himself, th? clouds. , ,., . dis-- ! against .,.,.,:... of a century probably enjoyed the stock the pro- - ! in Eddy ghost promotion enibankment which reduces the width of REST-OilT- E tmcrio:i of having acquired the reputa- ject went up as fast as wheat tion of best equipped dropped the river during Hood periods by about possessing th' memorable afternoon two score or ."..'5 ' p resi-- that cent. It also a ghostery in the world in the Eddy ; more ago when Leiter tried per placed series of two-stor- y years "Jo" in the river, which hin- deuce, a and a half wooden j to the Armours. piers materially house (about seven miles from Rutland) bankrupt der the llow of ice through the same, and with squat chimneys at each end and Monhej doodle Business. slow up the speed and change the direc- tall elm trees each side of the front To have attempted to convince that tion of anv moving body of ice. It is our Double Message to Car Owners door which faced the Creen mountains. circle of es that they bad belief, based upon the opinion of expert It was an ideal setting for staging teen deluded and there was engineers, who have been over the ground, that any if bad remained seances with ghosts and the Eddys did business that the river as it was two-fiste- Prest-O-Plate- iiionkcydoodle about Santuin'x before Here is a d offer to hardness and s a wholesale business in acting as inter- ghost disporting in the moonlight atop the railroad bridge was built the battery porosity. mediaries between the good folk of their a boulder would have resulted in hard ice would have moved down stream with- the owners and drivers of automobiles: have both. visit- out to the The Prest-O-Lite- neighborhood, their distinguished feelings town t il those of the skeptical injury bridge. damage to 's 1922 prices, The Great- This explains their ready depend- Use It Instead ors, enterprising newspapermen from slant oi mind. the bridge was caused by the last foot of of a or the the; big cities and those who had gone On in Hora- rise, ns the ice barely touched the bridge, est Battery Values: able reserve power in biting zero poultice that night the long ago Prest-O-Plate- mustard plaster. Simply Rub Ii across the Great IHvide. tio Eddy "put one over," in the par- and was just high enough to cling to its s, the greatest advance weather, and their non-bucklin- g, lower and thus form heat-resistin- In. Clean,Mothsug,eay to &pply. Front Page Stuff. lance of expert ghosC detectors of today, girders an obstruc- in g in summer. on tion against, which Inter ice piled and battery making. strength It beneficial qualities havs 20 before the Herald be- that little band of men and women up Prest-O-Lit- e Nearly years de- linally shoved the bridge down stream. Either one singles out say that are the world's mads Minard's Liniment the came a Chittenden was get- gathered beneath the stars, but the It Experts they daily paper some of is our belief that the railroad is respon- from Combined best is same favorite in thousands of homes a front-pag- e in' the world's scendants of the party still other batteries. they battery plate, and this the ting position sible for the loss of the bridge and Prest-O-Lit- for more than 65 news. It held the world's heavyweight cling to the belief that their ancestors frankly make it a value without a rival. as that e is the years. were, on that occasion, in close com- we are surprised that no claim has been battery saying as the center of ghostly self-evide- championship munication with the of a long- made against it. It seems to us world's best battery. activities. There are probably a score spirit a of a or more of Rutland folks who can relate time dead Indian. that blocking third of the flood For the life of a battery is in the" The party that- - sat on the rail in the 'width of the river must have added to -- You bat- communed- 1I,M1o height of the river at Rrattleboro. Money Saving Figures plates. never need a new Eddy residence stories of shadowy moonlight and with the flMliisi ',ii.T.-.t- . T "r-- Wi OI included third. As the ernon dam was Hear until the in old go mra-ii- n o t. " gllOStS Redskins Andrew! tery l'OH.3 l.V'.H thn.t. of tlie , - . , . . .L , plates your V'.'." w ' 1 completion in lW.i. the otlicers of this As mediums and from ' ing Prest-O-Lit- bad. long as you have live plates, bringing messages A - took with e the dead Albert I rost of Rutland, Charles Wake- eimpany up the selectmen of Batteries represent the have a Vrstm filil of Tioston, .lamps Little of Lake Erattleboro the changes necessary in the .value in Consider that you battery. N. V.. Mrs. Goss M idges and roads across the at Erat- - greatest years. ot was me George. and Caroline river Prest-O-Lit- e consort .epiianian l.ihly, of Hudson. Wis. tieboro. It was agreed that the covered you can buy a regular mother of the Eddy children William over east 11. G. bridge the branch should be Battery for popular makes of light cars Guaranteed and Horatio whose mediumistic Hobgoblin Pageant. raised. it was Doubly accomplishments first set the world Accordingly, raised, and for $19.90 (trade .1 price). Which Costs More? comment The moonlight ghost Tost was only one no serious damage has ever been done to agog in 1S4S and aroused from cf a thousand incidents in the the since time. Here are other values: in perhaps bridge that Wa also sug- outstanding Prest-O-Lit- e the newspapers this country r 6-v- And of greatest career of thee niasn-- ghost gested to the Selectmen of $24.50 (trade-i- n olt every part a and England. producers Rrattlehorn price) for a type To Have Insurance and the Eddys. It has been said that tie advisability of raising the iron bridge Battery is worthy, In material and Toe Chittenden of today has forgot- Ma-comb- s. serving witchcraft was inherited by Julia which was carried Prest-O-Plate- s. Not Need It ten the of the Eddy family. away. Our estimates workmanship, of exploits but the investigators have never were that the would be from !St5.(M0 BUICK MAXWELL. CHANDLER ou About the only reminder of this sturdy cist That is 87 manufac- woman of two of the reported the truth of such allegations. to .vS.tMHI and the company through Mr. OAKLAND HUDSON ESSEX why leading Scotch mother reiM'itoire - Prest-O-Lit- e To Need Insurance and The of the Eddy's ghost i us umi execn- 12-vo- as fakers has recorded, ins counsel, mvseit. its lt n turers specify original greatest history w j t e at $32.30 (trade-i- moss-covere- factory as almost unlimited. There ive officer, offered to raise brid-'- type price) Not Have It. William and Horatio Eddy is a d the at and "the list is growing." a was the stunt of producing for the cred the company s expense, and advised such that serves equipment, gravestone standing aslant ulous a woman on a white the Mr. Prest-O-Lit- e is backed mound in a deserted burial horse; action. Charles Crosby, who owned MAXWELL Every by place. whose fed DODGE FRANKLIN Prest-O-Lit- e GEO. M. CLAY At the of the stone, carved in a spinning ghost gaunt lingers the grist mill just north of the bridge, the regular guaranty, a top e the tla.v from her dita!T to her rapidly bitterly opposed the be-au- he concave oval, is a hand with the index t raising, There are similar reductions on definite a that , General Insurance Agency driven w heel ; he "circle room" w here said it would make it more difficult for obligation, plus spirit Dank Dlock Vt. linger pointing skyward and above are William and Horatio reached out and every Prest-O-Lit- e and Prest-O-Li- te Brattleboro. words. Our .Mother. the trams to get to bis mill. After much dis- Battery, says the car owner must be pleased. the beyond the confines of the material cussion the Selectmen builds a bat- pointing hand i the inscription: Julia. decided, because (if correct type of En-- world into the land of spirits and .Mr. Crosby's opposition, that the A. Eddy, wife of Zcphatiiah Eddy. ; from the dead. bridge tery for every make of motor car and world of 1 lee. brought spirit messages should not be raised. If the bridge Lad PREST'O-LlT- E tered tlie spirits 2'.th,i A favorite feature of the Eddy seances been ns truck. Use Service ls72, aged "'. yrs., 0 mos., 21 ds. raised, the company offered and ' I was the of ghost babies. l 'l-- l presentation 1 . I advised the xw.i-l.- . . . - not been n...v ,.i - . dumajro. wquj hve in,i., I ineir h ' ir gnosis, at..'i:ic- i:;;i- Fl;iti';l . if (I es not seem' to Us and hi licious the Minoking and PREST-O-PLATE- S Prest-O-Li- te Though Zephaniah spouse barber, sijuaw that we should now , be made t soft er Yes, With It is our business, as part cf a into that a of musical wraiths. e Ioii" niab their joimiey performance " i I I " in lilt ti Service, the oldest organized land from which "no traveler returns, ; able tipping ringing of gongs, spirit ,url declined to permit us to raise the story of bow tb.s- - simple country) writing and such exemplifications of thvthvrbridge. service to motorists, to carry out this in ! were -- n folks d uned the world of believers epernaiurai connuonpiaces in me: i.. ,lf .....,., f,,.t, ,, ; These are not special models. They spirit; and to see that you get every bit will remain as one bro thers i OS li , . y Prest-O-Lite- c, L.iines ;up rnatural Eddy program. tlie further ffw.f f- - top-qualit- Prest-O-Lit- e - ...... I ...... are with the of life of a u... .11i n .1. l.n.. out f i ' :mh oi i ,1.1.1.. ! ! I .i f i. . Battery. the lliosl rJ:i'!"Sii iiiiu i'i tior t v on u n nt'. "iir insi 'er lliofil f nitural ruii-we- Prest-O-PIate- s. is i -- t commercialize : a Chittcinlrii w as famous no matter what . by ghost ,ijf ,m v ir,, j',r;,i, out arid But, battery you ! Ellen MacDotiahl of Antigon-ii-i- :. Prest-O-PIate- s Mary i .. i . ami m Mew are as different from have, use our Service Station. You will X of i l"'cun,g winter, S.. is. t use the slang today, " a1 iii ' vi'lin oi ne Illir oi j;il"u.l t tt'C Cl'ltl nt decisions b' that as is from find our JLJSLSON j amateur if she is the ns to snawi-mauin- ot ig ordinary battery plates gold experts ready to help you pro- i rank ghost accomiuisnrneiirs ii.a ,.Xr;ior,,; n.irv i.:itiir.'il conditi en in- !ino( who -' trbest. were of '.!...'.' - . VT. 'Mt.irtrd by the sleuth Si'jttntn's There "hosts i.. f iresi-cn- . gilt. They combine unusual hard- long the life of your battery. No one BRATTUinORO 1 re;iso!,;i,- ' find I ' ... i r .ii..u;.ge., r, Sit 'tie .i!vs:.':,:"u:-- iu y,, '.;,.,.,..:. be ness with a None here will need a new ' , . . ranu'it. ttll that Mi ., ,....-,..,,- : ,,.;-- - i ('iff-'- i t !. f ... "oi you you : w t!i t.w Kddy- ..' v peculiar porosity. - . 'Vciiin!, belie ! i of the old between until do. Come around is with Jer;oan-.- i M.jr.v Eih'o not credited bic'i t::nad:j!i:s at. we , r , compromise battery you today. - !:;w would ho eiiooei d from ti pay- - plate irM'utui'ity. Hot the Eddy pos v;sii :sg C.e h'.m- of ti.e i "boys" Eddys. h: i.t of t io h :. I and. ae-- , any e, .'i sessed the keenest of intellects iAm,ii)tx sent ; ., f;i it , C-- i i .r. - .!-,.- . - I Skrptic. jsh-i- oi,r to town, o:l-umers- -. . . pi ue l,:n.. - to niviiru mvj- i i . . i liflt-CU- 11 W tKiillg '. j t...i '.ii were 'C'fl'ered to u tile a : ON '204- R JjJJ -- 'iierc skciiucs I!t:i! canie lo ot and PH ! i th"ir v I...... I .. .. bai to investigate "powers. ! ,.. 1 of the Chittenden and anions tl io was a pro- j "'"I" "i""' ' oei onrilel ali'OI o' Co.. '!'. narrate a hundredth part W.MI Brothers fessional Khost I.ur.tir 4ii.i.i.Aed bv sei' the reasoi.ahbiess of our view - r- -- row me tie Manley t- ami no. - - : i - story of the Ivl iys. t ii- a e 1 W - of the J.onoon r.'iph latter became in alio ppi eeiui lint a re oting traveled over the greater part y volved ni a coidroir-.- with a only in a fair but liberal in !vi BRATTLEBORO sear.ces for the coin of Hriall ' way l.i.i ii'r CARDS. world ghing the ii.dsiin such an ffer. PROFESSIONAL, whatever realm they happened .to lx in. latter that t' ere were many uncxplainable things "We appreciate tlie onp ,i iiity THOMAS RICE, M. D. American Building. ti.e ghost of Ant igoniMi and the about tint case. ns to discus's this you 3 Eddy tgi've matter with von Ofrice hinirs: and p. m. ip erres that have from time to time we ' After the Eddy brothers had traveled siul shall be very indeed dis-ov- er DRTE7L7 214 the last 10 centuries annoyed glad to TRXCY71?5yiciar"Sur6ooa, during the world and connected thousands fuss it with you. further at vour nle-ism-- 8 1 3 r-- yal in what the Main St. Office hours: to 9 a. m., to p. m frunilier Europ.' u 7 8.30 m. 2?6. i soini.s wuu earin ioiks toe rs cry vours. THE OLDEST SERVICE TO MOTORISTS to p. Tel. f.pc-rtiin- terms the category iati truly faternity confessed that they bad duped the cred- H. I. HARIHMANV DR. C E. WHIE, Physician and Surgeon,! of "pikers." ' 205 206. : ulous and today the of the Chit-- i liarber Building, Rooms and Hours: Top-Nofche- stoiy 3 7 717-- 717-R- .- Were tenden bes been and 8 p. m. Office res., Eddys ghosts forgotten- excent i tel., .... I . 1. . v -- '.'i.l"!Hs ot u e on on by a few persons 1 DR. G. B. HUNTER. Office at residence, West: - Robins Sing AN Year Round 3 9 1 d m the talcs Cf the og.s- Among the advetituif-u- s from Itrattleboro. Hours: to a. m.. to 2, and le'v. deep spirits The robin and the wren 6.3) to 8 p. m. Telerhone, 318. and Peruvian sorcerers and ot Kut'and who .t in to seances in the are the onlv tt ivnra of - W. J. KAINE, M. D., Physician and Sorgeoa. ''it;0, the necromancer of the court ("aittenden ghost shop were tie- present Lirds that sing all the year round. Office. Room 10. Ellerv buil.iir.ff. Hours: 8.30 tr'o-.- r W.TCCs'ailS. have found, nothing in Thomas II. - All other birds have periodical is to 9.30; 1.50 to 3M; 7 to 8. 0;fice 'phone 429-- : i would make the family tbird- P.rowne. iikevise exalted r;i!i of Rut- tI , Eddy fciknee. Kesult-iue- '3 St., phone, 429-- in the uiiost business industry. land lodge cf E'.ks. and the. well known jiplv?!r C. R. ALDRICH, M. D. Hoors: 12.30 to 2.M), ;r lavr been termed in' the late tobacconist, Ei w Abraham. 7 to 8. Orlicc 165-W- ; house. 165-R- . course-- , 'pbonc. 1 ' There were, of others, but only y work a specialty. are toothless men and women. a few remain who can pose ns eye-wit-- G. R. ANDERSON, Surceon and Physician. of and who win esses to the materialization of" a Office and residence. impaired ler.ring sight, spirit Fine for Surgery specialty. fi'Ci licet the visit ot l lento s cave mm folks in the Eddv home. Neuralgia Brooks H'.'.ise, 123 Main St. Hours: After- on i. noons, 1.30 to 3, evenings, 7. to 8, except Tues- u'mht ,f biilliant moonlight May jMusterole insures quick relief from days ami Fridays. Sundays by appointment Finioh;d ti'.e Job. Tieuralgia. When these sharp painj ro onlv. 'Phone 246. cheating through head, rub a she should leave bus-ban- d your just DR. GRACE W. BURNETT, Physician and "Strange her little of this clean, white ointrncr.t 03 Surgeon. Market Block, Elliot St. Office after he bad piven up all his bad and neck. hours: 8.30 to 9.30 a. ni. ; 1.30 to 2.30, and 7 to 8 your tcaipbs 744-Y- habits and settled down." p. m. Telephone "Wei!, she Mustcrcle is nude with oil mus- him to I of DR. HTpTlGREENETPhysiciaa and Surgeon. married reform h!in, and sup- but TUl net burn blister 7 tard, tr.d like Office, Bank block. Hours: 1.30 to 3, and to pose when she hud completed the ton-tra- ct the 8 p. m. Residence, 83 Green St. Telephone mustard piaster. there was nothing else to do." I . connection. Mornings and Sundays by ap- Get MuEtcrc!e ct ycur dru clcrc and pointment only. Boston Zi up Transcript. C5 55c in jars & tube: ;hocpitclsiLo, $3. j EDWARDR7"LYNCH, m71. Surgery a spe-oialt- Office, Park Building. 'Phone, 540. LZTTEH TILWJ A MU2TARD TLASVEH Hours: 1 to 4 p. in.,. 7 to 9 p. m. Residence, BAUMS. Obverse Has E!g Margin. pn" Putney Road. 'Phone, 177. Sundays by ap- Says the Eincolu Star: "For every V pointment only. . woman a fool BratthT-boro- . that inukes out a man kEtlfej 1 BENGUE D R"AT" l7M I LLER, looker block, (ANA.U3ESICLUE.) jf y Is Iftice hours: 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6.30 to 8. there another woman who makes a teW'5''" Wl R. NOYESrwrDTPysicfan andSurgeon, man out of a fool." We'd like to be- Eye, Ear, Xoe and Throat. Glasses fitted. Ilrs for Prest-O-Lite- 's 5. lieve that, but from our observation Headquarters special batter' for radio purposes 9J2JJ0 JyVed. and Sat. Eve. Am. Bid?. c DR. HENRY TUCKER. 12 At All Dru?ql ts Kerp tube liaily the reverse process Isn't nearly as Residence. Grove THOS. LEEM1NC tr CO. NEW YORK St.; telephone, 258. Office, Leonard block. easy. Boston Transcript. Hours: 1.30 to 3. and 7 to 8. Telephone, 29-- DR. H. L. WATERMAN. Office. 117 Main ST. ver 1 3, Tel. 42-- W. H. 'yl'srelirs:LANE, M. Do li7Aiain Stl Hours": CAP" STUBE3 Aw Well C'ih on Tlien! Protected by George Matthew Adams By Edwin. 1 to 3 and 7 to 8, except Sundays. Tel. 789-W- . DR. C. G. WHEELER, OstwpithlP'hysiiciai'. 110 Barber Bldg. Office hours: 10 to 12 and 2 !Ld:l.refLt?LL'L?LaiJ,!lirl!T,ent- - Tel. 219-- RASKINS Sc ' SCHWENK, ATtneyTaiod Counl sellors at Law. Brattleboro. Vt. " -- 1 DR. G. F. BARBEIr-- Union block, i '' Brattleboro. iMJlS1- '" Hi -- T t5M:-,- (iV ts-- FRANK E. BARBER, at Law. Bar- - PFfr Attorney Per buildintr, Brattleboro. O. B. HUGHES, Lawyer. 212 Barber Building. U')6-- Tflrpone M BARROVS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in coals of all kinds. Office, 37 Main St., Brattleboro. BOND & SON, Exclusive Undertaking, Auto- - mobile service. Telephone 26J--

PHONE 354-- W Moran & Rolide ' - - Funeral Directors i :,:o : .L..' & T -- TcW'- - f Automobile Equipment 57 MAIN STREET Brattleboro, Vermont