Quarterly Report July—September 2016 Quarterly Report July—September 2016 1 Quarterly Report July—September 2016 CTrides.com 1-877- CTrides (287-4337)
[email protected] A Service of the Connecticut Department of Transportation 2 Quarterly Report July—September 2016 CTrides: Quarter 3 Activity Summary July—September 2016 The third quarter of 2016 focused primarily on developing a holistic marketing plan for the upcoming year and finished with the first outreach-focused event of the year, CTrides College Month. 2016-2017 Planning During July and August, CTrides took a number of measures to carefully plan out its upcoming year, generating a broad marketing calendar of major campaigns. Planned CTrides marketing and outreach campaigns include: College Month, Kick Off Your Commute, Telework Week, a Winter Campaign, Business Forum, Earth Week, & CTrides Week Using this holistic view of the planned marketing efforts, CTrides then generated a calendar for each individual campaign with specific deliverables and touchpoints that centered around “due dates” for listed tasks. This included everything from concept development, to production and final delivery. This breakdown allowed CTrides to flush out every campaign and be able to transition fluidly from one to the next without missing any crucial dates or deadlines. As the quarter progressed, the focus shifted toward planning a media buy from Fall 2016 through Spring/Summer 2017. Included in this year’s media plan for CTrides is similar elements to what’s been featured in the past, but also some new mediums to continue to diversify the media in order to reach the target viewer in the most effective way possible.