2021-2022, HS, African American History, Quarter 1, Semester

Students begin a comprehensive study of African American history from pre1619 to present day. The course complies T.C.A. § 49-6-1006 on inclusion of Black history and culture. Historical documents are embedded in the course in compliance with T.C.A. § 49-6-1011. The Beginnings of and the Slave Trade pre-1619 State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.01 Analyze the economic, The economic, political, and Analyze and discuss reasons for political, and social reasons for social reasons for why the slave the focusing the slave trade on focusing the slave trade on trade focused on Africans. , especially the natural Africa, including the roles of: resources, labor shortages, and The role Africans, Europeans, and Africans, Europeans, and religion. 2 Days colonists. colonist played in the slave trade. Analyze the motivations of Africans, Europeans, and colonists to participate in slave trading.

AAH.02 Analyze the role of The impact of Africa’s geography Analyze various maps of Africa geography on the growth and on the development of slavery. including trade routes, physical development of slavery. geography, tribal locations, and natural resources.

Use Exploring Africa Website to

understand previous uses of 1 Day slavery and compare the internal African slave trade, slave trade in Europe during the , and the later chattel enslavement of Africans.

AAH.03 Assess the impact of the Consequences of the slave trade Examine digital sources, as well slave trade on West Africa and on the different regions of West as use of the textbook (chapter 2) North American colonies. Africa. to analyze and discuss the growth of slavery in the newly developed 2 Days Consequences of the indentured colonies as well as throughout servants/enslaved West Africans Africa. in Jamestown and the spread of slavery throughout the colonies.

AAH.04 Explain why the Middle Effects of the on Analyze primary and secondary Passage is considered to be one enslaved Africans, the conditions sources to understand what the of the largest forced migrations of their transportation across the Middle Passage is and how it was in . Atlantic, and estimated migration used to transport enslaved numbers of affected people. Africans into the newly formed 2 Days colonies. VOCABULARY: • Middle Passage Use resources such as TED Talk • Tribalism “ Slave Trade,” • Equiano “Timeline of the Middle Passage.”

African American Life Prior to the Civil War 1619-1860 State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.05 Analyze the economic, The contradictory economic, Read and analyze contradictory social, religious, and legal social, religious, and legal justifications for slavery, such as: justifications for the justification used for the • Original and final drafts of establishment and continuation establishment and continuation the Declaration of of slavery. of enslavement. Independence.

• Thomas Jefferson’s “Notes

The approach by founding on VA” and correspondence 1 Day documents to address slavery. with Benjamin Banneker.

• Virginia and How lifelong enslavement was documents that legalize established in the American slavery. colonies by the enslavement of in 1640 by Anthony • Examine former slave John Johnson who himself was of Anderson’s lawsuit to keep African descent. John Punch as a lifelong slave.

Examine the chronological laws put in place for enslavement.

AAH.06 Describe the varied How the lives of freed Blacks Explore the lives of Benjamin experiences of free Blacks in varied based on the region. Banneker (MD), Phyllis Wheatly colonial America. (MA), Equiano (SC) and Prince Hall (MA), and how their experiences varied based on 1 Day region.

Students create posters or multimedia to show the various experiences and share.

AAH.07 Identify the various ways The various rebellions in the Compare the various slave Africans in the U.S. resisted colonies and other forms of rebellions, such as: Nat Turner, slavery as well as their ability to resistance. Stono, Denmark Vesey, New buy their . City Conspiracy (1741), Gabriel's The methods which enable some Conspiracy (1800), and the enslaved Africans to buy their German Coast Uprising of 1811 1 Day freedom. and their impact.

Identify how rebellions are different from resistance using Gilder Lehrman “Slave Resistance” primary sources.

AAH.08 Analyze the role slavery Correlate how slavery was Compare and contrast actions played in the development of strengthened in the South and taken by the government that nationalism and sectionalism, weakened in the North by leads to nationalism and including the fugitive slave laws. various economic and social sectionalism such as the differences within the colonies Purchase, cotton gin, 1 Day including the role of fugitive slave Southern economies, Haitian laws. Revolution, 3/5ths Compromise, Northwest Ordinance, Abolitionist Movements, and other legislation.

AAH.09 Assess the development The various forms and impact of Compare assorted styles of of the abolitionist movement and the abolition movements and abolitionism such as: the use of its impact on slavery and the leaders, including: print media and passive vs. active nation, including the efforts of: • American Colonial Society abolitionism. American Colonial Society, • 1 Day Frederick Douglass, Ralph Waldo Discuss David Walker’s quote: • Emerson, , “see your Declaration Americans! • William Lloyd Garrison , . Do you understand your own • Sojourner Truth language?” • Harriet Tubman

AAH.10 Explain the Underground Relate how the Underground Analyze the life and impact of Railroad and assess its impact on Railroad affected the institution Harriet Tubman and the slavery in the United States. of slavery from both opponent on slavery 1 Day and proponent points of view. and attempts to escape, as well as how the South viewed supporters of the Railroad.

AAH.11 Compare and contrast Correlate how African American In groups, students research African American communities in communities developed based on characteristics of urban and rural the North and South, with their geographical location. communities that differ based on emphasis on those in rural and geographical locations such as: urban areas. Mid-Atlantic, Chesapeake Bay 1 Day regions, Southern Atlantic, , and Lower Mississippi Valley OR by state including , Virginia, , Massachusetts, New

York, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.

AAH.12 Describe and analyze The ways in which African Read and analyze various various experiences of African American family units were accounts of events that directly American families in the impacted by enslavement. impacted enslaved African Antebellum United States. American families such as: slave 1 Day auctions, intentional separation of families, escape, and marriage.

AAH.13 Describe the How African Americans built a Examine primary and secondary development of African American community support system sources to depict changes from institutions, such as religion, through churches, colleges, and 1619-1860 in African American education, and benevolent other organizations. institutions such as: 1 Day organizations, during this era. • Religion How these communities looked • Education similar and different in the North • Benevolent organizations v. the South.

AAH.14 Identify and explain The contributions to the arts and Research an individual who contributions to science and the sciences made by African contributed to the arts and arts from African Americans Americans prior to the Civil War. sciences during this era such as: during this era. • Thomas Jennings 1 Day • Benjamin Banneker • Phillis Wheatley • Joshua Johnson • Rebecca Cole • James Whitfield

African Americans during the Civil War and Reconstructions 1861-1890s State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.15 Describe President How Lincoln’s views of slavery Analyze primary sources from 's evolving views changed over time. Abraham Lincoln and trace any on slavery. changes over time. Sources such The Civil War impact on Lincoln’s as: view of slavery and his • Lincoln-Douglas Debate 1 Day subsequent actions. • A House Divided Speech • Letter to Stephens • First Inaugural Address • Proclamation • Gettysburg Address • Second Inaugural Address

AAH.16 Describe the changing How the lives of African Read and annotate a primary status of slaves, freed slaves, and Americans changed during and source and create a one pager free Blacks during and after the after the Civil War. that synthesizes the content and Civil War. how it relates to the experiences The social and economic impacts of free or enslaved Blacks during AAH.17 Identify and explain the of freedom after the Civil War. and after the Civil War. 2 Days roles of African American How African Americans soldiers, spies, and slaves in the View and compare video clips contribute to the Civil War effort war effort in both the North and from the film Glory which depicts both on and off the battlefield the South, including the 54th the experience of African including the roles of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment and the American soldiers during the Civil Massachusetts Regiment and the 13th U.S. Colored Troops. War. 13th U.S. Colored Troops.

AAH.18 Identify reasons for and The motivations behind adding Close read of the 13th, 14th, 15th effects of the 13th, 14th, and the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to break out all the 15th Amendments on African Amendments to the Constitution. components that impact the lives Americans. of African Americans. How the 13th, 14th, and 15th

Amendments impacted the View and compare video clips 1 Day political, social, and economic from the film 13 or Slavery by lives of African Americans. Another Name which depict the positive and negative impacts of the 13th Amendment on African Americans.

AAH.19 Analyze the effects of How Reconstruction programs Using primary and secondary Reconstruction on the legal, and policies, including the sources, create a chart that political, social, cultural, Freedmen’s Bureau, impacted compares the legal, political, 1 Day educational, and economic life of the lives of African Americans social, cultural, educational, and Freedmen. after the Civil War. economic lives of Freedmen.

AAH.20 Assess the successes and List and evaluate the successes Create a T-chart listing the failures of Reconstruction as they and failures of Reconstruction successes and failures of relate to African Americans. including the abolishment of Reconstruction. slavery, citizenship for freed Research modern day slaves, and the development of connections to the successes and poll taxes and . failures of Reconstruction such

as: Correlate the rise and fall of • impacts of legislation and African Americans in Tennessee’s court decisions (Civil Rights 2 Days General Assembly during Cases of 1883, Compromise Reconstruction including of 1877, Mississippi Plan of Sampson Keeble and Samuel 1875). McElwee. • Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and identify some of the most prominent in Tennessee and in the U.S. • the political lives of Sampson Keeble and Samuel McElwee.

Analyze historical documents that evaluate whether Reconstruction had an overall positive or negative impact on African Americans.

African American Life After Emancipation through I 1890s-1920s State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.21 Assess the economic and How Jim Crow laws impacted the Research and analyze various Jim social impact of Jim Crow laws on economic and social Crow Laws from different states African Americans. opportunities for African and Supreme Court cases. Americans. Determine how they were similar

and different. Discuss how these Define de jure and de facto laws and decisions might impact segregation and cite examples to the social and economic status of 2 Days identify the difference. African Americans in different

states. Identify Black Wall Street and how it overcame a Jim Crow Watch PBS documentary clips to South. review and analyze the economic impacts of Jim Crow laws.

Identify Durham, North Carolina as the “Black Wall Street in Jim Crow era.

AAH.22 Analyze the legal How the Civil Rights Acts of 1883 Analyze the Supreme Court Case ramifications of segregation laws attempted to establish equal of Plessy v Ferguson and various and court decisions (e.g., Plessy treatment for African Americans. cases following that fought for v. Ferguson) on American society. equal rights. How the “separate but equal” 2 Days decision in Plessy v. Ferguson Identify cases that attempted to impacted toward equal gain equality and others that treatment for African Americans. attempted to continue segregation.

AAH.23 Compare and contrast Distinguish how Booker T. Research and analyze various organized responses to Jim Crow Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois responses to the Jim Crow Laws, laws (e.g., the Niagara worked to advance economic, such as the Niagra Movement, Movement, the NAACP, the political, and social opportunities NAACP, the Urban League, the Urban League, the Atlanta for African Americans. Atlanta Compromise, Farmers 1 Day compromise, the Farmers’ Alliance, Brotherhood of Sleeping How different economic and Alliance, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and anti-lynching social organizations responded to Car Porters, and the anti-lynching writings and the successes of the implementation of Jim Crow crusade). each. laws.

AAH.24 Identify influential How African American activists Research and analyze various African Americans of the time worked to effect change in contributions of Robert R. period and analyze their impact society during the Jim Crow era. Church, Randolph Miller, James on American and Tennessee Napier, and Ida B. Wells on 1 Day Identify successful African society (e.g., Robert R. Church, Tennessee Society in response to Americans despite Jim Crow laws Samuel McElwee, Randolph Jim Crow Laws. including Robert R. Church and Miller, James Napier, and Ida B. James Napier. Wells).

AAH.25 Describe the progress of The development of HBCUs and Analyze, using primary and African American institutions, African American churches during secondary sources, the growth such as religion, education, and this era. and development of African American institutions such as benevolent organizations, during How the development of HBCUs churches, HBCU, and NAACP and 1 Day this era. and African American churches how they supported African impacted the community Americans during this time. including Rosenwald schools. Explore the significance of the

Rosenwald schools.

AAH.26 Describe the economic, The practice of sharecropping, Analyze migration patterns of cultural, political, and social the impact of the migration of African Americans after the Civil impact of African American African Americans from the War. Refer to Jim Crow Laws and migration within and from the South to the Midwest and North. analyze why many were moving South (e.g., Exodusters, Benjamin out of the South. How the development and “Pap” Singleton, and the First enforcement of Jim Crow laws Determine the efforts of Pap 2 Days Great Migration). caused African Americans to Singleton and the Exodusters to

move out of the South. migrate to their own communities. VOCABULARY: • Exodusters Compare the Tulsa Massacre and • Pap Singleton the Memphis Massacre due to • Great Migration the impact of African American migration in the South.

AAH.27 Identify the How African Americans Students will look at the achievements of African contributed to the scientific contributions of George American inventors and growth and development in the Washington Carver, Garrett entrepreneurs of the period (e.g., United States from the 1890s- Morgan, and Madam C.J. Walker 1 Day George Washington Carver, 1920s. and discuss the impact of each on Garrett Morgan, and Madam C.J. American society. Walker).

AAH.28 Describe the impact of How African American regiments, Identify the contributions of African American regiments on including the 9th and 10th Williamson County’s own George the western campaigns, the cavalry units impacted the 1 Day Spanish-American War, and western campaigns, the Spanish- Jordan and why he was awarded World War I. American War, and World War I. the Medal of Honor.

Analyze how the 9th and 10th Cavalry, and the all-Black units of World War I contributed to the course of both wars.

AAH.29 Describe the African The push and pull factors of Compare the jobs of African American experience during and African American migration out Americans and Whites during this after World War I (e.g., economic of the South in the post-World time. opportunities, Second Great War I era. Analyze the hardships of the Migration, and the resurgence of What led to the resurgence of Second Great Migration with the Ku Klux Klan). 2 Days the KKK post-World War I, and use of “sundown towns” to

how this impacted the lives of highlight the mobility constraints African Americans. and hardships.

Marcus Garvey's ‘Back to African Analyze the resurgence of the Campaign.” KKK and the enforcement of Jim Crow laws that inspired the Back to Africa Campaign.

2021-2022, HS, African American History, Quarter 2

Students conclude their comprehensive study of African American history from pre1619 to present day. The course complies T.C.A. § 49-6- 1006 on inclusion of Black history and culture. Historical documents are embedded in the course in compliance with T.C.A. § 49-6-1011. African Americans and the Harlem 1920s-1930s State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.30 Identify literary The contributions to literature by Analyze some of the works contributions made by African African Americans during the first published by Countee Cullen, Americans during this era (e.g., half of the 20th century including Langston Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston and identify how those Countee Cullen, Langston Countee Cullen, Langston works inspired the lives of other Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston). Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston. African Americans.

AAH.31 Describe the The contributions to the Read, listen, study, and watch contributions of African performing Arts by African various songs, recordings, and

Americans to the performing arts Americans during the late 19th works from African Americans during this era (e.g., DeFord and 20th centuries including such as: DeFord Bailey, Duke

Bailey, Duke Ellington, Fisk DeFord Bailey, Duke Ellington, Ellington, Fisk Singers, 5 Days Jubilee Singers, W.C. Handy, Fisk Jubilee Singers, W.C. Handy, W.C. Handy, James Weldon James Weldon Johnson, and John James Weldon Johnson, John Johnson, John Work III, Aaron Work III). Work III. Douglas, and William Edmonson.

AAH.32 Describe the The contributions to visual arts Analyze how those contributions contributions of African by African Americans in the 20th changed not only African Americans to the visual arts century including Aaron Douglas American Societies but American during this era, including the and William Edmondson. Society as well. work of William Edmondson. The impact of the Harlem Identify the Harlem Renaissance AAH.33 Analyze the influence of Renaissance on American culture and the location of Harlem. the Harlem Renaissance on and how it spread throughout American culture. the United States. Refer various artistic contributions from above and describe how those major contributors inspired change throughout the United States.

Discuss the importance of the radio and the dispersion of culture.

Take a field trip to the National Museum of African American Music in Nashville.

African American Life during the Great Depression and World War II State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.34 Analyze the impact of How African Americans were Analyze the political shift in the the Great Depression and the impacted by the Great United States during the New New Deal on the lives of African Depression compared to Whites Deal era and how this shift Americans. and what the New Deal did and impacted African Americans. did not do for African Americans. Look at various New Deal

programs and which ones were 2 Days specifically leaving out African Americans from receiving benefits.

Explain the reaction of Eleanor Roosevelt to the injustices of African Americans and her popularity among Blacks and the impact on the political landscape.

AH.35 Describe highlights of The development of African Look at numerous examples such African American culture of the American culture during the as Satchel Paige, the Negro the 1930s and 1940s (e.g., Satchel 1930s and 40s including the Baseball League, Cab Calloway, Page and Negro league baseball, Negro Baseball League, Blues and the Mississippi Delta blues 1 Day Cab Calloway, and Mississippi music, and popular individuals musicians that inspired the Delta blues musicians). Satchel Paige and Cab Calloway. growth of African American culture.

AAH.36 Identify the contributions The experience and contribution Compare and contrast the of African Americans who served of African Americans during experiences of White and African in the military and compare their World War II in comparison to American soldiers on the 4 Days experiences to other Americans other Americans during the war. Homefront and abroad during who served in World War II. World War II including Dorie Miller at Pearl Harbor.

AAH.37 Describe the experience The typical experience for African Review primary sources for the of African Americans at home Americans on the Homefront reason for and the goals of the during and after World War II. during and after World War II. Double V Campaign.

AAH.38 Explain how World War II The various experiences of Using primary and secondary laid the groundwork for the African Americans during World sources and information from modern Civil Rights Movement War II and how various events previous standards (see above). (e.g., President Franklin D. and legislation became a Analyze how those ideas and Roosevelt's Executive Order foundation for the future Civil movements began to spur the 8802, CORE, President Harry S. Rights Movement. future Civil Rights movement. Truman's integration of the 3 Days Specifically looking at: The Black military, and the Columbia Race Cabinet, lack of New Deal Riots). support for African Americans,

EO 8802, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), military segregation, Double V Campaign, Columbia Race Riots, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

The Modern Civil Rights Movement 1950s-1960s State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.39 Explain how legal Legal victories for African Examine Civil Rights legislation victories prior to 1954 inspired Americans prior to 1954 that set prior to 1954, specifically and propelled the Civil Rights a legal precedent to help the Civil Executive Order 9980 and 9981, 2 Days Movement. Rights Movement. that helped start the Civil Rights Movement through a legal means.

AAH.40 Describe the impact of The outcome of the Brown v. Review the court case Brown v. Brown v. Board of Education of Board of Education case and its Board of Education and the Topeka, Kansas, and evaluate the impact. ruling. resistance to the decision and the The various schools that resisted Examine how various schools reactions that followed. the ruling and how African across the country (, American communities as well as North, Mid-Atlantic) responded 2 Days local governments responded. to the new legislation and compare the local governments response to that of the Federal Government. Such as: Little Rock, University of Mississippi, and Prince Edward County in Virginia.

AAH.41 Describe various The ways African Americans Identify the ways African methods employed by African attempted to get equal rights. Americans attempted to obtain Americans to obtain civil rights. civil rights. 1 Day Explore the murder of Emmett Till and how media’s coverage brought awareness and triggered the modern Civil Rights Movement.

AAH.42 Summarize the Civil How Tennessee was directly Explore the Civil Rights Rights Movement in Tennessee, involved in the Civil Rights Movement in TN through including: the integration of Movement, specifically with the individuals such as: Clinton High School, sit-ins in integration of Clinton High • Diane Nash Nashville, and the activities of School, Nashville Sit-ins, • Coretta Scott King Diane Nash and Jim Lawson. Tent Cities, and the work of • Fannie Lou Hamer Diane Nash and Jim Lawson. • Ella Baker 1 Day • Jim Lawson

Explore the activities to expand civil rights such as the Nashville sit-ins, Tent Cities, and the integration of Clinton High School.

AAH.43 Identify various How organizations like SNCC, Describe the work and activities organizations and their roles in SCLC, and the Black Panthers of the Student Nonviolent the Civil Rights Movement (e.g., differ in their role and support of Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Black Panthers, Highlander Folk the Civil Rights Movement. the Southern Christian School, SNCC). Leadership Conferences (SCLC), How the Highlander Folk School the Black Panthers, and the served as a training facility and Highlander Folk School. shaped the soundtrack of the

Civil Rights Movement. Review primary source 1 Day documents from Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X (e.g.: "Letter from a Birmingham Jail”) and discuss how their perspectives impacted the Civil Rights Movement.

Read and annotate excerpts from Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody to assess the personal impacts of involvement in the Civil Rights Movement.

AAH.44 Identify legal victories of The legal victories of the Civil Analyze a map of political the Civil Rights Movement (e.g., Rights Movement including the disenfranchisement and trace the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting history of major legal victories to 2 Days Rights Act of 1965, 24th Rights Act of 1965, and 24th safeguard civil rights. Amendment). Amendment.

AAH.45 Assess the extent to The major changes that occurred Create or trace major Civil Rights which the Civil Rights Movement in American Society from the Civil legislation and analyze the Rights Movement including changes to American Society that transformed American politics changes of desegregation, voting came about. Use previous lessons 2 Days and society. rights, discriminatory and resources to examine those employment, and housing changes. practices.

AAH.46 Discuss the impact of the How the Vietnam War both Analysis primary and secondary Vietnam War on the Civil Rights supported and hindered the Civil sources. Movement. Rights Movement. Examine the effect of: • The Chicago 7 Case and 1 Day Bobby Seale. • King’s Beyond Vietnam speech.

African American Issues in Contemporary Times 1970s-present State Standards Target Knowledge Suggested Activity Suggested Pacing AAH.47 Identify and analyze how Various civil rights legislation Examine various laws, policies, the changing political passed since 1970 to present day. and court cases for their impact environment has impacted civil on civil rights including Voting Redlining practices and the Acts rights. Rights Act extensions of 1975 and to end it. 1982, Civil Rights Restoration Act

of 1987, Civil Rights Act of 1991, or the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1995. 1 Day

Define redlining and explain its impact on African American communities and the significance of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, and Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

AAH.48 Describe how African The political shifts of African Examine the presidential Americans have responded to or Americans between the administrations after 1968 and engaged in political Republican and Democrat Parties assess how their policies and conservatism. from Reconstruction to present appointments addressed the day. African American community. 1 Day Identify leading conservative Explain the conservative opinions African Americans and their of Thomas Sowell, Walter E. stances on economics, politics, Williams, Zora Neal Hurson, and and social issues including Bob Woodson. Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Zora Neale Hurston, and Bob Woodson.

AAH.49 Compare and contrast Opposing views on various Research a contemporary African the responses of African policies including Affirmative American issue, trace its history, Americans to the economic, Action, racial wealth gap, AIDS, validity claims, opposing views, social, and political challenges in incarceration, and drug use on and impact on society today. the contemporary United States. African American communities. Topics include: • Affirmative Action AAH.50 Identify and evaluate • racial wealth gap 3 Days major contemporary African • AIDS American issues confronting • society (e.g., affirmative action, poverty educational achievement gap, • mass incarceration wealth gap, poverty, AIDS, drug • school busing and choice epidemic, and crime). Review Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson to examine the mass incarceration system and compare to opposing views.

AAH.51 Analyze the impact of The impact of immigration and Investigate how immigration and immigration and migration on migration on African American migration has impacted African the lives of African Americans in lives. American over the last 50 years the contemporary United States. including employment, 1 Day communities, public policies, incarceration, demographics, and/or social-economic upward movement.

AAH.52 Identify the major How American society has been Students conduct their own contributions of contemporary impacted by the contributions of research on a modern-day figure African Americans in business, contemporary African Americans who has contributed to business, education, the arts, politics, including: the arts, education, politics, sports, science, technology, and • President Barack Obama sports, science, technology, 2 Days society in general, including • Condoleezza Rice and/or society and present this those of: • Wilma Rudolph information to their peers. • President Barack Obama • Tina Turner • Condoleezza Rice • Oprah Winfrey • Wilma Rudolph Also, consider: • Tina Turner • Neil deGrasse Tyson • Oprah Winfrey • Ben Carson • Dr. James E. West