Issue 7- SUMMER Edition 2010

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Issue 7- SUMMER Edition 2010 BB summer collect:a4 bugle 23/09/2010 11:08 Page 1 page 8 7 E U S S Birchfield Bugle I Summer 2010 newsletter of the Birchfield Residents Action group and we will cherish our experience for a lifetime” Pictured above is POPE PASSES BY Some of the children who went said. The STORK Glennis Foley, late 'I had a great day. It was very exciting to see Pope of St Peter’s Road, BIRCHFIELD Benedict.' Olivia, Year 5 a community treasure whose memory was Pope Benedict, was at Cofton Park for ‘I enjoyed visiting the Pope in London. He is a being celebrated in a special service on September 19th. messenger of God and we love him. ' Emily, Year 5 One of the very few remaining given a £9 treat each at Christmas the lounge bar of the Danny Ryan, one of our Council ward 'I cheered when the Pope came. ' Remigio,Year 5 public houses in our area is The Stork from regular bar small change Stork. Support Officers, says, “I had the 'When the Pope came everyone started screaming on the corner of Finch and Heathfield collections, A pictured below is the funeral immense privilege of being seated very and waving their flags!' Jessica, Year 6 Roads. Named after the maternity recent procession as it passes by the near the altar and found hospital close by it has faithfully collection STORK on Heathfield Road on the the whole Mass experience served its customers for over a raised money way to Holy Trinity Church very spiritual. I was century. Its present landlord, Chris to buy a delighted to be asked by Fleming, headstone for Sharon Lea, Strategic pictured left, John Hussey, Director for Environment together with a well loved and Culture to be part of his wife, Kim regular. theCommunity and daughter photo TNT Engagement aspect of the Julie,above in COMMUNITY RESPECTS Papal visit”. His role has involved liason the lounge On the day that we talked to Chris a with Cofton’s residents since early photo thanks to St Augustine’s school bar, hope that reception was being held in the lounge summer. thi s for the deceased wife of one of the Many other local people went to the event to hear the This happy group of children from the two schools are clearly community regulars George. Earlier in the day Pope declare Cardinal John Henry Newman “Blessed”, the delighted after meeting the leader of the Roman Catholic Church asset will Glennis Foley’s funeral had passed by first stage of becoming a Saint. photo Oratory survive. There as regulars left their drinks to watch 'Mary Stanley, Head Teacher of St Augustine's Catholic thanks Primary Below a lone Irish piper leads the to TNT is no doubt that landlord Chris is the procession go by towards Holy coffin into a packed church, past Primary School, said,”On Friday 17 September, children children being passionate about serving his Trinity and staff from St Augustine's and the Oratory School interviewed assembled mourners. for BBC customers but feels that cheap deals Church on participated in the 'Big Assembly' at St Mary's University Midlands at Supermarkets has knocked the Birchfield College, Twickenham. The assembly was a huge success Today,after trade for six. He calculates that a can Road. and the atmosphere was electric when Pope Benedict the Pope had of beer is as cheap as a litre of water. Glennis was arrived in the Popemobile. The arena at Twickenham was come to greet them at the However, he is a community awash with flags and everyone cheered excitedly for Pope Oratory looking at ways to restore the pubs activist for Benedict. Being so close to the Holy Father was magical image and is keen to offer the Lounge many John Henry Newman would possibly as a Functions room where the wider years.As have travelled through our district, on community can meet even over a cup community In this issue find out horse or by carriage, during his stay at of coffee. It can be made self leaders and The Mosque worshippers opposite Maryvale, Kingstanding in 1846, after he contained with a separate entrance on citizens came to pay their respects at the church witness the passing of a had become a Catholic.The motto he Finch Road. the service, so to the Islamic great and respected community choose when he became a Cardinal in activist who has put Perry Chris describes his worshippers, coming from their 1879, was “Heart speaks to Heart”, fitting customers as “very multi-cultural, Mosque opposite on the day that words for us to remember in this internet Scotch,Irish, ended their festival of Ramadan,stood Barr on the map , age, as he reminds us that however we Pope Benedict Caribbean,Asian,Vietnamese, full of and remembered this fine devoted local historian Tom Flanagan communicate, what we say should snapped by Paula characters, all with many stories to tell citizen. She had served our area so come from the heart . Cusack of their experiences of living in the well for over 40 years, and her legacy reveals all on page 2 . BIrchfield area. He says they are very was the founding of the Practical Care ‘ concerned about each. The OAPs are Project to help elderly folk. other features Summer Pictures around the Birchfield Residents Action Group (BRAG) was set up to highlight problems within the Birchfield area. Our aim is to cooperate with all the organisations working in and responsible for the well being of our residents. area on pages 4 & 5 Our hope is to regenerate pride and find agreed solutions to the problems. Tom Flanagan, local historian, Dangerous DOGS on page 6 This quarterly newsletter illustrates some of the current activities that are happening in out area, and has been stands in front of St Paul’s Church a police officer’s story kindly funded by Be Birmingham’s Successful Neighbourhoods fund. Lozells, which, he believes, marks Faiths in Action on page 7 the spot of the Roman Watch tower © Aston Vision Association Contact us at [email protected], The Shree Geeta Bhawan Temple Local Catholics in the Newman that overlooks an important battle Published by Aston Vision Association, 98 Bridge Street West, Newtown, B19 2NY 0121-359-8102 A day at the STORK page 8 Shrine at the Oratory Church. site. A day at the STORK page 8 BB summer collect:a4 bugle 23/09/2010 11:08 Page 2 page 2 page 7 The SITE OF QUEEN BOUDICCA'S LAST BATTLE - PERRY BARR,BIRMINGHAM In the year 61 AD Queen Boudicca, marching down Watling Street from legionaries on their weary march down FAITH IN ACTION widowed Queen of the Iceni Celtic North Wales.He knew Boudicca was on from their battle on Anglesey.He may Each issue will highlight some of our local Faiths outreach to the local community. Tribe, faced in battle Roman General his tail and he must have been thinking well have told them to wait for him at the Here we invite the SHREE GEETA BHAWAN Hindu Temple on Heathfield Road to tell us Gaius Suetonius Paulinus and his of a suitable place to reunite with his Roman Camp at Wall,on the Watling Legions.This was the most decisive own forces and have a favourable Street, where it is crossed by the about their activities, their General Secretary, AV Chandan, reports ground for his smaller forces to face Icknield Street,a Roman Military road event in the Roman's conquest of PRAYER and defeat the much larger Celtic coming from the South and along which More than 45 years ago a The four Vedas are Holy Scriptures Britain, Alas, no one is sure where it WHERE the mind is without fear army.The Roman Road,Watling Street the sent for Legion from Exeter could be magnificent church was on sale and over 4000 years old and you may be took place! and the head is held high; First the background to this moment:- from London to Holyhead, was built by expected to come. Another Roman we, the Hindus were delighted when surprised to discover that the word General Paulinus,from his capital city, the Romans on top of a Celtic road Fort,discovered in the 1930s,lies in our offer to purchase was accepted. ‘Hindu’ does not appear in any of these Where knowledge is free; Colchester,marched,in 60 AD into North which, for them,was the "Gold South Birmingham on Icknield Street. We, the Hindus established the Vedas. This is because the Vedas Wales to destroy the Druid priestly Road",bringing precious metals Built just after the Claudian Conquest,it FIRST HINDU TEMPLE IN THE were not specific to any religious Where the world has not been class,a thorn in the side of the etc.from Ireland and Wales into south- had been recently extended around 60 MIDLANDS. community when they were written. broken up into fragments by Romans,on their Holy Island,Anglesey. west England.At Daventry,near the start AD to take more troops and There is an evident tranquillity as you Lord Krishna expresses advice to narrow Behind him,in Colchester,now part of of the present M6,it takes an even cavalry.This fort would be the obvious walk into the Prayer Hall, you feel the Arjuna. His message is universal for all domestic walls; East Anglia,he left only retired veterans greater loop than the M6 to avoid the place for Paulinus to wait for the presence of the God and Goddess regardless of their faith.
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