Permian Palynoflora from Lo Godavari Valley Coalfield, A
Journal of Natural Sciences Research ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) Vol.2, No.7, 2012 Permian Palynoflora from Lower Gondwana Sediments of Godavari Valley Coalfield, Andhra Pradesh, South India L. Mahesh Bilwa * Nagamadhu. C. J Prameela. M Department of Earth Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, Karnataka, Ind ia *E-mail: lmb@geology.uni, Abstract Palynological investigation of Lower Gondwana sediments of Goutham Khani Open Cast Mine (GKOCM) from Kothagudem sub basin of Godav ari Valley Coalfield, Andhra Pradesh of Peninsular India have revealed two palynoassemblages are related to Early Permian (Barakar Formation). Palynoassemblage – A abundantly occurrence of Scheuringipollenites along with other common taxa like Parasaccites, Ibisporites , Primuspollenites, Sulcatisporites, Rhizomaspora, Densipollenites and Corisaccites and Palynoassemblage – B dominated by Scheuringipollenites along with sub dominance of Faunipollenites, Striatopodocarpites , Parasaccites, Striatites, Tiwariasporis, Rhizomaspora, Verticipollenites , Platysaccus, Primuspollenites, Lunatisporites , Latosporites, Ibisporites and Distriatites. The above demarcated palynoassemblages are applied to correlate with other horizons of Lower Gondwana deposits of India and a lso to fix the relative age for the sediments under investigation. Key words : Permian Age, Lower Gondwana, Palynoassemblage, Godavari Valley Coalfield, Sothern India. 1.Introduction Gondwana sediments of India can be broadly classified under two main geographic areas like Peninsular and Extra Peninsular regions. Presently based o n Gondwana floral remains like mega and micro fossil evidences can be applied to divide in to Lower Gondwana and Upper Gondwana sometimes Middle Gondwana with remains of Dicardium floral (mixed characters of both Monocot and Dicots) remains. Godavari Vall ey coalfield is a store house for non coking coal varity in Southern India.
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