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Radio Times, December 11th, 1925, NEW YEAR PROGRAMME NOVELTIES. = ae ae —— \ : iP oe a ‘, ‘. es pent F

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Bove . Pavae i i ie Mi aesa = THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OFTHE BBC

ee Vol.%. _ No.‘16. te.at-oha, tewa EVERY FRIDAY. Two Pen ce. a OFFICIAL ~Our Empire Radio Service. PROGRAMMES By Sir HENRY THORNTON, K.B.E. for the week beginning GAL, peeves 13th. (Sir Heory Thornton, K.B.E., President of the Great Britain. But - Canadian National Railways, known in England while owas in Eng- J as General Manager of theold Great Eastern Railway before it wasamalgamated in 1922 with land, your interests in "PROGRAMMES INDEX. other companies into the London and ‘North- broadcasting became | Eastern Railway, is a frm believer that radio will myinterest; I wanted | become an important factor in strengthening the TOMEI (ZED)... per ies wen vee toenae oe 555, 556, 558 to hear all [could be J bonds of Empire. In the following article Sir told about theworkot BELFAST! (2BE) weaee STO, ST1 Henry shows how broadcasting assists him to operate the gigantic railway syatem he now controls.] the British Eroad- BIRMINGHAM (5IT)..... au» SOT, 558 casting Company. T was only after a visit to England, . SOO, SBT + © « BOURNEMOUTH (65M) few weeks ago, which, incidentally, was (5 WA) sv DBZ, 563 my first since [Jeft m the autumn of Ig22 As all British listeners know, the MANCHESTER (22Y) 0 c . . . seid 564, 365 to take up the Presidency of the Canadian NationalRailways, that | fully realized the Canadian National (5NO) . vate e d s 1 Oy GBT NEWCASTLE great strides which radio broadcastinghas Railways have a ABERDEEN (2BD)...... -. 00: ccesce c c s coredbey OTS broadcast service of made in Great-Britain under the guidance Sir HENRY THORNTON. GLASGOW (SSC) on... c e e c e s cee ce s a e see eee Oy SGD of the British Broadcasting Company, their own, and we have already attempted to transmit a few HIGH-POWER: (SEX) on o.c ee ceeein s e e e e n e s e hye Broadcasting can easily become the greatest power for good the world hasever known. special programmes for British listeners cose oe cau G a s s e r o c e s e r s c e ane den e e e oO POUTVEE, ( 2 O V E ) Properly applied, its benefits to the British irom some of our stations. EDINBURGH (2EH) c o i cise s c c s c e sees ceheceesee dl Empire are, a5 yet, incaleulable, It is on the subject of what broadcasting HULL (6KH) . bFalutiaslis c u a v c s s s e a n e u a t a n e e The British Broadcasting Company and will do in the future to, strengthen the ties (Ls) ea aicatare le ae a n a ae the Canadian National Railways have, as I between England and the Dominions and LEEDS-BRADFORD Colonies that I would first like to write. (8LV) le see it, very much in common with the future LIVERPOOL development of this great power for our After all, what subject could be more MOTTENGHAM. (SMG)... co.cccsseces c c o s n e e p e on epe on SDM . Empire's good. appropriate at this: season of the year ? PLWIMOMITEL (BEY) cia ec cee sie ste sce c c s eresnecve oon on GM ra = a = Of this much I am absolutely certain, (OPE) o i s i c e eveceesiessscrid asc ns BPM that: radio broadcasting will contribute as SEEFICED shortly before [ left England, in 1922, the much, if not more than anything else to BOWE CUED s a y pc s i p s e seciev v a c v e v s e y a e s a-neny questionol starting somekind of a broadcast strengthen the bonds of ae SWAMSEA (55) c i c tieceancease-son cisions consis cones DM service was first being discussed. I returned + EVENTS OF THE WEEK. ....ccscccsccucaicons.555 to find everybody talking about what I e I know at the British Broadcasting know to be a system of broadcasting posses- STOP PRESS NEWS . ciseOOS its utmost and will oe! Se sing educational and entert:dinment advan- s its service is developed, = ——L_ tages second to none in the world. I had, of yy ta;beme about a real Empire ee TO READERS. course, always known that broadcasting was of Radi? Pri es. The time The address of “‘The Radio Timesia §-11, Southampton developing rapidly in England, thongh I tebe~sg_ Jar cise Street, Strand, ‘cased: Wc os some people was mot fully acquainted with. the details. addeew of the British Brosdcesting Company, Lod, bo might imagine, wher specially equipped 2, Sescy HE, Seven, Loonies, Wic.2, of the British service. transmitting stations forthi se will BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION to “The. Rade Times" (ine Canada and the United States have worked be established throughout the w ducing postage! +t Twelve Mooths (Forcign), 150. id. t Twelve on different lines from those adopted by (Continued overleaf in colamna 3.) Maoths (Britiah), Lx, bd. 1

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Hae RADIO TIMES . [Weceioen Livi, 1025. ———— == ss

— - Beethoven'sOnly Opera. Our Bninive Radio Service. (Continued from the previous page.)

A regular exchange of radio progranunes helween The Story of “Fidelio.” one part of the Empire and another will make the world seem emalicr, It will help us a l l to feel much [A Beethoven Commemoration Programme will Beethoven, thuncdercd :.~ My brother-in-law would eloser together in one big family than we do now. be broadcast: from London on Wednesday, Decem- never Have written such nonsense 17" The ‘people of Canada, | know, will do t h e i r share her i6th.} Fidelie, at first: entitled feasors, wees produced! in this when the time comes, i seemstrange that a composer so versatile at Viennaon November 20th, 1805, only seven Just think of what it will mean to all those anel gifted gs Beethoven should heve written days after the triumphant Frenchhad entered the people in the far-away parts of the Empire t o oly one oper. Tut the explanation i4 simple, civ. The populace was, therefore, in no mood to hear the-sound of Bie Ben, the music from concerts whether it Hes wholly in bis statement that only listen to new moical compositions, and, largely and theatres in London, and the actual voices of ihe highest themes and the noblest treatment for this reason, the first representation of the opera people speaking in the Homeland. appealed to him, or whether it is partly to he was nearly a fiasco, After it had been produce ia a FT a found in an incident that greatly affected the on ony two mon nights, it wees withdrawn hy Jaiter part of his life, Beethoven, who did not attempt to hide his dis- T know thet you in England will he just aa He was, aswell known, deaf, His hearing was Appolmtobent, interested! to hear, in the same way, all about the normal til he became about forty vears old, when Subgequently, some of hie circle came to the conditions of life your sons and daughters, brothers the sense suddenlyleft him in part, and, ultimately, conclasion that the first two acts of the opera needed amid sisters are experiencing thousands ‘of miles he Jost it oltogether. While he could still teet pruning, and that the tenor (Dxanmer) was unsuited away, Only by radio broadcasting can these things Tee accomplished, hia own compositions by car, he began to compoge to the music, They thought, too, that another an opera (not Fidelio), and when the workwas vocalist, Joseph Roeckel, would be mach more The development of broadcasting is dependent well advanced ke had. according to his own anccessful in the part. So, knowing that it woule upon experiments, Wein Canada hope duringthe aceount, to “deal with a very tiresome and be tiseleas frankly to Jay their views before the ensuing year to broadcast from the Canadian National Railway Station CNEA, at Moneton, New capricious. tenor,” composer, they proceeded to gain their ends by Dilirtet: ears, Brunswick, a series of apecially arranged pro- Deaf Through Temper. grammes for Britieh listeners. We hope you will Beethoven was first persuaded to hear Roeckel “T had already,” he says, “written two arias at a rehearsal for a new-opera, He was much be able to receive themandwe shall be glad to hear from you if you do, Similarly, a4 time goes to the same words, neither of which pleased him, pleased with the new tenor. on, we hope to receiveBritish programmes ani] aid also a third, which he-dicd. not care for the “Tf I could have hadAim for my Florestan, firat timehe tried it, buttook it away with him. when we can to relay them to oorown listeners, now !** he growled, as he applauded vigorously. a * Cs r [ thanked heaven I had done with him,. andl This gave an opening to one of his friends, began to getile myself to something else, which who remarked that he could have Roeckel if he I have been asked to give an outline of our own I had laid aside.” hroadcast gervice. Naturally, we are proud of it, would make some“cuts” in his opera, After working for a shorttime, he heard a “Not one note will I change!" cried the irate We were the first railway in the world to take up knock whieh: herecognised ad that of the tenor. composer, promptly turning his bavk on the wireless and to equip traing with broadcast receiving “| sprang up from the table in such o rage speaker, sets, Broadcasting haa become one of the moet valuable assets of the Canadian National Railways, that, as the man came into the room, I flung Beethoven, lunvever, was unable to withstand When we started the service three years ago, our mnyself on the floor as they do on the stage, bt all the arta that-lia friends brought to ‘bear on [ fell upon my hands, When I got up, I found him, and in the end he made a number of excisions main object was to reheve the monotony -of long I was deaf, and from that moment [ have remained in Fidelio, which was thus reduced ta two acts, railway journcys across Canada such aa thoee of so, The doctor said I injured the nerves.” you in England who have never crossed the Atlantic It was-then tried again at Vienna, on March 29th, Tt may be, then, that his reluctance to compose LA, and in ite wamenched form it met with a much can scarcely realize. At the outset, we equipped certain cars of our opera wasdue in some measure to this experience, bether necepiion. which coloured the remainder of his days, This result appears to have reconciled the com- trams. with wireless. receiving apparatus- which could pick up concerts from any station within Working at High Pressure. [eser to mending, At-any mie, Fidelio eubse- quently underwent further modification, and a range, and then, when we began to realize more However thia may be, the story of Fidelio—the third version waa produced on May 23rd, 1814, andmore ita possibilities, we decided to erect story of the brave, loving wife who risked everything The first stage performance in thia country, stations of oor own. To-day, we have a chain of to effect the escape from prison of her wronged which was in German, was at the King’s Theatre, broadcast stations stretching across the whole of hushand—greatly impressed Beethoven. It was on May I8th, 1832, Finee then, Fidel, though Canida from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts, picked up by Jean N. Bouilly during a visit to it has never been very popular with us, haa often All our trans-continental trains and manytrains on his birthplace, Tours, andby him turned into a shorter rung are fitted to receive broadeact pro- drama, on which an opera was composed. This been represented of our stage, and opera-goers have heard many Leonoras, from Tietzens, who was grammes in the observation car. Operators are was cnwverted into Italia. and thence into German, fond of the part, downwards, in charge of the sets, and passengers are able to ail when Beethoven saw it in a native form, he enjoy music which may be played a thousand TT. We Witeissos, at once recognized that here was the kernel! of his or more miles away. They are also ableto receive ze aa eTGyre, newa of the dav, and are thus kept in touch with Isolating himeelf, he filled many notebooks with (Continued from column 3.) the affairs of the workl as they would be in their ideas, and betook himaelf to Hetxendorf, then a feel that they are joint partners in a joint enterprise. own homes, villagein the environs of Vienna, where, in the In this way we encourage «a friend]y feeling and * i re u summer of 1805, he worked on his aketehes, writing ; & spirit of exprde corps. Our experience haa un- But broadcasting has another; and to us, a and re-writing till he setisfier] hinieelf. After doubtedhy been that this ia to the advantage of preater Valuc, It haa now becomean integral part composing nine openings for one of the choruses, everybody, Tt takes work more pleasant for ihe of our great railway system because it enables us he rejected them all, and started on a tenth, men andwe know that they take a much greater to keep in closer touch than would otherwice Floresian’s air gave him still more trouble: for interest intheir cuties, be posible, with our employees, who number over before he could strike the right-vein, he began it Of all the things we have introduced to the 100,000, and are scattered about over more than eighteen times, Canadian National Railways, nothing has cone 20 niles of railroad track, more to produce the right spirit among our employees Almost every week, at some timeduring the Nearly a Failure. and nothing has been more beneficial to tte working concerts, one of the higher officials of the railway nee the workwas done to his satisfaction, he and the fight to put it on a-satisfactory basis, than or myself give a short address, would not alter it onany account. During the the good effects of our broadcast talks, These A large proportion of our employees have their rehearsals, some of the singers bepeed him, in weekly talka are not without conmderalio benefit own receiving seta, and we are able, by means of their interesta, to make certain poussages easier; to the people of Canada as well aa our own ataff, broadcasting, to keep in very close touch with them butthey might just as well have appealed to the After all, the railway ia owned by the people of on all important matters concerning the develop- theatre walle, This attitude madg Canada, and in a senae every Canadianig a share- ment-and ronning of our huge system, As President, who were certainly not leas ing holder. Broadcasting brings ua into direct. touch Tam able to maintain what would otherwise be im- vooalista usually are, contem@ with our shareholders, and we are able in this way possible—a personal contact with all grades of and in the end, one_of the to secure their interest in its well-being, stafi—and Fam able to do it actually in their Mozart's brother-i wok Summed up, it comes to this, that our wireless own homes, In Pizarro’s aria crs stations have been productive of what is most Think of the advantage this is to a gigantic heat im fro beat the ace Tapaniment; and he made important in the managementof our great system, eoncern hike the Canadian National Railways. Wa such a fof the passage—not entirely through namely, teamwork. Thia is provedby the fact are able to tell everybody in general terms all the his own™“fauff, since the orchestra waa partly to that, up till new, we have hadmore than 50,000 things that want doing, all the things that might blanve—t at the end there wasa loud titter, letters from people who have either heard our be done hetter, and we are able to make every body This naturally enraged Meyer, who, turning towards talks or our concerta, (Continued in the precious column.)

‘Dac ennen- lita, 2925.1 = KADIO TIMES-———— DAT Se Official News and Radio Gossip.

Crossing the Years. A Mew Classical Feature. popular opersa from Offenbach, and will per- HAT promises to bea fascinating feature will Musie lovers will he glad to hear thet, starting zonally superviee the production. be introduced intd the New Year's programme on January 4th, the B.B.C, will. develop special A Light Symphony Concert. broadcast from London throughout the British Classical feature programmes from London, normally Mr. Julie Harrison, the composer and conductor,’ evatem, Ab 1145 pm. Greenwich mean time, hetween 7.0.and $0 pam, The idee is that a week will conduct a light aymphony concertfor London should be devoted toeach of the great composers, on December Bist, Brrtish listeners will and Daventry piles on December Sith, Mr, and jit is proposed to start with representative hear & selection from a special New Year pro- William Primrose will give Glikouncy's “Violin gramme broadcast from Berlin, whenes it will aelectiona from Bach, Chopin and Beethoven Concerto, which has not. before been broadest be during the three weeks following January 4th, tranamitted at 12.15 a.m., on January let, 1926, from London, and Mr, Hurbert Heyner will be At 12.15 a.m., on January Ist next year, music Woight Reduction by Radio. the voonlist. from the Albert Hall will be broadcast throughout In yew of the popularity of weight reduction pro- The Futurists at Edinburgh. Britain. At 1.0 a.m, Dance Music will be m peganda by wireless in the United States and on A local programme will be broadcast ‘from the broadcast from New York, wheneeit will be trans- the Continent, the BBC. is planning to institute a mitted at 11.0 pan on December dist, 1025. series of special broadeasta with a view to nasisting Edinburgh Station on the evening of Wednesday December 23rd, when Misa Miriam Wood {dramatic New Year Noveltios: people who desire to reduce their weight, These Another feature of the New Year's Eve pro- broadeasta will mot consist solely of instruction soprano) amd Miss Ray Ormonde (reciter) will take part. ‘The bulk of the evening. however, will be cramme will be a talk by Mr. Keble Howard on on physical exercises, They will include algo “ Little Resolutions.” Mr, Stobart will give a new hints on the mental altitude recommended for taken up by the “ Futuriste " Concert Party, who will present a programme in keeping with the festive version of his “ Grand Good Night” just before the the success of these experiments. Mo detinite Old Year ends: The Rev. Dr. Fleming will pronounce arrangements have been-made as yet, but details Scher, On Christmas Eve, the Edinburgh Station Singers a short valedictory on the passing of the Old Year. will be announced early in the New Year. Then, after a moment's silence, “ Big Ben" will will present a recital of lesser-known cardla, moet Famous Houses in the Midlands. be heard and the programme resumed, TDhiring of these being fourteenth and sixteenth century. Nottingham's series of talks on Famous Houses the $9 to 10.0 concert period on New Year's Mr. L. Shepherd Munn is in charge of the recital. and Churches of the Fast Midlands is coming to Eve the musical items chosen will provide a retro. Bridge Talks ai Nottingham. an end, But the two houses that have ten left apet of the outstanding programme successes of to the laat are known throughout the length and Nottingham Station will havea visit from the the past year, Ripley United Silver Prize Band, who are highly breadth of England. Next week, we shall listen thought of among colliery bands, on Friday, Boxing by Radio. to Mr. H. G. Watkinson Haddon Hall, and the week It is proposed that the 10.30 feature from all December 15th. after, Wollaton Hall will be dealtwith. Stationa on Welnesday, January 13th,shall In the telka an innovation is being attempted take the form of «studio repreeentation of a Boxing Newcastle Station's Birthday. next week. It has been decided. to. give a short Match aa conducted at the National Sporting Clah, Newcastle Station's birthday is on Wednesday, series of talks on Bridge, Considering the number The whole procedure of the ring will be literally December 25rd, andfeatured in theprogramme are of people who play this popular game, “ Contract's observed and it iaintended to convey the atmoaphere the Station Repertory Company, 6N0" Choral talks will raise no lilth: controversy among his just-as faithfully aa was done on the occasion of the Rociety, the Station Orchestra, and the Aunts listeners. Radio Tattoo. A number of eminent sporting and Uneles of the Station will nlso, no doubt, Mr. York Bowen at Plymouth, personalities. will be present, and it ia hoped to provide plenty of entertainment, Plymouth Station has been fortunate mm securing mlude among these Mr. Harry Preston and Mr. This particular birthday will prove of great the services of Mr. YorkBowen, the pinnist and Eugene Corr. interest, a4 it is possible “that it will mark the composer, for the local programme: on December * Songs of 1925."" occasion. of the Newcastle Station‘s change of Zon. Among other things, he will play Rach- A number of leading wireless vocalists will premises. maninof's Polichtwelle, Kreisler'a Jfelestred, broadcast an hour's selection of “ Songs of 1925" Carols From an Orphanage. arranged by Rachmaninoff, and two examples of from the Londonand Daventry Stations onDecem- The afternoon programme from Birmingham on his own wotk, Jérerie dAmorr and A Homp, from ber 28th. These songs will include a number of Sunday, December 20th. will consmt of a Carol the second suite. the most attractive of those published during the Service tobe relayed from the Sir Josiah Mason's Operatic Gems at Stoke. year and the choice shoald be one of wide appeal. Orphanage, Erdington, Birmingham, Listeners Stoke listeners have good fare in store for the two “Treasure Island." whe have not yet heardthe Orphanage Choir should days before Christmas, The “O68T" Opera Mr. Arthur Bourchier and his company will be make a point of doing eo on Sunday afternoon, Company is once more making its appearance, heard from the London Studio on Tuesaday, January The Musical Director is Mr. J, H. Daniels, Between on this occasion to present excerpts from oratorio Sth, when on hourof the play P'reaswre Télandisto be 6.30 and 60 pom, there will be a Christmas and grand opera, the last half hour of theirpro- browdcast. Children’s Corner, framme being devoted to. gems from Balfe's Radio Forecast of 1926. The Offenbach Follies. BSehemian Girl, On Christmas Eve, the Kadio The programme on New Year's Day will be A&B. programme will be given from London by Circle Choir will sing a number of cardls, and ‘there’ built up round a mock forecast of events of the the Offenbach Follies on December ith, Mr, John Will also he some Verse speaking. coming year. This will contain many novelties. Ansell has specially arranged the music from the Charades. The British Legion Band. TS aia on ao ~ ds Se - The Christmas spirit of festivityis very prominent The London programme on Sunday afternoon, in the programme: which are to be given from the January Ord, will be given by the British Legion The Complete Manchester Station next week. One of the moat Headquarters Band, consisting entirely of ex-Ser- popular items will be “The By The Fireside vice men. On the same evening, the ever-popular CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES | Charades,” whichwere originated last year, ‘The squire Celeste Octet will entertain listeners. first of a series of sixteen will be given on Boxing A First Performance. and many additional Night, with generous prisea for the winners, The The first performance of the Oboe Concerto series has been invented and will be produced by of Armstrong. Gibbs, piayed by Mr, Léon STORIES AND ARTICLES | Mr. Victor Smythe, anda series. of four charades, Cooasens, will be broadcast from London on Wedl- which will conceal the word chosen, will be acted nesday, January 13th, This promises to bean f will appear in before the microphone, Last years competition event of considerable iniportance in the musical produced some 2,500 entries, and it is xpected word, The performance will form part of a ninety | “The Radio Times” that this mumber will be passed this vear. mitiutes’ broadcast of interesting new musical | Christmas Number New French Talk Series. works on that evening. ; aerice Of French Talks is tobe “Dwellers in the Darkness." | on Sale . Next. Friday. Station, starting on Tuesday, In response to many requests, the drama Dieelfers Among the Contributors will be:— pm. ~ They will be conducted, tt fhe Doriness will again be broadcast, with, its apiuin, under the auspices of the original cast, on Monday, January 4th, at 10.30, | P,P, Eckersley, Arthur R,Burrows. find wall the form of ings Conducted by the Composér, John Oxenham. F. Morton Howard. from de msgit's Wi ‘erle ef autres Liales- On Monday, January 4th, from #10 pom. , Mr, anid Anatole France!a 1Etwide-Nacre, with explana. Percy” Pitt, whose birthday falls on this dav, will Ashley Sterne. fF. R. Buckley, etc. tory remarks, These books are ble from Mesers.-Horrap and Calmann Levy ively, conduct a short programme of his own works from 6d.—Specially Enlarged —6d.| For B.B.C, Christmas Arrangements see page 551. London, ———

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[DecesernMri, 1 6 2 5 . ae Be ss8

The Sands of Death. RadioRevels. »

# Details of the Olympia Programme. By William Adams,* Ex-Coxswain of the Deal Lifeboat. I* if probably no exaggeration to state that never will so many people participate, directly HAVE been engaged for some fifty years in Dibdin, which. weighs over ten. tons, in the teeth or indirectly, at the same time, in a centrally- lifeboat work, first as an ordinary handand later of auch gules'as we hareto deal with. Please bear organized funetion, a8 Will be the case with the isa coxswant, and curing all that time there has in mind that’ the North Goodwin Lichtehip i# nine Radio Revels, By thit time, the majority of listeners been a lot of dirty weather, and a good manycalls miles: the East Goodwin seven miles, and the are familiar with the Revels and the commendable for our services, South SandHead four miles from the Lifeboat purposes for which they have been arranged, Thetwo lifeboats at North Deal and the one at Station, That is as the criw flies, but we are Previous issues of The Radio Times have recorded Kingsdown (three miles to the sonth' ard) are always dealing with boats, not crows, which need not take the details of each official Revel that is to take plaid: manned by volunteer crews, and no one ia under any into account a dangerons sandhbank some nine miles on December Lath, in London and in ev.ery city and obligation to go except the coxswain, who receives long, andl in partsthreemilea wide, and a wide town throughout the Provinees, where there Ape a sniall anneal grant as charee-money for looking stretch of broken water. We have to ot there main or relay broadesst stations, after the boate and gear, and being the responsible under sail, and in weatherly boats, That ia the nian gener lly. old art of seamanship. : One Big Family. A Fine {pirit. i . Tricky Tides. Most. of the profits from ‘the four Revels that The men who form the crewe, who are, of course, These terrible sande—and they do not improve are being held-in London will go to the Paty all boatmen, receive payment for cach launch “pon acqusinancc—lyving, as they do, night in the News * Wireless for Hospitalk Fund,” which w iif according to the scale of the Lifeboat Institution, fairway of shipping, can only be approached, with also receive a percentage of the profits from cach anextra fee being paid for night workand for very any degree of safety in heavy weather, by thore of the Provincial Revels. Many other charities, long jobs. Many of the public seem to think that who know-them very well inderd, Vessela driven wireless and local, will, it is hoped, also henetid, lifeboat crewa receive regular standing pay, but ashore there ‘are cometimes in a very awkwanl But the Revela have also their social purpose— that ia net an, position to reach, and there may be two or three to bring together all over the country, Tike one It is pleasant to recall that during my Jong there at the same time but miles apart, and, perhaps, hig family, as manyas possible of the vast audience experience there has never been a lack of volunteers, with very shallow water, or none at all, between of listeners, eo that they may in an appropriate even in the very worst of weather, and there are them. The tides, too, are very tricky, ard are spirit celebrate the completion of three years. of ustially many more than the required mumber. affected by the “swatthways"—or channels, broadcasting in Great Britain. We knaiew by the When the bell ringa to coll a crew together, the across the sands—some of them quite deep ond application for tickets already,that many thousanrls pen who are first there to get the limited number causing dangerous whirlpools, of listeners are keen to gather together in this way, of lifebelta form the crew. ‘When the call is in the The North Deal lifeboats have raved many mare and, in -deing so, to give their suppert to charit'y, night, as it very offen is, the men sometimes rush than » thousand lives; and I have daken a hand in A Huge Army of Dancere. half-clad to seeure o belt and finish dressing after- a goo proport ion ef the launches, Fach. Revel waa arranged on the mast compre. wards, That shows a very fine: spirit, which, I A Schooner in Peril. hensive scale possible, and there are still tickets euppose, haa come down to them from their fore- Tt was ao wild week-end on November Ist ane for thoee who have not vet taken them, fathers, 2nd, 1919. A very heavy gale, E.N.E., often of Simultaneously, the spirit of revelry will he The Sea's Traditions. hurricane forer, «Three out of the four Goodwin taken inte a million hemes through the ageney of Lam old enough to remember the time when the Lithishipa were firing guns and sending up rockets.at broadcasting. Music by many of the danoe orchee. Deal luggers were the only means of saving ehip- the same tune, and it wee hard to decide which to ita at the Revela will he relayed to listeners during wrecked men, and that had been so for generations, make for first, We launched the € heries Difdin at the evening. Thus, there are certain tobe many They were open boats, without any of the safety 145 p.m., and, after beating te windard for three unofficial revele to swell the army of dancers, applianecs of the preacnt lifeboats. The men nat hours, we reached the Sands Preeenthy, we found Space alone prevents ua from giving any further only rieked their lives, but theirboats, which were the Esthonian schooner Tooca, carrying seven hands details in this final announcement in The Radio their property, very offen without reward, and ab and the captain's wife, -dvet aewe hed pot inte Tones to other than the lareeat revel, that at the their own expense. Jt waa the call of humanity, pocitian for veering down to the veaeel, ‘a large Olympia Dance Hall, where there is-reons for 4,040) and theold traditions of the sea, There were lives ateamer, herself in great danger, loomed up cut of dancers, Tickets for Olympia can still Le obtaited to be saved, the darkness, making stright for us. We had to at one guinea each. There usert to be about fifty of these Inggers, but sheer away, aud lozt our position, which aleo meant The Olympia Programme. they are al] conenow, and even the gollev-ponts lesa of valuable time, Then & tremendoys sig, How attractive the Olympia revel has’ been are going,.as, with the almost total disappearance struck the schooner and foreed her broadside on to made is shown by the following programme of of the sailing ship, the means of livelihood have the lifeboat, «wept five men away, and they were events and details of the dante banils :— | departed.. The old school of boatmen is dying not sten again, We beard a womans picring BAI 1S: pam SAVOY HAVANA, out too, but the okl spirit remains with us, as was écream, which none of us will ever forget, 115-11.0 |, OLYMPIA BAND. proved daring the war when all the younger men Saved After Six Attempts. LiLo CONTINENTAL RELAY, were away fighting, and my crews were often 11.10-11.40 Further cries were beard, and we oonld eon at .,.. OLYMPIA BAND, compesed of men whose average age was over sixty, 11.40-120° , DANCE PAG‘EANT ;— So, you see, the lifeboata are now theonly means daybreak two men clinging to the heel ofa smail ** Before Prehistoric Days."" Dance of the boat some distance away, Six abtempts were made available in heavy weather, and the Institution, Fairies." Celta and Brnids, Saxcns, FP tau: which is worthy of the support of every frendof to getto them, when a great towering sca fell iagenets and Crusaders. homanity, has more responsibility than ever, Bat aboard the lifeboat, swamped her, washingu& all 12.0-1210 am. CONTINENTAL RELAY. helplessly about. 2101240 |, JACK -HYLTON AND HIS for these boate, the men would nowoften be help. -BAND, lew, and the conatant-heavy toll of the Goodwin At last we got the two men ieee: but ondy just in time, as theywert nearly done. We got ashore 1240-10 , OLYMPIA’ RAND. Sands in such circumstances is tob awful to think 1O-E1 =, CONTINENTAL RELLAY. with them 48 soon as possible, and they survived, 110-10 —, DANCE PAGEANT ahout. As soon a8 we got ashore, about 7.13-a.m., that is : “. In the Teeth of the Gale. Elizabethan, Georgian and. Futur‘ae The boata at Deal are all sailing lifeboats, and eight anda half hours after launching, we found 1.30-:2.0 am. SAVOY. ORPHEANS. ! that other weesels needed help, so another crew was 2.0-2.10 » CONTINENTAL RELAY... , have 10 get to the Goodwins under sail, There is formed, and as I was not fit to go again, the late 2 . 1 0 - 2 . 2 0 - ,,- DISTRIBUTION OF FRIZES. no anug harbour or friendly ‘tug. Sometimes—but William Stanton took charge. 1t. was stil) blowmg 2.20-3.0 » BAVOY ORPHEANS. rarely—they can get uo tow by a tug, but there are as bard as ever, and it took them six hours to beat 3 . 0 - 4 . 0 » OLYMPIA BAND. , verylew tugs ‘about now, Those who know Deal, ~ to the other wrecks. Two eailingvessels werd Many famous stage, soreen and tadie stars wil] and eapeciaily those with nautical knowledge, will found ashore on theBands, the Corinthian and the be prevent to make the revel a large and repre see cur difficulties, first in getting afloat at all from Glendower, but only the captain and one hand sentative gathering of the entertainment world, the open béach, when itis blowing -g ins from of the Corinthian were saved, the others perishing. Senos of prizes are ready for distnibmtion: no any caaterly point—perhape Meanwhile, the reserve lifeboat, Frances #. Harion, when the seas—we seamen call one will be disappointed at the variety of the fun had launched with the third crew mistered. that which will be provided. call” wayea—ere tumbling 1 night, and in spite of them terrible experiences in The Continental relays mentioned in the Olympia Then we have to be ad toh thea Tooyo reécuc, William Haile (x ho Wert aa Programme will comst of dance thusic picked up ; miles in the teeth of fore whe Coxswain) and several other men, again volunteered, by the B,B. C. receiving station at- Keaton and given near the wree (or wrecks). They made sy thorough search, but could find no th rough loud epeakers at every revel, and, of ¢ourke, » carry cara, but only for occasional survivors from the Glejdower, but on the way back broadcast to wlhlistenera, Reyeral Continental and w that ever existed could make any use, 28 0 boarded a steamer which had picked wp from ao American stations have offered to ce-cperate, headway rowing such # boat as our Charles intermations] piece of wreckage another suryiver from the Toor Such ia the ettength of the new

*inoa Palk jrom Landen, and brought him ashore, link- made by broadcasting,

De EMBER site, ess _ et RADIO TIMES -—— _oe


(sete Miss MOLLY O'ALLAGHAN (Soprand), wha will sing af Manthetter on Detember 13th, iVittphon ft Pereman Ming MURIEL BRUANSKILL (ContraHe) will be heard in Miss BELLA BAILLIE (Morro-Soprano) will take par! “The Meagah, 2.8, to of Stations on Bacember 17th, in “The Meaeiah * Progranimé on December i7th,

Debate [Faoghon & Freeman. me. MADRE BESLY bone =— t h e Gookan«hee ir. LAURENCE HOUSMAN is to Fond an e x c e r p t trom fis beok, “Little Playa of Si, Francia,” Londen Londen and ether Etetions on Dacomber tIth, itn 7 5 and ether fistenera on December | =

fi or ! Mit MOLLY MILE ano) will broadcast frem | London on December ith, |


ah (Mawerett = Mr. ALEC FRASER ai tuke the er a J part of Harry Bromien in “ The Belle The Ree, 8. 7. BUTCHER will Mix ABMCY HEPTON epi— irom ot Mow York" (2.6. fram Londons ae an 6.8. Talk Canni- Miss EVELYN RAY, who will ploy ie“ Tho Bolle of Londen on December on December 14th:, oof Papua on seccane 13th, Hew York " (6.8. from London on December 14th). i ft — RADIO TIMES — b s [UDrcramen, ‘Minn,1925 f l


A Comedian on Tour. Points From Talks.

Written and Illustrated by Louis Hertel, the Entertainer. Wisdom By Wireless. The Artist Defined.

t ALLOA |! The guard has just blown his whistle when the An artist in the literary aeneh-is a man who Ie that tarriage door is torn open by a Bolshevist porter, writes, not necessarilyfor you or me, or to please Mr. Louisa who hastily bundles in a mother and her seven himeelf—that is an inaccurate way of putting jt— Hertel ? British offspring, complete with baggage. I glare at the but for an Ideal Reader, who cares about tha Broadcasting “Smoking” notice on the carriage window and aubject so much and understands it so perfectly, Com pany look as much like a wireless entertainer ag possible, that no pains on the part of the writer can possibly apeaking bot all tone purpose, for the whole platoon spreads be thrown away.—Desmond MacCarthy, What vacan- itself over every inch of vacant space and- proceeds Costly Mtumination | cied have you to enjoyitself, Tr you wear diamonds, perhaps you have noticed during De- Tlove children with a passionpassing all under- that they become phosphorescent. after being cember, br, slanding—except when I'm travelling, and then— exposed to a atrong light, such as sunlight. All Hertel? We I fail to understand the reason, but children in a diamondsdo not phosphoresct, but the vellow Want Vou to railway carriage invariably persist in caressing m6 tinted ones will nearly always be found to do sn, tour all sta- with their stickyfingers, Once, duringan experiment, an orange coloured tions."

An Uneanny Experience. stone was exposed for some time toa powerful lime- With aamile I start on my adventures. The present occasion being no exception to the light and, when taken into the dark room, it gare of satisfaction back light sufficient to light up the whole apart. (which I contrive to keep outof my voice) [reply: rule, we have barely reached Westbourne Park before [am unanimously elected one of the family. ment.—Christina Hroadhwrest, “Hold ona moment and Pll look op my date I will draw a veil-over the reat of the journey and bowok.”” The Novelist “ With Book."’ Depositing the receiver on the table with a bang leave myfeelings, as we steam into Cardiff, to the Mywife, whois the most understanding of women, imarioation, intended subtly to indicate that at great incon. knows when I “am with book,” as she calls it, venience and enormiusa expense I might be able Next morning [ rise with the lark—ith the lark, The bear has to be left alone, mooning about, or to accept the booking, but that I should expect the mart for one, since there's nothing funny in trying staring at the fire, A growling beast! to steal out-of o first-class hotel with dignity after weather to keep fine and mild for it, and that, even Then—perhaps—alter aome days—the thing disbursing ‘only about 80 per cent, of one’s broad- so, it would hardly be worth while, oa the wife comes, whence or how—heaven knows! Some casting feein tips! would demand a new hat, the children would take people call it mediomship, others self-sngerstion, advantage of my absence to collect a few measles And so we go on, cach station (both railway But there it is, perhaps just some tittle homan and broadcasting) being a repetition of the first, and mumps, and the cook would certainly give incident that begins like a apark—and grows and varied only by the length of the intervening journey notice, [ rustle a few papera and pause to loosen crows into a fire. The pictureunfolds itself; the my necktie. We haven't got a cook, really, but aml the possibility of arriving in time to dine before characters breathe and move; one seca the whole one Tashes off to face the microphone, I can alwaya if the receiver ia banged down in the right tone of human action going on. Not quite the whole of tell the difference between Cardiff and Newcastle, woiee, it invariably conveys theimpression that it—at first—perhape, for a book is alwnvs prowing, or Manchester andl Aberdeen, beranse I know the there ig a cook who is ginger and who haa a cousin You are there ta interpret. You are the instrament microphones by sight. And, believe me, it is an whose first name is Agatha, throngh which this piece of life expresses itself, I return to the ‘phone. meanny experience to look up from one's MS. in — Warwick Leeping. the middle of broadcasting and recognize the Before the Bargain-Basement Era, An Unanswerable Argument. Hinningham “mike” when hitherto one has been THE Accounts of the Lord. Treasurer of Sootland “Are you there? I might be able to manage distinctly under the impression that it is Saturday contain many itema regarding the expense of the the first or last week, ifthat woulddo, The second night in Glasgow. dresites anpplied to the Queen of James ITD. and of week 7? Oh, what a nuisance! I really don't Working from provincial stations has one other those of his sizter and of Margaret, the Queen of think—er—just a moment.” (A alight paw.se.) grave drawback, and that is one's inability to gauge James TV. Hero is one telatmg to the list named the success or otherwise of one's performance, In “Well, perhaps with a rearrangement of my dates lady: “15 ells of white damask to be a great, I might able to fix it... .. Yes, [can.” London onecan always find a kind friend who has gown for the Queen—tach ell, £4 108,—£67 Ie, “All right, then you'll confirm it to-night.” listened, and who proceeds to congratulate one on in all. 12 ells taffeta to line the same, each ell, T restore the receiver to ita prongs, andwonder being an excellent cure for insomnia; bot im a 14s,—total £8 89,!'——(". 4. Malealm, WA... PRD. how the wife will take it, strange city it is only occasionally that one recures She enters O.P., advancing up-stage with a look an unbiassed criticiam—as Lonce did from a fellow: * i * * of interrogation, sspnger between Manchester and Newenstle, THERE would always bavebeen a Shaw— but then “Well, darling, I've juat booked another broad- It appeared that hehad been unfortunate enough Mr. Shaw resembled Mount Etne in that he isa casting tour—second week in December.” to don the headphones the previouaevening, and voleano without asking anybody's leave.—Janes “You haven't 1" what he told the other people in the compartment Agate, “T have,” I persist with assurance born ofthe about the programme in general and Louia Hertel Diet Among the Ancients. knowledge that the official programmes will in in blood-curdling particulars made me all hot and Wirrs the beginning of civilization, we find that due course and cold print blast her unjust suspicions, bethered, In consequence, I have definitely one of ite features was the recognition by men that “IT hate to go, my -precious: you know these decided that when television becomes an accom. disease could be prevented, aswell as cored, and absences are putting years on my life, but aa the _ plished fact, and our faces are as familiar to listeners whether we take ancient Egypt, or Isracl as an potl saith, "Sie tos now vobis.’ ” An inanswerable as Gur voices areat present, [ shall appear in public example, we find thatthe life of the people was influenced for good by the observance of atrict rules argument that quells the brewing storm. only in a false black moustache—and spats| =k Next morning comes my confirmation and of diet, cating and drinking, and personal hygiene. A Clear Idea. Insetiptions found in Egypt show that thee itinerary. Cardiff, Monday. Birmingham, Tuesday. Well, even the longest of tours comes to an end, Manchester, Wednesday. Newcastle, Thursday. ancient inhabitants of the country frequented and ultimately, I arrive back at Euston. baths, thatthey wore light clothing, and that they Aberdeen, Friday, and Glasgow, Saturday, What For the benefit of the statistically minded listener, regulated their diet, making it light, and simple.— i resb-cure | T have compiled a few succinct paragraphs which, E. Hunt. = I feel sure, will convey a much clearer idea of o * * i * The fatal morning arrives, the awning is out, the wireless tour than anynumber of pages of ordinary red carpet is laid, farewells have been concluded, dracviptive matter, Here they are ;— WE love these young American people, I think, Ll atride manfally down the drive, a auit-case in each 1. The nomber of miles travelled in working all when they are genuine, Jtia then we feel that bhood hand and my MSS, chitched tightly in the other, stations in one week would, if placed one on top really is thicker than their legal drink,—. 4. The family is lined wp in column of route; the of the other, exactly equal the cubic contents of a Atkinson, chanifeur touches his cap, the wife touches me for Jarge globe of the same size taleulated at starting. The ‘' DeadMan's Valve.” a tenner, and the youngest teagiullh besenhes me price, Tat master control handle is moved round to Ree to bring ber back a parrot. €& Fe. 2, The number of listeners who remove their thatthe equipment is working normally. Whilst Paddington!

Decker it Hi, 1825.| — RADIO TIMES —- 651

Romance oftthe Harp. Christmas CheerBy Radio.

A Charming Broadeess Instrument. Ae a 5010 instrument, the harp is dying out. B.B.C, Plans for the Festive Season. It i4 seldom heard by radio, but through Christmas Ballads, Pantomime will be a transcendant transmission of the headphones it conveys a delightful effect, It ElGH-HO! Sing Heigh-ho! Unto the Green auper-heterodyning superiority! Wis known to the ancient Egyptians, and even a Holly" represents the spirit of the programme Christmas Bells at Dundee. few centuries back, no house was without a harp. consisting of Christmas ballads and carols which The B.N.V.R. Band are to eustain the Christmas A good instrument may cost from £120 to £20, will be given by the Manchester Station on Wednes- programme at the Dundee Station on Wednesday a sum beyond the purse of most people. The day, December 24rd. Mr. Stephen Williams will December 24rd. Jt will broadcast, for the. first pianoforte has helped to oust the harpfrom favour, sing some of the old Christmas songs and Mr. time, a vocal polka,“ Christmas Bells,” by Richard. ind tuning if a diffioult business, which has to be Foden Williams. will prevent a number of festive eon. Two well-known local singers will take part. done frequently, Most harp music is fast, and in ad- items from his repertoire, The Station Orchestra Mr. James Leighton includes “ Mighty Lordand tition te the strings, the player manipulates several will give a rendering of the Christmas Overture by King all Glorious,” from Bach's Christmas Oratorio, pedals with his feet in many typea of instrument. Coleridge-Taylor and the Savoy Christmas Medley in his selection for the evening, while Mr. Tom P. by Somers, These items should infuse the real Banned in Ireland and Wales, Bissett will be heard in “ Comfort Ye “and “ Every Christmas feeling into the homes of Lancashire Valley " from The Messiah, One of the most popular melodies, ‘‘ Robin Adair,” listeners, waa composed for the harp in Ireland in the four- ** Alter-Christmas-Dinner Philosophy." teenth century. The composer waa Carrol (Daly, Cardiff's Christmas Pudding. On Christmas afternoon, in addition to a pro- gramme of light orchestral works with songs by a famous Lrish harpist, He persuaded a girl named The Cardiff Station proposes to give listeners, Eileen Kavanagh to elope with him on the eve of and Barry people in particular, a Merry Christmas Mr. Norman Grahame (baritone), Belfastlisteners will hear the inimitable “Mra, Rooney,” who will her betrothal to a rival, Handel admired the by holding « special concert in the Theatre Roval, melody when he heard it in Ireland. The original Barry, on Christmas Day. A spirit of light- talk on “After-Christmas-Dinner Philosophy.” name of this piece was “ Edeen My Treasure,” and, hearted, frolicsome good humour will characterize | Waris at Hull, like many other harp melodies, ie often associated the programme, which is to be presented as Cardiff's The “6@KH* Christmas Waits will be heard in with Acotland, probably owing to the fact that Christraas Pudding, full of gool things, as all good Traditional and Folk Carols, conducted by Mr, many Trish minstrels visibed Eeotland and made poddings should be, It would be unwise to indicate John Coulson, on Wednesday, December 23rd, from many of their airs popular, the fruit and spice, and eoon, bot amongst the the Hull Studio, Mr, Conlson has made a lifelong Invested with a political significance, the. harp ingredients will be found Miss Mavis Bennett, siucdy of Traditional and Folk carols, and will has often been banned inireland and Walesa, The Pitt and Marks, the entertainers, Spick and Span, Present many beautiful and unusual examples that massacre of the Welsh bards is sung by thepoet the Station Orchestra, the Uneles, the. Aunties, unfortunately have dropped out of common use. Mr. Arthur W. Hayes, the Dickens recttalist, ‘will Gray in “The Bard”; and in Cromwell's time ind the Staff, The proceeds of the concert will be every harp in Ireland was said to be broken. handed over to the Barry War Memorial Fund, give some seasonable extracta from Dickens and Evelyn shows that, with ‘the. restoration of and ptices of admiasion will range from one shilling tell some mirth-provoking Christmas storics, and Charles, harps came again into favour. He says tothree shillings," Mr. Harold Eilis, the well-known Hull ‘baritone, in his diary: “Came to see an oh] aequaintance, will be the vocalist, player on the Trish harp, Mr, Clarke. Such niuasic "Christmas Crackles "' Revue. A Jolly Programme. never before or since didI hear.” Rirmingham listeners’ attention is drawn to the On Christmas Eve the Glasgow Station will An Ingenious Scheme. third Annual Radio Revue, entitled Christmas broadcast a jolly programme, with songs by Mr. The firat opera-in which harps were:scored for Orachles, to be performed at Birmingham on Robert Watson, and the Btation Orchestra will was Monteverde4 Grfeo, Thursday, December 24th, written and produced endeavour to arouse in listeners memories of lnahbitity bo uprodice semitones was the great by Mr. Joseph Lewis, with special scenes by Mr, Christmases past by playing a number of the drawhack of the carly, harps. About the time of George ckement and Mr: John Overton, ‘The favourite sengs from bygone pantomimes, Ab Evel, athingenious person devised a scheme which cast inchides Messrs, Percy Edgar, Joseph Lewis, the conclusion the Station Choir will give a Harold Casey aml many others, This Radio mmcke it possible to play semitones without increas- recitalof Christmas Carols,

ingy the oumber of stings: A hook .of metal,’ on deine turned down, shortened the length of the string: aod thus raised its pitch a semitone. The plover had to wee one hand to tom down the hook, and 50 had only one for playing. Hochbrucker, o. Bavarian, invented the pedal harpan 1720. Hooks were worked by ‘stata, aid without wing his hands a player conld change ints mt Jess thon thirteen different leva. Ar unpleasant jarring sound was heand when a string was touched by the hook, Later, a father and son, called Cousmeaus; doubled the number .of pedals, enabling play in fifteen keys, Praise from Borlioz. The final touch was added by Sebastian Erard, whe owned « harp factory in ‘London. “He took cut a patent for a dowble-action harp with seven pedals.” Another type of harp has two seta of atringa crossing of om angle, instead of pedals, which enible the playér to produce semitones by dropping his hand, Louis Spohr's wife waa an expert harpist, ao it is not surprising that he scored for the instrument. Meverbeer used two harps in Hober! le Dieble, but it was Berlioz, the “ colossus of the orchestra,’ who definitely established ite place. In his autebio- graphy he aave,~ Shut mein my room with one or 0 Erard harps, and I am perfectly happy.” Probably it was Wagner who first. made the fulliat wseof theharp, He emplova it for accompan- ing in Tannaveer, In Valkyrie, when. Wotan causes a curtain of fame to spring wp, chords on the harps produce a remarkable effect, Again, in the finale Of Akimegotde, when the Rhine is ht upbya rainbow anil the gods pass-acrose to Valhalla, six harps, each soared for ‘separately, provide an ethereal accompaniment of unsurpassed magnificence,

kK. P. Hest. L i t t l e Girl“A (excitedly):Mummy, come quick! Bobby's p o s t i n g Baby to Uncle Radio!”

— RADIO TIMES — [DEcEanen lien, 1925, _

rhe Children's Corner.

Programme Pieces.

Christmas is Coming! A Weekly Feature Conducted by Percy A. Scholes. ““Christiias ta conning, TIT FOR TAT. The geese are getting fat.” LJ GEORGE: had? promised Dicky that HANDEL'S ** MESSIAH." O saya the old rhyme. Bat we would know if hia schoot report were good and he bronght (Daventryarp oTneR Brations, Tavrspar; that Christmas ie coming in Aberdeen without home a prize, he would make hima present of BELFast, FRinay,) even a goose's feather to tell ua! Because all the andther model raihway engine andl somemore DID think I did see all Heaven before THe, Boy Blues and Cinderellas, Pierrots, Columbines, trucks and rails. Well, the prize had been won and the great God Himself!" eried Handel, Powder Puffs and Peter Pans are petting ready for and the report was fair—good enough, anyhow, for when he hac written the last notes of the “ Halle the hoge Fancy Dress Party thatthe Aberdeen Unele te send along the present, lujah Chorus,” thus completing the Seeond Part Pineles and Aunties are holding in the Music Hall Dicky, assisted by his father and littl sister of Messiah. This great Oratorio was written in no on December Lith. It is for all members of the Daisy, all very excited, opened the package, and more than twenty-four days, yet, nearly two Radio Circle and by the number of tickets that have discovered. o aplendid assortment of railway centuries after its composition, it is generally been sold, nearly all the children who can go are material, regarded as Handel's supreme achievement andone going. “Well, thik ia fine,” said Daddy, who seemed of the greatest musical worka in existence, Ite Father Christmas is making an early visit to this at keen as either of the children. “‘ We'd better performance every Chmstmas, or at Faster, has country to be present. -Father Neptune is coming carry the whole Jot up to the school-room and see become a rite which is cheerved in almost every town up from the depths of the Sea, besides the Toy what we can makeof it.” in England, Drom Major and—well, we mustn't tell you any Just then Unele George’a cheery voice was Messiah is written for the vaual four Soloists, more!For these who aretoo little or sick, or too heard in the hall. “It's arrived, then? Lusky Chorus and Orchestra. The whole work: is sub- far away, the sounds of the party will be broadcast boy, Dicky—wish T were young again like you ; divided into Three Parts. from 6.15 to 6.0 p.m, wouldn't T enjoy playing at trains!” This is a very long work in which considcrable " Old Man Brown.,"’ * We're just going to fix it up, George,” said “ cote" have to be made ; the following destription The Quiet Tinele at Manchester iz quiet no Taddy, “You'd better come and help.’ Will be found to agree with the Hallé Concert “On?T all performance which will be relayed to Daventry and longer. Unele Ronald sang song called “ Old Man Brown "some weeks apo, since when, the kictdies right, I don't other Stations on Thursday. won't let him stop singing it. It's the hit of the mind,” ‘and, PART f. season | fwinging Daisy on to 1. The First Part opens with an OVERTURE, Uncle Eric has been hitten by the Limerick in two distinct Sections, the first broad and dig- craze—and jis perpetrating horror after herror, his shoulders, tified, the second quicker, atrong and apirted. Then to the indignation of the various Aunts and Uneles he led the follow Isaiah's prophecies of the coming Messiah. who have to suffer the insulta he heaps upon them, way upstaira to the school- 2-3. Texon Souos, Comfort pe, imy people, and Every valley shall he exalted. Nottingham's Happy Family. ror. 4. Coonts, Ard the glory of the Tord shall he The chief interest among the members of the Dicky got Nottingham Radio Circle just nowis the Stall at rerenled, out hia old f-f. Bass Boro, Thwa sawh the ford... . F the Woman's Hospital Bazaar. _ Gifts are pouring motels, and will shake the heavens and the earth; and But in for it, andwe look like having enough things Daddy and whe may abide the dayofhtsconing?. .. . For kets to hold’ a bazaaron our own. “Uncle Laurie is Unele pro- knitting «= jumper for a hot water botth, and like a refiner's fire. ceeded to lay 7-8 Contracro Sonos, Aeholl! a virgin shall constant bulletina regarding the number of dropped the rail on

rome | and O Thou that fellest good tidinge, stitches are anxiously awaited ! ‘We'll hid s i* the Hoor. With the approach of Christmas, our member- Conve takes up theae last words. one eee, At this Sonos, For behold, darkness shall ship- is inéreasing rapidly, and there is no doubt moment Daisy stumbled over the station and 1). Bass that there are few children who wish to be left upset the bridge and a signal, cover the garth , 2... bet the ord shall orige; and Tha people thal walked im darkness hare sec @ ont of cur happy family. We are one of the few “You are a careless girl,” exelaimed Daddy, stations which have retained the “Teens’ Corner qreal fight, “adter all our trouble to fix things up nicely for Ll. CHorts,For vate va a Child ia born, aa-& distinct part of our programme, Suggestions you! Now youand Dicky had better po outside have been made that it should be incorporated with 12. Therecomes here a beautiful contrast, and leave Unele and me to finish,” and im another ag very softly the Orcursrna plays the simple, the Children’s Hour, but this has been strongly minute the clildren found themselves in the opposed by the children themselves, dream-like PASTORAL SYMPHONY, «a picture passage outside the locked school-room door, of the shepherds keeping their night-watch in the A Surprise at Sheffield. “What. a shame!” said Dicky, angrily, and ficlds, (This ia not, of course, a “ Syinphony ” in A great surprise is in store for the Radio Circle Daisy began to cry; but soon dried her eves when the modern sense of a big-acale independent of Sheffield. The Dream Lady and Auntie Win Dicky let her have a peep through the keyhole, and orchestral work, but only a short instrumental intend changing placea just for five minutes during then hada turn himself. They could see Unele interlnde.) the Children’s Hour on Christmas Eve. and Daddy shuffling about on the floor on their 13-16. Sopaaxo Gonos, There wert ahepherds, The Dream Lady will sing and Auntie Win will handsand knees. oa se And lo! the angel of the Lord cate... . accompany her on the piano, after which all the “T know what we'll do,” said Dicky, ag an idea And « dienly there was with the mage! a oevititide, Uneles will have a good laugh, but are expected struck him; “we'll hide their pipes, ‘and they'll 17. Caokus, Glory lo God in the Aughest, to keep quiet during the song, so listen attentively, kick upan awful row when they can't find them,” 18. Sornino Sono, Mejores greally kidthes, and note the date, so they went quictly dow nstaira and collected 19-2), CosTRALTO ayy Bornano Sonos, Cox: all the pipes, ondDickyputthem in his pockets, TRaLTO, Thea shall the eyes of the blind» and He Swansea's “* Birthday Ballot.” At last, tired of their game, Uncle and Daddy gary shall feed His fock ; Sornaxo, Come wnto Him, all The Kiddiewmks of Swansea's Children’s Corner up the achool-room to the youngsters, ye thet febowr. (Jt is usual for theae aolos to be always look forward to Saturday evening with “I've broken the engine, but Pil get it repaired sung thua, instead of the whole being sung by intercat. The nmomes ond addressce of those to-morrow, éaid Uncle as they went downstairs, SOPRANO, &8 iVET in some of the older scores.) Kiddiewinks who have celebrated birthdays during Preeently it was bedtime, but, instead of re 2]. Coons, Mie yoke 4s easy, the week are written on little bits of paper, and they maining in their beds, Dicky and Daisystole quietly are all patina hat, uaually Uncle Charlie's best one, out on to the landing andlistened. And they were PART If. shuffied up well, and six papers are then drawn soon rewarded, for it- ‘was not Jong before they The opening of the Second Part speaks ofthe out by visitors to the Studia, heard angry sounds of the search below ; Mommy Atonement, The names and addresses are then read-out and and the servants were all helping to look for the 22, Cnonts, Behold the Lamb of God, the locky ones are invited to attend the Children's Missing pape. 23, Corrratto Bote, He was despised. Corner, on the following Saturdg¥t_The visitors Al last someone suggested looking in the school- 24. Coons, Surely He hath borne our griefs. each week are mengasquiet ag Dittlamiiee in the room, 40 they all trooped upstaire. And there, in 25. Cronus, And with Hits stripes we are healed. Studio, but they always join #f ) toed night the cattle trucks, they found the pipes, each one 26. Coonts, All we, ike sheep, hee gone astray, aong aml in a Gira Good.“Hi y Unelo neatly placed in a separate truck and ready for 27-28. Trxon Sonos, Thy rebuke hath broken Charlie. dispatch to Newcastle, or Neva Scotia. His heart; and Behold, and see if there be any It-is hoped that the namber of invitations will be And instead of being angry, Daddy and Unele aorrow, Like wrfo His serra, inoreased during the Christmas holidays, and that looked at each other and roared with laughter, for, 24).30,—TENOR Sonos, Me was cul aff: andAnd eome schéeniowill be devised for those whose as Unelo George said: "Those children have Thou dida not leave His soul in hell. , birthdays are everso faroff to have a lucky dip in scored this time, and we thoroughly deserve it 41, Coors, Lift up your heads, O ye gates the hat. for being #0 selfish.” A, Contam Hews, (Continued on the facing page.)

Decemome. line, Tah. ] One

Programme Pieces. Listeners’ Letters. {Continued from the previews page.) .» + Whoieth: Aingof Glory? The Lord strong and In “The Back o’ Beyond.” m iphetty ., 2 the lord of Frosta. 32, Bass Souo, Way do the nations so furiously {Dtdiemer? ore reseed Gal aede fol fonder aan feiiera ior pultiaaiion, Prefers Gr given ts iter this Goons inierea! jou lretity, The Editorial addres to 8-11, Souttamplon Sires, Strand, Loadoa, FF ripe feather ? 33, Coonos, Let wabreak Heir bowds, Tr seems a pitythat espace in your valuable some way or other provide for everyone. I, for 34-5. Tenon Sonos, He thal direlleth in heaven peper should be allotted to such sentiments as one, am quite satistied—R. A:-Smoopnimce, 10, ‘hall faugh them fo scorn ; and Thou shalt break those expressed by Mies Sheila Kaye-mith in Heaton. Road, Canterbury. then. The Radio Timea, Let her be compelled to spend 26.- THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS, Hallelujah ! twenty vears of her life in thatpart of our land Unsightly Aorials. For the Lord (rod Omnipotend reignueth., known to the Northerner as “ the back o' beyond,” WHEREVER you go to-day you can find the ueual PART HL. and she would no longer need to ask what wireless unsightly aerial mast, in many cases an old poafiold means to. her, ze POPEAND Sow, I know that my Redeemer pole or a spliced piece of scantling, These un- What does wireless mean to we? -Onteide, the roebh. sightly mastsmight be greatly improved by oa lonely night, the hilla, the sea, the ilimitable sky. d-¢1, Coones. Theae next four numbers are capping of round or square piece of wood about Inside, o goodly though invisible company making perhaps the most dramatic part of the whole eight inches square and affixed on the top before work. The subdued, prave Since by man came death, merry with song and dance, or sweet old-world breaching, . nelody—a human voce, now grown eo familiar Inanawered triumphantly with Ay man come also In mydistrict, the masts and aerials present the nato be ‘one of us aa we sit round the fireside. itt resurrection of te dead; similarly, For az in appearance ofso many clothes prope and clothes All weloome—the grave, the gay, the dance, the Adam all die ia answered by Even so in Christ shall lines, and they certainly are not an improvement song; the voice of prayer and praise! Such a ovr fe iene aline, to property. goodly company aa we never thought would touch One has only to notice the difference between 42-3, Bass Sonos, Behold, I tell you a mystery t our lives again. We shell not all ateep ; acl Phe frompel chal sound, one mast without a capping and one with a capping We baild-a little: shrine to that wonderful science 1.Caorcs, Worthy is the Lamb. ., Blessing to see that the ugly pole can be greatly improved which has bestowed eo marvellous a gift on the and Honour. by a little wood, the cost of which i nothing. humblest andmost obscurecorners of our land, to, Ubon, Amen, Hi this were more generally dane,’ 1 am sure In-my own case, my husbandwasan invalid, there would be fewer objections from landlords,— SOME MILITARY BAND MUSIC, and we had not enjoyed ench concerts as are pro- T. 5., Garstang. : (NeweastTie, Scunpay.)} vided by our own station—Cardiff—for very many The Story Songs of Until Broadeasting began what proportion of our years, Wireless has, in fact, helped to make him Yesteryear. population ever heard a Symphony Orchestra ? better. He is now almost well again.—GraravpE I snovwn l i k e to thank Mr. Edwin Pugh for hia If youcan fix a figure for that, how many times Fintayson, Schoolhouse, Kilye, Bridgwater, Gomer- interesting reminiscences in The Radio Times on ninet you multiply it topet the number of people Bet, the songs of y e s t e r y e a r , which led me to a half- whe, in parks or at the seaside, listened to Military Brighianing Life. hour's pleasant evening reverpe, Hanis? Probably ten times, at least. It is deplorable when a woman of accredited B e s s i o Wentworth was a trae a r t i s t in a l l her Yet, despite this immense public awaiting intellect like Miss Sheila Kaye-Smith discusses work, and the trick shown in your illustration - o f them, the great, composers have never until quite broadcasting im such terms as she employs in The the turning up of one t r o u s e r leg only, was also lately taken the Military Band seriously, and Band Riedie Times, Passing over the fact that she practi- adopted in “ Littl: Dolly Daydream,” which song mic haa suffered accordingly. cally admits she does not trouble to-use it properly, might have been included in Mr, Pugh'e selection, Here, first of all, is one of the rare exceptions nothing ia more pitiable than her mental inability The original singer of “ Big Ben Struck One" to this rule of neglect; afterwards, we have an to appreciate it in ita perfect state, or, at least, as a was, [ believe, Arthur Lennard, who also popularized example of to-day's growing interest in the Military power, 4 great refining inflnence for the uplift of another song-story, entitle! “One of the Brave Band. mankind. Old Guards,” but this was sung with a special MENDELSSOHN'S OVERTURE IN C. he speaks of the marvel of wireless, but this is curtain and lighting effects, and therefore did not Justover a hundred years ago, Mendelssohn, as nothing in comparison to the force of its spiritual depend entirely upon the personality of the s i n g e r , influence, Does shenot know that it brings beauty Leo Dryden's “ Miner's Dream of Home ™ aleo a lad of fifteen, was staying at a watering-place comes in this group, together called Dobberan, He wrote an Overture for the to thousands of doll and, perhaps, sordid livesa— with suth songs as band which played at the Baths there, and. after- enlightenment to. ignorance—pleasure and delight “ Dorothy Dean,” Daisy Bell,” “Two Little Girls in Blue,” “ The Ship I Love;”-" warda-acored it for fall military band. to all those starved intellecta whose passion for I-Can't Tell the best. in music and oral art went unzatished Why I Love You,” “Sweetheart -May,”* and It is that work which is now to be played at “Mignonette,” and some Newcastle, It opens with a smoothly-flowing, before it-came ? .of the earlier coster No! Misi Kaye-Smith, we do not keep our songs sung by W i l k i e Bard and others. tuneful Introduction, Then o Trompet-Call is * GipEnt,"” Headingley, heard, growing moreand more forcible, and this wireless for the mechanical joy of turning screws, Leeda, leads to the dashing, brilliant main body of the nor because it is a miracle of science. We keep More Fun For The Children, it because we have “souls” to appreciate what it Overture, Tue whole atmosphere of the Children’s Corner Further contrast is provided by a very light is doing for ua, because we still have oa few ideals has become stiff of religion, putrictiam, and beanty hidden away and a r t i f i c i a l , Where: are the and dainty Tune. Then much mw heard of the u n c l e s of old, in our hearts, andwe flock in appreciation to a with their spontanenics, happy Trumpet-Call, and so the Overture proceeds to chatter, laughter and sing-songst great new powerwhich is helping us to develop They have a spirited conchusion, been replaced by automatons, r e e l i n g them, out stilted, VAUGHAN WILLIAMS’S FOLK-SONG SUITE. carefully-prepared words, Of course, Miss Kave-Smith never heard our We cannot join in the This is an example of the work of a foremost f u n . nowadays—there is not any ! Armistice observances! Never heard The White We loved to f e e l that they conlemporery composer who has interested himself Chateru ond “ Peace” 7 Well, it does not matter were enjoying them- in the Military Band. At the centre of Vaughan stlves amd we felt we were enjoying ourselves with to ns-——we did !—E, Teemarse Wane, Dartmouth them. Now, we simply Williams's musical creed we find “ folk-song.” There Howse, Olney, hear a rehenrsed and. can be few men living who knowand understand maddeningly precise performance, It ig just a the subject better than he does, and in this Military Something for Everyone, part of the daily pra me.—Evetyy Boxrract, Band Suitebe gives us, perhaps, some of his Rraarnpine the complaints against the “ con- 60, Galveston Road, Potney, 8.W. tinuous " broadcasting of ballet music, chamber favourite tunes—Serenfeen come Sunday, Dy Broadcasting Shakespeare: Bonny Boy, and Somerset Songs. music, and opera, and demanding “* popular” music to be broadcast every night for a period of I rank it would be greatly appreciated by “all ate afdieepee; two hours, I should like to point out to those who boys and girls who are sitting for such importart!’ have evidently not noticed it, that although the examinations as cither the Oxford or Cambridos

ape} BBC, do certainly broadcast 9 good many of these Tocal Examinations in December of this year The Radio Revels [ey excellent, but greatly abused, programmes, they ard July or December of next, if the BBC. chute fee are neither broadcast. for a whole evening, nor arrange for thedplays of Shakespeare, as set in the of 1925. are they broadcast every night. They are judici- hes _ Universities, to be broadcast

THE FIRST WORLD RADIO DANCE. evpeyjeeter ously intermingled with items of various types, tritich Tales, Waele cach examiner to 8 both light and otherwise, so that all tastes are hear the catered for, if not appeased.—G. D. P., Hampstead. particular work which he, or she, is studying and London Listeners Meet at Olympia. so get the grip of the play. It would be expecially Providing For All. a helpful to those who, Like miysell, are studying IT nave had-a set now for over two years, and apart from school in order to get inte aprofession. PAGE 3548. FULL .DETAILS ON cansay without hesitation thatI have not yet oua Hursley ' Hill, Whitchurch, near heard an evening's programme that did not’ in ristol, a

ae RADIO: _TIMES — [ Deceatern lim, 125. STE ETE aTSiaieli eee ai

Our Point of View. The Broadcast Pulpit.

Liberty. The Link With Listeners—A Premature Report. gee Greck idea of liberty does not always agrea ith ‘the commonly-aceepted interpretation MONG the many unique featuresin this Broadcasting Committee, the B.B.C, is con- of the word, which to many -means freedom from art, science, and business of wireless fining itself to a consideration of what it all restraint, the right to be a law unto ourselves, is the relationship that should exist between believes to be the larger issues of programme This involves an utter impossibility : there is no sach thing in human experiente as freedom from re- those who spend their days and nights in standards and ideals which it has tried to straint. In the view of Christ the idea of liberty conceiving and constrac ting and presenting make characteristic of the British service. wis the same aa that of the Greeks, freedom from the daily programmes and the vast audience The B.B.C. 1s placing all its information the role of the lower passions, and willing submission of listeners. unreservedly at the disposal of the Broad- to the leading of the higher light, the spirit’ of No other organization hassuch a-relation- casting Committee ancd has arranged to odin ws. ship to those it serves, as the B.B.C. communicate its evidence to the Press and We cannot be free from the laws of oor being + The newspaper owner and editor and every to the public as well, the question is. which part of us shal] have the member on the staff can quickly sense the In view of the fact that the deliberations upper hand ? In either case, there is something to be given up. something that is real and has power attitude of the readers to the paper they are of the Committee are still in their early to please, If we choose the better part, our lower producing. The theatre manager can tell stapes, any forecast of its decision 18 ob- nature will be curbed so that it shall not be free ta withina few days whether his play is worth viously speculative, yickl to the temptations that would please it; continuing or not. In the world of the Weare glad, however, of this opportunity if we choose the worse part and seck freedom cinema it is the same. Money may he to acknowledge the enthusiastic tributes in the pleasures that appeal to thatpart of wus, poured out like water in the production of a and offers of support that reach us in in- we shall Iose touch wrth our better self, The aprinit ercat feature film, and no amount of advertis- creasing numbers from ajl parts of the in which we live our life is what makes or mars uz, ing will make it a success if the public does country. The B.B.C. takes the view that not the deeds we do orthe experiences we have,— not want it. ‘So, too, with books and dance it should. state unreservedly the lessons it The Rev, 0, A, Cameron Herd, Glasqout, halls, concerts, and every other field of adduces from the work of the past three Religion—A Coward's Game? endeavour, but in broadcasting the listener years, The policy of theB.B.G. at this F religion iaj just a refuge from the diffleulties of has no equivalent way of registering critical juncture is to do everything pos- life, it is a coward’s game and unworthyofa real his opinion so thatthe programme makers sible to saferuard the essential ileals and man's attention, You who go im for it, will be weakened, not uplifted; rt. will be for you just a can be constantly aware of his attitudeto- standards of the public service it~ has rather unworthy form of self-indulgence, If that wards their work. endeavoured to establish. We are sure were indeed the true function of religion, you S* * that hsteners will recognise the urgency of who keep away from it would” be perfectly right. There is only one way in which programme vigilance on the part of all who desireto We find ourselves in this life with certain duties makers ‘and Hsteners can come intocontact, perpetuate and improve the margin of and responsibilities placed upon us, and no man and that is by direct communication through superiority which competent and fatr- worthy of the name will want to shirk them, But what if we think of religion as being something that the post. That is thepoint we want to minded critics accord to British Broad- casting. will give us the strength to overcomelife's diffi- emphasize, culties } Ts there any man so prosperous, so con- We want to tell listeners that when they SILENT NIGHTS IN AMERICA. tent, 80 satistied that he does not feel the need write to the B.B.C., their letters do count. of that ? They are valued as representing in the only N several evenings during the latter Religion is of real value, but what-it har to offer part of next month, American broadcast possible way all that we know directly of you is not just a little merciful blindness, mot just public opinion. Listeners should know that stations will close down to give listeners a shade to protect your eves from thetoo hard ght on that sideof the Atlantic opportunities of common day, not a crutch te help you on the their letters:do not receive a mere perfunc- tory reading and a formal reply. Everyletter to pick up other stations in different parts more difficult part of life's journey: mot that, but ot the world. A fund of several thousand new strength andpower to enable you to Wiyre is read and considered by special members worthily the hattle of life, the reinforcement of the of the staff, and every member of the dollars has been raised to assist in letting the public know all about the scheme, and Comforter to enable you to face clear-eved all that Board is kept in close touch with comes of sorrow and of pain, to climb, undaunted, Programme details of programmes from stations which the consensus of opinion. Many letters the steepest paths.—The Rev,Geoffrey Cordon, are hopefully expeected to penetrate to containing really constructive and helpful Edinborgh, criticism are acted wpon. America will bepublishedbeforehand. These Trve Gentlencss. Time and again many hours and even details will include one or two intentionally ENTLENESS ia the innercore of gentleman- inserted false numbers, so that when a linees. “ Ttis-almost the defimtin of a gentle- of preparation have gone to the weeks listener claims to have heard something man, wrote Cardinal Newman, “to say that he making of a special programme. Perhaps js one who never inflicts pain,” and with the which was never broadeast at the time stated, some experiment is tried out, his membership of the Ananias Club is In the Book of the Dead of the ancient, Eeyptians the staff awaits the verdict keenest interest entered at once. Such is the craze for long one of the questions asked at judgment was, Have which comes through the post during the you been the cause of others’ tears?" If I distance reception and the terrible tempta- next few days. frequently pain others by my harshness, impaticnce a * tions to digress from the Path of Truth. or irritability, or merely by brusquenees, thought- Some amateurs in Great Britain would like lesencee or personal touohiness or susceptibility, if Tt is good to know that there are no signs to make a reciprocal arrangement. Wefeel I thus, or im other heedlesa, needless wars am the of a diminution of letters from our listeners— that the percentage of people who would cause of others’ teara, can [ claim to be gentle indeed, the number 15 increasing all the time, derive any interest or result from our doing after the pattern of Him whoismeekand humble of but from the point of view of the programme so would be so small compared to those who heart '—J'he Ker, Bernard-Hutler, 8, f., Manchester, that. the numbers Dominating Personalities. makers it is to be hoped look upon broadcasting only as a means of will increase still more, because this is the T is said of some men that theyare born leaders ; entertainment that it would bean injustice what is usually inferred ia that whilst they only sure way in which we can keep in touch tothe majority of listeners to adopt such a with the public we are trying to serve. have ability and strength of will, they are without acheme, In order that the whole of Britain humility and are highly self-amertive. They are THE FUTURE OF BRITISH BROADCASTING. should benefit by an international test, we not content to play the second fiddle, they must NUMBERof listeners haveeeen writing think that itis better that the experts at have the solo part. A dominating personality is to the B.B.C, and to Tigiiiedio Limes Keston should do ther best to pick up frequently an unsernpulous and highly-selfish asking for a comment on as tert nt which American transmissions and relay them to one, and other men give way to it, either hecanse appeared in the Press presuming—fo antict- all who care to hsten, leaving it to the keen theyare less selfish or heowuse they prefer to take amateur after our stations are shut down theline of leastresistance, pate the recommendations of the Broadcast- True mastery is gentle becanse of its strength, ing Committee on the future of British broad- when, with the difference of tume between and considerate of others hecause it has no selfish casting after rg26, It would obviously be here and America, he has all the early hours aims. Before the supremacy of perfect Jove, all inappropriate for the B.B.C, to enter into of the morning in which to experiment with troe men will bowin deepest adoration.—The Rev, Jn its evidence before the his set. ff, H. Allison, Helfast. this discussion.


DE RKBER Livrn, 1925, | RADIO TIMES -— 655

2L0 Peet Week caine 365M. LONDONPROGRAMMES.- _ December 13th

$eermirm9.0, —WrEaTHieE PohensasAst ano Gesk- “Sp potthniies Ovyerasna—Sonbh Gladys Glee K. THOMAS The Reproduction of t RAL News. BULLETON, Africa”: General Talk, intro: Drommer Boys DORA GRAY these Copyright Pro- Local Wewa,; duced by the Hon. F. J. SMIT, and MARJORIE BANDALL : grammes is strictly 7.25.—Muercal Inbtertude, FULL CHORUS. De Groot reserved. 7. 40.—Brig.-General J, 3, WROUGH- mre, ACT. ‘I. eeiediieiih TON: “ Winter Sporta in Dri- poone 1.—Dining-Room of Harry the Piogadiity tain and Eleewhere," The tient “6.printed in Halics in these Bronaon's Flenise, pearaaes signify a Simuitanaoun Broadcast Orhestra, Scene 2.—Conservatory, Harry m the olotion mentioned, PLIVE JENETN {Soprano}. | 8.0, Jd. HANNISTER HOWARD'S Bronzon's House: Rel PRINCIPAL COMPANY The High-Power (Daventry) | ayved from: the Pieeardilly Seene 3.— Pell Street (Chinces Hotel, London, in New Year's Fivai. Programme will be found | on page 558. THE ORCHESTRA, The Celebrated Musical Comedy, ACT I “Where the Lark Sines ".... Lehar “ THE BELLE of NEW YORK.’ | Beene 1.—Fullers' Condy Store, OLIVE. JENEIN. Broadway, New York, SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. Witten ba. ML. MeLellan, a Beene 2.—Interior of the Greal In, Ghinlle Trine: Morhade™ Arrenped for Broadcasting by 3.305. 6. Central Huilway, New York. (° Manon Lescaut") 0. Peon WALTER HERBAGE. LIGHT SYMPHONY Boone 3.—On the Lawn of the (WithOrchestral Accompaniment, } Cat: PROGRAMME. THE ORCHESTRA, Casi, Narraminertt, Ichabod Bronson (President of the THE LONDON WIRELESS LCirande Fanta, “ Carmen * Musial Director— Si aPHONY ORCHESTIBA: Young Mon's Keseus Loague BEN THURSE. Hizel-De Groat Ail AntiCigarette Society of Conducted hy OLIVE JENKIN, 10.0,—Tinre Sonal FROM Oeeeswicn, Cohorts WrATHek Fontcasr ano. 2x0 MAURICE BESLY, 2 Tho Birthday ay Wontar VUOTERSREC HATTERTOS CEORGE H. ASQUIN CESERAL NEW BULLETIS. (WihOrchestral Accompaniment.) Harry Bronson (His Son, a Young (Sopiatie). THE ORCHESTRA, Prof. JULIAN & HUXLEY: mn Bpendthrtt) ALEC FRABER "The Biream of Lifa—The ails THE ORCHESTRA, “Abide With Me™ (By Request) Overture, “ Prince Igor" Borodin earl Von Pumpermick {A Polite Evolution of Man.” Tro in C Minor ,... Foch-Beay Laddfe Liamstic) LAURIE WENSLEY Local News. VI¥ if haCHATIELEATOR. 10.3);—Close down, “Dee.” Boifkine (Father of the Aria, * Batti Batti" (“ Don Gio. | Qucen of Comic Opera) | 10.30, A Fireside Interinds Yarn ""} Mozart| i. BR. TATE hry THE ORCHESTRA. | MONDAY, Dec. 14th. “ Blinky Bill * MeQhtirl (A Mixed- JOHN HENRY Tio. Asrbeddes bee es Ealo Alo Fhigilist) and " BLOSSOM." 4.0 (approx.).—Bercease and Finale, , 1.0 2.0.—Time Sional from. Green. THOMAS DIOCON 11.8.—Close down, * L'Oiseaa de Fea" Strarinely | wich, Organ Rotital irom Bt, Kenneth Muge (Low Comedian of #15 LAURENCE HOUSBMAN Michel's, Garohall," Organist the Angelique Comic Opera) will read | —Harold E. Darke, Mus.Doc. WALTER HE RBAGE TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. Twiddles (Harry Brongon’s Private “SISTER CLARE” | $.15.—Transmissian to School: Mr, from his “Littl Plays of §t. Becretary}, de A. EF. JoTON a 1.0-2.0.—Time Signal from Greenwich. Franciz."* EK. Kay Robinson, “ British Fricot (A Chet) W. NEWMAN Lunch-time Muric from the 4.30 (appros.). COMPOSITIONS Plants—Conclusion and Ex: Mr. Snooper (A Newspaper Re- Halbor Restaurant. BY MAURICE BESLY, amination. - porter) .. GG. ELD] DEE 3.15.—Tianemission,.to Schools: Bir THE (HCHEST ERA, Alr. Peeper(A Photographer} 4.0.—" Vogue: and Vanities,"'~ by HH. Walford Davies, Anos, Doc., * Porteait of a Dancer in Red,” Carmen of Cockaigne, J. THOMPSON ca Musin.™ : Railway Porter C. ROCHPORTE Bowne for Boprano ind Orchestra. }4.15,—Orchestra from the Fast Ham Pheer" Violet Grey(A Salvation Lassie) 4.0. —"Who Made the First Doll tT” by Palais de Danse: Conducted by THE ORCHESTRA. EVELYN RAY Mra. Neville Jackson, Victor Vorzanger, 4.16.—Organand Orchestral Music, “ Lullaby for a Modern Infant ™ | Fifi Frieot (A Little Parisienne) (First Fedornnanee), §.15.—CHILDRER'S CORNER EVA BCOTT-THOMPEON relayed from Shepherd's Bush Pavilion. i ThreeSongs With Orchestra, Piano Solos by Auntie Sophie. Mame Chncey (A Fell SBtrect “Thy Hand im Mine"; “ Siesta”; “Tom Brown's Last Motch," GottbciavdacasEILY HAZELTON §.15—CHILDREN'’S CORNER: Cornet Solos by Charles Leggett “alt Last" told by Uncle Rex. ‘A Trip Kista Fitegarter (A> Music’ Hall “ Cinderella,” told by Harocurt THE ORCHESTRA. to: Mora," by Captain Adnaslis, Dancer} EILY HAZELTON Willams “ Whon Charlemagne “Suite Romanesque," 6.0.—Danee: Music by Alex. Fryer's Cora Angelique (The Queen of EB. OT. BUT: Comic Opera) Was Emperor " (3), 6,-8.4: —The Res Orchestra, from the Rialto ‘The- 6.0.—BSidney Firman’s Cavour Dance CHER :* Among the Comnibals | EILEEN DAGMAR Bie. iad. of Papua,” Cora's Bridestnaicds : | i40.—Boys Grignde, Bova Life Bri- Pansy Pins .. BETTY WARD 7.0.—Tom §texat rrom Br Bex, gade, and Church Lada" Bri- Birdie Seed .... D. HUGHES Weatver Forkcast Ann [et

= $t. Martin-in-the-F jolds. =1 THR BELLS. gade Bulletins, Myrtle Mince DAISY COOMBES CexEenat News Beles. Dr. SALEEBY: °* The Thinge BT. A-BIMPLE BERVICE. 1.0.—DIMeG BIOWAL From BicBen. Marjoie May ELSIE STANLEY We Live By.” Address bir Weatnen Forecast awn let Dorothy Dean The Hov. H: KR. L. SHEPPARD. GitnenaL News BULLETIN.) HELEN TEMPEST (Continwed on the next page.) E (= i | ¢ | ; i

nee aej fl dats fl]


Terpurfacpoce pe - SUNDAY, December 13th. TUESDAY, December 15th. BIRMINGHAM, 8..0.—Military , FRIDAY, December 18th, LONDON, 3.30.—Light Symphony — 9.0.—Dance Music Band Pr IRMINGHAM, 8.0.—Musical aa R di Re le, oe Programme, conducted by NEWCASTLE, £.0.—Swenplhony Comedy meter Concert. Maurice Besly. a 8.0,—An Hour of CARDIFF. and “5XX,” £.0.— apap epee LONDON, §.0—Service from St. NEWCASTLE, 9.0—A Sims “The Romance of Owen Clen- Martin-in-the-Fields. Manchester's ““ Radio Revel," Reeves Programme. dower." if relayed from the Belle Vue

# BIRMINGHAM, 3.30.—Light GLASCO W, 6.0.—A Russian Pro- BELFAST, 7.30.—"'The Messiah,” ofurfeeunfunfe

spe Ball Room. Classical Programme. NEWCASTLE, 3.0.—"Radio gramme, by the Belfast Philharmonic ‘BOURNEMOUTH, 43.30.—Sym- fear Revels." Society * Suaeeion phon Concert fs THURSDAY, December 17th. GLASGOW, 8.0.—" Radio Re- Serpev d i n CARDIFF, 3.30.— Wagner Pro- EOQURNEMOUTH, §8.0.—Popular RDAY, December 19th. gramme. vel,” rela le and Varied. + §.0.—" Good Cheer.” n o e Palais de a Pec.

ae - MANCHESTER, 7.30.—" The IN HAM, 9.0.—Chamber a MONDAY, December 14th. WEDNESDAY, December 16th. Messiah,"" relayed from the ae ee6.0.—" The Belle of LONDON, 9.0.—Beethoven Com- Hallé Concert at theFree Trade Tia New memoratron : Con- ABERDEEN, 9.0.—Light and Hall. 5.5. to other Stations, Humorous Hour. ae ie MANCHESTER, 10.30.—Piano- ductor, Sir Ronald. forte Recital by Leff Pouishnoff. LONDON, 10.30.— Harold Samuel ABERDEEN, 8.30.—Concert by BELFAST, 7.30.—Part I, ‘ Ele i

Se GLASGOW, 10.30.—‘"The His- playing the “ Emperor ™ Con- the Peterhead ChoralUnion, =* Performed by the Belfast J tery of Mrs. Gamp."’ certo. relayed from Peterhead. hilharmonic Society, ¥ Da see ei teste Bee he ap ea echhieiabetidieaaeafhei tt tee

BAG —~ RADIO TIMES —— _ [Deckmern lita, 1825.

20, = a LONDON PROGRAMMES. “sat——=— — (Continued from the previous page.)

Toe —Missieal Interlude, $.0), JANE AUSTEN, f from ‘* Butterscotia,” by Judgepe | THE MAYFAIR SINGERS: 7.o,— Mr. JAMES AGATE: Dramatic| An hour's programme has teen, | partys told by Uncle Peter.| Part Bong, * ‘Down im a Flowecy Critheiam, | arranged in honour ae: Jane | Antal Secreta,” by L. iG. BL, | ME en 2h ih Festa - Austen, to-day hein the Site | of the Daly fail, ALICE MOAN. 8.1, VARIETY. ! Anniversary of her ‘berth. Ir 6.0.— Speke¥ Fitmana Uavour DeLee ” Bihent Neen ™ Perarigfeerti He dene apa With Radio. Favourttes, thm Scena, arnanyged by Fabwanl hare, | CHARLES KELLY MABEL (ONSTANDUBOS Woavor, tha aim has been to 4.35.—Market Prives for Farmers. | {Solo Pianofarte}, ith reproduc: eo, 28 fart as we Tray, 6.40,.—Talk by the Radio Ageoralion. j * Bathers in the Sun” De Siverce Onanal Character Impressions, i one of the oiusical peerties Stl 14,—TIiMESIGNAL FROM ina BEX. | THE ORCHESTHA. HELENA MILLAIS often described by Mias Austen | WerATHER FoRkcAST AND ‘[sT “Sunset Glory ")...... Stanford (Actresa-Entertainer) in her novels. In one of her GENERAL News BuLLerin, ec ALICKH MOXON. giving | letters she writes. :— | * Delivering the Christmas | “Moonlight 0)5, Josef. Szuwle “ Songs and Fragments from Life,” | ~The Music was extremely at Parcels," by a Van Driver, | THE ORCHESTRA. BRET HAYDEN (Entertainer) pol. ft opened" (tell 7.25.—Light Musteal Interlude. “ Moonbeam Fainies "(+ In Fair: in Songs dnd Stories. Fanny) with "Poike de 7.dQ. “THE MESSIAH." Reseus a acpi Coicen RONALD GOURLEY. Parp pirs praise pot Pra- Relayed from the Free Trade| CHARLES KELLY. Talking, Singing, Whistling ond pela, and ofthe other ghees | Hall, Manchester. * Olaar de Lune’... Debiaay Improvising atthe Piano. 1 remember In Peace Love | BELLA BAILLIE. THE MAYFAIR SINGERS. HENHKY OSCAR : Panes, :. Fosibelle, The MURIEL BRUNSEKILL. a Ehime, Shine Aforen Y acne Ghavky in Poews by Alfred Noyes and Red Cross Knight,’ and | WALTER WIDDOP, THE ORCHESTRA, Hilaire Belloc. ‘Poor Insect.’ Between NORMAN ALLEN. “The Pole Moon .... Marfort And the songs wero loasons on | THE HALLE CHORUS: ase THE RADIO QUARTET. the herp, or barp and| THE HALLE ORCHESTRA: | OrchestralSolos and Light Duets. B.i4.—"From My Window," by paanoforie together, .. . | Conducted by 0.0, THE ORCHESTRA. FHILEMON. AH the pentormert sve| Sir Hamilton Harty, | Intermezzo, “In « Persian areeric Ae whatgreat satisfactionthey were paidby doingfor, 8.45. POETRY READING. |i MOeke?XNEAGRE= FGABl ‘A RADIO REVEL.” oe Ing time yes no Milton's ‘Ode to the Nativity, | ‘“ 1 Baciio oe cota Ardiil Relavyed irom: Olympia, | The Artista taking part im this 9.0. “THEMESSSI AH™ AURICEe ARLES|Ney 0.0.— SIDNEY FIRMAN'’S CAVOUR SoATE 3 Lae eeraniied MOLLY MILNE. DANCE BAND. ANNETTE BLACKWELL | es ‘Thinking ” rwrner 9.30,—8AVOY HAVANA BAND. | = (BOpNARG | 10.0.—Time SIGNAL FROM GREEN | “Romeo and Juliet "| aid Milne 1.0, Tink f1owat rnoM Gres wict, | SIDONIE GOOSSENS wien. Warner Forecast | COR ANGLAIS BOLO: _ WEATHER Forecast asp xo (Harpist), AND 2p GENERAL News Bun: | “The Swan” a. iariel GEeyenan News BULLETIN, anda soll orchest rus abricl chorus, | _LETIN. . | (Holaiat, JOHN FIELD. Local News. clireeted by STANFORD | Topical Talk, 080 is aie ROBINSON. Local News. ni ety eee RADIO REVELieAT OLYMPIA. ee aeSeeBing Skol) eetrndealp eet: Maho> SELECTIONSerLRec =i DOM | AT} eckA MusienlJig-Sawtoe Nigee oan linen"".... AstonCen 10.14.—Olympia Band, rs OM r CONCERT, in. ae ol @ On | Siéctalese ' j ; i 11.0.—-Continental awd American Tio- Catherine's Visit,” arrange by | sth Clerka® and Newsagents ressses = Sngledrecth Tay. HOSINA FILIPPI,| irom Charity, relayed fram the Mid- (Paces SIDONTE GOORSENS. } 11.10, Olympia Land. Price anid Prejudice. Jinvecd Hertel, ic (Flute, FRANK ALMGILL.) 1) .40—Diaee Pageant. Churacters 2 ho. M ATREHo TDARN ER anc

12.0.—Cuntinental and American Re- Lady Catherine de Burgh, 10.40.—APMIRAL OF THE FLEET MOLLY MILNE. lax, Elizabeth ment. EARL BEATTY, 0.M., GC. BG. “ Thro’ the Grey" 14.11G-—tock Hylton ond His Band. | "The “Ola Imiplacahle.” si furrer and Milwa 12.40. Olympia Band. | O00, Beethoven: li. THE BAVOY ORPHEANS, | “ Mamma’s Gone Dancing '' 6.Continental and American Relay. Born December lth, 1770. | THE BAVOY HAVANA BAND, _ Weston and Lee 1.10.-—Danee Pageant. THE WIRELESS SYMPHONY| ant CLARINET SOLO, 1.40.—Savoy Orpheans. ORCHESTRA: THE SAVOY TANGO ater! Bolo from “Tho Siciian Veapers * 2.0 a.m.—Close down, Conducted by Helayed from the Savoy Hotel. | Forti Sir LANDON RONALD. 12.0,—Close down, (Soloist, WEDNESDAY,Dec.16th.| Overture,Sysphony“"NoonLeonora,”anaNo. 4, | tareFREDERICTHEORCHESTIOA.THURSTON.) : 5 Overture, iecmont, FRIDAY, Dec. 18th. | ‘ ponee Mera it tan

1.0-2.0.—Time Signal from Green- = Wallace wich. Camille Couturier's Or- } 10.0.—Tre Stowar. Freon Gniiexwitr. | 1.0-20.—Time Signal from Greenwich,| 10.0.—Tre Sianan reom Gnnen. cheatra from Restaurant Wratier Forecast iano 2p Mosie played during Luncheon| Whor. Weatoen Foricasr Fraseati, GEKERAL News BULLETIN. at the Hotel Metropole. AND Inn Gexrran News Bw.- 9.15,—Troinamissian to Soheole: Prof. Mr. (. EB. M, OAD and: Mr. J, | 4.0.—* New Toys,” by MildredMartin, | LETTS. ' L. W. Lyde, “Applied Geo- STRACHEY: —“ After-Dinner |4.15.—The Radio Quartet and Mona| Ministry of Agriculture Talk by “graphy.” BPinksaophy—Logical Puzzles," Benson (Contralto), John Arm-| air. 0. 8. ORWIS: Farming 4,0,—"My Part of the Country,” by Local News, ; strong (Tenor). | Facis aril Fallacies," WC Rarer ae oa ee '§.15.—CHILDREN'’S: CORNER: A Local News. 4,15,.—Miusic relayed from. the Capitol 10.30. HAROLD SAMUEL | Special Entertainment: The 1O.d0, Nina Koshets. Theatre, Haymarket. javucl Scola Folk Rong Quartet. “A | Song Recital. i15,—CHILDRERN'S CORNER: THE WIRELESS SYMPHONY Wild Moon Chase,” told by | ed Russians Molrchia ™ .tehindet Piano Improviestions by Unels | ORCHESTRA: Auntie Vvette. "The Sparing * | Pimnak Jef." The Whistling Biggte- | Cancdueherk by 6.0.—Dance Music by Alex Fryer's UE be: Hea ard e Bis a Boggle,” told by Auntie Kath- Sie LANDON RONALD. Orchestra, from the Rialto Nightingale ...... } borsakon Jaen. “The Temple of the | Concerta im TE Flat, “ TheEm- Theatre. Reverie andDance AMoussorgady Sun, by C. BR. Davey. peror,” Movement I, Beefhoven 7.0.—TrweStoxan From Ere Hes. “Melodie Netraique ™ .. Habel 0.0,—Dinces Music by Alex, Fryers 11.0,—(iose down, Weaturk Fomicast asp Ist | “Melodie -Mexicmine "" ..- Pance Orchestra from the Rialto GuovenaL News Bun.erco. | “ Melodie Eepaghole ™ Thestre. A Summary of the Wireless Joaquin Win 7.0.—Time Stewart rom Bia Bee.| THURSDAY, Dec. 17th. | Papers for the Week, | Air from ““Tosea * 2.5. Pucci Wearnen Forecasr. avn lst | 1 7.15.—Mr, ALLEN WALKER; | 11.0.—Close down. | GEFERAL News HuLLETIN, ly1.0-2.0.—Time Signal from Green. | “ Woestrunster Sehool,” “ Musical Sounde—Piano, Organ, with. The Week's Concert. of in $0:.—Musicnl Interlude, | i Bella, ete." Tolk prepared by NewGramophone Records. | 7.40,—Mr. G. A. ATKINSON : “Been | SATURDAY, Dec. 19th, the late Prof. F H. HAR’ | 3.15, —— I. C. sfStobart and XiMiss Mary on SeaJ Su atesJ "ie ener 1.0.—Timeee Signalri froma Greenwich,1 : De, Somerville: ‘ Modern Poe try. 7.245,— Mowical Interlude. —Conelusionand Examination.” 8.0. ALICE MOXON (Soprano). +.0.—PFime Signal from Greanwithrs 7.35.—* The Week's Work in the 4.0.—-"‘Books To Read,” by Ann “TDabbling in the Dew" (Folk ! Keeping Christmas with "Garden," by the Royal -Hor- Spice, BOcee ee er. Ceol Sharp f eat by Muriel Wrineh, | ticultural Bocrety.”" | 4.15.—Trocadero Tea-time Music. i “CT sittcseescence re egy The.“ 2L0.* Oetet. Constance re jeut. Col. GL. J, TUCK, La. 15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. ; inthron (Soprano) Walter CMG. 1D.8.0,, “ The Christmas| Bones by George Pizsev. “Tha “The Call of the Sun” (" My Payne (Baritone.) Turkey.” } Journey to Fairyland— 2)” | - Dady Dragonfip’’) i... Fine; (Continued onpage554, >

Decrunen J), 1925, a —- RADIO TIMES =


olT Week Beside 479 M. _ BIRMINGHAM PROGRAMMES.— December 13th.

The jatters “ " § . 6 . ° printed in italica in these T.25,— Musial Interioile, 28, Jrom 725.—Miioal Intertnde, 8.8. all 2h — Mien Interlude, 5.8. from eeteean signity a Simultaneoot Broadcast Joona. Fru, lade. m the etation mentioned. 140,—Brg.-General J.B. WROUGH: Tao—Royal. Horticultural Somety 7.20,—" THE MESSTAB:” Anil. ron The High-Power (Daventry) LAIN? “Winter. &ports. in | Talk. 4.8. from London, Afa. chester, Programme will be Tound Britain ane Elaew here," ae, 7.40,—Lieut.Col, Gh, L. J...TUCK, B. 45,—POETRY READING. “S.8. on page 558. from. London, | C.M.G., D8.0,, '* The Christmas frou o don. £.0.—" THE BELLE OF” AE Turkey.” SB. from London, 0.0,—' THE MESSLAH ™ feontinoed}. YORK." 8. from Lanlon, 8.8. from Jfanchesater. SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. MILITARY BAND 10.0.—Wratice Forecast ano News, PROGRAMME. 10.0,—Wrat exForecastanp NEWS. Prof. “JULIAN -8§: “HURLEY: THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Topienl Talk, 4.8. from Lomdon. 3.90, CONCERT “The Stream, of Life—The POLICE BANT: Local Niews: by Evolution of Man.’ 8.8. from Comloactor, RICHARD WASSELL, j 10,25. - Progihamaie Sit. frou Las His THE BTA TION ORCHESTRA. London. EVA TOLLWORTH¥ (Contralte), | 1274). —Close down, Conducted by Local News, THE CATHEDRAL MALE JOSEPH LEWIS. 10.50 TORN HENRY. &.8. fram: VOICE QUARTET. Lowdan: | FRIDAY, Dec. 18th. ASNE SANDERS (Contralto}. Relay from the Town Hall. CORDON BRYAN 11.0.—Close down. The Band, 146.— Lowell BPietira Howes Onehe (Solo Pianoforte), March, * Crown >of India " tra (Conductor, Paul. Rimmer). The Orchestre. Elgar, arr. Winterbottom|| 4.45,—4 fternoon Topics: Azeline Hunidel | TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. Ocmistonal OQverfure .... Overture, * Ruy Blas” Lewis in collaboration with GordanBryan and Orchestra. a.45, Schools Transmission (Twenty. Mondeissohs, arr. Retford || Madame Mallweiss (| Directrice Fiancforte Concerta in A Major, fifth Lecture): Mr. FP. MM. Eva Tollworthy. de [eole Domestiqne et Socials May 23 oes ee Mazur | Marples, M.A, B.sec., “The ‘A Summer Night ” Paria), "* Domestic Subjected Allegra; Andante; Presto. Earth's. Brothers aud Sisters.” Goreng Thomas | French Cookery—(5) Vegetable Anne Sanders. * 4,158.—Logells Pictire House Orchos- ’ The Band, Cookery." Anne Sanders (Con- JLrim, "0 Don Fatale” ( Don | tra: Conductor, Paul Rinimer, “Folk Song Suite” tralta). aae = Verdi | 4.45.—Afternoon. Topica: Mr. Bert Mikael MWullinar B.1e -—CHILDREN'S CORNER, The Orchestra. Neilson, ** Hints on) Dancing— Symphony Ne. 4 in C Minor,| Quick March : Intermerec ; i, fo.—Ihihdnen's Lattora, (4) Antientand Modern Danees.” March. i, LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE “The rage" 44 Sehubert | 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER : Mr, The @orartet. Gordon Bryan. ORCHESTRA + Norman Ee L. Gwe, Bean " Lovely Might «.4 {tential * Conductor, PAUL RIMMER, Thee Lar“ ffttadeen~ EeHabivelf | ‘The Plague and the Fiine ot * Piccaninny Lullaby " March, “ The Woman Soldier ™ Préhide in ti Sharp Abeor, ya. 13, London.” | Tradiioial Bombiec Pee et ate tees Rochmaninas 6.00.—Chikinen's Letters. | Overture, “ Yelva™. .. Reiasiger “La Tsarine " . Pacherepnine The Band: £0—LOZELLS PICTURE. HOUSE| “Marche Slave .. Tohaibateky 4 “ Ronde des Eliiea™ . Rebthov 6.15. RADIO RADIANCE REVUE. ORCHESTRA : Overture, “Le Domino Noir" Noche tor Left Hand Alone (Gth Edition.) Conductor, PATIL RIMMER, | Awher Seriahin A Ferue in Fouwrteon Beama, Overture, “ Tanersl ” .. Mossi Musical Caricature, “ The Funeral Prolide in B Minor, Op. 28, No, 3 | Plaved bry Valse, “* Unrequited Love a" March af a Marionette 1 Gowhod ihiere | A COMPANY OF WELL. Dincka The Quartet. The Orchestra. KNOWN LONDON ARTISTS. Enie’acte, “’ Chanson. Indouo™ Troe “Fill Death" Seo Gathy Serenade (for Strings only), Op. 20 Rumsky-Korealor 7.0,—Weatsen Forecast ano News, Elgar Ec. James and PoC. Cook, A Summary of the Wireless Belaction, ™ T Paetiaeci * Deet for Clarinet andl Cornet, Anne Sancdera, Papers for the Week. 3.8. from Leowearallo the Miserera Seene from “Il “Teach -Me To Lave ¥ ~ iddte Lamlon. Eniteacte, “Lo Belle Pierretta Trovatore "™.. Ferdi,arr, Godfrey ™ Raster Ayo oes Bridge| Foulds Eva. Tollworthy. 7.Lo—The Rev. H. G, WOODFSRD, The Orchestra, B.A. “Interpretations of Life i it— Westar Forecast ako News, Fiswer Bong, “ Faust. iown od Marche Militaire “ fi rcerfas } (4), Goethe's © Faust." Dr, Saleeby : ‘The Things We The Band, 6.30-5.45,—Bay, (BE. Butther, | 7..— Musical: Interlude, S25, From Live By." &.8. from Gontion, Waltz, Wool Nyriphs" | a. BA. jrom erhioik. 7.25.—Musical Interlwte, 8.8, from London, ee (ootes 7.40,—Me, iG. A; ATKINSON : * Been 8 . 9 . Religious Service. Jornclon, ‘ Prelode to Act TH, * Lohengrin “ on the Bereen.” S.A, from Conducted by the 70,— Me TAMAS: AGATE + Tirama- IPangueer Eonton, Rev. W. 8. PERRY. tie Critiaiam. &.8, from Condon, 10.0.—Weratuen Forecast anNews. (Of Evdington Presbyterian B.0.—VARIETY.. 8.0. from. oman, Aiz. LE. M. JOAD and Mer. iT. MUSICAL COMEDY. Chirk. | o.0—" RADIO RHEVELS." ao. | STRACHEY: “ After-Dinner THE STATION ORCHESTRA: Relayed from the Ebenezer from. Londen. Philosophy—Logical Pusvles,” MARY HAMLIN (Soprano). Chircthr, 10.0. WEATHER FORECAST AXD News. So, fron Fondo, MARJORIE BOTH {Contealte), 0.0. WeaTaern Forecast axp News. Loval Newer, Local Newa. FRANK WEBSTER (Tenor). [oon- | Lecal. ewe. ; 1.15.—" RADIO REVELS™ 10.30,— Programme S.A. front London. | 3.0), The Orchestra. tinued, \ 0.15.—DE GROOT and the PECCA- 11.0.—Close down, Valse, Miirmcnsa ff i‘ Geisha 20 -a.1,.—Closs clown. DILLY ORCHESTRA, Su, Meladme } is « od Onee from London. THURSDAY,Dec. i7th. Prank. WWaaithte. 10.50.—Close dawn. “Red Roge* (" Monsiegr Beau- WEDNESDAY,Dec. 16th. | 3.45.—The Station Pianoforte Quintet. | * Caio). vet ee ee. Mcaeeyer Leader, Frank Cantell, Herbert My Paradise " ( “ Katinka") MONDAY, Dec. 14th. 3.45.— The Station Pianoforte Quintet | Thorpe (Tenor), Alec Chen- | f"ripad (Leider, Frank Cantell), trens. (Anglo-French Enter-| Marvy Hiarmilin. “Sail My Shipe™ ("The Rekel 9.45.—The Station Wind Quintet. 145.—Aftternoan Ttipi» eaane Bay- i tainer), a i Wey a es Phitlipa d15—Afternoun Topirat Bidnay| hiss Etiott (of the Binningham 445.—Alfternoon Topics: Estelle “ Star of Fate " (“ Catherine") Rogers, F.R-HLS., Topical Hor. Natural Higtery and Philo- Steel-Harper, Arts’ aml Croite Hints, “‘ Some Now sophical Bociety), Travel. Talk | Talk, “ Bedsond Bedrooms Tehaibocaky ticultiral. The Fruit.” Winifred Payne (Con- —"An Impression of Venioe,"' of the Past." Orcheatra. Selection, “The Count: of Laxem- tralia). Dora Grimes (Soprano). §.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER, ogchee ar eR En i.1h.—CHILDPREN'S CORNER. hE—CHILDPREN'S CORNER. 5.55.—Children’s Letters, a ee Lefvar 4.5,—Children’s Letters. Marjorie Booth, .6%,—Children’s Letters. ebay | 6.0, LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE é:6.—THE BIR JOSIAH MASON'S th, LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE ORCHESTRA, “A Garden of Love" {* Vero- ORPHANAGE CHOTR. ORCHESTRA, Conducter, PAUL BREAMER. noeees eeMessenpes Relayed from Conductar, PAUL RIMMER, March, “London Scottish" Harres © Moonatruck * (* Oe Mey The Orphanage, Erdington. March, eee oe ata Aljebtietan Hyverture, * Euryanthe "... Weber atts“) 2. Jontion 6.30, LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE| Valeo, “ Venn Reigns ee Gung'l WILLIAM MACKEADY., The Oreer Belection, “The ORCHESTRA : Fox trot, “ Tea-ior Two ™ RecitalTalk on Shakespearean Pinch Bowl * es Cenductar, PATI arei. Paving Characters and Seenes, “ Mans O'Neill Belection, “La Belle Heébine *' beth and Lady Macbeth” Frank Websaine, “ Varche Militaire’ ,. Schubert | (fAttore "" Selection, ** Gatherine " Ofentacty | (* Macheth '}, The Merry Widow") Tehotkoveby Yalss, “ Plaisie d°Amoor ™ 35.—Alarket Prices for Farmers. | iehor “So Fare Theo Valea, ** Eastern Lowe "OO Trndent Martini Soe rons Landon, Well" (" Daria a ni 2ellier *.0.—Weatien Forecast axp News. 7.0.—WEATHER FORRCAST AND NEWS, .40.—Radio Association Talk, Aan. | ? Opportunities Cverseas—South Musionl Bounds—Piano, ‘ath, rom London, Marjorie ‘Booth, "A Quaker Africa’: General ‘Fall intro- Bells, ete." Talk prepared by 7.0.— Weather Forecast axp NEWS, Girl" (“ Qoaker duced: by the Hon. J. F. SMIT. ihe lete Peat. E. H. PARTON, o Dehvering ithe Christmas| ae ioe le kaaWawachton D.8c, 8.8. from London, Parcela,” by a Van Driver. &.B, from, London. (Continued on the next page.)

—- RADIO TIMES [Decempen Llen, 1925 255 eeeenset ls

High-Power Birmingham Programmes. ‘London . Programmes. (Continued from the previous page.) Programmes.

(Coenatinied from page 556.) The tetters "8.8."' printed in italics in them

i; a aignity ao Simultanovus Broadcast Mary Hamlin. | , The Oreheebea, | §.15—CHILDREN'S CORNER: the station mentioned, © She Had a Letter from | "Marche Hongroia™ .Barlior Music by the Chetek. “ Brer | Hee Love” (° Mertic } Hialinit Goes Fishing Again,” | DAVENTRY. German | 9.0 Chamber Music. Engiond ) ..icees told by Auntie Sophie. | SKA. 1,600 M, “By Night and Day ~ THE MUSIC SOCIETY STRING pebition. (° Tom Jonaa "Po. 6 os il OUARTET. j} Frank Webster ond Marjorie Menuet and Finale from * Sun- | ‘oO Sidney Firman's Cawour Dance SUNDAY, December 13th. Banal. Booth, rise: Qhowrtet oae ke ee Huapdtn | 10.30 o.n.— Time Birusl from (Gireon- “Tt Was the Merry Month of | Three Fantasies ..¢..+.. Gibbons TO—Tiwkc Sesxar reow Bm Gex. wich and Weather Forecast. May ™ (“Merrie England ") Threa. Pieces. ~MeBieen Wratnen Forecast ano 159! 9.905.545.) Proprammes S.B. f r o m m (Cerna gat Condon, : “Maroh of the Little Folk; Gexteat News Bocierin. " 7 Spio ‘ The (irchestra. “ Paat-Reok ": “ Beck Mur- Mr. CHERRY KEAR TON:| Belechion, “The Chinese Toney- | dace" * Sempe of My Pets. | MONDAY, December 14th. Roger de Coverley ™ a.1m.—Tinie. Signal from (Green- MOOG Goweviss cutedeee “sir 7.2572a: Mure al intoctadete : iets 10.30wich: saul: Weather Foreuish: 10.0.—WraTHer Forecast axp News, | Pronk. Brida 7.40,— Major OWEN RUTLIIC, \1.0-L.O-The Hadis « “a Ministery of Agriculture Talk by Variations on on Irish Folk Tune ee quartet mn GSP ALT Christies |ae Meo oC. B&B. ORWIN, * Farming iWeod ze Tieteasah a k Ee a | Gladys Fisher (Soprano), Facts ‘and Fallacies.” of. “Molly ion -the Shore” ee eee ee John Bateman (Bass). from London. (Pri fr Firiit 7 -F 500 EER ™ Harry Sollowny (Solo Violin). Local News. ; : ; 10,1.—Weatakn Forecast ann News. —~ Absa oa | 3L.O-2.0 . 1 5 at Progranunestea SB. from 10.30.— ProgrammeSB. from London, Mr, WaAGETAFFE-SIMMONG : THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. 110. — Clase dow. Secawe, fron Lorton, JACK HYLTON'S KII “CorkunyALICE LILLEYSuite”...{Soprano}.-+-Ketelbey | 1 ) 9 . 1 9 . 0 . Local News and Football ote. | CAT ELUB BAND. “Would: You Were Mine“ 10.20.—THE MAYFAIR MYSTERY. | SATURDAY,Dec. 19th. Wrifrad Stmpaon TUESDAY, December 15th. 1L.0.—THE SAVO) DARDS. 3.8. | * Love's a Merchant" j | 10.4) a.m.— Time Signal’ from. Green rom Jondten. 4 The “ Decimeron “ arid Molly (areut wich and Weather Foareeust. 12 .0.— Close down. “ O Bhip of mv Delight * Bifialo " Danes Banda, 2e- | 11,0-1.0.—The Radio Onartet GLEne Ata ybarg ens PRilips layed from the Palo de Damm, = | Mubel Corran (Contraltet. 4.40. Alternoon Topica: Mr. Her: | Kenneth Sterne (Termor). bert Béonley, A Reflectivo Talk SYDNEY ML. NESBITT Hetty Bolton (folo Pianotorte}. —" Christmas Ahead,’ E, BIRMINGHAM NEWS. fricl 1.02.0), | Programmes 5.8, from Dorot hea Barcroft (Solo Pianc- His Ukulele Sunday, December TSth,; the} | S120 ams Loren, borbe |, oO Hi bernoey Concer by the Station 6.10.—CHILDREN'S CORNER : THE: ORCHESTRA, | WEDNESDAY, December 16th. Otehestrn. is conducted by Mir. Josephs Cearce Ochkement, “Tali of 110.30 aco.—Time Signal fren Coreen. Leas, ‘The soldiats: are Tntermezen, “Waiting” Anche Phamowth Hoe—(4} A Naval Mink Anne | with amlWeather Forecast. Eineae@ement."™” Sanders, contralto, and Mr, Gordon | 11.0-1.0.—The- Radio Quartet anit Bry An, aol pudcpat-COMpuser. 4.40 (approx.). John Coates (Tenor). ba: KC bilelinen6 Tabb, Mr: | | Rosina L. Foott (Contralts). Bry afi bear Bo (HdPro ir TRE) anal A Boers G0. LOZELLAS PICTURE HOUSE Edward Shakoepeare. (Tenor). has thaeatly written BOM, ef which cit ORCHESTEA : Frances Barnard (Cello), thirteen have been published, He firat | Christmas: and Festive SOE, Conductor, FATE HIMMER. 1022.0.) Programmes cub. fron bromicast pa wlume, PS, dl sine Old and New, Walse,"* Baden-Baden "" orange || 2. LOE LG| Lomion. Fantasia, “ Mephistopheles "* that-date he hae mate many welcome ‘th, j THE -ORCHESTHA. | b= 2.0.—THE SAVOY HAVANA Poita reappearance, He hat reprbeire | " MMinech of the Dwarta " . .Alleffor | BARD, THE SAVOY O- Valse, “ Venetion Night” 6D over Dhl soloe and eiphtesn concertos, | 0.5, (approx). WILLIE, ROUSE The orchestral items ielude Sym. | PHEANS, AND THE SAVOY Matson | (Wireless Willie) TANGO BAND. Tdytla, “Idle ‘Dreams “ wadnak phony No.4 oon ©) Miner Peelragic, cha 7.0.—Wratsern Forecast ann News, by -Bohubert.. In. the evening, the | BONG and STORY. | ‘THURSDAY, December 17th. \rehgious services, comductedd hry thee: | Mr. CHEBBY KEARTON: | 10.30 a.in.—Time Bignal fromm Cire ei: Rev. VW. Ca. Perry ce Erdington | “ Some Of My Pets.” 8.8. from ALICE? LILLEY. wich andWeather Forecast. London. Preebrterian Church, will be relayed "The Enchanted Glade from the Ebenezer: Church, Birming- 11.0.-1.0.—Tihe Rarlio Oumrtet onc 7.25.—Musical- Interlude. ‘828. from Lows Ekpker | Wynne Ajello (Boprano). Donedoar. haan. ll Brown Bird Singing ™ Some New Fruits. . Ashmooar Burch (| Bontone}. 7.40.- Mr. H. F. FARMER: Travel Hoyidn W‘ood | Leonard Hirsei (Solo Violin, Talk No. 5."- More About-the | On Monday, during the -Afternoon “Ferryman Love” T.0—2.0, Pragennncs 25. Jrom Rain Forests of the Tropics.” Topics, Wir, Sich Rogers cnhinenes Gebur Boredorf | 3. 15-P2.0. /Lomedon. THE STATION ORCHESTRA. lips upparenthy Theide lee supply 0.30 (approx.), John Contes. of information oonjcerning. the Frit | MUBIEL WHITE. (Entertuiner). Christmas and Festive Songs FRIDAY, December 13th. and Flower Garden; on this occasion THE MUSIC SOCIETY 8TRING (Part. 11,}. 10.30-a.m.—Time Bignal from Green he is. going to deseribe “Some New QUARTET : THE ORCHESTRA. wich andWeather Forecaat. ANDRE MANGEOT (lat Violin); Fruits. Listeners may expect to “Christmas Overture “ BORT® PECKER (2nd Violin); hear of some novelty, with all the good 11.6-1.0,—The Fadio. Quartet and Coleridge-Tuylor Margaret Lowys (Contralto), HENRY BERLY (Viola); | bras of one brand without the = JOHN GARBOROLLI eects of another with which it has Jobn. Jamieson (Tenor). 1.0,—Tink Sos AL Foe CREENWICH, Ida E. Knight (Solo Pisneforte), {Violoncello}. been crossed, Weathka Forecast ann fp 1O-2.0. Program Hie SB, from On ‘Tueaday, Derember 15th, at Geyenat NewsHo. Lerix, 4.0-6,30, Eonrton. 6.0. A Lightsome Hour. 3.45 pum., Mr. Marples concludes his Me. =WAGSTAFFE-SIMMONS : The Orchestra. interesting falke to sebools om the | “ Boocer.’" 6.30-7.0.—Broadeast to Europe. Overture, “ Echoes of Ossian ™ tare. Paring one of these ho advised Local News. 7,0-8.0,—Programme SA. from Graal his Hearers to pay pertecniar attention London. bo the next peertial eclipse’ of the aun, 7 Morel White. THE MAYFAIR MYSTERY, §0-10.i.—"“THE ROMANCE oOFf expected in F927, remarking that if 10.30, ““Millions of Men" ...... franytfier WHO Dib It * | OWEN CLENDOWER." oH. “ Borry, Oh, It's Quite All Right “ they did not succeed] in obtaining a | ram Cardi. boliday from school to aee the ecli pas All thoae who -have taken part, Goalfred in this competition will listen }10.0-11.0.—Prerommes 8.8. from 1 Marnie ee ee + Hiftatl bon thia date, the next one, im 1 ieh, eagerly to the final soones of Londen, The Orchestra. wrevtalel ttt: inbereat them greatly ! this berial tirarna, ti“higttt. ort 11.6.—DON. PARKER'S PICCA- Fot-Pourri, “” A Musical Jig-Sae In the Children's Corner, Mr. Noman ony is the criminal diseovered | #haion Gust ia going to-pive o brief talk on DILLY HOTEL BAND AT in thia episode, art the cir: THE HOTEL: Bune, “Four Spanish Pietures *’ “The Plague-and Pire of London.’ cumptonce of the miurder will i Lueralt A series of talke on travel ia initiated af : L2:0-2:0 a.m—NEW PRISCES To- © Village Revela ~ ; ° The 'Wish- by Dr, Jessie Bayliss Ellis, of the eeeeeee | RONTO ORCHESTRA, and what really happened. | ALFREDO AND HIS BAND ine Weill; il acta Birmingham Natural History ond Danes” “OW oot Philosophical Bociety, whose subject on 11.0, ae BAY eeeteas oy at the New. Pritice's Hestagrant, Bienes," Wednewday, in the Afternoon Tozics, THE BAVOY AY AR A BRAND SATURDAY, December 19th, Roariel White. ie An Impression of Venice." "A Wornen Costs Less Than a In the ovening there ia a Military and 10.30 o.m.—Time Signal from Green- Oar le ium ois ert | Band promamme by the “City of | | THE SAVOY TANGO wich and Weather Forecast, "Did Tosti Baise ‘His Bowler Binmngham Police Band, whose col- BAND. 1.0.—Time Signal from Greenwich, Hat-t"'...... Jfayer! and Poul lection of instruments rival any i Rolayed from. the Savoy Hotel. 4.0—12.0.—Programe 8.2. from * Sisepy Hollow Tune Ye otrely Eingelamna, 12.0,—Cloes chown, j London.

— — Sennen — &oo

Stoke-on-Trent “Programmes: 306 M. 6 Plymouth Programmes. 338 M. Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th. Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th.

6 SUNDAY, December 13th. | ARTHUR J. ARMSTRONG | SUNDAY, December 13th. 7.30.—Programme &.B. from Lancair, 1.305.45.) Programmes S.A. from (Soto Vielin |. 3.5.45. — Prog rains Sc. Jrom| An Evening With Shakespeare. BT. an. | Poneto. HARRY. DOBSON (Solo Flate}. Lok aan i HEREERT. WELLINGTON MONDAY, December 14th. es|B HARRY DOBSON. §.0.—CHURCH SERVICE from. the | ( Bass-Baritone). " Bareurtlle * , agnen Wet UWF. Church, Aberdeen. THE WISIFRED BLIGHT 16,—'The Caprtal Pheatre Orchestra. ‘Carnival of Veiine? a fectedg Minister, the Rev. Prof, J. A. TRIO: : i.0,— CHILDRESS CORNER. BT? BEATRICE WALLEY, ROBERTSON, D.D, Su8: from fia Chillin a Leber, IRENE BUCKINGHAM(Violin), Waltz Bong (° Tom. Jones") | Aberdeeea, WINITFRED BLIGHT Gh. —"Teons Corner, j E£, German | 9-0-10,90.—-Pregramane 8.8. from | 0,0,—Muasies) Tivherhinte, IQ Ly. (\ ioloneel bel, HARRY VERNON, London, I MURIEL, RARRIS (Pianoforte). 6.20,.— PP rieraniwie 3&8. from London. 4 For Belated "( Postit, | re | 7.40,— Me ALLAN GEORGE >“ Com ae or that Ly TMP. | yg MONDAY, December 14th. WILLIAM MACREADY, mercial Education : Languages Walked in Dark-[ -0-1.0.— Programme by Wireless Assatald hy and a Few Concluding Obeervaé: | seePRES drei Hevertel | lank from Daventry. EDN A GOPFREY-TCRANER, titnms.”’ ; aay ARTHU a. ARMST RONG, | 2-d0.—George East and his Quartet, | 8.0, . AR TRIO: =F Doge & Kinreh (The Mer- 8.01 1.0. Programe 5.8: jrom | ek Le Canari aa Poleakini relayed from PophamE Lomo, 8.30. Restaurant. chant of }emace "").... 7. Mosse FLORA W LL KINSON, WILLIAM MACREAPY. and ‘Ships of Arcady** JW tekael Head 4.0.— Mr. F. Pedrick Harvey : “The TUESDAY, December 15th. EDNA GODFREY-TUCRANER ‘On Wings of Song" Mendelssohn Art of Pantonime." 12, 30-1 — Middag Concert. in Excerpta from 3.30\—Afiernoon. Topics: Mra. F. G. 8.37, E. SIMS. HILDITCH, | 4.15.—The Royal Hotel Trio : Musical| | : The Merchant of Veni." Beardmore, J.P):The Work fdyvilo .....) {Fr oy Bata Fete | Director, Albert Fullbrook. Impromptu ine” 6.15.—Children’s Letters, THE. TRIO, of aomar Masist rate.” Kate Felk Tone and Fiddle Danee A. Tiwmaan: “The Influence in A Minor] eeeSienaHikditeh 5.20,—CHILDREN'S CORNER, of the Bach Family on Music.”ac,” | 8.41. BEATRICESATRICKES WW:ALLEY7¥ aneand }6.0.—Thej Party.Plymouth Station Concert WILLIAM MACREADYPletcherand 4.0.—The Capitol Theatre Orchestra, | HARRY VERNON. n ‘ EDNA GODFREY-TURNER 5.—THILDRES 'S CORNER, A Sonne Bight" 6.30 eaeFengteme 8.8. fret : : toot §.40.—Children's Letters, Gering Thomas "Sern Ds ; Hie ccalawsLesa ire er nantes Sia. “4 HARRY reneDe ; TUESDAY, December 15th. : 4,0), —— Miah lterluds, “Tniverntion * ae en ae HEPOFL 11.0-1,0, Programe by Wircless rer os mi 6.30 —F ropramne 3.0. Jram London. " Wind Amongst the Trees " | Link from Daventry. wien Atevenueec 7. 10,—M rf F RAN hi LAME BERT i Rriccialai a a0), soi George Enat snd his Ghinrtet, } { 1 The Tem anit; P ae Ht ‘The Romance of the Potter | 8.56. BEATRICE WALLEY, retayed from Pophoms | “ Uoder i a iT : (44. “Lot Here the Gentle Lark ” Hestaurant. ! aren om. sae: " te — Progrnums SB. from me eee VERNON Bishop LOREsai Talk cag z mi THE TRIO . sOrMEH. vate NON, | 4.16.—The Royal Hot no: Musical | "Wy ilew & = WEDNESDAY, December 16th. | “The Golden Vanity * Old Bngitsh Director, Albert. Fullbrook. is Military _e “ Othello “} 4.0.—The Capitol Theatre Orchestra, “Yeomenof England" E. German | §.15.—Children’a Letters. March"... Coleridge- Taylor 5.0,—CHILDREN'S CORNER 9.12,, ABTHUR J. ARMBTRONG. | 6.20 —CHILDRENS CORNER. WILLIAM MACREADY. and 54th — Children’s Letters, * Poem cesses Ftbich §.6-6.15.—Boy Scouts’ Bulletin. EDNA GODFREY.-TURNER 54h—Voens Cenk ee aoe weeeee | 6.30-2.0. a.m.—Programme SUE. from ie i at Pain é coe re z :neeeeave aeSide: omen. | 922: omentFLORAMusical,WILKINSON,No. 3 Schwan | Hamlet, Act IIT., 5 ene i. arenes a sii x. oy i “ Baophic Ode ws sas Arahmes | WEDNESDAY, December 16th. |9.30. HERGERT WELLINGTON, oeeee by de. “ Far Spring is Returning ™ 11.30 2-30.— Gramophone Records. “Whole kylvia ts... Schubert : tembeidge. oR Saint-Soéne 430.—George East and his Quartet,| WILLIAM MACREADY and 8.0 apa rogramine SB. fron) «og i. SIMS-HILDITCH, relayed from Popham | EDNA GODFREY-TURNER rer Nocturne in E Flat ...... Chapin| Restaurant, in Beenea from THURSDAY, December a 1.36. BEATRICE WALLE ys| 4.aeee, Ww. reeB.A,, FES. SLETeeeSerwal 3.08 —Atternaom. ‘Dopack; tilachys FLORA WILKINSON, «an iterary PLOAXen, : Sd eo PL, Glades, BA: “ Women of HARRY VERNON. la, se ecgbar Nez ore m was Blow, «Thou ‘— Canaiia in ‘Their Homes."' } “To Aurora’... Mazar| inector, Albert Pllbrook, Oe gare \. Saryennd M, Marion: Belected Songs. | O42. HARRY DOBSON, | 6.15.—Children’s Letters, bi “WILLIAM MACREADY and 4.0.—Gramophona Recorda of the | MOertore see ees Donjow | §.20.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. EDN A GODPREY-TURNER Wack. “Atiegretto 6. vcs ewan s Godard gaySo by Wireless Link = = int = : 5.4.—_CHILDREN 'S CORNER. p.4g, BEATRICE WALLEY ‘and Pore. Wentry: * Petrochio’s Wooing, §.40.—Childron's Letters. FLORA WILKINSON. 6.40.—Programme SB. from Dorndon. from “ The Tarning of the Shrew,” 5.45.—"Teena" Corner, “The Coming of a Dream 7.40.—Madame b ZULMA LYNEL: THE TRIO, é.0.—Musical Interinde. BR. Knight French ‘alk, “Lettres de “Torch Dance * ( Henry VEIL. | i 6.30.—Programme 3.8. eenets | Botad. HARRY VERNOW. gai eres ile ae f DMnsea ia eka ees ‘Cermen 7.10.—Mr.. BR. B. GREATBATCH, | Ss Wezerethi slecee veces Gounod | 8-0-11-0.— Programme 3.8. | o 1 ‘allow of the Institute” of 10.0,—Progremme 88. from London, London, | 10.0.—Programme 8.8.: from Laovdon, Linguists: Spanish Talk. 10.30. ARTHUR J. ARMSTRONG. | [EURSDAY, December 17th. 10.50. try Moments. 7.30-12.0.—Propramme SLR, from Concerto in A Minor, No. 9 é 11.6-1.0:—4; ol), Programme: Be:yy WineléIrelcas | \ ‘ THE TRI.Feel : i London, De Heriot | Link freon: Desonte, Belections from Merrie England" eeee AllegroRonda, Maestoan; Adagio; va4.90Georgeselaved EastataandEichhis SeanQuartet, “ f AN AWKWARDi DILEMMA.”Arerman. 5 —Bekiod!Falk SonsPanSMesOn + Sees SAA 1040.| 10,40... FLORA WILKINSON, nurarit. Se: eeeae 4.15,—The Capital Theatre Orchestra Hindu Song from ™ Sadko" 4.0.—Afternoon Talk, Donald’ Edwar.'es. 5.0._-CHILDREN'S CORNER. si gee Rimely-Horsalor 4.15.—The Roval Hotel Trio: Musical ‘Tork Chivk Cast mf) hilchrenn*s Letters: j 0 Peaceful England oe (feria Director, Albert Fullbroolk, = aeaoe Conan “Stumber, Dear Maid"... Handel 515.chitiren’s Letters, \Wy ‘ELIheld Mt { MACREADYMACRE | oa Siusical Tater! le (10.50. BEATRICE. WALLEY. | 5.30.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. | Ethel Cnyboy ' .:. Carew | @0.—Proerammo by Wi 4. | EDNA GODFREY-TURNER A= ie6,15.—Pjanoforteeee reeDiet:Kate A. a“Love'sLitt a Merchant"‘scn'a B i‘ 6.0.— Proge 4 eles Link | Farinsol: Ciasikaws Thomsen and Leon Forrester : | AAae ETE er / from Daventry. | eye! 8.8. from| e DONALD EDWARDES Symphonyeam ceNo, 1, Op. Gesthoien24 (2050. FLORA WILKINSONHarteraandHope ¢.90-12.0,—nisin.Programme : Scene ; “TaeTro, Villa. & HARRY. VERNON, . 6.45,— Progranene 8.2. fron aerate | “ Good Night, Dear Heart Netrfon |... FRIDAY, December 18th. | Fox-trot, “ The Dream-Maker of 716.—Mr, SYDNEY BF. WHALE, | 1) 5 toes down. 3,.90.—Talke to Schoola: The Kev. | Suice ee rina we siti ot eee Jan ee | T.. Wilkinson Riddle, The | 339. (ine diwn, rent: The Organot To-day. | SATURDAY, December 19th, Strange Visitation,” by Marie| SATURDAY, Decem L30,—Progromme 8.8. bran London. | 12.30-—1,30.— Midday Concert, Corel. Mr. Walter BP. Weekes, | 1120-120. umeHees: Vocal and Instrumental 3.30.-—Afternoon ‘Topica: Ernest " Music from England.” 4,0,—Afternoon ‘Tall, as Concert. | Hunt: * Woman's Bower in the | 4,0,—Afternoon Talk. | 4.18.—The Royal Hotel Trio: Musical 4.15.—The Roval Hotel Trio: Muse] Deseribed by Realm of Hoyiene.’ Director, Albort Fullbrook, ot ithe: 1 4.0—The Capital Theatre Orchestra, | Director, Albert Fullbrook. FE. SIMS-HILDPITCH fh, 15.—Children’s Letters, Piaao. §.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, §.16.—Children's Letters, §.2.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, | BEATRICE WALLEY 5,40.—Children's Letiers. 6,20.CHILDREN'S CORNER. (Sonrana}, 6.45,—"Teens Corner. he-61i.—Station Director's Talk. | i.0.—The Plymouth Station Concert FLORA WILKINSON | 6.0.—Musical Interinde, 6,30,.— Programune. 8.8, from London. Party, (Contraltia). 10,30-12.0;—-Progranunie SB, a 7,15,— inde Rey. J. HOWEN RODDA, | 6.3012.0.— Presets SoG, from HARRY VERNON (Baritone). : Lowen, ©" Pickwick and His Friends.” le dou,


56) — RADIO TIMES — [December Lire, 1925 eS k -6BM al 386M. BOURNEMOUTH PROGRAMMES. Week Beginning DecemberTSth:

The letters ‘"8.8."" printed in italics in these | 5.64.—hildren‘'s Letters, i. t5.—Talk : Londen Papers. reac bry eee sigaity a Sereltangous Broadcast | * What Sune: Tynr (° Monsieter rom the sation mentioned. ' b.f0.—Boys' Brigade, Baya" Life Anne Farell-Wateon, Ales: Beanosire 645 oa a dhl caetnger Brigades, and CAaiireh Lids’ Wainwright's Royal Both Hotel The High-Power (Daventry) | U.50), THE ORCHESTRA. Brinda Neva, Dance Band, relayed from King's Programme will be found | f.0.— Musical Pot oo« Pourr (" Melodious Trntertuch Hall Hooams. Herbort Smith on page 558. 7.71 Programe ie Memortes “)) 2. ceca eatek 8B. from. Lon: { Haritone) jou Winchester | 10,0-] 2.0. — Pragrameamne SoH, from SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. | Cathectral }. 15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER = | Ea Healer, Symphony Concert. oes and Stories: TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. 5.00),—Childinen's Letters, FRIDAY, Dec. 18th. DOROTHY BENNETT b.U,—Farmers’ Talk: (Seprann}, | “The Value -| L1L.20—12.0.— Bement Laiah {Pransterte oT Far hy Hatching.” bee Air, FRANK WEBSTER (Tenor), 11.30-12.0,— Organ Recital, J. PL Harding, Recital, relayer AUDREY PORTER 3. 10-3. 40.-—Fdlncational Talk: “ Fu- (5—Market Prices for Farmers, irom the Reval Arcade, Hos- {Pionrborbe}, lich Hooks About thie Rightoenth. | a, it. fron Heowen Fb, combe. Organist, Arthur Mars. THE WIRELESS AUGMENTED | Centory,. bay Mr EF) Graham, .40.—Redio Association Talk. 4.3, tom. URCUESTRA. | A al PE from Londsia | 4.45,.—Talk; * The Care of the Hair,” Coneliac-feel bey | ha, Chk “Modern Dans ina." 7.0,— WEATHER Forecasr ann Miews. | by A Woman Chemist. Or. Capt. W. A, FEATHERSTONE: | Ar, Ronald “ET EVEWirya. Talk by the Station Director, chestra relayed from the Elec- a THE QORCHESTBA. Oneheatea, relaved froov the 1,25,—Musical Inierliude: tric Theatre. Musical Bireetor, Bite, “Ricard Jorsaliac™ (frieg a 45, Electric Theatre: Musical Diree- FOPULAR AND VARIED, D.C. Ronald. FRANK WERSTER. tor, D.C, Ronald, fi, {t.—Misteal Interlude, WILLIE Sigh Wo More, Ladies"). Abeer §.0:.—Miusical Tntertucde. ROUSE 5. 15-—CHILDREN'S “Thou Art Risen (° Wireless Willie '*}. | CORNER: | oi 13,—HT LDOREN'S CORNER: Fairy League Colsrtde-Tingior BOOVELL: and WHELDON Talk by Unele Songs and Stories by: Uncles| “0 Mistress Mino” ..) p (Linterhainers ). Jaek, Auntie Nan, Fai igo al Franklin and Auntie 5.50}— Children’s Letters, - “Blow, Blow, Thou ee Nan, RONALD GOURLEY Winter Wind" ee Quetlter {Entertainer}, 6.0,.— Musical Dnterlode; 60h), ——hitld nen's Letters. a. oad DOROTHY RENNETT. - CLARICE SINGLETON BOMiece! Dinter iba, 7.0.—WEATHER Formcast anp Nyewa.- “Elfand Fury ee kee ULE 6.30.—Farmera’ Talk; " acon (So WA| A Summary of the Wireless Papers “In the Hay " (Fifteenth Century | Pigs,” by Mr. R..d. Venner. CLIFFORD SINGLETON for the Week. 5.8. from Lon- Prench Ruetic Dano) 7 O.— WEaTER Forecast ano News. (Teri), don. oer. A. C. Bunion Major-Gene-al NIGEL WD. RATHLEEN WELLS 715,—Talk by Major-General NIGEL “Skylark, Pretiy Rover.” {Mlocutionist}, VATT, CB. ©.LE.: “ Tales of WOODYATT, CB. ‘GLE, Handel, arr, Binion THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA: | - the Red Himalayan and Sloth * Tales of the Red Himalayan 4.5, AUDEEY PORTER and | Conducted by Boars," and Sloth Bears.” ORCHESTRA. Capt. W. A, FEATHERSTONE, 252.0 o.m.—Programme SB. from| | 7.20.—Musical Interlude, Piano. Concerto in G Miner 5 . 0 1 , THE ORCHESTRA. o.8, from f Lnrae til th London, Puen -iaene ne Selection of Co-Optimists’ Sri 7.40.—Mr, G, A. ATKINSON Lo. DDROTHY BENNETT anil tir. Peter | : “ Been FRAXE WEBSTER. . E), BROSALD GOUVRLEY, | on the Soreen,™ SB from Operatic Scone, * Faust" Gounod WEDNESDAY,Dec. 16th. Muste and Humeir at the Piano. London, Tenor Salo,* Cavatina,”’ | 8. 2 t h . hRATHLEEN WELLS&: LOCAL FAVOURITES. Soprand Solo, * Jewel Song.” In Selections fromher Repertiire. L4h.—Talk: “Tramps Abroad,” bey BETTY THOMPSON Eypet, “ The Foour ie Late.’ £25. SCOVELL and WHELDON, (Soprano). the Rev. Ee Jd. OG: Foras, MA. GLADYS JAMES 4.) -5-MD, THE ORCHESTRA. Byncopated Dwets: (Contralta). The Wireless Orchestra: Con. t ait oe MURIEL BOLTON “A London (Contralta). Symphony" (Two | ducted hy Capt. W. A. Feather. | i Fibaws THE GRE aes AMY Movements) sherman eon stone. "Daisy Wiluon(oprario}, | Valse, “ I s l e oft Saasee. 4ae COCKEURN Ist Movement-—Lento—Allegro 5.15.—CHILDREN’S (Mexz0-Soprano), CORNER : = ees: HAROLE BRO D {Teror}. rmoluto-; ord Movement— | Fairy League Talk: by nels | a LARIC i and CLIFFORD i ERNEST EADY {Baritone}, Scherzo (Nocturne)}—Allegro | Jack: 7 1 } ae ON. | THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA Wi ee - | 4.50, — ‘hiledren ss Lattarn, 6.20-.45.—Rey, BT. BUTCHER. | 6.0,Musical | ae W, . ue 7 fa Conducted by I n t e r l u d e . A Woman's No (“The Tady Capt. W. A, FEATHERSTONE. 3.8, from London. | 7..—Weatner Forecast ann News.| ai “7 oe — hori: tcGEE 8.0 ERNEST EADY, “ Musical Sounds—Piane, Organ, | Rai : ee ne Belts, etic,” Talle rpprred by | - ene t: wii - - Messngerae “ Hands that Plucked My Golden S t u d i o Service. the i n t e Prof. He BARTON | &# WILLIE, ROUSE. eeee vhs oe HH. Oliver 6.25.—Choir of St. Peter's Church, tT i - e Ms eas re. a | Alleged Eunmour at the Prati. | gels the Boy"... Janes | Eommeaeai 7.25, M a s i e a t Intel, So fom S08, THE, O R C H E S T R A , AMY COCKBITRWN, Tivmn, “Sing Praise to God." | oP; Tenuien =] to hal . Selection, “‘ Rose Marin” .. rival * Beneath Thy Window" (with ™ (A. and M., No, 2 9 3 } , leon. —R a : 0 . 4 , RONALD GOURLEY. Onchestra) Bibie Reacting, Tech, ae Dy Capien 4 tortie ultural Boorehy Music and Alemotr at the Piano, | “ Awake Choir: Anthem, “ Blessed tf", Pefiagier Angel |_ Talk, 8.8, from London | 9.10. CLIFFORD SINGLETON, | 8. 10, BETTY THOMPSON. nt: ce Tehatkopiy | 7.40.—Lieut.-Col. G.L, J. TUCK, “Mariana ("The Lady of the| "Two Little Irish Bons ° * Rev. ©. 0, ROCKETT: Religious C.MLG,, 8.0), “The Christmas Bong ob ie Oeee Address. Hermann Lohr | Turkey.’ S08. from Lomdlon. | CLARICE SINGLETON. | Choir: Hymn, * Hail Gladdoning | §.0.—JANE AUSTEN PROGRAMME.| * Jewel of Aaia ” (The Geisha“). 8.15, MURIEL GOLTON, * open a ocivn's I. del Light (A. and ML Ne. 1 S ) . S.8, jrom Lomtlon. Jones Ries | “When the Swallows Collect. ©Vexper, 4.0,_BRETHOVEN ORCHESTRAL, 9-1 KATHLEEN WELLE&. Homeward ue ig cenacies theeeee n e ) inde PROGRAMME- Conducted | Bolections from: her Repertoine, B20). 0.0.—Weatuer HAROLD STROUD. Forecasr ano News. by sir LANDON RONALD, 9-0. SCOVELL and WHELDON. “The Enghsh L o c a l : Mews S&B, Fron London. Svneopated Duets, Rose" (Morrie t h a y cea ea England ") German 9.15.—DE GROOT and the PICCA- 10.0.—Wearart Forecastae anoteiNews,DDBoxdankTHETamaORCHESTRA.s i DILLY ORCHESTRA. “That Night CU Neer Forget | 8.8 Mr. CE. M. JOAD and Mr J. | ag Oe ee ener". . «Filbert (" Lea Cloches de Corneville ") from London,d aya SFil T R A C H Etat Y : “, After-Dinner* th ot | °°?A RepetitionH i b s a r i bof i a etheseheeePrevious 10.16.—Poetry Reading by Mr. LER earee Plangnette —Logical Puzzles, Ofariee 8.25. GLADYS JAMES. | NICHOLS, B.A. ine ene AaninaOM } 0.45. CLARICE and CLIFFORD * Maidens, Geware ™ (" Flora’s 10.45.—Close down, Local Nows, Holiday BISGLETON, "*) Lane-W'tleon 2 30,.—BEETHOY EN PRO. “Powder TDruaets, and Patches " (Mimiuet} CRAMME (Continued). i ye, “The Flower" iY Phiffins trom Domdon, (' Lilac Time "yy MONDAY, Dec. 14th. Suhaaherd-Clietac 8.30. BETTY THOMPSON, 11.0,—Close down. at Dwg Cadman 0 eee “The Market " M o l l y Cores. 3.45.—Talk on “The Romantic a Age Back i. MURIEL in Literatures’ CHAPPELL GOLTON, by Mr, Lea “Harlequin” ...... Nichols, B.A. Orcheetra, re- THURSDAY, Dec. 1 7 t h .| : acd Sanderson layed from the Bungalow Café, ~ Mate o” Mine” ...... Eikion i WEBER S.4p, Boultaopton, Musical D i r e c . ERNEST EADY. 11.-12.0.—The Wirsless Trio: Pianos are in use at Tn Te eee eee Hf, tar, Arthur Picked. Reginald: Lohr &. Mouat (Violin). i the various stations of "Ould John Braddicum * 6.15,—CHILPREN'S CORNER: Thomas E. Ullingworth (Cella), r the B.B.C, arr. Lyell Johneten Songs ond Stories, Arthur Maraton (Pisano), El ttretee : (Continued on the next page.)

Decemere lit, 1825. ] =RADIO 1TIMES— fi

— Bournemouth Programmes. 4 Swansea Programmes. 482 M, (Continued from the previous page.) Week Besinving ‘Sunday, December 13th.

a ——

AMY COCKBURN. Sir Dan Godfrey will make a few SUNDAY, ee 13th. FRIDAY, December 18th. “Annie Daur™ {with Orches- rermirks about Sen Shantics 2 -SD A G NE rh O- 4.0.—The Castle Cinema Orchestra, and invite the audience to jou wae epee, arr, IL, Lehman GRAMME. 2.5. Fels Canteff. 40,—Afternoon Totnes ack Susie, HAROLD &TROUD. in the chorus, hoe45,—Rev, BT. Butcher. 8.8. 5. 3).CHILDREN:8 CORNER, “ Mountain Lovers *' , Serre THE ORCHESTRA. from. London. 6.5.—The Poat Bag. “Por You Alone ™ Geehl Selection of Popular Nautical 6,15.—Talk to “Teens: ‘ \ainpiesn for i Airs, “A Life On the Oeaan 8.30, Studia Service. 5 GLADYS JAMES. Nines Parties.” S.B. to Cardiff. Ware (Biudting), come hacking The Rev, F. SAMUET. “An Eriskay ‘Love Lilt”). fh 0.—Programme SR. from DLondort. with “" Baila: Britannia,” 1th MEMORIAL CHURCH CHOIR. Kennedy-Fracer Ty GRIFFITH JONE8: which the audience is requested 15,—Mr, J. C. “Sweet Lady Moll" (Sarabande) 1.0.—WRatikn FPoricast and News, and the Worker.’ to join, “ Feonemica Montague SP Ailieps Local Newe, SUB. ta Cordeff. | REGINALD NORTHALL. 113.—DE GROOT and the FIOCA- 7.30,— Programme SLB. from London, 0, | In Selections from his Repertoire. Orchestral Favourites. DILLY ORCHESTRA. 38.8. S.0.—Programme 8B, from C r r e d i f f . THE. ORCHESTRA. Iivierval. Jrom Dondon, 10.0--11.0,—.Pragramme S.8. from Dow THE. ORCHESTRA: _ Wallace | 10.30-1L0.—" THE BILEXT FEL- Overture, “* Maritana ** Fantasia, “ A Vovaga On a der SelecLion, “The Laly tal Foaillar. LOWSHITP.” S28. from Cardiff. | Troopahip .... 6d. es Adiller - The ¥ Te SATURDAY, December 1th. oa one Be ree ahaLf Bom Shantios. MONDAY, December 14th. Valse, * : Piowenemaath Calling "Haul Away. Joo" ...... Terry 1O.—The. Castle Cinema Orehestra, 4.0,—The Castle Cinna Orcheetra. = Featherstone | “ Fite Down Below ™ rélayved fron the Castle Cinema. 5,0,..4 Short. Pianoforte Recital by #90. A Favourite Song Cycle. Taylor Harris Misical Dinector, Jack Arnold. TD. Jones, ft, CHILDREN'S CORNER. BETTY THOMPSON (Soprano}| “Shenandoah “ ; §.0,—Afternaot Topics and Dance "Drunken Sailor veee Terry Records, i.f.—The Post Bag, ay GLADYS JAMES (Comtralto), 6.00,—Progranume SB. from London, HAROLD STROUD (Tenor). THE ORCHESTRA. i.30.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, ERNEST EADY (Baritone). Suite, “ Neutical Scenes” 6.5.—The Post Bas, 7 . 3 0 . An Informal Birthday Halt Perey Fletcher 614—Talk te Eee. Soe. pron Hour ; i “THE DAISY CHAIN “All Aboard: " A Sentimental Carcest, with the lag A (Lise Lehmann). Shanty; “ Forecasile Frol- 6.90,—Programme §.R. from London, SrAFF OF “s8X.". ‘‘< 10,— Wratnkn Forecast axp News. jes? 7.4).—Mer. RICHARD TRESEDER, RITA MATTE(Mezeo-Soprano). Ministry all Agricpale Talk by 110.0.—Wrearner Forecast ano News. F.R.H.S.,..° Gardening.’ 8.8, URIEL REES: (Tenor). Mr. C. 8. ORWIN: * Farming Mr. WAGSTAFFE-SIMMONS : from Cardi. BEN JONES (Baritone). Facta and Fallacies.” SiG. from “Sotcer.”” 8.8, from London. | §.0-11.0,— Programmes 3.8, from Lon- Supported by 1 Lonweden., Local Mewe, aay. THE EVERSLEYOCTET, Tacal News, 10.0).—THE MAYFATR MYSTERY. TUESDAY, December 15th. 3.0. THE OCTET, 130, ALEX, WAINWRIGHT'S 2.8, from London. 4.1.—New oramnoplione KReeords, MathBeeis caveras Horna ROYAL BATH HOTEL 11.0.—THE SAVOY BANDS, 8.2. 4.45,—The Station Tria, “Crushed Petala™ 2. MWaraden DANCE BAND. from London, §.30.— CHILDREN'S CORNER, BEN JONES, ae Relaved from King’s Hall Roome. 12.0,—-Close down, "Thoo Art Risenae hA—TDThe Poot Bag My Beloved ” Coleridge 11.0. Close ubowrn, 4.£15.— Talk to “Teens S.B.. fram SS | Cantif. " Hiawatha's Vision™ Paylor | 6.30,— Programa oS. from Eaawion, THE OCTET. 7 SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. BOURNEMOUTH | 7.10.—Mr, F. J. HAREIES: “ Long- Overture, “ Rosamunds™" * NEWS. follow on the Sevorn,”" SUB) from Sehubert RITA-MATTEL —-4 3.45.+Gardening Talk by Mr. George | Cardiff. FEWwords this week about the ,1.25.—Programme SLB. from London, Bongs of Old London— ~ ; Danes, FORCHALA, Orchestra, A Bournemouth Wireless Ofrechea- | 7.00, “* Radio Revel." "Bay My Strawberries ™ relayed from the ungalow 1 Era. If you were to construct round Relaved from the Patti Pavilion, “Down Vauxhall Way ™ Café, Southampton. Musical | thema rampart of the music they “ Nightingales of Lincoln's Inn” - Ivrector, Arthur Pickett. | play in twelve months, it would com- Dance Music will be supplied: bar THE. MANHATTANS #8YX- H. Oliver §.15.—CHILDREMS CORNER ?| pletely hide them from view ! The “The Blind Ploughman" Clarke Songs ond Stories, | tapunl listener does not realize the COPATED ORCHESTRA and THE RESRERSAYS URDLEL REES and 6.50.—(Children’s Letters, scope of ther work, nor the extent to BEN JONES, i 6.0,—Moetcal Interlude, which rising young artista are being ORCHESTRA. $.3)-2.0,— Progromme S.8. from Lon Daeta— a 10.—Wratnnn Forecast avo News, | eneouraged in tonterted work, To ol. “ Serenade ™ Schubort Mr. CHERRY REARTORN : hmention bot a few of the latter— “¥ Delyn ar Crvth " * “ Some ol My Pots.” 38.8. from | Mr, Reginald Rennison, who, by the WEDNESDAY, December 16th, London, Pugh Eeana way, ia only 17 years old, Miss Eda 4.0.—The Casthe (nema Orchestra, §.0, THE OCTET. 7.25.—Miusieal Interlude, S.28. from | | Kersey, a brilliant young violinist | relayed from the Castle Cinema. Cockney 5Buite Koeielhey andor. who has Already been heard im Bee. ''$.0.—Alternoon Topics and Beeords 7.40.—Capt. N. &. LAWRENCE : “ Stately Procession; “The thoaven, Mendelssohn, Dvorak, ane| (Voralh Cockney Lover a3 “Ab the *Gorkhe Life.” | Elgar Concerti. 4.50,—A7HILNREN'S CORNER, Palais de Danse"; * Flegy— WINTER GARDENS WIGHT. Adverting to-a survey of the pro- 6.5.—Thea Post Bag, Passing the Cenotaph ee l grammes for this weak, bering on. | 6.15,—Talk to “Teens. 3.8. from “ Bank Holiday," THE MUNICIPAL December 13th, a pianoforte recital Cand: ff. URIEL REES. ORCHESTRA: of local intereat will be given by Mr, 6.50,—Prog¢ramme 8.8. from London, “God Breaketh the Battle " Conduuator, Ernest Lush, a your artist who ia a 740-100, — Programe 3B. from Car- Parry fir DAN GODFREY. product of the Boummemouth School deff, 5, TAYLOE HARRIS “Mentra Gwen ™ (Welsh Air) of Mbusic. 10.0-11.0,— Programma 8,7. feom Lon- arr. Brinley Richards i Vocalist). December 1lathis Radio Revel Nicht, aa, REGINALD NORTHALL "“Y¥No” ..., Faughan Thomas and if the enthusiasm already evinced THURSDAY, December 17th. THE OCTET. ~~ (Entertainer). in ny criberion whatever, this shoulel | COMMUNITY SINGING. 4.0), 1. 80N0) RECITAL "Vals Viennos™ .... Paldini [he a great suceiee; bot ab ia for bay 8 POR ace ae Fdenko Fibieh Relayed from the Winter Gardens. | listeners to nasure this stiecese, for it ! IOHN COLLINSON {Tenor}. BRITA “MATTET, Nautical Programme. | it their keonmess whieh wall. bring “ Poet'a Love *' Sehegnece ren “Voce di Donna, o- d'Angelo ™ | happiness to those who are bring on Lesser Known Songs by Mozart. (La Gioconda “) ...Ponchielli &.0. THE ORCHESTRA. | beads of sickness or whose circumstances, | 5. Aftermoon “Topies >" A: Holiday “The Hole in the Fence ™ March, * Admirals: AIT™ | through poverty and blindnese, ara so im Apain, by Peory Evens, AK. Buaaell Hubert Bath thritenod, that they cannot afford to 6,0. —CHILDREN'S DORMER : en Lullaby oy ee oi Cyril Mirtle Overture, ” Britannia” share in the joe of those who are “The King’s Breakfaat,” by “The Dancing Lesson" A. Oliver 4.00. Mackenziz more Tortgnate. Nautical Suite, “ On the Briny ” A. A. Tine, Atusic by HH. THE OCTET. : : Haward Carr A Nautical Programme. Fraser Simeon, Fantasia Opera “ Sigurd,” Part 2 “The Shanteyman’s Bong"; The end of the week witnesses a B.o.—The Post. Hag. Fteqer-Tavan “The Sentimental Bo'san " ; Winter Gardens Nautical Programme, 615.—Talk to “Teena: “A Talk on 1.0.—WRateer Forecast and News. “The Jolly Sea Dogs.” The whole proceedings snack of the Brownies,” by Jean Rattray, Mr. WAGSTAFFE-SIMMONS; Bea Shain ties, fea, the sting of the galt spray, the | S.A. from Condiff, “Sooner,” S.B. from Londen.

“ Rio Grande ” feeb ee roerry hiting wind, the sing-eongs in the 6.50.—Propremime SUR. from london, Laecal Mews ‘ “ Hullabaloo Balay ™ forecastie, ote., so if any listener is aolWe—The Rev, DAVID RICHARDS, | 10.30-11.0.—THE MAYFAIR: MY8&- TaylorHarris feeling depressed, Jet him hearken. NLA. “How the Mind Grows,” TERY. 83h. from Doncton. “Tom's Gone to Hilo " He will surely be cheered and perchance 8 i, fro Clare iff. 11LoO.—THE SAVOY BANDS. 5.%, } Terry thank his stars that be is listening at 25-1 20.— Programme SB. from Don- * Billy Boy ” pee ee from Lowdon. {Arranged by EK. Terry.) a tlistance front the sect | agi. 12.0,.— ines down.

EK ADIOTIMESTIME:ES. [Decemsen ling, 1925,

5WA Week Begi 353M. CARDIFF PROGRAMMES. ‘December th.

‘a a ir timlies fea theme THE STATION ORCHESTRA? Wie RR: STEPHEW FDEET * The Valley of Laughter ™ oe i Simalianeoes Breadcast Conidickor, C. LODGE -(renar). Sandercon WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. HARRY AUTCHENS (Humorist | THE ORCHESTRA, The High-Power(Daventry)| THE ORCHEATEA. THE CARDIFF POST OFFICE Helection, “La Boutique Fan- Programme will be found | bO.—CARDIFF RADIX — FEIVE BAND: tnsqaue "' .... Aossini-Respighi on page 558. CLOCKS" "Frills and Conductor—JAMES LIVESEY. | (LADYS BARKER. Fleunecas,” by Prillida Bik, THE BANT). “Cant Remember A. Goatley SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. I 5. t6.— CHIEDRENS GORNER March, " Florentiner “ Fuck | "0 Where the Deer De Lie ™ 6 6.—" "The: Letter Box.” | Belection. “ Les -Clochesde Corne- | E. German a0. WAGNER PROGRAMME. 6.15. “Teens Corner: The Romance Ville” oc aca ee es Plgngueile “Two: Litth Shoe" EDA BENNIE (Soprano). = Famous Liyes—{ il} Captain | 5.15. GWEN MORG:AN. G. Di Hardeiot FREDERICK COLLIER Seoth, “Tell Me, Gipsy " AP, ¢ ‘raske Dn THE ORCHESTRA. {Baritone}. i. 2. Pree AL from Lomton “heary Seong! eases Slater Suite, " Rustic Revela ” Pletcher FRANCIS BROUSSELL 740.—Mr. RICHARD TRESEDER, B26. HARRY HUTCHERNS, i 0 , — CARDIFF RADIO “FIVE (Tener). | F.R-H.3.,.°"' Gardening.” “Has Anyone Seen My Pom Tt” O'CLOCKS. THE STATION. SYMPHONY §.0- 117.0, — Program: Bos rom Watson 5,30.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, | ORCHESTRA : Landon “A Political Moecting" Wileor) 6.5.—"“The Letter Box.” Leader, LEONARD LUSFIELD: | Be, THE BAND. 6. 15,.— "Teens Corner: “A Talk on Condictor, TUESDAY, Dec. 15th, Overture,“ Raymond ” Phomas Brownies,” by Jean Rattray. WARWICK. BRAITHWAITE. | 0,—A Short Concert af Now Oran. | Ballet Music from, “* Ww iiiam “Tell” | 6.20,— Light Music. 9... from Landon “Dawn ond Sunrise ™ (Dmest), | phone Records. Rossi | 6.25.—Market Prices for Farmers. tollowedl by * Biogtrieda | 1o.—Sehoo! “Trane: Sir H, m.AG. W. HR. STEPHENS, 5.0, from London, Journey to the Rhine ” (°° Got Waltord Davies, Muse. Doc:, | ‘Everywhere 1 Go” ‘Radio Agocation Talk. SB. ferdammerang*’ ib MMiuggee.”' Relayed. from Lon- | Enathope Martin from London, Brunhilde clever. * Mountain Goyers"W. A. &qiire 7.O—WEATHER FoRncasT avo NEWS. Siegfried FranciaHussell 2.45,.—She Biation “Pria: Frank Thio--| “Till I Come Back To Vou ™ | The Rev, DAVID RICHARDS, rosa (Violin), Frank Whitnall Perey Elttett M.A. (Aborcnnaid), ““ How the Prelude, Act IIT. —followed ty | (Vieloncallo},. Vera Metliomb B.C RACE TURFITT ond ER Mind Grows,” Seone IIT, {* Pilgrimage eo Thomas -(Piane). DAV LES, 8. from Rowe *) (“‘Tannhiiaser ™). 7.2h.—Miepeal Interhuete, 4..15.—Tea-time Muse from the Caritor A Humeraus Ttem,. Tannhiiveer .... Prancia Roumsell “ieee: Reataurant, #0. LILIAN PURNELL, 7.30.—“ THE MESSIAH.” &.R. from Wolfram. o2e.. Frederick Cotlier 50, CARDIFF RADIO “FIVE "The Moorish Maid ™ | ele cheater. Weel (corctcsees Eda Bennie| Of CLOCKS ” ‘Tiger Hunting | - Henry Parker —PORTRY RECITAL. 4.8. | “Good Morning, Brother Sun- | ** from Storm Music, ActI. and Wotan's| and ‘Other Ackvertaires iui As- Loudoun. Farewell from “ The Valkyrie.” | san,” by Mr. Tuder G&G, Culs. 40 A THE B Seo Lehmann | 9oPHE MESSIAH ” (Continued). Wotan .....ch. Fraderek Uollber | 30, —CHILDREN*& CORNER. stain ii ee 7 ‘ 4.8. from idonchesder, 6.i.—" The Letter Box.” Bong, Le! Here tho Gentle s : is Lark ® (for Flute and Clarinet) liil?.0.—Prgramme ui, rom The Prize Song from “ The Master- 6.15.—"Teens Corner’: ' The YTomg ringers.” Kung« Tregss.ries, * bey Blase. Hishop Lomion. from Ean. | Walter . Franéia Russell | G20, Light Mise a a illonells °° (for Olbo® aed Clart- ebts aa rer uaeDel Aegis ORCHESTRA. | aba: THE News "The Bella of St. Martin “ (with FRIDAY, Dec. 18th. Gond Friday Muvec(" Parsifal "'). | 7.0.—Weateert Forecast axnp Mr. FF. J. HARRIES : ™ Long: ‘Tubular Bella} i oii: s Bondelle | 4 0, Annual Carol Concert. Shaoof eve Tonnhiuesr’hh fallow on the Severn.” 1 LILIAN PURNELL Relayved From the FHiarjitone ,Fredenek Collier 7. 28, —Prete), 2, fire Landen, _ and GWEN MORGAN. Canton Boys’ SecondarySchoo, ‘THE ORCHESTRA. 1 8.0, SWA'S “RADIO REVELS.” “Night of Stars” (Garcarolle, CHOIR OF-400. Prelude, Act IIT, “ Lohengrin.” | (Bal Masque and Cabaret.| "The Tales of Hoffmann”) THE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA:

Relaved fram the (itv Hall. : Offenbach Conductor : §,0-§.45.— Rev, B. T. Butcher; &.2. MUZIKRANTS DANCH RANT, “Love Is Meant ‘To Make Us| W. MORGAN EVANS, B.A. * ffoga: dGomefow, (By Kind permission of Mosers ; Glad” case am ae German| Carol, “Unto Ue Ic Born o« (fox reel Ge) Bb ; =. its f a LODGE. i | Ring a {Words nmrcl Melody Bij"TheBets ef St. Marlinin-the- AUSTIN: C) MORETON'S : oO \ ae Et hntrancing | Lath Centiiry, Soden Har- Fields. 8.8. from London, DANCE HAND. A, Gorimg-Thomas aS : $.15-8.45. BETHLEHEM WELSH THE LONDON AVONMORE *_ Onaway | Awake Belove i | Carel, “In Dulei Jubilo™ (Old CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CABARET. Coleridge. Taylor | German worts translated, llth CHOTR. DANCING, 6.35. HARRY HOTCHENS. | Century) Hyin, “Mawr, Mawr Drwy ” 5ib pean, fll 0 om. A Country Curate“ .. Bagnall| (Melody harmonized by Byd “. (Morfydd Owen) (Tune: | Proceeds to provide a Wireless "1 Tried To Keep Fram Lanugh- | J. 5. Bach.) : “William ™). Inteatlation at. the AME setae. Muben Moore Mr. ELWYN JAMES, M.A. 0.45, THE BAND. (Headmaster) : A Short Reading of the Beriptures. | CLAN. BLY BOOSPTTAT. Hvmfn, “de Tien Torddown | 9.30-2.0 aan: —Programme 5.8,from Descriptive Piste. “The Smithy Talkon “ Carols and Carollers.” Dxloin” (E. T, Davies) (Hermon). Feared, In ‘The Wood” ;.-+ Afchaehi Welsh Carol, “Mae'r Nos Yn Buite, “ Ballet Egyptien Lvigins Ddu "(Welsh words by Gwynne Tha Rev, D. W. EDWARDS, 10.0-11.0—Proyramme 8B, = BA. Whittielda Tabernacle Con- WEDNESDAY,Dec. 16th. from Jone. Melody by Sit Walford London, cregotional Ghurch, Bristol : T2390 | 20, —Luneh-tiene Blea: from Davies}. (Sung by o small Religions Address, Cox's (Caf. Musto by the Mu- | choir in‘ four parts, trlakocom- Vesper Hymn, “OO Cadw Ki | sikunta Danen Band. THURSDAY, Dec. 17th. panied, } : Drwy'r Nos” (Harry Fvans} | 4.0.—Orzan Rectal relayed from the French Cacol, “ Dans lee Ormbree 12,301 30. Lareli-time AEic yes | (Hwyrol Weddit Park Hall, de la Nuit * (Author and Com- barred from the Carbbon Ayoin, “ Rock of Ages, Cloft for | 30—¢.30.—iarierth Mortimer and porer unknown). (Fong by o Restaurant. ‘Me ” (R. Redhead) (Ajalon), | hia Orchestra relayed from the emul choir in two porte with Park Hall Cinema. 40-4. Onchestral Goncert. I LCspaeaTRA TEE — for i woo f.0,.—WrEATHER Fourcast ann News. §.0.—CARDIFF K ADTO * FIVE GLADYS BARKER (Cont relia). | Violins, “Cello and Clarinet.) Local’ News, oO CLOCKS." “THE STATION ORCHESTRA: Carol.“ There Comes a Gallay 6.15.—DE GROOT ane the FROCA. 1 fe 2), =HILDREN'S CORNE BE. Conductor : Laden "(Words 14th Century, DILLY ORCHESTRA. &.8. 6,5.—“" The Lettie Box." WARWICK. BRAITHWAITE. Music Lith Century). fron Landon, &15.=' Teens Comer: A Chit About THE ORCHESTRA. Carol, ““ A Bebe is Born in Beth 1)4—THE SILENT FELLOW- Your. Pigens,”. by Dr, HL, “ Ballet Beyptien,”” So. LLwipiaae | lehem "(words and Melody lth SHIP, Kendrick. Concert Valse, “ Reincarnation Century, Harmony by Bach), 1LO.—Close down, 4.30-7,.40—Prograsane 8B, from J oapre - Lendon. March (" Alda). 22h Fardi HERBERT THORPE {Tenor}, | THE STATION TRIO: MONDAY, Dec. 14th. 7 At — Prine ipeal J. (1. HEWSaHAM. of CLAD YS BAEK ER. fearie Tene Nhemnvt ress Se a 2 Ey "RANK. THOMAS (Violin) ; r the bionmouthehire Agrieuliirs FRANK: WHITNALL be59:4.90.--Taineh-tins “Migaie froen | Tretitution, “ ‘TheFea: fing tof * Tnvitetion JA. Gory (¥iolomoel ben) = Cox's Café, Music by the | Farm Stock.’ i “When Love Awmaken’ : VTE BA MeloM BE THOMAS Muaxskants Danes Baticl; ce POSTMAN’ KNOCK." MM, Hoenn phreye i tiearene 2.9, —Organ Recital, relayed from the A Programme by the THE ORCHESTRA. 4.4, THE THI. Capitol Cinema. STAFF OF THE CENERAL Boleciian, “La Bobéme Selection, “'TheTales of Hoff. POST OFFICE Puecina-fauwia 3:04.30. Special Afternoon Concert. WT nie ackea ad_ Offenbach FRANCES VENWN (Contralto). | ((sardiff}. CLADYS BAKER, LARA MM. LATGAARNE | LILIAN PUBRNELL (Soprano). " Battery, Wings” ...10. PRiflipa * ‘Liebesfreucl ** Kretler * Roselaed "2... ad. Gna (foprano} * i GWEN MORGAN (Contralte), | (Continued on mail page.)


TecEMBET _iitH, 1825. ] -——~RADIO TIMES —— od

oWA Week Begi 353 M. CARDIFF PROGRAMMES. Eeeperdath: = (Continued from the previous page.)

0, HERBERT THORPE. where, a@ was customary, in the SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. M45, MAUTDIE. DUNHAMand * A Song of London" Cyril Seott i big houses, the people of the GEORGE RAWLING. district are gathers: al boped ber “ Ah? Mari” (Neapolitan) 1? ELS, Liuneh-tine Susie trom “Wo One's Ever Kissed Me™ for dancing and airaiT. Many G, 2... Thorpe te Carlton Reatatirant, Philip Braham of the Barda of Britain «are “Where Be You Going fF“ +.,— Organ Recital, relied from the 9°50, Quilter fathered round Owain, their THE ORCHESTRA. Park Hall Cinema, 4.10, THE TRIO, prea supporter, Crwain'’s Bard * omg pe eas Lauis Horch anal | Trio No. fin A Minor.... Haydn sings a Penillion Song, the words a4—Gartarth Morlimer 10.0-12.0.—Programme 8.8. from Don- his Orchestra, relayed from the wah 30, HERBERT THORFE. by alo Goch, A Travelling do. “OQ Mistress Mina" .... Farrar Piper plave and dances “Weleh Pack Hall Cinema, | Shepherd’8 Dance” LErw yi 0.—The Dansant, relayed from Cox's “Sigh No More, Ladies“. 4 then we “The Stars That Light. My Williams), A Bard “" V¥n Mhon- Café, Music by the Muzikants Garden " . i. Kennedy Mussell typndd Mae Nehariad " (Obl fanee Band, 4.40, THE TRIO. Welsh Folk Song). All sing 520.CHILDREN'S CORNER. CARDIFF NEWS. Selection, “ Cavalleria Rusticana " “08 Galen ** (Bone and Cho- 5." The Letter Box.” Mascagni, arr, Herico Bastin ris}. HE first of @& new series of pro- | 6.15,—"Teons’ -Corner : ’ The Siore grammes dealing with historical Borse ITT. 5.0—CARDIFFE KRADIO “FIVE in Winter,” by Mr, Richmond eventa im a novel way will be given (CLOCKS ": Alea Chentrens The year 1400, within the old Hellyar, from the Cardiff Station, and relayed (Entertainer), Mr. J. Kyrie fortress of Edeyrn Edeyrnian, 6.30,—Musical Interlude, 5.8. from bey Daventry, on Friday, December Fletcher: “The Diory of & near Corwen, Chwainm rises hia London. iSth. The series will bear the title Local Pepys.” Standard, the old chragon in red 7.0.—Weratnen Forecast anp News.| “Heroes of Britain,” and the first 5.30.—_CHILDREN'S CORNER, gold on a white ground, amd Mr. CHEREY EEARTON: presentation will be the life of the 6.5.—*" The Letter Box.” speeds the bent bow, ihe signal “Some of My Pets." SiG. from great Welsh patriot, statesman and 6,15,—"Teens’ Corner: “ mames Tor for war, calling an the men of Davide, warrior, Owen Glyndwr. Few figures hia race to fight for the unity Christmas Parties." S.8. from 7.25:—Musical Interlude, 5.8, from im history have won the hearts of fwd freslom of the Country. Seared hea, Lomdain, Welsh people af has Glyndwr. Abrays 6.30.—Musieal Interlude, S18. fron Old Harper, Welsh Airs. The the champion of the poor and 7.30.—Topical Sporta Tolk. Toulon, people sing“ Cyhamod ™ (Old Oppremsed, ha waa ong of the most 7.0—Weardts Forecast ayo News. Welsh Hymn). The soldiers Revue Rarebits. notable figures of hia time, Listeners

eels “Mon of Harlech * (Old Tradi- Soh, from Londo. GEORGE RAWLING (Tenor), will be able to follow a drarmeatised A’ Summary of tho Wiregies |ee fiotinl Welsh Airi, DON LENNOX (Baritone). theteh of the romance of his lifa— BcENR IV. Papers for the Week. 3.8, Jrom| MAUDIE DUNHAM (Soubrette). first, as aboy mod, later, as the leader A room in the Hall of Glyndwr, of his peophe, At his boll at Sycharth, Landa. TONT FARRELL * Martimer, captured by Hhys 7. 15.= Mr. J. C. GRIFFITH-JIONES : (Speciality Pianist}. the, chieftain is. surrounded by hia “ Economics and the Worker.”| Gethin, one of Owain's Generals, barns, preparing for war and calling THE STATION ORCHESTRA : has fallen in love with, and ito Welkhmon to take ormns. against SU. froSapna. (Oonhetor, 7.30.—Musieal Interlude, 8.8. from married, Joan, Ohwain's daugh- the Lords Marches. ter, and decides to join Hotspur WARWICK BRAITHWAITE, Januar. Subsequently, amongst his captures, andl Urwain in ativeking King THE ORCHESTRA, 7.40,—Mr.-G, A. ATKINSON : " Seen 7a), is: Mortimer, and the story flows Selection, “ To-Night's tha Night" on the Sereen.” 24. from Henryand putting the young ewiftly on toe the love romance of Fordoan, . Earl of March om the throne. Paul Rubens Mortimer and the daughter of Oven Mortimer knows litth Welsh 8.0. HEROES OF BRITAIN.—1. $.0. MAUDIE DUNHAM. Glyndwr. Mortimer could speak nndJoan leas English, Morti- “Kitty, the Telephone Girl” no Welsh ‘and Olyndwr's daughter “The Romarice of Owen mer sings “Thou Art Fair“ (Hallo Ragtime |") Tom Mellor could speak no English, Shakespeare's Glendower.” (From “ Penillion in English") “The Melody That Made You Falstaffalso drifte into the story, (Gwinn Williams). Joan anil {Owain Glyndwr}, Ms camer eee haa Paila adding o touch of homour and cheery Mortimer Tra Bo Dau “ (Duet, Patriot, Poet, and Warrior. 8.10. TONT FARRELL. goml fellowship. The programme ia Written and Arranged by OldWelsh Folk Song Ar- Fox-trot, ** Home, Sweet Home not simply &@ Welsh historical sketeh— E. KR. APPLETON ranged). Tango, “Tenerife.” it 14 rather a story of love, bravery (Goleuni‘r Bannan). RCENE Y. One-step, "Naughty Girl.” nnd adventure, which will appeal to Presented by Falstaff and his company on the 8.20. GEORGE RAWLING, both «the English ani Welsh-speaking GORDON McCONNEL and roul to Shrewebury. (Shakes- *“T Shall See You To-Night, Dear™ sections of Cardiff listeners, GWYNW WILLIAMS. peare’s “ Henry IV.", Part 1.) Weatorm nid Lee Most of the music for Owen Glyndwr “0h, How I Wish 1 Knew EceNE WI. has been written by Mr. W. 5. Gwynn: Relayed to ‘' 5XX."" Arxchman and Wendling A Battle Scene—1403. Glyndwr, Williams, who is the organizer of music ELODWEN CAERLEON fresh from his vietoriea in the 8.90. THE OBCHESTRA., for the Goreedd of the Bards. Many (Contralto}. South, ia met with the news of “ Hullo, Hagtime,”* actual bards, who have carried om to the defeat of Hotspur and the 8.45. DON LENNOX, WALTER. GLYNNE (Tenor). this day theold traditions of the bards failure of the combined attack “ And Her Mother Came Too” GLANVILLE DAVIES of Britain, will be heard during the on King Henry. “Gilbert the Filbert’ (" The | Baritone}. programme. THE GWENT RADIO Boexe VIL. Posing Bhow "") vee. » Finek PLAYERS. 1416. An Old Welsh Cottage on 6.55. MAUDIE DUNHAMand A Wagner Programme. THE STATION ORCHESTRA: a-hillside, Glyndwr hae retired DON LENNOX. Wager programmes areso frequent “They Didn't Believe Me™ ("' To- Conductor, to the hills after fighting for that it would seem difficult to arrange WARWICK BRAITHWAITE, many years as Ruler of Cymru. Night's the Night "’} one without repeating the main items Legend has it that Glyndwr PoulRubens King Henry to Hotspur. contained in others. A programme of never died and that he und his 9.0. TONT FARRELL, Wagner music unusual in many re- © Thou dost belie him, Percy, thou men sit sleeping in Ogev y “ Dear Little Ship doet belie him. Two Songs |“ Wy Dear Madeira.” spects will, however, be given by tha Dydinas, buckled in their ar- Cardiff Station, on Sunday after. He never did encounter with (With Orchestral Accompani- mour, waiting to sally forth noon, December 18th. Most of the Glendower, nent, } again, Our last impression of itema, and some have not previously I tell thee, Bome different opinions on“ Show him ie thie prophetic seene in been given aa concert items, will be in He durst aa well haye met the Me the Way ToGo Homa” nt oh cottage. Music: A A Benee continuous. The Tannhduarr devil alone Campbell and Conmelly Mother singing to her Baby, excerpt, for iiatance, opens with the Az Owen Glendower for an By Bach — Scarlatti —Sinding “Sue Gan” (Old Folk Song}. Prelude to tha third act, and this ia enemy. A Boldier of Owain, “Can Y Mendelssohn and Grieg. (Shakeapeare—“ KingHenry IV." followed by the famous scene known Gwiadgarwr” (The Patriot's 0.10. “A RESTAURANT. EPI- ag “The Pilgrimage to Rome," The Port I.) Bong) (Gwynn Williams), BODE.” Alfred Lester Scrre I. excerpt from Fa/tyrie opens with the Characters : storm music of the first act, followed Near Trevgarn in the year 1369. 10.0,—$WEATHER Forecast ann News, The Waiter .. JOHN DERWENT Owain Glyndwr, now 10 years Ministry of Agriculture Talk by by “Wotan's Farewell,” and the Mr. G. 8 ORWIN : “ Farming The Girl .... FELICE HYDE “ Fire Musica” of the lastact, The old, meote an old Welsh woman Scene: The interior ofa shabby Py witch aome call her—seated Facts and Fallacies."" SUB, “Duet and Siegfried’s Journey to the restaurant in Bole, @ spinning wheel and hum- from: London. Rhino '" ia completely continuous. ine*“¥ Gotid Do," an old Local Newa, 9,25. THE ORCHESTRA. Apart. from these items, there are o Welsh Folk Song. 10.30.—AUSTIN 0. MORETON and Selection, “The Passing Show ™ few separate ones, notably the “ Prize Scuy® IT. HIS ORCHESTRArelayed from Fitick Song" and“Star of Eve,” sung by Twenty years have passed. We "13" Club Danes attha Park 9.40. OEORGE RAWLING, tenor and baritone respectively, anid find ourselves within Glyndwr's Hotel, Pontypridd, * Seminoin ** the programma closes with the Fre- F. Kingand A. Warren lade tothe third act of Lohengrin, beautiful home at -Sycherth, 11.30.—Close down.


___{DeeEmMpen lite, 1925. eee TIMES —-

22¥ eek Beginning MANCHESTER PROGRAMMES.|a December 13th.

s7RM. ee

Tha tetters “6.8." printed in latices In thane | 4.0,—Afternoon Talk : Me, E. Sima /WEDNESDAY, Dec. 1iGth. 0.35,—Markeb Prives for Farmers preyedos ooieae Hilditch: Some Famous SB, from CLonden, Women in Music.” | 5.95 —School Transmission: Mr, 6.40,—Fiacio Associntion Talk. 4.8 James Bernard, **Carmeoe trom fram. London, (Daventry). 4,15,— Tea-time: Caomeert : Nellie Pol- The High-Power Wiethorinn Nowelpte— lone the T.O.—WeEeATHER Forecast axp News Programme will be found litt (Soprang), Orchestral Music, relayed from the Piecacdilly Pic- Roinds '* from ‘“ Dineder the MM r. Db MM, LICHTENSTELY : on page 558. Creenawiel Pree" (‘Thomas ‘Intersting Hungary. — ture Theatre, 5.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER, Hardy). seo Interlude, S28, Jam $.45.—The Louncashire Military Band, London. SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. | 6.0.—The Majestic “ Celebrity Or relayed from the. “Cinderella chestra : Muricnl Liirector, 70, "THE MESSIAH." Club’a ” Doll Show at the City Band Music—Songs—A Play. | Gerald, W. Bright. Relayed An Oratorio by Frederick Handel, Hall: Conductor, Artin Dunn. MOLLY U'CALLAGHAN from the Hotel Majestic, 1. Relayed from the Free Trade Hall. 1i—Afternomn Talk: Mies DD. Muna- (Bireprraurig). Annie's on bhp. Sea. apy, “A Survey of French BELLA BATLELTE, THER IRWELLL SPRINGS ano Nuws, MURIEL GRUNASRKILCL, BAND5 : | 7.0.—Weratner Forecast Literature.” © Opportunities Overseas : South t.15,—Tea-time Concert: Flilda WALTER WIDDOP, Conductor, Ainge." General Talk intri- Singleton (Pianoforte), Evalen NORMAN ALLIN. THOMAS PROOTER. duced by the Hon. J, F. SMIT. | Amethe (Violin), Ernest Alien THE HALLE HORUS; (tnd Price Winners, Crystal Palace| SUR. from Lordiaa, fTensr). ‘The Lancashire: Mil- THE HALLE ORCHESTEA: p25.i.) Pre we ie GLADYSBandBRUCECombest, aan tary Band, relayed from the Conchucted by (ity. Hall. Bir HAMILTON HARTY IBARSON waa ia be aces 3 : HAWARBD : 5.15,—CHILDREN'’S CORNER. .45.—PORTRY READING. 4.8 MARJORIE: ar ei i : Tn an 140.—Mr. LAWRENCE; De ae WHITEHEAD| Tish Play | “Music in the Station's Pro é.0.—The Lancashire Military Pand, fram atedan PARKER LYNCH grammes.” a At relayed from the City Hall. | OL. "TAB SESA " (Continued | Fal, ae RATHER Forecast ann News. | 10.0 12.0.—Programme Suh, from - baal, THE BAND. $.0.—' THE BELLE OF NEW| ‘Musical Sounds—Piano, Organ,| London. ‘Tannhiuser March" .. Wagner YORK.” SH. from London, | Bells, te." Talk prepared by Ove rtare, “The Siege of La Roch- 1i-0.—Wratair Forrcasr ano News, | the late Prof. EF. H. BARTON, e c t l e s eeeesee n e e en SOS Prof. JULIAN 8. HUXLEY: | : MOLLY O'CALLAGHAN, “The Stream of Life: The)... De. 8B. fiak sme fe FRIDAY, Dec. 18th. 5.6. Jrom “There ia Not in the Moore Evolution of Maa.’ S808. from : aes Interlude, Ealne Eantan: peg 5 2.0,.—Orchesiral Misic, relayed Wide Worki” ,..., | ee Lowrdon 7.60.—Royal Horticultural Bociwty "When Thou eH ar Eical-Hews | from the State Caf, Pigs | See t:| Moffatt Bulletin. eee School Trinnmmseion : The Rev. , T.35.— Me. . Vy. F, BLETCHER: + Frarhe:! My Lanna ™ WN. Falmer | Lo30. LEFF POUISHNOFF J. Shepherd, MA. Travel Talk. THE BAND. | Chopin Recital. Bpoameh Talk, $.45.—The Station Ginriet, Cornet Sola, “* Nightingale " Moss Impromptu in F Sharp Major. CHAMBER MUSIC. 4.0.—Afternoon Talk: Miss A. Rey- (Soloist: CLIFTON JONES.) | Study in © Minor. THE MUSIC SOCIETY nolids, “ Keate ond Shelley.” Selection, Memories of Balfe" | Study in A Flat Major STRING QUARTET : | 4.15.—Tea-time Comeert: Minit Rimener |). Btudyin © Shatp Minor, ANDRE MANGEOT(lst Violin); | Thornley {Soprano}. The 1.20, "THE TRAVELLIWGt MAW.” Study in A Moner BORIS PECE ER (2nd Violin) : | Station Gnuartet, A Miracle Play by Lady Gregory. Noctume in © Minor. HENRY BERLY(Viola): | §,15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, “ The scene of this play i: laid in Polonaise in A Flat Major, JOHN BARBIROLLI (Cells). | 6.0—The Majestie “Celebrity “* Or. " a cottage garden in the West: of 11.0.—Close down. 1 HERBERT RUDIMICE (Tass). i Ireland. The time i Christ | chestra, relayed from the Hotel 3.0. The Quartet. Majestic, Bt Amne's-on-the-Ses. mas.” A String Quartet in F ...... Ravel haat: r = if—T re: 7.0.—Wratoen Foumcast-asn Mews, A Mother TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. Rhone =ie vite AS immaury of the Wireless Paper: GLADYS BRUCE PEARSON| Agité, for the Week. 8.8. froin ~ A Child 1.15-2.0.—The Station Qnartet. } HERBERT RUDDIXE,. Fanday., MARJORIE WHITEHEAD || a.25. Sehool ‘Transmission {Mr,.-H.} “The Ware- 7T.15.—Sir ARTHUR HAWORTH. A Travelling Man Cadecas): “Nature's. Bligges--| bond ™ ... Bt., “The League of Nationa," PARKER LYNCH | tions in Design + Applications * Bright 1s (“Songs of Boy Scouts’ Local News Bulletin, Presented by in Are and Crafta.” the Bing of Trevek"} 7.30.—Musieal Interlude, 4.3, jrom PARKER LYNCH. 3.45.—Anto-Piano Recital by J- | Words” .. Faughan Williams London, 5.0. - THE BAND. oe Meadows. j “The Foad- T.40—Mr iG. A. ATKONSON : " Seen Becit and Chorus Comfort Ye £.0.—Atternoon Talk: Mia E, L. side Fire" on the Boren.” 5.8. from “ The Story of the Lord Broadbent on: Durham.” THE QUARTET. Lowther, (The Messiah ") Fandel 415 Toea-time Concert; Clarence Biring Quartet in B Flat .. Haydn *' AN Tastes Considered."* (Soloist : HIRAM BESWICK.) Tomlinson {Baritone} and the Allegro — Fantasia — Menuetto MABEL WHITELEY MOLLY OCALLAGHAN. Station: Quarhet, ==Finoke. (Sortie lite), © Phe Lover'a Gore *? .. H, 5,15.—_CHILDEEN'S CORNER. HERBERT RUDDOCE. “The Bard of Armagh "| Hughes 6.0.—The Majestic “ Celebrity * Or- “ Drake's Drum,"' KEN MACKAY (Humorist, “Hear Me But Once" chesira, relayed from the Hotel Devon, O1(" Songs of THE STATION ORCHESTE.A, : Moore, arr. Moffatt Majestic, St. Anne’s-on-the-Sea. DThewor oka the Sea me BO, The Orchestra,

"* The Minstrel Boy ™ ..... Jfoore 7.0,WrRATtHRER FPoRBCAST ino Newa, “The (ld Bu. Gor. Stanford March, “ The Light Horse " Fileny THE BAND. Fear the Table: A Dieeuaston PME aoe vic Overture, “* William Tell" Rossing Ait Varié, “ Maidstone” between Prof. T. H. PEAR, | 8.30, Some Entertaining Fare. Bis, THE LONDON HADTO

tf. Ord Hume M.A., B.8e,,and Dr. STANLEY a ALEC CHENTRENS M.A. Pld. | REPERTORY PLAYERS §.50-5.45.—Musie for the Children. H. JACKSON, {Anglo-French Entertamer). in Ackiress by the 4 Ae Intelligence Tents Desir 6.0.—SERVICE andl | Tn Selections from his Repertoire. “FORCE, WITS AND A i Rev. H. R. I SHEPPARD, rubsdes 7 1.0.— Wratien Forecast any News. Wiha.” relayed from St. Martin-in-the- 795.Musical Interlude. 8.8. from Mr. 0... M. DOAD: wal: Mr. 2. By Julius Hare, | Fields, (§.8. from London. Tondan, BTRACHEY: “© After-Dinner $.0.—Weatner Foreoasr Axo News. 7.4—Me. JAMES AGATE: Dramatio Philosophy—Logical Puzzles," faa! Local News, Critictam, 8.8. from fonden, SB. from EBoadan, Montague .... HENRY G&CAR h15—-DE GROOT and the PICCA- Ainaworth ... HERBERT Foss Bu, MANCHESTER'S RADIO Local News. DILLY ORCHESTRA, #&.&. | 10.30.—Proprancee 8.8, from Dondon, Ruth ... PHYOCLIE- PARTING from London, REVEL. } 01,0.—tlode dw. Landlord VICTOR LEWISOHN 10.50.—Close down. Relayed from The Belle.Vie Ballroom, Treton MICHAEL HOGAN In aid of Manchester and Salford| THURSDAY, Dec. 17th. This depicta. a dramatic episods _ MONDAY,Dec. 14th. Melical Charities and the Darcy } in the days of Cavaliors anal News Wireless for the Hospitals | 11,30-12.30.—Concert by the Station Roundheads. The time isarly $.25.—Sechool Tranamission : M. Albert Fund. Quartet, in the year 1646. while theiLSBEe of the struggle between Charles | Thousille, M.A, (Parie): Read- 10—"RADIO KREVELS.” 8.5, | 4.90,—Afternoon Talk : Aira. Hix, pe and Cromwell 16 still undecided, ing from French Literature, from London, “ Mother's Stories." “Lea Cabane™ (" Lettres de 10.0.—Weatuer Fonecasr ano News,| 4.45,—Tena-time Concert : Doria Word. and the action of the play gives | ae aome illastration of the plot Mon Moulin al {Alphonse Local Niwa, ; cock (Cantralto) and Auto- | Daucet}. 1D.15.—“RADIO REVELS™ [Con- Piano Recital by J. Meadows. and counter-plot inseparable with this stirring period. * 25.—Orebestral Music, relayed fram tinued.) i.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. the Piccadilly Pictore Theatre. 2.0 a.m.—-Cloae down, 6.0.—Music. SB. jrom Lesdan, (Continued on th: next paze,)


a Manchester Programmes. 6LY ‘Liverpool Programmes. 315 M, (Continued from the previous page.a _ WeekBeginning Sunday, December 13th.

| _ a.445. MABEL WHITELEY. Melody and Merviment. SUNDAY, December 13th. aU, THE BE:AND. " Boig Ripde esis aek wie Lully| GLADYS: SIMCOE | dedO—5 45, | Progresnasae SLB. from The National Anthem, * Marche Slave"... Peharborayf "Gore Eternal " Brake {Entertainer}. | S.1- 10,30.) Londo. "Linden Lea" V crugph mn Wame | HERBERT DEVENEY “endemic Fretival Ove riure THE ORCHESTRA. (Baritone). MONDAY, December 14th. Brains Selection, “Cha Chin Chow™ THE LANCASHIRE MILITARY| 11.0-12.0.—Midday Concert of Girame- | LINDA HERRIOTT: Norton BAND © phone Records. “On Wings of Song JWendelssohn KEN MACKAY, fRelayed from the City Hell). 4.0.—Patnsev and his Orchestra, trom okt ther Mhid- Hour of Nigit Coren *‘Mammas Gone Dancing ™ EDWARD DUNS. the Futurist Cinema. Conductor, eeis a aera cetSibelrua Weston ond Dee | 8.0. THE BAND. o1.— Afternoon Topi + Mr, i. Gordon THE ORCHESTRA. Felected. Growne:. “ Our Funny Lan-.| THE BAND, Buite, “A Day in Naples" Byngy 8.20 fapprox.).—GLADYS SIMCOE, | fuage “" (11, | Buibs No. Lin E Fint Holst 7 MABEL WHITELEY. Selected Items, 5.15,=-CHILDREN'S CORNER. (Chaconne : Dbernezes: March, “With a Swanlike Beauty Glid- HERBERT DEVENEY. 0.0.— Programme oS.B, from ddfan- TOM KINNIBURGH. Song” “The Last Call 2.) ing " Motart “ The Veteran's cheater, Sardernovt “Cradia Songz . Humperdinack.| Stephen Adenine rt Programme 3, fram Lander. Ay ewesa ey “0 Lovely Night” Landon Ronald | “The Litth: Trish Girl 7.40.—Liverpool” Wireless Society's | oF ees _ oA eliteom REN MACKAY. Hermann Lohr + Talk. THE BAND. “The General’a Address to thea ify Old Shako “ Troters | 8.0-11L.0.—Programme S.B, from | March of the Knighta of the Holy Troops "ia. _ Ken MacKay| 8.50 (approx.).—THE BAND, London, Crail {Parsifal). oi. ess Wagner B My Ward " ‘ . Stieradala Benned Selecioad Scherzo and Finale from 5ym- THE ORCHESTRA. 0.20 (approx... GLADYS SIMCOR. TUESDAY, December 15th. phony No. 6 in © Minor “ "The Perade of the Tin Soldiers ” Further Selections from her Reper- 4.0.—Afternocn Toptes. Beethoven - Jeseel Loire, 1.15.—The Station Pianoforte Quartet 9.1 aa LINDA HERRIOTTY. Highland Patrol, “ The Wee | HERBERT DEVENEY, ond Eileen Parker (Solo Piano- | “I'm Alone" (“The Lily of Kil- Macireagor ccs ee eee Ales " Captain Mac“) nenay Py yes co ee Benedict . Soandercon forte). 10.0.—Wrarure Forecast asp News, ™ Dntil 5.15.— CHILDREN'S CORNER. “I Pitch my Lonel¥ Caravan at Ministry of Agriculture Tulk by "Phe Floral Danea™ Autie Jose 1.0.—Propgranume S.8. from Mon- Night * BE, Contes Mr, C. 8. ORWIN : * Farming | 0) (approx.).—THE BAND, chester, THE =AN DD, Facts and Fallactes.” SH. from | Relect eal, 7.0, WEATHER Forecast Aawp News, Chorale and Fugue ...... Dandon, 10.0-12.0.—Progranms 8.8] from 7.19.—Mr, A. K; HOLLAND: ** Muei- TOM KINNIBURGH, Local News. London, cal Taate” (3), “ Myself When Young ” 10.30. Feature. ee -2.0.—Frogramme 8.8, from Tana Lehumann CHARLES COLLIER London, “ The Arrow and the Song “* Balfe (Trish Melodies: on the Harp). ‘MANCHESTER NEWS. “When Dull Cara’™ “Trish Fantasy ‘al VARIED programme 1a _-pre- WEDNESDAY,-December 16th, arr. Lana Wilson "The Last Rose arr, Oherthear sented this weekby the Man- 11.15-12.15.—Midday Concert. THE BAND, of Sumimer”’. | chester Station. 3.0.—Speeches at the Opening Cere- * Military Overture” Mendelssohn “ Beliowe Me, If “All Those En- Tuesday, December 15th, being the moiy of the commencement of 10.0,—WratuEen ForRrcast Asn News. dearing Young Charms ” |} day on which the Radio Revel is work on. the Mersey Tunnel, Ministry = Agriculture Talk by arr. Cheshire | held upand down the country, it is relayed from St. George's Dock, Mr. C. &. ORWIN: “ Farming 1) .0.—C lowe clown. fitting that an hour of the Radio 4.0,—A fternoon Topics: Joan Whit- Facts sat Fallacies,” ide } Revel funetion ahold be broncenst, fore 3 ~ Famous CShnateiaa'| jrom London, i SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. | for the benefit of those -who ore unable Diners. Local News. j to attend, thus conveying to them #.15,.—The New Graftonians Dance In Lightcr Vein. | something of the wthmosphere of revelry Orchestra, relayed from the 3.45.—The Lancashire Military Band, 10.30, THE BAND, which will be going on at Belle Vue. Crafton Roome, relayed from the “ Cinderelin | “Ta Cellar Cool (Old German An hour of chamber music, aupphoed 5.15,—C HILDREN'S CORNER. Club's ™ Doll show at the Cry Scng)....arr. Gordon B, Stutely by the Music Society String Quartet, 545, —The "Teens’ Playbox : A Scena Hal'. (Bass Trombone Solo : and Mir: Herbert Hiddoek, bass, will 4.30,—Afternoon Talk: Mise fF. from the Morality Play, eater for the more highbrow section | A. E. FISHER.) Huinphireys, Honolulu.” Everyman." of the Manchester listeners. Included 6.0.—Programmna SLB. from Men- J. BOUTHWORTH 4.45,—Aute-Pians Tiecital by J, Tenor | Kk. A. BROWN in Mir. Etaddock's programmeare three chester, Meadows. W. Harvey Wilson Trombones RK. A. BALL of the Songa ofthe fea seriea, by C. V. 7).Progranuee SB. from Dandeny (Baritone). A. LAVERY Staniord. Following this, a ‘lighte ri T.43.—B8tation Direetor's Talk. - 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Fantasia on American National half-hour is provided, during which Royal Horticultural Bulletin. 6.0,—Musieal Interlude. S.8. from BRB pia wsekarcnncn arr, Tobani Rowton, Mr. Alec Chentrens, the Anglo-French §.0-11.0.— Programme SB. fron Quick Step, “ El Abanico " 7.0.—-Wearther Forecast aNp News, entertainer, will give some enlertain- London, Jaraloyes Mr... CHERRY KEARTON: ing fare from his repertoire. 11.0.—Cloge down. “Some ol My Pets.” 8.8. from The famous Hallé Orchestra and THURSDAY, December 17th. ‘.0.—Afternoon Topics. Dordon. .. Chorus will be heard from oa number SATURDAY, December 19th. 7,25,—Musical Interlude, 8.8, from of stations when they are relaying 4.15,—Gaillard and his Orchestra, 4.0,—Harold Geeand his Orchestra, London. from Manchester on Thureday Je from the Beala Cinema. Messiah. They will, os usual, be §.15.— CHILDREN'S CORNER. from the Trocadero Cinema, T40.—Mr. F. STACEY LINTOTT: o.0.—Afternmom. Topics: Mr. C. W. _isekiy Tate on Sport, conducted by Sir Hamilton eee | 4.30,—Programme 3.8. from Lerndon. | 6.75, —irl-Guidea” Bulletin, Budden,. M.4.: “The Wirral

6.35.—Programme 3.8, from London, Penimeular.”* Jrom| 5.13.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, PRESS NEWS.| 7.0-12.0,—Pregramms ~S.B, STOP London, Musical Initerhade, All listeners will took forward| on January 27th, at which ou 6.30.— Programme SD. from London. FRIDAY, December 18th. 7.0-12.0.—Programme S&B, from to. hearing the Rev. K. Jf. Rt. Hon, T.. P: O'Connor, M.P., Leorcdon, Campbell, Rector of Holy Trinity will| preside, will be relayed {rom | 4.0. -Aitemoon Topics, 4.15.—The Station Piano Quartet and Bughton, who will preach London and other stations. Lagengengs od ajenjanze ae EF Church, Leda Gracey (Soprano). &] = a #* at a Service to be relayed from 5.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER. The Only his church through the London Half-an-hour's transmission of | 6.0.—Programme SB. from Man- the pantomime, Blwebell in Fatry- cheater, World-Programme Paper. Station on Sunday, December land, given at the Chelsea Palace, 7.0.—WREATRER Forecast ann News, 2eth, This Broadcast will take A Summary of the Wireless Papers the place of the ordinary stuclio| will be included in the London for the Week. S.8. from Lon- See the test, | programme on January 1st. ak, service. A recent engineer's '7.15—Mr. R. J. BROADBENT: for which Mr. Campbell preached, = + tt = RADIO In response to numerous re- “The Ol Liverpool Theatre” showed that he has a fine broad- (2). ep SUPPLEMENT casting voice. quests, another transmission of | 7.30.—Programme 8.8, from London, 3 a a * Albert Sandler and Ins Orchestra Classics for Military Band. ForDominionand will be given from the Grand LINDA HERRIOTY. (Sonoran), gee Foreign Programmes Part of the concert in connec- b TOM KINNIEURGH (Baas). tion with the Annual Dinner of Hotel, Eastbourne, through a ai

fer THE 6LV" MILITARY BARD: 4 Federation o f British Musical number of stations, including: Canchuector, Every Friday-———— 2d. the fap Industries, a t the Savoy Hotel, | London, on January 14th. GORDON E. STUTELY., (GY denenfag erfenfesfeo geestexbeeG[A

fea a RADIO TIMES — zDECEMnER lita, 1925, a = eel

5NO- Week 404M. NEWCASTLE PROGRAMMES. Decennber 3th.


Tie=letiers “8.6.printed in itniles In thew | 6.35. ELSIE PRINGLE, | "hood: Mornin, Brothereed 10.0:-Wearacen-Fonemoast anh Newn. Ss signity a Bimattaneoes Broodeast | MGbadoliera:”” ‘ FP. Bridge | shine woes Je Jean | Mr. 0. EB. M. JOAD and Me, J. the atten sant 6. 40. Bay Grigude, Boys’ Life | "Simple * j BTRACHEY-: * After-Dinnet The High-Power (Daventry) | Brigade, and Church Lads’ Simon " Philosophy—Logical Puzzles.” Programme will be found | Brigade Beeb lebati. (uniter Herk ‘| SR. from iondon. on{page 558. 6.45, JENNIE HOOK Parodies ... Behomann) - Haken Local News. The: Nightingales -of Linceln's e Dr. Fis- eel 10.30.— Programme S28, from London, SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. Inn" ('fongs of Old Lon ter” (atter | 1LL.0.—Close down. e tin 1 f Iie roe We:f CaperBhanI Haniel)... 4 3.305.45,.—Progreamme 8.0, from WGiice “Biesek Bcd. 6.10 CARL SHEPHERD, London, mo Pea a : us i i: Forecast } Ne 4 Ah, Moon of My Delight * #0. THE STATION MILITARY nie Dentin Cvececkie Roth Iiza Lehmann| THURSDAY, Dec. 17th. LAND : Arion’: Genaval Talic Intro * Maclelina, * t James| Conductor, EDWARD CLARK. ducedby the Hoa, J. 8. OMIT. “BUA On tbe F l o w e r s ™ | 19.30-12:30.— Prelude to “ Parsifal Wagner | 8.8. from Tendon. Winifred Redpath AfeConnell: F aed | (Pianeforte) Phyllis Bickard 8 15 Studio §.rvies ia, —Musical Interlade. 38.8. from 6.20;—Farmers’ Corner: Prof... Gil-| 1. Sa christ, Beasonible Notes, | 4 ey P 7 mnTHEiF "SNO " igCHORAL* 7.40. Prof,Sone oF A. MEEK, D.Be.,ZS, 6.35 CARL SHEPHERD. Ota sh abbdis ea py ‘The Soft Southern Breese “ 4.15.—Mosic from Coxon s ivew fsa BOCIET Y OCTET. - “The Tyne Salmon: Fisheries Riaridy lery Restaurant, 2 “O Bone desu Maleatrina and the Pollution of the “esd Duleis. Memoria *' Vittoria Ri ear. ‘When Rooks Fly Homeward "| eae Mayhew : Beauty Culture The Rev. FREDERICK (¢69. THE BELLE OF NEW) a Ate j | ak. Add SAVORY, | YORK." a EE, renrie fora na | 6.45: WINIFRED FISHER, mw) 6.45.—CHILDREN’S CORNER, “A Sprig of Heather." 5.45. STDONTE GOORSENS SS ; | 10.0.—W nm Fonecast ann News.: | The Choral Bocicty. ProfJULIAN S. HUXLEY Four Old Irish Adrs as (Harp Recital). Age Vern scsi: Afozert “Tha Stream of Lite—The| a art, H. Brewer WILLIAM HENDRY(Baritone). 8.40. The Fand. | hoe ast | Byes";When the "A WorldQueer Story-of the}| ALFREDaD M. WALL; (Violin)ahs = iin 1 Friday Music **uf ‘ Parsi. | Local “News | oy bie i I We“ot (bot A Wealk- } ED W A RD J. RELL {Flute} fal) aon . Wagner 39,30. STATION FEATURE, mg’; Don't Bay No." THE STATION ORCHESTRA: . 8.0. atlas FoRecast anp News. MILES HALLESON IN | 7.0.—Wearwan“ Forecast axp News. Conductor, EDWARD CLARE. Local News. iu RECITALS. | Musical Sounds—Piano, Organ, | 7:0.—Wearmen Forecast axp News B15. The Band. noe: hovers. | Hells, ete.” Talk prepared by| : ee : WwW. Ci WHITTAKER Overture: in (© for ae Band ? : | the late Prof. E. H. BARTOS,| " Community Singing. ” ifemmelzanin | | PD: Bp, a, Frou Landon. = ¥ ae 9.50.Scene BTORM. (Soprano). TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. | 7.25,.—Musical Interlude. 8.8. from | 7.25,—Musical Interlade, 5,2, from whl Jaton, | Lunidon. ; sf Shy eA t (rustay Holst i11.d0-72.:30.—ireta Fottcall (Boprans, 7.35.—Royal Horticultural Society) 7.40.—'THE MESSLAH." 5.0, “Mesrolless “Beauty.” hls a. Taylor (Cornet), Gramophone Talk. + from Afaneieater, Foughan Willams Records, 740.—Lieut.-Col. G. RK. EB. SPAIN,| 845,—Po0ETREY READING. SA, 9.40. The Band. |4.0-8.0 Children’s Revel CRG, BSA. An Aéocunt from. omen, “Sadko "' (‘Tableau Musical) | relayed from The Old Assembly of the Medimval Fortress of g99—"« THE MESSIAH" (Contin: Ronsky-Koreake| :; Roorte. Neweastle-npon-Tyne” i ved). SB, from Manchester Polonaige from Third: Orchestral | Dancing—Games—Competition i Bulle: Siew ate Tchaikovsky | Fancy Dresy Parade, | 0. NEWCASTLE sympHony* | 2°°920.—Progremmei —Pragrnme &.5.5.2. from 1 LonLou. oleae 16,0. THE STATION ORCHESTEH A. 10:0. POETIC. INTERLUDE, ORCHEST EA: : | Conductor : i GORDON LEA Conductor, EDWARD CLARK. SIR HAMILTON HARTY. "The Hound! of Heaven" Prelude to" Nais Mesoulin " Overtare, “Meistersingers + FRIDAY, Dec. i8th. Froncis Thompeon Aifred runeanu LPR a Descriptive Symphony,Thy Raval Symphony No. 1 in C Sian | 3.90,—Transmission to. Schools-:. Dy, 10,10. KATINEA STORM. Hunt. and Storm (‘The Iro- Braking | G. BR. Groldsbraingh., Fy RAL. * Onthe “Third ee. ee jans "’} A Sims Reeves Programme "The Wonders: of the Havens “The Stabird " a j Sinang i Borie: ore, Feliz. Fourdtan | “1 Had i Sweet) Impressions of Italy CAerpenticr | iy —(TET) (omebs. * lear" Sigurd Lie | Serenade; At the Fountain; At | HERBERT THORPE (Tenor), 4.0.—Taik. Sno eae Mules; mn the Sunainits ; With Interludes by 4,15;—Muste from Tilley's Restaurant, 10.20. The Rand. Draped acta Guana 6.15..CHILDREN'S CORNER, Sate, “ English Folk Songs " | 640.—Badio Association Talk, Kh. Vaughan Willams 7.0.—Wrartee Fonrcasr any News. | 9:0, HERBERT THORPE. | EY ELINE STEVENSON " Seventeen Come Sunday fee t) ROBERTS, B.A, * Popm| ir. he Geoth of Nelson * Braham| (Soprane), “My Bonny. Boy"; “ Folk | igins Abbey." “My Pretty Jane" ....., Bishen| MARY JARRAD. (Contralto}, Songs from Somerset.’ '7.25.—Musical Interlude: 8.8. fran | “Wheereear Tou Walk" Handel} DORIS LEAR (Cello}, EERO tresses sd eae is iaeiete Hana ef -| dino, SEENNIE a snsnay sen ecis Schubert 60. EVELINE STEVENSON, 10:35.—Ulose down. | 7.40.—Me, JAMES AGATE + Drama. | ‘Come Into the Garden, Manuel Deh Vieni Non. Tardarc' ("The tie Criticiam. S828. from Jon- | 2 a : 7) Fal fs | Marriage of Figs” | ,;. Jfgeart | on, BS, PONT. FARRELL, “A War Song” (Copied from MONDAY, Dec. 14th, 90—NEWCASTLE'S RADIO} Une-etep, “ Naughty Girl" M.S. British Museum) Purcell font Farrell REVEL, trelaved from The ‘A Pastoral" cn Ve ree he yar “ Noon-Heverie {irom ‘* May-| 5.30.—Transmission to Behools; Mr. | Old Assembly Rooma. DORIS LEAR, Bdgar Li, Bainken, = Appre- | 9.0-2.0:—Progranme8, from Dinr- Day Suite "ps. diison: Travers | ae 7 vs ciutionof Music (Blementary) “ en, * The KRecking Horse” | Two Old Trish ee Shary CLE}. font Farrell | Sally thee ha 4.0.—Waekly. News Letter, “Some of the Tunes We Dance} Asa a Bong Ene en 4.15.—Musi from Fenwick's Terrace |'WEDNESDAY,Dec. 16th.| To“ (20d Edition) tle Maiden.” ao Tea Loom. err. Tani Farrell i Alleprs AU PSLSsd ona Aaaete Ae 5,.15.—-CHILDREN'S CORNER. 3.50:—Tranannssion ta Schools: Mer, 8.0 HERBERT THORPE, | 6.20 MARY JARRAD, JENNIE HOOK (Soprano). Eric Barber; 3A... “" Revision ' Tam Bowling" ’ Dibiten | 1 Littl Silver Bin tay ELSIE PRINGLE [¥iolin). ‘Fest, ally mn he Adbey ic Carey | wf haminade 6,0. ELSIE FRINGLE. 4.0-—Mers,. Ona. Rodenhurst,. " Mes, | “The Lark ‘Now Lenves His | in EE o Wat'ry Nest? conc, Hatton| Who'll Bry My rope3 sc Tro Ma vements from Sonate in F Gaskell’s Enelatd— The -Rom- Major: ou. _ Grieg Fae cot Whithy,* i "Lend Me Your Aid” ("The ¥ . fe eon 6.10, JEN NEE “HHOOK. 4.15. —Musxme from Feuwick’s Terrace Cyber of Shebw “'}. ... ae u Lovely Night pee R hi rA Summer ‘Tea KRioom 8.45. TON FARRELL, sa Nghe Night "1 (Indian Love 5.15.—CHILDREA EH UDR EH, Some different opinions on “ Show|| 6 ad EVELINE STEVENSON, ate|Temple Lyrica "") WINIFRED FISHER (Soprano), Me the Way to Go Home"; | ‘' Crabbed Age and Youth " CARL SHEPHERD (Tewse}. toch, Se:ariatti, Binding, Mon- | Parry 1 Ll nica Woodforde-Pinden 6.0, WINITFRED FISHER. delssohn, Corieg oe OT UP OUEy ssaecceccens Rantect: the. Dost" “Do You Beltteve In Fairies?" + Horsey, Keeop eTour Tail Up” oA Ton “Bol (* The Mavic 6.20:—Farmers” Cotner: Mr, BK. Ww. Woteslig Charlies —Dobuserpluye hy Beethoven, | Flute "y nea sirnee! dase : Afaricc Wheldon: ‘Feeding ‘Trials “ The Memory of You™ and Chopin. with Fattening Cattle ". (LL). Afontegue Gunning (By Request.) | (Continued on the next page.)


Decestnek Live, 1925] -——- RADIO TIMES fiat eel _ Se So — = ——_—_—————S Newcastle Programmes. 6 KH Hull Programmes. ooo Mi, (Continued from the previous page.) Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th.

oe a eel SS TES asa ==a=

6.40—Talk by the RAC. | 7.40:—Mr.JOHJOHN KENMIR: “ Asso- | oe SUNDAY, December 13th. i..—Powolnv's Restaurant Bijou 6.45. DORIS LEAR. ciation Football,” 0-Boh 1 Programmes S838, J Peerrs Orehestra., z | Nocturne and Roundelay j $.0—-10.30-4 London, 7.0.—Wrataer Forecast Axo News, 8ST. HILDA'S BAND: * lrned Trowell MONDAY, December 14th. A Summary of iio Wireless. Pa- Conductor, JAMES OLIVER, pera for the Week. 8.2. from 11,.80-12,50:—Creamephadne esords, 6,0. LARRY JARBAB. ETHEL STAS LEY “The Glory of the Sea " 3.15.—Hammend'’s Catt Trio, under j repli, |Wexea Soprano ae ] e: The Rev, tt. a JORDAN, DD. Supe Pett | the Direchon of FW, Dove: 8.0. THE BAS DD), Litt.D., Talk on Psvehology— | 4,0,— Afternoon ‘Tapies, es Poet's Life rr ; rates Elgere Overtine, *! Napoleon ee ea “Psychology and Religion.” | h15.—Pield’s Octagon Gimrtet, under “My Resting Place" . Sehabert | Selection, “ Rog Marie rim! | the Direction ofJ. A. Rodgers, Tals Pyrngrenime Pe ace London, 7.0.—Wearhes PF imecasr amp News, §.20, ETHEL STANLEY. 6,15.— 0h ildren"sLetters: Vocal Evening. A-Summary of the Wireless Pap- | “ Disencthantment."* OLIAN LADIES 22h,LDRENS CORNER. Oo CHE HULL evs for the Week. ae, hram Wr iane fre do GCatfard Ob, —Powolny ‘es Restuarant Biju Or- CHOOT: London, | Nature's Sleep” Leehie Bill chestra, Wier the Patecionm of Conducted by " Bleep, Little RNase ™ 7, 7. BROSSINGTON, T15.—Mr. J. W. BULLBERWELE, Edward Sikhs, Bravest A wetin M.Be., ‘' Newtastla im the | 7.0-21.0,: Progra3.5. from Lon- = Annie Laurie : err. Miephercon “Ay Love Dwelt na Nortlrerm Eighties.” ; B40. THE BAND, cherries 7.50.—Musical Interlude. &.2. from Suite, Ballet Egyptien * Lae are ge eg teas Eiger TUESDAY, December 15th. ee DORIS HELL (Sopranc}) and London, 10.—Musie relayed from the Majestic 7.40,—Mr, G. A. ATKINSON + “heen Trombone Halo, i Firefly ‘* Masa BESSIE TOMLINGON Picture Howse. (Contralta}. j on the Sereen,” Sit, frou IH ABROLD LAYCOK ‘K.) 4.0.— Afternoon Topice. Duet, “In Spring Time” FE, Austia facet. 18.46, ETHEL STANLEY. 4,15.— Field's Octagon Onartet, under 3.10. FOHN BIRCH. ; £0. THE STATION ORCHESTBA | When Vion Are (id °* the Ditection of J, H, Rodgers, “How Thirtlewhtstlo Flucked the Canduchor, BEDWABT CLARK, | Wilfred Sanderson fiA.—Ovildren’s Letters, Amn Tarkey.”* Foxtrot ere eer ges: Arie A Fat Lil" Feller: Wid His o20.—UCHTLDRES & GORA ER. " 2.20 GEORGE JEFFCOCK (Baritone) “ Trois Petites Pitces Montées Mammy's yes ™ é.0,—Powolny’s Restaurant Bijou Or- “Vision Fogitive 7 Miaasenet ri& Ralie | Sortdan Gerda thestira, under the Direction of “Wander Thirat * London Aovaldt * The Nothing-Doing Bar *' (“Le | "Pan and the Fairies ™ | elwerd Srubbe. ek Sure... ine: Gooattey Bot sur le Pot") ! Eracet Dairsen | 6.40,—Hull Wireless Society's Talk. 5.00), DOROTHY KITCHEN Dariva Milkovad | 9.0, THE BAND. i30.—-Powolny's Resteurant Bijou ( Mezzo-Boprana), Cinema-Symphony iri South Lorne, Bolo, ** Titania Hi Rimaver| Opelra. “Oh! That It Were So" Anerichin Airs, Fox-trat, Toy Drum Major ” LO-20 am. —=Prepine Soh Sram Frank Bridge aft THE LONDON BADIO Vichiatis | fondon. When-Love Is Kind * arr. Aso. REPERTORY PLAYERS Fantaisie, ‘* A Bailor’s Lite’ Cope WEDNESDAY, December 16th. "A Birthday a aa Cen in 016. TILLEY'S DANCE BAND. ) 2.15.— Hammond's Café Trio, under 3.40, FAWCETT EVANS. “THE QUEST OF ELIZA- Relayed: from thie: the Direction of BR. W. Dove. Tu Selections from his Repertoire BETH," Grand Assembly Rooms, Barras 4.0.—Afternoon ‘Topics. 8.50, THE CHOIR. { Regina ld Berkeley} i Bridge, 4.15,—Field’s Octagon Quartet, under “The Cloud” .. Porsy Flecher 1 10.0.—Weirter Forecacr asp News. “The Snow *' Elgar Cast: the Direction of J. H. Rodgers. | Mr. .WAGSTAFFE-SIMMONS : 15,—Children‘'s Letters, DORIS BELL (Soprano, Elizabeth .. LORNA HUBBARD “Boonen. 3.8, from London, | Mr. E. TEASDALE Nurse... JEAN SHEPHERD 25.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Loral News. 0.—Powolny's Kestaurant: Bijou (ie seo-Bopranc) Bister 10.30.—THE MAYFAIR MYSTERY. Orchestra, under the Direction } and BESSIE TOMLINSON CONSTANDUROS | MABEL SB) freon Loader, ot Exlveard Stubhe, (Contrabto), Dr. Hobday MICHAEL HOGAN 1L0.—THE SAVOY BANDS. SB. 9 Progranune &,i. front Landon, Trio, “ A Legend of Mullaghmast™ Davy Jones from Ponidon. Tok—Royal Horticultural Society Obd- Frisk Aire VICTOR LEWISOHN 12.0. Close down, Hulletin, 2.0. CEORGE JEFFCOCKE. I Song Cyele, " When Spring Cames Sir Aubrey HEN EY O80 -AE i—_—_—_—_— 7,.40-11.0.— Pregramme 8B from Lone fort. tothe: Tslandac .c.5 oc... 0 Dorr Jack Horner HERBERT EGss NEWCASTLE NEWS. 10. DOROTHY KITCHEN. This is-a tale of pathos, the acme THURSDAY, December 17th. “Songs My Mother Taught Me™ ward in a i PESBAY, Pesember: " 15th, 13) | 1130-12.‘ ee3.—Gramophone; = Records, of which is a casualty orate large hospital, and-in course of | the day fixed for Newonstle's| . 1.0.—Music relayed oHfromtae the Majestic Two Xpans Bonga, . » Cornelia char a c t e r , Radio Revyele.. In the oftenioon, the Ficture Hose. whieh, the principal ; 220. FAWCETT EVANS, a child tamed Elizabeth, has a lechildren will havea revelof their 4.0.—Afternoon Topica, Tn Further Selections from his wision of Taith and r e - | own, whith will be held in the Old 4,13.-—Field's Octagon Quartet, onder| childtish Rapertoire. LIPLLERTL The sketch might be | Asperbly Rooms, Westgate Road, from the Direction of J, H. Rodgers, ifomr o'clock till ste ofcloek, “This O30 5 THE CHOI. taken fs 2. comment upon the oe —Chitiren’s letters, | will take the form of a fancy cress “Ve Banks and Graces“ OPIS of those who world i.2t.—CHILDRENS CORNER. Irish Air, * Follow Me \ mh P. have us believe that children reception, and the revel will include i, Powolny's Restiarrarit Bijou Chr. poames, competitions, aml dancing. Down to Carlow" ; | Pleicher are nok capable of sustaining chestra, tiider tha Direction | Music will be provided by Mr, H, M. DORIS BELE, fuith ‘tn an after life of Palward Stubbs, | Pella band. Tt i¢ expected that the $.35.—Market Prices. for Farmers. iim. FU TRASDALE, 910—SAM WALLETS CONCERT Farl and Countess of Tankerville Miss BOWES (Contralta) PARTY will entertain, S08. Pronk De iedonts tml BESSIE TOMLINSON, will be present at the gathering. The 6.40.—Boy Scouts’ Talk: Mr. L. BE. 10,0,— Weather Forecast anp News. | Karl and Countess are well kuown to Quartet, “Love Bone’ oBrehnaes Ministry of Agriculture Talk by Nicholson, Local Representa- 0.40 | the children as Unele Genn andAunty ee DOROTHY KITCHEN, ORWON: . * * Farm- tive of tho Beverley Bee- Mr. Cc. 8: | Miriam, at the Newesaetle Children’s Two Nursery Rhymes ing Facts and Fallacies." Sf. Keepers’ Association, “ Honey | Comer, The ticketa for aclmissionto Words.” Herbert Hinges from ondon, “Trotter Foster"; “Queen af | thie. revel will be 29, td. A Hinited i.50.—Powolny's Restaurant Bijou Lecal News Hearts.” | number of seata in the balcony will be “Onohestra. 10.30. Other Stations. 0.50, CEORCE JEFRPOOCK. laveilable to loockéersam ofa charge 7,0-12.0,—Programe SL. fram Lon- 11.0,—Close: down, lof one shilling. The proceeda of the * Wolly Ochona"2. Laven Lemon revel will go to the Fleming Memorial cut, “A Dinder Courtship" Hoepital for Children. FRIDAY, December 18th. Erie Coofes SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. The evening revel will be held at 11.90-12.30.—Gramophone Kecorda. 10.0-11.1.—Programme 3.8. from Lon | the Old Assemble Rooms, and pre- 3,15.—Hammond'’a Cafe Trio, under agi. 11.30-12.30.—Susan Briggs (Contralto). l gent at the revel will be Lord and Lady the Direction of B. W. Dove, A. D. Holmes (Horn). | Armstrong, the Earl and Countess of 3.30,—Tranemiisston bo. Behools : SATURDAY, December 19th, 4,0.—Miss Norah Balls, The Call of | Tankerville and the Lord Mayor and i.0.—Music relaved from the Majestic the Open Air—Christmas Out | Lady Mavyoress of Newcastle, For LO. —Afternoon Topics. Picture House, of Doors.” | this oceasion, @ special extension has bh15.—Field's Octagon Qoartet, On- 4.).—Aftemoon Topica, : 4.15.—Music from Coxon's New Gal- heen grented, ond there will be dancing dor the Dhrection of J. HH. 4.15,—Field’s Octagon Quartet, under lery. Restaurant. from & p.nt. until ] am. Tilley’s Dance Rodgers: the Direction of J, H. Rodgers, 6.15—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Orehestra, which ia eo well known to f.15.—Children‘s Letters. &.15.—Children'’s Letters, oe 7.0.—Wearnyn Forecast ana News. | Northern listeners, will be in atten: h2o.—CHILDRES3 CORNER, 5.25.—_CHILDREN'S CORNER. ” Mr. «CHERRY REARTON : ldance, under the leadership of Mr. 6,0,—Powolny’s Restaurant Bijou Or- 6.0.—Powolny's Restaurant Bijou Or. ‘Some O£ My Pets.“ 3 . 2 , | Willis Walker, Dt ia-also hoped to relay chesira, under the Direction of chestra, under the Direction of from Londen, Continental dance bands, and huge Edward Stubbe. Edward Stubbs, 7.25,—Musical Interlude,8. from loud speakers will be fixe] in various 6.40,—Weekly Football Talk by Mr. 7.0-12.0.—Programme SLB. fron Lon. Lender, | parts of the huildmg. J. Granville &tephens, dor, a

—— RADIO TIMES — [Deckmsen lira, 1925.

SGOWPROGa RAMMES._ WeekBesinuing December 1th. GLA a == = : a ok ts :: The fetter: 3.8." printed im italics In these | 7.0.—Weratien Forecast axp News, | $.45.—M. Albert le Grip, H.A., LL.B., | 7.30. Seattish Regiments Series—No. 1. mma wignily o Hmaltiansous Broadesst | “Opportunities Overseas; Bouth Officer d'Academie: Frencli £0, THE STATION ORCHESTRA, m ibe station mentioned, Afries "> General’ Talk intro: | Talk. Conducted by ua ~The Wireless QOniartet. Spene The High-Power (Daventry) duced by the Hon. J. F. HERBERTA. CARRUTHERS, Programme will be found | BMIT. &.8, from London, Malcolm (Violin), Belecthon, “Manon *! §.0.—Afternoon. Topres-: Mias §=Dun- | on page 554. | Lowal News, ' Massenef-Tavan Musical Interlude: 5.8. from | nett, of the Glasgow and West | 219, Planotorte Recital London. of Scotland College of Domestic ee SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. | 7.4). Prof. €. G. BARKLA, F.R.5., Sctente, The Christmas Cake." | LEFF POUISHNOFF, | Afternoon Concert. 1, Nobel Lanireibe in 6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, Overture in D Major 8.8. to Doenedec. Physics)" Heat. The orth's eeee Forecast fot | adtiy | Hoat.” S58. from Edinburgh. BESSIE MUTRTE fContralio}.-| aPROe ra. Melohein D Minor ... 2.5. frites Li—

DeceMarr litm, 1925.) — RADIO TIMES — Sao

= — = ee —= l = So — =

Glasgow Programmes, 2E | Dundee Programmes. 331 M. (Continued from the previous page.) Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th.

115,—Mr. T. THORNTON Me- Facts and Fallacies.” 8.8. f r o m| SUNDAY, Dicuss 13th. | 11.0-12,0.—Dande KEITH: “ Natural History— London. Music by OTHE $-30-5.30.—AFTERNOON CON- GEORGIANS,” relayed from Ineeeta,™ Local Newa, CERT. 38.2. from Glasgow. the Poluis de Danse. ‘Local News. 10,30,— Programe 3.5, fron Doridon, 6.30-5.45.—Rev. B.T. Butcher, 8&2. jrom London, | FRIDAY, December 18th. Rousicn devterliucde, oe: from L1.0.—Cloae down. | 3.00.—La Scala Orchestra : FF. Rout- Landon: | 8.00. Studio Service. pais1 leloe Gall, Musical Director, 7.40.—Mr. G, A, ATKINSON: “Seen | SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. Co a ae —Mabel Taylor (Mezso-Boprans). on the Bereen." 8.8. from ee ries By as Lt | o0.—Miss GB. Sheppard ; French 4.0.—The Wireless Quartet. Bioss London, Talk. Variety. Herron (Sopnrans), (Bonnethill United Free Church) Psalmnnethull United Free Church). |. 15 cHILDREN'S CORNER, 5.0.—Afternoon Topica: Mra. Ellis, | 25; J-#, Tune: ‘Seren: ROY HENDERSON Rhea | 5.50.—Childlren’s Letters. “Medicine sre Burgery if j Praver, 6.0,.—Musiea! Interlude, (Barttone), China." [VOR JAMES Hymn No, 236 (Church Hymnary), 6.30.— Programe 5.8. from London, £.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Address: by the Rev. A, 4, | nhié,—" 2D." Sports Corner. (Solo Wiolonecellao}, Te % ade = THE STATION REPERTORY| 9-7cotner *orecaxt for MARSHALL. 7.30.—Prograntme 8.8, from Loudon, Far- Hymn No. 556 (Church Wymnary le aul THE SCOTTISH ASSOCTA- COMPANY. Ss tee * TION FOR THE SPEAKING THE STATION ORCHESTRA: 51-—Musioel Anterinde, 5.2). from Benediction. : Os Hymn No. 633. OF VERSE, Corclipebed by The Praise will be led by it Speaker— HERBERT. A; CARRUTHERS, 6.30.—Radio Bocieiy Talk. BONNETHILL UNITEDFREE _ JEAN TAYLOR SMITE. 6.40,.—Musical Interlude, 6.0, IYOR JASTES, SB, from CHURGH CHOIR : : Aiton Water” sess Bonata in D Minor 2.3... Cerelli Lendon., Under the Leadership of | Tam Glen oo. cisccces 7.0.—WeEATHER Forecastanp News.| Minuet in D Major .... Ramean ROBERT. BAYNE, | = Yeo Banks and Brass” Mr. CHERRY KEARTOR : “My Love is Like ao 8.15. ROY HENDERSON, “Some of My Pets." 8.8. from : ) §.0-10.90.— Programme 8. fron Riedl, Red Rose" ... }itobert * Dnder the Gineen- London, London, ie May a raw wool Tree... Aine. Coates Local News. i Who is Sylvia”. 7.40.—" ELIJAH ™ (Part. Tj). 4.8. MONDAY, December 14th. ‘i ae renee Burns “OQ Mistress Mine *) i Jrom Belfast, | 4.0,—Restairant Mitsie From Draffen's, ton Anderson, My | under the Direction of John | a Phsins's Mak Tank abso un “Blow, Blow “Tito, Ff Qhiititer A Contrast. Winter Wind * ..J WALTER TODD (Entertainer). 5.0. [Afternoon Topics GetnaaBe “Kitty, My Love, Will You THE STATION ORCHESTRA: | 6.15—CHILDREN'S CORNER. fica MaeNoil Marry Me?” or. A. Hughes Conducted by 5. 50.—Childlinon's- Letters: 7% : a ci Oer ee ee : a eteni ISAACTHE ORCHESTRA.LOSOWSEY. ae Tnterlude. ~ Hans Helen of Fuckeovinel aie Apres un Reve "....., 8.50.—Selection, “Ato Z" ..Movello |i 7.40,—Prof.Gai fl. PrarieC. G. BARKLA:SH. froin Landon.“ The “Myis yr, BoyTaouniei i te ee‘e oe * Romance sans Paroles "> Four WALTER TODD Barth's Het," oo From | a Hector MacNeil! * Bercouse de Dolly ™ Will Be Heard but Not Seen, “Trish Ai" .. Herbert Hughes idenourg. JOHN PETRIE DUNN THE (ORCHESTRA. I 6.0.—Pree ravine Sum from Lendan, (Pianoforte) 6.45. ROY HENDERSON, Selection, “ The Officer's Mera" 10.30—1 1.0.—Programme 5.8, from. DD. MILLAR CRAIG (Cello), Brakes “ Phvrilis¢ Has- Boch WALTER TODD Glasgow, JAMES G, CAMERON Charming Graces" , la. Lane _ TUESDAY, December 15th. (Baritone), Audible Ono Mone, “The Pretty Creature “| Witten 11,30—-12-30.—Eecital of New Uramo- | 820. JOHN -PETRIE DUNK, “My. Lovely Cela? ..J THE ORCHESTRA, phone Records. Minuét in D Selection, “ Bric-&-Brac ™ “To Anthea * 4 1.20.—La Scala Orchestra: F. Rout- Cigue in G Sees eee ee ee Afocari Monnkion and Finck “Simeon the Cellarer “/ Hation ledge Beal, Mosties! Director, Appendix to the Symphonic 10.0.—WrEatHer FoRecast ano News. 4.30.—John A, Akrivg (Baritone), 0.0, THE ORCHESTRA. Local News, Studies, Op, lz "ib Benak o.0,—Afternoon Topic. Capricoto, Op; 110, No. 3 Brahns Th a Lover's Garden ™ 10,30.—THE MAYFAIR MYSTERY. i.15.CHILDREN'S GCORNER, 8.45. J5AALS i. CAMERON, Ketelbey 1LO.—THE SAVOY BANDS, 38-38. 0lhbeens Letiers, Dedication * ... 9.10. * OFERHEARD.” fram London. 0.0.—Misical Interlude, T Murmur Not a Sehinionn 7 i Z down, A Piay in One Act by 12.0.—Cinse 6.30.—Propane 8.8, from Tandon. ‘Love Song” H. Leslie Harcourt, | 7.10.—Puof, W. PEDDIE, D.Se., | Gracious and Kind} Brakins Persons Represented : “Colour Vision,” SB. to Art Thou, my Queen" Scovish Shartiens, The Girl JESSTE aTEVENSON 8.0. D. MILLAR CRAIG and GLASGOW 7.25,—Programme 3.8.. from London, JOHN PETRIE DUNN. Two Crooks— NEWS. Boy, Chicago Susan “ Radio Revel.” Gonate in A Major, Op. 60, for ISTHE HE outstanding event in this Relayed from Marryat Hall. Cello and Pianoforte Li Chang . Pertaeetteae T week's progeamane ia the return 99-2-0 a.m.—FProgramme $B. froin | i Aeethoven Inspector Moreton, of the C.1.D. “it of M. Left Pouishnoff for two London. a.30. JAMES G. CAMERON. RONALD acoTyT |ocessve Tagihta, This farmous artiat, WEDNESDAY, December 16th. |, Eleanore = -.. Coleridge ‘Taylor A Police Constable who is to be in Great Britain for a few | $3.30,—La Scala Orchestra: F. Bout- | “An Old English Love aang“ J. LIVINGSTONE DYKES ¥e?*s: prior to a concert tour in ledge Bell, Musical Director, | a Allitsen The Landlady America, has just returned from a 4.30.—Frederick L. Newnham (Bari. | * Hope, the Horn Blower ‘SUSIE MAXWELL Successful tour on the Continent. tone). are ‘ John Ireland A Doctor LESTER WARWICK canesneoe ae Sleaor in §.0, Bayne”astern “ Onco Upon - Droop Not, Young La re with : a Time.” : cnn TheThe aa& = oeIaid i — aoe one (thefhober,StationMd. PouishnottAugmentedoombinedOrchestra, |5.15—CHILDREN’S CORNER. | JOHN PETRIE DUNN, a Won room leading conducted by Mr. Herbert A, Car- 5.50.—Children’s Lotiors, Schereo from Op, 16 mes =e ruthers, in the Rachmaninofl Concerto, 6.0.—Musical Interlude, ; GF Mendelssohn ee ee ; jand not only were listenera delighted 6.20.—Programme 8.8. from London. | Pantaisie—Impromptu, Op. a I rirse a tn vou | with the -Palenical aera hg the artist msnontghece A a a 1 Se “iced eee ae re pines If ne your- expressed the wigh to jain foros agaim =x eed of the Times.” at. iia eee deli in the place of the Operator woe the Glasgow Gatecaw. Sadak $.0,.—Programme SB. from Glasgow. | “ Le Bavolot Flottant ” Couperin eo in- eea prioigies ja. to -be PANErave SH. from cedeilaaan SB. from : : you & peer every- wo fewbure, fh ns appropriate | One onL, = dhaadderLine been hehe arene Coonsiot_ the programme will be) THURSDAY, Decessher 17th. | SATURDAY, December. 19h the Teechver has been jet} off the |entizely, Ruavion, and will include the 11.30-12.30.—Recital of New Gramo- 4.0.—lRestaurant Music from Draffan’s, ionmare ncaa aie ae sparkling Suite of Stravinsky, ~* The phone Records. onder the Direction of John Presented by Fire Bird. 4.0.—Restaurant Music from Draffen's, Reid. MUNGO M. DEWAR On the Thursday evonne M. Pouish- | under the Direction of John | 5.0.—Afternoon Topic. and GEORGE ROS. nofl will give o recital at 6.15 p.m., Reid. | f.14.—-_ CHILDREN'S CORNER. anon the same night aspecial feature | 5.0.—Afternoon Topic. || 5.50. Childiren'a Letters, 6.40. THE ORCHESTRA. called " Dreama ” will be provided by | Four Pieces, Op. 26 2.2 rim 5:15—CHILDREN'S CORNER. | 6.0.—Musical Interlude. Misa Mary Ferrier, soprano, and the -50.—=(hildiren’s. “ March of the Crusaders " Finck Letters, | 6.20.—Programme SH. from London. Station Urohestra, with Mer, aod Mrs, 6.0.—Musical Interlude. | 7.30.—P SB. . Belfast, 10.0.—Weaturr Forecast sp News: A. Patry Gunn in a Dream Play by 6.15.—Girl Guides’ Bulletin. '| 8.50.—Programnte 8:8. from Glasgow. Minittry of Agriculture Talk by ! Ernest Dowson, called Tike Pierrot of 6.30-11.0.—Programme 8.8. from | 100-12.0.—Programme SB. Mr. C. 8 ORWIN: “ Farming | the Minute. Lomwlon, k Loman, a

ae scbatize ee _—— | Dee EMBER Tin, 1925, =aee 9

| 2BE Week Bestuniee 440M. BELFAST PROGRAMMES. . December 13th.

The letters "8.8." printed in italics in these 5.9. PAULINE Ba REEF. Cast : French Tango, “The Song of progra 2s shenity a Simultaneous Broadcast Mazurlin Flaseelmiany from teeetation mentioned, Elizabeth ... LORNA HUBBARD| Love... Faraldi ad Coelnian ee | 5,10, THE ORCHESTRA. Nursa-...... JEAN SHEPHERD| Waltz, “Land of Dreams Come SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. | Suite, ** Rastie Revels mW Fleteher Bister | Troe ™ ifedley and Strachey Mar the * El Abanico" " Javadoye 4 MABEL CONSTANDUBOS | Fox-trot,; “Jack and Jill." i 4.30-5.45.—Programme 8.0% from | 539 CHILDREN'S CORNER. Dr. Hobday MICH ABL HOGAN | : Hedley and Strachey L00 wt, Dayy Jones Fox-tro, “TTithe ca Littl One- 6.10-6,15.—Children’s Lettors, $.30.—SERVICE and Address by the ; VIeTOR LEWISOHN Re ayaa tienen Youmans Rev. H. I. L. SHEPPARD. T.0.—WEATHER FoRECAST AND NEWS: Sir Aubrey... HENRY OSCAR | ee Medley” ...... Williams RKelayed from St. Martin-in-the Prof. G. 800 TT RUBERTSON , Jack- Horner HERBERT EOSS| Waltz, " The Melody That Made Fiells. S.0h from: Joondlon, hn 4 of the Bi nistey of Agri- This is a tale of pathos, the scene| You Myje™ .... » Polls $0.—Wearuen Forecast asp News. collure LBL} “The Manur- of which isa casualty ward in «A Pox-trat, dave You ‘Best of Local News. ing of Pastures.’ large hospital, and in course of AD ‘ ! Bittle.ILAi | 15—DPE GROOT and. the PLGA Local. News. which, the principal character, | Fox-tret, * Zanzibar DILLY (2CHESTERA. a Tecd.—Mitstcal Interlude, 5.8. from a child nimed Elizabeth, bias a | Mackey ond Lowry " roam Janddm. London, childish yision of faith and'| ‘Medley of Medleys ... Somers 10.30. aalose down, T.40.—Mr..TAMES AGATE: Drama- reunion. The cketch might be | Fox-trot, ‘* Charleston ™ ' tic Criticism 3.8. fram DLon- taken as a comment upon the . Mack and Jonnaton thom, opinions of these who would Fox-teot, '' Toy Drum Major ™ , MONDAY, Dec. 14th. 8.0.—VARIETY. 8.8. from London. have ws belteve. that children ; an: Wieholia of sustaining | Foxtrot, “" Tom Mix" i $0.—"RADIO REVELS."" &.8, are not ¢apeble 4.0.—Miss Florence Trwin: Talks faith -in-an after life. 1 Clark and Strong Christmas from Joandow. for Housewives, “ 9.10. THE ORCHESTRA. Fox-trot, By the Lake” Lange 10.0.—Werner Fomecast axo News, Fare—Icing the Plum (Unake,”’ | Symphony in o Op.21 Aretherven | 10.0-12,0.—Fregranme SH. from 1 Local. News, THE STATION ORCHESTRA. 9.35,—< Suite Ne: dss Za, ** Bilhow- London. DOROTHY CRA 'Contralto). ee RADIO REVELS" (Con- elies"' ... view Aremehy 4,15, THE ORCHESTRA - Lined}. Overture, ‘The Land of the ‘ Btudents March ™ ios Marche 2.0 a.m.-——Close down. Meantein. und the Flom “ Game | des Etudianis.") Af eetnia FRIDAY, Dec. 18th. 1 Overture in C, Op. 24 I 10.0.—Wrirnrn Forecast ann News. | Afenale freon ae | Mr: C._E. HM. IOAD and i J. | 1130-12. 30.— Gramophone Heeord:, qo. DOROTHY CRALG. | WEDNESDAY,Dec. 16th. * Morning Hymn *' . MWenaehel | Philos ay-Loekeat Ponies” ,2-0.—School Transmission ; Mr. J. A. =k Fiornoon ‘Talk, : ees A ear Stendall,.‘' Introduction to the "Time's Gaiden” SH, yron ondam. Bi wide ee Goritg Thomas 4.15. ~The Belfast Ratio Quarteb. 10.30.— Programe. 3.8. from London. | ye at “Four By the Clock" | dfaliin- 5.@1.—CHILDREN'S CUORSER, 12.0,.—Close down. 4.0.—S8ir Robert Kennedy, K.C.M.G., i “Slow, Dlorses, Slow" aoye 6. 10-6, 15, Children’y Letters. | Travel Talk; “ Persia — The 4.47. THE ORCHESTRA. Land sof the Easing Sion," Suite No 1," Peer Gynt " Grieg 7.0.—WEATHER Fonecasr saxo Newa, ‘Pag dex Plears* (** faile *") " Musical Bounds Piano, -Ur- THURSDAY, Dec. 17th, (4:15.—The Belfast Radio Quartet, Hetibheg gan, Bells, Fie.” Talk pre- §.15-6.0,—CHILDRESS CORNER, Suite, ‘* La Feria" .. Lacdnee pated. by the late Prof,Bh E, H. 4.0, “A fternoon T alle, 7.0.—Wearaxn Forecast axp Nzwe. Overtare, ‘ Pique, Dame '' Suppe RARTON ; U.S. OG. from) 415. —The Belfast Radio Quintet. A Summary of the Wireless o 35,.—-CHILDREN'S CORNER. Hoondion, 5.30.—CHILDREN'’S CORNER. Papers for the Week. =. Local News b. 10-6,15.—Children’s Letters, 6.10-6.15.—Childiren’s Letbers. from London, i. 0.—Weratnen Fonecasr axp News. ROSA KNIGHTS. (Cantralto). 6.35.—Market Prices for Farmers. |7.15.—Mr. ALLEN WALEER: ‘Opportunities Overseas South | IVOnR FAMES (Vielonecello). 5. J OcHH London, | Woeetmineter Sehool,"' S.H. Atrica’: General. Talk iota: THE ALGMENTED STATION 6.40.—Radia Association Talk, S28. from Lowen, duced bythe Hon. J, PF. SMIT, ORCHESTRA : from Honadon, Local News, 8.0. from London, Conducted by Loeul News. E. CYDFREY BROW NN. |7.0.—Werarnen Forecast axp News. | 7.30. Concert by the 7.30.—Musieal Interlode, SH, fran: | THE LONDON HADTO MroJ. BO NEILL, on *' Roghy| BELFAST PHILHALEMON TC arto, REPERTORY FPLAYERE&. Football.” Sad IEes 7.40.—Brig: General J. B. WROU GH. | Peefieren—Born TTT Local Newe. Relayed from the Ulster Hall. ‘TON? “* Winter Sports. im Bri- oir Gfobere Preaciit Sienert— “TALLY HO!” "The Messiah.” tain and Elsewhere,"’ BR. Bern 1825, THE STA PLON ORCHEST RA. ELSIE SUDPDABY (Soprano). from Zonder, —'THE BEL KEW 7.00. THE ORCHESTRA.a ; JAMES NEWEL(Baritone). ETHEL BARKER (Contralto). os YORK”Bifroo Lenton ohn” Me eaeeee coe 7.0, THE ORCHESTRA. JOHN. ADAMS (Tenor. _-WEATHE Ton i N NEWa, Ota oe ewe Overture, “ Der Freichiite 7" JOSEPH FARRINGTON EOJULIAN&MUXEEY 7/740, JOHN KNIGHTS, with Weber (Buss-Baritone), “The Stream of Life—The _ ORCHES'rRA. Descriptive Fantasia, “Fox Hunt: THE SOCIETY'S CHORES Evolution of Man.’ &.2. from | " Creation's Hymn" Beethoven ing Beene" . Buckley AND ORCHESTRA Londen, “Easter Hymn” arr. #. Bridge 7.54.aE JAMES NEWi EL. Uf 4 Performers : 10.30—JOHN HENRY. 3.8. from | ‘1.00. IVOR JAMES. " Little: Red Fox”? arr. Somervell | Conduclor, Hendon, Adagio and Rondo from Concerta Phe ean a Cae pane ifottoy | FE. GODFREY BROWN. 1L.0-—Close down. | in D: Majot vce Boyan "The Old Grey Fox | 10.0. “WEATHER FORECAST aan News. | 8.10. THE ORCHESTRA. MY. IW Aue Ministry of Agriculture Talk ley Lyric Suite ., Grieg 8,6. Gramophone Record, Mr, S. ORWIN : "Farts TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. “Evening in tha: “Mountains,” Hunting Calls, by the Rt. Han. ing Facts ond Fallacies." oui, Op. 68; Ab the Cradie,” Viscount Galway, from London, 11.30-12.9).—Gramophone teoords, i 7 On. 6h: “ Norwegian Rustic 8.15. JAMES NEWEL. 110.30, =f PeCe Ss. from Landan; 4.0,—Martin Brethorton + Poetry Fe- Aptunin Hida ™ re ing Morch,"" Op. 1. * An 11.0.—Close down. cikal, Brows.) j .Harrate THE STATION ORCHESTRA. 8.65. ROSA KNIGHTS. “Mark Yonder Tomk™ {‘'In 1 Drink, Puppy, ‘Drink |a: MARGARET HUXLEY Waite Metentle | (Violin). Questa: Tomba "") (with Orechies- bra) pc Beethoven " D'ye Ken John Peel "" arr. Tait | PAULINE BARKER (Harp). SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. tent a-‘aughan 1 iifieanns Bad, THE ORCHESTRA. 4.15, THE ORCHESTRA. "Love thé Pedlar *? ..... Geran ' Jagdlied " (Hunting Bong) Overture, “Private Ortheris "' 4.0.—Afternoon Talk. Angell ) B57. IVOR JAM ES, He chheuern "A Hunting Scene"... Bucatesel 4.15.—The Belfast Radio Tria, E. J. Selection, "Lilac “Time " (No, 2 Villanelle: .ciccisecceseces iamelth Harris. (SoloClarinet}. chal Galop, “Hares and Hounds " Achubertellakeain (ravilte: ss.cii4 Are eee de Fegoh Ailenberg-Cranz b.20.— CHILDREN'S GORNER, Selection, “ L'Enfant Prodigoe ™ 6.10-6,15.— Children's betters, Wormger Irish Air (“ Green Bushes '"). Dance Music. T.0.—WEATHER FORECAST AND NEWE. 4,50, MARGARET HUXLEY. | 8.45. THE LONDON RABITO | 8.0. THE STATION DANCE REPERTORY PLAYERS BAND, Mr. CHERRY KEARTON ; Chanson Lows XU. and Pavanea “Some of My Peta."' 5.2. Conpernt-Arenter Present Fox-trot, “Paddlin"® Madelin from Sondon, Lyria Poem . JohnCrowther “THE QUEST OF MCT co wacetccs beeersoadlg Foods Praeludium and Allegro ELIZABETH ™ Fox-trot, “ Save Your Sorrow" Local Nows, (Reginald Berkeley). De Sylva andShermen (Continued on the next page.) Pugnont-Kreiader

Dockotmen- Diva, 1925, =—. RADIO TIMES _ oa: a ieeadielinaid 7 — S71


7 . 2 0 . Concert by the music connected with hunting—some SUNDAY, December 13th. h TAO, —Mr. ALAN D D . WMAPNYDS- tienda BELFAST PHILHARMONIC of it very familiar, some quite un- 3.30-6.45.— Programme 8.2. Sram * Rembrandt's ‘Night Watch.’ " SOCIETY. known, The musical director of the London, SH. from Glasgow, Relaved from the Ulster Hall. Belfast Station is making a apecial ) 30-80, Religious Service. | 1.20-12.0.—Programme 8,8. from “The Elijah.” Bhudy of this subject, Information is Relayed from London, to hand from France about the French Bt. Cuthberh's {Part 1), Farish Chorch; hunting music and elaborate hunting Preachor: FRIDAY, December 19th. | ELSIE SUDDABY (Soprang). | calla ; information is aleo forth. The Rev. G: M. FAIRWEATH iH, o0—The ETHEL BARKER, (Contralte). comihg from Cermany, where hiunt- ALC. MYA, Station Pisnoforte T r i o s . ing programme waa recontly broadcast, 1.0.—Weather Forecast asp News, | o00.—Talk to Behools + Dr, Heetor JOHN ADAMS (Tenor), and it ia hoped to bave- other pro- Local Mews, | Macpherson, “ Giant and Dwart JOSEPH FARRINGTON prammes of this type trom Belfast. and |} $.15-10.30, DE GROOT fini the Btars,”’ {Bass-Baritone), to bring to light some rarely heard PICCADILLY ORCHESTRA, L0.—

of the soloists. The following year, j Prot. DY F, TOVEY, Mus: Doe, Same Rollicking Bonga with it was piven at Covent Garden, London. | 11.5-12.0.—Miranda pnd his Band, - from the Edinburgh Patsis de of the Vniveraity of Edinburgh, i Chorus, ; Between 17H)-53 it waa perfortme Danse, ' (Heethoven born December 16th, | _, Overheard in George Street.” nnnnally in the Chapel of theFounding 1770.) ‘A Christmas Medley,” by Hospital, for the henefit “of that SATURDAY, December 19th. 9.0.— Progra rome fF. From Landon, | Miranda atid has, Orchestra, " charity. Perhaps ino musical work 3.40.—Patrick Thomson's ‘Orchestra. ih.v-I2.—" THE KOMANY RE. | 10.—Weatuee FPorrcast axp News. jake enjoved Srl enduring popularity, VELLERS," from the Duneclin 4.0.—Afiernoon Talk : © KReening Ministry of Agriculture Talk by nor has any other eo materially aided Palais de Danse. Mr. C..8. ORWIN: the cause of charity.. Sir Frederick | Christmas ‘with Children,” by “ Farming Liridgeestablished the custom of giving | Muriel Wrincvh. THURSDAY, December 17th. Farts: and Futlagies.” 5Ee 4.15,—Patrick Thomeon's Orchestra, 11.30-12.30.—Gramophone Fron. Joondan, the work as nearly os powsihle as} Recorda Station Direnb-oe's Handel wrote ib, and without manyof 5.156.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. and Netta Monteith (Contralto), | Talk, ‘Looal Nowa. the additions and alterations which o.0.—The Station Pisnoforte Tro. 5Children’s Letbers. | 10.30, MARION RICHARDSON — bad crept mn. 6.0.—Miusieal Interlwle, i0.—Aftemoon ‘Talk: -*' Hooke io Koad.” by Ann Spice. and ROBERT BURNETT Tally Ho! 6.20,—Programme SOB, from London. 4.15.—Patrick Thomaon's Orchestra, in a Short Recital from tha On Thursday, December: 1Tth, a 720.—" EBLETAH," Part I. 8.8. from 6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Works: of Woher, programme will be given of hunting. Belfast, §.50.—Children’s Letters. (C. M. von Weber, born Devomtyer music under the tithe: of “Tally Hot" nsRL &.8, from Ton: 1.0.—Musical Tnterlisce, 1sth, 1786.) Therei6 qule oa lbeary of interesting on, 6.30.—Progranme 8.8. from Condon, (Continued at f o o t of column z.)

RADIOTIMETIMES——_- iDeceseen rit, 15.


December 13th.

The Jebhers a = aesin thease 4.10. Winitred Fisher 5.15, “Filsse Mus Lic sigh from theial 7.0, -WeaThen Forecast axpNews. POgraennes a Simultaneous Broadcast | “Oo Wiings of Song: Mendelson Radio Circle Faney Dress Party Mr. ALAN Db. MAINDS : co ihe Stalion mentioned, A Soren... ers . frriey at the Music Halt, Aberdean, | 'Fameus Pictores—hem- The High-Power (Daventry) " Shepherd's Song Hes oe Elgar 6.20:—Steadman’s Symphony Orehes-_| brandt's* Night Watch.” "88, Programme will be found Faery _s ’ Tha Immortal tra, relayed from the Electric| fron GVearge, 17.88. on page 556. | ae Hour” } "Rutland Poughion ‘Ll heatre Musival Interlnide, }: 4.25, TONT FARRELL. jes =Wears Forecast axpNews. | (.40.— The Rev... Dr. CHAS, WHYTE, SUNDAY, Dec. 13th. ar trot, * Hane, ACEE Prat, WILLIAM PEDDIE, | F.RALS, on “ The B8ideril 3,0. THE ABERDEEN BOYS’ tome. ie es ' | Dh. Se, FALSE. on * Colour| Lniverse, — \RIGADE CHURCH PARADE, | Tango, * Teneriffe”... ,,emt | Vision." 8.8. front Dundes; -| One-sten, ‘ Naigsihty ; Relayed from | 7.26.-—Wusical lnterlade, S.6.- Pram fio. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. The Music Hall, Aberdern, (rie I . I Landon, “Some of the TunesWe Dance Miscellanecus Halt-Hour. Speaker, Dr, HARRY MILLER, 40.—Mr. JAMES AGATE: Drama: | 0 ee eee J Baerell Edinburgh, tic Criticiam, 4.8. from Done | “Morria Danee ™ o..3 Wackensia ; 4.40. THE ORCHESTRA, Studio Concert. cnn, i The Parade of the Tin = M arche Militaire Francaise” Soldiers ** : - dasa BESSIE GTESON | Seqato}. 6.0,— VARIETY: a: fre Gonder, Swen t-Saeaa | “ache Dream ong Falta ALEC. MATHSRKY (Violin). | 4.45. WINIFRED FISHER. '§.0.—"** RADIO REVEL.’ Sot, fron | “Siamese Patrol ™ . Bincke THE WIRELESS ORCHES® tA: “A Brisk Young anlar, {English Folk oe Boneep Teraee eases Baynes Conductor; WALTER BENSON, | Bailor’" Bangs). 10.0.—Wearten Fonrcist ano News. 4.0, THE ORCHESTRA. " Come, Aby Chen Local News. ir, Sivteriwerta 8.00, Concert, Overture, “ Eemant’,. Aecethoren Ona! ., 1D.15.—" HADI REVELS " (laon- RESSIE GIBSON, * Tha Merry ‘Mouth of May " Lined}, Under the auspices of the mT KRagw‘hat \ Lea Weeer 2.0. a.m.—Close down, PETERHEAD CHORAL My Hadeemer ok The "The. Banks of UNION, _D ci (" Sprays = Liveth *" Mes! Hanulel ee cf Heather” Relavedfram tlie “0, Come Unto siah **) 'There Was a ; Pp 1 Concert Hall, Peterhead. Mae es Bonnie Lass" of Roloist : r. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 16th. OVade coe Kennedy Russell | a TON FARREGLE. ROY HENDERSON (Bar itone|., “Dear Littl Ship" Font Farreff | 3.45.— 4.35. ALEC. MADISKY {Violin} Afternoon Topics : Mra. MM: 10,0-12:0,—Progromine, S28, i oe a Hurry Gp, April " and NAN DAVIDSON Soatherland,: ** ake Making for Londons Atiain frerera {Pianotortel, Christmas. '' Steadman "s Syin- Sth Sonata for Violin and Piano Song Fox-trot, “My Dear phony Orchestra, relayed from Beethoven Madeira” ... Poni Parrett the Electric Theatre. RESSEE GIBSON, (With OreheatriasAccompaninnern! =| §.15.—CHILBPREN'S CORNER, FRIDAY,Dec. 18th. leyond the Dawn " Some different opinions on Show Wilfred Sande Peon Mo the Way to Go Home "— 6.0. Recital aoL—Bpecinl School Transmission + “Lead, Kindly Light "* Gach-Scarlatti; Sinding-Mendel- by Mr. Willan @vaitson, F.B.C,0., Frome BOnr | ssobin: Grier. GEORGEHARKINS (Violin) 6.15,—C AILDREN'S CORNER, A B.CLM., " Mose—A General ““Hea Wipes the Tear ™ : and ' Talk” The Wireless. Oreches- Alexender Lee 6.0,—Baoy Sconts" News Bulletin. GEORGE HUNT (Pianoforte), | tra + Three Pieces, Op, 1b | Mas- §.2-5. 30. THE ORCHESTRA. irl Guidtes* News Bulletin : "A Gavotte Haek- Areialer | stfet} The Rey, A, Austin Talk to Brownies, 6th Symphony ("' Pastoral ') Caprice Vienmois ...icc.. Aretsler Faster, M.A," Masterpieces: in Becthoven 6.15. Radio Radiance Revue. oy Hejre ee ee 1 EP neberiy English Poetry—(5) Keats’ 6:30-5.45.—Rev, Be T, Butther, 3.8. | (Sth Balition. | Bonita inMinor (Part 1) Odes." irrieg from London, | A Revue in Fourteen Beams, 4.15.—The Wireless Orchestra, Annie Played lens 6.30.- Steadman 6 Bymphony Orches- King (Soprano}, 5.0. Church Service. i ira, relayed from the Electric A COMPANY OF WELL 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, Relayed from: the | ENOWN LONDON ARTISTS. Theatre, West DO. F. Church. 7,.0.—Wearnen Forecast axp News. T:0.-—Weatnen Forecast anoNews. 6.0.—Gramophone Music, Minister, The Kev, Firof. an Opport umities Uverseas—Sooth " Musical Sounds—Piano, Organ, 6.15.—Farmers’ Advice Corner? Con J. A. ROBERTSON, DD. Arion "= General Talk | Lire | Hells, efe."' Talk prepared by ducted by Mohr. Don Gy Munro, 9.0.—WratHer Forecast axp News. duced hy the Hon. J. F. SMIT. the late Prof. E. H. BARTON, M.A, ‘B.Sc. SB. frente Conder, 9.15. Programme by D.S8e, 8.8. fram London. | 6.95.- -Agricultural Notes, STEADMAN'S SYMPHONY T2o,—Niusical Interlude. §.8-. free | 7.25.—Musical Interlude, 5.8, from Londen, 6,30.—Steadman's Symphony Orches- QRCHESTRA endow, T.40.—Prof G. BARKLA, F.R.&., ira, relayed from the Electric and 7.40.—Mr. HARRY TOWNEND, T.8c,, " Heot—-(6) The Eurth’s Theatre, THE WIRELESS URCHESTEA. M.A., Topical Talk, S08. ta Heat.’ S.8. fromEdinburgh. Under the Conductorship of Gilaaged', 7.0.—Weather Foticasr axp News, GEORGE STEADMAN. t.0.—" THE BELLE OF SEW A Summary of the. Wireless Overture, “A Midsummer Night's YORK." &.8.from London. £.0,—$ROUSSLAN PROGRAMME, S.A. from Glaagow, Papers for the Week. 8.2, PGR ac cseteicees Afendelasofen 19.7.—WeATHER Forecast axD NEws. fron London, Prof... JULIAN 8... HURLEY: 10.0.—Wratnen Forecast aun News. Sylophone- Solo, “ Hungarian 7.15,—Football Topics : Conducted hy e The Biream of. Lite—The Mr. C. BE. M. JOAD and Mr. J. Citar Begag ee "Michiels Mr.PETER CRAIGMY LE, (Soloist, E. WISEMAN.) Evolution of Man."' S.8. from BSTRACHEY: “-After-Dinner a Entry of the Gods Into Val- London, Local News, Seesaan Puzzles." | f00.—Mousical Interlude, 8.7, from ALAS from’ Bondun, fetaon. Ba iiacat ev sedivceees CO 10.30. — Recit Symphony No. 5 in|© Minor Local News, T.40.—Mr. Ge AL ny ATKINSON : Hetiheren ANGUS MORRISON, | 10.30.—Pregramme 2.8. from Bordon. "Seen on the Screen, "| serait Selection; *' Faust "* . Creare | jrom. London, Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue 11.0.—Close down. Selection of Well-known Hynins. Heeh Scottish Drama and Music. 10.50.— Close down, Intermerxo, is 118, No, ee a: THURSDAY,Dec.17th.| THE “28D” REPERTORY Capriccio, Op. “76. No. i PLAYERS. Intermezzo, Oe. 76, } Brakins THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. ALP Reror Topics: Mise E. MONDAY, Dec. 14th.. Noo; &..45.- 8.0. The Orchestra, Capriccio,‘Op. 76, No. 8 McPherson, “ Some Fashions io One-step, ““The Eailtie’s Kouit- Headgear.” David's: Dance 11,0-12.0.—Special Morning Transmis- in ¥ Minor <2... u ship ae Pee iakeucsi esis, GET Bindy Orchestra. The Wireless Orches- sion : Gramophone Music, Study in G Minor noe Chopin 65, "THE WiJRray,” ita, 6.45.—Afternoon Topics: 11.0.—Close down, A Seotticgh Farce in Ong Act by Mrs, J. C. BARNETT: Health | 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Arthur Black, Tulks (4), “Food and Digestion.” | | 6.0.—Girl Guides’ News Bulletin, (Author of ‘' The Fairies,"" ' Tha | 6,15.—Boys* Brigade News Bulletin : Luck Penny,’* “* The Straw A Light Programme. TUESDAY, Dec. 15th. WINIFRED FISHER. {Soprano} GO, Bennett: Mitchell, Battalion Wisp,’ ete.) TONT FARRELL 3.45.—Afternoon Topics: Miss Vi President, on “The Brigade (ask: eee (Pianist: Entertainer}. Fraser, © Litth-read Victorians Executive."" AYIA. giicrecus GRACE WILS0N THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. =—(oventry Patroore.:” Marie 6.35.—Market Prices for Farmers. George ... WILLIAM MESTON 4.0 The Orelesirt. Sutherland (Pianeforte}, Alice Sa. rer London, A Wisitor .,.... WILLIAM MAIR Period—FPresent Day. Selection, '* The Duchess of Dant- Fettes (Soprano), HK. E. Ander- 6.40.—Radio Assdiciation Talk. 3.2, Rab. ivecptrieie ives eaaaies Caridt| son | Baritone) | from E ondon, (Continued aon the next page.)

Dem ENORE d ITH, cami —- RADIO TIMES -- ofa

Aberdeen Programmes. jas * Leeds-Rradford Programmes... 310 M. (Continued from the previous page.) et Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th.

6.26, THE ORCHESTRA, Le EDITH BARULAY, | SUNDAY, December 13th. | WILFRID HUDSON (Tenor). Waltz, “Queen of the North "Kind Rolin Lo'esa 2.90-6.40.) Programmes 5.6, from) RICHARD WILSON (Bass), Hweelogss | 50-10-30} London. | THE “TWO JACKS ™ "There's Nae Lock 30. Recital. (Entertatnens), Aboot the Hoos” Under the Auspices of Tradibonar | MONDAY, December 14th. LHE “ty ‘Pocher's the HARROGATE ROVAL THE BUCOTTISH ABBUGLA- | #0.—The Super"Six Ladies’ Oro heshrie, | BATHS QUARTET: Jewel *' Fauna. | by permission of the Industrial | TION POR THE SPRARING ‘We're 2" Nod- REGINALD WHITEHOUSH Trades Exhibition 4Synelioabs,: (Violin): don’ oe hla Te CF VY RERBE. relayed from the Royal Eaths, | CECI JERVIS: (Celle): Keciter, 10.0.— Weather Forecast ann News, | Harrogate, i CHARLES MANN (Viol); d. 8. MM THOMSON, Ministry of Agricultura “alk by | oAfhe ‘Tapes, CECIL MOON iPrnoforte)., (Ulnar), Mer. Coe ALE Pare | 5.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER: A THE GQUARTET. Iwo things Poets help og te do: Pacts and Pallacies,* Su | Haunted Evening by Uncle} +emE manish Comedy Oyertiune “ from Laetden, | bis, Il—To See Fictores, Kalar Bela 5.— LIP the Biestearrs. Local Dwewa. Children's: Letters, FLORRIE HARRIBOW. 6.0,.—"Fhe: Station Tria * Ever Upon This Stage “ 10.40. Hall-an-Howr tf © Amarelig’ ne er ae a hE Me Td Win nie Ww OH Aint T.0-L1.0.—Pragrmne SH. from REGQUTALD WHITEHOTIBE. London, “Hom 6 Thoughts from Abroad" Concort Valseag, ZIZCRRehwelaetl E 1 Lapras ron THE WIRELBos ORCHES UR A: RICHARD WILSON, “Now Fades the last Long TUESDAY, December 15th. " Heve- d-Arnoaur* ldaclesee “OPER “ At Santa Barboars ”..... tuevell Strenk orf now? ("In Mo- LL3a0-12 30), Musie. i Fort Valour ou... Ae pie j WILFRID HUDSON, Hriattr | Meister care is Tengnyeint | 4.0.—The Majestic Symphonic Dance! Life in Vienna" OY Lae ae Sey Bussi-Peceia © There's No a: Muir in Moy skin “Love and Orchestra, under the personal| Aemiat Leama *" Leddy ohn Scott direction of Fred Kitchen and THE TWO TACKS, “The Count ol Lixin ** Herry Davidson. An Original Humorous Interlude. OF Running Water: Lichearr (leit and Goal" ,,.. Acpatey | §.0.—Aftemoon Topics, (Witten by Jack Sayes, Music by Juin Charneant verter LUPO 2.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER Jack Workla-Smith,} ‘The: Brook’ 00... Peano * Estudianting Hoialad feafel : Wie ' Ah fam, ‘Gie Me a Border Go House-Decorating with THE QUARTET. Horn _ 7, A setkhie ek | 2.0.—C lose dewa. Lintle Wi, “ Fantasia Espagnola " OF Flowers ond Amiroals « £4), —Ohi ldlirety a Latters, Dispiersaenurtt “Dnttodile " ...,... MWordaworth 6.0,— Musical Interludes, . WILFRID AUDSON., “The Warhorse * 0 2.0) a.m.—Programme. SB, from| “In Ofd Madrid", ..... Trofere foo AAA SATURDAY, Dec. 19th. Lonloik, i FLOREIE HARRISON. “The Girls of er al iby Aciual and ldaal: I i Seville "2... Den ra “ Westininster Bridge * j cher AT Lee ace Topics: Hogemary WEDNESDAY, December 16th. | RICHARD WELSON, Lanne, “The Joys of Alpine "Transeo de Fuegs™ ("A 4 ordaanorth 11.30—-12,40.—Musie, | “Where the Great City Stands’ Sphoirt Tie “Wireless Lance #0the Boala syropey Orchestra,| Southern Maid "y KW Ate Urchestra-(VCondoctor, Lovid: H, reinved inom the §ola Thentre,| FraserSimeon Fartraits : David}. Ve eda. A Bouther. Romance “Staff Norse" |) Wo BL Mentey 515.—CHILDREN’S CURN EK, 6.0.—Afternoon Topica: “ Winter! in Bongand Story, Rports,” hy Auntie Nora, “ BONITA.” (fd Bivie} 6.0.—Gramophone Music, Vester fs Hospital &I5—CHILDRER'S CORNER, Written by John Sayes, Music by | = Apparition ; } V areas. mans enere Anniversaries [pre 6.00.—Children's Dotter, Cecil Moon. “Up at a Villa—Down in the pared by Mr. J, 8. Kirkland): 6..—The Station. Trin, Prelude. Rtea icc a ts irownag (1) “The Abolition af Slavery 7.0,—Programme S27, from London, FLORKRIE HARRISON, «* Once in the U.8.A.,"" and (2) " The | 7.25.—Rerel Horticultural Baciety| There Lived in Old Castile,”’ If.—To Make Comparisons, Fall of Jerasilem** Talk. WILFRID HUDSOR, “Ever Couplets: fron the Old Testament, 7.40.—* On My Anvil” by the Smile. Sines the World was Young.” 6.50 y Urches- ae As Panta. the Hart.’ smith, FLORRIE tro, relayed from the Ebectric HARRISON and iad 11460-4980 in Lang, Leaf 80-110 Prgms: SLE, from en! RICHARD Theatre. WILEON, “ A Maid Aid Mysterstraus. i aon. of Owathoranw,”’ = Two Bonnets About Heading 7.0.—WeavTikn FomecasT ann News: RICHARD WILSON, * A Bull- Homer : Mr... CHERRY... KEANTUN : THURSDAY, December 17th. fighter's Love Song.” “On First Looxing inte Chap- “Boome of My Peta,” sit, 11.30-12.30,.—Music. TRIO, “How Hard [t Is foe min seen"so ety from London, 4.0.—Henman Darewski and his Banc, Maid to Cheies.” "The Odyssey" Andree Lamg faa" LAB[Pork Ej) ba: relayed from the Majestic Res. 10.0.—WraTirn Forecast an Nees- Two Poems Abeaut Loneliness: : from Beffaa, teurant, Leeds, _ Afinistry of Agriculture Talk -hy To Marguerite" |. Af. Arnald f.0,—Dr. Frank Hutchinson, F.RG5,, B.50). THE WIRELESS. Mr. C, 5. ORWIN: * Farming ; “TT -Saw in Louistana iS) “ Heroes of Humanity." Facts ORCHESTEHA, and Fallacies.” Sf, from HP Aten i $.15.— CHILDREN'S OORNER : Ad: | Overture, “ L'Oagig’ 2... Corbin London, two Poems Aboot Children | ventures in Fairyloted | Local News. “OA Child Coriows and dnna- Light and Humorous Unele Theapis, COMEcee Orchestral 5.50-0,.0;-—Chnldren’s: Letters, 7 | 10. “A Nighteap.”' WS A Aemley Hour “Tl Have 6.30. Programme 8.8, fron London, | Seen a Cloriogs buy The ingredients being the original Child, Wordeenrty 7.10.—8couts" Corner: “Making a numbers written and composed # Fhe (hombered ‘Nautilus ™* THE WLRELESS Lacht Weicht Trek Cart,” by for the above Programme, ORCHESTRA : Ch) We. Aetna W. T. Hayes: 11.0.—Close down. “Dover Beach ** _..... Mf, Arnoted Condactor, WALKER HENSUN. 7.30 7 27 Programme Sm From 00. A Musical Switch’...“Abtovd Fanedon, Scottish Programme SATURDAY, December 19th. Valsette, “ Wood Nymplis “ 11.30-12,30.—Musio, (Continued), Brie (ogtas FRIDAY, December 18th, | | 4.0.—The Majestic Symphonic EDITH BARCLAY (Soprano). (Soloist, 11.90—1%.90.—Miuetc. | Dance BURNETT FA EA LA | Orchestra, under the personal THE WIRELESS OKUHKSTHA. 2.20,—Talk ta Local Sehaals = Mr. | © Tn oa Lover's arden’ direction of Fred Kitchen and 4.0 THE ORCHESTEA. Bardgett. Mue.Bac., “ Musical| “Ina Persian Market"? Aetethey Harry Pavideon. Overture, © Tam: o’ Shanter"' Appreciation," —Afternoon Topica. Drysaate Funeral March of n anata" | 4.0.—The Scala Symphony Orchestra; Hobert Chignelt relayed fromthe Boole Theatre, 4.6of HILDREN'S CORNER: 612, EDITH BARCLAY. Humoresquevic... Sehrhoreey a iave Na a Leeks, “Bally Smill and Wisiterd "Dance du Dhable" 2... Arien §.0.—Afternoon Topica Day. Laddia Bot Ane Tange. (" La Verbena) Lacombe " Thou: Hast Lett §.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER:: Re-'| 6.60,—Children’s Letters, Birathspey and Heel... Aere ie Ever, Jaume" Guest Evening—Auntie Doll. | $.0.—The Scala Symphony Orchestra, P reeeletama "My Am Highland 10,0,—WratThen Fomecasr annMrws, 6. 60.—Childrten'a Letters, relaved from the Beale Theatre, Laddie " Mr. WAGSTAFFE-SIMMUNS : 6.0,—Musreal Interlocke: Leods, fA Reae-Bud By " Boccer.”* Soi, from Jondon, 6.30.—Progranime S.8. from London. | 7.0.—Programme S.B. from Dondon. My Early Walk Local News: 8.0, “Caprice Espagnole."" 7.4.—Farmerns’ Carper: Honey 9.20. THE ORCHESTRA. 10.30.-THE- MAYFAIR MYSTERY. A Tour in Sunny Spain. Beer and Their Liverture, “Hob Boy"... Foster 5.8.from Jondon, r Uses,” by Mr. Conducted try J. A. Claxton, of t h e Yorkshire Patrol, “ The Wee Macpreegor"™ |11.0—THE SAVYUY BRANDS. £8. “THE SMILESMITH.” Beekeepers’ Association, Amers | from Jopeton, FLOERERIF HARRISON 5.0-12.0.—Programme. 5.8. from " Balmoral -Walsee’» i.0.2). Lotter’ 12:0,—Close down. (Soprana}, London, :

mh =

574 — RADIO TIMES — [ Deckwkern linn, 1925. —— == = 5NG Nottingham Programmes. 326 M. 6FL Sheffield Programmes. 301 M. Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th. Week Beginning Sunday, December 13th. “ss

— SUNDAY, December 13th. MARK MELEERS, SUNDAY, December 13th. 7,15.—* The Harvest of a Quiet Eye,” 5.30-5.45.) Programmes S28, from " The Comforter " 1 3,30-5.45,—Programme 3:8. from by “ PETRONIUS." 8.0100, London. Handel, arr, &, Guin | London, Toh—-Programme Swf. from London. "The Barber of Turin ™ &.1 Service. MONDAY, December 14th. | Concert. 9.55.—The Mikado Café Orehestea : KY. Russell Relayed from Nether Chapel, Arranged by Conductor, Frederick Bottom- “ Border Ballad". . Io, Cowen | The Rev. H. TAYLOR MARIE. FOXOW, Tes COMNETANCE BARRITY, (Bethel Primitive Methodist TDA BLOOR (Sopranc), 4.45.—Aftermoon Topics. * A Banscrit Legend "| Central Mission), ELSA FROOD. (Contralte). ~ #lmon. f,15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, ne_. wiwer la Frines |... 9,0-10.30.—Programme 8.8. from IUSEPH GREEN (Tenarh. 5.50.—Children's Letters A Parable of Noture (Swedish) London, ERNEST PLATTS (Baritane). 6.0-6,15,—Teena’ Corner, M, Trevag STANLEY KAYE 6.4).Programme &.8. fram Lorton, MABEL CLEWS. ~~ MONDAY, December 14th. (Solo Pianofortey, 7.40.—" Bridge Talk,” by “CON: | “ T Wonder" 2. | | 11.30--12.30. Gramophone Recorda, ETHEL. (OCHA TRACT," | “A. Lily and oa! Frank Butler 4.0.—Mr. Clifford K. Wright, B.A., {Accompanist}. 8.0-1).0.— Programme E.R. from Resebud* ) es. * Tdeas of Utopia—H. G. Wells 5.0 JOSEPH GREEN and Eondon. THE BAND and Aldows Huxley.” ERNEST PLATTS. Overture, “Pique Dame ™ Suppe 4.15.—Orchestra“Telayed from the “Go, Baffled Coward, Go" TUESDAY, December 15th. MARK MELLERS, Records iran Hott. (" Bameom *)o ceils. Handel 11,.30-12.30-—Gramopbons “ Xearning *...... Stanley Gunn 1.15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER. STANLEY EAYE. (Danceand some Bong}. " Fhe Almighty” ..... Schubert 6.40,—Children's Letters, Valse (" Naila ") Can- d.45,—Lyons' Café Orchestra: “Simon the Cellarer J. Hatton 6.0-6.15.—Talk to Young People, Dehbes-Diohiian yt ductor, Brassey Eyton. CONSTANCE BARRITT. Gi0,— PresaSB, rom London, ELSA FROOD., 4.45.—Afternoon ‘Topics. “The Butterfly " Hans Andersen 7.40.—Sports Talk by Mr. WILLIAM “The Holy Child" 6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Musical Monologu2, “We Ain't Hasthope dart 6.50,—Chiliren's Lottera. HARROP, ‘Arf Proud o' Dad” 6.0-lL1A.—Programa SB Jrom PUREROME aware eee a eee String 6.0-8.15.—Boys’ Brigada Comer. Valentine ant Cory " Alleloia™ 2. OCoener Morria 6£30.—Programme 8.8. from London. London, MABEL CLEWS, IDA BLOOR., ZL.10.—Mr, J. HOLLAND WALEER: “ Sink, Red Sun" Teresa Del Riega TUESDAY, December 15th. “Thou Charming Bird ** F, Dawid * Famous Houses and Choirches | ™ Rosohud vacees FF Drunmanad 4.0.—Book Talk by the Rev. Dr. (Flute Obbligato, George Daley.) of the Fast idicilands—(10) i “Two Eves of Grey " DD, MeGQeock Frank Hutehinaon, ERNEST PLATTS, WilloughbyCharch and'Tombs,” MARK MELLERS, 4.15,—Onthestra under the Direction " Don Juan's Seren-)}| rehag 725-2.0 a.m.—Programme 8.2, from| “The Sataire Dancer ” of John Windle, relayed from Londen, Sankey Pucks the Cafés of Mesara, Tl: & J. a The Pilgrinims‘a Bocig"i horaky WEDNESDAY, December 16th. e READORgas wins nie Gounod Roberts. IDA BLOOER and 11,30-12.30.—Gramophons Becoruds | THE BAND, 15.—CHILDRENS CORNER, JOSEPH GREEN, (Classical), Cornet Solo, “ The Nightingale = M—Children’s Letters. Duet, “Teer Love of Mine™ 3.45.—The Mikado Cafa Orchestra: AY, Moss 0 6. 15.—Talk to Young People. (* Nadeshda ") Goring Thenwra Conductor, Frederick Bottom- (W. J, SAINT.) 50,— Programme 5.8. from Dondan. BTANLEY: EAYVE. ley. Cornet Duet, “" Beases oo th’ 10. ——Frot. A EL MORGAN, BLA. NOeaves Balfour Gardiner 4.45.— Afternoon Topica. Bag ea haere ae BD, Currie * Paradise Lost (Milton)." Prelude in C SharpMinor (W. J. SAINT and J. SAINT.) nom §.15.—CHILDREN's CORNER, @ oe —Programme Su. from London, Rachnutntedy 6.04.—Childrea’s Letters. §.50,—-Station Topica. 4.0, “6FL"* Radio Revel Cabaret. “English Waltz" .. Cynl Scott 6.0—6.15,—"Teene’ Corner, 10.0,— WEaTHER FORECAST ayn News. Relayed from the Grand Hotel, JOSEPH GREEN. 6,30,—Programme S.8. from London, Ministry of Agricultura Talk by 9.30-2.0:—Programme SB. from Lone Biegmund’s Love’ Bong (“ Wal- 7.40.—FProf. H, H. SWINNERTON, Mr. 8. ORWIN: Farming dan, Be ecko Wakaay ora Wagner Bisse, “The Calendar of the Facts: and Fallacies.” 5.8; ELSA FROOD. Ages(4), from Jordon, Local News, WEDNESDAY, December 16th. *TLangi dal caro bene ™ ("* When §.0-11.0.—Programme Sh, fram 10.30, MABEL CLEWS. | 3.0,—Tranamission to Schools: Giramo- Two ThatLove Are Parted ")- London. “ Bincerity " .. Emifie Clarke | phone Reeords, Prof, ©. J. Secchi " Abide With Me " (By Request} Patten, M.A., M.D, Se.T., WPrae -e eee Royer THURSDAY, December 17th. F.R.A.L., “Thea Wonders of 11.30-12.20.—Gramophone Records . B. Ladle “ Love's Philosophy ™ Ghueilior THE BAND, Bird Life." (Vocal and Instrumental), IDA BLOOR, JOSEPH GREEN Selection, “ TheLady of the Raw 4.0.—Kate Baldwint “Icing the $.25.—School Transmission t Mias and ERNEST PLATTS, dese Culbert Christmas Cake." E, G. Thompaon, “Trish “T naviganti " ("' The Mariners ") MAREK MELLERS. 1 £.14.—Coneert. Legends ™ (2). Rasadeqger "Trade Winds "..... ose 2”. Reel! 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, £.45.—Lyons’ Café Orchestra:Con- GEORGE DALEY. “The Erl King ™ «uF Schtebert | 5.50.—Children’a Letters. ductor, Brassey Eyton. “Concertina pour Flute” (Op. 107) 11.0,.—Closs down, 6.0-6,15.—Talk to Young People. 4.45,—Gramophone Records, CAer etd 6.30,—Programme 8.8. from Jonden, . 15,—CHILDREN'S CORNER. SATURDAY, December 19th. ERNEST PLATTS, 7.45.—Horticultural Talk. §.4.—Children's Letters. 11.30-12.30.—Gramophona Revords “The Boliier™ 0... wf. Ireland T.40.—Station Director's Talk. 6.0-6,15,—Teens’ Corner. (Dance and some, Bons}. “ Boot, Saddle, To Horse * ° 8,0-11.0.—Programme 8.8. from Don- 6.30,—Programme S.B, from Lomdion, 3.45.—The Savannaa Band, relayod Grehans Peel das. 7.10.—Prof. R. PEERS, M0. M.A., from the Palaiz de Danse, "Ho, Jolly Jenkin “ (The Frar’s “Phases in the Growth of 5.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, THURSDAY, December 17th. Bong from “* Dvanhos "") Industrial England—{2) Tha f.50.—Children's Lettera, 11.30—12.30.—Gramophone Records. Sullivan IDA BLOOR, Coming of Machmery and 6.0-68.15.—'Teena Corner. £0.—Ebie W, Wright : * Sheffield Power.” 6.90-12.0.—Progranune S.A. from and Its Story—Men of Art and “The Hed Sarafan” (Rossian 7.25-12.0,— Programme 8.8. from Lendan, Letters—Ebenezer Elliott, Sir Folk Bong) ...... arr. Wishaw

London, © All In «a Garden Green ™ Lidgey Francia Chantrey, James Mont- “Pan and the Fairies“ .. Newton FRIDAY, December 18th. (Continged fram column 4.) gomery, Joseph Hunterand 11.30-12.30.—Gramophone Records Sheffield’a Historians.” 10.0.—WEATHER Forecast and News, IDA BLOOR, ELSA FROOD, 10.10.—Tolk, 8.8. from London, Request Day), JOSEPH GREEN 4.15.—Orchestra. relayed from the $.45,—Lyona’ Café Orchestra: Con- AND Albert Hall. 1.40. BTAKLEY KAYE. ERNEST PLATTS, Concert Paraphrase on ~ Rigo- ductor, Brassey Eyton. Vooal Quartet, Christmas Carols. §.15._CHILDREN'S CORNER. 4.45,—Afternoon Tupies. §.40.—Children's Letters. dott sae we VFerdi-Lisc 11.0,—Close. down, JOSEPH GREEN. §,15,—CHILDREN’S CORNER, (6.15.—Talk to Young People. §.50.—Children’s Lotter, SATURDAY, December 19th. 6.30,—Programme 8.8. from London. “ Prayer to Our Lady ™ 6.0--6.15.—*Teena® Corner, 40.—Afternoon Topica, 7.10.—Mr. ERIC N; SIMONS ; “ Ro- Danald Ford 6,30,— Programme 8.8. from London, 4.15.—Orcheatra under the Direction moain Ftollamd.”* “ Der Girtner “(“ The Gardener") of John Windle, relayed from Wolf 8.0), A Lightsom?: Programme. 7.25-12.0.—Programma 8.8. from © Fill a Glass with Golden Wine ' MABEL CLEWS. (Contralta). the Café of Messrs, T. &. J. London, MARK MELLERS (Baritone), Roberts. Roger Shiller CONSTANCE BARRITI 5,156.15 —CHITLDREN'S CORNER, FRIDAY, December 18th. ELSA FROOD. (Hecitations). 6.30.—Programme SUB. from London, 11.30-12.30,—Gramophone Records, *“Recompense ™ ,... Sandtraon THE RIPLEY UNITED 7.200. SHEFFIELD POPULAR 4,0.—Afternoon Topica. "Shepherd's Song" «+... Atgar BILVER PRIZE BAND: CONCERT. 4.15.—Orchestra relayed from the “ Love Flew In At the Window * Conductar, W. J. SAINT, Under the Direction of Grand Hotel. Afackenzia THE BAND, WILFRED L. STEPHENSON. §.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, ERNEST PLATTS. March, “3 D.G,'s" .... Brophy Relayed from the Victoria Hall, 6,50.—Children’a Letters, “ Christriag Comes but Once a Descriptive Piece, “Fox anil 10.0-12.0.—Programme =S.8. from 4.0-6.15.—Talk to Young People. Barwaves vovees C, Santley Hounds ™ fff) es 2 Hawkins| London. 6.30,.—Programme 5.8. from London, (Continued in column 2.)

Decemeen Iltw, 1 8 2 5 . ] — RADIO TIMES —eee —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— —=-

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2455. A

576 — RADIO TIMES —— [December Lira, 1825,

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573 — RADIO TIMES —— [Dectmnen Jive, 1025. —, alee SSa _ sare ut eS da SE eee —=

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Deremaee Lign, 1925, — RADIO TIMES — Sra

PESPPSSEESSPPSPPPGS POPSOOPHO Five Questions every valve user ought to ask before buying his next Dull Emitter

Is it truly on filaments. ‘The lower the working capable o f giving a generous volume temperature, the longer the valve will of really good tone. The new economical ? last. Wun- A “cold” valve for example cell W3 has been evolved specially ERELY because a valve is would be almost everlasting. You for Loud Speaker use. Although described asa dull emutter does will hardly be a b l e t o see the dull utilising the same unique Cossor not necessarily mean that it is cheap red glow of a Wuncell in daylight— Principles of construction—the elec- to run. Its current consumption even i n the dark it can only be com- tron-retaining hood-shaped Grid and may increase as the Valve becomes pared to the luminous dial of a watch, Anode—its c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s have been older. Or, as is often the case, its modified i n order t o permit an emission may fall off and the valve immense volume without distortion. will get less sensitive. The funda- Is it efficient for Its Grid—always a vital feature in a mental principle underlying every long distance work? power valve—is tremendously rigid, dull emitter calls for some method VEN a long life, economical Fach turn of the wire is securely of increasing the clectron emission of anchored i n two distinct positions— the filament. The old way was to valve wouldn’t be much use if in- efficient. So your new dull emitter 36 i n a l l . The filament. is triple use thoriated tungsten. The new mounted for extra strength. As a way, discovered and patented by must be at least as efficient as-a bright emitter. Almost every wireless en- result microphonic noises have been Cossor, is to deposit on the filament thusiast wants to completely abolished and a grand wire a triple coating of a specialelec- pick up long distance Broadcasting. For this reason the mellowness of tone is the result, tron-producing material. This coat- ing—built up layer upon layer upon special Wuncell W2 (with an: identi- a metallic base—can never lose its fying red top) has been developed. And finally—who productivity. Thoriated tungsten, on This valve has exactly the character- istics which will enable the other hand, canbe easily ruimed it to respond makes it? by the use of an excessive voltage, to weak oscillations and amplify them to a strength which will permit effec- OT the least important of these with the result thatthe valve becomes live rectification. five questions is t h e e x p e r i e n c e practically useless. The ‘standard’ Cossor electron-retain- of the manyfacturer. Valves are not like electric ing principles of construction —in lamps. They are far which an arched filament more intricate. ‘They cannot merely is-almost be made Has it long life? entirely enclosed by a hood-shaped t o specification. Each step must be watched with eagle eyes. OU don’t want to buy a valve Grid and Anode—are responsible for wonderfully high standard of per- Every process of manufacture must which will only last a few months. be carefully checked for possible Long life is just as important as cur- | formance. Wuncell users are every- where testifying to the efficiency of imperfections. The most delicate rent economy. The length of time | tests must beused t o safeguard a valve will last depends entirely upon their valves. The old ideathat to the pre- obtain-current economy meant a sacri- determined standards of p e r f o r m a n c e . its filament—the only consumable Cossor Valves part. Some valves obtain low current lice in sensitiveness or volume is have acquired a world- being rapidly dispelled by these wide reputation. There is hardly an consumption at the risk of fragility. experimenter Not so the Wuncell which has a com- superb new Cossor Dull Emitters. of note who has not chosen them aboveall others for t h e i r paratively stout filament consumung outstanding q u a l i t i e s . only .3 amp. at 1.8 yolts.- In the Their super- Will it-give sensitiveness—their freedom Wuncell long life is coupled with true pure from tone? : microphonic noises—their sheer de- economy. Its filament temperature pendability under a l l . circumstances— neverexceeds 8o0°C.— whereas all OR Ethan Ban, of the valve sets their long life—their high standard bright emitters and some $0-Called in o p e r a t i o n to-day a t e used for of uniformity—all dull emitters. function at 2000°C. these features have Loud Speakef work. Itis important, made the name Cossor synonymous Heat has a most. destructive influence t h e r e f o r e , to choose a dull-emitter with all that i s finest in valve design,

Prices: Wr. Bor Debetter and LF, b4)'= Prices:

Wa. For HF. oe 4) = WR. Fat Getector 2 LF. Bel. Voltage.1°8 Comeumntion ‘5 mov. Wa. Por HoF. ase Lia's Wo. For Lood-Speaker oe 166 Far. ose with 2, eeae| Voltage 2°8 Consumpllos ‘4 amp, ptcumulatos, Cabert abd, POL

580 —— RADIO TIMES —. [Decemerk Livi, 1625.

LLOW Telling Testimony to the Efficiency LWIRELESs*. of EricssonTelephones. ah ae): Ie ! he a.

Under the new policy recently imaugurated by the Fellows Magneto Co. Ltd.. the middleman’s profit has-been entirely eliminated, and all the well-known products of this firm are now offered to the public at what are practically Trade Prices. Aull poods are ully fubiranteed agp seni on Seven Days’ Approval agarmat Cash, Goods alao are sent pecka ree free, Carriage forward, unless postage i¢ stated. “This i¢ a umquc opportunity and one which the judicious purchaser cannot afford to mise, Fill m the coupon to-day and ost to. us,


This Set bos brought slowing pease from ner, it i quite unique for value 7 extremely simple in aperation and tuning. natant! selective and porta aotple volume fer Ae Spcaker-work. The Sat complete includes the following +"H.T..Battery G/-), &°V. Accom- lator (Af. Aerial and Insulators(5/), L 2 Louden Valves (4/6 each), Fellows Junior SERS of Encsson aot Lowel Sneaker ()Pa'6). : Set Coitiplete, #6 ts. “Ts | gm ever so pleased Super Sensitive Tele- phones often go to the sswith your ‘phones. iff Oks £3 7 15 ry Oo Rosehyped, sil troublehei of writingae usto ‘ ~ hadhae bough! themheen frmarcy express: their appreciation o shouldhave ae their wonderful clarity, BEE = fs The FELLOPHONE tivity and fone, Mower to.a friend 3-VALVE GRAND. utho tried them against This’ is vy to understand. his (by another well Ericsson Super Sensitive Wirtunlly a Foor-Valve Set. in regard 9 range knowin maker) and he Telephones are fuilf by tele- and volume. This Set tm one of the neabeat and mat aymmetrical panels ever designed. has decided to have phone experts (we have had a and encloted im ita 23-inch solid hk or ing he went quite generation « expenence if Mahogany Cabinet. constitutes o Tret iar Tether * aper Them. telephone manufacture) not some piece of ‘penod furniture. Enthuscastic ugere ie all porte of the United Kingdom: : merely factory-assembled. e Set complete ingluces thefollawing +— H-T. Battery. 6 WV. Accumulator (25/-}, } Louden As proof of their wonderful Wolves (405 ech). headphones (11/6), Aerial | efficiency the Admiralty and Inaulatora (3/5). adopted them as standard in Set Complete, £14.10. 0. (2the RAFin 1917. Since then they have been immense- ly improved, and to-day they Set Only. stand supreme as the world’s £11.17.6 best ‘phone bar none. SEND tinrconi Fioyaliv paid. Why not give a pair as a FOR SPECIAL Christmas present ? WLLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE,

At all good dealers, Agents everywhere. The above sets can also be chtained on Deferred Payments" Write for full particulars. Write to-day for fists containing full information on oor sets foystal and valve), Super Tone To THE FELLOWS MAGNETO CO., LTD. Loudspeakers, Components, efc, Cumberland Avenue, Park Roval, Willesden, N.'W.I0.

= ( 2 (6 B R I T I S H L ._ M . ERICSSON Herewith Rernuttanoe Values os ov 0c wee oe nC Li fh ee ce oe ety Reco | Mis, Ca,, Ltd., ae Resshanets 6 7 / 7 3 , K I N G S W A Y , LONDON, w,c.2 Please forward ITH o-s eo eeeee ee ee ee ee pe a we eeeeee ee eeeee ee eeee 1 2 0 on conditions a8 per your advertizement: 2000} ohma 4,000 7 Name eeeeee eee |

Address See ee ee le eeaeea eeee

SUPER-SENSITIVE Fiease write clearly ms ELOCK LETTERS ond register Cash or Treasury Notes. Telephones BT, 11.18.25, PS. 188;

— Loy

_Deckarn 11TH, 1925.] — RADIO TIMES ——

g<> <><> «> <>





<> CRAME= AERIAL’ My new eet is n ble improvement. Tt is o elective seb, on long-range et ard, tbainkea fo Climax, T min bog ap be aiode the other fellow caneot med,

<> The: Climax Foldieg Frat Aerial bas Teade all Cha (ft. Minax le undoubtediy the bow Folding Frama Adria Comutructed: on an ingeniode apatem, I may ba meme) or: fotcherd in a ea cons. The winding is Arranerd: in. bag Aad cme, Merohahors ze andeens concerning the Climax Radio Earth the ality bilan, combining navantagos of Both solenoid

tenet na paacike Ove, A nenire tapping is provided for are 7h VaAloe special cirpiita, Very. attractivo, extremely efficient, remarkably original and best direct earthing tube.

= simple. ware tras tly fn lded, The stand ales folds. OGored gi a particularily: aiecrastive price, 30s,

O meet the demand of Crystal Set users fora direct earthing device, MAKE SURE IT'S CLIMAX. having the highefficiency and convenience associated with the original

AP Climax Tubular Earth, we are nowintroducing * — *A NEW FULL-SIZE MODEL, THE CLIMAX GALLOY

IP EARTH, AT THE REMARKABLYLOW PRICE OF 2/6. The Climax Galloy Earth puts the well proven advantages of the original Climax Earthing System withinthereach of everylistener: .7/No need now

dP The original Climax Copper Earth is still available for the discriminating ee listener at Ga, and is still undoubtedly the most perfect earthing device

dP avoulable, If you are troubled with WEAK SIGNALS, ——— a INTERAITEEST SIGS ALS; ; f ELECTRIC. MAIN DISTete RBANCES,

4a * 4 LOCAL -SET INTERFERENCE, , i MUDDY RECEPTION, Wek the probable cavet of the trouble i s . ancineiicient-catth. Geta better earth — today. Bat it must be a genuie Climax Earth. a> ~ Now ovailable in two models, CLIMAX COPPER EARTH for the connoisseur, full size .. 6/.

u CLIMAX GALLOY EARTH for the economist, fullsize .. 2/6

4 One pair of Climax Insulators linked with a Climax Shock Absorber epring at each crmof a-single span wire iieans perfect insulation, while the aerial wire & fcheved from sackilen strains doe tow Like tawar or haly ard 5 pe shrinkage, Are you buying’ a Crystal Set ? Each Climax Insnlator (Reg, hesiiip ie, So8eth) will. &sata tour tines the Goolls Let-Climax helpvan, flash-over voltage of the ordinary insulator, while it daa far hes capactty io Here ‘ire the four impeortint points to eon earth.

><4aP sider — Efficiency: Reliability: Appearance: Tt will stand a direct pull of hundreds of pounds. Tt t-entinely non-byern- = Price: sonpic, It cannot absorb moisture even if fractured. ITF INSULATES For BMelaney—you want 4 ort whim real good PERFECTLY. DURING RAINFALL, ‘Tt a5. soidleaning on all surkaces, tune aysiem. Wall! get Tlimas, It's get a rupgiathon fee jie high 2flelenoy jonine wretom whisk Price :, One Climax Insulated Shock Absorber Set comprising four Climax ce Gy epecially deakeeed D-shaped Vartoncicr, gitine Low Loss Insulators andtwo Climax Shock Absorber Springs. Price 3/-per box, Thimarkahiy close noantigg, wide Wareleneth verieijon,

dP fine. .teninec ai) ford peli, For Reliability—you wast a wh that won't moan THE CLIMAX LIGHTHING ARRESTER. ——_ ————— A kt of erpetal settige teockle apd whee ote mee Made on the milli-gap, quenched spark principle, i THE CLIMAK ABRIAL EARTH

” it hn ail Walll gat Cilmax. 1t's Btied UN ho-the aanderty) Ache michopedter fbw@hisker iL %, Provides abemepioric epace charges ane lghtmiog cis- EROULPMENT bk ie Bpecially to Stay Pot." it L th BLE! Sih to earth ‘of very low reluce : dP For Appesrance—you, want a ect witly fi decried (©) epereet eterna = ‘ | hee OnPrie BATT esti «+ able : = a ra VTP ce a A f EARTH "i Amish. Wall! ae Climax. Fi boput bho hey A ma Protects the set prhetber.in net oe at, NO SWITCHES CLA Ansalated Layw- ihn Se a a finished and es rally remerkaibl for lig peri CL oef- alLreetpnin| Geta ile = NECESSARY, (The mica insolsting diges aod series Lead, 32H Le Por Price—Al howeh the lng. Tngukr Orretal Fi milhipin gars enor: complete ubeene of shomting ant inant aSbaAeswher Get branol tee sperin! tyaniages it Coste fo |moore elect, leaving: your slenals at maximum. etrenrlh. | if. he ae Asits-= “Speings ooree Shan the heel ofibiaey Crp aleBe PRICE 2 ‘a The plas cover profects Che gaps trom becoming 2emt- | here Ha Bf comepin te wit h jahnie-t ty Db eciier i rica ul, For Daventry. A thigh itticte ruta SeedHe Grell wht Sill Conducting doc to dirk damp of other interference | CLIMAX sai Lows Sneniataevhoxed a special arate toning adjosiinnt ia pravlied, —@ EngTI ipped withrit a Chinas‘hi Lighting7 1th AFreierester, gi1.DATweeriz 14 CLIMAXwooareLow-LousRTE serial,TN 30%eset le ZzTia PRICE a a. Ba Posvive protection against Hehtoing instead of bring 4h dP CLIMAX Livabo Leadl-ly ComnerLor 3 eoinl Hote:—Por wes th your exiatioe. sob tin a Soutie of danger, on:came thma, a Ma tmx Papoise Plogdin ‘Datestor eee obo berogeht i Tektaln T Eeeneeis ix jor 3/8 complete with ppbets, Price 7/6 complete, ready to fix. Li # Artes e 8 | Cinax fnprvh Crrsial aod Citintsy Agio Pa e ber Caiwhliker coum be Weegle sepanalety fer aj-. 42h CLIMAX “MAKE SURE ITS CLIMAX”esses

4 CLIMAX RADIO ELECTRIC, LTD., ition,Hindfedyeadet Head Office and Works; Shewradma t cheque te the correct ameant, OUILL WORKS, PUTNEY, LONDON, 5.8.15, 7, HIGH HOLBORN, when immediate attention wil’ 4 RA D l oO + All communications to the above address. LONDON, W.C.L, be gives fo pour jesiractions. Telephones, FUTNEY 2599. Telephone HOLBORN, 2538. >

aa [Decempen Tlra, 1a. f= emanate aman sa cee alle oe = =


FORMERLY Wesrern Electric oe i j HEAL PHONES

There is no more economical THE BABY GRAND or robust valve on the market to-day than the Wecovalve; ‘THE Cosmos Radio Valve Sets have been in fact it has practically double called the Musicians’ Sets. The 3-Valve the life of any other dull Set belongs tothis musical family. It is emitter. The provision of the | new tape filament and t h e fact Baby Grand to the $-Valve Set which is that t h e valve only consumes a -quarter of an ampere gives a Full Grand. double economy. together with With one master control, the 3-Valve Set all the sterling qualities that have made the Wecovalve famous. is simplicity itselfin operation. It has the Supplied in three forms for Cosmosfidelity of tone and marked Service : Red Spot indicates excellence lyrical eloquence. The Baby Grand as HF. Ampliher. employs the. same_ resistance-capacity Orange Spot indicates excel- amplificationas 1s used-in theCosmos §-

lence as L.F. Ampliher, as 4-PIN WECOVALVE Valve Sets. Hearing is believing—ar any 16/6. Green Spot indicates excel- lence as Detector. Wireless Dealers, * ay = Standard Headphones respond to the weakest signals and are, Price, including royalties but without in addition to being super- - sensitive, a pleasure to the accessories £8 .5.0. wearer. [he new headbands caress the head and the receivers Can be worn for many hours without the slightest discomfort. Irite for our Booklet No. HW’. 546, containing particulars of our Valves, Headphones, and new apparatus. It is free upon request. Standard AC RADIO VALVE SETS Telephones and Cables Limited CONNAUGHT HOUSE, ALDWYCH, W.C.2 Central 7345 (10 Lines), PAd VALVE WER Werks: Necth Woolwich, Soatlyjaite WWhslevaleanly ; Meveo-Vick SupptresLtn.4 Centcal B u i l d i n g s , Westminster, L o n d o n ,&W.t AMBLIPICATION, pe and Hendon. o Propricters + Matropolitan-Pickers E l e c t r i c a l Campany, Eni, 45/- BRANCHES—Glosgow, Leeds, Nee | ? ~ = comle, Manchester, Birmingham, Cardijf, Seolhamplon, Liverpool and Dublin.

“Decesmen lirn, 1 9 2 5 . ) = RADIO TIMES oO —— — = 2 i a & aie

iaeeans4 Where sound design iS es| The Gfirst a n WirelessW i r e backed by fine workmanship , Meet Speaker was XAMINEany 38tOWN Loud Speaker at your local Wireless | a ‘Brown Shep andyou cannot fail to be impressed by its fine: feee workmanship. Right from the moment when the HI was placed upon the market—long before Broadcasting began— it has enjoyed a reputation for outstanding quality of manufacture. ‘| But even more important than fine workmanship is fidelitygol tone, The .Brown H!—through the scientific application of exclusive principles—is responsible for a depth and beauty of - toneas yet unequalled by any other Loud Speaker. *\ Music lovers are charmed with the way in which the Brown HI gives animation, life and humanness to Eroadcasting. The voice of the singer, the majesty of the brass band, the syncopation of the Dance Orchestra—every sound is reproduced in its true value. Ask your Dealer to give a demonstration and you'll readily appreciate why the Brown—above all Loud Speakers—is recognised as the trueinterpreter of Radio music. Type H1 6.5%ohms &-8-0000 ohms %-10-04,000obaik

Retail Showrooms: 19 Mortimer Strect, WT. : 15 Moorhelds, Liverpool, Special Note 6? High St., Southampton. to the Trade:

In case of difficul Depots 1 abteinnis ae (Wholesale only) : pies. send your 13 Buchy Park, Bristol ; orders. direct to Cross House, Westgate Head Office Road, Newcastle,

ee —_

oe — RADIO TIMES, — [Deceomen Lith, seni


cooCUT HERE ———————— | | | I To Burndept Wireless Limited, Aldine House, Bedford I Herewith Remittance VWalese. <<. 40 eces ace gee vce eon ae ee a oeoe ati ce Street, London, W.C.2. | Please forward mt Battery Charger. . a85b Geevot Volks e fd bom ome » Frequency, Please send me a free copy of Publication No. 284, | ‘on condiiens ae per your Advertisement, T | 4 POeet hh atek aha irra iene Sieve Lew at es Jer Be ice oe Se Ss ee ee ed NAME ikeaPheeedLree l a ! PTE a. nee eebh he ee kt ee | ADDRESS... SHPP PEEDLRGTED PETAPS SEE ERED EEE EE EEoh | Datsetontitie es ae fet debi eee PeeT EPR E ETE RPE SPREE ed | RT HUGS ence ener eesie pee eeeee ees = eh “> Plone weite clearly in BLOCK LETTERS,and register Cash’or Tresury Notes EP-3: 18) Radio “Tomes, 11-12-25, | J

fife! JAS)Af with mahogany collmet and sexfdbed-offeer “peillle,“*- Price 8 Gran, | HN Revelation in Radio Reproduction

9 |OUDER, Clearer, more sensi- lhats better! tive and realistic | in tone than any contemporary instrument, Ir you have ever told a man at the other the RADIOLUX AMPLION end of the telephone that you can’t hear is a revelation m every essential him and would he mind speaking up, you loud speaker quality. will have noticed that he loudly becomes True to life is the spoken word a little more incoherent. Then -suddenly and the song of the vocalist. In- “click!” something happens. The voice strumental music is almost indis- grows loud. You can distinguish words, tinguishable from the original ‘Ah! That’s better!” studio performance. Outwardly Cosmos Valves have a very similar effect resembling the _ English bracket on Radio, They rectify. They make things clock, the cabinets+ possess that suddenly clear. Particularly u s e f u l is the ees o ims and Reyaera type A. 45. A general purpose valve that 2 whic enote the master- excellent high and low frequency re- Pree. gives The Radolur AMPLION its cafe artailalle in ia " Os famil is smaller size and in metal, sults and, like all the Cosm ¥s f r o m £4152,0. Other AMPLIONogk and de-lureModelsfinishf r oaf m prices25s. consistently economical. Obtetnable from AMPLION STOCKISTS, Radio Dealers or Stoves, Patentees and Manufacturers : ALFRED GRAHAM & Co. ¢&. A. GRAHAM) St. Andrew’s Works, Crofton Park, London, $,E.4, Aoiolly as K AMPIION Z.

Wiolcale only: Mereo-Vice Surettes Lro., mateagogyAave reeee rion e RaH“4 es At Burroines, : WeertmMiseter, Loxnoon, . §.W.i Clphom, Manchester:SW4: 10,andMe107,kitwerthSt VincentStreet Street,Heat‘Glagou’es End, Proprietors: MMetropalinan-Peters Electrical Comparing, Did, FOR ‘ THE : FIRST * TIME - IN : LOUD * SPEAKER: | HISTORY * SCIENCE * AND - ART * GO - HAND « IN * HAND ha - RADIO TIMES . [VEcEMBER dru, 1325


HOW THE VALVE WORKS ‘VALVES “How theValve Type D.E.3. Works.” A most interesting and (Dall Emitter.) valuable article for every owner of a valve set is contnbuted to this issue of “ Wireless " by Major James Robinson, D.5Sc., Ph.D., F-.Inst P. Cosy Corner Crystal Set. This is just the neat eth- cient little Crystal. Set that i causes your friends to say MAIOR JAMES ROBINSON. splendid “and ask where you D.8c., Ph.D., F.Inst.P. - bought it. The-anawer of Pircetoy of Hemareh fo aio Powe itd. OOUrse is “you made it your-

How to build this set and a particularly simple Long Distance Receiver is fully deseribed in this issue of “* Wire- less," and because of the clear diagrams and instructions, it is easy for you to construct them and be sure of excellent resultd if ‘you only follow outthe concise details supplied. Set building at home is economical too. The three features mentioned above are :-—- HOW THE VALVE WORKS, By Major James Robinson, D.Se., Ph.D., F Inst P, THE COSY CORNER CRYSTAL SET, By A. Johnson Randall. A LONG DISTANCE RECEIVER, By G. P. Kendall, B.Sc. There are numerous other articlesof great interest and a» host of reading Dry batteries will run the D.E.3.— matter thatwill entertain and please all at home who appreciate the pro- grammes broadcast by the B.B.C. Stations. a great consideration to those who i have not ready means available frESere fartinnes t for recharging accumulators. 52 Pages” a : 52 Pages a stage £ Every : : Every | CRYSTAL USERS—Add i Tuesday. a WEEKLY. Tuesday. of L.F. Amplification f i t t e d with an OSRAM D.E.3. Valve for BUY YOUR COPY TO-DAY. more volwne ! Obtainable at all Newsagents and Bookstalls, Characteristics. Filament: Volts. 4 ee 2B Fifament Cervent) ..0 2. "OD abs, Amode Vols 42 sn en DOO. S fmepadante oo... a ”ooo chen, Amplification Factor .. a

es ae = | a oe eae


LEP Sold by all leading Wireless Dealers, ayaoe ini fry! focally, sead P.O. for 13]- for 12 Electrical Contractors and Stores. UT nae 6/6 for months" enbscription ta Dept. F.T., ann FUPFONDIUTIUUDIIIVNTHARURIOTTONT LOTTITAnILTITTTTITITIITIIIIVIUTHTATTTT ire RADIO PRESS LTO., BUSH HOUSE, STRAND, ‘LONDON, W.C.2.

Adeaf The General Elscinte Co., Lit, Meger! Hawes, Kingsotay, Londen, 4'C.2, "Eb. area aid,

a im,

Deceamen linn, 1025.) —RADIO TIMES —~. \ EBT



Under the new policy recently inaygurated by ths Fellows Magneto Co, the middleman's profit, has been entirely eliminated, and all the well-known products of this firm are now offered to the public at what are practically Trade Prices. All goods are fully guaranteed ond sent on Seven Days" Approval against Cash. Goods also are sent packing free, carriage forward unless postage 18 stated. This is a unique opportunity and one which the judicauws purchaser cannot alford’ to miss, Fill in the cotpon to-lay ond post ta us.

Do away with

THE JUNIOR. Except for sheer power is the equal HT Batteries of any big “Speaker” on the market. Perfect tone, and adjustable diaphragm. [t is over 18 inches in height, and is therefore na toy. The M-L Anode Converter(illustrated) Probakly the finest medium sized enables all valve-set users Loud Speaker itis possible te obtain. to do away altogether with the constant -expense and uncertainty of H.T. Batteries, Paice 19/6 THE VOLUTONE You r u n t h e M-L, Anode Converter One of the finest full size Lowd Speakers on the imarkct and its direct from an accumulator, and on - present price makes one of the the output side you o b t a i n High most amazing bargains ever offered. Clear distortionless reception and. T e n s i o n current for detectors, or Power handsomely fintshed. Also fitted Valves, or both. with adjustable diaphragm. Acknow- ledged by experts to be unencelied The use of an M-L Anode Converter jor its sound reproducing qualities. means a very real economy for you, as well as a great at| gain in convenience THE FELLOWS = and in the r e l i a b i l i t y of your loud- Price 55S/- LIGHTWEIGHT HEADPHONES. speaker results. A G r s t - c l a c s paw of B r i t i s h Head. phones. Cheaper than foreign Fill up the coupon below, and send_ it nhones and incomparably better. to us, and we will post you full Non-rusting duralumin headbands, particulars. Combine extreme sensitivencss with lightness. W e i g h t only r e m a r k a b l e 6 ounces with c o r d , Postage Gd. S. SMITH & SONS (M.A.), Ltd. 179-185, G r e a t Portland St., London, W.1,

o*| al _ - To The Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd., Cumberland Avenue, Park I Madein several ae ; Royal, Willesden, N.W.10. | - types for all I Herewith Remittance Valte..... PEPE RRS SeeNeeRR i ae hyperet requirements. oe eeepost mewerparticularaco, of Please forward cme PbO eR RSS REET EOCRRR “ Converter? This enquiry ] I Seectettetecretreetrtsesseeeeteeseseesss OM COnCILGNs as per your advertisement; | a tivolves no obligation. :

| Name spemne SPOTPTCREa ge A !

we PE pace vseee ere oewk eee Adie. FSSCTeeWER | - l | oo” 6 ee de eeen en ee ee i 1 PRCTAHPSSTPP | - Siavce een cae ea pe ROT. 11-12-35, - 'i Plesse write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS and register Cash of Treasury Notes. I Se eeael i B,T, 11.13.25, E.P.S; 187, EP.Ty Sayera aig a ILL a adeacetese

Bice —- RADIO TIMES — ; [Decempen lira, 1925.

= ee

AMfanufeactarers of MeferCor Electrical Equipment by Appointment lo HAY. The King.

Standing ‘l8ins, high, this model is ideal for family use, and gives sufficient volume for large rooms,“ Its purity of.tone is, of course, equal to the other models we manufacture, and large. output. enables the NEW JUNIOR to Be aod at the followinig moderate prices :

Cat. No. 5909, Black Satin Enamel, 2,007 chms, 45/- Cat. No. 5010, Imit. Tortoiseshell Flare, 7,000 ohms, 55/- Write for o Copy of “Oor Complete Radia Catafague. ALCTONVALE. Al&Oskys3 MANCHESTER BRANCH: 35, Bridge Street.


Dont have a

= leakyaerial |BIGBROTHER’R= The big brother of the Cable O.V. f Faulty insulation gives: you a leaky aerial. Avernalg may be Been at any Mayvall or J This means weak reception. Uze PYREX Government Wireless Station. Both are : built on the same lines—for efficiency. Insulators.and stop the leakage. Then see the The Cable O.V. Acriafs are not nearly improvement in results. Most insulators have so obtrusive as their big brother, That only a surface insulation, but these Insulators, 07 post ed is their great advantage. Slung just made from PYREX Glass, are perfect right fo, cur teufel below the ceiling from two hooks fixed through. And they keep clean. Dust or soot in anyodd corners of the room, they a are Hight out of everybody's way. 7 a] wont stay on. them. Rain. washes them, They. give you. selective. tuning. also, i) They cannot abso-h moisture. Their imsu- and the comparative results of thebie lating properties last for ever. Freaking strain commential serials. 450 lbs. Try them and give your set a chance. REG, PAT. Cable Standard O.¥. Acvial, ready to fix. Tet WHEcatia PRICE 2/6

Cable Saper O.V. Acrial. Flint. with ian= t eboniieENTE, PRICE S/G Cable ti, hosesibs Cagies bea irom yore Beeal. a tleaber, but shoukl you havediieulty in cletin AERIAL INSULATOR (SS ing one, write direct to ws, Ollainable from all Radio Dealers, price 1/3 : Make cerlain you are gelling a Coble O.F', each, Ff any difficulty in olaining ldeally ‘send i <2 : cash with order to SX

ty JAMES A. JOBLING & CO, L i d , = J~™es * Wear Flint ‘ Glass Works, i a 5 RM Leb SS. “3 i Sunderland. _ Py a : SLECTRICAL SUPPLIES, a;Itmakes



LONDON, N.t. iia [Sine

‘. NOV) difference

Decemexr Tirn, 1925. j — RADIO TIMES —- 5pO ee: ee SS= COC ——— — —

ADI cmltd -Hwith

« hu ont at multain VOmee ee ar Ae duets: 6-vall= Thathtne Seth i jiea oF eels alls wil Siroike ture” re Auwitifae: rir. bert" 58/6 = ai spaciky HI sirens n 55/« a7, &Srolld ‘{ c r ADI ; = sl PI/6%- soap ony hl Aetaal fapet! Sl Ki ; iy Mi SDP. aon ore a RPS ee, epee s i n a ahaa 73/6 ee a t e g A e eID : is a j p a u rdiverse na all RH ce, ae id a pe, Genreetty t= athe 4) ae" Eee p o a p e a c n u y

A to al ERTS MARE,

LUCASSScy f i lhe ee _ mahi ay aly!ine= feyhoesrieae el MODELS TO SUIT ALL CARS. ectemguias Mirrors © ata LOG t 16/6 ‘ r. = Lary P 7Pe aA Hee FG. oes ee ied universally et] eet LUCAS * lca few knierker filling+ oy e aiara OBSERVA SAFETY" sith ping suk PiFbSE eaebe DATTA, Rcurd ON ao eeeHreckrtoe ktaawintaereem el, Min Prices 76 iy 16/a ee daptecge, far apoceal cus, arti. S i t a d e Bm Mate Fixing HE issue of Popuuar WIRELESS on os © hoy iwahPnc= Tubular ‘Gindesann a sale To-Dayis a real Bumper Christ- Bracket (m9. lustrited), “ee. sa Tis 4 1 mas Number. It contains many special ty' 2cPraia-aePeauoei

r t i n e s .ee * oe iecreen mk [feature“§ Inc luding seasonable artic bes, cartoons, awe Thebetsorecxned Le ane in po Shieh a humorous poem and a 4-page Radio Gilt 1 he (ew pergyy oct io kd this BreAhetPee Supp'ement. The pictorial caver of this grand Spicial Arbus, fas aperiel tives, arzey number is the work of a well-known artist and is superbly printed in Full Colours. Here are seme af thesp/enedid coments in this entarged number, The “P.W." Three-Valve “Premier” Receiver A magnificent set epscially bint ta the order of Mr, Ramsay MacDonald, the ex-Prime Minister, LUCAS “RING at the ROAD" ELECTRIC HORNS hare a décetontd mellow oote whieh. is wmeqguadiedt for carrying. pawer. A Radio Rocket to the Moon We10 Long Pallem (Ebony Back) .. SS. A fascinating article about a great Experiment. No, & Shorter Pattern (Ebony Black) 2T/G No, VF For filing wndet bonnet (Hick) BBs Tiledhve price ereTor fie BE edb bores oe! teehee Hore A Wireless Dream Push, Siebel Mafed field fer Jes, Lib ae 3 ie ee. A moat amusing poem. } Lies “Bo a! he ee AO ALES olen intisxe’ Tenth Horm, Hatlericn, Windertpen Wigesra, Ineqection Lange, Dust) Lacs, Captain ECHERSLEY iieulipht Liner, fence Indl Cas, Oi, ele, writes on" Only Three Years Ago.” Sir OLIVER LODGE Write for full particulars of LUCAS con'ributea a delightful mon-technical orticle— SPECIALITIES— “OA Scentiat'a Christmas,” Post Free, on request, from Department GC. DE GROOT the Frunmenus violinist, writes on— “What Christmas Means to Me.” efc., etc. LUCAS Manufacturers of RADIO BATTERIES

OF aff Newsogent WIRELESS and “KING mz ROAD” SPECIALITIES end Bewbstall Every ee Thursday. Usual Price 7 JOSEPH LUCAS LTD., BIRMINGHAM SER RRP RSET KR TRee ita

RS. =.


esme VALVES re io

BRIGHT DULL iF UNOBTAINABLE LOCALLY APPLY DIRECT TO EMITTERSEMITTERS dtparrment THE CABLE ACCESSORIES C> L- TIPTON S'—= S/- & Q/- 4/6 ic ion Filament Amps M1, Amode Wolta 40-80. Troe F.1 (the Plain Louden) for KB. These valves — only one Detection and LP. Amplification. seventh of the current tak - by ordinar Tyee Fit tthe Blue Lowden) for betght emitters They wil also aaa strait offe. 4 Volt orf Volk Pcla HF. Amplification. without salperstion to Filament Resist. Filament Volts 4". ances of Set. Filament Acie. (4, Please atnte which type required. Accde Volta 2-8, Postage 4d. on eoch Vale.

AN APOLOGY!! Fy We apologise to those who may in_ the Se past have been obliged to wait for their Louden Valves. Upos dealing direct with STABIL the public we experienced a demand for ITY ) The word that means so much to crystal detectors these valves far in excess of the output. —the bederock of the famous Rl, Permanent Adequate steps were at once taken and & Mineral Detector, We Perfect sensitivity with ether detectors seems bo we can now assure all users that their y have wings, you have it for a moment, then orders can be despatched by -return— almost at once it takes to flight, and is gone. Not so with the RJ. Absolute permanence and hill in this coupon to-day and forward to— perfect sensitivity—there's no searching for sen- sitive spots, and catwhiskers are unknown—is the

——————— Eee i ini 4 ae ——— reason for the complete success of theE.I FELLOWS .MAGNETO CO. LTD., Park Royal, Witenes. NWO. Permanent Mineral Detector. le bos received the oniversal poprowal of the whole oi the Technical Frees, pmel to-clay alot 200.000 aatiaied 1 user are enjoying the advantages of thie famous deteckor Seeeees ee es ed ei TheES. Peemaneet Mines Lt Deeberiior je mtnifaclored in tero deren

—— fora, Tie aalinicey tatty bh gseriaed withae ou ape ortiog clhgerfar mepiiiog laa omen) ier abere de belie w pamj PRICE 6) Address eee ee ee Cn ploiie WILK metal breckhoie On scrowe for mounting. The other fonn. Shaitirated alee, be fer Sen 2 eea en eg 8 ee ee ee ee ey, | os dadigped for one-lole frig, And i 2m prorkiod wlth «a deiathebke ebonlte ; See cover which protects the miljosling Hetewith Reeuttance wale... . »Phense forward mess. os ‘Louden Valvet 23 2 keh when in peli, PRI Te oom plate. Wate fer he 2, ie aed all Tipe i. eae ee a eee Ed tod dee oe GEDon oonditons i fee ier adverlisement, QGateigne, [Fee de seppelibaline, Is Please write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS aod register Cath on Teeasery Notes. | THE MARK OF BETTER RADIO L.T.liiee = K.PA. TI, L o n d o n , WC. in Adet. FLL Lid, 22 Hyde S e . , Mew Oxford Si, Frinted by NEWKES aPRassoy Purrisa Co., LAD, Bamoor sire, Ladbroke Grove, W.10, and Published tor the Proprietors by Geongx Sewses, Lire, 11, Southampton Stree, Strand, Londen, W.C.2, England — isecember Lin, 1¥25,

DECEMRER litn, 125.| = — TIMES -—— rity pon _—— — —_ - --—__— - - - ——


Refinement ‘Woolliness’ in reception is more often due to the aerial rather than the set, This fact is clearly demonstrated by our laboratory tests. COMPLETE Consequently, in producing SUPERIAL—the ing of Aerials— POSTAGE 6d.,' refinement of tone and signal strength is especially studied. Music, both vocal and instrumental, received through SUPERIAL, possesses unique refinement. This is achieved by the mathematical combination of plated metal strands in SUPERIAL, which have a beneficial effect upon the signal strength. fee a oe oe os ail a eeea The extra-heavy rubber insulation minimises all possible chance of leakage Pre)vi eerieer ea Le rendering insulators an unnecessary extravagance. No matter what your preconceived ideas may be, go to-your nearest wireless =o epee dealer and ask for SUPERIAL,the King of Aerials. €andpartialpati| mo aL (ese:(CEfo,roa ees ————— NEW LONDON ELECTRON WORKS,Ltd. ce In orange and red boxes only. (Members of the BBC) baraAi . Se on Der EAST HAM, LONDON, E.6. Telegrams : "" Stannum, London." (4s laatrated oboe.) (Private Branch Exchange. Houses 40. 101. "4 5, 15. Dastrict Railway: Upton Pork Station,

Tt) ‘ &

om aKINGss:eee


aa hi

— RADIO TIMES — [Deceswpser Lire

= = . = —a

ARCONI Valves are sound in con- struction, principle and performance and in their unfailing power to give absolute satisfaction; consequently they are the most popular and widely used valves in the radio Brief farticalars of six popular types: world to-day. TYPR BE. Filamenl: Voltx 4, Fila. TYPE Dy. Filament Voll 24 ment Aap. oy, Anote Volts so- noo, Fitment Agips. oot. Abode Willa f#o-Bo. lotpeiande [ooma} 24,000 lepedince (chara) 40,008, Agmplah- Amplification ication Factor 9. Facto a Each type of Marconi Valve is constructed Paice 8) = 16/6 TYPE &.5r.. Fitaunent Volis ¢. Fila- TYPE D-E.5, Filament Volly cals for a specific purpose on straightforward fifa Atipsote. Anode Vets 30-120, Filament Aap. of. Anode Volts Tintspedlanine {ohms} 3onoc. Acpelifi- Application6o-180, mpedanee poles! Peo scientific lines and is dependable in every Factor cationFarter 1Gu Poe Of The 18/6 way, economical in operation and guaranteed TYPE DER. Filament Volts re. TVPE L545. Por Power Amplifica- Filament Ampa. o94. Anode Volts tien. Filanient Volts.4'+. Filament by the name Marconi, famous for thirty qo-8o, impedaises “folias) aaieo Acopis., of: Amadle Volts tee- yor, tim, Atopliieat onore 14/ pedance forbink) Gade. Ai- 4i}/ Paice ig plbication Factor 4, Paice 72 years in radio. Broadcasting Stations throughout the world use them and leading experimenters and amateurs everywhere prefer them. The : The nate fetaul formance “ Fawr farOo wars, gerne | reasons are obvious. Marconi Valves will +. fhe bar fer rarer y af flgerearea Aroduct —Re fpaag Seta, FPL: : cove LI, Aupdifiers, “ fdeat™= ieontiormers: ial x “ore besberid i, E = gels hy famous Srrling Lond ser Sete aaud an ; satisfy your every radio need.

erwinee Cotthe Unlue tn. thepurple box Aftall radio dealers

THE MARCONIPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED Registered Office: Marcom Howse, Sand, London, WAC, 2; aed 210-212 Tottenham Court Road; Londen, W. 1. Brasches: Aberdoon, Bristol, Birmingham, Belfast, Cardi, (Cheltenham, Dublin. Glagpow, Leeds. Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Southampton, Seransna