By Katlynn Mitchell & Tommy Fowler Our Argument…

The Puffy Chair is an independent film

• Production circumstances • Genre (or lack thereof) • Narrative • Language



“Specimens of the genre share a low-key naturalism, low-fi production values and a stream of low-volume chatter often perceived as ineloquence. Hence the name: mumblecore.” - Dennis Lim

Production Circumstances


• $15,000 budget • ($10,000 borrowed from parents) “The films feel more like dialogues between filmmakers and their audiences and less like calling cards to the studios.” - Dennis Lim Production Circumstances


• Panasonic mini DV AGDVX100A • Re-shooting and editing • Home video quality • (CLIP)

Production Circumstances


• Distributed by and Roadside Attractions

“I want more people to see our movies, but I didn‟t want to dilute what it is that we‟re doing to get it to more people.” -

Production Circumstances


• Improvisation • Non professional actors (parents contribute once again) “We don't do rehearsals. And we let the actors improvise the lines and say them however they want. But, there is no improv as far as where the story goes, that's pretty set in stone.” - Mark Duplass • Admired Cassavetes‟ style

Genre (or lack thereof)

Genre Subversion

Netflix categories: • Comedy • Drama • Romance Other possibility: • Road movie?

Genre (or lack thereof)

Road Movie Example

• Subversion • Lack of Execution


Conventional- sometimes radical

• Investment in the characters • Plot is chronological • Clear beginning, middle and end • Resolution Narrative

Conventional- sometimes radical

• Relationship>plotline and cinematography “Mumblecore narratives hinge less on plot points than on the tipping points in interpersonal relationships.” - Dennis Lim

• No change in knowledge throughout narrative.


• Opening phone conversation • “Say Anything” reference • Past band is dead; underachiever • Goes out of his way to be cheap


Non-politicizing • Focused on a set of relationships, not a serious social issue • Paralleled relationships

Narrative Non-politicizing

“He didn‟t feel he had „anything to say right now about the Iraq war. The story of my life and my friends‟ lives are the ones I can tell most completely.‟” - Swanberg in “All Talk?” • Typical for mumblecore • (CLIP) Relationships

• Desiring ideal relationship • Broken relationships • Insistence on believing • Inevitable need to move on • “Unavoidable” fights Progression of the chair Progression of the chair Progression of the chair

(CLIP) Progression of the chair Language


• Inappropriateness • “Demurral” • “Hesitation” • “Noncommitment” Language


• Nonprofessional actors uncomfortable speaking on camera. • “Insecurity and embarrassment about voicing their characters‟ ideas, desires, and feelings is not merely symptomatic of their lack of technique, it dovetails with a defining characteristic of the particular cohort (white, middle-class, twenty-something) to which the filmmakers and their quasi-fictional characters belong.” - Taubin • This is what mumblecore is trying to capture Conclusion

The Puffy Chair is an independent film

• Definition of Mumblecore • Low production value • Unclear genre • Relationship-driven narrative • Independent language Class Discussion

• Do you agree with our argument? • Does this movie have a genre? • Do you agree it‟s conventional and non- politicizing? • Have you seen any other films that fit into this (mumblecore) “movement”? Citations

• • • “Interview: Mark Duplass for Cyrus”; video on YouTube • Lim, Dennis. "A Generation Finds Its Mumble." The New York Times. August 19, 2007. • Nichols, Bill. Engaging Cinema: An Introduction to Film Studies. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2010. Print. • Taubin, Amy. "All Talk?" Film Comment. November/December 2007.