ABSTRACT I Construction of 110Kv GIS Substation at 220 Kv Substation, Shornur - Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders Issued
KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD IIM.ITED (Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956) Reg.Office: Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004, Kerala Phone: +9 I 47'J. 251,457 6, 2446885, I 446008884 F ax: 047 L 24447 38 E-mail: dtksc!@ksebjt Website: www.kseb.in.CIN :U40100KLz011SGC027 +24 ABSTRACT I Construction of 110kV GIS Substation at 220 kV Substation, Shornur - Administrative sanction - accorded - orders issued. Corporate Office (SBU-T) B.O.(FTD)N o.935120L9/D(T,SO&Sl/I7 /PKD-ShornurGlS l2OLg-20/Ihiruvananthapuram dated t3.t2.20L9 Read: Note No:D(T,SO&S\/T7/PKD-Shornur clS/2O19-20/87 dtd. 07.IL.2OL9 of the Director (T,SO&S) (Agenda 3s/ L2/ Lgl ORDER The Chief Engineer (Transmission North), submitted, an estimate amounting to Rs.4450 lakh and Detailed Project Report for the 110 kV GIS substation at Shornur. The work involves the construction of 110 kV GIS substation with four transformer bays, 10 feeder bays, two bus coupler bays and two bus sectionalisers and'1 number capacitor bay in the compound of existing compound oI22O kV Substation, Shornur without disrupting the existing system. During the work of Transgrid 2.O, 220 kV Substation, Shoranur has.to feed major portion of Malappuram district in addition to the normal loading of the station. Since the feeder and 12.5 MVA transformer are connected to the same bay, the maintenance of the feeder/ transformer is very difficult, causing load restrictions. Due to space constraints, it is not at all possible to add new bays to the existing station and the flexibility of different sources, like 220 kV sources from Madakkathara and Areekkode, 110 kV sources from Madakkathara and Malaparambu, cannot be explored efficiently and effectively.
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