International SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDIES JOURNAL SSSjournal (ISSN:2587-1587) Economics and Administration, Tourism and Tourism Management, History, Culture, Religion, Psychology, Sociology, Fine Arts, Engineering, Architecture, Language, Literature, Educational Sciences, Pedagogy & Other Disciplines in Social Sciences Vol:5, Issue:47 pp.5806-5819 2019 ISSN:2587-1587
[email protected] Article Arrival Date (Makale Geliş Tarihi) 03/09/2019 The Published Rel. Date (Makale Yayın Kabul Tarihi) 22/10/2019 Published Date (Makale Yayın Tarihi) 22.10.2019 THE PROBLEMATIC OF THEORY-PRACTICE IN HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY TÜRK DIŞ POLİTİKASININ TARİHSEL EVRİMİNDE TEORİ-PRATİK SORUNSALI Dr. Bülent AKKUŞ Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Political Science and International Relations, , Istanbul/TURKEY ORCID ID: Res. Asst. Yeliz YAZAN KOÇ Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Istanbul/TURKEY Article Type : Research Article/ Araştırma Makalesi Doi Number : Reference : Akkuş, B. & Yazan Koç, Y. (2019). “The Problematic Of Theory-Practice In Historical Evolution Of Turkish Foreign Policy”, International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(47): 5806-5819. ÖZ The foreign policy realm is the most delicate area for states. It is a realm where in theory states contact or enter into positive or negative relations with their equals. In practice, however, it is a realm where states carry out such relations, exchanges on the basis of cooperation or conflict with other states and even non-state actors in an unofficial hierarchy. Given its importance, the foreign policy-diplomacy realm calls for a theoretical framework, orientation and targeting.