WINTER 2009/2010 Reporting on the period: Sept. 5 to Dec. 11, 2009 2 INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE Oil Sands Deposit

100 KILOMETRES Inferred Oil Sands Deposit 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Heavy Oil Deposit

Alberta has the second-largest deposit as 80 per cent of Alberta’s bitumen Grosmont Carbonate Triangle All about of oil in the world—only Saudi Arabia deposits are too deep underground to Mapping can claim a larger stockpile of crude. economically employ this technology. First Nations But 170 billion of Alberta’s 179 billion the oil sands Right now there are essentially two the oil sands barrels of oil have the special quality Metis Settlement commercial methods of in situ (Latin for of being bitumen, a resource that has Background of an “in place,” essentially meaning wells are ’s heavy oil and oil sands been developed for decades but is only National Park used rather than trucks and shovels). resources are often referred to important global now coming into the forefront of the In cyclic steam stimulation (CSS), global energy industry, as conventional as “the oil that technology made.” resource high-pressure steam is injected into Provincial Park supplies—so-called “easy” oil— Without intensive production directional wells drilled from pads for a continue to be depleted. The figure of technology development, the period of time, then the steam is left to 170 billion barrels represents what is soak in the reservoir for a period, melting industry would not exist as it considered economically recoverable the bitumen, and then the same wells does today. These technologies with today’s technology, but with new are switched into production mode, still continue to be advanced and technologies, this reserve estimate bringing the bitumen to the surface. could be increased to as much as 315 optimized, improving recovery and billion barrels. In steam assisted gravity drainage reducing environmental impacts. (SAGD), parallel horizontal well pairs There are three major bitumen (or are drilled from well pads at the surface. oil sands) deposits in Alberta. The One is drilled near the top of the target largest is the Athabasca deposit, reservoir, while the other is drilled near ALBERTA’S INDUSTRIAL HEARTLAND located in the province’s northeast in its bottom. Steam is injected into the COUNTY OF THORHILD NO. 7 the Regional Municipality of Wood top well, a steam chamber forms, and Buffalo. The main population centre Redwater TABLE OF CONTENTS via gravity, the melted bitumen flows of the Athabasca deposit is the City of into the lower well and is pumped to the LAMONT Fort McMurray. The second-largest COUNTY surface using artificial lift. oil sands deposit is referred to as Cold All about the oil sands STURGEON 02 Background of an important global Lake, just south of Athabasca, with the Both SAGD and CSS are used in the COUNTY resource main population centre the City of Cold Cold Lake and Peace River deposits, INDUSTRIAL Bon Accord Lake. The smallest oil sands deposit is while SAGD is the in situ technology of Gibbons HEARTLAND Mapping the oil sands known as Peace River, which is located choice in the Athabasca deposit. The Bruderheim 03 in northwest . A fourth choice is based on a number of things deposit called Wabasca links to the including geology. The technologies Lamont Government update Athabasca and is generally lumped in combined currently produce just over 04 with that area. one million barrels per day. FORT The existence of bitumen in Alberta has Research is underway on a number of SASKATCHEWAN NEWS: been known for a long time. The first other production technologies designed 06 What’s new in the oil sands mention of it in Canadian history was to optimize production and minimize STRATHCONA COUNTY Key updates from winter 09/10 in 1719, when a Cree named Wapasu water and energy use, including vapour

brought a sample of the “gum” to a extraction (VAPEX), and a form of in ELK ISLAND NATIONAL PARK Project listings Hudson’s Bay trading post. First Nations situ combustion known as toe to heel air 09 Updated status of oil sands in what is now the Wood Buffalo area injection (THAI). projects in Alberta had traditionally used the bitumen, Bitumen that has not been processed, Sherwood which seeps from outcrops along the Park or “upgraded,” can be used directly as COOKING LAKE Athabasca River, to waterproof their BLACKFOOT PROVINCIAL Glossary of oil sands terms . It must be diluted to travel by RECREATION AREA canoes. 15 pipeline. Adding value, some producers Today bitumen is produced as an upgrade their product into synthetic BEAVER energy source by two means—mining crude oil (SCO), which is a refinery COUNTY and in situ. The majority of oil sands feedstock. At these refineries it can be LEDUC COUNTY production is done by surface mining, transformed into transportation fuels ■ All photos © 2010, but this will likely change in the future, and other products. Alberta’s Industrial Heartland is over 78,550 acres in size, and is located in the JuneWarren-Nickle’s Energy Group northeast quadrant of the Greater Edmonton region in central Alberta. This region is key to the value-added processing of Alberta’s oil sands resources into higher valued refined petroleum products and petrochemicals. 4 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE 5

library/8236.pdf. The action plan supports the goals which initially received $8.8 million in provincial Other information Government update and directions outlined in Alberta’s renewed Water for funding in March through the Alberta Energy Research Life strategy, found at Institute toward its $30-million demonstration project sources of interest info/library/8035.pdf. The renewed Water for Life to turn deep coal seams into synthetic natural gas, will action plan emphasizes three priorities: healthy aquatic replicate its successful large-scale project. The project ecosystems, conservation, and education. will supply enough syngas to create 300 megawatts of An Alberta project that uses CO2 to enhance power generation. The captured CO will be used for The plan lays out the actions Alberta intends to deliver 2 coalbed methane extraction received enhanced oil recovery. Government policy over the next decade. It includes activities Alberta an international award from the Carbon Value-added strategy committed to deliver as part of its original Water for No funds will be distributed to these projects until grant Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) on On Oct. 20 and 22, 2009, the Alberta government Life strategy and incorporates new actions to address agreements are signed. Oct. 13 in London, England. hosted workshops in Edmonton and with the province’s emerging water challenges and current Alberta’s committed funding toward commercial-scale The Alberta Enhanced Coalbed Methane invited industry representatives to review the findings realities. The action plan also supports regional greenhouse gas emission reduction is approximately Recovery Project, led by the Alberta Research of the recently completed Alberta Midstream Chemical environmental objectives and Alberta’s cumulative $1.96 billion, leading to emission cuts of approximately Council, was completed in 2008. The project Cluster Site Requirement Study. The study assessed effects management approach. five million tonnes annually beginning in 2015. CCS involved injecting CO2 into deep, unminable the land use, infrastructure, and logistics requirement For a copy of the renewed action plan and strategy, visit projects support the provincial energy strategy to coal beds, displacing the underground methane for the development of a purpose-built world-class enhance clean energy production through energy with CO2. The process reduces greenhouse gas midstream chemical cluster in Alberta’s Industrial technology leadership. emissions while also enabling greater recovery Heartland area using oil-based feedstocks. Research and technology of coalbed methane. Climate change The study is a critical piece in the development of the Carbon capture and storage Environment Minister Rob Renner met in November Alberta Energy Minister Knight accepted the business case to see the creation of a cluster complex in The Alberta government has moved onto the global with key U.S. environmental, policy, and industry award on behalf of the Alberta Research Council the Greater Edmonton Area to enhance the value of the oil stage with the signing of letters of intent for projects leaders in California to share Alberta’s efforts to at the awards event, which also recognized sands resource through the production of refined products with Shell Canada, TransAlta Corporation, Enhance advance greener energy production and discuss general three other projects. The awards were part of a and petrochemicals for local and export markets. Energy, North West Upgrading, and Swan Hills Synfuels environmental issues. three-day conference hosted by the CSLF. The feedback received from industry during these to implement large-scale carbon capture and storage The Nov. 18–20 mission showcased Alberta’s efforts A second Alberta project, co-led by ARC workshops provides government with direction (CCS) technology. Two of these projects, Shell and in pioneering game-echanging technologies for clean Resources Ltd. and the Alberta Research on action items to move the strategy forward. A Enhance Energy, are specific to oil sands development. energy development, such as CCS. It also helped the Council, was endorsed by the CSLF during presentation of the study findings can be found at The letter of intent with Shell Canada Energy, on behalf province gain a better understanding of California’s its meetings. The Industrial Heartland area of the Project, will provide $745 environmental policies. Minister Renner met with Redwater Project, which began in 2008 and alberta_midstream_chemical_cluster_site_ million in funding for its Quest project over the next 15 a variety of organizations, including the California is still in progress, aims to store CO2 emissions requirements_study.pdf. years. The province has also signed a letter of intent Environment Protection Agency and the California Air from Alberta’s Industrial Heartland region, Bitumen royalty-in-kind with TransAlta Corporation on Project Pioneer at the Resources Board, whose objectives complement the a cluster of energy-related industries east of On Oct. 19, 2009, the province issued a Request for Keephills 3 plant west of Edmonton. The project will work of Alberta’s Clean Air Strategic Alliance. Edmonton near , in the Proposals (RFP) to process up to 75,000 barrels per day utilize leading-edge technology to capture CO2 for use underground Redwater Reef formation. The Tailings ponds of royalty bitumen within Alberta. in enhanced oil recovery and storage. The province will formation has the potential to handle all the The Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) provide $431 million over the next 15 years towards the emissions from the region’s operations for more The final RFP has two notable changes from the initial has received plans with dates for construction, use development of this project. An additional $5 million than 20 years, estimated at about one million RFP that was released in August. The two changes and closure of fluid tailings ponds from six Alberta oil will be provided to the project to support front-end tonnes of CO2 per year by 2015. include the project commencement deadline being engineering and design. sands operators as required by Directive 074: Tailings extended by two years to 2018 so that new projects Performance Criteria and Requirements for Oil Sands just beginning the approval process today can still A letter of intent was also signed with Enhance Mining Schemes, accessible at meet the required timeline. The second notable change Energy and North West Upgrading to construct documents/directives/directive074.pdf. Upcoming events allows for construction of a bitumen in two or a 240-kilometre CO2 pipeline system that will The directive requires operators to prepare tailings plans more phases, provided all phases will be complete and significantly increase the province’s capacity for future and report on tailings ponds annually, reduce fluid tailings operational by Dec. 31, 2018. CCS projects. When completed, the Alberta Carbon Cold Climate Construction Conference through fines captured in dedicated disposal areas, and Trunk Line (ACTL) pipeline will connect the Industrial and Expo The deadline for receipt of proposals is Jan. 27, 2010. convert fines into trafficable deposits that are ready for Heartland near Fort Saskatchewan south to the March 2–3, 2010, Edmonton, Alberta The RFP, detailed information on the process, and a list producing oil fields near Clive, north of Red Deer. The reclamation five years after deposits have ceased. of frequently asked questions can be accessed through National Buyer Seller Forum ACTL will be designed to carry about 40,000 tonnes Albian Sands Energy Inc., Canadian Natural Resources March 23–25, 2010, Edmonton, Alberta of CO2 per day or approximately 14 million tonnes per Limited, Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited, Water for Life year. With the province’s investment of $495 million Shell Canada Inc., Ltd., and Syncrude Water Technologies Symposium 2010— The Government of Alberta has released its Water for over a 15-year period, construction is expected to begin have submitted tailings plans under Directive 074. The WaterTech 2010 Life action plan, the road map that the government in 2011 with operations commencing in late 2012. ERCB will now conduct a detailed and comprehensive April 21–23, 2010, Banff, Alberta and its partners will follow over the next 10 years. It can technical review of the plans. The plans will not be Finally, the province has also signed a letter of intent for Global Petroleum Show be accessed at approved until the ERCB is satisfied that they comply $285 million with Swan Hills Synfuels. The company, June 8–10, 2010, Calgary, Alberta with ERCB requirements. ■ 6 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE 7

of this technology to lessen the environmental impacts The initiative will expand the university’s current number ❚❚❙❘ Southern Pacific Resource Corp. has signed an What’s new in the oil sands of in situ oil sands extraction. of nearly 50 oil sands­–related research projects by agreement with EnCana (Cenovus) to acquire the sharing the workload with the Helmholtz association’s Senlac SAGD project in Saskatchewan, a producing ❚❚❙❘ Excelsior Energy has filed a patent application with Key updates from winter 09/10 staff of 28,000 at 16 centres across Germany. heavy oil interest currently averaging 5,000 barrels the Canadian Intellectual Property Office for an in situ per day for a net purchase price of approximately combustion overhead gravity drainage (COGD) process ❚❚❙❘ Canadian Natural Resources says it will be unable $90 million. it has developed in consultation with Hot-Tec Energy. to achieve the 2010–2012 phase-in schedule for fines ❚❚❙❘ EnCana shareholders have voted more than 99 capture in a dedicated disposal area (DDA) required by The acquisition will dramatically alter Southern Pacific Hot-Tec is a private company affiliated with members of per cent in favour of a corporate reorganization to Alberta’s regulator. by adding facilities, operations, relevant experience and the in situ combustion research group in the Department separate the company into two—EnCana, which significant cash flow to pursue the corporation’s STP-McKay of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering in the Schulich The schedule is not achievable, as its Horizon oil sands will focus on natural gas development; and Cenovus project and other prospects in the Athabasca oil sands. School of Engineering at the University of Calgary. mine is still in the start-up phase of operations, says Energy, an integrated oil company. All of EnCana’s oil the company in its annual tailings plan submission The company says the acquired operations and sands assets—including the prolific Foster Creek steam The COGD process uses cyclic steam and steam flood filed with Alberta’s Energy Resources Conservation technical expertise will directly complement the assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) project, and growing techniques to predispose the viscous oil reservoir to form Board (ERCB). corporation’s STP-McKay project, which has been SAGD installation Christina Lake—are now in the a combustion chamber similar in geometry to the steam designed to recover 12,000 barrels per day using similar hands of Cenovus. chamber in steam assisted gravity drainage. The process equipment and DDA(s) necessary to capture SAGD technology. sufficient fines cannot be designed, approved, procured, ❚❚❙❘ Sid Dykstra, who served as president and chief Excelsior recently submitted an application to constructed, and commissioned within this period, it says. ❚❚❙❘ The Alberta government will invest more than executive officer of Opti Canada from June 2001 to regulatory authorities for an experimental pilot project $241 million over the next five years to develop raw April 2009, has joined the board of emerging oil sands to field demonstrate the COGD technology with a As an alternative, Canadian Natural plans to develop Crown land in the Parsons Creek and Saline Creek player Southern Pacific Resource Corp. Under Dykstra’s targeted start-up in early 2011. and implement fines capture technology that exceeds Plateau areas adjacent to Fort McMurray, Alberta. leadership of Opti, the company initiated, financed, the annual target of 90 per cent of fines capture by ❚❚❙❘ A proposed in situ oil sands project will see the first and developed the project, an integrated 2015 with a 2025 target for ultimately exceeding the In addition to housing for an estimated 9,500 residents, commercial use of a solvent such as butane to recover SAGD/upgrading complex south of Fort McMurray, cumulative fines capture requirements of the ERCB’s the plans will include land for new industrial and up to 120,000 barrels per day of bitumen with a steam Alberta, that incorporates Opti’s proprietary OrCrude Directive 074. commercial developments in Fort McMurray. to oil ratio of two to one, says EnCana Corporation upgrading technology. Long Lake is currently producing (now Cenovus Energy). All six mining operators have submitted their plans to The province will lead the development, designing about 14,000 barrels per day, ramping up to capacity of manage Directive 074 to the ERCB. plans for the communities and preparing serviced land 72,000 barrels per day. Dykstra was replaced at Opti by The Narrows Lake project, northwest of EnCana’s for sale to developers and builders in anticipation of Christopher Slubicki earlier in 2009. existing Christina Lake project in northeastern Alberta, ❚❚❙❘ Alberta Oilsands (AOS) has increased the designed continued growth in the oil sands. Revenue generated will use a combination of steam-assisted process (SAP) production capacity and accelerated the project Southern Pacific continues to advance its 12,000- from the sale of the parcels will be reinvested in public and SAGD, the company announced. timeline of its Clearwater West pilot project. barrel-per-day STP-McKay SAGD project. It recently infrastructure such as schools and affordable housing in completed its detailed project execution plan, resulting “We are very close to commercializing SAP, and that The designed production capacity has increased to the new communities. in an overall net reduction in required capital costs. should be the first application commercially that you approximately 5,000 barrels per day from 2,000 barrels “Now is the right time to prepare Alberta for its next The application continues to be reviewed by Alberta see for SAP,” said Harbir Chhina, vice-president of per day due to a new design configuration using stacked phase of growth,” Premier Ed Stelmach said in a news regulatory agencies. upstream operations in the integrated oil division. A well pairs. release. “With this investment, we are working with regulatory application is scheduled to be filed in the Fort McMurray to create new jobs for today and new ❚❚❙❘ Statoil Canada will participate in a new field AOS expects to submit its pilot application to the second quarter of 2010. homes for tomorrow. We will be ready to support future research and pilot project to test technology that could Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) in expansion in the oil sands.” potentially reduce water usage and CO2 emissions at its Capital costs, including new roads and camps, are the near term. The company anticipates that the Leismer in situ oil sands project. expected to be similar to that of Christina Lake, which submission will be a significant step towards a reserve ❚❚❙❘ The ERCB has set a date for a public hearing on has been US$20,000 per flowing barrel, but could be as classification milestone. Total E&P Canada’s proposed oil sands upgrader. The company believes the piloting of its steam- high as US$30,000 per flowing barrel. solvent co-injection project (SOLVE) technology First production from the project is scheduled for the The hearing on the upgrader—which would have an will demonstrate a minimum 10 per cent savings on ❚❚❙❘ Technologies to tackle sustainability challenges in first quarter of 2011. The project will use low-pressure ultimate capacity of 295,000 barrels per day—of bitumen the steam to oil ratio (SOR) required for extraction, oil sands production, such as managing carbon dioxide SAGD with expanding-solvent SAGD. will begin Feb. 24, 2010, in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. potentially rising as high as 25 per cent. emissions and using geothermal energy instead of ❚❚❙❘ KBR has been awarded a contract by Suncor The proposed project would be constructed in two natural gas, will be the aim of a new collaboration “Reduction in the [SOR] has a direct effect on reducing Energy to provide turnaround services for Suncor’s phases with a first-phase capacity of 150,000 barrels between the University of Alberta (U of A) and one of water use and CO emissions since the solvent increases 2010 turnaround project at its oil sands plant in Fort per day and a second phase beginning operations four 2 Europe’s largest scientific research organizations. the amount of bitumen produced per barrel of water McMurray, Alberta. years later with a cumulative capacity of 245,000 and fuel consumed,” said Åge Kristensen, vice-president The U of A and the Helmholtz Association of German barrels per day. Debottlenecking would increase KBR Canada will provide turnaround planning, of heavy oil research and development for Statoil Research Centres have signed a five-year agreement capacity to 295,000 barrels per day. management, and execution for the shutdown and Canada. called the Helmholtz Alberta Initiative. maintenance of the plant including direct-hire labour ❚❚❙❘ Fuelled with a capital budget of $5.5 billion for The company’s partner is the Petroleum Technology The initiative also hopes to develop recycling resources, management of subcontractors, and 2010, Suncor Energy is going ahead with stages 3 and Research Centre in Regina. Sustainable Technology technology for fresh water and improve reclamation of coordination of activities with the client workforce and 4 of its stalled Firebag in situ project, but its proposed Development Canada has awarded the SOLVE project lands disturbed by oil sands mining and lands taken over other contractors on site during the turnaround. Voyageur upgrader and Fort Hills mining project will $6 million to assist in the development and deployment by tailings ponds. remain on the shelf. ➟ 8 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE 9

“This actually officially restarts the growth in oil sands,” working interest in three undeveloped oil sands leases says Rick George, president and chief executive officer. in northeastern Alberta. TECHNOLOGY LEGEND CSS Cyclic steam stimulation The Lockerbie & Hole division of Aecon Group will “We believe we have demonstrated the value of COGD Combustion overhead garvity drainage ET-DSP Electro-thermal dynamic stripping process complete field construction of Firebag Stage 3 (expected these leases,” says William Roach, UTS president Project listings N-SOLV Heated solvent vapour extraction to be complete by the third quarter of 2010), while Flint and chief executive officer. “We have been telling the SAGD Steam assisted gravity drainage Energy Services will conduct module fabrication. market that for a while and the market didn’t appear Updated status of oil sands projects in Alberta THAI Toe to heel air injection to value them so we thought we would demonstrate As of January 8, 2010. At peak, the work will employ close to 1,000 people at the value…. This transaction demonstrates the the two service companies combined. success of UTS’s strategy of generating cash reserves ❚❚❙❘ Excelsior Energy has engaged CIBC World organically by finding new oil sands resources.” COMPANY CURRENT PROJECT CAPACITY START- REGULATORY DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS TECHNOLOGY Markets as its strategic advisor to identify and secure (bbl/d) UP STATUS ❚❚❙❘ More than four decades after Imperial Oil a major joint venture partner for the development of its broke ground for the first thermal in situ field pilots experimental combustion overhead gravity drainage ATHABASCA REGION – IN SITU at Cold Lake in northeastern Alberta and 25 years COGD pilot project at the company’s Hangingstone Alberta Oilsands after the first commercial production, the project property near Fort McMurray, Alberta. has surpassed one billion barrels of cumulative Pilot 5,000 2011 Announced Alberta Oilsands will use stacked well pairs instead of a single layer, expected SAGD Clearwater to more than double peak production capacity to 5,000 from 2,000 bbl/d. The company has already filed an application for the pilot production. Commercial Project 10,000 TBD Announced SAGD Athabasca Oil Sands with the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB), Only three other fields in Canada have achieved that Dover Pilot 1,000-2,000 TBD Applied SAGD and filed a patent application for the process. Pilot project milestone (operations at Syncrude and Suncor being The Government of Canada has approved the 60 per cent stake in these two operations are expected to commence mid-2010. Pilot 2,200 TBD Applied projects to PetroChina for $1.9 billion. Commercial development is in early SAGD two of them). Cold Lake is the only in situ project to MacKay River stages. Commerical Phase 1 35,000 2014 Announced SAGD The cost is estimated to be approximately $35 million to have done so. blackpearl resources $50 million, which contemplates a 1,000-barrel-per-day Over the years of operation, technological BlackPearl has commenced road construction and completed the steam Blackrod Pilot 500 2009 Application SAGD facility and up to three COGD well arrays. advancements have tripled recovery rates while generator. Target is to complete construction and start steaming in Q1 2011. Canadian Natural Resources ❚❚❙❘ Keyera Facilities Income Fund has entered into reducing fresh water use and surface land disturbance. Birch Mountain East Phase 1 60,000 2016 Announced TBA a long-term agreement with Imperial Oil to provide ❚❚❙❘ Sunshine Oil Sands has received regulatory Gregoire Lake 1 Phase 1 60,000 2018 Announced TBA diluent transportation, storage, and rail offload services approval for a single-well cyclic steam stimulation Grouse Phase 1 60,000 2014 Announced TBA in the Edmonton/Fort Saskatchewan area for Imperial’s (CSS) pilot targeting bitumen locked in carbonates. Kirby Phase 1 45,000 2012 Applied Canadian Natural plans to sanction Kirby in 2010. SAGD Kearl oil sands project. The project, called Harper, will allow Sunshine to Leismer Phase 1 30,000 2018 Announced TBA CENOVUS ENERGY Keyera will transport diluent by pipeline from supply analyze the bitumen and determine the correct Borealis Phase 1 35,000 TBD Applied SAGD sources in the Edmonton area to a diluent delivery approach for carbonate development—such as Phase 1A 10,000 2002 Operating SAGD pipeline north of Fort Saskatchewan for delivery to the simulations of CSS versus SAGD, and horizontal Phase 1B 8,800 2008 Operating SAGD Kearl site near Fort McMurray, Alberta. Keyera will also versus vertical wells. The company has a 100 per cent Phase 1C 40,000 2011 Construction SAGD provide diluent storage and rail offload services in the working interest in over 600 sections of land in the EnCana shareholders have voted over 99 per cent in favour of the split-off Harper area. It will occur during the winters of 2009 Christina Lake Phase 1D 40,000 TBD Approved of Cenovus Energy as a stand-alone integrated oil company. All assets now SAGD Edmonton region. transferred. and 2010. Phase 1E 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD Upon start-up of the 110,000 barrel per day first phase Phase 1F 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD ❚❚❙❘ Although North Peace Energy’s thermal recovery of the Kearl project, currently expected in late 2012, Phase 1G 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD project at Red Earth, Alberta, has been producing Keyera anticipates that operating cash flow from the Phase 1A 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD bitumen continuously for a number of months, the Narrows Lake Narrows Lake would use a combination of solvents and SAGD. agreement will initially be in the range of $10 million Phase 1B 80,000 TBD Announced SAGD piloting efforts have not yet demonstrated the to $11 million annually, growing to approximately Phase 1A 24,000 2001 Operating SAGD production rates and steam to oil ratios (SORs) $16 million as the second and third phases of Kearl come Debottlenecking 6,000 2003 Operating SAGD required to advance full commercial development. on stream. Phase 1C – Stage 1 10,000 2005 Operating SAGD First-cycle production rates for the carbon storage Phase 1C – Stage 2 20,000 2007 Operating SAGD ❚❚❙❘ Long Lake SAGD project minority interest holder and sequestration project have been lower than Foster Creek Phase 1D 30,000 2009 Operating SAGD Opti Canada says its board of directors has initiated a expected, resulting in higher SORs than anticipated, Phase 1E 30,000 2009 Operating SAGD process to explore strategic alternatives for enhancing so it may need additional pilot strategies, the Phase 1F 30,000 2016 Application SAGD shareholder value. The company says the current company reported in releasing its third-quarter Phase 1G 30,000 2017 Application SAGD trading price of its common shares does not reflect the results. In addition, because steam injection rates Phase 1H 30,000 TBD Application SAGD value of its assets. are lower than anticipated increased injection Chevron Canada Scotia Waterous and TD Securities have been pressure limits may be required, or modified steaming Chevron has decided to place Ells River on hold. The company does not engaged as financial advisors to assist in this process, Ells River 100,000 TBD Announced believe the project will provide the necessary returns in the foreseeable future TBA strategies will need to be developed, said North Peace. to compete for capital investment relative to others in its global portfolio. which could include capital markets opportunities, Initial results are encouraging but, as expected, restructuring the current credit facility, asset divestitures, Production averaged 8,540 barrels per day in the first 12 days of December. several cycles will be required to demonstrate Pod 1 10,000 2007 Operating SAGD and/or a corporate sale, merger, or other business Connacher expects production to average 9,000 barrels per day in 2010. commerciality, said the company. North Peace is now Construction proceeding on schedule and under budget. Expected to be combination. Under Great Divide Pod 2 (Algar) 10,000 2010 complete in April 2010 followed by 90 days of steaming. Ramp up to capacity SAGD optimizing steaming strategies and is investigating construction anticipated in early 2011. ❚❚❙❘ Imperial Oil and ExxonMobil will pay $250 million the use of alternate well types and configurations to Expansion 24,000 2012 Disclosed SAGD to acquire UTS Energy Corporation’s 50 per cent maximize production rates and reduce SORs. ■ 10 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE 11


ConocoPhillips Canada Petrobank Energy and Resources Phase 1 27,000 2008 Operating Plant continues to ramp up to full capacity. SAGD P1B and P2B wells have been drilled and completed, with P1B on early Surmont 2014 - production. Company completed 15 mandatory regulatory inspections of Phase 2 83,000 Engineering underway. Pilot 1,900 2006 Operating THAI Approved SAGD plant pressure vessels in Q3-09, finding no signs of corrosion and very little 2016 Whitesands erosion in vessels and piping, saying further confirmation of integrity of THAI. Devon Canada Expansion 1,900 2008 Approved Expansion on hold in favour of capitalizing on existing infrastructure. THAI Phase 1 35,000 2007 Operating SAGD Jackfish Under Phase 1 10,000 TBD Application Approval anticipated in early 2010. THAI Phase 2 35,000 2011 Jackfish 3 regulatory application to be filed in 2010. SAGD construction May River Subsequent Phases 90,000 TBD Disclosed THAI Enerplus resources SouthERN Pacific Resource Phase 1 10,000 TBD Application Enerplus has announced deferral of the Kirby project, but regulatory SAGD Kirby ERCB has issued its supplemental information request. Southern Pacific says application continues to move through the process. Phase 2 25,000 TBD Announced SAGD STP McKay 12,000 2012 Application no significant issues have been identified with the application, and the project SAGD E-T Energy remains on track for construction to begin in 2010. Poplar Creek 10,000 2011 Application Expanded field test of ET-DSP electric production technology continues. ET-DSP Statoil Canada Under Construction approximately 72 per cent complete. First steam expected Excelsior Energy Kai Kos Dehseh-Leismer Demonstration 10,000 2011 SAGD construction in Q3-10. Excelsior Energy has engaged CIBC World Markets to identify and secure a Hangingstone Phase 1 10,000 2011 Application COGD Commercial 10,000 TBD Application SAGD major joint venture partner for the Hangingstone project. Leismer Expansion 20,000 TBD Application SAGD Grizzly OIL SANDS Corner 40,000 TBD Application SAGD Algar Lake 10,000 TBD Announced Application expected to be filed in January 2010. SAGD Thornbury 40,000 TBD Application SAGD Husky Energy Corner Expansion 40,000 TBD Application SAGD McMullen Pilot 775 TBD Application SAGD Hangingstone 20,000 TBD Application SAGD Project partners will review project sanction by the end of 2009 and move to final approvals in the first half of 2010. FEED continues. Husky says good Phase 1 60,000 TBD Approved SAGD Thornbury Expansion 20,000 TBD Application SAGD progress has been made in optimizing the project to reduce costs. Sanction Sunrise expected in 2010. Northwest Leismer 20,000 TBD Application SAGD

FEED continues. Good progress has been made in optimizing the project to South Leismer 20,000 TBD Application SAGD Phases 2-3 140,000 TBD Approved SAGD reduce cost and the project is planned for sanction in 2010. Suncor Energy Ivanhoe Energy Chard Phase 1 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD SAGD with HTL Tamarack advanced through a number of engineering and regulatory Tamarack 20,000 2014 Announced SAGD upgrading milestones in Q3. Delineation drilling to begin in January 2010. Phase 1 33,000 2004 Operating SAGD Japan Canada Oil Sands Phase 2 35,000 2006 Operating SAGD Cogeneration and Pilot 10,000 1999 Operating SAGD 25,000 2007 Operating Firebag sulphur plant completed on schedule in Q3-09. SAGD Hangingstone Expansion

Phase 1 35,000 TBD Disclosed Preparing Regulatory Application and Conducting EIA. SAGD Under Phase 3 52,500 2011 Work on Firebag Stages 3 and 4 has been reactivated. SAGD construction Korea National Oil Corporation Firebag Phase 4 62,500 2012 Application SAGD Phase 1 10,000 2012 Application Korea National Oil Corporation is purchasing Harvest Energy Trust for SAGD BlackGold Phase 2 20,000 TBD Announced $4.1 billion. SAGD Phase 5 62,500 TBD Application SAGD Laricina Energy Phase 6 62,500 TBD Application SAGD Stages 3-6 SAGD pilot 1,800 TBD Application Laricina reports the pilot is “development ready.” SAGD 23,500 TBD Application SAGD Germain Debottlenecking Phase 1 10,000 TBD Announced SAGD Phase 1 40,000 TBD Disclosed SAGD Carbonate SAGD 1,800 2010 Approved Two horizontal well pairs to be drilled this winter. SAGD Lewis Saleski demonstration Phase 2 40,000 TBD Disclosed SAGD Phase 1 10,000 TBD Announced SAGD Phase 1 33,000 2002 Operating SAGD MEG Energy Suncor will not be providing any further updates on next projects to move MacKay River forward until late 2010. Phase 1 3,000 2008 Operating SAGD Phase 2 40,000 2012 Approved SAGD

Phase 2 22,000 2009 Commissioning underway. Operating SAGD Phase 1 40,000 TBD Approved SAGD Christina Lake Phase 2B 35,000 TBD Application SAGD Meadow Creek Phase 2 40,000 TBD Approved SAGD Phase 3A 75,000 TBD Application SAGD Sunshine OilSands Phase 3B 75,000 TBD Announced SAGD Sunshine Oilsands has received regulatory approval for a single-well cyclic Nexen Harper pilot Production mobility test <1,000 TBD Approved SAGD steam stimulation project in carbonates. Steam debottleneck project completed. Electric submersible pumps continue Phase 1 10,000 TBD Announced SAGD to be installed in a number of wells. Approximately 42 well pairs currently Legend Lake Phase 1 72,000 2007 Operating have ESPs, with 39 well pairs currently on production. Partner Opti expects SAGD Phase 2 (two stages) 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD the project will be at or near design rates later than previous guidance of late 2010. Phase 1 10,000 TBD Announced SAGD Long Lake Phase 2 72,000 TBD Announced SAGD West Ells Phase 2 (two stages) 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD

Phase 3 72,000 TBD Announced SAGD Phase 3 30,000 TBD Announced SAGD

Phase 4 TBD Announced SAGD Phase 1 10,000 TBD Announced SAGD Thickwood Phase 2 (two stages) 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD Phase 1 70,000 TBD Applied SAGD Long Lake South Phase 3 25,000 TBD Announced SAGD Phase 2 70,000 TBD Applied SAGD Total E&P Canada N-Solv Production suspended. Total to provide ERCB with report on its options and Pilot plant 2,000 TBD Announced N-SOLV Phase 1 2,000 2004 Suspended SAGD plans for the project by Jan. 31, 2010. Patch International Joslyn Phase 2 10,000 2006 Suspended SAGD Patch has successfully completed the transactions relating to the sale of all Phase 3A 15,000 TBD Withdrawn SAGD Ells River 10,000 TBD Announced of its assets to its unnamed working interest partner and its working interest SAGD partner’s joint venture partner for $6 million. Phase 3B 15,000 TBD Disclosure SAGD 12 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE 13


Value Creation Group C O L D L A K E REGION – IN SITU Pilot 10,000 TBD Application Expecting approval soon, working on financing. SAGD BR Oil Sands (Shell) Terre de Grace Phase 1 40,000 TBD Applied SAGD Phase 1 10,000 2008 Operating SAGD Phase 2 40,000 TBD Announced SAGD Orion Phase 2 10,000 TBD Approved SAGD ATHABASCA REGION – MINING Canadian Natural Resources Wolf Lake 13,000 1985 Athabasca Oil Sands Project Operating CSS Wolf Lake SAGD 5,500 TBD Application SAGD Project partner Marathon Oil reports Expansion 1 is on track and anticipated Under Phase 1A 100,000 2010/11 to begin mining operations in the second half of 2010, and upgrader Mining Primrose South 45,000 1985 Operating CSS construction operations in late 2010 or early 2011. Primrose North 30,000 2006 Operating CSS Jackpine Primrose/Wolf Lake Phase 1B 100,000 TBD Approved Mining After initial steaming at Primrose East the company discovered oil seepage Primrose East at surface on one of the new multiwell pads. Investigative work has been Phase 2 100,000 TBD Application Mining 32,000 2009 Operating CSS (Burnt Lake) completed and diagnostic steaming began in August. Canadian Natural Existing Facilities 155,000 2002 Operating Mining continues to work with regulators to identify and resolve the issue. Muskeg River Expansion and 115,000 TBD Approved Final investment decision delayed. Mining CSS Follow-up Process 25,000 2018 Application CSS Debottlenecking Husky Energy Phase 1 100,000 TBD Applied Mining Pierre River Caribou Demonstration Project 10,000 TBD Approved SAGD Phase 2 100,000 TBD Applied Mining Husky is optimizing Tucker to ramp up production, reporting some wells are Tucker Phase 1 30,000 2006 Operating SAGD Canadian Natural Resources now performing according to plan.

Production lower in Q3-09 than guidance due to challenges including Imperial Oil premature equipment failures and ore processing challenges. Canadian Phase 1 110,000 2009 Operating Mining Phases 1-10: Leming, The Cold Lake project has surpassed one billion barrels of cumulative Natural believes it has largely resolved reliability issues, but is cautious as it 110,000 1985 Operating CSS enters first full winter of operations. Maskwa, Mahihkan production. Only three other fields in Canada have achieved this milestone.

Horizon 6,000- Engineering and procurement continues for Tranche 2, focusing on reliability Cold Lake Phases 11-13: Mahkeses 30,000 2003 Operating CSS Tranche 2 TBD Approved Mining 15,000 and uptime. Phases 14-16: Nabiye, Imperial filed amendment applications for Nabiye in August. The project 10,000- 30,000 TBD Approved CSS Tranche 3 TBD Approved Tranches 3 and 4 continue to be re-profiled based on learnings from Phase 1. Mining Mahihkan North continues to be advanced. 20,000 approx. Koch Exploration Canada Tranch 4 TBD Approved Mining 105,000 Permit application filed on June 15, 2009. Koch is performing detailed Imperial Oil Gemini SAGD Project 10,000 TBD Application SAGD engineering work and public consultation continues. Project is proceeding with detailed design, procurement, and construction Under Phase 1 100,000 2012 activities with a current workforce of about 3,000 employees and Mining OSUM Oil Sands construction contractors. Kearl Rick Walsh, former project director for Suncor Energy, has joined Osum 25,000- Phase 2 100,000 TBD Approved Mining Taiga SAGD Project 2014 Announced as vice-president, projects. Osum is working towards filing its project SAGD 35,000 Phase 3 100,000 TBD Approved Mining application.

suncor energy Pengrowth Energy Trust

Future of Fort Hills remains undecided. Suncor will not announce any new Currently completing response to supplemental information requests, Phase 1 165,000 TBD Approved Mining Lindbergh SAGD Pilot 2,500 TBD Application SAGD Fort Hills projects or expansions beyond Firebag 3 and 4 until late 2010. anticipates approval in 2010. Debottlenecking 25,000 TBD Approved Mining PEACE RIVER REGION – IN SITU Millennium 294,000 1967 Operating Mining Steepbank Andora Energy (Pan Orient) 4,000 2007 Operating Mining Debottleneck Phase 3 Suncor – original All season access to the site is currently underway, expected to be complete Millennium operations 23,000 2008 Operating Mining Sawn Lake SAGD Demonstration 700 TBD Approved in 2009. Timing for equipment procurement and project drilling and SAGD Debottlenecking construction TBD. North Steepbank North Steepbank extraction plant completed within schedule and revised 2010 Operating Mining North Peace Energy Extension budget in September 09. It is expected to improve reliability and productivity.

Voyageur South Phase 1 120,000 TBD Application Mining CSS Pilot 1,001 2008 Operating Early stage pilot project has not yet demonstrated the production rates and CSS steam to oil ratios to warrant full commercial development. Company reports Red Earth Syncrude (mildreD lake and Aurora) encouraging results but is currently optimizing steaming strategies and Expansion 3,000 TBD Announced investigating different well types and patterns. CSS Stages 1 and 2 290,700 1978 Operating Mining Majority partner Canadian Oil Sands Trust reports that the heavy Penn West Energy Trust Syncrude – original Stage 3 Expansion 116,300 2006 Operating Mining maintenance planned for 2009 is “essentially behind us,” and production The Seal area is listed as one of the negotiable business opportunities with operations Stage 3 Debottleneck 46,500 TBD Announced Mining Seal CSS Pilot 75 TBD Application CSS should gain strength. Penn West. Stage 4 Expansion 139,500 TBD Announced Mining Shell Canada Total E&P Canada 12,501 1986 Operating CSS

Phase 1 (North) 50,000 TBD Applied Total will delay sanction, citing the need for oil prices to rise past $80/bbl. Mining Shell has re-initiated stakeholder consultation, by way of a public information Carmon Creek Phase 1 80,000 TBD Announced document. It is preparing an environmental impact assessment for a new CSS Phase 2 (North) 50,000 TBD Applied Mining Joslyn application targeted for later this year. Phase 3 (South) 50,000 TBD Announced Mining Phase 2 80,000 TBD Announced CSS Phase 4 (South) 50,000 TBD Announced Mining ATHABASCA REGION – UPGRADING Phase 1 57,250 TBD Withdrawn Northern Lights asset is being integrated into Total portfolio. Will reinstate Mining Northern Lights after new timing is determined. Canadian Natural Resources Phase 2 57,250 TBD Withdrawn Mining Production lower in Q3-09 than guidance due to challenges including UTS/Teck Cominco premature equipment failures and ore processing challenges. Canadian Phase 1 135,000 2008 Operating Upgrader Natural believes it has largely resolved reliability issues, but is cautious as it Draft design basis memorandum engineering study is under review by enters first full winter of operations. Equinox 50,000 TBD Announced partners, but will not be finalized until potential to develop the project as a Mining 6,000- satellite bitumen froth production facility to Frontier has been evaluated. Horizon Tranche 2 TBD Approved Engineering and procurement continues for Tranche 2. Upgrader 15,000 Preliminary mine planning and conceptual designs for mine and extraction 10,000- Phase 1 100,000 TBD Announced Mining Tranche 3 TBD Approved Upgrader facility complete. UTS intends to move forward with a design basis 20,000 Frontier Tranches 3 and 4 continue to be re-profiled based on learnings from Phase 1. memorandum and associated field work early in 2010, preparing an approx Phase 2 60,000 TBD Announced Mining Tranche 4 TBD Approved Upgrader application for early 2011. 140,000 14 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE 15

that are interpreted to exist from geological, Remaining established reserves Initial re- COMPANY CURRENT PROJECT CAPACITY START- REGULATORY DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS TECHNOLOGY (bbl/d) UP STATUS geophysical, or similar information with reason- serves less cumulative production. able certainty. Nexen Royalty The Crown’s share of production or Extraction A process, unique to the oil sands revenue. About three quarters of Canadian Phase 1 72,000 2008 Operating Upgrader Glossary industry, which separates the bitumen from the crude oil is produced from lands, including the Phase 2 72,000 TBD Approved Upgrader oilsand using hot water, steam, and caustic soda. oil sands, on which the Crown holds mineral Project partner Opti Canada reports successful testing of solvent deasphalter rights. The lease or permit between the devel- Phase 3 72,000 TBD Announced and thermal cracking units in upgrader prior to recently completed Upgrader of oil sands Froth treatment The means to recover bitu- Long Lake turnaround, which will allow the operator to gasify the heaviest parts of the oper and the Crown sets out the arrangements Phase 4 72,000 TBD Announced Upgrader men from the mixture of water, bitumen, and barrel rather than its lighter parts. Once the transition is complete, synthetic for sharing the risks and rewards. crude yields are expected to increase to about 80 per cent. solids “froth” produced in hot water extraction Phase 5 72,000 TBD Announced Upgrader terms (in mining-based recovery). Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) An Phase 6 72,000 TBD Announced Upgrader Gasification A process to partially oxidize in situ production process using two closely Suncor Energy any hydrocarbon, typically heavy residues, to spaced horizontal wells: one for steam injection and the other for production of the bitumen/ Base U1 and U2 281,000 1967 Operating Upgrader a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Can be used to produce hydrogen and various water emulsion. Suncor – original API An American Petroleum Institute measure Millennium Vacuum Unit 43,000 2005 Operating Upgrader energy byproducts. operations of liquid gravity. Water is 10 degrees API, and a Synthetic crude oil A manufactured crude oil Millennium Coker Unit 116,000 2008 Operating Upgrader typical light crude is from 35 to 40. Bitumen is Greenhouse gases Gases commonly believed comprised of naptha, distillate, and gas oil- Suncor will not announce any new projects or expansions beyond Firebag 3 to be connected to climate change and global boiling range material. Can range from high- Phase 1 156,000 TBD Suspended Upgrader 7.5 to 8.5. and 4 until late 2010. warming. CO is the most common, but green- quality, light sweet bottomless crude to heavy, Voyageur Barrel The traditional measurement for crude 2 Phase 2 78,000 TBD Approved Upgrader house gases also include other light hydrocar- sour blends. oil volumes. One barrel equals 42 US gallons bons (such as methane) and nitrous oxide. Syncrude (159 litres). There are 6.29 barrels in one cubic Tailings A combination of water, sand, silt, and fine clay particles that is a byproduct of remov- Stages 1 and 2 290,700 1978 Operating Upgrader metre of oil. Initial established reserves Established re- serves prior to the deduction of any production. ing the bitumen from the oilsand. Stage 3 Expansion 116,300 2006 Operating Majority partner Canadian Oil Sands Trust reports that the heavy Upgrader Bitumen Naturally occurring, viscous mixture Mildred Lake maintenance planned for 2009 is “essentially behind us,” and production of hydrocarbons that contains high levels of Initial volume in place The volume calculated Tailings settling basin The primary purpose Stage 3 Debottleneck 46,500 TBD Announced should gain strength. Upgrader sulphur and nitrogen compounds. In its natural or interpreted to exist in a reservoir before any of the tailings settling basin is to serve as a process vessel allowing time for tailings water Stage 4 Expansion 139,500 TBD Announced Upgrader state, it is not recoverable at a commercial rate volume has been produced. through a well because it is too thick to flow. to clarify and silt and clay particles to settle, so Value Creation In situ Latin for “in place.” In situ recovery refers Bitumen typically makes up about 10 per cent the water can be reused in extraction. The set- Phase 1 2,000 TBD Application Upgrader to various methods used to recover deeply bur- by weight of oilsand, but saturation varies. tling basin also acts as a thickener, preparing Terre de Grace Upgrader Approval anticipated soon. Working on financing. ied bitumen deposits. Phase 2 10,000 TBD Application Upgrader mature fine tails for final reclamation. Condensate Mixture of extremely light hy- In situ combustion A displacement enhanced Thermal recovery Any process by which heat INDUSTRIAL HEARTLAND REGION – UPGRADING AND RE F INING drocarbons recoverable from gas reservoirs. oil recovery method. It works by generating energy is used to reduce the viscosity of bitu- Condensate is also referred to as a natural gas combustion gases (primarily CO and CO ) Athabasca Oil Sands Project 2 men in situ to facilitate recovery. liquid, and is used as a diluent to reduce bitu- downhole, which then “pushes” the oil towards 155,000 2003 Operating Upgrader Project partner Marathon Oil reports Expansion 1 is on track and anticipated men viscosity for pipeline transportation. the recovery well. Toe-to-heel air injection (THAI) An in situ Scotford Upgrader 1 to begin mining operations in the second half of 2010, and upgrader Under combustion method for producing heavy oil Expansion 90,000 2010 operations in late 2010 or early 2011. Upgrader Cyclic steam stimulation For several weeks, Lease A legal document from the province of construction and oilsand. In this technique, combustion high-pressure steam is injected into the forma- Alberta giving an operator the right to extract Phase 1 100,000 TBD Applied Upgrader starts from a vertical well, while the oil is pro- tion to soften the oilsand before being pumped bitumen from the oilsand existing within the Phase 2 100,000 TBD Application Upgrader to the surface for separation. The pressure cre- duced from a horizontal well having its toe in Scotford Upgrader 2 specified lease area. The land must be re- close proximity to the vertical air-injection well. ated in the underground environment causes claimed and returned to the Crown at the end Phase 3 100,000 TBD Application Upgrader This production method is a modification of formation cracks that help move the bitumen of operations. Phase 4 100,000 TBD Application Upgrader to producing wells. After a portion of the reser- conventional fire flooding techniques in which Muskeg A water-soaked layer of decaying the flame front from a vertical well pushes the BA Energy voir has been saturated, the steam is turned off and the reservoir is allowed to soak for several plant material, one to three metres thick, found oil to be produced from another vertical well. Phase 1 54,400 TBD Approved Upgrader BA owner Value Creation expects the company to come out of creditor weeks. Then the production phase brings the on top of the overburden. protection later this year. Encouraged by Alberta’s bitumen royalty in kind Truck-and-shovel mining Large electric or hy- Heartland Upgrader Phase 2 54,400 TBD Approved Upgrader program. Working to put project back into action. Equipment sold at recent bitumen to the surface. Oil Sands Bitumen-soaked sand, located in draulic shovels are used to remove the oilsand court-imposed auction purchased by BA owner Value Creation Group. Phase 3 54,400 TBD Approved Upgrader Density The heaviness of crude oil, indicating four geographic regions of Alberta: Athabasca, and load very large trucks. The trucks haul the North West Upgrading the proportion of large, carbon-rich molecules, Wabasca, Cold Lake, and Peace River. The oilsand to dump pockets where it is conveyed Athabasca deposit is the largest, encompass- Phase 1 50,000 TBD Approved Site preparation complete. Focus is on commercial agreements. Upgrader generally measured in kilograms per cubic or pipelined to the extraction plant. Trucks and 3 ing more than 42,340 square kilometres. Total Northwest Upgrading is encouraged by changes to Alberta’s changes to its metre (kg/m ) or degrees on the American Pe- shovels are more economic to operate than the Upgrader Phase 2 50,000 TBD Approved Upgrader bitumen royalty in kind RFP. troleum Institute (API) gravity scale; in western deposits of bitumen in Alberta are estimated at bucket-wheel reclaimers and draglines they Phase 3 50,000 TBD Approved Upgrader Canada, oil up to 900 kg/m3 is considered light 1.7 trillion to 2.5 trillion barrels. have replaced at oil sands mines. suncor energy to medium crude—oil above this density is Overburden A layer of sand, gravel, and shale Upgrading The process of converting heavy oil Phase 1 165,000 TBD Approved Future of Fort Hills remains undecided. Suncor will not announce any new Upgrader deemed as heavy oil or bitumen. between the surface and the underlying oilsand. Fort Hills Upgrader or bitumen into synthetic crude either through projects or expansions beyond Firebag 3 and 4 until late 2010. Must be removed before oil sands can be mined. Phases 2 and 3 175,000 TBD Approved Upgrader Diluent see Condensate the removal of carbon (coking) or the addition Overburden underlies muskeg in many places. of hydrogen (hydroconversion). Statoil Canada Established recoverable reserves Reserves re- Pilot plant Small model plant for testing pro- Phase 1 75,000 TBD Withdrawn Upgrader coverable under current technology and present Vapour extraction (VAPEX) VAPEX is a non- Upgrader Application on hold indefinitely. cesses under actual production conditions. thermal recovery method that involves inject- Phase 2 175,000 TBD Withdrawn Upgrader and anticipated economic conditions, plus that portion of recoverable reserves that is interpret- Proven recoverable reserves Reserves that ing a gaseous hydrocarbon solvent into the Total E&P Canada ed to exist, based on geological, geophysical, or have been proven through production or testing reservoir where it dissolves into the sludge-like Northern Lights Phase 1 56,600 TBD Withdrawn Upgrader similar information, with reasonable certainty. to be recoverable with existing technology and oil, which becomes less viscous (or more fluid) Upgrader under present economic conditions. before draining into a lower horizontal well and Phase 2 56,600 TBD Withdrawn Upgrader Established reserves Reserves recoverable being extracted. Phase 1 150,000 TBD Application Upgrader with current technology and present and Reclamation Returning disturbed land to a

Total Upgrader Phase 2 95,000 TBD Application Regulatory hearing scheduled to being in February in Fort Saskatchewan, AB. Upgrader anticipated economic conditions specifically stable, biologically productive state. Reclaimed Viscosity The ability of a liquid to flow. The proved by drilling, testing, or production, plus property is returned to the province of Alberta lower the viscosity, the more easily the liquid Debottlenecking 50,000 TBD Application Upgrader the portion of contiguous recoverable reserves at the end of operations. will flow. 16 ALBERTA OIL SANDS INDUSTRY QUARTERLY UPDATE


Oil Sands Producers • Statoil Canada • Suncor Energy • Alberta Oilsands • Sunshine Oilsands • Albian Sands Energy • Syncrude • Andora Energy • Talisman Energy • Athabasca Oil Sands • Teck Cominco • Baytex Energy • Total E&P Canada • Canadian Natural Resources • UTS Energy • Chevron Canada • Value Creation Group • Connacher Oil and Gas • ConocoPhillips Canada • Devon Canada Associations/Organizations • EnCana • Enerplus Resources Fund • Alberta Building Trades Council • E-T Energy • Alberta Chamber of Resources • Excelsior Energy • Alberta Chambers of Commerce • Husky Energy • Alberta Energy • Imperial Oil • Alberta Energy Research Institute • Ivanhoe Energy • Alberta Environment • Japan Canada Oil Sands • Alberta Finance and Enterprise • Korea National Oil Corporation • Alberta Research Council • Laricina Energy • Alberta’s Industrial • Marathon Oil Heartland Association • MEG Energy • Canadian Association of • Nexen Geophysical Contractors • North Peace Energy • Canadian Association of • North West Upgrading Petroleum Producers • N-Solv • Canadian Heavy Oil Assocation • Occidental Petroleum Corporation • Canadian Oil Sands Network for • Oilsands Quest Research and Development • Opti Canada • Energy Resources Conservation • OSUM Oil Sands Board • Pan Orient Energy • Lakeland Industry and Community • Patch International Association • Pengrowth Energy Trust • Natural Resources Conservation • Petro-Canada Board • Petrobank Energy and Resources • Oil Sands Developers Group • Shell Canada • Petroleum Technology Alliance • Southern Pacific Resource Canada

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