In vitro studies on morphogenesis and conservation of some threatened medicinal plants THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR Of PhilOsOPhy IN BOTANY BY SHIWALI SHARMA Department of Botany Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (INDIA) 2011 Plant Biotechnology Lab., Dr. Anwar Shahzad Ph.D. (AMU) Department of Botany, Assistant Professor Aligarh Muslim University DST Young Scientist Aligarh-202002, UP, India Member Academic Council,
[email protected] AMU
[email protected] Dated: ………………. CertifiCate This is to certify that the thesis entitled “In vitro studies on morphogenesis and conservation of some threatened medicinal plants” submitted for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, embodies the original research work carried out in the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory at the Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh by Ms. Shiwali Sharma under my guidance and supervision and has not been submitted in part or full for the award of any other degree or diploma of this or any other university. (DR. ANWAR SHAHZAD) (Research Supervisor) Contact no. +91- 9837061683 Acknowledgement Begins with the name of GOD who is our creator and sustainer my all praise goes to almighty GOD, the most beneficent and merciful for bestowing and blessing me during the completion of this work. I consider it my right to communicate profound and overwhelmed instinct of gratitude and indebtedness to my esteemed Supervisor Dr. Anwar Shahzad, Assistant Professor, Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany for his insight sagacity, insinuation of belief, compassion, commiseration, critical suggestions, persuasion and continued interest during the present work. Despite his busy schedule, he gave me liberty to encroach his valuable time.