No 75, 13 December 1949, 2803
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ilumh~ 75 2803 NEW ZEALAND THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1949 Resignation of .Members of the Executive Council and oj 111ini81"'8 .'11 e>nbers of Executive Council Appointed Official Secretary's Office, Government House, Wellington, 13th December, 1949, Executive Council Chambers, IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to accept Wellington, 13th December, 1949. H the resignation of- It> Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to H appoint- The Right Honourable PE'l'ER :FRASER, C.H., holding a seat in the Executive Council, and the offices of Prime Minister, The Honourable SIDNEY GEORGE HOLLAND; Minister of External Affairs, Minister of Maori Affairs, and The Honourable KEl'rH JACKA HOLYOAKE; Minister of Island Territories; , The Honourable 'VILLIAM SI:LLIVAN; The Right Honourable WALTER KASH, holding a seat in the The Honourable THOBIAS CLIFTON WEBB; Execntivc Council, and the offices of Minister of Finance, The Honourable RONALD MACMILLAN ALGIE; Minister of Customs, and Minister of Stamp Duties; The Honourable WILJ~IAM ALEXANDER BODKIN ; The Honourable HENRY GREA'l'HEAD REX MASON, holding a The Honourable CHARLES lVIoORE BOWDEN; seat in the Executive Council, and the offices of Attorney The Honourable 'WALTER JAMES BROADFOOT; General and Minister of Justice; The Honourable ERNEST BOWYER CORBEo"r ; The Honourable ROBER'l' SE~IPL~], holding a seat in the Execu The Honourable FREDERIOK 'YIDDOWSON DOIDGE; tive Council, and the offices of Minister of 'Works and The Honourable 'VILLLAM STANLEY GOOSMAN ; Minister of Rail ways; The Honourable THOMAS LACHLAN MACDONALD; The Honourable WILLIA)f EDWARD PARRY, holding a seat in Tho Honourable JACK THOMAS VVATTS; the ,Executive Conncil, and the offices of Minister of Internal The Honourable GRACE HILDA Ross; Affairs and Minister of Social Security; The Honourable JOJeDf Ross MA.RSHALL; and The Honourable FREDEHICK JONES, holding a scat in the The Honoumble 'YILl'RED HENltY jI'01t'l'UNE ; Executive Council, and the office of Minister of Defence; to be meJnbcm of tho Executive Council of New Zealanu; and the The Hononrable ARNOLD HENRY ~ORDMEYER, holding a seat abovc-named have taken the oath of office accordingly. in the Executive Council, and the office of ~Iinistcr of Indnstries and Commerce; T, J, SHERR1Um, The Honourable CLARENOE FARRlNGDON SKI~NER, holding a Clerk of the Exeuuti vo Council. seat in the Executive Council, and the offices of Minister of Lands and Minister of ]'orests ; The Honourable ANGUS MoLAGAN, holding a seat in the Execu tive Council, and the offices of ]\'linister of Labour, Minister of Mines, Minister of Employment, and Minister of Immi 11I-ini8ter8 Appuinted gration; The Honourable EDWARD LUTTFJRELL CULLEN, holding a seat in the Executive Council, and the offices of Minister of Onida,} Secretary's Office, Agricultnre and Minister of Marketing; Govern.ll1cut House. The Hononrable FREDERLOK HACKET'l', holding a se"t in the Wellington, 13th December, 1949. Executive Council, and the offices of Postmaster-Ueneral and Minister of Telegraphs, Minister of Marine, "ud Minister IS Excell£llcy the Governor-General Im8 been pleased to of 'fransport ; H appoint- The Honourable ]\fABEL BOWDEN HOWARJl, holding" seat in The lfonolll'able t;luNEY GEOltGE HOLLAND to he Prll11c :Minister the Executive Council, and the office of Minister of Health; tLTld Minister of l"ina.Jlec ; 'l'he Hononrable TERENOE HENDERSON MOCOMBS, holding a The Honourable K""'I'H .JACKA HOLYOAKg to 1," Mini.,it-lr of seat in the Executive Council, and the office of Minister Agriculture alllt Minister of Markciing; of Edncation ; The Honourable WILLIA)I SIJLLIVAN to be Minister of Labour, The Hononrable ERUERA TIHEMA TIRLKA'fENE, holding a seat Minister of }:mploymcnt, Minister of ]\Jincs, and Minister in the Executive Council; and 'fhe Honourable DAVID WILSON, holding a seat in the Executive, uf Immigration; Tho Honourable THO~lAS CLIFTON \VEnTI to be Attorncy Council. General and .Minister of Justice; By Command, The Honourable RONALD MACilULLAN ALGIE to be Minister of D. E. ]'OUHY, Official t>ecl'etary. Education; 2804 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE ,.. [No; 75 The Honourable WILLIAM ALEXANDER BODlliN to be :\finister Resignation of Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of Internal Affairs; The Honourable CHARLES MOORE BOWDEN to be :\iinister of Prime Minister's Office, Customs, Minister of Industries and Commerce, and Wellington, 13th December, 1949, Minister of Stamp Duties; IS Excellency the Governor-G<meral has been pleased, in. The Honourable WALTER JAMES BROADFOOT to be Postmaster H terms of the Civil List Amendment Act, 1936, to accept, General and Minister of Telegraphs; as from 12th December, 1949, the resignations of- The Honourable ERNEST BOWYER CORBETT to be Minister of Lands, Minister of Forests, and Minister of Maori Affairs; ARTHUR GEORGE OSBORNE, Esquire, and The Honourable FREDERICK "VIDDOWSON DOIDGE to be Minister MICHAEL MOOHAN, Esquire, of External Affairs and Minister of Island Territ()ries ; Parliamentary Under-Secretaries in relation to the office of the The Honourable WILLIAM STANLEY GOOSMAN to be Minister Prime Minister; and of Works, Minister of Transport, Minister of Railways, HARRY ERNEST COMBS, Esquire, and Minister of Marine; The Honourable THOMAS LACHLAN lIbCDONAI.D to be Minister Parliamentary Under-Secretary in relation to the office of the of Defence ; and Minister of Finance. The Honourable JACK THOMAS WATTS to be Minister of Social P. FRASER, Prime Minister. Security and Minister of Health. By Command, Appointment of Parliamentary Under-Secretaries D. E. FOUHY, Official Secretary. Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 13th December, 1949. Minister of Supply Appointed IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased, in H terms of the Civil List Amendment Act, 1936, to appoint- Official Secretary's Office, Government House, SIDNEy\VALTER SMITH, Esqnire, of Moerewa, Wellington, 13th December, 1949. a lI-lember of the House of Representativys, IS Excellency the Governor-Gencral has becn pleased to to be a Parliamentary Under-Secretary .in relation t<>,'the offices H appoint- of the Minister of Agriculture and Minister. of .l\1arketiug;' and The Minister of Industries and Commerce WILLIAM ALFRED SREAT, Esquire, of Hawera,·. to be the Minister of Supply for the purposes of the Supply Control a Member of the House of Representatives, Emergency Regulations 1939. to be a Parliamentary Undcr-Secretary in relation to the office of By Command, the Minister of Works. D. E. FOUHY, Official Secretary. S. G. HOLLAND, Prime lI-finister. By Authority: R. E. OWEN, Government Printer, Wellington_ Price 6d.) .