Hln0nBa0r MT #E

Vol. l-No.8 Official Racing Program Price25 cenfs Exciting Memorial Duy


A very exciting night of racing was the Don Schoenfiela(Tex) who drives car -LT order of the day here at Hazorback Speed- in the Super Modified division rt-&s reallr- way as etrreryone in attendance could say honking on he re at, Hazorback . Schoenf ie Id it was a most enj oyable night of racing. made it a as lee .t*-onttrre second super Modif ied heat. the troptry dash and" the Super Modifiecl fearure. Ih.ere r,ras a There'\.ras plent)'of actigr with chills, little excitement in the Sup,,er !{odif ied's thrills and spills for all. Jackie PhilI- f eature as Lee IIul I . Rap Rairm.eygor toge- ipr started off the action by joining the ther on the -i ru.rxl . rtren al-ong came Rus- ro I I ove r c lub in the se c ond Hobby sto ck sell Shepherd j-n thre [non Grant special Er heat of the erening, Ron Taylor and BilI Raille\-, All Crj.rers and ears except Bradle)- battled it for the trophy in Shephe rd ' s car came ou.t of the nni-x up ok- the Junior }todified trophl- dash as Ron a\- . IIUI I- and Raine]- 'ril-ere ah I-e t o c ontinue Taylor became the victor. the t'ace , D------, d1 I ----- f- 1 Bob and Lucy Altes - Track Omers I I tir,i" Anderson - Track Manager lL|r I t A1 and Alice Horne - hrblishers of the JIINIOR MODIFIED I -- i Razorback SpeedwayNews tsr 2NrDIRD 4TH5rn 6rn 7m I iur FIRST HEAT 20 75 10 | SECONDHEAT 20 15 10 ------>--1-- tll TROPIry 1075 The "Razorback SpeedwayNewsrr is publish- CONSOIATION 10755 ed each week for the racing fans, and the FEATT]RE 65 50 40 30 25 participants, Our intent is to keep you the rabing public informed through STOCK well E HOBBY feature stories and news articles and al- FIRST I]EAT 25 20 t5 so at the same time we want to add to the SECONDI]EAT 25 20 L5 enjoyment by presenting the rules and re- E TROPHT 12 108 gulations which govern the racing events. CONSOIATION 12 108 20 FEATURE 1OO 80 6o 50 40 10 For advertising rates, contact AI Horne, q SI]PERMODIFIED at GL 2-1674 or write to Route 1 Box 234 Fort Snrith, Arkansas 72901 FIRST I]EAT 50 10 20 SECOND}MAT 50 10 20 tl TROPHY 25 15 10 CONSOI"ATION 25 15 10 0FFICAI FL0RIST: Espy 0rNeal l , FEATT]RE 780 140 110 9O 75 6O 45 0FFICAL HAIR STYLIST: Corley Beaurty Service Ll 0FFICAL PACE CAR: Randall Ford Conpany I I r L{ I' REBUILT l. l-.1 MOTORS I I g ANY CAR or TRUCK '.--.-.- | MUSKOGEE,OKLA. lslt I o TLECTTOXTC I .^a*.9trrw\ l^l xclNo f,\-/- $rvlc: E--A \Et-^ ll-||r$ . wl|olE3 ll r!- ilY,z{frD AuTo tr--j|5Kt YEt t ts ?Alr3 \!&I H w.tltlr---'' . vavl \=U eilxDll€

GtaxrtH^;t rlel|xD|r|3 autororlvr xaGHrxS $ro? 3rtvtct rm 1g SItilSril SIEU$EU JtrJm OCARTIR DIAL SU 2-03/t3 .ntf ll-ill'6 .ituqbteu"*ateu @1 'f t ennnlslw THINK]fiI[$' .IF EXCHANGESERVICE r3t8TOWSON l#i; I BIG l4l0 KC ONS OP THE talwa STATTONS r I I I


L iI Louis Holland ,driver of car ff20 in the this is Grandpa Louisf grandson. Hobby Stock class and his fan club. This good to see Louis back in,action..a I I is some of Louisfs,most faithful fans he- few weeks of not being here. Loui re at Razorback Speedway. In case you do eighth position in point standings L not know which one is Louis, he is the 1!8 points to his credit. one holding the little boy, by the way L ;


L I ltl------e------I Newest I Most eiciting ! L gar washin I I town I open I I 24 hours t stay in d ! Q,ororbo,eb L I car-it's autornatic I -L. I I it takes onty .* I I €) i t minutes! I I (use2 quartersor r/z I dollar) i L I l- I ^- r-rr ^-r r I _- I R0B0ttfrsH I i "Ifbre tlre actim ls on Saturday nigils!" Thafs Razorhk$peeilvay I Next to Gibsons- 37Ol TOWSON I I 3dtr GRANDAVs I I Ako ROBO h vAN BUREl.l gAS I I I Ako l{+ Y* Sdf Roto b I I l I -- --+------+-

I Number 27 driven by Elvin Tennant was one and better things going on. This may not of the new cars here at Razorback Speed- be a new r*ay of loading and unloading a wayt Thursday night. This is the way they race car to some of you, but it was to me load and unload Tennant?s car. I guess and I thought maybe it would be of some L no matter how long you have been around a interest to someoneelse race track, you can always see some nerr,

/qe/ ftfunfa rt We HoveMoved To A l{ew 1 Pottecl""t Plant Espy 0rNeel Florist locolion-ToSove You Money! )etet(*)€)#*x)t

1 Case of PePsi Pepsi CoIa Bottling Co. I )CJ(J€OCiCJ(.)()F* Shampoo and Set f-tcE co. Corle1's Beautl- ShoP I "b'encing Experts" \o One (JndersellsAce $10.00 Free Groceries I Piggly h'iggI1- :; *J()C)e)exJ(J(i(x TWO LOCATIONS I $2.00 Free Cleaning 53OI WHEELER_ FORTSMITH, ARK. . Phoenix Cleaners I934 SO. CHEROKEE_ MUSKOGEE,OKLA-I )oee*'**)c)c)cx I 1 Giant Size Ptzza "Fence Your Space With Ace'l Shakeyrs Pizza Parlor o Home r Foclories **J(*r(xi(*J(x e lnstitutions I FHA-60Mo. to PayCall Ml 2 Free Passes To next weekrs races Bob and Lucy Altes I I I I t l

i j

I i, Urn" trophy girl for Thursday night lovely Russetl Shepherd driver of #55 t}re Don Miss patti Coleman, 226 South races was Grant Special is shown here at Thund'er- Ft.Snith' Patti is 1! years a 27sL Terrace, bird Speedway, Muskogee giving the Joplin Westark Junior college' She lold, attends hotshot, Fred Tullis car ffI4 a run for runner up for Miss Numa the was the first the money. Shepherd is a regular conten- Book. Shown here rrith Miss rWestark Yeai der here at Razorback Speedway. Fred Tul- familiar face to most !Col"*.tt is a very here at Hazor' Knight lis competed in the action -of yoo racing fans, this is Virgil the back Iast season. who has the pleasant job of driving tro- E troptrv uid escorting the lovely (ltioto by Tim Malone, Tulsa) E pfry^girls. "u" A job most any of y-d men tigftt like to have. He also has another - jo[ here at Razorback, he is in charge of lh" tapers who work in the tower' - >---3---- rl ------l garber I I Shop Appointment I Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday I I i Go To The Rqces coRtEYs ',":,.:r:1ROFFLER i for i I I e souTHSlDE I l^ Spillsqnd Thrills b :r:::L:::::i::::::::::::::::::;lil;i1i;l;l1i;l;l;i1l;l;i;l;:;:1:;i1:--;;'"'ScULpTUR I E FORTHE CAR OF YOURCHOICE i E $n,$.g5,R,,,f,I.rgr.i Go To !- E *t*,:;. I FARMER-O'NEAL | -1----- i Al your ServiceBEFORE & AFTER vuTi*.W The SALE will be I MANAGER RAYJONES, I| '------ft:t','i Ii - LOCALBANK FINANCING - I neRolo r,\rRy i | --coil I lnsure where you Please I | n FARMER-O'NEALAUTO SALES nr6-tzoz i Ml &28| | i 4210TOWSON i Closed on MondaY i ! -,^.,-^^__:--- I | ------.-----l t*t i'tr ji;" ioool'W$ry'i I I f- fffi wqqr---* ffi f . r;ff_ i i&ffi*e*-ryMiffird$:Fll=+h€,.E1--t-i' Mffii- ffit il%ffif,":'W .ffi+ ffii !+'#;rsi,ll,$,i i,;;,,'trffiffiffiffii 1 I FooDrr.-; I Jts l:- 47-23,SPRADL|NG *WY..f f . LLI|BARLING, enr\Lil\\7r Ar\NAI\J/\J AVE.^fq I ARKANSAS- | I Op"n 7 Duu W""l Forf Smith,Arkansas 'e'OO " OpenTDayaWeek I I Sunday u..' +ittIO,OO p...... _-,_90":l^7_D_:t;, Y::l Sundayvqrrvqy 8:00e.vv a.m-o.rrr. iillrlll l0:00lv:vv p.m. Redeem yOUr Lucky Red J P.trl. Irt Mon.rn. thru Fri. following Look fortor fhethe LUCKLUL;K REDRttl J fortor your extra Bonusspecial. ------!I lhe races I YourLUCKY prosrdm Hi SpecialTWO HAL-"J n,lirTlt BECKMAN MILK """:#r1l'l;.'j"n RACING RECAP 78 Bifl Bradley came under the wire for the Junior Modified feature, with fSO non til by JOYCE WOODS Taylor second, and !18 Gerald Shelbv thi- rd, followed bf':60 Everett Rosebeary. Well fans, it was a spectacular night of Greenrn'ood's:16 lr'i1li"an Clark took the tt racing at Razorback Speedway. Racing was f irst lIobbr- Stock heat. #44 CWa.ckBradl_ at itrs best with cars finely turned, and e]- second and :!1 Harold White thirtt. Two drivers real1y turning it on. BeIie'r'e it laps \\-ere completed in the second heat or not the weatherman co-operated t'.ith a ',;iie:::l .rackie Phillips roIIed over onthe u perfect night of racing r''eather. --.1 turn into the pits. Jackie escaped un- Ilats off to Bobbr- L-nser',iinner of tire i:--- r.:rt. but his car took itts toll of daura- dianapolis 500 \li1e race. The lr-rr' "i i - t ge. -Lfter a re-star| #68 John Maness to- II was one of the f aste st . ar,,i. sale st rl-a: ok the flag for first, #6j nitt Skinner has been run at Indr- in ral'\- \-eat':. second, and fSO Stan WiIIiams thircl.Butch \eumier in #25 won the consolationrfollow roS- t The f irst heat in the .Tuni or llo,llite: '..a: #21 Gerald Ray second and #36 Hardie h-ood third. Greenwood.wins again with won by ff80 Ron Taylor of Folt .:::.irl,. -- i # f6 Wittiam Clark takins home the tronhv Warren Beller, second utttr:3; Bill ',ii1i,- t alc,:i-:-.,l. #(J nin skinner and fi80 stan wir- ert third . #Zg BiIl Bradlel- ca:ne """orrI for the checkered flag in the secor-'i i-eat liams thircl . Thirteen cars rrere in the starting line-up with #30 Glen Cohea second, and '--t-irrEr-er- for the I{obby Stock fea- ett Rosebeary third. In the trophl- ,iasir ture. Barlingrs John Maness #68 came un- I der the f80 Ron Taylor drove away with first iion- black and white flas for first # 6l ors, f ollowed Iw #Zg Bill Bradlel- ancl Er-- eiff Skinner second, ;80 Stan Williams erett Tl,osebear:y. The BIoody Red Baron .. third and #9t Harold White fourth. L (continued) I l, JUNIORMODIF]ED HOBBYSTOCK 1ST IIEAT t- 1sr ImAt' 1. 4. 1. 4.

I 5. 2' -- 5. 3. 3. F-i 2ND ImAT 2ND IIEAT I 4. 1. 4, I L s D ).F B 2. 5. 6. I i. 5. c 1. t- i- TROPHY o TROP}ry 1 J. I r. )", g o 4. R 4,

U- coNsotArroN E co\so,-\rroN 1. 3. !. 3, U- 2. 4. g 4. FEATTME [- T^'*' 5, 1. ). 6. s 6.

7 L; 1 H 3. l' r - R E 8 . MODIFIED rvroolnio It 1sr rtrAr E CONSOI,A.TION 4, 1. 4, T 1. u2. 5. 2, 5. 1' 6. 3. 6. lt * 2ND IIEAT }.I]ATIRE 6. 1. 4. 1-.

t o ,. 7. s&' 8. 3. 03. 6. TROPHY 4. 9. r l- 1. 5. 10. I 4. I >------31- rt lr Rain-0ut- Raincheck I I

If by chance the weatherman should turn on the rain clouds on our regular Satur- day nj-ght racing program at Razorback Speedway our fans are assured of getting to see the action.

If the rains come before the race program begins or before the program is half-way completed your tickets wilI be good for I next weekrs racing program. The make-up 'l races(until school is out) will be re- tlilnoN GRANTS i scheduled at the end of the season. After I school is out the make-up races wiII be LJ-I \JI-r run on l{ednesday nights. i cARAGE i | -.--rI luroMATrc I In the event more than half of the racing I rRANsMtssloNspEctALlsTS I program has been presented and rain sho- I rNY MAKE- ANYMoDEL i uld stop the remaining portion. This must | "Where Youou Get The Best For Less" be honored as a full program as the dri- I I tt 261li Towson vers must be paid for their races. PhoneSU 5-2154 | t ------l

Free Pickup and Delivery See or Call tsso KEN'SESSO 5720 Rogers g

}IUMBLE "{ -, tl fi5;gpsg}3" lJo lng ! T t I

..i. .,r,* .., i. ::i;;""j;if r"';.'rsjijj:i.";; : ", ;'";i;'i". ":: t t\ I

I I RECAPCONTINUED PtrINT STANDINGS nnit In the first Super Motlified' neatrff96 JUNIORMODIFIED L POINTS really CAR NO. Sangster and,ff2-8 0ar1 Goldsmith, q19 place with # Gerald ShelbY 58 tratTlea it oui for first ' 6o 1q4 for first Everett RosebearY PhiI Sangster coming across BiIl Bradley 78 J59 96 249 for sec- Ron Taylor 80 #28 CarI Goltlsmith close behind' r55 lnt Glen Cohea J0 third'' Fort 744 ond'and #42 Cnester Stevens IIillard Levis 6 I toou the r7r 80 ltl bon Schoenfielcl in #45 Charles Griffey Smith's 11 75 heat,'fZO Staton Durrett from Por- BiIl Bottoms '70 f!:_Itr second Ray Durrett 20 ter, 0klahoma second, and #iZ,loe BaIIard I'litchelI LacY r4 15 Joe Linamx 44 35 RusseII Shepherd in #51 "Grants 9q thircl. Ronnie Xilgore 75 by 9q l, *ott-irt" followed # Ezra Carsriell 18 il;;; o4 l- "o.,*-ol"tionDale Wofford thirtt' Warren )lcOullough i.iJ Jt Hay Rainey ana #90 I) Don'Schoen Warren Beller 401 Dressed in western attire, #45 Tommy Smith 55 L2 12 for the trophy dash, ff' GIen Goolsby 8 field raced across 10 Charles Clouse 77 second", and lf+Z Cnest- 10 20 Slayton Durrett BiIl Gilbert 37 in 11 10 ar Stevens third. Eleven cars started' JoeI Gilbert the evening' BilI Kennedy I) 7 the Super Motlified Feature of 5 ^a ru- .Ed Owens 97 After re-start with eight cars still Nathan Robinson 5 L3 0 l_- nning, non Schoenfield took the check Royce Rudick #43 8 0 Phil Sangster,in Jim Pence I ered-ilag for first, #96 James Gaesslel' 1l! 0 42 0 0 li second aia #lt Ray Rainey thircl anil # John Dyer l! Chester Stevens fourth. Match Race HOBBYSTOCK When they said this Special t)tJ ttiT Stock John llaness would be bet-ween the four top Hobby ,stan hllliatns 80 710 drivers, they werenrt kitttling' Starting Rutclt \euntier 25 Ilill Skinner 61 1Ji up as follows; 1st 28i I,_on the pole they lined ,Iinr lrarnter 58 120 row H. C. Pierce outside, #25 Butch Neum- Il. C. I'ierce 92 Kenny Smitlt 19 211 Second row Stan Williams out- 198 irtr ier. /80 Louis Ilollantl 20 t-* Fort Smithrs Uhite 91 17u side, ff58.lotrn Maness. #80 Ilarold ,.,1 t6 1 I Stan Williams and Barlingts John Manesst Wi Iliam tilark .lack l)hilli.psx 1 put their foot through the floor, * 8 11o real1y \{esley Nlarrrn qa l.t for first p1ace. The fans were all stan- Oharles.'\rlams 0 4ll i2 acrost & (lharles Rrarlley ding as faO Stan Williams ed.ged Coye lloach * 99 4j io place John Maness second & Geralcl liay 2j won first , #69 2t) H.C. Pierce dr- Ilack Thompson 86 Butch Neumier thircl #92 I)on )lillilien 1 t) 8 i.u-opped out with mechanical trouble ' Ilardie \iood ib * f lo1'd |eale r' 199 0 Our thanks to Bob and Lucy Altes, and all ol 0 George rine .0 the Razorback Speedway staff for a real llorard lidra]- rt6 Bill Godfrel' 99 0 lu great night of racing on this Holiclay. 0 David Johnson 17 Driver safely over the Holiday weedend, anil werll see you Saturtta;' night. MODIFIED 5.N. 1. Ra1- RaineY ro71 ,|j 2. Dale hlofford 90 740 j. Slaton Durrett 20 700 i .1. Don Schoenf ield 43 67o ADVANCEDTICKETS 79 j85 5, Joe Ballard (;. Herb Burris 88 i4o rl_i 8 )15 Advanced tickets are available until noon /. Lee nUIr places: Piggly 8, Phil Sangster 96 4jj on Saturday aL the following i1 405 ' Fl- 9, RusseIl ShePherd wiggly #5, 35oo Jennl- Lind; Espy 0rNeal 10, BilI Street ti 275 l_l oti"t, 2211 North "B"1 Joe McOutchenrs Ph- 11. Ray HulI r \2 185 rs Food 72. Chester Stevens armacy, HW 277 & Caranaugh Rcl. , J I1, Robert Lee 19 l, :: 120 Market BarTingl and J?s Food MatkeL ff2, L4. Carl Goldsmith #t, 75. Joe llolland aa 4J 4723 Spraclling Ave. i Jerald Phillips Barber 0 ]U 16, John,Johnson 9l)- Shop, Te*.s Cornerl and Kroger \ralue Villa- 17, Elvin Temant 0 Adult tickets are $1' 18. Robert Hullsizer 10 0 geo-4000 North "Otr. 1.9. Bob Schalski j 0 25 and.Children's Tickets are JOC. ,.I x RoIl Over CIub l, ll |.__ I I t

A new face to the trophy circle t this season is Ron Taylor. Ron drove an awful close race to be able to receive this tronhv. t t It Lt il Don Schoenfield sm- Don made it a Grand iles as he receives Slam here Thursday, his trophy from the as he won every ev- lovely trophy girl ent he participated I'liss Patti Coleman. in. C0\GR,\TL'L\TIONS f)on on a fine job.

,\nother new face to the trophy page is l{illiarn Clark from Gre- enwood, Ark. William seems ha- ppy about the subject. i t I I I t *$ t


it:liii L 'j ..:::'li il ,!rx1:!re*ryrri ! ir !! : :!::ir; ; ::1i:;:;:;:i. ::.1 r!:::i:r{i!lil I t IIOBBY STOCI{ FEITTTIII,EI{INNETT: John lrlaness //68 was the victor of the feature i here Thursdal' night. ,John is shown here with some of his pit crew. John i t is high point man in the llobby Stock division. IL iL

a? L t,)



: I

! ! I ROLL 0\TR TRI)PIII: Rev. Joe Linam receives his roll or.er trophy after beco- ming a membel ser-era1't'.ttteeksago. This is another way to get a trophy besicles I winning a rror,l-r- ilash. but I don't think I could recommend it. b ------.-_ t JUNI0R. llODIFIFi' FI \llllF- \r1\\IlR: Bill Bradley rloes it again. Bitl ,ir,.1 ,.-er'.- well for himself again Thursdal- night as he won a heat and the featule. F,ili got away before the pirotographer could get a picture of.him. t EI RACII{GHAS IT'S J UP and DOWNS The second Hobby Stock heat of the eve-n- ing started off with chills and thrills. I In the -second lap of this event Jackie Plfillips who drives car #1 d,id an up and over coming out of the ff2 Lurn. Jackie I escaped the accident with out i4jury, but less fortunate was his car. Jackiets car as you can tell by these pictures was da- I maged quite heavily. Jackiers car wasnrt the only car that was damaged in this ac- cident, after the roll overr Kenny Smith hit Jackie I s car and was out of the com- I petition for the rest of the evening.Ken- nyrs car was sporting a new body Thursday Irf night, what a way to initiate it to the r{ racing fieltt. i' r1! J il tt) Ji 3i

tl1l II ------I I I ,l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------T I CHECKERED Completion of event,regord- RED less of nrrmber of loos com. Serious occident,, or course pl eted. Roce course is cleor . com- completely blocked . stop ot petition i s underwoy, on ce.

B[UtflH.D STRIP The moveover flog . move out of lhe groove, you ore being You hove been disouolified lopped by o foster cor. One lop tb go. Course is portiolly blocked, for this event - pull off the proceedwith coulion. trock immediotelv.



Mounted and BalancedFREE MONROE SHOCK ABSORBERS TERMITES? ROACHES? ANTS? CALL ON TERMINIX Bruce-Terminixwill wipe out any pests that invade your I Sfonewqll Jqckson Inn home. Termites, roaches,anis, mice, siiverfish... why try tofight these pestsyourself?For expert pest protection,call the professionalkillers-Bruce-Terminix. I 57I5 TOWSONAVE. Thenationwide pest prevention service SwimmingPool - TV - Radio Bruce-TerminixCo. PLENTYOF PARKING PhoneSUnset 2-8804


I t l t I ************************************ r * * * st Colr^*u., * J * tn, R, eo^po^y + REAL ESTATE + * J + SALES CONSTRUCTION . DEVELOPMENT * ,* + B0x i66 BARLING,ARKANSAS 12923 pHoNEcL2-2te 0 * * J * * * * + * J * * * * * * J * * * * J * * * E * * * J * - * * + * * J * * *r * I ** ff** t****. ** ******************** ** * * I I I Sooncr Specdway Luclcy I RACESEVERY FRIDAYNICHT J 8:00pm

SALLISAW. OKLA. N9 8755 t Number T t T II l ,j WINNERTAKES Att JR. FAN SHIRT (Children up to 12 yr. old) Name

The special race of the evening proved to Address be one of the most exciting races of the season here at Razorback. Although there Phone_age_ size_ were only four cars who participated in JR. FAN SHIRT Compliments of: this event it was one of the best races of the evening. Those participating were Ken and Doris Smifh- PERFECTOCLEANERS #92 H.C. Pj.erce, Central, Ark. i #25 Butch Neumier, Fort Smith, Ark.; ff6a ;onn Man- ess ancl Stan Williams #80. The real race J was between WiIIiams and Maness. WilIiams junped to an early lead and managed to Buyingahouse... t I keep that lead through the entire race a- Wantins to build I lthough at times Maness got pretty close Or wantinq to sell! to passing Stan. The purse for this race Lel our compefent trained sales staff solve your 'was $50 and qas donated by the A & S Pub- Real Btale problems. Regardlessof your needs, J lishers. large or small, you will receive friendly, prompt and sincere aitention.. Rememberto ------call -t Sagelg & Bennett Co. fne. GO TO CHURCHSI]NDAY I 12 North 20th Street I Phone:SU 2-89| | .I


'l[ ********* ***ff ********ff **********t 1 + i--.!rrr )i + REBUTLT|.{oroRs FLrTFl,tltE-. \ t MAcHTNEwoRK + I REPLACEMENTPARTS * qyg% REBUTLTTRANsMrssroNs * FoRI vr\ ALL cARsv^r\J t-- - lJl ------ttl6lllts- *r ^LL /f * * * I . ..;:11:i:15;;;;11i:;i1g:;{1,i:,i'::,i 'i ,i..,ai.':'riiiti.l:t :.riri.1i$*.{H###ffi#fffi r;iil1ij,,;r'riijr.lrjt:t '...,, * *'..."....','..;'-lt'li":ir:..*$i1.i'lffit'.."...o t L I 1l -l {

}*r IUT(IPARTS & TIRE G0. f Arkqnsqs t PhoneMl 6-7391 l4l2Phoenix FortSmith, + t( * * **ff ********ff ***************ff ** 0 I J t J t : I If you can not attend the races I be sure and listen to KIrfL\- the feature races will be broadcast I each Saturday night from 9:jO until 10:JO. 0 t Tnsf-PattrTireService d I 3616Mirthnd SUser2-94t I I U. S. NOYAI. { I CompleteReheading Plant all sizesPassenger & Truck t I 0 SERVICE ti t

+L.t> - -\._ ---- RAN/i-RBACKDBilffS

Bob Simpson, 0zark, Ark. trlike ReI I , I'ort Smith, .,\rk.

BiIl Rates This is some of the action.





Clarksvi 11e . ,\rk. L€ro\- llcl)anie 1 r

THANKS FREE TO TIM DRIVERS FEAI]T]RE W.TNNERS Steak dinner to the winners of the feature Just a word. of thanks to all who wor'ked races in each division courtesy of the so hard. to make ,this program possible' Town House Restaurant. 5611 TowsonAvenue. You knov when you have a week between races, it isntt solhard to put a program SECONDPI,ACE WINNERS together, but when there is onfy two days Steak dinner to the second place feature bQlween race-nights, it makes the going a winners in each d.ivision, courtisy of Etl little rough. We would especlally like to Walkers Drive In, 150O Towson Avenue. 'thank Joyce'Woods; and Jay Snith f or th- eir co-operation in getting their columns TROPHTWINNMS in ear1y, thanks to Mary Phillips for 1 Giant Size Pizza of your choise- to ihe getting the points to us, thanks to the trophy winners in each division, courtesy the fast f,frotog".pher, John Neilsen for of the Shakeyts Pizza Parlor, L21,4HW. 71 ievefiping iob antl just a Big 'TTHANKYOU" South. to eve-ryone-rrho had a part in this weeks progranr we couldntt have done it with- ,O6J( JOH€'OC.)C*JC*JE'(- out your helP antl co'operation. 0nce each month the Super Mottifiett trophy IHANKS AGAIN, is donated by: Joe McCutchenrs Pharnacy Pspsi Cota Bottling Co. Bruce Terminir


Good Evening,

The racing fans certainly received their Stan Williams crossed the finish line in moneys worth Thursday night. The d.rivers front of John }laness and took home the really turned. it on as a good number of $50 dollar biII. In Super I'lodif iecl it racing fans viewed the action und.er per- was Don Schoenfield. The man in comuand, fect weather conditions. In the Junior Don was the winner in the second heatrthe Modified it was Ron Taylor and BiIl Brad- trophy dash and the feature. Phil Sangst- ley. Taylor who drives #80 won the first er took the first heat and RusseII Shep- heat and the trophy dash. The man from herd won the consolation. Tulsa, Olilahoma in Junior Moclified ffig won the second heat and the feature. In We are looking forward tonight for an- the Hobby Stock division, Willian Clark other thrilling chapter in the racing came on strong to win the first heat, and book this evening. GIad you came out, en- joy the trophy. John Maness got the checker- yourselves, and we will see you next erl flag in the second.heat and the fea- week. ture. In a special race with a S50 purse Jav Snith ff**************** OFITERING PROMPT RFJLI.{BLE SERVICE * * * * + Herman * * Xr RogersMobile Home Repoir * Douglas * lnsideor Outside * * * + and Accessories + * * * JIM ROGERS ALL WORIi Ph: MI 6-5077 GUARANTEED * TEXACO* * * 2419TOWSON AVENUE * * * + Minor Tune-upand Repairs * * TOWNHOUST * We Give YES Stamps * * + RESTAURAN T * * * + + * Steaks Good Bar-&-Q * * Coffee B'ee{on Fork

* * Weerdals 6-10 on 56| I TOWSON OPEN,&12 on Sai.-cia1s ZOOilI TO "WILD BILL" qnd R00tsAt R c0t[DlTfo ilfn$ MAIHES


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