Czubaszek R., Wysocka-Czubaszek A., Brzózko A., 2016, Waloryzacja krajobrazu gminy wiejskiej Wysokie Mazowieckie. Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, T. XLI, 81 – 93. Waloryzacja krajobrazu gminy wiejskiej Wysokie Mazowieckie The assessment of the landscape quality of the Wysokie Mazowieckie rural commune Robert Czubaszek, Agnieszka Wysocka-Czubaszek, Agnieszka Brzózko Politechnika Białostocka, Katedra Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska, ul. Wiejska 45A, 15-351 Białystok e-mail :
[email protected] Abstract : The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the quality of landscape of the Wysokie Mazowieckie rural commune with two methods : grading points method and impression curve method, as well as the conformity assessment of results obtained with both methods. In the Wysokie Mazowieckie commune, agricultural landscape associated with undulating plains, which is diversified by forests and surface water is observed. According to the results of grading points method, most of the commune area is moderately attractive, due to small differences in altitude, the prevalence of small watercourses and ponds and low forest cover. The assessment of the landscape visual attractiveness made by impression curve method has shown that the high proportion of areas have average demand for appreciation as a result of the occurrence of mainly arable land, which are characterized by moderate natural quality. The results obtained by grading points method and impression curve method were similar. Analysis of the few discrepancy indicates that despite the subjectivity, the ability to assess the actual state of the environment in the impression curve method gives better results. Słowa kluczowe : waloryzacja estetyczna krajobrazu, metoda bonitacji punktowej, metoda krzywej wrażeń, Wysokie Mazowieckie Keywords : landscape assessment, grading points method, impression curve method, Wysokie Mazowieckie Wprowadzenie Krajobraz jest cennym, ale niedocenianym dobrem, które należy prawidłowo kształtować i chronić.