OFFICIAL DEGREE LIST Approve.d by the Un iv~rsity Faculty and the State Board of Higher Education

Graduation Convocation

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FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1968 Oregon Pledge Song

Fair Oregon. we pledge to thee Our honor and fidelicy. Both now and in the years to be. A never failing loyalcy. Fair Oregon, thy name shall be Written high in liberty. Now. uncovered, swears thy every son Our pledge to Oregon.

For Dote. lID academic CO!, turn to inside back cover. Order of Exercises

Processional-"Trumpcc Voluntary" -Renry Purcell THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BRASS CHOIR GENE RAY LEWIS, M.M., M.A. Assi.lllnt Professor of Mu.ic. Conductor

The Color Guard

Invocation V1CTOl\ PIERPONT MORRIS, Ph.D. H. T. Miner Professor Emeritu. or Business Admini.lration

Greetings from the Oregon State BO:lrd of Higher Education JESSE WAYNE FORRESTER President of the Board

The Commencement Address JOHN RAYMOND HOWARD, M.A., LL.D. PresideIlt of Lewis and Clark ColleKe

The Conferring of Degrees CHARLES ELLICOTT JOHNSON, Ph.D. Actin/!" President of the Univcrsity

Oregon Pledge Song -Iohn Stark Evans sung by JAMES AllTHUR KEMPSTER, Class of 1968

Benediction PROfESSOn MORl\rs

Recessiona I-"Fa11 fare" . .A/ext/ndcr T cbcrcl'tlin THE BRASS CHOW

Paul Rudolvh Washke. Ph,D, Carl Curtis Weho. M.A. Uni\'ersilY Marshals

The Audience will rema;n ,eoted durinll" the Proecosional and the Reecs.ion",i. Ph.'..uIll rdrnin from ~p{lln.u~~ (',,",cept ::tt ll.u: conclusion of the Confcrrinji( of DCR'T('C'li,




W AL"-EJ1. ROLAND BRUIlD GLENN EUIE HOLDURE£D Doctor of Education; Education Mast.. of B"siness Administration; Busin~s.s (LlfPORD JAM"" DREW Finance and Envirooment Doctor of Philo6Qpby; Education

• Highest schola.rship

[2 l Baccalaureate Degrees


M.\IUl..\·", lMI!l(1! RQ~" DE""'s M'CUAEL S~OVALL BAchelo< of Arts; English n'chclor of Arts, Polilical Sciencc ?dA&"P.",~ Lou,sE TDOMPSON Ihchclor of A


LINDA RUTn ALL?I<. B.A. SANDRA EVELYN CARR. B.A. Portl=d; Speech Coluge Grove; Engll.h SIlARON MAIUX: ALL~NCt!iR., B.A. ROll.£R.'f LoU1S CM,llJIELD. A.S. Eugene; Polilic:ll Science PO

TeRRY O'YE:N BnRNHARO'T 1 "B.S. JAllE. PAUL C"·&Y. B.S. Till:uoook; Politicol Scicne< Carltun; General Science SUSAI! "'!Ar. SANNEll 1I0WYEll, D.A. CHARLES RICHAR.D COON, n.s. Eugenc; English, Cal.: Antbropology ARTUUll WIl.LIAM nR>:N""R, B.S. CeonCJA Fguce CORDES, B.S. Eugene; Mathematics Eugellc; Sodolog)· GARY JOUN BROADSWORO, D.S. NANCV J>:AN>: CllAU"! B.A. EugclI"; Sociololl'Y The Dalles; Eng i,h CLIPPORD L. DIlOCK. D.S. JAMBS MOWA" CUIlL. B.A. Walton; General Scieoce Bend: Englisb J, ... """, RAy BROW". B.S. FRA"CES LEE CURRIS. B.A. Con"llis; Psychulogy Portland; Roman"" Languagc, NANCY ANN BROWN. B.A. MABTIlA. HUNT Cuny, B.A. Eu~cne: Gcner::1l Social Science PicdmoDt. Cal.; English ~(ICHA1~L EDWIN B1l.0"""FlElD. B.S. GORDON DOUGLAS DANIELSON. B,S. EllgC11e; Geology San C:J.rlos. Cal.: Geu<."r:ll Scienc~ FAY A,,,, [·IAIlV"Y BUNKH, B,A. GAnY Lx\\' IS DJI,RN'HL"'. B.S. Pendlelon; Romance Languagcs Salem: Politi~a.1 Scicnc~ FIlEoealCK MAURICP: BUSCHDOFP, D.S. S,uu.lI LOlJloSE DAVIES, n.A. Croton-on· H"dsDn. N.Y.; P.ychology Eugcon<: ~ Gcrm::Ul 3.r.tI RU:i~i.3.n JlfltCllAIlL SCOTT CARLSON. n.s. G''.OlICh G. LJKe~"n. n S. Eugene: Gconcral Science Porlland; GCllcri11 Scit'nl;e

I J J En..EEN ReBECCA DUI,.'IOG, B.A. IltfPREY JENSON HAI""R,ll.S. Eug-ene; Roman"" Langu~ge$ Eogene; Political SClen"" DOUG"'AS RAy DIC"~NSON" B.A. EUZAQ£TlI ANNR BAR11IS, B.A. The Dalles; Politictll "cienee Woodside, Cal.; Romance Languages MARK HILARY D'CKSON B.S. LEs ANDREW HARVEY. B.S. Portland; Political Science Bellaire, Ohio; Sociology JOHN WA YNE D 11'0 NEI,., B.S. JaR" EAIlL HAW>:E', B.S. Spring-Deld; Sp

r 4] KnNNllTII .GRl:~N KAliL, D.S. ]UDlTU M"nIR DnCClJSU!.1l MJ\:,\;\\l!.1l1NC Asto",,; HlOlogy B.A. . LvCY COCIIRAN KE..'T'I:N KEs... r, D.A. JE'OLD Too MAS MBlE., B.A. Hood River; Romance L;1f1glL,"l;cS Salem; Psychology SEUNC KONo Klhl B.A. JUN RaNE MICIlR';, D.S. Los An!fdc" Co.!.: General Scienc. Lompoc, Cal.: ;:,ociology MAMY BAllOA"A 1MA KN,cnT, B.S. JOON S1'IlWART t.1rLL.llIl., D.A. Eugene; P,ychology Eugene: Sociology JOSEPO HENI{Y KN"...... n.S. MAItOA'''T LOUISE MLLLER, B.A. Portland: General ;:,cienee Ely. Ney.; Gcn~ra1 Science A'NSLIE EARL BROWE" KRANS, B.S JUt EARL M,TcaELL, B.A. Springfield: G.olo~ . Malibu, CaJ.; Psychology JVP'T!! SARAn KROGO, D.S. ,BYRON S0120TO MIZUElA, B.S. Eugene i Biolog)" Bonolulu, Hnwnii: General Science ANNb: SWAN LA'TIIRQl', B.S. RICnAR!? ARNOLD Mon.... B.A. Eugene: Sociology Sprmgfield: English MADilL DOWMAN LIlIlL, n.S. GEOItO" JEAN NACIfT"AN, B.A. Coos Day: General Social Science Modtsto. Cal. i Romance LangL\agc:.s LOUIS W'LL'AM L'NDQUIST Jo., B.S. WtLLIA" GEORG' NAGEL, B.S. Bandon; Anthropology Eugene: lliology G'Lnr.n BRUCr. LISSY, B.S. DARBA"A ANN" NIGHTINGALE:, B.A. Portland; Mathematics Gig Harbor,; Poli"cal Science FIU~D'lICf(' ROJlr~RT LONG, B.S. WARREN DRUCE N'STAD, D.S. Medicine lIat, Alta.: General Social KiDzua i General Social Science Science SHAllON Jo NORTON, D.A, R'COARD MALCOLM LONG. D.S. Eugene: Hi.tory Coos B.::lY; General Science JAV CL'RCNC", OA""IAN, D.S. DAVID ROOZRT LORENCi:, B,S. Salem; Political Scicmce Eugene; Gcnc~al Social Sc:ic:ncc KLAOS Pl

( 5 l ESTB.U Pon....s"., B.A. O"'LE STMI WALTllR PRICE, n.S. J ... CI< GOIDO" S'l'IV""SON, B.A. Hillsboro; Economics Eugene: Biology ROB"IlT BRUCE PuRDY, B.A. 50"'''0'' ANN LI!E STOLZ"""", B.S. Eugene; MaIhematics RochQter, Minn.; Psychology FliED BII.OWNE RADEBAUGB, B.A. DRNNIS :MIC8... £L STOVALL, B.A. Dnylon, Wasb.: HistQry The Dalles; Political Science GBO:R.Gll G. RICI1ARDSON. JR., B.S. ALVILOA Lou.." H"'ZllL STull.nllD, B.A. Bakcr; General ScieDee Portland; EngliSh RICBARD LAw.""Cl' R.oGs. B.A. J....llI. M,ceA"'" SULKO'''Y, B.S. Porlland: History Puyallup, Wa.h.; Genet'al Science SnARoL A"" ROBB, B.A. JOON CI.Il'YORD SUUETT, B.A. Spokane, Wash.; Biology Sheridan: German and Russian KRNNRTE ALA" ROBERTSON, B.A. COR.STINE DIAN" CIl"".AN SWANSON, B.A. Portland: Hi.tory EUiS"ne: English DENNIS SCOTT ROGERS, B.A. MICHAE" STEVE" SWRTT, B.S. Coquille: Chemistry Portland; PSychology RONALD GUSTAVE ROSIN B.A. 1UI>Y ANNE Sn"l'LY, B.S. Missoula, Mont.: pJitical Sci~ce Portland: Political ScieDce MARILYN laaN. ROis, B.A. PAVLDoIlGLA.S TAV"OR. B.S. Hillsboro; EngllSJ> Salem; Sociology ELlA SALLaS, B.A. 1.... " ELEANOR TJ."YLX, B.A. Eugene; Romance Languages Salem; Sociology DAVID L. SANnLIlI, B.S. SAL1.Y JE"'NNJ': TBO""IO, B.S. EugeDe: Mathematics Eugene: General Social Scicoee 00UOI-\5 LEE SClIA"'F". :B.S. MA.LSN' LOI1I.E TuOMYSON. B.A. Springfield; General Social Science Eugene; Sociology VIVIAN LAURA MOBN. SCR>1ELL. n.S. GRECORY L. TIfR"... DOILL, B.S. Springfield; Sociology Sao JOSC, Cal.; SociOlogy RICOAIl.D FRl'OllICI< SCOTT, B.S. LAll"V RoaEn TO"""N, B.A. Klamath Falls; Ec,momies Albany; German aDd Russian BARllA.A AN., Sl'1.LEllS, B.S. ALET'" SUS MY.Ells 1'o""... .,cE,1I.S. Grants Pass; General Sodal Sci""c. Eugene: SOO 01 ogy FRANC'S Hop"I". SIIOel:>" B.A. EngeDe; Biology Coquille; EDgliab DAVID P"Tl'll S"RALSKIS, B.S. P...ULA MARIE Vo" FLOR, B.A. Lake Oswego; Psychology SilVCTIOn; Sociology CRAIG S... aGllNT S"'ITB B.S. LIND'" LEE W"'R.ll>1~ B.A. Eugene: General S'ocial Science Eugene; Asian -:>tudie. GAllY ALLEN 5",,1'''. B.S. KENH£TH R.J,y WE"'VEIl, B.S. Portland; Geology E slaeada; Economics K • .,.,ETB LAOllYN 5"1'1'8, B.S. TIMOTlIY Lilli WSH-."AMP, B.A. VancouveT, Wash.; Speech Sacramenlo, Cal.; History DAVID SANl'ORD WEISlIllOl>, B.A. S".. Diego. Cal.: Biolob

I 6 I NOBDERT H,...:,,;s Jou N WP.~?J.AI.'J n.A. JUDITII A~N WOQDUU ...., n.s, Prince Ceo .. ~e, B, C.: Political Science Tar,""a, Col.: Geology SnVEI< ]osr.I''' WIll''''. lJ.S. TllOMAl> OU\'£D WOODn.UF'l~, B.S. Johu D~y: fJioloR'Y Wcst Lint!; Socjolo~y MICIIV..Ar..l~ OOUI!.NI!. HALL W.LLlhMS, B.S. ANOA~W Sue1'- W AI Y".. , 8.S, PortJand; SocioloR'Y Hong Kon~. ('hdllislry SALL'" WILLIA"'S, B.A. JAC" SJlIGRnU YO.""TO.\II, n.S, Eugene: Biology LooS All,o(l'lL's. LId.; Hislory RANDALL HERRY.fiT WI","A", B.S. L'I!: h~h


PEDOO Jo~"Ano~,oTg).\oA, B.Arch. DallAL" CUllnlE HONonuM, B.F,A, S:J.nto Domingo, Dominican Rep.; VcneL': l'AA: SCUII.ture ArclJitecture AIl.THUn ROn&RT )"1<5"N, B.Arcll. AL' A",oj,I<', n.s."d: ArchltL'cture Tehran, Ir~n; Fine Applled A .. t> and JEFFREY CLAY 1<><0''', D.Arch. TALlO HA>lIO AL.TALID. B.S. Port:and; Architec.ture 11a~hdad, lraq; FA.'\: Sculpture SJ'Y"O~ EVl'll'u.J:I.O:5 LAL",.IHS J B.Arch.

IMAD MOHAMMAD AZIIAlt j U.ArclJ. Ath.;ns, Gn,:ecc; Arcbitecture Mo.sul, h.q; A ..cbitccture G.\llY MIOIAJ'L L(l]l.l.. ·.!:·LI~UI D,L.A. DI!r.NE YVO:-ONE Bf.1I.N'TSEN, B,A. ICugel"': Laudscapc Architecture Sherwood; Arch: Intedor Archilec'ure i\'t~llli: EU~V'AItD MAR'TfN. D.S. CATDY Lou BRENNE', B.S. Sil >crton: Finc and App! ied Art. Portland; Fine and Applied Arts ERIC WILL.AM NASDURC. B.A ..cb. DAv.n FRAN'C19 Blf.UNS1{AN, B.Arcb. Spokane. Wash.: Archilecture Vernonia; Architecture JOaN «AUL 0". B.An:b. CA9.L ]ODNSOl< BUDLONC, B.A. Seoul. Korea; Architecture Eugene i Ar<:h: Intcnol'" Arcbileclun: :MELVIN DOUGL/ls PAR"'2TEH, B.Arch. MONTE: GENE COOK, B.ATeh. PortlaDd, Archit\:cturc Medford: ArchItecture GARI" LEsal( PRAR,O", B.S. ROllEnT FRANKLIN COOCOAA", n.s. Portland: Fine 'lid Applied Arts Yakima, Wash.; Art Educatiou )EPKA)ICUORK PUROMYOTBl B.Arch. l ETTA ANITA. DIlBU(S, n.A. Bangkok, 1'~hailafld; Arcuite('ture Grallt. Pass; Art EducatiDn FUA"'~S CAROLY,", Po" D.S. HASSA" DjALACY, D, Arcb. Springfield: Art Education ArclJit~ctun: Teueran, ; CHAlIUS WEBER lL\NEY, B,Arch, EVBRETT HALL EVANS, n.s. Sacr:lmenlo. C.d.: Architecture­ £ugene: Fi"e and Applied Arts DE,SLlE ETTA Rf'VNOLO:S, .B.S. HaucE JAME' FISHER, n.S. Portlomd; Architecturl.: E"gene: F1\A: Sculplurc DA\'ID CUARlo .~ 1~17.f.o('l. B.t\rch. WAYNE l\r.L\lf FUll"a:. B.Arch. 10(.(110. Ne\". j An·ldtcctun.· Traii, D. C.; An~l1ilcclurc Day G. SA(;;V, B,Ardl.

DONALD WALTER GOODENOUGH. B,Arc!.l. Tel-Avlv t Israel: ArC'11ilt.'.Clul""l: Los Alws, Cal.: Archi'eclure L""R'EN ARTHUR SliIITH, il Arch. MAllY LnrIlS': GIlUL..., D.S. hcksollville: Archi

I 7 I PXTER HUR"R'!' CUA.JiAII WATSON, B.Arcb. SANDRA RAE W£"'IZ£L, B.S. Eugene; Architecture Salem; FAA; Graphic Arts KAREN BURT PA'tTEllSON WEAVER, B.S. DAVID ALAN \VnSON, B.Arch. Portland; Art Education Eugene; Arcbiteclure 105£'0 ANTHONY ROllERT Z.NGO, B.F.A. Trumbull, Conn.; FAA: Sculpture


JO"N EDUARD AIl~A, B.A. CRAIlL". THOMAS KaLLSY, B.S. Eugene; Finance and Business Salemj Accounting and Business Environment Statistics CHARLllS OLAIlLPO AVonELE, B.S. liAllALD KNUDSE~ B.B.A. Osboji:bo, Nigeria; Ma.keting, Insurance. Kristiansand S. ~ Pe.l'"sonnei and aud Transportation Industrial Manag-ement GLENN han""'CI: BLls~ B.S. LEONARD SAX'!'ON LYON III, B.S. Great Falls, Mont.: .l'erSO!lJleJ aDd Los Angeles, Cal.; Accounting and Industrial Manag-ement Business St;R D01

[8 ) E, VAN DER Ho,vE", B.A. HAlt.y Jhlll" W,LEV, B.S. NetlJerlan<1,; Markctin~. Eu~erlt.·; Marketing, Insurance. and Insurance. :\Dd Trllnsportation Trnn.sporl.a.tion PAUL VAN FOS9AN. D.S. S"evl:N AOOLI'Jl 'ZAMSltY, B.S. Toledo; J.1"in3nee 3nd Du",nc.s KI""",tb r-~Ils: Accountin;: and Dusines, Environmellt Sratl:::lltic3 RODEJl~ EUGENE VARLEV, B.S, Sprin!flield: Per.onnel ~nd lndustriol Jllnn:\gcmcnt


PilTRICI. GEHRUAN Ar..LRll, B.S. L'NOA OOREKN' QUIST' GRANaDos, B.S. Springfield EugeDe JEllNJR LEA SANPORO ARNOLD, B,S. MADGI! MAR" McMILLAN GUlL", B,S. Eugeoe Elmira LUCILL.. ROSALIE nP.CK~" nARKOVle, B,S. JOYC, ELAINB. HORTON HA....ONo. A.S. Springfield Lake Oswego CElERYL KATlILnEN REIERSON B,eRLv. B.A. G","VA MAROARET STOLAND HANSON, B,S. Eugen~ C~Dyonville PANSV ALICE HIGD"", B.S. GWI<" ANNE HORN, RA. Eugene Bend DIAN"A L •• BLISS, B.A. CIlllOL GU'SYOR JACOBSIl", B.S, Gre~1 Falls, Mont. Cottage Grove DON EDWARD nLV'TnE, B.S. CUnlSYINE MAR'E JOl\GENSIl~, B.A. Lakeview Portland HENRIETTA MARl" BOElEWIN'KHL C,\LLEH, DONliA ALICE K''any ALAN CON>:EY, n.s. RV'H MARGARET OLSON MILLARD, B.S, Orwge. C~1. Springfield Roy W,LSON CROSON', B.A. SSERkY LE" MOORE, B.S. Springfield Barstow, Cal, RUTD ALDO"A LAasEN DIlRO, B.E:d. PAMELA JKA" NELSON', B.S. Floreoce Springfield RlcuARn JonN DAVIS, B.S. LINDA Lp.ANN NIES, B.A, Portland Spilrks, Nev. NIKOLilISIl~ ALICR PAULINI! OIA'_. a,Ed. ELS," ECTON RIlA PADDOCK, B.S. Calldo, N.D. Springfield ROBERT LEROY D'A7.. REd. JANBT ELIZA"US PAR~O>;., B.A. Pueblo. Col. Y:lkiltla, Wash. LOIl~TTA JEAN DRIIlSSU!.R, B.h. GRACE: PATRICK, D.Ed. Salem Eugeoe ElPLHDA FIIA1I/'CE5 RANDLBMAN ENo:n..&y, EUlIlCB COLLINS PEMBERTON, n.s, B.Ed. Coquille Eugene TUEa ~1ARILYN Puc... 8.S. KATHRYN ELlzuErn EWINC. a.A. Riddle Porlland DOUGl.AS R", S .. ITU. l:l.Ed, DAVID Roy FINCU, B.S. Etlgcne Eugene JIl"ET 'RA~ SUL/OtONIlTTl, B.S. MALCOL)I McLEOD GIbSON, D.S. Portlaud Cottage Grove SAIl.\U GOODItICU TAYl.OR. B.A, KAltllN K)>:RS'TIN'E GRAKe"., B.S, Bend Portland

I 9 I GAIL LaB VAUGHAN, B.S. TllU..A Jo WSST, B.A. Silverton Eugene OOl


NOR"ENZ E1.IZABXTB B'-'1II, "B.A. W1LLIA" DOUGLAS KEBnl. B.S. Cildon, Wuh.; Recreation and Park Eugene; Rec.reation and Park Managemeot Managemeftt MALCOLM JOHN CANT, B.S. JA'HCE ANN IUs"" KIOW&LI... B.S. Blackilcatb, Australia; Pbysical Nortb Bend; Physical Education EianagWletlt Seuide; Recreation and Park FRANCES REID. B.S. Management MiU City; Physical Education JILL LUH GASPAIl, B.S. HELl''' LORIS MOLl.Kll SMITH. B.A. Honolulu, Hawaii; Physical Eduution Moss Vale, Australia; Phnical PAUL O"XT£II HAINXS. B.S. Edueation Eugene, Recreation and Park \Vn:.LLAlol NOEL THOMAS Jll.• B.S. Management Eugene, PhHical Educatioo .


AP:RIL ANNIi: BAIlN"Y, B.A. CAllOLrllE SOl' Prr....N, B.A. Sacramento. Cal. McMiDDviU~ STEVEN LY"N BECKHAM. B.S. EU""NZ WILLIA.. SCHAPPRll JlI., B.S. Vida Gunts Pa•• AuI' CRAIG DONNELLY, B.S. R'CHARD BRUCE S-n'III1"Ellol"", B.A. Prineville Eugene RON"LD LEE KAllA, B.S. JOLlA O....WN C,.lIn.Y SuvJ:Jla. B.S. Eugene Eugeft.. CAM'LLB Loyol.J\ LODATO, B.A. Su....>l VALERIIl STILBS, B.S. Grants. N.M. Lafayette. Cal. LAllll.Y ALL!:'" MENTZ"R, B.S. VERON1CA LOUlSIl o llOll IlS TAT", B.S. Roseburg Portland ROBU.T A.."BUI> OPSTl2 JR., B.S. THOMAS WAll""''' WIEC"S, B.S. Ojai, Cal. Portland RnslI KA,y OLSEII, B.S. Atberton, Cal.


RerKO ANDO, B.A. VICKI SUE CAllLSOlll.~.A. K)'oto CIty• MOUDt Vernon. wa.h.

( 10 ] CAROL JV-AN ANDERSON CnAr"AN, B.Mu•. ROD¥RT n~"lA""'N HownL, n.Mu•. EUllonc Springfield JA),l~» AYDIlN CUAP"Al'I. n.Mus. ELAI,NC FAY~ I. Eugcne Sorinaficld JAIIe"r MAR()I]EarTI! llllUHR EVANS, B.Mus. LINDA ANNjOUNSO" LA'NE, B.A. Corvnlli. Portlan JANET DHLK FARIS, B.Mus. MARCIA KAY MEnEN, B.A. New Fine Creek Lak~vic:w

GARY EM.VIN FOUNTAIN j B,Mus. JAN'S ELAINE POT""A, ll.Mus, Tillamook EugclIc M,cnAEL K'NO C'LUHIl, B,Mu•. RICHARD KARL YOUNG, B.l\1' us. Eugene PendlC'Qn

r 11 J Graduate Degrees


NARDOS ARBRB SBEnAGB GRABAlI HOPE BULL Debre Markos, Etbiopia; Ed: Greenwood, B.C.; Ed: EdllC3tiooal Secondary EduColltion Psychology B.A. (1963), Haile Sellassie I B.A. (1965). University 01 British Uoiverr.ity Columbia WAGIR MORA""AD AllU·RISll Thesis: Courses in Educalional Psychol· Beirut Lebanon; Journalism ogy: Experienced Teache.. Opinions of B.A. (1966), University of Hou!ton their Uselulness. M.. RIDEE JANK ALLEN K"THLEEN F.... NCES BUM'us Portland; English Eugene; Ed: Secondary Educ:ltion B.A. (966)• .Reed College B.A. (1962), Whilwortb College AJOlITA LoursE AUlSO" JOl< FRANKLIN BURK" St. Louis. Mo.; IS: Teacbing: Anchorage, Alaska; Ed: Coun.e1ing M atbematies Il.A. (1964), Alaska Methodist B.S. (1961). Purdue UniveTSily University ROGER ALAN A'fBLGATE G.... IlYS AKI< RIlav!: CAGLE Salem' Ed: Secondary Educa.tion Eug-e:ne; English B.A. (1967), University of OregoD B.A. (1962), University of Oregon BEVR1LY ANN KLXIN]AN ASaWOKTE CAllOLYN R. CALJ..AIIAI< Roseb....g: English Pitt.burll. Cal.' Speecb :B.A. (1962), Milligan College B.A. (l964), MadIson College Thesis: The Plays of D. H Lawrence: ANGELA AURORA RIV'£IitA BELMOR.R A Theatrical Reading. . Merida, V""uuela: Economics ECOIIomista (J964), Universidad de R05;E"'lARY IMBBI.T WTERSO~ Los Ande. Fort Denton. Moot.; GR: German B.A. (1944), Montana State University· JESUS B>:RDUGO GIlASS M.S. (1953). The George Washington ' Bogota} Colombia; RL: fulanisb University Lieenclado en FiJolopa E Idioma. (962), La Universidad Pedagogica YUNG·KwANG CllA"G Dc Colomhia TaiPei, China: Ph)'sics D.S. (964), National Taiwan Tno)lASANTBO>lY BEBG University Sublimity; Ed: Secondary Scbool Counseling ROB"R'" M'<"SHALL CLlfTOll B.A. (1959). Mt. Angel College Eugene; Eoglish B.A. (l962), University of California, GO'DON HARLEY BIRO Lo. Angeles Calgary, Alta.; Ed: Rehabilitation 'Coun5eJing LONA brAE BAllK>:R CONTRllUS B.A. (957), McMa.ster Univenity Salem; IS: Teaching B.S. (/948), University of Oregon JAYES MAR~BM"" BLAKE Norwell, M:lSS.; Englisb Ro..... SOHA Co:nr;s B.A. (1962), Bowdoin College Val""raiso, ; RL: Spanish B.A. (/967). University of Oregon BET1'V Runl BOHNIlNI

[ 12 ] M'dtVltl [.1l,.TDANIIH.S DAVID ROIlI-W~ GILMOUR PortlAnd; IS: Te3clJiuj.t: hbthl.'lI\:ltIC" l":uj{I:[\(,.'j eel: (,b"slc~ B.J\. (1%2). Northwe,t l'i,,"~renc B.A. (1%6). University of U,"h Collcg'e Thesis: Word·O:V EYERJJART Vene'a: IS: Teaching: English and EUl:ene; Ed: Seconda: Collegc EILEEN KA.eN JENNINGS Concord. N.H.; Ed: CounselinR' DIANA F. Fay B.A. (1964), Merrimack College Beaverton; [S: TC:lching n.A. (1967), University of Oregon JUI< F. R J£W£LL Edmonton, Alta.; Ed: Socondal'y OVSTEJN GAA!lDOLT Education Euge."e; Journalism B.Ed. (1964). Universily of Alberta n.A. (1961), Paci"c Lutheran College

{ 13 I SAllAO WEllll JONES REGINA AV.'llls LUNDERGAII . EUf'eDe' English EU$coe: Eoglish B.A. (1965), Roosevelt University RS. (1965), South""o Oregon College Thesis: A Paa.age Out. DAVIO BROCE LOTES HAltvRV MICOAEL K•.,n: Eugene; IS: International Studies North MiAmi Beach, Fla.; History B.S. (1963), Naval B.A. (1966), University of Miami Academy Thesis: The Creation of Manchulroo. NORMA G"ACe ANN McLEOD FRANCK H"NRI KATO Edmonton, Alta.; Ed: Guidance and Eugeue; RL: French Counser', Program BeVEllLY LOOlsl\ HAMMAN MACDolllALO B.A. (1963), Reed College Eugene; Ed: Counseling STIlPallN MICHAEl. KlllcaN)... B.A. (1959), University 01 Oregon Menlo Park, Cal.; JourMlism MAllY MAllGARIit)· of Oregon i\lARGARIAS LORBNT2RN Vasbon, Wasb.· En,glisb Aut< lOSil'" MILLIlR B.A. (1950), The Stat<: College of Wash­ Mt. Angel; Ed: Counseling ington; B.A. in Ellg. (1951)... J'be Stale D.A. (J959). Mount Angel Semina... College of Washington: M.J:,(]. (1960), SIIS... " Sr.EI

( 14 1 LOULq TW()),.t:AS P,u'rAS SUSAN KAY SWAN SUI' T"COIll", 'II'",h.; IIi,tory Worl,and. W'io.~ English B.A, 0%6), Occidenlal Colk~~ n.A. (1907), IJni""r,ity of On'gOl' SISTl~R RO~H~MAMY ANN"!: P.-\ilK~&I. RIC;Hoi\RO Eel;l·;;.{f, SMI1'II A~l{)ria ~ Biolol-:'Y \Vinl()cl~ Wn~h.: Ed: \OLlIl'!lL!lilllo;, lJ.S. (I%IJ,1hrylhurst College Il, A. (I ~~J). Seat,le P"cific College VERNON LY.E PICKl':rJ MAav MADGE COWDKN SNVD". Springf,~IJ' 1S, Teoch illR CorvoJlis; 1s: 1'~"chln&, lJ.A. (1963\, Univ,"t>il} of Oregon B.A. (1%8), Or~Kon Slale University FRl!Dl·:D.ICK BEllNARDlJS PJELLUSCIl V AL~n ll! ElI.J:..J.::.:ol S"roN£ H.o~cvillel Mich.; GCO~T'lphy I\lilwaul(ic; Ed: E1(-ment;u y I!:duci\tiull n.s. in Ed. (19M), Concordia Te~cbers Il,A. (1967), l'lliver>ity 01 Or~gon ('olleRe EDWARD )Of"IN SU.c;EE: Thc!-ois.: Fore.... t·Oricntcd LJ.ndsCaYle Dl'· Harrisburg' English v(.·lopment. Tiog.l County. Pen n!'l}'1 vani::l. Il.A. (1962), Southern Oregon College STl!.Yl:~ }Jtllll\' RIt'.E CERA'D JAN LEOI'OLD SWA"T Sn'(H~rl;'\ry C(',lln~\·ljll.L! EUKl'nt'j Ed: \VJ.SSl'n33r, Nethcrlandsj Journ:di:;m \l.A. (1964), Clli"ersily at Oregon IJ.B.A. (1961), Univer,i." of O,cKon aICUARO~ RODnnTA ANN' TU::HHNO JonN BRADLEY SWEDLUND Eugene; lS: Tcachin.a. I Eu!{('n~; Physics D.A. (1951), University of OrcJl:on lUi. (961), Antioch College TnoMAs Roy RICRARDSON :MAJ.;.GAL:.El" E~(AUNR TIPP2:l' Coo. llaYj Ed: Voca,ion,,1 Hd,abili'alioll Sprmgndd' IIrd: Elemenlary E.Jucatioll ll.A. (1906), Univ~r.ity of OCampal lesion. in lhe rat. Nnll·d~prcssed Subjects. P"'LlP D'XONVANDAH B"ucE BAuNHn RYAN M ill City; Ed; Secondary School Eugene; JS: Teaching CouDsellng B.A. (1960). D~rtmoutb College B.A. (1964), C~ CollcKe RYJ{£.N~ PAUL H.OUE'RT KATliR,YN ELIZ.AlJE.Tl1 STON'e 'VALDKOI' Waa]sdorperweg, N ethcriands; Jam,'slown. N.Y.; IS: Teaching Journalisru B,A, (1964), Houghton College B.RA. (1967), University of Oregon CUARYL DEHART WAR>!ER JON DARRY SANDRRS Kent, Wa.>h.; Ed: Sccombry EducalioJl Balcer; EnJtlish B.S. (1963), Brigham Young University B.A. (1966), Uniycrsity or Oregon RnoDA WASHINGTON PRlLlr AND""W SCHAEFFER, JR. Sacramento, Cal.; Ed: Elementary Se~ltIe, Wash.' Hi.tory_ Education E.A. (1965), Central W...hingt011 Stnk B.A. (l96SJ, Univcr>ily of Oregoll ColleJl:e KP..XXETli RAY WEBElt RONALD ~llcnAp.t. S('nA<,snURGER )fil~hell. Neb.' Anthrol'.ology \Vest Los Anl{'!,les, Cal.; Dio\oO B.A, (1965), Colorado State Collejrc B.A. (1966), University of California, Thesis: Economy. O('"('up:\tionA '£ducallOfI Los Angeles and Family in a Tri·Etliok \..omU1unity. CAllY DAVID SCUILL JA,N~T SU!)AN W":GSil~f:N Brady Texas' Geography Sacramento, Cal.; Ed: Sc'Con~ary n.A. (1965), North Tcxas Stat~ Educo.tion L'niversit.>° B.A. (1967), Universit)· of Oregon Thesis: S('!t:,tion ~"d ~·{;·dt1h..·l1;:'\nc~ Pr:},('­ lic('~ of the Common D\'an in Gu:\tcmal.a. HOWARD RALPU WOITNEV Springfield, Vt.; Economics VIR"V::i S~lLH"lE B.A. (1964), Northeastern University Granu P~SSj Ed: Secondary Counseling ll.Mus, (1904). Lewb ~nd Clark College

I 15 ] DAVID LI:E \VrLsON CLARA H"",vll< TI>lG YANG Arlin~on, Texas; Enlllisb Taipei, Cbina; Ed: Educational B.A. (1967). Oregon ~tate University Psychology YOUNG-Sao YAR 1l.A. (1966). National Taiwan Taegu, Korea: Englisb UnIversity B.A. (1957), Kyung·Pook National JOLIB BE,.O THOllPSO>l ZAa", University Corvallis: English B.A. (1967). University of Oregon


A""JI LoRRAINS ABBon KA.IlEN ANN SIYACBoOKRR Eug-ene; IS: Teaching: English and Taeoma, \Vash'i Ed: Counseling EducatilXI1 D.A. (1966), \\ estern Wasbington B.A. (1949), Colorado State College of State CoUege Education ANT01"snB JEAN ETno BOYE. ROBERT D1!:AN AaRIlNO Astoria; Sp: Speecil Patbology-Audiology Long Beach, Wash.; Mtll: Teach"'s B.A. (1965). University of Oregon Prorram RONJILO RALPa Boys n.s. (1964), University of WasbiQ~oQ OJ ai, Cal.; IS: Teaching: :Mathematics RICOA"-D EUG""R ALLRN B.S. (1959). Seattle p...,i6e College Salem; Physical Education J..." KAT13RV" AVReS BRAC1!:LtN B.S. (1960). Seattle Pacific College Cbico, Cal.; IS: Teadling: Eoglisb and ARTHUR DJI\'ID AL:IlGIl"" Education Seattle, Wash.; IS: Teaching: Englisb B.S. (1966). Oregon State Uoiversity :>nd Edueation LINDA MJI" BRAGG B.A. (1958), University of Wasbington Albany; Sp: Speech Palbology-Audiology CAROLYN JOYCII BIGGS ANDRsSO" B.S. io Ed. (1966), University of Eug-ene; Librarian~il' Nebraska B.Mus. Ed. (1960), Willamette Univer· H"NRY ERN"S" BRAU>I sity; M.A. in Ed. (1966), Willamette Winnipeg, Man.: IS: Teachiog: University Matbematic~ RUTR E. EaRLlcH BAKlllt.K B.S. (1956), The University of Mani_ Eugene' Ed: Counseling toba: REd. (1958) The Univer.ity of B.S. (1946). Un;VeTsity of O«goo Manitoba; M.Ed. (I~65), 'lbe Univcr.ity ELLA LOUR"'>: STOWE BAltSIl of Maoitoba Albany; Librarian.hip NADINE M. D';'OOD B.Mus. (1962). University of Oregon !\fedford: Physical Education DARllA"" ANN BAUUSllIe D.S. (1962), Linfield College Rocbcsler, N.Y.: Chemistry CSRMIT BOYCE Bso,,"" B.A. in Chern. (1966), Thiel College Culbert.OIl, Neb. ; Mtb: Tescber's FUNc"s ADELL BASSETT Program Eugeoe; IS: Teaching: English and B.S. in Ed. (1963), Nebraaka State EducatiOll Teacher's College B.A. (1949). San Jose State Colle!:e \'ilLLIAll J oar; BRVCE ALEN KENNETH B"LL Aocborage. Alaska: Art Educatioo Eugene' IS: Te:u:binll' D.A. (1961), Washington College of B.S. (1967), Univera,ty of Oregob Education AllTBUR El>WARD llU.WICK JOANNA RUTlI GlllBS BVR" Eugene; Health Education Milton-Freewater: Sp: Speech Pathology­ B.S. (1947). Oregon State College Audiology Thesis: A Study of lbe Public Heallb B.A. (1%6), University of Oregon Legislation Regarding Food Service and ;\l&LV'N RONJILD CAPPS State Restaurant Codes of th. UOIted Hoi.ington, KanB.; 1S: Teaching: States. Mathematic. JERRV DAV)l> B,sfloP B.A. (1964). Fort Hays Kansas Springfi<1d; IS: Te...,bing: Englis!! and Slate College Education JAMXS RAYMOl: GRABA>! BOL". SuE CASSIDV Medford; IS: Teaching: Mathematics Evan. Mills, N.Y.; Mth: Teacher's B.A. (1966), University of Oregon Program B.S. (1964). State University of JACQUBLIN" RovEs BOlll""R New York. College at PlattsbuCl:rh Eugene; IS: Teaching: Eoglish and Education SA.JI CAROLVN CBANEY B.S. (1950), Orell'on State College: Eugene; Ed: Elementary Education M.S. (1963). Um"","sity of Oregon B.A. (1967), University of Oregoo CUARLIIS KEl Tacoma, Woab.; Healtb Education Riddle; Librariaosbip B.A. (1966), Western Wasbington B. S. in Ed. (J963), Southern Oregoll State College College RonRT ALAN CLARX Boise, ldallo; Sociology B.A. (]967), Whitworth College

[ t6] MICHr..LE SFl'\A('I~ KELLS COCHRAN J.\I&ES EDGAR HEL""-RS \V<'"atc~ee, Wash.; Physic:IAN II.Ed. (1958), San Francisco State Eugcne; Geology College B.A. (1964), Oberlin College Th~"s: ~Iollusca.n JOHN PAlJI. CUR>lUTT The Oligocene l''' D.A. (944), University of Minnesota· P"yallup, ·; Ed' Counscliog r.-f. S. (t952), University of Oregon ' PS)'chology B.A. (1964), Unl\'ersity of Washin;l'tOIl GOllDON EL""l1 ELnARI> C:l JUIU!.LL B.A. (956), Uni".,,-sity of Alberta, Ed· Eugene; Sp; Speecb Patholog)'·Audiology manton; REd. (1958), University of AI· B,A. in SI'. (1965), Wasbington State berta. Edmonton University HEL"N MtCnEN'" HUESTls Fasan. JA>l>.S BELDEN JARVTS .Ilremerton, Wash.' Sociology Eugene: Sp; Spceech Pathology· (1965~, Audlolol'iY B.S. in Soc. Washingion B.S, (J965), University of Oregon State University :MIYU~I CneRIE DELL FLB)SBBR RONALD KAGAWA Seattle. 'Vash.; Ed: Elementary Kaneohe, Hawaii; Ed: Secondary EduCiltlon Education B.A. in Ed. (1967), Seaule Pacific RA. (l966), San Jose State CoUege College S7UART JAY KAPU", EMI" 1. Gn",.", Los Angeles. Cal.; Sp: Communication Walla Walla, Wash.: Librarian>hill B.A. (1962), Universit)' of California, B.A. io Ed. (1957), WeSlcrn Berkeley Washington College of Education Thesis: A Free-Response Method for At· titude Assessment. DADYL Roy GIROD Portland; Ed; Counseling Psycbology LrXDA GRACE JO'SES K.ARI{ :B.S. in El.Ed. (1957), Oregon College 01 Stinnett, Texas; IS: Teaching: Education Mathematics B.A. (1963), Mc)Iurry College FRRDIlR1CF.: ANruONY G"RAN'T EUln ROBERT KEllR A Hcaltb Bebavior lnvenlor)' of Dronficld, England; Physical Education j\'inlh Grade Studenl' in Springfield, B.S. (1967). Uniyersity of Oregon OrelrOn. Jl:.RY L.& KEUTE' JAMES E7IIMETT GR.IBVES Belmont, Cal.; IS: Teaching: English Nc....vcaslle. Wyo.; IS: Teaching; Engli!h and Educallon and Education KA"THLE:"El"rl JOYCE KNOWLES B.A. (1964), University of Wyoming Gig Harbor. Wash.; Physical EduClltion ROll"'T WAYII" HAFPNER B.A. (958), Ulliversity of Washingtcu Euzenej, IS; Teachinfl': :Malhematics JOAN M~"lll RUTT!::R KNUDTSON B.S. 0'62), Oregon Stale University Roseburg; EI.\ 'KUTZ MlLDRBD ELIZADZTJI HJ\RTS"T'R.OM Sprinfield; IS: Teacbing: Englisb and E.ugene; Personnel 2nd Industrial Education )4anagement B.S. in St<:. Ed. (1963). Western B.S. (1965), University of Oregon :lI1olltan" Collelle of Education

[ 17] SAl"un MARTIN LA"""S HANS ULRrCH MAN'1'HKl. COOS Bay; IS: Te""bing Trail, B.C.; Recreation and Park B. S. (J965), University of Oregon Manall'ement HOWARD hVIId 5ta'" College Seattle, Wasb.: IS: Teaching: English }"[RGRRDITCH HAltoun..on: MOIJRADrAN aDd Education Montreal, Que.; Ed: Coun.eling B.A. (949), University of Washington; B.Sac.Tb. (1958). The Divinity School of M.A. (1960), UnivcISity of Wa.sbiogWD tbe Protestant Episcopal Cburcb; M.A. Jo.."£ M. Lop"z FER"ANO!Z (962), The Hartford Seminary San Juan, Puerto Rico; Mathematics Foundation B.A. (1967), Reed College ARTOUR CHARUS NELSON SUSAIi JUIi Luwo Madison. Wis.: [S: Teaching: ,P3sildcna, Cal.; Ed: Elementar)" Matbematics Education H.S. (1963) Wisconsin State B.S. (1967). University of Ocegon VcivC1"sity; M.E

[ 18 1 CHAill:LES V]J'\CE~T O'DONN1!.LL HENRY EDWARD SCDleR: Sparta, N.].: IS: Teaebing: :Matr,emati<> SI. Paul, Minn.; Mth: Teacher's lJ.A. (l'lS41, New Jersey State Teadler5 Progr3m College at )Iontdair B.A. (1959). University of Minne,ota, GARY EDwARn OLSON Duluth St.. Helens' Biology HAROLD STANTON SCHoLD B.S. (1967~, tiniversity of Oregan Seattle. 'Vasb.; IS: Teaching: ROGER D"".. OLSON Matbematics Wauwatusa, Wis.; IS: Teacbing: D.A. (1959), Unive..ity of Wasbington Mathematies ROGER SE.A.MA~ B.S. (1962). Mankatn Stale CoHege Great Neck~ N.Y.: Physical Education EL11ADl\,-a FllAl'CBS OR}AI..A B,S. (1965), Sp,ingfield College Ro.-burg; 15: Teacbing: Ellgli! Fnt:DX"RICK 1\{lLL}::R RASldVS$RN Auburn. Cal,; PbysieaJ Edueation EllS"en~; Ed: Spoclal Educati;' O"R REEVE JACK ITARO TAU"A Clayton, Cal.; IS: Teacbing: Vancouver, B.c.; Pbysical Education Matbematics B.Ed. (1963), university of British B.S, (1962). University of Oregon Columbia 1l0DBJti Lt.\\·'~ RSN'TCHLRJl Thesis: A Study uf thc Chaoges Wh,ch Eug-ene: Ed: Elem""tary Education Oe.eur in Measures of Baek Lift, Leg REd. (1967), University 01 Oregon Lift, Ankle Plantar Flexion 'Strength, DAVID ALTON RlsrNGSR and in Explosive Leg Power During a Bryan Texas' Journalism Competitive Sc-sson of Rugby. B.A. (1967). Te:xa.s A & M UniversilY ]A)iJiS SlfOT\\'ZLL TROIlA. MARV MARGARET ROG"'. . Seattle. Wasb.; IS: Teaching: English Monroe. Wash.: Lihrariansbip and Education B.A. iu En. (1955), Western B.A. (1954). College of Puget Sound Wasbiogton College of Education CURT'S WRS" TORGaRSOl< ANrTA Jo"" Rl/"YAN Rocbe.ter, M,nn; IS: Ellglish Eugenei. Ed: Rebabilitation Counsding a nd Edueation B.S. (I~56), Pacific Union Conege B.S. (1952). The UniversilY of Wisronsin, ~Iadi.on; M.A. in Ed. (1960), RonBRT WJ,.'tN£ SALONSN B.sseroer, :Mieb.; 15: Teaching: Arizona State Unlversity lY!athematics \VANnA Sus LEWIS TR.J.Ul'WRIN B.S. (1965), Northern Michig;ln Eugene: PHd: Busin.... Education University B.S. (1962), Oregon Stale l;niversity GeORGIl SAnIC!! Vallcouver. RC-: Physical Educalioo D.P.E. (958). The Unive"it}' ~f IJritish Columbia

[ 19 ] WALTEIl. WAYNE WOEE<.U MAIl.OA.ET BueR""" Wot.fE Springfieldi IS: Teaching: Mathematics Central Point; Ed: Special Education B,S. (19511, University 01 MARGARET KAv HAMIt.TOOl WOOD Oregon Juneau, Alaska; Sp: Speech Pathology­ J&N~Y WREN W1LDER Audiology Ho<>d River; Librarianship B.A. (1959), University of D.S. (1939), University of Idaho;'" Wasbington M.Ed. (1964). OreRon State University W,t.LrA" JU~Tl'" WOnBUY Eugene; 5p: Speech PatholOgj·.AudiolollY B.S. (1960), Universitl'.ol Illinois; M.A. (1962), University of San Francisco


Jo,," WIt.LIAM AOA"'S D.vlD BARON HILL St. Helens; Finance and Business Portland; Marketing, Insurance and Environment Transportation B.A. (1960), Whitwortb College B.A. (1962), UniveIAN COAlf, JR. TIMOTB'Y FRANkLiN JERBOl'f Lake Oswego; Finance ""a Business Billing" Mont.: Marketing, Insurance, EDv;ronOl~nt and Tran.portation B.S. (1965), University of Oregon B.S. in Bus. Ad. (1963), Montana GARY ROB"RT CUR"V Slate University San Diego, Cal.' Marketing, JAMES QC'lNTOll KOllLER JR. Insurance. and transportahon Prairie Village, Kans.; Fin:ao<:e and B.S. (1966), UniverSIty of Oregon Business Environment ROnn.ICli: NOE DRAUGRO" B.S. in Bus. Ad. (1967). Kan,as Tacoma, Vln.~I1. j Marke:ting, Insurance, State University and Trac.flportacion JAMES LENAU KOTe'H" B.A. (1967), University of Portland; ADS: BusineM Stali.ties Puget Sounn B.S. (1965), Univen;ity of Oregon J>:AN·MAURIC-e GOClll:L BIl.I1CE C. LOUG8NER La·Celle-Saint·Cloud France; Nortn Hollywood. Cal.; Personnel and FBE: Int.rnational Busines, Industrial Managem.ent Ing-eDieur Commereia. (1966), B.A. (1963), Stanford Univer.ity Universile de Nancy WILLIA" W ALLA~ MeCul: TaoKAs JOliN HALe Pendleton, Finance and Busin.... Glendale, Cal.' Marketing, Environment Insurance. and T


LUC!LLE At\DBASO~ BAllKE'R GIl.JlERT E. CRAGElI; Ed: Special £ducation Anchorage, Alaska; Ed: Elcnlent3ry B.A. (1940). Brigbam Young University Education RAYMOND B1.AIR BAR"ES REd. (1965), University of Alaska Vale: Ed: School Couos.ling RO"'LU LEWIS CRIlPS B.A. (960), Tbe College of Idaho Springfield ' Ed: Sccolldary Education DeAloI N<'lIBJAtf BAY B.S. (1958 l , University of Oregon La Grallde· Ed: Special Education EDWIN HEINE DAKIEt..soN ll.S. (1961), Eastern Oregon College Spriogfield: Ed: Element:lry Education of Education B.Tb. (1967), Northwest Christian College AUOREX A. BE"'" Medford; Ed: Specbl Education A. J.. LOYD D.sHAVE.ll .B.S. in Ed. (1963). Southern Oregoo Eugcne; Ed: Secondary Education of Education B.S. (1964), University of Oregon :1.f.R1E JEAN T,LLSY Rown LAUReNCE RAVMOND DRURY Springfield \ Ed: Elcme1Jlary Educ~tion Vanc.ouve. ...., Wash.; Ed: SecondsTY B A. (1952), FI01"ida Soutbern College Education PKYLLIS I."NE BROWN B.A. (1962), Wasbington Stauo Portland; Ed: Elem.ntary Education University B.A. (1967). Geo-rge fox College GEOll.GE RICUARD DUNNIGAN Edmontoo, Alta.; Ed: Secondary BETTIE 1.... " DRUN:rON Eugene; Ed: EI.mentary £ducation Educ,,-tion Il.~. (1966), University of Oregon D.S. (195 7) ~ University of 1>fichigao: B. Ed. (1962). UniverSity of Alberta, JOIJl" DAVID CLOUD Edmonton No-rth Bend; Ed: Eleme'lItary Education .B.A. in Ed. (1964), Central Wasbingtoll LAaR," G:EN:E ELLiS State Eugene; Ed: Secondary Education D.~. (1959), Oregon State CoUcge KENNET" LIlLANO COOl'EY Eugene; Ed: Elementary Education Lucy SWI&ET FAntcnrLD D.S. (1959), Oregon State College Klamath Falls; Ed: Elementary Education PATRiCiA KAT.BSR.1NB COONBY B.S. (959), Univer>ity of Oregon Lake Oswego; Ed: Elementary Education B.S. (1967), UniYC'Tsity of Oregon GAlI.Y A1.LEl< FElIOELL Condon; Ed: Secondary Education B... R:9,\RA RUTU BRIN'Dt.1:Y COT'l'"ER B.Mus. (1962), University of Oreg"" Reno, Nev.; Ed: Remedial Education B.S. (1961), Portland State College ALLSIC' ROGER. GETCHEt.L The Dall

[ 21 ] LVNN MOaGAN GalFFITS LUCILLE H. McKENZIE Livinpton, 1I10nt.: Ed: Elemeot:lry Spriogfieldi Ed: Elementar)' Education Education B.S. (960), Oregon College of B.Th. (1967), Northwest Christian Education College EOWARO FaRo"R"1< McLEAN EARL P...,.ay Gaos£ Fridley, Minn.; Ed: Secondary Eugene; Ed: Secondary Education Education B.A. in P.S. (1965), Chico State B.A. (1964), Hamline University College HAll BARA. ]S$SJ,E BXNN~t'T MAR.TIN JOSN GUNNAa HALGIl£N ,Coos }jay; Ed: Elementary Education Centralia, Wash.; Ed: Elementar) B.A. (1960), Lewis and Clark College Educalil>n CAIlOL JEAN HOYF>lAN MARX"R B.A. (J967), George Fox CoUcge EUBene; Ed: Remedial Education SIST.... M. DOROT8Y HASTINGS B.~. (1960), University of Oregon Edmonton. Alta.; Ed: Secondar)" CELlA NANETTE C ....WL:E:y MAy Education Glendale; Ed: Elementary Education REl B.S. (1955), Southern Oregon Rocbester, N.Y.; Ed: Secondary College of Education Education WILLIAM HVNCSAIC B.S. (1966), State University of SleWer. Alta.; Ed: Secondary Education Now York, College at Brockport H.Ed. (1953). University of CLA.eNcE WILLIA"- NAM"NITI< Saskatchewan, Saskato

(221 ELWOOD RUSSELL RIC5\:)SAN ALleE AYAKO TSUl'n~.}l"CA Eugene; Ed: Secondary School Pottland; Ed: Secondary Education Counseling B.A. (1966). University or Oregon B.S. 094\1). UDiveTsilY 01 OregOD CLIFPOUa EUNEST TY1':E" RICHARD BRuce R.DOUT Junction Cit)·; Ed: Elementary EugeDC: i Ed: Secondary Education Educalion B.A. (1964). College of Puget Sound ll.S. (l966), Orcgon State University ROBERT MEllLIN RIECK f'aANCEs C. V"" Wur EulteDe; Ed: Secondary Educa.ion EugeDe; Ed: ~J'ccial EducatioD B.~. (1961). University of Oregon B.S. (1963), UDi,-ersity of Oregon JUDfTtf hEllE ROllKll.TS Th••,. CONaAa VtODL Central Point; Ed: Elcmtrllary Eugene' Ed: SecondaTY Education Educ.:ltion B.S. (I~61 l, University or Oregon Fox B.A. (1967), Georgc CoHege B.. nl~ 1"y}/. STEBlltNS W"LICU. DAll SANDULAK EUEcne; Ed: Elementarv Education Edmonton, Alla.; Ed: Secondnry B.S. (]944), The Alabama Pol)'tecbnic Educalion In'litule B.Ed. (966). Ulliveroity of JA"'ES TBmt'ioll1ield'j Ed: Secondary Education Kentucky B,A. (J963 . Cascade Collcge THO)1.~5 ,Vlll'AM \\'AR.£I::fJ\M JOAN S. SliAW Springfield; Ed: Secondary Education Junction City; Ed: Elementary Education B. S. in Sec. Ed. (1964), Oregon B,S. In EJ.Ed. (960), Eastern College 0 f Education Oregon College of Education GW,E=-tOOLYN '\\'E.AVi:R L'''DA J""N SO"LTOH Medrord; Ed: Special Education Walla Walla. Wash.; Ed: Secondary B.S. (952). Soutllern Oregon Cnllege Education JUDlTn MAICIA KLIN" WEINST&ll' B.Th. (1965), Nortbw..t Cbristian Edmonton. Alta.; Ed: Elementary Collcge Education Roc". Bll:liT."M SMtTH B.A. (1965), The University of Vancouver, n.c.; Ed: Elemental)' British Columbia Education KENNETB VaR}/E W .....CB REd. (964), Thc University of Milwaukie; Ed: Elementary Education Britisb Columbia B.Th. (1967), Northwest Cbristian Ea,v"7ti EDMO>lD STODD"E College Miller, Alta,; Ed; Elementary PAUL VlORMf..El<::lI'TON Education Rainbam, England; Ed: Secondary REd. (1960). University of Alberta Educatiou BERTllUM JAlIes STRA'N RS. (]967). University 01 Oregon Stettler, Alta.; Ed: Secondary Eduealion RAL"" In.uo YOSDlMORA REd. (951). UDiversity 01 Alberta, Kauai Hawaii; Ed: Spccial Education Edmonton B.A. (1958), Los Auzeles State College KATH: R'Y'N MARlE SUU.f'EL STIt.A~D of Applied Arts and Sciences Ladner, D.C.: Ed: Elementary Education GAIL JOY ZrLKosK' B,S, in Ed, (1964), Valley City Springfield; Ed: Elementary Education Slate College B.Th. (1967). Northwest SUR ELLEN TIlOMPSOll Christian College Salem( Ind.; Ed: Elementacr Education B.A. 1967). Uni,-ersily or Uregun


JOllN CBARL"S CR"'" GWY:"lE.,.H. PIETAloNSS Cbelan, W""h,; FAA: Sculpture Euzene; FA : Graphic Arts B.A. (1965). Central Wasbmgton B.S. (l966), UDiversity of Oregoll State Collcge Terminal Project: Image·Eugelle. Terminal Project: Persuasion, Contusion WILLIA)f ALFRED KAUFFMAN and tbe Open Mind. Eugene ; FAA: Sculpture DEW.AHN_~B CRILTOtf CU~NINGB.AW:: B.S. (1962), University of Oregon Ann ArhOT Micll,; Sp: Theatre Terminal Pro~ect: Syntbesi. of :h-hn and RA. 0966'). Mlcbigan State University Hi. Surroundings, TBO~tAS WIl.L1AY. GI&S"EN ROBERT Rov O'Co""nll 'Port Arthur.) Texas; Eng: Crearive Centralia, Wash.; FAA: PainHDg Writing B.A. in Ed, (1966), Califorma I),A. (1965). The Rice University Collee-e or Arts and Crafts iThesis: ·Conversati.ons' and Other Tennlnal Projcct: "Metaphor as Image Stories. and Illusion: The Context of Metapbor l 1 )llcI1Al:L TAKESBr HONDO in Painting ' 8 x I'l' Painting and As-­ Kabnlui, Hawaii; FAA: Sculpture sembIage, B. S. (1965), Oregon St~te Uni...ersily; NANCY LOR.'RAINE FALMER Or...1')!All B.S. (1966), Orcgon State University Portland; FAA: PaiDting Terminal Project: A Searcb ror Concinu· B.A. (966), University of Oregon ous Form. Thrminall'roject: Metamorphic CbaDge. D,\Vln STA:-lWOOD JOHNSON P.WL nAawrN PEARSON Milwaukie' FAA: Grapbic Arts EugeDe; FAA: Sculpture B.S. (1965), Portland State Collel:. D.S. (1963), University of Oregon Terminal Project: Modular Grapbics. Terminal Proj",t: Study of Forms fTom Basic Life. [231 RALPH DALR PE1'RRSON y" SUNG Ann Arbor, Mi~h.; Eng: C"alive :taipei. China' FAA: Painting Writing B.A. (1949), National Northea.lern B.A. (1966), Eastern Mi~higan Uoiversit.y Univorsity Tenninal Project: Cbaracler in Painting. Thesis: H4irlcss Hcrsl?I11an, a novd. LAURELL JUNK SWAltS JAM!'S ERVIN STAPTOaD Portland; Eo~: Creative Writing Springfield' FAA: Sculpture B.A. (1966). University of Oregoo B.A. (1966), Western Washington Tbesis: April Fool. State CoHeKe INeR-fD DARLENE WE~OT Terminal PI'"Qject~ Natural Form: an Oswe![o. III.; Eng: Creative Writing Analysis tbrougb Constru~tion. B.A. (1966). Cornell ColI.,,!!,e MICHAEL Eo"ENE STARK Thesis: Poems I>y Ingrid Wendt. Eugene; Eng: Creative Writing RONALD CnARLES WIGGINTON B.A. (1966), University of Oregon EI Cerrito, Cal.' FAA: Seulpture Thesis: Poems by Michael Stark B.F.A. (1966), University of Montana JAY LOGAN SUtLB Terminal PrOJect: Landscape Sculpture. Eugene; FAA: Painting MILBS SC01'T WILSON JR. B.A. (965). Stanford University; Eugene; Eng: Cre3tive Writing M.S. (1967). University of Oregon B.A. (1966). Pomona College Terminal Project: Reaction and Intera~· Slories by Mile. Wilson. tion as Painting.


ALLAN G"RY AOlanl JOAN B. NUGBNT Vancouver, B.C. ElJlrene B.A. (1965), The University of REd. (1948). Keene Teachers College British Columbia PAny YUNG CBUNG Ou JOCELYN GAY JOIIN$O,," BILLINGSLEY Taipei, Cbina Santa Bar~ara Cal. B.A. (1965). Taiwan Normal Unive..ity B.A. (I960), nniversity of California. NAlICY ANN GeNTLE RODICk Berkeley Portland Tao"... ELLlO1'T BOUINC B.A. (1953). University of Orqon Forest Grove JANET KATllLEEN SPURLOCK SCIIUMA'" B.A. (1963), Pacific University Portland GAIL ANN COD(iSKY B.A. (1964), Portland State College Bend WAL1''''' WADE SLOCUM B.A. (1966). Willamette University Lehanon MAllY RU1'II FLANtlER.Y B.S. (1960), University of Oregon EUJ!'ene JEAN MIN""VA ENGBLKING SMI1'B B.A. (1967), University of Oregon S1lringfield Mo. ELLA BLBS71lEN AG~R Fo,sUD( B.S. (1967L Evangel College Eau Claire, Wi•. ROSEMAay AN" SUV'''.Oll B.A. (1965). Saint Olaf College Ashland THOMAS GEDDIS B.A. (1955), University of Oregon TrouttLlle MELISSA MAN·CBIA SUNG B.A. (1951), La. Sierra Colleg-e Taipei, China l\IILDo.lIv BU.lo. HAWKINS B.A. (1965), Taiwan Normal University Albany MARY FaANCEs W8£KS B.A. in Ed. (1960). Western Washington Roseburg College of Education B.S. (1962). Oregon State University LINDA KAy HILL HUSTON ARLYS KAY GEORGI< Wa'T! Eugene Coquille B.A. (967), University of Oreg-oo B.A. (1967), U'niversityof Oregon SEPT~a DOllA ALI.EN KaRlss MARY ELIZAlISTB WINK:r,..BBL8CK 1'riocte CoHege eLIPFORD PORTHR WOOD, JR. YOUNG SOOK L." Forest Grove Corvallis B.A. (196'). Paeinc University B.A. (l95B). Ewha University; B.A. (1962). Oregon State Uoiversity B"YKRLY JOAN ELLIS WEIGElT Eugene B.S. (1967). University of Oregoo


DAVIn EVWAR.D 13URGER RICHARD JOHN CBRUSZCI3 Eugenc:-" Mus: Composition Ventura, Cal.; Mus: l\Iu:sic Edu<::3.ti.on. B.A. in Ed. (1961), EllStern Washington 1n.struOleDla.l Colle.&e of E

[24 l GAR'{ C'EctL FR,,~,g JAME., ARTHUR K""psnR Salem; Mu.: Music Education-Choral Eugene; Mus: Performance and Gen. Literature RMus.Ed. (1962). Willamett. B. S. (1965), Portland State College Universi.ty JOB>< LEROY KENDAL1. CHARe". JAMES H"'UGAN North Bend; Mus: Music Edueahon­ 11i$$ou\;>.. Mont.: ]\(us: Music Education Instrumental -Instrumentll RMus. (1967), University of Oregon RMus. (]%3), :'Ifontana State I-lEATHER JB.ANNE. LIN'OSTEDT IIn iyc..-rsi ty Calgary, Altaj Mus: Music Education­ RAYJlO:-lO I-IowAo.RO HE~DJHCK$ Chorll Portland; M u.s: :M USIc Education­ B.Mus. (1965). University of Alberta lnstrUIrl<:ntal SJIJRl.ENF: SYl.VIA McMICHAEL B.Mu•. (1963), Lewis and Clark Pendleton; Mus: Music E


DARREL REID BROWN' LLOYD ALA" SWA"SON LeaLurg; PIM; Personnel Chicago, Ill.; Personnel and lTIduslrial Admmislr:Uion Mana£:ement B.S. in Bus. (1950), University of B.S. (1960), Pordue University: Kansas M.B.A. (1962). tndi~na University M.B.A. (196·1), T&~ Univen;ty of Th


1)0" CHhaLEs BAILEY HAROl.D F'SD BRocJity; M.Ed. (1966), Harvard :iIII.Ed. (964). \\ ;flamelte University University Thesis: Retention of Film Content under Thesis: An InvcstiA'~tion of the Effects Condition. of Sell-Selection ,nd Individ­ of Varying Articulation Conditions and ual Viewing. Pronunci,bility on the Learning of evc AdviseT: Arthnr C. Hearn Trigram. by Mentally RCl3Tded Adole.. <-fotS. Ad"iser; Herbert J. Prehm

( 25 l KENNUH A. HARIlrSON WILL'AJ>l G...NN MOORE Eugene; Education San Diego, Cal.; Ed: Srocial Education 1l.A. (1954). Whitworth Colle!!"e; B.A. (1957), San Diego State College; M.A. (965), San Diego State Collelle. ~~;.?~ ?~l:a~~~~~'~r ~~eOEli~~ts On Thesis: An Invesligation of the Mar· Comprebension 01 Three Metbods of pboto[y of tbe Oral Language of Men· Presentation of Educational Material to tally Retarded Cbildren. Educable Mentally Retarded. Adviser: Melton C. Martinson AdvlOer; GeD1"ge Sheperd GBORGE RIcnA.RD NX1.S0N JOHN LEWIS HOLMES Eugen.; Education Medford; ~ucation B.S. (1958), University of Or~gon; B.S. (1950), Southern Oregon College M.S. (1962), Southern Ore!!"on Colle"e of Education: M.Ed. (1953), Thesis: Title III ESEA Federal, SLate. Unive..ity of Oregon and Local Roles in Oregon. Thesis: The Relation of Sue of Com­ Adviser: Clarence Hine. munity to Perceptions of Role of Ele­ DEAN ALLXN PHILLIPS mentary Scbool Principal. Ontario; Pl\y.ical Educa.tion Adviser: Donald E. ToPe B.S. (1964)) University of Idaho; J H!.I!S EnwARO JE,..NINOS M.Ed. (196~), University of Idaho Springfield; Ed: Educational Thesis: Annual Factor Analysis of Po· Admioi..:!Itration tential Maturity Indicaters of tbe Same B.S. in All'. (1951), Washington State Boys frOID Nine throu~h Si:J:teen Years University; REd. (1954), Washington of A"e. State University; M.A. in Ed. (1957). Adviser: H. Harrison Clarke Washington SLate ColleRe DA>lASO LAINE SAKU MAltlA Thesis: A Financial Analysis of Certain Philadelpbia, Penn; Physical Education School Districts Wbich Have Exper. B.A. (l955), University of ienced a Rapid, Large Iocrease in Valu· Pennsylvania: M.Ed. (1962), at{(ln. Temllie University Adviser: Henry Osibov ThesIs: Longitudinal Analysis of Physi. JAC" LAVXNBURG cal Growtb for BoyS Ages Twelve Eu.gene i Education througil Seventeen Years. B.S. (1953) New York University; Advieer; H. Harrison Clarke J,LA. (I96:il, Columbia University DONALD LEWIS SAYA" Thesis: A Study of tbe Effectiveness of Seattle, Wash.: Ed: Educational the Oregon Student Council Worksbop as Administrati.on an Institution for Training Student B.A. in Ed. (195J), Western Leaders_ Washington CoUege of Education; Advisers Artbur C. Hearn M.Ed. (1960), Western Wasilington DOKALD REID LOG"" College 0 f Education Eugene' Ed: Srecial Education Theois: Resolution of Role Conflict by RS. in Ed. (1957), North Texas State Element.ary Scbool Principals. UniveTsilJ'; M.En. (1964), North Adviser: W. W. Cbarte... Jr. Texa. Stale Universit)" ELBA GENE SUFFORD Tbesis: Retention Performance in Re· Oroville, Cal.: PE: Administration of tarded Subjects a. a Function of Mean· Pbysical Education ingfulness and Response Time during B.A. ill P.E. (195J). Cbico Stale Odgin31 LeLlrning. College: M.A. in P.E. (1965), Chico Adviser; Herbert]. PrebID State Colle!:"e ]'M""E DALE. MERllIL1- Thesis: Singl..Year and Lo~tudinal Pim3., Ari2. ~ Ed: Elemencary Comparisons of [ntelligence and Au· B.S. (1956), Brigham Young detllic Acbievement of Elementary and University; M,S. (1962). Brigbam Junior Hign Scbool Atblet.s and Non­ Young University participants. Thesis: An Inyestigation of Teachers' Adviser: H. Hani.on Clarke Informal Estimate. of First-Grade Read· BERN.UD RYAN WOLFF ing Readiness. Portland: Ed: Elementary Educ3tion Adviser: Jordan n. Ulsey B.S. (J949). Ore~on State College; ]AYES RB1D :M'nCH£I.,.L :M.S. (1958), University of Oregon Vancouver. B.C.j PE~ Admi.nistration Thesis: An Analni. and Comparison o( of Physical Education Individuali.ed Instructional Practices in B.P.E. (1949), Tbe University of Arithmetic in Graded and Nongraded British Columbia' B. Ed. (1955), Elementary Classrooms in Selected Ore­ The University 01 British Columbia; gon School Districts. M.S. (1963), University of Oregon Adviser: Clarence W. Scbminke Thesis: Single.Year and Longitudinal Comparisons of Maturity, Ph>"sique. Structural, Motor and Strenjlth Charae· teristics of Fifteen·Year·OId Junior Hi~h School Athleles and Nonparticipants. Adviser: H. Harrison Clarke


MICUAEL Al.,\N BAER Ross LEON CIl~r5T~NSEN Atlanla, Ga,; Political Science Levan, Utah: Chemistry B.A. (1964). Emory University; B.S. (1964), Utah State University 01 M.A. (1966). University 01 Ocogon Agriculture and Applied Science Tbesis: Environmental Elfects on State Thesis: A Thermal Conductivity Stud)' of Le~i"ators and Lobbyists. Hetium, Carbon Dloxid~, Argon, ::lDd Adviser: L. Harmon Zeigler Their Mixtures. B"ll.iY 1·1£"aY AUlOl' BARLOW Adviser: D, F. Swinehart Cuyaboga Fal~ Ohio; Political Science JORlf ALL'f;" COVER D.A. (963), naveTford College; Portland; Ed: Counseling Ps)'cholog)' :'>I,A. (196.\), University of Oregon B.A. (1952), Reed ColleKe; Thesis: The Different Conditions Pro· M.S. (1955), University of OreKon ducing Violenco Bdore or After tbe Thesi.; Alienation from Society, School Transfer of Sovereil(llty in Revolutions. Achievement, Scbola.tic Ability, Socio­ Advisor: J=!"'" FINNE..N B.S. in Mth. (196J), The University Bellinl1bam Wash.; Psycho!olQ' of North Carolina at Cbapel Hill; B.A, (19491. University 01 California, M.A. (1964), The University of North BerkJe.l; M.A. (1965), San Jose Carolina at Cbapel Hill Stale College Thesis: Purity and Torsion iu Categories Thesis: Birlh Order in Relation to Af. of Modales. filiation in M2.1e Psychi.atric Patients. Adviser: F. W. Anderson Adviser: Gerald R. Patterson ROBERT JORN BERTDOLl' TIMOTBY VAUGHN FOSSUM Pbiladelphia, Pa.; English Eugene; "Mathematics B.A. (1962). Bowdoin College; B.A. (1964). Saint Olar College; M.A. (1963), University of Oregon M.A. (1966), University of Oregon Thesis: n,e Vast Ventriloquism: Wil. Thesis: Cenlraliter Rinll's of Induced 113m Wordsworth aDd Wallace Stevens. Adviser; A. Kingsley Weatherhead ~~nv~~R~~wn~~~~s. ('UARI•.:~.:s THOMAS BROCKMANN RODEn DAN FOSTI!R Laramie, W)'o.. Anthropolo8.¥ Wicbit:; Ran.' EcoDomies B.A (J962), Nortbwestern University B.A. (1955), University of Wichita: ThesIs: The Modern Social and Eco­ ~LA. (1967), Unive"ity of Oregon nomic Organization of the Flatbead Thesis: An Emllirical Investigation of Reservation. the K.ansas Stiles Ratio Study. Adviser: Malcolm McFee Adviser: Myron A. Grave RO"ALD PAUL BllOW}! MAllSHALL GEP.ll III Eugene; Mathematics Colorado Springs Colo.; EconomiCll n A. (1964). Reed College' D.S. in Bus.Ad. (1961)/ University of M.A. (1966), University oj OregQn Denver: M.B.A. (l962), University of Thesis: Irre

( 27 J DAN'"L ROGER GOLD'''N Be''''ARD MOIIAl< LhLL Birmingham, Mich.; Sociolo&1' Calcotta. India; Education B.S. in Bus. (1959). Indian Univeroity; B. ReI. Ed. (I9S3)~ SJlicer Memorial M.A. (1962), IDdiana University College: M.A. (1,63), Walla Thesis: Career Ancl101"age Points and Walla College Cenlral Life Interests of Middle Mana· Tbesis: Role ExpecbtioDS ot tbe Scl100l e Superintendent as Perceived by SUjlerin.

5..J;iser: Robert Dubin tendents, Principals, Teachers l and Hoard MERLVN M. GUBSER Members In the ProviDee ot Sa.kale"e­ EU8ene; Ed: Curriculum and Supervision B.S. (1%2), Oregon Sta~ UDiversity; Adviser: Keith Goldhammer 11'1.8. (J963), University of Oregon ROllERT EDWARD LEVINSON TIl..i.: Authoritarianism of Teachers Portland; History and Administrator. and its Coml'1rison B.S. in Hst. (1960), Portland State to Faculty Morale. College; M.A. (1962), UDiversity Richard J. Rankin of Oregon A.DULl.... RASHID HAGEY Thesis: The Jews in the California Gold Eugene; Ed: Curriculum and Supervision Rosh. B.A. (J96'1-), U "iversity of the Pacific; Adviser: 'Edwin R. Bingbam B.S. (J 965), Porlland ::itate College; PUTIlENPUrL\ JOSEfH SCAR-fA MALII­ Rat Liver Endojllasmic Reticulum. herent Continua. Adviser, F. J. Reitbel Adviser: L. E. Ward, Jr. JEANNE NICKELL KNUTSOl< GARY ELTON N'ELSS" Los AlIOS Cal.; Political Science Eugeue; Ed: ~Jleeinl Educatioll B.A. (1955), University of California, B.S. (1962), Univer.ity of Oregvn; Berkeley; M.A. (1956), University M.S. (1966), University of Oregon of California, Ber1

[28 ] MIC'R},2L Now"" FnO-llEST ALL"'" RJCHEl< S~rings, Colo.; Antbropology Eugct1e; Mathematies B,A. (1962). Umversit]' of Oregon B.S. (l965), St:>.nford University; Arcbeological Dating by Me""s M.A. (1967), Universit;y of Oregon of Volcanic Ash Strata. Thesis: Modular.RC1lre..ntalions in Split Advise-r: Don E. Dumond BN Pairs. JAMSS BENSON PARKS Adviser: C. W. Curtis Newark, N_J.; Edueation RALPH MICRABL RODIA D.S. (1955) Howard University; Seattle. Wash.: Chemishy :M.A. (19645, Seton Hall University B.S. (1964), University of A Working Model for Increasillg Washington Self·Awareness and Acbieveltlellt Motiva· Thesis: The Sodium Periodate Oxidation ~d~i~:r!A:~u:Wi~t~;~ool of Selected Indoles and Pyrrole. and a Students. IS:inetic Study of the Prins Reaction of BAU:SAll.A ANK GARB.rSON PBT'ERSO~ StyrL'l1Cs. Palo Alto, C~I.; Ed: Counseling Adviser: Lloyd J. Dolby P.ychology NEL.O~ PBT:ER Ro.s B.A. (1952). Lawrence College; M.A. :Milwaukec, Wis.; History in Div. (1956). The University of B.A. (1959). The Universit>- of Chicago Wisconsin; M.A. (l960), University The~Hs: Realism of Educational Decision of Oregan Making by Ninth Grade.. and their Thesis: Prelude to Conflict: The M01Ie· Parents. ment for Cburch Patronage Refnrm in Adviser; John W. Lougbary (1824-1834). Adviser: Robert Worthington Smith PRILl. ICE." P'ELR Eugene; Ed: Curriculum and SupcTvi6iod GARY M'CIlAEL SEITZ D.A. in Eng. (957), The State College Lo-s Angeles, Cal.; Mathematics of W:L5hington; M.S. (1963). Ullivcrsit)· B.A. (1964)... University of California, of Oregou Berkeley; ~LA. (1966), University The Relationship of Teacher of California. Berkeley Open and Closed Mindedne•• 10 Class, Thesis: M-Groups and the Supersolvable room Verbal Behavior. Residual. Adviser; Jobn H. Hansc"l1 Adviser: C. W. Curtis Clnn JOSEPH PILV~O CRAIG EVllllETI' SINGLETARY E'ug=e; Physics McMinnville; Speech B.A. (1963), Uniyeroity of D.A. (1954), Lewis and Clark College; California, Berkeley Tbe5is: Angula.r Dislrlbulio-n, Ljf~tirne, -M;~i.(:IWj'~~~;i,:i~~~d~~~~oDickil1_ aud BranchiD~ Ratio Measureme:Ilts in Son Baker: A Study in Nineteenth·Cen· the p" (p,y) S"Reaction. tury Eloquence. David K. McDanids Adviser: \Y. Scott Nobles RAYMOND BU:RL PR.ATT IA" HALL TnOR"RYCllOPT Lansing, Mich.' Political Science Los Alios, Cal.: Biolop B.A. (1963), M';chigan State Ulli.crsil)'; B.A. (1964), Univers.ty of California. M.A. (1965), Micbigan Slate DrkeleYi M.A. (1966). Univers.ig UniverSity of Oregon Thesis: Urganizational Participation and Tbesis: ReproductIve Senescence io the Political Orientations: A Comparative Golden Hamster, Mesocri(!t1.f.S Q.uraW,s Study of Political Consequences of Pa.r­ Waterhouse: The Nature of the Litter tidpation in Community Orgawzation.s Size Los. and it. Relationship to the for Residents of Lower Class Urban FWlction of the Ovary and Piluitary. Settleltlent. in Chile and Perno Adviser: A. L. Soderwall Adviser: Daniel Goldrich DARkRLL RAy TullNlDGK WALT'R GS"R RAlllllEZ Eugene" Mathematics Sealtle, \VaslJ.: Education B.S. (I~63)j University of Idaho; B.A. in Ed. (958), Eastern Washington M.A. (1965 • University of Oregon College of Education; M.A. (966), Thesis: Torsion Theorie.:s and RiDgs of University of Oregon Quotients. Thesis: Measures of Three Types of In­ Adviser: F. W. Anderson formation Processing Related to Lan­ gna~e 3nd Non·Lan!!'Uage Intelligence. Advlser: Henry F. Dizney RONALD MrCIIAEL RJ:ED Duluth, :Minn.; Sp: Th""tr. B.A. (t959), University of Minnesota, Duluth; M.A. (1960), Slate University of South lhkola Tbesis: The Nature of the Scenic Prac.­ tices in AuguSlin Daly's New York Pro-­ ductions: 1869·1899. Adviser: Jean V. Cutler

(29 1 TaoYAs McCoy WALSH GAilY WlaKN Portland; Ed: Counseling Psyebolog)­ Omaha, Neb.; Physical Education B.S. (1962). University of Portland B.A. (1958). Huron College; M.A. Thesis: Maslow's Theory of Motivation: (1960), University of Michigan A Metbod for Testing the Construct•. Thesis: Human Fadors Influencing tbe Ad.iser: Martin H. Acker Golf Drive for Distance. MALCOLM SAloIVEL WelNSTEIX Adviaer: H. Harri.on Clarke Vancouver, B.C.; Psyehology WILLI"" LK:aOY ZWU.w:AN B.A. (1964). UDlvC1'.ity of British Minneapoli., Minn.' Sociology Columbia; M.A. (1965), University B.A. (957), Cornell UniveTSity; of British Columbia M.A. (1962). Cornell University Tbesis: Achievement Motivation and Thesis: TecltnolollY and Industrial Ri.k.P.... fereoee. Ooranization. Adviser: Peter !'If. Lewinsobo Adviser: Robert Dubin

[30 ] ACADEMIC COSTUME The history of academic dress goes back several centuries, to the chill universities where cap and gown and hood were needed for covering and warmth. Subsequently this has become a ceremonial costume, with certain standardized features. For ex­ ample, sleeves in the bachelor's gown are pointed, in the master's gown are oblong, in the doctor's gown are bell-shaped. Only the doctor's gown has velvet facing. The hood is lined with the official colors of the degree-conferring institution; for the University of Oregon these are lemon yellow and green. The outside trimming of the hood signifies the subject in which the degree was conferred, as follows:

Maize Agriculture White Arts, Letters, Humanities Drab Corrunerce, Accountancy, Business Lilac Dentistry Copper Economics Light Blue Education Orange Engineering Brown Fine Arts, including Architecture Russet Forestry Crimson Journalism Purple Law Lemon Library Science Green Medicine Pink Music Apricot Nursing Silver Gray Oratory, Speech Olive Green Pharmacy Dark Blue Philosophy Sage Green Physical Education Peacock Blue Public Administration, including Foreign Service Salmon Pink Public Health Golden Yellow Science Citron Social Work Scarlet Theology Gray Veterinary Science

At the University of Oregon it is customary to hood doctors' candidates on the platform. Masters' candidates are not hooded at that time but wear their hoods in the academic procession. Traditionally, bachelors' candidates change the tassel on their cap from the front left to the £rant right as the degree is conferred.. Caps are removed during prayer, the playing of the National Anthem and the Alma Mater, and during the commencement address if desired.