Annual Report of the Parochial Church Council
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Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting Sunday 28th April 2019 10.30am 7.00pm Annual Report of the Parochial Church Council Page | 1 Contents of Annual Report 2018 Agendas 3 Rector’s Comments 4 Reference & Administrative information 5 Structure, Governance & Management 8 Objectives 9 Report on the Proceedings of the PCC and Review of the Year 9 Plans for Future Periods 9 Minutes of the last meetings 10 Electoral Roll Officers’ Report 16 Church Attendance 16 Deanery Synod 16 Safeguarding 17 PCC Sub-Group Reports Fabric Reports 17 Specific Age Ministries 18 Channel for Mission 19 Health and Safety 20 Human Resources 21 Evangelism, Discipleship & Small Groups 21 Archive Group 21 GDPR 21 Church Activity Reports Congregations 22 Welcomers 22 Children, Youth and Families – Activities 23 Children, Youth and Families - Leaders 25 Busbridge Junior School 26 Music 26 Men’s Ministry 27 Women’s Ministry 27 Pastoral Care 28 Prayer 28 Older People’s Ministry 29 Old Rectory 30 Parish Magazines 30 Church Family Support Fund 31 Road Stewards 31 Squires Lunch Club 31 Page | 2 Meeting Agendas Annual Meeting of Parishioners 28th April 2019, 10.30am & 7pm 1. Minutes of the last Meeting (29th April 2018) 2. Election of Churchwardens 3. Appointment of Assistant Churchwardens Annual Parochial Church Meeting 28th April 2019 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of the last Meeting (29th April 2018) and Matters Arising 4. Electoral Roll Officer’s Report 5. Deanery Synod Report 6. Report on the Proceedings of the PCC and Review of the Year 7. Report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church 8. Report on the Activities of the Parish 9. Financial Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2018 10. Appointment of Independent Examiners 11. Appointment of Welcomers 12. Election to Deanery Synod 13. Elections to the PCC 14. Rector’s Address 15. Closing Prayer Page | 3 Rector’s Comments “We have a Gospel…” Our motto last year came from Isaiah 43:19 and was ‘Going Deeper’. This year our motto comes from Isaiah 40:31 and is around ‘flourishing lives: the faithfulness of God and faithful to God’. Flourishing and Faithfulness were the themes of our Church Away Day to KES, Witley. There are signs of flourishing around us as a Church family. We have opened The Old Rectory and are seeing good use made of this new ministry facility. The reason for this whole project is the faithfulness of God’s people locally who have given hugely and sacrificially over the past three years. Faithfulness is also seen in the quiet and diligent care, activity, signs of love and God’s Grace which permeate everything that goes on here. Faithfulness is also sometimes shown in the proving ground of more pressured situations, and we have had our share of these this year too. The ministry and worship at Hambledon Church has been exercised faithfully over the past year with increasing numbers of new people stepping forward to take active part in things. Faithfulness is also sometimes seen in how people live in testing personal times. Some of these are private but we have caught glimpses of people’s faith and testimony to Jesus Christ in difficult circumstances. We walk with each of you who are living such moments right now. As we look back we also look forward. The year ahead is one where we will see Busbridge Church reordered and the final phase of the Old Rectory project will be completed: the changes to the Church Centre. We look forward to the appointment of leaders of ministry with children and youth and to working out the future for the associate minister position. We also look forward to ministry which can use buildings which, for the first time in living memory, are fit for the purposes of God as the Holy Spirit leads us to proclaim the unchanging Gospel of Christ in fresh ways to an unreached people and generations in our area. There is a modern hymn which begins with these words “We have a Gospel to proclaim” and this year is one of flourishing in this Gospel, despite all that is happening in the World around us. Page | 4 Reference and Administrative Information For the Year ended 31st December 2018 Busbridge Church (also known as St John the Baptist, Busbridge), is situated in Brighton Road, Godalming. Hambledon Church (also known as St Peter’s, Hambledon), is situated on Church Lane, Hambledon. Both churches are part of the Diocese of Guildford within the Church of England, and comprise the Ecclesiastical District of the United Benefice of Busbridge and Hambledon. The correspondence address is: The Old Rectory, Old Rectory Gardens, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XB PCC Membership PCC members who have served from 1st January 2018 until the date this report was approved are: Ex Officio Incumbent The Rev Simon Taylor Curate in training The Rev David Preece Licensed Lay Ministers Mr Dudley Hilton LLM Representative on PCC Other LLMs: Mrs Clare Haddad, Dr Peter Shaw, Mrs Gertrud Sollars Miss Ruth Bennett (Reader Emeritus) Churchwardens Dr Frances Shaw (Year 3) (Busbridge) Mr Keith Harper (Year 2) Churchwardens Mrs Elizabeth Cooke (Hambledon) Mr Alan Harvey Assistant Warden Mr David Chadwick (Hambledon) Deanery Synod Mrs Shelagh Godwin (Year 1) Representatives Mr David Hart (Year 1) Treasurer (Busbridge) Mr Martin Lambert (Year 2) Treasurer (Hambledon) Mr Andrew Dunn PCC Secretary Ms Jane Lambert PCC Secretary (Hambledon) Mrs Jenny Henderson Page | 5 Elected Lay Members (Busbridge) Miss Grace Bailey From April 2018 Mr Alan Betts Until April 2018 Mr Matthew Blake Until April 2018 Mrs Niki Ford Year 6 Mr Simon Gilbert Year 5 Mrs Shelagh Godwin Year 2 Mr Souheil Haddad Until April 2018 Mr Mike Hardy Until April 2018 Dr Karen Hart From April 2018 Mr Mike Hawkey Year 4 Mr Ellis Jones From April 2018 Mr Stephen Kinder Year 5 Mrs Jill Mace Year 2 Mr Jon Whiteman Year 5 Dr Sandra Wilkin Year 2 Elected Lay Members (Hambledon) Mr Arthur Blackman Mr Andy Hinde Until January 2019 Mr David Hodson Dr Alison Martin Mr Nigel Pollock Mr Ron Vickery Co-opted Members The Rev David Mace Curate The Rev Andrew Spencer Curate The Rev David Jenkins Curate Mr Philip Underwood – Hambledon Lay From Jan 2019 Page | 6 PCC Sub Groups (The PCC subgroups also co-opt and take advice from other people). Health & Safety/Risk Alison Martin, Arthur Blackman, Jon Whiteman, David Jenkins EDS (Evangelism, Discipleship & Small Groups) Jill Mace, Niki Ford, Simon Gilbert, Sandra Wilkin, Ellis Jones SAM (Specific Age Ministry) Alan Harvey Mission Giving & Prayer Shelagh Godwin Archives/ History/ Compliance/ Records Alison Martin, Arthur Blackman, David Jenkins HR Frances Shaw All Buildings and Churchyards Liz Cooke, Jenny Henderson, Nigel Pollock, Mike Hawkey Standing Committee Simon Taylor, Jenny Henderson, Frances Shaw, Keith Harper, Liz Cooke, Alan Harvey, David Hodson, Jill Mace, Martin Lambert and Andrew Dunn Churches Together No PCC member Finance/Governance Group Simon Taylor, Frances Shaw, Keith Harper, Liz Cooke, Alan Harvey, Martin Lambert, Andrew Dunn, David Preece Principal Professional Advisers Independent Auditors (Busbridge) Independent Examiners (Hambledon) Architects Moore Stephens (Guildford) LLP Mr Nic Karonias Carden & Godfrey Priory House 66 Palewell Park 33 Clerkenwell Close Pilgrims Court London London Sydenham Road SW14 8JH EC1R OAU Guildford GU1 3RX Bankers (1) (Busbridge & Hambledon) Bankers (2) (Hambledon) Child Protection Officer Natwest Bank plc CAF Bank Ltd Sarah Black 77 High Street 25 Kings Hill Avenue Godalming GU7 1AR Kings Hill West Malling Kent ME19 4JQ Page | 7 Structure, Governance and Management Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church were united in 1998 as a Benefice under one Incumbent, and retain their individual governing PCC structures. The Parochial Church Council is a corporate body established by the Church of England, within the modern system of church government based on synods, each with a mixed clerical and lay membership, at national, diocesan and ruridecanal levels. The legal status of PCCs was established by the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956, as amended. Busbridge PCC is registered with the Charity Commission (charity number 1128305), as it has annual income exceeding £100,000. Hambledon PCC is also now registered with the Charity Commission (charity number 1172197), as its income is approaching £100,000. The scope of PCC business, its conduct and composition are set out in the Church Representation Rules, as amended from time to time. All church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and to participate in the government of church life via the Annual Meeting. Lay members are encouraged to stand for election to the PCC. All clergy (except those with “Permission to Officiate”) are members of the PCC ex officio, as are the Churchwardens, Treasurers and Deanery Synod representatives. The Licensed Lay Ministers (Reader) are not ex officio PCC members. Elected lay members of Busbridge PCC hold office for three years and are eligible to stand for a second three-year term. Elected lay members of Hambledon PCC hold office indefinitely. Busbridge PCC members and Hambledon PCC members are also charity trustees and are registered with the Charity Commission. The PCC members renew their commitment to serving the church and the council annually and are responsible for addressing central issues of importance to the whole church. PCC meets corporately six times per year and delegates much of its oversight to sub-teams. The Governance Group of the PCC comprises Incumbent, Associate Minister, four Churchwardens, PCC Secretary and two Treasurers. The Standing Committee transacts the PCC’s business between its meetings, subject to delegated powers. The Standing Committee sets the PCC agenda. All PCC members are commissioned each year, and agree to fulfil their responsibilities as they are best able.