1 Vol. 32, No. 6 July/August 2019 Table of Contents E/E Community Leans Toward Collaboration 2 More Carmakers Standardize on Android Automotive OS 2 Ford Goes Deeper with Autosar 6 BMW Wants a Common Automotive Cloud Ecosystem 8 The Autonomous Event to Promote Expanded Collaboration 10 Parkopedia 12 The Company Profile, Lear E-Systems 15 The Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics, July/August 2016 www.hansenreport.com© 2019 Paul Hansen Associates, 150 Pinehurst Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA Telephone: 603-431-5859; email:
[email protected] All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. ISSN 1046-1105 2 E/E Community Leans Toward Collaboration The mood to collaborate on E/E standards has been up and down over the years, but at the Automobil-Elektronik Kongress in Ludwigsburg in June, collaboration was demonstrably on the upswing. BMW promoted cloud standards and Android. Showing a heightened interest in Autosar, Ford’s top E/E, Chuck Gray, pushed for common middleware for the onboard high-compute center. TTTech promoted a high-level international conference to advance an autonomous ecosystem with safety as the theme. In the weeks following the conference I explored each these initiatives to see where we are today and what progress can be expected. The four articles that follow take a look at the Android Automotive Operating System, Autosar, the fledgling automotive cloud ecosystem and TTTech’s initiative to build a global community to shape the future of safe autonomous mobility. More Carmakers Standardize on Android Automotive OS At the recent Automobil-Elektronik Kongress, Stefan Butz, vice president of information and communications platforms at BMW, gave a talk that surprised me.