9/24/2019 Report Part 1


S. Item Details No.

Details of Project: (a)Name of the project(s) QUARRY UNIT OF MR. C. FIROS BABU (b)Name of the Company / Organisation QUARRY UNIT OF MR. C. FIROS BABU 1. Chirakkattil House Anamangad Post Taluk (c)Registered Address District,,-679357 (d)Legal Status of the Company Private

Address for the correspondence: (a)Name of the Applicant Firos Babu (b)Designation (Owner/ Partner/ CEO) Proprietor Chirakkattil House Anamangad Post Malappuram (c)Address District,Kerala State,Thalapilly,Thrissur,Kerala-679357 (d)Pin code 679357 2. (e)E-mail [email protected] (f)Telephone No. 606950 (g)Fax No. (h)Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this Annexure-Uploaded Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority application to make application on behalf of the User Agency .

Category of the Project/Activity as per Schedule of EIA Notification,2006: (a)Major Project/Activity 1(a) Mining of minerals (b)Minor Project/Activity NIL (c)Category B2 3. (d)Proposal Number SIA/KL/MIN/43559/2019 (e)Master Proposal Number(Single Window) SW/119263/2019 (f)EAC concerned (for category A Projects only) Non-Coal Mining (g)Project Type Fresh EC

Location of the Project: (a)Plot/Survey/Khasra No. 201, 202, 203, 214, 215, 216/1, 218 (b)Pincode 680588 (c)Bounded Latitudes (North) FROM 1187436.03 To 1187570.10 (d)Bounded Longitudes (East) FROM 659429.10 To 659667.30 (e)Survey of Topo Sheet No. 58-B/06 4. (f)Uploaded Topo Sheet File Copy of Topo Sheet File (g)Maximum Elevation Above Means Sea Level(AMSL) 100

(h)Uploaded (kml) File Copy of Kml File (i)Distance of Nearest HFL from the project boundary 1.38 within the study area (j)Seismic Zone 3

(a)Number of States in which Project will be Executed 1 5. (b)Main State of the project Kerala

Details of State(s) of the project

S. State Name District Name Tehsil Name Village Name No.

(1.) Kerala Thrissur Thalapilly

Details of Terms of Reference (ToR): (a)MoEF&CC / SEIAA File Number 00 6. (b)Date of Issue of TOR / Standard ToR 24 Sep 2019 (c)Previous TOR Letter Copy of Previous TOR letter

Details of Public Consultation: (a)Whether the Project Exempted from Public Hearing? Yes 7. (b)Reason Below 5ha and no cluster situation (c)Supporting Document Copy of Supporting Document

8. Details of Project Configuration/Product:

8.1. Project Configuration

S. Plant/Equipment/Facility Configuration Remarks environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 1/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1 No.

Granite Building Stone 243300 tonnes per annum (1.) Applied Area: 4.3520 Ha (Non Forest Private Land) Quarry maximum

8.2. Product

Other Mode of S. Product/Activity Mode of Transport / Transport / Quantity Unit Other Unit No. (Capacity/Area) Transmission of Product Transmission of Product

(1.) 4.3520 ha 243300 Tons per Annum Road

In case of Expansion / Modernisation / One Time Capacity Expansion (only for Coal Mining) / Expansion under Clause 7(ii) / Modernisation under Clause 7(ii) / Change of Product Mix under Clause 7(ii): 9. Details Not Applicable

Details of Consent to Operate (i)Whether Consent to operate obtained ? NA (ii)Copies of all Consent to operate obtained since NA inception 9.1. (iii)Date of Issue 24 Sep 2019 (iv)Valid Upto 23 Sep 2021 (v)File No. Nil (vi)Application No. 00 (vii)Copy of Consent to operate valid as on date Copy of Consent to Operate

Project Cost: (a)Total Cost of the Project at current price level (in 0.80 crores) (b) Funds Allocated for Environment Management 0.037 (Capital) (in crores) 10. (c) Funds Allocated Towards ESC (Entrepreneur Social 0.040 Responsibility) (in crores) (d) Funds Allocated for Environment Management Plan 0.056 (EMP) (Recurring per Annum) (in crores) (e) Funds Allocated for Environment Management NaN Capital(%)

Whether project attracts the General Condition 11. No specified in the Schedule of EIA Notification ?

Whether project attract the Specific Condition 12. No specified in the Schedule of EIA Notification ?

Raw Material / Fuel Requirement: (a)Proposed quantity of raw material/fuel 50 13. (b)Existing quantity of raw material/fuel N/A (c)Total quantity of raw material/fuel 50

13.1. Raw Material / Fuel Profile

Source Distance of (incase Source of from Import. Project Site please (in specify Kilometres) country (In case of Raw and Other Other Uploaded S. Other Mode of import, Type of Material Quantity Unit Name of Mode of Type of Copy of No. Unit Transport distance Linkage / Fuel the port Transport Linkage Linkage from the from port from which which the Raw raw Material material / / Fuel is fuel is received received) )

mining project Copy of (1.) no raw 0 Others NA NA Road 0 Others NA Linkage metiral required

Baseline Data : 14. (a)Period of Base Line Data Collection FROM 22 Mar 2016 To 23 Mar 2016 (b)Season Pre-Monsoon

14.1. No. of ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Monitoring Locations : 2 environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 2/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1

98 S. Maximum Minimum Prescribed Criteria Pollutants Other Criteria Pollutants Unit Percentile No. Value Value Standard Value

Micro Gram (1.) SO2 per Meter 8.6 6.4 8 80 Cube

Micro Gram (2.) NOx per Meter 26.1 14.9 24 80 Cube

Micro Gram (3.) PM10 per Meter 71.4 52.7 70 100 Cube

Micro Gram (4.) PM2.5 per Meter 24.8 13.7 22 60 Cube

14.2. No. of Ground Water Monitoring Locations : 1

Other Maximum S. Criteria Heavy Maximum Minimum Desirable Criteria Unit Other Unit Permissible No. Pollutants Metal Value Value Limit Pollutants Limit

(1.) pH NA 7.31 7.31 6.5 8.5

(2.) TSS mg/l 349 349 500 2000

Total (3.) mg/l 185.79 185.79 200 600 Hardness

(4.) Chlorides mg/l 131.72 131.72 250 1000

(5.) Fluoride mg/l 0.16 0.16 1 1.5

Heavy (6.) Fe mg/l 0.17 0.17 0.30 0.30 Metals

(7.) TDS mg/l 349 349 500 2000

14.3. No. of Surface Water Monitoring Locations : 0

Classification S. Maximum Minimum Criteria Pollutants Other Criteria Pollutants Unit Other Unit of inland No. Value Value water body

(1.) DO NA 0 0 A

(2.) COD NA 0 0 A

(3.) pH NA 0 0 A

(4.) BOD NA 0 0 A

14.4. No. of Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations : 2

S. Prescribed Parameter Unit Maximum Value Minimum Value No. Standard

(1.) Leq(Night) A-weighted decibels(dB(A)) 52.9 41.6 70

(2.) Leq(Day) A-weighted decibels(dB(A)) 61.4 48.3 75

14.5. No. of Soil Sample Monitored Locations : 1

S. Parameter Unit Other Unit Maximum Value Minimum Value No.

(1.) pH 6.72 6.72

(2.) N(Nitrogen) Kilogram per hectare 141 141

(3.) P(Phosphorus) Kilogram per hectare 1.26 1.26

(4.) Electric Conductivity Millisiemens per Centimetre 238 238

(5.) K(Potassium) Milligram per Kilogram 72.91 72.91

Details of Ground Water Table: (a)Range of Water Table Pre-Monsoon Season (Meters From 1.57 To 14.42 Below Ground Level (m bgl)) 14.6. (b)Range of Water Table Post-Monsoon Season (Meters From 0.53 To 11.73 Below Ground Level (m bgl)) (c)Whether Ground Water Intersection will be there ? No

15. Details of Water Requirement (During Operation)

S. Source Source Required Distance Copy of Mode of Other Method of Other Letter Date Permitted No. Other Quantity from Permission Transport Mode of Water Method of No. of Quantity Source from Transport Withdrawal Water Issue Withdrawal environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 3/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1 Competent Authority

Copy of Rain Water 24 (1.) Surface 5 0.10 Permission Pipeline Others Harvesting NA Sep 5 Letter Structure 2019

15.1. (a)Whether Desalination is proposed No

16. Waste Water Management(During Operation)

Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of Waste Treatment Treated Water Discharged S. Water Capacity Treatment Mode of Other Mode of Type/Source Used in Water No. Generated (Kilolitre Method Disposal Disposal Recycling/Reuse (Kilolitre per (Kilolitre per Day) (Kilolitre per Day) Day) per Day)

No Waste Not (1.) 0 0 Others Not Applicable 0 0 Anticipated Applicable

(a)Total Waste Water Generation 0 16.1. (b)Total Discharged Water 0 (c)Total Reused Water 0

17. Solid Waste Generation/Management

Quantity Distance Other S. Name of Other Mode of Mode of Other Mode of Item per Unit from Mode of No. Waste Item Transport Disposal Disposal Annum Site(KM) Transport

No Waste Quarry (1.) Others 0 Tons 0.1 Road Others Not Applicable Anticipated Waste


18.1. Air Quality Impact Prediction

Other S. Criteria Baseline Distance Incremental Prescribed Criteria Unit Total GLC No. Pollutants Concentration GLC Concentration Standard Pollutants

(1.) PM2.5 Microgram per Meter Cube 24.8 0.5 10 34.8 60

(2.) NOx Microgram per Meter Cube 26.1 0.5 10 36.1 80

(3.) SO2 Microgram per Meter Cube 8.6 0.5 5 13.6 80

(4.) PM10 Microgram per Meter Cube 71.4 0.5 10 81.4 100

18.2. Stack Details

S. Stack Source Fuel Stack Height(m) Pollutants Other Pollutants Emission (GLS) No. Diameter(m)

Open Pit (1.) HSD 5 100 PM10 0.00001192 Source

Power Requirement: (a)Quantity (Kilo Volt Amps (kVA)) 0 (b)Source KSEB 19. (c)Uploaded Copy of Agreement Copy of Agreement (d)Standby Arrangement (Details of DG Sets) NA (e)Stack Height (in m) 0

Land Ownership Pattern: (a)Forest Land 0 (b)Private Land 4.3520 20. (c)Government Land 0 (d)Revenue Land 0 (e)Other Land 0 Total Land 4.3520

21. Present Land Use Breakup of the Study Area in Ha: (a)Agriculture Area 0 (b)Waste/Barren Land 4.3520 (c)Grazing/ Community Land 0 (d)Surface Water Bodies 0 (e)Settlements 0 (f)Industrial 0 (g)Forest 0 (h)Mangroves 0 environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 4/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1 (i)Marine Area 0 (j)Others : NA 0 Total 4.352

22. Land Requirement for Various Activities

S. Description of Activity / Others Land Requirement Remarks No. Facility / Plant / Others

(1.) Main Plant 0 NA

(2.) Township 0 NA

(3.) Green belt 0.6300

(4.) Ash Pond 0 NA

(5.) Quarry Area 3.6920

(6.) OB Dump Area 0 NA

(7.) Safety Zone 0 7.5 METERS

(8.) Tailing Pond 0 NA

(9.) LandFill 0 NA

(10.) Water Reservoir 0 NA

(11.) Desalination Plant 0 NA

Area for Solid Waste (12.) 0 NA Management

(13.) Built Up Area 0.0100 INFRASTRUCTURE

(14.) Others ROADS 0.0200 ROADS

Total 4.352

Ecological and Environmental Sensitivity (Within 10 Km):- WLS-Wild Life Species; NPA-Notified Protected Area; ESAs-Eco 23. Sensitive Areas; ESZs-Eco Sensitive Zones :

23.1. Details of Ecological Sensitivity :

S. Details of Ecological Name Distance from the Project (Km) Remarks No. Sensitivity

Chulanur Peafowl (1.) WLS 1.2 South East Sanctuary

(2.) ESZs None 15 None in 10 km radius

(3.) Corridors None 15 None in 10 km radius

(4.) Wildlife Corridors None 15 None in 10 km radius

(5.) Critically Polluted Area industrial cluster 92 South West

(6.) NPA None 15 None in 10 km radius

(7.) ESAs None 15 None in 10 km radius

23.2. Details of Environmental Sensitivity :

Other Details of S. Details of Environmental Environmental Name Distance from the Project (Km) Remarks No. Sensitivity Sensitivity

Chulanur Peafowl (1.) Forest 1.2 South East Sanctuary

None in 10 km (2.) Archaeological Sites None 15 radius

None in 10 km (3.) Defence Installations None 15 radius

(a)Whether Noc / Permission from the competent Yes authority is required? 23.3. (i)Uploaded Noc / Permission from the competent Copy of Noc / Permission from the competent authority authority (b)Whether NBWL recommendation is required? No

Forest Land: 24. Whether any Forest Land involved? No

25. Tree Cutting: (a)No. of Trees Cut for the Project (if Forest Land not 0 Involved) (b)Details of Tree Cutting and Planting of Trees Copy of Details of Tree Cutting and Planting of Trees environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 5/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1

Land Acquisition Status: (a)Acquired Land(Ha) 0 26. (b)Land yet to be acquired(Ha) 0 (c)Status of Land acquisition if not acquired 0

Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R): (a)No. of Villages 0 (b)No. of Households 0 27. (c)No. of PDFs (Project Displaced Families) 0 (d)No. of PAFs (Project Affected Families) 0 (e)Funds Allocated for R&R(in Rs) 0 (f)Status of R&R Completed

Details of Presence of Schedule-I Species: (a)Whether there is Presence of Schedule-I Species ? No (b)Whether conservation plan for Schedule-I Species has 28. No been prepared ? (c)Whether conservation plan for Schedule-I Species has No been approved by competent authority ?

Details of Presence of Water Bodies in Core Area: (a)Whether there is Presence of Water Bodies in Core No Area ? 29. (b)Whether there is Diversion Required ? No (c)Whether permission has been obtained from No competent authority ?

Details of Presence of Water Bodies in Buffer Area: (a)Whether there is Presence of Water Bodies in Buffer Yes Area ? 30. (i)Details of Water Bodies in Buffer Area River (ii)Direction of Water Bodies in Buffer Area North (iii)Distance of Water Bodies in Buffer Area 1.38

Manpower Requirement: (a)Permanent Employment-During Construction 0 (b)Permanent Employment-During Operation 35 31. (c)Temporary Employment- During Construction 0 (d)Temporary Employment- During Operation 0 (e)No. of working days 300 (f)Total Manpower 35

Green Belt in Ha: (a)Total Area of Green Belt (in hectare) 0.6300 (b)Percentage of Total Project Area 14.48 32. (c)No. of Plants to be Planted 200 (d)Funds Allocated for Plantation 50000 (e)Uploaded Green Belt plan Copy of Green Belt Plan

33. Project Benefits

S. Type of Project Benefits Details of Project Benefits No.

The State Govt will benefit from the revenue in the form of Royalty and Cess (1.) Financial from the mine

At conceptual stage, the mined out area will be developed into a water body (2.) Environmental and thick plantation, which will be helpful for improving the aesthetics of the area and also in improving the ground water

Project will create direct & indirect employment opportunities within the (3.) Social surrounding region. Unit will use good faith efforts to employ local people from the nearby villages depending upon the availa

34. CRZ Specific Details : Not Applicable

35. Sector Specific Details For Non-Coal Mining

S. Item Details No.

1. No. of Mineral(s) to be Mined : 1

S. Mineral(s) to be Mined Major or Minor Mineral No. environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 6/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1

(1.) Granite Building Stone Minor

2. Mine Capacity in ROM (Run of Mine) 243300

Uploaded 500 meters Cluster Certificate from State 3. Copy of 500 meters Cluster Certificate from State Mines and Geology Mines and Geology in case of minor minerals

Mining Plan: (a)Approval Letter No. 854/C2/TDO/2019 (b)Date of Approval 27 Jul 2019 4. (c)Approved Letter Copy of Approved Letter (d)Approved By State Mining and Geology Department State (e)Approved Mining Lease Area 4.3520 (f)Approved Capacity 2735763

Technical Details: (a)Total Geological Reserves (Million Ton) 7227575 (b)Mineable Reserves (Million Ton) 2735763 (c)Extractable Reserves(Million Ton) 2735763 (d)Percent(%) of Extraction 100 (e)Grade of Coal /Ore /Mineral 0 5. (f)Stripping Ratio 0 : 0 (g)Category of Gaseousness (Only for Coal Mining, NA Others may Write NA) (h)Average Gradient(Degree) 60 (i)Mining Method Opencast (j)Life of Mine (Years) 12

Details of Beneficiations: (a)Whether it is proposed to install beneficiation No 6. plant/Coal washery within the mining lease area (b)Whether it is proposed to install crusher within the No mining lease area

Details of Seams: 7. (a)Whether details of seam applicable No

Details of Mining Lease: (a)Mining Lease Area (in Hectare) 4.3520 (b)Whether obtained Letter of Intent (LOI) from the Yes state government ? (i)Copy of Letter of Intent Copy of Letter of Intent (ii)Date of issue of LOI 27 Jun 2019 8. (iii)Validity of LOI 5 (iv)Reference No. of LOI 4240/M3/2019 (c)Whether Lease Deed Executed ? No (i)Reason thereof NA (d)Whether Lease Deed Renewed ? No (i)Reason thereof NA

OB (Over Burden) Management: (a) Details of External Dumps: (i)No. of OB Dumps 0 (ii)Total Area (in Hectare) 0 (iii)Height (in meter) 0 (iv)Quantity (in Million Cubic meter) 0 9. (v)No. of year back fill up 0 (b) Details of Internal Dumps: (i)No. of Internal Dumps 0 (ii)Total Area (in Hectare) 0 (iii)Height (in meter) 0 (iv)Quantity (in Million Cubic meter) 0

Details of Topsoil Management: (a)Quantity of Topsoil excavated during the entire life of 0.012514 the mine (in Million Cubic metre) (b)Quantity of Topsoil proposed for utilization for 10. reclamation during the entire life of the mine (in Million 0.012514 Cubic metre) (c)Quantity of Topsoil proposed for utilization for other activities during the entire life of the mine (in Million 0 Cubic metre)

11. Details of Final Mine Void: (a)Area (in Hectare) 3.6920 environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 7/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1

(b)Depth (in meter) 85 (c)Volume (in Million Cubic meter) 3576375

Details of Quarry: 12. (a)Final Void of 3.6920 (hectare) at a Depth of 40 meter which is Proposed to be Converted into a Water Body. (b)Total Quarry Area (ha) 1683000

Details of Transportation: (a)In Pit/Underground to Surface in pit 13. (b)Surface to Siding/Loading loading (c)Transportation / Conveyor Details transportation by tippers

14. Details of Land Usage (Pre-Mining)


(1.) FOREST LAND 0 0 0

(2.) WASTE LAND 4.3520 0 4.352

(3.) GRAZING LAND 0 0 0

(4.) SETTLEMENTS 0 0 0



TOTAL 4.352 0 4.352

15. Details of Land Usage (Post-Mining)

S. Other Plantation Water LAND USE Public Use (ha) Undisturbed (ha) Total No. LAND USE (ha) Body (ha)

(1.) EXCAVATION/QUARRY 1.846 1.846 0 3.692

(2.) TOP SOIL STORAGE 0 0 0 0

(3.) EXTERNAL OB DUMPS 0 0 0 0

(4.) ROADS 0.0200 0 0 0.02

BUILT UP AREA (5.) 0.0100 0 0 0.01 (COLONY/OFFICE)

(6.) VIRGIN AREA 0 0 0 0

(7.) GREEN BELT 0.6300 0 0 0.63

(8.) INTERNAL OB DUMPS 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 2.506 1.846 0 0 4.352

Details of Reclamation: Total Afforestation Plan shall be Implemented Covering of Mining. This will Include: (a)External OB Dump(in hectare) 0 (b)Internal Dump(in hectare) 0 (c)Quarry(in hectare) 4.3520

16. (d)Safety Zone(in hectare) 0.6300 (e)Final Void of 3.6920 (hectare) at a Depth of 40 meter which is Proposed to be Converted into a Water Body. (f)Density of Tree Plantation per ha (in no.) 100 (g)Others in ha (such as Excavation Area along ML Boundary, along Roads and Infrastructure, Embankment 0 Area and in Township Located Outside the Lease etc) (h)Total afforestation plant (in hectare) 0.6300

Status of progressive Mining Closure Plan: 17. Details Not Applicable

18. Details of Actual Coal/ ORE Production vis-a-vis Sanctioned Capacity since the Inception:

Sanctioned Excess Production Sanctioned Sanctioned S. Financial Capacity as per Beyond the EC / CTO/ Capacity as per Capacity as per Actual Production No. Year approved mining Mining Plan Sanctioned EC (MTPA) CTO plan Capacity (MTPA)

(1.) 0 0 0 0 0 0

S. Item Details No.

36. Details of Court Cases: environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 8/9 9/24/2019 Report Part 1 (a)Whether there is any Court Cases pending against the No project and/or land in which the project is proposed to be set up ?

Details of Direction Issued under Environment (Protection) Act / Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)) Act / Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act: 37. (a)Whether any Direction issued under EPA Act/Air No Act/Water Act ?

Details of EIA Consultant: (a)Have you hired Consultant for preparing document? Yes (i)Accreditation No. NABET/EIA/1821/RA0123 (ii)Name of the EIA Consultant GEO EXPLORATION AND MINING SOLUTIONS Regd. Office: No. 17, Advaitha Ashram Road, Alagapuram, Salem – 636 004, (iii)Address Tamil Nadu, India (iv)Mobile No. 9443356539 38. (v)Landline No. 9443356539 (vi)Email Id [email protected] (vii)Category of Accreditation A (viii)Sector of Accreditation Non-Coal Mining (ix)Validity of Accreditation 07 Nov 2021 (x)Uploaded Certificate of Accreditation certified by Copy of Certificate of Accreditation QCI/NABET

Documents to be Attached: (a)Upload Copy of EIA/EMP(Text) Copy of EIA/EMP(Text) (b)Upload Copy of EIA/EMP(Annexures) Report Copy of EIA/EMP(Annexures) (c)Upload Copy of EIA/EMP(Maps/Plans/Figures only) Copy of EIA/EMP(Maps/Plans/Figures only) (b)Uploaded Copy of Risk Assessment Report Copy of Risk Assessment (c)Uploaded Copy of Feasibility Report/ Detailed Project Copy of Feasibility Report/ Detailed Project Report(DPR) /Detailed Engineering Report(DPR) /Detailed Engineering Report /Detailed Report /Detailed Conceptual Plan /Approved Mining Plan Conceptual Plan /Approved Mining Plan (d)Uploaded Copy of Final Layout Plan Copy of Final Layout Plan 39. (e)Uploaded Cover Letter Copy of Cover Letter (f)Uploaded Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person application to make application on behalf of the User making this application to make application on behalf of the User Agency Agency (g)Uploaded Copy of District Survey Report NA (h)Uploaded Copy of Replenishment Study Report & NA Baseline Survey Data (i)Uploaded Additional File Copy of Additional File (f)Uploaded Updated Form1 Copy of Updated Form1

Essential Details Sought

S. EDS Sought Date EDS Sought Letter No.

NO Record Undertaking

I hereby give undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to be best of my knowledge and belief. And I am aware that if any part of the data and information found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost. In addition to above, I hereby give undertaking that no activity/ construction/ expansion has since been taken up.

Name of Applicant Firos Babu Designation Proprietor Name of Company (Applicant Name should not be QUARRY UNIT OF MR. C. FIROS BABU given here) Address Chirakkattil House Anamangad Post Perinthalmanna Taluk

environmentclearance.nic.in/state/FB_ECgeneral_report.aspx?pid=65006 9/9