Dickinson Alumnus, March 1964
EDITOR Thomas H. Young, Jr., ·53 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Roger H. Steck, '26 HONORARY EDITORS Dean Hoffman, '02 Gilbert Malcolm, ·15 ALUMNI PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Harry E. Hinebaueh, '34, Chairman Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., '35 WilJ.iam B. Harlan, '50 Carl High, '51 David McGahey, '60 M. Charles Seller, '55 Martha Young, '62 The Dickinson Alumnus is published bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September and November. Entered as second class matter May 23, 1923, at the post office at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS March 1964, Vol. 41, No. B Statement required by the Act of Octo• ber 23, 1962, Section 4369, Title 39, U. S. Code. Showing the ownership, Man• agement, and circulation of the Dick• inson College Alumnus published six times per year, at Carlisle, Pennsyl• vania. The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, and treasurer are: Publisher; The General Alumni Asso• ciation of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Editor: Thomas H. Young, Jr., Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Treasurer: George Shuman, Jr., Car• lisle, Pennsylvania. The average num• ber of copies of each issue of this pub• lication distributed through the mails to alumni and friends during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was 10,000. George Shuman, Jr., Treasurer. Commencement week-end-c-June 5, 6 and 7 Church 2 related-yes Church controlled-no Methodism's 6 church-related colleges Polls open 9 on April 20 Dickinson's 12 international. community PART TWO Books 16 Around 18 the campus EDITOR'S NOTES: Following the recommendation of the Alum• 21 ni Council and in keeping with the College Letters to the policy of having the alumni better informed about Dickinson, we are pleased to announce that beginning with this issue, THE DICKINSON editor ALUMNUS, will be published six times a year.
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