Rkyv Online # 36
Cv vjg qwvugv A few thoughts from the editor… by r. j. paré What would you do If I sang outta tune Would ya stand up And walk out on me? Joe Cocker 1968 ennon/McCartney 1967$ Welcome everybody, to the latest edition of RKYV ONLINE your FREE art-lit / pop- culture e-Zine! This ish, numero 36, covers submissions received up to and including May 1st 2010. Once again, RKYV ONLINE is teaming up with —our friends“ at Speakeas Primates in order to promote independent creators by setting up a promotional table at a summer convention' S.M.A.C.C. ' Southern Michigan(s Arts and Creativity Conference This con should be interesting and if you happen to be in Dearborn that wee)end stop by our table to chat, exchange ideas, get snapped on camera or in video and maybe buy some cool s,ag! S.M.A.C.C. is a combination public arts and crafts show with an A,,-N./0T film festival and concert. .t is also an opportunity for independent artists, authors, actors, fashion designers, sculptors, wood- wor)ers, filmma)ers and other creators to develop collaborations. S.M.A.C.C. is being held on 1uly 22-23th, 2010 at the Doubletree .otel in Dearborn, Michigan This month R456 is pleased as punch to share the wor) of independent colourist 1on 2eirmann. As our —3eatured Artist of the Month“ 1on too) the time to answer some interview 7uestions and 8hopefully9 shed a little light on this nascent comic pro. 0is drawing of the Marvel Comics icon, Captain America, was a perfect foundation for David Marshall to build this month<s cover upon, )udos to both for their fine wor).
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