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The Dial

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ARCHIVES gttrtngham State CoH®m c Qyi Dial

Jtate 1 eachers College

at framing nam y /Vlass. FOREWORD

This past year has been a year of change, of new under- takings and experiences. We have seen our campus expand with the dedication, during Education Week, of our beautiful new building, Edmund Dwight Hall. We have seen relations between students, faculty, and alumnae be- come more firmly bound together through the Student

Alumnae Building Drive which will, we all hope, result in another fine new building, a place dedicated to friend- ship and co-operation, to take the place of our comfortable, old C. C. C. cottage. We have seen old friends, both students and faculty, depart, and others arrive, not to take the place of the old, but to make their own places in our hearts.

And so we have lived in this year of change, looking ever forward to the greatest change of all, the step down from our quiet hill into the noisy byways of life, but through the web of our new life will always run the thread of our happy memories of Framingham. M CONTENTS












WHITTEMORS LIBRARY Framingham State College ' Framingham, DEDICATION


To Dr. Meier, our beloved Teacher and Friend, who, after twenty-seven years of service in our college, is graduating with our class, we, the Class of 1938 affectionately dedicate this volume.


SA TriLut*


They are not dead who live

In hearts they leave behind.

In those whom they have loved

They live a life again And shall live through the years."

Hugh Robert Orr.

With high ideals for herself and her students she strove constantly to reach the heights. Ever loyal to family, friends, students, and profession, she gave unstintingly of time and energy. Respected and loved by friends and associates, she lived a rich and happy life.

May her spirit linger ever in the hearts she leaves behind. I ribute to r\r. Kied


For your earnest guidance, unfailing interest, and valuable experience which was always at our service, the Dial staff wishes to express its most sincere appreciation. WELCOME


In the name of the faculty and students of our college we wel-

come you to Framingham with the sincere wish that your time spent in service here will be as happy as were your student years upon the hill. ' WELCOME


To you, Mr. Gilday, our new Music Director, we extend a most cordial welcome. In this short year you have become one of us, work-

ing and co-operating with faculty and students to make our college

life richer and fuller. .'.: .



'Precious is friendship when friend call to friend, Be strong, here is my hand, let us ascend." EDITH A. SAVAGE


Diploma, State Teachers College at Framingham,- Certificate for Institutional Management from Simmons College; B.S. in Education from University,- Teacher of grades in Agawam, Medfield and Boston; Training teacher at Spellman College in Atlanta, Georgia,- Teacher and Social Worker at "Talitha Cumi," welfare home in Jamaica Plain,- Director of Children's Home in Manchester, N. H.; House Director of y. W. C. A. in Holyoke, Mass.

"To cultivate sympathy you must be among living beings and thinking about them,- to cultivate admiration, among beautiful things and looking at them." —Ruskin. LUCILLE G. FRENCH 50 Jackson Road, West Medford

Household Arts

Diploma, State Normal School at Framingham,- Special Diploma in Supervision of Household Arts, and B.S., Teachers College, Columbia University,- Assistant in Science, Framingham Normal School; Instructor in Foods, Teachers College,- Director of Foods and Nutrition, James Milliken University, Decatur, Illinois,- Instructor of Foods, Pine Manor School, Wellesley, Mass.,- Began teaching at Framingham Normal in 1922.

"Do not live so close to the warp and woof of life that you fail to see the pattern." —D. L. Moody.

DOROTHY E. WEEKS 9 Higgins Street, Aubumdale


Diploma, State Normal School at Framingham, 1919; Summer School, State Normal School at Hyannis,- ,- Massachusetts State College at Amherst; B.S., Columbia University, 1926; Graduate Studv, Columbia University; Teacher in Springfield High School and Newton High School. Began teaching at State Teachers College at Framingham in 1922.

"The power of spirit behind one is always greater than the human task before one."

MAY C. TURNER 75 Maynard Road, Framingham


Diploma, Stout Institute, Menomonie, Wisconsin; B.S.,'M.A., Columbia University,- Diploma, Supervisor of Household Arts, Teachers College, Columbia University,- Instruction in Household Arts and Critic Teacher, State Teachers College Moorhead, Minnesota, 1919-1927; Instructor in Foods, State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York. 1929-1931; State Chairman, Student Home Economics Clubs, New York State, 1930-1931; Assistant Instructor in Foods, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1931-1932; Instructor in Foods, Teachers College, Columbia University, Summer Ses- sions, 1932-1933; Assistant Critic Teacher in Home Eco- nomics, School of Rural Education, Cornell University, 1932- 1933. "If you would create something—you must be something. —— —

MILLICENT M. COSS 164 State Street, Framingham

Head of Clothing Department, Instructor in Household Arts Education, Historic Textiles A.B., Indiana State University,- B.S. and M.A. in Household Arts Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. "The golden opportunity

Is never offer'd twice, seize then the hour When fortune smiles and duty points the way, Nor shrink aside to 'scape the spectre fear, Nor pause though pleasure beckon from her bower But bravely beat thee onward to the goal." —Old Play. MURIEL CABOT BUCKLEY 11 Orchard Street, Belmont Elementary Clothing, The Appreciation and Economics of Dress

Diploma, State Teachers College, Framingham; B.S., I eachers College, Columbia University,- Summer Session,- Cornell University Summer Session.

"What you have in your heart you keep, But not what you hold in your hands!"

—Arthur Wallace I 'erch.

FLORENCE E. AMIDON 29 Pleasant Street, Framingham

Junior and Senior Clothing, Textiles, Historic Textiles Teacher of Clothing, Newton Vocational High School, Newtonville, and in Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston. "Happiness comes not from the power of possession, but from the power of appreciation." —H. W. Sylvester.

CATHERINE A. BROSNAN 16 Rittenhouse Road, Worcester Sophomore Clothing, Children's Clothing B.S. in Education, 1937, from Framingham State Teachers College.

"The entire object of education is to make people not merely do the things, but enjoy the right things—not merely industrious, but to love industry—not merely learned, but to love knowledge,—what we like determines what we are and to teach taste is to inevitably form character." —Ruskin. DEBORAH M. RUSSELL 4 Hudson Street, Worcester

Chemistry, Nutrition Diploma, State Normal School, Framingham; Chief Dietitian, Boston Floating Hospital; B.S., Teachers College, Columbia University; A.M., Columbia University; Courses, Harvard University, Boston University, New York University; Member American Chemical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New England Association of Chemistry Teachers. "No soul can soar too loftily whose aim

Is God-given and Brother Love of man."


1 Maynard Road, Framingham

Chemistry, Nutrition B.S., Massachusetts State College, 1914; Assistant Chemist, McClure Laboratories, Westfield, Mass., 1915-1917; Lieutenant, Sanitary Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1919; A.M., 1921, Ph.D., 1925, Columbia University,- Member, American Chemical Society,- New England Associa- tion of Chemistry Teachers.

"The search for truth is in one way hard, and in another

easy, for it is evident that no one can master it fully, nor miss

it fully. But each adds a little to our knowledge of nature, and from all the facts assembled there arises grandeur." —Aristotle.

ELEANOR F. CHASE 45 Highland Street, Amesbury Chemistry

B.S., Massachusetts Agricultural College,- M.S., Massachu- setts Agricultural College,- Assistant in Chemistry, Massa- chusetts Agricultural College,- Research Assistant in Food Chemistry and Graduate Student Art, Columbia University,- Ph.D., Columbia University.

"There is no great and no small To the Soul that maketh all." —Emerson. WILLIAM H. D. MEIER 177 State Street, Framingham

Head of Department of Biology

Diploma, Illinois State Norma! University, A.M., Ph.D., Har- vard, Teacher Rural Schools, Principal High Schools, Superin- tendent of Schools in Illinois,- Instructor of Botany, Harvard University,- Fellow of American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science,- Author: "Herbarium and Plant De- scription," "Plant Study," "Animal Study," "School and Home Gardens," "Study of Living Things," "Open Doors to Science," and "Essentials of Biology" with Lois Meier, and "Biology Notebook" with Dorothy Meier. "Study the past to divine the future." —Confucius.

EMMA A. HUNT 30 Henry Street, Framingham Hygiene, General Science A.B., Wellesley College, 1914; A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1925; Summer Session M.A.C.; As- sistant Biology, State Normal School at Framingham, 1914- 1915; Teacher Biology and General Science, Framingham, High School, 1915-1920,- Courses, Boston University and Alleghany School of Natural History; Member of New England Health Education Association, and American Public Health Association.

"To live greatly in one's world, one must companion with men's greater triumphs." —Harry Overstreet.

GRACE BROWN GARDNER 53 Milk Street, Nantucket Biology, Microbiology, Nature Study Diploma, State Normal School at Bridgewater,- A.B., Cornell University; A.M., Brown University; Primary Schools, New Bedford; Harrington Normal Training School, New Bedford, Head of Department of Biology; B.M.C., Durfee High School, Fall River.

According to D. C. Peattie, in An Almanac for Moderns,

"There is no philosophy with a shadow of realism about it, save a philosophy based upon Nature." LINWOOD L. WORKMAN 17 Church Street, Framingham

Household Physics, Sociology, and Social Problems A.B., Colby College, 1902; Tufts Summer School of Biology, Harpswell, Maine, 1902; Ed.M., Graduate School of Educa- tion, Harvard University, 1927; Instructor at Colby Academy, Wakefield High, Watertown High; Principal of Higgins Classical Institute, Principal of Peters High School, Southboro.

"Folks'll learn a lot if their eyes ain't shet." —Holman Day.

SARAH S. CUMMINGS 35 Cambridge Road, Woburn

Social Studies A.B., Colby College, 1907; M.A., Boston University, 1936; History Instructor, Lynn English High School; Head of Girls Department, Lynn Continuation School; Began teaching in State Teachers College at Framingham in 1924.

"Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous."

SARA M. ARMSTRONG Pleasant Street, Framingham Psychology, Education A.M., Columbia University; Instructor at A B , Tufts College,- Danbury Normal School. Began teaching at State Teachers College at Framingham in 1918. strength." "Whosoever you are be it with all your —William James. MAUDE B. GERRITSON 9 Church Street, Framingham

English Composition, Literature Diploma, State Normal School at Framingham,- B.S. and A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University,- A.M., Wellesley College.

"It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity. MARJORIE SPARROW 1140 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill

English A.B., Radcliffe College, 1914; M.A., Wellesley College, 1931; Composition Tutor at Wellesley and Wheaton Colleges.

"Culture is an ideal, not a possibility. A college does not

educate a man,- it merely gives him an index to an education." —Percy Marks. DOROTHY LARNED 149 Highland Avenue, Winchester

English, French, Education, Citizenship Training A.B., Mount Holyoke, 1912; M.A., Middlebury, 1931: Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1934; Penn- sylvania State,- Chateau du Montcel, Jouy-en-Josas,- Alliance Francaise, Paris,- Universite de Paris, Institut de Phonetique; Framingham High School, Teacher of French and German, 1914-1922,- Head of Foreign Language Department, 1922- 1928; Repetitrice dAnglais, Ecole Normale d'lnstitutrices d Angers, France, 1928-1829. Began teaching in State Teachers College at Framingham in 1929.

"Sois satisfait des fleurs, des fruits, meme des feuilles, Si c'est dans ten jardin a tei tu les cueilles." —Rostand, in Cyrano de Bergerac. RUTH H. CARTER

1 3 Clyde Road, Watertown

Reading Methods, English, Book Selection State Normal School at Framingham,- B.S. in Education, Boston University,- Summer Session: Columbia, Harvard, Boston University, London University,- M.E., Boston University.

"Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone: Kindness in another's trouble, Courage in your own." —Adam Lindsay Gordon. HAZEL REUTHER NIETZOLD. 303 South Street, Northampton

Assistant, Practical Arts Department B.S., Massachusetts School of Art, 1928; Summer Sessions, Massachusetts State College, Berkshire Summer School of Art/ Courses at Boston University, Museum School of Fine Arts, Massachusetts School of Art Evening School, and University Extension Courses,- Assistant Art Supervisor, Framingham, 1929; Assistant Art Supervisor, Weymouth, 1929-1933.

"The real test of character is joy, For what you rejoice in, that You love, and what you love, That you are like." —Henry Van Dyke.

FREDERICK W. RIED 389 Newtonville Avenue, Newtonville

Graduate Massachusetts School of Art; Ex-President of M. S. A. Alumnae Association,- U. S. Shipping Board during War; Member of Committee of Three on Organizing Public Schools for War Service; Charter Member of Beach Combers of Provincetown; Ex-President of Massachusetts Art Teachers Association; Member of several Art Organizations; Con- sultant on "Art in Trade" problems. "A specialist may well be defined as a man who knows more and more about less and less. The arts and literature help us to reintegrate our world after the specialist has dissected it." —

LOUISE KINGMAN Wellesley, Mass.

Speech, Physical Education, Dramatics Diploma, State Normal School, Framingham,- Rice School of the Theatre, Oak Bluffs, Mass.; Leland Powers School of the Spoken Word, Boston; Head of the Department of Dance and Pageantry, Columbia College, Chicago. "Granted an average mind and an average ability, the most important single ingredient in the formula of success is the knack of getting along with people." —Theodore Roosevelt.

BERNICE W. TAYLOR 1431 Broadway, Haverhill

Physical Education Graduate, Sargent School of Physical Education; Special Diploma, B.S., M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University,- Taught in Haverhill Playgrounds,- Public Schools, Hoosick Falls, New York,- Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia,- Sargent School Camp; State Normal Summer School at Hyannis.

"The mind— is not the heart.

I may yet live, as I know others live, To wish in vain to let go with the mind Of cares, at night, to sleep,- but nothing tells me

That I need learn to let go with the heart." — Robert Frost. EDWARD F. GILDAY, JR. Framingham

Music Holy Cross College,- New York University, B.S.; New York University, M.A.; Westminster Choir summer school,- Director of Music, Public Scho'ols, Holyoke, Mass.; Director Com- munity Choral Society of Holyoke, Mass.; Director Com- munity Choral Society of Framingham; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. "The more one learns to appreciate the beautiful, the more he will avoid and despise the ugly." —Anon. ELLA C. RITCHIE Framingham

Librarian, Library Science Graduate, Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J.; B.S., Simmons College,- Courses at Boston University; Librarian, State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Air Service, War Department, Washington, D. C; Cataloguer Free Public

Library, Endicott, N. Y. ; Began service at F. T. C. 1923. "A little reading will oft make an intellectual giant, while the gluttonous, all-devouring reader remains a dwarf. It is true concerning readers that 'Pigmies are pigmies still though perched on Alps, and pyramids are pyramids in vales.' —

FLORENCE I. ROBBINS, R.N. 120 Main Street, Avon

Resident Nurse, Instructor of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick Diploma, Framingham Hospital.

Life's a bully game with its kicks and cuffs Some smile, some laugh, some bluff; Some carry a load too heavy to bear While some push on with never a care, But the load will seldom heavy be

Where I appreciate you and you appreciate me." —William Judson Kibley. ELIZABETH C. McMILLAN

619 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills, California

Lunchroom Management, Household Administration, Dietetics Diploma, State Normal School, Framingham; B.S., Framingham; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University; Certificate, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; Assistant Dietitian, Massachu- setts State College.

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." —Emerson.

CORINNE E. HALL 16 Linder Terrace, Newton

Household Administration and Practice Teaching Diploma, State Normal School, Framingham; A.M., Teachers College, and Special Diploma in Household Arts, Columbia University,- University of California,- Supervisor of Home Economics, Danbury, Conn.; Teacher of Foods, New York City,- Manual Training High School, Denver University, and Massachusetts State College, Amherst.

"The goal in education is always the acquisition of knowl- edge, the training of some permanent capacity for productive- ness and enjoyment, and the development of character." —Dr. Charles W. Eliot. MARION A. BRYANT

9 Dana Street, Cambridge

Assistant Matron, Pierce Hall

Diploma, State Normal School at Framingham.

"Responsibility is one thing that all must face and that none can escape."

ANNIE L. D. SWAN Matron, Horace Mann Hall

Diploma, Posse School of Physical Education.

"The true nature of anything is the best it can grow into.


Greendale Station, Worcester

Matron, Pierce Hall; Instructor of Institutional Management Diploma, State Normal School at Framingham,- Samaritan Hospital, Troy, N. Y.; Teaching, Worcester; Dietitian, Mel- rose Hospital, Morton Hospital, Taunton, Margaret Pillsbury Hospital, Concord, N. H.

"Remember that if the opportunities for great deeds should never come, the opportunity for good deeds is renewed day by day. The thing for us to long for is the goodness, not the glory." —F. W. Faber. MILDRED J. IVASKA 87 Pritchard Avenue West Somerville

Principal Clerk

ELEANOR BOWES Concord Terrace Framingham Senior Clerk

MRS. CHARLES DICKINSON 86 Barber Road Framingham Center Junior Clerk —


9 Church Street, Framingham Geography Diploma, State Normal School, Framingham,- Ph.B., University of Chicago,- M.S., University of Chicago.

"And the man who brings his labors to a successful issue is he not one who neglects the things which are generally prized, and prizes the things which are generally forgotten? —Written of Buddha by a friend. ANNE ROCHEFORT 35 Salem End Road, Framingham

Education, Mathematics, Director of Training Diploma, State Normal School at Bridgewater; B.S., Columbia University,- M.A., New York University,- service in Public Schools of Massachusetts, State Normal School at Framingham; Prince School of Store Service, Simmons College; Cleveland School of Education; School of Education, New York University.

"If thou of fortune art bereft And in thy store there be but left Two loaves, sell one and with the dole Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul." —Old Persian. LOU LOMBARD 29 Denwood Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland

Resident Supervisor of Vocational Household Arts

Diploma, State Normal School at Framingham; B.S., University of Minnesota,- Teacher of Cookery, Washington, D.C.; Home Demonstration Agent, University of Minnesota,- Instructor of Foods in Teacher Training Department, University of Minne- sota,- Consultant in Nutrition, Massachusetts Department of Health.

"A great deal of talent is lost in this world for the want of a little courage." CHARLES E. DONER Reading


Diploma, Zanerian School of Penmanship, Columbus, Ohio,- Heffley School of Commerce, Brooklyn,- Spencerial Commer- cial School, Cleveland; Editorial Staff, Business Journal, New York; Commercial Teachers Federation,- Zanerian Penmanship Association,- New England Penmanship Association.

"We work day after day, not to finish things, but to make the future better, because we will spend the rest of our lives there."


Gladys Clark President . Tucker Vice-President Barbara Elizabeth Newton Secretary . Margaret Murphy Treasurer . Miss May C. Turner Class Advisor Arline Poole Honorary Class Member Miss Ifirt MISS TURNER

MISS POOLE LINNEA ANDERSON 34 Lawrence Street, Maiden May 12


y. W. C. A., Secretary (2), Vice-President (3), President (4); Dial Staff, Class History (4); Gate Post, Faculty Edition (2, 3), Assistant Editor (3, 4); Cap and Gown Chairman (4); Member of General Committee of the Student Christian Movement in New England.

"Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other

blessedness. He has a work, a life purpose,- he has found it and will follow it."

CLARA A. BOOTHBY 26 Woodfawn Street, Randolph March 22


Glee Club (4),- Y. W. C. A. (4),- Senior Choir (4); Senior Prom Committee (4); Junior Prom Committee (3),- Home Economics (4); Commuters' Council (4); Corridor Councilor (3); May Day Costume Committee (2); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); May Day (2). "One friend of tried value is better than many of no account."


1 76 Marked Tree Road, Needham December 26


Hockey (1, 2); Stunt Committee (2); May Day Committee (2); Spirit of Spring (3); Junior Prom Committee; Senior Chapel Committee; Home Economics Club (2); Fine Arts (4); Class

Day Drama. ,, "Gentle of speech, beneficent of mind.


1 1 5 Ward Street, Worcester November 5


A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4), Publicity Manager (1); Athletic Asso- ciation (2, 3, 4); Harvard Hockey (2, 4); Senior Leader of Evening Forum (4); May Day (2); Stunt Night (2, 3, 4). "Better to be small and shine than to be great and cast a shadow." HARRIET N. CASHNER "Cashie" 67 Richmond Avenue, Worcester August 26

Nutrition Library Council (3); Gate Post Staff, Exchange Editor (4); Dial Staff, Advertising Manager (4); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3 4> Athletic Association (4),- May Day (2),- Dial Dance, Chairman Decorations (4); Harvard-Yale, Chairman Theatre Party (4),- Senior Class Day, Chairman Pageant (4). "There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere."

HARRIET HILARY CHARKO 34 Sterling Street, Worcester March 20

Nutrition A'Kempis(1, 4),- Home Economics Stunt (4); Night (1, 2 3 ' 4)- May Day (2)'

"No one is uselessin this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else."

GLADYS CLARK 354 Broadway, Lynn July 2


Choir (4); Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Home Economics (1, 2,

3, 4); Vice-President (3) ; Y. W. C. A. (2, 3, 4),- Stunt Night (1, 2); General Chairman International Night (3); General Chairman Junior Prom (3),- Class and Club Council (4); Student Government (4); Senior Class President. "Good temper, like a sunny day, sheds a brightness over

everything. It is the sweetener of toil and the soother of disquietude."

RUTH ARLENE CONDON "Connie" 25 Colburn Street, North Attleboro February 18


Home Economics (4); A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4), Vice-President (4); Junior Prom Usher (2).

"Friendship is the greatest bond in the world." GENOVEFFA C. COREA "Gena" 24 Atherton Avenue, Roslindale April 21


Chemistry Council (1), Secretary (2), Vice-President (3), President (4); May Day, Hostess (1), Publicity Committee (2); Quiet and Order Committee (2); Gate Post Staff (2, 3); Student Government (3, 4); Junior Prom Committee Chairman (3); Junior Posture Prosram Chairman (3); Student Govern- ment Dance, Prosram Chairman (3); Class Day, Refreshment Committee Chairman (4); Clothing Department Play C3); Stunt Night (2, 3, 4); Graduation and Class Day Usher (3); Class and Club Council (4); Refreshment Committee Chairman, International Night (3); A'Kempis Club (1, 2, 3); President (4), Home Economics Club (1, 2); Finance Chairman (3, 4),- Volley Ball Athletic Association (1, 2) ; (2). "The sweetest lives are those to duty wed, Whose deeds both great and small Are close-knit strands of an unbroken thread Where love ennobles all."

CHRISTINE COX "Chris 11 Concord Street, Holliston August 18

General May Day Stunt Night Commuters' Association (1, 2) ; (2) ; (2, 3, 4); Home Economics (4). "True glory lies in the silent conquest of ourselves."

A. VIRGINIA CROWE "Ginny" 46 Central Avenue, South Braintree January 19 Nutrition

Student Co-operative Association (2, 3, 4), Vice-Presiden (4); President of Judiciary Board (4); Class President (2, 3); Class Treasurer (1); Class and Club Council (2, 3),- Student Co-operative Dance Committee (1, 2, 3),- Junior Prom Com- mittee (3); May Day General Chairman (2); Athletic Associa- tion (1, 2, 4); Home Economics (1); A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); General Chairman of A'Kempis Dance (2, 3, 4),- Usher at Junior Prom (2),- Usher at Senior Prom (3); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Hockey (1, 2); Volley Ball (2),- Basketball (2); Horseback Riding (1, 2, 4), Manager of Riding (4); Chemistry Council (1); Choir (4),- Tennis Tournament (1, 2, 3); Hand- book Committee Co-chairman (4); Yale Toastmistress (2); Mock-Man Dance Committee (1); Sport Dance (2); C. C. C. Dance (2); Christmas Pageant (2); Current Events (1); Bac- calaureate Usher (3); Class Day Usher (3). "You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy."


1 Metropolitan Avenue, Hopkinton February 19 General

Junior Prom Committee (3); Modern Dance Group (1, 2, 3); May Day (1, 2, 3),- Athletic Association (4); Harvard Basket- ball (1, 2, 3, 4); Tenniquoit (2); Tennis (1, 2, 3); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Graduation Usher (3),- Commuters' Association 0,2). "Her modest looks the cottage might adorn, Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn." DOROTHY EDITH DeVENNE "Dot" 88 Fiske Avenue, Waltham August 25


Home Economics (1, 2); Fine Arts Club (1, 2, 3, 4), Treasurer (3), Vice-President (4); Chairman of Arts and Crafts Group (2); Chairman of Lighting for Play (2, 3); Chairman of Play Committee (4); Prompter of Play (4); May Day Queen (2), May Day Costume Committee (2); Chairman of Christmas Basket Committee (3, 4); Co-chairman of Junior Prom Favor Committee (3); Chairman of Senior Chapel Committee (4); Co-chairman of Daisy Chain Committee for Class Day (4).

"You know that a little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money."

HAZEL LOUISE FAY 64 Pleasant Street, Athol August 23

Special Graduated in 1915. Returned for degree 1937-1938. Home Economics Club (4).

"True worth is in being, not seeming."

ELEANOR BARBARA FEERICK 24 Woodbine Terrace, Auburndale December 23 General

A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4), Dance Committee (4); Fine Arts (1); Home Economics (2); Junior-Senior Choir (4); Christmas Chapel (4),- International Night (2),- Senior-Freshman Tea Committee (4); French Assembly (3); Posture Assembly (3); May Day (2); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Commuters' Association (1); Tennis Tournament (1); Current Events Group (1, 2, 3, 4); Athletic Association (1, 2); Senior Prom Usher (3); Archery (1). "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."

K. ELIZABETH FOSTER "Kay." "Dizzy- Academy Hill, Westminister June 24 Nutrition

Home Economics Club (1),- Y. W. C. A. (4) ; Athletic Asso- ciation (1, 2, 3, 4); Co-Chairman of Mock Man Dance (4); Publicity Manager (3, 4); Modern Dance Assembly (2);

Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Fine Arts (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Chairman of Puppetry Group (2),- Verse Choir (2); Play (4); Fine Arts Assembly (2); Glee Club (4); Chairman of Programs for the Glee Club Jpint Concert (4); Junior-Senior Choir (4); Chair- man of Library Council (4); Chairman of Dining Room (3, 4); Gate Post Staff (4); Chairman of Decorations for Gate Post Dance (4); Chairman of Junior Prom Decorations (3); Chair- man of School Decorations for Christmas (3, 4); Chairman of Christmas Basket (1, 2); May Day (2),- Corridor Councillor (4). "Tis working with the heart and soul That makes our duty pleasure." BEATRICE MARSHA FRANKEL "Bea" 389 Trafton Road, Springfield May 14


Business Manager of Dial (4); Gate Post Staff (4); Home Economics (1, 2); Athletic Association (4); Corridor Coun- cilor (3, 4); Horace Mann Treasurer (4); Dial Dance Chairman of Programs (4); Stunt Night (2, 3, 4),- Junior Prom Co-chair- man (3); Senior Prom General Chairman (4); May Day (2). "A loyal friend, sincere and true, With a sense of humor and a keen mind, too, Capable in all she undertakes And of her work a success she makes."

ADRIENNE MARIA FRAZIER 1774 Columbia Road, Boston April 16


Modern Dance (1, 2); Junior Prom Committee,- May Day

- Pageant (1, 2); Tennis (1, 2, 3) ; Tenniquoit (1, 2); Class Day Drama. "So joyous with a laughing air." * M

DOROTHY LOUISE FROEBERG "Dotty" 81 Hillberg Avenue, Brockton May 29


Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4),- Choir (4),- V. W. C. A. (2, 3, 4); Fine Arts (1); Girl Scouts (4); May Day (2).

"The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerful-

ALDA P. GRICIUS 16 Fossdale Road, Dorchester September 23


A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); May Day (2), Chairman Refreshment Committee; Junior Prom (3), Chairman Patrons and Patronesses; Chemistry Council (2). "The one that comforts a despairing friend With words alone, does nothing. He is a friend indeed, Who proves himself a friend in need." MARGARET GUILFOYLE "Peggy" 24 Home Street, Worcester October 6


Gate Post Staff (2); Current Events Group (1, 2, 4); Athletic Association (1); Hockey (1); Stunt Show (1, 3); Modern Dance Group (2); Riding (1); Usher at Junior Prom (2); A'Kempis (1, 2, 3); Communion Breakfast Committee (2); May Day (2).

"If I had a friend who went to the bad, and I met him in

rags and poverty and disgrace, and if it ruined me to own him

and help him, I should have to do it."

SARA L. HALL "Sally- 16 Linder Terrace, Newton October 4

Special Class of 1924 diploma, returned for degree 1937-1938. Fine Arts (1, 2, 3),- Athletic Association (3); V. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3); Home Economics Club (4). "As you go through life let your fellowship follow you as the ripples follow the wake of a ship."

EVELYN AGNES HOFFMAN "Hoffie" 1610 Centre Street, Newton Highlands June 11


Commuters' Association (1); May Day (2); Home Economics (2, 3, 4); y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3, 4), Chairman Program (4); Office Assistant (4); Girl Scouts (4); Class and Club Council (4); Stunt Show (1, 2, 3, 4); Archery (2).

"No gift is more precious than good advice."


1 70 Whitmarsh Avenue, Worcester December 24


Vice-President Freshman Class,- Fine Arts Club (1), Play (1) ; y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3, 4), Cabinet (3, 4), Social Service Com- mittee (3), Boston Representative (4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Harvard Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, A), Captain Hockey Team (1, 3),- Modern Dance Group (1, 2); Home Economics Club (2 3); Program Chairman International Night (3); Gate Post Editor (3); Class and Club Council (3),- Student Co-operative Council (3),- General Chairman Gate Post Dance (4); Script Committee Class Day (4); Speaker New York Conference (4); Captain Basketball Team (3, 4).

"Life is short—too short to get everything. Choose you must, and as you choose, choose only the best— in friends, in books, in recreation, in everything." —

MARION LOUISE JONES "Brownie" 110 Metropolitan Avenue, Roslindale October 9


President Student Co-operative (4); Class Vice-President

(2, 3) ; Class and Club Council (4); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4), Board (2, 3),- Archery Manager (2); Volley Ball Manager (3),- Junior Delegate to Conference (3); Stunt Night Manager (3); Junior Prom Usher (2); Chemistry Council (2); Commuters' Council (2); Home Economics Club (1). "In all misfortunes the greatest consolation is a sympathizing friend."


General Commuters' Association (1); Home Economics (1) ; y W C A (1, 2, 3); Fine Arts May (3) ; Day Chapel (2), Usher (1) Stunt Night ; (1, 2, 3, 4); Corridor Councilor (3, 4); Posture As- sembly (3).

"Dependable, helpful, busy all day, Talking and laughing along the way, A friend and pal so good and true Tis hard to find another like you."

PRISCILLA ATTWOOD KINGSBURY 5 Curve Street, Medfield June 12


Commuters' Association (1, 2),- V. W. C. A. (4); Home Eco- nomics (4); Stunt Night (2, 3, 4); May Day (2). "By the work one knows the worker."

PHYLLIS LAWTON "Phyl" 21 4 North Street, Foxboro October 7


Commuters' Association (1, 2); Volley Ball (1); May Day (2); Orchestra (2, 3),- Stunt Night (2, 3, 4); V. W. C. A. (3, 4),- Home Economics (4),- Christmas Play (4).

"That inexhaustible good nature, which is in itself the most precious gift of heaven." 3

ANNA M. LEMIECH "Ann" 55 Mendon Street, Uxbridge February 20


Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4), Secretary (2), Vice-Presi- dent (3), Treasurer (4) ; Hockey (1, 2); Yale Basketball

(1, 2, 3, 4), Captain (2) ; Baseball (1, 2, 3); A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); A'Kempis Dance Committee (3); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Gate Post Staff (1); Choir (4); May Day (2); Sophomore Representative to Student Government (2); Usher at Junior Prom (2); Usher at Baccalaureate, Class Day, Commencement (3); Senior Prom Committee (4); Delegate to Conference (2). "Friends may come and go with the passing years, but the sweet memory of friendship's happy hour remains."

DELLA V. LOGIODICE "Del" 681 East Fourth Street, Boston October 3


May Day (2), Refreshment Committee; Stunt Night (1, 2, 3), Chairman (4); Home Economics (4), Costume Committee,- Chemistry Council (4),- Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Volley Ball Basketball (1,2,3, 4) ; (1, 2) ; Hockey (1, 2, 3, 4); Archery (1, 2); Tenniquoit (1, 2),- Handbook Committee (4); Fine Arts (2); Chairman Tickets and Programs, Student Govern- ment Dance (4); Current Events (1, 2); Evening Forum Council (4), Senior Representative.

"Life is not so short, but that there is always time enough for courtesy."

MIAN 16 Elizabeth Street, Worcester November 5


y.W.CA. (2, 3, 4),- Athletic Association (3),- Dial Staff,

Class Will (4),- Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Chemistry Council (3).

"Patience is a remedy for every sorrow."

ELINOR M. McAULIFFE 116 Gilbert Road, Belmont

March 1

May Day (2); Stunt Night (2, 3, 4); A'Kempis (2, 3, 4),- Y. W. C. A. (2); Home Economics (3, 4). "Small kindnesses, small courtesies, small considerations, habitually practiced in our social intercourse, give a greater charm to the character than the display of great talents and accomplishments." —

MARY AGNES McCAULEY "Mac" 59 Gibbon Street, Marlboro

October 1 8 General

A'KempisCI, 2, 3, 4); Fine Arts(1, 3, 4), Play(1), Usher (4); Junior Prom Hostess (2); Senior Prom Orchestra Chairman (4); General Chairman, Christmas Caroling, Song Leader, Christmas Caroling (4); Class Song (3),- Choir (4); Christmas Play (4); Stunt Night Committee (4),- May Day (2).

"Life is not life at all without delight."

GRACE E. O'DONNELL "Mazie" 315 Salisbury Street, Worcester

August 1 Nutrition

Student Government Representative (1, 4); A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); Communion Breakfast Committee (1); Chairman of Com- munion Breakfast (3); Treasurer of A'Kempis (2); Home Economics (1, 2); Harvard Yale Banquet Committee (1); Chairman Harvard Banquet (3); Gate Post (3, 4), Dance (3, 4); Dance Group (2, 3), Recital (2); Chairman of Dance Group May Day (2); Stunt Show (2, 3, 4),- Quiet and Order Com- mittee (3); Usher at Junior Prom (2); Usher at Senior Prom, Baccalaureate, and Commencement (3); Building Fund Com- mittee (3, 4); Corridor Councilor (2, 3); House President (4),- Chairman of Freshman-Senior Tea (4),- Co-Chairman Hand- book Committee (4); Student Government Dance Committee (4); Fine Arts (4); Athletic Association (2, 3, 4),- Harvard Hockey (2, 3); Hockey (1, 2, 3, A), Basketball (2, 3); Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); Hiking Manager (3),- Class Prophet (4).

"Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merri-

ment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence." >

VERA MAY REED "Delli Orleans, Mass, February 10

General Y. W. C. A. (1, 2), Treasurer (3); Corridor Councillor (4); Stunt Show (1, 2, 3, 4),- May Day (2),- Orchestra (1, 2); Current Events Group (2, 3).

"That best portion of a good man's life His little, nameless, unremembered acts Of kindness and of love."

LILLIAN E. REESE "Tillie" 78 Belvidire Avenue, Holyoke July 15


Fine Arts (1), Chairman of Properties (1); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Yale Hockey (2, 3, 4); May Day Pageant, Costume Committee (2); Senior Prom, Chairman of Favors and Programs Committee; Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4),- Class Day, (4) Costume Committee.

"A helping hand she is ready to lend To anyone, especially a friend." DOROTHEA ISABEL ROWSE "Rowsie" Old Billerica Road, Bedford Ausust 14


Current Events (1); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3); Basketball

(1, 3); Volley Ball (1,3) ; Baseball (1); Field Hockey (1, 3), May Day (2); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Hostess at Junior Prom (3); Chairman of Refreshment Committee, Junior Prom (3) Usher at Commencement (3),- Corridor Councilor (4); Judi- ciary Board (4); Chemistry Council (4); Home Economics (4)^ Chairman of Ushers, Commencement Week (4); Class Day (4) "The sincere alone can recognize sincerity."

MARGARET ALICE SCHNEIDER 10 Sherbrook Avenue, Worcester March 29


Y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3, 4), Social Service Chairman (3) ; Home Economics (1, 2, 3, 4), Publicity Chairman (3), May Supper Chairman (3), President (4); May Day, Usher (1), Costume Chairman (2); Class Day, Costume Chairman (4),- Choir (4); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Class and Club Council (4).

"Here is a dear, a true, industrious friend."


L_i^ l 40,Woodlawn Street, Jamaica Plain October 3

Nutrition May Day, Usher"(1), Refreshment Committee (2); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Home Economics (2, 4); Y. W. C. A. (2, 3, 4); Current Events (1, 2); Class Day Properties Committee (4).

"Character is the governing element of life and is above genius."

MARTHA E. SULLIVAN 6 Union Street, Waterbury, Vermont June 26

Special Returned for a degree. A'Kempis Club (4); Home Economics Club (4).

"Cheerfulness is a small virtue, it is true, but it sheds such a brightness around us in this life that n.either dark clouds nor rain can dispel its happy influence." LUCY F. VALENTINE 62 Pleasant Street, Framingham Center March 7


Quiet and Order Committee (1); Committee for May Day (2); Gate Post Staff (3); Fine Arts Club (3); Handbook Committee (3); Senior Prom Committee (4), Chairman of Ushers,- Stunt Night Committee (4); Costume Committee for Class Day (4).

"Every right action and true thought sets the seal of its beauty on person and face."

HELEN ALFREDA WALKER 51 Marblehead Street, North Andover October 22


Current Events (1); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Tenni- quoit Tournament Winner (1); Basketball, Class (1, 2, 3, 4);

Yale (1, 2, 3, 4); Volleyball (1) ; Hockey (3, 4); Baseball (3); May Day (2); Judiciary Board (2, 3); Home Economics (4), Program Chairman; Gate Post Staff (3, 4); Musical Clubs (2, 3, 4), President (4); Choir (4); Junior Prom Finance Chair- man; Girl Scouts (4); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Usher at Com- mencement (3); General Chairman, Class Day (4); Class and Club Council (4).

"Thought is the property of him who can entertain it, and of him who can adequately plan it."

RANCES CAMUON WETMORE "Freddy' 248 May Street, Worcester April 9


Fine Arts(1, 2, 3, 4) ; Play (4). "Sing away sorrow, cast away care.

HARRIET WHITE "Harry" 7 Fenwood Road, Worcester April 15


May Day, Costume Committee (2); International Night (4); Chapel Pianist (4).

"A good disposition is more valuable than gold, for the latter is the gift of fortune, but the former is the dower of nature." JANE MILLER WOLFE 28 Claflin Street, Milford December 5


Fine Arts (2); Y. W. C. A. (3, 4), Cabinet Member (4); May Day Chapel Committee (2). "Self reverence, self knowledge, self control — These three alone lead life to sovereign power."

EDITH M. YUILL "Edie" 39 Glendale Street, Easthampton April 22


Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Yale Hockey (1, 2, 3, 4); Volley Ball Class Hockey 4),- Class Basketball (1, 2) ; (1, 2, (2, 3); Archery Manager (4); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Modern Dance (2, 3); Fine Arts (1, 2, 3, 4); Fine Arts Play (2); Fine Arts Play Committee (3); Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Glee Club Librarian (3); Choir (4); Gate Post (1, 2, 3, 4); Gate Post

Dance (3); C.C.C. Dance (4) ; Library Council (1, 2, 3); May Day Casting Chairman (2); Junior Comptroller Class and Club Funds (3); Senior Comptroller Class and Club Funds (4). "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast To soften rocks or bind a knotted oak."

JENNIE F. ZINKOWSKI "Jay" 23 Fernboro Street, Roxbury September 24

General Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Commuters' Association (1, 2); Commuters' Council (2); Library Council (2); Junior Prom Usher (2); May Day (2); Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4), Captain (1, 2); Volley Ball (2, 3), Captain (2); Junior Prom Com- mittee (3); A'Kempis (1); Home Economics (4); Chairman Costume Committee, International Night (4); Baseball (3); Stunt Show (1, 2, 3), Committee (1).

"A smile among dark frowns,- a beloved light; A solitude, a refuge, a delight." PAULINE F. BERGER Oak Park, Illinois April 5


Graduated in 1913, returned for degree February, 1938.

"Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object."

GRACE C. HUDDY (MRS.) Framingham March 26


Graduated in 1920, returned for degree February, 1938. "Tis good to live and learn."


Special Framingham 1913-1914; Graduated Skidmore, Teacher's Diploma, 1915; Returned to Framingham for degree, 1938. "For they can conquer who believe they can." —

AVIS ELIZABETH BALLENTINE "Betty" Cataumet, Mass. April 3


Chairman Properties for May Day (2); Chairman Properties for Class Day (4); Usher for Class Day and Graduation (3); Christmas Play (1); Dance Committee (4); Orchestra (1, 2, 3); Athletic Association (1, 2); Volley Ball (1, 2); Fine Arts (1, 2); Home Economics (3, 4); Usher for May Day (1). "Very good hearted, loving and kind, A truer friend you'll never find."

PRISCILLA HORTON "Sid- 2280 Washington Street, Canton March 7


Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4), Board (1, 3, 4),- Stunt Night (1, 2, A), Chairman (2); Class Hockey (1, 2, 3, 4), Captain

(2, 4); Yale Hockey (1, 2, 3, 4), Captain (3) ; Basketball (1, 2, 4); Volley Ball (1, 2); Modern Dance (1, 2); Current Events (1, 2); May Day (2); Harvard-Yale Chairman (4). Dial Dance Program Committee (4); Handbook Committee (2) Y. W. C. A. (3, 4), Bazaar (3); Home Economics (2, 3) International Night Committee (3); Fine Arts (1); Choir (4). "In hockey she has been our star Our best to her! May she go far."

ELIZABETHJMAY NEWTON "Betty" 165 Central Street, Auburn April 25

General Class Secretary (3, 4); Gate Post Staff (2); Athletic Associa- tion Ball (1, 2, 3,4); Basketball (2, 4) ; Hockey (2); Volley

(1, 2) ; Tennis (2),- Home Economics (3, 4); Fine Arts (1, 2); Harvard-Yale Committee Chairman (2); Yale Cheerleader (3, 4); Christmas Play (1); Dance Committee (4); Usher at Senior Prom (3),- Usher at May Day (1),- Usher at Class Day and Graduation (3). "If you stop to be kind, you must swerve often from your path."

LOUISE GERTRUDE ROYCROFT 87 Hollingsworth Street, Mattapan March 13


May Day (2); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Treasurer (2, 3); May Day Chairman of Programs and Publicity (2); Usher at Junior Prom (2); Posture Scout (3); Chairman of Casting Committee for Class Day Pageant (4); A'Kempis (4); Dial Dance, Patrons and Patronesses Committee (4); May Day Hostess (1).

"There is nothing so kingly as kindness And nothing so royal as truth." MYRTLE HELEN SCHNEIDER 25 Cherry Street, Hudson July 6


Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Junior-Senior Choir (4); May Day- Pageant Committee (2); Gate Post Literary Editor (4); Framing- r «.1» ham News Reporter (4); Prize Speaking Contest, Runner Up (3); Managing Editor Dial (4); Chairman Freshman Week (4); General Chairman Dial Dance (4).

"Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have; what you are will show in what you do."

ESTHER STENSBY 3 Bedford Street, Concord June 25


Editor of Dial (4); Dial Dance, Chairman of Patrons and" Patronesses (4); May Day, Programs and Publicity Committee (2); Stunt Night (2, 3, A), Current Events (1, 2); Hockey (1, 2); Volley Ball (2); Gate Post Staff (2, 3, 4); Chemistry Council (3).

"How sweet, how passing sweet is solitude, But grant me still a friend in my retreat

Whom I may whisper—solitude is sweet." PHYLLIS MARGARET ANGELO "Fifi* June 15


Commuters' Council (1, 4); Dance Group Class Day (4); Usher at Operetta (3); Stunt Show (3, 4); Refreshment Com- mittee Operetta (3); Grounds Committee (3); A'Kempis Club (3, 4).

"The fountain of beauty is the heart, and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber."

JEANNETTE LOUISE AUCOIN "h 25 Lowell Street, Waltham February 10


A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); Stunt Night (3, 4).

"Ready in heart and ready in hand."



Tenniquoit (1); Library Council (2); Y. W. C. A. (2, 3), Social Service Committee (3); Glee Club (2, 3, 4); Riding (3) Class Day Operetta (3); Student Government Council (4) Commuters' Council Chairman (4),- Modern Dance Group (4) Noon Forum, Freshman Handbook Committee.

"Power can do by gentleness what violence fails to accom plish; and calmness best enforces wisdom's guides."

PATRICIA BERKELEY CARR "Pat" 38 Bates Street, Dedham September 11

-* Elementary

Glee Club (4); Debating Club (4); Class Day (4); Script Com- mittee Chairman (4). "Her willing hand—her pleasant face, In our class won a worthy place." * DOROTHY M. FALVEY 54 Winslow Street, Cambridge June 30


Commuters' Council (2); Dial Staff, Class Will (4); Glee Club

(4); Basketball (2, 3); Hockey (2, 3) ; Operetta (3); Inter- national Night (4); Choir (4); Modern Dance (2, 3, 4). "Tis the song you sing, and the smile you wear That scatters the sunshine everywhere."

DOROTHY FURBUSH "Bushy" 50 Waverley Oaks Road, Waltham May 20


Hockey Class Team (1, 2, 3), Captain (3); Basketball Class Team (1, 2, 3); Hockey, Yale (1, 2, 3, 4); Baseball (1, 2, 3); Volley Ball (1); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Modern Dance (4); Class Treasurer (2),- Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Senior Choir (4); Glee Club Pianist (4),- Class Day Operetta (3); Athletic Editor Dial (4); Chairman of Ushers Dial Dance (4); Modern Orchestra (1).

"She had withal a merry wit And was not shy of using it."

KATHERINE RITA GILBOY Exchange Street, Millis January 28


Quiet and Order Committee (4), Chairman; Noon Forum President (4),- Dial Staff Historian (4),- Student Council (4),- A'Kempis (4); Arbor Day Speaker (3).

"She is constant as the Northern Star Of whose true fixed and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament."

CORA RITA HUBERT 115 Broad Street, Hudson November 30


A'Kempis (1, 2, 3); Fine Arts (3); Class Basketball (1, 2).

"Good-natured she is without a doubt, A girl we're glad to have about. She's always willing to do her share, A dandy sport and one that's fair." —

RUTH CLAIRE LANDRY "Ruthie" 36 Hall Avenue, Watertown October 5


A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4),- Stunt Night (3, 4); Co-chairman of Senior Prom. "She has two eyes so soft and brown—beware!"

MARGARET RITA MURPHY 59 Elliot Street, Newton Highlands July 19


Class Officer, Treasurer (4); Education Week Program Chair- man (4); Class Day Dance Group Chairman (4),- Glee Club (4),-

Fine Arts (3); Dial Staff (3) ; A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); Operetta (3). Intelligent, merry

But even to the utmost I was a friend."

MARY McDONALD "Mac" 600 Huron Avenue, Cambridge February 9

Elementary A'Kempis (3, 4); Debating Society,- Current Events Group (3, 4); Senior Prom Committee (4); Modern Dance Group (4).

"I want to aid where e'er I can,- Whenever there's need of me

I want to lend a helping hand."

HELEN WINIFRED NOLAN 32 Elmwood Avenue, Watertown February 22


A'Kempis (1, 2, 3, 4); Stunt Night (3, 4). "Dark hair and laughing eyes, A nimble brain that is a prize, A warm smile and a willing hand; We'll cheer for the girl —she's grand. HELEN VIRGINIA RANDALL 5 Lake Shore Road, Natick

October 1 8


Fine Arts (3); Stunt Show (3, 4). "She lives for those that love her Whose hearts are kind and true, For the human ties that bind her And the good that she can do."

FLORENCE SOLOMON 38 Lawrence Street, Framingham

January 1


Commuters' Club(1); Freshman Tea (3); Stunt Night (1, 2, 4); Operetta (3); Library Council (4). "Lovely to look at, jolly to laugh with, firm to depend on."

AGNES ELIZABETH STONE "Betty" 46 Aberdeen Street, Newton Highlands July 8


Student Co-operative Representative (2, 3), Vice-President (4),- Class and Club Council (3), President (4),- Dial Staff, Managing Editor (3), Art Editor (4); Gate Post Staff Assistant Editor (2); Senior Committee Scenery for Operetta (3); Chairman, Junior Prom (2); Usher at Senior Prom (2); Y. W. C. A. (3, 4), Bazaar Chairman (3); Hockey (1); Stunt Night (1, 2, 3, 4); General Chairman, Dial Dance (3); Dele- gate to New York Conference (3); Modern Dance (4); Class Day Committee (4). "Conscientious, reliant, and independent Keen, determined, she gains her goal. Creating happy spirit wherever she goes A real good friend to all she knows."

RUTH C. THOMPSON "Tommie" 2 Thayer Street, Belmont February 8 Elementary

Orchestra (1, 2); Choir (4); Commuters' Council (2); Library Council (3); Music Chairman, Class Day (4),- Operetta (3); Dial Staff, Class Prophecy (4); Modern Dance Group (3, 4); International Night (3, 4); Basketball (2, 3, 4); Field Hockey (2, 3). "A merry twinkle of the eye, A sunny smile as she passes by." 'Tuckie" BARBARA E. TUCKER 23 Pearl Street, Marlboro May 27

Elementary School Student Co-operative (3),- Gate Post Staff, Training Chairman Reporter (2); Quiet and Order Committee (3); Senior Committee Stunt Night (3, 4); Gate Post Dance Com- mittee (3); Y. W. C. A. (3, 4); Commuters Council (4); Student Alumnae Building Committee (4); Dial Staff, Humor Vice-President (4); Glee Club (4). <4) ; Class "Personally, she's conscientious, Studious, clever, and unpretentious,- To attain the finest is her desire, Her work is something to admire.


1 26 Edinboro Street, Marlboro August 12

Elementary Musical Clubs. "Happv and merry all the day, Friendly and jolly in every way, she'll always lend A helping hand ;> We are proud to call her everyone's friend.

LILLIAN WIGOD "Wiggle" 39 Robinhood Street, Auburndale May 9


Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Day Operetta (3); Modern Orchestra (1); Current Events Group (1, 4),- Stunt Night (3); Posture Council (3),- Senior Prom Committee (4); Modern Dance Group (4); Class Day Music Committee (4).

"She's what she is —what better report? A girl, a student, a friend, a good sport."

JEANNETTE ADELE WILCOX "Jan" 66 Chester Road, Belmont

February 1 4


Student Co-operative Class Representative (1); Class and Club Council (4); Class Officer, Vice-President (3); Chair- man of Rings and Pins (3); Quiet and Order Committee (2); House Officer, Secretary (3), Vice-President (4); Fine Arts Club (1, 2, 3, 4), Treasurer (2), Vice-President (3), President (4),- General Chairman of Play (2); Chairman of Play Com- mittee (2), Chairman of Publicity (4); Play (1, 2); Athletic Association (1, 2, 3, 4); Harvard Hockey (4); Class Hockey and Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Day, Chairman of Programs and Libretto for Operetta (3); Chairman of Make Up (4); Entertainment and Casting Committees (4); Dial Dance Com- mittee (4); Usher at Senior Prom (2); Usher at Class Day (2). "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." SHIRLEY ROSSAMORE RIVITZ 24 Fuller Street, Brookline January 23


Class Day Operetta (3); May Day Dancer (1); Representative of Class (1),- Natural Dance Group (1, 4); Bridgewater Play Day Dancer (1); Current Events Group (1, 2, 4); Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Orchestra (1, 2); Tennis (1); Stunt Show (3, 4); Leader of Modern Orchestra (1); Class Day Dancer (4).

"Whatever she attempts she does, smilingly, with all her might." former riembers of the (^>lass o~ 1900

Anderson, Verna, 90 Fiske Street, Waltham.

Carpenter, Genevra, Tucson, Arizona.

Clark, Frances M., 1478 Park Street, Attleboro.

Clark, Lydia M., 20 Sewall Street, Framingham.

Gibbs, Elizabeth, 49 Burdett Avenue, Framingham,- Conservatory of Music.

Goodman, Gertrude, 10 Tahanto Road, Worcester.

Harris, Marjorie E., 40 Joslin Street, Leominster; Mass. State.

Holden, Ruth W., 409 North Main Street, Palmer.

Karp, Ronnie, Lowell, married.

Kelley, Alice J., Holbrook, married.

Kingston, Agnes L., Cambridge,- Highrock Secretarial School.

Knight, Margaret L., Falmouth, Mrs. Wells.

Knowles, Maiie L., Eastham.

Mayo, Eleanore, Mrs. Robert Fletcher.

McNeill, Doris, Framingham, married.

Miller, Helen, Worcester, Mrs. Stephen Pawelski.

Nickerson, Harriet, Chatham, Mrs. Wendell Deer.

Nielson, Margaret, Canada, Mrs. Rykard.

O'Donnell, M. Beverly, 9 Hall Street, Worcester.

Poucher, Ethel M., Hyannis, Mrs. Burse.

Seagrave, Gertrude, 147 Vergil Avenue, Ohio, Mrs. Wendell Fitch.

Tapp, Virginia G., 121 State Street, Framingham.

Tatelman, Shyrlie, Mrs. Samuel Shriberg.

Vars, Ida E., Natick, married.

Ward, Anna, 31 Hudson Avenue, Lawrence.

"Woodhead, Glenna, 26 Bancroft Park, Hopedale,- Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston



President Charlotte Sherrill

Vice-President Louise Osborne

Secretary Priscilla Pettingel

Treasurer Jean White Clo SS O" 1939

Each one of us is getting nearer and nearer to the goal that we set for ourselves our Freshman year. Our friends have helped us greatly to gain that goal by the inspiration that they have given us. Someone has said:

' The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship,-

it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one

when he discovers that someone else believes in him

and is willing to trust him with his friendship."

The friends that we have made here at Framingham will be with us all through the years to come. Even though far away they will still give us inspiration, for there is a partnership in friendship that is very binding. None can define friendship, yet we all enjoy it.

In the year that is left us, we hope to make new friends and to better understand our old ones, for they are our best ones,- and to the classes that come after us, we wish as much success and happiness in their friendships as we have had in ours.

Margaret Lovett. oM^ousehold c/Nrts duni ors

Ahtio, Paula V. 268 Central Street, Gardner Bartlett, Rebecca M. 92 Coburn Avenue, Worcester

Bryant, Ella E. 29 Clairemont Park, Boston Burkett, Mary V. 83 Hawthorne Street, East Weymouth Carlisle, Caroline E. 167 Warren Avenue, Wollaston

Carroll, Helene E. 43 Virginia Street, Springfield

Chaffin, Ruth E. 21 Brighton Road, Worcester

Chouinard, Lois E. B Street, Hopkinton

Cote, Bernice E. Oak Street, Grafton Crown, Arline L. Main Street, Wamesit Danahy, Rita C. Cedar Street, Hopkinton Dickenson, Ruth 1063 Worcester Road, Framingham Dunton, Leah M. 19 Grove Street, Milford Eggers, Gloria C. 11 Hamshire Road, Framingham Fiske, Mable A. 75 School Street, Manchester Friedman, Judith 158 Morningside Road, Worcester

Fuller, Dorothy E. R. F. D. No. 1, Lowell Golden, Irene M. 177 Sandwich Street, Plymouth Goldthwaite, Eleanor L. Pleasant Street, Dunstable

Gray, Margaret L. Ash Street, Hopkinton Guaragna, Lucille M. 35 Van Winkle Street, Holliston Hanley, Alice 71 Coburn Avenue, Worcester Hersey, Alma M. Box 575 Hopedale (Mendon) Higgins, Mary M. 200 Walnut Street, Holyoke Horgan, Alice G. 185 Highland Street, Worcester Jarisch, Thelma C. 118 Fountain Street, Springfield Jolikko, Edith S. 6 Squam Road, Rockport Kellogg, Florence B. 34 Cleveland Street, Arlington Kerrigan, Mary V. 781 Hanover Street, Fall River Knight, Marguerite B. 364 Lincoln Street, Marlboro Larner, Madeline 269 North Street, North Weymouth

Lewis, Constance E. King Street, Falmouth Lovett, Margaret T. Main Street, Hatfield Luce, Carolyn A. Dalton Mcllvene, Louise 289 Middle Street, Braintree Merrill, Lodema A. Francis Street, Lunenberg Murray, Jane 34 Bower Street, West Medford Nourse, Marion Sterling Junction O'Connor, Margaret 11 Beechmont Street, Worcester Oram, Phyllis 45 Kenneth Street, West Roxbury Osborne, Louise 271 Lowell Street, Peabody Palmer, Jeannette 74 Commodore Road, Worcester Parmenter, Beatrice D. 41 Sawin Street, Marlboro

Phelan, Phyllis F. Pine Swamp Road, Ipswich Household Arts Juniors --- continued

Pinson, Virginia 823 Market Street, Rockland

Pike, Eleanor F. 40 Cranberry Road, Weymouth

Radovsky, Claire P. 1316 Highland Avenue, Fall River Seely, Elizabeth M. 23 Bowditch Road, Jamaica Plain Sherrill, Charlotte 16 Downing Road, Brookline

Smith, Marjorie B. 9 Fruit Street, Milford

Smith, Rosemary J. 441 Holmes Road, Pittsfield

Smith, Shirley J. Chilmark Stott, Edith C. 403 North Main Street, Andover

Teahan, Ruth E. 57 Nonotuck Street, Holyoke Waitz, Esther Boston Road, Billetica Weeks, Katherine N. Williams Avenue, Barre White, Eleanor D. Acuschet Station, New Bedford White, Jean 9 Hancock Street, Auburndale Whiting, Eleanor 56 Mill Street, Worcester Whitney, Catherine H. 48 Forest Street, North Brookfield Whittemore, Louise 47 Worcester Lane, Waltham

Wilcox, Phyllis L. 17 Nanset Road, North Weymouth

Wild, Ruth E. 529 Walnut Street, Fall River

Vocational dunio rs

Amidon, Beatrice M. 151 Riverside Drive, Dedham Kolodziej, Genevieve S. 344 Washington Street, Haverhill

Mackie, Evelyn F. 163 Cambridge Street, Fall River

Mortimer, Claire E. 28 Brent Street, Dorchester

Rodger, Martha E. 10 Med way Street, Dorchester Zepp, Anita D. 177 Metropolitan Avenue, Roslindale v£l emeniary dun ors

Aiken, Eleanor E. 42 Whitfield, West Somerville Blyth, Catherine M. 312 Center Street, Newton

Byrnes, Ruth E. 116 Danforth Street, Saxonville Carle, Barbara 27 Cross Street, West Newton Cavanaugh, Rita 697 Washington Street, Dedham Churchill, Helen G. Whitney Street, Northboro Delaney, Patricia W. 23 Linden Place, Dedham

Ellis, Catherine M. 9 Orange Street, Nantucket

Emery, Elizabeth P. 3 Winthrop Street, Winchester Epstein, Alice 19 Melvin Avenue, Brighton Feldman, Ruth 263 Irving Stieet, Framingham Fitzgerald, Eleanore M. 42 Cottage Street, Hudson

Gage, Anna R. Brewster Garland, Ruth C. 111 Washington Street, Wellesley Gibbs, Alice A. 35 Commonwealth Road, Cochituate Gunn, Anna M. 38 Carleton Street, Newtonville Goodman, Grace C. 202 Charles Street, Waltham

Hemingway, Ruth A. R. F. D. No. 1, Framingham Konetzny, Margaret M. 25 Clarendon Street, Newtonville Lamb, Levona T. 1 Woodman Avenue, Haverhill Lynch, Margaret M. 55 Essex Street, Marlboro

Lyons, Kathleen R. 87 Maynard Street, Roslindale McKeon, Marion 980 Main Street, Worcester McManus, Louise M. 8 Irving Road, Weston

Morrily, Mary F. 102 Alexander Street, Framingham Millane, Margaret B. 100 Van Horn Street, West Springfield

Nagel, Marian F. Burtch Street, Sheffield Nelson, Emma H. 4 Mendon Street, Upton Novick, Belle Millis O'Neill, Ellen M. 727 Parker Street, Roxbury Pease, Elvie W. 7 Mechanic Street, Monson Pettingell, Priscilla 62 School Street, Dedham Ricker, Mabel A. 45 Bennett Street, Hudson Russo, Marie R. 176 Dedham Street, Newton Highlands Scholl, Myrtle A. 6 Morse Street, Natick

Short, Mary F. 6 Greymere Road, Brighton

Snow, Edyth E. 23 Raymond Street, Framingham Stacey, Katherine 114 Antrim Street, Cambridge Sullivan, Meave T. 9 Clark Street, Brookline Voudouris, Mary C. 22 Strathmore Road, Brookline Thompson, Athene R. 17 Frederick Street, Framingham Westergren, Lillian S. Wellesley

White, Rita I. 40 Mellon Street, Framingham Williams, Fern E. 106 Speen Street, Natick



President Phyllis Carlson

Vice-President Katherine Barrett

Secretary Jeanne Arbuckle

Treasurer Janeth Ford Dophomores-Oilly?

We are just completing our second year at Framingham State Teachers College. On our arrival, more than a year ago, we were—as are most Freshmen—a wee bit frightened and a wee bit cocky, but thoroughly interested in our new environment.

The freshman year was filled with surprises at every turn. Stunt Night! It shocked us into a discovery of the talents possessed by our class, only to bewilder us as to what would seem acceptable to our elders. Looking back, we recall errors which, now we are sophomores, we shall not be guilty of repeating,- but, even so, after the show was over, and despite our failure to capture a prize, we privately acknowledged our first united effort "not bad." Song Contest—another trial to which we were subjected. We may not be musical critics but we all feel ours was a dainty song with a catchy tune, and even now we hum it through, every once in a while.

And now—our second year. In the fall we looked forward to more fun and closer friendships. Fortunately, perhaps, we couldn't see what was in store for us around the corner: maps and more maps,- double-cord seams and faced-and-bound plackets,- lesson plans and history dates! However, other classes have come through with flying colors, so here we are "a-tryin." We might call ourselves the "busy sophs," yet the term is hardly adequate to include the work for our second Stunt Night, our second Song

Contest, and a new opportunity which brought to light further ingenuity of our class- mates—the Sophomore May Day—requiring carpenters, costume designers, composers, authors, and actresses. But the fun of working together as an undivided group has been worth the small sacrifices some of us have had to make.

Yes— it has been great, the second year of ours. We'll never forget it—the one in which we were all together; no practice teaching, no Crocker, no "Voc." House.

Perhaps it might be called our acclimation period—a sophomore's knock on the door of sophistication. Mary Callahan. Lytousenold ^/Nris Oopnomnores

Bemis, Lois M. Summer Street, Northboro Birch, Sylvia 80 Hillcrest Road, Belmont

Blackie, Dorothy R. 19 Hughes Street, Springfield Calder, Rhoda 780 Brayton Road, South Somerset Callahan, Rachel 159 Radford Street, Yonkers, New York Cantwell, Pearl 81 Garfield Street, Springfield Carlson, Phyllis 18 Francis Street, Worcester Carney, Catherine H. 137 Morse Street, Sharon Chick, Helen 72 Harvard Street, Chelsea Corre, Jofrette 18 Miller Avenue, Holyoke Cummings, Doris 59 Cambridge Street, Woburn Cummings, Sylvia 43 Pasadena Road, Roxbury

Currie, Esther E. 303 Auburndale Avenue, Auburndale Currier, Marion 105 Prescott Street, North Andover Davis, Elvi S. 4 Bourne Street, Worcester Delaney, Maria 40 Kingsbury Street, Worcester D'Elia, Pauline 41 Marian Street, Medford Douglass, Genevieve 818 Winthrop Avenue, Revere Durfee, Mary C. 19 Summer Street, Fairhaven Dorr, Emma 334 Kendtick Street, Newton Flynn, Ruth 6 Merritt Place, Attleboro, Mass. Ford, Janeth A. 33 Gale Avenue, Pittsfield Geddes, Margaret J. 77 Hall Street, North Adams Goyette, Margaret 1250 Northampton Street, Holyoke Green, Dorothy 83 High Street, Needham Hayes, Rita 19 Whitney Terrace, Dorchester Hedge, Gladys 3 Holt Avenue, Worcester Hesslink, Margaret 19 Belvidere Road, Framingham Hillner, Dorothy 1622 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge Jurusz, Leona A. 14 Rockwood Street, Jamaica Plain Kassabian, Anna 30 Glen Street, Worcester Kellaway, Ruth E. 19 Wyman Street, Waban Keller, Florence 16 Allen Street, Woburn Kelley, Eileen M. 295 Bellevue Street, West Roxbury Kinsman, Phyllis 963 Worcester Road, Framingham Kirby, Marguerite 37 Beulah Street, Whitman Kontrim, Nellie A. 120 Marine Road, South Boston Lajoie, Alice 180 Stafford Street, Worcester Lancaster, Dorothy L. South Dartmouth Lincoln, Grace C. 35 Elm Street, Milton Lowney, Marjorie 59 Mattapan Street, Mattapan Maurullo, Catherine 25 Arlington Street, Worcester McCarthy, Elizabeth 17 Rosemary Street, Jamaica Plain Household Arts Sophomores---continued

Newell, Anne E. 93/2 Washington Avenue, Holyoke O'Connor, Ursula State Teachers College, Framingham

Page, Ruth 1 Coleman Road, South Byfield

Parker, Louise 1 Sunset Street, Amherst Plastridge, Nathalie Concord Road, Bedford Pecevich, Jennie 600 South Street, Shrewsbury Plummer, Laura 190 Williams Avenue, East Lynn Powers, Agatha _ 83 Florence Street, Worcester Profita, Josephine 57 Snow Hill, Boston Riley, Santina 94 Hillside Road, Franklin Rousseau, Marylou 29 Jeppson Avenue, Worcester Sacco, Mary 540 Haverhill Street, Lawrence

Shorrock, Dorothy E. 259 Savin Hill Avenue, Dorchester Shultz, Esther 17 Lake Street, Amesbury Smith, Beatrice 604 Fulton Street, Medford Smith, Lois Harwich

Spaulding, Ruth I. 67 Bowers Street, Newtonville Stacy, Olive West Yarmouth

Thomas, Ruth S. 64 Sever Street, Worcester Walsh, Rosamond 61 Wollaston Avenue, Arlington Heights Wetherbee, Arline M. Burnham Road, Bolton Wright, Harriet 10 Wolcott Street, Readville Wuorenmaa, Ann 255 Main Street, Gardner

Vocational Sophomores

Callahan, Mary 9A Lakeview, Arlington Hall, Marjorie 265 Main Street, Montague City Hathaway, Hope 84 Court Street, New Bedford Hofstra, Bernice Main Street, West Medway Martin, Frances 74 Wellesley Street, Weston McCaffrey, Hester Main Street, Shrewsbury Schlepegrell, Georgia 13 Woodland Street, Sharon Watters, Grace 80 Barnaby Street, Fall River Weber, Laura 22 Englewood Avenue, Worcester ^)lemeniary Doph omores

Andrews, Louise 180 Allerton Road, Newton Highlands Arbuckle, Jeanne 198 School Street, Somerville Barrett, Katherine 1593 Centre Street, Newton Highlands Chesarone, Jennie 915 Chestnut Street, Waban Gampitt, Ruth 25 Broad Street, Plainville Clark, Marguerite 79 Wood Avenue, Mattapan Clarke, Mary 118 Congress Street, Orange Coffin, Helene 15 North Liberty Street, Nantucket Cotter, Marsaret E. 169 Elliot Street, Newton Upper Falls Clune, Marie E. 23 Channing Road, Newton Centre Deagle, Alvina M. 349 Linwood Avenue, Newtonville Donnellan, Alice N. 36 Carver Road, East Watertown Dwyer, Mary E. 346 Cherry Street, West Newton Eagan, Marguerite A. 301 High Street, Somerset

Ebell, Gertrude P. 63 Rockland Place, Newton Upper Falls Grant, Madelyn L. 11 Adams Street, Medfield Hackett, Christine 14 Bates Road, Watertown Hobbs, Harriet 30 DeLoss Street, Framingham Keyes, Margaret 11 Osborne Road, Brookline

Keylor, Marjorie F. 5 Highledge Avenue, Wellesley Long, Dorothy 170 State Street, Framingham MacDonald, Margaret A. 377 Linwood Avenue, Newtonville Martin, Delores 153 Trapelo Road, Waltham McAuliffe, Alice 116 Gilbert Road, Belmont Mueller, Margaret 49 Hazel Street, Watertown Murphy, Helen 68 North Avenue, Natick Murphy, Mary E. Hampden Road, Monson Norman, Shirley 17 Lyman Terrace, Waltham O'Donnell, Mary L. 17 Carpenter Street, Amesbury Parker, Christine 68 Brown Street, Pittsfield Pattison, Marjorie 211 Walnut Street, Holyoke Pellissier, Laura 229 Northampton Street, Holyoke Robart, Beatrice 197 Lexington Avenue, Cambridge Roberts, Edna 51 Worcester Street, Belmont Savage, M. Barbara 86 Shawmut Avenue, Marlboro Scully, Dorothy 29 Walter Street, Newton Center Stafford, Ruth 14 Catherine Street, Worcester Werber, Sylvia 36 Bancroft Avenue, Milford Wheeler, Florence A. Summer Road, Berlin Wilbur, Frances 423 Weir Street, Taunton Wozniak, Helen Northfield



President Marion Blood

Vice-President Muriel Wallace

Secretary Helen Maxwell

Treasurer Elizabeth Story Class of 1941

Now that we have terminated the first and perhaps the most difficult stage of our

journey to the "Land of Knowledge, a four years' pilgrimage which every girl who is

a graduate of Framingham State Teachers College well remembers, we may look down with sweeping glance from our pedestal, a mere foothill compared to those blue moun-

tains ahead of us which we have yet to ascend, upon the territory we have left behind.

As the sun sinks in the west, a glorious red ball of fire, we may perceive in the distance the dim, hazy outlines of miniature, winding streams, those rivers which we had found almost impossible to ford, so deep were they and so swift. Now, they appear so un- disturbed, so tranquil! Upon the surface of each seems to be imprinted tfie following words:

"And he who hopes to scale the heights without enduring pain,

And toil and strife, but wastes his life in idle quest and vain."

For us, each one of these rivers signifies some phase of work which has been ac- complished, some lesson which has been learned. The thin wisp of ribbon which can barely be discerned on the horizon signifies friendship, is a symbol of the numerous friendships which we have formed throughout the year. The second stream stands for the amount of effort which we have put into our studies and extra-curricular activities. The small tributary which we can see branching off to the east, stands for willingness, that characteristic which goes hand in hand with effort. If we look a little to the left, we may perceive a wide creek groping its way through the far-away meadows, one of the first, yet one of the easiest bodies of water we were obliged to ford. This signifies co-operation and good sportsmanship, two traits of character displayed by all members of this class during Freshman Week, and two that have persisted throughout the two semesters. As the shadows deepen and we peer down into the valley below, we calmly watch the large, placid river gliding by, where, we do not know. And what could this nearest river represent? It signifies leadership, active participation in college life.

All about us now is darkness, but wait, one lone star, the evening star, is shining.

Perhaps this is to be our torch, our guide throughout the coming year.

Hazel Williamson. Lytousenold ^HAs fresh men

Allen, Virginia 15 Rosemont Street, Lynn Atkins, Emily 4 Williams Place, Middleboro Aubertin, Dorothy 35 Carlisle Street, Worcester Babson, Marjorie 279 William Street, Stoneham Baker, Erma 3 Whitehill Street, Taunton Berry, Margaret 20 Gilmore Street, Wollaston Brine, Constance 73 Prospect Street, West Newton Calkins, Betty Jean Walnut Street, Rutland Call, Doris 305 High Street, Newburyport Capeless, Mary C. 56 Charles Street, Pittsfield Catler, June 65 School Street, Quincy Cole, Marion 33 Peak Hill Road, West Roxbury Cook, Virginia Lane 15 Park Street, Norwood Curran, Mary L. 61 Park Street, Arlington Darling, Muriel 49 DeForest Street, Hyde Park Dolan, Virginia M. 18 Copley Street, Roxbury Fahey, Ruth 76 Howard Street, Waltham Farr, Jeanette Tilley Street, Ludlow Ferris, Madeline 173 Hampden Street, Chicopee Fitzpatrick, Margaret Stafford Street, Rochdale Flavin, Grace 14 Forest Street, Attleboro Fresia, Eva 769 East Street, Pittsfield Garoian, Agnes 59 Plymouth Street, Cambridge Gendron, Lillian C. 32 Burtt Street, Lowell Gray, Florie L. 33 John Street, Worcester Gray, Jeanette Coolidge Street, Sherbotn Hearn, Audry 202 Beacon Street, Worcester Hogan, Vivian West Street, Sheldonville Jouannet, Ann 29 Athelwold Street, Dorchester Kroepel, Lois 211 Lower Westfield Road, Holyoke Labouteley, Dorothy 40 Norfolk Street, Holliston Lamborghini, Eleanor Main Street, Bryantville Leamy, Margaret 59 Greenleaf Street, Quincy L'Esperance, Bernardine 14 Centre Street, Cambridge Lyman, Barbara 24 Rockland Road, Auburn Mandigo, Jean 9 Bentwood Street, Foxboro McGaw, Gladyse 18 Tower Avenue, South Weymouth McKechnie, Ruth 88 Park Avenue, Natick McLaughlin, Marion 80 Main Street, Woburn Milne, Helen 25 Hamilton Street, Dorchester Mitchell, Mary 450 West Broadway, Gardner Mooney, Elizabeth S. 76 Allen Street, Arlington Mothes, Charlotte E. 65 Cottage Street, Hudson Olson, Dorothy L. 19 Brinsley Street, Dorchester Page, Charlotte J. 11 Homewood Road, West Roxbury Patten, Charlotte Hilltop Street, Sterling Rand, Helen 45 Sudbury Road, Weston Household Arts Freshmen ---continued

Regan, Miriam 55 St. Andrew Road, East Boston

Robinson, Claire S. 2 Shirley Street, Worcester Romard, Catherine " Felton Street, Waltham Sawutz, Evelyn 33 Waltham Street, Maynard Shafran, Beverly 29 Cayston Street, Roxbury Solin, Rosalie 194 Nonotuck Avenue, Chicopee Smith, Stella 7 RiKjgles Street, Quincy Story, Betty 128 Granite Street, Pigeon Cove Sullivan, Mary 118 Endicott Street, Worcester

Sweeney, Mary 800 Slade Street, Fall River Sweet, Edna 139 Atlantic Avenue, Marblehead Totilas, Betty 18 Montrose Street, Worcester Wallace, Muriel Bear Hill Road, Merrimac Walsh, Miriam 25 Russell Street, Brookline Welb, Cora 64 Overbrook Drive, Wellesley White, Barbara 33 Washington Street, Chicopee Wilcox, Anita 364 Riverway, Boston Worden, Barbara 90 Mill Street, Shrewsbury Zurawinski, Irene 56 Richland Street, Worcester

Vocational freshmen

Bradish, Carolyn 51 Pine Street, Leicester Briggs, Ethel 6 North Avenue, Attleboro Falls Geddes, Ruth 22 Centre Street, Watertown Luthringer, Doris 16 Millbrook Street, Worcester Melanson, Helen 11 Ruthven Street, North Quincy Parker, Eleanor Acushnet Station, New Bedford Riggs, Doris South Street, Grafton Silcox, Alice 3 East Avenue, Lowell Stearns, Phyllis 68 Richards Street, Dedham Tela, Lena 151 Bailey Street, Lawrence Tronerud, Ruth Hill Street, Topsfield emeniar fresh men ^1 y

Anton, Carolyn 769 Columbia Road, Dorchester Bire, Mildred 68 Maple Street, Belmont Blood, Marion 22 Intervale Road, Wellesley Farms Bridev, Joan 11 Lewis Street, Newton Brigham, Marion 39 Norwood Street, Marlboro Britt, Alice 19 South Prospect Street, Amherst Carboneau, Irene 23 Wood Avenue, Framingham Cobbett, Alice Church Street, Upton

Coburn, Audrey L. 82 Prentice Street, Waltham Colburn, Betty 263 Walnut Street, Brookline Condon, Helen 18 Parker Hill Avenue, Milford Costello, Lucille 14 High Street, Franklin Cotton, Virginia 79 Charlesbank Road, Newton Currie, Lois M. 303 Auburndale Avenue, Auburndale Dacey, Dorothy 9 Lincoln Street, Hudson Fishman, Shirley 33 Wyoming Street, Roxbury Foley, Mary D. 174 High Street, Brookline Glancy, Doris 33 Lowell Avenue, Watertown Good, Mary C. 52 Wendall Street, Cambridge Hall, Barbara 15 Center Street, Raynham Hanlon, Eleanor 67 Prospect Street, Medway Hart, Elizabeth 32 Duxbury Road, Worcester Havner, Alice 120 Lake Avenue, Framingham

Hazlett, Joanna F. 59 Diamond Street, Walpole Hickson, Mary M. 248 Winthrop Street, Framingham Hildebrand, Rosemary 183 Newton Street, Waltham Kapstein, Estelle 30 Cloflin Road, Brookline Keating, Mary 87 East Street, Natick Kennedy, Helen 13 Grant Street, Natick Maxwell, Helen 159 Mechanic Street, Marlboro MacFarland, Jane 614 Trapelo Road, Belmont McNiff, Anne 10 Rice Street, Hudson O'Niell, Mary 18 Davies Avenue, Brookline Paul, Helen Elizabeth 31 Lawrence Street, Waltham Payne, Maude Elizabeth 19 Howard Street, Waltham Perkins, Betty 89 Elm Street, Framingham Pitbladdo, Patricia 164 Oliver Road, Waban Robinson, Virginia 67 Richards Avenue, North Attleboro Rush, Helen C. Kendall Street, Barre Shaughnessy, Anna E. 44 Sumner Street, Milford Sheridan, Barbara E. 51 Woodside Road, Medford Smith, Stella 7 Ruggles Street, Quincy Spiers, Gertrude 15 Nonantum Street, Newton Stinson, Barbara 28 Davis Avenue, West Newton Sullivan, Esther 55 Bigelow Street, Fall River Tokaruck, Pauline 53 Gilbert Street, Framingham Williamson, Hazel 6 Miller Street, Medfield Wilson, Betty 18 Brigham Road, Framingham

SENIOR BIOGRAPHY I he I as! in K<.eview

A freshman, really annoyed at having had to leave home, on seeing a prospective classmate with a baby doll in her arms, turned to her harassed parent and said, "Where have you sent me? To a kindergarten or a college?"

The following days with their freshman activities and initiation, guided by Senior

Sisters of New England weather character traits, soon proved to that freshman as well

' as to many others, that it was a „ bona ride college.

Having elected as officers, Dorothy Dowling for president, Jane Homer for vice- president, Glenna Woodhead for secretary, and Virginia Crowe for treasurer, we, like regular freshmen, began the traditional course of events. First came a most memorable Harvard-Yale week-end; then Stunt Night, for which, despite our qualms, we received honorable mention, and the usual sport activities in which many participated. For this year we have only one regret, namely that the Framingham Fire Department was too efficient so that we received but a single week's vacation on account of the spring fire in May Hall.

During this first year and the year to come, our class was guided by Miss Poole, a sympathetic and helpful advisor for whom we all had the greatest respect and affection.

With our freshman days past and providing only musing thoughts for idle retro- spection, we now came to a parting of the ways. The elementaries, outsmarting the household arts students, became juniors and shortly, with great trepidation, braved, in their first practice teaching assignment, the upturned, expectant faces of the Jonathan

Maynard boys and girls. The junior prom brought a capping climax to a strenuous, satisfying year.

The senior year proved even more strenuous for these elementaries because with the spring, came the operetta, "Any King, Any Crown," the presentation and success of which was of vital importance to every member of the class, and because with the close of the year came commencement activities to which some looked forward whole- heartedly while others gave more thought to returning a fourth year for a degree.

Meanwhile the household arts girls, having made a start in their freshman year, continued their good work by winning the Stunt Night banner in their sophomore year. The next year they tied the seniors for the same award. With Dorothy DeVenne as chairman, they came out first in the Christmas basket competition, as they also have done under her direction in their junior and senior years.

The May Day that year was an original pageant, "The Black Prince," based on a story of medieval England. The writing of the adaptation was done by a class committee with the assistance of Miss Poole and Miss Cummings. Miss Kingman and Miss Taylor helped with the staging of what proved to be a most successful May Day. Such were the main happenings of the sophomore year.

Junior events came in quick succession. Will we ever forget bedraggled and vexed Jane Homer and Gladys Clark, declaiming the injustice of practice teaching at the Mock Man Dance, while Lillian Reese and Harriet Cashner lamented the chores of house practice? Nevertheless, we got there. Where? Why, to the junior prom. It

"were" a struggle! But we got there, almost to a person. Later, with woeful eye, we helped with commencement activities: daisy chain, tea-ushering, and baccalaureate. With hushed tones, we whispered, "One more year."

Those last days as juniors reminded us of two pleasures that had been ours during the preceding months. One was the good fortune we had of welcoming in our midst a very important but ever so friendly freshman, our new president, Mr. O'Connor. Th

other was our pleasure in having had as faculty advisor, Miss Turner, a farsighted and capable leader, who willingly continued her guidance in our senior year when we lost Miss Poole who was to have been our advisor.

Once more, for our senior year, the elementaries, with many desirous of obtaining a degree, and the household arts students joined for class activities. These elementaries are unique in that they are the last by-product of a three year diploma course and are a

hardy group who have weathered many experimentations in curriculum. The household arts students sympathized with them as they still had the difficulties of a last nine weeks of teaching to solve.

As Senior Sisters, both groups had such obedient freshmen that there were no infractions of our stringent rules and therefore we could hold no court.

Harvard-Yale week-end saw many of our fine athletes on the field for the last time.

Presently the Christmas season came and with it an innovation in our holiday caroling, for this year Miss Lamed presented the carolers with five French lanterns for their immediate use and that of future carolers.

Days go by quickly and already the year is half over, yet we still have many hopes.

One is that the new event of our class day, in the form of a Greek pantomime, will, for

its classic quality, become a tradition at Framingham. Another is that, as our junior prom was attended, so we hope our senior prom will be—almost to a person.

Then, Stunt Night hangs still in the balance—as freshmen, honorable mention; as sophomores, winners; as juniors, tie; and as seniors?

Thus, despite the trials and tribulations so manifest in the foregoing tempestuous reminiscences, we have become strong in the Framingham tradition and now, joyfully yet sorrowfully, prepare to leave Framingham to live her tradition in the world.

Linnea Anderson,

Rita Gil boy glass aaii

When the time comes to leave one world for another, it becomes necessary to draw a legal document so that there will be no complications arising after departure. In view of this fact, the class of 1938, being of sound mind and body, do name Miss May C. Turner as executor of this document, to see that the following are carried out.

Item I. To Mr. O'Connor^ our appreciation for the inspiration he has given us. In

addition we leave a new phrase to replace the old one, "As I recall."

Item II. To the entire faculty our deep gratitude and recognition of their untiring

effort in the huge task of educating us.

Item III. To Mr. Workman a book entitled "Jokes Of 1939" which should be good until he retires.

Item IV. To Dean Savage a private secretary to relieve her of all N. Y. A. responsi-


Item V. To the freshmen we leave all our notebooks and heirlooms which have been handed down to us. We also leave some hope for the hopeless future. Item VI. To the sophomores we leave the ability to produce a fine May Day. Item VII. To the juniors, an opportunity to win recognition for Stunt Night, which they may be able to do, now that we are out of the way. To the Crocker juniors we leave the hope that the dish washing machine will hold out until the end of the year.

To the elementary juniors we leave a number of pocket-sized notebooks to

keep journal notes for R. H. C.

Item VIII. To all future seniors, a warning that four years are not as long as they seem to be.

Item IX. We leave to those who find them necessary a group of Austins to be used in traveling from Dwight to May Hall.

To the commuters who use the back hill we leave an escalator to facilitate their ascent. To other students who come back for graduate work we leave the ability and finesse of Florence Whalen and Bertha Lunnie.

To all students we leave the hope for a new gym. To those who are interested we leave Barbara Tucker's and Betty Stone's

abilities to spend the week-end at West Point and return "fresh as daisies" on Monday morning. To the right inner of Yale's hockey team next year we bequeath Dorothy

Furbush's success in carrying the ball down the field for a goal. To Fern Williams we leave Rita Gilboy's ability and poise in addressing an audience.

We bequeath to "Dell" Martin Lillian Wigod's efforts and success in main-

taining a perfect head dress. We bequeath to those who get hungry before school begins a sandwich

shop to be open in Dwight Hall from eight to nine-twenty to serve a second breakfast.

We also bequeath the last minutes of grinding to those who have not studied. To Alice Epstein we leave Shirley Rivitz's extra few minutes that she managed

to find every morning. We will to Marion Brigham Phyllis Angelo's ability to do all the latest dance steps.

To anybody who is absent minded we leave Janet Barrows' power to always remember. To Helen Maxwell we leave Patricia Carrs sweetness.

fo the treasurer of next years senior class we leave Margaret Murphy s

capability in handling money.

To "Pat" Delaney we leave Jeannette Aucoin's interest and ability in trans-

lating passages in French.

To all students who wish to go to school dances in years to come, one square

inch of space upon which they may dance all evening. We leave to the practice teachers of next year Florence Solomon's notebook on "The Discipline Problem." To Doris Glancy we leave Mary MacDonald's sophistication. We bequeath to Mary Good Helen Nolan's ability to solve mathematical problems.

To two most deserving sophomores we leave a book by Cora Hubert and Helen Randall on "Our Happy Days At Framingham."

To Mr. Gilday we leave a group of silver-toned juniors to carry on in the choir.

Item X. For no specific reasons at all the following students bequeath as much of

their valuable property as they can.

Ruth Landry bequeaths her lovely, sparkling brown eyes to ' Cal" Callahan. Eleanor Feerick leaves to Virginia Burkett her much used powder puff and comb.

Sid Horton bequeaths her athletic ability to Barbara Carle.

Virginia Crowe leaves her ability to run a very successful dance to any underclassman who can step into Virginia's shoes.

Peg Guilfoyle and Grace O'Donnell leave their favorite rendezvous at Travis's to Midge Millane and Peg Lovett. Jane Homer passes on the duties and the worries of Gate Post editor to Helene Carroll. You can't have one without the other, Helene!

Inez Davis and Marj Burr bequeath a list of unique absence excuses to needy freshmen.

Delia Logiodice bequeaths a few inches of her enormous height to the petite Helene Carroll. Hilda Stenberg, Harriet Charko, and Olive King leave their fondness for the lunchroom to the unsuspecting juniors.

Gladys Clark leaves her patience in conducting class meetings to the in- coming class president.

Alda Gricius leaves her diet formula which guarantees a loss of five pounds

in four years to any one who desires it. Jan Wilcox leaves her quiet but pleasing manner to next year's elementary

senior who plans to live in the dorm.

Skippy Campbell bequeaths a book entitled "How I Can Handle Two Men At One Time" to Kay Lyons. Brownie Jones leaves her cheerfulness and capability of leading the Student Government Association to future presidents.

Harriet White bequeaths to Martha Rodger her speed in knitting. Margaret Schneider bequeaths her fondness for dogs to some doggy fresh- man.

Linnea Anderson bequeaths to the library a book entitled "How To Run A School My Way/' which ought to be completed by now. Gena Corea bequeaths her ability to assimilate chemistry to Rebecca Bartlet.

The girls of the Voc. House bequeath all their notes taken on readings from

the lists of references to future Vocs.

Phyllis Lawton leaves her seat in back of the bus driver, but not the bus driver, to Jean Mandigo. Adrienne Frazier bequeaths her literary possibilities to Marie Russo. Vera Reed leaves directions for an Afghan to any junior who doesn't know what to do during the English 6 period.

Mary McCauley bequeaths to Miss Hall a pair of roller skates to facilitate

her movements in Crocker kitchen.

Dizzy Foster leaves a book entitled "How You Can Manage To Have The Last Word Yourself" to Claire Radovsky.

Freddy Wetmore and Dot DeVenne will disclose their secret in "getting places" upon request. Harriet Cashner leaves her sense of humor to Carolyn Luce. Anna Lemek bequeaths her ability to "win friends and influence people" to Charlotte Sherrill. Ruth Condon leaves the honor of carrying Mr. Ried's tray to an eligible junior. Item XI. We would also like to bequeath— the following songs: To some future dorm students "Moonlight— On The Campus." To the people who doze in class "You're Gonna Wake Up Some Day." To N. Y. A. girls— "Nice Work If You—Can Get It." To those who commute— by automobile "A Foggy Day." To practice teachers "Afraid To Dream."— To those who want a man for a dance "Make A Wish."

To the dorm students a future romeo to sing "Rosalie." To another class small as elementary senior 2 we leave— "Ten Pretty Girls." To the students that leave Dwight Hall after 5:45 "Whispers In The Dark by Benny. To other commuters we leave "You Can't Have Everything." Last but not least we will to purgatory "One Broad Avenue Paved With Good Intentions."

Having exhausted all donations with which we can part, we the class of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight do hereby affix our official seal and signature.

Isabel Momian, Dorothy Falvey. lorecasi: flashes

This is station F.R.A.M. broadcasting from Normal Hill. Greetings Mr. and Mrs.

North America and all the ships at sea,- let's go to press! Flash! One of my raving reporters from Paris informs me that Phyllis Angelo and her famous dancing partner have packed the Follies Bergere while showing the

newest vogue in ballroom dancing. Best of luck, Phyllis; we knew that those rhythmic feet would get you places!

Flash! I have been requested to announce that Miss Dorothy Falvey, founder of the

Falvey Settlement House in the north end of Boston is winning great renown for her book entitled, "How To Teach Armenian Children To Speak English."

Copies are available at any reliable book store.

Flash! California has claimed Ruth Landry, now living on her sumptuous estate in San

Francisco. It is heard that she is trying to practice her child psychology on her children. Let's hope she's successful.

Flash! The supposedly demure Janet Barrows of F. S. T. C. days is exposing to her

students her latent vivaciousness by teaching ballroom dancing and etiquette as

an extra-curricular activity in one of our local junior high schools.

Flash! Rumors are that Rita Gilboy has received her Ph.D. from Radcliffe and is now

displaying her talents as Professor of English at the University of Chicago. Her

latest book is How To Express Your Ideas Clearly"— it's a great help to all teachers.

Flash! News from the Green Mountain State has just come in informing us that Bertha Lunnie and Florence Whalen, both members of the State Board Of Education,

are revising the Vermont school system on a more progressive basis. They are reported as making great headway—keep up the good work!

Flash! My reporter tells me that Miss Lillian Wigod is the head buyer for Lord and

Taylor's in New York. She has published a book entitled, "Harmony In Dress" and copies are selling rapidly.

Flash! The theater has claimed Jeannette Wilcox who is now playing the leading lady

for the Theater Guild. Her latest and most successful production is "Inside College Walls." Critics say Miss Wilcox played her part superbly. Another

curtain call for Miss Wilcox.

Flash! Seen at the Olympics by one of my reporters was Dorothy Furbush, our vivacious

athletic star of F. S. T. C. Dorothy is playing left wing on the All American

Field Hockey Team. Congratulations, Bushy' ! You deserve all that's coming to you.

Flash! I have been requested to announce that Miss Betty Stone is giving a series of

lectures in Boston this week on the "Advantages Of The Progressive School." Tickets are going rapidly, so make your reservations early!

Flash! White Plains, New York! Barbara Tucker and Margaret Murphy have set up an

exclusive school for girls,- the boast of this institution is its competent teaching


Flash! Rumors have come in that Helen Randall is conducting a model grade school in

the state of Connecticut. It's the pride of all teaching circles. Visit this school

for new ideas in the classroom. Flash! Boston! The Prince School Of Salesmanship has claimed Miss Mary MacDonald

as a member of its faculty. Her course is entitled "Poise.'' To all who lack this

gift Miss MacDonald guarantees help.

Flash! The field of athletics has claimed our basketball star, Cora Hubert. She is coach of the National Women's Basketball Team; nice work, Cora.

Flash! In the state of New York, whom should I meet but Shirley Rivitz, now traveling

book agent for Ginn & Co., Boston. Business is good," Shirley says.

Flash! My reporter tells me that Jeannette Aucoin is working at the Immigration Bureau as interpreter of French.

Flash ' Panama has claimed primary grade teacher Marjorie Werner. It is rumored that she has already begun to teach her pupils the current events of the day. Flash! We have heard many comments on Helen Nolan's "New Methods Of Teaching Mathematics For Elementary School Teachers" which she has recently published.

We all knew her mathematical ability would help her reach the top.

Flash! Florence Solomon, a primary grade teacher at the Lincoln School in New York,

has attained recognition in education circles for her success in progressive methods of teaching.

Flash! The success of our talented singer, Ruth Thompson, in grand opera hasn't sur- prised us too much. We were sure her lovely voice would get her places.

Congratulations to a second Lily Pons!

Flash! "Pat" Carr who has just become society editor of a New York newspaper stole

a march on us by announcing her own engagement as her first feature story.

Flash! The Wetmore school for mannequins opened its doors this week to what looks

like a prosperous season. Bea Frankel as the leading model has already set the pace for them.

Flash! Peggy Guilfoyle drove into town last week after middle-aisling it with a noted expert on steel production. Best of luck to her!

Flash! Isabel Momian was seen at Macy's the other day autographing her new book,

"The Essentials Of The Carbon Atom And Why We Need It." I might add that

Izzy, as we know her, is the leading counselor on "Life vs Carbon Chains."

Flash! Harriet Cashner, the former "trucking" star, has set Maine on fire by opening a

new dancing school for flexible feet. I understand that Edith Yuill and Phyllis

Lawton were the first enrol lers.

Flash! My reporters tell me that Gladys Clark has made great headway teaching her chemistry students the quickest way to put water on H2S04.

Flash! The rumors are that Jane Homer is going to surprise us all by marrying a well

known sport enthusiast. In decorating her home she is using colored mirrors to give character to the place.

Flash! Marion Jones from the Regional Scout Board addressed a group of parents recently. Her subject was "Learn To Swim With One Hundred Easy Strokes." She guaranteed results. Flash! The former Virginia Crowe has invented a new type of invisible towel rack.

It is a corner cupboard affair into which you just heave the towels. Works all

right, she tells me! Flash! Esther Stensby and Louise Roycroft, the internationally famous tennis team, swung

into action at Forest Hills recently by using stringless rackets. They knew they

just couldn't miss! Flash! Linnea Anderson received an invitation to address members of the "Lonlihearts

Club," but she had to refuse as her dating bureau is keeping her busy day and night. Flash! Myrtle Schneider, the well known lecturer on "The Personality Of The Mouse,"

was seen strolling down 60th street the other day with Minnie on a leash.

. Flash! A brand new tea shop has just opened up on 50th street. They tell me the

owners, Vera Reed and Dot Froeberg, promise service if nothing else!

Flash! Olive King (by the way, she's a Mrs. now) breaks into the headlines in tomor-

row's news by being the First woman to reach Millis, Mass., in an airplane. She shook the town!

Flash! I've been asked to announce that tickets are rapidly selling for the discussion to be carried on by Margaret Schneider, leading textile expert at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, next month. They won't last—get yours now. A flash just came in that Alda Gricius, a competitor of Schiaparelli, has left for Paris on the Queen Mary. On embarking, she said, "When America pro-

duces pedigreed foxes, I'll be back!"

Flash! The famous cake decorator, Miss Dorothy DeVenne, claims she has an invention

for fancy pastry. It won t squirt, won't leak, and she promises it will melt the fat.

Flash! Vienna has claimed Americans Marjorie Burr and Mary McCauley to serve on their international board of teacher training for the development of the psycho- logically minded.

Flash! Miss Gena Corea's school for dietitians seems to be prospering in spite of the

fact that the head of the personnel department, Inez Davis, recommends diets of

salt pork and grapes.

Flash! Harriet White, the renowned ballet sensation, will open a penthouse studio soon.

Flash! Clara Boothby, formerly of new England, has gone southern on us, and is teaching

in a day school for little tots.

Flash! Jane Wolfe has rewritten her latest book for children, "Sleepy Time Land In

Dozy Valley." All the schools are buying it to keep the pupils awake during


Flash! Hazel Fay and Sally Hall are rolling right along when it comes to outdoor

sports. Sally manages a bike rental station while Hazel leads groups up a moun-

tain. Sally claims she can t make the mountains! Why don't you try shifting into second, Sally?

Flash! "The Eleanor Feerick Knitting Shoppe" put out a sign recently guaranteeing

that anything attempted along that line would be finished within three years.

Flash! Anna Lemek, the women's sports commentator for the Herald, plans to settle down now and teach physical education.

Flash! Martha Sullivan and Mildred Chamberlain, instructors at the Parker School of Sociology, called an assembly the other day to lecture on "Culture And Why

We Have It." Flash! Mary Campbell flew from Denver Saturday to visit notable friends such as Ruth

Condon, a demonstrator for lobster fisheries in Portsmouth; Adrienne Frazier, the exquisite personality on Woodbury's radio hour, and Betty Newton, General Electrics leading arbitrator.

Flash! A collection of Elizabeth Foster's work received a generous prize when it was displayed recently at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Grace O'Donnell, a competitor for the prize, was indeed crushed when the patrons attempted to

look at her display upside down. Flash! Lucy Valentine and Helen Walker marched to Lohengrin soon after graduation

from college/ it was disclosed today. They tell me that both are excellent house- wives, but have given up the idea of canning tomatoes without juice.

Flash! Priscilla Kingsbury and her partner, Harriet Charko, have startled the scientific

world by discovering a new acid which will destroy anything. They call it

"Clearital." Well, girls, what ere you going to keep it in?

Flash! Dorothea Rowse drove to Nashville last month to view a new bridge under construction. After having had physics, she proposes merely to suspend the bridge, and see what happens. Flash! The federal government became quite incensed today, when Hilda Stenberg and Evelyn Hoffman, leading tax assessors, said no one needed to pay taxes any

more unless they cared to, for, the assessors felt that the money could be used to

help build Lillian Reese's new museum for portraits of the movie stars.

Flash! The debut of the celebrated Delia Logiodice in "Faust'' was suddenly inter-

rupted last week when glamorous Priscilla Horton rushed down the aisle on roller-skates. She had seen the sign outside advertising the performance, and

decided to roll right in to have a chat with her old schoolmate. Flash! Philadelphia philanthropist Jennie Zinkowski has launched another new drive

to help ship refrigerators to the Eskimos. One staunch agitator in the affair,

Christine Cox, editor of a New York newspaper, says that it wouldn't be such

a "hot" idea. Flash! Elinor McAuliffe, the competitor for the Amelia Earhart cup, flew from Boston to

Miami with only one wing on her plane. She is quoted as saying, "It is so easy to go around corners and not have to worry about hitting anything!"

Flash! Betty Ballentine, editor of a current weekly, startled the world Wednesday by

advocating shorter working hours for school teachers in order that they might read "that next chapter." Grace O'Donnell, Ruth Thompson.

Jonathan /"vaynard I ra rung 5ck oo

Vital actualities always make a deeper, firmer, more enduring impression than any amount of purely theoretical training could. That is why our work at the Jonathan

Maynard School stands out so vividly in our minds, and why we believe that this part of our course was the most important time of all. Here we were introduced to real experience, things as they are and things as they will be, in the form of a school full of challenging boys and girls.

Most of the elementary girls have spent one, two, or three periods of practice teaching in this school, while the household arts girls have taught cooking and sewing to the upper grade girls.

The genuinely co-operative and friendly spirit with which the training school staff welcomes these inexperienced groups, helps them to undertake this most thrilling work, and sends them forth with new ideals, deserves more than these few words of tribute.

The Class of Thirty Eight expresses its sincere appreciation of all that the Jonathan Maynard School has done to benefit them.

Priscilla Pettingell.

ALUMNAE association

.jiate c/Normal Dch oo


OWe teachers (polled*


rraminoham C/ vassachuseits 7 ^


July 3, 1839—July 3, 1939

The Alumnae Association hopes that this history will be as complete a record as possible of every phase of the life of the School and College during every one of these first ninety-nine years of its existence.

To record what this school has meant to us and why; the personal experiences that have meant much in moulding the character, experiences both with instructors and methods of work; the variety of activities and interests bearing upon the school and the student, all may be of incalculable value in years to come in showing how the school grew and the factors prominent in its development as we tried to Live to the truth.' ORGANIZATIONS CLASS AND CLUB COUNCIL

President Betty Stone

Advisor President O'Connor

Honorary Advisor Frederick Ried

This year the Class and Club Council has attempted two important things: first, the making of a class and club portfolio, and second, the planning of a well organized activities program. The portfolio is for classes and clubs. It contains valuable suggestions for running dances, teas, plays, and many other school functions. The activities program is for .the entire school, and in behalf of the student body, the C. C. C. wishes to express its appreciation to President O Connor and the various clubs for their help in bringing to Framingham so many fine assembly speakers.

It is our hope that the coming year will be successful. May each new month find more and more Framingham girls participating in Student Government, class and club activities. l-Alumnoe Office 2- Student Class ood Club Office FORST FLOOR J- Cuest IRoom T- Museum and Committee Ebom 5- Student-Alumnae fiecept'on. [Boom


On entering Framingham as a Freshman, each student becomes automatically a member of the Student Co-operative Association and from then on her membership in this Association implies that she must be willing to accept her obligations as a citizen of the college group and conform to its standards.

There are certain obligations and responsibilities as well as privileges connected with the Student Co-operative Association at Framingham and each girl should be under obligation to subordinate her own standards to those standards which the Association upholds. Each student should inform herself as to the academic and non-academic responsibilities which are hers and maintain them to the best of her ability.

The purpose of this Association shall be to provide an organization for student participation in promoting the highest standards of honor, integrity, and loyalty in all matters of personal conduct as members of a college with unusually high and worthy traditions; to encourage responsibility and co-operation in self-government; to form an official body for expressing the judgments of the students and directing the activities and matters of general student interest. JUDICIARY BOARD

Virginia Crowe, Chai

Dorothea Rowse Elvie Pease

Alice Gibbs Louise Parker Miss Rochefort, Advisor

The Judiciary Board is made up of the first Vice-President of the Student Co- operative Association who automatically becomes chairman, one other member of the senior class, two members of the junior class, one member of the sophomore class, and a faculty advisor. This is the fourth year of the existence of the Judiciary Board. Its function is to consider matters of discipline which are referred to it and to make recom- mendations. It tries to meet these cases in a constructive way with the object of en- couraging a better school spirit of self discipline. CHEMISTRY COUNCIL

President Genoveffa Corea

Vice-President Louise Mcllvene

Secretary Harriet Wright

The chemistry department, unlike any other department, is under an honor system which is controlled by a student council consisting of three members elected from each of the three upper classes and two elected from the freshman class, with a faculty member from the chemistry department as an advisor.

It is the aim of the council to promote student government and provide opportuni- ties for developing leadership and responsibility. QUIET AND ORDER COMMITTEE

Rita Gilboy, Chairman

Shirley Smith Claire Radovsky

Gladys McGaw Rita Cavanaugh Katherine Barret Esther Schultz

El eanor Hani on

Besides the usual two representatives from each class in the college, the Quiet and

Order Committee this year had an additional two from the junior class to help with increased duties that resulted from having another administration building.

With the help of faculty and students, this committee takes charge of conduct in

chapel, in assembly, and in the dining hall.

This year the committee has worked particularly to improve bulletin boards and to make notices more effective by classifying them. LIBRARY COUNCIL

Elizabeth Foster, Chairman Florence Solomon Lodema Merril

Margaret Geddes Elvie Pease Mary Dwyer

The Library Council is made up of two girls in each department with Miss Ritchie, the librarian, as our advisor. Our purpose is to stimulate a sort of co-operation among students using the library, to make the rules of the library, and to see that these rules are carried out.

With the real interest and help of our advisor, Miss Ritchie, we have succeeded this year in making our new library a thing of beauty, joy, and usefulness. COMMUTERS' COUNCIL

Janet Ba rrows , Chai rman Clara Boothby Alvina Deagle

Barbara Tucker Elvie Pease

Bernice Cote Lois Currie

Eleanore Fitzgerald Betty Mooney Dean Savage, Advisor

The Commuters' Council consists of eight representatives, two from each class, with Dean Savage as advisor. The organization as it is now was formed in 1935, to replace a much larger organization which had proved too large to function well.

This Council meets twice a month during the noon hour for the purpose of dis- cussing matters which directly concern the commuter's group. It has always been ready to help whenever any difficulty arose. During the year various problems have been handled. For instance, transportation problems, lunch situations, and the arranging for commuters to stay overnight when late functions made it impossible for them to go home, are some of the problems which have been earnestly discussed and taken care of.

The council appreciates any information or requests from those interested in com-

muters and hopes to enlarge its usefulness each year. '


Under the leadership of Mary Campbell, Rita Gilboy, Katherine Weeks, and Anne Tower, the Framingham Noon and Evening Forums have discussed the topics and prob- lems of the day. Guided by Miss Cummings, they have striven to see both sides of every

question, study each impartially and to come at last to a decision which represents the

intense interest, careful thought, and fair judgment which our life at Framingham should develop. THOMAS A'KEMPIS CLUB

President Genoveffa Corea Vice-President Ruth Condon Secretary Rosamond Walsh Treasurer Ruth Teahan Federation Delegate Mollie Higgins Publicity Manager Catherine Whitney


Two Communion Breakfasts, one at the beginning of the year, and the other to close the club activities. Birthday Party—twentieth anniversary of founding of the club. Formal Dance at the Copley Plaza.

Distribution of five Christmas baskets. Lecture on "Vestments" by Father Dunford. Retreat during Lent. Lecture by Father O'Connor. Question Box conducted by Father Dunford.

Participation in all events sponsored by Federation of College Catholic Clubs, including: Monthly meetings Communion Breakfasts Charity entertainments Social functions y. w. c a.

President Linnea Anderson

Vice-President Alice Gibbs

Secretary Alma Hersey

Treasurer Gertrude Haas

First Meeting, Puritan Hotel, Boston. Discussion of year's activities with Mrs. Jackson, Metropolitan Secretary.

Sue Hastings Marionettes from Columbia University presented "Alice In Wonderland" and "Sophisticated Follies Revue."

Christmas carols at the Old Ladies Home and presentation of roses to the ladies.

Christmas Vesper Service at Wellesley Chapel.

St. Patrick's Day March Hare Party.

Discussion groups led by Janeth Ford,- "Relationship Between Parents and Children," "Sex and Marriage Problems."

Delegates sent to Cedar Hall, the Metropolitan Council, and general meetings in Boston of the Student Christian Movement.

Delegate to be sent to Maqua in June.


- President . . . Margaret A. Schneider

Vice-President . Louise Osborne Secretary Jean White Treasurer Mary Higgins Program Chairman Helen Walker

Publicity Chairman Helen Chick

Finance Chairman Rebecca Bartlett

Faculty Advisor . . . Miss Millicent M. Coss ACTIVITIES

Membership meeting.

Miss Eleanor Bateman, Massachusetts Department of Agriculture spoke on "Con- sumer—Producer Relations.''

International Night.

Miss Louisa Dresser, curator, Worcester Art Museum, gave an illustrated lecture on "Early American Silversmiths And Their Work.''

Miss Roberta Rowe, Framingham Community Health Service, talked about public nursing.

Miss Dorothea Nicoll's doll collection.

Mr. Jack Despres and his seeing eye dog.

Annual Spring Supper. FINE ARTS CLUB

President Jeannette Wilcox Vice-President Dorothy DeVenne Secretary Elizabeth McCarthy Treasurer Virginia Kerrigan Faculty Advisors Miss Louise Kin gman Miss Hazel Nietzold


October 26 First regular meeting. Introduced club groups. December 7 Second meeting. Selected play committee. January 11 Third meeting. Chose play. Were entertained by theater workshop,

radio, puppetry, verse choir, and arts and crafts groups. March 8 Fourth meeting. Panto Players, Clark University, presented "The Marriage Proposal" by Anton Chekov. March 18 "Spring Dance" by Philip Barrie presented. April 11 Miss Dorothy George, Vesper George School of Art. April 12 Last meeting. Chose next year's officers.


President Helen Walker Vice-President Thelma Jarisch Secretary Emma Nelson

Treasurer Rita Cavanaugh Librarian Carolyn Luce

Faculty Advisor Edward F. Gilday, Jr.

ACTIVITIES Glee Club Armistice Day program Thanksgiving program Nevins Memorial Hall, Education Week Christmas Candlelight Service Christmas radio broadcast Assembly program Concerts with Clark University Pops Concert

Singing at Class Day

Junior-Senior Choir

Senior Chapel, Tuesday mornings Civic League program Oate I ost

Managing Editor Helene Carrol

Assistant Editor Marie Russo

Board of Reporters:

Literary Hope Hathaway

News . Mary Lou Rousseau

Sports . Priscilla Pettingell

Social and Persona Margaret Lovett

Exchange Laura Pellissier

Faculty . Edith Jollikko

Alumnae Charlotte Sherrill

Training School Mabel Ricker

Make Up . Virginia Kerrigan

Copy . Marjorie Pattison

Special Reporters:

Ruth Byrnes Kathleen Lyons

Hazel Williamson Anne Tower

Margaret Keyes Paula Ahtio

Ruth Hemmingway Mary Callahan

Business Manager Jean Arbuckle

Assistant Business Manager Carolyn Luce

Circulation . . . . Ruth Clampitt

Advertising . Thelma Jarisch

Distribution Elizabeth Foster, '38 Ruth Wilde, '39 Mary Clarke, '40 Charlotte Patten, '41


Valentine Dance, February 11.

Conference of the Mass. State Teachers College Publications, May 6. THE DIAL

Managing Editor Myrtle Schneider

Editor . Esther Stensby Business Manager Beatrice Frankel

Art Editor . Elizabeth Stone Advertising Manager Harriet Cashner Athletic Editor Dorothy Furbush

Humor . Barbara Tucker Linnea Anderson Class History Rita Gilboy Dorothy Falvey

Class Will . . Isabel Momian Grace O'Donnell

Class Prophecy • Ruth Thompson


President Barbara Carle Vice-President Eleanor Aiken Secretary Christine Parker Treasurer Anna Lemek Publicity Manager Elizabeth Foster


Archery . Edith Yuill

Baseball . Phyllis Kinsman Basketball Katherine Barret Bowling Fern Williams Dancing Elizabeth Emery Hiking Mary Durfee

Hockey . Priscilla Horton Riding Virginia Crowe Tenniquoit and Badminton Frances Wilbur Tennis Mary Callahan Volleyball Elvie Davis Ping Pong Hester McCaffrey Freshman Representative Phyllis Stearns A. A. Conference Delegates Elvie Pease CTXarvoro- Yale Week Lnd

An emphatic opening of H-Y week-end is the traditional Mockman Dance. The

hilarious conglomeration of costumes is always the best that May Hall has ever witnessed.

Saturday morning, however, presents an entirely different picture. In place of soft

lights is glaring, white snow. The game is delayed until the field has been cleared in a very modern method—simply that of rolling huge snowballs, using the snow on the playing field. Of course there a few slushy, muddy, places but these disadvantages only help to make the game more interesting. Barbara Carle, captain of Yale, and Louise

Whittemore, captain of Harvard, lead their teams of red and blue on to the field. There

are hard work and keen sportsmanship, a few tosses and falls, cheers from the sidelines,

•and when the final whistle blows Yale is victorious, but Harvard deserves credit for a game well played.

In the afternoon, long before the scheduled time, a crowd begins to file into the

famous gym. How will all these people fit into such a small place? But hark!

Scorers ready? Timers ready? Captains ready? The game is on! What an exciting one! Both teams arz determined to win. The players get tangled up with the audience,

but what does it matter? Everyone is breathless and hoarse when the final whistle is blown and a tie score is announced. Orchids to captains Nelson and Ridder!

Of course we celebrate with a banquet,with toasts for those worthy deservers who helped make another H-Y week-end successful. Carry on, undergraduates! DANCING

This year we were very fortunate in having as special guests, Hanya Holm and her

dance group. Their noteworthy performance has encouraged some of our girls into

joining modern dance groups at F. S. T. C, which are instructed by our own physical education teacher, Miss Taylor. ARCHERY

Although archery is one of our oldest sports, it is ever popular. Our prospective archers have made excellent use of new, modern equipment. Those of you who dxz not familiar with these facilities'should investigate —come and try your skill with the bow and arrow. BOWLING

Does everyone know that we are boasting of a new, cleverly manipulated bowling

alley in Dwight Hall? Credit for this accomplishment goes to Fern Williams, '39 who

has kept enthusiasm in this sport growing by leaps and bounds.


Many students are unaware of the big, bright recreation room in Dwight Hall

which contains modern ping pong equipment. Though not strenuous, ping pong is good exercise. HOCKEY

Besides the H-Y enthusiasts, many other girls have enjoyed this zestful sport.

Participate in hockey,- renew your vim and vigor.


An ideal substitute for tennis is tenniquoit, with which many of our girls are not as familiar as they should be. Why not acquaint yourselves with the doughnut-like rubber disc and net which constitute the tenniquoit paraphernalia?


Not too exerting, yet enjoyable, is hiking, a popular sport at Framingham. This

forms a delightful and refreshing way of earning points for A. A.


Badminton is one of the newer games which we have started to play but we expect

it to become very popular in the near future.


Although we are handicapped in having just one court, we girls patiently await

the signed up hour. During fine weather one finds this court occupied from early morning

till dusk. BASKETBALL

This is one of the most important sports at the college-on-the-hill. From early fall

until late in the spring this interesting game is played. Why not make this sport one of your extra-curricular activities? HONOR ATHLETES

Dorothy Furbush, certificate 1368 points Priscilla Horton, certificate 1278 points

Jane Homer ; certificate 1199 points

Anna Lemek . 872 points Edith Yuill 827 points Helen Walker 777 points Jennie Zinkowski 667 points Betty Newton 665 points Jeannette Wilcox 651 points

&OA0R —

rleard About {he L^ampus

Senior music appreciation,- suggestions were being made for the first line of a class song.

Shirley Rivitz,- We ve come four years and now we're through!''

The class was learning how to create a song.

Mr. Gilday; "First of all we want to know what you're interested in. Well, Phyllis what do you like to do?" Phyllis Angelo; "In what line, Mr. Gilday?"

Mr. Workman (in ec. class); "Just what is pasteurization—anybody?"

Earnest student (innocently); "Well, it's when the pastures are kept clean."

Hostess (at table in Peirce, freshman year); "Will you have some egg-plant, Ruth?"

Tommie,- "No thank you, I don't care for eggs."

Alda (to her foods class); How can we help entertain mother's guests?" Pupil; "Serve them cocktails."


Mr. Gilday (to special music group); "Freshmen sing first, then sophomores, juniors, and seniors."

(Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors sing in turn. Then Miss Metzger comes in and speaks to Mr. Gilday.) Mr. Gilday; "Betty Stone!"

Betty (lone senior, timidly); "Do I have to sing alone, Mr. Gilday?" Mr. Gilday,- "You're wanted on the telephone."

Miss Carter was defending her reading methods in a discussion with Rita Gilboy.

Rita,- "Well —that has an element of truth in it."

Lest we forget

The Crockerites who had ten minute noise conferences with Mr. O'Connor. The gesso boxes equipped with men's garters. Elementary gusset-trouble before that Glee Club concert. The silver box on the porch of the empty house. The market trip with "school-teachers on parade. The group who (when freshmen) rendered school songs at four o'clock in the morning. The ladies from Peirce and their pre-bedtime trips to Horace Mann. The elementaries trip to the driving range and breakfast at Johnson's. The "pessimistic ground hog" from Clark. —— —


You're bloated capitalists, heh, heh. Everybody hold up your 4H pencils.

See you at the pajama parade (town hall).

The house has been too noisy lately.

That's right, that's right.

Oh to be a Ply on the wall when you people get out teaching!

This is a pwactical pwoblem.

I had it here a minute ago. Here's some citrocarbonate.

As in other words G-o-o-o-o-d!

The moral of the story is

Well, I think if you take a larger dart here and ease it in a little there-

Just for contrast, picture

Mr. O'Connor without a poem. Clara Boothby wasting time. Harriet Cashner not "Snooking."

Eleanor Feerick with a shiny nose.

Lillian Wigod in Alaska.

Dr. Meier as a pessimist. Ginny Crowe without her closet "dressing room."

Peggy Guilfoyle driving a streamline car.

Dot Falvey without connections at Dartmouth. Miss Gerritson getting thoroughly ruffled.

Linnea at a loss for words. Lucy bragging.

Evelyn Hoffman as a passive class member. Marjorie Burr "forever fond and true." Marge Werner and Helen Nolan brooding.

Mary McCauley without a hankering for New Hampshire "scenery." Phyllis Lawton not talking about her bus drivers. Connie without Skip.

Bea Frankel in a last year's dress.

Shirley Rivitz doing the class work at hand.

Inez at home all week-end.

Christine Cox as an auctioneer. Janet Barrows shirking.

Miss Carter in a domestic setting. Dot Froeberg without that Camay complexion. Dorothy DeVenne being rash. Miss Kingman getting stage-struck. SCREENTIME STEALS

Happy Landing—graduation day. Hurricane—exam week. Bringing Up Baby—freshman initiation week. Crashing Hollywood—Dizzy Foster. The Road Back—after vacation. One In A Million—Gladys Clark. Big Broadcast Of 1938—Stunt Night. Women In Prison — us. Hawaii Calls—Freddy Wetmore. The Spy Ring—posture scouts. Damsel In Distress—Skippy Campbell. Thrill Of A Lifetime—senior prom. Mannequin—Florence Solomon. The Awful Truth—semester marks. You're A Sweetheart—Miss Turner. Blondes At Work—Sid Horton, Jane Homer, Esther Stensby, Myrtle Schneider, Hilda Stenberg. A Girl With Ideas—Jeannette Aucoin. Steal a man for Beg ; Borrow Or — the dance. Goldwyn Follies—modern dance group. Sally, Irene, And Mary—Margaret Murphy, Helen Randall, and Cora Hubert. Wise Girl —Brownie Jones. Partners In Crime—Betty Stone and Barbara Tucker. Romeo And Juliet—Edith and Jack. Look Out For Love— Ruth Thompson. Women Men Marry—Betty Newton, Lillian Wigod, Betty Ballentine, Jane Homer, Edith Yuill, Priscilla Kingsbury, Vera Reed, and Harriet White. The Perfect Specimen—Mr. O'Connor. Barbara Tucker. MaryMcCauley. c^Nuiooraphs OUR. ALMA MATER

Framingham has one of the finest

campus of any Teachers College in the

State of Massachusetts. In all seasons

we have appreciated its beauty. Thus,

the following views as a last reminder



HORACE MANN LAWN MHHHHi ENTRANCE TO MAY HALL c^/N uiooraphs AuloOraphs Aulooraphs Auiooraphs ADVERTISEMENTS (^yomplimenls ot the

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Union Bookbinding Company Batchelder & Snyder Co., Inc. Established 1890 Editions and Pamphlets School Annual Covers and Binding Producers of Fine Foods Loose Leaf Binders Covers and Binding of "The Dial" A Product of this Company BOSTON, MASS.

289 Congress St. Boston, Mass.

Tel. Fram. 3442 Established 1891 COMPLIMENTS OF 2"o// ouse CO. M GORDON MFG. manufacturers of WHITMAN, MASS. anil HUsses* QJoata, @>uttB Wamtn'B Route 18 to the Cape anil SrcasEB "Buy Direct From The Maker" KENNETH WAKEFIELD FRAMINGHAM CENTER RUTH WAKEFIELD '24 MASSACHUSETTS

B. B. McKeever, Pres. F. B. Tyler, Treas.

l he brace r\. AbboM I eachers Aoency LOWELL BROS. & BAILEY CO. GRACE M. ABBOTT, Mana g er


BOSTON Tel. Capitol 8790-8791-8792-8793-8794

Member National Association of Teachers' 47-48 SOUTH MARKET STREET Agencies BOSTON, MASS. THE CLA55 OF 1938


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Compliments of BOSTON WORCESTER NEW YORK cAbnel Wneelel Jxouse Low Monthly Students' Rates

680 Worcester Road, Framingham Centre Ask Us About Massachusetts CHARTERED COACHES

Tel.: Framingham 4343 Samuel Holmes J. Frederick Holmes

Frank W. Holmes

iSamuet ^JiolmeSj


Stalls 1 7-1 9-21 -23-25 Faneuil Hall Market

Basement 3 South Side

Tel.: Capitol 0708-0709-0710 Boston, Mass*


20 MATHEWSON STREET • PROVIDENCE, R. I, Sixty Years of Correct Catering Service Compliments of the LUNCHEONS TEA DINNERS Caterers to Framingham Teachers College Main Office: 110 Norway Street, Boston

<_/NT.hleT.ic ^/Nssocialion

Phones Lai . 4670-4671

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Fancy Dressed Meats


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Silks - Woolens - Domestics - Hoisery £ButtelwoWis 29 TEMPLE PLACE Flowers Telegraphed all over the World BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS Cor. Concord and Clinton Streets LIBerty Telephone 5753 Tel.: Framingham 3533 (^omplimerrts cr


framingnam JLaund^iy


Telephone Framingham 7163 Compliments of

^tlne Uirts Club

Careful Launderers

of all Washable Material

The largest and best equipped

Laundry in Framingham or Vicinity GEORGE W. JOHNSON

~A he Ll^aphic zL ress


^Plintels of 3he S)ial fol 1938


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Wholesale Purveyors "if we made it, it's right"

or choicehoic

Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Poultry CLASS RINGS and PINS Fish, Butter, Cheese

PRIZE CUPS Eggs, Relishes



Compliments of

JLhe Students Co-operative cJlssociation

OFFICERS OF 1937-1938

President Marion Jones

First Vice-President Virginia Crowe

Second Vice-President . Elizabeth Stone

Secretary Mary Clarke

Treasurer Meave Sullivan ^=s

(^omphmen-ts of iru

cfunio% Class

^0=S Foods From Around the World

At S. S. Pierce's there are cheese and chocolate FAMOUS FOR from Holland . . . .from Strassbourg famous pate de foie

GOOD FOODS gras . . . .from France fragrant black truffles and wines

DELICACIES from age-old vines. Russia sends superb caviar....

CANDIES Greece the honey of fabled Mt. Hymettus . . . .England

SALTED NUTS biscuits and jams and savories. Since 1831 the finest

CAKES AND ROLLS foods the world has to offer have found their way to

GIFT BOXES S. S. Pierce's shelves. TOILETRIES Telephone and S. S. PIERCE CO. mail orders. Shipments everywhere BOSTON EST. 1831

Compliments of

Henry L Sawyer & Co.

Compliments of the FRAMINGHAM, MASS.

cbopAopnomore aLslass Compliments of

Strong s Market


is served at

ROBBIN'S DRUG STORE Compliments of

Fro-Joy "SEALTEST" Ice Cream





Shattuck & Jones

Incorporated COMPLIMENTS


Louisa A. Nicholass

Home Economics



CAPITOL 1436 - 1437 - 1438 Warren rVay Vanline Oludio

Official zihotog^iaphers

^o\ the Class of IQ38


She 3)Lal