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[email protected] PPRROCLAIMOCLAIM JJESUSESUS!! Website: WordAlone Network Annual Convention April 26-27, 2009 Calvary Lutheran Church Golden Valley, Minn. Pastor Steven Dornbusch will be the preacher and there will be workshops on evangelism for churches in various settings Your contributions are MOVING? greatly appreciated Please help us keep our WordAlone® Network is a records current. Send your non-profit, 501(c)(3) new address, phone number corporation, and your and e-mail information to the contributions are fully tax- WordAlone office. Or, save deductible. Please use the a stamp and send us an envelope in this newsletter e-mail message at to help with your support.
[email protected]. NEWS NETWORK “But in this crisis, I believe the faith “But in this crisis, I believe ing in the minors.’ with ‘major- are often charged movements in the reform We Scripture]. prohibited by practice that is neither commanded nor adiaphora [a church one more dust-up over “The temptation is to dismiss this also as much ado about very little. often, with time, those disputes seem to be been fighting about something and always side issues. Christians have dispute over is not a minor crisis in Christianity today “The one address and said, Grorud gave crept into their denominations. w in ways Minn., each described various Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fridley, Allison, speaking at C.