Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63205-8 - the Cambridge Companion To: Duns Scotus Edited by Thomas Williams Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63205-8 - The Cambridge Companion to: Duns Scotus Edited by Thomas Williams Index More information INDEX Medieval authors are indexed according to their given names. absolute vs ordained (ordinate) power, Bertold of St. Denys, 5 70–1, 219, 253–4, 317–18 Boethius, 333 accidents: distinguished from substance, Boethius of Dacia, 171, 186 29–30; individuation of, 35–6, 115 Bonaventure, 122 action, category of, 34 Boniface VIII, Pope, 4–5 Adam Wodeham, 7, 8, 12, 100 Brampton, C. K., 3 affectio commodi, 345–9, 356 Broad, C. D., 83 affectio iustitiae, 345–9, 356 Albert the Great, 186 Callebaut, Andre,´ 6 Algazel, 81 categories, 18, 20, 26–38, 116, 197–8; Anselm, 194, 195, 198, 222, 247–8, highest genera, 28 250–1, 346 causes, 38–42, 46, 200–9, 213n55; Antonius Andreas, 7, 9 accidental, defined, 40; essentially appetite: intellective, 342–7; sensory, ordered, 40–2, 137–9, 200–9, 292; 342–4 per se, 138, defined, 40; sine qua non, Aristotle, 21, 29, 31–2, 36, 69–83 64n74; univocal vs equivocal, 47 passim, 101, 106, 131–3, 150, 163, cave, analogy of, 260 183, 224, 238, 253, 256, 258, 271, change (see also self-change), 46, 285–304 passim, 336, 352–73 passim 49, 271 Augustine, 222, 239–40, 249, 286, 303, charity, 353–4, 363–8, 370, 373–4 333, 352–74 passim common nature, 108–12, 168–71, 200–1, Averroes,¨ 91, 101, 133, 286, 360 216, 272 Averroism, 197–8 concupiscible part, 343–4 Avicenna, 101–5, 107–11, 168, 173, Condemnation of 1277, 69, 73, 112, 174–5, 198, 220, 226–7, 286 124n38 contingency of the present, 130–7
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