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A-30** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1953 Mrs. Insull, 80, Dies; Barbara Kwapien, 15, Velde Committee to Hear Arlington Gets Funds MORGAN. JERROLD C. On Friday. September 18. 1953. JERROLD C. Death a DratljH MORGAN, devoted father of Oliver and Dr. Korowicz Tomorrow Gernal Morgan of New York City Spring, The House Committee Un- For Morgan. Head Os Silver 4th Tuesday. Sep- FAILING. H. Tuesday. brother of Vivian He Husband Was on 26 ALBERT. CHARLES. On CORNELIUS On N. Y.: Polio Victims tember 22, 1958. CHARLES ALBERT. | September 22. 1953. at his home. also Is survived by other relatives and American Activities tomorrow will husband of Lena Albert, de- , 2429 North Capitol st.. CORNELIUS many friends. After 6 p.m. Wednes- Emergency totalling beloved L H. FAILING, beloved husband day, September 23. friends are in- ] testimony Dr. Marek funds voted father of Miss Ruth R. Albert. of the tak£ from $12,450 Capt. Janlnce A. Albert. Melvin I. and late Amelia Ruscher Failing. Services vited to call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Fatality have been given the Funeral Church, 1432 You st. n.w.. Empire Polio in Area Korowicz, a Communist Poland Arnold Albert, all of Washington. D. C. j at the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. Os Utilities Arlington Chapter the Na- He also survived by brothers, j 2901 14tli st. n.w.. on Friday, Sep- where funera 1 services will be held at representative to Na- of is two p.m. Thursday. (y (ha Associated Prats the United Louis Albert of Poughkeepsie. N. Y., tember 25. at 2 P.m Interment Mount 1 September 24. In- Barbara, Kwapien, 15-year-old tional Foundation for Infantile City; Hope Cemetery. Rochester. N. Y. terment Arlington National Cemetery tions, who is seeking asylum in and Harry Albert of New York i Sept. Paralysis by the National Chap- one sister. Mrs. Eva Kessler of Hyde | (Rochester. N Y.. papers please copy.) CHICAGO. 23. Mrs. Silver Spring girl, is the Wash- the United States. Park. N. Y.. and three grandchildren. I 24 NEVIUS. MINNIE R. On Monday. Sep- polid ter to help defray costs of car- Services and interment will be In | tember 21, 1953, at her residence. Margaret Insull, 80, widow of ington area’s fourth fa- Committee Chairman Velde Poughkeepsie Y. In mourning at | FINLEY. WILLIAM J. On Saturday. 8930 Green Tree rd. Bethesda. Md.. M: :mk WmW ing for 26 polio victims stricken N. September 19. 1953. at his residence said the hearing was arranged I. Peabody st. n.w., Apt. 201*. Ar- ; MINNIE R. NEVIUS. beloved mother Samuel Insull, the one-time pub- tality this year. She died Sun- year. & in Clearwater, Fla.. WILLIAM J. FIN- this rangement.s by the C. D. Goldberg i D. of Richard D. and Joseph G. Nevlus. at the request of Dr. Korowicz Son Funeral Home. 4217 9th st. n.w 24 LEY lormerly of Washington. C , She also is survived by five grand- lic utilities magnate, died today di. D.- Magruder, beloved husband of Edith B. Finley, children one “to fully inform J. Maynard treas- ALBERT G. On Tuesday. ! Dorothy Finley. and great-grandchild. the American ALEXANDER. father of Miss Friends Services at H. Funeral St. Hospital. suf- of September 22, 1953, at Emergency ! may call at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral the S. Hines* Co. at Luke’s She people regarding the Communist urer the Arlingtoi Chapter, Hospital. ALBERT G ALEXANDER of ! Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thurs- possible Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., until lo day, September fered « a week ago machinations to said it is additional 1319 Park rd. n.w.. beloved husband p.m. Wednesday. September 24. at 10 a.m. Inter- stroke and overrun the Alexander, 23. Grave- ment Rock Creek Cemetery. 23 emergency aid of Carmen H. father of side services in Rock Creek Cemetery was taken to the hospital from free world.” from the National Robert S. and Albert G.. jr.. Alexander; on Thursday. September 24. at 10 a.m. PORTER. JOHN (JACK) W. On Satur- The at 10:30 Foundation will be needed. son of Mrs. J. Z. Alexander, brother day. September L9. 1953. JOHN (JACK) her Lake Shore home, hearing a.m. Ho of Mrs. James Monick of Canton. Ohio; FITZPATRICK JOHM. On Monday. W. PORTER ot 1201 Que st. n.w.. drive will be closed to the general said more than $205,000 has been Guy and Gurdon Alexander of Hickory. September 21. 1953. at Mount Alto devoted husband of Kathryn L. Porter, Mrs. Insull a leading ac- N. C . Amos Alexander of Canton. Hospital. JOHN FITZPATRICK of 509 loving father of Sheila and Norman was public but members of the advanced from emergency funds Ohio, and Frank Alexander. Friends Seward sq s.e.. beloved husband of Porter, beloved son of Mrs. Nellie C. tress who appeared under the press, radio, and Arlington since 1944. may call at the S. H. Hines Co. Mae Fitzpatrick, father of John D.. Brown, stepson of Venerable Brown, TV news- to n.w., Fitzpatrick name of Gladys before Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. William L. and Mrs. An- nephew of Mr*. Olivia Hester of Co- Wallis WILLIAM (POP) HARRIS. reel organizations will be per- The National Foundation’s until 10 p.m. Wednesday. September drew J. Lazzarl. Funeral from the lumbus. .Ohio, and Mrs. Phanshon Rob- her marriage to Mr. Insull in 23. Services and interment on Friday, j James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 inson. Many other relatives and mitted to attend. Mr. Velde said emergency fund is maintained September 25 at Hickory, N. C. Pa ave. s.e. on Friday. September friends also survive After 3 p.m. 1899. She had lost the sight of the public portion proceeds 25. at Wednesday. may will be excluded “be- from a of the Suddenly, 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at September 23. friends BARRETT. MILDRED D. , on St a.m. Rela- call one eye in in 1950 Tuesday September 22. 1953, at her Peter's Church at 9 at the Frazier Funeral Home. 389 1947 and cause of the obvious fact that of the Nation-wide drive con- residence. 1339 Valley pi. s.e., MIL- tives and friends invited. Interment R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral services on became totally blind. the Arlington cemetery. 24 Thursday. September a.m Harris, life of Dr. Korowicz is un- ducted by the polio foundation BARRETT, National 24. at 11 William M. D the beloved daugh- Kwapien. DRED at the Asbury Methodist Church. 11th: ter of Charles H. M. and Agnes C. GASSAWAY. FLORENCE Departed The Insull power empire col- questionably imperiled by Com- each January. Mr. Magruder Barrett sister of Bar- J. and K sts. n.w.. Rev. Robert M. Wil- j They live at and Marion L. this life on Monday. September 21. hams, ! lapsed he i munist agents country emergency rett of New York City. Funeral serv- 1953, Illness, minister. Interment Arlington in 1932 and fled to 12302 Georgia in this said aid is extended after a brief Mrs. FLOR- National Cemetery. 23 ' who ices at the Simmons Bros. Funeral ! ENCE J. GASSAWAY, beloved mother Europe. Mrs. Insull followed Long M,“ Kw,pi 'n ’ would, if possible, thwart to communities which exhaust Tuesday. Septem- Auditor Home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Murphy REID. WALTER. On Senior avenue. of Jefferson. Eugene F. Wil- him and later when he was seized his effort to tell his their available Thursday, September 24. at 2 p.m liams and Cora B. Gassaway; grand- ber 22. 1953. at the Washington Home Miss Kwapien was graduated story.” funds for patient Interment Crdar Hill Cemetery. mother of Earl F. Williams. She also tor Incurables, WALTER REID, be- she returned and was with him loved husband of the late Rosalie E. from Montgomery Hills Junior care. BENNER. EDWARD C. Suddenly on leaves other relatives and friends. Requiem Wednesday. September at may p.m. Reid.» mass at Bt. Matthew s during his court trials and ac- Arlington Chap- 33. 1953. ; Friends call after 6 Wednes- Thursday. At National High School He said the day September Cathedral on September Lincoln where she was ac- his residence. 131 s Holbrook st. n.e.. 2.3. at the Ralph Bar- 24. quittal on Federal charges of EDWARD BENNER, husband bour Funeral Home. 48 K st. n.e.. at 9 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln tive in sports. ter, in addition to providing C. beloved Cemetery. Harris, 80, intramural She Urge r William M. “Pop” Railroads ot Mary A. Benner, father of M s. where funeral services will be held on mail fraud. In 1937 they re- Tax polio Thursday, had attended Montgomery Blair funds for care of the 26 Mary Kremonas of Salem. Mass., and September 24. at 1:30 p.m. RIDOU’t. SALLY DASHIELL. On Tues- turned to Paris, where Mr. Insull the Mrs. Vivian Keefer of Shippingsburg. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. day. September 22. 1953. at her resi- senior auditor at Lincoln High sophomore classes patients this year, aids a num- by four died a year School Pa. He also is survived GIBSON, dence. 2129 Fla. ave. n.w.. SALLY later. National Bank, and ber of persons who were brothers and two sisters. Friends may HENRY. On Monday. Sep- DASHIELL RIDOUB. widow of Graf- Seventeenth for two days when she com- Equality strick- tember 21. 1953. at District* of by With call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. the ton D. Rldout, sister of Mrs. Mrs. insull. who is survived many years, plained of Trucks en in previous years and still re- and Mass.