Future of ASEAN Future of ASEAN 50 Success Stories of Success Stories of Internationa50lization of ASEAN MSMEs Internationalization of ASEAN MSMEs

This publication is supported by the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) through the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development (2016-2025) project

This publication is supported by the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) through the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development (2016-2025) project

Future of ASEAN 50 Success Stories of Internationalization of ASEAN MSMEs

The ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta

50 Success Stories i The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member States are Brunei Darussalam, , , Lao PDR, Malaysia, , , , and Viet Nam. The ASEAN Secretariat is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

For inquiries, contact: The ASEAN Secretariat Community Relations Division (CRD) 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja Jakarta 12110, Indonesia Phone : (62 21) 724-3372, 726-2991 Fax : (62 21) 739-8234, 724-3504 E-mail : [email protected]

ASEAN: A Community of Opportunities

Catalogue-in-Publication Data

Future of ASEAN – 50 Success Stories of Internationalization of ASEAN MSMEs Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, November 2017

338.6459 1. ASEAN – Micro Small Medium Enterprises 2. ASEAN Brands – Entrepreneurs

ISBN 978-602-6392-81-7

The text of this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, provided proper acknowledgement is given and a copy containing the reprinted material is sent to the Community Relations Division (CRD) of the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta.

General information on ASEAN appears online at the ASEAN Website: www.asean.org

Copyright Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2017. All rights reserved.

This publication is supported by the ASEAN Economic Ministers and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Consultations – Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) through the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development (2016-2025) project.

ii 50 Success Stories

Table of Contents

FOREWORD 1 FOREWORD v MESSAGE 2 MESSAGE vi 50 SUCCESS STORIES 50 SUCCESS STORIES 1 Agriculture & Food Agriculture & Food Aalst Chocolate Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) 3 Aalst Chocolate Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) 3 AAungung Na Nayy LLinin HHtuntun CCo.,o., LLtd.td. ((Myanmar)Myanmar) 5 5 CCincoinco Corpo Corporationration ((Philippines)Philippines) 7 7 CV.Co CoInd Lightonus aHouse Makm Co.,ur S Ltd.entos (Myanmar)a (Indone s ia) 9 9 JCV.um jIndonusael Syrup (M Makmuryanma r)Sentosa (Indonesia) 11 11 Jum Jel Co., Ltd. (Myanmar) 13 Kospermindo (Indonesia) 13 Kospermindo (Indonesia) 15 LM Lima Angkor Food (Cambodia) 15 LM Lima Angkor Food Co., Ltd. (Cambodia) 17 LLYLYyly Food Food In Industrydustry Co Co.,., L tLtd.d. ( C(Cambodia)ambodia) 19 17 NaNationaltional InInternationalternational CoCommercialmmercial EEnterprisenterprise Ltd.Ltd. (Myanmar)(Myanmar) 21 19 S Sinoukinouk CCoffeeafé La Co.,o (La Ltd.o PDR) (Lao PDR) 23 21


CrCrescentescent (Sdn.Brun Bhd.ei Da (Bruneirussalam) Darussalam) 25 23 MMindplusindplus (EducationBrunei Da rPvt.uss aLtd.lam) (Brunei Darussalam) 27 25

FaFashionshion CANIFA JSC (Viet Nam) 29 CANIFA () 27 Irna La Perle (Indonesia) 31 Irna La Perle (Indonesia) 29 # Na Forrér (Brunei Darussalam) 33 NaSiti Forr Khadijaher (Br uApparelnei Dar Sdn.ussa lBhd.am) (Malaysia) 35 31 Siti Khadijah Apparel Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) 33 Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Bellary Enterprise (Brunei Darussalam) 37 BeGandangllary En Kalikasanterprise (B Inc.run (Philippines)ei Darussalam) 39 35 GSkinand aInc.ng K(Singapore)alikasan In c. (Philippines) 41 37 M.Y.R. Cosmetics Solution Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 39 Information Technology & Communication Orthopeasia Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 41 Codingate Co., Ltd. (Cambodia) 43 IC Microsystems Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) 45 IX Telecom Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) 47 Future of ALaoSEA ITN Development Co., Ltd. (Lao PDR) 49 Max Media Co., Ltd. (Lao PDR) 51

50 Success Stories iii Manufacturing

Algaetech International Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) 53 An Khanh Precision Engineering JSC (Viet Nam) 55 Asia Amro Industry Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 57 Bách Tùng Mechanics & Constructions Co., Ltd. (Viet Nam) 59 Builders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) 61 Duc Dat Plastic Ltd., Co. (Viet Nam) 63 JB Woodcraft Inc. (Philippines) 65 Jewel Ko Lay Co., Ltd. (Myanmar) 67 LSV Industry Co., Ltd. (Cambodia) 69 M.Y.R. Cosmetics Solution Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 71 CV. Naditha Creation (Indonesia) 73 Orthopeasia Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 75 Quality Plus Aesthetic International Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 77 VBOX Luxury JSC (Viet Nam) 79

Other services

CONFEX (Brunei Darussalam) 81 ECHOstore Sustainable Lifestyle (Philippines) 83 ECOSOFTT Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) 85 PBA Group (Singapore) 87 PT. Zahir International (Indonesia) 89 Rentsbuy Sole Co., Ltd. (Lao PDR) 91 Samart Event Organizer Co., Ltd. (Lao PDR) 93 SOPHIYA Travel & Tours (Cambodia) 95 Udon Auto Glass Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 97 Vcargo Worldwide (Philippines) 99 Yang Kee Logistics Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) 101

Appendix – MSME Internationalization Program

ASEAN 103 Brunei Darussalam 104 Cambodia 105 Indonesia 106 Lao PDR 107 Malaysia 108 Myanmar 109 Philippines 111 Singapore 112 Thailand 114 Viet Nam 116

iv 50 Success Stories foreword

Message from the Chair of the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on MSME (ACCMSME)

The development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) remains of utmost importance to the ASEAN integration process as they continue to be a key driver of economic growth. The ASEAN Economic Community

presents opportunities to all businesses, in particular our MSMEs, where access to regional as well as global markets is made possible through the creation of more business friendly and integrated economies, allowing greaterFO participationREWO ofR ourD MSMEs in global value chains.

In today’s fast-changing environment, the increased openness of global marketsMessa hasge fexposedrom the MSMEs Cha itor ogreaterf the Acompetition,SEAN Coo thusrd iforcingnating them to adjustCom theirmi strategiesttee on inM orderSME to ( AcatchCC MupSME), with global Le standards.la Suhai Inlee achieving global competitiveness, we have witnessed the ups and downs of our MSMEs embarking upon their international business journey with a more strategic and innovative approach aimed at lowering production costs, increasing The ASEAN Economic Community presents opportunities to all businesses, in pproductivityarticular our micras wello, s maas limprovingl and medium quality enter topr iensureses (MS MthatEs) theycan lcanever agesuccessfully the icompetencreased o outsidepportun ititheires in domestic regional and market. global markets. Global value chains will expose MSMEs to higher standards, increased competitiveness and the demands tHence,o raise p inrodu celebratingctivity. To b ethe ab linternationalizatione to compete globally, M journeysSMEs nee ofd touro ad jMSMEs,ust their and sintra tconjunctionegies not onl ywith to m ASEANerely pa rtici50ptha tAnniversary,e but also to stheucc esASEANsfully p arCoordinatingticipate. DiCommitteefferent MSM onEs mayMSME have (ACCMSME)different inspir aistio npleasedal storie s tobe hlaunchind thei rthis succe publicationss.

T“Futurehe ASEA Nof C oASEAN-50ordinating C oSuccessmmittee Storieson MSM Eofs (AInternationalizationCCMSME), taking adva ofnt aASEANge oMSMEs”f the 50th aimedyear an native rsprofilingary of ASE MSMEsAN, is p lethatased thaveo lau ncsuccessfullyh this publica taccessedion “internationalFuture of ASE markets,AN – 50 be Su it cthroughcess Sto rexporties of ofIn goodsternati oorna services,lisation o havingf ASEA foreignN MaffiliatesSMEs”. orTh ebranches, publicatio havingn profil econsigneess 50 MSME sfor in productionASEAN wit hor 5 0outsourcing different of iservicesnspiratio noverseas.s from var iItou alsos sec taimsors and to wsharealks o fbest life. practiceThey dem amongonstrate ASEAN not only memberthe ingenuity, perseverance and hard work behind every success, but also the need for rstatesegiona lin p odevelopinglicy makers andand promotingagencies to MSMEspromote MwithSM Eas global’ integr abusinesstion in g looutlook.bal value chains, and on the importance of instituting an enabling environment tFeaturinghrough pol iciinspiringes that lo wstorieser the t rofan 50sac tASEANion costs MSMEsof doing b fromusiness various and en csectorsourage and MwalksSMEs ofto ilife,nternati thison apublicationlize. The aim iso f hopedthe pub ltoica tmotivateion is the reandfore encourageto share and more lMSMEsearn from to bestablishest practic ae footholdamong A inSE AinternationalN Member St markets,ates in d eandvelo pinto glearn and from promoting MSMEs with a global business outlook; and in the process, to profile MthoseSME swho tha tdemonstrate have successf notully onlyacces thesed ingenuity,internationa perseverancel markets, be andit th rhardough work ebehindxport of everygoods osuccess,r service s,but havi alsong fo rtheeign needaffilia tfores and regional/or branche policys, o rmakers having and cagenciesonsignees ftoor promoteproduction MSMEs’ and/or out integrationsourcing of s einrv icglobales over svalueeas, so chains, that the yand in the tuimportancern will inspi reof o thinstitutingers. an enabling environment through policies that lower the transaction costs of doing business and encourage MSMEs to The increased openness of market adds more competition to MSMEs; this in turn addinternationalize.s more pressure for MSMEs to lower production costs, innovate and increase productivity to remain competitive. It is hoped that the inspiring stories will enAsidecoura gfrome mor e stimulatingMSMEs to int erinspiration,nationalise an dACCMSME create their o walson sto rhopesylines. that this publication will assist MSMEs in ASEAN to connect with each other and Aenhanceside from their stimu linkageslating in sintopira ttheion, regionalACCMSM andE al sglobalo hope values that chains.this pub lIica cantio nassure wyououl dthat ass iACCMSMEst MSMEs in remains ASEAN committedto connect w toith increasing each other itsand focus enhanc on esupporting their linkages into the regional and global supply chains. MSMEs’ development and participation in global value chains, in particular Iwithin can as stheure contextyou that ofth ethe AC ASEANCMSME Strategicremains co Actionmmitted Plan to in forcrea SMEse its Developmentfocus on s2016-2025.upporting MSMEs’ development and participation in the global value chains, in particular within the context of the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME DThankevelopme yount to20 1AEM-METI6-2025. Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) and all colleagues involved in making this publication possible, Thank you to all colleagues involved in producing this book. and congratulations to each and every MSME featured. I look forward to Cmoreongra successtulations storiesto all 50 of en suchtreprene achievement.urs and businesses featured.

MNorlelas. Norl eSuhaileela Suhailee AActingcting H Headead o fof B uBusinesssiness Ad vAdvisoryisory & Se &rv Servicesices DaDarussalamrussalam E nEnterpriseterprise (D A(DARe),Re) Brunei Darussalam

50 Success Stories 1 v Future of ASEAN message

Message from the Secretary General of ASEAN

ASEAN has grown from strength to strength since the Bangkok Declaration was signed in 1967. Progress and achievements in the ASEAN Economic Community pillar have been strong and encouraging. The widely quoted figures that position ASEAN collectively as the sixth largest economy in the world, the world’s fourth largest powerhouse in trade and a preferred investment destination - are vivid illustrations of the success of ASEAN economic integration. These achievements must be extended to and enjoyed by the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) of the region.

Despite regional integration and dominance in numbers, MSMEs tend to be less active in establishing a presence in other ASEAN Member States in comparison to larger companies. The uncertainties, risks associated with direct investment, lack of adequate overseas market information, difficulties in access to finance and lack of an internationalization agenda are some of the reasons holding back MSMEs’ regional expansion. In response to this, the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development (2016-2025) recognizes the importance of supporting MSMEs’ internationalization through the establishment of a larger pool of innovative, resilient and competitive MSMEs that are ready for the global market.

Through this publication, the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on MSME (ACCMSME) presents 50 success stories of ASEAN MSMEs that can inspire other MSMEs to achieve international success. These stories also demonstrate the value of regional integration and the enlarged market opportunities generated by regionalization and globalization.

I would like to extend my congratulations to ACCMSME for its hard work in developing the “Future of ASEAN-50 Success Stories of Internationalization of ASEAN MSMEs”. It is certainly an apt tribute to ASEAN on its 50th Anniversary. Moreover it is a significant contribution to the ASEAN Economic Community theme this year of inclusive and innovation-led growth, with MSMEs at the heart of economic development in ASEAN.

Finally, I would also like to extend my congratulations to every MSME featured in this book and wish them every success in reaching new heights. I also encourage other MSMEs in the region to work hard and seize the opportunities presented by the ASEAN Economic Community.

Le Luong Minh Secretary-General of ASEAN Jakarta Indonesia October 2017

vi 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 1 2 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ SINGAPORE



Aalst Choaa colate Pte. Ltd. The first Singaporean premium chocolate brand for hotels, Aals/AGRICULTUREt Cho c& olateFOOD/ Pte. Ltd. singapore restaurants, and/ AcGoRnICsumersULTURE & FOOD/ SINGAPORE

The first Singaporean premium chocolate brand for hotels, /AGaa RICULTURE & FOOD/ SINGAPORE

re staurants, and consumers

aa AalstAals Chocolatet Chocolate Pte. Pte.Ltd. Ltd. product s to over 45 countries all They are currently eyeing the TheAals Tfirsthe ft irstSingaporean C Shoingapcoolater eanpremium pre mPte. iumchocolate c hLtd.oco lbrandate brand for hotels, for hotels, over the worplrd.od uInct saddition, to over 45 thecountries all ChinTehseey m araer cukerrte fnotlry beuyes iinnge tshse restaurants,restaurant ands, andconsumers consumers The first Singapocroeanmp panreym hiumaosv ewr c othhnocoe aw numberolrald.te In brand addition, of for the ho telesx, panChsiionense. mTahrek ecto fomr pbausn iyn ehssa s

restaurants, and Scoinngasumerspore a cnodm internationalpany has won a numberawards. of recenetlxpyan esmiobna. rTkheed c oomnp aa njyo ihnats Singapore and international awards. recently embarked on a joint venturvenet urwiet hw iWilmth Wilmara r product s to over 45 countries all They are currently eyeing the InterIntnaetrionanaltional, o,n oen eo fo fA Assiiaa’s Chinese market for bus iness over the world. In addition, the leading agribusiness groups based pSustainablerodcuomct sp anto yo vhea rsupplys 4 w5o countriesn a number chain all of leaventuredingTheeyx a par willaneg cursiio ballowrrnue.ns Ttlin hyus ee syctosoei mleveragenggpr aothnueyp hsa on sb a sed Sustainable supply chain in Singapore. “This joint venture SustainabolverS stihnuega pwpoorprlled.y a nIn cd h addition,internationalain the awards.in Wilmar’sSingC hinreacesepn ormvasttlayer e.k me manufacturing“tb Tfaohrrk ibesud js oinnien ast sj ov ienandnt t ure ocrawofm rpa anmaterialwy m haas terwo ni aal number of exwilpanl saiollno.w T uhse t coo lemveragpany eh aons of raw material wildistributionl allveonwtur ues channels wtoith le Wilmverag ina Asia”,r e on says Singapore and international awards. reWilmceIntntleyar enarm’st biovaanalrskte m,d o aonneufac ao fj oAitsnuitar ’isn g and Aalst Aa lsChocolatet Chocola tesources source s highhigh Wilm Conniear’ sKwan. vast manufacturing and Aalst Chocolate sources high vedintlsuretaredingib wuitt ihao gnWilmr icbhuannsainr eeslss ginro Aupsisa b”,a sed qqualityuality rrawaw mmaterialsaterials ffromrom aacrosscross Sustainable supply chain distIntrsaibeirynunas tSing Citoioonnnnala pcior,he o annKwaen.e “oTnfeh A.li sss ijinao’isn At vseinat”ur, e quality raw tm thehea gteriaglobelobe lmmainlys afirnloym fromfr oamcr WestWosess t Africa, Automation of Afrioca,f rSaowut hm Aamterericaal, Asia, saylse aCdingwilonnl agllieroi wbKwau ussin teons les. veraggroupes onba sed the globe maSSouthiunlstya firnAmerica,oambl eW seu sptAsia,p ly chOceania,ain in Singapore. “This joint venture Oceania, Europe and Singapore. manufacturingWilmar’s vast mprocessesanufacturing and Africa, SouthoEuropef A r m a w e randm iAacaal ters,Singapore.t ACishaioalc,o late “Havingsources hai gh wilAl ualltowma us titoo lenverag of e on “Having a strong support from distribution channels in Asia”, strongqua supportlity raw mfromateria ourls fsuppliersrom acros s Wilmmaanr’us vfasctt muarniufacng prturioncgess andes Oceania, Euo r u o r p ts heu Aae pa gpnllsloitdeb C reSsh m ioinsca ogapcinllariyteti cafo rsorlm euforr. ceW use ssh ttoi gh Adoptionsays Co nnofie Kwatechnologyn. and is critical for us to ensure the Auditostrmaibutitiono chnann ofel s in Asia”, “Having a steqrnuaosnurlAigtfrey istrca,hauwep S cpmooouantteriarstht an Afrmltos ef mflrroiocw ma ,o Aafc srawriao,s s innovation Ad oarepti onthe of tkeyech nsuccessology a nd constant flow of raw materials”, masanysu Cfoannctieu Kwarinn. g processes mthaeteria gOlceobalesn ”mi,a asaid, iEunlyr oCfrpooennm a niWed eKwaSsitn gapn. o “Iret. elementsinnovat iforon arAalste the keChocolate.y success our suppliersaids is cConnieritical fKwan.or us to“It is also Automation of iAs frail“ca,sHo a iSmvoinpugtoh ra taA smtnrtoe ntroigc has,ua Avepspi oahr,i tg frhloym The e lecompanyments fo rhas Aal adoptedst Choco lastate-te. The ensure the cimportantonstant ftolo havew o highlyf raw controlled Amdaonputfioactn uorf itnegc hprnocloessgyes an d cOocentoaronuirlla se, udEup sprtloroiepraesge aisn sdcpr Siaticeincagap tl ofor or eu.s to ofA ucothe-arttmomapan tiy ohEuropeannas o afd opted chocolate state-of- materials”, said“Hav iCngo ann strioen Kwag supnpo. r t“I frto m innovation are the key success storageensur spacee the toco nchocolatesstant flow forof raw our makingmtah ne - ua fr technology. at ActEduuorprotipinoenang o pr fcToday, thoeoccchessonlao lteAalstoesgy a nd Ms. Connie Kwan, Co-founder & our suppliers is critical for us to is also imporcustomers”.tanmta teriato hlas”ve, said hi gChonnly ie Kwan. “Ietl eChocolate’smeninntso vatfo rio productionAn alarse tt hCeh ko eycfacilities osulaccte.ess The Managing Director cehnosurcoela tteshe cfonr stouanr tc fulostwo mofe rawrs”. m a kAidnogp tectiohn noof ltoegy.chn Toolodaygy a, nAad lst controlled storaisge als sop imacepor ttaon t to have highly coarempC an90%heloecymo helaautomated,natets’ sfa opdrro oAdalputeds ctalong tCioh snot cfa oawittelacite.l-i oth iTfe -sh e materiacontlros”ll, saided st Coroanngei es pKwaace nto. “It innocvatomipoann ayr he aths ea dkoepy tedsuc csteastes -of- highlyare 90%skilled automated, staff. This along allowe with is also important to have highly thee-laermthe Een-tuasr rfto Erp uAeraloanpste anCch ocohccooolacolate.late teT he Ms. Connie KwanK, CoEY- fSUMounds.C CConnerESSie & K ELEMENwan, Co-foundTSer & d the company to increase the Ms. Connie Kwan,cho colates focorn otcrohuollrc eocdlau stesstorto afmoger e osrups”ra cec.u stoto mers”. mackoihmnimgphan ateclkyyi n skihgha tecnsll eoadhlo nspogy.tatedloff.gy. TsThist oTateodayday -allowedof,-, Aa l slts t Managing D ire ctor Managing Director productionthe com pefficiencyany to increase and have the a • MSCo-founderussta. Coinnnaieb l Ke& wa sManagingunpply, Co -cfoh undDirectorainer o f& the-Carhto Ecoularotepe’san pro chdouccotilaoten facilities Chmaximumocporlaodteuc’ tsoutputi opnro effid ofuci ce30,000tnicyon and f ametricc haveiliti eas ra w mMataenragialins g Director chocolates for our customers”. makairneg 90% tech nautomated,ology. To day along, Aa lwithst KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS aretonsC 90%hmo hofcaoixg laimum chocolatehautomated,tely’ sski p rololeuddt upper scutta ti off.oyear.n falong Thisf30,000ac iHavingl iallowedti ewiths metric KEY SUCCESS • ELEMEN B usiness exTpSan sion by joint KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS higbothahrlteyo 90%ttechnology nhskise oc floautomated, lmcehdpoan cso tandylaa tff.teo humanincrease peralongThis year. with allowedcapital the KvenEY•t uSUSreu staCCinESSable ELEMEN supply chaTiSn of • Sustainable supply chain of theath ctheigohmpl highestryo pski d an u Hlclteay ido v level,t nisont eag ffiincreaseff. b Aalstc oThisitehn cyt eChocolateallowed candh ntheo have l o gy a • Sustainable supply chraawin m oatfe rials • P• rocSrawustaes smaterialsi naautblome suapplytion c hain of hasthean cmbeenodam hxpimumum anoperatingay nt o oc uincreaseatppiuta t lo sustainably,aft 30,000 thethe hig metriche st • Business expansion by joint propdruodcutciotionn e effifficciieenncycy and and have have a a raw materials • ra Businessw mate rexpansionials by joint efficiently,letveonl,s Aao fand lcshto Cprofitably.cohlaocteo laperte year.has b een venture mamximumaximum o ouutpuut to of 30,000f 30,000 metric metric PRO FILE opera t i n Hg a svuisntga ibnaothb ltye,c ehfnfioclioegynt ly, • Business expansi•on Bventureu bysine joss ienxtp ansion by joint Business expansion by joint tons of chocolate per year. • Process automation ton sThinking ofan cdh houmc ogloballyalante ca pperit aandl ayear.t thlocally,e h ighe st F• o venund Processtuedre j o automationintly by Connie Business expansion by venture venture Aalst l eH ve Chocolate Ha l,av Aaviinnlgst b bCo ohthotalsoh ctoe tlac ehtecnleveraged hohlnaosgyo bl eeogyn Kwan• PanPROrocd RFILEeiscsh aut rdom Leea tinion 200 3, joint v enture and human capital at the highest • Process automAaa lstti onCho c olate is the first on oSingapore’sperating su staextensiveinably, ef ficfreeient ly, Having both Business-to- andle hveuml, Aaalsnt Cchaopciotlaalte a hta tsh beee hni ghest SinPgaPROFILEROp or FILE e anFo undbraned jtohianttl cyan by Connie B Huasviinengs bso exth pBuasninsieossn- tbo-y trade agreements to develop new Business and Business-to- leveopl,e Aaratilnsgt sCushtaoicnaoblalyte, e fhficaise nbtleey, n produKcew baont anh cdh Rocicohlaarted cLoevee inrt ur200e 3, Businjoeisnst a vnedn Btusreine ss-to- markets around the world. PROFILE Founded jointly by Conn ie Consumer distribution channels, operating sustainably, efficiently, and coAaFoundedmlpsot undsCho c.o lajointlyWitet ihs 5t h bebyr fian rsdtConnie s CBounssiumneesrs di exstpriabnutsioionn c hbanny els, KwaSnin angadp Roriechanar bdr anLede inth a200t can3, AaljoAalstisn t t C v hChocolate e oHncaotvulainreteg bi s o tish eB theleusaidingn eleadingss- to- Founded jointlundyAa bKwaneylrs titC Cso h wing,nnoandcoila e RichardteAa ilss th Ceh fioLeercsBot la uintes 2003,ines s exBusinpanessis oannd Bbuysi ness-to- produce both chocolate coverture ssupplierupplier ooff i nindustrialdustrial c hchocolatesocolates in Kwan and Richard hLaeSs eiAalstbn eegainnp 200 orexeChocolatepano3r bt,i rnang d98% thais tof can itsthe first C Honasvuminge bro diths tBriubsuintioessn -cthoann- els, and compounds. Witjoh 5i bnrant vdse ntvariinu revariousous As iAsianan co untcountriesries su csuchh as as prSingaporeanoduce both c hobrandcolate covethatrtur ecan BusinAalessst aCnhdo cBoulastein eisss t-hteo -leading Aalst Chocolate is the firundst er its wing, Aalst Chocolate Thailand and the Philippines. They anproduced comp obothunds .chocolate With 5 b rcovertureands TChoansilsuumapnpdel irane dir dosf tt rihinbedu Putioshtilirni alpchp cannihnoecs.eol las, tes in has been exporting 98% of itsH avingare bo tcurrentlyh Busin eyeingess-to -the Chinese Singaporean brand thundaandt ecr an itcompounds.s wing, Aals t WithChoc o5la tebrands Aalsvarit Chooucso Alasteian is ctohunte leraidinges su ch as Business andmarket Busi nforess bus-to -iness expansion. produce both chocolahteaunders bceeoven its erx wing,tpuroreti nAalstg 98% Chocolate of its has suppTlhiearil oafn idn danudst trhiale Pchoilicpoplaitesnes. in The company has recently 3 and compounds. Withbeen 5 b exportingrands 98% ofC itson productsumer divaristroiubsu Atsioiann ccohuntannriese slsu,c h as 50 Success Stories Tembarkedhailand an ond t ha ejoint Phili pventurepines. with under its wing, Aalst Csh too coverola te45 countries Aalall overst C theho colate is the leading Wilmar International, one of world. In addition, thesu companypplier o f industrial chocolates in 3 has been exporting 98%50 of Success its Stories Asia’s leading agribusiness groups has won a number of Singapore various Asianbased count in rSingapore.ies such as“This joint 3 50and Success international Stories awards.Thailand and the Philippines.

50 Success Stories 3 3 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & /FOOAGRDIC/ U L T U R E & FOO D / S I N G APO RE SINGAPORE

and profitably. and profitably. Thinking globally and loTchalilny,k ing globally and locally, Company Profile Company Profile Aalst Chocolate also leveraged on Aalst Chocolate also leveraged on Corporate Name: Corporate Name: Singapore’s extensive freSein tgaradepor e’s extensive free trade Aalst Chocolate Pte. Ltd. agreements to develop naegwree ments to develop new Aalst Chocolate Pte. Ltd. markets around the wormlda. r k ets around the world.

Established: 2003 Established: 2003


Below – Founder of Aalst Chocolate, Mr.an RBidceh lpaorwdo Lfi –et eFa,o bEulmnyd.p elor yoeef As ailns tS Cinhgoacpoolarete, , Mr. Richard Lee, Employees in Singapore, Number of Employees: over N1oumbo er of Employees: over 1oo Artistic pieces of chocolate with premium inAgrrTetisdhiteicn ptksii efncromegs go alfo rcobhuoallncdoyl ta htane wgdliobet lho pc, ra elmly,iu m ingredients from around the globe, Company Profile AaAlsssto Crtehdo ccoonlafetecti oalnesroie les cvoevrearegde wdi tohn h igh-quality chocolate Assorted confectioneries covered with high-quality chocolate Corpo rate Name: S/AGRICULTUREingapore’s extensive f&re eFOOD/ trade singapore Aalst Chocolate Pte. Ltd. agreements to develop new International Activities: International Activities: markets around the world. Export of goods to foreign countries EstablExished po: 2003rt of goods to foreign countries

Below: Founder of Aalst Chocolate, Mr. Richard Lee, Employees in Singapore, Company Profile Below – Founder of Aalst Chocolate, Mr. Richard Lee, Employees in Singapore, Artistic pieces of chocolate with premium ingredients from around the globe, Number of Employees: over 1oo Artistic pieces of chocolate with premium ingredients from around the globe, Assorted confectioneries covered with high-quality chocolate Assorted confectioneries covered with high-quality chocolate Corporate Name: Aalst ChocolateInternatiAwon aPte.arl ds:A ctivitiLtd. es: Awards: Ex port of goods to foreign countries The company has received local and Established:The 2003 companyAgri-Foo hasd & receivedVeterina localry • andAgri-Food & Veterinary • international recognitions including internationalAuthorit recognitionsy of Singapo rincludinge (AVA)A uthority of Singapore (AVA) • Agri-Food & Veterinary Number of• Employees: Agri-FoodSilver Aw &a Veterinaryrd 2017 Silver Award 2017 Awards: Authority of Singapore (AVA) over 1oo • AuthorityThe Mo ofnd Singaporee Selection (AVA) Aw•a rd The Monde Selection Award The• companyAgri-Foo hasd & receivedVeterina localry and • The Monde Selection Award internationalA• ut h Theorit recognitionsy20 oMondef 1Si7n gap(seo crincluding eSelectiono (nAVdA tim) e) Award 2017 (second time) International• Agri-FoodSi l ve 2017r Activities: Aw &a Veterinaryrd 2017 • 2017Sin gapore SME1000 2016 Authority• ofSi Singaporengapo r(AVA)e SME1000 2016 Export •of goodsThe M toon foreignde Select ion Award • Singapore SME1000 2016 • The20• Monde• 1 7 Singapore (secE Selectionondter timpre) Award iSME1000se 5 0 Awa 2016rd 201•5 Enterprise 50 Award 2015 countries 2017 Enterprise 50 Award 2015 • Si• •n gap EnterpriseorTe hSMeE 2010001 4 5020 H1 6Awarde alth Aw 2015ard• • The 2014 Health Award • • SingaporeEnterpr iSME1000se 50 Awa 2016rd 2015 The 2014 Health Award, etc. Enterprise The 50 2014 Award 2015Health Award, etc.• Awards:•• T•he 2014 Heal th Award • The 2014 Health Award, etc. The company has received local and international recognitions includingEmail:Emai l: Email: [email protected] • Agri-Food & Veterinary [email protected] Authority sofa leSingapores@aals (AVA)tchocolate.com • The MondeTel.: + 65 Selection 6863 2626 Award 2017 • Singapore SME1000 2016 Tel.: +65 6863 2626 Website:Te l.: +65 6863 2626 • Enterprise 50 Award 2015 www.aalstchocolate.com • The 2014 Health Award, etc.

Website: Website: Email:Facebook:

[email protected]/aalstchocolatewww.aalstchocolate .com www.aalstchocolate.com www.facebook.com/aalstchocolate

Tel.: +65 6863 2626 Instagram: Facebook: www.iFnsatacgreabmoo.cokm/: aalstchocolate Website:

www.aalstchocolate.comwww.facebook.com/aalstchocolatewww.facebook.com/aalstchocolate www.facebook.com/aalstchocolate www.facebook.com/aalstchoc olate Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Instagram: aalstchocolateInstagram:

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4 50 Success Stories

4 50 Success Stories

4 4 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR


/A GRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR AungAung Nay Na Liny Lin Htun Htun Co., Co Ltd.., Ltd. AungAung(Geniusaa (Genius N Nay aCoffee) yL C inLoinf Hfee Htun)tun C oC.o, L.,td. Ltd.

aa aa (Genius(GeniusAn Aawardn award winning C winning Cofof socialfeef ees)ocial enterprise) enterp risethat t embraceshat embr acthees idea the idea of fair trade and human empowering AnAof na fairw aardw tradeard winning winning and human social social empowering en teerntperriseprise tha tth eambt ermbacersac thees theidea id oef afair of fair

tradtrade ane and humd humana enm epmowepowerinrgin g

Their headquarters, distribution Their sales breakdown for the Their and cafheadquarters,é are located idistributionn Yangon. breakdowni ntern at iofornal thema rkinternationalet is currentl y and café are located in Yangon. market is currently 10%, and they TheTir h h e ei ra Tdhoqedauarteadyq ituarte rhsa, sd rbiset,cr doibmisutetr iiaobnnu tion The1i0rT %,shae laeinrs d sb atrhleeeasyk b daroreewna lko dofokirwnn tgh fefoo rrwar thed award winning social enterprise are lookingto partn forwardership or to m partnershiperger for the ir andan cafdé caf areé laorcate loedcat ine dY anin gYoann. gon. interninaterntionalat iomnalark emt aisr kcuetr ries nctluyrr ently and value-added food producer. business expansion. Today T o da Tyo dait hhasya its bhbecomeeacso bmeec o amann e awardan or10 %,merger 1a0n%,d t ha neyford atr hee theirlyo aorkei n logbusiness ofokrinwarg fod r ward awarwinninga ward widn nwiisocialnngn sionc gi alsenterpriseo ecnialter epnrterise p andrise expansion.to p atrotn pear srhtnipe rosrh mipe orger mr eforrge thr eforir their value-addedFair trad foode of lproducer.ocal products andan valdue val-auedd-eadd dfoeodd f oporodd purcerod.u cer. busEminbeuspso iexnwepesansr iexnsiogp nanh.u smioann. for international market Empowering re sources t humano international Fair trade of local products FaiFr atriraG dterena iuodfse lS oohcfanal lo Hipcralgoh dplanurocdtdss uC ocffets e resourcesstandard to international (Genius Coffee) was founded on EmpEmoweproiwnge rhiunmg ahnu man foforr fion rinternationalt eirnnteartinoantaiol nma almarketr mketar ket standard“As a small start-up, digital the idea of fair trade and resoruerscoeus rtoce isn teor innatteiornnaatlio nal marketing is the key success”, says GrenspGiuoesnn sSiuihbsanle S b hHiuansgin hHielanssg hdblanas sCeodffe so nCe o ffee stansdtaardnd ard Genius Shan Highlands Coffee Ngwe Tun. Genius Coffee has a (Gen(Gdiiuersne cCiuto tsffeer aCdeo)ffee wasand) wasrfoelaunt fiodedonusn hondedip s wonith “As a small start-up, digital (Genius Coffee) was founded on the web“Ass aite“ smA tsoall a i nsm strtoaallrdtu- ceustpa t,r hdte-iiugrip ta, ld igital the idloecaa lo fa framire trrsa. deNg anwed Tu n first marketing is the key success”, says ideathe ofid efaira o ftrade fair t randade responsibleand marckoemtipnang iys ctohnec keepyt, shuicgche-ssqua”, lsaityy s respoinntsriobdleu cedbus itnhess lo cabalslye dg roonwn Ngwe mTun.arke tGeniusing is t hCoffeee key suhascce ssa ”, says businessrespon sbasedible b onus idirectness b tradeased oandn Ngwpreo Tdunuct.s Ganedn iusers vCiocesffe, ep hroadsu ac tion direccto tfferadee fr anomd trheela Stoiounthsheripns S whanith websiteN gtow introducee Tun. G etheirnius company Coffee h as a direct trade and relationships with webpsrioteces tos eins,t reotcd.u ince E tnhgleiirs h for locarelationshipslS ftatarme oerf sM. Ny agwithnwmea Tu rlocal in tfihr esfarmers. tlo cal concept,web high-qualitysite to intro productsduce the andir local farmers. Ngwe Tun first cominpternany actoionnalcep ctu, hstiogmh-eqruas. l ity inNgwetrordeutai cedlTun m tah rek firstelot,ca a nllintroducedyd gthroenwn gr ad utheally company concept, high-quality introduced the locally grown services,product s aproductionnd services , pprocesses,roduction colocallyffeteh ferio r mhgrowni gthe-q Sua oulcoffeeitthy ecron ffe Sfromhe anha s the pr oducts and services, production Mr. Ngwe Tun, coffee from the Southern Shan etc.pro cesin sEnglishes, etc. i nfor En glinternationalish for Founder & Director StatSouthernegai ofne Mdy asShanoncmialar rState einc otgnh eofi ltoio Myanmarcan la nd bee n processes, etc. in English for State of Myanmar in the local customers.interna tional customers. reintai theel xmp aorlocalrktedet , retail taon Hdo t nmarket,hge nK ogrnag d andaunalld theny international customers. retail market, and then gradually Mr.Mr. Ng wNgwee Tu nTun,, thgraduallyeirt hrigohu-gqh uatheiroulti tAy shigh-quality ciao.ffe e has coffee KEY SUMr.C NCgESSwe Tu ELEMENn, T S their high-quality coffee has Founder & Director gaihasne dgained social rsocialecogn recognitionition and bee andn FFounderounder && DDirectorirector gaineGde nsiuocsi alCo rffeeceo gnopeitrioatesn a tnwdo b een • Fair trade of local products exbeenporcafted éexporteds t(oc oHffeoneg sto hK ooHongpnsg) iann KongdY ango andn an d exported to and KEY SUwCitCh ESSvalue ELEMEN-added quaTliSty ththroughoutrousevgheorualt bAr sAsia.ania.c h es across the KE Y SUCCESS ELEMENTS throughout Asia. KEY• E SUCCESSmpowering ELEMENTS human Gceonuniutsr yC. o Gffeenei oups eCroaftesfee two

• Fa• i r Fair treaso dtradeeu orcf e lofso ci localna lr prur productsoadl aurcetass to caf ésc Genius (ocnoGtffeiennue iuo suCoffeeshsl oCypo susffe) pinep operates oroYpatens rgiatsotesn a tntwowdo • Fair trade of local products w ith valintuerne-atddionedal q sutaanlidtya rds sevcafésecafrfalrané bs(coffeec r(hanciosecffehe eo esp shops)saehcroraoptiosss)n ti.hinn Te he Y aYangonyn hgeolnp at on d with value-added quality Th e company is also keen to • with value-added quality coandunsevidet ryen.r severalt alGify enb ari ansuu sci Cthabranchesoebfslfe ea elco rcatossi o tnhacross,e fi t ou t, E •m po Empoweringwering hu humanman use modern technology for food • Empowering human thecao cunquicountry.trrye. c oGfenfe ei-umsGenius aCkoinffge se u ppCoffeelies, resoresourcesurces in rinu rruralal ar eareasas to to continuously supports its saf ety, and is a proud member of a PrROesoFILEurces in rural areas to francontinuouslyccanohnidseti pnelanu oopu easlrn aydt iosuexnsupportsep.c pTuorhetet mys hiets nel ups ,t oanits d inteinternationalrnational sta standardsndards attractive decoration appropriate numb er of domestic and idefranchiseenfrtianfy cah siuse ioperation.tea bolpee lroacattio inTheyo.n T, hefi thelp yo uhte ,to lp to TheTh companye compan isy ialsos als keeno kee ton tuseo i n t e Frnoundationed ably sNtagwend aTrduns i n to target customers and international food and beverage acidentifyquiideren ctio fyaff esuitableae s-muiatakbi nllocation,eg lsoucatppiloi efitns,, fiout,t o ut, modernuse mo dtechnologyeTrhne t eccohmnpo foranlogyy food ifso ar lsafety,fsooo kdee n to 2012, Genius Shan Highlands operations. associations. PROFILECoffee started processing and anacquireda pclanqui r aencoffee-making dco efxfeec-umtea mkienn gu ssupplies,su, ppandli es, andsafe isty,u as proudane mod isd memberae rpnro teucdh mofno ealm onumbergybe rf oorf fa o od PROroFILEasting coffee in Ywar Ngan atandtranac tdplaniv pTelanh de eand c aoornm adexecutept ieanoxney c aduppi tesmenus,trr omibpuernteiauste s andt, h ane d ofn umdomesticbsafe“rWee oty,f dande anonmcod einternationalu sirstai acge ap noroduur dco m- wfoodeormkb eerrs of a PROFILEFounded by Ngwe Tun in in rural areas to bring more Township in the Southern Shan toattractive taarfintgettreas cctt uivariv setdecorationo demteiecerorss o aftn Aidor naappropriate baippca rcopffeeria tte o andintern beveragenaumtiobnaler associations. foofo ddo anmeds btiecverag and e 20 1 2 , G Feonundius Sehdan by Hi Nghwelan Tduns in innovation. We educate and State. They have since opened a optoetr targetoa tffitiaocrnegets customers. (b cuussintoemss-e andtros- ba operations.unsdi ness) by associinaterntions.at ional food and beverage Co20ffe 1e2 sFounded,t Garetedniu psr Sbyohces anNgwes iHingg aTunhnland dins 2012, 20% and household (business-to- empower them to achieve nursery for testing some of the operations. “We“Wea ss oecnencourageicaotuiornas.ge o ur couro-w orkco-ers roaCsotGeniusffeinge c sotffea rtedShane in p Y rwoHighlandscesar Nsigangn a n dCoffee Tchoen scuomeprans) yb yd i8s0tr%ib iunte ths et he international standard in business finest varieties of Arabica from The company distributes the workersin rural ainre arurals to b rareasing m ortoe bring Torownastartedsahtroiinpundg i nc o tprocessingwffehoer eSl d.ionu tYhwe ranrand NShga anroastingn finesdt ovarimTheseett iicceo smm oapfr Aankertay.b d icisat rciobffeeute st ot he operat“iWeons ”e,n sacoyus rNaggewe o Tuun.r co - workers offifinestces ( bvarietiesusiness- toof-b uArabicasiness) bcoffeey moreinno vinainnovation.t ruionr.al We ar eeads u tcatoWe ber ainneducategd more StatToecoffeewn. Tshhe iyp inh ian ve Ywarth sei nS ceoNganu othpenr neTownship dS ha an finest varieties of Arabica coffee to 20to% anofficesd hou s(business-to-business)ehold (business-to- andem poempoweriwernno vthaetimo n tthem.o We ach eietodvu ecat achievee and nuSrtatseryine the. f orT h Southernteeys thinagve s os miShannece o fo State.tpheen ed Theya offices (business-to-business) by cobyns u20%mer sand) by household80% in the (business- internationalinternematioponalwer standard s ttanhedamr td oin i an cbusiness bhuiesvinee ss finneushavetr seryvari e sinceftories t eo sfopened tAinragb sioc maa fr enursery oomf t he for 20% and household (business-to- around world. doto-consumers)mestic market . by 80% in the operations”,operaintiternons” a,says tsaioynals Ngwe N sgtwean Tun. daTun.rd i n busi5n ess fintestinge50st Successvari someet iStorieses ofof theAra bfinestica fr varietiesom consumers) by 80% in the domestic market. Their sales operations”, says Ngwe Tun. aroofund Arabica worl d.from around world. domestic market.

5 50 Success Stories 5 50 50Success Success Stories Stories 5 /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR

/AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR Below – Ngwe Tun introducing the coffee production process during a unique Coffee Origin Tour in Southern Shan State, Genius Coffee products available in supermarkets nationwide Company Profile Genius Coffee brochure /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR Corporate Name:

Below: Ngwe Tun introducing the coffee production process during a unique CompanyGenius Profile Shan Highlands Coffee CoffeeBelo wOrigin – Ngwe Tour Tun introducing in Southern the coffeeShan productionState, process during a unique Coffee Origin Tour in Southern Shan State, GeniusGenius Coffee Coffee products products available available in supermarkets in supermarkets nationwide nationwide Comp any Profile GeniusGenius Coffee Coffee brochure brochure Corporate Name: CGeniusorporEast etShan aNbamelis hHighlands:e d: 2012 Coffee Genius Shan Highlands Coffee Established: 2012 Number of Employees: 51-100 Established: 2012 Number of Employees:

51-100International Activities: Number of Employees: 51-100 • Having foreign affiliates or branches International• Expor Activities:t of goods to foreign countries I• nternati Havingon aforeignl Activiti affiliateses: or

• branchesHaving foreign affiliates or branches • • ExportExApwoar rtof dof sgoods :g oods ttoo fforeignoreign c ountries

countries• Best Entrepreneur in Asia 2017, Asia Awards: Council for Small Business Awards:• Be•s t EnEtrneptrreeneprurene inuri Asaial 20Ac1h7ie, Avseiam ent Award • BestCo uEntrepreneurncil2 foor1 5S mbyall KanbaB uinsi nAsiaeswzs a Bank, Myanmar • Entrepr(eneKBZuri)a l Achievement Award 2017, Asia Council for Small 2o•1 5 by1 sKanbat Runwznear Bupan ko,f M Myyanamarnma r Young Business(KBZ) st Social Entrepreneur Award 2016 by • Entrepreneurial1 Runner up of MAchievementyanmar Youn g Social EYnotruenprge Mneyura nAmawarrd E20n1gi6 nbyee r AwardYoun g2o15 MAysas nobymacia Kanbawzart iEonngi (nYeeMr EA ) Association (YMEA) Bank, Myanmar (KBZ) • 1st Runner up of Myanmar Email: [email protected] EmaiYoungl: ngw Socialetun@ gEntrepreneureniuscoffee.info Award 2016 by Young TelMyanmar.: +T95e l1. :3 +739 Engineer357 15 373 3 75 Association (YMEA) MobileM: +o9bi59le 4:22 +9 44594 44 0322 4444 03

Email: Website: [email protected]: www.geniuscoffee.info www.geniuscoffee.info Tel.: +95 1 373 375 Faceboo k: wwwMobile:.facebFaceo +959boook.ckom: 422 /Ge n4444iusSp 03ecialtyCoffee www.facebook.com/GeniusSpecialtyCoffee Website:


Facebook: www.facebook.com/ GeniusSpecialtyCoffee

6 50 Success Stories


Cinco Corporation CincoCinco Co Croprorporatiatioonn

aa aa A global flavored fries franchise brand with over A globaA global flalvo flarevodre friesd fries franchise franchise bran brandd w wiitthh ovover 1,000 branches in the Philippines and around the world 1,0001,0 bran00 branchesche ins tinhe t hePh Pilihpilippinepines san andd aroun aroundd the worldworld

more than 1,000 branches around Technology and morthe wthoranld 1an,000d ha bs reanstacbhliessh aedro tundo InnTeocvhnatioolno gyin tandhe theth worldeb ew aor le ladandding an d hasbr hana sestablishedd e isnta tbhlei sfohoedd toto TechnologyprInnoductionova tiando lnine iInnovationn the beb ea i naleadingd leuastdingry fo rbrandbr 25an yeda irinns. t hthee f oofoodd in the pr productiono Aductions one of th el ile nelineading brands industry in d u s t rTfor yr u f oe25 rto 2years. it5s ye maarnst.r a of not only in the snacking industry, Potato serving the customer, but also its As one of the leading brands T r u e to its mantra of not only AsCor onener pofrior theitiz eleadings the qual brandsity of franchisees, Potato Corner has in the snacking industry, Potato serTruevin tog t hitse cmantraustome rof, b unott a lonlyso it s their products. The company uses been recognized by the Philippine in theC orsnackingner prior industry,itizes the qPotatouality of servingfranc htheise ecustomer,s, Potato C butorn ealsor ha itss automated fryers called “Perfect Franchise Association and the Cornerth eprioritizesir product s.the Th equality compan ofy uses franchisees,been reco gnizPotatoed b y tCornerhe Phili phaspin e Fry” to produce consistent frying Department of Trade and Industry their aproducts.utomated The frye companyrs called “usesPerf ect Franchise Association and the quality of the best flavored fries in beenan recognizedd was awar dbyed theBes tPhilippine Franchise automatedFry” t ofryers produ cecalled con si“Perfectstent fryi ng Department of Trade and Industry the market. Franchiseof the YeAssociationar for 3 conse cuandtive ytheear s Fry” qtoua producelity of th consistente best flavor fryinged fri es in anfdro wasm 2 000awar tod 2002ed Be. sTth Fisr anfeacth ise Moreover, investing in Department of Trade and Industry qualityth eof m theark bestet. flavored fries in of etahren Yeed athr ef ocor m3 pcanonyse tocu btei ve years technology and innovation allows and was awarded Best Franchise the market. of ftheroinm dYear u2c000te dfor i nt ot3o 2002 consecutivethe Fra. Tnhcihsi sfe years at th e c o m Mpanorye toove opre, rianteves mtorineg in eaErnxecedl ltehnece c oHmalpl oanf Fay tmo eb ien 2003. effiteccihenntloylo. Pgyot atnod C iornnnoevatr is iaobnle a tlloo ws from 2000 to 2002. This feat Moreover,deliver hot flavorinvestinged fries t o its in earnedind uc theted company into the Frato benc inductedhise the company to operate more Excellence Hall of Fame in 2003. technologycuesffitocmie nrand tlfays.t ePinnovationro, itnactore Casorinn gallows etrh eis a ble to into the Franchise Excellence Hall the stcompanyore capaci tyto an doperate shorten inmoreg the Value Proposition – More deliver hot flavored fries to its Mr. Jose Magsaysay Jr. of Fame in 2003. efficiently.queuing Potatotime. A s Cornera result , isth eabley can for Same sercuves tmomorer cu fasstotemr,e rins cgriveeans itnhge the President and Chief Executive Officer to deliver hot flavored fries to its samstoer aem coauntpac iotyf time. and s hortening the Mr. Jose Magsaysay Jr., The company is led by its Mr. Jose Magsaysay Jr. ValueValue Proposition Propositio –n More – More customerqueuing faster, tim e.increasing As a resul t, thethe y can President and foPrr eSsaidemnet a nd CEO, Mr. Jose store capacity and shortening the Preside“nWet an md aChiefke su rExecutivee that as wOfficere grow, for SameMagsaysay Jr. A Certified serve more customers given the Chief Executive Officer queuing time. As a result, they can our franchisees grow with us.” – Int e Trnahet ioconalm pFanranyc ihsi sleed E bxeyc iuttsi ve Susamstaei namabolunte s oouf time.rcing serve more customers given the Potato Corner’s mission PrTheanes idde companya nMta asntedr CED eisgOr ee, ledM Hor . lJderbyose i nits strategy same amount of time. “We“We m amakeke su surere th thatat as as w ewe gro w, PresidentMaEgnstareys praandeyn Jeur .r sACEO,h iCpe frr toimfiMr.e Ads ianJose Potato Corner emphasizes on the our franchisees grow with us.” – MagsaysayIntInsternaituttio e nalofJr. M F anarangeAc hmiseenCertified tE, xecuti ve suSstuaisntaabiilitynab inl eso usrocuinrcg hiinghg grow, our franchisees grow Magsaysay is passionate in the Potatowith Cor us.”ner’ s– mission Internationaland a Mast eFranchiser Degree Ho Executivelder in Sustainablequastrlitay temagteriay sourcing l. All raw materials PROFILE and fao odMaster indust rDegreey. Suppo rHolderted by h iins including seasoning, oil, and Potato Corner’s mission Enftoruerp bruesnineuesrss hpiaprtn freorms, hAes ian strategyPotato Corner emphasizes on the Cinco Corporation, the packaging are sourced EntrepreneurshipInstspietaurthee oadedf M anath e gehfromypermen- gtro, Asianwth of sustainability in sourcing high company that owns Potato internationally. Potato Corner also InstituteMathges ab ysranayd ofiass pita rsesaioManagement,chnaedte o verin t 1h,0e 00 Potato Corner emphasizes on Corner, opened the first Potato paqysua altitteyn mtioanteria to thl.e Al solu rawrcin gm aterials PROFILE Magsaysayfoostdo rinesd. uTshister iyrpassionate. lSoyuapl pcourstteo mdin ebry s htheis Corner outlet in the Philippines in the prisustainabilityoncescludings as se sleeactse odn siniun pgp,lsourcing ioeilrs, anhaved foodfou ranr bindustry.geu sfirnoems sc h pialdrSupportedrtnene rtso, ahdeu l ts wbyh o PROFILEOctober 16, 1992 and began highto p mqualityackeeta cginger taimaterial. anr cer isteria,our ced eAll.g . porawtato Cinco Corporation, the are young at heart. As a result, the franchising the following year. hiss pefourarh eabusinessded the hyperpartners,-grow theh o f materialssuipnpternlie r aFaincludingtiormnall Fry.ite Ps ohseasoning,taast aoc Chiorevedne r also company that owns Potato company comes up with its value CincoSta rCorporation,ting out as a k theiosk company-type spearheadedthe brand athes it rhyper-growtheached over 1 ,of000 the minimum bronze level of the Corner, opened the first Potato proposition – More for Same, oil, andpays packagingattention t oare the ssourcedourcing that ownsbusin ePotatoss, the bCorner,rand has openedgrown thes tbrandores. T ashe itir reachedloyal cu sovertom e1,000rs Farmer Sustainability checklist for Corner outlet in the Philippines in which means Potato Corner will internationally.process as selPotatoected supCornerpliers have into opening in-line stores in range from children to adults who sustainable agriculture based on a Othecto firstber Potato16, 199 Corner2 and b outletegan in the stores.de lTheiriver h iloyalgh qua customerslity flavore ranged also paysto m attentioneet certai nto c rtheiteria, sourcing e.g. p otato malls, schools and various tourist are young at heart. As a result, the number of factors ranging from Philippines in October 16, 1992 and fromf richildrenes that is atoff oadultsrdable awhond fi tsare th e supplier Farm Frites has achieved franchdestisinigna tthioen fso inllo twinhe cgo uyenatrry.. Now, processwate ras m aselectednageme nsupplierst to socio- have began franchising the following youngcobmu pdatanget yheart. o cfo thme e tsAsa ruget pa wi cresult,utsht oimts e vrtheals. u e the minimum bronze level of the Starting out as a kiosk-type Potato Corner is proud to have proposition – More for Same, to meetecon ocertainmic fac tcriteria,ors. e.g. potato byear.usin eStartingss, the b routand as h aas gkiosk-typerown company comes up with its value Farmer Sustainability checklist for which means Potato Corner will supplier Farm Frites has achieved ibusiness,nto openi ntheg in -brandline sto rhases ingrown proposition – More for Same, sustainable agriculture based on a deliver high quality flavored the minimum bronze level of the mintoalls , openingschools anin-lined vario ustoress tour isint which means Potato Corner will number of factors ranging from fries that is affordable and fits the Farmer Sustainability checklist destmalls,ina schoolstions in andthe cvariousountry. Ntouristow, deliver high quality flavored fries water management to socio- 7 50 Success Stories budget of the target customers. for sustainable agriculture based economic factors. Pdestinationsotato Corne rin is thepro ucountry.d to have Now, that is affordable and fits the on a number of factors ranging Potato Corner is proud to have budget of the target customers. from water management to more than 1,000 branches around socioeconomic factors.

7 50 Success Stories




Potato Corner’s signature sizes of its famous flavored fries Corporate Name: Potato Corner’s Board of Director and team Below: Below: Potato Corner’s stand-alone kiosk CoCincompan Corporationy ProfileCo mpany Profile PotatBo eColorwnPe:o rt a’sto s Coignrnaetru’sr sei gsniazetusr eo sfi zeitss ofaf moits faumos fluasv floarveodre dfr fireiess Potato Corner’s Board of Director and team Company Profile PotatPoo Cotatron Coer’rsn Bero’as rsdig onfa tDuirree csitzeors aonf dit st eafamom us flavored fries Corporate Name: Potato Corner’s stand-alone kiosk Corporate Name: PotatPoo Cotatron Coer’rsn setra’sn Bdo-aalrodn oef kDiiorsekc t or and team Established: 1992 Cinco CorpCoorraptiorna te Name: Potato Corner’s stand-alone kiosk Cinco Corporation Cinco Corporation Number of Employees: Established: 1992 More than 100 Established: 1992 Established: 1992 Number of Emp loyees: MInternationalore than 100 Activities: Number of Employees: HavingN foreignumber oaffiliatesf Employe andes: More than 100 InbranchesternationMaol (Indonesia,Arectiviti thane s:100 USA, HaviAustralia,ng for eign Thailand, affiliates and Panama, brHonganches Kong, (IndIonne ternatiCambodia)sia, USAon, al Activities: , ITnhternatiailand, onPanaaml Aactiviti, Honge s: Kong, CamHavibodia)Having fnogre figonre aigffnil iaaftfeislia andtes and Awards:branchesbranches (Ind (oInendsoiane, UsiaSA, ,U SA, A•w a 2000-2002rds: AusAtruasl tia,–ra WinnerTlia,hai Tlanhaid ofl,an P adn,am Paan,am Hoan,g H ong KonKgo, nCgam, Cbamodia)bo dia) • The2000 Philippine-2002 – Wi nFranchisener of The AssociationPhilip pine Fr anchisand thee Association and the DepartmentDepaArtmewaArnwdt saof: r of dTsr Tradeade: and and Industry – The Best Franchise Industry• –2000 The -Best2002 Franchise – Winner of The of the Yea•r Awa2000rd -2002 – Winner of The of the YearP hAwardilippine Franchise • 2003 – WinnerP ohf iTlhipe pine Franchise • 2003Philip –pi neWinner AFrsanchissocia oftei oThen an d the AssociationD aenpAda srthtmeseo ciantt iofon T anraded tahned PhilippineDepartmenI tnFranchise ofdu DTsretadeprya –ratmen Td h en Bt esoft T Frradeanc hainsed AssociationIndustry – oFfr anchisandthIne duY theeeas Htr r aAwyll –oaf Trdh e Best Franchise Fame Award of the Year Award Department• 200 of3 Trade– Win neandr o f The • Phil200ippi3ne – F Wiranchisnnere o f The Industry – Franchise Hall of Email: AssoPciahiltipiopni ne an dF rtanchishe e Fame AwardDepAasrtmesociantt iofon T raadend athned iwantfranchise@IpnodutaDtsoetcproyar n–retme rF.croanchisnmt of Te rHadeall oafn d Fame Award Email: Industry – Franchise Hall of Tel.: +63 2 534 5845F ame Award [email protected] Email: Website: Tel.: +63iwant Emai2 534franchisl: 5845 [email protected] www.potatocorner.com [email protected] Website: Tel. : +63 2 534 5845 Fawww.potatocorner.comcebook: www.faceb ookT.ceolm.: /P+6ot3a t2oC 5o34rne 58r 45 Facebook:We bsite: www.facebook.com/wwwW.epbostaite:toc orner.com PotatoCorner www.potatocorner.com Facebook:

www.facebook.com/PotatoCorner Facebook:

www.facebook.com/PotatoCorner 8 50 Success Stories

8 50 Success Stories

8 50 Success Stories


Co Co Light House Co., Ltd.

SourcedCo C onlyo L localigh coconut,t House Co Co Co Light. L Housetd. takes on coconut-based aa productsSourced to onl anothery local levelcoconut, Co Co Light House takes on coconut-based products to another level

of coconut-based value-added For Coconut Nursery, the addedprodu ctproductss by intern byat iointernationalnal coThemp ancompanyy grows a ndexports distribu teraws standards.standards. coconuthigh qua tol iThailand.ty young hybrid coconut seedlings locally with the aim to Local products with uForpgra de Coconutlocal bus inesValue-addeds. Local products with value- valueadded process at Products, the company produces added process at The company exports raw a covarietyconut t o ofTh aproductsiland. ranging internationalinternational levellevel from coconut virgin oil & For Coconut Value-added Co C Coo Co Light Ligh tHouse House was was funded associated consumer products, artPr o&du cthandicraftss, the comp anmadey pro dufromces a withfund ead visionwith a vtois ioupliftn to utheplif tlocally the variety of products ranging from coconut trees, and organic fertilize sourcedlocally s orawurced coconut raw co ctoo ntheut tvalue-o the coconut virgin oil & associated addedvalue- aproductsdded pro dinu corderts in or tod ecreater to producedconsume r pfromrodu ctsremains, art & and create better business better business opportunities for byproductshandicraft swith ma dethe fr aimom cofoc leavingonut opportunities for local coconut local coconut producers. nothingtrees, a nwastedd organ ifromc fert iltheize whole producers. coconutproduced trees. from remains and by- In In2017, 201 7,Mr. M rMyo. Myo Win, Win, ofof Mon products with the aim of leaving ethnicity,Mon ethn icboughtity, bou gah tplot a pl ooft o fland Omni-channelnothing wasted f rdistributionom the whole coconut trees. fromland frfarmersom farm einrs inthe th eMon Mon State according to product MMs.s. SSanan SSanan Han, DiDirectorrector State which was destroyed by tide which was destroyed by tide and and sea water. He transformed the ranges sea water. He transformed the land KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS land for planting high-quality Omni-channel distribution KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS forcoc oplantingnut tree s,high-quality which now s ococonuturce aCoccord Co inLightg to pHouse’sroduct target • • Lo Localcal prproductsoducts withwith trees,raw m ateriawhichls tonow Co Co source Light raw customersranges are diverse. The value-added process at materialsHouse’s th toree Co m aCoin pLightroduc tHouse’s lines value-added process at company Co Co Lhasigh t Hoau se’s differenttarget international level threename lmainy, product lines namely; international level distributioncustomers achannelsre diverse. according The to • Omni-channel distribution 1. Coconut Nursery • Omni-channel distribution 1. Coconut Nursery theco mtypespan yof h products.as a different ddistributionistribution aaccordingccording to 2.2 Raw. Raw Coconut Coconu tExport Export distribution channels according to to product ranges product ranges 3.3 Coconut. Coconu tValue-added Value-added Products Products thFore ty pexample,es of pro dvirginucts. oil is sold PROFILE to both F olocalr exa mSMEsple, v forirgin producing oil is sold soapsto bo tandh loca shampoosl SMEs for p(Business-roducing PROFILE Founded jointly by Myo Win (Managing Director) and San San to-Business)soaps and s handamp oendos ( Bconsumersusiness-to- Han (Director) in 2011, Co Co throughBusine ssretail) and estoresnd co nassu mwellers as Founded jointly by Myo Win onlinethrou gshoph retai (iHomel stores ae-commerces well as Light House produces natural or(Managingganic prod ucDirector)ts based o n andloca llySan website).online shop (iHome e-commerce soSanurced Han raw (Director) materials foinr th2011,e Co website). Co Light House produces natural well-being of Burmese people as As for As Coconutfor Coco nartut & a rhandicrafts,t & weorganicll as fo rproducts internat iobasednal tr aonve llocallyers. they are sold to international handicrafts, they are sold to sourced The crawom pmaterialsany expo rforts raw the well- touristintern athroughtional to utourrist t hcompaniesrough tour cobeingconu tofs tBurmeseo Thailan peopled since as20 well14, as andcom hotelspanie fors an souvenirs.d hotels fo r anford tinternationaloday produces travelers. a wide range For Coconut Nursery, the souvenirs. company grows and distributes “Personally reach out to The company exports raw high quality young hybrid coconut businesses and door-to-door coconuts to Thailand since seedlings locally with the aim to introduction are our model of9 502014, Success and Stories today produces a wide upgrade local business. distribution expansion”, says San range of coconut-based value- San Han.

50 Success Stories 9 /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR

“Personally reach out to businesses and door-to-door introduction are our model of Company Profile distribution expansion”, says San San Han. Corporate Name: Co Co Light House Co., Ltd.

Below (from left to right): Mr. Myo Win, Co-founder and Managing Director, Co Co Light House’s Company Employees Established: 2011

Number of Employees: 11-50

International Activities: • Having foreign affiliates or branches /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ • Expo r t MofYANMAR goods to foreign /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR “Personally reach out to countries

b/Au s G“inPReesICsesrsUo aLnallnTdU dyRoo Erre- &tao c-FOOdho ooru Dt/ t o MYANMAR introduction are our model of Company Profile bus/AGRICULTUREin e“Psesesrsonall anyd r edaocho &oru- FOOD/t oto- door MYANMAR dibusstirnibesusestio na nedx pdanoosrio-ton-”d, osaory s San Awards: intSraond Huanct. io n are our model of Corporate Name: Company Profile introduction are our model of CoAmwpanryd Profiles: T he company has received TheCo C ocompany Light House Co., has Ltd. received local dis ditsrtirbibuuttioonn e xepxanpsanions”io, sany”s, S saany s San local and international SaSna nH Hanan. Coandrp orat einternational Name: Co rrecognitions.porate Name: Below (from left to right): Mr. Myo Win, Co-founder and Managing Director, Co Co Light House’s Company Employees recognitions. Co Co Light House Co., Ltd. CompanyE sProfiletablished: 2011 Co Co Light House Co., Ltd.

Below (from left to right): Below (from left to right): Mr. Myo Win, Co-founder and Managing Director, Co Co Light House’s Company Employees

Mr. Myo Win, Co-founder and Managing Director, Co Co Light House’s Company Employees CorporateEstabli sName:hed: 2011 Below (from left to right): Mr. Myo Win, Co-founder and Managing Director, Co Co Light House’s Company EmployeeNsumb er of Employees: 11-50

Co Co LightEmai Housel: Co., Ltd. Established: 2011 Number of Employees: 11-50 International Activities: Established: sanmya [email protected] • Having foreign affiliatNesumb or er of Employees: 11-50 Internationbraanchesl Activiti es: Number of Employees: Below (clock-wise): Virgin oil related products, Facial soaps, Organic fertilizer, Coconut-based art & handicrafts • •Havi Exngp forte igofn g aofofidlias teos f or eign 11-50 Teblr.anches: c+ou9n5 tr ies9 430 953 21 • Export of goods to foreign International Activities: Awards:countries International Activities: TheAwa rcompanyds: The co mphasa nreceivedy has re•c elocaliveHavid ng foreign affiliates or local and international • HavingAwards: andforeign international affiliates or recognitions. branches branchesTheAwar rcompanyedcso: gTnhitie coon mphass. a nreceivedy has rec elocalived loWcal anebd sinite:ternati onal Export of goods to foreign and international recognitions.• • Exportrec oofgn goodsitions. to foreign countries countries wwwEmail.:c ocolightmyanmar.com

Emaisanmyal: [email protected]: Awards: BelowBelo w(clock-wise): (clock-wise): Virgin oil related products, Facial soaps, Organic fertilizer, Coconut-based art & handicrafts [email protected] TheAwa rcompanyds: The co mphasa nreceivedy has rec elocalived Virgin oil related products, Facial soaps, Organic fertilizer, Coconut-based art & handicrafts The company has received local local and international Tel.: +95 9 430 953 21 and international recognitions. Below (clock-wise): Virgin oil related products, Facial soaps, Organic fertilizer, Coconut-based art & handicrafts and internationalFaceboo recognitions.k: recognitions. Tel.: +95 9 430 953 21 Email: wwwWebsite:.faceb ook.com /cocolighthouse. [email protected]: .cocolightmyanmar.coEmaim l: www .cocolightmyanmar.com [email protected] Tel.: +95 F9a 430ceboo 953k: 21 Facewwwbook.:f acebook.com/cocoligh thouse. Below (clock-wise): Virgin oil related products, Facial soaps, Organic fertilizer, Coconut-based art & Website:handicrafts wwwmm.faceb ook.com/cocolighthouse. www.cocolightmyanmar.com Tel.: +95 9 430 953 21 mm

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Website: cocolighthouse.mm www.cocolightmyanmar.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/cocolighthouse. mm

10 10 50 Success StoriesStories

10 50 Success Stories 10 50 Success Stories

10 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA


CV. Indonusa Makmur Sentosa aa A specialized company in exporting agricultural products to /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA

the world CV/.A IGndonusRICULTURE &a FOO MDa/ kmur Se ntosa INDONESIA

aa A specialized company in exporting agricultural products to CV.CV Indonusa. Indonus aMakmur Makmur Sentosa Sentosa the world aa CA Vsp.ecia Indonuslized companay inM eaxpkmurorting agri Sceulturantosal prod ucts to A specialized company in exporting agricultural products aa At hesp weciaorldlized company in ex porting agricultural products to to the world the world where he gained knowledge of Rule of thumb for success: import and export operations. quality, timely delivery and

wh ere he gained knowledge of warranty Rule of thumb for success: imEpxorpt oarntd oexf plorct aolp perraotidonusc. t with a quality, timely delivery and w here he gained knowledge of Ru le of thum “bQ fouar lsiuty,cc epssro: mpt delivery and vExportiimewpor tto aofn gd localo e xipnort tproducte orpneraatiioon sn. al Rulequwa ofliat rythumbr, atinmteyl yfor de lsuccess:ivery and where he gained knowledge of warranty are the key success Exmwithp oart ka oe viewft loc atol pgor oduct with a quality,waRrrual netimely toyf thu deliverymb for s uandccess: import and export operations. qua li “etQyleua, mtilmietny,etsl yp” rd,o esamlipyvest rdeSyo laniveryny.d T anhedse viewEx tpoo rgto o if nlotcearln partoidouncat lw ith a international CV. Indo marketnusa Makmur warrantywarrw a“Qruaranaelnlityetty,my a perreno mtsthp eat rdekeel yicvery rsiutci ccesanald s w hen a mavrikeewt to go international warranty are the key success focEuxsespor to onf t lhoec aelx pproordt uocft with a elemecnotsm”,p saanyys Sseoenky.s toTh geseain trust in the mCV.ar kIndonusaet Makmur focuses “Quality,elemen ts“Q ”,promptua salyisty, S op nrdeliveryy.om Tphte dese andlivery and v CieVw. Indto goon iunstae rMnaaktimurona l elemeinntstern area ctioritnalical mwahrekne at place. Indon o the n CeV s.i exportIndan oangu rsiaofc Mu latIndonesiankumurral prod ucwarrantytse lewarrmen tsanare atyre actherreit it chalekey kweh ye snsuccessu ac cess market company seeks to gain trust in the foctagriculturaloufo sestchueses o inn o tternanh teh eproducts xetpxipoornalrtt o o f fm toar kethet. Thelements”,eyc omelpeanme yn setssayse”k, ssa toy sSony.g aSionn ty. ru sTTheset hine seth e interninternatio a nal t io m nalCaVrk .m eIndta prlkaoceent. up lsaace M. a kmur is IndeinternationalxoInd pn ore o s n it aneC hsViian .ga Indgh armarket. giqcrouaiuncultlsutiautr yrMalTheyal p a pklanrmuro exportddtuauc tctiost s n elementselem earents arcriticale critic alwhen when aa compankeey sen etkos ptor ogaviinde tr ucsot minf tohret and to highthtfooe tc ihqualityunesesterna interna on plantationt tihotienalo enalx pm mora aproductstr rokfe t.. TThhe asey y company CV seeks.C IndV. oInd tonu sgainoan Mu atrustskam Mu rina isk them u r is products as well as processed i n tern patrioomnalp mtnaerksest ipnl atcehe. delivering of expwelloreIndxpt as orho itnprocessedg hehsig iqanhua q aualgirtl iyiproductstcy up pllantlanuraltta tpsuchioioronnd u asct s internationalkeeknee ton p troo marketvpidero vciodem place.f ocrotm anfdo rt and prporodduuctss a ssu wechll ass pGroucdessanedg Palm proGudangdtuoc tthse a Palmins ternawe lBunchl taios nalp rAsh,o mceassr Gudangketd. The y promp t CngeVso.s Indo ind stoh.n eWiu dsealt iMhve artihknmigs uo inrf is mi nd, CV. products such as Gudang Palm p r o mptness in the delivering of Buenxpcorh tA hsighh, qGuaudlitany pglan Pataltmio nE kel gookdees.n Wi tIndot hp rtohvinsi deuinsa mico Mamndf,o kCrtmuV an. dr actively listen proPalmdBuunc tcEkelsh sAus Broom.chh, G ausd Ganugd Panalmg PEalkeml CV.g oIndonusaods. Wi Makmurth this in is mikeennd to, CV. BuBrncpohroo Am.dsuhc t ,s G aus dweanllg a sP parlmoc eEsskeedl provideIndporn ocomfortumsapt otMan tehsk andsmue i nv r promptnessot haicet eidvsee lloiyvf le icrsiute ninsng t ofm ers both Broom. to Indthe voonicuesas o fMa cusktmuomerr sa bctoitvhe ly listen products such as Gudang Palm the deliveringgoods. Wi ofth goods. this in Withmind ,this CV . Br oom. frotmo bthuesfi nrvoeossmic-et bos- uobsfu iscniunesesstsos -matnoed-r bs ubsoitnhe ss and Bunch Ash, Gudang Palm Ekel in mind,Indo nCV.usa IndonusaMakmur aMakmurctively li sten Broom. bufsrinoemss -btou-ssciionnneesssumss--teotro-sb -tocuo sunder-ninseumss aenrds to under- Mr. Sony Wicaksono, Owner activelyto thlistene voi cetos ofthe cu stvoicesomers bofo th Mr. Sony Wicaksono, Owner standbus theirinstandes sneeds-to -theirc better.onsum needs ers to better. under- customersfrom bbothusin essfrom-to- bubusiness-siness and Mr. Sony Wicaksono, Owner to-businessstandbusine theirss-andt o- cneeds o nsbusiness-to-um better.ers to under- KMr.EY SonySUC Wicaksono,CESS ELEMEN Owner TS Mr. Sony Wicaksono, Owner consumersMostandder n theiriz toa tiunderstand oneedsn of B better.usiness their KEY SU CCESS ELEMENTS needswit hbetter. U tiMl izoatdioenr nofi zation of Business KEY SU•C LCocESSal agr ELEMENicultural proTdSu cts Modernization of Business KKEYEY SUSUCCESSCCESS ELEMENTS ELEMENTS Technolwogyith Utilization of • Loca l agrwiicthu altu highra lquali protdy uprcotcse ss Modernization of Business w iCtVh. TeIndUtciolnhiuznsaaot Mailoonkgymu o fr is • Loc al •a • gr LocalTeiccuh nlagriculturaltuologyral profor ed Coproductsucmtsm er ce with Utilization of with a• hLiocgha lquali agricutlytu prraol processdu cts ModernizationproTeactcivehn ino mloogyd ofer n Businessizing the with a hwithaighnd aquali hightrack tqualityiyng pr soystem cprocessess for Technology • Tech nowlogyith a f orhigh e Coqualimtmy preroccee ss withbus Utilizationiness with tCecV hofn. oIndlogyo. n“Weusa Makmur is • • Technologyprompt de lforivery e-Commerce CV. Indonusa Makmur is Techn•o Telogychn foorlogy eCo form emCoermcme erce Technologymanaged Cp Vtrh. oeInd aocpoteirnveautisa oinn Ma b myk omuderr ins izing the and a trandack ai ngtracking system system fo rfor proactive in modernizing the and aP ROtraanFILEcdk aing t ra scyksteming sy fstemor for utilizipronagc tbei-veuCso inimmn meseosrdce we rpintlizingahtf toerm,c th en ology. “We prompt promptdelivery delivery delbivuesriyn tersascki wnigth sys tetcemhn, aonlodg y. “We prompt prompt delivery de livery CV.b usiIndonusaness with teMakmurchnology . “isWe CV. Indonusa Makmur onmlinaena scmhgededauna tlihngedeg otopo telhsr.a”e,ti sooapnyse bray tion by proactivemana gedin thmodernizinge operation bythe PROFILESe ntosa was founded in October Sony. utilizing e-Commerce platform, PROFILEPPROFILERO FILE businessuutilizi withnngg e e--Ctechnology.Coommmmerecerce p l a“Weptlfaotr fm,or m, 2009 by Sony Wicaksono. The delivedery tlrivackieryn gt rsysackitemn,g a nsysd tem, and managed de Dueli vthee rto yoperation tthreaickir ountg sbyt asys nutilizingdingtem , a nd C CVV. . Ind cInd o m opCannVu.y Inds saap eMMocniaalaukizskmuamue sM irna rk e muxporr t of online scheduling tools.”, says CV. Indonusa Makmur Sentosa e-Commercebuosinnleisnse om nsocldeplatform,hinele,d C usVlci.h nIneg d todeliveryounoluilnsa.g” ,t s oaoysls .”, says Saegnrtiocsault wasural fporundoducetds ,i nran Ogingctob er Sony. SSeenntotosasa was waswasfrom ffoundedo pundlantateedid o in ininsn OctoberOt oOc pctrotoobcbe sre2009s re d by trackingMaSokmun y.rsystem, So Se nnty.osa reandceiv ed onlinethe 2009 by Sony Wicaksono. The Primaniyarta Award for the 20020099 by by SSSonypoornondyu WcWicaksono.tsii.caca kkssoonnoo . .TThe Thhe ecompany scheduling Due tools.”, to t hsayseir oSony.utstanding company specializes in export of cat e g o r y Due o f e x top Dueor tthineg itor c o mtuhtpseantiarin eosdingu tst anding cocommppananyya specializessg s prp i ece ulc Bitaleufroizizalre e in pss rt iexportaoinnrd te uienxcxgpt sp hoof, iors tanagriculturalr o town gingfo f business model, CV. Indonusa agricultural products, ranging forbMa sumskainmullb easunrs dsSe m imnnoetdideosssau lmm, rC esoceivVcdeal. eInle fr,d doC tomhVne .u Insa donusa agricultufrrproducts,baloum spi nprelanosds,tatu Srangingcoitnosyn, wsr ortan ofrom kpgingerdo cfplantationsoers sae d Duethe P restoide ntheirt Sus ilo outstandingBambang MaPrimakmuniyra Sertan Atowsaar dr efceivor theed the frforomm p planlanptoJtatrtatoa pprocesseddianuiocnetsses. tta oou tp pproducts.ormroooccteiesvsese cedod m pany businessYudho yomodel,Mano ink mu2 0CV.12r. Se Indonusantosa re ceived the products.an d a Dutch electronics company, MakmurPrimacate goSentosaPrimarnyi yoaf retax np iorAreceivedywatirantargd c A of ormwthep atanrh dei efsor the products . Before starting his own catfor esgmoarlly aonfd e mxpeordiutimng s ccalome frpoanmi es Befob uresBefore isnteasrst, iS nstartingogn hy iws oro hiswnke ownd for business, a Primaniyartacat eAwardgory o f forexp orthetin g companies Before starting his own ftohre sPmreasllide anntd S museildio Baumm sbcanalge from businessJ,Sony aSpoann ye sewworked orauktoemd offorotirv e a c ao mJapanesepany category off oexportingr small acompaniesnd mediu m scale from for smalltYhued Phandoreyos inmediumdeo innt 2S0u1 sscale2i.l o Ba frommb ang bJuaspinanesesse,an automotive Sadou nato yDum wotcorthiv kecompanyele ecdcot romfonpri anca ands yc o ma pDutchany, the President Susilo Bambang Japanese electronicsautomoti vcompany,e compan wherey he the YPresidentudhoyo noSusilo in 2 01Bambang2. 11 and a Du t50ch Success elect Storiesronic s company, Yudhoyono in 2012. and a Dutgainedch ele cknowledgetronics c oofm importpany, and Yudhoyono in 2012. export operations.

11 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 11 11 50 Success Stories 11 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA



Corporate Name: Co mpany Profile CV. Indonusa Makmur Sentosa Company Profile (IMS)Corporate Name: CCVor. pInordaotne uNsamea Makmur: Sentosa (IMS) Established: CV. Indonusa Makmur 2009 Sentosa (IMS) Established: 2009 NumberE stablished of: 20 Employees:09 51-100 Number of Employees: 51-100 Number of Employees: 51-100 International Activities: International Activities: Export of goods to foreign IExnternatiport ofon goaol dAsctiviti to forees:ig n countries countries Export of goods to foreign countries Awards: Awards: • A• w Go-ExportarGdos-:Ex por tAward Award 20201313 • Primaniyarta Award 2012 • • PrimaniyartaGo-Export Aw Awardard 201 20123 • Primaniyarta Award 2012 Above – Sony Wicaksono receiving the Primaniyarta Award 2012 from President Susilo Above:Bamb ang Yudhoyono Email: Email: SonyAb Wicaksonoove – Son receivingy Wicaks theono Primaniyarta receiving th eAward Prim a2012niya fromrta Aw Presidentard 20 1Susilo2 from Bambang Preside nYudhoyonot Susilo BBelambowan –g C Youmdhpoaynoyn por emise and employees indonusa.makmur.sentosa@Emaiindonlu: [email protected] Below: Company premise and employees Below – Company premise and employees gmail.com [email protected] Tel.: +62 81 370 8540 02 Tel.: +62 81 370 8540 02 Tel.: +62 81 370 8540 02

12 50 SuccessStories 12 50 SuccessStories 12 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR /AG/RAGICRUICLUTLUTURREE & & FOOD FOOD// M YANMAR MYANMAR


\ aa

\ JumJumJum J Jel Jeel lCo.,C Coo.., ,Ltd. Ltd.td. TheThe pride prid eof o Myanmarf Myanmar in in Dry Dr Zoney Zone Products, Product Jums, Jum Jel Jel TheSyrupS yprrupid has eha o sbeenf beMey noperatinganmar operating in with wDithr excellencey exceZonelle ncP rodusincee since 2000ct s2,000 Jum Jel Syrup has been operating with excellence since 2000

wholesale to states, regions and Certificate in May 2017, and are

throughout the whole country up now into manufacturing new tnearow bho rothederlesa afactories,lere atso. s ta teands, reg ini o2010,ns an d market.organic CsyrMoreover,erutpifis scuacteh ainsthey LeMma yo n20have, 17, and are

they t h r Inohaveu 20gh1o 7,ucovered th tehye all wo hcattheole d c tmarketohuntryeir uprecentlyPi neapp nlreceivedeo, wan idn Mto an themgao n. Food ufac tuandrin g new products to export to Thailand contributionto border aarearea sand. wholesale to Drug Administrationorganic syr (FDA)ups such as Lemon, and furthermore, opened a states, regionsIn 2017, and th ethroughouty allocate dthe th eir Pineapple, and Mango. division office in other cities such Fresh and organic is the wholeprod countryucts to upex ptoo borderrt to T hareas.ailand Certificate in May 2017, and as Yangon, Mandalay and essenti al commitment for Taanunggyi.d fur t hermore, opened a arecu snowtom intoers manufacturing new In 2017, they allocated their organic syrups such as Lemon, division office in other cities such The Frawre mshat earnialds ofrga Jumn Jielc ’iss the Eproductsaxsp eYranim gtoeon nexportt,i nMang t otoda g Thailandelta tyh ane bde andst Pineapple,es andsen Mango.tial commitment for syrup and juice are sourced qfurthermore,uTaliunggyi.ty of organi openedc pr oad udivisioncts locally. cPulumst oamnd eTrsam arind are office in other cities such as “After we have decided to Freshfrom t hande Sala organicy, Chauk, is the Yangon, Mandalay and Taunggyi. The raw materials of Jum Jel’s essentialKyaukpad acommitmentung regions and forall acEhxiepvee ar ihmighe nquatilnitgy otfo fl gaveotu trh, e best syrup and juice are sourced sense and taste in our products, materials are grown organically quality of organic products customers Mrs. Thet Su Htay, Director weExperimenting used a trial and etorror get m ethod without lferocatillilzy.er .P lum and Tamarind are

ftheor al bestm“oAstf tquality4e ry ewares hin aof tveh eorganic decided to The “I traw isfr co rmaterialsmuc italh efor S alau ofs t y,oJum cCohll eaJel’scuk,t KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS production process”, says Thet Su Kyaukpadaung regions and all productsachieve a high quality of flavour,syrup and u andse v juiceery fr areesh sourcedand orga locally.nic Hsetay.n seAf teran dth tisa,s tthee iny h oavuer b peerond ucts, Plumraw mandateriam ateriaTamarindls – tlhsa at rise s gareimrop wnlyfrom o uorr ganically • QualityMrs. Thet of Suorganic Htay, productsDirector trying their best to gradually shift Mrs. Thet Su Htay, Director we“After use d wea t rihaveal an ddecided error m etoth odthe co mSalay,mitmwi eChauk,tnht otou to ufer rKyaukpadaung ctuilsitzoemre. rs”, • Staying committed to from a traditional domestic says Thet Su Htay. Since their raw achieve a high quality of flavour, regions and all materials are grown customers enfoterr palrimseo tsot b 4ri yneg athrse iirn c othmep any materials are “ mIto isst lcyr suocuiralced for in us to collect sense and taste in our products, we organically without fertilizer. KEY•KEY SUPartnerships CSUCCESSCESS ELEMENand ELEMENTS governmentTS wpherroed tuhcetyi oarne ptorodacye bsys ”, says Thet Sut he countranyd, iut sise e vaesireyr ftroe sh and organic used a trial and error method for • Quality of organic products tecHhtnaoy.lo Agyf tertran tshfeisr ,w tihthe yn ehwa ve been maintainra twhi sm facateriator. Tlhse – fin thala t is simply our support almost 4 years in the production “It is crucial for us to collect • Quality• Staying of organiccommitted products to mtorderyinngi ztehde mira bcheisnte tso. gradually shiftp roducts are then sold in a one- process”, says Thet Su Htay. After and use cveryomm freshitme nandt to organicour cus tomers”, • Staycustomersing committed to f r o m“T oa ptroaddiutceio gnalood d qouamleitsyt ic month credit payment term PROFILE this, they have been trying their raw materialssays T–h thatet S isu Hsimplytay. Sourince their raw • Partnerships and wietnhter clepanlriisene stso abnrdi nfogr tghoeoidr companyc ontract with the dealers. “We c u st Joumm eJersl Natu ral Syrup, short best to gradually shift from a commitmentmaterial to ours a recustomers”, mostly so urced in government support hewalhthe”r eis t Jhuemjy aelr’se mtoodattoy. Tbhye have a commitment to fresh and • fPartnershipsor Jum Jel, was eandstab lgovernmentished in traditional domestic enterprise to saysorga Thetnic to hSuf eo ucHtay.ro puntrro dSinceuyc,t si tf otheirisr oeua rsraw ier to cotecmphannyo lhoagys r etceranivedsfe ard wviicesth new 2000support with Mrs. T het Su Htay as fbringrom a ntheir intern companyational e xwherepert fro theym materialscustomem raresa”.i n mostlytain t sourcedhis fact oinr .the Th e final the director. modernized machines. PROFILE tarehe PtodayUM N ebyth etechnologyrlands Seni otransferr country,The itpte riscoh easierdnuolcotgis to caalr maintaine f etahteurne so othisf ld in a one- Jum Jel aims to be well- Ewithx p e rnew t s “inT modernized oor pdreor dto uecenh machines.ganooced i tqsua lity factor.the pr oThedmuc ofinaltsn isth t productshcer eddisitil pla aaretyiomn then ent term PROknFILEown i n the world as the pride of Jum Jel Natural Syrup, short inwitegtrha tclioenanl of tinecehsnso alongdica fol r good soldpro inces as one coof nt hmonthter afrcuti tw creditsiot hth ta hpaymentt eit ’ds eale rs. “We M Jforyuma nmJum Jearl DryNatuJel, Z orwasnale PS ryestablishedorduupc,t ss (hroraw t in a dv“Toancem produceent in tgoodhe ar equalitya of with termmor econtract arohmaaveti ca,with tacosmte mitmeanthed odealers.rgannt itco fresh and organic fruit such as Salay Plum health” is Jumjel’s motto. The for Jum2000 Je lwith, was Mrs. esta Thetblish Sued iHtayn as pcleanlinessroduction. and for good health” “Wewit hhaveout lo as incommitmentg its freshne stos. fresh and Tamarind Fruit to produce company has received advices organic of our products for our the director. is Jumjel’s motto. The company and organic of our products for our 2000Jui wicet/hS yrMurps .n Tathureallt Syu). H tay as froTmhe airn s igninternaturae tTioamnalar ienxdp anerdt from Techcnuoslotogym aenrds ”in. n ovation the director. Phaslum receivedorganic sy radvicesup has gafromined a an customers”.has allowed the com pany to At the early stage of their the PUM Netherlands Senior The technological feature of b Ju umsiJumne sJels, Jel t hae imsaims ma rto ktoe btbe feo cwellknownwuesl al-rea in rinternationaleputation no texpert only in from the ltheocal PUM grow in such a way that Jum Jel the world as the pride of Myanmar mEarxkpeet rbtust ianlso or tdher T to haielannhdan ce its the products is the distillation knownhad i bnee thn ep rwioorritlidz eads othn e5 pride of Netherlands Senior Experts in laTheunc hetechnologicals new tastes, arfeatureomas an dof Dry Zone Products (raw organic morderianrtegke t .ro Ma enhancetoioreno voefr t,its ethc ehintegrationyn hoalveog ical of theco loproductsrs forpr neocesw isssy routhefp tsh wedistillationi tfhr uitist oswno t hat it’s Myatnomwnashr Dryips n Zeaorn thee P fraoctoduricetss, a(nradw infruit 201 0,such they hasave Salaycover edPlum the and rtechnologicaleacednvtlany cemreceive eadvancementndt tihne tFhoeo da rane aind o fthe processproduc tiofmon or theteec h anrfruitoiqmaue s.soti Tc ,hthat taeirs R teit’s& anD d organic orgamnTamarindiacr kfertu cito nstu rFruitcibhu tai soto nS aalaproducereay aPnldum Juice/ Dareaprugro of dA udproduction.mictinoinst.r ation (FDA) moreteam aromatic,teswits,t samhou ptastetl elos st oinand cgo ni tsorganicsu mfrerssh, ness. and Tamarind Fruit to produce Syrup naturally). Their signature Tamarind anwithoutd losing its freshness. Juice/Syrup naturally). Their signature Tamarind and Technology and innovation Plum organic syrup has gained a A t Atth e theear lyearly stage stage of th eofir their Plum organic syrup has gained a Technologyhas a lloandwed tinnovationhe com pan13 y to 50 Success Stories businbusiness,ess, the mthea rmarketket fo cfocusus a rareaea had reputationreputatio notn n oonlyt onl iny in the th elocal local has allowedgrow thein sucomch a panyway thtoa t Jum Jel had bbeeneen pprioritizedrioritiz ed onon 5 townships marketmark etbut bu t alsoalso tthehe ThThailandailand grow in suchlaunc ah wayes n ethatw t aJumstes ,Jel ar omas and townships near the factories, and market. Moreover, they have colors for new syrups with its own in 2010, they have covered the recently received the Food and production techniques. Their R&D Drug Administration (FDA) marke50t cSuccessontrib uStoriestion area and team tests, samples t13o consumers,

13 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR send questionnaires and listens to recent trade policy reform and their feedback to meet the needs modern transportation of the market. arrangements. Company Profile

Utilization of e-commerce or Corporate Name: Jum Jel Co., Ltd online payments have also Pa/ArtnGRersIChiUpLsT aUnRdE & FOOD/ MYANMAR contributed to the growth of the government support to send/AGRICULTURE questionnaires an d& l iFOOD/stens to receinnternt traadetio ponallicy b ruesfoinrmes asn. dJ umJel MYANMAREstablished: 2000 expthaenir dfe ebdubsinessack to m e et the needs modern transportation has utilized financial loans from of the market. arrangements. Company Profile “Jum Jel is expected to grow Myanmar Apex Bank, SME Number of Employees: 11-50 launches new tastes, aromas and 20% of U tioveralllizatio n osalesf e-c oinm mtheerce or in size/Acolors. CuGRr rforICen UnewtlLyT, syrupsU80R%E & owithf FOO ou itsr D own/ foreignD e marketve l o pm dueen t to B thean k recent, as w e ll a s C o r p o r a t e N ame MYANMAR: Jum Jel Co., Ltd online payments have also Company Profile salePsa raseproductiontrnen edtrs hquehie Sstpalai ostechniques.nna ayn Sidryre s uanpd Their lliinstene. R&DsWe to tradereceJ napolicyt ptranade I reformpnoternlicy raeandftoirom nalmodern an dCo o peration contributed to the growth of the International Activities: areg cuovetrteamhrreenminr ftltests,eeyed nmbta samplesckasku tippon mgo ea reto tm t tconsumers,hoae r neekedtisn g transportationmoderAgne ntrcyan s (arrangements.pJoIrCtatAio)n. Established: 2000 international business. JumJel Corporate Name: exposendaf nthde questionnaires bmuarsinessket. and listens to arrangements. Company Profile plan to expand sales through has utilized financial loans from Awards:Export of goods to foreign countries their feedback to meet the needs of Utilization of e-commerce Jum Jel Co., Ltd wholesa “Jumle d Jeeall iser esx apnecdte cdo tnod guroctw a M y a Untmilizatiar Aopne oxf Bane-cokm, mSMerceE or Corporate Name: JTheum Jel company Co., Ltd has received local the market. oro nlonlineiMakne pa yempayments tehntes huavese alhave osof tralsoad e fairs Number of Employees: 11-50 seaisno sinalPzae.r ptCunreorrsrmehinotltipyso, an8n 0ad%n do fgi ofutr Development Bank, as well as and international recognitions. contributedcontribute d ttoo ththee gr owgrowthth of t heof Established: 2000 government support to Awards: The company has received vousaclehes ra rper tohme oSalatioyn S. yrWeup a lirnee a. Welso theiJn aternpinternational an a t Iio n Tnalternh eb uacst oinbusiness.omenalsps.an JCoumyo pJlikJumelr east i oton Established: 2000 ePartnershipsxpand business and Internationloacal Alctiviti and eins:ternati onal recognitions. plannare icungrr teon tlpya rmtiackiipnagte a mina rak eting hAags euntilcyiz e(dJ IfinCAa)n.c ial loans from government support to Jel haspar tutilizedicipate financiala trade fair,loans bothNumber local of Employees: 11-50 plan to“ eJxumpan Jedl sisal eexsp etchtreodug toh g row tradeshow to enhance our brand fromM ya onMyanmarnmeasr aAnpedx Apex iBannternk ,Bank, SaMtEio nalSME o nes. ItN iumbs eAwards:Exr opf oEmprt oflo gyeoeosd: s1 1t-o5 0fo reign countries whoiexpandlne sisazlee. Cude businessalrrenrstl ya,n 8d0 c%o onfd ouuctr a DevelopmentDevelopmen t Bank,Bank, aass w ewellll as as The company has received local awareness.” Makthe ethasei eusset a onfd t rtahdee m faoisrst International Activities:Email: seassaonalles a prero thmeo Stialaony aSnyrdu pgi lfitn e. We JapanJapan International International CoCooperationoperation and international recognitions. a re“Jum curre Jelntly is m expectedaking a m toar kgroweting in convenient way to find the rigExporthIntternati of Agoodswonaradl toAs: ctiviti foreignThe ecs:o countriesmp any has received vAousc fhorer tphroem inoterntion.a Wetio nalare also AgencyA g e n cy (JICA).T (hJeI CcAo)m. pany likes to [email protected] plan to expand sales through local and international recognitions. plannsize.ing Currently, to partici p80%ate iofn aour sales parstuicpipalitee ras t aranded bfair,usi nboetshs lpocaarltn erAwards:Exs.p ort of goods to foreign countries markewaret heo xltheepsaan leSalay sdioealn eSyrup,r sJ aumnd line.c Joenld uhWecta s aare Awards:The company has received local tradeshow to enhance our brand MakonCuese a rrtnhden iuntlseterny ,o Jfa umttrioadnal Jee fa ol nihrseas s. Itso ims e o ffers achievedseas o20nal% p roofm ooveration alnl ds algifet s in Make the use of trade fairs Theand company international has received recognitions. awarcurrentlyeness.” making a marketing plan Email: Tel.: +95 09 2305530 voucher promotion. We are also t h ef r eToahmsei ec sootmt hapneandr ytih nliketer ems eotos tted countrieAsw taord s: The company has received the fortoeign expand ma salesrket throughdue to wholesalethe convenient way to find the right locallo caandl an internationald internation recognitions.al recognitions. pAdealerslanns forin t gh andteo i pn aternconductrticiaptaiteo nal ian a seasonal pThearetixc companyippaortet a t thr alikesede s yfair, rtou participatep b ototho l.o cal Jumjeljuic [email protected] tradeshow to enhance our brand a ostradenuepsp a lnifair,edr isn aternbothnd abt ioulocalsnaline osonesnse ps.a Itrandtn ise rs. marpromotionket expan sioandn, J umgift J el hvoucheras Email: awareness.” internationaltCuhe rreaesnietlsty a, nones.Jdum th eItJe m islo h stheta s seasiestome o ffers Email: achipromotion.eved 20% oWef o veraare lalsol sal eplannings in convenient way to find the right [email protected].: +95 09 2305530 the ftoo reparticipateAigns for m tahrek i neinttern d ua aettradeshow itoonal th e to andfr omthe o thmoster in terconvenientested co untrwayie s to [email protected] suppliers and business partners. market expansion, Jum Jel has to exfindp or tthe th e rightsyru psuppliers too. and enhance our brand awareness.” Below: The teamJum at J Jumel’s s Jelyru Co.,p tea Ltd.m achieved 20% of overall sales in businessCurrentl partners.y, Jum Je Currently,l has some Jumoffer s Tel.: +95 09 2305530 from other interested countries to Tel.: +9 5 09 2305530 t heAs fo rforeign the m ainternationalrket due to th markete Jel has some offers from other interestedexport th ecountries syrup to oto. export the expansion, Jum Jel has achieved Below:syrup The teamJ utoo.m at J Jumel’s s Jelyru Co.,p tea Ltd.m

Below: The team at Jum Jel Co., Ltd. J um Jel’s syrup team

Below: The team at Jum Jel Co., Ltd.

Above (left): Jum Jel Syrup’s production Above (left): Jum Jel Syrup’s production process with modernized Above process (left): with Jum modernized Jel Syrup’s machine production process with modernized machineAbove (left): Jum Jel Syrup’s production process with modernized AbovemachineAbove (right): (right): Jum Jel’s Jum two Jel’s signature two syrup: signature Tamarind syrup: and Plum. AboveTamarindmachine (right): and Jum Plum Jel’s two signature syrup: Tamarind and Plum. Above (right): Jum Jel’s two signature syrup: Tamarind and Plum.

14 50 Success Stories 14 50 Success14 Stories 50 Success Stories 14 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA /AGRICULGURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA


aa aaKospermindo Kospermindo KIndonesia’sIndonKoosspeespeia’rs r leadingmileamidinnngdo seaweeddo sea w eed provider provide rto t olarge large domestic domest ic and and international customers IinndonItndonerneasetiaisonalia’s’ sl eal eacuddsinintoggmers s seaeaww eeeed proviiddeerr t too l argelarge dome domestsictic a ndand ininternternataitonalional c cuusstotomersmers

of South Sulawesi and Central Technology to grow the

Sulawesi. market: Mobile application of South Sulawesi and Central Technology to grow the o f SKospermindo oKuotshp Serulmiawesind o haansdhas bee Ce n tralbeen ‘PTANR echInTAolo’ gy to grow the Technologymarke t: Mob itole growapplic theation pSrulovaiwewedingssii. . s eaweed as market: Mobile application providing Kospe seaweedrmindo h asas commoditiesbeen market:‘PANRKosIpTAe Mobilermi’ ndo is application actively c o m m Koodsitpiesr mito nladroge h daos mbeeestnic ‘PANRITA’ ptor olargeviding domestic seaweed and as international utilizing the technology for anprdo vinidingterna steioanalwe ecud satso mers ‘PANRITA’Kospermindo is actively ccustomersommoditi es to laincludingrge dome stic the efficieKnto osperamitionnd o fi sth aec btiuvesilnye ss. including the Indonesian utilizing the technology for canIndonesianomd imnternoditaiet iogovernment.s nalto l acurgesto dmoemrse stic Thuetyilizi haveng ctrheea tedtec han moolobgyile f or government. effiKospermindocient operatio n of isth e busactivelyiness. anincludingd intern thaet ioInnaldon cuessiantom ers appeffiliccaiteiontn o cpaellreadt i‘PonA NofR tITheA b’,u siness. including the Indonesian utilizingThey have the cr technologyeated a mob forile efficient gBusinessovernment .potential of awpphTilhcichea yta iollhonawve csa llcsreedaawe ‘PtedAedN a Rc mouITltAibvat’il, eo rs Bguovsinessernme pnto. t ential of operation of the business. They winh aiccppoha salitllcaloaw taiosr ensae sca awetllo eerded p ‘PcouArlttN itvathReIT osrtAso ’ck, s seaweedeaweed fr fromom th thee Su Sulawesilawasi have created a mobile application Business potential of inst acwtouhasisc tohalf acaollrmeoawmss to osd eriaetiwepeosr ettod t htcheue slittrio vatck ors CBsCoastoeuasawsinesste ed fr poomte tnhtei aSlu olawasif calledbusin es‘PANRITA’,s-to-busine sswhich custo mallowsers staintu sc ofa sctoalm maroedaist iteos rtoep thoretir t he stock sCeoawasArtem eadn frArofahm sawthe tShue lawasi seaweedbsuscithna etausss s t- htooecultivatorsf- cbgoumvernsinmeosmsd cei tunisetint sion tm orcoastale tralhse ir areastime . to T hreportis app ltheicat istockon is nstatusot onl yof bC uosArmaniasnAertsm s pano Arfahte Anrfahtial sawin d tethehve l obusinessping sucbhu assin tehses g-otovern-bumsinenest sin c uresalto mers potential in developing seaweed commoditiestaimeppl.i c Tahbilse afop rp ltoseic awettheirioned is, bnbusiness-uot aolnlsoy sebuawesinAerdsms c paoonmte Amnrotfahidali tyi sawn odne vtheleo ping such as the government in real to-businessafppor loicthabelre c foo mr customerssemaowediteieds, bs uctsuch ha lasos as Sbsecommodityuluaaswewasiinedss c pooma steonmt noo tfdthei Ialinty d i noSulawesi nd etehsvieea l ionp licoastanteg time. This application is not only thefcoorr ongovernmentt haenrd c roimcem. o dinit iereals su time.ch as This 1seSof99ul aIndonesia0awewasis, eadn dco hames tmine os otflatea dIbniltydi so1990s, honeneds t ianha ei n and late he applicable for seaweed, but also assistance agency for seaweed applicationcorn and ric eis. not only applicable S1established99ula0wasis, an dc oh aeans et s otassistanceaf bIlnisdhoende ansi a agency in late foTre octhhneorl ocogym hmaso dtaitkiens souvcehr tahse causlstisvtaatniocen .a geSincecy ftorhe nse, aweed for seaweed, but also for other 1for99 seaweed0s, and h cultivation.e establish eSinced an then, macnTouarench la nmnodelot rhgyioc deh. a an s tda kenenh anovceder th teh e Kcousltpivearmitiond. oS ipnrceov tihdesen ,t echnical aKospermindossistance age nprovidescy for se awetechnicaled commoditiesmspaeenuad lan mde tahc osuchcdu ranac dasy eo cornnf hthane andced trice.he aKssoissptaenrmice ntod olo pcarolv cultiides vtaetcohrnsi cal Technology has taken over the assistance to local cultivators sbpueesidn eanssd, tahcucus rimacyp roofv tihneg the tcahusrsolitusivtaghant iocethn et .os uSlopicanpceol rculti ttihnegvn pa, rotorgsr ams manual method and enhanced the through the supporting programs bpurTechnologysoifinteasbs,il tihtyu sto im hasthper oculttakenvinigv at htoveroer s. Tthehe oKtfh otrhsopeu eghMrmii nthinset dsrouy ppopfr ooCrvotiiodesnpge pr taroetcigveshranmsi cal speed and accuracy of the Mr. Arman Arfah, Founder manualparboilityfitab tilmethodoi tmy otove t hfast ande cult w enhancediitvha tors. T hthee Mr. Arman Arfah, Founder anaoofsfd stthe hiSseMta MMinistrynEsicen oi stfto rIn ylo d oofcaof n CCooperativesl eocultisoipae. rvaattiovesrs and business, thus improving the Mr. Arman Arfah, Founder atecbilityhno tloo gymo isve cr fastitica wli ttho being tanSMEshrdo SuMgh ofEs tIndonesia.h oef sInudpopnoerstian.g programs speedpro andfitab accuracyility to th ofe thecult business,ivators. T he teccomhnpoeltoigytiv eis i crn itthicae ml taor bkeit.n g KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS of thIne Mani neffisotryt toof sCuopoppoerrt atthieves thusab improvingility to mo vethe fast profitability with to Mr. Arman Arfah, Founder sustaInin aanbility effo orft atogr sou pbpuosrint ethsse in competitive in the market. KKEYEY SUSUCCESSCCESS ELEMENTSELEMENTS an d In S ManEs oeffortf Ind otone sisupporta. the the tec cultivators.hnology is The cri tabilityical to tobe moveing tshues ctaoiansatbailityl are oaf, Kagrosop berumisinnedsso in • • L oc Localal a agriculturalgricultural proproductsducts sustainability of agro business in fastc owithmpe ttechnologyitive in the mis acriticalrket. to • devthee cloInpa seantda l a ea ffsreeotar ,ot K ft cuo sspluteipvrmiaptoonrrtds’ to h e Government support for K•E TeY L cSUochnaCol alCogygrESSic fuorltu ELEMEN rreaall pro timdeu cTtsS beingGove rcompetitivenment supp in othert fmarket.or • Technology for real time gsdevtheruosu tepalo coastalicnpeaenbdte ilityar s ew tarea,o iofth fa cu grth loetiKospermindo vabasutssoiisrnts’ane ssce in warehouse management •st Teocckh rneoportlogys fforor rceaustl toime rs wa rehouse management • Locstockal a grreportsicultu forra lcustomers products otgdevelopedfhr BoeuD cpoS a cBesantante lk ra asanr ewadseti,th SKa tovhofsienp agesrcultivators’s miaisntndand ceo system • Gstovoecrnmk reportent su fpporor cutst foorm ITers sysGteomve rnment support for • Government support for IT Ldevogroupofan BeDsl oSi np centersBseatdint uak tansioe tndwith os S,f a wcuv hithenliltgievs e aassistanceantnosdurr s’i ng GovernmentKospermin dosupport has bee nfor active • Te• Gchovneornmlogye ntfor s ureapporl titm fore IT Loans institutions, while ensuring warehouse management sysystemstem mgofra orkuBDSept ccee nrBanktaiternsty w aniandthd t ha Savingses taasbslies tan andce warehousein getKotisnpge rsmiup nmanagementpdoort h faros mbee thne a ctive stosyckstem report s for customers market certainty and a stable system ionLoansfc oBmeDS institutions, fBora nthke an cultd Siva awhilevtionrgs st hensuringarnodu gh ingo getvertninmg esnutp. p oOrnt efro formm th oef • Government support for IT income for the cultivators through system pLmarketaorantnesr is nhsicertaintypti twuittiho nlas r,ge wand hdilo em eaen sststableiurc ing gsouvpepronrmKt eothnsetp. ec roOmimnpen anfdoory m hha aossf breeeceivn aecdt ive PROFILE partnership with large domestic support the company has received PPROFILEROsystemFILE factmincomeaorkrieets cforaenrd taithe inntern tycultivators anatdio an salta bthroughle wasin aget watirnegh osuspep roercet firoptm system. the factories and international wasKospermindo a warehouse rhasecei pbeent system. active Kospermindo (an abbreviation eipartnershipxnpcorometer sf.or t hwithe cult ilargevato rsdomestic through It ghoevlpesr nthme ecnotm. p Oannye tfoor kmee pof t rack K o p e r a Ksio Sspeerikrmiatn Pekerjado (an abbreviation Merdeka exporters. inIt hegettinglps the cosupportmpany t o kfromeep t rackthe K opKospermindoerasi Serikat Pekerja (an abbreviation Merdeka pfactoriesartners hip wandith largeinternational domestic of stuhpe pinovert nthtoer cyo imn tphane wy ahraesh roeuceivse ed PInROdoFILEnesia (Free Trade Union Coope- government.of the invento Onery in formthe w aofre hsupportouse IKoperasindonesia Serikat(Free Trade Pekerja Union Merdeka Coope- factexporters.o ries and international wiwasth a cac uwraarcy,eh ospueesed r eancedi pbte sttystem.er rative Indonesia) has been thewit hcompany accuracy, hasspee dreceived and bet tewasr a rativeIndonesia Kos Indonesia)permi n(Freedo (hasa n Tradebeenabbreviation Union expor ters. internal control. internIt haell pcos ntthreo lc. o mpany to keep track K establisehedoperasi Serik sinceat Pekerja 1999 by Merdeka Arman warehouse receipt system. establisehedCooperative sinceIndonesia) 1999 by hasArman been of the inventory in the warehouse IAndrAfoarnfhae.h s .i a (Free Trade Union Coope- establisehed The comp ansincey d e1999velops by Arman with accuracy, speed and better rative Indonesia) The compan hasy d beenevelops It helps the company to keep track seArfah.aweed cultivation in the region internal control. establisehedseaweed cu sinceltivati o1999n in tbyhe Armanregion of the inventory in the warehouse Arfah. with accuracy, speed and better The company develops seaweed The company develops internal control. seacultivationweed culti vaint itheon inregion the r eofgi oSouthn 1515 5050Sulawesi Success Success Stories Stories and Central Sulawesi.

15 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 15 /AGRICULGURE & FOOD/ INDONESIA


Company Profile

Corporate Name: Company Profile ComKpaonsperminy Profile do (Koperasi Serikat Pekerja Merdeka Indonesia) CorporateCorporate N ameName:: Kospermindo (Koperasi Serikat Kospermindo (Koperasi Serikat Pekerja PekerjaMerdEekas Merdekat aInbdliosnheesd ia)Indonesia): 1 999

Established: 1999 Established: 1999 Number of Employees: 11-50

Number of Employees: 11-50Number of Employees: 11-50 International Activities:

InternationalInternatiEx ponoratl ofActiviti gActivities:oodess: t o foreign countries Export of goods to foreign Ex port of goods to foreign countries countriesAwards: Awards: The company has received local Awards:The company has received local Awardands: T hineternati companony haasl rec recoegivneitid oloncas.l Awards:The companyand international has received recognitions. local and international recognitions. Theand company international has recognitions.received

local andEmai internationall: Above: The team at Kospermindo Above: The team at Kospermindo recognitionsEmail: Above: The team at Kospermindo [email protected] Below: P rocessBelow: of seaweed Process collection of seaweed, Surve collection,y of a team Surveyto check of w a rteamehous toe r checkeceipt warehouse receipt [email protected] Below: P rocess of seaweed collection, Survey of a team to check warehouse receipt Email: Tel.: +62 811 440 352, [email protected].: +62 811 440 352, +62 821 +62 27092 821 88827092 888 Tel.: +T6e2l. 8: 11+6 424 08 1135 2,44 0 352, Tel.: +62 811 440 352, Website: +Website: 6 2 8 21+6 227 089212 882780 92 888 www.kospermindo.com www.kospermindo.com+62 821 27092 888

Website:WebsWite:e bsite: www.kospermindo.comwww.kospermindo.com www.kospermindo.com

16 50 Success Stories

16 50 Success Stories 16 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ CAMBODIA /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ CAMBODIA



LML LimaM Lima Angkor Angkor Food Foo Co.,d Co., Ltd. Ltd. LM Lima Angkor Food Co., Ltd. Whenaa When everyone every oneabandoned abandon somethinged someth iconicing icon ini cCambodia, in Cambodia, aa When everyone abandoned something iconic in Cambodia, Lim Limsaw sitaw as i tthe as opportunitythe opportunity and and turned turn ite dto i tgold to g old Lim saw it as the opportunity and turned it to g old

two decided to introduce other community. That being said, the tbeforewo decidedpr otheduc tspirit st oin icludingnt rcanodu cbeKeh omsold,theerr A nthegko r province.comSrmasunity.or The Kh m Tmovehear tf rbo isemi nalso Lg Msa .seen idLim, th aase a ptworod cudecidedocotsk iienscluding, K htom eintroducer K Angkhmeorr A ngkotheror meansSratsrorul to yK rhelphempree rprovidese fnrotsm s oLm Memploymente.t Lhiimnga chocolates, dried seasonal fruits, Cambodia can be proud of. cproductsookies, K includinghmer Angk Khmeror Angkor totr theuly localrepre community.sents someth Thating being and other kind of snacks. ccookies,hocolates, Khmer dried Angkor season chocolates,al fruits, said,Cam thebodia Srasor can b eKhmer proud fromof. LM.

andriedd o t h seasonal e r Akti nthde o momffruits, snaencks. t,and LM . Lotherima is Lima A trulygift t orepresents snack n osomethingt a snack gaining its popularity among kind ofAt snacks.the moment, LM. Lima is Cambodiato give can be proud of. tourists and local visitors who A gift to snack not a snack gaining its popularity among come to Siem Reap. Their main to give As has been mentioned, tourists and local visitors who Atc uthestom moment,ers includ eLM. the KLimaorean sis, A giftLM to. L isnackma also not pro adu snackces and come to Siem Reap. Their main As has been mentioned, gainingthe Jaitspan ese,popularity and the Chamonginese. sells assorted kinds of sweets customers include the Koreans, toL Mgive. Lima also produces and tourists and local visitors who and snacks, including cookies the Japanese, and the Chinese. sells assorted kinds of sweets come to Siem Reap. Their main and chocolate. What’s really Turning copper into gold anAsd shasnac kbeens, in clmentioned,uding cook iLM.es customerswith naincludetiona l trethe asKoreans,ures interesting is that the company Limaand choalsoco laproduceste. What ’sand rea llysells Turning copper into gold takes its inspiration from the Japanese, Amon andg Ca themb oChinese.dians, the assorted kinds of sweets and snacks, with national treasures intCeraembostingdi ias’s t hfaamot thues ctoompurista ny Khmer rise spirit is an unpopular including cookies and chocolate. takaetts riatsc tiinonsspi sruatcihon as f romthe Angk or Turning alAcmohono lgcopperic C darminbko adian intos it iss, cgoldtohnes idered What’sCambo reallydia’s fainterestingmous tou riisst that Khmaesr ar ilsoew s-pqiuaritl iisty adnr iunnk.p Soupculha r Wat and incorporates that with national treasures theatt ircompanynascptiionsrati on stakesu cinht oa s itsits th inspirationproe Angkductos.r , alcohmisolicu ndderinrkst aans dingit is cronotssider waye db ack Mrs. Lima Lim, Founder & in time when the productio fromWaFort aCambodia’sn edx ainmple,corpo forrfamousa ttehse tKh hatouristtm er as a low-quality drink. Such n was Mrs.Chief Lima Exec Lim,utive Officer Amongnot pr operCambodians,ly done and pr oduthecers attractionsinsAngkpiratoionr such c oointk asoie its s,the t proh Angkore sdhuacptes. Wat o f , misunderstanding roots way back FounderMrs. Lima & Chief Lim, Executive Founder Officer & iKhmern timwere wricee hlaeckn spirit tofhe e pd ruisocat danuico tnunpopulario in swpairsit andFor tincorporatesh eex acoomple,kies fiors tthat hthe ei cKinspirationonhmic eArn gkor KEY SUCCESS E LEMENTS Chief Executive Officer nalcoholicot pprroopdeu rdrinkclyti odno.n Hase oa wevitn dis pe rconsidered,o tdhuecer s intoAngk Witsao tproducts.r. Thcooek piaecs, kFor athgie nexample, sgh aanpde of for • Daring to challenge the weras emisa l ackplow-qualitye ofrce epdtuiocatn hi oansdrink. cino nstpini ruiteSuch d unti l theth ee Khmercveryooktihe isngAngkor is atshsoe ci ciaoncookies,teidc wAinth gk thetorhe KEY SUCCESSconventio ELEMENTSnal thought and KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS pmisunderstandingrodtuocdatioyn a.n Hd othwevat’ se rw, htrootshate Lim a wwayants shapeWaprot. ofThd utheec tps a acookiesclksoagi embong is a dntheyd t hiconice real • thrive to success to change through her high quality • DaringD aring toto challengechallenge tthehe misbackp einrce timeptio nwhen has c othenti nproductionued until AngkoreveryKhtm hWat.eingr no a stTheisoon.c i apackagingted with tandhe conventional thought and and properly fermented Khmer conventionalPROFILE thought and twasoda y anotnd thaproperlyt’s what Lidonema w anandts everything associated with the thrive to success rice spirit. pro d u c tSsu aclhso innova embotdiony t hpeut rse aLlM thrive F tooll osuccesswing the collapse of the tproducerso change t hwereroug hlack her ofhi geducationh quality productsKhmer noalsotion. embody the real and p r o p eInrl yor fdererm teon etednsu Kreh tmhe r Lima’s products not as PROFILEfilm i ndustry in Cambodia 2006, in spirithigh eproduction.st quality po However,ssible, LM . theLim a Khmercon notion.ventional supermarket Lima Lim together with her rice spirit. Such innovation puts LM Following the collapse of the misperceptionneatly sour ceshas r acontinuedw ingredie untilnts food, but something so special PROFILEhusband Meng Giap Kwong In order to ensure the Lima’s products not as todayfr oandm wi that’sthin C whatambo diaLima. M orwantseover , Suchthat innovation everyone, eputsspe cLMiall Lima’sy film indecideddustry i tno Cstaamrtb ao smdiaall 200 bu6,si ness highest quality possible, LM. Lima conventional supermarket Lima Lim together with her to changeto stre throughngthen th here Ca highmbo diaqualityn productstouri sts,not sh ouasld bconventionaluy, not as Followingas a spiri thet pr ocollapseducer, L ofM the. Lim filma neatly sources raw ingredients food, but something so special husband Meng Giap Kwong and bproperlyrand orig infermented of its spirit , Khmerthe supermarketfood but afood,s prec butiou ssomething gifts from Angkor Food Co., Ltd. in 2009. fromc wiomthpanin yC decidedambodia to. M useor eover, that everyone, especially decidedindustry to insta Cambodiart a small b 2006,usines sLima rice spirit. so special that everyone, especially The company, at first, only to strpeanckgtahgingen t hine tCahem fobromdia ofn a Cambodia. asLim a sp itogetherrit produ cwither, L Mher. L imhusbanda tourists, should buy, not as produced the highest quality branhdan ordiigcirna oftf bitosx s tphiartit’s, desthei gned and tourists, should buy, not as food but AngkMengor FGiapood C oKwong., Ltd. i n decided2009. to food but as precious gifts from Khmer rise spirit (Srasor Khmer). c omInpa ansorderseym decidedb letod bensurey ltoca usel Cthe am bhighestodians in as precious gifts from Cambodia. start a small business as a spirit Cambodia. THheo wevcomepr,an beyc, aauts feir tshte, otinmlye taken pqualityackSaiginge mpossible, Re ina tph ep rf ooLM.vrimnce. oLimaf Ta he moneatlyve is producer, LM. Lima Angkor Food producedto fe trhmee hnitg cahenst b qeu ualp ittoy one year hsourcesandialcsroa fsteraw ebno xa st haingredientsa mt’se adesns itgno he edlp froman d KCo.,hme Ltd.rb erfiso erin es pt2009.hireit s p(Sirrita cansor Khbe msoeldr,) .t he awithinssemprb olveCambodia.idde b yem lopcaloly C maMoreover,emntb toodian the slo icanto l

However, because the time taken Sstrengtheniem Reap ptherov inCambodiance. The mo vbrande is to fe Therme ntcompany, can be up tato onfirst,e yea r only aloriginso se eofn aitss a mspirit,eans ttheo h elcompanyp before the spirit can be sold, the provide employment to the local produced the highest quality decided to use packaging in the 17 Khmer50 Successrice spirit Stories (Srasor Khmer). form of a handicraft box that’s However, because the time taken designed and assembled by to ferment can be up to one year local Cambodians in Siem Reap 17 50 Success Stories

50 Success Stories 17 /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ CAMBODIA


Company Profile

/AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ CAMBODIA Corp orate Name: LM. Lima Angkor Food


Established : 2009 Company Profile Corporate Name: LM. Lima Angkor Food Company Profile /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ Corporate Name: LM. Lima AnCgkAMBODIAor Food Corporate Name: CNumberorporat eof A Employees:ddress: Siem 11-50 Reap,

/AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ LM. Lima Angkor Food CAMBODIACambEos diatab lished : 2009 Established : 2009 /A GRICULTURE & FOOD/ CAMBODIA

Established: 2009

CNumberoCorpormat eofp Aa Employees:ddreny sPs:r Sioefm i11-50l Reae p, International Activities:

Camb odia NExportumbCNumberoe rof po ofgoods rEmpat eof Al tooEmployees:ddreye foreignes:s 1s:1- Si5 countries0e m 11-50 Reap, Company Profile Number Corpor aofte Employees:Name: LM. Lima Angkor Food InternationalCompan Activities:y Profile Cambodia 11-50NExportumb Ce rofo or fgoodsp Emporat ltooeye Nforeigneames: 11-:5 countriesL0M . Lima Angkor Food Corporate Name: LM. Lima Angkor Foo d Est ablished : 2009 IAwards:nternational Activities: International Activities: International Activities: IAwards:nternatiEsontaball iAsctivitihed : e2009s: The company has received local The company has received local NExportumbe rof o fgoods Emp ltooye foreignes: 11-5 countries0 Clockwise: LM Lima ExportExpEorstt aofbl igoodsshed : 2009to foreign Export and international recognitions. and international recognitions. Angkor Food’s famous countriesCorporate Address: Siem Reap, Angkor Coffee Wine // Number of Employees: 11-50 CNumberorporat eof A Employees:ddress: Siem 11-50 Reap, The collection of wine AwCambards: odia Tel.:CNumber +855oCambrpo r17a ot 700eofdia A Employees: ddre826 ss: Siem 11-50 Reap, and spirits from LM Awards: Lima Angkor Food / The T h e Camb c +855ompa o98ndiay h996as r 705eceived numbers of AwarIAwards:dnsternati: onal Activities: International Activities: Tel.: +855 17 700 826 fermentation container of Theboth company loInternationalcal and in hasternati received Activities:onal recognitions. NExport umbe rof o fgoods Emp ltooye foreignes: 11-5 countries0 The company has received local the spirit local International andNumb internationaler of EmpActivities:lo yees: 11-50 T h e c Ex+855omppoar 98nt y h996as r 705eceived numbers of Email:Export of goods to foreign countries Clockwise: LM Lima Angkor Food’s famous Angkor Coffee NExportumbe rof o fgoods Emp ltooye foreignes: 11-5 countries0 both andloca linternational and internatio recognitions.nal recognition s. Wine // The collection of wine and spirits from LM Lima recognitionsTinfo.khmerangkorfood.come l.: + 855 17 700 826 / 98 99 67 05 Angkor Food / The fermentation container of the spirit I Awards: n ternational Activities: IAwards:nternational Activities: Email: Clockwise: LM Lima Angkor Email:FooEmaiWebsite:ThedIAwards:’nsl: ternatiThe f acompanym o companyuson Anaglk Aohasrctiviti Cohas freceivedf eereceivede s: local local Awards: ExpExorpto rt Wine // The collection of wine aiwww.khmerangkorfood.comndfo Thes@pkhmeriri tcompanys fromang kLoMrf oLhasoimd.a creceivedo m local Tinfo.khmerangkorfood.comel.: Tel.:+855 +85517 700 17 82 7006 / 98268 99 67 05 info.khmerangkorfood.comandExandp internationalor tinternational recognitions. recognitions. Angkor Food / The fermentation coandnta in internationaler of the spirit recognitions. Below: LM. Lima Angkor Food staff working on loading T h e c +855ompa 98ny h996as r 705eceived numbers of its products before the shipping Tel.:WFacebook:Aebws ite:+855Aarw d asr:d 17 s: 700 826 both local and international recognitions. www.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor-Tel.:AwTel.:a r+855ds +855: 17 17700 700 826 826 wwwFood-CoLtd-1618790038338052 . khmer +855a n98gko 996rfood 705.com EmaiWebsite:l: T Tel.:h e T ch +855 oe +855 mp c +855ompa 98n17ay 98n 700h996yas h996as 826r 705e r c705eecievievded n nuumbmbeerrss o f bT o ht b he o lc to+855ohcamp lolca a 98nl yad nh996 idasn iternati nr 705ternatieceiveodon naaul lmbr reecceowww.khmerangkorfood.comorggsn noitiitif oEmail:ns.. Clockwise: LM Lima Angkor Foobothd’ slo fcaaml oaunsd An ingternatikor Cooffneeal [email protected] angkorfood.com Website:Faceboo k: Wine // The collection of wine andEmail: spirits from LM Lima Tinfo.khmerangkorfood.comel.: +855 17 700 826 / 98 99 67 05 Clockwise: LM Lima AngAnkorg Fookodr’ sFoo famodu s/ An Tghkoer fCoerffmee entawwwtio n. fcacebontaoionke.cro omf /tLhMe s-Lpimairit -Angkor- Below: LM. Lima Angkor Food staff workingC olocn klowaidsieWn:g iLn Me / /L iTmhea cAonllgecktoiorn Foo of wdi’ns ef aamndo uspsi rAnitsg fkromor CoLMff eeLim a [email protected]: Clockwise: LM Lima Angkor Food’s famous Angkor Coffee Email:Tinfo.khmerangkorfood.comel.: +855 17 700 826 / 98 99 67 05 its products before the shipping Wine // ThAne cgoklolerc Footiond o/ fT whien fe ramnedn staptiiroints c fornomtai nLeMr o Lf itmhea s pirit FoTode-lC.:o +Ltd8-55161 1879 7000038 8233860 5/2 9 8 99 67 05 Below left: LM. Lima Angkor Food staff working on loadingWin eits // productsThe collect ibeforeon of w ithene a shippingnd spirits f rom LM Lima info.khmerangkorfood.comTinfo.khmerangkorfood.comel.: +855 17 700 826 / 98 99 67 05Facebook: Below right: LM. Lima Angkor Food’s famous AngkorAngko rWat AnFoog kdshapedo /r TFoohed f cookiese/ rTmhe nfetarmtioent actoinonta cionnetra oinf etrh oef stpheir sitp irit Website: Facebook: www.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor- Email: Email: www.facebook.com/Website: Website: EmaiWebsite:EmaiWebsite:l:l: wwwFood-CoLtd-1618790038338052.khmerangkorfood.com [email protected] www.khmerangkorfood.com LM-Lima-Angkor-Food-www.khmerangkorfood.comwww.khmerangkorfood.com [email protected] ininfofo@@khmerkhmerangkoorrffoooodd.c.coomm Below: LM. Lima Angkor Food staff working on loading CoLtd-1618790038338052 its products before the shipping Below: LM. LBimeelaol woAn:w gLkM:o .Lr L FooMim.a d LAn sitmgakffoa rw AnFooorkdgin ksgtoa offrn wFoo lorakdinidng g so tna lffoa dwinog rking on loading Facebook: its products before the shipping Website: Facebook: its products beiftosr ep trhoed shuicpptsin bge fore the shipping Facebook:WFacebook:ewww.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor-bsite: Wwww.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor-ewwwbsite:.khmer angkorfood.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor-Food-CoLtd-1618790038338052wwwW.facebebsite:ook . com/LM-Lima-Angkor- wwwFood-CoLtd-1618790038338052.khmerangkorfood.com www.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor- wwwFood-CoLtd-1618790038338052 .khmerangkorfood.com Food-CoLtd-1618790038338052 Above: LM. Lima Angkor Food’s famous Angkor Wat shaped wwwFood-CoLtd-1618790038338052.khmerangkorfood.com cookies Facebook: Facebook: Facwwweboo.kfaceb: ook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor - wwwFoo.fdaceb-CoLootdk-.1c6o1m8/7L9M00-L38ima33-8An05 g2k or- wwwFood.f-acebCoLtdoo-1k6.1c8o7m9/00LM38-3L3ima805-2An gkor- Facebook: F ood-CoLtd-161879003833805 2 www.facebook.com/LM-Lima-Angkor-

Food-CoLtd-1618790038338052 18 50 Success Stories

Above: LM. Lima AngAkboro Fooved:’s L faMmo. uLsi mAnagk Aorn Wagkto srh aFooped d’s famous Angkor Wat shaped cookies Above: LM. Lima Angkocr ooFookdi’es sfa mous Angkor Wat shaped cookies 18 50 Success Stories Above: LM. Lima Angkor Food’s famous Angkor Wat shaped cookies

Above: LM. Lima Angkor Food’s fa mous Angkor Wat shaped 18 50 Success Stories cookies 18 50 Success Stories 18 50 Success Stories 18 50 Success Stories

18 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURAL & FOOD/ CAMBODIA


LYLY Food Industry Co., Ltd. aa A driven and successful entrepreneur who wants to transform the food manufacturing industry of Cambodia



LOL Collaboration promotes that the company really LLYLYYLY FoodFoodbusine Industryss succes s Co.,C o., Ltd.Ltd. emphasizes on: the quality of raw aa LYLY Food Industry Co., Ltd. aa ingredients, and a standard level A driven and s u cAcepsasrfut lf entrerom bpreneinegur a pwhorofi watabnltes to AA ddrivenriven andand ssuccessfuluccessful entreentrepreneurpreneur who wawantsnts toto of hygiene. transform tcheom foodpan manuy, LYLYfactur Foiongd inaldsou shtrays otfh Ce ambodia transform the food manufacturing industry of Cambodia transform toheb jfeoodctiv manue of pfacturrovidinging in jodbus try of Cambodia LYLY Food pays a lot of

attention when selecting raw opportunities to fellow

Cambodians. The company ingredients for its products. Only Collaboration promotes home-tgharto twnhe co rmipcane,y c roeallrny , and creates markets for farmers to cCollaborationobvuersiinneg Nsosr tshu Amercc epromotessisca, Europe, ftheoerm L qualityyphlya Fsoizeso ofd, oMrawno: mt hingredients, efi rqmualyli tysta otedf rawand potato flour are selected for the supply raw materaniald sA ssiau. c h as rice, tah istandardantg trheediere na tsrlevele, tanwo dof m a hygiene. asitan nthdaringds level business Apart successfrom being a profitable that the company really corn, and potato flour to support producoft hioygnie.n Te.h is is done to ensure Cocollmabopany,ra LtiYLYon Fdrooidv ealss o has the emphasizes on; Quality of raw the qua LYLYlity Foodof it payss sn aa lotck ofs attention, while at the production ofb oiutbs Apartjei necfativmse s fromo osf upccrs o vbeingreiisdcsine g jao bprofitable in g r e die LYLYnts a Fnodo Sdta pnadaysr ad lloetve olf of when selecting raw ingredients for crackers. company,opportun itiesLYLY to fell owFood alsothe sahygimatten timetio. n we,h eint sperolectmingo rtaews local Apart from being a itsin gproducts.redients f orOnly its p rohome-grownducts. Only hasCam btheodia objectivens. The co mofp anprovidingy Lyly Food pays a lot of profitability company, Lyly Foodb usinrice,ehsosme acorn,-cgtriov wnandit irei csepotato., c orn, anflourd are This generatejobcsre catesoopportunitiesll maabrokertas tfoiro f nar mtoe rs tofellow attention when selecting raw alssuop hpalys trhaew o mbjaetcetriiveal so fs upcrhov aisding rice, selectedpotato flforou r theare sproduction.elected for t hThise jCambodians.ob opportunit iThees to company fellow creates ingredients for its products. Only between LYLY Foocodr nan, andd pitosta to flour to suppo r t Inisp doner termodu ctotio sensuren .o Tfh sist theians d odqualitynae rtod e lnofes veuritse l of Cmarketsambodia nfors. T hfarmerse compa ntoy supply home-grown rice, corn, and the production of its famous riche ygienthee, qwuahlietyn o fit it sc sonmackess, wthoil e at suppliers, since itc rawraealltes omaterialsw msa rtkhetes fsuchor fa rasme rrice,s to corn, psnacks,otato f lowhileur ar eat se thelect esamed for ttime,he it crackers. the same time, it promotes local sandupp lypotato raw m aflourterial sto su csupporth as rice, cthe on suppromotesrmodaubctlioen localp. Trhoi sdbusiness isu dcotnse, thactivities.o eyngiesurene company to be economically more business activities. cproductiono r n , anThdi sp go etanofteor aflteoitsusr c tofamousoll suabpoproa rtito ricen the quality of its snacks, while at sufficient as most ingredients are level is crucial. To ensure that the tcrackers.hbee tpwroeednu cLYLYtion o Ff iotos dfa anmodu ists r ice t h e In s a m Intermse termtime ,s p oforfo smtstandardanoted athrde lloe cavelevelll of

sourced locally. Ancrsauockptpehlri.e rrs , bsienncee ifit atll otows the compbofanuh sygiihygiene,nyee sinse a ,c cwtoihv mietwhenniep its.l ci oe mdite wis comestot h t htoe consumable products, hygiene This c o m T phanisgenerates yg eton ebrea teec oa n somircollaborationt ocfall y mforoeo d sconsumable ta nInd termards roefproducts, sgtanuldaatriod lenvehygiene, lt ohf e Ms. Keo Mom, Founder & it is that the objective also aligns level is crucial. To ensure that the cbetweenosullaffbicorieant tive aLYLYs an mdo s sty inFoodnegrrgeyd bieeandntwtsee arneits hlevelygie nise ,crucial. when it Tocom ensurees to that the Ms.wi Keoth Mom, the Cambodian government’s compancomy,p antoyget is cohmeprl iwied withth t thhe Chief Executive Officer Lsyolyu rFcedood l anocadl liy.ts Ansuppothlier sb, ein efit to ccompanyonsumab isle compliedproducts, hwithygie thene food suppliers, since it allows the food standard regulation, the MFoundersM. Kse. oK Me &oo ChiefMmeo,ff mFo Executive,und Frot undtero & err CeOfficer &Ed Ou ce thwieht iiscph te hitra acet llthonwe tagso bthjeeec ct ioovemf palansoy atloigns mi nislstandardetverile iss c aru nregulation,cidal .s Teovera ens urthele ntcompany,hoatn th-e company to be economically more company, together with the Chief Executive Officer pwirodthu ceth em Coarme ebcoodianomn igcoavlleyr nment’s ctogetherompany is withcomp liethed wi thministries the KEY SUCCESS ELEMEN TS poverty by providsufficienting em pasl omostym eingredientsnt gareov ernmimneisntritaes la nodr gaseveranizl anotnio- ns, sueffiocrite ntot sriendceuce m tohset ipnegrrecedientagntes of food standard regulation, the KEKEYY SU SUCCESSCCESS ELEMEN ELEMENTSTS sourced locally. Another benefit to andgo veseveralrnmenta lnon orga ngovernmentalizations, • KEY SUCCESSto i tELEMENs citizenTsS, whairpceoh svero LutrYLYyced by lpo rcaFovlolidy.oi Anndg oetmheprl oymedevnt elcoompspan thy,e t opgetrohedr uwictth qthue ality The method of 5S and • The method of 5S and it is that the objective also aligns organizations,develops the proddevelopsuct quali ty the • The mmeetthohodd ooff 5S5S aanndd bteon eitfist c tiotize it inss t,h waht itchhe LobYLYject iFvoeo dm easmiurneis tarinesd a ntdh see verafaclt noorny- hygiene Kaizen in production also emphasizes awiths it themi Cambodianssion an dgovernment’s productmeasur equality and th emeasure factory handygie nthee KaKaizeniizenn iin nin propro productiondduuccttiionon alalsos oa leignsmph wiastihz etsh ea sC iatm mibossdiaion and governmental organizations, • • • ISO 22000:2005aims to certified h elp by coeffortanimstri tobtou h reduceteilpn bgy in ctheon t rpercentageibuting in c oofn trodevfactoryclo.en lotrop shygienel .t he pro dcontrol.uct quality ISO22000:2005 certifie d• ISISOO2202200000:2:2000055 cceerrttiiffiieedd government effort to reduce the • ppovertydierfcefenrtagen tbye wa o providingf ypso. ve rty b yemployment measure and the factory hygiene • Food Safety Certificate • Food Food Safety Safetydi Certificate fCertificateferent ways. ptoro vitsid incitizens,g emplo ywhichment t oLYLY its Food control. P ROFILE PROFILE calsoitizen emphasizess, in which Lasyl yit F missionood also and With the vi s i o n o f wanting to Good ingredients and PROFILE With the vision of wanting to eaimsmph astoizes help as i tsby mi contributingssion and in sePROFILEe CCambbooddiiaa hhaavviinngg tthhee fu fullll hygiene levels assured as With the vision of wanting to Good ingredientsadifferentims to hae ways.lndp con tributing it some caabpilityacity to t osu sppuplpyl yfo foodo dp rporoduductcst s wathyse. r ule of thumb for With the visionhyg ofi wantingene l toevel see s assured as see Cambodia having the full with hiighh qquaualliittyy anandd hhyygiegiennee wi witthh success reCambodialiability,ility, tth hehavinge ddrriiveven n the entrepreneur full ability ability to supply food products the rule of thuGood mb Every ingredientsfor c ompany handas th eir e Knetor eMproemne decidur Keeod M too mestablish decided her to Good ingredients and to supply food products with high own rules of thumb when it comes with high quality and hygiene ecwisotmatbphlanis hy hLeYLYr cosm Foodupanccy Industry Leyslys F oo tod hyghygieneiene l levelsevel to assured ensure as quality and hygiene with reliability, to company success. When aske d The company also adopts Induraises thetry tstandardo uplift th ine sfoodtandar manufac-d in tashe the rul erule of t huof thumbmb for for In addition, the company also reliability, the driven entrepreneurthe driven entrepreneur Keo Mom about what are the rules of thumb advanced technology and applies ftouoridn mg oanf Cufacamtbuordiaing inof C2002.ambo dia success adopts advanced technology and decided to establish Everyher company com psuccessanfor yLYLY has F otohde, iMr om firmly stated it to its standard operations to Keo Mom decided to establishi n her 2 002 A p.a r t from supplying to the applies it to its standard operation LYLY Food Indusown try rul toe sraise of tthehu m t b h a w t Everytheeren ac ritoem tcpwoanom my haeaisns theinirg s minimize the potential effects that M y a nAmpaarrt mfraormk estu, pLyplliyn gF oto dth ale so to minimize potential effects that company LYLY Food Industry standarto d in food manufacturing of o wnEvery rules ocompanyf thumb w hashen ittheir com eowns could undermine the success of Mexypaornmtsa tro m anarokttheote,r Lyc soelveym Fnop cooandun alytsro is eus ccess. When asked The cc oouldmThep und ancompanyeyrmi alnse oth ea sudalsooccesp tss adoptso f to company success. When asked rules of thumb. raise the standard in food manufac-exCambodiaports to an inot 2002.her seven countries rules of thumb when it comes to radvancedules of th utechnologymb. and applies covering Northa America,bout w Europe,hat ar e thaeb oruult wehsa to arfe t thheum rulebs of thumab dvanced technology and applies turing of Cambodia in 2002. company success. When asked it to its standard operations to and Asia. for LYLY Food, Mom firmly stated it to its standard operations to Apar t from supplying to th eApart from supplying to the about what are the rules of thumb minimize the potential effects that Myanmar market, Lyly Food also for LYLY Food, Mom firmly statedmin imize the potential effects that that there are two main things could undermine the success 17of Myanmar market, Lyly Food alexportsso to another seven countries that there are two main things that 19 Future50 Success of A SEStoriesAN couldrules und ofe thumb.rmine the success of exports to another seven countcoveringries North America, Europe, the company really emphasizes on: rules of thumb. covering North America, Europe,and Asia. and Asia. 50 Success Stories 19 19 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURAL & FOOD/ CAMBODIA

Company Profile

Corporate Name: LYLY Food Industry Co., Ltd.

Establish: 2002

Number of Employees: 250


Company Profile

Award: CompanyCompCaonryp PoProfileraotfeil eN ame: LYLY Food Industry CompCaon.,y LPtrdo.f ile CorporateCorp•o rate NFame oName:od: L SaYLY f eFootyd CInedurtistrfyica te from Hazard Cor.,p Lotr da.t e Name: LYLY Food Industry LYLYCo., L tFoodd. An Industryalysis Co., Cr iticLtd.al Control Point Establish: 2002 (HACCP) Establi sh: 2002 EstablishedEsta•b lish: 200220:1 20025 Young Entrepreneur Award of

NumbCamber of Empodialo yees: 250 Number of Employees: 250 Above: Lyly Food production site NumberNumb• e r o f20of Emp Employees:15lo yeBeess: 2t5 E0 n 250terprise Award

• InternatiISO on5000al Activiti1:2001es: InternationalInternational Activiti Activities:es: Internati• ExonpQuoarl tA activitilitye san: d Taste of Gold Medal, The ExportExport of goods to foreign Export International Taste & Quality countries Institute Award: Awa•rd: Etc. Awards:Award: • Fo•o d SaFfoetoyd C Saertifeficaty Ctee frrtiomfica Htazae frdo m Hazard • • 5S FAnGoldooadly Sas AwardiAnsf eCtaryiticl yCseairslti Cficaornitictreol afr loP Cmooi nHntt azarolr dP oint (AnHAalCyCsi(PsH )C AriticCCaPl )C ontrol Point • Green(HA CIndustryCP) Gold Award • 2015 Young Entrepreneur Award of • Te• l.: +2081555 Yo 23ung 6E8nt9re 9pr9ene99ur Award of • 201520Camb 1Young5 Yoodiaun gEntrepreneur Entrepreneur A ward of CamboCambdia odia Above: Lyly Food production site • Award2015 ofBes Cambodiat Enterprise Award AbovAbove:eA:b Loyvley: Foo L LYLYylyd Foo pr odFoodd purcotdiou productionnct isionte si te site • 20•1 5 Bes20t 1E5n Bteresprt iEsen Aterwaprrdi se Award • I SO 5 0001:2001 • • 2015ISO• Best 5000I SOEnterprise1: 20015000 1:2001 Award • Quality and Taste of Gold Medal, The • Qu•ality and Taste of Gold Medal, The WInternatie bsQuite:onaalitl Ty astaned & T Quaastel itoyf Gold Medal, The Tel.:I n+855sternatitituteI 23n onternati 689al Tast 9999one &al Qua Tastlitey & Quality Institute • wwwEtc. .Ilnysltiytutefoo d.com • Etc.• Etc.

Website: Tel.: +8 55 23 689 9999 www.lylyfood.comTel.: +855 23 689 99 99 Tel.: +855 23 689 9999 Facebook: Right: Examples of Lyly Food’s Facebook:Website: products Webwwwsite: .facebook.com/lylyfood www.facebook.com/lylyfoodwww.lyWlyefoobsdite:.co m www.lylyfood.com

www.lylyfood.com Facebook: Faceboo k: Right: Examples of Lyly Food’s pRriogdhutc:t sE xamples of Lyly Food’s www.facebook.com/lylyfood products www.facebFaceoboook.cko:m /lylyfood RAbove:ight: Ex amples of Lyly Food’s

pLYLYroduct sFood production site www.facebook.com/lylyfood

Right: Lyly Food employees in pRriogthectt:i veLy lcylo Foothindg e mployees in protective clothing

Right: Lyly Food employees in protective clothing Right: Lyly Food employees in 18 protective clothing 18 Future of ASEAN FutureRight: LYLYof ASE FoodAN employees in protective clothing

18 Future20 of ASEAN 50 Success Stories 18 Future of ASEAN /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR

NationalNationa Internationall Internation Commercialal Commer Enterprisecial Ltd. (NICE)

aa Enterprise Ltd. (NICE) The very first company to ever marketed and distributed machined produced roasted The very first company to ever marketed and distributed green tea in Myanmar machined produced roasted green tea in Myanmar

green tea related business. customers needed stronger, Regardless of being a profit driven shaper, and bitter taste from the Regionalcompany, Economic the comp anDevelopment.y also has its arrivetea i sat w htheat c usuitablestomer staste were to the

Thisclea rcompany objective sis f other r efirstgional company localloo kmarket.ing for. The finding development which can encouraged the company to to market and distribute machined summarized into two objectives: conduct researches and develop produced roasted green tea in Apart from attracting the local Opium Poppy Substitution and its tea utilizing multiple Myanmar.Regional Economic Development. customers,processin gNara tech teaniq uise salso to a gainingrrive at This company is the first company itst hpopularitye suitable t aamongste to t hforeigne local tea to Currently,market an dNICE distr operationsibute span drinkers.market. The brand can be found acrossmachi ngreened pr teaodu relatedced roa sbusinessested green and purchased at Verlet Coffee Apart from attracting the includingtea in My agreennmar .tea farming, green & Tea shops in Paris, France. local customers, Nara tea is also tea processing Currently , machineryNICE opera design,tions Moreover,gaining i tsNICE popul aisri tyalso am oning the production, and sale, green tea middle of the discussion to start span across green tea related foreign tea drinkers. The brand cultivationbusinesses training,including and gree greenn tea tea exportcan b e tofo undthe a nGermand purcha sedmarket. at packagingfarming, g andreen sale. tea processing TheVe rtotallet C orevenueffee & T egenerateda shops in fromParis , machinery design, production, internationalFrance. Mor marketeover, N isICE as i shigh also asin Productand sale, g tailoringreen tea culti tov amatchtion 25%.the middle of the discussion to training, and green tea packaging start export to the German withand s alde esired. taste market. The total revenue Strong personal generated from international

NICE sells its green tea under brandingmarket is aass h theigh a means 25%. for thePr obrandduct t aNara.ilori nTheg to brandmatch was communication inspiredwith d e sbyir ethed t anamest e of the town Mr.Mr. KyawKyaw Thiha,Thiha, Strong personal branding as • Managing Director Nara, NICEJapan, sell s whereits gree nthe te a green Currently, the company does Managing Director tea seeds were from. During the notth einvest mea nin fo anyr co mmofficialun icdigitalation under the brand Nara. The brand establishmentwas inspired b y ofth e thenam ecompany, of the marketing Curr entlchannel,y, the co mphowever,any does KKEYEY SUSUCCESSCCESS ELEMENTSELEMENTS Thihatown Nhimselfara, Ja reachedpan, wh eoutre t tohe Japan Thihanot inv hases tvery in an strongy offic iconnectional digital marketing channel, however, • Pr Productoduct tailoring to to match forgree assistancen tea seed sin w eprovidingre from. Du greenring among the local Burmese people as Thiha has very strong connection matchwith desired with d tasteesired taste teathe ecultivationstablishme ntand of t heprocessing company, he becomes one of a few who helps Thiha himself reached out to among the local Burmese people • S Strongtrong personalpersonal branding techniques, including providing improving the local communities. theJap seedsan for as as well.sistance in providing Also,as h withe bec o5,000mes o nfriendse of a f eandw w overho branding helps improving the local green tea cultivation and 2,000 followers on his personal processing techniques, including communities. Also, with 5,000 Initially, Myanmar customers Facebook, Thiha emphasizes a PPROFILEROFILE providing the seeds as well. friends and over 2,000 followers did not fully appreciate Japanese loto non h ishis pe rownsonal personal Faceboo brandingk, Thiha Founded Founde d iinn 19931993 by Kybya wKyaw green Initia tea lmuchly, My aasnm thear cucompanystomers andem usesphas izesit as a thelot omeann his otown subtly Thiha, National International did not fully appreciate Japanese Thiha, National International marketed customers who drank advertisepersonal the bran company’sding and u productsses it as Commercial Enterprise (NICE) teagree whilen tea muceatingh a s betelthe c onuts.mpan yThe throughthe me hisan toown su bpage.tly ad Asve rstatedtise th eby Commercial Enterprise (NICE) marketed customers who drank focuses its business operations on company later found out that Thiha,comp “Demandany’s prod foruct thes th company’srough his focuses its business operations tea while eating betel nuts. The on green tea related business. the customers needed stronger, productsown pa ge.are A sdriven stated bbyy T hhisih a,own company later found out that the “Demand for the company’s Regardless of being a profit shaper, and bitter taste from the personal branding, positive impact driven company, the company tea is what customers were looking stories, and Thiha’s actions in also has its clear objectives for for. The finding encouraged the helping rural communities by company to conduct researches providing employment to the21 50regional Success Storiesdevelopment which can summarized into two objectives: and develop its tea utilizing locals. Opium Poppy Substitution and multiple processing techniques to

50 Success Stories 21 /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR

products are driven by his own personal branding, positive /AGRICULTUREim &p aFOOct storD/ie s , an d T h i h a ’s MYANMAR Company Profile products are driven abcyt hioisn os wnin helping r ural personal branding, pcoosmitimveuniti es by providing Corporate Name: impact stories, and Tehmihpalo’sy ment to the locals. Company Profile National International Commercial actions in helping ru ral Enterprise Ltd. (NICE) communities by providing Corporate Name: /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ MYANMAR employment to the locaBelosw. : Kyaw Thiha along with his products at a trade fair National International Commercial products are driven by his own Established: 1993 personal branding, positive Enterprise Ltd. (NICE) im/AGRICULTUREpact stories, and Th i&ha FOOD/’s MYANMAR Com pany Profile Below: Kyaw Thiha along with his parcodtiuocntss a ti na thraedlep fianirg rural

communities by providing CorEposrtaateb Nliameshe: d : 1993 Number of Employees: 51-100 employment to the locals. National International Commercial

Enter prise Ltd. (NICE) Company Profile Below: Kyaw Thiha along with his products at a trade fair Below: Kyaw Thiha along with his products at a trade fair Number of Employees: 51-100 International Activities: Established: 1993 Corporate Name: Export of goods to foreign countries National International Number of Employees: 51-100 Awards: CommercialInternati Enterpriseonal Activiti Ltd. es: The company has received local (NICE)Export of goods to foreign countries International Activities: Aandwa rinternationalds: The comp recognitions.any has received Awards: EstablishedExp ort of goods: 1993to foreign countries local and international recognitions. Awards:The company has received local

TheAand companywa rinternationalds :has Th receivede comp local recognitions.any has recei ved NumberAandwalo rinternationaldcas: Tl hofane cEmployees:domp in recognitions.aternatiny has reconeivaedl recognitions. 51-100local and international recognitions. Email:

[email protected] InternationalEmaiEmail: l: Activities: Exportmyanma ofr tea.goodskth@ tog mforeignail.com [email protected] countriesn.i.cmyanma.e.ltd.myanmartea.rteak@[email protected] l.com

[email protected] Awards: Below:BBeeloww The: T:h eT NaraNhaera NG Greenraeerna T Gea Tear beeran nbrandd fTromea N bfromatriaonna dlNational I nftreomrnati oN nInternationalaal Cotiomnmaerlc Iianl Eten Commercialtrenrparistieo Lntda. l(NICE) Co Enterprisem merci aLtd.l E n(NICE)terprise Ltd. (NICE)M obile: +95 9 259 5165 43 Mobile: +95 9 259 5165 43 The company has received +95 9 245 0773 local and international +95 9 245 0773 Below: The Nara Green Tea brand from National International Commercial Enterprise Ltd. (NICE) Mobile: +95 9 259 5165 43 recognitions Fac e b oo k : +95 9 245 0773 https://www.facebook.com/profile.ph Email:p?id =100009689313126 Facebook: [email protected] [email protected]: https://www.facebook.com/profile.ph p?id=100009689313126 comhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.ph p?id=100009689313126 Mobile: +95 9 259 5165 43 +95 9 245 0773

Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/profile.

Below: Kyaw Thiha conducting a knowledge transfer to the local villagers php?id=100009689313126

Right: Kyaw Thiha conducting a knowledge transfer to the local villagers

22 50 Success Stories

Right: Kyaw Thiha conducting a Right: Kyaw Thiha conducting a knowledge transfer to the local knowledge transfer to the local villagers villagers

22 50 Success Stories

22 22 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ LAO PDR


Sinouaa k Coffee Co., Ltd. /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ LAO PDR

As a pione er of the Lao Coffee Development, Sinouk Coffee tackles SinoukaaS inouk Coffee Coffee CCo.,o., LLtd.td. the ASEAN market ASs ai nopioneuekr o Cf theoff Laeoe Co Cffoee., Deve Ltdlop.men t, Sinouk Coffee tackles Asthe a ApioneerSEAN mofa therke Laot Coffee Development, Sinouk Coffee tacklesAs a ptheione ASEANer of the market Lao Coffee Development, Sinouk Coffee tackles the ASEAN market

employment, and 3) to work with to say, most of the coffee a local permodpulocytm tehnatt, anhads 3ex) tpoo wrtor k with protdo usacedy, m ions t hoifs t hre gcoioffen ei s still potentiala ,l oScainl opukrod buecgat thna tt oh asls oexwlpoyr t orgaprnodicu.ced La oin C tohffeis re gdioenfinit is steillly has pa otelocalntial product, Sinouk bthategan hasto sl oexportwly definitelyorganic. Lahaso C offehighe d efinitstandards,ely has build up heims polwnoym ceonffet, ane edm 3)p tior ew ork with hight sot sanayd, marodsst ,o wf thhiec hco iffes e bpotential,uilda lo caupl ph riSinoukso douwnct ct hobeganaffet he aesm extop pirslowlyoer t whichhipghro sdtisuanced dsomethinga rinds t,h wish riec hgSinouki oisn is st illhas and now he’s considered to be one something Sinouk has always anbuildpdo nte oupnwti hisalhe, ’ Ssown icnoonuk scoffeeider begaed empiren t oto b sle o andwlney alwayssoormgaet hhighlighted.niinc.g L Saino oCukoffe haes d aelfinitwayes ly has of the most successful highlighted. onowfb tuildh ehe’s mo up sconsidered th sisu cocwness cfuloffe toe beem poneire of hihghiglhig hstted.and ards, which is businessbthemuanse imostnde ,ns anosmw dsuccessful eh nae,’ sran ecsodpn ase irc derebusinessmen,tsfulpeed c ttfulo b e one Creating s Cre o m Creeatthaiintn iagng glocalaS a iln oloca ukcabrandll hbarsan athatdldwa t ht yhaissta oftis i s coffee excandpooffeefr tteah, eirespectfulx nmop Lersatto, si nuPc DLc aecoffeeRoss. P f ulD R expert,. in ofsuch soufh csi hugac hahighhl i hgah ihgted. istandardhgh s stantandda aisrd the iiss tbasisthhee of Laobu PDR.sinessmen, and a respectful the company’s success, both locally It w a sn’t It wuntiasn’tl 2 unti004l 2t00ha4t thaet the basbisa s ois f o t Crefh teh eac tocionmmgp apan anlocayy’sl bsuruanccccedess tssh, a, t is coffee expert, in Lao PDR. andboot regionally.fh s luoccah laly h anighd srteangiodnallard yis. the compancyo imnptranody uincedtrod itusced own its own both locally and regionally. c offeIt ewasn’t brand unduntiler t2004he sign thatatur ethe basis of the company’s success, coffee bran d und It wearsn’t th eunti signl 2a00tur4 eth at the nacompanycmome opfan S introducedIyN inOtUroKd uCOced FitsF itEE owns o.wn It coffee both locally and regionally.

name ofobrand SpcIeoNnffeeOd eUunder ubpKr an itCOsd very theundFF EEfiesignaturerr st.th Iet sign anameture

opened cofuopna mm SINOUKitmse veryr ocfial S I c fiNo COFFEErOffesUte K s hCOop.F iFnItEE thopened.e It

commerPupcaioalk pitssee cn oanveryeffedd u e pxfirst steithsno verydedpcommercial in itfi tsrh sbetu sin ecoffeess

Pakse anashopdcct oievmmxi tinteie s.ntheerded c i alPakse citosffe b andeu shi noextendedeps isn the its

activities.P akse and extended its business business As o factivities. today, Sinouk Coffee is Lead ing the coffee industry activities. As tohfe t onodaly yc,o Smipnanouky i nC Loaffeeo PD isR to Leadingby inn ova thetiv coffeee spirit industry Mr. Sinouk SISOMBAT, m a As s t e r A ofths eo fetoday, ntotdairey c , oSSinoukffeinoe ukva lC uoeCoffeeffee is Leading the coffee industry the only company in Lao PDR to by Le innovative aNdoitn ognl tyh deo cspiriteos fSfieeno uinkd Cousffterey Founder & Chairman cish tahitheen ,on w lhyonlyi ccho mg ipvcompanyanes yth ienm L aa o cl PDinea rR Lao to by innby oinnvaotvaiveti vsep siprirt it Mr. Sinouk SIMr.SO SinoukMBAT SISOMBAT,, roast and serve coffee with the Mr. Sinouk SISOMBATm, a ster tdiPDRhmfef eear snettonteirtr i masteraetht cieoo enffen ftrir oetheem va c o ltffeuentireheee r vaco lfufcoffeeee Founder & Chairman b e Not sN t o h to onlyNmeoonlt- yog r nldoesdoyown edso c eSSinoukosfi fnSeioen uobkue an kCoCoffee Cos,f ffeeee Found erK E &Y Chai SUFoCundrCmESSaern & ELEMENChairman cThSai n, wpvaluehlacichyheari ngschain,:,i vfwreohsmi ct h cwhich eogmfifvee eas p tclgiveshlanematri na gthemcl iena r a roroastabsutrot a tanhsandedt ya s nal edrsserve oves esr hcveo ow ffecoffeec othffeee wiier wisewiththtnh set ht h eothee f differentcleardifferentiationhiadietifrifo eonrwne fnr topialanmtio otant thfiroeonr m, ct fromot fchfoeffeer ceoother ffee • Brand Identity roasting, and distribution, and bebestsitnn bh eoosvathome-grownmet hioo-meng rao-bgwnoruownt ca on coffeecfdfo emffeea ebs tebebeans,anerany sos,f, KEY SUCC ESS KEY ELEMEN SUCCESS TELEMENS plaTySer s:coffee frpolamy e players:cros:f freoem p from clanoffte icoffeeen pglan in tplanting ing in • KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS alstho etihre o dwneve pllanopmtaetinotn o, ft oa coffee bubuttc otb hffetheyuetey t bhal yealso syco rale sas hshowoti onswhgo nt wehtheir wteh iperri serosense dsenunsecsets o ofoff Local Brand with their ownin ptheirlanta owntion plantation,, to coffee to coffee • Brand Identity learning house and coffee tourism, innovationoni nntheo vatLaoi o aboutmn arbkoe utandt, anan dmastery amcatisntger ay s ofo af • Brand Id e n• tIn i Brandttye rn a tIdentityional Vision roasting, aronads tdinigst, rainbdu dtiiostnri,b anutido n, and innovation about and mastery of troasting,hale sco mthpe an deyve’sand lnoapm mee isntdistribution, oonf a coffee coffeepicoonffeee byre ib nycreating t chree actoifnf ege newn ienwd upproductssrtordy uinct s • •• Innova LocalLoca lBrandt Bionra nSd pwith iwiritt h coffee by creating new products • Local Brand with also the eanddveryonleevea ralsonloinep’gm s hthelieopnus tse w developmento hanfe and c tchooeffeffye tae ltko uofri sma , onL aotheon P t DhLaoeR L. Ta market,oh emy’rarek ce otand,n antind uacting aocutslinyg asas a InternationalInternationa lVision Vision on the Lao market, and acting as a Internat ional Vision learningacoffee bhtoohueut sec Lolearningam anop candoffe cyo’se ff .nhouse eaem teo is uand roinsm coffee, a ipioneernpspioirneeed rbin yin mthe thaer kcoffeeceotf ftere n industryindds uallst royv eiinnr •• InnovationInnovation Spirit Spirit pioneer in the coffee industry in PROFILE the comtourism,paneveryony’s n aethe’ms l eip company’siss wohne n the yname talk is LaothLe awPDR.oor PlDdR, a.They’re nTdh epy’raye a ctcontinuouslytoennttiinouno tuosl y • Innovation Spirit Laoth PieniDrs pRciur.se Ttdoh mbeyey’r mrs’ae neer ckoetnd tstr iaennudos uallsl oyv er Sinouk Coffee Co., Ltd. waseveryon one’as b everyone’sloipust Lwahoe cno ffelipsthee.y when talk they talk inspired by market trends all reqthuie rwemoreldn,t sa,n sdin pceay t ahtet ecnotmiopnan toy esPtaROblisFILEhed in 1994 as a coffee about LaUaboutosin cogffe Lao fien. e Coffee.st raw materials inspired by market trends all over overhatsh cetherire ac world,tedusto am varie andrse’ tynee pay odf sp attentionroanddu cts trader after Sinouk SISOMBAT for the finest cups the world, and pay attention to PROFILE PROFILE Sinouk Coffee Co., Ltd. was toan rdtheireq opuier nemecustomers’de unpts ,ne siwn cem atneedshrkee ctos mfopandran y moved back to Lao PDR after Using finest raw materials their customers’ needs and Sinouk Coeffestaeb lCo.,ishe dL itnd 19. was94 a s a coffee Using Th efinest Bolave nraw Plate amaterialsu is requirements,itsehalf.s cSrienaoteduk Casince ovariffee e thetyis too fdacompany proy tdhuec ts livtirnagder in aFfrtaner ceSi nfooruk 30 S IySeOarMs.BAT The for the finest cups requirements, since the company Sinouk Coffee Co., Ltd.U wassin g flforioncate thesetd rin awfinest the m soau tcupsheerrina plsar t of Lao hasonlan ycreated dL opao ecno effead evarietyu pb rneanwd moftoa prproductsrkoedtsu fceor established inM 19mBAo9 vedg4r a dsbuat aack ce ot, offeh Lowevaeo PeDr,R di adftne’tr for the PDfi n R e , Cs Tthh acuem Bppoaslasa vek np rPolavitence.au isTh e haandsan cidrt see openeddialf.tedst Sriib nauo tvariupuke Ne Cneweostyffepr eomarketss fiss op t roodadyu ctforhtse trader after Shinestablishedalveiovuki nang Syin IkS nFOor anwlMinceeBAT d g1994foer o 30f c oasyffee areas . coffeeThe qualolcatitye odf itnh eth seo il,so ucothmebrnin peadr wit otfh L ao anitself.dC oopomnl peyna SinoukLteiabdol e uc oCpffea nepeCoffees uwblre anms wad ir tkishoe 10ptrstodayo0 fd%our ce moved back twotraderh MLeaBAno h ePg rDsafteratadRruat teda fetSinouk e,o hrff o hwevis beuSISOMBATrs, idinedsns’t. The Bolaven Plateau is located Theth BPDe ohlaRig,veh C ehnlea Pvatmlapiateosana kau np isdr o bvailannce.ce T ohfe itsetheLlaf.an o Sonlycdio ndiffeos uketr.Lao iTb Chuoe tey’vffe coffeeNeee sa isplsr oet sobrandlsadaounc y ht hedtoe Wimovedhtahve on anl yyback t hknreeo wl ptoer idngLaocei pol fe scPDR ooffen he isafter in the southern part of Lao PDR, living in France for 30 years. The located isnuq nntuahyel i antsyo dou frt tahhienery sn oda il,pya scr ootm no bfth iLneea do with DrCipom Copfafteieb:l er eCaadyps tuole usse w iftrhe s10h 0% milivingwnhde, nw inhhei c Francesht awrtedere 1ofor)ff t o h30 iws or byears.uks iwniets hsThe . Champasak province. The quality onlproducey Lao candoffe distributee brand t oNespresso produce MBA graduate, however, didn’t PDR, ChPaltamhteepa hauisa gahllk es plterorvatonvgliionyn ce.c aonn dTt rhbibaeulan tece to of grLoaundo co cffeoffee.e T ihne iy’vndiev aidlsuoal la unched a MBArWiemtho teongraduate, ploy pthulraeetio pnrhowever, i2n)c itpol ecsre o antedidn’t h is of the soil, combined with the high anCompatibled distribu teCapsules Nespre swithso 100% have any knowledge of coffee thseu qnnuayl ianty do fr tahine yb daeanys .o Nnee thdle ess filtDerriepd Co bafgfese. :T rheeasedy t wtoo u psero fdrueschts havemind , anywhi chknowledge were 1) to wofor k coffeewquaithl it y oelevationf the soil, and com balancebined wi oft hsunny CoLaomp Coffee.atible CThey’veapsule salso wi tlaunchedh 100% when he started off his business. Plateau all strongly contribute to ground coffee in individual whena rem ohete pstartedopulat iooffn 2his) to business. cretahtee hi ghand ele vatrainyion days and onba lanthe cePlateau of all LaDripo co ffeCoffee:e. Th ereadyy’ve atolso uselaunc freshhed With only three principles on his the quality of the beans. Needless filtered bags. These two products With only three principles onsu nnhisy anstronglyd rainy contribute days on t htoe the quality Dgroundrip Cof fcoffeeee: re inady individual to use f rfilteredesh mind, which were 1) to work with Plateau all strongly contribute to bags. These two products reflect23 50mind, Success which Stories were 1) to work with of the beans. Needless to say, ground coffee in individual a remote population 2) to create the quality of the beans. Needless the ability of the company to a remote population, 2) to create most of the coffee produced in this filtered bags. These two products 23 employment,50 Success Stories and 3) to work with region is still organic. Lao Coffee raise the fame and quality of Lao

23 50 Success Stories50 Success Stories 23 /AGRICULTURE & FOOD/ LAO PDR

reflect the ability of the company Paving the way for ASEAN to raise the fame and quality of Mr. Sinouk has, over the years, Company Profile Lao coffee to international built up the brand to a high standards, which hasn’t been done level, thus reflecting the quality Corporate Name: Sinouk Coffee Co., Ltd. by any other company in the of Lao coffee. With the /AGRICUcoLunTUtrRy bEe &for FOODe. This/ i nn ovative LAO PDR combination of quality raw Established : 1994 spirit running through the materials, innovation, and a company’s veins enables them to reflect the ability/AGRICULTURE of the company & FOOD/Paving the wManaay forge AmSEenANt th at eyes bigger LAO PDR to raise thea fcacmeses a nendw q uamlaitryk eotf s, and tap into markets, the company is Number of Employees: 120 wider customer groups in thMe r. Sinouk has, over the years, Company Profile Lao coffee to international built up the brandefid tnoi tae hlyig phr eparing itself to domestic market, but not only as Corporate Name: Sinouk Coffee Co., Ltd. standards, whiCoffeech ha sn’tto international been done standards,leve l,Paving thus re thefleec xwaytpinang fortdh ein ASEANqtuao AlitSyE AN through by any otheTrh caowhichi,m Kpanor hasn’tey anin ,t hanbeene d J doneapan byese any International Activities: of Lao coffee. Wreitlehva thne t and timely Company Profile other company in the country Mr. Sinouk has, over the years, country becforo m e/A. pGTanRhICisie UisnnL ThUoaRvativeE & alv FOODer eady/ combination of quality raw LAO PDR Export of goods to foreign countries before. This innovative spirit built up theo brandppor totu an ihighties level,, say s SirEinstaa blished : 1994 spirit runnainpgp trohraocuhgehd t hthe e company to materials, innovation, and a Corporate Name: rerunningflect the ab ilitythrough of the c omthepan ycompany’s Pavi ng tthushe w areflectingy for ASEIANS theO M qualityBAT -ofH ELaoRV Y, M r. company’s veiton ras iseena theb falmese atnhd eqmual ityo o f Sinouk Coffee Co., Ltd. distveinsribu teenables its pro themduct sto in taccesshMeManair.r S inoCoffee.ukge hams, oe vernWitht t hteh ye atheatr se, ycombinationes biCgomgpearn y P rofofi le Lao coffee to international Sinouk’s daughter and Awards: access newr mesapnewrekcett ismarkets,ve, a nmda tar kpande itns ttap.o into widerbuiltma urpk theet bsr,an tdh teo ac hoigmh pany is Number of Employees: 120 standards, which hasn’t been done quality raw Manamaterials,ging innovation,Co rDirecporate Nametor: Sin oukf C toffhee C o., Ltd. wider customer groups in the level, thus reflecting the quality Established: 1994 bycustomer any other c ogroupsmpany in inthe the domesticofdefi La o cnoandffeite.l Way Managementitphr theep aring i thattsel eyesf to bigger • 2017: ASEAN Woman Entrepreneur domestic marckoeuntt,r yb bueftor ne.o Tth ions innlyovati asv e company. market, but not only as Thai,coemxb pinaantmarkets,iodn oifn qtuaol iAthety Sra Ewcompany AN thr oisEug stdefinitelyabhlis hed : 1994 of the Year spirit running through the materials, innovation, and a International Activities: Thai, Korean,c oanKorean,mpdan Jy’sa veip andanns e naseJapanesebl es them t ocompanies preparing itself to expand into Number of Employees:• 1202017: Chevalier de l’ordre du Merite Manarelegevamenntt t haant edye ts imb iggeelry companies haavechavece sals ner ewa alreadymdyark ets, andapproached tap into mtheark ets,ASEAN the comp anythrough is relevantNumber of andEmplo yees: 120 Export of goods to foreign countriesAgricole (decorated by French wider customer groups in the opportunities, says Sirina approached thecompany compan toy distribute to its productsdefin itelytimely prepari nopportunities,g itself to says Sirina International Activities: Ambassador) domestic market, but not only as exSpIanSdO inMto ABSATEAN- tHhrEougRhV Y, Mr. in their respective markets. International Activities: distribute its pThroai,d Kuorceants, inand tJhapeanire se relevant SISOMBAT-HERVY,and timely Mr. Sinouk’s Export of goods to foreign• 2017 Japanese top 100 Lao Business companies have already Sinouk’s daughter and Export of goods to foreign countriesAward s: respective markets. opportundaughterities, says S irandina Managing Director countries Men approached the company to SIManaSOMBATging-HER VDirecY, Mr. tor of the distribute its products in their of the company. Sinouk’s daughter and Awards: • 2017: ASEAN Wom• an E20nt1r6:ep rLeneao urBu siness Award by LNCCI respective markets. Manacomgingpan Direcy.t or of the • 2017: ASEAN WomanAwards: Entreproenef turh e Year / Lao Prime Minister company. of the Year • 2017: Chevalier de l’ordre du Merite • 2017: ASEAN Woman • 2015: Listed as one of the ASEAN • 2017: Chevalier de l’ordre du Merite Agricole (decorated by French Agricole (decorated by French Entrepreneur of the Year Outstanding SMEs in the Agro-

Ambassador) Ambassador) • 2017 Japanese top 10•0 2017:Lao Busi neChevalierss de l’ordre dubas ed Industry and Processed Food 2017 Japanese top 100 Lao Business Men • • 2015: Contribution for Development • 2016: Lao Business AwaMeriterd by MLNeC AgricoleCnI (decorated by / Lao Prime Minister – Silver Medal, decorated by the •French 201 Ambassador)6: Lao Business Award by LNCCI • 2015: Listed as one of the ASEAN President of Lao PDR Outstanding SMEs in• t h 2017e Agro/- JapaneseLao Prim tope M 100inis Laoter based Industry and Processed Food • 2015: Contribution for •DevBusiness elo20pme1n5t :Men Listed as on e of the ASEAN – Silver Medal, decorated by tOutstanhe ding SMEs in the Agro- President of Lao PDR• 2016: Lao Business Award by based Industry anEmaid Procl:e ssed Food LNCCI / Lao Prime Minister • 2015: Contribution for Development Email: • 2015: Listed as one of the – Silver Medal, descionroautekdma by rtkheetin [email protected] [email protected] ASEANPre sOutstandingident of Lao SMEs PDR in

Above: Sinouk Coffee Roasted CoffeeA Rabngoe ve: Sinouk Coffee Roasted Coffee Range the Agrobased Industry and Tel.: +856 20 555 30 495 Left: Sinouk with his daughter Sirina at the Sinouk Coffee Resort Processed Food Tel.: +856 20 555 30 495 Left: Sinouk with his dau g h t er Sirina at the Sinouk Coffee Resort • Emai 2015:l: Contribution for Website: Development – Silver Medal, www.sinouk-coffee.com [email protected] www.sinoukcoffeeresort.comdecorated by the PresidentWe bofs ite: Lao PDR Above: Sinouk Coffee Roasted Coffee RangeAbov e: Sinouk Coffee Roasted Coffee Range www.sinouk-coffee.com Left: Sinouk with his daughter Sirina at the Sinouk Coffee Resort Facebook: Tel.: +856 20 555 30 495 Left: Sinouk with his daughter Sirina at the Sinouk Cowwwffee. Rfacebesoroto k.com/sinouEmail:kcoffeeofficial www.sinoukcoffeeresort.com www.facebook.com/sinoukc o f f ee r esort [email protected] Website:

Tel.: +856 20 555 30 495Facebook: www.sinouk-coffee.com www.sinoukcoffeeresowwwrt.com.f aceb ook.com/sinoukcoffeeofficial Website:

Above (starting clockwise): The French-inspired Café Sinouk in Vientiane Capital / Sinouk Coffee Plantation in Bolavens Plateau / / Interior of Café Sinouk www.sinouk-coffee.com www.facebook.com/sinoukcoffeeresort www.sinoukcoffeeresort.comFacebook: 24 50 Success Stories www.facebook.com/sinoukcoffeeofficial Facebook: www.facebook.com/sinoukcoffeeresort www.facebook.com/ sinoukcoffeeofficial www.facebook.com/


Above (starting clockwise): The French-inspired Café Sinouk in Vientiane Capital / Sinouk Coffee Above (starting clockwise): The French-inspired Café Sinouk in Vientiane Capital / Sinouk Coffee Plantation in Bolavens Plateau / / IPlantationnterior of Cina Bolavensfé Sinouk Plateau // Interior of Café Sinouk

24 Above (starting clock24wise): The French-inspired Café Sinouk in Vientiane Capital / Sinouk Coffee Plantation in Bolavens Plateau 50 Success Stories / / Interior of Caf50é Sin Successouk Stories


aa CrescentCrescen Sdnt Sdn Bhd. Bhd. aa Crescent Sdn Bhd. OneOne of ofBrunei’s Brune isuccessful’s most su ccompaniescessful com thatpan providey who has been One of Brunei’s successful companies that provide life- lifechangingproviding lopportunitiesife-changing otopp studentsortunit ythrough for its s antud ent through

changienterprisinga newn gwa opy wayp oof retd ofuun ceducationiattiesion to students through an enterprising way of education

local award initiated by the Brunei government. In fact, Crescent is

ag olocalvern mawardent to spresentedupport loca byl the providerthe firs tot r beeco recognisedgnized onl iinne Brunei. Darussalam to support local became the first online education Governmentcompanies. Inof 20Brunei11, Cre Darussalamscent also Today,educat Crescent’sion provider certificate in Brun isei. also companies. In 2011, Crescent won provider to be recognised in tow osupportn the BIC TlocalA ‘Isl acompanies.mic Brunei In recognisedMeaning ,in w hBrunei’soever ho joblds market.the the BICTA ‘Islamic Brunei Brunei. Today, Crescent’s 2011,Educ aCrescenttors’ Awar dwons. Sa lthema usedBICTA certificate can actually get a Ethdeu mcaotnoerys ’a Awawarrdedds toin set wh uipch the relacertedt ifjoibcat ine B isrun alesi,o Sreaclmogna ised in ‘Islamic Brunei Educators’ Awards One of the reasons that mCroensceeyn at’wars famodedu swe onlnitn teo wards highBrunlighted.ei’s j o b market. ined whichucatio nthe sys moneytem. T hawardede compan wenty of motivated Hjh Salma to start building Crescent’s well-known S al ma O nhue mofb ltyh ex rpelaasinoends otnhea t towardseight so obuildingn later w oCrescent’sn the well- Crescent was the clear potential online education system. The of her reasons to start Crescent knownprestig ionlineous API educationCTA ICT I nsystem.dustry that shemo ticouldvated seeHjh in S alBruneians.ma to star t company of eight later won the and keep her doing what she is TheAw acompanyrds again of fr eightom th latere Asi awon the Hjh SalmaCresce feltnt wthatas twithhe cl ethear prightoten tial prestigious APICTA ‘ICT Industry doing was that she realized that prestigiousPacific ICT APICTAAlliance, ‘ICTin w hIndustryich and affordablethat she c oeducation,uld see in Bpeoplerunei ans. Awards’ from the Asia Pacific ICT there are so many people with Awards’Crescen tfrom was tthehe fAsiairst a nPacificd still isICT couldHj goh Sfaral mina flife.elt t hOneat w iofth herthe right Alliance. Crescent Sdn Bhd was potential in Brunei. With the right Alliance.the only CrescentBruneian Sdn com Bhdpan ywas wh othe studentsand asharedfforda blhowe ed ucatCrescention, pe ople the first, and still is, the only and affordable education, people first,ever andwon still the is,API theCT Aonly aw aBruneianrd. transformedcould g oher fa rlife: in l if“Whene. On eI ogotf h er Bruneian company to win this can go really far in their life. One company to win this award. theo f certificatehsetru sdteundetsn st[fromsh oanreced thCrescent]ooldw h Cer eas ceI nt Mrs. Hajah Salma Hj Abdul award. transformed her life: “When I got Running the business with wasst osory ohappyf herse becauself and h oallw Crescemy life,nt Latiff, Founder the certificate [from Crescent] I Running good will the business with I havehas t rbeenansfo workingrmed he ras lif ea. Tclerkhe at Mrs. Hajah Salma Hj Abdul thest u hospitaldwasent ssaido hwhere a“pHpayja bhmye (causeSa joblm awas all’s mtoy life, I MKrEsY. H SUajaChC SaESSlma ELEMEN Hj Abdul TS goodRunn“I willoipnegn etdh teh ibs ucosimnpeanssy wnoitt hto Latiff, Founder keepna mh ae) ve,record w bheeenn I of wgo oofficialtr tkhien gce arreceiptssti fai catcleer kI at Latiff, Founder gbooecodm we ai llmi llionaire. It comes to • Good will fromwas t patients.hsoe hhaopsppyi tbalIe causedidn’twher eall wantm myy j o lifbmye w, as to th“Ie popenedoint wh ethisre I hcompanyave ever ytnothin gto • “I opened this company not childrenI’vek beeee pton a w beroerc kolikeinrdg aome.sf ao ffic lIec rihadkal a tr ettohceie pts K EY ASUdaCptCabESSility tELEMENo change TS becomein life a lrae amillionaire.dy. So this is I forwas at a KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS to become a millionaire. I was at a improvehosfpriota mmyselfl. pSoa teiverye tont becomes .day I d iIdn’t d ida betterownlany t my PROFILE pointBrun ewherei” – Sal Im havea firm everythingly stated h einr keeping the official receipts from point where I have everything in role model.”children Crescentto be lik e givesme. I Hjhhad to • G • ood Good Ha willjah will S alma Hj Abdul Latiff lifepo salready.ition du rSo,ing thisthe iisn teforrv iBrunei”,ew. patients. I didn’t want my children life already. So, this is for Brunei”, Salma’sim pstudentsrove my sebetterlf to prospectsbecome a better • (SAal•d Adaptabilitymapa)t aisb tihliet fyo ut oton derc changeha ongef Cre scent Hjh.Hjh. ASalma fSteralm C arexplainede esxcepnlat irneece dheri vedhe decisionr tdhec ision to broe like em modee. Sl.o”, CrI heasdce ton tim gipvreosve Hj h Sdn Bhd. The company was in mtheiryse lcareers.f so my cCrescenthildren c welcomesan learn PROFILE behindbAPICehinTd Asetting set awtairnd gup, uS alpCrescent mCrae wscaesn gduringti vedunr ain g Salma’s students better prospects established in 2009 to provide an anyone,from m frome.” n arr youngated b mothery Salma who. thetchhean interview. incete trov tireawve. l to London to in their careers. Crescent o nl Hinaejah ac cSoaluntiman gHj an Adb dul Latiff meet up with accounting wantsWha tto C reimprovescent offe herrs w lifeould to gi vane After Crescent received the entrepreneurwelcom ewiths an littleyone accounting, from a yo ung (HjhbPROFILEo Saokklmeeap)i fnogu cnodedurses C troe ssctuedent nts. asAftersocia tioCrescentns. There , sreceivedhe met w ittheh her students a chance to improve APICTA award, Hjh. Salma was andth bookkeepingeimr carotheeerr .w Shoo skills,a nwayonn ttoes f tapplyroo mim ap forro ve her SdnT Bheh d,co uorrse Cr heassce beentn in ac schreodirtt,e idn b y APICTAthe Inter award,national Hjh.Asso cSalmaiation owasf the International Association invited to London to meet with theyoung course,life mtoo if tah nnote re nw forthroe the pware ncertificate,ntes utor with little 200 9 t Hajaho prov iSalmade onl inHje aAbdulccounti Latiffng invitedBook-k eetop eLondonrs (IAB ) toan dmeet Inst itwithute Bookkeepers (IAN); a leading and aocf cFionuannticnialg aAscscoocuinattiiongn (sIF. TAh)e. re, thenim paforrcocve otheu hne tpursuitri nlifge an ord aof nb yooknowledgeonkke weehpoi ng and(Hjh bookk Salma)eepin foundedg course Crescents to Sdn accounting associations. There, awarding supervisory body for sThhee ym laetert w siitghn tehde t Ihnetern ational andowns self-improvement.ski al lbsu, stoin aeppss blyu tf ord o eths en octo urse, if studBhd,ents .or Cr Crescentescent h inas short,since in 2009 she met with the International professional bookkeepers in the Amsesmocoriaantiodnum of o Bf oundokkereestpanerdings (I AB) knonwo ht ofowr ttoh deo c ae rptrifiopcearte, then for the colletoc teprovided sever alonline awar accountingds in and Association of Bookkeepers (IAB) United Kingdom. anwhde rtehbey ICrescenstituntet wofa sFi gniveannc tihale accopuunrtsiunigt aorfe k wneolwlcomedegde t oa nadpp sleyl f- recobookkeepinggnition for i tcoursess efforts to an students.d and the Institute of Financial Going internationally Salma established Crescent Aexccluscountiive nrigg h(ItsF toA) o. fferThe IyAB’ signs ed the for imthep croouvemrse, eifn nt.o t for the onliCrescentne course has be sinceing a collectedccredited several by Accounting (IFA). They signed the throughcertificat rigorouse, then for t he knowledge Sdn Bhd in 2009 and claimed the Mcoeumrseor oannlidnuem in oBfr Uunnederi. Tshtae nding a leaawardsding su inp erecognitionrvisory bo dyfor foitsr efforts Memorandum of Understanding and self- improvement. first recognition for the company (cMouorU)se iws ahliscoh a gccrraneditedted C irne tshcee nt adaptability to change profandessi onlineonal b ocourseokkee beingpers in accredited the (MoU)United Kiwhichngdo mgranted and wa s Crescentlater only one year after by winning the exclusive rights to offer IAB’s UniTtbyehdi a Ki leadingngdom. supervisory body for exclusiverecogniz edrights by th e Btor unofferei IAB’s Going internationally nk Big Award, which is the course online in Brunei. The Hjh Salma is cognizant of the professional Only a yea r bookkeepersafter its in the course online in Brunei. The crucialth factrou thatgh r businessesigorous ad wouldaptab ility course, which is accredited in the estaUnitedblishm Kingdom.ent, Crescent was course, which is accredited in to change United Kingdom, was later always be affected a myriad of awarded the ‘Think Big’ Award, a the United Kingdom, was later 23 recognised by the Government of factors be itHj economic,h Salma issociological, cognizant of the locaFuture l aOnlywar ofd A SEprAaeN se ntedyear b y thaftere its recognised by the Government Brunei Darussalam, Crescent technologicalcrucial f acort t hapolitical.t busine sseTos w ould Governestablishment,ment of Br uneCrescenti was of Brunei Darussalam, Crescent counter this, Hjh Salma strives awarded the ‘Think Big’ Award, became the first online education to employ an adaptive ability

25 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 25 /EDUCATION/ BRUNEI DARUSSALAM

Going internationally the Shabakah, for people to be able access from anywhere in the through rigorous adaptability Company Profile to change world. So going internationally is definitely something to watch Corporate Name: Crescent Snd Bhd. Regardless of any kind of for. disruption; economic, sociological, technological, In addition, Salma has foreseen Establish: 2009 political, and etc, businesses are that digitalization would have always affected in some ways and such huge impact since almost that is the fact that Salma realizes everything is moving to digital Number of Employees: 8 and is trying to provide the platform including education. To adaptive ability to her business. cope with this, her team and her International Activities: “We want to expand our business are now trying to anticipate and by trying to offer more products meet the demand and offering Export tha/EDUCATION/t can be access by not only the their solution starting wBRUNEIith DARUSSALAM local Bruneians but also the Malaysia and the United Award: i n /ternEDUatCioATIONnals a/s w ell” she said. Kingdom where it has beeBnR sUeeNEIn DARUSSALAM • APICTA ICT Industry Awards 2011, Internto herat iobusiness.nal acc e“Wessib iliwantty i sto innovation tproductshat peo pisl ea a rschoole sta rting to have Going internationally the Shabakah, for people to be Asia Pacific ICT Alliance imexpandportan ourt to business”, Crescen Hjht. C uSalmarren tlymanagement,a ble accessl fe rsosm tim systemanyweh te ore g inocalled tthoe s chool and start BICTA ‘Islamic Brunei Educators’ through rigorous adaptability CoCompanympany Pr oProfilefile • thtestated,o tcehaamn g“by eis ntryingow dev to eofferlopi nmoreg th e Shabakah.world. So gCurrently,ooibntaig innternin gaHjht ieodnall uSalmacay itsi o n from online Merit Awards 2011 (Brunei ICT products that can be accessed by anddefi nheritel y teamsome thareing tworkingo watch on Corporate Name: Crescent Snd Bhd. 2. 0 v eRresgariodnle ossf oift sa nayn kointdh oefr product sources. Corporate Name: Award) not only the local Bruneians but thefo r.2.0 version of this product disruption; economic, Crescent Snd Bhd. • Think Big Award by the international citizens as so it can be accessed by people sociological, technological, In addition, Salma has foreseen Establish: 2009 well.” One change that Hjh Salma from anywhere in the world. political, and etc, businesses are that digitalization would have is advocating is the transfer of Furthermore, as Hjh Salma tries Established: 2009 always affected in some ways and such huge impact since almost Email: thservicesat is the includingfact that S aleducationma realizes onto toe verytanticipatehing i sgrowing moving internationalto digital Number of Employees: 8 andigitald is tr yiplatforms.ng to prov iThisde th ise because demand,platform inCrescent’scluding ed ucatisolutionson. To Number of Employees:salma. 8 [email protected] apeopledaptive agloballybility to hemayr bu sinotnes s. have havecop e wibeenth thofferedis, her t eatom ancountriesd her International Activities: “enoughWe wan ttime to ex topan attendd our bschoolusines sand suchare nasow Malaysia, trying to a nSingaporeticipate an andd International Activities: Export barey tr yilookingng to offer for m oreducatione produc tsfrom them eeUnitedt the d eKingdom.mand and oCrescentffering is Export of service to foreignTel. : +673 889 2673 that can be access by not only the their solution starting with online sources instead. definitely going international and countries local Bruneians but also the thisMala isysi somethinga and the U ntheited business Award: internationals as well” she said. Kingdom where it has been seen International accessibility community needs to keep an eye • APICTA ICT Industry Awards 2011, that people are starting to have Awards: Website: Inistern thereforeational a cverycessi biliimportantty is to out for. Asia Pacific ICT Alliance less time to go to school and start imCrescent.portant tOneo Cr ofes cCrescent’sent. Curre nFintechtly, • • B APICTAICTA ‘Islamic ICT B Industryrunei Eduwww cAwardsators.’iabc rescent.com the team is now developing the obtaining education from online M2011,erit A wAsiaards Pacific2011 (B rICTunei AllianceICT 2.0 version of its another product sources. Award) • •T BICTAhink Big ‘IslamicAward Brunei Educators’ Merit Awards 2011 Facebook: (Brunei ICT Award) Email: • Think Big Award Crescent Online Islamic Educators [email protected]

Email: [email protected].: +673 889 2673 Instagram: @crescentedu

WTel.:ebsite: +673 889 2673

www.iabcrescent.com Website: www.iabcrescent.com Facebook: Crescent Online Islamic Educators Facebook:

Crescent Online Islamic InEducatorsstagram: @crescentedu Description starting from the top left (clockwise): Instagram: @crescentedu 1) Salma with the crown prince Al-Muhtadee Billah of Brunei

2) cc

3) A student learning through the Crescent’s online course

Description startin4g) fSroamlm thae e txpopl laeiftn ing about Crescent to xxxxx at xxxxx Description starting from the top left (clockwise): 5) Salma giving a presentation on xxxxxxx (clockwise): 1) Salma with the crown prince Al-Muhtadee Billah of Brunei 1. Hjh. Salma delivering a speech on IAB to the public at large in the iCentre. 2) cc 2. The signing of the memorandum of understanding with the CEO of IAB, Malcolm Trotter in the 24 presence of former BEDB CEO. 3) A student learning through the Crescent’s online Future of ASEAN 3. A student learning through the Crescent’s online course. course 4. Exhibition of Crescent products in Marina Bay, Singapore. 4) Salma explaining about Crescent to xxxxx at xxxxx

5) Salma giving a presentation on xxxxxxx

24 Future of ASEAN


Mindplus Education Pvt. Ltd.

aa Pioneering Islamic education across the digital space



Mindplusb rEducaing abouttion the c hange in individuals or our even parents, aa MindplusMindplu sEducatione dEducaucationt biony u Pvt.t il izing Ltd. disruptive we accept technology to be

aa TThehe c companompany thtecaatt hiinnnttroduorodulogyccees a sthes the a w mworeordan dof oftheo t he dene nwliev wer integrated into our life.” Khairi Pioneeringway of teaching Islamic I educationslamic ed uacrosscatio nthe. digitalway ospacef teachingn Ieswla manicd e deuxcacittiionng. solutions in the emphasized. Therefore, in terms area of education to its client. of education, Khairi saw this as a

Currently, it is offering a perfect timing and great opportunity to begin trying to number of lberbairnrignn agbi anobugot ut hpt etla hceht ancfhorgean igemn isn indiviinddiuavlisd ouar olsu ro re venour peavenren tpsa, rents, developmendeliveretde udscatuocatl ionewuniot bnio y andb unyt ilus iexcitingtzing ilincizing dlisu rd usolutionsdipsirtiunvepgt i ve termswe aweci cnneof pa tc otceducation,eevatecphtn toelcoh gytnh otoleKhairio b gyce o ton bvesawe n tional way of intectec thehnh oareanlogylo ofgy as education aas m ae mane anto to det oitsl idev client.elri ver thisinteg asierna dtegated uperfectr cataintedto io i ountimingrtn olif oteuo.”r K andlaifhdea.i a”rgreati K phta wiri ith such eLearning cnoennwe wtean andn edtx ecdevixtcinitgi nesgol losuotpiloumntiso einnns t hinte the opportunityemphemasphized.a s ized.Ttoh erbegine Tforheer, einftryingor teer,ms in ttoer ms and quality, a reae Currently,rLae oaef o aefdr eundcatui itncatio isgni offering oteon x ittops cliites rea clin tnumberti.ese, n t. innovateof edocufcah e dtaniuothenca,ge. tKiohconventionalna i, r Ki sawhair tih sawis as tway ah is as a perfect timing and great of learning Curren platformstly, it is offe developmentring a of educationperfect t itomi nadaptg and withgrea tsuch eLearning in d u s Cutrrrye innntly, oit vatiis offeornin,g a opportunity to begin trying to solutionsnumnumbebre o rf olefincluding alrenairnngi npgla ptflaoreLearningtmfors ms change.opporTtuhniety fto blleoginwing trying q tou estion to and etc. development solutions including innoivatenno tvatehe c othnvee cnotniovenanl twioanya olf w ay of contentdevelo developmentpment solutio andns inc quality,luding educatKihona tior aid awpta wsit h soucwh can Mindplus eLearning content development education to adapt with such eLearningeLearnin g expertise,content dev eLearningelopment chTheange. following question to and quality, eLearning expertise, stand out among its competitor, industryand qua innovation,lity, eLear nanding etc.expertise, Khairich anwasge. how can Mindplus eLearning industry innovation, The following question to eLearning industry innovation, stand gioutve amongn the its fa competitor,ct that o ther education The imporantad entcc. e of knowing Khairi wTash heo fwoll caowingn Min qdupelustsi on to and etc. given the fact that other education The importance of knowing standKtec ohuatih raim nwoaonslg ho iotgysw c oca m(nEdTep eMtiitnord,p cluhs ) firms also when is the best timing technology (EdTech) firms also when is the best timing givens ttanhed f aocut tt haamt otnhge rit esd cuocatmpioenti tor, The importance of knowing realizedre altheized opportunity. the oppo Hisrtu nity. His wThhene ims tphoe rbteasnt cteim oifn kgn owing techngiovloegyn t (hEdTee faccth t)h fiartms oth alesro e ducation There has been three phrases strategyrealizedtec h tnhwasoe lo pgypoto (r EdTetufirstnityc .h Hipick) fis r msthe al so Mr. Pg. Khairi, wTherehen ishas th ebeen bes t threetimi nphasesg strategy was to first pick the There has been three phrases marketstrategyre althat izedwas is t t oexceptionallyh fier ostp ppoickrt uthnei tniche;y. His Founder ando CEOf innovatioofn innovation disrupt iodisruptionsns so f asor .far. It of innTohvatiereo nh adsis brueepntio tnhsr eeso pfahrr. aItses thema rSunnikmet tah raMuslimtk ise etx cepth market.taiotn aillsy e nFromxiccephe; tionally niche; It first started with the invention strategy was to first pick the first startedfi wrosft i istnntahro tedtvatih weoi ntinh d tivhsere uinnpvteioionntiosn nso oo ff a r. It histh e finding,Sunni M uheslim said ma rthereket. F roism no Mr. Pg. Khairi, Founder and CEO of computers in 1930. However, mtharek eSt tuhnnat isi e Mxceputslimionally m nicahrek; et. From Mr. Pg. Khairi, Founder and CEO cofimrsptu sttaerrsted in 1 w930.ith Hthoew ineverven, titio n of onehis fiwhonding, actually he sa idtries the rtoe israise no on thee KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTScomputers iitwasn wasn’t1n9’t 30.un tiluntil 1H98 1o 1981wwhen ver IBwhenM, it IBM the Sunni Muslim market. From M r. Pg. Khairi, Founder and CEO computers in 1930. However, it standardwho ahcituas of lfil ythe ntrding,i eIslamics to ra ish eeducation eth es aid there is no one KEY SUCCESS ELEMENwasn’tT uS ntilintroducedi n1t9ro8du1ced w thhtheee fnir s tIB firstperMs onal personal his finding, he said there is no one • Seizing the right timing wasn’t until 1981 when IBM throughstandarwwh hdoinnovation. oafc tauahec lIsltlyua atrmic iThelelsy etd otcompanyu rcataiiesieos nt ht eo raise the KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS computercomputer ththatat c omcomputersputers we rewere through innovation. The company KEY SUCCESS ELEMEN •• TiDoingmiTng Swhat the companyintroduced thinetr ofdiruscedt p theer fsirostnal pers onal first sstartedtandar din o fIndonesia, the Islamic where educat ion commonlycommonly uused.sed. T hThen,en, w e wehave have first statranteddar in Indo noefs iat,h weh eIslre amic education • knows best computer that computers were the country has over 200 million • Ti Doingming wh at the ccompomanpyu ter ththethae t i nintroductionctroomducptiount oe fr ofsmas wsmartphonertpehroen e the ctohuntryroug hh ains noovervat 200ion .mi Thlleio cno mpany commonly used. Then, we have populationthro uandgh the in nmajorityovati oaren . The company • knows best andand ssocialocial mmedia,edia, i nin w hwhichich th ethesese populfiartsito snta arntedd th ien m Inadjoorniteys airae, where Seizing the right timi •ng Doing what the ccompomamnyo nly ustheed in.t Trohduecntio,n w ofe sma harvetph one Muslims. The entry strategy was PROFILE havehave ssuchuch imimmensemense im impactspacts th athatt Musltfiimsher cs. oTtuntryh se taent rhrtedya st oraver tiengy 200 Iwna sdmi ollnioens ia, where knows best trandsf orsomci alal mmoesdia,t ever iny twhhinigch these done pothroughpulatio n partnershipand the ma jowithrity are • Doing what the compPROFILEanPgy K hairi is the fotundheer i anndt rodutransformction o f smaalmostrt pheverythingone done through partnership with inhcludingave su cbhu siminmesse nlasend imscappaect. Ands tha t local thtechnologye country entrepreneur. has over 200 million PCEROOFILE of the growing IT solution localM tecushlnimsolo.gy T hene terneptryen seturar.t egy was knows best and social mincludingnoterwdia,an, wesfor s tarbusinessimn ta sewlmehoinsi gtlandscape.c tehvere teyffecththeisens g Ando f proPgvider Kh acoirmi ispan thy,e Mfoiundndpelurs an d TheThe tdpwtwooon elp a tterulhlaterr oregaut gihsoregisteredt epnrae rdatn annerds h tiphand wie tmh ajority are Pg. Khairi is the founder and now,thien cludinge mweer gestartn bceu seeingsoifn deigiss t thelalanizati deffectsscaonp e . ofAnd Education Pvt Ltd. Thhe acovemp ansuy ch immense impacts that inventedinvenlotedca lit itstecs fihfirstrnsto pl oroproductgydu ecnt tcrae llpecalledrde neu r. PROFILE CECEOO o fof th ethe gr ogrowingwing IT sITolu solutiontion thetha t hemergenceave on how pofe opdigitalizationle live. Muslims. The entry strategy was has been growing ever since its now, we start seeing the effects of the “IslamicThe two Mind”laterth rege. “TheIisslamte rproducteidc and prproviderovider c omcompany,pany, Mtin rdanpMindpluslussf orm athatEverylm ohavetshitn ge iverons m ohowyvitnhg tiopeoplenwarg ds live. establishment in 2014, with the the emergence of digitalization is a comprehensiveidnveontede t ithsr Mifoir Islamicsnutd gp”.roh T dhpeu online catr ctnall eedr ship with Pg. Khairi is the foundEdueEducationrc anatiodn P Pvt.vt L tLtd.d. T hThee co mcompanypany Everythingdigital. Inn ovatis iomovingns such astowards cloud current offices based in two that have on how people live. education that prcomprisesodutcth ei s“ aIs lamallic hahass b eebeenn gro wigrowingng everi nsevericludingnce itssince budigital.tecshinoe loInnovationssgy,s lInaternndest caosuchf Tph eiasn.g sAndcloud local technology entrepreneur. CEO of the growing IT solusttriaotegnic location of Bandar Seri Everything is moving towards Islamic-related topicscomprMi ehthatnends” i.v Teare he esitsta bestablishmentlishment in 20 1in4, w2014,ith th ewith (IoT), automated machine, and Begawan, Brunei Darunssoalawm, awend startechnology,dit gseitale.i Inn gno Internettvatheio nesffect suofc h Thingsass colof u d Islamic online provider company, Mindpculurrsen t offices based in two etc. are subtly making its home commonlyThe foundtwo onla terconventionalpro regducti iss ta e red and Bthean dcurrentung City, offices Indon ebasedsia. in two (IoT),tech nautomatedology, Intern machine,et of Thi nandgs education that strategic location of Btahndare e Smerie rgenwicethi no ofu rd daiigilyt lalife.i zati on written platforms such caso mbooks.prehe nsive Education Pvt. Ltd. The comstrategicpany location of Bandar Seri etc.(I oareT), asubtlyutoma tedmaking mac hitsin e,home and inventedco mitpsr ifsesir asllt product called With the mission and vision Islamic online BBegawan,egawan, Brun Bruneiei D Darussalamaruthssaalat mh a nandved onwithin h“oEverw our yp odailyneeo isp life.nloew l aicvcepe.t ing Islamic-related topics that are of “Making education most etc. are subtly making its home educatiotnh thea t“ Islamic has been growing ever sinBceBandungan diutnsg City, City, I Indonesia.ndonesia. and embracing technology now. commonly found on conventional impactful with evolveEveryment of thing iswi mthion voiunr daig tlyo lwarife. ds comprisesMi alln d”. The establishment in 2014, wi t h t Wiheth the mission and vision No“Everyone matter if t hise ynow are acceptingthe and written platforms such as books. technology”, the company aims to “Everyone is now accepting Islamic-related topics that are of “MWithaki ntheg e dmissionucation di andmog sivisiontt al. Inof noembracinggvatovernimoenn st,technology isnustcituhti oans s, now.clou dNo product is a current offices based in two and embracing technology now. commonly found on conventional impa“Makingctful educationwith evolv mostetecmen impactfulht nofo logy, matter Intern if theyet areof theTh government,ings strategic location of Bandar Seri No matter if they are the written platforms such as bcooomks.p rehensive tewithchno l evolvementogy”, the co m ofp( aI technology”noyT aims), a tou t, ominstitutions,ated m aindividualschine, an ord our Begawan, Brunei Darussalathem company and aims to bring about evengov parents,ernmen twe, in acceptstituti technologyons, Is25 lamic online Futurethe change of ASE inAN education et cby. utilizingare su btotly be m integratedaking i tsinto h oourm elife.” Bandung City, Indonesia. education that disruptive technologywi ast ah meanin o tou r daiKhairily emphasized.life. Therefore, in compr25 ises all With the mission andFuture vis oifo AnSE AN “Everyone is now accepting Islamic-related topics that are of “Making education most 50 Success Stories and embracing technology now. commonly found o27n conventional impactful with evolvement of No matter if they are the written platforms such as books. technology”, the company aims to government, institutions,


Perfecting what the In terms of ensuring the /EDUCATION/ innovation and quality of works, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM company knows best Company Profile Mindplus is very keen and Perf eTherecting wwasha t tah esaying comp athatny a Kselectivenowing whenwho trecruitingo partne r talentswith knofoxws knowsbest many things, but a fosuchr a grase skilledater s udevelopersccess to join Corporate Name: CoMindplusmpany EducationProfile Pvt. Ltd. hedgehog There w asknows a sayi ngonly tha t onea fo x big the Dcompany.oing bus inKhairiess th eseelaborated days is thing in an ancient Greek parable that usually the company is likely Corporate Name: Mindplus Education knows many things, but a not easy. As Khairi explained, by Pvt. Ltd. heddescribinggehog kno wsrelentless only one bigbut fail ktono wingrecruit onl talentsy when from the b Indonesia.est time Established: 2014 thinattemptsg in an a nofc iae nfoxt Gr inee tryingk par atobl ecatch toThis pen eist rbecauseate a ma rtheket iecosystems may not of descar ihedgehogbing relen tlbecauseess but faia lhedgehog beducatione sufficien tin e nBandongough to gCity,ener awherete ENumberstablish: 20 of14 Employees: 21 atteknowsmpts o fbest a fo xhow in t ryiton gdefend to cat citselfh stheusta inIndonesiaable grow thoffice. A co mpsituated,any a hefromdgeh oa gfox. because The parablea hedge hwasog later nisee dgrowing.s to iden tiTherefy its p oareten taial lot of NInternationalumber of Emplo yeActivities:es: 21

/EDUCATION/ knotransformedws best how intoto def a ewidelynd itse acceptedlf pestablishedartnerB orR Uw hNEIoeandver D wAowell-acceptedRulUd SSbe aAbLleAM • Having foreign affiliates and from a fox. The parable was later to create synergy to drive the business concept, the Hedgehog universities within the area and branches Perfecting what the company tranconceptKsfnoromwein,d giandn wtoh aohas w toide pbeenlay rtn eadoptedr with bsous iit n eiss simportant. As for th efor ca sethe o fcompany International Activities: accepted business concept, the Mindplus, the company partners • Export of service to foreign knows best byfo r manya gre asuccessfulter succe ssorganization to reap these top-of-the-cream • Having foreign affiliates and branches Hedgehog concept, and has been withCo onmep oafn tyh Pe rtowfiole l a rgest Islamic countries including Mindplus as well, to talents from their early stage. • Export of service to foreign countries There was a saying that a fox ado p ted bDyo minagn byu ssuincecessss tfulhe se days is non- perfecting what a company knows Cgoorpverorantem Neamenta:l Moringadpnluizatis Edoucatins on knows many things, but a organnoizt eaatiosy.n Ainscl Kuhdingairi eMxpinladipnleuds, by in InPdvot. nLetd.s i a, Muhammadiyah, in Awards: best and turns it to advantage over Knowing who to partner Awards: hedgehog knows only one big as wkenllo,wing to pe orfnlecyt winhge wnh tahte a b est time which the association covers AThewar companyd: Local an hasd in treceivedernationa locall thing in an ancient Greek parable competitors.to penetrate a market is may not with for a greater success The company has received local company knows best and turns it approximately 40 percent of the randeco g internationalinternationalnitions recognitions. recognitions describing relentless but fail be sufficient enough to generate Establish: 2014 to advantage over competitors. Muslim population. Because of attempts of a fox in trying to catch susKhairitainab lexplainede growth. Athat co mthepan mosty th e Doingpartne rbusinessship, the ctheseompan daysy ca n is Khairi explained that the a hedgehog because a hedgehog importantneeds to id enelementtify its poforten tiIslamical renotceive easy. fundi Asn gKhairi from oexplained,ther by EmaiEmail:l: most important element for Number of Employees: 21 knows best how to defend itself educationpartner or wish oethever wcredibility.ould be ab leIt members of the organization such [email protected]@mindplusedu.com Islamic education is the knowing only when the best time from a fox. The parable was later isto c rewhereate sy nmanyergy t ocompanies drive the fail as CS R companies, Islamic banks, credibility. It is where many to penetrate a market is may not transformed into a widely tobu sdeliveriness. A sin f otheirr the cproducts.ase of So, and Ientternatic. onal Activities: companies fail to deliver in their be sufficient enough to generate Tel.: +673 881 1282 accepted business concept, the inM inorderdplu s,to th ehave com pthis,any pMindplusartners Tel.: +673 881 1282 sustainable• Having foreigngrowth. affiliates A company and branches +62 813 10297055 products. So, in order to have this, +62 813 10297055 Hedgehog concept, and has been haswith been one oinf t hconsultatione two larges tand Isla mhasic Mindplus has been in consultation needs• Ex top o rt identifyof service toits foreign potential countries adopted by many successful partnerednon-gover nupme nwithtal or gaassociationsnizations and has partnered up with partner or whoever would be able Website: organization including Mindplus in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah, in assoandcia tiuniversitiesons and univ toer sgenerateities to and to create synergy to drive the Website: as well, to perfecting what a which the association covers Awards: www.mindplusedu.com genimproveerate an dthe im pcontentsrove the on Islamic business.AThewa rcompanyd: Local an hasd ireceivednternatio localnal company knows best and turns it approximately 40 percent of the www.mindplusedu.com conMindtents oton Ibesla miccredible Min dand to b ereliable randeco ginternationalnitions recognitions. to advantage over competitors. Muslim population. Because of credforib leanyone and re tolia buse.le f orThis an yonmakese to the the partnership, the company can Khairi explained that the usecompany. This ma kae s strongthe com playerpany a in the receive funding from other Email: most important element for stropedagogicng player iarea.n the pedagogic members of the organization such [email protected] Islamic education is the area. as CSR companies, Islamic banks, credibility. It is where many an Ind termetc. s of ensuring the companies fail to deliver in their innovation and quality of works, Tel.: +673 881 1282 products. So, in order to have this, Min dplus is very keen and +62 813 10297055 Mindplus has been in consultation selective when recruiting talents and has partnered up with such as skilled developers to join associations and universities to the company. Khairi elaborated Website: generate and improve the that usually the company is likely www.mindplusedu.com contents on Islamic Mind to be to recruit talents from Indonesia. credible and reliable for anyone to This is because the ecosystem of use. This makes the company a education in Bandong City, where strong player in the pedagogic the Indonesia office situated, is area. growing. There are a lot of In terms of ensuring the established and well-accepted innovation and quality of works, universities within the area and so Mindplus is very keen and it is important for the company to selective when recruiting talents reap these top-of-the-cream such as skilled developers to join talents from their early stage. the company. Khairi elaborated that usually the company is likely to recruit talents from Indonesia. 28 This is because the ecosystem of 50 Success28 Stories 50 Success Stories education in Bandong City, where the Indonesia office situated, is growing. There are a lot of established and well-accepted universities within the area and so it is important for the company to reap these top-of-the-cream talents from their early stage.

28 50 Success Stories /FASHION/ VIETNAM



aa A successfu CANIFAl CANVietnameIFA sJSCe JS fasChi on house that has been growing moaa re than thirty percent year on year. ACANA successful succeIssFAfu Vietnamesel Vietname JSC s fashione fashion house hou sthate tha hast has been been growing moregrowing than mo30%re year than on th yearirty percent year on year. A successful Vietnamese fashion house that has been growing more than thirty percent year on year.

thirty percent in terms of sales. fashion in Vietnam. It has been Currentlyt thhirety c poemrcepnant iny hterasm as otfo staalle s. collfasabhorioant iinn Vg iwietntahm. o verIt hasse absee n of ninety-AgilityCusixrr setnortl isye st everythingh ne actoimonpanwiyd he ain. s a total designfromcoll Italyaebrors a sandtuincgh also wi asth fwith rooverm youngs eItaals y and and thirty percent in terms of sales. fashion in Vietnam. It has been fashionof ninety -businesssix stores nationwide. alfamoussodesign with eVietnamese Vrsi seutncha ams efr seodesignersm de Italsigny an edtor s to Currently the company has a total calolslaob wiortaht iVnige witnathm oeverse deseasigns ers to crcreateeate a a ssortort ofof new new excited excit evibed v iofbe of Agility iso fe nvineertyyt-shiix sntorg eisn n ationwide. designcreatee ars s sourtc ho fa ns efrwo mex cItitaleyd anvibde of Agility is everything in fashion. Some people say that fashion fasalhfassioh nwiio. tn h. Vietnamese designers to fashion bfasusinesshion bu siness is a mean for people to express create a sort of new excited vibe of Agility is everything in Runningfashio n. as a team Somtheirfas e p h e i oSoopindividualitynml ebe us psinessaeyo pthale s ta fasy andthahti ofasnreflect hion Running as a team is a meantheir ifsor a m pemotions.eeanop flore tpoe oeThatpxlpe rtoe sisesx pwhyress it’s Ru nn i ng as a team t h e i r So inmdiev ipdeuoalpiltey s anayd t haretfl fasecth tihoeni r Another key success factor to their indiveryvidu importantality and forrefl fashionect the housesir Another key success factor to is a mean for people to express R u Annnointhg easr kae tye asmuc ces s factor to toem understandotions. That ipeoples why i tsand ver y their CANIFACANIF Ais ithes th teamworke teamwor spiritk spir thatit emotionst.h Tehira int disiv widhualy iittys an vedr rye flect their surroundingimportant for trendsfashion hthatous eswould to CAeveryone Nt h IF a t An Aever oi softyh t oeitshnre ek employeeetoyef asitumsc eceswmops r lhas.fkoay csetpeo Just rihr taiots . importanetundm forotei rofassntans.h Tdioh panet o hipso lweu hasyne dist stt hove irry affect their emotional state. thlikeaCAJt u eNinsvertIF lianatomy,Akye oi sin t heae nao tf et youaoitmsw y eneed,o myrokpu sl pneeotoiyr iehavetde t ho a s. imsuprroorutanndingt for t fasrenhdios nth haotu wsoesuld to understand people and their Jugoodtshta litve kefunctioning vereg oionydo a nfnauncte otf oii tomsinternaln eyimn,g py ilonouterny e organsneee haal ds. t o Forundaffect eCANIFA,rs tthaneidr epme oopthetlieo nal anbrandd s thate.e ir cannot For surrounding trends that would toJor uhavesgat links e t aion h visiblyaanavet oam vi yshealthy,i byloyu h neee albody.tdh tyo understandsurrounding such tren dfacts th less.at wo Inuld order have good functioning internal CANIFA, the brand cannot Forhbao vebusiness,dy. go Foodr fbunctu ifsi ninternalioesnsi,n ifg in ternfunctionsternalal affect thetoairffect buildem toht etheiior nale mbrando stitoanalte. and sFt aortote. winFor the organs to have a visibly healthy understand such fact less. In order orfuncgantsio tnos h aarvee gao viods,i bwlyor hkeialngth y CANIFA,market, CAthNe IFbrAan CANIFA, thde cabrnan ntriesdo cat nton obet as agile are good, working culture is well to build the brand and to win the bobdy.coudy.l tFur oFero irsb b uwusesillin seessts,s, a,if nif idn itnertnalernal understanundd seurscthan fda csut cleh ssfac. tIn less o.r Inder or der set, and collaboration is in place asm apossiblerket, CA inNI orderFA tri etos tobe b adaptivee as funcfunccotllaiotinboorns sa atrireoe n g isooo idnd, ,pw wlaorceorki knthgien ng t he to build the brand and to win the then the result of the company’s to build ttohaegil theber aan sever-changing pdo sansibdle t ion wiorder nconsumers’ t htoe b e cruelsturulte oisf twheell c soemt,p aanndy’s Ms. Doan Thi Bich Ngoc, market, CANIFA tries to be as cuperformancelture is we llwill se bet, agood.nd Ms. Doan Thi Bich Ngoc,market, Cbehaviour,aAdaNpItiFveA to r itdemand,ehse toever b-ec haandans ging trend. cpoellarfborormaatinocen iswil inl bpela gceo otdh.e n the General Director acgilones uams peors’s ibbelhe ainvi ourderr, d etom baen d, collaboration is in place then the General Director agile as pCurrently,ossible in the or companyder to b eis boosting result of the company’s Ms. Doan Thi Bich Ngoc, resu lt of the company’s itsaanda dagilityp ttirveen dt o.by Cth utwoerr eevern ways;tl-yc,h tanh econductging com pan ay performance will be good. Ms. Doan TKhiE BYi SUchG NCenCgeroESSacl, Di ELEMENrector adaTpSti ve tcoon tshuem eeverrs’ b-echhaanviogingur, de mand, studyis boo sontin g consumer’sits agility by tbehaviourwo ways; per formance will be good. Genera l Director consumerancso’d nb dteruehcnatd va. isCotuurrdry,e ndotlney mc,o tanhnseu dcmo, merp’san y K•KEYEBeY iSU ngSUCCESS CagileCESS to cELEMENELEMENTSonsumers’T S and trends and differentiate itself and trendibs. eCbhouaovrrsitoeinunrgtl aityns,d a tgilitythreen cd osb mya ntpwdan o wya ys; from other rivals. KEY SUCCESS • b BeingELEMENehavior agile an tod Ttconsumers’reSn ds cboencdoumictn ag s tthued tyr oend c osnetster.um e r’s • Being agile to consumeirs’s b oosting its agility by two ways; • Corporbehaviorat eand tea trendsmwork behaviour and trends and behavior and trends conduct a b se cThet uo mi dT yhcompanyn eog c ntoh mceo tprnane snalwaysuyd m alsewaetter.r ’ykeepss kee trackp • Being agile to• c Corporateonsume teamworkrs’ • Corporate teamwork behaviouofrt ra athenckd otconsumer’sfr tehned cso nasnudm behaviourer’s behav ioandur The company always keep behavior anPdRO trFILEends becominglatestan thde la trendsttesrent dtr ehappeningsnedtster. hap pe narounding the tarraockund of the cwoornsludm. Ferro’sm b ethearveio, tuhre • Corporate teamwork world. From there, the company P PROFILE RO OFILErigin ally established a s a The anccodm lappantesanyt y cant ralen waundds hyeasrp skpteaneenpdin pgr edict canaro undunderstand the world .what From consumersthere, the brand under GlorySun (Hoantrga ck of thweh caot ncosnusmumeerr’s wabenhta fvroiomu itr s Du o Originally n Ogr)igin Comallp yan eestablishedsy,ta bbulits lhaeterd a ssp aasun a wantcuopmcop mianandny gcan expectco llundecti eorfromnst. anIn d aupcoming pdrdeidtiiocnt , and latest trends happening PROFILE bobrandffran asd iundt s underowner Gl b roanrGlorySunydS un200 (H1,o Dano(Hoanggan collection.wCAhaNt IFcoAn saum lsInoe i rnsaddition,ves watnetd f rino mnCANIFAe itws

DuTDuong)hio Bnigch) C NoCompany,mgopcan hay,s bintu tCANIFAr oladteruc esdap run olaterund thalsoutecep cwho normiinvestedolnodggy. cF osrllu oecinchmt i ao stnewnh t.h eIner e 3technologya,Dd td hdietis oingn, Originally eoCAsfft aNabsIF liitAs h otoewn dV iaberstnan aa md 2 i00n 2100, D5oc banoym panysuch CAteccanNh nIF asundoAl othe agyles r oa3Ds nitndanves ndesignedtw ep dmr iean dtechnologyt enirceiwtal s and spun off as its own brand in 2001 brand under GloTorphyeiS nBuniinchg (uNHpg othcane h bagrs an intdr’so dvuercye dfiw rhsta t conandstecfabumh rninewecosrl soto gywa materialsb seun uctsedh f arso i nmt hand ite it s3 sdD fabricse sdiegnssign f o tor CAunderNIF Athe to supervisionVietnam in 2 of00 Doan5 by Thi Duong) Compansy,to rbeu int lHaaterno i.s pun upcomingbeteca cb ohusedenllttoelrco tingyrieo s aitsnult.n.d Indesigns ne awd mdai tfortieori nala, sbetter and oBichpeni nNgoc.g up the brand’s very first fabrics to be used in its designs for Ever since the establishment, result. off as its own branstodre 2in00 H1an, oDi.o an CANIFA a l bs eo t tiSenerves croensult.dlteyd, tihne ncoemwp any is Thi Bich Ngoc hCAa s NintEverIFrAo hdsinceausc beee dthe n co nestablishment,stantlytec hno logyno swu tcrhyi nags ttoh, ein 3stDea dde osfi bgnein g a Ever since the establishment, Above: CANIFA store locations gCANIFArowing a t thashe g robeenwth o f oconstantlyver f o Secondly,ll o Sweecro, nbdlec yothe,m the e companya c otrmenpdan sety isitse rnow for CANIFA to VietnCAamNIF inA 2h00as b5ee bny c onstantlytec hnologyno wan trdyi nneg wt materials and growing at the growth of over 30% trying to, insteado, ins ofte beingad of ba efollower,ing a opening up the bgroanwingd’s avte trhye gfirroswtt h of overfab rics tof bolleo uwesedr, b ienco itmse dae tsreignsnd set foterr for Above: CANIFA store locations in terms of sales. differentiate itself by following its store in Hanoi. a better rownesult. path in Viet Nam’s emerging 27 Future of ASEAN fashion industry by collaborating Ever since t heCurrently establis htheme ncompanyt, has Sae condly, the company is 27 with overseas designers such as Above: CANIFA store locations across Viet Nam CANIFA has beeFuturetotaln co nofofs At96SEan AstorestlNy nationwide.no w trying to, instead of being a growing at the growth of over follower, become a trend setter for Above: CANIFA store locations

50 Success Stories 29 27 Future of ASEAN /FASHION/ VIETNAM

Company Profile


Establish: 2001

CoCompanyCommpapnany yP Pr Profileorfoifliel e Number of Employees: 317 CoCroproproartaet eN Nameame: C: ACNANIFAIFA JSC JSC CorporateCorporate Name Name:: CAN IFA JSC

CANIFA JSC EsEtsatbalbislihs:h 2001: 2001 I nternational Activities: Establish: 2001 Export of good to Japan and South Korea Number of Emp loyees: 317 NNumberumber of Emp of Employees:loyees: 317 317 Left and above: Examples of CANIFA designs Award: International Activities: InternationalInternational Activiti Activities:es: International Activiti• ePs:l e ase specify ExportExport ofof g goodood to to Ja foreignpan and South Korea Export of good to Japan and South Korea countries Left and above: Examples of CANIFA designs Left and above: Examples of CANIFA designs Award: Email: [email protected] Left and above: Examples of CANIFA designs Award: Left and above: Examples of CANIFA designs AAwards:ward: • Please speci fy The• companyPlease speci hasfy received • Please specify both local andT internationalel.: +84 24 73 03 0222 Below: CANIFA store Email: [email protected] recognitionsEmail: info@cani f a. com Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]: Tel.: +84 24 7303 0222 www.canifa.com Te l . : + 84 24 7303 0222 Tel.: +84 24 7303 0222

W e bsite: WWebsite:wwwebsite:.can ifa.comF acebook: www.canifa.com www .canifa.com https://vi- vn.facebook.com/canifa.fanpage/ Facebook: Facebook: https://vi- Fhttps://vivn.facebook.com/ahctetpbsoo:/k/v: i - vn.facebook.com/canifa.fanpage/ hcanifa.fanpage/ttps://vi-


Above: CAN IFA store

Above: CANIFA store Above: CANIFA store

Above: CANIFA store

Left: CANIFA’s employees Left: CANIFA’s employees

LLeft:eft: C ACANIFA’sNIFA’s em employeesployees

Left: CANIFA’s employees 28 30 50 Success Stories Future of ASEAN 28 Future of ASEAN 28 Future of ASEAN /FASION/ INDONESIA /FAS/FASHION/ION/ INDONESIA INDONESIA

Irna La Perle aa Irna La Perle aa Irna La Perle The MTTheheus limM Muslim-inspiredu-sinsplim-iinspred iwre weddingedd wdingedding gowngow gown design dens ignd housees ignhou that house tshea tth at capturcapcapturesest urthee sbride’ thethe bride’s bride’s w eweddingsd wdingedding ssenseen sse enin in eachsteo in ea ofto cits hea elegantocfh i tosf eitlse gaelengat nt and iconic piece and iconandi iconc piecic ep. iece.

domedsotmic emstaicr kmeta rakse wt aesll waes llin a s in beabdesa mdsa mchaicnhei,n seo, pshoipshticstaitedcated EuIrnaroEup eLaanro p mPerleeanar km eorganizesta.r k et. single Technologycomcpomu tispeu r tfvitaleorr fmo rafor mki ankgthei nthg et hdee dsiegnsign Irnafashion LaIrna P shows eLarle P oe andrgale onparticipatesrizesgan izessingl se inin gl e fashion anindustrydan padt pt eartotnt e”r,disseminate nsa”,y sas Iyrsna Ir .na . fasinternationalhiofasn hsihoonw s sfashionh aonwds ap events.nadrt ipcairptaictesipa itesn brand in image and designs to target customers. TecThencohlnoogylo isgy v isita vilta fol rf ofar sfhasiohnio n inFocusterninaternt ioonnala Muslimtio fanalsh ifoa nswomenh eiovenn etvse . nts. induinsdtruys ttroy ditos disemisseminatena bter anbrand d who care about every “We impresentaimgea ange d ouran designsd collectionsdesigns to tato r tagetrget and eventsc uonst oourme rwebsites. and detailsFoc uofs theon Mdesignuslim Women/ FASION/cu s tome rs. INDONESIA Focus on Muslim Women social media such as Instagram, who Matter every Detailside onft ical gowns in in ter“Wenatio pnalre sent o ur collections w hoIrna Ma Latt ePerle’sr eve mainry D customersetails o f Facebook, Youtube “We p randese nTwitter”,t our co llections the Design scale. and events on our website and tharee D eMuslimsign women who are says Irna.an dIrna eve nLats oPerlen o uisr weverybs ite and social media such as Instagram, brides-to-beIrna andLa Panyerl ewomen’s main who keen tos opresentcial m theedia brand such imageas In stagram, Irna La Perle’s main atAbo vane – Fr ointernationalm the collecFtiona 20ce16 Fobndo M alevelorinke L,u mY ietoroe u showtube aa nd Twitter”, wantcu stoto mexpressers ar ethemselves Muslim w oasm en Facebook, Youtube and Twitter”, Company Data cubeautifulstomers andare Mstylishuslim for w ospecialmen strongBelow – Sing lMuslime fashion ssahow yfo ridentity.s th e Icorllenactions. 2 0 14 Irna La Perle is very who are brides-to-be and any says Irna. Irna La Perle is very Corporate Name: Irna La Perle whoccasion.o are b rIrnaides -Lato -Perlebe an capturesd any keen to disseminate the brand women who want to express keen to disseminate the brand wothem eemotionaln who wa nneedst to exofp rtoday’sess image at international level with a themselves as beautiful and Establish: 2008 Muslim women, and offers lines image at international level with a themselves as beautiful and strong Muslim identity. Ms. Irna Mutiara, of gownsstylis hand fo raccessories special o cskillfullycasion. Irna strong Muslim identity. stylish for special occasion. Irna Number of Employees: 11-50 Founder craftedLa Pewithrle camaterialsptures s uselectedch emo tional La Perle captures such emotional acrossnee theds oglobe.f toda Oney’s M exampleuslim w iso men, Ms. Irna Mutiara, Founder needs of today’s Muslim women, International Activities: theiran partnershipd offers line withs o fSwarovski, gowns an d Ms. IrnKEYa M SUCCESSutiara, Fo ELEMENTSunder Export of goods to foreign countries anand oAustrianaffcceerss lior necrystaliess oskif gjewelrylolfulwnsly canbrand,radfted with • Muslim identity combined accfores itssor singleies ski fashionllfull yshow cra finted 2014. with KEY withSU CinternationalCESS ELEMEN materialsTS Email: KEY SU•C C TechnologyESS ELEMEN and innovationTS [email protected] • Muforslim design ide andntit patterny blended

• Muslim identity blended Tel.: +62 817-6541-949 w• i t Socialh int emediarnat itoon disseminateal materi als wi th• inTetecbrandrnhnaotl iimageogyona al nmda Innovationterials • Technology and Innovation Website: for design and pattern www.irnalaperle.com

for d• e Sosigncia al nmde pdaiatt teorn di sseminate Expanding Distribution • So ciaPROFILElbr maenddi aim toa gedis seminate ExpCahnadninnegl Dfriosmtr iLbouctalio nto Global Facebook: brand image Channel from Local to Global www.facebook.com/irnalaperlepage PRO FILEIrna Mutiara studied fashion Irna La Perle has 4 boutiques PROFILEand worked as a designer in materials selected across the iInr naJa kLaar taPe anrled h1a isn 4Ban boduung,tiqu es Instagram: @irnalaperleofficial Irna Mutiara studied fashion several garment companies before globe. One example is their Expandingin JaIndk distributionaorntae sania da n1d i nd iBanstribduung,tes t heir and worked as a designer in materials selected across the Irna Mfoundingutiara herstu owndied company fashion Irna La gloWhenbep. a Or tnfashionne resxhaipm wmeetspilteh is S wthaeriorv ski, anchannels Ind pofromrnoedsui acLocal tasn odnl d toiniset rwiibtuhtes e-C thommeir erce sevePerleral g inar 2008ment with com ap brandanies concept before and worked as a designer in technologyAustrian crystal jewelry brandGlobal, for propdlauctftos rom.nl i nTeh ewi cothm ep-anCoymm hase ar ce foundi‘Gownsng h forer oyourwn specialcompan moment.y Irna partnership with Swarovski, an several garment companies before Austriitans s icnrglyset falas jheiweonl rsyh obwran ind 2,0 for14. platdifosrtm.rib u Ttihoen caogemnptans iny hthaes Sao uth foundiLnag Ph eerrl eo wnin 2 c00om8p bany wiy Ithrna a b rand “We need technology to Irna La EPerleast Ahassia 4a nboutiquesd the Eu rope. conceIrnapt ‘GLao Perlewns fhasory oquicklyu’re yo gainedur itsdeveloping sin gle fa shiinnovativeon show indesign, 2014. in Jakartadist randibu ti1o nin a geBandung,nts in t he South La Perle inreputation 2008 by for wi tha brand a bran of da stylish and we have used digital printers, East AsAltia hanoudg thh ecu Erurernotlpye . Special Moments’. When Fashion meets Indonesia and distributes their concept ‘GMuslimowns f oweddingryou’r egowns your to be sold beads machine, and sophisticated products onlineconce withntr ae-Commerceting in the domestic Irna La Perle has quickly Technology Although currently Special Moinm theen Indonesiants’. domestic market computers to make the design and platform. Themar kcompanyet, Irna Lhasa P eral e also is on gained reputation as a brand for a When Fashion meets concentrating in the domestic Irna Laas wellPer lase hina thes q uiEuropeanckly market. pattern”,“ Wesays n Irna.eed technology for the search for partnership stylish Muslim wedding gowns to Technology market, Irna La Perle also is on gained reputation as a brand for a developing innovative design, and overseas to distribute their be globally sold in Indonesian the search for partnership stylish Muslim wedding gowns to “Wewe hnaeeved u tteilizchendo ldiogygita forl p rinters, overseas to distribute their be globally50 s oSuccessld in I nStoriesdonesian developing innovative design, and 31 we have utilized digital printers,

29 Future of ASEAN 30 Future of ASEAN 29 Future of ASEAN /FASHION/ INDONESIA

/FASHION/distribution agents in the South for partnership overseas to INDONESIA

East Asia and the Europe. distribute their identical gowns in Company Profile Although currently international scale. concentratin g Althoughin the d ocurrentlymestic concentrating market, Irnain L athe Pe rldomestice also is omarket,n Irna Corporate Name: the search forLa pPerleartne ralsoshi pis on the search IrnaCo Lam pPerleany Profile overseas to distribute their Corporate Name: Irna La Perle identical gowns in international Established: 2008 scale. Number of Employees: 11-50

Established: 2008

Above – From the collection 2016 Fond Marine Lumiere International Activities: Above – From theBelow collllectio –n Single2016 FF ofashionnd Mar ishowne Lu mforie there collections 2014 Export of goods to foreign Number of Employees: 11-50 Below – Siinglle fashiion show for the collections 2014 countries

Awards:International Activities: TheExport company of goods has received to foreign local countries andEx internationalport of goods recognitions to foreign countries

Email:Awards: TheAwa companyrds: The c hasomp receivedany has rlocaleceived [email protected] andloca linternational and internati recognitions.onal recognitions.

Tel.: +62 817 6541 949 Email: Website: [email protected] www.irnalaperle.com

Facebook:Tel.: +62 817-6541-949 www.facebook.com/ irnalaperlepage Website: Instagram: @ www.irnalaperle.com irnalaperleofficial

Facebook: www.facebook.com/irnalaperlepage

Instagram: @irnalaperleofficial

32 50 Success Stories

32 50 Success Stories /FASHION/ BRUNEI

aa Na Forrér

A fast growing B/FrASuHIONne//i fashionan fashi/ on house that i s BRUNEIBRU NEI DARUSSALAM DARUSSALAM /FASHION/ BRUNEI

aa making itself big in a aa global stage. Na Forrér Na ForrérNa F orrér A fast growing Bruneian fashion house making a name for A fast growingA fast Brun growingeian fas Bhironun houeiasne makfashiingon a h nameouse fthator is itself big onitself the big g onlo balthe globalstage stage making itself big in a global stage.

Girls’ member has their own Farhanna. She also adds that in unique character encourages order to compete we must bring Girls’ mhasemG birtheirels’r hm aeownsm thb eruniquei rh oaswn th echaracterir own Fwear musthaFnanar hbring.a nSnah ewhat. aSlhseo a wealsdo dare asd t dhgoodsa tth ina t in encouragesunique c hFarhannaaracter en ctoou radesignges at andor incorporateder to com pthemete we into mu sthet b ring Farhanna to deunisignque cuniharacqterue en,c bouoralgesd, worhdear to we com paertee we g omousdt b aritn ga nd unique,Farh anbold,na to deandsign unioutspokenque, bol d, designsw htoa t differentiatewe are good theat a nbrandd and outspokenF pariheacesnnapieces ant otd o d otoe use tignsempowermpo kunipeno qpweruei ewomen.ces, b ot old e,m Shepower iwfrom nhcato wecompetitors.irncp oarorrpeor gaaoteteo d th She aettmh a nicontinuesendtmo th ie nde tsoigns t he designs and outstatesspwoko emthatne np. i hereSceshe firsts taotes egoalm thp aowouldtwer her fir best i“In cwantorptoor people daifferte te htonet mknowiate in tth thatoe tbhr eanI amdde frs aio gnsm women. She stawtesome nt.toh S designhgaoetal s thewa otessomethinguldr t hfirbae tt ohes d tthatre sfirign cans ts o catermeth intgtdesignero d differicofferm efromnpteitaei tBrunei.teonr stth. iSeah b eThereter cano ntdt hi isnfr uenotoe msb “ Ir and from goal would be tgooal d weostouldi gntallh ba womente ctsanoo d cmea stineigner Brunei,tto hs aollim nwe ogwhiletmh ienng i then ccmanyommp waepdesignertinteott rpsie.to So phfromlree s tco.o k nBruneiSntoihnwu eteh sacand t“ oI an mt ai nues “I that canultimate caBrunter te oi,goal awllh ilewwouldo tmhee ultnbe ii nmto a tdesigne goal wathatn ist p designwhateop lIe ewant rt ofr ok mtono claimBwr unthe athei.t TI titlehaemre ais not that can cater tBruno allei, for whw oallileomuld ASEANth ebeen ulti to i women.designmna te gf oroSheal a ll would ASEA Nwa designas.” nmte arpn fyre odesignomp Blreunr fteroi.m Tk hBnerureon eiswi ann otdth at I am a would blikee two o todesignm eseen. S h ASEANfeor w oauldll A womenlSikEeA tNo s eusee manyt designhat is wehra ft rIo wam nBt rtuon cleaii amn tdh e Brunei, while thwoem ulten.fashion SihAmeS EwaA otasNulde w theog lmiko emeanealn tuo se s efastoe hexpression as t hedesignt haManyt ist iwtl edesignsh aestr. ”I wafr fromontm to Na clBa riForrérmun thee i. There is not mean to express their ASEANtheir wom individualities,en use fashio nas a swhat the the tfeatureitle as .the” Man “flower-like”y designs frmadeom Na by F orrér would be to design forindi avllidua AlitSieEs, aAs wNha t the Spice many designer from Brunei and mean toSpice exp rGirlsess t hdideir during their 90s’ wovenf esongketature th e(Jongsarat). “flower-like ”The ma de by Girls did during their 90s’ pop Many designs from Na Forrér women. She woinulddivid ualpopikli tera.eie st, oas sweheat the Spice tflowerhatw is,ios velater, wn sho considerednagkte tI ( Jwaon togsa benr tthea t)t. o Th cle aim the era. fsignatureeature t hflowere “flo werfor the-lik Nae” mForrérade by Girls did during their 90s’ pop flower is, later, considered to be ASMs.EA FarhannaN wo Pura,men use fasThe h brandTihoen b r anhasads hat ahstrongs ae s tro socialng soc ialtwbrand. iotlveen aThesosn. gk”use e t of(J oyellow,ngsar ablack,t). Th e era. the Founder & Creative Director mediamedia presence presen andce an itd was it w invitedas invit edflo white,wer andis, l aredter, color con sinspiredideresdign t obya bt uer e meMans. F atroha nnexa pPurrea s s t h T he to e i rb tshowcase or an shdow hcaa ssedesigns a destsrignso natg athesto tch iUnioneal U nio n the royal Brunei flag in her design Founder & Creative Director Many designsthe flo wferro form Na Forrér individualities,m aesdia w pWeekhreWeseatn ine cekt Londonhi nan eLdo Sn idt p withownia cewis theinvith tthemehte dth e ofm e ocapturesf the sense of Farhanna’ssignthaetu Nare Ms. FarhKEYann aSUCCESS Pura ELEMENTS ‘Embracing‘Embraci nBritishg Brit iFashion’.sh Fashio Soonn’. So onpride and love for her country. The to showcase designs at the Union feature the “floflowerwFeor rf-éorrl ik e” made by Founder & CK•rE Ge TurnsYairtive SUls ClocalDi CdirESSe cwisdomdto rdELEMEN u rintoin g TtSh elater,irla 9ter, in0 isOctobern ’O pctoob pe2014,r 201 4,Farhanna Farhanna design itself is simple and bcleanrand. The Week in London with the theme of the Na brand identity ‘Embracwasinwasg Binvited rinitviistedh Fa ttoos shhishowcaseowncas’. Soe oh enr her wbuto vestylishn sando nelegant,gket in ( Juwhichsoe onf gsarat). The • eTruarn.s local wisdom into Forrér KEY SUCCESS• Social ELEMEN media asT a Stool later, indesigns Odesignsctob eatr Mercedes2at0 M14,er cedFa rStyleehsanna Styl Fashione Fash ionit embodies the brand’s conceptyellow , • br Pricingand i dstrategyentity to drive the WeekWe eink Kualain Ku aLumpur,la Lump ulaunchingr, launch inflogof timelesswer ibeauty,s, la ter,chic, bboldness, rcanodn. Tsh ieder ed to be was invited to showcase her black, white, • So brand c i a l mvalueTehdiae a bs ar tanool d has hera h sfirstert fir roReadystn Rgea todys Wearo toc Weial Collection,ar Collecti onand, coolness. use of • Turns loca l wisdom into designs at Mercedes Style Fashion and red the • ‘The‘T hHeiress”-e Heiress” to- t othe th epublic. public . Na yellcoowlo,r brand ide nt imtPry i ecidiang st rpatergyese to dnriceveWe t hanek din Kuit awla aLusm invipur, ltaeuncd hing brand value Forrér’sNa Fo designsrrér’s d ewentsigns farwe nint fa2015r in black,insp wirheidt ebs,y i gnature Ms. Farhanna Pura • So c i a l m e d ia a s a tool her firstby R eaparticipatingdy to Wear Ctheoll ecHEYAQAtion, and red to showcase designs a20t1 5t hbye p aUrticnipiaoting the Above: The songket flower the royal PROFILE ‘The Heevent,ireHEss” Yshowcasing-A tQo Ath eeve pnut ,b2 sl hicpieceso.w cas ofin gher 2 Brunei flag in her cdoelsoignr capturfloes wer for Founder & Creative Direc t•o rPr icing strPROFILEategy to drive the brand valu e We Farehaknna in Pu Lra ois na ndatoiveNna Fwiorrttraditionaléhrp’s i tedceshese iog fSongketnt hshe wre termna dtwear. ifetaio ronal inf Songket the sense of Farhainnnasp’sir perdide by an thd e Na wear. love for her country. The design b orFarhannan and rais Puraed Br isun ae inativean, wi 20tbornh 15 by participating the Above: The songket flower the royal ‘Embracing British Fa Currently,shion ’.the So companyon is PROFILE landong inraisedteres t Bruneian,and passio nwith for HElongY AQA e ve n Cut, srrheonwtlyc,a tshine gco 2m pany is Bruneiti sefllafg is i nsi mpherle d aensdign cle caanp btuutr esF orrér stocking in both Southeast Asia, clinterestothing anandd fapassionshion. Aforfte rclothing shpei eces of hsetorcki trandgi itnio bnaloth SoSonutgkheeats t Asia, the sesntyseli sohf aFnadr ehlaenganant’,s i np rwidehic han itd KEY SUCCESS ELEMEN T FSar hanna Plaurater, is a n iantive O ctober 20Fashion14, F aVallet,rhanna and in the United embodies the brand’s concept obf rand. The finisand hfashion.ed her s Aftertudy ishen m finishedarketiwen gher ainr . Fashion Vallet, and in the United love for her country. The design born and raised Bruneian, with Kingdom, Haute Elan. timeless beauty, chic, boldness, tstudyhewas Un inited marketing iKinnvgdiotedm ,in s h thete oc a Unitedmseh o wcasKinged hom,e rH aute Elan. itself is simple and clean but long interest abnadck p taos sBirounn efori a nd establishe d h e r Cu rrently, the company is and coolness. use of Kingdom, she came back to Brunei stylish and elegant, in which it • Turns local wisdom intocl othing and faoswnhdesignsi oclno.t hAifntge rb sranh aed t a sM Naer Forcedsrtéorcki ensgReflecting iSn tylbothe S oF ulocalathseha sitwisdomo Ansia , to and established her own clothing Reflecting local wisdom to embo dies the brand’s concept of yellow, finished her stiubrandndy 20 i1n0 as .m Naar kForréreting inin 2010. Fashiondifferentiate, Vallet, and in ttoh e beU niUNIQUEted brand identity Week in Kuala Lumpduifrf,e rleanunctiate, htoi bneg U NIQUE Enhance brand exposure the United Kin g d o mH,e rs hsoeu cracem oef inspiratioKingn dom, Haute Elan. timeless beauty, chic, boldness, black, white, and cothorlnoeussgh. social media • Social media as a tool back to Bruneit haanhHertd fue ee srlsourceet adfib hlreisrs h ioftse d tRhinspiration he efara mdyous tthato We “Wear“ surelyWeCo sull can’trelyc cacompetetino’t nco,m againstpete own clothing bBrirantisdh a pso Np agro Forupr, éSrp ice Girls. against those large French or Doing a business in today’ans d red fueled her is the famous BritishR popefl ectthoseing lolargecal wFrenchisdom orto Italian in 2010. Tgroup,he‘T fach tSpice teh aHt eaGirls.echi rof e Thetshes” Sfactp-ice t thato t hdesigne Iptalui houses”anb ldicesi.gn says ho Farhanna.uses” says She world where connectivity is higch olor • Pricing strategy to drive the differentiate, to be UNIQUE Enhance brand exposure Her sourceeach of iofn sthepir aSpicetion Girls’ member also adds that in order to compete Above: The songket flower through social media brand value that fueled her isN thea f aFmooursr ér’s desig“nWes wsureenly tca fna’tr c oimnp ete inspired by against those large French or 31 British pop group20, Sp1ice5 Gbiryls .p articipating the A b o v e D: Thoine gso bnugkseint felsosw ienr today’s the royal Future of ASEAN Italian design houses” says PROFILE The fact that ea50ch HESuccess of thYe AStoriesSpQiceA event, showcasing 2 Brunworld wehie rfle caognn ienct ivhitey ris dh33ieghs ign captures Farhanna Pura is a native pieces of her traditional Songket the sense of Farhanna’s pride and 33 born and raised Bruneian, wi50th Success Stories wear. love for her country. The design long interest and passion for Currently, the company is itself is simple and clean but clothing and fashion. After she stocking in both Southeast Asia, stylish and elegant, in which it finished her study in marketing in Fashion Vallet, and in the United embodies the brand’s concept of the United Kingdom, she came Kingdom, Haute Elan. timeless beauty, chic, boldness, and coolness. back to Brunei and established her own clothing brand as Na Forrér Reflecting local wisdom to in 2010. differentiate, to be UNIQUE Enhance brand exposure Her source of inspiration through social media that fueled her is the famous “We surely can’t compete British pop group, Spice Girls. against those large French or Doing a business in today’s The fact that each of the Spice Italian design houses” says world where connectivity is high

31 Future of ASEAN /fashion/ BRUNEI DARUSSALAM

Enhance brand exposure in 2014 and 2015. The most recent milestone for Na Forrér was its through social media Company Profile NFormation collection which was a collaboration of design between Doing business in today’s world Farharna and 12 other Bruneian Corporate Name: where connectivity is high and /FASHION & BEAUTY/ fashion & lifestyle bloggers at the Na Forrér BRUNEI people crave for new contents in London Fashion Week. almostand peo everyple cra minuteve for n eisw ctough.ontent sAs NFormation collection which was in almost every minute is tough. a collaboration of design between Establish: May 2010 for Na Forrér, the brand has very As for Na Forrér, the brand has Farharna and 12 other Bruneian Company Data strong social media presence, in Premium pricing strategy to very strong social media presence, fashion & lifestyle bloggers at the CoNumberrporate Name of :Employees: Na Forrér 4 whichin whi cFarhannah Farhanna herself herse makeslf make sures enhanceLondon Fa sthehion brand Week. and its thatsure thetha brandt the b rcanand be ca reachedn be reac andhed is design value International Activities: shownand is s throughhown thr multipleough multi platformsple Establish: May 2010 Stocking in Malaysia and the includingplatforms officialincluding website, official Facebook PrInem orderium ptori cenhanceing stra tethegy brand to website, Facebook page, enhance the brand and its United Kingdom page, Instagram, and etc. She also value, Farhanna applies the Number of Employees: 4 utilizesInstagra them, anGoogled etc. AnalyticsShe also as her premiumdesign va lupricinge strategy to utilizes the Google Analytics as marketing tool as well. her Indesigns, order to etogethernhance t hwithe bran onlyd Award: her marketing tool as well. International Activities: limitedvalue, F apiecesrhanna of a ppclothinglies the for each The company has received local In I n2013, 2013 , anan oorganizerrganizer o f tofh e the collection.premium p ri“Thecing stpiecesrategy toare he rvery Standocki ninternationalg in Malaysia a nrecognitionsd the United Kingdom UnionUnion FaFashionshion W Weekeek in Linon dLondonon limited;designs, onetoget pieceher wi forth everyonly limi design.ted found Na Forrér through social pieces of clothing for each found Na Forrér through One dress for one woman. This is Email: media and invited her to showcase collection. “The pieces are very Award: N/A socialpieces omediaf the b randand ainvitedt the sh oherw, to tolimi createted; o thene p senseiece fo ofr e individualityvery [email protected] showcasethen followed pieces by s eofvera thel brand at anddesign. specialty One dr eforss ftheor o nwomane woma whon. the show, then followed by several owns the piece. Email: international fashion show later in This is to create the sense of Tel.: +67 3 881 0333 international2014 and 2015 .fashion The mo sshowst recen tlater individuality and specialty for the [email protected] milestone for Na Forrér was its woman who owns the piece. Website: Tewww.naforrer.com.bnl.: +67 3 881 0333

WFacebook:ebsite: wwwwww.facebook.com/naforrer.naforrer.com.bn

FaInstagram:cebook: @naforrer


Instagram: @naforrer

Description starting from the top left (clockwise):

1. A coat dress with jacquard textile songket wear Description starting from the top left (c locfromkwise the): runway show at the HEYAQA event in Qatar, 2015. 1) A coat dress with jacquard textile songket wear from the runway show at the HEYAQA event in Q2. ata Anr, 2 0All15 White Affair section from Na Forrér’s latest collaboration under the NFormation 2 ) Ancollection. All White Affair section from Na Forrér’s latest collaboration under the NFormation collection 3. The Enchantress collection, in which the pieces 3) The Enchantress collection, in which the pieces are fo r bareoth t hfore d abothy and thenigh dayt. Th eand use o night.f yellow The and use of g old yellowhues is t oand repr egoldsent thueshe roy aisl ftolag representof Brunei. the royal flag of Brunei.

34 50 Success Stories 32 Future of ASEAN /FASHION/ M ALAYSIA

Siti Khadijah Apparel Sdn Bhd aa A telekung fashion house who redefines the traditional praying outfit and uplifts to the international standard /FASHION/ MALAYSIA /FASHION/ M ALAYSIA /FAS HION/ M ALAYSIA

SitiSi Khadijahti Khadijah Apparel Appar Sdn.el Sdn Bhd. Bhd

aa Siti Khadijah Apparel Sdn Bhd domestic Aa ntelekungAd te glekunglo fashionbal fa smh ihouseonar houk whoeste who redefines redefin thees traditionalthea trnadyi tfacio naprayingel p srahy aoutfitingp eoutf anit d size. The

aa through thandAeand irte upliftsl ekung2 upli3 tosfts tf thea ortsoh tinternationalieheons ihouinnternatclusse whoional istandardve re ds etandfineas rthed tmradaitteriaional plrsa yuingse outfd aitr e of high quality and uplifts to the international standard

one in Indo nesia and now cotton, spun polyester, rayon and expanding to United Kingdom d omestic and globsali mlkar kwiet th thean yc facoem shabpei naand stize.io Tnh eo f through their 23 stores inclusive materials used are of high quality marketdomes tithroughc and glo btheiral m ar23ke t stores cotton,any fac spune sha pepolyester, and size. Thrayone thornoue ginh Ithnediron 2e3s isat oraneds ninoclusw ive mcaoteriattonl,s s upsuned paorely oesf ter,high r aqyonuali anty d inclusive one in Indonesiabea andut nowiful andcr asilkft withed thela cescombination sewn of in a oneex pinan Indingdon teos iUa naintded n Kiown gdom costitlokn wi, stphun th ep ocloymesbter,ina triaoyonn of an d expanding to United Kingdom beautifulbeau tifulcrafted craf telacesd laces sewn sewn in i na a ex panding to Unitedm Kinegtdiomc u loussi lmk wiathnn the ceomrb.i nation of meticulousbemauetifulicu l manner.ocurasf tmedann laceser. sewn in a Focus on Muslim heritage tFocou s on Muslim heritage to Focus on Muslim heritage meticulous manner. bring it to international level Focus on Muslim heritage to bring it to international letov bringel it to international br i n g iSti ttio K ihnatdierjanha Atipponaarel ll ebvegael n level i t s bSuitsii nKehsasdi sejallhin Agpp woamreal nb epgarany er itso buutfsitins e(stesle sekllunging) w uonmderan t hpera byreanr d Siti K hadijah Apparel be gaSitin Khadijah Apparel began ountafimtse ( teofle Siktungi Kh)a udnijahder. tTheel ebkrungand is its business selling woman prayer its busines s selling woman pranyaam esper eocf i alSi tui nKifhoardmijah used. Te bleyk tunghe is Me dia advertisement and outfitswom (telekung)en from th undere M ala ythe brand a special uniform used by the Medidgiiata adl mveartkiesetimnge nfot ra nd outfits (telekung) under the bnamerwanoAmrc ofehdni Sitip f erola mKhadijah.go tsh we hMealan Telekungpye rformin isg a consumer goods Mediadigit aadvertisementl marketing for specialArtchheiipr uniform eplaragyoesr ws ,used hanend p byise r ftheormi womenng co n s um Toedar yg,oo Sitdsi K hadijah has name of Si ti Khadijah. Telekungfromthsyei rnthe opisnr ayMalay ymeorsu,s an lArchipelagosy da siso ciated wi whenth th e and digital marketing for become the leading brand in performingsyMalanonyym Cuo ultheirstlury ea.s s prayers,ociated wi andth t hise consumer Toda ygoods, Siti Khadijah has bewcomema nth’se p leraaydinger o ubtrfiantsd i nin a special un iform used by the synonymouslyMalay “CuIt latllur be eassociated. ga n wiMeth t hwithed i thea advertisement and Mrs.M rsAminuddin. Aminudd binin b Mohdin Mo hNasir,d Nasir, woMalamanysia’s p.r a Tyhere ocuotmfiptsan iny now has Founder Malaypro bCulture.lem faced by most users of Today, Siti Khadijah has become women froMmrs. AtmhineudFounder Mdin alabin Myoh d Nasir, “It all began with the Malastorysiaes i.n TJahkea crotam, pIndanyo nneoswia h aansd prtohbel etemle fkaungced wbyh om dcoosuldti ugsen’irt stfind oaf l mthea Lrleadingonkdoen, t thibranden UKg. in f owoman’sr Founder stores in Jakarta, Indonesia and KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS th“Itseo tm eallleetk hbeganunging cwoh mwithof cooruldta thebnle ’ tproblemt ofind we ar”, prayer outfits in Malaysia. The Archipelagos when performing Londo n Aminud, the UKd.i n says, “Media facedsosamy ebyst hA imostnmig ncuo usersdmdfinor.ta ofScbe ltheizingoe ton telekung we tshiasumr ”a,s a n companyer goo now hasds stores in Jakarta, KKEY EY SUCCESSSUCCESS ELEMENTS ELEMENTS exposure to a local TV channel • Focus on Muslim heritage whosaoy ps pAocouldn’tmirtunnuidty,d in Si.findt Si eKizingh adisomething jtahhis as an Indonesia Aminud and London,din says, the “M UK.edia their pray e rs, and is was a momentum to be recognized •• FocusFoctou brs on ionng Muslim M it utosli amn heritage heritage to comfortableopApparportuenli ty,c re Saitotedti K ah wear”,badiranjadh to says exposure to a local TV channel Todaywasb, y S aa momlaitrgei e Kanutduhimena tceodi b oef jrceaocnohsgnizu mheerdas . s synonymo u sbringtoli nbryte iitngrna tosa it tsani onto international acln ile avetel d withAminuddin.Appar tdihstienelgu cries ahtedSeizing itse al fb ars an athis dm tao k aser ofan Aminuddin says, “Media prayer outfits creating quality and byS ain lacer gewe a werudien fceea tourf ceodn osnu ma eTrVs . •leveli nMteerndiaat iaondveral letivseml ent and opportunity,distinguish iSititsel fKhadijah as a mak eApparelr of exposure to a local TV channel was comfort through ibnneovactoiveme facial theSisn hleceow wea, tding hwere beu sfeinae tursbs erhdaan so nb eead TnV in Malay Cult•• ur Mediadeigital. advertisement marketing f or createdprayer oau tfbrandits cre attoin g distinguishquality and a momentum to be recognized by a Media advertisement and design and high quality materials. sheoxwp,an thdinge bu”s.i ness has been anddicgitalons digitalu mmae rmarketingrk goodseting f or for itselfcom fasor ta t hmakerrough iofnn wprayerovaotimve outfitsfacinal ’ s largepra audienceyer o ofu consumers.tfits i nSince design and high quality materials. expan ding In ad”.d ition to TV, the consumer goods creating S itiquality Khadij ahand App arcomfortel seeks we were featured on a TV show, the PROconsFILEum er goods company is proactive about other Mrs. Aminuddin bin Mohd Nasir, “It all began with the to pSrietise Krhveadi thjaeh h AisMalapptorayr ealn sed eysiaks . Th Ine a dcdoitimon top TanV, thye now has PROFILE through innovative facial design businesstypes has of m beenedia expanding”. advertisement and Founded by Aminuddin bin toh perreitseagerve va thluee hsi ostfor thye a tnedle kung by company is proactive about other and high quality materials. digital marketing including Founder problem f a M c o eFhoddund N abseidry wb yimt Aminh hois ssupdtod uiunse bse iinn rs ohfear ditaapgetin vag louleds a onfd t hnese twteo lfeerkaungtuerse sb iy n Jatypkesa orf mtaedia, Ind advertoisenmenst ainad and PROFILE InBi additionllboard, Gtoo oTV,gle theAds company, Faceboo k, M200ohd9 N, aSsitiir Kwhitahdi hjiash s Apopupsaer einl adtahprotiunggh o iltds adnedsi gnnew an feda utusere osf high digital marketing including Siti Khadijah Apparel seeks to is proactiveTwitter, anaboutd In sothertagram. types of the telekung200sta9r, ted Swit ii htsK hboaudis icjnaeohs sAuld wppithar eMnl u’stlim find th qruaoulgihty i tsra ddiesitiognnal anL adno du snhei ghodf -hoteigcnhh , thBiell bUoarKd, G. o o gl e Ads, Facebook, Founded by Aminuddin bin preserve the history and heritage media advertisement and digital stpartedaye rits o ubtufistsin. e Tssh we icthom Mpuansly’sim quamlaiteriaty tralsdi. t iTohnale p aantedn hteighd d-teescihgn Twitter,“We an wid sInh sttago mroam.ve forward somethingMohd co Nasirmfo withrta hisbl espouse to wein avaluesr”, of the telekung by adapting marketing including Billboard, KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS prvaiyseiorn o uist ftiots e.l eTvatehe c tohme pfaanshy’sio n to mianteriatrodlusced. T hbey pSaittei Kntehaddi djeashi gnis glo“Weball wiy bsyh l teoa dingmove t hfoer tewlearkdung 2009, Siti Khadijah Apparel old and new features through its Google Ads, Facebook, Twitter, vitshioen i nistern to ealteivateonal thheer iftaasghei oonf thoe inmtroaidnlucedy fo cbuyses Sit oi nK hthaedi fjaach i alis Aminudgloanbdall ddiy vbieynr sleifi asdingcatiys,o nth ien tet“Mhleek mungoedest di a says Aminuddin. Seizing this as an and Instagram. tstartedhaer icnhternip eitslaa gtibusinessoo.nal her itwithage o fMuslim the designmdesignainl y andfo, ceun sessuseur io nngof tch oehighm faforci alt qualitydu ring anwdo dimvaenr saifippcartieol nin idnu tshter ym tohdestroug h prayer outfits. The company’s traditionalprayer a andnd s high-techtretcheabxle pmaterials. moaterisualr e to a local TV channel opportuniaty,r c h i p eTSlaogdaiot.y i , tKhe hcomapdianyj ah design, ensuring comfort during woagmgranes aspivepa brerlan indingdust aryn dth prrooudguhc t • Focus on Muslim heritage vision is to elevate the fashion to Thew patentedhich will cdesignomplim introducedent by “We wish to move forward di s tTroibdautye,s t ha eva corimetypan ofy h igh- prayer and stretchawasble materi aa lmom ageigrnnneosvattsiuveio mbnr”an, satdingyos A baminedn pu rdodedinuc.c t o gnized Apparel crditheqestua rainternationaliblitedutyte psr a yvaaerr iobeu tytheritagerf iotanfs hinigh tdh- e of t othe Sitiwh Khadijahich will co ism pmainlyliment focuses on globallyinnovat byio nleading”, says A mithen utelekungddin. to bring it to an and diversification in the modest qarchipelago.uality prayer outfits in the the facial design, ensuringby a comfort large audience of consumers. distinguish itself as a maker oduringf prayer and stretchable woman apparel industry through international level Today, the company distributes material which will compliment aggressive branding and product Since we were featured on a T35 V prayer ouat fvarietyits c rofe ahighqualityting q uaprayerli tyany an faced shape and size. The innovation”, says Aminuddin. • Media advertisement and 50 Success Stories 35 50outfits Success in Stories the domestic and global materials used are ofs hhigho wquality, th e business has been digital marketing for comfort through innovative facial design and high quality materials. expanding”. consumer goods 50 Success Stories 35 Siti Khadijah Apparel seeks In addition to TV, the PROFILE to preserve the history and company is proactive about other Founded by Aminuddin bin heritage values of the telekung by types of media advertisement and Mohd Nasir with his spouse in adapting old and new features digital marketing including 2009, Siti Khadijah Apparel through its design and use of high Billboard, Google Ads, Facebook, started its business with Muslim quality traditional and high-tech Twitter, and Instagram. prayer outfits. The company’s materials. The patented design “We wish to move forward vision is to elevate the fashion to introduced by Siti Khadijah is globally by leading the telekung the international heritage of the mainly focuses on the facial and diversification in the modest archipelago. design, ensuring comfort during woman apparel industry through Today, the company prayer and stretchable material aggressive branding and product distributes a variety of high- which will compliment innovation”, says Aminuddin. quality prayer outfits in the

35 50 Success Stories /FASHION/ MALAYSIA

Below – Founders of the company, Aminuddin bin Mohd Nasir and his spouse The team at Siti Khadijah Apparel

The factory of Siti Khadijah Apparel Company Profile

From the Classic Design Collection (2010-present), From the Modern Design Collection (2012-2015), Corporate Name: /FASHION/ MALAYSIA /FASHION/ Siti K h adi j a h A p p a r e l Sd Mn.A BLhAYSd. IA //FASFASHHIION/ON/ MMAALLAYSAYSIIAA


Established: 2009 Company Profile Below – Founders of t he company, Aminuddin bin Mohd Nasir and his spouse BBeeloloww – – F Foouunnddeersr so of ft hthee c coompmpaannyy, , A Ammininududddinin b binin M Moohhdd N Naassiirr a anndd h hiiss s sppoouussee

Below: Founders of the company, Aminuddin bin Mohd Nasir and his spouse The team at Siti Khadijah Apparel TThhe et eateamm at at S Sitiit iK Khhaaddijiajahh A Appppaarerel l The team at Siti Khadijah Apparel Company Profile The factory ofT Shieti f Kachtaodryij aohf SAippti Karheald ijah Appare l CoCorporatempany Profile Name: The factor y ofThe SitBi eKfactorylohwad –ij aFho of uAnpp dSitierasr eoKhadijahfl the compa nApparely, Aminuddin bin Mohd Nasir and his spouse From the Classic Design Collection (2010-present), Number of Employees: over 100 FrFroomm t hthe eC ClalassssFromici cDT Dheees istthegeaignmn Co ClassicCoatll Slleietcict Kiotiohn aDesignn d( i2(j2a0h01 10A0p--prp prCollectionaereselse nnt)t), , (2010-present) Siti Khadijah Apparel Sdn. Bhd. Corporate Name: From the ModFreronmT Dh teesh feai gcMtnoo rCoyd oellfr eSnci tDtii Koesnhia g(d2nij0 aCo1h2 All-pp2e0cat1ri5oe)ln , (2012-2015), CoComrppoarnayte Profile Name :: From the ModFrom ern D estheign Modern Collectio nDesign (2012- 2Collection015), (2012-2015) From the Classic Design Collection (2010-present), CSitiorp oKrahtadie NjSitiameah A:K phpadiarejal hSd An.pp Bahrd.e l Sdn. Bhd. From the Modern Design Collection (2012-2015), SitiEstablished Khadijah A:p 2009parel Sdn. Bhd.

Siti I Knhternatiadijah Aponpareal lSd An.ctiviti Bhd. es: NumberE ofsta Employees:blished: 2009 Est•ab lishHavied:: 20n09g foreign affiliates or Eoverstabli s100hed: 2009 b ranches

Numb• er oHaviNf EmpEmpumbnlleogrye ocefeo ssEmp:n: oosveveiglrorn ye110ee0e00s s : ofveorr p10r0o duction NInternationalumber of Employe eActivities:s: over 100 in foreign countries • Having foreign affiliates or • Export of goods to foreign IInnternatiternatibranchesononaIln aAternatillctiviti Activities:on eeas:s:l A ctivities: • Havingc oconsigneesuntries for •• HaviHavingn f•go r ffeoigrrHavineig igafnfi n laaiagfftf feifilosliaia roetrteig essn oo rar ffiliates or productionbrbanchesranches inb rforeignanches •• countriesHaviHavingn c•go ncsoignHavinsseeigignsn eefeeogr ss cp offroonorrdus pigpcrrntooieeduoduns cc tftioioorn np roduction Awini arnfo fordeirgsen:iig cnou iccnot urfoiesnrtter riiesiesgn countries •• ExportExport ofof ggoodsoods t oto fo foreignreign • Expor•t of gExoopdossr tto oof ffo ogrroeeoigigdnns to foreign countries•c ountWiries nner of Premier Award, Bank countriesies countries Islam Utusan Shariah Award 2017 Awards: AAwards:w•ar ds: WiAwnarneds:r of Digital Marketing • Winner of Premier Award, Bank • WinnerA ofw aPremierrd, Ba Award,nk Islam Utusan Shariah • IsWilamn Une•tu rs oanff Wi PPSrhrenamirneiaheerr rAwo AwAwf Pararaderr mid2d0,, 1BeB7ra a nAwnkk ard, Bank • BankWiIsnlneam IslamAr woUf atuDtu rigitaUtusansIdansl am20l SMh aU1aa rrShariah7rktuiaiae tinshhan AwgAw Sah arraddr ia 2200h1 1Aw77 ard 2017 AwardAward ,2017 Bank Islam Utusan Shariah • •A wWiarndFine 20•n r1 a7o ffl Wi iDsigitaigitatn inenlrl NM Mofaa Drrtkkiigitaeoetintinnaglg lM Inarkneotinvag tion •• WinnerFiAnwalaisrt d ofin,, BaBaNDigitalaAntikwo n IaIassrl lld MarketingamInam, Ban o UUvnatutukti sosIannansl am SShh aUarrtuiaiahshan Shariah AwaArdw 20ar1d7 2016 Award,AwAawrda r20Bankd 1206 1A 7Islamw ard 20Utusan17 •• •Fi Firsnt WaFillioi•smr tts eiint Fi WNEnnatotatriielomipsnrtaeneea illn InIn ur NEnn aAonotwvivtoaarntrtiediaoo pln nInr enenovaurtio nA ward Shariah Award 2017 20A1w6 a20rd 20161 A6w ard 2016 ••• FinalistFoFiurr-sstt aWinr oSc Nationalmoreen R Eantitnr ge upnrdeneer SurM AE ward • • FirsFt Wo• urom-Fiesnrts aEtr nW tScroemporerenene E Rurnta rAteiwpnraenegrd u urn dAewra rSdM E Co20mpetitiv16 eness for Enhancement, InnovationSME Corp Award2016 2016 FourC-ostmpetitivar Score Raetinneg ssun dfoerr S EMnEh ancement, •• FirstFo Womenur-•s tar FSc Entrepreneuroourre- sRtart iScngo urne dReart iSnMg Eu nder SME CompetitivSME CCeonompetitiveerssssp f foorr EEennnhheananss ccfeoemrm Eeennt,ht, an cement, Award 2016 Email: Ssk@MEsit CikhorapdijS MahE.c Comor p • Four-star Score Rating under

SME Competitiveness for TEmaiel.: +6l:0 s 1k@0 6s000itikh 86a4dij ah.com EmaiEmaiEnhancement,l: sk@l:Emai ssitk@ikhl: sas itSMEk@dijiahkhsit .Corpicakhodijma dijahah.c.coom

WEmail:ebsite: [email protected] Tel.: +60 1T0e 6l.000: +60 8 6104 6000 864 wwwTe.sitikl.: h+adi6j0ah 1.c0om 6 000 864

Tel.: +60 10 6000 864 Website: FWac eboosite:k: Website: www.sitikhadijah.com wwwwwwWebsite:W.feaceb.sbitiksoite:ohwwwkadi.c ojm.ash/itik .cohmadi jah.com www.sitikhadijah.com T elekungSitiK hadijah Fawwwcebook.s: itikhadijah.com Facebook:F acebook: InFacebook:stagram: @telekung.sitikhadijah www .facebook..com// www.facebook.com/www.facebook.com/ TelekungSitiKhadijah TTelekungSitiKhadijaheFleakcuenbgSooTitiKelkehk: uadingjSahitiK hadijah

IInstagram:nwwwstagram:.faceb @teleokoukn.gc.soitikmh/adi jah Instagram:In @stteagrleakm:un [email protected] hadijah @telekung.sitikhadijah 36 50 Success Stories TelekungSitiKhadijah

Instagram: @telekung.sitikhadijah 36 50 Success Stories 3636 50 Success Stories 36 50 Success50 Stories Success Stories



BellaryBellary Ente Enterpriserprise aa An inspirAa Bpassionatetieonllaryal an dcompany Efunll toef pasrpri aimingsiosn e toc o bringmpan chemical-freey aiming to

wellnessaa through natural, holistic remedies for the bring chemicalAn ins-pfreiraet iwoneallln aensds ftuol lt ohef pas Brunsione iancom houpansye ahiolmdings. to Bruneian household bring chemical-free wellness to the Bruneian households.

didn’t work as effectively as she be contributed to Darussalam expectedshedi, sdo nstarted s’th weo srtark onaste edaff eodifferentcnti vea ly as pathshe toE ntDianaebrep rcios nalsoet’rsi bs addedutrtoedn gto sthat Duaprp uevenorssat lta othoughm l ink differentfind epxapth eanc tte odalternative ,fin so ds haen s tar therapyted on a usinga ll bmanyuEsnitne erpscompaniessriesse ’isn s tBrorunn goperate esui ptopgore t inhtoe rlithe.n k different path to find an all businesses in Brunei together. alternatihealthenhancingve therapy usin g botanicalshealth- suchDia healthna als o aanddde dwellness that eve nindustry, asal therbs,ernati veflowers, therap andy us iessentialng health oils- theDia healthyna also adindustryded that erivalryven and enhancinegn hbanotacinnigc ablosta snuicchal sa su ch as thoughtho ughman mya cnoym copmanpaniesi eosp oepreartaet e herbs, flinstead.owers, an Overd es time,senti alshe oi lrecovereds i n tcompetitionhe health an provided welln anes impetuss for andher bwass, flo wamazeders, and byes sethenti alhealing oils herin tcompany.he health anAlld of w ethelln ebusinessesss instead. Oinvsetera tdim. Oev,e srh time ree,c sohvee rreecdo vered induisntdryu,s trhye, thheeal htehalyt hiny dinudsutsrtyr y property of them and so she have their own strategy and target and was aanmda wazeds abmy atzheed hbey athlien gh ealing rivalriyv aanlryd an codm copmetpiteitoitnio pnro provivdeide propertystarted porof tpheer tmhery oanf studiesthde smo anshe andd so researchesshe an imthatanp eimtheytupse tfwoulduosr fhoer r h likeceor mc otopman ppursue.any.y A. Allll So started handsetra rs becametteudd hiesr s anatu certifieddi eres saneadr practitioner crehseesa rches o f titho eisf b tveryhues ibn ucollaborativeessinsess hesa vhea vt ehin teh iare way ior wown thatn and becamtrainedaned ab eccam einrt iefieldf iae dce roftif iaromatherapy,ed s tracompaniestsetgryat anegyd an t adrhelp gtaertg tehateach that tth tehotherye y to practitioherbalism,nperarc ttritaioinnee dandr tirna ienergyfniedld i no fmedicines. ield of wouimprovelwdo luiklde lt itheoke p t uindustryo rpsuures.u Se .oas S io ta ii twhole.s ivs evreyry aromathearroampy,at heerrabpay,li shm,erb analisdm, and collacboorllaabtoriveat iven ain wa a way tyh athta t enSheergy startedmedicin eBellarys. Enterprise companies help each other to energy medicines. comPerfectingpanies help different each other to withShe sthetar aimted B toell bringary N thisatur chemical-e with improve the industry as a whole. She started Bellary Nature with impmarketingrove the ind toolsustry afors a wa hbetterole. freethe aiwellnessm to brin gto t hihouseholds chemical -fandree the aim tweo bllrninesgs ttho ihso cuhesemicalhold a-nfdr ee result encourage people to be more Perfecting different wellnesshealth-conscious etnoc hoouruasgeeho pelodp alen tdo and be mo tore live Perf meGivencatrikneg t idnigthatf ftooer elsn ftheto r a binternetetter encouragheathierhee apletho-pcl oanden tsoc isustainableboues mo andre t o l ilifestyles.ve mapenetrationrrkeestuilnt g too lrates fo r ain b etteBruneir health-cAsohne sacofthio ieutoday,rs an andd su tBellaryostai livnea b leEnterprise lifestyles. resisu l t considerably Given that t he high,inter netBellary Ms. Diana Han, Founderheathierhas an d 2 suAassociatingss otaif tnodaabyle, B brandslieflelasrtyy lunderes. its Ms. Diana Han, Founder Enterprisepenetratio ntakes rate inthis Bru nfindingei is to umbrella;Enterpris eBellary has 2 a sNaturesociatin (organicg Given that the internet Ms. Dia na Han, Founder As of today, Bellary deriveconsi deritsab lymarketing high, Bella rystrategy. Enterpriproducts)sber anhadss 2u na dsesandro ictsi a umtiReverienbgr ella; brandp enetration rate in Brunei is KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS Bellary Nature (organic products) DianaEnter pandrise taherkes thhusband,is finding toTed, KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTSbrands u(naturalnder its soap umb bar).rella; considerably high, Bellary and Reverie brand (natural soap exercisederive i tsdifferent marketi nonlineg strat echannelgy. KEY SUC C•ESS S Strongtrong ELEMEN aandnd ccollaborativeollaTborS ativeB ellary Nature (organic products) Enterprise takes this finding to bar). andDia nsociala and hmediaer husb toolsand T esuchd as SMEsSMEs llandscapeandscape and Reverie brand (natural soap deriveex eitrsc imse adrifkfeetrienngt osntrliante gychann. el Internalization knowledge weekly newsletter to email and • Strong and collaborative Dianana and sdoc hiaelr m heudisba atonodls T seudch as • O Onlinenline mmarketingarketing forfor thethbea r). random educational post on social SMEs la ndscape spilloverInternaliz andatio ncollaborative knowledge exercweisek dlyif nfeerwesnlett otenr ltion e mchailann andel bbetteretter rreacheach media sites to advertise the SMEsspillov landscapeer and collaborative and sranocdiaolm m eeddiucata tiooonalls spoucsht o ans social • Online m a••r kS Strategictertaitngegi fcor ppartnershipa trhtnee rship InternaSliMzaEtsi olann kdsncoawpele dge weeproductskmlye dineaw si stleonest tet o rdifferenta dtove ermtisae il t channels.hane d better reach In Brunei, enterprises are Customizable online advertisement PROFILE spillover aInnd Brun colelabi, enotrearptriiveses are randpormod eudctuscat on idionalffer eponts cthann on seolcs.i al • Strategic partnership closely connected to each other allows the company to be selective SMEs laclnodsselcy acponen ected to each other mediCau sisttoemizas to balde veonrlitnisee the regardless of industries they in terms of the target audience or PROFILE Bellary Enterprise was regardless of industries they are prodaudcvtesr ontisem dieffnetr aelnlotw cshann the els. PROFILE established in September 2013 by In Brunare eoperatingi, enterpr iin.se s Manyare business timecom pofan ythe to badvertisement,e selective in ter mands operating in. Many business Customizable online Dia Bellaryna Han ’s pasEnterprisesion in livi ng acl owassel y cownersonnect eusuallyd to ea cparticipateh other to the etc.of tSohe tthearg epossibilityt audience otor tim createe of a Bellary Enterprise was owners usually participate to the advertisement allows the hestablishedealthy, and cinhe micSeptemberal-free lif er.2013 e g a r dleexpositionss of indu stogether,tries they or ar etrainings, tailor-toproductthe advertiseme nt, anadvertisementd etc. So the established in September 2013 by exposition together, or trainings, company to be selective in terms nby 20 Diana10, sh eHan’s was diag passionnosed inwi tolivinghp era tinfocusgfo icnu.s Man ggroup,rouyp ,b anuandsdi no ethsotherse r bu sbusinessiness- isp olimitless,ssibility toin c rwhicheate a tait ilhelpsor-to- the Diana Han’s passion in living a of the target audience or time of Ra hhealthy,eumatoid and Art hchemical-freeritis which woa wslife. ne rs urelatedrseulaatlledy apcaactivitiestrivtictiiepsa tto eg ettogether.oth teher. S o So brandprodu cimprovet adverti seitsme neffectivenesst is limitless, healthy, and cthhee lmicife-taulr-nfrineeg polifein. t f o r her and the advertisement, and etc. So the In 2010, she was diagnosede xwithpos itiotheretnh etroe g aearerteh teirtimem, eo rw thwhenreani nbiun sgibusinessesnse, sses andin wreachabilityhich it helps ofthe advertisement brand n 2010, she whaesr diagfamilny.o Ssehde bwiegathn her possiimbiplirtoyve to i tcsr eefafetect aiv etanielsosr a-tnod- Rheumatoid Arthritis whichf owascus grosharesuhap,r ean ttheirhde ior tb huebusinesssri nbeusss iknne osswknow-how-how to a larger group of the customers. Rheumatoid tArretahtmrietinst wsoohinc ha fwtear,s b ut prodruecatc haadbverilittyi soef madevnetr tiis elmimenitlt etos sa, the life-turning point for herr eandlate d aandanctidv experienceietxiepse rtioegneceth ttoeor ffellow.e Sllow B Bruneianruneian the life-turnincogn povenintito fnalor mheerd iancald t reatments businesses. In addition, this could larger group of the customers. her family. She began her treatmentthere arebusinesses. time whe nIn b addition,usinesse sthis could in w hiInch additionit helps theto btheran daggressive her family. She began her soon after, but conventionalshare thbeeir bcontributedusiness kno wto-ho Darussalamw im pconventionalrove its effe ctonlineivenes s marketing,and treatment soon after, but medical treatments didn’t anworkd e xpeEnterprise’srience to fe strongllow B supportruneian to linkreaDianachabil alsoity o utilizesf adver anothertisemen effectivet to a conventional medical treatments as effectively as she expected,bu ssoin esses.all businesses In additio inn, Brunei this co together.uld largtooler g rocalledup o f tthehe cueducationbasedstomers. 35 Future of ASEAN

50 Success Stories 3735 Future of ASEAN /HEA/LHTEHA ANLTHD ANWELD LWNESSELLNESS/ / B R U NEBRIU DNEARI UDSSARAULSSAMA LAM /HEALTH AND WELLNESS/ BRUNEI DARUSSALAM In a d d Iitnio and dtoit tiheon atog gtrhees saigvger essive S trate Sgtirca pteagritcn eprasrhtnipe rfoshr ip for convenctoionnalven onltionaline onlmairnkee tminagr,k eting, futuref ugtruorwet ghr oppwthor otppunoitryt u n ity Diana Diaalson uta aliliszoe sut anilioztehse anr other CompaConym Dpaatan y Data marketing as a strategy to build CStrategic u r r e n Ctluyr, rpartnershipBeneltllayr, yB ellary for effectiveeff teocotilv cea tlloeodl tchaell eedd uthcate eiodnu-cation- customer’s trust and createEnt erpErinstee prparitnsee prsa rwtnitehr s with future growth opportunity CompanyCorporaCteo rNProfilepameorat:e B Neamellary: EBnetllearrpyr iEsne terprise based mbaasrekde tmiawarenessnagr kaest ain sg t raforast ea g stheyt rtao t ebrand.gy to TheSim porS imPhpaorrm Pah, ianr mwah,i cinh wit hisic ah it is a build cbuuistlodm ceu/rHs’tsEo tmAruLesrTt’ Hsan t rANdu sctDr ean aWtdeEL creLaNESSte / Currently, Bellary Enterprise BRU NEI DARUSSALAM difference of the education-basedBrun ei Brun’s pioeni’ese pr ioneer awarenaewarss feonr e t s h s e f Ibonr aan tdhddeit .ib oTrnhan teo d the. T ahgeg ressive partners Strateg icwith par tSimpornershi p Pharma,for Corporate Name: marketing is that the contentph ofa rmphaceaurmticaacle mutaicanulfa mcaturnuifangc turing E stablishE:s tSaebpltisehmb: Seerp 20temb13 er 2013 differedincfefe orfe ntcthehocene v advertisementeoednf uttihcoanalet eio donlnu-cibnaae tdoes ismoendar- notkbeatis nincludeegd, inf uwhichture g itro isw tah Brunei’sopportu pioneernity Bellary Enterprise plant. Tplhane ct.o Tmhpean coym isp aan foyr iesig an f oreign marketminagr kise ttDiaselling-basedihangnt iats hal tesha oc outt nti lhtmessages,iezeen sct o anonfot tehne buttr of rather pharmaceutical Currently , Belmanufacturinglary Company Data effective tool called the educationdi-rect idinvesrect minevesnt tinm feonrtm in o fo rm of educational contents such as, in plant.Ente rpTherise companypartners w isit ha foreign Establish:NumberN oumbf 2013Emperl oyef Empes: Lloeyess etsh:an Le 1ss0 than 10 the advtheret iasdevmbeaerstneidst emdmoaereksne ntt iodngto eas an sottr ategy to Corporate Name: Bellary Enterprise joint vdirectejSonimitnupt r orinvestmentvee bPnhetatuwerrmeae b,n ienin ta wew formhiecnh itaof i sjoint a includein secllulidenbgBellary uise-blldal seicnu dgsEnterpriset- ombmaeseesrs’dsa tgmreu case,set,s ansa dgingredient ecsre, ate CanadiaventureCBrunanan fierdiai m’s p,betweenn iao fi nloremecra ,l ap lraoi vcaCanadiantel p rivate but ratbhuetr rateduhafacts,warceart eieo dnnalhealingeuscsa fctoioro nt nalhtproperty,e nb crtanos ndt.e T nhandtes tips Number of Employees: equityfirm, efuphqnuia rdmta y ana localfucedun tad ica privateganrl omdua pan uogequityfarf ocltouurcpai nolfund gf loc al IEnsternatitablishI: nonSternatiepatle mbActivitieonr 20al1e A3s: ctiviti es: such as,u icnh B aesdilfor,l afifnr ethe yrBe Ene usageclnleat oerfry pt hEofrein sitsetede ucasrproducts.cparteios,ne -casba sManyed, Less than 10 companies have yet to master thisinves tandoipnrlsanves . aTt. htTgroupoehr eps .ca oTr mthnofpeean prlocalsayh riistpn a e investors.frosrehigipn ingredinengtr efacdimetsna,rt kh faceetainltgins ,i sgh tephaaroltin tpheger pctyoron, tpenetr tyof , direct investment in form of Export tExhropuogrth t ehCroummgh erCceomm erce marketing tool, but this is not the The partnership would support Number of Employees: Less than 10 the advertisement does not would wsujooinputpl vdoe rnsutt utphrepe ob cerotwe mthepenan cao ym pany International Activities: and tipans fdo rt itpheisn cf uloursagde the see l oluifnsag gits-be a seofd imtse ssages, the company with knowledge case for Bellary Enterprise. with knwCoanaiwthl ediakdngnoe fiw srlmhaed, ragi elno gscaha al nprrdiinv agte a nd Export of goods to foreign producptros. dManucbtusy.t cManratomhepry ane cdouiemcsa pthianoanalviee cso hnatevnet s sharing and other more robust Award: NAw/Aa rd: N/A other moetqorhuieetry r mfuobnoruds eant rgdor bao ugwrsotht ug pr ofw lothca l countriesInternational Activities: yet to myeats tteo rm stuhacishste amsr, a tihnrk iBsee tmlilnaargyr ktEoentotieln,r gp rtisoeo casl, e, growth opportunities for Bellary opportouinppnvesitoriteotsru sf.no Tirth iBee esp llafroatrny eB rsehllipa ry Export th rough eCommerce but thibs uist nthoitsi n tighsr een dcoiaetse ntth facfeo crtas B,se hee lfaloalinr ygB perollapreyrty , Enterprise.would support the company EnterpErinstee. rprise. Award: EnterpErinstee. rpanrisde t.i ps for the usage of its with knowledge sharing and Email: Email: products. Many companies have TheAwa companyrd: N/A has received local other more robust growth SupportSupp@[email protected] .com yet to master this marketing tool, opportunities for Bellary and international recognitions but this is not the case for Bellary Enterprise. Enterprise. Email: Email:

TSuppel.: o+r6t@7T be3el ll.8:a 6+ry26n 47at 63ure02 8.6c /o2 m8 4 96802 9 9/9 869 8 9996 [email protected]

Tel.: +67 3 862 4602 / 898 9996 Tel.:Website:W ebsite: +67www 3. 862bewwwlla 4602ryn.bea t/urell 898ar.ycno 9996amture .com Website:

Website:www.bellarynature.com www.bellarynature.comF acebooFka: cebook: wwwFaceb.oofacebkwww: oo.kfaceb.como/boke.lcloarmyn/baeturebnllaryn aturebn Facebook: www.faceb ook.com/bellarynaturebn www.facebook.com/

bellarynaturebnInstagraImns: t@agrbealmla:r y@nbaeturellar ynature Instagram: @bellarynature

Instagram: @bellarynature

Above (clockwise) – Bellary Nature’s four-formula facial masks; Velvet Therapy Antioxidant facial mask, Activated Charcoal Detox fAboveacial ma s(clockwise):k, Petal Perfect Be auty facial mask, and Sun Kiss Brightening facial mask / Bellary Nature’s two-formula facial elixir; Rose of Above (clocAkbwovisee()c l–oc BDkeallwaniry sDe roN) pa–st auBnredell ’Esa tryfhoeu rNear-alf toBurmeraeu’usty lfa oD ufroparc-ifsao /lrm Bmelluaalsaryk sf Ea; ncVtiearprllv meitsa eTs’shk sset;ar affV pywelivt Ahe tnpr Ttoiohduexricdatsapy /n Tt A hfean nctioeiawxll iymd ianantsrokt ,df aAucceitadiv ln amattaeudrsak Cl, hsAoacartpic vobatrles D dfrom eCtohx a rcoal Detox Bellary Nature’s four-formula facial masks; Velvet Therapy Antioxidant facial mask, Activated Charcoal facial mask,f aPceitaall mPearsfke,c RPte eBvteeariale uP bteyrra fneadcc t i aBle mauatsyk ,f acnida lS muna sKki,s as nBdr iSguhnte Kniisnsg B fraicgihatle mniansgk f/a Bciealll amrya sNk a/t uBreell’sa rytwo N-afoturmreu’sl atwo fac-ifaolrm eliuxir;la f aRcoiasel eolfi xir; Rose of Dawn DropDs anwdn E DthroepreasDetox al nBde aE ufacialthtye rDearop mask,l Bse a/ uB tPetaleyll Daryrop Perfect Esn /t eBrpre llBeautyaisrye’s E snt atfacialeffrpr wiit shmask,e ’prs sotadu ffandc wtsi t/Sunh T prhe oKiss nduewc tBrighteninglsy / i nTthroe dnuewceldy facial ninattrour dmaskaul c seoda /np aBellary btuaras lf rom s oap bars from Reverie braRnde v erie branNature’sd two-formula facial elixir; Rose of Dawn Drops and Ethereal Beauty Drops / Bellary Enterprise’s staff with products / The newly introduced natural soap bars from Reverie brand

36 Future38 of ASEAN 50 Success Stories


aa aa GanGaGandangdanndang Kga Kalikasan lKikasaalikasan In nInc.c I.n c. A fast growing and trail-blazing Filipino social A fasAtenterprise growingfast growing whoand made traandil - traitbl bigaizingl- blin aa zingF globalilip iFnoili stage psocialino social enterenterprisep wrishoe wmhoad em iat dbige i ti nbig a ginlo ab agll ostbage.al st age.

It s Its Huma Human Its Human Nat Natureunr eNat b brandranured bbecamerand SSolidolid S ddeterminationoelteidr dmeitenartmioin a ttotoi o n to

becamthebee tcamfirsthe f ieSoutheastr stht eS ofiurtsht eSAsianaosut tAh sebrandiaanst As toian iimprovemproimvep trthehoeve llifei fteh eoof fl i tthefhee o f the brand to ever carry the US Natural Filipinos brandever to ebearver cthearr USy th Naturale US Na Productstural FFilipinosilipinos ProdAssociationuPrctso Adusscotsc i Aats(NPA)isoonc i(Na tiPAoNaturaln) (N PA )Seal A s m e Antsio mneendt ioeanrleide re arlier NatuonralN aSeitstuar lal.products. T Sehea lc.o Tmh peThea cnoym alpcompanysaon y also r egarAs dmentionedriengarg thdein tgh r tearliereehe ctohrre eeregarding core receivalsoerse ceiv nreceivesumese rnoumu snumerous leorcaouls an lodca locall an dand ptherin cthreeiplreisn, c CicorepKIle sint , Cprinciples,eKIrna inttioenallrna tGKIyi onall y interninternationaliantioternnala trioecnalo recognitions.gnit recioongnits. io ns. hinternationallyires pheiorepsle p freo ophiresmle t frh eopeople mlo wth-skie lfromollwed-ski, lled, mthear ginmlow-skilled,aalizedrgin asleizedct or s.marginalizede Tcthoirss i.s T nhoist i s not LocalPhilippine-madeLlyo-cmalaldye-m parodde upcr tproductsosd oufc ts of bsectors.ecausebe tcauseThishe c o isstht eonot fc ho sirbecauseti nofg hisir li onthewg ,i s low, uncoofmu nuncompromisingpcroommpisinromg iqsinuagli tqy uquality ality bcostut b ofebcause uhiringt be ocause nise olow,f o itns ebut m ofi sitbecausessio mn iisss i on is tparto pr oofvtoi de itspr domissionignifivide deignifid isw otorekd ,provide wfaoirr k, f air T o G K TI,o it G iKs Iim, itp iosr timanpto tort ant to To GKI, it is important to ldignifiediving lwagivi nwork,egs ,wag an dfaire so,pp alivingnord tounitipp wages,oretsuniti to es to formulfaoterm anuldate m andufac mantuufacre ture formulate and manufacture devande lopportunitiesodevp forel othpo fseor wt htohoo se developn ewehdo t hn eemtod them producptrso odnlucyt sin o nlPhyil iinpp Pihnileispp ines products only in the Philippines tthosehe m otwhohste. Im tsneedo estn. dI tgthemso ealn dis gthe tooal h most.eisl pto help becausebe icauset wan tits wato nhtesl pto c rheealtep car eate a because it wants to help create a tItshe seend fath goalmeseili efaiss mtoriilise helpe osu r tifamilies seof opuotver o risef tpyo verty movemmeonvemt fore enxt ceforll eenxce,cel lwenoce,rld -world- movement for excellent and world- anoutd hofaan vepovertyd b heattvee rand bsetant tenjoyedar srdtan aoda fbetter lirdvi nogf . l iving. class, Pclhailissp, pPihnilie-pmpaindee- pmroadedu cptros. ducts. class Philippine-made products. standard of living. In a d d Initi oand,d tihtieo nco, mthpean coym pany E a c h o Ef aitcsh p orfo itdsu cptrso idsu ncetsa tlisy neatly also agalgrsoes asgivegrleys siuvepplyo rstuipnpg orting Mrs. Anna Meloto-Wilk, form ulfaoEachtedrmul f raofotedm its t fh reproductso mco mthpean c oisy’sm p neatlyany’s In addition, the company is also M rs. AnMnrsa. MAnenloato M-Wieloltok,- Wilk, young,young, budding bu dsodingcial social President own formulatedceorwntifi ecedr stci fiiefromendt issct isethe annti ds tcompany’sms anded made aggressively supporting young, PresidPenrets ident entrepernetnreeuprrse nbyeu mrse nbtyo mrineng ttohreinmg them with owncewirtt ihficertified ecder tteifiste edscientistsd tiensgtreeddie i nandgnrets die.made nts . budding social entrepreneurs by in scaliinn gs cualpi nthge uirp b tuhseiinre bsusesisn esses KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTSM orewithoMveror ,certified eeoaverch ,s ue apptestedchli seur ppf oingredients.rl itehre f or the mentoring them in scaling up KEY SUKEYCCESS SUCCESS ELEMEN ELEMENTSTS based bonased the on pr ethmisee pr ethmiseat sca thlaint gs caling compMoreover,ancoym isp anreqy ui eachisr reedq touisupplier rperde seton ptforr aense thent antheir businesses based on the • Sustainable business model resultsr einsu glrtse ainter g rseoacterial simocpialac tims. pacts. • Sustainable business modelo fficicompanyalo fficecrtialifi cat ceisr itoirequiredfnicat thaiot nth tehto a t presentthe premise that scaling up results in • Su stainable business model By doiBnyg dsoo,i nHgum so,a Hn umNataunr eNa sttorurees stores t hathatt inv involvesolves aallll relevantrelevant ingreandiein gnofficialrte idies on etcertification ihsun onder hedun pd erthatecedn p te therce nt greater social impacts. By doing that involves all relevant are noat roenl nyo t hoenl sye llthineg s cehllanning cehl oannf el of parties in the production naturingredientalna atnurd ala da noiscud 100%am deoncu tanaturalmtioen ta tandion a so, Human Nature stores act not partieps airnt itehse i npro thdeu proctiondu ction its ownit sp roowndu cptros, dbuuctt as,l sbou fto arl so for chain descrformalibdescing rh ibdocumentationoiwn gth heo iwn gtrheedie in describinggnrte idies nt is only as the selling channel for its chain chain fifteenfif otheeenr sootchiealr seoncteialrp ernisete rprise • Remain true to its principles proceshowpsreod theces. T hsingrediented c.o Tmhpean c oisym processed.epvaanluaty evaes luatesown products, but also for fifteen • • Remain true to its principles brandsb rlikaned Hs ulikmea Hn uNatmaunr eNat. ure. Re main true to its principles each inegarcehdie ingnrte adiegainnts at gaimannsyt many other social enterprise brands like inThetern acompanytional n atevaluatesural stan dareachds Human Nature. The company envision a PROFILEPRO FILE international natural standards The company envision a PROFILE includingingredientincluding the Na tagainstthuer alNa Pt ruorthedalu cPtrstrictestso ducts world-wcloarslsd -oclpaersas toiopne raantido ngl aonbdal global T h e fast Th ger fastowing gr oswingocial social AssocinternationaliAatsiosonc iaantiod nE standards uarnodp Ee’us rEcoo forpe-’ snatural Eco- p reThesenp cecompanyre fseorn icets fHumaenvisionsor its Human N aa world-tunr eN ature enterperniseter GpTheanriseda Gnanfastg Kada lnikggrowinga Kasanli kasa nsocial Ce rt.products Cert. including the Natural bclassrand operation bthranat db rtihn andagts b f rglobaloicnugss tf opresenceo ctuhse to t he Inc. (GInc.KIenterprise) (wGaKs If)o wuna Gandangdeds fou inded 2 00Kalikasan i8n 2008 Inc. Products Association and Europe’s qforua litsityq Humanuaanldit iyn ange Naturend uiintgey onbrandfui otnye o- fthat on e- A p a r t Afrpoamrt t fhreo mstr tihcte strict by theb iny st(GKI)phier eind s wastpriroe foundedAnd trniao MeAn innlo a2008to Me- l obyto the- Eco-Cert. hbringsundrhe dunfocus pderece dton p te thePrcehil niqualitypt pPihnilei-p mpandaindee - made selectiseonle ocft iroanw o ifn rgarwedi inegnrtesdi, GeKInts , GKI Wilk, CWilamiinspiredk,ll Cea Memi lllotrioet oMe, aAnnalnodto Dy, aMeloto-Wilk,lnand Dylan naingenuityturalna ptr urodofalu cpt100%rso tdhuac tt psPhilippine- rtohmato ptero mote also utilizalsoe utilizs lateesst tleactehsnto tleocgyhn ionl ogy in Wilk. TWilheCamillek c.o Tmhpean cMeloto,oym isp ana ty randa iils -a tDylanrail- Wilk. Apart from the strict selection lmadeove fo lro vetnaturalhe f oPrh tilih ep pPproductsihniliesp, ploinve es fthat,o lro ve for green gchreeemin scthreymi ansdtr nay antudral na tural blazingb lageThezingnuin gcompanyeelnyuin nateurly a nalis tura altrailblazing of raw ingredients, GKI also tpromotehe potohre , loveanpodo rlfor,o anve the dfo lro Philippines,ve for manufacmatnuufacringt iunr intsg p inro idtsu cptriodnu tcot ion to consumcoenrgenuinelys guomoedrs gco naturalomdpsan coym consumerdpraniveyn d ri vgoodsen utilizes the latest technology elovenviro forenn mtheviroen poor,t.n men andt. love for the ensuree nthseur ceo nthseis cteonncysis otef nthcye of the by threeby ctcompanyohrreee p rcionr cei drivenpplreisn coif p Prolbyes -othreef Pro - core in green chemistry and natural environment. qualityq uaof lititsy H oaf mitsa Hn aNamtaunr eNa ture PhilippPihniliprinciplesesp, pPirnoe-sP, o Poforr oPro-Philippines,,- aPnodo rPro, an-d Pro- Pro- manufacturing in its production to producptrso. d u c t s . EnviroEnnmvPoor,iernotn. m anden tPro-Environment.. ensure the consistency of quality of its Human Nature products.

37 37 Future oFuturef A50SEA SuccessoNf A SEAN Stories 39 /HE/healthALTH AND and W wellnessELLNESS/ / PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINES



Company Profile

Company Profile

CoCompmanpya nPyr oPfriloef i le /HEALTH AND WELLNESS/ CorpoPrHateILI NamePPI: NGESanda ng Kalikasan Company ProfIinlec . CCorporateorCpoorrpaotera Nteame N Name:ame: Ganda: Ganda ng Knagl ikaKaslikaan san InCcoI.nr pco. r ate Name: Gandang Kalikasan Gandang Kalikasan Inc. Inc.

Co mpany ProfEilset a blish: 2008 EEstablished:stEasbtlaisbhli:s 2008h: 2008 2008 CEostrapbolrisahte: 2008Name : Gandang Kalikasan

Inc. NNumberumber of Emp of Employees:loNyeumbes: Meorr oe ft hEmp an 100lo yees: More than 100 Number of Employees: More than 100 MoreNumb ethanr of Emp 400loyees: More than 100 Es tablish: 2008 In ternational Activities: International Activities: International In Activities:ternational Activities: ExInpternatiort of gonooadl A ctivities: ExportNExumbpoerr tof ooff goods Empgoodlo yetoe sforeign: More than 100 Above: Anna’s husband and the co-founder Dylan Wilk Export of good Export of good Above: Anna’s husband and the co-founder Dylan Wilk Above:Above: AAnna’snna’s hu shusband,band and th GKIe co- fco-founderounder Dylan Wandilk CEO Dylan Wilk countries AbovRei:g hAtn: nAann’sa h’s usissbtearn adnd a tnhde ctoh-efo cuon-dfeor,u Cnadmeirll eD Myelalonto W ilk Right: Anna’s sister, GKI co-founder and Creative Director Award: Right: Anna’s sister and the co-founder, Camille Meloto InAternatiward:on al Activities: CamilleRight: A Melotonna’s sister and the co-founder, Camille Meloto Award: Righ t: Anna’s sister and the co-founder, Camille Meloto 2016 World Pioneer in Sustainable Awards:Export20 of1 g6o Wodo rAldw Piaord:ne e r in Sustainable B20eaut16y W awaorlrdd Piedo byne etrh ien O Srugastnaicin able • 2017B eSMEauty awaCompanyrded by of th ethe Or ganic Above: Anna’s husband and the co-founder Dylan Wilk MBoenautitoyr awain Prad reisd, Fby20rance t1h6e O Wrgaornlicd Pioneer in Sustainable UMSM oNnoaitntouritro airnl P iPnra oPrduiasr,c iFsts,r anceFArsanceso cia tion Right: Anna’s sister and the co-founder, Camille Meloto Year at Asia CEOB Awardseauty awarded by the Organic A w aSrUed:aSUl , NS 20 aNt1ura6t ural aPlr Poduroductsc Atss sAosciasociationti on • 2016Se Worldal, 201 6Pioneer Mo ninit or in Paris, France Cru20Seae1l6l,ty 20W-for1eer6l d re Picongeneitri oinn ,S tuhset aPineoabpllee Cruelty-free reUcoSgn Nitiaotnur, tahle PPreooduplec ts Association SustainablefoCruBre tautheelty yEt -awafhricaee rBeauty dlre eTcdroe bygant mit tawardedhieoenn Ot, ortgahf eAn nPic imae oples by(PEfM oOrganicfrooTA ntrhit te)oh, Etre20 iEthn 1Monitorica 1Ph aicalr Tislr, S eTFaerrteaance mainlt,em n20Paris, te no1ft6 Ao fn Aimanimals ls (PE(PETATA), 20), 2011 11 FranceUS Natural P roduCructs Aelstyso-ciafrteeion re cognition, the People Seal, 2016 for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Emai• USlCru: Naturaluseal@tyh-fumaree Products renhcoeagrntnatuiti on,r eth.ceo Pme ople Email: usa@human(PEhearTAtnatu), 20re.1co1m EmaiAssociationfol:r u tshae@ Ethhumaica accreditationln Threeaarttnatumentr oe forf. cAonm ima ls (PETA), 201 1 Above: GKI employee producing Human Nature product T el most.: Plea sofe iitsndica products,te 2016 AbAobveo:v Ge:K GI KemI epmlopyloeey eepr pordoudcuincign Hg Humumana nN Natauturer ep prorodduucct t Right: Human Nature booth at a product showcasing event in Singapore • T eT 2012 l e.:l .P: lPe aGloballesaes ien dicain EmaidicaSocialte te l: [email protected] Right: Human Nature booth at a product showcasing event in Singapore R i ght: Human Nature booth at a product showcasing event in Singapore EmaiEntrepreneurl: usa@huma awardednheartnatu byre .thecom W e b s ite: Above: GKI employee producing Human Nature products W Schwabebsite: Foundation at the AbovRight:e: GKI eHumanmployee Nature produ cboothing H uatm anan eventNatur ine p Singaporeroduct wwwWe.hbumasite:n heartnature.com Above: GKI employee producing Human Nature product TeWorldl.: Plea sEconomice indicaTetel. : ForumPlease indicate wwwwww.h.umahumanhnehaertnatuartnature.rceo.mco m Right: Human Nature booth at a product showcasing event in Singapore Right: Human Nature booth at a product showcasing event in Singapore • 2011 Social Entrepreneur of F ac ebook: the Year awarded by Ernst & WFaecbesbite:ook : Website: Left: Human Nature’s famous Mineral Make up wwwFYounga.cfacebeboooko: k .com/humanheartnature Left: Human Nature’s famous Mineral Make up www.hfacebumaonohke.acortnatum/humanhre.come artnature RLiegfth:t :H Huummaann N Naattuurree’’ss ffaamous BMoidnye rSaclr Muba ke up www.facebookwww.com/humanh.humanheaeratnaturtnature re.com Right: Human Nature’s famous Body Scrub Left:Righ Humant: Huma nNature’s Nature’s f100%amous BNaturalody Scru Mineralb Make up TEmail:w itter: @Human NaturePhil FTawcitetbeoor: k@: H umanNaturePhil customer.service@Twitter: @HumanNaturePhil Right:Left: HHumanuman Na Nature’sture’s famo u100%s Mine Naturalral Make u Bodyp Scrub Facebook: humanheartnature.comwww .facebook.com/humanheartnature

Right: Human Nature’s famous Body Scrub Left: Human Nature’s famous Mineral Make up www.facebook.com/humanheartnature

Twitter: @HumanNaturePhil Right: Human Nature’s famous Body Scrub Tel.: +63 2 784 7788

Twitter: @HumanNaturePhil Website:


Facebook: www.facebook.com/ humanheartnature

Twitter: @HumanNaturePhil 38 Future of ASEAN 38

Future of ASEAN 38 Future of ASEAN

40 50 Success Stories38 Future of ASEAN


aa Skin Inc. An emerging Singaporean company who revolutionizes the world’s traditional beauty industry.

With her career background Skin Inc. is an omni-channel /HEALTH ANDin th WELLNESS/e IT industry, Sabrina Tan brand, whose prodSINGAPOREucts are /HEALTH ANDdisru WpELts LthNESSe bea/ u ty industry by distributed through saSIleNGs APOoutlRetEs

/HEALTH AND WELLNESS/ SINGAPORE turning her technology experience as well as online.

aa Skin Inc.in product development and aa Under both channels, Skin Skin Inmacr.k eting. Today, Skin Inc. is Skin Inc. Inc. owns a proprietary algorithm AnA nemerging emergingpr eSingaporeanse Singnt ainp orean100 company c ictoiemsp wani whotyh wo hovrevolutionizese rre 3v5ol0u tioni zethes the called “My Skin Identity”, which is world’sAworldn emerging ’traditionals tradioutlt eSiotingnals abeautyac beaprooreanssu t industryAy sind ciaom,us tphtanrye U.y Sw ahond re tvhole utionizes the world’s traditional beauty industry. based on decade of skin aging Europe. research. It enables individual customers to decode their unique Investment in Technology for skin id e n t Sitkine sIn, cc. oisn anc oomnict a-c hsannerumel in product With he r cardevelopmenteer backgro undand Under both channels, Skin Inc. Digital Marketini n g t h ae Wi ITnt dhin hdeurs tcarry,e Searb brainack gTraonund b r an d ,S wkihno Isen cp. riso danuc omnits are- channel marketing to disrupt the beautycoc ktaiownsl w ha icproprietaryh is uniq ualgorithme to the m diins rthuep tITs t hined buesatury,ty Sinabdruisnatry T bayn dibsrtanribdu, twedh otsehr opurgohd usactles sa oreu tlets Product Develoindustry.pmen t Today, Skin Inc. anisd tcalledake c“Myont rSkinol oIdentity”,f their skiwhichncar e tdiursnruinpgt sh tehr et ebcehanuotlyo igynd euxsptreyr ibeny ce adis wsterllib aust eodnl tihnreo. ugh sales outlets presentin prod uinc t100 deve citieslopm withent an overd 350 is based on decade of skin aging Skin Inc. wast urbonirnng hdiger teitachnl.o l ogy experiernecegime ans .wU enllder as boonlthin ceh. annels, Skin outletsmina prkroe tdiacrossuncgt. Tdeove daAsia,lyo,p Smk iethenn It n ancUS.d is and research. It enables individual Inc. oUwnsnder a bporothp rciheanntarye allsg, oSkritinh m Former IT marketerEurope.pmrea serSknaetb iinnrg i1.na 00To da cTityiae, snS wk iinth I nocv.e isr 3 “50T hicustomerss is a ne wto decodeway w theirher eunique you can caInc.lled o “wnsMy Sa kpirno Idpreniettaityry” al, wghoricithh ims opurtelseetsn ta cinro 1ss00 A csiitai,e tsh we iUthS o avnedr t3h5e0 skin identities, concoct a serum says, “We pride ourselves as game create byoucaasedlled ron “oM dwnye cadSk isnee oIdrf umenskitnity aw”ging,i wth iochu its Euourtoleptes .a cross Asia, the US and the cocktail which is unique to them changer and disruInvestmentpt the bea uint ytechnology o wninrgbe seaaseda lrac honb. ” Itd, e saecadnaybesl eo sSf indskiabnirv aidnagingual Tan. for Eu rdigitalope. marketing and andcu staketom econtrolrs to de cofode their the iskincarer unique scene by scaling customization research. It enables individual I nvestment in Technology f“oMr y Sregimen.kskiciunns tidoIdmenenetrist itteoisty ,d ceo”cn occdeoac nt ha er siere mruumnoiq teuel y productDigital M developmentarketing and leveraging on techInnoveslogtmy eannt din Technology diagfor nocskiseockn taiski idle wnht iictciohes ni,s c cerunioncqnoucset taao s ctehcreumumr a tely PDriogdituacl tM Daervkeelotipnmg eantd an“Thisd ta kise cao nnewtrol owayf th ewhereir skin caryoue amplify that concep Skint vi a Inc.the was born digital. cocktail which is unique to them Product Development and allcanroe gimecreatew cnu .your sto mowner serums to f withoutind Former Sk iITn I nmarketerc. was bo rSabrinan digita l.Tan and take control of their skincare Ms. Sabrina Tan, Founde r digital economy. Digital has no persoowningnalized a lab”, ski nsayscar Sabrinae exp eTan.rt a nd says,F o r m “We eSrk ITin pride Imnac.r kw ourselveseaters b Soarbnr digi naasi taTgameal.n “rTehgimeis isn a. new way where you can boundaries. You casayns , r“Weeac phri dea ourselves as game “My Skin Identity” can remotely changersFormer ITand ma rdisruptketer S athebri nabeauty Tpanr o duc rt“eTsah teinis you i sa a rf neeownww waclseriyumc wkh swe riwieth yootuhut icann changer and disrupt the beauty diagnose skin concerns accurately target audience allsa aycsr, o“Wess ptrhidee ourselves as game ocwnireanteg youa larb ”o,wn say sse Srumabr iwnait hToaunt. KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS scenescene bbyy s cscalingaling cu scustomization,tomization mi nutes. This is a true strength changer and disrupt the beauty and“oM wniy allowSnkign a Id laencustomersb”t,i tysa”y sc aSna brertomina ote Tfindlayn . globe. Therefore,leveraging lweeveragi invnge sont ttechnologyechnology a nd and scene by scaling customizationw hichpersonalized diagd“Mifferyn oSsekien skin Id tskincarenien acottesintycer” cS naexpertksn a irncecm uIr onaandtetecl.lyy Ms. Sabrina Tan, amplifyingamplify th atthis con cepconceptt via t hevia the • Founderimmensely in digitaleveragil manrgk oent itnecghn”o. logy and productsandiagd allno sewin cski uas ntofew cmoen rcersclicks ton sf ian cdwithinc urate ly Investment in technology Ms. Sabrina Tan, Founder digitaldigital eeconomy.conomy. DDigitaligital h ahass no f noro m many other brands in the amplify that concept via the minutes.panersdo allnal oThisizedw cu skisisto nmacar etrueres etox pstrengthfienrdt and boundaries.boundaries. YYouou cacann r eareachch a anytra ditional cosmetic industry. for digital marketing an d Ms. Sabrina Ta n , FAodunvadenr ced tecdihgintalo leocogyno misy .a Dlsigiot al has no whichppreord suocnaldifferentiatests inized a f skiew nclcari ckesSkin ewixpthe rintInc. and targettarget audienceaudience allaround acros sthe th eglobe. KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS boundaries. You can reach a “One-smiizenu-tefis.t s T-hmis eis” a ptrhueil sotrseongpthh y is product development KEY SUCCESSappl ELEMENTSied in their prgloodbue.c tT herefore, we invest frompr omanyducts inother a few brands clicks wi inth ithen Therefore,target aud weien ceinvest all a cimmenselyross the in which differentiates Skin Inc. K•E InvestmentY SUCCESS in technology ELEMENTS immensely in digital marketingt”r. ulytraditional bomirnderutesl .cosmetice Tshsi sa ins da industry t rau eg satrme. neg th • Customized products to • Investmendevt in etelcohpnmologyen t. Thedigitalyglo ubsee .marketing.” Tah peraefteoren, tedwe in vest frwohmic mh adniffery otehnetri abtesran Sdksi nin I tnhce. traditional cosmetic industry. • Invefforor ddigitalsigitaltmen Jmarketingmta ianpr kantectihengnse oand la ogyennd capsulaimmt i o e Andse valyn icedn dig teictahln molaorgyke itsi nagcls”ho. anger.fro m many other brands in the respond to personal need s “One-size-fits-me” philosophy is proproductduct ddevelopmentevelopment appAdvancedlied in th eir ptechnologyroduct is traditional cosmetic industry. for digitaltec marhknetoinglo gy, and w here the Askdvainncarced ete chnology is a lso of customers • Customized products to alsodev eloappliedpment. Tinhe y theiruse a paproducttented tr“ulOny eb-osrizeder-filets-sm ane”d pah gilaomsoep hy is • pro Customizedduct deve productslopmen tto applied in their product respond toi npgersoredienal netesd sa re prdevelopment.oJatecpanteesed e nfrca opmsuThey lathtioe n use a cthranulyger. bo rderless and a game • Crespondustomize tod personal produc tneedss to development. They use a patented PROFILE of customers patentedtechnolo gy,Japanese where t hencapsulatione skincare changer. rofes customerspond toe npevrsoironnalm neeendst enabJlianpang eseli miencanapsutiolatnio n technology,itecngrhendieolongy,ts a wwherereh pereo tec ththeet esdk ifrnskincareocarme t he PROofFILE custo mersxp osure to light and oxidation. Founded by Sabrina Tan in ingredientseinvgiroredienmnetn sare ta erena protected pbrlointecg teelidmi from frnaomt io thethne exposure to light and oxidation. 2008 by her personal experienP PROFILE ceRO FFILEound ed Tbyh Siasb reinas Tuarne ins the senvironment,teanbviroilitnmy eonft eliminating etnaheb ling el iexposuremination 2008 by her personal experience This ensures the stability of the Founded by Sabrina Tan in toe xlightposu andre t ooxidation. light and Thisoxidati ensureson . and problems with eczema, Skanind problems iwintgrh eeczdieeman, Stski na nd pointegrnediecyn otsf a nthd epo tency of the 200 Founded8 by her bype rSabrinasonal ex Tanper iinen 2008ce theTh istabilitys ensure ofs t hthee s tingredientsability of th ande Inc. is a fast grfoowingrm culosamteioticn . formulation. Inc. is a fast growing cosmetican byd pherrob lpersonalems with eexperienceczema, Ski nand potencyingredie ofn tthes an formulation.d potency of the brand that offers customized form ulation. brand that offers customized Inc.problems is a fa switht gro eczema,wing cos Skinmeti cInc. is products with the co ncept of ‘May Customized Service to bar anfastd tgrowinghat offe rcosmetics custom izedbrand that Customized service to products with the concept of ‘MDaaily Dose’ to meet personal Respond to Personal Needs poffersroduc tcustomizeds with Custthe co nproductsocempt oifz ‘Me withday S erCustviceo mtoiz ed Service to needs of customers. respondof Custom toe rspersonal needs Daily Dose’ to meet personal Dtheail yconcept Dose’ t oof m ‘Myeet p Dailyersonal Dose’ to Respond to PersofRo ecustomersnspoaln dNe to ePedsrso nal Needs needs of customers. nmeeteeds personalof custom needsers. of customers. of Customers of Customers Skin Inc. is an omni-channel With her career background brand, whose products are 43 in the IT industry, Sabrina Tan Future of ASEAN distributed through sales outlets harnessed the use of technology 43 Future of ASEAN as well as online. 43 Future of ASEAN 50 Success Stories 41 /HEALTH AND WELLNESS/ SINGAPORE



Below: Below – SkinSkin IInc.’snc.’s s tstoreore co conceptncept wit hwith clea nclean whit ewhite furnit ufurniturere contras contrastedted with colo withrful bo colorfulttles / S kbottlesin Inc.’ s/ s Skinignatu Inc.’sre pro dsignatureuct ‘My Corporate Name: Skin Inc. Daily Doseproduct Custom ‘MyBlen dDailyed Se rDoseum C oCustomcktail’ / ‘BlendedBENTO & Serum Sachet PCocktail’ack / ‘BENTO & Sachet Pack Company Profile

Below – Skin Inc.’s store concept with clean white furniture contrasted with colorful bottles / Skin Inc.’s signature product ‘My Established:Corporate N ame2008: Skin Inc. Daily Dose Custom Blended Serum Cocktail’ / ‘BENTO & Sachet Pack Company Profile

NumberCorporate N ofame Employees:: Skin Inc. Establish: 2008 51 - 100 Est ablish: 2008 International Number of Emp Activities:loyees: 51 - 100 •N Havingumb er of foreignEmploye affiliateses: 51 - 10 0or branches International Activities: • Having consignees for International Activities: production• Havin ing f foreignoreign a ffiliates or • branches countriesHaving foreign affiliates or • branchesHavin g consignees for production • • Export Haviin nof gfo cgoodsroenigsign n ctoeeou sforeign nfotries pro duction countries• in foExrepigonr tc oofu ngtoriesod s to foreign • Expcoorut noft rgiesood s to foreign countries Awards:

Winner of more than 100 beauty AwAarwd:a r d: awards including: WiWinnenrne of rm oofr me tohrane t1h00an b 1e00aut yb eawaautryd sawa rds •i n Ellecilnudicl udinBeautyg: n g: IT List 2017 • Harper’s Bazar SPA Award • • ElleE Blleeaut Beyaut IT Ly iIsTt 2017 List 2017 • 2017• HarHaper’rper’s Bazsa Bar SPzaAr AwSPaAr dAw 20a1r7d 2017 • • Her • H WorlderH Weor rWl dSPA oSPrldA Award SPAwAar Ad w201720a1r7d 2017 •8 • Style •8 Sty BeautylStye Bleeaut B eyBestaut Besy tBuy BBuyes t 2016,20 Buy16, 20e tc.1 6, etc.

etc. Email: Email: Email:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tel .: - Website: Tel.: - www.iloveskininc.com We bsite: wwwW.eilobsvite:eski ninc.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/skininc www.iloveskininc.com Fac ebook: www.facebook.com/skininc Facebook:


44 Future of ASEAN 42 50 Success Stories



LOL CODCodingate INGATE Co., Ltd. aa A highC-enODergIyNG techAnologTEy company who challenging Aaa high-energy technology start-up that is pushing the convconventionalA highenti-onalener g ttechnologicalyechnolog technologicay lcoboundaries bounmpandyar wyho andan chald definitely isl enging a the conventional technological boundary and is definicompanytely a com to plookany out to lforoo k out for, definitely a company to look out for,

development, consultancy, and in information technology related development,development, cotechnologynsultancy, anproductd inotn in onlyform ahavetion ttechnicalechnology knowledge related digital marketing. And it has been field, but also who have passion in development,digital marketi ngconsultancy,. And it has b eenand fiinel d,an bu t ainformationlso who have patechnologyssion in serviced more than seventy technological transformation as digitalserviced marketing.more than s evAndenty it has tecrelatedhnolo field,gical tbutran salsoform haveation passion as companies and over 160 projects well. This reflects onto its servicedcompani emores and othanver 1 6700 pcompaniesrojects weforl l.technological This reflects o ntransformation.to its acroascsr oaslls baull sbiunseisnse sses csetoctrosr bs obtohth purpoosefuseful lc ocorproproartea temi missiossnio, n, and delivered more than 160 This is reflected by its purposeful localolyca anllyd an indtern internatioatnallionally.y . whiicchh iiss to to i ninspsiprier aen adn tdra tirna in projects across all business sectors, corporate mission, which is to In 20 In1 206, 1So6, pSohpehaekamkmonoknoklo lwas was young tatalelenntedted le leaderaders tso tdoe vedelovepl op both locally and internationally. inspire and train young talented awaradwaredd wedit hw itthe t hCea Cmabmobdiaodiann and uussee t teecchhnnoloolgyogy to tcor ecarteea ttehe t he leaders to develop and use YounYgou Enngt Erenptrreepnreuneru Srm Smaratr t posiittiiveve im imppacatc ot no never everydayyday Technology Award 2016 and was people life and daily business’ Tech noInlo gy2016, Awar Sopheakmonkold 2016 and was was ptechnologyeople life antod daicreately b usai npositiveess’ also listed on Forbes 30 under 30 operation.” alsoawarded listed on Fwithorb es the30 undCambodianer 30 oimpactperati oonn. ”everyday people’s lives Asia 2017 in Tech Enterprise Young Entrepreneur Smart and daily business operations.” Asiacat 20e1g7o riy.n T e c h Enterprise Technology Award 2016, and was Spreading technology cate gory. Spreading technology also listed in Forbes 30 under 30 aSpreadingwareness technology An inspiration to develop awareness Asia 2017 in the Tech Enterprise In today world, it is An lioncalspira talentstion to develop awareness category. im p o Inssi tboleda toy i gnwoorrled t,h ite ifacts that local talents Having had graduated from a imtec phInno ostoday’ssloibgyle h tao sworld, ibgnecomr eit’se t ah emimpossible factajor that university in Czech Republic in influence in our life. It wakes up An Ha inspirationving had grad uato tdeveloped from a tecto hignorenology the ha facts be cthatome technology a major univInfoersirtym aintio Czn eMcanah Regepmuebnlitc, in innefluxt teon uces eiveryn our m lorifen.i nIgt wanadk es up MrMr.. So Sopheakmonkolpheakmonkol So kSok,, CEO localSophe atalentkmonkol could not realize shastays lbecomeate until tha e lmajorast mi nuinfluencete Information Management, next to us every morning and Chief Executive Officer the benefits of technology bine foourre we life. go tIto slwakeseep. T husat iups w heveryy Sopheakmonkol could not realize stays late until the last minute Mr. S opheakmonkol Sok, CEO tranHavingsforma tion mgraduatedore. He ha s in Smorningopheakm oandnko lstays belie veswith th aust it iuntils “Leverage information the benefits of technology before we go to sleep. That is why technology thorough collectives Informationalways been p Managementassionate to from a ctheruc ilastal for minute everyon ebefore in Cam webo diago to transformation more. He has Sopheakmonkol believes that it is “Leverag KEYgeen iiun SUCCESSfsor –m enlatigiohnte nELEMENTSs its universityempower y oinung the ta leCzechnted Republic, esleep.speciall That’sy the ywhyouth Sopheakmonkolto have some Cambodians through guidance sense of awareness to this ever- techno lodygyn atmismhorou anghd citosll setactritvueps s pirit” alwaSopheakmonkolys been passiona couldn’tte to be more cbelievesrucial f or thatever yoit’sne incrucial Camb odiafor • Skilled local talent and the and direction. Condingate’s very changing innovation. genius –– eCnlodingighteatens its empower young talented especially the youth to have some awarefirst pr ofoj ethect, Sbenefitskill Exc hofa ntechnology.ge everyone in Cambodia, especially company inspiration toward Cambodians through guidance se n se A so fto a raiswaree tnhees aswa tor tehniesss e,ver - dynamism and its startup spirit” He’sLapt oalwaysp, recr ubeenited ypassionateoung stude naboutts the youth, to have some sense of human capital enhancement and direction. Condingate’s very cChoandingagingte itnrineso vatto cihoalln.e nge itself – CodingPROateFILE empoweringwho were eager toyoung devel op talented awareness of this everchanging first project, Skill Exchange by continuing to explore and • Strong technology awareness Cambodianstechnical solu throughtion from guidance coding, and innovation. As to raise the awareness, Founded in 2013 by a young develop new technologies that Laptanop,d i rne rcertuuritne,d w yoouldung re sceivtudee an ts talented entrepreneur direction. Codingate’s very first Cwodingauld enateb lter ifeusr tthoe rc hallenge itself PROFILE whola wpetorep ewahgeren sutoc devceeded.elop T he Sopheakmonkol Sok, Condingate project, Skill Exchange Laptop, btec y hTocnoon lraisetoigniuingca l awareness,tr anto seforxpmloar teioCodingate ann tdo techpnriocjalec st owaslut isoon s ufrcocemss cfulodin andg ,h as FoPROFILEundis oneed o ifn a 2 ne01w3 b buys ian eysosung star t-up recruited young students who devitriesndiev lidouapto nel s, wschallengeo tceiecthyn, anolod gi theitselfes tha t by and binro ruegthurt mn,a wnyo tauldlen rtesceiv ande a talentedt heantt rweep srheonuldeur b e look out for. were eager to develop technical wccontinuingoounuldtry, e nawhb iltole sfexploretuilrlt ohfferer iandng q uadeveloplity laptoatpt ewnhtioen tsuo tchcee ecoded.mpan Tyh.e Sopheak m o n Wkhoel nS othke, cCoomnpdingany awaste tecservhinceo lanogdi cadell itvreanrinsgfor inmnoavattioinve t o Founded in 2013 by ap rojsolutionsect was s oabout succe sscoding,ful and handas in new technology that would is one ofe sat aneblwis hbeuds, iSnoephsse satkamrto-nukpo l At Condingate, people are its ipnrdiodvuidctuas wlhs,i csho ociuert ycli, eanntds the young talented entrepreneurb roureturn,ght m anwouldy tale ntreceives and a laptop enable further technological that we washonuldted tbhee lboouskin oeusst tofo rfo. c us on most valuable assets. As caopunpretcriy,ate. w hile still offering quality Sopheakmonkolsocial aspect. Th e cSok,omp anCodingatey’s a ttewhennStoiophne atheytok mtho ensucceeded. kcolm exppanlaiyn .e The d th aprojectt transformation for individuals, Whise na tnewhe c businessompany wasstart-up that we was extremely successful and has ser society,vice anandd de thelive ricountry,ng inno vatwhileive establishcuedrr,e Snot phprimeaakrmy seonrkviocesl include t h Ae tc Condiompannygat woeuld, p oenlopyl ere acrue iitt s shouldweb & mbeo bkeepingile appl iancat ieyeon on. broughtyoung ta ale lotnted of C talentambo anddian attention who pstillrod offeringucts wh iach quality our cli eservicents and wanted the business to focus on most valuable assets. As development, technology product tono thet onl company.y have technical knowledge adeliveringppreciate. innovative products social aspect. The company’s Sopheakmonkol explained that When the company was which clients appreciate. current primary services include the company would only recruit established, Sopheakmonkol At Codingate, people are web & mobile application young talented Cambodian who wanted the business to focus on 45 development, technology product not itsonl y hmostave tec hnvaluableical kno wleassets.dge theFuture social of ASE aspects.AN The company’s Sopheakmonkol explained that current primary services include the company would only recruit web & mobile application young talented Cambodians who 45 Future of ASEAN



Company Profile

Company Profile Company Profile

Company Profile CorporateCompany P rName:ofile CoCormpopratney N Pamerof:i lCeo dingate Co., Ltd. CodingateCorporate N Co.,ame Ltd.: Codingate Co., Ltd. C orporate Name: Codingate Co., Ltd. C orporate Name: Codingate Co., Ltd. Established:E stablished : 2013 2013 E stablished : 2013 Established : 2013 Established : 2013 NumberN umber of of Emp Employees:loyees: 11-50 N umber of Employees: 11-50 11-50 Number of Employees: 11-50 Number of Employees: 11-50 I nternational Activities: InternationalI nternational Activiti Activities:es: •In ternatiHavingona outsl Activitiourciensg: of tech talents International Activities: •• Having ExHavingpor outsourcingt ooutsf serovurciice ntog foreignofof tetechch tcountries alents LLeft:eft: S eServicesrvices offe roffereded by Co dbying Codingateate • Having outsourcing of tech talents • HavingExport ooutsf serovurciice ntog foreignof tech tcountriesalents ALAbove:beftov: eS:e rTvh iThecee tsea o mffteame oref dta bl eofyn Cot stalents daitn Cogadtein atga tCodingatee • talentsExport of service to foreign countries Left: Services offered by Codingate • Export of service to foreign countries ALbeftov: eS:e rTvhicee tsea omffe oref dta bleyn Cots daitn Cogadtein gate • Export of service to foreign A bove: The team of talents at Codingate A wards: Right: Overall Right:accomp Overalllishment Above: The team of talents at Codingate A wards: Raccigomhtp: lOisvehmraelln t countries of Codingate A warBdess:t Startup, Cambodia ICT Award accomplishmentoaRccfi Cogomhdtpi:n lOigsavehtmer aelln t • Best Startup, Cambodia ICT Award over the past Awards: of oRaCodingateccfvi eCogomrh tdthpi:en lO igpsaveahtsmert a elln t • B20es1t7 Startup, Cambodia ICT Award four years since 2017 ofaoccfvu eCoomr ytdheapienlr igpsaah stsmietn ecne t • Best Startup, Cambodia ICT Award overits e thestab lpastishment 2017 ioftofvsu e Coers yttdhaeaibenr lgpissaa hstsiemtn ceen t Awards:• BSmaest rStt Taretup,chno Cloambgy, Camodia bICodiaT Anw ard four years 2017 ioftovsue ers ytthaeaber lpissa hssimtn ceen t • YSma20ou17nr gt TEencthrenporloenegy,ur Cam Awbaorddia 20n1 6 sinceiftosu er s itsytaeab rliss hsimnceen t •• Best YSmao Startup,unrgt TEencthren Cambodiaporloenegy,ur Cam Awb aICTorddia 20 n 1 6 establishmentits establishment • Smart Technology, Cambodian AwardYoun 2017g Entrepreneur Award 2016 Young Entrepreneur Award 2016 •T Smartel.: +855 Technology, 89 754 449 / 98 699 881 T el.: +855 89 754 449 / 98 699 881 T Cambodiane l . : +855 89 7 5Young4 449 / 98 699 881 T e l . : +855 89 754 449 / 98 699 881 W Entrepreneur e b site: Award 2016 W e b site: wwwWebs.ite:codi ngate.com wwwWebs.ite:codi ngate.com Tel.: www.codingate.com +855 www .89codi 754ngate 449.com / 98 699 881 F acebook: F acebook: wwwFaceb.fooacebk: ook.com/codingate Website:wwwFaceb.fooacebk: ook.com/codingate www .facebook.com/codingate www.codingate.comwww .facebook.com/codingate T witter: @codingate T witter: @codingate Facebook: Twitter: @codingate Left: Codingate has been participating in Twitter: @codingate numbers of activities and events including LeftnuLeft:mb: ersCo oCodingatefd aincgtiavtiet ihesa sa nb hasdee enve p beennatrsti icnipc lautdining gin www.facebook.com/codingate the Young Innovator Program and the tnLefthuemb Y:o eurnsCo go fdI nnaincgtoiavtaiett iohersa sPa nrbodege ernave mpna tarstni icdni pcthlauetdi ning gin Globaparticipatingl Entrepreneu inrsh numbersip Summit 2of01 6 to GtLeftnhuleobamb Y:o leu rEnsCon got rfdI nneainpcrgtoeiavntaieett iuohersa s sPah nrbiopdeg e Sernuave mpmmna tarstni itcdn i2 pct0hlau1et6di n itngo gi n Enactivitiestrepreneurs and events including EGtnhunleobambt rYeopleu rEnesnn got erfIu nneaprcsrto eivnaiettiuoers s Pahnriopdg Seruavemmmn tasni itdn 2 ct0hlu1e6d itnog EGthnleobathet rYeoplu rEYoungnenngt erIunneprsro e vnInnovatoraetuor sPhriopg Sruammm anitd 2 t0h1e6 to Twitter: @codingate EGnlobaProgramtrepl rEennterueprs rand eneu rtheship Global Summit 2016 to Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship Summit 2016 to Entrepreneurs

Right: Codingate has been Right:featured i nCodingate number of m hasedia Rfeaigtuhrte:d Co ind ninugmbatee rh oasf mbeeedni a coverage. While beencfReaoivgteuhrrat egfeatured:d eCo .i nWd nihnuiglmbea te ein rh oa sf mbeeedni a Sopheakmonkol was also listed numbercSoRfeaoivpgteuhrreaateg:dk eCo m.i n Wofod nihnu kimediaglmboeal twaee rh soa asf lmbsoeee dlnisi at ed under Forbes’ 30 under 30 of ucSofeaonvpdteuherreaa eFogdke m.ir nWbo enhsuk’i lmbo3el0 wa eurn sod afe lmrs o3e 0dlis ioatf e d coverage.Asia. While ucSoonvpdeherreaa Fogkem.r Wboenhsk’i lo3el0 wa unsd aelrs o3 0lis otfe d SopheakmonkolAuSonsipdahe. rea Fokmrboensk’ o3l0 wa unsd wasaelrs o3 0l is otfe d Aunsidae. r Forbes’ 30 under 30 of also listed under Forbes’ Asia. 30 under 30 of Asia 44 50 Success Stories 44 50 Success Stories 44 50 Success Stories 44 50 Success Stories 44 50 Success Stories //INFORMATIONINFORMATION T TECHNOLOGYECHNOLOGY & & C COMMUNICATION/OMMUNICATION/ MALAYSIA MALAYSIA


aa ICIC Microsystems Microsystem sSdn. Sdn Bhd. Bhd .(ICmic) (ICmic) TM aa IMCa lMicrosaysian electroysnticse msysstem S ddnesign Bhd comp.a n(Iy wCimic)th cutting ICmicTM Malaysianedge techno electronicslogy bas edsystem in Cy designberjay companya with cutting Malaysian electronics system design company with cutting IC MICROSYSTEMS edge technology based in Cyberjaya ICmic edge technology based in Cyberjaya IC MICROSYSTEMS

Malaysia, and has global-base environment to attract world-class

customers. Today, ICmic is companies like ICmic to use it as a Malainvolysiaved ,i nan sedvera hasl gldeoveballo-pbmaseen ts rengivoironaln minefonrtm toa taiottnr aacget w horubld in-cl ass companyof system has design, also sysbeentem recognized network, firstterm cybers of Rcity&D located. only 40 km withcust oma ernumbers. Today , ofIC micawards is in southcom ofp anKualaies li Lumpur.ke ICmic to use it as a isnuvbo-lsvedyste imn smeveraodulle sd edveesliogn,pm wienretsd regi oTnalher ein afroer ma raatniogen aogef hub in Malaysia, and has global-base oanf syd wistemrele design,ss and IC sys dteesmigns ne tfworor k, intermcentsi vesof R a&nDd .g r ants provided by customers. Today, ICmic is Cyberjaya is a strategic suusbe -isny varstemio ums oadppuleicsa dtieosnign,s. wired the government as a part of its There are a range of involvedan d wire lines sseveral and IC developmentsdesigns for industryinitiati vespart to devande loprovidesp techno lidealogy of system design, system network, environmentincentives toan attractd grant world-classs provided by uInsete in sivarveio uins veappstlmicaetniotn is.n anthde multimgovernmediaen ts uasp ear p caorrrt iodfo itr.s sub-systeminnovatio nmodules and R &design,D wired companies like ICmic to use it as a initiatives to develop technology and wireless and IC designs for use regional information age hub in I n te nAsibdv eR ainshveid sstamyse, “nWet in fo cus and multimedia super corridor. Hiring and training leading inionn variousn toheva htigi oapplications.hnes ta lenved lR o&f ICD design terms of R&D. in dustry professionals tec h n Aiqbued ;R Masihxided -sSaiygns, a“lWes IC f ocus Design, which is more difficult to There are a range of incentives Intensiveon the high einvestmentst level of IC design in H i r Binasedg a nind M traalaiysinina’sg sletraadteginigc design than analog-only or digital and grants provided by the innovationtechnique; M iandxed- SR&Dignals IC hiunbd, u“Bsetrsiyd epsr hoirfesings itohen baelst local only IC. We focus on the government as a part of its Design, which is more difficult to talents, we also attract best application development of those initiatives Ba sedto idevelopn Malaysi technologya’s strategi c designAbd tRashidhan anal says,og-onl “Wey or difocusgital international talent from across ICs such as Censors for Smart- andth eumultimedia bw,or “Blde spidarets isuper chuirlainrlg ycorridor. tfhroem b eUstS ,l ocal ononl they IC. highest We fo clevelus on of th eIC design Precision-Agriculture, Thin-Film Inditalean,t Ss,o wuteh a Klsoro eaat,t rPaactk ibsteanst , Mr. Abd Rashid Munir, technique;application deMixed-Signalsvelopment of t hoseIC Solar Cell, Ultra-Low Power eitcntern.”, saaytsio Analbd taRalesnhtid. fr o“Tmo pac ross President & IC s such as Censors for Smart- Hiring and training leading Design,Charge Cwhichontroll eisr Mmoreodul esdifficult, ctohme pwanorileds pina rCtiycbuelarjarlyya f roprmov iUdeS , Mr.Chi eAbdf Ex Rashidecutive Munir,Officer Precision-Agriculture, Thin-Film industry professionals Mr. Abd Rashid Munir, toM edidesigncal Inst thanrum enanalog-onlytation, etc. f oror cIndiompae,t iStoivuet hco Kmorpean,sa Ptaioknis.t an, President & Solar Cell, Ultra-Low Power President & digital u s e in differonly eIC.nt indWeu sfocustries r anonging the Heotcwev.”, saery, st hAeb lda rRgestash incid. e“nTtoivep KEYChief SUC ExecutiveCESS ELEMEN Officer TS Charge Controller Modules, Chief Executive Officer applicationfrom agricult developmenture, manufa coftu rthoseing, wBasedcormkipnan g iniine st hMalaysia’sinis C hyubbe frorja ycaastrategic rpeerorv ide Medical Instrumentation, etc. for • Intensive investment in ICsme disuchcal, anasd teCensorslecomm foruni cSmart-ation.” hub,acmo mbi“Besidestpieotuisti vene gin cohiringmeepresn issa tthethieo n . best use in different industries ranging innovation and R&D Precision-Agriculture,These applications reqThin-Filmuire localoHpp otalents,owevrtuenri,ty t hwetoe lg aalsoaringest h iattractg inchesetn tibestve KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS from agriculture, manufacturing, •KEY Stra SUCCESStegic hub l ocELEMENTSation Solarcutti ng Cell,edge tecUltra-Lowhnologies. ICmPoweric internationalinwdoursktirnyg k inn o twltalenthiesd hgue b afrom fnord cc uaacrosstrteeinrg • Intensive investment in medical, and telecommunication.” ambitious engineers is the •• IntensiveHiring an investmentd training leinading Chargeintensi velyController invests in innoModules,vation theed gworlde tech nparticularlyology”. from US, innovation and R&D andT Rh&eD,se awphpiclihc aletiaodnss t rheqe uire opportunity to gain highest industry professionals Medical Instrumentation, etc. for India, South The c oKorea,mpany Pakistan, has its own etc.”, lab • innovation and R&D cutting edge technologies. ICmic industry knowledge and cutting Strategic hub location usecom inp andifferenty to inte industriesllectual pr orangingperty sayswi tAbdh ad vRashid.anced R “Top&D too companiesls, where • Strategic hub location ionfte Unltsriave-Llyo win Pvesowerts in IC ins.n Tohvate ion edge technology”. P•RO HFILEiring and training leading from agriculture, manufacturing, in thCyberjayae compan yprovide can sup pcompetitiveort the skill • Hiring and training leading ancomd pRan&D,y al wsohi uchtil leizaeds sse thver al industry professionals medical, and telecommunication.” compensation.an d c o Tmhpee cteonm cypan However,deyve hlaops imts e onwnt theof la b Founded by Abd Rashid cfabomripcatianyo nto p irnotecelslesc tteuachln porloopgy.er ty industry professionals largestitwis pthr o aincentivefdesvsanionacedl sRworkingta&ffD. too lsin, w thishere Munir in 2001, IC Microsystems of Ultra-Low Power ICs. The PROFILE These applications require the company can support the skill Sdn. Bhd. (ICmic) is an electronics company also utilizes several hub for In career addit ambitiousion to its f ullengineers-time cutting edge technologies. ICmic and competency development of sys t eFmound deseignd b cyo Ambpdan Rya sanhidd a Strategic hub location in is ptherof eopportunityssional staff toba sedgain in highest fabrication process technology. its professional staff. Mleunirading in f 200able1s,s IICC M(inictegrosysratedtems intensivelyCyberjaya invests in innovation industryCyberja yknowledgea, ICmic ou tandsour cescutting part PROFILE Scdn.irc uiBth)d. d e(sICmiign hco)u iss ean in eMalalectroysinaic s and R&D, The whichcompan leadsy’s h theead companyquarters edgeo f i ttechnology”. s oInpe ardadtiiotniosn t oto s eitlse cftulled- time with headquarters in Cyberjaya. to intellectual property of Ultra- sys teFoundedm design by co mAbdpan Rashidy and a Munir Sarter abtaesedgic i nh Cubyb leorjacaytaio, Malan inysi a’s veprnodfoerss idoonalme ssttaicaff lblya sedin M inala ysia leIat dinghas a fcaqbuleirsesd IC th (ei nMtegultriamtededia - LowCyb Powererjaya ICs. The company also in 2001, IC Microsystems Sdn. first cyber city located only 40 km aTheCs ywbe ellcompanyr jaasy ain, ICform ehasignic o ucitsotsuo nuowntrcesies labpar t cSirucpuietr)- Cdoesrrignidor h o(uMsSeC) in sMalatatusysi. Tah e utilizes several fabrication process Bhd. (ICmic) is an electronics s o u t h T ohfe Kua comlap Lanumy’sp uhre.a dquarters withsoufc hiadvancedt sa so pTaiweratani oR&Dn, sC htoi na tools,se laencdt e whered wicothm hpeanadyq huartas alesors inbee Cny breecrojagnizya. e d technology. Indonesia. system design company and a a r e b Casedybe rijan yCay isbe ar jastrya,t eMalagic ysia’s theve companyndors do canmes tsupportically in the Mala skillysi a Itwi htahs aa cnqumuirbeedr tohfe a Mwaultrdism ine dia- as well as in foreign countries leading fabless IC (integrated fiinrdstu sctyberry p acritty a nlodcat preodv iodnelsy i d4e0al k m and competency development of Super-Corridor (MSC) status. The Strategicsouth of Kua hubla L umlocationpur. in its sprofessionaluch as Taiw anstaff., China and cocircuit)mpany hdesignas also house been rinec oMalaysiagnized Cyberjaya is a strategic Indonesia. wiwithth a nheadquartersumber of awa rinds iCyberjaya.n Cyberjaya industry part and provides ideal In addition to its full-time 45 50It Successhas acquired Stories the Multimedia- Super-Corridor (MSC) status. The The company’s headquarters professional staff based in are based in Cyberjaya, Malaysia’s Cyberjaya, ICmic outsources 45 50 Success Stories

50 Success Stories 45 /INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION/ MALAYSIA part of its operations to selected The company is active in /INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION/ MALAYSIA /vendorsINFOR domesticallyMATION T EinC MalaysiaHNOLO GYexpanding & COMMU distributionNICATION/ channel MALAYSIA The company is active in Company Profile as well Th ase c inom foreignpany is countriesactive in such and has global-base customers easxp Taiwan,anding di Chinastribu andtion Indonesia. channel from US, Europe, China, Middle and has global-base customers Corporate Name: and has global-base customers East, and the ASEAN region. Company Profile from US, Europe, China, Middle IC Microsystems Sdn. Bhd. from US, Europe, China, Middle Corporate Name: East, and the ASEAN region. Corporate Name: IC Microsystems Sdn. Bhd.

IEstablished:C Microsystems Sd2001n. Bhd.

Below:Below: ICIC M Microsystemsicrosystems Sdn BSdnhd. wa Bhd.s aw awasrded aawardeds the winn easr f other th ewinner Most Inn forova ttheive S MostME from Innovative the SME Co rSMEp. from the SME Below: IC Microsystems Sdn Bhd. was awarded as the winner for the Most Innovative SME from the SME Corp. Corp ENumberstablished :of 20 0Employees:1 Established: 2001


Number of Employees: 11-50 International activities:

• Having out-sourcing of International activities: Internatiservicesona inl a ctivitforeignies: countries Having out-sourcing of services in •• ExportHavin ofg o goodsut-sourci ton foreigng of services in foreign countries countriesExport of goods to foreign • Export of goods to foreign countries

Awards: AThewar dcompanys: has received local Tandhe c internationalompany has received recognitions local and international recognitions including internationalincluding: recognitions including “Innovation Excellence Award” •• “Innovation“Innovation Excellence Excellence A ward” and “Export Excellence Award” by Award”and “Ex andpor t“Export Excellen ce Award” by Telekom Malaysia 2012 ExcellenceMalaysian Award” Most Inn byova tive SME • Malaysian Most Innovative SME TelekomCompan Malaysiay 2010 2012 The SME Innocert Award 2010 • The SME Innocert Award 2010 • Malaysian, etc. Most Innovative , etc. SME Company 2010 • The SME Innocert Award Email: [email protected] 2010, etc.

Tel.: +60 3 8319 1919 TEmail:el.: +60 [email protected] 8319 1919

WTel.:ebsite: +60 3 8319 1919 www.icmic.com Website: www.icmic.com

AboveAbove (Clockwise): (Clockwise): 20 201010 Mo sMostt Inno Innovativevative SMEs A SMEswards /Awards Agricultu /r eAgriculture’s’s Wireless Sens Wirelessor Network Sensor / A prob Networker / / A prober / Above (Clockwise): 2010 Most Innovative SMEs Awards / Agriculture’s Wireless Sensor Network / A prober /



A rising A /INFORMATIONrising teleco temlecomunicammunica TECHNOLOGYtiont cioonm cpoam n&py COMMUNICATION/a tnhay tha servest serves bo tbho th MALAYSIA local and international clients with its excellent one stop locaaa l an/ IdNFO intRernMATIOationalN T EcClienHNOLOts withGY &it sC OexceMMUlleNnItC oneATION sto/p MALAYSIA

serviceIserviceX T elecom Sdn Bhd.


IX Telecom Sdn. Bhd. A risingIX T teelecoecommmunica Sdnti oBhdn com. pany that serves both decideddecided to la uncto lahunc a vhir at uvalir tual ConnCoennctieocnti,o Hn,o Hstoinstgi,n Mag, Machcinhein teo to A rising telecommunication companynetwork thatoper aservestor. both locaAl risingand in teltecoernmamunicationaltn iceoltnwien orcokmt sop pwaernithayto tr ha.i tst sexceervesll beontth one MastoMachpi nchei cnoenn coenncteioctnio. n. local and international clients with IX its T excellentelecom ha sone a te stopam of servicelocal and international c l ien IXts wTeithlec oitms excehas al lteenamt one of stop The company has its branch service experts providing full range of ICT The company has its branch service experts providing full range of ICT offices in Jakarta, Indonesia, services globally in over 200 offices in Jakarta, Indonesia, services globally in over 200 Singapore and Philippines. countries. Singapore and Philippines. countriesdecided. to launch a virtual Connection, Hosting, Machine to decided to launch a virtual Conn ection, Hosting, Machine to network operator. Machine connection. On neIXetw Telecomsortokp o psehr ahasotpor af. o teamr IC ofT experts HumanMaHchuimn eresourcesa cnonn reesctoiounr .and ces alocalnd local One sto p s h oIXp fToerle IcCoTm has a team oHf utmalaen tr wesitohu erxcteesn asnived lICTocal cprovidingo nn IXec tT ifullevlietc yrangeo m ha ofs a ICT tea mservices of talenttalen T twithh we ictoh mextensive peanx te yT hnhasesi civet oICTs mb ICTrpananc hy has its branch conngloballyectivi tiny over 200 countries. skills expeexrtps eprrtosv ipdrinogv fulidiln ragn fulge ol fr ICTange skillsosfk oICTffiillcse s in Jaokaffirta,ce Isn indo nJeaskiaa, rta, Indonesia, ser vser IXices vT iglecesloebc alloglmyo ibdnoall oevsnyer i’ t200n h oav e rit 200s oIXwn T einlefrcaosmtr udcoteusnre,’ tb huat vine sitesa d Singap orNeo oraSn diMn Pgaohhilipdpor Hpienl emias.n dsa Pysh ilithaptp ines. Onecoun stoptries. shop for ICT Noor Mohd Helmi says that own pinafrrtnacsoetunrrsu wicttrutiherse l.,e badingut in stead Noorth e irMohd succes Helmis elem esaysnt is ithatts p eople. their success ele ment is its people. partnteconnectivityelersc wiommuth lenaidingcatio n providers to theirIn success the ICT element busin ises itss, t people.he skill set of One stop shop for ICT InH tuhhmume aICTann r rebesusosouiunrreccessess, aisthn peda slrkotiilccallu sla ert loy f telecolemmuveragnei catitheiro nin pfrraosvtirdeructsu rteo to its In ttheale nICTt w ibusiness,thH euxtemna sthenive r eskillICTso usetrc es and local connOnecet isvtiotyp shop for ICT humimapnor retasonut.r ces is particularly leveragcli eIXen tts hTelecome. irTh iinsf ar adoesn’tllsotwrus ctth uhaveer eco t moits pi tsownan y of shumankills resourcestalen ist wparticularlyith exte nsive ICT connectivity important. clienttsinfrastructure,o. bTeh c IXiosme aTlle olae wcono sbutm eth sd insteadetoo ecpsno sm’ht poh partnersanpav. e y its important. skills with leading telecommunication Noor Mohd Helmi says that to becownme i naf onr aIXsetr suTtcoetupler esc,ho bomupt . di n o setesnad’ t have its providerspar tnIXe rTs ewiletctoho lmea’dingsleverage net wor k their their success elem Nenotor is iMts opehodp lHe. e lmi says that Mr. Noor Mohd Helmi bin Nong, operoawntion i ncefnraterst risu cotpuerne 2, 4b uhto uinrss teadIn the ICT business, the skill set of infrastructureIXte leTceolemmucomn’si cati neto otitswn or pclients.rkov ider s Thisto their success element is its people. Mr. Noor Mohd HFeolmundi beinr Nong, a ldeveragapy aanretnd t h7e erdairs wiyinsf rtaah ws tlereueackdingt.u r“eW t oe igtso human resources is particularly operaallowstion c ethenter company is open to24 become hours a important. In the ICT business, the skill set of Founder farcli betenetsyondle. cTohmmu isi amllpolwnys ip catitrhoev coiodnmin pganr oyv iders to a dayone an dstop 7 da shop.ys a week. “We go human resources is particularly KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTSfar benyondteot wbleorcverag oskime msop uale ryonc tiphner geso tirv–oi p diwe nsinhf rogdap es.s t irgn, uc ture to its important. KEY SU CCESS ELEMENTS netwb oruildkIX clis oTelecom’sIXauenrn dTcts eimnle.gana cT o–hm network geiwe’ss neac dllotemowsworpi operationgn,lske teth e com pany • OMner .S Ntoorop SMhoophd Hforelm ICTi bi n Nong, network solutions to meet our buildcenter aonpedtro am tisbianao eopennc cogeemen ter24co a mihours son popleete n sa t2 oday4p h os anduhrosp . Mr. Noor MohdFound Helmier bin Nong, clia ednatys ’an gldo 7b alda ryes qaui wreeemk. e “nWtse i ngo t he • O ne Sctonnop Sechtopivi ftory ICT netw7o rdaysk so lau tweek.ions t“Weo m egoet farou rbeyond Founder conn• ecHtuivimtayn resources and local clienmtsimplysfar’o gs tlbo ecb yondoprovidingalm IXpree sqt iTimuitiepverl lnetworkey mc anporemodnv t’isd isourcinginenng tthweor k Mr. KNEoorY SU MoChCdESS He lmELEMENi bin NoTnSg , c–on mewetowp prordesign,eehkr easnotsiuoirve cnibuild n cwage –ny terwe pando dssies is manageboign,lpe”e, n sa 2y 4s hours • H umat nal ernteso wuirtche esx atennds liveoc aIlCT most competitive and With this in mind, IX Telecom Founder Ncompletebouildora Md aano ydnetworkh dman Hanade l7gemi. solutionsda c o ymsp ale wte to e meetek. “ W e gWithoi s k eethisn tino amind,ttract IXtop Telecom talent w ith skil KEY• lOs n eSUCCESS Stop Shop ELEMENTS for ICT comprneehtwenosrkive so lwautiyo npso tsso mibelet” ,o saury s With this in mind, IX Telecom ta lent with extensive ICT our clients’ global requirements is keenexte ton dedattract exp etoprie ntalentce. I Xwith put s connectivity Noor Mclioe far nhIXtds’ H bTgeleolyondlebmi.calo rm’ e qssuii cmroennpmleyen cpttsri vionivty tihd ei ng is keen to attract top talent with skil ls • One Stop Shop for ICT in the most competitive and extendedextra experience. emphasis oIXn putsthe w extraell-b eing KEY• SUHumCaCnESS resou rELEMENces and localT S semrvonisceste ctow minorpcludeekti tsiove uG anrlocdbin alg I –ntern we edte sign, connectivity comprehensiveIX Telecom’s c wayonn possible”,ectivity says emphasisexteonf dedth eonir e thesxtaffpe well-beingr ibeyn hce.av iInX ofg pa their utwos r k-life PRO FILEtal ent with extensive ICT Accocembspuildsr,e IPhe naVsnPivedN ,mwa Panaoyi npotge sstoi bcPloeom”i,n sapt yles te extraWi emthph thiass iins mionn tdh, eIX w Teelll-ebcoemin g • Human resources and local serviNoorces in Mohdclude Helmi. Global Internet staff bbyalan havingced ae nwork-lifevironme balancednt. What IX • Oneskil Stlops Shop for ICT Noorne Mtwohodr kH seolmi.lut ions to meet our is keen to attract top talent with PROFILE F ounded by Noor Mohd Access, IP VPN, Point to Point environment.of taimshe ir stotaff is Whatbtoy beha vaIXi topn g aimsa telecommuni- wo rtok- life talent with extensive ICT IX Telecom’s connectivity extended experience. IX puts Helmiconn bin ecNotnivig itny 2 008, IX clients’ global requirements isinb alan toth cationbee ced a top ecnom vtelecommunicationiropannmy wientth. Whatworld-class I X F ound e d skillsby Noor Mohd services include Global Internet extra emphasis o n the well-being Te•le cHomum is aan on re sostoupr scheosp a nd local most competitive and companyaims em top lisoy toeewith sbe w h a otop arworld-classe telecommuni- professio nal in Helmi bin PNROongFILE in 2 008, IX Access, IP VPN, Point to Point of their staff by having a work-life company that partners with comprehensive way possibleemployees”cation, sabalantyhse ced icro w whom eonprvkan iro arewynhWi wimprofessionalileet nstillht .wt Whath orhavingisl d-classin I inX mi fun n d, IX Telecom Telecom ist a lonente s wtoipt hsh eoxpt ensive ICT leading t elFoeundcommued byn iNcoaotiro Mnso hd Noor Mohd Helmi. theiremaims pa worktlo ttoyhee is e whiless ato wmi sbehe ko still timeaee a toprn ehaving . pt telecommuni- or oafte tsfunrsaioc attnal t o pin t alent with compan coym tphskilHanaetl miipelsas brintnin teNhroesn wgor iitnhl d2 00 an8d, IX thethcation esameir w o ctime.orkm wpanhiley wi stillth w havingorld-class fun PROFILE Thise ixste donndede th eroxupgehr iae nce. IX puts leadingp rtoelveT ideceolesmmuc coomn ninse iacc tonaintiego snsetsor pv sicheosp to its IX Telecom’s connectivityate mthpel osyaemese w timeho ar.e professional in challengingext rcar eeemr phoppasoirst uonnit tyh feo rw ell-being compancliieensc tsino.mFounded Notphaneor wy Mtorh aolbytdh p d anaNoor Hrtnde elmir sMohd w giotht tHelmihis services include Global Intern etThisht eir woisrk wdonehile still through having fun a leading telecommunications i t sT shtaff,is is indo wnhei cthr tohuegyh can a providePbuROs scionbinFILEnesn se Nongicdtei nag w seinhil rve2008, ihces w to orIX ikt esd Telecom for Access, IP VPN, Point to Poichallengingnta t the sam careere otimef th .opportunity e ir staff by for ha ving a work-life companies in the world and chaimpllenrgingove tchaerieer skir olpl pseotr otunn-tihtye -frounr clientsA. irNo Aisors ia Ma a os honeadn HIT estop elmingin gshopoete rt,h aniscompany d its staff, T inhi swhich is bdoalann theye thcedr canou ge himproven av ironm ent. What IX provides connecting services to its IX Telecom’s connectivity its staff, in which they can busine s s i d thatFeao undw hilpartnersed h eb yw Nor okoewithrd Mfor o hleadingd services include Global Internet theirch allskillenging set aimsca reeon-the-runr to op ispo rtotu nbeitandy a f otop r telecommuni- clients. Noor Mohd Helmi got this improve their skill set on-the-run Air AsHiae almisbtelecommunications aun sb iITnines eNsn iodginneag ew ienhril, 2 ean 00h edcompanies 8 w,or IXke d for in Access, IP VPN, Point to Point enhanceits staff, their in wcation hvalueich th eccontributionyo canmp any wi th world-class TelecAtheoirm Aworld siisa aa s onand ane IT providess teonpgin she eoconnectingrp, an d Connection, Hosting, Machine to to impIX Telecom.rove theeirm skipllo syeet eosn -wthheo-r unar e professional in compservicesany th atot itspa rclients.tners wNoorith Mohd Machine connection. their work while still having47 fun 50 Success Stories leadingHelmi tel goteco thismmu businessnicati oideans while at the same time. comphean workedies in tforhe wAiror lAsiad an asd an IT The company has its branch 47 50 Success Storiesengineer, and decided to launch a offices in Jakarta, Indonesia, This is done th47 rough a prov50ide Successs con Storiesnec ting services to its clienvirtualts. No networkor Moh operator.d Helmi got this Singapore and Philippines. challenging career opportunity for business idea while he worked for its staff, in which they can Air Asia as an IT engineer, and improve their skill set on-the-run 50 Success Stories 47


/ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION/ MALAYSIA and enhance their value contribution to IX Telecom. Company Profile

Below: Company Profile Talented staff at IX Telecom, Working space to provide work-life balance environment, Corporate Name: StaffBel ointroducingw – Talented sthetaff IXat I XTelecom Telecom, services to its clients at trade show Corporate Name:

Working space to provide work-life balance environment, IX Telecom Sdn. Bhd.

Staff introducing the IX Telecom services to its clients at trade show IX Telecom Sdn. Bhd. Established: 2008 Established: 2008 Number of Employees: 11-50Number of Employees: 11-50

International Activities: International Activities: Having foreign affiliates or Having foreign affiliates or branches branches

Awards:Awards: TheThe company company h hasas r ereceivedceived loc localal and international recognitions including and international recognitions including:• The BrandLaureate - SME Best Brand 2016-2017 • The• HBrandLaureateonesty Enterpris -e SMEKeris Award Best20 Brand17 2016-2017 • Bank Islam - Utusan Shariah SME • HonestyAwar dEnterprises 2017 Keris •Award Gol d2017en Bull Awards 2017 • Bank• TO IslamP 25 M - anagUtusaned S eShariahrvice Pro viders by APAC CIO Outlook Magazine SME, etc. Awards 2017

• Golden Bull Awards 2017 • Emai TOPl: 25 sa lManagedes@ixtelec oServicem.net Providers by APAC CIO TOutlookel.: + 60 3Magazine, 8686 8888 etc.

Email:Website: [email protected] http://ixtelecom.net Tel.: + 60 3 8686 8888

Facebook: Website: http://ixtelecom.netweb.facebook.com/ixtelecom

Facebook: web.facebook.com/ixtelecom

48 50 Success Stories



Lao IT Development Co., Ltd. Lao IT Development Co., Ltd. aa LaTheo e verIT growiDevneglo techpmen startt-up C ofro.,m L Ltd.ao P DR which carefully aa TheTuhese everse verup growing comgrowiingng tech tetechch start-up nologstart-upy fromt foro fmu Laoe Ll aoi tPDRs PgDr Rowwhich wthhich carefully careful ly usesuses upcomingupcoming technology technology to to fuel fue itsl it sgrowth growth

currenctu vrirseionnt ivnicludsione si npcludromoetsin pgro mowitinthg all of thwie tnhe wa llin onfo tvhateio nnesw innovations tcurrenthe detvehe lovision dpmeveen lincludesto opfm Laeon ts opromotingocfi eLtya o soc ietyforca n clientshelp th eca- connom h pematteranlpy t phreo vcifiode mit’s tph anea y provide the anthed idevelopmenttans pdeo iptlse ptoe or eofpal ceLaoh t gol societyorbealac h andglob al software,best solu tcontent,iobnse sfot rs clioorlue otherntitso n- s naspects. ofo r clie nts - no sitstan peopledardstans idardton ireachnfosr imn globala itniofno r standardsmation Inm areturn,tter if i tthis’sm aa wouldsttofetrwar if yield eit, ’cso a nthe teson fbesttt,war e, content, tecin hinformationnoteclogyhn aonldo gyt otechnology haanved ptoro hd auandvects p toro duoutcomecorts o ther aandspore clead tso.t hIn eto rr eahighertsuprne,c ttsh clienti.s In r eturn, this that can serve the global market. would yield the best outcome and have tproductshat can sthaterve canthe serveglobal the m arksatisfaction.et. w Inould terms yie ldof t hinternale best outcome and Cuglobalrren tlmarket.y, Lao IT Currently, Developm eLaont is IT development,lead to higher suchclien at satibreakthroughsfaction. Currently, Lao IT Development is lead to higher client satisfaction. oDevelopmentffering multip lise IToffering-related multiple canIn t eincreaserms of in ternthe alquality develo pmofe nthet, servicesofferi includngi multng sofitpwlear ITe -related such a breakInth treorumsgh c oafn iinnterncreaseal development, IT-related services including company’s services to meet global develoserpmveincest an idn cludwebsiinteg d seosifgntw are the quality osfu tchhe aco bmrpeanky’sth rough can increase software development and website & devedevlopemloenptm. Alsoent ,an it hda ws ebsite desneedsisergnv ice ands to standards. mtheee tq gluaoblialty n oeef dtsh ane cdo mpany’s

edesignxperien ce& indevelopment. working for Also, it standards. & development. Also, it has The companyserv icealsos tincorporateso meet glob al needs and multihas naexperiencetional com pinan iworkinges such a s for experience in working for The comsptanydard alsos . Cmultinationalhevrolet and M companiesazda, and such as technology into their standard multinational companies suchi nacso rporates technology into their naChevrolettional go andvern Mazda,mental eandnti tnationalies operations like theirThe marketing company and als o standard operations like their ingovernmentalcludingChe tvhreo Natle t entitiesiaonnald M Tr aezaincludingdsura,y a, nd document management system. marketing anindc odropcuormaetesnt technology into their and mnaoretio. nal governmental entitieOnes of the strategies used by Lao the National Treasury, and more. managemenstt ansystemdard. Oonpee roaf tiohen s like their including the National TreasurITy ,Development is Search Engine Even though the company strategies umseda rbkye Ltianog I Tan d document and more. h asEven only bthougheen est atheblis hcompanyed for les shas OptimizationDevelopmenmt a(SEO).isna Segearmc Thishe Ennt gin ensuressysteme . One of the that the company’s website and Mr. Thanongsack SOUKSAVAT, tonlyhan 10been ye a establishedEvers, itn h tahs oreuc gforehiv etlesshd e cthanomp anOy ptimizatiosnt r(aStegEO)i.e Ts huis eedn sburye Ls ao IT Mr. Thanongsack SOUKSAVAT, its related contents are visible and Founder and Chief Executive Officer multi10 years,phlae sf or oitnlm hassy obf ee rreceivedenco egnitista bomultiplenli sahnedd f or lethsast the comDpeanveyl’os pwmebesnitet ians Sd eitasr ch Engine Founder and Chief Executive Officer searchable on search engines, so aformswardtsh oofann trecognition h10e lyeocaalr asn, dit and rheagis o awardsrnalec eive d related conteOnpttsi miarez viatsioiblne (aSnEd O). This ensures stage that represent the thatsear cpotentialhable on seclientsarch e ncangine sget, so in KMErY. ThSUaCnCoESSngsa ELEMENck SOUKSTAVS AT, on themulti localp andle f orregionalms of stagerecogniti that on and that the company’s website and its mirepresentlestones theof s milestonesuccess for La ofo success IT touchthat p withoten ttheial clicompany.ents can get in FKEYounder SUCCESS and Chief Executive ELEMENTS Officer awards on the local and regional related contents are visible and • Dforeve Laolopm ITen tDevelopment and Lao PDR .and Lao touch with the company. Technology driving success stage that represent the It can’t bese aemphasizedrchable on enough search engines, so • Technology driving success PDR. It can’t be emphasized enough K• EEYsta SUblisCh Ca nESSetwor ELEMENk to TS how important digital marketing is • Establish a network to milestones of success for Lao IhTo w importathnat td pigiottealn mtiaalrk clietineng ts can get in survive AlwaDyse svetaloy pomnee nste apn adh Leaado PDR. to the company.touc Theh wi mostth th commone comp any. • Tesurvivechnology driving success is to the company. The most P ROFILE uAlwayssing tec stayhnol oonegy step ahead marketing channel that many common markeItitn cga cnh’tan bnee le tmhapht asized enough • Establish a network to usingWith technology technological disruptions growingmany gr obusinesseswing busin earesses ausingre is Lao IT Development Co., Ltd. how important digital marketing is fosuundedrvive in December 2010 by happeAnilnwg aalymso sst aeveryy on sein glstee dpa ya headonlineus ing ismarketing, online ma rmainlyketing, mthroughainly is to the company. The most ThPROFILEanongsack and three other co- in eWithveryusin cotechnologicalrgne tre ocf hthneo wl oodisruptionsrgldy, it ’s socialthrou gmediah soci alsuch me diaas Facebook such as and fPoROundeFILErs who shared mutual chappeningrucial for L aalmosto IT D eeveryvelop singlement tdayo Instagram.Facebook a ncLaodo mIns mITtaog nrDevelopment amma. rLkaeot IiTn g c hannel that p a s s i Lao oLna a obIT oITu tDevelopment D inefveormloaptmione n Co.,t Co .Ltd., Ltd . sinta yevery up to Widcornerateth w ti etofhc h wthenhoalt oeworld,vergic alis dit’sisr upusestDioenve slFacebook opmenmt au nsesmarketingy gFraocewbioong k asb u sthein esses are tecis isfho nufoundedonlodedgy. Tinh e D infoe ucembrDecember founedr e2a0c h102010 by hcrucialappehnai nforpgp. eTLaonhien rapITg al iDevelopmentdm cohanst gesevery pu tsto in gleprimem daaryke toolting atouss tigethneg p connectedirsim onle tioonel t moto ga eritstk e ting, mainly oTthbyhaner Thanongsacktohnrogusackgh a nan ond l anditnher eITthreee oth eotherr co- pstayress uriupne eotoveryn sodate- caco lrlwithende tre ocwhateverhf the wo risld , itclient.c’os nne cted ttoh irtso uclgiehn ts.o cial media such as companies like Lao IT cfocofoundersmundmunityers w phla otwho fsohrma r sharedcealld medu tumutualal happening.crucial The for rapid Lao IchangesT Deve putlopment to Facebook and Instagram. Lao IT Lapassionoza.com in 2about006. information Dpressureevelopm enton to keeso-calledp reinven tintechg passion about information themsestlavesy u. Wp htoa td waortek ws ith whatever is Development uses Facebook technology. The four found companies like Lao IT A lone wolf cannot last long tec h Tnhoelo cgy.om pTanhey fwoorurk sf oaus na d each yesterhdaayp,p meanyi nbgec. oTmhee orapbsoildete c hanges put marketing as the prime tool to get each other through an online IT Development to keep reinventing cootmhebri nathtrionu gohf a a sno coniall einneter ITpr ise tomorprorwes. sTurhanne onon sogs-acack lled tech without itsco pack,nnect esod t doeso its c alient. ancocommunitydm am punityrivate c pplatformolamtpfoanrmy. Tcalledchalle ed Laoza. ethemselves.xplaicompanned tha Whatt sitaesy ilworksnikge u Lap yesterday,to dITate business com in 2006. may become obsolete tomorrow. Laoza.com in 2006. Development to keep reinventing Thannongsackthemselves .explained What wor kthats According to Forbes, one of the The company works as a The company works as a stayingye supter toda ydate, m awithy be callom ofe theobs olebiggestte mistakes business owners49 50combination Success Stories of a social enterprise new innovations can help the make is trying to do everything combination of a social enterprise tomorrow. Thannongsack and a private company. The company provide the best solutions alone. Sure, every business starts and a private company. The explained that staying up to date

50 Success Stories 49 49 50 Success Stories /INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION/ LAO PDR

A lone wolf cannot last long Currently, Lao IT Development is Company Profile without its pack, so does a part of the IoT ASEAN Network, which Corporate Name: Lao IT Development /INFORMATIObNu sinessTECHNOLO GY & COMMUNICATION/is also a p ar tner with many local andL AO PDCoR., L td. international organisations such as the According to Forbes, one of Lao ICT Association (LICA), the biggest mistakes business DATACOM, Alo Technology, and Established : 2010 owners make is trying to do Company Profile A lone wolf cannot last long Curr e n/ItlNFOy, LaoR ITM DATIOGeveralvoNiptecm TehEn.tC AiHNOLOst the samGeY t &im COMMUNICATION/e, being a LAO PDR without its pack,e sveryto dohesin ag alonep.a rStu orfe t,h every IoT A SEAN Network, which Corporate Name: Lao IT Development business is also a partner with mamnye lmocabel ra nodf the Lao National Chamber business starts small: It c/INFORMATIONan be TECHNOLOGY &Co COMMUNICATION/., Ltd. Number of Emp lLAOoyee sPDR: Less than 50 international o rganisatioonfs C soummch ase trhcee and Industry (LNCCI) According to Fforundbes,e odn eb oyf e ven one person or a Lao ICT AsAs olocinatei owno (lLfI cCpaArnno),v oidest la stth leo ncogm pan y w Cuithrr ennumtly, eLraoou ITs Development is Company Profile the biggest mistakegsr bouuspin oesfs f riends who share the DATACOMw, iAthloo Tuetc ihtns oplfoaogy,crkm, ans ood df osueps pao rt Efostpra abilrtits hed ogf ro t:h 2010we ItohT ASEAN NetworInkternati, whiconh al Activities: owners make is tryisamng toe ddor eam. However, assmall: it It can be founded by even many local and international Corporate Name: Lao IT Development Gravitech.b oneAut siness tpersonhe sa orm ae group time of, b friendseing whoa organisationsis also sucha pa asrtn theer Laowith ICT m any local and everything alone. Sure, every opportunities incl uding business CompanyHaving outsProfileo urciCon.,g L oftd . service in foreign grows, a businesmse smhboeuldr of share stthaer Latthe too same Nati odream.nal Cham However,ber Associationintern (LICA),ational DATACOM,organisati ons such as the business starts small: It can be Accordingm toa tFcohribnegs, oopnpe ofr tuNnumbitieers ,o fsemi Emplonyeaerss: ,L ess than 50 countries think about brinogingf Comm in eorasucet its an igrows,ded In ad businessustry (L shouldNC C / Istart)NFO RAloMATIO Technology,LaNo ITCETC A HNOLOsandso ciGravitech.atiGoYn &(L COMMUNICATION/I CA), LAO PDR t /hIeNFO biggReMstATIO misttrNaak iTenEsi CnbHNOLOugs, iannesds GknY o&wl COMMUNICATION/edge sharing Corporate Name: LAO PDR founded by even one person or a to think about bringing in outside At the DsameAT ACOtime, Mbeing, Al oa memberTechno logy, and Established : 2010 skills and experptirseov itdeso fu teh le gcroomwptanh.y with numerous Lao IT Development Co., Ltd. group of friends who share the oskillswne andrs m expertiseake isses t toryis fuelinogn growth.tso. do of the Lao National Chamber of Awards: forms of support for its growth InternatiGraviontecalh A. ctivitiAt thees :s ame time, being a same dream. HowevAnero, aths eitr common way is etAnotherveryto useh icommontnhge a lon waye. S isu rtoe, use every the Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) A lone wolf cannmeomt lbasetr l onf gth e La o N Cuarrtieonnaltly, ChamLao IT Dbever lopment is Company Profile opportunitconcepties incl uofding strategic b us ipartnershipsness providesHaving outsthe ourcicompanyng of service with in foreignEstablished:• Golden 2010 awaNrumbd ine Ar SEof EmpAN lIoCyeTe sA: wLeassrd t h an 50 grows, a business schoouldnce sptta rotf t ost rategic partnbAeu lorssinnheei wspsos sl ft acartnns smaot lalslt: lIotnw cgian tho bu e t i t s Cu parrcekn,tl syo, Ldaooe ITs a D evelopp maretn otf i tsh e IoTCo AmSpEaAnNy PNreotfwileor k, which matching oandpp oralliancestunitie s,to semi achievenar s,more numerouscountriesof C oformsmm eofrce support and In dforus try (LNCC2I0)1 2 in digital conteConrpto caratet eNgameor:y L ao IT Development and alliances to achieve mfwoiorundtheou etd i tbsy p aecvek,n s oon deo epse abr suosinessn opra ra t of the IoT ASEAN Networiks ,a wlshoi cah p artner with many local and think about bringing in outside success. its growth pro vopportunitiesides the co mincludingpany w ithC Numbernorumporateer No ameofus Employees:: Lao IT D evelopme ntC o., Ltd. training, angbrduosiness kunpo owlf feridegned sh wahrion sgh are thies also a partner with many locainltern anda tional Coor.•ga, L tndi.s aWtionrsld s uScuh mmitas the Award SEA 2016 as skills and expertises tuoc fcueesl s.gro wth. Acicnoternrbusinessdingat iotofnalo F romatching morbrsgae son, fois nsaeut i opopportunities,nfp so srutc hf oars tihtse growLessth than 50 Internation al Activities: sessions. sam eA cdcorredingam. t oH Foowevrbes,e orn,e a osf it Awards: Lao ICT Assoc iation (rLeIgiCAo)n, al best practice Another common way is to use the Currently, Lao IT Developmentthe big gLeasoseminars,t misICTt Aaksseos c training,biautsiionne s(Ls IandCA) ,knowledge Established : 2010 the biggest mistakes business opportunities inDclAuTdingACOM b,u Aslion Teescsh nology, and Having outsourcing of service in foreign gisr opartws ,of a the bu IoTsin eASEANss sho Network,uldown stearrs tD m tAaoTk ACOe is tMryi, nAglo t oT edcoh nology, and Est•ab lishedA :SE 2010 AN Business Awa rd Lao P DR concept of strategic partnerships owners make is trying to do sharing• sessions.Golden award in AGSEravAitecN IhC. TA tA twInternationalhea rsda m e time, b Activities:eingcountries a everythGinrga vailteconhem.. SAuat rttehc,he e siverynamg e o tpimpeo, rbteuinngit ai es, seminars20, 16, Lao Priority In tegration Sector tewhichhverytinkh ainisbg o aualsolotn be .r Sianu rgingepartner, every in ouwithtside 2012 in digital conmteenmtb caert oegf othr ey Lao National Cham ber and alliances to achieve more businesms setmarbtesr sma otfr tahllie:n ILaitn cogan N, aanbteio dnal k nChamowlebderg e shaHavingring Exceoutsourcingllence of A serviceward sin N umb e r o f Emp l o ye e s : L e ss t h an 50 skibuslilnse sasn sdta retxs psmaertlli:se It ctano fbuee l growth. • World Summit Awofa rCdo mmSEAe r2ce01 Nan6umb ads In er dofu Empstryl o(yeLNes:C LCeIss) than 50 success. foundedo fb Cyo emmvene onrcee anpedrs Inond uors tar y (LNCCI) foreign countries founded by even one person or a sesresgiionnasl. b est pracpticroev i des t h e c o m p an y w ith numeroAuwsa rds: Another common way isg rtoou pu ospfe rf ortivheidesned s twhhe oc osmhaprane tyh we ith numerous group of friends who share the • ASEAN Business fAowrmarsd o Lf asuop PpDRort for its growth International Activities: concept of strategic parsamtneres dhrfoeiparmm.s s Hofo swev uppeorr,t a fso rit i ts growth InAwards:ternational Activities: • Golden award in ASEAN ICT Award same dream. However, as it 2016, Lao Priorityo pInpteorgtruantiitoiens Sinectcluodingr business Having outsourcing of service in foreign grows, ao pbpuosrintuenssit isehso iuldnclu sdingtart tbou siness HavingEmai outsl:o urcing of service in2 foreign012 in digital content category angrodw sall, ai banusceiness st osh aouldchi setveart mto ore Excellence Awardms a t c h i n g o p p o • r Golden t u n it i e s award, semi nin a rASEANs, ICT countries think abmoauttc hbirningging opp oinrt uonuittsiiedes, seminars, countries • Worl d Summit Award SEA 2016 as sthuicncke asbs.ou t bringing in outside training, and knio Awardnwlfoe@dg 2012lea sohita inrdi nevdigitalg .com content skills antrda einxipne gr,t anised t ok nfuowlel egdrogwe tshh.a ring regional best practice skills and expertise to fuel growth. sessions. category Awards: sessions. Awards: Another common way is to usAne thoeth er common way is to use the • ASEAN Business Award Lao PDR Golden award in ASEAN ICT Award • concept of straEmaitegicl :p artnerships •• WorldGolden Summit award in AwardASEAN ISEAC20T A 1w6a,r dL ao Priority Integration Sector concept of strategic partnerships 2012 in digital content category and alliances to achieve more 20162012 asin diregionalgital con tebestnt ca practicetegExceory llence Awards and alliances to achieve more • World Summit Award SEA 2016 as [email protected] • TWelo.r:ld + S8ummit56 2 A1w a5r6d 2SE 9A 05201 6 as success. • ASEAN Business Award regional best practice success. regional best practice • ASEAN Business Award Lao PDR • Lao A SE PDR AN B u2016,siness LaoAwa rPriorityd Lao PDR 2016, Lao Priority Integration Sector Integration2016, Lao Pr iSectorority In ExcellenceteEmaigratioln: Sect or Tel.: +856 21 562 905 WExceeblsleite:nce A wards Exce l l e n c e Awards Awards [email protected]

Above: Lao IT Development’s e-magazine, E-Corner. The magazine is a monthly IT based magazine without any printed publication www.laoitdev.com released / Thanongsack and his team was selected and interviewed by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) to be featured Email: Email: in One Hundred Successful Business Persons in Lao publication. The publication is planned to be pWubelibshseite:d in Japan. Email: [email protected] [email protected] Above: Lao IT Development’s e-magazine, E-Corner. The magazine is a monthly IT based magazine without any printed publication [email protected] Tel.: +856 21 562 905 released / Thanongsack and his teaBme wloasw se:l eLacteod I aTn Dd einvetelrovpiemwedn bt’ys tahwe aJardpsa ng Eivenxter n//al TThraed teea Omrga onfi zasuticcone ss(JE aTRt LOa)o t oIT be D feeavetulorepdm ent www.laoitdev.com in One Hundred Successful Business Persons in Lao publication. The publication is planned to be published in Japan. Facebook: TTel.:el.: +8 +85656 21 5 2162 562905 905 Tel.: +856 21 562 905 Website: Below: Lao IT Development’s awards given // The team of success at Lao IT Development Above: Lao IT Development’s e-magazine, E-Corner. The magazineFaceb isoo a monthlyk: IT based magazine www.facebook.com/laoitdev Above: Lao IT Development’s e-magazine, E-Corner. The magazine is a monthly IT based magazine without any printed publication without any printed publication released / Thanongsack and his team was selected and interviewed by the Website: released / Thanongsack and his team was selected and interviewed by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRWOWebsite:)e tbos beite: fea tured www.laoitdev.com Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)Abo tove :be La ofeatured IT Develo pinmwww Oneent’s eHundred-m.fagacebazine, ESuccessfulo-Corokne.rc. Toh emBusiness ma/gazlainoe i itsPersons ad moenvth l y IT based magaz ine without any printed publication iAnb Oovnee: LaHuo nITd Dreved lSoupmcceensst’s feu-ml Baguazsinee, ssE- CorPenrseor.n Tsh ein m Lagaazoi npeu ibs lai cmoatniothnly. ITTh bea spedu bmlaigcazatiinoen w itsh poulat annnye pdri ntote dbe pu pbulicbaltiisohn ed in Japanwww.www.laoitdev.com .laoitdev.com www.laoitdev.com inre leaLaosed publication. / Thanongsack aThend h ipublications team was sele isct eplannedd andr einleatesr toevdie w/be Tedh published abnyo tnheg sJaacpka an n inEdx htJapan.eisr nteaal mTr awdaes Osergleacnteizad tainond (inJEteTRrviOew) etod beby fteahetu Jarepda n External Trade Organization (JETRO) to be featu red in One Hundred Successful Business Persons in Lao piunb Olicnaet iHonu.n Tdhre dp uSbulccicaetssiofnu li sB pulsainnnessed Ptoe rbeso npsu ibnli sLhaeod p iunb Jlaicpaatnio. n . The publication is planned to be published in Japan. Below: Lao IT Development’s awards given // The team of su ccess at Lao IT Development Below: Lao IT Development’s awards given // The team of success at Lao IT Development Below: Lao IT Development’s awards given // The teaBmel ofw su: ccLaeoss I Tat D Leaveo IloTp Dmeevenlto’sp amweanrtd s given // The team of success at Lao IT Development Facebook: Facebook: Facebook: Facebook: www.facebook.com/laoitdev www .facebook.com/laoitdwwwev .facebwwwoo.kfaceb.comoo/kl.acomit/dlaeovit dev

50 50 Success Stories50 50 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 50 50 Success Stories 50 50 Success Stories 50 50 Success Stories /INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION LAO PDR


Ma x Media Co., Ltd.

aa T heMax very Mediafirst pion eCo.,er in LLtd.ao PDR’s media and advertising Max Media Co., Ltd. indu stry who has been growing in size and revenue ever since its TheThe veryvery first first p pioneerioneer inin LLaoao PPDR’sDR’s mmediaedia andand advertising advertising e stablishment industryindustry who who has has been been growing growing in in size siz eand an drevenue revenu evere eve sincer since its itsest establishmentablishment

And that marked the beginning of printing among customers and Max Media Co., Ltd. customers’ customers, and that’s

And When that mtheark companyed the beg iwasnni nnewlyg of prAtin tinwMaxgh aym counMedia,sgt ocumsteo rmsboth ewrils la nkdeehigh p h iring Ma x Me Wdiahe Cno t.h, Le tcd.o mpany was customers’ customers, and that’s established, it offered only an technologythe csoftwareompany. and standard newly established, it offered only why customers will keep hiring advertising When t heservice compan yand was event hardware are used in work an advertising service and event the companAy.t M ax Media, both high nmanagementewly establis hserviceed, it o ffandere dwas onl yrun production. Somphong explained

anwithm aadna vonlyegertims ifivenegn sert tosev risixcevi ce anpeople dan eved wasn witht r un that Athet tecM ahxmoren Meolodia, gyinvestment bsotfhtwar highe anyoud s tandard

mverywianath limitedge onmleyn fit technological sveer vtioce si anx pd ewaso support.pl eru win th maketechn inohl otechnologyagyrd warsoftware a refore a usedn production,d stan inda wrodr k

wiThenveryth on llaterimily fitve ed thet ot esi cxhcompany pneoolpolgei cawi tlbegan h theha rdbetterwarpreo d arutheec usedti oendn .i nS owresultsmorpkh o nwillg ex plained very limited technological production. Somphong explained offeringsuppor othert. Th eservices.n later the company be. If tthere’shat th eany mo rfailuree inves intm ethent you subpepgaornt. oTfhfenri nlagter o tthher c osemrpvaniceys . that thme makoer ein in tecveshtmnoenlot gyyo ufo r production, it will affect the entire b egaThen o fsloganfering o‘Fastther s e servicervices. with make inpr tecodhunctoiloongy, tfhore better the end The slogan ‘Fast service withvalue prod uchainction, ofth ethe bet toperationer the end and good T qualityhe slogan and ‘Fa anst seinternationalrvice with results will be. If there’s any Excellence Awards good quality and an internationathatlr esu islt swhat will everybe. If tcompanyhere’s an ydoesn’t Excellence Awards gstandardood qual ity providedand an in ter fornati on oural failure in the production, it will standard provided for our want.failur e in the production, it will scustomers’tandard pr oisvi dwhated fo r Maxour Media affect tahffecte ent tirhee va enluteir ceh vaainl uoef tchhea in of the cemphasizesuscustotmomeres’r iss ’ throughwish wath Mata xMits Mea xstandarddia Me dia Anope absenceratoiopne ranatdi 0f othna foreignant isd w thhaatt e iverys wh at every ebusinessmemphphasaizs eiszconduct. eths rtohurgohu igtAssh s ita tsnevidence sdartanddar d compancoym dpoeansny’t dwaoensnt. ’t want. bofbu suisnthis,ienses scsothe ncodn ucdISOtu. Acts . eAstandardvside evnicede o nfce on o f entrepreneurs in the this, the ISO standard on Quality Qualitythis, th Managemente ISO standar Systemd on Q ISOuali ty industry Mr. Somphong Phothisane, Management System ISO MrM. Sro. Smphoomphongn gP Phothihothissaane, Management System ISO An absence 0f foreign Founder and President 99001:2008001:2008 cer certificatetificate wwasas awarded An absence 0f foreign FoundFounderer and and P Preressiiddeenntt 9001:2008 certificate was enLuckily,trepre neinu rsLao in t hePDR, the atowar thede company,d to the co mandpan ity ,is an thed i tonly is entrepreneurs in the awarded to the company, and it isadvertising industry and printing industry KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS tprintinghe only p companyrinting co minp aLaony inPDR Lao to industry KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS is largely reserved for Lao people KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS PDeverthRe receivetono elvery p r recthisinteii ncertificate.veg tchoism pany in Lao Luckily, in Lao PDR, the • Always making the company PDR to ever receive this to hold a Llicenseuckily, into Laoperate.o PDR, the • Always making the company certificate. advertising and printing industry • Alwattayrasc mtiveak ing the company certificate. Therefore,is largealdyv r eersertheretisviend g f hasanor Ld a pobeenr pineot ipnlnoeg i ndustry attractive Self-reinvention to keep the a •tt rAbacsetinvece of competition marketto holdi s a laintervention lircegensely troe serop evrfromeate.d f o r anyLao people • Absence of competition Scompany e l f -reinve attractivention to keep the foreignTheref orinvestorse, there hinas btheee nindustry. no • Ab • Sseunpporce ot ff romcomp theet ition to hold a license to operate. go• Supportvernme nfromt the government cSomelpf-arneyi natvternacttiioven to keep the Thema rkcompetitiveeTt hintereerveforne ti,groundo tnh ferroem h hasaansy b stilleen no • S upport from the foreign investors in the industry. coTheTmhep aaadvertisingdnveyr taistitnrga an ctanddive pr i nprintingting been a localmar kone.et int Moreover,erventio becausen from any goPROveFILErnme nt The competitive ground has still bbusinessusiness hashas alwa alwaysys been a been a Max Media was the very first been af olorcaeignl on ien. vesMorteorovse inr, the industry. Having had experience in ccompetitiveompTethiteiv aed iindustry,nvedrutsitsriyn, g sso oan companiesd printin g pioneer company in the industry, PROFILE becauseTh Mae cxo Mempdiaeti twasive tghreo vundery has still finPROFILEe arts and creative activities in cshouldobmuspiann eisealwayss shhaosu aldmakelwa always y bsthemselves eemank ae the company is now more efficient first piboeeneenr a c olomcapal nony ien. tMheor eover, T hHaailvanindg f ohra tdw oe xyepaersie, annced in tattractivehceomsemplevesti ttoi av teexistingtr iancdtiuves ttandroy e, xs ipotentialost ing andind usteconomicallybry,ecause the co mMapanx Meycompetitive is dianow was t he very finef oarretsees ainndg acnre oaptpivoer taucntiitvyi dtiuees toin ancustomers.codm popteanntiie als“The csuhsot uomainmlde alrs wa.competitor “Tyhse make Having had experience in comparedmore effic itoen tnewcomers and economica sincelly it Thatilhae nadbse fonrce tw ofo an yeya mrse,dia an d main competitor is no one else but first pioneer company in the fine arts and creative activities ist hnoemse onelves else at tbutrac titheve tcompanyo existin g hascom accumulatedpetitive comp aknowledgered to and forebseeusininegss aesn ionp Lpaor PtuDnRi tiny tdhuee l atote the company itself,” stated industry, the company is now in Thailand for two years, and itself,”and p ostatedtenti alSomphong. custome rOnes. “T wayhe othernewc orelatedmers s inbusinessce it has know-how 1990’s, Somphong Photisane Somphong. One way for a more efficient and economically the aforeseeingbsence of anany mopportunityedia due form aai ncompany compet itotor reinvent is no o nitselfe else is buoverta ccumul a decade.ated k nowledge and other decided to move back to his home company to reinvent itself is by competitive compared to busintoe ssthees i nabsence Lao PD Rof i n anythe lamediate byth eincorporating company itse newlf,” stechnologytated related business know-how over a country from Thailand and incorporating new technology into newcomers since it has 1990businesses’s, Somph oning PLaoho tiPDRsane in the intoSom productsphong. O nore wservicesay for a being decade. establish his own advertisement products or services being offered. Excessiveaccumul supportated k ofno thewled Laoge and other decidedanlated e vet1990’s,on mt moveana Somphongbgeackme tnot hcoi smPhotisane hpoanmy.e offered.compan y Thisto re invehelpsnt it selcreatef is by This helps create excitement related business know-how over a coundecidedtry from toTh amoveiland anbackd to his excitementincorpora aboutting n anew advertisement technology i ntogovernment to strengthen about an advertisement or decade. estabhomelish h icountrys own a fromdver tThailandisement and orp rprintingoducts or among servi cescustomers being oandffer edthe. local businesses and eestablishvent mana hisge ownmen tadvertisement company. customers’This help scustomers, create exc iandtem ethat’snt and event management company. why customers will keep hiring the Lao PDR wants to emphasise about an advertisement or 51 50And Success that Stories marked the beginning of company. the importance of small and Max Media Co., Ltd. medium enterprises in the country.


ExcessEixcvee ssus ip v /peINFORMATIONo srutp opfo trhte o Laf thoe La TECHNOLOGYo a d veratdisvienrgti ansindg & pan rCOMMUNICATION/idn tpirnign tbinugs ibnuessisn. ess. LAO PDR governmgoveenrnmt t oe snttr eton sgttrheenng then Max MeMadiax Me isdia als ios al smoe am mbeemr obfe r of ComCopamnpya Pnryo Pfriloef i le the locthale b loucsinesaEl bxcuessinesessi v es essu p port of thteh eLa Ltaoho e Nat Laoi oNatnaladi voChaenalrti msChainbge mran obdfe r p orfi nting business. Commerce and Industry (LNCCI), CorpCoorraptoer Natamee Name: Ma: xM Maxe Mdiaedia Co .,C oL.,t dL.t d . Lao gPoDveR rwanmntse ntot etmo pshtraesinseg thCeonmm erce andMa Indux Mestdiary ( LisN aClsCoI a), m ember of Company Profile Lao PDR wants to emphasise which provides the company with the impotr/INFORMATIONhtaen celo coaf lsma bulsinesl and TECHNOLOGY ses which pr &ov COMMUNICATION/idesth teh eL aco mNatpanioynal wi Chath mber of LAO PDR the importance of small and various opCpoommrtuneirtceies an tod j oInduin stry (LNCECstIa)b,l ish: 199C8o rporate Name: Max Media Co., Ltd. medium e n ter Lparios ePsD inR twahe nts to emvariphasiousse opportunities to join Establish: 1998 medium enterprises in the internatiownalhi cbhu spirnoevsisdes ma tthche icnogm, pany with country. tThhee irmefporoer,ta thnece of small anidn ternational business matching, country. TherefTherefore,ore, the the government has semiMax nMediaars,vari an isd o alsotursa io napi npmembergo ratburnoiat idofe.s t o jo in government has provided support seminars, and training abroad. Corporate AddEsrteasbs:li sVihe: n199tia8ne , Lao PDR government hasmprovided perdiovuimded supporten steruppp roinisr etthe s in formthe of the Lao National Chamber of Number of Employees: 60 in the form of workshops, international business maCompanyNumberCtchorpinorga, tof e Profile AEmployees:ddress: Vi e60ntiane, Lao PDR in the form of wcworkshops,oorunksthroy.p Ts ,h eknowledgerefore, th e sharing Commerce and Industry (LNCCI), knowledge sharing sessions, and seminars, and training abr oad. knowledge shargsessions,inogve sernsms ieoandnnts ,h aansseminars dp rovided from sup porwhicht provides the company Corporate Address: Vientiane, Lao PDR seminars from overseas CorporateNumbe Name:r of EmpNumber loyee sof: 6Employees:0 60 ioverseasn the fo companiesrm of wo rforks businesses,hops, with various opportunities to join Number of Employees: 60 seminacrosm frpoanmi oesve forser bauss inesses, kincludingnowled gthosee sha roperatinging sess ioinn sthe, a ndinternational business matching, Max InternationalMedia Co., Ltd. Activities: companiniecludings for b uthsionsees ospese,r ating in the International Having outsourcing Activities: of service in foreign semiadvertisingnars fandrom printing overse business.as seminars, and training abroad. InternationalN Aumbctivitiere os:f Emp loyees: 60 including those operating in the Havingcountries outsourcing of service in foreign EstablishedInternationa:l 1998Activities: companies for businesses, countries International Activities:

Having outsourcing of service in foreign including those operating in the International Activities:

Number of Employees:countries 60 Awards:

Awards:• A wASEANard: Young Entrepreneur Awards

International• ASEAN 2016 Young Activities: Entrepreneur Awards Awa-r d:ASE AN You ng Entrepreneur Awards Having 2016• Lao outsourcing BusinessAwards: ofAward service 2016 in 2016 - ASE AASEANN You nBusinessg E nASEANtre pLeaderren Youngeur Awards A wEntrepreneurard 2012s Awards foreign• Lao• Businesscountries Award•Award: 2016 2016 • ASEAN- Lao BBusinessusines s 2016 AwLeaderards Awards2016 2012 • - A LaoSE ABusinessN Youn gAward Entre 2016preneur Awards - Lao- ABSEusiAneNs Bs uAwsi20naers1ds6 s L 20eader16 Awards 2012 Awards:Email: • ASEAN Business Leader Awards 2012 • ASEAN Young Entrepreneur Email:- [email protected] AN Busines- sL Laoeader Busi neAwsas rAwds a20rd1s2 20 16 [email protected] 2016 [email protected] [email protected]: - ASEAN Business Leader Awards 2012 •[email protected] Lao Business AwardEmail: 2016 [email protected], •[email protected] ASEANl: [email protected] Leader sale@[email protected], advAwardsertisi [email protected], Tel.:desig +856n@ma 21x [email protected] 441l:l ao.com [email protected], [email protected], Email:Tel.:desig +856n@ma 21x m264edia 441lao.com [email protected], [email protected] Website:Tel.: +856 21Tel.:d 2e6s4ig +8564n4@1 ma 21x m264edia 441lao.com [email protected] Tel.: + 8 56 21 264 441 [email protected]: www.maxmedialao.com Website: Website:Tel.: +856 21 264 441 Facebook: Mobile:www +856.max m21e www.maxmedialao.com264dial a441o.c om Webwww.facebook.com/maxmedialaossite: Facebook: Website: Website:www.maxmedialao.com www.facebook.com/maxmedialaosFacebook: Facebook: www.maxmedialao.com www.maxmedialao.com Official Line: www.facebook.com/maxmedialaos@maxmusic www.facebook.com/maxmedialaos Facebook: Facebook:Official Line: @maxmusic Facebook: www.maxmedialao.comwww.facebook.coOfficialm/ma xLine:med @maxmusicialaos Official Line: @maxmusic www.facebook.com/ www.facebook.com/maxmedialaos maxmedialaos Official Line: @ma xmusic Above: Somphong Above:receiving Somphong his award a treceiving the Lao his award at the Business Award 201Lao6 Business Award 2016 Official Line: @maxmusic Official Line: @maxmusic Below: The printinBelow:g site of M Theax Mprintingedia un dsiteer t hofe Maxname Media under Above: SompMax hOoffnseg tr eceiving his award at the Lao Business Award 2016 the name Max Offset Above: Somphong receiving his award at the Lao Business Award 2016 Below: The printing site of Max Media under the name Max Offset Above (starting from the top): Services offered by Below: The printing site of Max Media under the name Max Media Co., Ltd. Max Offset 1) Billboard for Rent 2) Vehicle Graphics Above (star3t) iLnigh ftr Booxm t he top): Ser vices offered by Max Media C4o)., A Lrtt dB.ox Above (starting from the top): Services offered by 1) Billboard f5o)r B Rootenht & Even t Organizing Max Media Co., Ltd. 2) Vehicle Graphics 1) Billboard fo r Rent 3) Light Box Above (starting from the top): Services2) Vehi cofferedle Grap byhic sMax Media Co., Ltd. 4) Art Box 3) Light Box 1) Billboard for Rent 5) Booth & Event Organizing4 ) Art Box 2)5 Vehicle) Booth &Graphics Event Organizing 3) Light Box 4) Art Box 52 50 Success 5)Stories Booth & Event Organizing

52 50 Success Stories 52 5052 Success Stories 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ MALAYSIA

aa Algaetech International Sdn.Bhd .

A recent/lMyANUFA IP/OMeANUFA/MANUFACTURING/dC comTURCpITNGaUnyR/ I th NG at/ of f ers the wor l d t he pow er MALAYSIA M A L AYS MAILAAYS IA


of abandoneaa d algae in the form of food and cosmetics


aa AlgaAlgaAlgaAlgaetechetteeccehht eIn Incht teInternational eInrnrnateatirntionaloanalti Sdn.o nalSdn.Bhd Sdn. Bhd.Bhd . Bhd . .

AA rreeceAn Art lelrecentlyyyce IIPnPOtOleyed IPOeddI comP comOep dcompanyap comnayn yth pthaat thata nofty fof er thoffersfsera thets of the theworfer worsworldl dthe thel d thewor tphe opowerw lpdero t wheer p ower Today, Algaetech the protein of the future and an ofof abandoneabandoneof abandoneddd a alglgaae algae ein in the t inhe f theor form formm of off oodof f foodood an anddan cod cosmeticss cometsmetics ics of abandoned algIntaer inna ttiohenal for’s pmro ofdu cftoods are an d cosmetaliterncs ate feed for the region distributed across Malaysia and whose population is growing.

Indonesia and other countries.

T o daToy da, Alga y , TAlgaeotecdaehytec , Algah etech the prtohteie np rooftei tthhen fuporfto utteihree n afun odtfu antrhe e a fundtu anre and an Interna tioToday,nal’s p Algaetechroducts a International’sre Saltternskincarerataeteg fie cproducts.e dg froor wthte hSyed re tghio Isarno uviewsgh InvestmIntenertna inInttio Renal&rnaD’st piofornalord uh’sci tpgsrh aor-deu cts are alternateal ternfeeda fteor f teheed rfeogri othne region disdtrisibtruproductsitbeudt aecdr oa scaresr oMs alasdistributed Mysialaa ysianda aacrossnd owuhalgaeotsesow p uhoasorp secultheia npt ioogproteinpn aul insa gdtior oofInwing.ni theist gi ar futureolwing. value Indbioo nteesciah dannisdotr oliobthugyetre cdo aucnrtorisess .M alaysia and whose population is growing. IndoMalaysianesia an andd o tIndonesiaher coun andtrie sother. P uandbl ianc Oalternatefferin feedg (I forP theO) region countries.Indonesia and other countrieswhose. population is growing. “Initia lly we discovered Algae fIonrves thetm peu nrpt oinse R o&fD for high- S t r a t SeTgthrieca gcteorgomiwcpt anghr toyh wreontuhgagg thh er oinu gbhot h Investment in R&D for high- ouStrategictsourcing growthS atnrda tIenig throughitcia gl rowth through renewavablleu e nbInvestmenteiorIgy, tnevesc ah nstomluo eringycen tR&D oinf R for&D for bhuigshin-oeussts-toou-brcuisninge asns,d a Isni a trawial valuhighvaluee bio tech biono ltechnologyogy mPuaoutsourcingbterialic Ol fsuferpoipnulg itand es(Iro,Pu an OInitialr)cd i nbgu sainndess Ini- tial biomas s , an “Initiad spvaellnylu twe ey e bdiairsocs o tveecrhedn ology Public Offering (IPO) Public OfferingPublic (IPO) Offering (IPO) Algae f o “r Initiathe pullryp owese diofs covered t o - c o Tnhseu cmomepr,an byy esengagllineg in t hboetihr own conducting R &“InitiallyD t o c“Initiao nweve rldiscoveredlty i wet in ditos c oAlgaevere d The company engage in both renAlgaeewab lfeo ern tehregy, p uar spoouserce o of f fbouosdin eanss-dt oc-obsmetu s i n e siTsch, paesr c oao drawmupc ants.y engage in both an alternativefor f Algaeother b io purposeffoure tlh. e Lat pofure prrenewableo, se of Thebu sicompanyness-to- bengageusine ssin, aboths a raw biormenaesswa, anblde sepneenrtgy, yea ar ss ource of material suppblieurs,i anneds sb-utosi-nbeusssi-ness, as a raw energy,rene awa sourceble e nofe rbiomass,gy, a sou andrce of business-to-business,material supplie r,as an da brawusin ess- this resecoanbrdiocuhmct ialensgds , R tanh&eDd ctsop mceonpntv anyeerayt r itso in to to-co nCusurrmern, mtlbyya ,seteria tlhlien glc suothmepippr lanoiewnry, ’ans d business- spentbi oyearsmass ,conducting and spen t R&Dyear s to material supplier, and business- move iannt coao ltternnhdeu ahcttiigvenhg f- oRvar& blDuio eftu oAlge cl.o nLatavee errt, it into safooleds an taord-e cc oomnsmetsaudemi ce7 rp0,r %body ubsecytl s.ltih neg their own convertcon ditu cintoting an R &alternativeD to conv forert it to-consumer,into to by-c osellingnsum etheirr, b yown sel ling their own developthmis erneset faorrch f oleodd t hfeo rco hmepalanthy to Cuforroden antlyd, tchoesmet compican pyr’osd ucts. an abiofuel.lternat iLater,ve fo rthis bio researchfuel. Lat leder the, dofoodmes andtic mcosmeticaforokde tan products.andd c o30smet% fioc rp trhode ucts. move into anthe a hlternigh-vaatliuvee Algfora bei ofuel. Latsaleesr ,a re made 70% by the conscioutsh pise companyroepselea”r,c sah toleys dmove Sthyee dcintoo Imsa pthe.an yhigh- to internatio Cunalrr menatlryk, etht.e Scoymedp anIsay ’s developmetnhti sf orre sefooadr cfhor le hdeal ththe compandoym toes tic market a nCud 30rre%n ftloyr, t thhee company’s Since 201m2o, vetvalueh ein ct oAlgae mthpe an hdevelopmentigyh h-vaasl ue Alg fora efood sti pulCurrently,saatesles aar es tmraathetegicde 70 p%company’slan by toh e Mr. Syed Isa Syed Alwi, conscious mpeooveple i”n, tsao ysth Se yheidg hIs-ava. lue Alginaterne ational msaalerkse at.r e S myeadde Isa 7 0% by the looked indevto Aeforlsotap healthmxanent hconsciousforin ,f owohdi fcpeople”,ohr ihse alt hsays salesd omarees timadec ma rk70%et a ndby 30 the% f or the Since 2012dev, thel coopmmpeannty fhoras f ood for heesaltxipthulan atesd t ha es tinrdaotegicternmes atpitlanci omnal taor k meta arnkde t30 % for the Founder & ManMagr. iSnyged D Isaire Scyteodr Alwi, consSyedciou Isa.s pe Sinceople” 2012,, says the Sy companyed Isa. domestic market and 30% for Mr. Syed Isa Syedk nAlwi,ownl ootok heda veint ocpo oAnwsstaceixroanfulusth panineo,ti wp-lhei”c,h sa isys Syetedox I p70sana.%id n ttern ihne inaa ternmidtionala-ttermi omnalar k mpeaet.r k sSepyte ecdt iIvsae , Founder & Managing Director Sincehas 20 1looked2, the cointomp anAstaxanthin,y has the internationalintern amarket.tional mSyedarke t. Syed Isa Founder & Managingo xDirectoridanktn eoffectwn to, ahnaved lapoterwer lfulaunc antih-ed ptoa 70rti%csut iinlap ular lmidaytes al- oterman sgtr waptegiceitrhsp te hpctelaniv ger, toow th KEY SUCCESSM rELEMEN. Syed Isa SyTedS Al wi, whichSin isce known 2012, toth ehave com powerfulpany ha s Isa stipulatesst ipa ulstrategicates a splantrategic to plan to Mr. Syed Isa Syed Alwi,o x idaloonkte edffect into, aAnsdta laxteran tlhauncin, whehdi ch is particeuxlapranly ald othnge winiternth thaet gioronalwt hm arket KFEoundY SUerC &C MESSanag ELEMENing DirecaTt oSlir n e of skinantioxidantcarlooe pkreodd iuncteffect,ots A. s ta xandant hinlater, wh oifc expandthh ies In dtheon eeinternationalxspiaan md athrke ein t.markettern Wiatth io nal market Founder & Managing Direcat olikrnn eo owf nski ton carhaeve p rpoodwuectrsful. anti- of the tIon d70on%e siina am midarke-tterm. Wit hp erspective, KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS launchedknow n ato hlineave pofo weskincarerful an ttih-itos s70%tra tegyin a tmid-term oin 70 mi%n ind perspective, ,a t hmide -term perspective, • Investm ent in R&D oxidant effect, and later launched this stprategyrticu inla mirlyn ald,o tnhge with the growth K•E InveY SUstmC•eC n InvestmentESSt in R&D ELEMEN in R&D TS products.oxidant effect, and later launccomparticularlyhepdan y is plalongoaortkiic nwithugla tr olthey o al ugrowthotsnogu wr iceth the growth KEY SU CCESS ELEMENTaS li ne of skincare products. companof yt hise l oInodkionnge tsoi ao umtsaorukrecet. With • Strategic growth through a line of skincare products. of the Indonesiaof th market.e Indo nWithesia this ma rket. With iits ccuulttlhitvatiivats siotirnoa tntegye cthenc iohnlno migoyl notodg ,oy t thoe r o ther • Strategi c •gro• InveStwrattshetgi mtchroe gronoutsourcingt uiwnght hR&D thro andugh Initial strategy in mind,this s ttherategy company in mi isnd , the • Investment in R&D ccounttrcrioeimes sinp inan th yteh fuise t lfuuoroetku. i rnTehg. e t yoT alhosouety s oalusorce outsourcingo ua tnsodu InrciingPublictia aln d Offering Initia l (IPO) looking to outsourcecompan itsy i cultivations looking to outsource hhave e ieytyse sec sou nlot intvath eth IPioen OIP tfeorOch tfhnoreo l othngeyg -tlo nogth-er • SPturbaltiecgi Ocff groeringwt (hIP tOhro) ugh technology toit others cult countriesivation t inec thehn ology to other Public Offeri ng• (IPO) termtermfuture. p cpeoeruns rTheypsetprceiteic vealsost iin veto havet ehtxoep efua eyesnxtdpu atr henone.d T thethhe ey also Strategic growth through countries in the future. They also outsourcing and Initial bbuIPOsiinneh esforasve sgl glthe oebyoall eblongtermsally. o ny. t he IPperspectiveO for the long- outsourcing and In itial have eyes on the IPO for the long- PROPFILEu blic Offering (IPO) to expandterm p theers businesspective globally.to expand the PROFILE PPROFILEublic Offering (IPO) term perspective to expand the Founded by Syed Isa Syed business globally. The company produces the business globally. FoundePdAlwiRO by FILEiSny 2e00d Is6, FoundedaAlga Syetecd hby Syed Isa Syed Alwi Alwi in 2006Int, AlgaernaPetROtecionainhFILEl p2006,rov ides Algaetech a bio InternationalThera cw o mapteriaanyl sp inro-hdouucesse in t hthee ir Foundprovidesed by S yeda Isbioa Sy etechnologicaldr aw mafaciterial ity.ls Tinh e-yh couultseiv aiten their Internationaltec prhonvo il deso g i cal Fao sbundoilou tieodn btoy fSoyoedd Isa Syed Alwisusta iinn a2b00ilitysolution6, wAlgaithi ne tectoth eh Sofood ut h sustainabilityHae maT thoTheecoc coc companymusp palnuvy ipa producesrlios dbuyces thethe raw technological solutAlwiion tion f2o00od6 , Algaetechfaci lity. They cultiTvahtee c ompany produces the IntEaestr naAstiaio rnaewithingil opnr owi vtithehdes Al gaaSouth be.i o T h e East Asiasourar cwin materialsmg materiaedia l (in-housesf einrt-ilhizoeur inse) f theirroinm th facility.eir International provides aH baioe matococcursa pwl umvaiaterialis blsy in -house in their sustainabilitytecc owmhintphoanlionyg tdevicalhregionee Soslooplu swith thihoigh n -Algae.tvao flouoe dThe companylocafaci l sulTheyipty.pl i e Trhscultivate.e yAlga culetite vcaHaematococcushte sourcinIntg emrnaediatiofacinal (fe islrit ty.ihliz e Tonehr)ely yf o rocnueml toi fv iattes East Asia regisfuosontda wiianntecatdbh chility oAlndevelopssmetogl waogeiiti.chcal pTi nrh o shigh-valuetdeohu leuc tSotsi ofurnot hmt o ffoodood andH aepluvialismatococ cubys plusourcingvialis b y media local sukpinpdl ine rMs.alaH Algaaysiema eathtetoactcoc his acbulse ptolu vialis by company devEaeallgasotp eA stsh ihuasit gh rtcaecosmeticogiin-vataioanbln ilityuwise a t products hp w oAliwtghearifulne .fromt hTeh Soe algae uth thatso ur(fertilizer)cing media from (fe rtlocalilize r)suppliers. from InternaptrioovnalideAlgaetech ais sus otshutaerc ionn iInternationalnabgll yme oseondialeu toi o(ffn eiis tros tfthei liz onlyer) f rom food and cosmetcanomtip-iocanx Epidayar sodevtnd containstA ueseffectcilatos pr efs.r gi hoTaio hmghnpowerfule cwi-ovamtlhup anAle anti-oxidantgy ae. The lo cal suppliers. Algaetech effect. The company also suppliesheal thyone fool odofca an itsl dsu skinkindpplcai einres .Malaysia Algaete thatch algae that cofnoaltaiosdo nsanuscpp doa m clpioeposmetsanw raeywr deviful mc pa eterrolodipaluscs httosi gh fro-kmvain ldu ei n MIntalaerysinaatio thnalat isis t ahbe lone tloy one of its other businrawess cumaterialsstomers. to other businessprod ucists . able IntSyee drto naI saprovidet iovinalews isaal ga thsustainableee aons ly on e of its anti-oxidanta elgaffecte thf.o a oTt dhc oanen ctaido mcnospsmet aan pyoi wc eprrfulod upcrtosv firdeom ak isunds taini Mnaalableysi sao ltuhtaito ins aobf le to algaecustomers. that contains a powerful solutionkind inof M healthyalaysia tfoodhat is andabl e to also suppliesan ratiw-o mxidaaternt iealffects to. The companheyal thy fporoodv ianded a skinsustacainraeb le solution of anti-oxidant effect. The companyh ealthyp frooovdide an ad suskinstacainraeb le solution of other businealsss oc usustppomlieesr s.ra w materials to products. Syedh Iesaalt vhiye wfoso da langade skinas care other balusoin seuspps culisetso rmawer s.m aterials to products. Syed Isa views algae as 53 50 Successoth Storieser50 b uSuccess siness Stories customers. products. Syed Isa views algae as 53

53 53 50 Success Stories50 Success Stories 53 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ M ALAYSIA /MANUFACTURING/ MALAYSIA

/MANUFACTU RING/ M ALAYSIA Below – Algaetech International’s production site Company Profile Below: Algaetech International’s production site

Company Profile Corporate Name: Algaetech International Sdn. Bhd. Below – Algaetech International’s production site Corporate Name: /MANUFACTURING/ M ALAYSIA Company Profile Established: Algaetech International Sdn. Bhd.

2006 (AlgaetechCorp Sdn.orat Bhd.)e Name:

2010 (Algaetech International Sdn. Below – Algaetech International’s production site Algaetech International Sdn. Bhd. Bhd.) Comp any Profile Established:

Number of Employees: 51-100 CorporEasteta Nbamelish:e d: 2006 (Algaetech Sdn. Bhd.)

Algaete2006ch In ternati(Algaetoneaclh Sd Sdn.n. B hBd.h d.) International Activities: 2010 (Algaetech International Sdn. Bhd.)

• Having foreign2010 affiliates (Algaet eorch International Sdn. Bhd.) branchesEstabli shed: • Having2006 out-sourcing (Algaetech Sdof n.services Bhd.) Number of EmploNyeumbes: 51e-1r0 0o f Employees: 51-100 in foreign2010 (A countrieslgaetech International Sdn. Bhd.) • Export of goods to foreign

BelowBelow: (Clock Algaetechwise) – A International’slgaetech Interna Anti-agingtional’s Ant cosmetici-aging co line,smet iAstac line Plus, Ast aEX Pl usupplement,s EX supplem Eggent, withEgg with Astaxanthin countries International Activities: Below (ClockwiAstaxanthinse) – Algaetech International’s Anti-aging cosmetic line, Asta Plus EX supplement, Egg with AstaxNanumbthine r of Employees: 51-I1n00ternati onal Activities: • Having foreign affiliates or Awards: branches Below (Clockwise) – Algaetech International’s Anti-aging cosmetic line, Asta Plus EX supplement, Egg with Astaxanthin • Having foreign affiliates or The companyInternati• has ona receivedHavil Activiting localeos:ut -s ourcing of services in and international• Havin grecognitionsf foorreeigign acfofuil ianttreise osr branches including: br•anches Ex port of goo•d s to fHavioreignn g out-sourcing of services in • Finalist,• FederationHavingc ooutu nMalaysia-storurciies ng of services in foreign countries foreign countries Manufacturer Awards, 2017 • Export of goods to for•eig n Export of goods to foreign Awards: • Malaysia cMostAouwnat rImpactfuliesds: countries Healthy Product The company Award, 2017 has received local and international• Finalist, Frecognitionsederation M includingalaysia • EntrepreneurAAwards:wards: PersonalityManufac t&ur er (FMM) Awards, The company• Finalist, has received Federation local and Malaysia Industry Award,20 etc.17 Awards: international• Fi n a l i s Manufacturert, Frecognitionsederation MA including awAwards,laaysriad s: 2017 • Finalist,M •an u f acMalaysiaM Federationtaurlaeyr s(Fia M MostMM oMalaysia)sThe At ImpactfulwImar pdcompanyasct, ful HealthyHealt hhasy received local and Email: [email protected] Manufacturer20 1 7 ProductProdu cAwards,t Award,Awarinternational• d2017 , 2017201Fi7 nalist, Frecognitionsederation M includingalaysia • MalaysiaM• •a l a y sEntrepreneurEia n MostMtroespt rImpactfulIenempaurct fPersonalityPuel HealthyHrseoanltahlyit y && Product Award, 2017 Finalist,Manufac Federationturer (FMM Malaysia) Awards, Tel.: +603 Product 2332 6960 IndustryI nAward,dustry 2017 Award,Awa•rd etc. • • EntrepreneurE nt repr eneur PersonalityPersonality && 2017 Toll free.: 1 300 88 2782 Manufacturer Awards, 2017 IndustryIndustry Award,Award etc. Emai l: info@algaet • e c h . c MalaysiaoMma.mlayy sia MostMost ImpactfulImpactful HealthyHealthy Below (left to right) – Algaetech’s employee identifying Haematococcus Pluvialis cell using a high tech microscope / Email: Product Award, 2017 AlgaeBelowtech’s em (leftploy eeto w right)orking o:n Algaetech’s media form employeeulation identifying Haematococcus Pluvialis cell using a high tech Website:Email: [email protected] . m y Product Award, 2017 microscopeBelow (left t /o Algaetech’sright) – Algae employeetech’s emp lworkingoyee iden tonifyi nmediag Haem formulationatococcus Pluvialis cell using a high tech microscope / Email:[email protected] • Entrepreneur Personality & Algaetech’s employee working on media formulation www.algaetech.com.my [email protected].: +603 2332 696• 0 Entrepreneur Personality & www.premia.com.my Industry Award Tel.: +603 2332 6960 Industry Award, etc. www.astatude.comTTel.:oll fr +603ee: 1 3 233200 8 86960 2 782 Toll free: 1 300 88 2782 Tel.: +603 Toll 2332free.: 6960 1 300 88 2782 Facebook: Toll free.: 1 300 88 2782 Email: [email protected] Below (left to right) – Algaetech’s employee identifying Haematococcus Pluvialis cell using a high tech microscope / Website: Email: Algaetech’s employee working on media formulation www.facebook.com/Website: [email protected] www.alWebsite:gaetech.com.my www.facebook.com/Premia.Website: www.pwwwrwww.algaetech.com.myemia..pcroemmia..myc omT.myel .: +603 2332 6960 Natural.Mywww.algaetech.com.my www.premia.com.mywwwwww.premia.com.my.astatude.com www.facebook.com/astatudewww.astatude.com Toll free: 1 300 88 2782 www.astatude.comwww.astatude.comTel.: +603 2332 6960

Toll free.: 1 300 88 2782 FacebooFakc: ebook: Facebook:Facebook: wwww.facebook.com/AlgaetechInterww.facebwwwo.ofkaceb.como/oAkl.gaetcomWec/heAIblngaetsternaite:ec hInterna 54 www.facebook.com/AlgaetechInter50 Success Stories tinaationalonal tion al www.facebnaationalook.com /Premia.Natural.MY www.facebook.com/Premia.Natural.Mywww.facebook.comwww/Premia..algaetNaturecahl.M.cYo m.my www.facebwww.facebook.com/Premia.Natural.Myook.com/astatude www.facebook.com/astatudewww.facebook.com/astatude www.facebook.com/astatudeWebsite: wwwwww.algaetech.com.my.premia.com.my wwwwww.premia.com.my.astatude.com www.astatude.com 54 50 Success Stories 54 50 Success Stories Facebook: Facebook: wwww.facebook.com/AlgaetechInterww.facebook.com/AlgaetechInterna tinaationalonal wwwwww.facebook.com/Premia.Natural.My.facebook.com/Premia.Natural.MY www.facebook.com/astatude www.facebook.com/astatude




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Conformity to

CoConInfotnernarfomCorimtyntifio otytnor amt ol iS tyta tndardo InternaConformitytional S ttoandard InternaPhIanmtt ernaDiounc Tathli ioSnnhta afndardol undStaendardd International Standard APNhaPmEhaC DmOu PsDchh uToacrhm tlTin yhD haiun ffcthoe T rundf hogundirnaehdd ufe oadundt inge d

ANAPfrNEoCPm EO HPhamCA sOanNh oPsorhEi tl oCUyrODucntl ai ysvf thea erofrstr ieThinhtlgtyrry ag oadrffa utS edacruti foundedegiannrtaigcend gu ati ng froman Hd anTeochi nUonloivgyer. s Wityi tohf hSics ideengceree fromANPECO Hfranomoi H Ushortlyanniovie rUs niaftertyiv eorf s Sgraduatingityci eonf ceSc ien ce in efromnginan edHanoie rTiencgh, nUniversityPohlaomgy .D Wuc i oftThh hScienceinish degr ee andan Tde cThencohlnoogylo.gy W. iWthi thhi sh idse dgergeeree in eisnt ginreiandnvedgineie n rtTechnology.e oieen ncrgogini,nn Pgfeo,h erParmhmina t gmoDWith, uPDchu aT cmhhis T iDnh ihudegreenc h T hin h internin engineering,sattrioivednal tsotan coda nPhamfordrms, an tDuco d t hThinhe strisvedtrived to cto ncfoonrfmor mto to internicnoternmastrivedtpioanainnaltioytern snalto osot aconforman ntsio trandaenalceivdard ssrt etod,and ans ,internationaltda hander dtIhSs t,eO han e d th e 9001-2008 (Quality Management comcopmanstandards,pyanc sooym osnpoano rn eandy ceivr seoceiv otheend re tedcompanyhceiv eth IeSe IdOS t Oh soon e ISO L inkage to multinational System) Certificate and Certificate 900910-0200received1-200980 0(8Q1 -ua(200Qtheluait8y l i (tManaQyISO uaManal itgey9001-2008 geManammenetnge t m ent corpoLrinkaatiogne to multinational of C(QualityonSfoystermity m)Management fCorer Etilfiecatrteic an dSystem) Certific ateLLinkage Linkainkagge e tot ot omultinational m muultinltinaattiioonn aall SysteSystem)m C)e rCteifirtciafiteca tean and Cde Crteirfiticfiacteate corporation CabCertificateineotfs C. o“nWef or smityandour ce for Certificateo nEllye act ric of c o c orp rp o“Borear patirotiooancnt i ve, be creative, be of Coof nCfoonrfmityormity for f orEl eEcltercitcr ic corporation limiConformitytedC abminoeutns t.for o“fWe rElectricaw so muraceteria Cabinets. onllsy a profes s i o na l“,B ane pdro bea ctthiove,ro ubge hc raeraet ive, be Mr. Pham Duc Thinh, CabClioancabeitlnslye. t a“ssWe. t “hWee s qo uausorlceuitry ceo dn ooleynsn’t lay a m eet o u r r ule“ B“Bes epo fpro trohaumbactcitve,ive,,” bsa beey c scr Preehaatatimive,ve, bbee Mr. Pham Duc Thinh, limi“Wetedlimi asourcemtoedu na tonlym oof ur naw tlimited o mf raateriaw mamountalsteria ls pr“Beofe psproactive,srioofnaessli,o anna dlbe, ban e creative,dth boer othuog rhobe ua rgeh are Chief Executive Officer limittheed r aemquioruendt sotanf radawr dms aoteriaf botlhs pDurofce Tsshiionnah. lW, anithd a b beig th voisriooung fhor a re Mr. Pham Duc Thinh, of lrawoca llymaterials as the q ualocallylity do eassn’t the m eetprofessional, our rule ands o fbe th umbthorough,” say sare Ph am Mr. MPhr.a PmhChief aDmu c DExecutive Tuhci Tnh,hinh, Officer localAollcaNy PlalEys CtahOs e ta hqneuad q iluatist ycli utdysot doeomsn’teesn’tr sm,” meesaeety st odevuoru reule lroulepsin sog fo iftt hst humbbumbusin,”e,” sssa sa-ytyoss -P Phhaamm Chief Executive Officer qualitythe rdoesn’tequired meetstanda therd srequired of both our rulesDuc ofTh thumb,”inh. Wit hsays a big Pham vision for KECYh iSUef ECxeCESScutive ELEMEN Officer TS tPhhea rmeq Duiurce dT hsitnanh.da “Mrdoss ot fo bf oththe bDuusicn Teshsi ndhis.t rWibiuthtio an b, igA NviPECsionO f or Chief Executive Officer the reqstandardsuirAeNdP sEtanC ofOda bothanrds iANPECO tosf c buostohm anders, ”its sa ysDuDuc c TThinh.hdevinhe.l oWWithpiinthg iat sbbig bigu svvisioniinseiossn- tfforoor- KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTArSaN wP EmCaOteria anlds iatrse c iumstpoomrterds f,”r osamy s fodevcuseselo poinn gb eitins gb uinsvinolevssed-t ion- large K EY SUKEYCC SUCCESSESS ELEMEN ELEMENTSTS ANPECcustomers,”OP ahnadm i tDs u csayscu Tstho Phamimnhe.r s“ ,MDuc” osas tThinh.y os f the devdevelopingelopbuinsgin itsiets sbusiness-tobusiness b duistirniebssut-ioton-, ANPECO KEY SU• CoCnCfESSormi tyELEMEN to TS PJhaapman D, Kuorc Teah iannhd. C “hMinoas.”t of the cbounsitnruecstsi odnis ptrriobjuetciotsn, t,h AeNrePECfore O • Conformity to internationalP ham “MostDurca Tw h ofmin ahtheteria. “ Mrawlso asr te materialso ifm tphoer ted arefro m bdistribution,usinefsosc duisess tANPECOr iobnu btioeing, focusesAinNvoPEClve donO i n large interna• Cotinofnoarlm sittyandards to raw materials are imported from tarfocguetsess b eoinn gb eliinnkge idn wivotlhve d in large • Conforstandardsmity to raw mimporteda teriaJaplans a ,r fromKeor ime apJapan, oanrtde dC hfKorearinoam.” and fbeingocuses involvedc oonns tbreui cinntig largeo nin pvro constructionoljveecdts i,n th laerege fo re • Con•f oIrn mveistytinm ttoenterna inti oR&Dn al standards Ja pan, Korea and China.” muconltsinatrutciotinalon cporropjeocrtast,i othnes rseufcohr e interna• Investmenttional sta ndardsin R&D Japan,China.” Korea and China.” cprojects,onstrutarc tgioents thereforepbreoinjegc ltisn, k tehde wirtargetseftohr e • atars hgoestpsi tabelsin, hg olitenlkse, dan wid th interna Linkat•i•o n LinkageIganelv tseots atmultinationalmndards toent multinational in R&D tarbeingget smu linkedbelitninag ltiwithinoknale d multinational cwiortpho rations such • Inv estment in R&D emulectlrotinanictiso cnalom cpoanrpieosr.a AtiNonPECs suOc h • Invescorporationtment• L iinkan R&Dg e to multinational mucorporationsltinaast ihoonals pi suchtacolrsp, hoasorate tlishospitals,o,n ans sdu ch • Linkagcorporatione to multinational naasm heods pai ftaewls ,o hf othteelisr, kaneyd corporation ahotels,s hospe andiletaclts roelectronics, hnioctes clso,m anp companies.and ies. ANPEC O • Linkage to multinational ceolnesctrroucntiicosn c pormojpeanctsi:e s. ANPECO corporation eANPECOlectronanicm namedse cdo am fpe awan few oife s tofh. eA theirirN kPECey key O corporationPROFILE named a few of their key PROFILE construction- Bacoc nNsitnr uhprojects:c Otibosnt eptrroicjesc atns:d FPoundROFILEed by Pham Duc Thinh nacmonesdtr au cfetiwon o pf rtohjeeicrt ks:e y constGruycnte-ico Bonlao cpgy rNo iHjneohcs tOps:ib talste trics and PROin 20FILE1 2 i n tFhoeund Named Tu by LPihemam Duc Thinh PROFILE Founded by Pham Duc Thinh - Bac-- T Bh Ninhaaci BNGi inObstetricsynhnh eT Ochobelsortmgyeto andrHeicloescs aptrniitalcdi ty Di s Ftroicundint o20f2012e ud1r2 b iany n inP t Hh eaanthe mNo aDu im, NamA cTuN TP h LEiiTuCOnemh Liem -Gynecology Bac Ninh HospitalObstetrics and Founded by Pham Duc Thinh FGacytno-er Tcyoh laoigy Bi nHho Tsphietalrm oelectricity ini s20 a 1m2 aDiDistrictinufacs tthriec ttNu oofrafim nuurbangr Tu bcano mL HiHanoi,peanm yo it,h AANPECOaNt PECO - ThaiGy nBinhecol Thermoelectricityogy Hospital in 201s2p ienc italhize eNsa inm c Tuabl eL liaedmd ers, cable Inves tment in R&D -- N Tohkaiai FBFaainccthtoo rTryyh ermoelectricity District iisos fa au mrmanufacturingbaannufac Hantuori,n Ag N ccompanyoPmEpCOan y ththatat -Factory Thai Binh Thermoelectricity Districttr unkof usr anband eHleanctroicai, Al cNaPbiEnCOets. - LFGa cFat-o Ncrtyo kryia Factory is a mansspecializesufacpecitaluizriensg in co ccablemabplane lladders,ayd tdhearts , ccablea ble InvestmentANIPnEvCeOst bmelenti einves R&D i nth aRt &D - Nokia Factory The company recently opened its -F- C aNacnotok-niraLy Fa G Fa cFacttoocrtryoy r y is a mspaencufacializttrunksrteuunks rinins gc ana cbandodlem e llpaeandelectricalctdryeica rtsh,l acta bilcabinets.ne ets. I tecnvhensotlomgyent is t hien k Rey&D to i ts - LG Factory second factory in an industrial ANPECO believes that - -NLoGki -aFa CFacatnocotronyr Fay ctory spectialrunkizes inanTTheh dcea ecbcompanyloelemc tlpraiandcadyle crrecentlyaesbce, cinaetlbtylse .o opened p e ned I itnitss v beuss itnmANPECOesents dev ienlo pRm&Debelievesnt. The that - CanonANPE FactoryCO is aiming to expand zone in the Hoai Duc District of ANtecPEhCnOo lbogyeli eisves th et hkaety to its - -LGCa Fanocnt oFaryc tory trunkTsh ean codm esecsecondlpeancotnryid car faefactorylce cctnaobtlryiyn i onepint ase n.n anei nd d iuindustrialts trial comtechnologypany spen isd sthe ab keyout to30 its% businessof its its m arketA sNhaPrEeC wOi tish a iming to expand Hanoi to manufacture medium- tecANhPnoEblCouOgysi nb isees ltsihe deveves ke yltoh tpaomt itesn t. The - Canon Factory The seccomonpdan fazzoneyoc nrteo ceriinnyn itntlhthe yea nHo Hoai poineadni ueDu dsDuct rciti Dials Districtstrict o f of anndevelopment.ual profit on TheR&D company. Their spends ANPECOcom petit ivise aimingpricing stotr aexpandtegy fo rits low voltage cabinet control panels. techbunsoilnoegycsos m isdevp tanheely ok psepmye entond tsi.t as Tb houe t 30% of its AiNtsP mECarOk eist sahimiaren wg ittoh eax pand seconzodn fae icnto HHanoitrhyane iHnoi o atotanoi manufacturemiDunadncu ufacDistrsitaltrui rcet mediumlowomfe dium- puraboutsuit f o30%r per offe citst q uaannuallity h aprofits on market share with a competitive In 2017 ANPECO opened its third buscionmespsan anndevy seuaploeln ppdmrose faintb to. nu T tR h3&e0 D%. oTfh ietsir hiitgsAh m NqacuaPorEkmleiCtptyO es pth iisrotai rvadeeimiu wpctristinhc tgi ona tg wino s etrx maptaneogyred for zoneH inan tohie t Holvoltageo omwa avi noDuufacl tagecabinetc Dit ucarsetbr imicontrolnceett dio cfuo nm tpanels.r-ol pan eInls r. e sR&D.ulted inTheir ANPEC pursuitO now forbei nperfectg pricing strategy for high quality factory and warrant center in Ho comannpanuaylp spuproresnufiditt s of oanrb Rop&uertDf e3. c0 tT% qhua eoifrl i ittys has itisc omnmiacpr hpekitregioth ijs veqhceuat apsr lrfeiorit cywi nmpitgrohulti s datru nacattetsiogy tonal fwino r more Hanoloiw to v moltageaIn2017nufac 20 ca 1ANPECO7btu iAnrNet PECm coendi Otopenedru ompl pe-nane deits lits.s tthirdhird internqualityatio nallhasy resultedrecogniz eind. ANPECO products to win more iconic Chi Minh City. annpuaurls upirort effsoiutr l otedpner Rfien&c AtD Nq. uaPEC TlhiteyOi rh naosw being ccoomrpporeitacitoinovinec pcpurrisoctjoienmcgtse s rftsorr. a tmegyulti fnoart ional low vInol 20tage17 factcafactoryANboiPECnrye tanand Ocod on pwarwarranttreonlre anpdan itt sceecenter tlnhs.ti er dr inin Ho Ho now being internationally projectshigh qua lityfor pro ducmultinationalts to win mo re purrseusiutl tedfoirn ternpine rAfaNetcioPECt nallquaOyl inrteyoc who gnizabse inegd . In 20fact17 oArNy PECanCChihdi MinhMOwar ionphran e City.Cnitet y.dce itnste trh iinrd Ho recognized. hcorporationiigchon qiuac oprlripotoryj customers.e pacrotiso dfnoru cc umtstulti otom winnearst.io mnalor e resiunlternted iant ioAnallNPECy reOc ongnizow bedei.n g factoCrhy ian Mdin warh Cirtany. t center in Ho iccoonripcor praotijoenct csu fsorto multiers.n ational internationally recognized. Chi Minh City. corporation customers. 55 50 Success Stories 55 50 SuccessSuccess Stories Stories 55 55 50 Success Stories 55 50 Success Stories /MANUFAC/TMURANUFAING/ C T U R I N G / VIE TNAM VIETNAM


Below – Inside of ANPECO/B’sMe flaoANUFAcwto ry– Inmasinduef aoCcft TAuriNUnPgER CcaIObN’lse fGtarcu/tno kry a n m d a e nl e uc f tari cc t au lri c na gb i n c ae tb , l e t r u n k a nd electri cal cabin et, Com p a nVIEy ProfileTNAM Company Profile ANPECO’s electrical cabineAt, N PECO’s electrical cabinet,

A selection of ANPECO’s keyA csoenlesctrtuiocnti oonf AprNoPjeEcCtsO fo’sr kmeyu lctionnasttirouncatli coonrp proorajetciotsn fcours tmomuletrins ational corporation customers CompanyCorpor Profileate Name: Corporate Name:

Below – Inside of ANPECO’s factory manufacturing cable trunk and electrical cabinet, CompanAny Profile Khanh Precision EngiAnne eKrhinanhg Precision Engineering ANPECO’s electrical cabinet, CorporateJSC (AN Name:PECO) JSC (ANPECO) A selection of ANPECO’s key construction projects for multinational corporation customers CoAnrpor Khanhate Name Precision: Engineering

AnJSC Khanh (ANPECO) Precision Engineering JSC (ANEPECO)stab lished: 2012 Established: 2012 Established : 2012

EstablishNed:umb 2012 e r of Employees: 51-100 Number of Employees: Number of Employees: 51-100

51-100 Number of Employees: 51-100 International Activities: International Activities: International Activities: Export of goods to foreign InternatiExporton aofl A goodsctivities: to foreign countries Export of goods to foreign Excountriesport of goods to foreign countries countries Awards: The company has received Awards: local Awards:Awards:Awards: The company has received and international recognitions.The company has received local TheThe company companylocal hasan dreceived hasinternati received localon alocall Awards: The company has received Awards: The company has received and international recognitions. loandcaand linternational an dinternationalr iencternatiogniti onrecognitions.oanl s .recognitions local and international recognitions. recognitions. Email:

[email protected]: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Above: Email: [email protected] Inside of ANPECO’s factory manufacturing cable trunk and electrical cabinet, Tel.: +84 043 789 4451 ANPECO’s electrical cabinet, Tel.: +84T 0e43l.: 78 +98 444 50143 789 4451 A selection of ANPECO’s key construction projects for multinational corporation customers Website: Tel.: +84 043 789 4451 Wehttp://.anpeco.vnbsite:W ebsite: http://.anpeco.vn Facebook:http://.anpeco.vn Website:

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56 50 Success Stories 56 50 Success Stories

56 50 Success Stories

56 50 Success Stories


aa Bách Tùng Mechanics &

Báchaa Tùng Mechanics & BCáocnstructih Tùng oMechanns Co., iLcstd. & ConstructionsConstructions Co., Co., Ltd. Ltd. The mechanical manufacturing company that aims to lift The mechanical manufacturing company that aims to lift Tuhep tmhee chanVietnicaamel msea numechanfacturingical wcoorlmpda n y that aims to lift upu thep the Vietnamese Vietnames mechanicale mechanica worldl world

Prior to starting his own When opportunities arose, he c o m Pripanoy,r t ho es tgarratdinuga tedhis ofrownm the wo uldWh aetnte onpdp oinrterntunitaiteiso naalro seh,o hwes Ho Chi Minh City University of in hi-tech countries such as Japan, Technologycompany, he gwithradu aated Bachelors from the in Japan,would a Germanyttend intern andat iFrance,onal sho whilews HToe cChhni oMloigynh wCiittyh aUn Biavechresliotyr so ifn inG heri-mtecanhy c anountrd Fraiesn cesu,c wh hails eJ aplsano , Mechanical Engineering in 2004. also using those fair events as a TMecehcnhoanloigycal w Eitnhgin a Beearcihnegl oinrs 2 i00n 4. Guesrimnga nthyo ansed fair Fra envecen,t ws hasil ea also He then started his job with a platform to advertise and promote MHeec hthanenic salta Ertedngin heise rjionbg winit 2h00 a 4. upslaintgf othrmose to fair adv eevertinsets anasd a promote Japanese company as a supervisor, his products to foreign countries. HJea pthanene sest acrotedmp hanisy j oabs aw ith a phlaistf poromd utoc tasd tvoe frortiseei gnan dco puntromrioeste. wheresuper vheis ohadr, w learnthere h eso h amuchd lear aboutnt so Japanese company as a his pWroidtuhcints t thoe fcoromeignpan cyo untitserlif,e s. Japanesesmuupecrhv iasbo robusiness,u wt hJaerpean h eandse ha b dculture.u lesianrensts so Within the company itself, theWy’viteh rinep tlaheced co mallp ansecyo intsed-lhf,an d muancdh c aubltourute .J a panese business they’ve replaced all second-hand In 2005, he left to establish thmeayc’vhei nresp lawcedith ne allw s emcaocnhdi-nheans tdh at and culture. machines with new machines his own In 200mechanical5, he left tfacilityo estab lasish the muasceh minoedse wrnit hte nechwno mloagcyh, ines that that use modern technology, founder his oInwn 200 withme5c,h haane capitalleicfalt tfoa ce isinvestmentlittayb aliss hth e upsae rmticoudlaerrnly t eac ChNnoCl omgayc, hine from founder with a capital investment particularlyBrother Ind uas tCNCries, Lmachinetd. of Ja pfroman, ofhis $10,000 own me candhan revenueical facili ofty $15,000as the particularly a CNC machine from fooundf $10,er0 w00ith a an dca rpeivetanl iuneves of tment BrotherBrwohtihcher h IIndustries,ansd tuhset raibesility, L Ltd.t dto. ot ufof rJna pJapan,anand, with only four employees. o$f 1$10,5,000000 wi atnhd o rnlevey fnouer oemployeesf whichwmihilclh wi hhasthas ft ihthevee aa bxabilityilityes. to totu rturnn and and $ 15,000 with only four employees millmill wiwithth ffiveive aaxes.xes. In 2015In 20 1, 5Bach, Bac hTung Tung Mechanics Mechanics

& & ConstructionsC oInn s20tru1c5t,io Bnsac h C Co., oTu . , nLtd. gLtd. M hade c hhadan a ic sa Co st reduction through Mr.Mr. Ngu Nguyenyen Ba TBaung, Tung, Founder capital&ca Cpointals t rinvestmentiuncvetiostmens C n o t . o,of fLtd. $ $1,000,0001,000 had , 0a 00 CostCaoustto rreductionmedauticotnio wnh thi lthroughreo buegihn g

Mr. NguyenFounder Ba Tung, Founder andcaanpdi t alrevenuere ivenvenusetme ooff n$ t1$1,850,000 ,o8f5 $01,,000000 wi,0 00twithh automationapuastosmioantiaotne abw whilehoiulet bceu isntog mers an100d r evempnluoey eoef s.$ 1,850,000 with paasndsi ownitaht ea ab coomupt ectuitsitvoem seprsir it 100 employees. being passionate about KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS 100 employees. and with a competitive spirit KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS customers“Our com andpetito withrs inc lude KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS • Being a first mover when Seizing opportunities due com“Opuanr iceosm opetriatotirnsg inc simluildaer ly to • Being a first mover when a competitive spirit • Beseiingzing a fopporirst motuvneirt iwhes en Seizing opportunities due to cusom, pesanpeiecsiall opye croamtinpgan siimesil farrolmy t o seizing opportunities toin increasingcreasing dem demandsands for h forigh - China,” said Ba Tung. Since the • sBeiuzsingine opporss opetruantiontie s Seizing opportunities due to us, especially companies from • Business operation hightech machinery “Our competitors include • Beuxscienlleesns coep eration inteccrhe amsiancgh dineemrya nds for high- CChhininae,”se said com Bpaan Tuiensg u. s Suiallncey othffere a excellence companieslower pric e, Boperatingach Tung hasimilarlys to excellence techB macahc Tuhinge risy an enterprise Chinese companies usually offer a Bach Tung is an enterprise tolos wertrus,ive p tespeciallyroic ree,d Buacech c Tocompaniesungsts, mhaasinl toy ffromrom speBcaialchiz Tuingn ign i sp raonv eidniterngp prriosed ucts PROFILE specializing in providing products China,”sltersives va tol ue rsaide-daud cedBae cdo lasTung.tbs,o mr ca oiSincenlstsy. f ro mthe sanpecdi alseirzvinicesg in f oprr oinvdiidvinidgu palro ducts PROFILEP RO FILE Bach Tung was founded by and services for individual ChineseleAsds ovaptliuen gcompanies- aadudtoedm laatbioo nr usuallyciso sotnse. o foffer the ancuds tsoemrveicesrs a fso wr einlldi avs idenuteral prises, N guy Beanch Ba Tu Tungn wasg in fMouanyded 200 by5 customers as well as enterprises, aA kdlowereoyp stoinlu gtprice, aiountos mt oBacha mitionimi iTungs ozne ela obhasfo trh e to wiBachth his pTungassio n wasfor founded by ceussptoemciallersy aesn wterellp raisses en itern epxrpisorest, Nguyen Ba Tung in May 2005 especially enterprises in export strivekceoys stos .l u to t i o nreduces to min imicosts,ze la bmainlyor Nguyenwimtahn hufacis pBatausrs iionTunggn mfoerc hinan iMaycal 2005 epsproecesciallsiyn egn zteronpersi sesand i nin edxupsortrital processingparks in V iezonestnam. and industrial fromcostsB . lessa c h Tuvalue-addedng provides labor a pla tcosts.form withmparnodufac hisuct tpassionsu arnindg t mh efore dche manufacturingsaniriec alto drive processing zones and industrial parksparks in VVietietn Nam.am. AdoptingforB macahn ufTu automationanctgu prerorsv idesin V is iae onetpnalamt fofoerse mthe mechanicalpfroordwaructds aVnied tn thproductsaem d’se smireec thoan anddriciveal the Nguyen Ba Tung first keyfoerx p morsolutionsant ufpraoccetusr seitonrsg izminimizeno Vnieest naanmd elaborse desirefowrowarrld d.to V driveietnam forward’s mech anVietical Nam’s witNneguysseedn an Ba i nTucrnega sefir sint demand Nguyen Ba Tung first witnessed costs.eixnpdorust tpriraloce psasriknsg t ozo snuepps anly d w o r l d .Wi th over 10 y ears of wifotrn teescshedn oanlo ginicacrle maseac ihni ndeermy and mechanical world. an increase in demand for inmdauteriastrialls p toar lkasr geto seunppterlpyr ises. e x p eWirietnhce over in m10acy heianresr oy f foeqr uitepchmneonlot ginica 200l m5a,c whihniecrhy is an wdh y technological machinery and mSaiBachnteriace th lsTunge tore lhaa rprovidessge b eeennter a pg rraia sdplatformesu.a lly epxproecesriensiceng i nfo mr tahceh iJnaeprayn ese eqheui epsmtaebnlits inhe d200 his5 ,o wwnhi chom isp wanhy With over 10 years of experience forSiinn crcemanufacturerse tahseinreg hdeasm baneedn , in ath gerVietnamese acdomuapllany y pmroacesrkesti,n Bag f oTur tnhge dJoapesn’tane sest op equipmenthteo e ssutpabplliys ht heinids hd2005,iesm oawnn dwhich c, obmotph an isbey iwhy ng in machinery processing for the exportinacrimsea sto in tagprocessing kdee mthanis do,p tp hoer zonestuconmitpy an toyand mstarrikveint,g Ba to Tupronvgi ddeo ethsn’te b esstot p hetoa b sluestablishedep tpol yu ttilihizse d he imhiss atecn downh,n bioc althcompany being Japanese market, Ba Tung doesn’t industrialaeimsxpan tod ta itk se b tuhparkssiisn oepssp oinrtu tothn isit ym supplytaor ket. sptrriovdinugc tso apnrdo vseridev itceshe bforest h is toakb nleo supplytwlo eudtilige z aen thishdis ge tec ndemand,ehrnaitecal a ne wboth expand its business in this market. stoppcruosdt uostrivingcmtse arsn.d sertov iprovideces for h isthe best beingksnoouwlrce eabled ogfe i natoncod m utilizegeen. e ra tehis a netechnicalw materials to large enterprises. productscustomer s. and services for his knowledgesource of in coandme . generate a new Since there has been a gradually customers. source of income. increasing demand, the company aims to take this opportunity to Prior to starting his own When opportunities arose, expand its business in this market. 59 50 Success Stories company, he graduated from the he would attend international 59 50 Success Stories Ho Chi Minh City University of shows in hi-tech countries such as

50 Success Stories 59 /MANUFACTURING/ VIETNAM /MANUFACTURING/ VIET NAM While pursuing business expansion and profit, Bach Tung prioritizes th e vaWhilelue of pursuingintegrit y business Making use of support Company Profile and trust witexpansionh custom anders .profit, “Giv iBachng Tung programs from Vietnamese CompanyC oProfilerporate Name : is receiving,”prioritizes said Ba Tuthen gvalue. H eof integrity and Japanese entities and trust with customers. “Giving Bach Tung Mechanics & Constructions believes thatis c ultreceiving,”ivating tsaidhis Ba Tung. He Corporate Name: business mindset in all of the “We’ve received support from Bach TungC oMechanics., Ltd. & believes that cultivating this the Vietnamese and Japanese Constructions Co., Ltd. working staffbusiness is an e ssmindsetential pina thall of the governments and organizations,” to success. “Ifworking you w staffork hisa anrd essentialand path said Ba Tung. Those organizations Established: May 2005 make good pto/rMo success.dANUFAucts a “IfnCd Tyou sUeRr workvINGices /hard and include the Supporting Industry Established: May VIE2005TNAM make good products and services While pursuing business Above:Enterprises Bach Tung prod ucDevelopmentts Centre for society, thforen society, socie tythen wil societyl brin willg bring expansion and profit, Bach Tung (SIDEC) from the Ministry of Number of employees: 100 you good woyourptrhior .good”iti z es worth.” the value of integrity Industry and Trade, the Assistance Company ProfileNumb er of employees: 100 and trust with customers. “Giving Bach Tung’s team also shares Center for SMEs Enterprises in the CInternationalorporate Name : activities: Bach Tung’s team also shares a passion fori scu resceivitomnge,”r ssa aidn Bda aTu ng. He South (SMESTAC) from the • Business with Japanese ab elpassionieves tha tfor cult icustomersvating this and a Bach Tung Mechanics & Constructions Ministry of Planning & Investment, C o.,enterprises Ltd. International activities: /MANUFACTURING/ comp e t i t i v e scompetitivebpusiriniets ts h miatn spiritddsetri v i nethat sall t h odrivesfe t mh e them VIETNAM the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce • Export of goods to foreign towards excetowardswlloernkice.ng s excellence.t Manaaff is angers ess Managersen tial path and While pursuing business to success. “If you work hard and and Industry (VCCI), the Japan countries• Business with Japanese and staff mustaffst a lmustso ful alsoly fully understand the International Cooperation Agency Established: May 2005enter prises expansion and profit, Bach Tung coremake values: good p ‘Humanityroducts and – s credibilityervices understand tfhore s cocoriety,e va thelun esosc:i ety will bring Ab(JICA),ove: Bach Tu ngand produ cts the Japan External • Export of goods to foreign prioritizes the value of integrity – creativity,’ be willing to learn, Company Profile Awards: ‘Humanity –you cre gdooibd ilityworth –.” Trade Organization (JETRO). countries and trust with customers. “Giving and have a strong proactive and NTheumb companyer of emplo hasyees :received 100 local creativity,’ be wilBlaicnhg Tu tong l’se taeranm, aanlsod s hares Corporate Name : is receiving,” said Ba Tung. He creative spirit, while possessing and international recognitions a passion for customers and a ThoseBach T ung Mgovernmentsechanics & C onstranducti ons Awards: believes that cultivating this have a strongsolidco pmrpo eteamwork,atictitvieve sp ianrit managementdth at drives the andm International activities: organizationsCo., Ltd. provide technical The company has received local business mindset in all of the creative spirileadershiptto,w warhdsil ex cep skills.ollessnce.es s Manaing gers Email: Awards: The company has received and financial support to SMEs in • Busineandss wit hinternational Japanese recognitions. working staff is an essential patsho lid teamwoanrkd ,s taffma mnausget amlsoe fnultl ya nd the supporting industries so that [email protected] l and international recognitions. to success. “If you work hard and understand the core values: they can link with large enterprises • Export of goods to foreign leadership ski‘Humlls. a nity – credibility – Established: May 2005 make good products and services in the manufacturing supply chain. Tel.:co +84untries 8 54 332 073 creativity,’ be willing to learn, and Above: Bach Tung products for society, then society will bring have a strong proactive and Awards: Email: you good worth.” Making usecr oeaft ivesu spiprito, wrht ile possessing Number of employees: 100 TheAWebsite:wa rcompanyds: The co hasmp areceivedny has re localceived and internationalinfo@ recognitions.bachtung.vn Bach Tung’s team also shares solid teamwork, management and lowww.bachtung.vncal and international recognitions. programs from Vietnamese a passion for customers and a and Japanelesaeder esnhitpi skitiells. competitive spirit that drives them International activities: Email: towards excellence. Managers Making use of support Tel.: +84 8 54 332 073 “We’ve received support from • Business with Japanese [email protected] and staff must also fully the Vietnamepsero ganradm sJ afrpoamn eVseiet namese enterprises understand the core values: a/nMdANUFA JapaCnTUeRsIeNG e/n t ities VIETNAM governments an Wdh iloe prugarsuingn biuzsianetssio ns,” • Export of goods to foreign Tel.: +84 8 54 332 073 ‘Humanity – credibility – expan “sWione a’nvde p rroefitce, Biavedch Tu nsgu ppo rt from count ries Website: said Ba Tung.p r iToritihzeos tsehe va lue of integrity Company Profile thaned Vtruiset tnwitah mcusetoseme rans. “Gdi vJinagp anese creativity,’ be willing to learn, and Corporate Name : organizationgsio s ivrneeceivircludennmg,”e sanitd s Bt aanh Tuedn g .o Hrgae nizations,” www.bachtung.vn have a strong proactive and believes that cultivating this Awards: Bach Tung Mechanics & Constructions Website: Co., Ltd. Supporting Indsaidbusiun eBssa tmi rTunydset nEg in. a Tllt eohf rothpsee r ises Above: – BaTheAchw Tau rcompanyndgs’s: fTachtoer yc /o hasBmpach a receivedTnuyn gh’sas tec rhe nilocalcceiainv ewdo rking on a creative spirit, while possessing working staff is an essential path high-precision product, wh ich will be supplied to large Japanese awwwnd .bachtu ng.vn ortoga sucnceiszs.a “tIfio yonu sw oirnk cludehard and t he and international recognitions. Development Centre (SIDEC) multinationloal caentle ranprisde isn oEternatisptaebrlaisthiend:g M onloayc 2005allly rec in Voiegtnaimtio ns. solid teamwork, management and Smuapkep goroodt ipnrogd uIndcts anuds stervyices E nterprises Above: – Bach Tung’s factory / Bach Tung’s technician working on a for society, then society will bring Above: Bach Tung products high-precision product, wh ich will be supplied to large Japanese and leadership skills. from the Ministry of Industry and multinational enterprises operating locally in Vietnam Dyoueve goolod pwmorthe.n” t Centre (SIDEC) Number of employees: 100 fAbove:romBa tc h Tue nMg’si nteaimst arlyso oshaf rIens dustry and Trade, the Assa piassstioann force cus toCmersn anterd a for Bach Tung’s factory / Bach Tung’s technician Email: Tcroamde,petit itvhe sep irAit sthsaits dtranivesce the mC enter for International activities: Making use of support SMEs Enterpworkingrtoiwsaredss one xince al lhigh-precisione ntce.h eMana Sgersou product,th which will SbeM suppliedEs En tote largerpr iJapaneseses in t andhe multinationalSouth • Business with Japanese and staff must also fully [email protected] es programs from Vietnamese(S MESTAC) (enterprisesfSundrMoemErstSan Ttd AC hoperatingthe c) or Mfer vaoi mllocallynues it: shte inr M yViet ion Namifs try of • Export of goods to foreign P‘lHumannaniintyg – c&re dIinbilityves –t ment, the Viet countries and Japanese entities Planning & InRight:crveseativi tyt,m’ be ewilnlintg, t ot lhearen, anVdi et Awards: NBachhavem Tunga Cstrho ntogetheragm probaectri vewith o anf C dhis o mteam,me showcasingrce and Nam Chambecre aotivef sCpiroit, mwhilme poessrescesing and Tel.: +84 8TheA 5wa4 rcompanyd s33: The2 co has0mp7 areceived3ny has re localceived “We’ve received support from Indutheirsolid products tseatmryw o(rVk at, Cm theaCnaI Hannoverge),m tehnet a Jand Trade pan Fair in andloca linternational and internation recognitions.al recognitions. Germany the Vietnamese and Japanese Industry (VCIntCleaIdere)r,sna htipht skiioelnall sJa. Cpoanope ration Agency governments and organizationsInt,” ernational(J CICo Ao),p anerda tthieo Jna pAgean Enxterncy al Email: Making use of support [email protected] Tprraodegra mOsr frgaomn iVziaettniaomne se(J ETRO). Website: said Ba Tung. Those (JICA), and thaned JJapaapneanse en Etitixestern al T“Wheo’vese re cegiovedvern suppmorte frnomts and www.bachtuTeln.: +g8.4v 8n 54 332 073 organizations include the Trade Organization (JETRO). Above: Bach Tung together with his team, showcasing their the Vietnamese and Japanese Above: – Baorch Tgaunng’si zfaactoiory n/ Bsa pchr Touvnigde’s te ctehnicchian wicoalrki ng on a products at the Hannover T rade Fair in Germany Supporting Industry Enterprises governments and organizations,” high-precision product, which will be supplied to large Japanese and Website: Those goanvernsaidd Bfina Tumannge.c nTialhtoses s uanppdor t to SMEs in Development Centre (SIDEC) multinational enterprises operating locally in Vietnam www.bachtung.vn thorega snuizaptiopons rintcludeing tihne dustries so that Above: Bach Tung together with his team, showcasing their Supporting Industry Enterprises Above: – Bach Tung’s factory / Bach Tung’s technician working on a from the Ministry of Industry anordga nizations provide technical high-precision product, whpicrh owilld bue scupptslie da tot latrhge Jea pHanesae nandn over Trade Fair in Germany 60thDeveyl ocapmnen lti Cneknt rwie (StIhDEC la) rge multinational enterprises operating locally in Vietnam 50 Success Stories Trade, the Assistance Center foran d financial fsroum pthep Moinristr y toof In SdusMtry anEsd in eTnrterade, pthrei Asesssis tanince t Cheenter m faorn ufacturing SMEs Enterprises in the South suSMpEsp lEyn tecrhparisiens .in the South the supportin(gSM iEnSTdACu) fsrotmr thie Msin sistory otf hat (SMESTAC) from the Ministry of Planning & Investment, the Viet they can link wiNamt Chha mlbaer ogef Com merce and Planning & Investment, the Vieet nterprises inIndu thstery (mVCCaI),n thue Jafapanc turing International Cooperation Agency 60 Nam Chamber of Commerce and (JICA), and the Japan External supply chain50. Success Stories Industry (VCCI), the Japan Trade Organization (JETRO). Those governments and Above: Bach Tung together with his team, showcasing their International Cooperation Agency organizations provide technical products at the Hannover Trade Fair in Germany and financial support to SMEs in (JICA), and the Japan External the supporting industries so that they can link with large Trade Organization (JETRO). enterprises in the manufacturing 60 supply chain. Those governments and 50 Success Stories Above: Bach Tung together with his team, showcasing their organizations provide technical products at the Hannover Trade Fair in Germany 60 and financial support to SMEs in 50 Success Stories the supporting industries so that they can link with large enterprises in the manufacturing supply chain.

60 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ MALAYSIA

MSMEs Builders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. aa The Malaysian pioneer in bi-technological products manufacturing which transforms residuals into massive revenues

Builders Biomass is an residues with innovative integrated bio-energy solutions proprietary pollution control. This provider and manufacturer of a has resulted in Builders Biomass

range of biomass products and its being the only organization in this related bio technological services. industry worthy to be certified /MANUFACTURING/As an industry pioneer, Builders with ISO14001:200MALAYSIA4 standards. /MANUFAC/TMUANUFARING/ CT U R I N G/ M A L AYS I A M ALAYSIA

MSMEs MSMEs Biomass uses its proprietary, fully Evidencing its strong automated technological process BuBuildersilders Biomass Bioma sSdn.s Sdn. Bhd. Bhd. commitment to highest standards Buildeaa rs Biomass Sdn. Bhd. aa and system integration to convert of quality and environmental TTheaheg r MMalaysianicaullatysurianal pioneer a pniodne f oinerr bi-technologicale inst rbiy- bteciohmnoloas productssgical products The Malaysianmanufacturing pioneer in which bi-tec transformshnological residuals produ intocts massive manufacturing which transforms residuals inmtoa masnagesiveme nt systems, Builders manufacturirevenuesingnt ow clhiechan tran rensefowarmbsl ere esniduaergyls int toh mase sive revenues Biomass was the first Malaysian revenues form of solid biofuel.

company to have passed the due

As an ardent believer o f Bui lders Biomasdiligs is an ence conrdesuidcutedes wi bthy i nSnoovatiuthve Builderproviders Biniotegm raandasteds i smanufacturer banio -energy s ooflu rtaei osnidproprietarysu es with p ipollutionnronporvatiietaryv control.e pollu Thistion control. This academic excellence anranged of biomass products Kando itsre a haspo resultedwer p inlan Builderst com Biomasspani es for provider and manufacturer of a has resulted in Builders Biomass integrated brelatedio-en ebiorgy technological solutions services.p ropbeingrietary the p onlyollu organizationtion contro lin. T thishis continuing professional range of biomass prodsuucptsp anlidn itgs of thbei nsgo tlhide on blyio orfgauenliz watihone inn this provider anAsd manan industryufactur epioneer,r of a Buildersh as industryresulted worthy in Bui tolde ber scertified Bioma withss related bio technological services. industry worthy to be certified development, Kimrange was of bio Biomassemlaescs tpe rusesdod ua itscsts proprietary, and its So fullyubt ehin ISOgK toh 14001:2004er eonal yim orgap standards.nleizmatieonn itedn thi st heir related bio automatedtecAhns oalno gi nitechnologicalcdaul ssterryv pices.ion ee processr, Buiinl derdusst ry worthwiyt tho IbSeO c1e4r00tifi1e:2d0 04 standards. Honorary Secretary of theBi Ionmnasss usofe s its propRrieetanrey,wa fullby le Portfolio Standards in As an indusandtry systempionee integrationr, Builders to convertwi th ISEvidencingO14001:2 0Evi04d itssetna cnidarng strongidts .s t r ong automated technological process Court MalaysiaBi. Somheas sis us alagriculturaless itos ptrhoep r andieta rforestryy, fully biomass2012 . commitmentco mto mhighestitmen standardst to highe st standards and system integration to converEvitd encing its strong automated intotech cleannolo grenewableical proces energys in the of qualityo f andqua litenvironmentaly and enviro nmental winner of the British Couangcriiclul tural and forestry bcioommmanagementamssit ment to hisystems,ghest s tanBuildersdards and systemform integ ofr asolidtion biofuel. to convert management systems, Builders Mrs. Mary-Ann Ooi Suan Kim, into clean renewable energyof iqnuaBiomass thliet y an wasd en vtheiro firstnme nMalaysiantal Study UK Entreapgrriceulnteurualr aialnd Aforwesatrryd b iomass Biomass was the first Malaysian Asfo anrm ardent of so believerlid biofue of academicl. company to have passed the due Founder management scystems,ompany Btouild haevers p assed the due 2017 and numeirontou clse anot hreenrewa awable erndesrgy. in the Macrodiligence-eco nconductedomic vbyi ewSouth to excellence A s anand arde nt continuingbelieverBi o fo mass was tdilighe fienrstce M caolandysiucanted by South form of solid biofuel. Korea power plant companies for professionalacademic development,excellence an dKim co mpany to haKveor epaa spsedower th pe landute companies for Mrs. Mary-Ann Ooi Suan Kim, contrsupplingibute of t theo tsolidhe biofuel nat iowhenn al As an awasrdec electedonnt tbineul iasienver gHonorary p orof fess iSecretaryonal dilig ence condsucptedplin bgy o Sfo tuhteh s olid biofuel when KEY SUCCESS ELEMEN TS Founder of the Inns of Court Malaysia.ex Shepo rSoutht Korea implemented their academic excedevllenecelo panmde nt, Kim was eleKctoerde as p ower pSolanutth c Komorpeana imiesp fleomr ented their is also the winner of the British Renewable Portfolio Standards in Honorary Secretary of the Inns of Renewable Portfolio Standards in From residuecson tionu reing Councilvproenfesu sStudyieonals: UK Entrepreneurialsu pp2012.ling of the solid biofuel when • KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTSdevelopment, CKimour twas Ma elaleysictead. S ahse is al s oSo t huBuiet h Klodrear ims20 Bip1l2eo.m menatedss t’h beiur siness Stability and sustainability agricultural and forAwardestr 2017y and numerous other Honorary Secrwinetaryne ro fo tfh the eI nBnrsit oisfh CounRcieln ewable Portfolio Standards in Mr•s Stability. Mary- Anandn sustainability Ooi Suan Kim, awards. modelMacro-economic is busi ness-t oview-bu tosiness and of supply biomass into Ccoluerta Mna larysienaS.t euSdyhwe UisablK al Esone tt rheep reneurial20 Aw12a.r d of supplyFounder businecontributess-to-cu tost theom nationalers. They sells winner of the B20ri1t7is anh Cdo nuumncile rous other awards. Macro-economic view to • Macro-economic view to e• n Macro-economicergy view to From residues to revenues: export contribute to the national Mrs. Mary-An n Ooi Suan Kim, Study UK Entr epreneurial Award products and services to the KE Ycontribution SUCCESS to ELEMENthe national TS agricultural and forestry export contribution to the national Founder MacBuildersro-eco noBiomass’mic vie w tbusinesso export“The succes20s e17l eanmd enumbiomassnt Feororfou mos uro intorteh seir cleand auwaesr dtos. re revsenideuesn:t ial, industrial, central model is business-to-business Builders Biomas s’ business • Stability and sustainability agricultural and forestcroyn tribute to the national export KEY SUCC ESSb uELEMENsiness wTiSt h lo cal prodrenewableucts is tenergyhe utilitieands a business-to-customers.nd pmoowerdel is bpulansine tsThey ssec-to- btuosrinse.s s and of supply biomass into clean reneexwpablorte From resi du“Thees tosuccess reve nelementues: of our sells productsbus andines servicess-to-cu stoto mthee rs. They sells • PROFILEsMacro-economictability and s viewustai ton abiliteyn oerfg y residential, Builders Bioindustrial,mass’ bu sincentraless PROFILE • Stability a nd sustainability agriculturbusinessal and fwithore slocaltry products is Their saplerosd uschtsa arned isser mvicesade to the contribution to the national modeutilitiesl is bu andsine spowers-to- bplantusin esectors.ss and of supply suMary-Annpply”, saOoiy sSuan Kib miKimo.m ass is ithento stability cle“Tahne r andseunc ceesustainabilitywssabl eleem ent ooff our residential, industrial, central export business with local pr8od5u%cbtsu bsisiTheiryn teh tsehs - etsaleso -ecxuu stpsharetilitioomreet sr issam.n Tdmadeah preokywer ese85%tl l sp( mlan at secinltyor s. Mary-Ann Ooi Suan Kim• Macro-economicis the founder view to and Chairmanener gofy supply”, says Kim. Builders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. With stability and sustainability of by the export market (mainly to PROFILEBui lders Biomass is the only to Kporrodeuact,s Janadp seran v ,i T cesCheh tiroi na stahlee, s Sshianrgape is moardee the founder and Chairman of contributionher to thelegal national background as Barrister- Builderssupply”, Biomass says Ki mis. the only Korea, Japan, China, Singapore “The success element of our residential, in8d5u%st rbialy t, hcee netxrpalo rt market (mainly export At-Law or Magary -nofAniz Lincoln’sna Otiooi Snu anInnin Kimb tUKuhsii nissande sisn wdiorganizationtuhs lotrcayl ptroo dbuinec t s thisis t heindustry andu tEilitiUande)s EU)annd d andp o1wer 515%% p bylanb ythet tsec hdomesticeto drso. m estic Builders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. With Builders Biomass is the onlmarket.y to Korea, Japan, China, Singapore the Advocatefceroundtifieder a&n dSolicitor Cwihatihrm ofResa nsthe toafb e Highilaityrc ahntod & sbeu s taicertifiednabili tywith of Researchma r&k et. her legal background as BarrPROisterFILE- BuilCourtders Bofio mMalaya,ass Sdn. Kim Bhd. founded With Manufacturerorganizat ioton ISOin t h9001:2008is indust r y t o Tbhee ir salanes dsh EaUre) isan md a1de5% by the domestic supply”, says Kcerimt.ified with Research & market. At-Law of Lincoln’s Inn UK an Mad ry-Annh Oero BuildersManlie Sgaulan baufac KimckgBiomassr oistundu r ein ar s 2010Btoarr I isSasterO a-9 0standards.01:200 8Its intensive R&D8 5% by the export market (mainly At-Lpassionateaw of Lin believercoln’s I innn three UK pillars:anBuid lder combiness BManiomaufacs mechanicals ist uthreer o tnlo engineering, yIS O9001:2to 0 K0or8 ea, Japan , China, Singapore the founder and Chsatianrmadarn of ds. Its intensive Rst&anDdar ds. Its intensive R&D Advocate & Solicitor of the High Advsustainability,ocate & Solic iprotectiontor of theor Higaofg nhbioiz a tioatmosphericn in this in duschemistrytry to be andan d EU) and 15% by the domestic Builders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. With combines mechanical engineering, Coudiversitycrto omf Mbala andinye athe,s Kim mextensivee focuhnceranded damagetifiedi cal wi eenvironmenttnh ginReseeaercrh i expertisen&g , to analyzem arket. Court of Malaya, Kim foundedher le gal background as Barrister- atmospheric chemistry and Builcausedders B byio mclimateass in change. 2010 Manas a ufacturtheer tenvironmentalo ISO9001:20 contaminants08 At-Law of Lincoln’as tmInn oUsKp anhde ric chemistryand ane ndv iroparticulatenment expdataertise toand a nal yze Builders Biomass in 2010 as a passionate believer in threestan dards. Its intensive R&D Advocate & Solpicililta orrsBuilders :o sf uthstaie Hi nagbBiomasshility, pr otecis tionan subsequentlythe envir ontrapsmen taandl c onreusestaminan ts environment excpomerbitnieses m teoc haannalicalyz enegin eering, passionate believer in threeC ourt of Malayoaf, bKimintegratedio d ifverounsdedi tybio-energy an d the e xtesolutionsnsive the anresiduesd partic ulawithte dat innovativea an d As for the distribution atmospheric chemistry and pillars: sustainability, protecBuitilderons Biomadamss itnah ge2e0 caused 1e0n avs ia r boy nclimmaetne ctahanl cgeo. n tamisubnansequetnstl y traps and reuses the network, Builders Biomass is passionate believer in three environment expertise to analyze of bio diversity and the extensive and particulatet hdate enav ianrondm ental contaminants As for the distribution pillars: sustainability,50 Success protec Storiestion 61 subsequently tranapd sp aanrticdula rteeu datseas an tdh e networAsk f,or B tuildhe disetrrisbu Bitioon mass is damage caused by climate cohf banio dgeiver. s ity and the extensive 61 damage caused50 b Successy clima Storieste ch an ge. subsequently traps and reuses the network, Builders Biomass is

61 50 Success Stories 61 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ MALAYSIA

As for the distribution network, thoughts globally at international Builders Biomass is strongly conferences and summits. Kim Company Profile connected with large enterprises was honored as Outstanding such as Korean ‘Chaebol’ and Woman Entrepreneur in Science, Japanese ‘Sogo-Shosha’ namely Technology, Engineering and Corporate Name: conglomerate and trading house. Mathematics Award in the ASEAN Builders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. /MANUFACTURING/ Summit 2016. Kim is Executive MALAYSIA st ronTheirgly co nnproductsected wi thhave large a high conCommitteeferences an d summimemberts. Kim inwas the Established: 2010 honored as Outstanding Woman enreputationterprises s uinch the as Kmarketorean as quality Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn Company Profile ‘Chaebol’ and Japanese ‘Sogo- Entrepreneur in Science, Technology, Ssolidhosha ’ biofuelnamely cthatongl owillmer atenot an dharm EnAlumnigineerin g anAssociationd Mathema ticsMalaysia, Award CoNumberrporate Name of: employees: trusers’ading hoequipmentuse. with timely in Britishthe ASE GraduatesAN Summit Association, 2016. Kim is and Bui11-50lders Biomass Sdn. Bhd. delivery. Exemembercutive C oofmmi thet teMalaysiane member Directors in the

Their products have a high Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn Academy, the Asian Institute International activities: reputation in the market as Alumni Association Malaysia, British Established: 2010 q ualTheity s ocompanylid biofuel tish aalsot wil l proactivenot of Chartered Bankers and the Graduates Association, and member Export of goods to foreign hinar mobtaining users’ equ igovernmentpment with support Malaysia-Japan Economic of the Malaysian Directors Academy, Numbcountrieser of Employees: 11-50 tiprogramsmely deliv esuchry. as innovation grant theAssociation. Asian Institu Ante o fardent Charter believered of andTh projecte compan supporty is also from proa cdialoguetive Baempoweringnkers and the Mwomenalaysia -Jinap anbusiness Awards: inpartner obtaini ncountries.g government support Ectoon oengagemic Ass oincia ttheion. Aglobaln arde nmarket,t International Activities: The company has received local programs such as innovation belKimiever oisf e mVice-Presidentpowering wome n iofn the Export of goods to foreign countries grant and project support from buInternationalsiness to engag Women’se in the glo Federationbal and international recognitions Influencer and leader of market, Kim is Vice-President of the dialogue partner countries. of the Commerce and Industry, including women entrepreneurs International Women’s Federation of Awards: Malaysia and serves in the Women • Winner of the British Council the Commerce and Industry, Malaysia The company has received local and Influencer and leader of in Business Executive Committee Study UK Entrepreneurial As influencer of sustainable and serves in the Women in Business international recognitions including women entrepreneurs Exeofc uttheive CFederationommittee of tofhe Malaysian development, Kim is regularly • AwardWinner 2017of the British Council As influencer of sustainable FeManufacturers.deration of Malaysian • ASEANStudy UK Business Entreprene Awardurial devinvitedelopm eton t,present Kim is r eandgula rsharely her Manufacturers. Award 2017 • MalaysiaASEAN Bu s2016iness Ainw aInnovationrd invited to present and share her thoughts globally at international andMala Corporateysia 2016 in ISocialnnovat ion and Corporate Social

ResponsibilityResponsibility • • PrimePrime M Minister’sinister’s Inn Innovationovation Award in Green Technology • AwardFrost & Sinu llGreenivan Te cTechnologyhnology • FrostLeader &sh Sullivanip Award 20 Technology16 • Green tech Industry Award Leadership Award 2016 • Green tech Industry Award Email: [email protected] Email:

[email protected] Tel.: +603 27227175

Tel.: +603 27227175 Website:

Website: www.buildersbiomass.com www.buildersbiomass.com

Above: Builders Biomass’ biofuel wood pellets used in the generation of power in many utility companies

Right: Builder Biomass also supplies the pellets for industrial usage.

62 5062 Success Stories 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ VIETNAM



A leading VieDuc tnam eDsea manut Pflacturerastic o fL platd.,stic s pCraoy.er (DUDACO)s in the country andaa Ducan ex pDatDoratert PlasticP tola thestic gl o Ltd.,Lbatd.,l mar Co. Ckoe. t(DUDACO) (DUDACO) Aaa leading Vietnamese manufacturer of plastic sprayers in the countryA leadingleading and VietnameseViet nanam esxe manufacturerp manuorterfacturer to the of o plasticfg plalosbtica sprayers ls pmarrayerk inse i tn the thecountry country and and an anexp exporterorter to ttohe the glo globalbal mar marketket

its Bee Brand products to 15 products to end-users, DUDACO

countries around the world. strives to build a long-term its Bee Brand products to 15 relaprtiodouncstsh tiop e windt-hus eitrss, deDUaDleArCsO. countriesi tasro Bundee tBrahe wnordld p. roducts tsotr i1ves5 to build a longp-terormd ucts to end-users, DUDACO AutomatAutomationion of prod ofuc productiontion long-term DUD ArelationshipCO also aim withs to bitsuild countries around the worrelaldti.o nship with its destarleivesrs. to build a long-term and R&D a tdealers.rusted relationship with its and R&D DUDACO also aims to build Automa tion of production suppliers. The compreanlayti iosn ship with its dealers. DUDaA nCdDUDACOO R s&uDpp li esuppliess an averag an averagee a tDUDACOrusted rela talsoions haimsip wi thto it sbuild wosrukpipnlige rwis. tThh eo cnoem opfan t hy ei s b igDgUeDstA CO also aims to build quantity o quantityf 1 , 5D00UDAu, A0ofC00 Ot1,500,000o s uumppniatliste isp oae nnrunits a veragof pperer o dua ctrustedtion relationship with its plawsotrikcisn gs uwiptphl oienres o inf th Ve ibeigtnagesmt who year for thqyeareua dnot imforty eao sthefn t1ic,d5 00domestic (R8,0&00%)D u an n(80%)itds per and suppliers. The companya t isru workingsted r elationship with its is withbplaelsi teionecveds s u poftpo l itheherasve inbiggest sVtireotnan gmplastics who export (20yexporte%)ar fmor a trh(20%)ke edtsom. e Imarkets.sttsic k (8e0y%) Itsan d key is believed to have strsoungp pliers. The company is export (20 %) m DarUkeDtsA. CItsO k esyu ppliepsusuppliers arcnh aaveragsin gin p eo Vietwer iNamn so uwhorcin gis overseas moverseasarkets marketsare the are EU the, EU, North purchasing power in swouorrckinign g with one of the biggest oAmerica,verseas qm Southuaarknets iAmerica tyar eo tfh e1 ,E and5U00, South,000 h uibelievedgnhit-qs uape ltorit yhave raw strong materi purchasingals from North America, South America high-quality raw materiplaals tfircosm s uppliers in Vietnam who NEastorth Asia Amye regions.raicra ,f Sooru tDUDACOh eA mdeormica planse stic o(8vepowero0ver%)sersea inanas.s. sourcing d high-quality raw and Southan Eda Sost uAths iEaa srte Agsioian rse.g i ons. materials from overseas.is believed to have strong to doublee xitsp orcapacityt (20 in%) the m comingarkets . Its key DUDACOD years.pUlanDACOs to p dlanous btol ed oitusb le its purchasing power in sourcing capacity inca tphacei tyco inomive thnreg sec oyamiesan rmgs. ya erakrs.e ts are thGe oEveUr,nm ent support GGovernmentovernment ssupportupphoigrht- quality raw materials from ToTo acNhieoachievevert lahr Amge -scealreilarge-scalec a, South A m e rDiUcaD ACO has reoceiveverdse as. To achpproductionireovedu clatiorannge i dn-in saSo cnanal eu ffieefficientt chie Enta ms manner,tann Aseira, r e g si io gnif nDsUi.ca DnAt sCuOpp ohrat sfr roemcei ved DUDACO has received Madam Nguyen Thi Npghroiad, uctioDnDUDACOU inD ACOan e h ffiaschas bieeen nt beenamppannly inegapplying ran, government agencies at the early DUDACO plans to dousibgnifsignificantle iticas nt suppsupportort f ro m from General DirectorD UDACOa anhutoa sm automatedbaeetedn a anppd m leyandcihnang ianmechanizedzed stages of its business. One of such Madam Nguyen Thi Nghia, productiocan lpinaec tioty re indu cteh mea cnouamil ngg oygovernmentveearrns.m ent aagenciesgencie sat a tthe th eearly ear ly production line to reduce manual support is introducingG aondve rnment support Madam Nguyen Thi Nghia,automatedw oarnk.d mechanized ststagesages o fof it sits bu sbusiness.iness. O nOnee o f ofsu ch General KDEiYre SUctoCrC ESS ELEMENTS work. providing financial support to the General Directorproduction line to redTuoc ea cmhaienveua lla rge-sscualsuchsmapep o lrlsupport ta nisd imnet dirisoud mintroducingu ecni nt r ge p a r ne Dnde UuandrDs A CO has received “We pay attention to the level • Automation of productionwork . production in an efficieprovidingnant dm startann- ufinancialeprs, t o joi nsupport importa tont the KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS o f c“Weomp epaytitio nattention in the m atork ethet, a nleveld providing financial suignifpporicat tno tt hsue pport from and R&D smalltrade fairands mediumand exhi bentrepreneursitions MKEYada SUCCESSm Nguyen ELEMENTS Thi N“ghWei apk,aof eey pacompetition timtepnDrtoiUvoinDg ACOt toh etin hd e sh theligeanves oblmarket,f eeourn a ppsmalyilnl agn and m edium egnotvreprnremneunrts a gencies at the early • After-sales customer service products”, says Tran Thi Mai Trang, andove rsestart-upsas organ izedto join by t himportante • Automati on of production of competiandtion keep ina t uhimprovingtoe maartedke tthe ,a an ndesigndd me cofh ananidz esdtart -ups to joins tiamgepors otaf nitts business. One of such • •G AutomationovGernmenen erta soflu D pproductionpoirertctor (Tracey), company’s deputy director. tradeMini stryfairs of In duandstry andexhibitions Trade and R&D our products”,produ saysctio nTran lin eThi to Mai red turcaede m fairansua anl d exhibitions and R&D kee p imprDUDACOoving th hea ds eresceignntl oy fs eot uurp the overseas(MOIT) oorganizedf Vietnam. by s theup pMinistryort is introducing and Trang, (Tracey), company’s deputy overseas organized by the • After-sales K customer EY• After-salesSUC serviceCESS customer ELEMEN serviceprodu ctsT”R&D, Ssa y funcs Tranwtionr kThile.d b Maiy the Trangproduct,ion of Industry and Tradep r(MOIT)oviding of fi nancial support to the • Government support director. DUDACO has recently Ministry of Industry and Trade • Governmen Pt ROsupFILEport (Tracey), mcompany’sanager with deputya vision tdirector.o attract Viet Nam. small and medium entrepreneurs insettern upa ttheional R&D c“uWes tfunctionom pearsy. a ledtte bynt theion ( tMo OthITe) l eovef Vli etnam. • A Fuotundomaed tiino 199 n 0o af sproduction a faDUDACOmily productionhas recen tlmanagery set u pwith the a vision and start-ups to join important business with only five people in of com petition in the market, and R&D funcAfttoiot attractner le-Sda l beinternationalsy Cuthes tpormoedr ucustomers. Scetirovnic e HoPROFILEand Chi M Rin&Dh City. It built its first keep improving the de sign of our trade fairs and exhibitions PROFILE manager with a vision to attract •fact After-salesory in Ho Chi Mcustomerinh City in service Tracyp rsoaysdu “cOtusr” rul, sae oyfs Tran Thi Mai Trang, overseas organized by the 2002 Founded and the seinco n1990d on eas in i2an0 tern11family at iotnalAfter-Saleshum cbu fsorto cmuset orCustomerms.e r satisfacti on is Founded in 1•99G0o avsernmen a fami lyt support (Tracey), company’s deputy director. Ministry of Industry and Trade business with onliyn businessfiHvaneo pi.e To hwithpel ceo imnonlyp an yfive no wpeople owns in qServiceuality and its competitive price, (MOIT) of Vietnam. 2 fHoact oChirie sMinh at the City. best cIto nbuiltvenAfi eitsntte firstr-S acloems bCuinedsDUDACO twoitmh ceurst Some herrav ssiec rrveei cece ntly set up the Ho Chi Minh City. It built its first indfactoryustrial pina rkHos i nChi bot hMinh capit alCity in a fteTracyr the R&Ds asaysles se “Ourfuncrvice rule”t.i oAn sof tleh ethumbd b y th e production factory in Ho Chic Mitieisn. hD UCDitAyC iOn has become t h e Tracyco smapysan “y’sO ubur srulineses ostfr ategy is to 2002 and the second one in 2011 for customermana satisfactionger with is a quality vision to attract 2002 and the sPeROcloenaindingdFILE Hanoi. on mea i nn ufacThe 20 tcompany11ur er of pla nowstthicu ownsmb f orf andoccuus its toon competitivem theer p satiroduscfacti tprice,ion ano ncombinedd iws ork with trus ted dealers and trading in Hanoi. The comspp2ra anfactoriesyery in othwe atcoo wnsuntrythe best and convenient exqpuaortslit y an dwith its ccustomeroimnternpetit aiservicevetio pnalri ce, aftercu st othem ers. Founded in 1990 as a family companies for the distribution of 2 factories at tbhue sbienindustrialsets cso wnveit hnparks ioenlnt y infi vbothe pce oocapitalmpblei nine d saleswith service”.custom eAsr s etherv icecompany’s After-Sales Customer Service industrial parkHs oin C cities.bhoit Mh ciDUDACOnaphi tCality. has It bbecomeuialftt eitr s thet fhier sstabusiness les ser vstrategyice”. A iss toth focuse on the leading manufacturer of plastic production and work with trusted cities. DUDACfactO hoasr yb einco Home Cthhei Minh Cciotmy pinan y’s busine s s s t Trartaecygy sisa ysto “Our rule of 63 leading manufact50usprayer rSucesser of Stories p inla thes ti ccountry andfo exportscus on thdealerse prod anduct tradingion an dcompanies work for 2002its a nBeed t hBrande sec oproductsnd one into 201511 the distributionthumb of f orproducts custo tom end-er satisfaction is with trusted dealers and trading sprayer in the icno untryHcountriesano ai.n Tdh aroundeex pcormts thep an world.y now ownsusers, DUDACOquality strivesand i ttos cbuildomp ae titive price, companies for the distribution of 2 factories at the best convenient combined with customer service industrial parks in both capital after the sales service”. As the cities50. DSuccessUDA CStoriesO has become the company’s business strategy is to 63 63 50 Sucess Storiesl eading manufacturer of plastic focus on the production and work sprayer in the country and exports with trusted dealers and trading companies for the distribution of

63 50 Sucess Stories /MANUFACTURING/ VIET NAM

Company Profile /MANUFACTURING/ VIETNAM Below: Corporate Name: /Ms.M TranANUFA Thi Mai TrangCTU (Tracey),RIN GDeputy/ Director of Duc Dat Plastic Ltd. Co. (Ms. Tracy was representing VIETNAM

Duc Dat Plastic Ltd. Co.

/ theM companyANUFA duringC theTU interview)RING/ VIETNAM Below – Ms. Tran Thi Mai Trang (Tracey), Deputy Director of Duc Da t Plastic Ltd. Co. (Ms. Tracy was representing the company Company’sduring the in keytervi eemployeesw) (DUDACO)

Co mpany Data DUDACO’sComBelopwan –y ’Ms ks sprayere. yT reamnp Thloyi eeproductMsa i Trang lines(Tracey), Deputy Director of Duc Dat Plastic Ltd. Co. (Ms. Tracy was representing the company

during the interview) DUDACO’sDUDACO’s s pproductionrayer product sitelines, Co mpany Data Corporate Name: ComBelopwan –y ’Ms kse. yT reamnp Thloyi eeMsa i Trang (Tracey), Deputy Director of Duc Da t Plastic Ltd. Co. (Ms. Tracy was representing the company Established: 1990 DduUrDinAgC thO’es i nptreordvuiecwti)o n site, DUDACO’s sprayer product lines, Company Data Company’s key employees CDourcp Doraatt Pe lNasticame L:td. Co. (DUDACO) DUDACO’s production site, DUDACO’s sprayer product lines, DC ourcp Doraatt Pe lNasticame L:td. Co. (DUDACO) DUDACO’s production site, Number of employees: 140 D Esutca bDlaisthed Plastic: 1990 Ltd. Co. (DUDACO) InternationalE stablished: 1990 activities: ExportE Nsumbta ofblie sgoodsrhed of Emp: 1990 to lo foreign yees: 14 0 countriesN umber of Employees: 140 N Inumbternatier oonf Empal Activitiloyeeess:: 1 40 Awards:I Exnternatiport ofon goaol dAsctiviti to forees:ig n countries • GoodExInternatipo practicert ofon goaol dA sofctiviti to 5S fo reKaizenes:ig n countries companyExport of – go byod sJICA to foreign • Typical Acowuanrtdr siesEnterprise: owner of•A 2016 wGaoordds – :p rbyact Hoice o Chif 5S MinhKaizen company – by JICA IndustrialAwards: and Export • TGyoopicad plr Eacnttericepr ofis 5eS o Kaiwnezre no f 2016 company – by JICA Processing• –G oobyd H por ac CZonehtici Me oi nfTrade h5 SIn Kaidu Unionzsternia l and • TExcoymppicaoratln PEyr n–oterc byesspr JIinisCgeA Zo ownnee Tr roadef 20 16 • High– byquality Ho Ch Vieti Min Namh Indu strial and • TUynpioican l Enterprise owner of 2016 Export Processing Zone Trade Product• –Hi bygh H qua2017o Clithiy – MVi yearlyientnamh Ind uPsrtorduialc ant d Union surveyed20Exp17o r–t byyeaPro Marketingrcleyss surving eZyeonde Worldby Tr ade • HiUMnagirhokn equa tinlgit Wy Vioreldtnam Mag Pazriondue ct 2017 – yearly surveyed by Magazine• High quality Vietnam Product Marketing World Magazine 2017 – yearly surveyed by EmaiMalr:k ceotinntga ctW@ordudacld Mago.aczoimne Email: [email protected] Emai l: [email protected]

Tel.:Emai Te +84l.: +l:8 c9034o n9t0a3 ct874 8@74dudac 874874 o.com T el.: +84 903 874 874 Website: TWeel.b: s+ite:84 903 874 874 http://vietnamsprayer.comhW ttepb:s//ite:viet namsprayer.com hW ttepb:s//ite:viet namsprayer.com h ttp://vietnamsprayer.com

64 50 Success Stories 64 50 Success Stories64 50 Success Stories 64 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ PHILIPPINES



JB Woodcraft Inc. JB Woodcraft Inc. aa JB Woodcraft Inc. An inspaa iring pioneer manufacturer who has redefined the possibility AJnB insp Woiring opiondcrafeer manut facturerInc. w ho has redefined the possibility of crafAnofts manshcra inspiringftsmanship pioneer wihenp when manufacturerma makingking w wooode whooden has ffurniurni redefinedturture e the possibility aa ofAn craftsmanship inspiring pion wheneer makingmanufacturer wooden wfurnitureho has redefined the possibility of craftsmanship when making wooden furniture

that reflects in its neatly crafted in the name of JB Woodcraft. In

thparto rdeuflctesc. ts in its neatly crafted additiionn ,t hthee ntwaom aels o fs pJBen tW timooe dcraft. In

pr o d u cJBts l.o ng-standing success transfaedrrdinitgi ownh,a tt hthee y’vtweo le aalrsnoe dsp ent time tJBha t refllong-standingects in its ne atlysuccess crafted from seminarsin the na mtoe theof JB employees. Woodcra ft. In e embodies m bJoBdies lon a gn-ds rteanandprdingese nt ss representsuccess Asfro Myrnam semitran explained:nsafersr rtoin thge w “Myemhap tlhusband otyheeey’vs. e learned products. As Myarnadd ietxiopnla,i nthede :t “wMoy a hlsuos bsanpedn t time emPPhilippinesbhiliodiesppin easn a ds oasrne ep oronefe msea nntyofs many and I fbelieverom semi thatn successars to tdoesn’the emp loyees. and I btreanlievesfe trhraint gsu wccheasts tdhoeey’vsn’te learned Phssuccessfuliliuc pc ep s is nf ulJeBs m laoiscnr ogomicro-sized-started-nseitzan eodfding -mstaar ntedsyu c cess come Aonlys M yfromrna ethexp laownersined: “butMy husband comempanboy,dies who a hnads rgerporwense in tsis ze, come onfrolym f rsemiom thnea roswn toe trhs eb uetm ployees. company, who has grown in size, also thean dworkers. I belie veThey th ashouldt succ ebess doesn’t suncumcePshbsiliefrulsp,p aminndiec ssr alaose- so.i nzFeu drot-fh stmeraamrntedory e, also thAe sw Morykrenars. eTxhpelay isnheoduld: “ Mbey husband numbers, and sales. Furthermore, able toc oknowme on thely rudiments from the ofown thee rs but coimt apslsuanoc scy,ets sawf gulhoo om dh ieacxrsao gm-srpiozlwe dan-n stdin a rsitedze , able toan kndo Iw b tehleie rveud timhaetn stsu cocf ethsse doesn’t it also set a good example and businessbusiness ssoo t hthatat th etheyy ca n cantrul ytruly numinspcboiermer syp,oan aungny,d we snhaltore hps.ar esFn guerurotrwhs.en r imn siorzee, alcosmo eth one lwy orfrokmer tsh. eT ohwneye srhs obuldut be inspire young entrepreneurs. contributecontribute toto thethe business.”business.” it a l s n o um setb ear gs,o aondd esxalaems. pFluer athnedr more, aalbsloe thoe k wnorowke trhs.e T rhuedyim sheonuldts boef the able to know the rudiments of the inRspeiiartl eai zlysionung gs ewt ha ea gnto tiortd ek penrxoeawnmsep ubleres. satn d business so that they can truly aRealizingnd startin gwhat from it t hknowsere business so that they can truly inspire young entrepreneurs. contribute to the business.” contribute to the business.” best J B andW oo dstartingcraft started from its Realizing what it knows best bthereusRineeassl iinzi nBegt iws, hPamt ipta knga.no ws best and starting from there Betaisn ids k sntoawnrti fnogr itfrs opmeop tlhe’es re craftsmanship in making furniture JJBB W Woodcraftoodcraf startedt started its business its JB Woodcraft started its anind Betis, wood Pampanga. carving. Mo Betisst is known buhsoiunbseeushsion linedss s Bh inaevet Bis ae, tsmPisa, allmPa pmapnaga.nga. Mr. Jose & Mrs. Myrna Bituin, for its people’s craftsmanship BewtiosrB kiesth ikosn pis os pkwnnaceo wnf wior t fhitoirsn itpthsee poirep ollanep’lsde s’s President in making furniture and wood In termsIn term of sinternational of internatio presence,nal crafofrt csmacrraafftsmainnsgh, aninps dhi niipt mhinaas m kailawankginy fsgu frunrintuitruer e carving. Most households have a thepre secompanynce, t he chasom phadany haa ssupplier had a KEMr.Y SU JoseCC &ESS Mrs. ELEMEN Myrna Bituin,TS anbdee wann oldiko wde tocahoidsr. v caSionr,gv iit.n hMga.so M bsteo csotme a President small workshop space within their forsup theplie rUK for sincethe U K1990. sinc eCurrently, 1990. Mr. Jose & Mrs. Myrna Bituin, hopuaserht oohufo setlhdehs ol ifehlda sove fh ea averyove sm a smnalle all wh o Currently, it’s aiming to expand to Mr. Jos•e O&ff Merrings. Mwhyartn iat cBaintui prnoduc, e lands for crafting, and it has always it’s aiming to expand to the high- President livews oinr kthshe oapre sap. a ce within their landst he high-end Middle East market bePstr etos itdheen ctustome rs wobeenrksh olikep s pthis.ace So,wi thit inhas th ebecomeir land s end MiddleInIn Eastterm marketss o of fi nintern ternandat aitheotnalio nal KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS foArfter cr aseftlilningg, anHand diit chrafst aforlwa a ys ASEANand the Amarket.SEAN mTheark efocust. The wouldfocus • Divide and conquer strategy fora c partraft iofng the, an lifed i tof h aeveryones alway swho pprreesesence, tthhee c coommpanpany hya hs ahsa hd aad a KE• Y Offering SUCC ESSwhat itELEMEN can produceTS fewb yeeeanr sl,ik thee t hcoisu.p Sleo ,b ietg hanas t ob ecome a bewo uldon s bUAE,uep onpli UeMalaysia,rAE fo,r M thalae UyIndonesia,sKia s, ince 199 0. KEY SU • C ThCeESS sam eELEMEN company’s cToreS beelivesn lik ine thethi sarea.. So, it has become a Indonseusipap, anliedr Sfionrga thpoer eU. K since 1990. best to the customers offerpa brigt ogfe rt hitee mslife s oufc heveryo as ne who and Singapore.Currentl y, it’s aiming to expand to • valOffueer ing what it can produce pafurtr noift utrhee. Alifet th oe ftim everyoe, theyn oenl wyh o • Divide and conquer strategy lives in the area. Cutherr heighntl-ye,n idt ’Mis adimidlen Ega tsot mexaprkanetd to • Offeringb ewsth taot tiht ec caunst pormoducers e livbe osught Afterin t fhu ern sellingaitruerae. fr oHandicraftm other local for PRO• FILE The same company’s core a fewA fyears,ter se lltheing Hcoupleandic rabeganft for a DivideDividtaneh eaandd nh tdihgh ecconquer oA-neSqnEudAe NMir strategym strategydadlrkee tE. aT sh te m foacrukse t best to• tDivihe cduest anodm ceonqrs uer strategy producers in the area and resold it Tvalueogether with her husband, toto At fhefeofferterw cli y ese nartlbiggersl.i, n Hthgoe weH coanitemsverupdi,l dec urbeasuche tfgotan tfhor etoas a anwoduld th eb eA onSE UASAENoo m,n M afalartekrey ts.i aT, he focus • Divide• and conquer strategy Jose, Th Meyr sanam Beit cuinom fopuanndedy’s JBcore fewinfurniture. cyoenfferasriss tb,e ignt htAtg epe r rcothe oitdue mscptime,tl qe ua sbuel cightheyty,an a Js B tonly o SoonwInd oafteruldon e thebsiea company,on an Udth AESei nco ga,finished mMppoalaanrey.y sia, • The saWomovaldec rucaomeft asp aa mniyc’rso cooremp any in Wofuodrcnriatfut rdee. cAidedt th eto tim proed, utcehe y only the projectIndon ewithsia, anIKEA,finisd Sih neitgad tphwaseo re . offerbought bigg furnitureer items fromsuch otheras local value1972 PROFILE. JB Woodcraft is one of the futrhproducersneibitrou oughtrwne. Af u fintur ntr htheinteuit ru timearear. eM frey ,andor natmh e oresoldyth oenlr l yoit cal advised by the team thatpro jitec wantedt with PROFILE D i v i de and cIKEonqAu, ietr w strategyas pioneer leaders in the world- borughttoeca pthelrloe df clients.u utrhcerne ictsou untli rnHowever,e t hfreesos a marme ao odue tuntahned rtoo rfle othesocall d itto engage more in exporting fam oTogetherus Pampan withga han herd-car husband,ved time and effort that she and her Divide and cadovnisqedu Sbeoyro n strategy after PROFILE Together with her husband, proinconsistentdtuocer thes cliine tnhproducttse. aHroewea aquality,vernd, rdeusoe JBtlod tihte activity, it needed to specialize. JfuorJose,se,nit urM eyrMyrna snauch B ai stuin Bituincha ifro,u tanfoundedbdedle, JB JB husibnancodn spiust einn tt op rleoadrunc tth qe uaartli oty,f JB the teamth e company Together with her husband, to tWoodcrafthe client sdecided. Howe tover produce, due theirto th e Soon after WmirWoodcraftoroodrc, ranaftd ae stasc a. Iamt smicroi longcro c ocompanympany i nin maWkinogo dfucrrnaifttu dree cthidedroug tho produce that it finished the own furniture. Myrna recalled the wanted tot he company Jose, Myr1re972nap1972.u t.Ba Jtiio BtJBuin nW h oWoodcrafta foso dbuceenrandedf ta cisc uJBisomuln onee oafted ofth ethe i nsemiconthsneiasirts eo anwnntd p fwruoorrdnkiusthucotr epq.s ua Miny lirtnay, JB project with over the course of 40 years countless amount of time and effort engage more Woodcrapftiopioneer ansee ar mle leadersaicderro sc io ninm t thehpean wworldfamousyo rilnd - W poeorrdfecccartialnlfegtd tdh teehcieri dedskicountllls t tooe psesnr osaurdmueo ceunt of IKEfinisA, iht ewda tsh e through the finest craftsmanship tthathe q uashelit andy of therhe fhusbandurniture mputade in to in exporting 1972. JBfa WmPampangaoooudsc Pramft pihand-carvedsan ogane h oanf tdh-car efurniture ved t helearnirt iomwn ethe a nf udartr en ffioftou rrmakingt eth. atM yshr furniturenae a nd her adpvriosejdec bty wi th pioneer lfueasuchrdernitur sas ein schair, utchhe aw stable, ocrhladir- , mirror,table, andr ecathroughlhleudsb tanh seminarsed c pouuntlt in etandos sle a aworkshopsmrno tunthe a ortf of thIKEe teaAm, it was famous Pmiraetc.mrpo ranIts, anga longd heant creputation. dIt-scar longve d has beent imine m perfectinganakdi negff fuorr ttheirn tihtuatr eskills sthre o atoung densureh her thaadt viti sed by reaccumulatedputation has beeovern a cctheumul courseated seminars and workshops in wathneted65 te taom furniture50 s uSuccessch a sStories cha ir, table, hustheban qualityd put ofin theto lefurniturearn the madeart o f mirror, anoverofd e tt40hce. Icyearstosu longrse othroughf 40 ye arthes finestm ainki pntheegr f fuenamecrtinnigt utofhr eJBi rth ski rWoodcraft.olulsg tho ensur Ine entgaghate i mot re in exporting reputatiothncraftsmanshipr houagsh b teehen fi ance csthatut mulcra reflectsftastedman sinhi pits semi addition,tnhaer qsua a nthelidty w otwoorf th kalsoes hfuo rpspentnsit iunr etime made wanted to neatly crafted products. over the course of 40 years pertransferringfecting the whatir ski they’vells to e nlearnedsure engage more through the finest craftsmanship the quality of the furniture made in exporting 65 5050 Success Success Stories Stories 65

65 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ PHILIPPINES activity, it needed to specialize. International Cooperation Agency /MANUFACTURING/ (JICA). PHILIPPINES The Bituins are the family of Company Profile six: Jose and Myrna, and their The company was also Corporate Name: JB Woodcraft Inc. four childre nThe. Ea cBituinsh of th eare ch ildrethe nfamily grthisan tedvalue w iinth our an companyinterna tbyio nalthe of six: Jose and Myrna, and generations to come.” said Myrna. started his/her own furniture guarantee loan fund to use to Company Profile their four children. Each of the In addition, the company also Established : 1975 company wichildrenth diff erstartedent his/her own moffersoder nscholarshipsize its fac iltoity employees’ during t he Corporate Name: /MANUFACTURING/ specializatifurnitureon. Toge companyther, th ewith different eschildrentablish mtoe obtainnt of theducation.e compPan HIny. ILI PPINES companies,specialization. as separate enTogether,tities, the return, the children would come JB Woodcraft Inc. Number of Employees: 65 create a sorcompanies,t of collab oras aseparatetive entities, back at the company and work in activity, it needed to specialize. Intcreateerna at iosortnal Cofoo pcollaborativeeration Age ntheircy area of expertise. Established: 1975 synergy in(J prIoCdAu).c tion, work Below: Steps in making a wooden furniture at JB Woodcraft The Bituins are the familally oofcati on, synergytechni cainl s erproduction,vice work Company Profile allocation, technical service among Getting the right support NumberI nofternati employees:onal Activiti 65 es: six: Jose and Myrna, and theira mong one one a n o another.Tthheer c. oA msAs Mp anMyrnayryn wasa p putu at l sthato from DTIC andorpo JICArate Name: JB Woodcraft Inc. Export of goods to foreign countries four children. Each of the childrethatn t here gathererane ftedo uarer w fufouritrhn iatfurnitureunr ien tern makers,ational International activities: started his/her own furniture makers, wguarahwhoo w workonrkte diffedifferently.e loanre nfutln Weyd. Wet specializeo u se to In the 1980’s, before beginning Export of goods to foreign Awards: company with different mino ourder nwayize andits fcomplementacility dur inoneg t hethe operation,Esta bJoselished and: 1975 Myrna specialize i n/M ouANUFAr way anCTdU RING/ countriesTheAwa rcompanyds:P H TheILI companyPPI has N receivedES has received local local another. had been attending seminars specialization. Together, the complemeen stt aobnlei sahnmotehnetr o. f the company. and international recognitions.recognitions. companies, as separate entities, activity, it needed to specialize. andInte rworkshopsnational Co oarrangedperation Age byn cythe Awards:

Operating under the same Department(JICA). N ofumb Tradeer o fand Emp Industryloyees: 65 The company has received local create a sort of collaborative The Bituins are the family of Company Profile Operatin g under the same (DTI). The two were also selected to and internationalTel: +63 recognitions 45 900 2750 synergy in production, work Becoreslioxw: :J So tvalueseseps iann mda kMingy ar wnaoo,d anen fdur nthituerire a t JB Woodcra f t The co mpany was also join the training on timber ripping Corporate Name: JB Woodcraft Inc. /MANUFACTURING/ c ore valuefosu r children. Each of the children granted with an international allocation, technical service in Japan, Iwhich,nternati wasona lsupported PActivitiHILIesPPI : NES s t a Ther ted corehis/h valueer own at f uJBrn iWoodcraftture guarantee loan fund to use to Tel.: +63 45 900 2750 am ong one another. As Myrna p u t The core value at JB by the Japan International isco thatmpan everyoney with di fworksferent as a family. modernize itExs pfaocritli ofty dgoodsuring toth eforeign countriesEstablished W: 1975e bsite: that there are four furniture Cooperation Agency (JICA). activity, it needed to specialize.W o o d c rafIntt Josesipse tcrhi naalandaizatt ioe tMyrnaveryinalon. TCoo omakengeoetph wee rosurea, trthikoes nthat Age alln cy establishment of the company. Website: makers, who work differently. We ofco mthepan furnitureies, as se pfromarate the en tcompanyities, www.globalsources.com/jbwoodcraft.com (JICA). The Bituins are the famialys oaf family. Jose and Myrna make The companyComAwards:pan ywas Pr oalsofile granted Nwww.globalsources.com/umber of Employees: 65 iscr eawellte a sorcraftedt of colla bwithorat ivepassion, specialize in our way and sure that all of the furniture from with an internationalAwards: The companyguarantee has receivedjbwoodcraft.com local six: Jose and Myrna, and their sy n e Trgyhe in c pormodpuanctiyon was, wor akl so Below: Steps in makTheing a w ocompanyoden furniture at JhasB Woo dreceivedcraft local appreciation, and by the people Corporate Name: JB Woodcraft Inc. complement one another. the companallyo icatis weonl,l tec crhanfitcaedl s ewirvitche loan fund toand use international to modernize recognitions.recognitions. its four children. Each of the children gwhoranted love w makingith an inthem.tern a“It iobelievenal International Activities: among one another. As Myrna put facility during the establishment of started his/her own furniturep assion, aguaraptomorrowprecniateteio lornoan , evenan fud n inbdy tthe oth u enextse to 50 the company. Export of goods to foreign countries people whoyears,t hlaotve th ewemre aawillkrei nf ogstillu rt hfu erbenm.i tcelebratingu r“eI Opcoemraptaninyg wi utnh ddiefrfe trhenet same mmoaderkersn, iwzeh oit ws ofrakc diffeilityr ednutlryi.n Weg t he EstaTbelils:hed + 63: 197545 900 2750 Awards: specialization. Together, the believe tomesoptaerbcriolaliwsizh eom irne eonuvetr o wnfa tiyhn ane t cdho em pany. core values TheAwa rcompanyds: The company has received has received local local companies, as separate entitiense, xt 50 yeacrosm, pwleem enwilt onl es atillno tbher . and international recognitions. Number of Employees: 65 c r e aTteh ea csoorret ovaf cluollae abtor JBat ive celebrating this value in our Website: Below: Steps in making a wooden furniture at JB Woodcraft Wsyoondecrrgyaf tin i sp trhoadtu ectveryion, ownore kw orks Below: Steps in making a wooden furniture at JB Woodcraft company bOy ptherea gtiennge urnadtioern tsh et osa me www.globalsources.com/jbwToelo: dcr+63a 4f5t.co 900m 275 0 as alla foacatimiloyn. ,J tecoseh nanicadl Mseyrvrinace make core values come.” said M yrna. In addition, International Activities: surame tohnagt oallne o afn tohteh efur.r Ansit Muryre nfrao pmu t The core value at JB the compan y also offers Export of goods to foreign countriesWe bsite: that there are four furniture Woodcraft is that everyone works the company is well crafted wistchh olarships to employees’ www.globalsources.com/jbwoodcraft.com pamssaiokenr,s a, pwphroe cwioartkio diffen, anredn btlyy .t hWee as a family. Jose and Myrna make children to sourbetain that alled oufca thet ifuonrn.i tInure from Awards: specialize in our way and Awards: The company has received local people who love making them. “I the company is well crafted with The company has received local return, the children would come and international recognitions. complement one another. passion, appreciation, and by the and international recognitions. believe tomorrow or even in thbea ck at the company and work in ne xt 50 years, we will still be people who love making them. “I their area obfe eliexvepe trotmise.orro w or even in the ceOlebpreartaintign tgh uisn vadelure t hine osaurm e Tel: +63 45 900 2750 next 50 years, we will still be cocmoprane vya bluy etsh e generations to celebrating this value in our Getting the right support co m e . ” Tshaeid c oMrey rvanalu. eIn a ta JdBdi tion, company by the generations to from DTI caomned.” JIsaidC MAy rna. In addition, Website: theW cooomdcpranafty i sal tshoa to effeveryrs one works the company also offers www.globalsources.com/jbwoodcraft.com schaso laa frasmihiplys. tJoo seem anpldo yMeyersna’ m a k e In the s1c98hola0r’ssh,i pbse tfoo erme ployees’ chsilurdree tnh atot allob otainf th ee dfuurcanitiuorne .f rInboem gin ning tchheil dorepne troa otbiotainn, Jedouseca taniond. In returhen c,o tmhpe anchyil idsr weenl lw coraufltde dc owimthe return, the children would come Myrna hadb baeeck nat athtet econmdipnangy and work in bapckas asito tnh,e a cpopmrepcianatiyo nan, and wd obryk semit hine nars anthdei rw aorreak osfh eoxpesr taise.rr anged thepiero aprle aw ohfo e lxopvee rmtiase.kin g them.b y“ It he Department of Trade and believe tomorrow or even in the Industry (DTGeIt)ti.n Tgh teh et wriogh wert suep paolsrot next 50 years, we will still be selected to frjooimn tDhTeI t arnadin JIinCgA o n Gecettleinbrga ttihnge trhiigs hvat lsuue pinp oourrt In the 1980’s, before frocomm pDanTyI bayn tdh eJI geCnAer ations ttoi mber ripp66ing in Japan, which, 50 Success Stories was supporbtedegin bniyn gt hthee Joapepranatio n, Jose and c o m Ine .t”h sea id198 M0y’rsna, b. eInfo ared dition, Myrna had been attending betginhe ncoinmgp tanhey oalpseor aotffeiorns, Jose and seminars and workshops arranged scholarships to employees’ by the Department of Trade and Myrna had been attending children to obtain education. In Industry (DTI). The two were also selected to join the training on semiretnuranr,s tahned c hwilordrkesnh wopous ladrr coanmgede by the Department of Trade and timber ripping in Japan, which, 66 back at the company and work50 i nSuccess Storieswas s upported by the Japan Induthesirtr ayr e(DTa ofI )e.x Tpehret itse.wo were also selected to join the training on tim ber ripping in Japan, which, Getting the right support was supported by the Japan 66 from DTI and JICA 50 Success Stories

In the 1980’s, before beginning the operation, Jose and Myrna had been attending seminars and workshops arranged 66 50 Success Stories by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The two were also selected to join the training on timber ripping in Japan, which, was supported by the Japan

66 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ MYANMAR

aa Jewel Ko Lay Co., Ltd. Rising Burmese entrepreneur U Ko Lay brings Japanese technology to the Burmese Market

the international level. The equipment and machinery, company has recently begun the including the offset of machines production of agricultural-based from Japan. In 2006, the nutrition products. company bought a plot of land in an industrial zone and set up a factory with offset printing /MANUFACTURINGVi/s u a l pr esen t a t i o n at MYANMAR

machines, die-cutters, and aa international standard for lamination machines. Jewel Ko Lloacaly Cpro.,odu Lcttd.s /MANUFACTURING/ MYANMAR /M ANUFA HCaTUvRinINGg /a fa mil y bu s i n ess i n MYANMAR Rising Burmese entrepreneur U Ko Lay brings Japanese technology

aa to the Burmese M/pMharketANUFAotog CrTaUpRhINGy l/e d U K o L a y t o MYANMAR

aJewela sJteuwdye pl Ko rKino tLay iLnagy anCo., Cdo., g Ltd. rLatd.phi c design

RisingiRnJising eJapaw Burmese Beurmeln K. soB eentrepreneur enaLcktarepreney i nC o.,Mu Ury U LaKo nKtd. oLaym La bringsyr br aifngt eJapanesesr J apane se technology to the Burmese Market technologyfinisRisingh iBnurme tog thescse hBurmese tenoheotreprene iln,tern U Market Kautioro U nalLa K oley Lvel ay. br Thinge s Japanese teqechnouipmlogeny t and machinery, latounc the Bhurmeed ase pMcroarketimnptani nyg h caso rmecepnantly ybe wigunt hth e including the offset of machines

production of agricultural-based from Japan. In 2006, the only 4 compunutertritsio.n “pIro hduacvtse. company bought a plot of land in the international level. The equipment and machinery,

witnessed th e differecnomcepan yin ha st rheceen tly begun the anin cludingindus threi aloff setzo nofe m aanchdi nsees t up a pVisualrthode uinctterni opresentationn aotfi oanalgric leulveltur. a Tlat-hbea sed factindustrialfreqomoui rJpyamp wi eazonent.t ahInn and do 200 ffm setsa6,echt upti hnpe ra riy, factoryn ting visual presenVtatisuiaol np raensecodmn ptqanauatyi hoansl ir etaceyt n tloyf b egun the including the offset of machines ninternationalutrition product sstandard. for mwithcoamc offsethpaninye bsprintingo,u dieght -ac pmachines,ulottter of lsan, ad die- nind packaging ofi nptreorndauticot nspra obld uescttiaown oeedf aagrnrdic u fltourra l-based lacutters,anmifr ionmnad u Jandstatiopria alnlamination . z m oInna e200 cahndi6,n smachines. ethts. eu p a local prodlocalunuctrtsi tproducts ion products. fact c o mo r pyTan wihyt hbe o uffcgsheot mpa rpinlpottin anogf lanyd itnh en Mr. U Ko Lay, Founder Japan and MyanmarV” i,s usaal pysrese Unt aKtioon at manac hinindeuss,t dierial- czuonttere asn, da nsdet up a Havinig n atHavinge rfanmatiil oyna ablfamilyu stsaind easbusinessrsd i nfo r in inlatfactrmionaodrtyiou winced tmh aocffhsi enate ps. ner intinwg product called a Lay. “Since tphhoetnog,r Ia pwhlphotographyyoanV clialesud tpa eUrl odp dKr ueto cseo tledLsn atp aytUla ito onyKo a t Lay to machines, die-cutters, and international standard for ‘ho logram security seal’ in a role in Myastnumdy apri’nst i dstudy n ge vanH printingeadvli noggrp aa famp andmhieilc ygraphicn dbutes sinigne sdesigns in lamination machines. local products KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS in Japan. Bpinah ckotJapan.o ginra pMh yy lBackaedn Um Kaoinr L aafyMyanmart teor My anmar and has become the through packfinisaginghing sscosafterht u o td o yh l p,finishingHa rUiantv t iKinngog a an La faschool,dm ygil rayp b huUisci dnKoesis gn Layin

launched a ilaunchedpnpr Japahionttoignnr. a g Bp haccky o lm eprintingindp UMan yKaony Lm wiaacompanyyr t aohf t er first manufacturer of these Myanmar’s products saturdey p rinting and graphic design • Visual presentation at only 4 compfiniswithuterh ionlynsg. s c“ hI4o hocomputers.la, vUe K o Lay “I have pro ducts. laiuncn Japahedn a. pBrainckti ning Mcoymanpmanayr wiafttehr presented inwi thtnee sbseeds tthwitnessed ep dirofffeer esthensce iodifference innal the in the international standards for ovisualnlfinisy 4h cionpresentationmg spcuhteroosl,. U “I K hoaand vLae y quality visual presenlatatuncihoend a nprdin tqinuag cloimtyp anofy with way and fetch the higwiofh tpackagingneesrse dp trhei cedioff fproductse rence in betweenthe Jewel Ko Lay has expanded packaging ovfios pnlualryo 4pd rceuosemcntptatsu terbioenst. wa “nIeed h qanuave lity of The company then introduced local products Japan and Myanmar”, says U they deserveJ”a.p an and Mpawickytannagingesmsead o rtfh ”pe,r osdidafufysecrtse U nbcee tK winoee t hne th a e new i r T productbhue scoi nmcalledepanss ay t ‘hologramtohe pn ro duce paper Mr. U Ko Lay, Founder Ko Lay. “Since then, I wanted The company then • Investment in advance Mr. U Ko Lay, Founder Javpisanual a nprde Mseynantatmioanr ”a,n sda ysqua Ul iKtyo of isecuritynt rod useal’ced in a Myanmar new pr oanddu chast c alled a Mr. U Ko Lay, FoundLay.er “Since then, I wanted to play caintrso daucednd a netuw pbroedsuc tf coallre df ao od business Ltoap y.ack play “aSgingin cea othfrole epnr,o Id wuincant s tbMyanmar’seedt wtoee pnla y ‘becomehologr theam first sec umanufacturerrity seal’ i nof U Ko Laay r oalle wain Myysa nbmealri’es veddeve lopment ‘h o l o g rTahme sceocmurpianty yse tahle’ nin machinery and tec hKnEYo lSUogyCC ESS ELEMENTS adevelopment Jraoplean in a Mndy aMn mythroughanarm’s adre”v, eslpackagingaoyspm Ue Knto these products. KEY SUMr.C UC KESSo La ELEMENy, Founder TS inM 2yinat0rno1mdu3aced,r a an nendwd h p arosed buceectc conallmtlede y at hset ated to tKEYhat SUCCESS Myan mELEMENTSathrr’osu gphr poadcktsohuLr aothatcy.gingug t h“sS pi Myanmar’sna scecko at ginghthena, tsI o w productstanhatte d to parelay Myanmar and has become the fifir‘rshstot lmogananraufmufa scetauccuretrirut yor fese trha elo’se ifn t hese from Japan • Visual presentationM aty anmar’sM presentedpayr raoonldme uianrc ’Mts in spy r atheonrdmeu acbesttrs’s a d rprofessionalev elopment produce agriculture-based • Visual presentati ton•Kh VEe iaYsmseut SUa l prCeClsESSvesentat ELEMENi onar aet goToS d in quality p prrMoJeweloddyauncctm st.Koas r. a nLayd h ashas bec oexpandedme the international standardsprese forn ted inpwayrt hetsehr oandenu tedgbh fetche pisnatck tph theaerging ob efhigherset s posr itohof apriceenalts sio nal they international sta ndinatrdernsa tfiorona l standards for theirfirs tbusiness manufac ttour eproducer of these paper way and fetwadeserve”.chMy y tanahndem faherti’chsg ph trheoerd uhpcigtrshi ceear ep rice nu tr iJteweiol nKo pLary ohads exupcantdeds f or children es•l ocplocalViaeslu cpro aproductsil allprduecsytesn tfaotionod at- related products, cans p r o anddJuecwe tstubes. l K ofor La foody h abusinesss expa nded PROFILE local products thperye sedesntederv ei”n. the best professional their business to produce paper • Investmentinternation inal advancestantdhaerdy sdes for erve”. antinh dei2013, rt bhue si andneelsder s recentlyto lpyr.o d ustatedce p aper h• oInvewevstmeenrt int hadeva nqcuae lity owaf yp anadck fetcha gingthe high er price ca n s a nJedwe tulb Keso fLaor yfo hoads bexupsiannededss • Investment in advanmachinerylocceal prod uandcts technology U UKo K oLay Lay always always bbelievedelieved that to produce agriculture-based machinery and tech n o l ogy U Ko Lathye yal deswaeryvse ”b. elieved catnhse ira bnudsi ntuesbs etos pfroord ufceoo pdap beru siness Founded by U Ko L ay minac hinery and te chfromnol ogyJapan tMyanmar’shat Myanm arproducts’s produ ctthemselvess in 2013, and recently stated to is•f romlInveow Jast,mp awenn th ini cadhva pncre events the local i nutritionn ca 2 n0 s 1 Ja3n e,productsd a wetunbde slr f eo Kforcer fo childrenno tldLa ybu sstiyna ande tssked ee top s its eyes that Myanmtareh a e r mse good ’ s Uplves Kr inoo daLaqualityruey cg altosowa d especially yins bqeualielivedty food- produce agriculture-based 1997, Jewel Ko Lay started fbromy Japan machinery and technology pthenruion trelderly.d 2iut0io1ce3n, paarngoddr urieccetultus nfortly r cshetaildre-tbeda sednto products fromthe mserealcvesh ierelatedasntprheagct ig Malloo yyouanproducts, fdotm oi danto-r r’sqe lap uatr tedohdlhoweveriu etpcyro t sd uc ts,the on the latest PROFILEfrom Japan nanuptrdro tidhtuieoce enl dera gprrliyco.ultu d urcet-bsa fsedor children providing printing and graphic PROFILE especially fohqualityothwevdemse-ree rof laltvesh packagingtede qauare p lgirotoyo odd f is iupn ac low,qcktuasa,lging iwhichty PROFILE i n Fternoundeda btyio U Knalo Lay imn arket. anndu trthitieo ne lpderrodulcyt.s for children PROFILE however theipreventss e qlsopuawe,c wilalliht yithec hfoo poflocal rdpe-veraecknla tproductstedsa tgingh pe rolodca u lfromc ts, Jewel Ko Lay keeps its eyes trends 1997, Jewel Ko Lay started by however the quality of packaging and the elderly. design for local business Founded by U Ko LaFoundedy in by U Ko Layis linow 1997,, wh icpreachinghr opdruectves froutnotms torteh atheceh lin ointernationalgca oult to the Jewel Ko Layon k teehe plastes itt s eyes pr o v i ding Found priendt ibnyg Uan Kdo g Lraapyh iinc initerns lowa,t iowhnalich m parrekveetn. ts the local regarding 1997, Jewel Ko Lay starJewel ted bKoy Lay started byp rprovidingoducts fromarket.m rea ching out to the Jewel Ko Lay keetrepns ditss eyes customers. Then the company design1997, fJoerwe lolca Klo b Layusin setarss ted by products from reaching out to the on thoen la testhte latest providing printing andprinting graph icand graphic design for regarding advanced cupsrtoovmidingers. pTrhinenti nthg ean codm ignpraanternphyi c ationalin mternaratkioenalt. market. adtrveanndtcedsr e nds started package productdesignion for local busineslocals business customers. Then stdesignIarntedves p faockr laogetcai lp nbrougdsiun ceitsinos n advanIInvestingncvesetdin g i nin a dvaadvancednced priengartinrdgei nangarg d dipngr inting and customers. Then the ccotheumst opmcompanyanersy. The n startedthe co m panpackagey including paper boxes, tins and inmcludingac phapiern boexe sa, tinns dan dt echmmachinenaochlinoegy a andnd te technologychnology packdvaangingaceddv an cedpa ckaging started package produpclasproductiontsaitroitedcn ca pnasck a sincludinga wgee llp raosd pu ocpaperutIicnohnves b aboxes,gst in g friInon mvesa dvaJtaipnangn i nc eaddva nced tecprhinotpilnorggyi nan tdin g and plastic cans as well as pouch bags foitinsrn cludingfo odand an dpplastic ampeedir bc alocansx pesr,o tdiasuncs t answell, d as frommach Japanine and technology including paper boxes, frtinos anmd Japanm achine a n d In te 200ch4,n Joelweolgy Ko Lay has fopra fckutpaugingraeck agingtec hnology wippouchtlah sat ivic scabagsionns t aofors mw aefoodklle a Ms pyandoauncm hmedicala bra’sg s from Japan grtecowhtnho. logy for food and medical propladsuticc tcas,n s as well as pouch bags from Japanm aIn de an2004, inves tJewelment inKo pr inLaytin g has technology lofproducts,caorl fporoodd anu ctdwiths mreea didyac alvisionfo pr reoxdp uotocrtt s amake, t for future for future for food and medical pr o d u c t sIn, 2004, Jewel madeK o InLayan 200 investment4, h Jeawesl K oin Lay printing has with a vision to make Myanmar’s wiMyanmar’sth a vision localto ma kproductse M y a n m a readyInr’s 200 4, Jewel Ko Lay has growftoh.r future with a vision to make Mlocayal nprmodaurc’ts ready for export at equipmentmade an in vestandme nt inmachinery, printing growth. form exportade at an the internationalinvesmatdem level. anen intves int mpernint inti nprgin ting Jewel Ko Lay keeps its eyes ongr othew th. local products ready forl oecaxpl porordt uacts ready for export at including the offset of machines The company has recently begun latest trends regarding advanced67 from Japan. In 2006, the company 50the Success production Stories of agricultural- printing and packaging technology bought a plot of land in an based nutrition products. for future growth. 67 50 Success Stories 67 50 Success Stories


/MANUFACTUR ING/ M YANMAR Below – Easy open & Easy tear Cans, Stand-up Pouch Bangs

BU eKlo wLa –y Esua rrsyo oupnedne d& b Eya hsiys teemployar Canese,s S, tand-up Pouch Bangs

Company Profile Packaging products checking for shipment to customers U Ko L ay surrounded by his employees, Company Profile Packaging products checking for shipment to customers Company Profile Corporate Name: Below:Below – Easy open & Easy tear Cans, Stand-up Pouch Bangs

EasyU K oopen Lay s &urr Easyounde teard by hCans,is employ Stand-upees, Pouch Bangs Corporate Name: CompanyJe Profilewel Ko Lay (jkl) Co., Ltd. U PKoac kLayagin gsurrounded products chec bykin ghis for employees, shipment to customers Corporate Name: Packaging products checking for shipment to customers Jewel Ko Lay (jkl) Co., Ltd. JewelCorp Koora tLaye Name (jkl): Co., Ltd.

Jewel Ko LEays t(ajkbl)li Csho.,e dL:td. 19 97 Established:Est a1997blished: 1997

Established : 1997 Number ofN employees:umber of Employees: 11-50 Number of Employees: 11-50 11-50 Number of Employees: 11-50

International Activities: InternationalInternati activities:onal Activities: HavingInternati foreignonHavial A affiliatesctiviting foers:e ig orn affiliates or branches Having foreign affiliates or branches branchesHaving foreign af filiates or branches Awards: Awards: The company has received Awards: Awards:The company has received local Awards:Awards: ThAloew cacoalmpr andsa:dn T yi hnheternatias c roempceivonaenda yl hrecaso rgenceitiivoends . The companyand has international received local recognitions. Thelo cacompanyl and inTheloternatica has lcompany an receivedonda iln recternatio hasg localniti receivedononsa. l reco localgnitions. and internationaland international recognitions. recognitions. and international recognitions Email: jklgrEmaiaphicl@: jkgmlgraila.cpohmic @gmail.com Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Tel.: +95 1 T22el9.219: +9 5 1 229219 Tel.: +95 1 T229219el.: +95 1 229219

Website: Facebook:Website: www.jklpriWntpebacksite:.com web.facebook.com/jklprintpackwww.jklprintpack.com

www.jklprintpack.com Facebook:

web.facebooFakc.ceobmoo/jkl:p rintpack Facebook: web.facebook.com/jklprintpack web.facebook.com/jklprintpack

68 50 Success Stories

68 50 Success Stories 68 50 Success Stories 68 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ CAMBODIA /MANUFACTURING/ CAMBODIA


LSVaa Industry Co., Ltd. aa LSV Industry Co., Ltd. A AthrivingLSV thriving forIn f orsuccessdu sucsce tryNutss Nut Samphois C Sao.,mph L osetsist sd. etsan examplean example thattAh a thsuccesst rsivuciceng sis sf orforis fs oruallc cea andlsl san Nut nod nogender Sa gmendph specifiedeoris s psetseci fanied e x ample that success is for all and no gender specified

Cambodia. Graduating with a translated into clear action plans experience in operational planning Industry. The company’s goal is to degreCambeo idia.n M aGrrkaedtuinagti anngd w anith a ftorran everyslated bu insitnoe clsse uarn iatc. tion plans &a degressmanagement,ociaete in degre Markee tinin andMg anana d gestrategicanm ent be thef o r first e Hverya vchoicei nbgu seixn pofees rthesi eunn Cambodianceit. in planning,farsosmoc tihaete SamphoisU degreniveres iityn isMo fnothingana Camgebmodia,e butnt peoples t r a teg inHi achomev pinlanng e carexipnegr fiandreonmce personalh iner ancfo romextraordinarilymb itnheed U wniitvhe ersxitety n well-roundedosfiv Cea mbodia, carepsrt eravproducts.tegiouisc wpolannrk , SinWheneveragm fprohmois h me ra kthees individualecxopmerbiiennece dwith winit o hap epassionexrteatniosnaliv efor doing Cambodianspurreev tiohuats hwpeopleeorr akc, cSu athinkmmulphaoted ofis mhomeakes business.pelannxperiinegn ce& mina onapegeramtieonnalt, an d careesxur pander tihe napersonaltce h ehra sa cbc eeucaremn uluti aproducts,tedlize d to sptrlannategiincg p &lann mainang,ge Smamenpt,h oanisd i s LSV’sderxipv brandser tiheen cesu willchcaess bsbe eeo fthen L utiS Vonesl Induized that tsotr y. nothing but an extraordinarily The company’s goal is to be the sLSVtrateg icIndustry plannin g, Sisa mpah oislocal is peopledriv ewill the look succ for.ess of LSV Industry. well-rounded individual with a first choice of the Cambodian manufacturernothing but awithn ex ttherao enthusiasmrdinarily The company’s goal is to be the passion for doing business. people in home care and personal ofwe producingll-rounded intopdiv idqualityual wit h abut Therefore,first choice obecausef the Cam boofdia suchn p a ss LioSnV fIonrd duositnryg ibsu as ilnoecsals . carpeoep plreo idnu hcotsm. We chaerne eavendr tpheer sonal affordable personal care and clear goals, everything from the m a n ufacLSVt uInredru wstirtyh itsh ae local Ccarameb pordiaodunc ptse.o Wplhe etnheinvekr o tfh heo me homecare products. What’s production, marketing, research emntahnuufacsiasmtur oerf pwriothd uthcien g top carCame abnoddia penr spoenalopl ec atrhei npkr oodf uhcotms, e

reallyqeuantlh ituimportantys ibausmt a foffo pr darotobd lueLSVc pinegr stoisonalp that andLcar Sdevelopment,Ve’s a bnrdan pderss wonalil lthe b cea trbackhee p or onoffice,desu cthtsa, t

allcarq uaproductse laitnyd b huot maarefefocar rmanufactureddae bplroe pdeurcstosnal. by andpL eSoVthep’lse bwirrestanll ldoo s wkof ilf ol rbthe.e t hebusiness ones tha t usingWcarhae t anatural’sn rde allhoym immaterialsecarpoer taprontd tuandoc LtsS . Vnew is functions p e o p Tleh workewirellf ol oortogether,e,k b feocauser. to o achievef such technologytWhaht aatll’s prre oalltodu yensure cimts paorer tatheirnt t osafety. LSV is thecl same e a r gTo hcompany-wideaelrse, feoverre, ybtehcauseing fendorsedr oomf s tuhceh mthaantufac all ptruordedu cbtsy aursein g natural goalpclr eoandadru gc driveotiaolns, emtheverar kybusinessethtiinngg, frreose mina trthehceh materials and new technology to and development, the back office, Ms. Nut Samphois, A mclearanufac tuandred bywinning using nat urgoalal directionprodu citti owantsn, ma tork eachieve.ting, research Ms. Nut Samphois emnsaurteriae thlse airn safd neety.w technology to anandd tdevhe reelsotp omf ethnet, bthuesi bnaeckss office, Managing Director that steers the company to MMasn.ag Nutin gS aDmirephoctoisr e nsure their safety. Producingfuncand ttihoen sr ew sonlytor okf tho theege btuh sebestirn, etoss success achieve the same company-wide Managing Director A clear and winning goal that functions work together, to KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS qualityendorsed products goal and fordrive the K EY SUCCESS ELEMENTS steers the company to achieve the same company-wide A clear and winning goal that business in the direction it wants K• E TheY SU company’sCCESS clearELEMEN and TS suInc cstrategicess planning, it is crucial customersendorsed goal and drive the • steers the company to to achieve. Thwinninge comp strategyany’s clear and to have a good start with what goal business in the direction it wants s u c cIness st rategic planning, it is •• wTh Theinne exceptionallycingomp starantye’gys c l highear a nd the company would like to achieve Fromto ach ietheve. interview, one of c r u c i alIn t ost hraategicve a gpolannod sitarngt, itw iisth • Thwqualityienn exingc ofe ps thetirona tproductseagylly high as its milestone. And from there, it theP rrules o d u cofin thumbg only tforhe Samphoisbest wcrhuacti algo talo thhaeve co am gpoanody s wtarouldt wi tlikh e • qThuael ietyx coefp tthione proallyd uhcights can set a clear strategy to steer the whenqPur aolirunningdtuyc pinrgo douLSVnclyts t fhIndustryoer b est is • The brand presence in the two haacth gieoveal aths ei tcso mimpleanstoy nweo. uldAnd l ike • Thquea lbritya nodf tprhee sproencdeu cints t he company on the right path. A good to cuproducequsatolimtye prshighro d uqualitycts for products market ftroo mac hthieevere ,a ist ictans mi selte sat oclneea.r And market strategy does not mean that it has for cucustomers.stomers She added that • The brand presence in the sftrroamtegy th etroe s, teit ecran th see ct oam cpleanary on From the interview, one of to be a beautifully written text that the company ensures this high market tshter aritegyght tpoa tshte. eAr gthoeo dco smtrpategyany on t h e rul Freosm o ft htheu imnteb rfvoire wSa, monpeh ofis is floaty and sounds good in every quality in two ways: the use of PROFILEPROFILE dthoes ri ngohtt m paetanh. tAh agto iotd h satsr atotegy be a wthhee nrul runes noifn tgh uLmSVb Ifnord uSsatmryp ihso tios P RO “FILESucces s is for all and no aspect.bdeoaeust ifuln Thisotl my kindweanrit tet ofhna strategyt eitx th tahsa tt o cani sb e bea premiumpwrhodenu cerun localhingihn gqmaterials uaLSlVit yI npdruo dsandturcyt is s f oftoor p a r“Success t i c “uSlaucr cesge nsisde i s rffor,o anr adllall YaOn dUand n hoa veno a a floatybdelusionaleaut ifulandl ys owtrap.undsritte A ng otgoodeoxdt itnh strategyaetvery is highcpur stechnologyotdoumceer hs.i gShh einq uaa production.dlditeyd p trhoadt utchtes for particulargpraeratti ccuhlaanr ce,gender,gen becdera, u andansed s YOUuYcOcUes havesh ave a shouldafloatyspec t be.an T hdasi s osimplekiundsnd o fg asostor dapossible tiengy every can so ccoumstpoanmeyr esn. Ssurhee asd tdheisd h tihgaht qthuae lity greatdgoresa t n chance,coht anchce,oo sebecausebec wahuesere success syuocuc ess does thatbaes p aeveryonee dcet.l uTshioisnal kiinn t drthea opf. sAorganizationtr gaoteogyd can iIncno tmwtermspoan way yes:ofn s turhtheee us stutilizationeh isof hpirgehmium qua ofli ty notbdeoloe choosesn gn.o Itt c ihs where oyooseur wo youhwner e belong. you It is cansbtre aeasily ategy del u sunderstandshioouldnal btrea aps. Aitsi mgandopolde that as it premiumlionca twl mo waaterialocalys: lts h aematerials,n uds eo fo hf ipgrhe miumLSV yourpbeerlfoor nowngm. aItn performance” ice”s y osutartes own N ut states Nut canpsot rsbeastegyib translatedle ssoh othuldat eb verintoe ays osclearnime pinl e actiont haes Industryteclocahnl om lorealizesagyteria in lps raothatnddu oc tfio Cambodiahnig.h Samphois.Spaemrfporhmoisan. Sce”hShee sits a otesisne N ooneuf t h e vofe rythe plansorpogass nforibizlae everyt sion t hc abusinesstn e everasiylyo nunit.e in the is stilltec h nrichIno ltermo gyin isnabandoned opfr tohdeu utilctioi nzatinatural. on of understand it and that it can be premium local materials, LSV verysSuacmc epshssuccessfulfoulis .e Snhtree ipsr oeneentrepreneursu orfs t ihne very organization can easily resources. In termTheses o fare th ehigh utili zatiqualityon o f insu ccCambodia.essful entr epGraduatingreneurs in with undHavingerstan experienced it and th aint i t strategiccan be andp recanmiu mbe lo calsourced materia ls,cheaply LSV a degree in Marketing and an planning from her previous work, within the country without having associate degree in Management Samphois makes sure that her to import. Over 85 percent of 69 from50 Success the StoriesUniversity of Cambodia, accumulated experience has been the materials used are sourced 69 combined50 Success Stories with extensive utilized to drive the success of LSV locally. The other 15 percent, are

50 Success Stories 69 /MANUFACTURING/ CAMBODIA

Industry realizes that Cambodia is Maintaining market presence still rich in abandoned natural for a firm foundation for still rich in abandoned natural Company Profile resources. These are high quality growth Corporate Name: LSV Industry Co., Ltd. and can be sourced cheaply within At the moment, LSV Industry Corporate Name: LSV Industry Co., Ltd. the country without having to At the moment, LSV Industry the country without having to covers approximately 20% of the import. Over 85 percent of the market share in Cambodia and that Establish: 2013 materials used are sourced is something the company aims to locally. The other 15 perce nt, increase. Making customers aware are chemical substances that have Number of Employees: 51 -100 of the company and its products Number of Employees: 51 -100 to be imported from abroad due to can determine whether the company the unavailability of the materials. would success or fail. That is why When talking about would success or fail. That is why International Activities: When talking about /MANUFACTURING/LSV Industry spends a considerable CAMBODIA technology in the business amount of its budget on advertising Having outsourcing of service in foreign operations, Samphois elaborated amount of its budget on advertising countries operations, Samphois ela b o/MraANUFAtedchemical CT substancesURitsING products /that have to onMaintaining television, market social CAMBODIA be imported fromits abroadproducts due to on television, social that technology has played a v /eMrANUFAy CTURING/ presence for a firm Company ProfileCAMBODIA the unavailability of the materials. Indus try realizes thatnetworks, Cambodia is andMafoundationin tmobileaining m afor advertising.rk etgrowth presence big role for LSV Industry, still rich in abandoned natural for a firm foundation for Industry realizes that Cambodia is Maintaining market presence Co mpanyA Pwroafirled s: When talking about technology ingr ow tAth the moment, LSV Industry CorporateAw Name:ards: especially in production. Alrels opursatceilrls t.ri sTch einse a abrane dhoignhe dq uanaltiurtyal for a firm foundation for especially in production. All pather tbusinesss operations, Samphois covers approximately 20% of the CLSVCoorpmo Industryrpaaten yN Pamero Co.,f:i LleSV Ltd. Industry Co., Ltd. and carens obue rsceous.r Tcedhe sech aeraep hlyig wih qthuainli ty gr Aowt ththe moment, LSV Industry ASEAN Outstanding Woman of its production line are elaborated that technology has market share in Cambodia and that • ASEAN Outstanding Woman of its production line are the coanuntryd ca nwi bteh soouutr hcedav icnhge atop ly within covers approximately 20% of the Corporate Name: LSV Industry Co., Ltd. imporplayedt. Over 85a veryperce bignt ofrole the for LSV is something At the mom theen tcompany, LSV Ind uaimsstry Established: 2013Entrepreneur, ASEAN Women automated with advanced- the country without having to marckoevte rssh aprep rionx Cambodiaimately 20% and of thethat E stablish: 2013 Entrepreneur, ASEAN Women automated with advanced-materiaimIndustry,lpsor usedt. Over especiallyare 85 so puerrcedce inn tproduction. of the to increase. Making customers Entrepreneur Network is sommarektheti nshg atrhee i ncompany Cambodia aims and to that Establish: 2013 Entrepreneur Network locally.mAll aTteria hpartse oltsh u esedrof 15 itsapre r productionsce ounrt,ced line aware of the company and its Number of employees: technological manufacturing incries assoem. eMakingthing th customerse company awareaims to are chlareeomicaca lly.automatedl Tshueb sotathnecesr 15with tpheart ce hadvancednat,ve products can determine whether of thinec rceoamsep. anMakingy and customersits products aware N51-100umber of Employees: 51 -100 machines. This minimizes teo rrbe iaotechnologicalmrerp csorh etedmica frlo sm ub asbtaronmanufacturingacesd d thuaet t hoa ve the company would success or fail. machines. This minimizes errors cano df ettheer micomnep anwhethery and its the products company Number of Employees: 51 -100 the untoa vaibe liambpilorityted of ftrhoem m aabteriaroad ldsu. e to machines. This minimizes errorsw ouldcThatan successd iset ewhyrmi norLSVe fail.whether Industry That the is spends companywhy a International activities: that can be caused by workerst hae nundavai lability of the materials. International Activities: Wthathen can tal kbein causedg abou tby workers andLSVwconsiderable Industryould success spends amount or fail. a considerable Thatof its is budget why When talking about HavingInternati outsourcingonTael Al.ctiviti: +8e sof:55 service (0) in1 2 357 707 at the same time ensures technoatlo thegy isamen the time busi ensuresness efficiency.amount LSVon advertisingIndustry of its budget spends its on a products advertisingconsiderable on Having outTsoeurcil.:n g+ o8f s55ervic (e0 in) fo 1r2eig 3n 57 707 operatectiohnns,o Sloagym pinh tohise eblausbinoerassted cforeignoHaviuntrniesg ocountries u tsourcing of service in foreign its productsamounttelevision, of on itssocial television, budget networks, on socialadvertising and efficiency. that teocphenraotlioogyns ,h Saasm pplahyoeisd e ala vbeorrya ted countries efficiency. networks,itsmobile products andadvertising. mobileon television, advertising. social that technology has played a very Awards: big role for LSV Industry, networks, and mobile advertising. Awards: big role for LSV Industry, • ASEAN Outstanding Woman especially in production. All parts Awards: Website: especially in production. All parts Website: of its production line are • Entrepreneur,ASEAN Outsta ASEANnding W Womenoman of its production line are • ASEAN Outstanding Woman automated with advanced- Entrepreneur, ASEAN Women Above: LSV Industry’s products under its automated with advanced- EntrepreneurEEnntrtreepwwwprreneeneurur, NetworkN. AlesStwEvAogNrrk W ooupmens .com Entrewwwpreneur .Nlestwvogrkr oups.com associating brands; OKA for home care productstec hnological manufacturing associating brands; OKA for home care products technological manufacturing and OKAVI and Empress for personal care prodmucatcs hines. This minimizes errors machines. This minimizes errors Tel.: +855 (0) 12 357 707 that ctanha tb cean ca bues ecda ubsye dw boyr kweorrsk aenrsd and Tel.: +855 (0) 12 357 707 at thea sta tmhee s timame timenseu ernes ures Tel.: +855 (0) 12 357 707 Website:Facebook: efficieenfficy.ciency.


WWebebsite:site: www.facebook.com/OKAProducts Above: LSAVb oInvdeu: sLtSrVy’ sI npdruosdturyc’tss p urnoduerc tist su nder its wwwFacebook:www.l.slsvvggrrooupupss..ccoomm associatinga ssbroacniadts;in gO bKrAan fdos;r hOomKAe f ocra rheom preo dcaurcet sp roducts and OKAVaIn adn OdK EAmVpI raenssd Efomr ppreerssso fnoar lp cearrseo nparlo cdaurcet ps roducts www.facebook.com/ www.facebook.com/EmpressCambodia FOKAProductsFacaecebbooookk: : www.facebook.com/ wwwwww.f.acebfaceb ooookk..ccoomm/OKAProodductsucts Below: Nut Samphois with her famous Empress EmpressCambodia Below: Nut Samphois with her famous Empress wwwwww.f.acebfaceb ooookk..ccoomm/EmpressssCCambamboodiadia body wash

Below: Nut Samphois with her famous Empress Below: Nboutd Sya wampsh ois with her famous Empress body wash

Above: LSV Industry’s products under its

associating brands; OKA for home care products and OKAVI and Empress for personal care products

Below: LSV Industry staff producing its famous Empress soap bar Below: LSV Industry staff producing its famous Belowu:si LnSgV a Ihnigdhu-sttercyh s mtaaffc hpirnoed ucing its famous Empress soap bar Below: LSV Industry ussitnag ffa h pighrEmpress-otedchu mcaic nsoaphigne i tbars f usingamo au high-techs Emp rmachineess soap bar Below: LSV Industry staff producing its famous Empress soap bar using a high-tech machine using a high-tech mach ine

Above: Nut Samphois with her famous Empress body wash

70 50 Success Stories 70 50 Success Stories 70 50 Success Stories




aa M.Y.RM.Y.R.M.Y.R ..Cosmetics CCososmetmetics iSolutionc Sso Sluotiloun tiCo., Coon., Ltd. CLtod.,. Ltd. AAnAnn eever everver growing growing cosmetic co csometsmeti manufacturerc mica numafactunufractuer with wir taerh uniquea wi untihqu wayae wunayiqu e way

ofofof domindominating dominattinging both b boto hlocalt lhocal local and and internationaland intern inaterntional amarketst imaronalke tmars kets

(OBM) in less than 10 years . own cosmetic and skin care lines Currently, it serves as a one-stop- produced from Thai herbs, “Thai

service(O pBroMvi)der in ilen csoss tmheantic s10 years . consumers teonwnd to c poesmetrceivei c and skin care lines companyCurr eoperatesntly, it serunderves athes a o5n e-countries”.stop- As pa rresult,oduced the fcompanyrom Th ai herbs, “Thai mainmanufac subjectsturing combined. The comp toan delivery startedlocally -mofferingade pr oditsu ctThais as p oherbalor operasertes vundicee pr rthoev 5iderm a iinn cosmetics quality produccotsn,s wuhmilee resm tbernacdin tgo perceive unique and exciting service to its cosmetics and skin care in other subjects combined to deliver products from other countries”. clients.m anTheufac 5t usubjectsring. Th einclude comp ancountriesy suchlo caas llChinay-ma deand p rtheod ucts as poor uniqueop anerda etexcsi tunding serer vtihcee t5o imts ain As a result, thqeua colmityp anpryo sdtaurctedts, while embracing Medicine, Cosmetics Science, CLMV countries and just began to clientssu. Tbhjeec 5tss uc bojmectbsi innecluded to deliver offering its Tphario hdeurbctals cforsmetom oictsh er countries”. Engineering,Medicine, Co sMarketing,metics Scie nandce, Thai offerand them skin ctoar thee in Thai othe customers.r countries HerbalEnginunie eInnovation.rqinueg, Maanrdk ee txInincg iaddition,,t ianngd serThav iit ice tos uitcsh as ChinaA asn ad rtehse uClLt,MV th e company started also producesclients. T productshe 5 su bunderjects iitsnclude Tremendous offeri amountng its ofThai herbal cosmetics Herbal Innovation. In addition, it countries and just began to offer ownalso pbrandMroeddiuc cebyisn peusingr,o Cduoc sThaitms uent deriherbscs itSsc asien ce,Rt h&Dem tefforto the Tanhadi c suksitonm cearrse. in other countries baseown bingredients.rand by using Thai herbs as Engineering, Marketing, and Thai such as China and the CLMV base iHngerrebdiealn Itns.n o vation. In additi onOne, it key coundistinctiontries an d jthatust began to offer M.Y.R. Cosmetics has received M.Y.R.Tremen Cosmeticsdous am ohasun t owhilef M.Y.R. Cosmetics has numbersalso of p rolocaldu andces internationalproducts un derR&D its effort them to the Thai customers. received numbers of local and its competitors don’t is the recognitionsown br andand awards by usi nincludingg Thai h erbs as international recognitions and selfconducted One key researches distinction and tha ttime the SMEsbase Nationalingredie Awardnts. 4 years theM .companyY.R. Cosme spendstics h ains wdevelopinghile its Mr. Kris Jangjarat, awards including the SMEs Tremendous amount of Mr. Kris Jangjarat, consecutively,Natio nal A wMa.r Ydthe .R4 y .ISO eCaros sme 9001:2008tics ha s newcom formulas.petitors d on’t is the self- ChiChiefef Ex Executiveecutive O Officerfficer certification, and the Good conducted reR&D searche efforts and time conserceuceivtiveley,d t hneu ImSOb e900rs 1o:2f 0lo0ca8 l and Manufacturingcertification, an d Practicesthe Good (GMP) thKrise co explainedmpany spe thatnds inin orderdevel otop ibeng KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS One key distinction that KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS Certificate.Manufacinternturiantgio Pranalct irceesc o(GgnitMP)io ns andne w formulas. competitive inM the.Y. Rexport. Cosme market,tics has while its Certifiacwarate.d s including the SMEs the company has to produce what­ •• P PenetratingenMetrr.a tKringi si ninternationalJternangatjiaornalat, Kris expclaoimnepde tthiatto irns odrodern’t is the self- mmarketsarkets b beforeefore t hthee lo localcal MakingNat iitonal big A outsideward 4 yofea rs everto b ethat com otherpetiti vecountries in the ex pcannotort Chief Executive Officer conducted researches and time mmarketarket the countryconsecu tbeforeively, t hcominge ISO 9001:2do.m0 a0Forr8ke t,example, the comp anif ythe ha scompany to Making it big outside of the •• T Tremendousremendous R&D R&D as as a aproven backcer intification, and the Good waspro todu exportce wha tsnailthevere c cream,othmatp oanth itey rwould spen ds in developing KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS country before coming qualificationproven qualification Manufacturing Practices (GMtotallycPo)un t rilosees cann nbecauseeowt d foo. rF moitrul exacannotas.m ple, baAtck the in moment, the percentage competeif the co mwithpan Spainy was toro eKoreaxport swhonail • Penetrating international Certificate. Kris explained that in order of M.Y.R. At the mCosmetics’oment, the revenue hascre athem, itexpertise would t ointa llsnaily lose cream. PROFILE because it cannot compete with markets before the local ispe r70%ce ntag frome of Mabroad,.Y.R. Co swhilemetic s’the Therefore, it toselected be com ponlyeti tivthee i n the export PROFILE Spain or Korea who has the m Faorundket ed in 2008 by Kris remainingrevenue is 70%30% f riso mgenerated abroad, while from finest Thai herbsmark ethatt, t haree c omrarepan y has to expertise in snail cream. J• angFoundedjarat, toget inhe r wi2008th h isby Kris thethe ThaireMmaa market.inkining 30%g it isbig generated outs ide of the produce whatever that other Tremendous R&D as a proven andTh everyrefor exclusivee, it select etod ooffernly t htoe the pJangjarat,asqualificationsion and extogetherper tise in cowithsme tichis from cthoue Tnhati rymarket. bef ore comingmarket. countries cannot do. For example, fipassioneld, M.Y .andR. C expertiseosmetics Sinol ucosmetiction Surprisingly, Surprisingl ity , isit iquites qui terare rare for finest Thai herbs that are rare and back in very exclusiveif ttoh oef fceor mto pthane y was to export snail hfield,as bee nM.Y.R. one o f tCosmeticshe leading anSolutiond SMEsfor SM Esto thaveo ha vesuch suc hhigh high revenue Each of its ingredient is also market. cream, it would totally lose rehasspe cbeentful c oonesmet ofic thema nleadingufacture rands streamreven u e sgenerated tr eAamt t gheen emfromraotmed e fnrabroad.ot,m t he well-backed with researches, in PROFILE because it cannot compete with amrespectfulong the T cosmetichai small manufacturers and Asab roaexplainedpde. rAces enxtagp laibyen eof d Kris,bMy .KY r.iRsM.Y.R., . Cosm ewhichti c s ’ Eathech ofcompany its ingredi esupportednt is also medium enterprises. among Found thee Thaid in small2008 and by mediumKris Cosmetics’M.Y.Rre. Cveosmen ustrategyet iiscs ’70% str ategyis f roto mis t abroad,ostart its wewhile staffll-ba tock eobtaind wiSptha iarn emaster seora rKchore degreese, ain w h o has the start and grow from abroad first. Jan enterprises. g j a Srtarat,t etdo getas ahne orr iwigintalh his and grow from abroad first. Once inw hCosmeticich the co meScience,xppaneryt siuse p pandiorn tes ndthata iilts c ream. Oncet ahceh ireevem ceraintaiinng g r30%owth ,is it generated equipment manufacturer (OEM), achieve certain growth, it will then employeesstaff to ob shalltainT ha conduct emraesftorere dtheir,e igtr seee own leinc t ed only the passion and expertise in cosmetic will thfreonm co mthee b Tackha tio market. the local Cosmetic Science, and that fielth de, cStartedMom.Yp.aRn as.y Ch anaoss originalrmeientveicnsted equipmentSo itlusetilfo n come back to the local market. Take researches withfin professorsest Thai h oner bthes t hat are rare and to an original brand manufacturer mark e t . T a k Seur anp erxiasminpglley o,f i itt si s quite rare hasmanufacturer been one o f(OEM), the lea theding company and an examplefor SM Esof titso hownave scosmeticuch hig h company’s herbalvery e xclusingredients.ive to o ffer to the resphasec treinventedful cosmet itselfic m toa nanufac originalturer s and skin care lines produced from This gives M.Y.R.mark eCosmeticst. the Thai rherbs,even u“Thaie str econsumersam gene rtendated from ambrandong t hmanufacturere Thai small (OBM) and in less creditability in term of reliability than 10 years. Currently, it serves to perceiveabroa dlocally-made. As explai nproductsed by K risof, its ingredients andEach dedication of its in71 g redient is also me50asdi Success uam one-stopservice e Storiesnter prises. provider in as poorM.Y .qualityR. Co smeproducts,tics’ s trwhileategy isto t oclients thatwe canll -neverback ebed wifoundth r esearches, in cosmetics Started amanufacturing.s an original The embracingstart aproductsnd grow ffromrom aotherbroa d fromfirst. other companies.which the company supported its equipment manufacturer (OEM), Once achieve certain growth, it staff to obtain a master degree in the company has reinvented itself will then come back to the local Cosmetic Science, and that to a50n oSuccessrigina Storiesl brand manufacturer market. Take an example of its 71

71 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND

employees shall conduct their own researches with professors on the company’s herbal ingredients. Company Profile This gives M.Y.R. Cosmetics the /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND Corporate Name: creditability in te rm of reliability employees shall conduct their own of its ingredients and dedication M.Y.R. Cosmetics Solution Co., Ltd. researches with professors on the to clients that can never be found company’s herbal ingredients. Company Profile from other companies. This gives M.Y.R. Cosmetics the Established: 2008 creditability in term of reliability Corporate Name: of its ingredients and dedication M.Y.R. Cosmetics Solution Co., Ltd. to clients that can never be found Number of Employees: 62 from other companies. Established: 2008

/MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND International Activities:

employees shall conduct their own employees shall conduct their own Number of Employees: 62 researches with professors on the Ex port of goods to foreign countries company’s herbal ingredients. company’s herbal ingredients. Com pany Profile This gives M.Y.R. Cosmetics the Corporate Name: c/MANUFACTURING/reditability in term of reliability CorpoIrnatternatie Name: onTHAILANDal Activities: of its ingredients and dedication M.Y.R. Cosmetics Solution Co., Ltd. to clients that can never be found to clients that can never be found Ex port of goods to foreign countries from other companies. Awards: Established: 2008

Company Profile • 9th SMEs National Awards 2017 Number of Employees: 62 • The Prime Minister’s Industry Corporate Awar Name:ds: M.Y.R.Internati Cosmeticsonal Activiti Solutiones: Co., Award, 2016 th Ltd.Ex port• of good9s to SforeignME countriess Nati o nal Awards 2017 • The Outstanding Corporate

• T he Prime Minister’s Industry Governance Award, 2016

Established:A 2008ward, 2016 th Awards: • The 11 Outstanding Corporate Awards:• The Outstanding Corporate th Number• 9th S MofE semployees: National Awar d62s 2017 Social Responsibility Award, • The PrimGe oMveinisrter’nas nIncdues tAry ward, 2016 • The Prime Minister’s Industry 2015, etc. A•w ard, 20Th16e 11th Outstanding Corporate International• The Outstan activities:ding Corporate • The Outstanding Corporate ExportG oofve goodsrnaSncoe ciatoAw foreignalr dR, 20es1 6p onsibility Award, th • The 11th Outstanding Corporate countries• The 11 2Outstan015,d ietc.ng Co rporate Social Responsibility Award, 20 15, etc.

Awards: Email: • 9th SMEs National Awards Emai2017Email: l: [email protected] Above: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ brands developed using Thai herbs as base ingredients. • m Thektmy Primer004@ Minister’sgmail.com Industry Above: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ brands developed using Thai herbs as base ingredients. [email protected] Above: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ brands developed using Thai herbs as base ingredients. Award, 2016 Below: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ staff and the high-tech machinery using in cosmetic production [email protected] Above:Below: M M.Y.R..Y.R. Co sCosmetics’metics’ staff a nbrandsd the hig hdeveloped-tech machi nusingery usi nThaig in c oherbssmetic aspro baseduction ingredients. [email protected]@ gmail.com [email protected] Above: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ brands deveBloepleodw u:si Mng. YT.hRa.i hCoersbms aest ibcass’ es itnagrff eadniedn tths.e high-tech machinery using in cosmetic production • The Outstanding Corporate Below: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ staff and the high-tech machinery using in cosmetic production Below: M.Y.R. Cosmetics’ staff and the high-tech machinery using in cosmetic production Governancemktmy Award,r013@ 2016gmail.com Tel.: +66 2 949 8944 • The 11th Outstanding Mobile: +66 62 364 6365 MCorporateobi le: +66 6Social2 364 6 365 Tel.: +66 2 949 8944 Responsibility Award, 2015, WebsTite:e l.: +66 2 949 8944 Wetc.ebsite: Mobile: +66 62 364 6365 http:/M/wwwobi.myler:co+sm66etic 6ss2ol u3ti6on4.co 6365 m/ Email: [email protected] [email protected]: Website: httpsW://wwebws.fite:aceb ook.com/MYRCos meticssolution Tel.:metic +66ssoluti 2 o949n 8944 http://www.myrcosmeticssolution.co http://www.myrcosmeticssolution.co Mobile:Officiaml L/ i+66 ne A c62cou 364nt: @ 6365myrcosmetics m/

Website: http://www.Facebook: myrcosmeticssolution.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MYRCos https://www.facebook.com/MYRCos Facebook:meticssolution https://www.facebook.com/ meticssolution 72 MYRCosmeticssolution 72 50 Success Stories OfficialOfficia Linel L Account:ine Account: @myrcosmetics @myrcosmetics Official Line Account: @myrcosmetics

72 50 Success Stories

72 50 Success Stories 72 50 Success Stories /MANUFACT/UMRANUFAING/ C T U R I NG / I N IDNONESDONESIA IA

aa aa CV. NCadithaV. Naditha Cre Cationreation An IndonesianAn Indonenaturesian-insp natiurered-insp pacirekadging packa cogingm pcoanmpyan wyi twhi th a good aim tao goodimp raiovem to u inemplomprove uynemploment yinmen Indonet in Indonesia sia /MANUFACTURING/ indonesia //MMANUFAANUFACCTTUURRINGING/ / I N D ONES INIAD ONESIA


aa CV. Nadithaarran geCreationmaerrnant agesm ae pnte ars oa npalersizedonal ized ini nth thee d doommesstticic m marakrekt eant da 30nd% 30 % CV. Nadithaservices. ser v iCces.r eation fofro er xexppoorrtt, andd t hthe ex epxoprto rt CV. Naditha Creation percentage is growing steadily. AnAn Indonesian Indonesian nature-inspired n a t ure T-hinspeir pirero packagingdd pacuctsk arginge scompanyo lcod omnp an withy wi ath good perce aimntag eto is growing steadily. An Indonesian nature-insp Tihreeidr p pacrodukctas gingare so lcod omn pany with improvea good aiunemploymentm to imthper oveintern inunemplo Indonesiaationaly menmartk eint incIndoneludinsiag a good aim to improve tuhenemplo internatiyonalmen matr kinet Indoneincludings ia in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia,

in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Creating job opportunity for UAE through distributors. Creating job opportunity for

UAE through distributors. youth in local community arrangement as a personalized yoinu the i dno lmoecsaltic c moammrket uandit 30y % services. for export, and the export arrangement as a personalized pCerVce.n Ntagianed tisiht gehr adowing oCrme ssatteticiao dilmnay isr. k ebta asednd 30 % Their The iproductsr product sare ar esold sold onon the CreatingCV. Na djobith aopportunity Creation is ba sed The art of pacserkagvices.ing started in Bakasi ifno rW exepsotr Javt, anad, tIhned eoxnpoersti a internationalthe internatio nalmarket mark includinget includin ing The art of packaging started infor Ba youthkasi ipne inWrcee localsnttag Jave a is, I gnrdoowingnesia s teadily. by a formerMalaysia,in e Ml e ala m ysi eT anh,Singapore, etSiairn rpgayrpo orduec, tAsAustralia,u astrreal sioa,l dl oncat ed on the eastern border of by a former elementary locommunitycatCreadt oinng t hjoeb e aosppteronr tbuonrderity foofr school teachUAEUAEerth throughteh roinuterngh didistributors.asttiroinalbuto mrs.a rket incJluadkinagrta . T he company now school teacher Jaykoaurtath. iTnh leo coalm cpoanmmy nuonwi ty in Malaysia, Singapore, Austermalipa,l oys 30 full-time staff and 350 “We started making gift CV.C VNaditha. NCardeiath tCreationai nCrge jaotibo n iso is ppbased baosedrt u nity for TheU artAE tofhro packagingugh distrib startedutors. employs 30 full-time staff and 350 T“Wehe astratr otedf p amcakkaginign gifg stt arted parinti n-Bakasit Baimkaes isyin itona u WestWfft hefsr ti o Java,nJavm loa l,c oIIndonesiaalncad col onemmsia unity boxes as a hobby which are shared byby a fformerormer e elementarylementary copmlocatedalromtcat-tunity.ime de oon snt at hffthee f er oasmeasternte rlonca bol r derborder of boxes as a hobby which are shared CV. Naditha Creation is based with relativesschools”c,h saooyls tteacher eEalclhieesr, who cofoJm akmJakarta.aunity.rta. Th eThe com pcompanyany now now with relatives”, says Ellies, who used to be an eleTmhe nataryrt of sc pahcookagl ing starteemploysde Tmhpleo ysc o i303nm0 Ba fpullfull-timeank-atisy’smi ien smi tWastafffesf satnio dJavnand 3 5a0 , Indonesia “We started making gift used to bbey a an efolermmenetaryr el escmhooenl tary parTth-teim coelo mscattpaffane fdry’so om nmi ltohscaseio le nas tern border of teacher. Whe bnox“We hese ar s started daua hobbgh ymakingter wh ich agiftre s hboxesared s tip350ul atespart-time that “Wistafft hfrom 90% local school teacher community.Jak arta. The company now teachaswier t.ah Whobbyrehlaetnive hwhichse”r, sadauy sare gEhl terlsharedies , wh owith scommunity.tipulates that “With 90% became a teenager, she wanted to handmadee mprpolodysuc 3t0io fnull p-triomcese stsa wilff anl d 350 becamerelatives”,use da tte o eb nae“ Weasaysger,n e sl etEllies,smahreted nwtaryan whomted asck husedi tnooog l gif tot handmadThee c pomropdanucy’stio min pssrioocesn s will work again and followed her absorb mapnayr tj-otibmle sssta pffe frrsoomn lso ecavel n betea canbhoe rxelementary.e sW ahse na hhoer bb schooldauy wghhter iteacher.ch are s ha restdTheip ul ates company’sthat “With 90% mission passion tow omrka akgaie gifn atn bd ofoxlleoswed wi thhe r neaverbso rpba msascn otyhm jeomibrlunity. efsosr pme raslo ns even Whenbecamewi th hera r tee laenadaughtertiveger,s” s, hsae ywbecamesan Etedllie ts o, wa hostipulates handmad e pthatrodu ctio“Withn pro ces90%s will passiwonor tko a mgaiakne a ngifd tf obllooxwedes w hitehr neaverbso prba sms atnhye ijro bfolersms aple rsons even Ms. Ellies E. Chusn adi, Owner local materiateenager,ls auvaisedl a tsheob lbe wantede an ele tom workentary again sche ooduhandmadel cation” .production The com processpany’s will mi ssion passion to make gift boxes with never pass their formal Ms . Ellies E. Chusnadi, Ownexcluser iveloyca inl andm Inate teriadfollowedaocnhlese srai.vai a Wher. l ahb epassionlne her dau to makeghter eabsorbducati omanyn”s.t ip joblessulates tpersonshat “Wi eventh 9 0% Ms. Ellies E. Chusnadi, Owner exclusgiftloicave ll boxesmy ianteria In dwithlos navaie silocallaa.b le materials nevereducat passion their”. formal education”. One daye hxclusebre frieicamevelyn ind a I itenndevonanitedeger,sia . she wanted to handmade production process will KEY SUCCESS ELEMEN TS availablework exclusivelyagain and info Indonesia.llowed her absorb many jobless persons even O n e Odanye hdaeyr hfrieer nfried inndv intedvited KEY SUKEMs.CYC SUESSElliesCC E.ELEMENESS Chusnadi, ELEMENherT OwnertSo joTiSn a chapraityss ibona ztoa amr aakte agif t boxes with never pass their formal herOne to j odayin aher ch afriendrity b ainvitedzaar at hera to • Local materials e xclusively mall wherheer s tho ejo glionoca ta slc homamariteriaety balzsa aavair atla ab le education”. •M Lsoc. Ealll imesa E.ter Ciahlsu senxcaldi,usi veOwnly er joinmall a w charityhere sh bazaare got s atom ae mall where available in I•n dLocone al msiat erials exclusiiventerly estedm caull siwnthteroeemrexescluse tserhdse ,ci veguwoslthtyo si miocnmeh rI sen, dwohnicehs ia. KEYava iSUCCESSlable in Ind ELEMENTSonesia she got some interested customers, ava ila• bPlea ritnic Iipnadtoneion stoia t allradoewed Ellinterieswhicheall stotoewed d f or c uallowed Ell seOtseoinemese etod sr as ofElliesy,or m wheheseir c efrieh tos o mnforeseede invited • Participation to t KraE•d Ye Local SU CmaterialsCESS exclusivelyELEMEN TS potential to expand further. exhibition potential alltoo ewedsomexp anhElle potentialrdie t sof uto jor tfiornh to eaer seexpandc.h ea sroitym further. eb azaar at a exhibition • Pa rticipavailableation to intr aIndonesiade •• • L L Participationococaal hmuamtearni artoels sotrade euxcrcle uss fiorve lpyo ten t i a ml Atoafterll e xw pjhoanienrdien fgsu hsretveralh geor.t sboamzaea rs, ex hibition After joisnhien tgh esne sveraltarted tboa jzaoina trrasde, • Local huma n reso urahcvaexhibitionaenisdl aifcborrlaef ti n Indonesia Afterinter ejoiningsted c useveralstomer sbazaars,, which • Loc al human resources hfore then s t a r tedsheeAxfhter iall bttheni ojtooi owedjino sin nstartedh gElle tlsdrea iveraliendes mtoto all bforsajoin zainese a restrade, som e handicraft • •P Localartici humanpation resources to trade for Jakarta. At one exhibition, she exhibitionshse h texhibitionsheeldnp siontate rmntedtalli a tloheld st ojino ein x ptinrana dedmalls furth erin. hanPdROicerxhandicraftFILEahfti bi tion met an export trader who was Jakarta. At oJakarta.ne exh iAtbi tioneon , sexhibition,he she • Local human resources forex hibinitterio ne s t he deAl idfnter ihne mjro pallirnoisdn uingc sts.everal bazaars, PROFILE CV. Naditha Creatmione tis a ann expormett tr aander export who wtraderas who was exclushainved picarckaaftging company in Jakarinterested ta. s AhRet alothnizing einn e herxs hthai barproducts.ttedi thioe rnt o,p sro jhodeiun c trs ade PROFILE BPROFILEek asi, Indonesia fundedinter by Eelsliteesd m ient aahnre e resx axplheorraiobbt diltterui aoforcdernts s.e xh w peohldrot ,iw nEa llmsie alls s in CV. Naditha CreatE.io Cnh uissn anadi . Their products are decidedJaka trota. tak eA pt aornt ein e mxhoribe ition, she Realiizingnter es tRealizingehda itn h heer pthatrrooddu uchertcs.t s products exclusive packaging cCoVPgim.RO Nftp aCV.banFILEdioxth eysa Naditha im nCre a dea toiof naCreationll is k iannd of is an areexp ormsaleablete ext ahnib eitx iopfornor, ant texport,rda tderhat’ sw hEllieso wa s where she got international Bekasi, Indonesieax clusfunidedvemexclusive apteriaa bycka lEsging el xlpackagingicluse cso miveplany a yva acompanyirilnea bslae liena bin l e f decidedorRe aleinizingxterp otoer sttaketth,e aEdt llparthinei erh sp ein ror morepdruocdt usexport cts. Ind o CnVes.i aN saudichth aas pCreandaatnio lena isves an, buyers. Bekasi, Indonesia fundeddecided by Ellies to takexhibition,e part in and mor that’se where she E. Chusnadi. TheBierk pasrioe, xalInddclusumiucotninsveeium, sa irpae afu bckanmadedgingbo oby, ec tcoEm.l l iTpehsan eyy ina re salea b l e f orRe ealxpizingort, Ethllaiets h er products gift boxes made of all kiE.nd Chusnadi. of Their productsexpor aret ex gifth ibigot t io internationaln , an Cudrr tehantlyt buyers. ’tsh e company’s E. ChuBsnaleboxesaksodia sm.i ,Ta Indmadekhe ihroa pnm ofreops alldeiarus cfukind/gitsn fatded rbofea smaterials kbyet Ellidecidedes sha rateor eot faks saaellee pasa barlrtee in fmor ma deeorx upep o rotf, 7E0ll%ie s materials exclusively aE.v aCilhaubsnlea diin. Their prwodhuecrtse asrhee got indecidedternati toonal tak e part in more gift boxesexclusively made of a llavailable kind of in Indonesiaex por t exCurrentlyhibition ,the an dcompany’s that’s share gift boxes made of all kind of export exhibition, and that’s Indonesia such ams apteriaandlssucha enx clusle asa vespandanively, av aleaves,ilablbe uyaluminium,in ers. wh erofe shsalese go tare intern madeati oupnal of 70% in where she got international aluminium, bamboo, emtcabamboo,teria. Thlse ye x etc.clus iveTheyly a valsoaila blmakee inb uy ethers. domestic market and 30% for 73 IndoneInds50ihampers/gifta Success osnuechsi a Stories ss puanc h basketd aasn p leana arrangementves d a n, le a ves Cu, rrentlbyuy tehres . company’s also make hampealrumis/ginium,ft ba bsakmetb oo, etc. Thsehy are of salesexport, are m andade the up export of 70 percentage% alumias a npersonalizedium, bamb oservices.o, etc. They is growing Cu rr e n steadily. tl yCu thrre ecnotlmyp tanhey’s co mpany’s also malakseo h mamakpee hrsa/gimpfte bras/giskeftt basket share of ssahlearse a orfe samleades a urep mofa 7de0% u p of 70%

50 Success Stories 73 73 50 Success Stories 73 50 Success Stories 73 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ I N DONESIA


Below (clockwise) – Naditha Creation’s product lines: Mendong collection, Bamboo collection, Hamper, Printed Company/ BMox ‘BANUFAlackberry Z30’C, TURING/ I N DONESIA Company Profile /MANUFA CTURING/ Company Profile I N DONESIA

Below (clockwise): Corporate Name: CV. Naditha Creation

Naditha Creation’s product lines: Mendong collection, Bamboo collection, Hamper, Printed Company Box Corporate Name:

‘Blackberry Z30’ Below (clockwise) – Naditha Creation’s product lines: Mendong collection, Bamboo collection, Hamper, CV. Naditha Creation Printed Company Box ‘Blackberry Z30’, Below (clockwise) – Naditha Creation’s product lines: Mendong collection, Bamboo collection, Hamper, Established: 1996 Printed Company Box ‘Blackberry Z30’, Company Profile Company Profile Established:Corporate Name 1996: CV. Naditha Creation Corporate Name: CV. Naditha Creation Numb er of Employees: Number of employees: 38E0s t(afbullils-htimed:e 1:9 3906 , part-time: 350) 380Estab (full-time:lished: 1996 30, part-time:

350) Number of Employees: InNternatiumber onof Empal Activitiloyeese: s: International380 (full-time: 30 activities:, part-time: 350) Ex38p0o r(tfu ofll- timgooed: s3 0to, parforte-timeign c: o3u50)nt ry Export of goods to foreign

Awards:countryInternational Activities: International Activities: TheAwExa companyrpdosr:t ofTh geo oc hasdosmp to received afonrye ighnas c orlocaluecnetriyv ed local andExp ionrternatit of gooonds atol recforeoiggn iticoountsr.y andAwards: international recognitions. The Awards: company has received local Awards:TheAwa companyrds: The c hasomp receivedany has rlocaleceived local and international recognitions TTheAeandlw: a+ companyr 6internationalidn2sternati: 2T1h e8 c22 onhasomp a7 l7received arecrecognitions.3n2,yo hg+asn6iti 2 rlocaleo 8cne2si.4v e22d l28oca9l and internationalinternational recrecognitions.ognitions.

Email:Tel: +62 21 822 7732, +62 82422289 [email protected]: +l:6 n2adi 21 t8h22ac 7r7e3a2,ti o+n6@h2 82o4t22mai28l.9c om

[email protected] Email: [email protected] WEmaiebsitel: n: [email protected] Tel.: +62 21 822 7732,

W e b s ite+62: ww 82422289w.nadithacreation.com Website: www.nadithacreation.com

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.nadithacreation.com

74 50 Success Stories 74 5074 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 74 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND / M /ANUFAMANUFACTUCTRUINGRING/ / THATIHALANDILAND

OrtOrthopeasiaOrthohpoeapeasiasia CCo., oC.o, Ltd.Ltd., Ltd. .

aa TAnaa heT innovheinnovative innovativeat ivespecializedspe scializepecialized manufacturer mand manufaufcturaceturr of ine medicalr me in dmeicald devicesical dev dicee vthatsi wcehos w ho exextensivelytexentsenivelsively s workingupy spupliepsli d etogetherevices devices a cswithros acsros surgeonsthes thewor world. to lsaved. lives

medimcaledi dcealvi cede vciocem pcoanmyp fanollyo fwiollnogwi ng its buitssi nbeusssi nopesesr aotpioenra. tIino nfi.nan In fice,nan ce, the fithThenane fi cnanialcompany ccriialsi sc rinis i1s9 usesin97. 1 9 97.medical thnewe cto hmetechnology pcanomyp isan uys i insing u t shinmanye g the other grade proven materials in order government’s e-payment channel T h e Tcohme pcoanmyp uanseys umsesdi mcaledi cal areasgo vofe ritsnm businessent’s e-p aoperation.yment chann In el with their customer in order to gratodeg r pacomplyderove prno mve anteriawith material s ininternational losr idern o rtdero to finance,with tthehei rcompany custome ris in using order the to facilitate the payment process to comstandards.cpolym wipltyh wi i nOrthopeasiatternh inaterntionaatli o isn acertifiedl government’sfacilitate t he-paymente payment pchannelrocess to be more efficient. The company is stanwithsdartan dISOdar. Fod r. 13485, tFohart ,t hO artISOt,ho Opr teho9001aspiae isa s andia is withb etheir mor e customerefficient. Tinhe corderomp antoy is also developing its own sales ISOGMP, 1348 5it ceisr tifiedTIS aandnd alCEso Marked helpal smakeo deve thelop inpaymentg its own processsales ISO 13485 certified and also order application as a part of its achaimingiaeveschie s vestoup maintaine sruiopre leriover lale i nsuperiorve l in level moreor defficient.er applicat Theion acompanys a part o f iists production and managing system. CRM platform. inp ritsod uproductionction and m andanaging managing system. alsoC developingRM platfor m.its own sales order

system. application as a part of its CRM

Business development with Uplatform.ncoUmncpormomprisoimngi sqinuagl qituya olfit y of Business development with materials used for the best thBusinesse thheelp h frelopm developmentfr nomew n teewch tneochlo nwithgyol ogy materials used for the best products for patients One of the rule of thumbs for Uncompromisingproducts for pat iqualityents of the help One from of the newrule o f thumbs for success for Orthopeasia would be As the manufacturer of technologysuccess for Orthopeasia would be products As forthe mpatientsanufacturer of that the company can manage to products that will be used with that the company can manage to products that will be used with deliver whatever its clients want. actual human in very critical areas deOnelive ofr w thehatev ruleser it sof c lthumbsients wan fort. Asac tuathel hum amanufacturern in very critic al aofre as In order to do so, the company such as spine, the quality of the In order to do so, the company productssuch a sthat spin ewill, th e lastqua lilongty of tonhe spesuccessnds cou forntl eOrthopeasiass amount of wouldtime be products must be very best and spends countless amount of time criticalpro duareascts mu suchst be vaser y spinebest a nind anthatd res otheur cescompany in prod ucanct r emanagesearch to second to none. That is the reason and resources in product research second to none. That is the reason Mr.Mr. Win Winitit Rit sRitshima,hima, andeliverd devel owhateverpment. H oitswev clientser, thi swant. wactualhy Or thhumanopeasi abodies, decide dthe to quality Mr. Winit Ritshima, and development. However, this why Orthopeasia decided to PrePresidentsident canInn oordert be d otone widot hso,ou t thethe hcompanyelp imofp orthet m oproductsst of its r awmust materia be lsvery President cannot be done without the help import most of its raw materials of spendstechnol oagy. countless amount of time usafesed in andpro dubio-compatible.ction and from That of technology. used in production and from KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS and resources in product research ceris tifiedthe vereasonndors , whywhic hOrthopeasia is done to KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS Because Orthopeasia’s main certified vendors, which is done to KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS and development. Because Orth oHowever,peasia’s m thisain edecidednsure th eto u nimportcompr omostmisi nofg its raw • Business development using products are medical orthopedic ensure the uncompromising • B Businessusiness developmentdevelopmen usingt using can’tpro dbeuc tsdone are m withoutedical o rtthehop ehelpdic qmaterialsuality of t husede ma tiner iproductionals. and upcoming technology implants and instruments, such quality of the materials. uupcomingpcoming technology technology ofim technologyplants and iandnstr ucustomersments, suc has from certified vendors that has QC • Always using the best things require such precision • Always using the best criticalthing spartners. require such precision process in place, this is done to m•a t Alwayserials ensuring the best starting from the design process Seeking for support for materials to thset aprrtoindgu cfrtioomn pthroe cedessi.gn Ev penro aces s ensureSee thekin qualityg for s uofp thepor materialst for • G ettqualitying the right support to the production process. Even a future growth on e dBecauseegree de viaOrthopeasia’stion is not main to manufacturefuture grow ttheh best quality • G Gettingetting thethe right righ tsupport support one degree deviation is not from the local government accproductseptable o tareher wmedicalise that worthopedicould possible Gett foring itsrig products.ht supports is one ffromrom thethe localloca lgovernment government acceptable otherwise that would way t o fi nan Gecett itnhge rgirgohwt tshu fpopor rts is one causeimplants the de feandct in prinstruments,oducts. it PROFILE cause the defect in products. enterwapriyses. to fiItnan becceom thees gerveown tmoh forer PROFILE “Terequireschnology precision helps us cinap teveryure th esteps enterprises. It becomes even more Founded in 2002 as a Thai mark“Tete cinh nao wloagyy t haetlp wse u cas cna giptvure e the crSeekingitical for t forhose support small and for Founded in 2002 as a Thai andma rprocessesket in a w astartingy that w efrom can gi theve medicurmiti caenlter forp rtihsoeses. Asms faorll and leading developer, manufacturer, better solutions and continuous future growth andPROFILEl ediasdingtribu dteorve olfo poretrh, opmaendiufacc turer, designbette rto s othelut iproduction,ons and con materialstinuous Orthmopeediasuiam, tehneter copmripsanes.y A hsa fsor improvements to our customers” Orthopeasia, the company has impanlandts di, sintrsitbrumutore notfs o, ranthdop edic – atodim dproducts.edpdro Wivemniet.n ts to our customers” been receiving supports from the fixa imptorFoundeds.l anThtse ,f ionu snintrder um2002 Menrt. s Wias, an nadi t leading – addedd Winit. T haGettingi bgeeovernn re mceivingrightent insupports steurpmpos rotsf fisro mone th e Thaifixato developer,rs. The fou manufacturer,nder Mr. Wini tand “TechnologyApart from t hehelps utili zatius oncapture of gettwayinT ghto ainni gfinanceovatverniomn elithensts in , growth terms o ffor Ritshima, who was a production Apart from the utilization of engindistributorRieteshriinmag v, eew ofrhano orthopedic was, decided a pro dt implants,ou ction tecthehno marketlogy in inpr ao dwayuct thatdesi wegn ancand give innenterprises.ovatgettioinng g irnn anIt otbecomes vatfundsion, lai sneventds ,e tc more. prodtecucthinonol, oOgyrt hino peraosdiua calt sdoe susesign and i turninstruments,e nhginis aeuetroi npga rv tees andcroanm ,p decidedanfixators.y to t o The better solutions and continuous criticalnn oforvat thoseion g rsmallant funds and medium, and etc . turn his auto parts company to new pterochdnuoctloiogyn, iOn rmthaonpye oatshiae rals soof uses founder Mr. Winit Ritshima, who improvementsnew technolo gyto inour m acustomers”ny others of enterprises. As for Orthopeasia, was a production engineering add Winit. the company has been receiving veteran, decided to turn his auto supports from the Thai government parts company into medical device Apart from the utilization of in terms of getting innovation lists,41 Futurecompany of ASEAN following the financial technology in product design and innovation grant funds, etc. 41 Future of ASEAN crisis in 1997. production, Orthopeasia also uses

50 Success Stories 75 /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND

Thai government in terms of getting innovation lists, Company Profile innovation grant funds, etc. Corporate Name: Orthopeasia Co., Ltd.

Establish: 2002

Left: Orthopeasia’s spinal fixation set Number of Employees: More than 100 Below: The Jupiter for posterior cervical stabilization International Activities: Export of goods to foreign countries

Awards: • 2017: Prime Minister Awards • National SMEs Awards 2017, 2016, /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND and 2015 /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND Thai government in terms of • 2016: Premium Products of getting innovation lists, Company Profile innovation grant funds, etc. Thailand /MANUFACTURING/ Corporate Name: Orthopeasia Co., Ltd. THAILAND /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND • Quality Awards 2014-2015 /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND Establish: 2002 Company Profile • 2012: National Innovation Awards

Left: Orthopeasia’s spinal fixation set

Number of Employees:Left: More than 100 Corporate Name: Below: The Jupiter for posterior cervical Orthopeasia’s spinal fixation set stabilization Company Profile Tel.: +66 2 730 1791-2 OrthopeasiaCompany P Co.,rofi lLtd.e International Activities: CoCormpopratney N Pamerof:i lOer thopeasia Co., Ltd. Below: Corporate Name: Orthopeasia Co., Ltd. Tel.: +66 2 730 1791-2 Export of goods to foreignThe countriesJupiter for posterior Establish: 2002 cervical stabilization C orporate Name: Orthopeasia Co., Ltd.

Left: Orthopeasia’s spinal fixation set Establish: 2002 Left: Orthopeasia’s spinal fixation set Establish: 2002 Awards: Email: [email protected] Below: The Jupiter for posterior cervical Number of Employees: sLBteaftbloi:lw iOza:r ttTihonhoep Jeausipiat’esr s fpoirn paol sfitxearitoiorn c esrevt ical Establish: 2002 • 2017: Prime Minsitsaterbiliza Atwiona rds MoreNumb thaner o f100 Employees: More than 100 • National SMEs AwBelaorwd:s T 20he 1Ju7p, i2te0r f1o6r ,p osterior cervical Number of Employees: More than 100 Email: [email protected] and 2015 stabilization • 2016: Premium Products of N umber of Employees: More than 100 InternationalInternational Activiti Activities:es: Thailand International Activities: • Quality Awards 2014-2015 Export of goods to foreign Website: Export • 2012: National Innovation Awards countriesIExnternatiport onal Activities:

Tel.: +66 2 730 1791-2 Ex port Website:www.orthope.com Tel.: +66 2 730 1791-2 Award: Awards: Award: www.orthope.com Email: [email protected] [Kindly identify] • 2017:A[Kiwnardd:ly Prime identif y]Minister Awards Email: [email protected] Right: Orthopeasia’s staff in front of its factory • National [Kindly ide SMEsntify] Awards 2017, Website: T2016,el.: +66 and 2 7 201530 1791-2 Tel.: +66 2 730 1791-2 Website:www.orthope.com Facebook: www.orthope.com • 2016: Premium Products of Tel.: +66 2 730 1791-2 Facebook: Right: Orthopeasia’s staff in front of its factory EmaiThailandl: [email protected] Facebook: Email: [email protected] www.facebook.com /Orthopeasia Facebook: • Quality Awards 2014-2015 www.facebook.com/Orthopeasia www.facebook.com /Orthopeasia Email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/Orthopeasia • 2012: National Innovation Website: Website: Right: Orthopeasia’s staff in front of its factory Awards Right: Orthopeasia’s staff in front of its factory www.orthope.com Wwwwebs.ite:orth ope.com Right: Right: Orthopeasia’s staff in front of its factory Orthopeasia’s staff in front of Tel.:www +66.orth 2ope 730.co m1791-2 its factory Facebook: Facebook: Below: Orthopeasia utilizes high-tech Below: www.facebook.com /Orthopeasia machinery in its factory Orthopeasia utilizes high-tech machinery Email:Fwwwaceb.fooaceb k: ook.com /Orthopeasia in its factory [email protected] .facebook.com /Or thopeasia

Below: Orthopeasia’s staff producing its Website: pBreelcoisiwo:n O prrtohdoupceatss uias’isn sgt ahffig phr-otedcuhc imnga cihtsi ne precisioBn perodluoctws us:in gO hirght-hteochp meaachisnei a utilizes high-tech www.orthope.com Below: Orthopeasia’s staff producing its precisiomn praodcuhctsi nusiengr yhig ihn-te ciht ms afchaincet ory facebook: www.facebook.com / Orthopeasia

76 50 Success Stories

42 42 Future of ASEAN Future of ASEAN 42 Future of ASEAN 76 50 Success Stories

76 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND

aa //M/MANUFACTURING/MANUFAANUFACCTTUURRIINGNG// THAILAND T THAHAIILLANDAND Quality P lus Aesthetic International aa aa Co., Ltd. QualityQuQuaalliityty Plus PPllusus Aesthetic AesAestthethet Internationalic Internatioo Co.,nnaall Ltd. The first and leCo.,adiCo.,ng L OLtd.Btd.M service provider in cosmetic with international braThe nfirstche sand ac leadingross A sOBMia service provider in cosmetic with internationalTThehe f firstirst and and branches l leeadiadinngg OacrossOBBMM ss erviceAsiaervice provider in cosmeetticic wwiitthh

inintternernaattiionalonal bra brannchechess aaccrosrosss AAssiaia

selective Thai herb combined with Thai local wisdom with the the innovativesese plelerccottcesiive Ts.h a i herb combiined wiwiaththd v ancedTThha atii e llococahcanll wo wliosisdgy.doomm Aw wsiti hth t ehth ete w o tthhee iinnnovative process. said “Thaadadvvian anhecedcedrb st te eacchlhonnnooleolo gy.cgy.a nnA Ass ot htthe ge to wtw oo saidsaid ““TThhaaii h heerrbbss a alolonnee c caannnnoot tg goo selective Thai herb combined withfar witechnology.thout a he Aslp ftherom two said “Thai farfar wiwitthhoouutt a a h heelplp f rfroomm DifferentiatheDifti oinnovativefner oenf tsiaerv tiprocess.onice of service herbs alone cannot go far without Differentiation of servicetec hnoltectecogyhhn”no.o lFloogyogyr” ”.e .F xFoaormr e expxaalmem,p piletles, , i tist s latesta A laChelptesNOt ACCfrom pNrOoC d putechnology”.rcotdsu cotsn ctaiontai n Forn As the co sme Atisc ttsh em caorsmekett iincs markett inin example,latest A itsCN latestOC p ACNOCroducts productscontain DifferentiationThailand is very dy nofami servicec and ppuurriififieedd Xan Xantthhoonnee fr froomm Thailand is veTrhya dyilanda miis vce rayn dyd namic and purificontained Xan tpurifiedhone fr oXanthonem from competitive, the company has to mmaannggoosstteeeenn p peeeel,l ,i nin w whhicichh it it h heelplps s coAsmp ethetitiv ecosmetics, the comp amarketny has tmoin a ngmangosteenosteen pee l,peel, in w hinic hwhich it hel pits competitive, thbe ccroeamtivepa tony d hifferas etnot iate itself. mmaaiinntaitainniinngg h heealaltthhyy ski skinn a anndd be creative toThailand bdei ffercreaetin vetisi toa t veryed iiffertse eldynamicnf.t i a te itse landfm. a intaihelpsenlimii ngnamaintaining htee alacneth.y W ski ithhealthyno uatn tdhe skin QQuaualliitty Pllus did it by becominngg eliminate acne. Without the Quality Plus didcompetitive,the ifit rbsty “ bCoe ncthesoultmi acompanyntiveg Cosmeti hasc e tolimi naandppteu ur riaifieliminateficneccaatti.ioo nWn t teie tcchhhonacne.nouoltol ogytgy h,e ,tWithout hthee beth ecreative first “Co tons ultdifferentiateative Cosmeti itself.cp u rifithecant oiuopurificationrnis theincgh snuobl sotatechnology,gynces, th weo uld the the first “ConsMMultaannaufacufactivetu Crionsmetig” comcp any iin nourishing substances would Quality Plus did it by becoming nourishingdeteriora te. Tsubstanceshe advanc ed would ManufacturinTTghh”a acililoaamndp,, anin wy hiinc h the ccompananyyn ourishdetinge rsiourbaste.ta Tnhcese ad wvanouldced thepro vfirstides fre“Consultativee consultati onCosmetic service technology, the company is able to provides free consultation servidetce erdeteriorate.iortecate.hn oTlhogy,e a tdhvTheean co cmepdan advancedy is able to Thailand, in wManufacturing”fhori citsh clitheen ctso. mT hpean scompanyeryv ice covering in extract the finest mangosteen (Right) M(Right)r. Asada Devayos, for its clients. The service coveringtec hntechnology,oleoxgy,tra ctth teh ecthe finom ecompanypstan mayn igso asisteb leeablen to (Right) Mr. Asada Dpevraoyvoisdes, free cthoen esnutlirtae tcihoanin ser of bvuicsien ess extraction. Mr. AsadaPresi dDevayos,ent Thailand,the entire cinh awhichin of b uthesin ecompanyss to eextractxtracti othen. finest mangosteen President processes from setting up a extract the finest mangosteen (Right) Mr. Asada Devayos, for its clients.providesp Trohcese ssee rsv fircoefreem c soe veringttingconsultation up a extraction. (Left)President Mr. Wuttipong business, conducting a basic extraction. Presid ent (Left) Mr. Wuttiptohneg entire chaservicebinu soinf eb sforsu,s c ioitsnned sclients.usc ting a The bas icservice Panitsettakorn, Managing Director financial modeling, designing the Panitsettakorn, Managinpgr oDcesirectsoers fromcoveringfin saentctiialn gmothe udp e alientiren g, des igchainning thofe (Left) product, branding, until product (Left) Mr. Wu ttMr.iKpEon YWuttipongg SU CCESS Panitsettakorn, ELbEuMsiEnNTSess, conbusinessdpruocdtuinctg, baprocessesr anbadisincg , untilfrom p rosettingduct KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS delivery. Panitsettakorn, Managing DManagingirector Directorfinancial modupdeel ilainv gebusiness,r, y.des ign conductinging the a basic • Differentiation in services Such service requires a lot of • Differentiation in sperrvoicdeus c t, branfinancial di n gS,u untilch modeling, ser vpicero drequ designingcuti res a lot theof • The combination between product,time fro mbranding, the comp anuntily to productactually KEY SUCCESS E•L EThMe cEoNTSmbina tion bedetwleeivne ry. time from the company to actually KEYTh aSUCCESSi local wisd oELEMENTSm and delivery.spend time trying to understand Tahdavian locedcal wteiscdhonmolo agynd sitpse cnldie tnitms’e n teeryidns ga ntod udendlievresrt tano d • Differentiation in• s e Differentiationrvices in services Such service requires a lot of • advanced technology iwtsh calti ehnatss ’b neeeend esx apnecdt eded lfirovemr t o • TheInve combinationst in human c betweenapital Such service requires a lot of • The combinatio n• b eInvtweeest nin human catpiimtale from thew clichoeamnt thsp,a anisn b ywee htnoic ehax cQpteuauactleiltdlyy fP rolums has PROThaiFILE local wisdom and timeclien fromts, in thewhi ccompanyh Quality to P lactuallyus has Thai local wisdPoROm aFILEnd spend time tryimnastg etroe du int dtherrosugtanh idts expertise Invest in human capital advanced technology spendmaste timered i ttrying throug toh understand its expertise its Invest in human capital advanced techno l o gy Q uality Plus Aesthiettsic c lients’ neeidns t haen sdu bdejeclti.v Aesr at ore sult, this People are the most Quality Plus Aesthetic clients’in the s uneedsbject .and As a deliver result, ttohi swhat Int• e r Investnational in Chumano., Ltd capitalis one of the gives the company the im p or taPenotp flaec taorre tthhaet modrisvet • Invest in humaIntn cearnapitaltional Co., Ltd isw onhea ot fh tahse beengi evxesp tehcet ecodm fropanmy the leading manufacturer of cosmetics hasdif fbeenerent iexpectedation poi nfromts th aclients,t make init Investbimuspinore instas.n humanWt fiatchtoorut t phcapitaleaot pdlrei,ve a leading manufacturer ofcli coesnmtest,i cisn whidichff eQreuantilaityio nP lpuosin htsa tsh at make it PROFILE in Thailand. It offers a range of whichstand Qualityout amo Plusng fe hasllow mastered it bbuussiinneessss c. annWitohto exuti pste.o Wplieth, ao ut in Thailand. It offers a ramnagest oefr ed it thsrtoanugd hou itt sa mexonpge rfetlliseow Invest in human capital serPROFILEvices including OEM (Original throughcompet iitstor expertises. in the subject. pbPeopleeuospinlee ds sareo icnann gthe thoe t mostriexgihst .t importantWhinitghso, uat Quality Plus AesersEtqhvuiiecestpimc i enncludit Manngufac OEtMur ie(nOr )rt iginhe saul bjectAs.c oA mas p result,ae trietosru sthisl. t , tgiveshis the company people doing the right things, a Quality Plus Aesthetic factorPbeuospi nthatlee sas r drivedei etsh. eTbusiness. hmoeresfort e ,Without the Ecquuistpommeiznetd M clianenufact’s etnuqregiuri)rv ye, s the comthepan ydifferentiation the points that business dies. Therefore, the International Co., LtdInternational is one of th Co.,e Ltd is one of the imporpeople,taconmt pf aanac tyor businessin vesthat ta dg rcannoteiavet d ea l exist.in cucosmtopmlyiiznedg wcliitehn tI’SsO e n9q0u0i1r ya,n d ISO The combination of Thai company invest a great deal in leading manufacturer of cosmetics differentiatiomakenT hepoi cnitot smbstand thaint amouttiao knamonge oitf T hfellowai Withouthuman cpeopleapital. Tdoinghe un iqtheue right co22leadingm716plyi (nG gmanufacturerM wPi tfhor I ScOosmet 90 0ofi1c s)acosmeticsn and IdS O local wisdom and busineshsum. Waint hcaopuital p.e Tohpel eu,n aiq ue in Thailand. It offers a range of stand out amcompetitors.oloncalg fe willowsdo m and things,chara acteri businessstics o fdies. its fro Therefore,nt office 22cino716n sThailand.u (lGtatiMoPn f.or TIth c eo offerssmetcompi acas)n y rangean hads of advanced technology businesscstha caffannrsa acrterieo ytso extung,icsis ot f.a iWstst, ifatronhdno tu otff ice services including OcEoaservicescnMhsiu e(lvedOtatir igin oaincludingn f.a Tsathl a en cdo rmOEMopbaucnsoty m (Original ghrpaoswe ttiht or s. advanced technology the company invest a great deal Thailand is the land of herpbe ople edsntoaeiffrngeticsg a rteh. yeBo eriung,causegh tf a ttshtei, n afrgnodsn, t a o ffice arcahteie vedof o vera fa 200st an%d druorbiunsgt 20gro12w t–h The combination of Thai in human capital. The unique Equipment ManufactEquipmenturer) Manufacturer) an d i sT fhaamiloaunsd f iosr tlhoeca lanl wdis odfo hm.erb bu sinessestna dfferisgetice asr.e T t.h Beee onercauseefors d etirh,e etch tflreyo ncot notacfficte ra20te1 o3f. oEveryver 200 pro%d udctu rmine ge t20s t1h2e – characteristics of its front office customized client’s encustomizedquiry, client’s enquiry, localanThde ips rwisdom foadmuoctu os ff ot handr el occaoml wpanisdyo m. tshtea ffclis eanrtes t ahned one repsr deseirenctt tlyh ec ontact 20Sta13n. daEveryrd Q uaprolidtyu ctCo mnteroetls wi thteh the company invest a great deal in complying with ISO 9complying001 and withISO ISO 9001The and c oISOmb iadvancednTrehapetir peseroondtu soc t ttechnologyhf oe fT atrhte ao cfio c mompanbinyi ng staffsctohme are pcliane young,ny,t st haeny dfast, a rreep tandrreasein energetic.nedt tohne both Standard Quality Control with the human capital. The unique 22716 (GMP for cosmet22716ics) (GMPand for cosmetics)local wiands dormepr easendnts the art of combining Becausecomp anthey, tfronthey a rofficee trai nstaffsed on are bo th charathecteri onessti cdirectlys of its contact front theoff iclientsce consultation. The comconsultation.pany has The companyadvanc hase d techn Thailandolo isg ythe land of herb and achieved a fast and robust growth staffsand are representyoung, f athest, company,and they achieved a fast and robust growth is famous for local wisdom. The rate of over 200% during T2012hail anproductd is the of lan thed company of herb representsene rgeticare trained. Because on both the technicalfront offi skillce 77 rate of over 200% du50ri nSuccessg 20 1Stories2 – 77 – 2013. Every productan meetsd is f athem ousthe fo rart lo caofl wcombiningisdom. Thai localsta ffs(i.e. are costthe onecalculations direc tandly c oproductntact 2013. Every product50 m Successeets tStorieshe Standard Quality ControlTh ewith pro thedu ct owisdomf the c omwithpan y the advancedthe clispecification)ents and re pandrese softnt t hskille (i.e. Standard Quality Control with the represents the art of combining company, they are trained on both

50 Success Stories 77

77 50 Success Stories /MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND

technical skill (i.e. cost calculation and product specification) and soft skill (i.e. how advice to the client and how to manage a Company Profile project). Corporate Name: The company also develops Quality Plus Aesthetic International the tools to support its staff and Co., Ltd. improve the client’s experience. It uses interactive real time cost modelling application to facilitate Established: 2009 the clients when conducting the cost analysis. Moreover, the Number of Employees: More than company is the first in the market 100 to change the traditional way to approach the client; changing from sending the staff to contact a International Activities: company to the digital marketing. • Having foreign affiliates or The company is now trying to branches automate the business operation. • Export of goods to foreign countries

/MANUFACTURING/ THAILAND Awards: technical skill (i.e. cost calculation and product specification) and • 9th SMEs National Awards – soft skill (i.e. how advice to the The Best SME 2017 client and how to manage a Company Profile project). • SME Innovation Champion – CorporaPrte Noameduc: t Award 2017 /MANUFACTURING/ The company also develops THAILAND Qu•a lity P8luths SAeMsthEestic N Inaternationtaioln Awal ards – the tools to support its staff and Co., Ltd. /MimANUFAprove thCe TclUienRt’IsNG expe/r i e n ce . I t S ME Exce TlHAlencIeL 20AND17

techuhownsiecsal iadvicen skiterallc (totii.ve ethe. rce oclientalst timcal andec uclao howsttio n to the cost analysis. Moreover, the andm managepordeodlulicn tag s project).appepcliifcicatatioinon to) afacindl itate company is the first in the market Established: 2009 Company Profile softt hskeil clil (ei.e.nts hwohwen a dcovnicedu tctoi nthge t he to change the traditional way to Email: cost analysis. Moreover, the clien t anThed hocompanyw to ma naalsoge a develops approach the client; changing NumbComerp oaf nEmpy Profileloyee s: More than company is the first in the market Corporatech Name:itsupa @qualityplus.co.th projtheect ).tools to support its staff and from sending the staff to contact a 100 to change the traditional way to Quality PlusC oAestheticrporate N ame: improve the client’s experience. company to the digital marketing. /MANUFAaCpTproUaRchI tNGhe cl/ie n t ; c h a n ging wuttip ong@qu TalHAityplIuLs.ANDco.th It Tuseshe c ointeractivempany al sArealob odv eetimev –e lQou pacostlsit y P lus’sThe staff wcompanyorking on fo rmisu lanowting a ftryingormula to InternationalQu Co.,ality Ltd.Plus Aesthetic International International Activities: the ftmodellingrooomls se ton sdingu papplicationp tohret sitsta ffst tatooff c facilitateanontad ct a automate the business operation. Co., Ltd. technical skill (i.e. cost calculaLteioft n– Quality P lus’s newly launched ACNOC brand impcroomvep anthey tcoli ethnet ’dis exgitpale rmieanrkceet. iIntg . • Having foreign affiliates or and product sthepec ifclientsicatio n)when and conducting Establish: 2009 usesT hinetera comcptianvey r iesal n otimwB teerlyo cwino g(slt et fto) – Quality Plus’s newly established factory Tel.b:r +anches66 8 9 056 5651 soft skill (i.e. ahuotowm aadtev tihcee btuos tinhees s operation. • EstExabplioshedrt of: g2009ood s to foreign modelling application Btoel ofaciw (rliitgahtet) – Quality Plus’s product during the manufacturing Number of Employees:countries client and thhoe wcli teon tms wanahenge c oan dupctrociensgs the Co m p+a6n6y 6 Profile1 396 3666 More than 100 project). cost analysis. Moreover, the C N o rumb p o reart eo fN Empamelo: ye es: More than company is the first in the market Awards: The company also develops International100 Activities: to change the traditional way to QuW• eab9littshy ite:S MPlEu ss N Aaetisotnhael ticAw aIrndternas – tional • Having foreign affiliates or the tools taop spuropapcohr th iets c stlieanfft; anchadn ging Co., TLhted B. est SME 2017 improve thfreo mcl iseenntding’s ex tpheer sietanffce to. Icto ntact a brancheswww• InternatiSM.quaE Innonlitaolvy aAptctivitiiolun sCgheloams: b paioln.c –o m • Export of goodsProdu toc tforeign Award 2017 uses interacoctmivepan rey alto timthe edi cgoitsalt marketing. • thHaving foreign affiliates or countries • 8 SMEs National Awards – modellingT ahpep cloicmaptianony tiso nfaciow ltirtyaiteng to EstaSbMlbiEsrhedanches Exce: l2009len c e 20 17 • Export of goods to foreign the clientsa wutohemna teco tnhdeu bctusiinnge stsh oep eration. Facebook: Awards: countries cost analysis. Moreover, the th Email: • 9 SMEsNwww Nationalumb.efacebr o Awardsf Empookl.o c–yeo mes/qpaic: More othsmane tic company i s the first in the market The Bestc1h 00itSMEsup a [email protected] to change the traditional way to Awards: • SME Innovationw uttipong@qu Championalityplu s–.c o.th Above – Quality Plus’s staff working on formulating a formula th approach the client; changing Product Award• 9 2017 SMEs National Awards – Left – Quality Plus’s newly launched ACNOC brand IOfnternatificiaThl eonL Bieneaslt A SActivitiMcEc o20ue1ns:7t from sending the staff to contact a • 8th SMEs National Awards – Below (left) – Quality Plus’s newly established factory Tel•.: +66S M89E 0 Inn56 5o6v5a1t ion Champion – company t o the digital marketing. Below (right) – Quality Plus’s product during the manufacturing SME Excellence• HaviPr 2017oduncgt fAowreaigrdn 20 af1f7il iates or +66 61 396 3666 The company is now trying to process • b8rtanchesh SMEs National Awards – automate the business operation. Email: • ExSMpEo rExcet of lglenoocdes 20 to1 7fo reign Above: Quality Plus’s newly launched ACNOC Above: Quality Plus’s product during the [email protected] ebsite:co untries brand manufacturing process [email protected] Emai.qual: lityplusglobal.com

Acwhaitrsds:up [email protected] Tel.: +66 89 056 5651 Facebook: [email protected] Above – Quality Plus’s staff working on formulating a formula +66 61• 3969 3666 SMEs National Awards – www.facebook.com/qpaicosmetic Left – Quality Plus’s newly launched ACNOC brand The Best SME 2017 • SME Innovation Champion – Below (left) – Quality Plus’s newly established factory Website: Tel.: +66 89 056 5651 78 Product Award 2017 Right: Quality Plus’s staff working on www.qualityplusglobal.comOfficial Line Account 50 Success Stories Below (right) – Quality Plus’s product during the manufacturing th formulating a formula process • 8+66 S 6M1 E396s N 3a6t6io6 n al Awards – Below: Quality Plus’s newly established factory SME Excellence 2017 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Website: qpaicosmeticEmaiwwwl.:qua lityplusglobal.com ch [email protected] wFuttiacepbooonkg@qu: alityplus.co.th Above – Quality Plus’s staff working on formulating a formula www.facebook.com/qpaicosmetic78 50 Success Stories Left – Quality Plus’s newly launched ACNOC brand

Below (left) – Quality Plus’s newly established factory Tel.: +66 89 056 5651 Official Line Account Below (right) – Quality Plus’s product during the manufacturing process +66 61 396 3666

Website: www.qualityplusglobal.com

78 50 Success Stories Facebook: 78 50 Success Stories www.facebook.com/qpaicosmetic

Official Line Account



VBOXaa VBOX Luxury Luxury JSC JSC aa A Vfull-timeBOX innovative Luxury first JSC mover who brings attention to the Aimportance full-time inn of oav packagingative first mserviceover who brings attention to A tfheull -imtimpoe rinntancovea oftive a fpirstacka mgoingver swervicho brei ng s attention to the importance of a packaging service

such art. She later founded the capability. Au Truong Thanh (later changed Products must come with company Au Truong Thanh (later stouc h VBOX) art. Sh e withlater foherund eCo-founderd the capab ility. comcphananyg Aedu tTor uVoBnOgX T)h wanithh (hlatere cro - quality Mr. Au Duong Ngoc in 1999 and chafnogunded teor V MBrO. XA)u w Dituho hnegr N cog-oc in Products must come with fbeganound1999e rto M an manufacturer.d A bue Dgauno ntog mN highgaoncu factin quality ure P ro Todqu uoffercatsli mt ytheu s thighest come w satisfactionith packaging box. quality 1999h ianghd q buaegalitny tpoa mckaangiunfactg buroxe. to the customers To offer t hwhoe hi gusehes t VBOX high quality packaging box. As time passed, VBox has packaging, satiTo osffafec rt theitohne htcompanyoig thhees tc ust oensuresmers wh o As time passed, VBox has grown g rAoswn tim seigni pasfisceand, tlVyB muox hltias- satiits customerssfausceti oVnB tOoX tthath pea cck uallsat ging,oofm itser stproducts hweh o gsignificantlyrowndime signinsioficnall anmultitlyy i nmucludi­dimensionallylti-ng uarese V producedcBoOmXp panacky witheanging,sur thee tsh ifinestets cus qualitytomers dimeincludingprnosdiounallc tioyproductionn i ncacludipacinty,g revecapacity,nue, an d cmaterialsomptanhayt ea nllsand ourf ei tss thati ptsr ocu dsuthetcotms eafinishedrse prevenue,rodpurocdtiuo nct andc lainpea scproduct.i tTy,o r heveersen ulines.lef ,was and a Tolso tproductshat apllr oodf uimeettceds pr owi dwithuthc tts h theaer fie ncompany’sest quality pherselfrodawaruct ldiwasnedes w. Tialsotoh h neu rsemawardedlbf ewasrs o af l aswarowith ds phighestrodumcedateria standard. witlhs tahned fi tItnhe amaintainsstt tqhuae flitnyi sh theed awarded with numbers of awards materials and that the finished numbersand sh eof is awards also th eand vic eshe pr eissi dealsont ISO p9001-2015roducts m eecertifiedt with t hqualitye comp inan y’s and she is also the vice president products meet with the company’s theo fvice the Hpresidentanoi Asso cofia titheon foHanoir everyh igstephest ofsta itsndar productiond. It maintai line,ns t he of the Hanoi Association for highest standard. It maintains the AssociationEntrepre neuforr W omEntrepreneuren (HNEW). whileIS alsoO 90 collaborates01-2015 cert icloselyfied qua andlity in Entrepreneur Women (HNEW). ISO 9e0very01-20 st1e5p coefr ittisfi epdr oqduauclittiyo nin l ine, Women (HNEW). regularly with the quality control everyw shteilpe o afl sitos cporllaodbuoctriaotesn li ncleo, sely and while also collaborates closely and ALWAYS be innovative teamr etogul upholdarly wi theth t hqualitye quali level.ty control ALWAYS be innovative regularly with the quality control team to uphold the quality level. One of the things every team to uphold the quality level. ALWAYS One of t behe t hinnovativeings every Ms.M Tos. T Phuongo Phuon Thao,g Thao, company needs to consider before Ms. To Phuong Thao, company needs to consider before Keeping customers Founder, Chairman and launching a product is what Founder,Founder, ChChairmanairman aandnd la uncOnehin g aof p rotheduc t isthings what every Keeping customers satisfied ChiefChiChief ExeExecutivef Execuetivecutive OOfficerf fOicerfficer designdesign of a opfa ack paagingckaging should sho bulde to b e to Kesatisfiedeping customers satisfied companybest re pneedsresen tto th considere brand, tbeforehe best represent the brand, the In t h eIn c atshee t chaaste a t chuastt oam cuesrt isom er is launchingproduct a, anproductd the m ise whatssage design K KEYE YSU SUCCCESSCESS ELEMEN ELEMENTST S product, and the message n ot Insan toithestf siea dti caseswfitehd VwthatBitOhX V apB rOocustomerdXu pctrso, duc ts, of cao mpackagingpanies w anshouldt to co mbemu ton besticate KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS companies want to communicate VisB OXVnot BmO aXke satisfiedms saukrees t sh uarte witha ltlh at alVBOXl • Keep being innovative to wirepresentthwi cuths tcuom stheteorms .brand, e rs. the product, customers’ feedbacks are • KeepKeep beingbeing innovativeinnovative to to cproducts,ustomers’ feeVBOXdbacks armakese sure strive and success and the message companies want perceived and addressed with strive and success “ In “pInack paagingckaging indu isntdry,us try, pthaterceiv alled customers’and addres sedfeedbacks with are strive for success to communicate with customers. proper measures. In order to do • •Q uQauliatyli toyf oprof produdctusc ts innoinnvatoivaton isio nw hisa wt dhiast idnigustinshguesi shes pperceivedroper mea surandes. Inaddressed order to d o with • Quality of products so, the company has set up a crisis • •A lwAlwayas yksee kpee cpu stcuostmoemrse rs the tshtaer s ftraorm fr tohme dthoeg sd. oWgsh.e Wreahse,r eas, spropero, the c ommeasures.pany has seInt u p ordera crisi s to “In packaging industry, management team to deal with • Alwayssastiastfiisef dkeepie d customers in dienve dleovepilnogp winogr lwdo, crhlda,n cgeshan inges in mdoana so,ge mtheen tcompany team to d ehasal wi setth up a casescas incelsu dincinglu cduisntgo mcuesrt omer satisfied deinnovationmdeogmraopghria cp isahn icdwhat acnonds cudistinguishesomnesur’ms er’s saticrisissfasati ctmanagementisofan cctaise,on icna se,w h teamicnh w th eitoc h tdealhe dethemde anstarmdan h fromadve h ain vecther eina cseddogs.rea tsedh eWhereas, the with cases including customer PROPROFILEFILE cinom cdevelopingpoemtiptieotnit bioent w bworld,eeetnw ceeo mnchanges pcoanmiepsan, ieins, teamte coallam bcorollaateb orcloaselte ycl wioselthy t hwie th the sasatisfactionles strategy case, team in to which active lthey team H aHvainvgin hga hd agdr agdruaadtuaedt ewidt wih at h a wdemographichiwchh inch t uinrn tsu , rlneasandd, l teoa dh itgconsumer’soh herig her sales strategy team to actively PROFILE scollaborateupposurtp cpuosrtt o closelymcuesrtso emve ewithrns ief vet hthene if salesthe BaBcahcehlorel orDe Dgreeegr eein Sinc uSlcputurlpteur e idemandnnoinnvatoivato n eiohavexnp eecxt pateicincreasedotna toionn on the estrategyrrore crromo reteam cso fmroem sto tfh roactivelyem cu tshtoe mc uesupportsrt omer frofrmo mU nUivneirvseirtysi otyf Ionf dIunsdturisaltr iFalin Fe ine pcompetitionackpagingckaging side.” sbetweenide.” ,stated ,st a ttedhcompanies,e R&Dthe R&D Having had graduated with a director of VBox, Au Duong Ngoc. hcustomersim/heimrse/hlf. eeven r self. if the error comes ArAt,r Tt,o T Poh Puhounogn Tgh Taoh awoa sw saos so whichdire cintor turns,of VBox, lead Au Dtouo nhigherg Ngoc . caBachelorptured an Degreed mesme in rSculptureized by ho fromw Therefore, the company must from the customer him/herself. captured and mesmerized by how innovationTherefor e, thexpectatione company mu st on oUniversityveoverserases apsr opofdrou dcIndustrialtusc wtse wree prea ckpFineaackgeda gedArt, keepk eebepin bge innngo ivatnnoivevat anived saneedk isneeg king packaging side.” ,stated the R&D iToni varin Phuong variouosu dse dsThaoiegnssigns awasn da nq duaso q luaicapturedty,li tsy,he s he for tfhore trhigeh rti tgehcth tneoclhongyo ltohgyat that developed an instant interest in wdirectorould en hofan VBox,ce its d Auesi gDuongn Ngoc. anddev mesmerizedeloped an in sbytan howt inter overseasest in would enhance its design products were packaged in various Therefore, the company must keep designs and quality, she developed being innovative and seeking for an instant interest in such art. the right technology that would 79

50 Success Stories enhance its design capability. 79 She50 Successlater Storiesfounded the company

50 Success Stories 79 /MANUFACTURING/ VIET NAM


Company Profile

Company Profile /MANUFACTURING/ Corporate Name:VIE TNAM VBOXCorp Luxuryorate N ameJSC: VBOX Luxury JSC /MANUFACTURING/ VIETNAM

Establish: 1999 ComEpsatanbyl iPshedro fi:l e1999

CoCNumberormpopratney N Pame rofof :iEmployees: lVBOXe Luxury JSC Number of Employees: 51-100 C51-100orporate Name: VBOX Luxury JSC Established : 1999

EInternationalstabInliternatished : 1999on al A Activities:ctivities: Number of Employees: 51-100 ExportExpo ofrt ofgoods goods to to foreign foreign countries countries Numb er of Employees: 51-100 International Activities: Awards: ExAwards:port of goods to foreign countries International Activities: • The Gold medal for Outstanding • The Gold medal for Export ofVi goeotnamds to eforeignse bra ncountriesd, Vietnam Expo Outstanding Vietnamese Awards: • An award from Hanoi Municipal brand,Pe oVietple’ sNam Committ Expoee • The Gold medal for Outstanding A• wa Anrds :award from Hanoi Vietnamese brand, Vietnam Expo • MunicipalAnThe awa Golrdd mfr eoPeople’sdma lH foarn Ouoi CommitteeMtsutannicidipnagl Above: VBOX packaging for wine and confectionary Below: Examples of VBOX’s key clients EmaiViPeeotnamplel:’s s eCasloeemmitt @brabandoe,bicae Vi etnamocap .Ecoxpmo Above: VBOX packaging for wine and confectionary Below: Examples of VBOX’s key clients • An award from Hanoi Municipal

Email: People [email protected]’s Committee Above: VBOX packaging for wine and confectionary Below: Examples of VBOX’s key clients Email: [email protected] Tel.: +84 4 3533 4268

Above: VBOX packaging for wine and confectionary Below: Examples of VBOX’s key clients EmaiTel.: l : s +84a le@ ba4 o3533bicao ca4268p.com Tel.: +84 4 3533 4268 Website: Website: Tel.:www +84 4.ba 35o3bic3 4a2o6ca8 p.com Wwww.baobicaocap.comebsite:

www.baobicaocap.com Website: Facebook: Facebook: www.baobicaocap.com Fhttps://www.facebook.acehbtootpks:: //www.facebook.com/Bao-

com/Bao-B%C3%AC-B%C3%AC-Cao-C%E1%BA%A5p-VBOX- https://www.facebook.com/Bao- Face1b20ook14: 528032165 43 / BCao-C%E1%BA%A5p-%C3%AC-Cao-C%E1%BA%A5p-VBOX- 1h20VBOX-1201452803216543/ttp1 s4:/5/ww2803w21.face65 4b3 oo/ k.com/Bao- B%C3%AC-Cao-C%E1%BA%A5p-VBOX-

1201 4528032165 43 /

Below: VBOX employees during a training session

BBelow:elow: VB OX employees during a training session VBOX employees during a training Bsessionelow: VBOX employees during a training session

Above:A VbBovOeX: ’Vs BpOroXd’su pcrtioodnu cstiitoen site

Above: VBOX’s production site

Above: VBOX’s production site

80 50 Success Stories80 50 Success Stories 80 50 Success Stories 80 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ BRUNEI DARUSSALAM




aa A BrunConfexeian-born and raised entrepreneur bridging localized and globaCONl strateFgieEXs to break through the meetings, incentives,

aa CONFEX confAerA Bruneian-born eBncrunese, ianand-b eoxr hnandi bandi traisedions rais (MICe entrepreneurd enEtrepr) andene p uubbridgingr lbrishiidging nlocalized gind locaustlizry e d and aa andAgl Bo globalbrunal setianra strategiest-ebgieorns taond breakto raisbreak ethrd througheonutgreprh th etheene meet umeetings,r bringidgis, incen gincentives, locantivleizse, d and

conferences,gconlobfaerl esnctraet sande, giean dsexhibitions teox hbreakibitions t hr(MICE) (MICough Etandh) ea meetnd publishing pubinglishis, ince nindustryg nindtivuesst,ry conferences, and exhibitions (MICE) and publishing industry The company of 17 people is themselves. That is why Hafriz’s

the only MICE service provider in recruiting strategy is to recruit

the c o untry The s cino cemp tanhey b oefg 17in npeopleing is locathel msetalenlvests .a Ts hmaant isy w ahsy p Hosasfirbizl’es. whenth iet onstarly tMedICE run snerinvigce. H parofrvizider’s in recruiting strategy is to recruit The T hcompanye compan yof o f 1717 peoplepeople is is t h95% e mse95% ofl veso fCONFEX’s .CONFEX’s That is wh yemployeesemployees Hafriz’s undethrset canountryding osifn tcehe t mhea brkegeint, ning local talents as many as possible. thethe onlyonly MICEMICE sserviceervice pproviderrovider i nin aarerree clorlocallyucaitlilnyg hired strhiredategy talents. istalents. to rTheecr uitThe clienwt’hse nnee itds star, alteodn rgun wnitihn gth. He afriz’s thethe ccountryountry sisincence t hthee be gbeginninginning mmajorl ao j caor l i ty95%titya loe noff otemployees sfemployees aCONFEX’ss many a ins inemployeesp Bruneio sBruneisible . abseundncee orfs tcanomdipnegt iotfi othne were mark et, whenwhen itit sstartedtarted r unrunning.ning. H aHafriz’sfriz’s Darussalamare locally hiredisis BBruneian,run talents.eian, and Theand on on client’s needs, along with the 95% of CONFEX’s employees factunderstandingoundrs tehrastan ledid ntog tohfof et h sue thecmcesa rksmarket,e ot,f them aotherjor ity hand of employees local Malaysian in Brunei in absence of competition were thear oe tlhoecar lhlyan hiredd lo catalents.l Malaysian The in CONcliFEenXt’ swi nteehidsn ,o alnloyn 3g wyeitahr s.th e Darussalam is Bruneian, and on client’sfactors thneeds,at led toalong the su cwithcess ofthe KuKualamaalajor LamLampur. ity opfu employeesr. ThereThere areare in foreign Bruneiforeign absence of competition were the other hand local Malaysian in absence C CuONrrFEe nXtl ofwiy, tChOicompetitionnN oFnlEyX 3 isye a rs. were sstafftaDarussalamff wworkingorking atisat Bthetherun twotwoeian offices,offices and on asas factors that led to the success of Kuala Lam pur. There are foreign opefactorsrating ithatn 2 m ledain to lo catithe osuccessns. of wewellthell tot ot ensureehners urhane thethed lo exchangecaexchangel Malaysian of of new new in C O N FE CuXrr wienttlhyin, CoOnlNy F3E yXea isrs. staff working at the two offices as TheCONFEX Brunei h withineadqu aonlyrter 3fo years.cuses iideasdeKuasa laandan Lamd theth pe u diversity.diversity.r. There are foreign o p e r a Cutinrrg ein tl2y m, CaOinN loFcatiEX oisn s. well to ensure the exchange of new on offering services in the area of staff working at the two offices as The Brunei headquarter focuses ideas and the diversity. MICE opCurrently, ewrhatiicnhg iinnclude 2CONFEX ma imn eelocati tisin operatinggosn,s . well to ensure the exchange of new Tohne o Bffreunrinegi hseeravdicesqua irnter th feo acuresesa of inceinMn tICEi2ve mains ,w choin chlocations.fe irnecludences, m anTheeedt i nBruneigs, ideas and the diversity. on offering services in the area of exhheadquarteriibnicetionntisve. Ws, hc oefocusesrnefearse, nitce s onsn,e an wlofferingdy MICE which include meetings, estaservicesbexlihsihbeitdi oinKuan sthe. Wla area hLaerme aofpsu ,MICE irt sb nranewl whichcyh incentives, conferences, and servest abs lais phuedb lKuaishilnag La anmdp ur branch Mr. Hafriz Musa, Founder includeexhibit ionsmeetings,. Whereas , itincentives,s newly adveserrtivsiens ga sh oa upse.ub l ishing and Mr. Hafriz Musa, Founder conferences,established Kua andla La mexhibitions.pur branch advertising house. KEY SUMCMr.rC. ESSH Hafrizafri zELEMEN M Musa,usa, F FounderounTdSe r Whereas,serves as a itspu blnewlyishing anestablishedd KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS Kualaa dver tLampurising ho ubranchse. serves as a

• Loc al talents Delivering service by the KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS publishing and advertising house. • Local talents localD etalilveenrtisn g service by the • Diver KEYse m SUCCESSarketing t ooELEMENTSls local talents • Diverse marketing tools Delivering service by the • Aggre • Lsocsiveal tsaelrvientcse Because the company operates NNoo oone-size-fit-allne-size-fit-all s olsolutionution • Local talents DeliveringlocalBe tcausealen tt shservice e compan byy o theperates No one-size-fit-all solution •• DiverAggresses imvea rskeervitingce tools in cr e a t ive and intellectual area of when it comes to marketing int ro•d u Diversection marketing tools localin cre atalentstive and intellectual area of whenwhen it i tcomes comes toto marketingmarketing introduction com m unic Becauseation t,h ane cdo minpfoanrmy oaptieorna tes No one-size-fit-all solution •• Aggre Aggressivessive s serviceervice communication, and information Similar to many other rising PROFILE induinst crry,e artaitvehe anr tdh iannte blluyiectnuga lan ar ea of w h e nS imiit claorm toe sm taon my oatrhkeer triinsign g PROinFILEtrodu ction industry, rather than buying an c omSimilarpanie s,to in tmanyerm o fother the rising introduction actua colBecause mtamnunicgible athe tpioron dcompany, anucdt, ipnefo rpoperatesmlea tion companies, in term of the In 2014, an ambitious and actual tangible product, people rig o r o s Sityimi inla rin tteo mgraantiyn ogt her rising P RO FILEIn 201 4, an ambitious and whoini ng docreativeu tost rCy,O rN aandtFEXhe rintellectual t-hhaneld b euyivenn gtarea san of companies,rigorosity inin terminteg ofra ttheing rigorosity energetic Hafriz Musa started his who go to CONFEX-held events teccohmnoplanogyie si,n i nth te rsmtan ofd tahred e n e r geticIn 20 H14,af raniz Mamubsait isotaursted an dh is are communication,laooctuakinl gta fnorgi binlef orp rmandodauti cotinformation,n p, eople intec hintegratingnology in t he technologystandard in own company, CONFEX. The are looking for information, opreigroartoiosnity o fin t hinete cogrmatpinang y, Hafriz eonwnergetic com pHanafy,ri zC MONusFEXa sta. rTtedhe his industry,who go to ratherCONFEX than-he ldbuying events an theop estandardration of thoperatione compan y,of H aftheriz companPROFILEy operates in a niche netwnoretkwiorngk,i anng,d an codn cteontet tnhta tth at technology in the standard ocwnom pcanomyp oanpey,ra CtesON inFEX a n.i cThhee actualare loo ktangibleing for i nfproduct,ormation , people ecompany,xepxlapilaniende dthHafriz tahta t hthe seeexplainedse da dayyss, , that market of untapped MICE wouldwo satiuld ssatify tshfye mth.e Tmh. eTshee tshei tnhgisn gs operation of the company, Hafriz cmoamrpkeant oy fo upnetraapptese din MI a nCiEch e whonetw orgok itong , CONFEX-heldand content th aeventst btheseubsuins iendays,sess os wno wnbusinesseresr sa anndd owners and industr y oInf B r2014,unei Daanru ssaambitiouslam. A anda re naoret mnoatde m awidet hwi htanh hdans, dbsu, tb ut explained that these days, minadruksettr yo fo uf nBtraunppeeid D MIaruCsEsa lam. A arewo uldlooking satisfy theform. Thinformation,ese things eentrepreneursnetnretrperperneenuerusr sca cancannotnnnoot ti gig nnororignoreee oorr 32 yea32r old ye agraduater old graduate has been has been brainbr. aTihn.e Trehfeorreef,or uen,de unrdestanrstdinganding business owners and inenergeticdustry o f BHafrizrunei D aMusarussa lamstarted. A are not made with hands, but overoverloolook kth teh eim imppoortartanncece o off di diggiittalal accumulating his business know- whanetworking,wt pheaot ppleeo wplane wtand anort eoxrpcontent eexcpte tcot t o that ore noverlooktrepreneu rthes ca nimportancenot ignore o r of 32 ahisc cyeu marownul oldat i ngraduategcompany, his business has beenCONFEX. know- brain. Therefore, understanding mamarkrekteintign.g A. At tC COONNFEXFEX, ,t thhee ledge since he was as young as 19 receivwouldreeceiv fro esatisfym fr ocommi cothem.nmig tnog atTheseno aenve e nvethingst nist is digitaloverl oomarketing.k the impo rtaAtn ceCONFEX, of digital alTheecdcuge mcompany sinceulatin he g his was operates business as young in know- aas niche 19 what people want or expect to mamjoajroityrity o fo pf rpormomootitoionnss a arree on on conaresciodern snotiederd aesmaded a a ms aa kmwithea-kite- -oithands,r-obrr-ebark e-abutk- thema majorityrketing. A tof C OpromotionsNFEX, the are years oldlyearsmarketed gewhen sinceold of whenhe untapped he started was he startedas MICE workingyoung working industry as 19 receive from coming to an event is onlonlinien pe laplatftofromrm i nin w whhicichh t thhee it fabrain.cit ofarc tt oo rTherefore,t htoe tchoem cpoman punderstandingy.an Ny.o N oon eo ne onm aonlinejority oplatformf promot ioinn swhich are on the by waitingyearsbofy Bruneiwaiting at old a whenrestaurant. Darussalam. at a restaurant.he started He A 32 working He year old considered as a make-it-or-break- chcannhannele hl ahsa sp rporveovenn t oto b bee t thhee mmoosstt canwhat ucannder u npeoplesdertansdta tnhwantde tlhoeca loorl cap elexpect oppeloep le to channelonline phaslat fprovenorm in wtoh beich the the most believesbbelieves graduaty awaiting hand-on ae hand-on athas a experience restaurant. been experience accumulating is He a is a it factor to the company. No one effecteffectiveive ch cannhannele lt oto t hthee c coommppanany.y. crucially important element to bettreceiveebre ttheanr tfromh tanhe tl hocomingeca lol capelo ptopel oeanp l eevent is effectivechanne channell has pro tove nthe to company.be the most cruciallybelieveshis important business a hand-on knowledgeelement experience to since is ha e can understand the local people completecomplete his full his understanding full understanding of of considered as a make-it-or-breakit e ffect H Hoivewevowev cheannre,r w, ewhl hetoenn tah askieski cnonmgg apabanboouy.utt cruciallywas as yo important ung as 19 element years old to when better than the local people the subject. factor to the company. No one can t h te However,h c e o c mHompoanwevpany ’eyswhenr’ sm, wmahar ekrnkeaskinge taitnskiingg ns s trgtr aboutaabtegytegyout the subject.completehe started his working full understanding by waiting atof a understand the local people better theth ecompany’s company’ smarketing marketing strategystrategy therestaurant. subject. He believe s a hand-on than the local people themselves. whether or not CONFEX tailor expe rience is a crucially i mporta 81 That is why Hafriz’s recruiting marketing campaigns to certain 81 50nt Success element Stories to complete his full 50 Success Stories strategy is to recruit local talents group of audience, Hafriz shared understanding of the subject. 81 50 Success Stories as many as possible. his experience that this type of

50 Success Stories 81 /OTHER SERVICES/ BRUNEI DARUSSALAM whether or not CONFEX tailor Introduction of new service annually to keep the company marketing campaigns to certain Company Profile group of audience, Hafriz shared exciting and interesting h i s /eOxpTeHrieERnce SERVIthat thisC typeES /o f CorporBateR NUameNEI: CO NDFEXAR USSALAM Giving the fact that CONFEX is marketing tool is not the case for the first and the only MICE service COwNhFEethXe. r“B ore canoutse C OBruNFEneXi h taiasl or Introduction of new service proavnidernu ainll By rtuno kei,e eitp i st hime pcoormtapnta ny Established : 2014 premttayr smaketinll gp caopmulpaatiignson c otom cerpatraeidn Company Profile group of audience, Hafriz shared to keeexcpi ttihneg c oamndp aninyt efrreessht ianngd to o/OTHERther countr SERVICES/ies, we cannot BRUNEI DARUSSALAM h/iOs TeHxpEReri eSERVInce thaCtES th/is t ype of inviting to clients. Hafriz’s goal isB tRo UNEI DCAorRpUorSSate ANLameAM: CO NFEX afford not to consider certain Giving the fact that CONFEX is Number of Employees: 17 m arketing tool is not the case for introduce at least one new product segment. What CONFEX does is the first and the only MICE service CwOheNthFEer oXr .n “Bot eCcaONuFEseX Bru tailnore i has Introrod suecrtvioicen o offfer newe dse erveryvice year in marketing tool is not the case provider in Brunei, it is important Established : 2014 thapmt,ra eirftk tseyot imsmange caolnml ep aowignspanult atsot i tceroon ct oaciomnm e ptoar edIntroductiona nnually to kee ofp tnewhe co mpany for CONFEX. “Because Brunei ordteor k teeo mp athinetai conm tphane eyx fcrietesmh aeCondtm pany ProIfnilternatie onal Activities: an tgeorveo ountpht o,e fitr a cumoduntriaeknece, sui eHsra,e fwe rtihz aschta ahnnred/so th e serviceexciting annuallyand intere tosti nkeepg Company Profile has pretty small population andin evnitcionugr taoge cli clienetnst.s H toa fcroizm’se g Cbooaalrpcko isra t et oN ame: CONFEX canah ffibsr oeirxndpge nralioeont ncetog t chthoatne tishri iderfsa tmype cile yor ftai n theG companyiving the fa cexcitingt that CON andFEX is Having foreign affiliates and branches mcomparedarketing tooto l otheris not countries,the case fo r we to CinOtrNoFdEuXce. a t least one new product Number of Employees: 17 segment. What CONFEX does is interestingthe first and the only MICE service Corporate Name: CONFEX meCmcannotObNeFErs X to.afford “B theeca euvesenot nBru t atonse wei hconsideralsl . And or service offered every year in that, if someone wants to come top rov ider in Brunei, it is important Established : 2014 thaptcertainr reettfly esmac tsegment.sl lt op otphule actWhatoiomn pco anmCONFEXpya red to keep orthed ceorm tpoan mya firnestaih ann dth e excitement Awards: Giving the fact that CONFEX is Establish: A2014waInrds:ternati The oncoampl Aactivitiny receesi:v ed local and maantrdoesok oe etthvei neisrng cthat, toca,untr itm mpifie assomeoneign.k, wee su ”c arannes tHowantshta ftr hiz eto /s hein viting to clients. Hafriz’s goal is to the firstan andd ethenc onlyoura MICEge cli eservicents to come back iThenternati companyonal re hasco greceivednitions. local caacomeffnor bd rtonion antg t o alevent, consgider itth makee cierr taifa suremn ily that introduce at least one new product Number of EmployeHavinges: 17 foreign affiliates and branches putsegm it. Ae nct.o mWhpaant CyO caNFEn oXn deo edsa iys providerto in C Brunei,ONFEX it. is important and international recognitions. he/she can bring along their family or service offered every year in Number of Employees: 17 members to the event as well. And usetsh aat ,c iof snovemenotnioe nalwan ttos otol ,c womheil teo to keep the company fresh and tmembershat refle ctots ttheo th eevent com pasan well.y order to maintain the excitement International Activities: an event, it make sure that he/she inviting to clients. Hafriz’s goal Awards: jummAndpairnk gthate toin ogreflectsnl cainmep taotoign.o lthe the” companya nes Hxat friz and encourage clients to come back InternationalEmaiA Activities:wl:a rds: The company received local and can bring along their family is to introduce at least one new Having foreign affiliatesiThenternati companyand branchesonal re hasc o greceivednitions. local daymarketing, as long ascampaign.” they are effectas Hafrizive. to CONFEX. Having foreign affiliates and pmuetm ibt.e rAs tcoo tmhep eanvenyt caas nwe olnl. eAnd da y product or service offered every hafrizand@ cinternationalonfex-mice.c orecognitions.m tputhat it.refl Ae ccompanyts to the ccanom poneany day uses Awards:branches uses a conventional tool, while year in order to maintain the Awards: The company received local and ma aconventionalrketing camp tool,aign. ”while as H ajumpingfriz The company has received local jumping to online tool the next international recognEmaiitionsl.: ptou tonline it. A co toolmpan they canextn o nday,e da yas long excitement and encourage clients and international recognitions. Awards: Tel.: +673 265 1155 (Events) dauasse ytheys, aa cso arelnoven effective.ngt ioasnal th teo yo la, rweh eilffecte ive. to come back to CONFEX. [email protected] The company has received local jumping to online tool the next Email: +673 265 2155 (Publication) and international recognitions day, as long as they are effective. [email protected]

Tel.: +673 265 1155 (Events)

Email: Tel.: +673 265 1W155eb (E s ite: v e n+ ts6)7 3 265 2155 (Publication) [email protected] +673 265 2www155 (Pub . c o nl icafexti-omicn) e.com

Tel.: +673 265 W1155eb s(Events)ite: Website: +673 265 www2155 . confex-mice.com www . c o n(Publication)fex-micFae.cceobmoo k:

Left and above: Photos from the HSSE Construc tion https://www.facebook.com/ConfexBN/ Conference Website: Facebook: Facebook: www.confex-mice.com LeftLeft andand a above:bovLee: ftPh ao Photostnosd f romabo tfromhvee H: SSP thehEo Coto HSSEsn sftromruct io tnh e HSSE Conhsttrtupcstio:/n/ww w.faceboohtkt.pcso:m//ww/ConfwexB.faceN/ book.com/ConfexBN/ ConstructionConference CoConferencenference Twitter:

Facebook: Twitter: https://twitter.com/confexbn https://www.facebook.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/confexbn ConfexBN/ https://twitter.com/confexbn Above: An advertisement for the CEO Summit organAibzoedve b: yA nC aOdNveFrEtisXe ment for the CEO Summit organized by CONFEX Inst agram: @confexbn AAbove:bove: A Ann a advertisementdvertisement fo rfor th ethe CE CEOO Su mSummitmit ITwitter:nstagram: @confexbn Right: An executive speaking at the CEO Summit oRorganizedrighatn: iAzend e x bbyeycu C tCONFEXiOveN spFeEaXki ng at the CEO Summit organorizgeadn ibzeyd CbyO CNOFNEFXE X https://twitter.com/confexbn Instagram: @confexbn RRight:ight: A Ann e executivexecutive sp speakingeaking at atth ethe CE CEOO Su mmSummitit

oorganizedrganized bbyy C CONFEXONFEX Instagram: @confexbn

Left 1: An online advertisement for the upcoming 2017 Brunei Motor Show

Left 2: A carL sehoftw 1 d:u Aring o tnhlei nCoeff aeed vertisement for & Cars event torheg aunpLizceeodftm b 1yin: C gAO n2N0 Fo1En7Xl iB nreu andevi eMrtoitsoerm ent for Showt he upcoming 2017 Brunei Motor Show Left 2: A car show during th e Coffee Left 2: A car show during the Coffee & Car&s Cevaerns te orvegnat norizgeadn bizye CdO bNy FCEOXN FEX

82 50 Success Stories Above: An online advertisement for the Above: A car show during the Coffee & Cars event upcoming 2017 Brunei Motor Show organized by CONFEX

82 82 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 82 50 Success Stories /O/OTHERTHER SERVI SERVICES/CES/ PHILIPPINESPHILIPPINES


aa ECHOstore Sustainable Lifestyle ECHOstECHOstoreore Sust Sustainableainable L Lifestyleifestyle A local Philippine start-up that brings health consciousness A local Philippine start-up that brings health consciousness and promotes healthy living lifestyle to fellow Filipinos A localand Ph ipromoteslippine s thealthyart-up living that brlifestyleings hea to fellowlth co Filipinosnsciousness and promotes healthy living lifestyle to fellow Filipinos

empowerment through business. Growing together

E is for environment; C is for Part of its success in retail was founded back in 2008 by sustainable businesses. The empoCwermommuenntity; th rHo uisg fho rb Huseialntehs;s an. d Grsporweaidinngg t tohgee gtohspeerl of healthy

Othree is fo rvisionary Organizat successfulion. This women ECHOsiand sus taiFoundation,nable livin gthe is hnonprofitelping E– is Reenafor en viFrancisco,ronment; Ca iscertified for arm Pofar t ECHOstore,of its succe ssworks in with pioneering retail was founded community producers also have Commufoodienity; and H iartist;s for H Jeannieealth; anJavelosa,d spotherreadi NGOsng th toe gprovideospel o trainingf health andy back in 2008 by three visionary sustainable businesses. The O is foar cultureOrgan izatspecialistion. Th andis a painter, anmentoringECHd suOstaisi Fn oforaunbl datethe livi osmallin,g t his eproducers hneolnp-ing successful women – Reena pioneeFrabookringc iauthor srceotai, al c wanderatsifi writer;feodu nfodedo dieand an Pacitad ctoopm rbeomfi ableunityt arm to op sellfr EoCHd atuc Otheesrtsor store.aels, ow ohrakves back iaJuan,nr t2is00t; J8ae annbserialy tihe rJav eeentrepreneur evilossaio,na a cultury whore suwisttahin oathbeler NbuGsOins etosses. pro vTidehe succeslovespsfeulcial wtravel,isotm anedn food, a– p Ra ieandneter,na coffee. book ECH traItiO nhasisni gF anoalsound mdat elicensednitoonr,i ntgh eforstores n othne- to Francaiuscthoor, a a cnedr twifirietder f; oanodied P aancitad pindividualsrsmaofit lal prmro do uf cerwhoECHs toObelieve bset orabel,e wtinoo s rekthells artist;J uaJeECHOstorenann, a sier Javial ee nstartedlotrsaep,r ae nascultue ua r“needed” wrheo wisameatth t ho ethethos setorr Ne .G andOs thaso p rosuccessfullyvide loves travel, food, and coffee. specialplaceist a nwhered a p aoneinter, can b ofindok unique, trexpandeda i n i n Igt hana sd ECHOstorea mlsoe nlitcoenrisedng fstoorto r tehotherse t o author eco-friendly, a n dE CHwriOtestror ;natural, ane sdta Prteda candi taas aorganic smaareasindill v pofidro uathedlus cer Philippines.whso tboe lbieve ab Licensing,inle t thoe sell Juan,“ productsan eeseded”rial epmadenlatcere pw byrhee nsmallreeu orn we producers hcaon find anottsam th efranchising,e s etorthoes. and h aiss suECHOstore’sccessfully

loves unialltra qveunderuel,, feoco ooned-f,r ian eroof.nddl cyo, ffenaHowever,teu.r al, an dthe wayexp anof dedmaking ECH moreOstor epeople to oth eawarer It has also licensed stores to Ms. Pacita Juan, Co-founder orstoregan icdoes pro dnotucts monlyade sellby sma organicll ofa rchoiceseas of t hfore P sustainablehilippines. living. EpCHroduOcersstor alle s utanrderted o anse ar oof. inLdiicveindsuainlgs, wnohto f rbanelciheveisin ign, tish e products. To complete what it calls “needed”Howev plaerce, t hweh setrore eo dnoee csa nno tfi onnldy samECHe eOthstoors ea’ns dwa hya osf s muccakeinsgsful morlye Ms. Pacita Juan, Co-founder its loop of sustainability, ECHO The owners are strong advocates KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTSuniquese,l le ocorga-fnriiec npdlroyd,u nactst.u Troa lc,o anmpdl ete exppeanopdedle awar ECHe oOf cshtoroicese to f orot her also has its own café. Anyone can of the Slow Food movement • Sustainable business modelor ganwich patr oitd cuallctss i tms alodeop boyf small arseuasst aoifn tahbele P lihvilinippg. ines. have a taste of home-grown salads, and incorporates its principles KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTSp roduscersustai allnab uility,nder E CoHneO r aloosof. has its Li c e n s Tinhge, onwont efrrsan arceh sitsrionngg, is that involves all relevant sandwiches, pasta, juices, and in ECHOstore operations by Howevowner, caftheé .s Atornyeo ndeo caesn n hoatve onl a ytas te ECHadvOocatstorese o’sf wathey S olofw m Faokoidn g more Ms. Pa•cita Suparties sJtuaainabn, inCole thebu-fos undproductioninesesr m ode l other menu items made with the providing good, clean, and fair chain sell orogaf hnoimec p-rgordownuct ssa. lTaods c, omplete pemopovemle awarent ean odf icnhcooircespor afortes its that involves all relevant sasamendw ilocally-sourcedches, pasta, juice ingredients.s, and foodprin forcip lall.es in ECHOstore what it calls its loop of sustainable living. •pa Stayrties affirmed in the p rtoodu itsc tion oThisther malsoen uled items the m threeade wi foundersth the operations by providing good, KEY SU CCESS ELEMENTS sustainability, ECHO also has its The owners are strong chaprinciplesin samto plante loca ltheirly-so uownrced ivegetablesngredients . to clean, and fair food for all. own café. Anyone can have a taste aStaydvocat affirmedes of the Sl otow Ftheood • Stay affirmed to its principles Tensurehis als oits le d organicthe three label found anders t oto • Susta inable business model of home-grown salads, mcompany’sovement an dprinciples incorporates its paddlan t at hmarketeir own vegcomponentetables to to the Stay affirmed to the that inPROFILEvolves all relevant sandwiches, pasta, juices, and principles in ECHOstore PROFILE econcept,nsure its so or gayouni ccan lab takeel an homed to ad thed company’s principles parties in the production othera m meanruk eitemst com pmonaedent wito tthh et he o peECHOstorerations by pisro vai dpioneering goo din, its Pacita “Chit” Juan is known ingredients and DIY at home. ECHOstore is a pioneer in its chain Pacita “Chit” Juan is known samas e cloncacellpyt-, ssoou yrocedu ca inn gtarkeedie honmtse. the clcategoryean, an dand fair has foo influencedd for all. many as a serial entrepreneur for having category and has influenced many • a serial entrepreneur for having ingredients and DIY at home. entrepreneurs. These new business Stay faffirmedounded m toan yits start principles-ups includingT his also led the three founders to e n t r epreneurs. These new founded many start-ups including Today, it is all about innovators use their hands at using a coffee shop chain, a Filipino plant transparencyt h e i rT odaywn ,veg it ise andtaallb a lbesothe utot sharing Stbauys iafnefsisr inmnoedvat tor st huese their PROFILEa coffee shop chain, a Filipino local produce as they present quick service restaurant called ensurteconomy.er anitss porargaen nYoucyic al naneedbd etlh ae to nshd knowa troin agd whered cohmanpdas naty u’ssi npgr iloncacil pplreods u ce as “BIquickNAL OserviceT” for m erestaurantals wrappe dcalled in a m arket component to the innovative new products to sell at Pacita “Chit” Juan is known eyourcono mfoody. Y ocomesu need tfromo kno wand the thECHey preOsestnort ine niso vaa ptiivoen neeewr in its banana“BINALOT” leaves, afor fa rmmeals to ta blwrappede con cewpht,e sreo yyoouur cafoond t caokme ehso fmroem t hane d ECHOstore.products to sell at ECHOstore. as a serial entrepreneur for having process of selling, also share the category and has influenced many reinst abananaurant, an leaves,d then aE CfarmHOs ttoor etable. the process of selling, also share founded many start-ups including ingredierecipesnts a andnd D whatIY a tused hom toe .be “trade Many artisans also supply Shrestaurant,e is also kn oandwn athens a c oECHOstore.ffee the recipes and what used to be e ntrManyepren euartisansrs. The sealso new supply various store products - from jams a coffee slhoSheoverp ,c ahis ag rineealso, na a Fidknownvliopcatinoe , aasnd a coffee T“secrets.”tordayade ,se itc isre talls.” a bout bvarioususiness store inno productsvators use - from their jams and peanut butter to ice cream. quick serlveilover,aceder re e sntcaaou urrangreenagingt ca lwleadvocate,odm en andtran sp arency and the sharing hands at using local produce as andSm apeanutll produ cerbutters ca nto p reicese ncream.t their “BINALOTa” forleader meal s encouragingwrapped in womeneco noGrowingmy. You n eetogetherd to know thSmalley pr eseproducersnt innova ticanve nepresentw banana leaempowermentves, a farm to throughtable business.where your food comes from and ptheirrodu cproductsts to sell atot ECH sellO sthemtore. at restaurant, and then ECHOstore. the pr ocesParts o off se itsll insuccessg, also insh spreadingare ECHOstore.Many artisans also supply 83 She is also known as a coffee the recipes and what used to be 50 SuccessE is Storiesfor environment; C is for the gospel of healthy and various store products - from jams lover, a green advocate, and a “trade secrets.” Community; H is for Health; and O sustainable living is helping an dECHOstore peanut bu ttcontinueser to ice crtoe am.grow leader encouraging women is for Organization. This pioneering community producers also have Sitsm allsupplier produ cerbases c awhilen pre seallowingnt their

50 Success Stories 8383 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES /OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES /OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES to more people. Counting on the pthero dolderucts onesto se llto t alreadyhem at scale and The healthy experience is now supply bigger supermarkets and power of technology, ECHOstore ECHOstore. only a click away Company Profile pgroceries.roducts tTheo se llnew the mones at start at hasT intensifiedhe healt hitsy onlineexper presenceience is now Co mpany Profile ECHECHOstoreECHOstorOse tand.or e thencont tryinu theires to hand grow especiallyonECHly a O cslitstiorck e awissocial coauny tinmediag on e - CoCorpomraptea Nnamey Pr:o file at supplying the bigger stores as footprint,comme rwhichce to getis active its p randodu ceverts t o morCorporatee Name: its sECHuppliOers tborasee c wonhtilien ualleso wingto gr ow ECHOstore is counting on e- ECHOstore Sustainab le Lifestyle they grow and increase production. dynamic.people .Of Co late,unti ntheg othrustn the pofo werthe of ECHOstoreC Sustainableorporate Name Lifestyle: tithse s oldupperli eorn besa seto walhreilaedy all socwingale an d commerce to get its products to more /OTHER SERVICES/ companytechno lisogy, to EexpandCHOst oritse honlineas in tensified ECHOstorePH SuILIstaPPIinab Nle LESifes tyle tshuep poldly ebrig ogneers s utop earlrmeadyrke stsc alaned a nd people. Counting on the power of ECHOstore remains true to its storeits otonl iwidenne pre seitsn cereach esp eandciall yto i ts socEstablish:ial Es t a2008blished: 2008 sguropceriply ebsi.g Tghere sneupwe romneasr ksteatsrt a antd technology, ECHOstore has intensified mission to provide market access offerme moredia fo products.otprint, which is active and progECHdruocceritsO tsoet orse. lleT htahnee dnem t hwaet no ntreys tshtaeirrt at The hietsa oltnlhyin eex ppreerseienncece e issp encoiallw y its social Established: 2008 htoan MSMEsd at su whilepplyi nseekingg the b toig geraddress onlye aver cl idyckn awamicay. Of late, the thrust of Numberthe of Employees: ECHECHOstorOset. ore and then try their media footprint, which is active andCo mpany Profile the demand for healthy and natural Thoughcompan ydistribution is to expan dis itmainlys onlin e stor11-50e Numb er of Employees: 11-50 hsECHtanordeOs a satts ors tuheppe cyol yingrtniongwu t eanhse td ob igngrgercorwe a se ECHeverOst dyoren isamic coun. Otifn lga ote,n eth- e thrust of the local products. through its licensed stores, more Corporat e Nameumb: e r of Employees: 11-50 its ssputroporpdeluisec rat sibo atnhse.e yw ghriloew a llanowingd inc reasec ommtoceo rwcemide ptoann get yit si sit r steo ap cerhox dpauanncdtds t otiot os m foforenlr eimn eor seto re consumersproducts are. Th alsooug hasking distr ibforut itheon is InternationalECHOstore Sust Activities:ainab le Lifestyle the poldroedECHOru ocntieosns tt.oor aelr reeamdya isncals ter auned t o itpse oavailabilityplet.o C woiuntide nofn itg the so nre tproductsahceh p aonwerd tonline oo fo ffe r more Internati onal Activities: The healthy experience is mainly through its licensed stores, Having foreign affiliates and supmisply sbECHOiiognge tro s putorrpoeveri mrdeeamr mkaeaitnrsk sae nttrd ua cec teos sitect s andhnop lforroogy,d deliveryu EctCsH. TO htosotor utheirgeh h dia homes.ss itnrteibnustiifioend i s HavingInternati foreignona laffiliates Activitie ands: branches now only a click away its onlminore ep creosensnucem esrps eacrieall ayls iots a soskicinalg forbranches Established: 2008 grocerimisto MessSio.M Tnh Eteos newprhwoilv oei ndesees em kstiaanrrgkt etaott access mainly through its licensed stores, ECHOstore and then try their meditah feo oatprivailnatb,ility whi cohf itsh aec ptirvoed auncdts online Having foreign affiliates and branches taod dMreSsMs Ethse w dheilmea sende kforin gh etoal thy more consumers are also asking for Awards: han d aECHOstoret supplying thise bicountinggger on ever dyannda fmicor d. eOlfiv learte,y ttoh eth tehirru hsto omf eths.e Awards:Aw ards: The company has received local and natural local products. the availability of the products onliNnumbe erThe of Emp companyloyees: has11-50 received local aecommerceddress the dtoe mgetan dits for productshealthy company is to expand its online store andAwards: international recognitions. stores as they grow and increase and for delivery to their homes. The companyandA winternational hasard sreceived: The co mp recognitions.localany has received local an d natural local products. The company has received local production. to widen its reach and to offer more and international and in ternatirecognitionsonal recognitions. and international recognitions. products. Though distribution is International Activities: ECHOstore remains true to its mainly through its licensed stores, Email: [email protected] mission to provide market access Email:Having foreign affiliates and branches more consumers are also asking for Email: [email protected] to MSMEs while seeking to [email protected] the aAbovevaila b(clockwise):ility of th ECHOStore’se produc tbottles onl ine address the demand for healthy Awards:Te l.: +63 2 519 1216 and ffoodor d/ eECHOStore’slivery to Body the Basicsir ho Setm eProductss. Awards: The company has received local and natural local products. The company has received local for body care / ECHOStore’s coffee Tel.:and i+63nternati 2T 519eonl.: a1216+l 6rec3 2og 5n1iti9 o1n216s. and international recognitions.

Below (left): ECHOcafé in Serendra and We b s ite: ECHOStore in Serendra Website: Email: ecwwwhoWste.oebrcsehite:@oesct ohroes.tphore .ph Below (right): The three founders of www.echostore.ph

ECHOStore - Jeannie Javelosa, Reena www.echostore.ph Francisco, and Pacita Juan Tel.: +63 2 519 1216


www.ech ostore.ph

Above (clockwise): ECHOStore’s bottle food / ECHOStore’s Body Basics Set Products for body care / ECHOStore’s coffee Above (clockwise): ECHOStore’s bottle food / ECHOStore’s Bod y Basics Set Products for body care / ECHOStore’s coffee Below (left): ECHOcafé in Serendra and ECHOStore in Serendra Below (left): ECHOcafé in Serendra and ECHOStore in Serendra Below (right): The three founders of ECHOStore - Jeannie Javelosa, Reena Francisco, and Pacita Juan. Below (right): The three founders of ECHOStore - Jeannie Javelosa, Reena Francisco, and Pacita Juan. Above (clockwise): ECHOStore’s bottle food / ECHOStore’s Body Basics Set Products for body care / ECHOStore’s coffee

Below (left): ECHOcafé in Serendra and ECHOStore in Serendra

Below (right): The three founders of ECHOStore - Jeannie Javelosa, Reena Francisco, and Pacita Juan.

84 50 Success Stories

84 50 Success Stories 84 50 Success Stories

84 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ singapore /OTHER SERVICES/ SINGAPORE



aa A pioneerAE pioneerinC wOSOFat erin managemwaterTT management PTentE tLecTDh technologynology with a gwithloAb pa ilaoneer fglobalootpr in ifoo nwta tprintter management technology with a global footpr int

PROFILE The company is a pioneer in PROFILEPROFILE pro vidingTheT h acompanye commppanre yhis ies n as pivepioneerion reeanrge i nin Founded by Marcus Lim and providing a comprehensive range Founded by Marcus Lim and of sprovidingolutions tah acomprehensivet enables range Stanley Samuel in 2012, of solutions that enables StaFoundednley Samu byel iMarcusn 2012, Lim and of solutions that enables townships, towntsohwipnsh, ihpos,m heosm, essc,h soochloos,l hs,o hteotelsl,s , ECOSOFTTECO isSO aFTT Tota isl aS Toloutatilo Snoslu tions Stanley Samuel in 2012, ECOSOFTTv illahomes,gesvilla agesn dschools, aontdh eorth l eivrhotels, ilnivgi ng villages ProviderPr ino vthidere a rinea t hoef area of is a Total Solutions Provider in thec omandmcouniti mmotherunities t oes livingb teoc boem coecommunitiesm wea wterater decentraldecizeden tarnaldized integ anrda itednteg rated area of decentralized and integratedsecu torsecu ebecome, lirvee, liinv ehwater ianr hmao rmnsecure,yo nwiy twih tlivethh teh ein managemmeannat geof mwatente ro,f wwatasetre,wat wasetre water management of water, wastewatere nvharmonyiroennvmiroenn mt witheantd a pnthedro ptec roenvironmenttect tht eth e and enviroannd menevnirotanl mseernvtaices.l se r v ices. and environmental services. watandewatr s oprotecteurr scesour cesftheor f ouwaterrt urfuteur sourcese for Its platform of technologies Its platform of technologies genfutureegerantioe rgenerations.nats.io ns. provides p arnoIts vei ndesdplatform- taon- endd- ,t o"ofS-e onudtechnologiesr, ce"S ource to Source" solution across the ECOSOFTT’s Water SMART to Source"provides soluti oann end-to-end,across the “Source to ECECOSOFTT’sOSOFTT’s WWaterater S MSMARTART water cycle. These can be Blue Building and Communities water cySource”cle. The sesolution can b eacross the waterB luBluee pBlauildi tfBuildingormng e naanb dland eCs owmm aCommunitiesteruniti es implemented in a decentralized platform enables water implemecycle.anntedd m iTheseond au ladre cecanmannn tberaler iz implementedtoe dre duce or platformsustain ability enablesusing a set of lwaterow sustainability using a set of low and modinrue lapalar cemdecentralized adepennenrde ton rcee d oandunce mu ormodularn icipal sustainabilitycost and effi ciusingent te cah nsetolo giesof low to replace depemannersystenmsde tnotoce e na oreducenbl mue wan tericori p alreplace c oscostt aSon udr andece,ffi Uc ise,eefficientn tR teecyclech no,technologies anlogiesd to systems dependencetsou setnaainbalbeility w aon.ter T municipalh e compan systemsy’s So utorDce, isSource, cUhse,arge R wecycleaUse,ter. I,t an Recycle,hads inves teandd sustainatobsoility cienableal. eTnhtee r pcwaterorimsep banu sy’sisustainability.ne ss model D isDischargechhaeragevil yw ina ter water.inn. oIvatt hItiao snhas i annves dinvested otwnsed a social enTheanterdp ircompany’sninseo vatbuisvein tece ssocialsh monolo dgeenterpriseile s have h eaheavilyvpiloyr itnfo ilininon oofinnovationvat tecihonno laongiesd ando bwnsy owns a leveraging on the “Hydro-Hub” businessbeen rec ognizmodeled wiandth a ninnovativeumber of p orat foportfoliolio of tec hofno lotechnologiesgies by by and innovative technologies have ecosystem in Singapore. As an technologiesawards in Sin havegapor beene an drecognized l everagileveragingng on tonhe “Hythe d“Hydro-Hub”ro-Hub” been recognized with a number of example, ECOSOFTT developed internationally. ecosystem in Singapore. As an awards inwith Sin gaa pnumberore and of awards in ecosystemSingapor e’ins fi rSingapore.st Water SM AsAR Tan Singapore and internationally. exaexample,mple, EC OECOSOFTTSOFTT de vedevelopedloped internationally. Blue Building at Cleantech Park in Technological innovation Singapore’s first Water SMART Singapore’sa project s upfirstpor tedWater by m ultiSMARTple Technologicaland tailor -mad innovatione programs BluBluee gBouildiv eBuildingrnmnge natt a Cgeatlen ancCleantechietecs. Thh Pe asys rkParkt einm Technological innovation ECOSOFTT was established a prinor jeaecycl cprojectt seusp apll osupported wrtedaste bwaty me rbyulti fr omultiplempl eth e and tailor -made programs and tailboyr Ma-mrcauds eL ipmr aongramsd Stanley Samuelgovgovernmenterbnuildimengt afoge ragencies. tnocilieets flu. Ts hhTheei nsysg systemantedm

recyclesnon-po taallb lewastewater reuse in an fromopera ttheor- EC O w ShECOSOFTTOileFTT the yw weras establishedewas studying established at byr ecycles all wastewater from the INSEAD, a leading global business buildingfree ma nnforer . toilet Since itflushings and by MarcuMarcuss Lim aLimnd Stanleyand Stanley Samuel Samuelb uilding for toilet flushing and school. They had the vision of non-potableinauguratio nreuse duri ning tanhe operator while thewhiley wer ethey studying were at studying atn on-potable reuse in an operator- addressing the challenges of water freefree mSian manner.nngapeorr.e SincI nSinceterne ita itstsi o inaugurationnal Water INSEADINSEAD,, a leading a leading global globalbusiness business Week 2016, over 300 sustainability around the world during the Singapore International school. Tschool.hey ha dThey the visionhad the of vision ofi nauginurternatiaotnio dnalur viinsgit torhse have visited Mr. Marcus Lim and using technology and a social Water Week 2016, over 300 Mr. Marcus Lim and a d d r e s s i addressingng the challenges the challenges of water of waterS ingathpeor siet eI ntotern learant ihoonalw t hWatis er Mr. SMr.tanl Stanleyey Samue Samuel,l, Founders enterprise model that serves the international visitors have visited sustainasustainabilitybunderpriviledged.ility around thearound Inworld particular, the world We ekinn 20ovat16,i veover pr o30jec0t can be a model Founders the site to learn how this innovative using technologyusingthey a imtechnology tando pro av idesocial aand sol utai onsocial to i nternfoar tsiomnalart cviitsieitsor ansd h samvea rvit vsilitleadges Mr. M arcus Lim and project can be a model for smart KEY SUCCESS ELEMENenTterS prisenterprise3e.5 model billion that pmodeleop servesle inthat A sthe iaserves w ho a rthee t he siinte A tsoi anle acronuntr hoiwes t. his Mr. Stanley Samuel, Founders cities and smart villages in Asian underpriviledged.underpriviledged.facing chall Inen gparticular,es in Ingett iparticular,n g a safe i nnovative project can be a model •KEY Tec hSUCCESSnological iELEMENTSnnovation countries. they aimtheyan tod p srtaaimobvlidee wto a ter provideso lsuutpipoln y adt ou solutione to f or smart cities and smart villages and tailor-made programs KEY SUCC•ESS Technological ELEMEN innovationTS 3 .5 billiotomn ap3.5jeoor pgapbillionle sin a nA dpeoples idefa wichi eoinn ac irAsiaees in whoi n Asian countries. • Globally connected network and tailor-made programsfacing charemuall enfacingnicgipeals in wchallenges agettter syinsgtem a inssa . fgettinge a • Techno logi• oc Globallyfa lpro innovajec tconnected patirontne rs network and stabsafele w aandter sstableupply water due t osupply due and tailor-mofa projectde progr partnersams major gapto smajor and def gapsici eandncie deficienciess in in • Globally connected network municipmunicipalal water sy waterstem systems.s. 85 of proje50ct Success partn Storiesers

50 Success Stories 85 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ singapore

Globally connected network To support these beneficiaries, ECOSOFTT provides its expertise of project partners Company Profile and surplus funds, and “crowds- Outside of Singapore, in” additional resources from /OTHER SERVICES/ Corporate Name: S I NGAPORE ECOSOFTT is active in Hong corporates partners and donors. Globally connected network ECOSOFTT Pte. Ltd. Kong, India, Malaysia, Viet Nam, The beneficiaries To support t halsoese contribute of project partners Indonesia, the Philippines and laborbene ficandiarie s, Ea COnominalSOFTT sum provides its expertise and surplus ChileOu throughtside of S itsinga subsidiariespore, and (approximately $20 per family) to EstablishedCompany P: r2012ofile ECOSOFTT is active in Hong funds, and “crowds-in” additional local partners. More than 80% of complete the construction of their Corporate Name: Kong, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, resources from corporates the company’s revenue is from water, sanitation and wastewater Number of Employees: Indonesia, the Philippines and partners and donors. The ECOSOFTT PTE LTD systems. 11-50 Cinternationalhile through itmarkets.s subsidi aries and beneficiaries also contribute labor and a nominal sum local partners. More than 80% of Established: 2012 t heThe com pFoundersany’s reve nuexplain:e is from “We (aECOSOFTTpproximate lyis $ not20 pjuster fa anothermily) to International Activities: complete the construction of their iserventern attwoional segments.markets. The first water company. Through a • Having foreign affiliates and Triplewater , saBottomnitatio nLine and w–as tePeople,water Number of Employees: 11-50 segmentThe F ouncomprisesders expla incustomers: “We branches Planet,system Profits. approach, it aims to serwhove thavewo se gmwaterent s.issues The fir andst can • Export of goods to foreign segmafforden tto co mpaypr isfores cuthesto msolutions.ers create ECa OsustainableSOFTT is n impactot just in an International Activities: increasinglyanother wat water-scareer company. world. Through countries wTheho hasecondve water segment issues a ndcomprises can • Having foreign affiliates and a Triple Bottom Line – People, aunderprivilegedfford to pay for t hbeneficiariese solutions. who branches Planet, Profit approach, it aims to Awards: Thavehe s ecwaterond se gmissues,ent c ombutpr isescannot • Export of goods to foreign underprivileged beneficiaries who create a sustainable impact in an The companycountries has received local afford to pay for the solutions”. increasingly water-scare world. have water issues, but cannot and international recognitions afford to pay for the solutions”. includingAwards:

• FullerThe co Challenge,mpany has r eSociallyceived lo cal and

international recognitions including Below: One of ECOSOFTT’s innovative wastewater recycling technologies, the Poseidon deployed in Responsible Design’s Highest a Bhotel,elow: ECOSOFTT’s One of ECOSOFT foundersT’s innova tcelebratingive wastewater the recy inaugurationcling technologie sof, t hae modelPoseido nvillage deploy ewithd in a completehotel, water, • Fuller Challenge, Socially sanitationECOSOFTT and’s fou wastewaternders celebrati nsolutions,g the inaugu Stanleyration of aSamuel model vi llrecognizedage with com pasle tae waGlobalter, sa nTopitatio 50n a nTalentd waste winat eWaterr soluti ons, Award 2014 - Global Top 20 Responsible Design’s Highest ManagementStanley Samuel recognized as a Global Top 50 Talent in Water Management Award 2014 – Global Top 20 • Autodesk, Inc. - Cleantech Partner• Autodesk, Inc. – Cleantech Partner • World• W CSRorld CCongressSR Congre 2014ss 20 14 – - GlobalGlo Greenbal Gre eFuturen Future Leadership Award Leadership• Golden Award Globe Tigers Award 2015 • Golden- B Globeest Sta rTigerstup Socia Awardl Enter prise Excellence & Leadership in 2015 -Water Best MStartupanagem Socialent Enterprise• EY Acc Excellenceelerating En trepreneurs 2016 - Awardee & Leadership in Water

Management Email: [email protected] • EY Accelerating Entrepreneurs 2016 - Awardee Tel.: +65 6908 5698 Email: [email protected]: www.ecosoftt.org Tel.: +65 6908 5698 Facebook: Website:www.facebook.com/ecosoftt.ecosoluti www.ecosoftt.orgons.for.tomorrow.today

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ecosoftt. ecosolutions.for.tomorrow.today

86 5086 Success Stories 50 Success Stories /OTHE/OTHERR SERVI SERVICES/CES/ singaporeSINGAPORE



PBAaa PBAPBA Gro Group Group up A grounAA PBAgroundbreaking groundbrea dGrokbreaing kSuining pgSingaporean Saingporaepanore ean nenterpriset enrpteriserprise wiwith with th the aithemthe aimt oai becm to t obecome mebec oA me s iaAsia’s A’ss robia robotics’s orobticso tandics and and aut automation automaomationti on powerpAhower ougrounseh oudbrease king Singaporean enterprise with powerhousethe aim to beco me Asia’s robotics and automation

powerhouse arm, linear motor engineering, smart factories, PBA decided to arm, linear motor engineering, smart factories, PBA decided to and paniodn peeiorneeed rtehde tghreo gurpo’usp ’s tatakek ea a l eleaadersdershhiipp posiittiioonn i inn t hthee caornm,tra lcint emaar nmoufatorctu erninging ceapability deployment of “smart factory” contandract mapioneerednufacturi ng thecap aebrgroup’silitying, deplsmartsmaroy mtfactories, feanctto orife “s s, PBAmPBaAr tdec decidedfacitdedory ”t o to contracttano pdr opdiou ncemanufacturingee ulretdra t-hhei gghr opurpe ccapability’si sion takeintaitk iea taileadership velesa.ders Its h sitp ro positionpnogsi ftoiocnu siin non t hthe e to prmocdoanuchtcerian culets tm froraa-n hmufiultigahct pnuraietnicoginals ciaop na bility iniindepltdiautsiotveyryms e.e d nIutca so f ts i“tosronm naasgr t w ffaoellcut aossr onyt”h e to produce ultra-high precision deployment of “smart factory” machctoionr pesorr ofadortuio cemn sultiul. t rna-ahtiigohnal pr ecision indepldinuistiotarytymive eedsn.ut caIotfs tr i ostbnroo atniscg sw faoencllud as son th e machines for multinational initiatives. Its strong focus on corpormaatcihoinnse.s for multinational deplaiuntodoumysmtarteyino entd ouinfca tertogiboranoted taicss w aeintllhd a s the corporations. Through his leadership, PBA industry education as well as GThcroorroupporu egaxhtei ochnuisted. le asydernersgehitpic, PBA ausysdepltotmemoayt misooenlun ittni otenf srgo rhbaaotedvetic p swu atin tthdh em in the deployment of robotics and Groump e e r x gers e Thcu roatednudg syhac hnqiuesri lesgeiatitderoicn ss h(M&ip, PA),BA sysaa gtueotomomd s paotoliusointtiio oinnte st ogh rmaavetedee tp wiunitdt htuh setrmy in Through his leadership, PBA mergersgGrorwingo uanp de fxaroeccmquuted ais si mtsyioannlle srdi ge(sM&tricib A),uti on aautomation degsysomotdane mpdso ss.o i ltintegrateduiotino ntso hmavee ewith tp iunt d systemtuhesmtry i n Group executed synergetic mergers solutions have put them in a good growingfimrmer fgerstroo am laa anr geds ma lcoaqcallu idils eistnitteornirbspu r(tM&iseio nA), de am g an o oHdsde pn. oce,sit Dioenrr toic km feoeutn indeddu stry and acquisitions (M&A), growing positiondeman tods meet. industry demands. firm witgort ohawing olavreger f2ro l2om ccao aml sepmnanteallire pdisr undsisetri beur titiosn R o b Hoteicnsce, Au tDoemrraticiokn f Couentdedre o f fromwing,firm atano small ad l5a00rge distribution sltoacaff la ecnrotesrs p firm1r3ise to a with over 22 companies under its REo bx ceo t l i lcHesne ceAnuce, (Rto DACmearrEtio)ic akns fCaonue ndedtre o f largecwiounth t localroiveesr. 2 enterprise2 compan iwithes und overer it 22s Hence, Derrick founded wing, and 500 staff across 13 EixnRcedoulblsoettnriicceals Ap(RulatACtofmorEam)tio atons daCrneive ntr teh oe f companies wing, H ean isd a 5under m00e mst baitsfefr a wing,ocfr othsse and 13 500 Roboticsadoptio n Automationof Industry 4. 0Centre acros s of countries. indEuxcestrlliealn cepla (RtfACormE) t aos darni ve the staffCcoounciun acrosstrli efors. S13 k ilcountries.ls, Innovation and ExcellenceSoinudtuhsetarisalt (RACE) A pslaiat.f or In mas 2 t 0ano1 7,d industrialr ihvee the He is a member of the adoption of Industry 4.0 across Pr o d u Hctei visity a (mCeSmIPb)e cro omf mitthe tee. In platformsatadrotedptio anton o indrivef cIunbdau tthesitorny adoptionl4.ab0 wiactrho st shof e Council for Skills, Innovation and Southeast Asia. In 2017, he Mr. Derrick Yap, addition,CoHeunci isl af PBAor member Sk Groupills, I nof n was otheva awardedt ioCounciln and IndustryvSoisiuotnh te oa4.0 sgtr ooAacrosssmia. t hI neSoutheast ne20x1t7, he Asia. ProdfortheuPrc to iwinnerdvuitySkills,ct i(vCi tyofS I (PtheC)S Innovationc IPromisingoPm) cmitommittee .tSME eeInand. In sIntgeas r2017,tnatedertedra at io nhea ni n oistartedncfu cyubobaungatit oiano nlne lalaincubationadbbe rwiwis inth tthhee ChiMr.ef Ex Derrickecutive Yap,Officer addition,500addition, and PBA Enterprise PBAGroup Group was 50. was awarded awarded vimsviianosnioufac nto t ogt urgoorrioonmgm, te htnhegine ne neexexrtt i ng and Mr. DChieferriM rcExecutive.k D Yearrip,c k YOfficer a p, Productivity (CSIP) committee. In lab with the vision to groom the the winnerthe winner of the of Promisingthe Promising SME SME gergenobenoreatirtcaiost.ion no fo fy oyoungung l leeaaddeers in ChiKeEf YEx SUChiecueCtivef CExESSe Ocufftive iELEMENcer O fficer TS addition, PBA Group was awarded next generation of young leaders in 500 and500 Enterprise and Enterprise 50. 50. manmanufacufactutruirningg, ,e enngingineeeerriinng andd theInte winnergratin gof b theusi nPromisingess acum SMEen manufacturing, engineering and •KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS robroobtoictsic. s . KEY SUK CEStYCra ESSSUtegiCc CELEMEN opESStim iELEMENzationTS TS 500w ith and en gEnterpriseineering 50.and robotics.Strategic optimization for • Strategic optimization • Digital marketing IntetgIerncatehtnignorlgaot bgyinugs tibonu desrsinisv eaes csinu admcuuesmntre yn su cc ess of the company • •• S Digitaltrategi marketingc optimization Strategic optimization for Stra tegic optimization withIntegrating4w en.0it hgi ennegeirnien ebusinessgr ianngd a nd SStrategic t r a t e“Wegic nooptimizationepedti tmo ieznatrtuiostn o urfforo 3r- in- PRO• DigFILEita l marketing technology to drive industry suscuccecsess so fo ft hthee c coommppaanny • Dig ital marketing techacumen n o l o Dgyerr i tcwithok gdrra idengineeringvuea tedind frousmtr tyh e success3 strategy of an thed to company only steer the 4.0 company to any targeted market”, PBA Group was established 4.0 andNatio technologynal University toof Sdriveingap ore “ We “We n eneded t oto e ennttrruusstt oour 33--inin-- PROFILE says3 st rDategyerric ank. dT thoa to nlis,y t ost beeer t thhee t op PROFILEinPROFILE 19 87 in Sing apore, and has w h e r e D heerr micakjo grreadd iuna tedBus finroemss the 3 s“Wetrategy need an dto t oentrust only s toureer t3-in-he industry Derrick g r4.0aduated from the 3c ocommppananyy t owi atnhyin tar 3 gyeetedars .m PBarAk et”, q ui c k lPyB eAxp Groandedup witass b eusstianbelsish teod ANdamitionnalistr Uatnioivne.r Asifttery o gf rSaidnugapatioorne c3o mstrategypany t oand an yto tar onlygeted steer mar ktheet” , PBA Group was established Natiohnale to oUkn ai vreorles iatys ao fs aSliensgap perosorne for Gsaysroup D wilerrli crke.m Tahina tn iims, tbole b eeve thne top ki eny 19 PBAAs8i7an inGroup c Singountar piwaseors ae n, establishedand tdh eh aUsS . in whDerrickere he mgraduatedajored in B usfrominess the sayscompany Derr toick any. T htargetedat is, to market”,be the to p in 1987 in Singapore, and has wheraneA dh emien ginmniasejtoerrarietniodg n icn.o A mBfterupsani ngyre,a swdsuh aetrioe n an3 dco emsppeancially wiy wthhinen 3 tyheeayr sg.r PBowA in Dq1987euirrcikc lkiny Ye Singapore,axp anis dedresp ito nsand sbiubsl hasein feos rquicklys t htoe National University of Singapore 3says com Derrick.pany wi Thatthin is,3 ytoea bers .the PB Atop quickly Gekxreopyuan Aps’dedsi anstr caitotegsun bitcur sdieiinsr eacsntsdi ot tnoh aen UdS . Admihhnee id stetorveoaktl oioap nreo.d lA eh faiterss tae gcsharalnediscu alpea triosonn for sGizreo. upTh ewilir lf orceumsa winil nl cimonbtlien euvee tno expanded its business to key Asian where he majored in Business G3 rcompanyoup will rewithinmain n3im years.ble e vePBAn key AsiandeciD ecrrosiuniocnkts Yr, iaepss weiasn rldel s atpsho tren anUsibSsl.fe o fromir tnhge he tocaoankp aaebn rilginoitylee iaenrs i enang sgin acoleemse prpeiannrgys. ,oA wnfterh feorr e ganrodom es tpheeciirall PyB Aw htalene ntht etoy grermowa iinn countries and the US. Derrick Administration. After graduation Group will remain nimble even DerrickP YGBarAop u Gipsro ’sr eussptrp taootegn bseicb oldemi rfeo cartn ito hAnes a iannd an enahgincec umuldeeeverilanotgpin ecgdo sumhifspf iantceiceyhn,n tw ichale re aninsdi z tehes.e pT feohcreieiallrfr fooync wtu osh fwe rnilob lt hcooteinyct sgi narunoedw t oin and especially when they grow in Group’sp decisYapotwerras tegisiho onresponsibleiusc,se da isir nwee crotlilbo aonst ifortracsnan dathen sfdo rGroup’sming he dehekcaven optooklwloapbeiled diagty eroleh iainsn etd asen icginn hadn usaleseisectralriyn gperson. After for siizngerd.o uToshmtre itialrh ef4.oir0c Pu. Bs Aw tilall ecnotn ttoi nrueme atoin size. Their focus will continue to decisionaPsustrategic,Bto aAsm Gwearotiloul n padirection. st otr banecsofm oandremi an n decisions,Ags ian ca paanebaxilcp engineeringcietyumulri einn ce,eanti ginnheg sul ecompany,eedfrf iPBAincige.n Atg rof terwhereup to he groino tmhe t hfoerierf rPoBnAt otfal reobnot ttiocs r aenmda in groomindu stheirtrial 4.PBA0. talent to remain PBA Gro p asu o p wer well tDoe hbrr oaseuicc seotransformingkm bineega raonb ohAtisisci cans a aPBAr needr wiGroupth ac cumuldevelopedekxnecoauwltteien dM&gg suehis Aafn fw idtechnicalci tihenn dotuv setrr y2 2capability in the forefront of robotics and powerhotahtouuese toebecomen miginna rtioeoebnr oan.i ntig cAsian ssa alensd tpowerhouse eam before inkn owlinceoex mengineering.dppegranei eainnece,sd a i nhendd utlAfterehsdat trPBA yw accumulatingas ghroowu pit t o industrial 4.0. started. automalte irobotics oa ding n . D etrrh andeic gkr ob automation.uegap’sn s hailse sc ateraeemr iwin the xpesufficientreixeencce,ute he M& knowledge leAd wPBAith o gv roander u2p 2industry to Singapore and Malaysia. experience,companies anhed thledat waPBAs ho wgroup it Derrthiec ke nbginegaener hinisg csaalerees tre wiamt hbef ore execu te M& WiAth w thiteh g overnver 2m2e nt’s Sl ueabdingseDerrickqu ethnetl yg,r ohbeganuep h’se as dealedhiss tteh ea mcareer in tost aexecuterted. M&A with over 22 the engineering sales team before compinancrieeassed an dem thpahta swisa so nh oinwd uits try gloSwithinbgapal dtheoriste r iaengineeringbnudt iMona laanysid ta r.salesa ding team companies4. 0 i n iWitiatthives tandhe a gn odthatvern the mcwasreenat ’ioshow n of it leading the group’s sales team in started. Sbeforeubseq uleadingently, h e thehea degroup’sd the sales started.increased emphasis on industry Singaporgloteame abnald ind Mis taSingaporerlaibysiutiao.n a nandd tr aMalaysia.ding Wi4.0t ihn itthiaet igvesovern andm thene tc’rse ation of SubsequeSubsequently,ntly, he heade dhe th e headed thein cre asedWith em phathesis on ingovernment’sdustry 87 50 Success Stories global disglobaltribu tiodistributionn and trading and trading4. 0 iincreasednitiatives aemphasisnd the cr eonatio industryn of arm, linear motor engineering, 4.0 initiatives and the creation of 87 50 Success Stories 87 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 87 /OTHER SERVICES/ singapore in the forefront of robotics and Technology does not merely industrial 4.0. cover digital marketing, but also Company Profile extends to modern automation. PBA Group’s linkage to large Being up-to-date is essential to /OTHER SERVICES/ Corporate Name: S IPBANG GroupAPORE enterprises is through robotics keep the company growing. Up till / automation O T PHBEAR Gro SE upR’sVIand linCk ESage/ t ocontract la rge T enow,c hno lo technologygy does not mande re lyinnovation cover SINGAPORE enterprises is through robotics Established: 1987 manufacturing PBA Group for’s li complexnkage to capitallarge diTgeespeciallycit haln omloagyrke dtionegins, n boutt roboticsmalesore elyx tec onverdsand to Co mpany Profile eaequipmentnutotermparitsesion isan tfordh rco oungtsemiconductorrha rcot botics mdioautomationgderitaln m auartokmet haveiantigo, n bhelped.u Bt eailnsgo PBA upex-tet Groupon-ddats teo manufacturing for complex capital aanduto mataerospaceion and co ntrmaintenance,act ims etoosders eincreasennti alu tto mk eeproductivity,atpio tnh.e B ceoimngp upanincreasey-t o-dat e NumberCoCorpmoraptaen ofNyame ProfileEmployees:: PBA Group equipment for semiconductor and growing. Up till now, technology and mrepairanufac andturi noverhaulg for com pcompanies,lex capital is ROI,essen tandial t olessen keep t hdependencye company on 500+ across 13 countries aerospace maintenance, repair innovation especially in robotics and Corporate Name: PBA Group eqservicinguipmen t clientsfor semi likecon duSingaporector and grmanpowerowing. Up tilforl nlaborow, te intensivechnology jobs. and and overhaul companies, servicing Established: 1987 aerospace maintenance, repair aiunntoomvatation hesapveec hiallelpye idn PrBobAo Gtirocs uapn d cliAirlines,ents lik eSamsung, Singapor e andAirl inFoxconnes, to Theincr etrendase p rwillodu cseeminglytivity, incr econtinuease ROI, International Activities: and overhaul companies, servicing automation have helped PBA Group Established: 1987 STechnology.amsung, an d FThisoxco nnwide scope in this digital era. clients like Singapore Airlines, antod i nlecsrseeanse depe prodnudectnivcyity, on i nmcarenapseower RO I, • Having foreign affiliates and Tofe chplatformnology. Tdefinitelyhis wide s coservespe of to for labor intensive jobs. The trend N umber of Employees: Samsung, and Foxconn and lessen dependency on manpower branches pharnesslatform success definite forly ser strongves to business will seemingly continue in this digital 500Numb+ aceror ssof 1Emp3 coulonyetreiess: Technology. This wide scope of for labor intensive jobs. The trend • Export of goods hnetwork.arness success for strong eraOverseas. business platform definitely serves to will seemingly continue in this digital 500+ across 13 countries business network. expansion opportunities harness success for strong era. Awards:In ternational Activities: Keeping up with for robotics and business network. Overseas business expansion • Having foreign affiliates and branches • WinnerInternati ofon theal A ctivitiPromisinges: SME technological disruptions oppautomationortunities f obyr r partnershipobotics and • Export of goods Keeping up with Overseas business expansion 500 automation by partnership • Having foreign affiliates and branches technological disruptions opportunities for robotics and • Winner• Export of of the goods Enterprise 50 Ke “Atepi present,ng up w weith are only utilizing “Our client porfolio is composed te c h “nAotl porgeisecanlt ,d weisr aurpe toniolny s au t o“Omuart cliention b porfolioy partn eisr composedship Aw ards: basic-level of digital marketing of oflarge largelyly B2 BB2B clients, clients, with 70with% 70% utilizing basic-level of digital Email:• Winne [email protected] of the Promising SME 500 such “ Aast p rthroughesent, we asocialre on lymedia, from from t“hO etheu lro caclient locall ma marketporfoliorket an dand is30 composed %30% are are Awards: marketing such as through social of largely B2B clients, with 70% • Winner of the Enterprise 50 umhowever,teilizidia,n gh ob wevawesic eare-rle, vewe inl o athefr ed i ngiprocess thale of oveoverseasrseas clients clients”,”, says Dsayserri ckDerrick.. PBA • Winner of the Promising SME 500 from the local market and 30% are mpstrengtheningraorcesketsi nofg ssturecnh g thisatsh eth nriaspect”,noug gth iso cisaysal GrPBAoup h Groupas also hasform alsoed s formedome sor tsome of Tel.:• Wi +65nne 766764r of the Enterprise 50 overseas clients”, says Derrick. PBA maDerrick.sepdia,ect” ,h says owev Deerrr, weick. a r e in the parsorttne rsofh ippartnershipss overseas fo roverseas the futu refor Emai l+65: 9489 1349 Group has also formed some sort of process of strengthening this plannthe infutureg of bu splanninginess exp anofs iobusinessn. [email protected] a spect”, says Derrick. partnerships overseas for the future Email: expansion. Website: planning of business expansion. [email protected] www.pbagroup.net Tel.: + 65 766764, +65 9489 1349

Below 1: Derrick working on a Special Purpose Machine.

Tel.: + 65 766764, +65 9489 1349 Below 2: PBA Group’s suit of technology; Standard Direct Drive Motors (e.g. DX Iron less, PIX Ironcore Series, PSM Shaft Facebook: SBeerlioesw, C 1V: CD Seerrriceks, wPoDDrkiRn gS eornie as )S pecial Purpose Machine. Website: Below 1: Derrick working on a Special Purpose Machine www.facebook.com/racerobotics Below 2: PBA Group’s suit of technology; Standard Direct Drive Motors (e.g. DX Iron less, PIX Ironcore Series, PSM Shaft www.pbagroup.net BelowSeries, C2:VC PBA Serie sGroup’s, PDDR S esuitries) of technology; Standard Direct Drive Motors (e.g. DX Iron less, PIX Ironcore Website: Series, PSM Shaft Series, CVC Series, PDDR Series) Instagram: @racerobotics www.pbagroup.net Facebook: . www.facebook.com/racerobotics Facebook: .

www.facebook.com/racerobotics Instagram: @racerobotics

Instagram: @racerobotics

88 50 Success Stories 88 50 Success Stories 88 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ indonesia


aa PT. Zahir International

PT.Creating Z aa thoroughhir International financial report is no longer a confusing Crandeat burdensomeing a thoro taskug anymore,h finan cwithial rethep helport fromis no PT. longer Zahir a confusing andInternational burdensome task anymore, with the help from PT. Zahir International

Muhamad Ismail is the CEO PT. Zahir International sets an He started in 2005 as sales resources and the rising number of and leader of PT. Zahir and marketing supervisor, he bright people in aIndonesiaffordab ltoe bringprice for high quality International. products which is compatible and successfully brought PT. Zahir the brand forward. well accepted by their customers International H furthere start anded i establishn 2005 as sales and marketing supervisor, he domestically and internationally. the company’s existence to be even Keeping up withAll tthehis is possible due to the knowns uandcce trustedssfully in b rtheou gheartht PT. of Zahir International further and establishtechnology trendavai lgrowability of the local human consumers. He also holds a Master resources and the rising number the company’s existence tobusiness be even in the digital era degreek nofo wnManagement and tru sfromted iBinan the heart of of bright people in Indonesia to Nusantaracons uUniversity,mers. H eJakarta. also holds He a Master bring the brand forward. is now pursuing Doctoral Program “We must keep improving d egree of Management fromourselves Bina by keeping up with with theNu sambitionantara Uofn idevelopingversity, J akarta, He the current technology trend in and preservingis now p theur scompanyuing D oforct theora l Program Keeping up with the Mr. Muhamad Ismail, momentwi tandh th fore a themb future.ition o Hef de isv eloconsumerping behavior. We need to be specialized andtec flexible”,hnology says tr end grow Mr. MChiefuha Executivemad Ism Officerail, Chief capablean ofd speakingpreserv iinn g3 languagesthe comp any for Muhamad. The companybusiness provides in th e digital era Executive Officer (Indonesia,the m Englishomen tand an dArabic). for the future. He is capable of speaking in 3 the tools to efficiently “We process must keep improving KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS languages (Indonesia, Englisdatah andand numbers, our its eisl veslike ba ynew kee ping up with the KE• Y Driving SUCCES businessS E growthLEME NTS DrivingAra businessbic). with local tool of data analyticscurre ntot tecprovidehnol ogy trend in • Dwithrivi localng b humanusines resourcess growth human resources consumer behavior. We need to a better insight into the massive with local human resources be specialized and flexible”, says • Keeping up with information the client has. There is • Ktechnologicaleeping up witrendth grow PT. Zahir International has been also some complimentaryMuham asoftwared. The company tecbusinesshnolo ingi cathel Digitaltrend eragrow run andDr managediving b uhighlysiness by localwith ldownloadableocal frompro vtheides company the to ols to efficiently business in the Digital era human resources process data and numbers, it is • Expanding distribution human resources over the past 20 website for trial. like a new tool of data analytics to • Expanding distribution years. They PT. believe Zahir in IndonesianInternational has channel for the next decades provide a better insight into the channel for the next decadesbright b eetalentn run to run,and operatemanaged and highly by Digital marketingma siss ioneve iofn ftheirorm ation the client local human resources over the past bring this brand forward. The main marketing hactivitiesas. Th andere theyis al so some PROFILE 20 years. They believe in Indonesian PROFILE company now established a strong also have their owncom division.plimen taryThe software bright talent to run, operate and PT. Zahir International was position in the domestic market company tries dtoo wnmaximizeloadab lthee f rom the company bring this brand forward. The found ePT.d i nZahir 1996 In in ternationalBandung bywas for accounting and financial use of SEO, Googleweb Ads,site and fo rsocial trial . company now established a strong Muhfoundedamad I sinm a1996il. I tin is Bandungcreated toby management software business, position in the domestic mmediaarket as their marketing Dig itoolstal m toa rketing is one of helpMuhamad those wh oIsmail. need tIth eis accounting created has been recognized, trusted for accounting and financialreach out to the intendedtheir m aaudiencein mar keting activities software to create and manage their to help those who need the and usedmana byge overme n66,000t softwar users.e b usiofn etheirss, products.an d they also have their own their financial report easily and accounting software to create and Partnershiphas b eenwith rec ognizIndonesianed, tru sted and division. The company tries to quickly. The company has been manage their their financial report local ucompaniessed by o veris their 66,0 strategy00 user s. maximize the use of SEO, Google growing ever since and today they Expanding distribution easily and quickly. The company to approachPartner shidomesticp with I ndandone sian local Ads, and social media as their h ave their 6th version of the software has been growing ever since and internationalcompan market.ies is their strategychannel to for thema nextrket decadesing tools to reach out to the alongside with other supporting today they have their 6th version of approach domestic and intended audience of their business management tools such as international market. After 20 yearspr oofd ubusinesscts. in Repothert Ssoftwareerver a alongsidend POS. with other PT. Zahir International sets an domestic market, the company is supporting business management affordable price for high quality tools such as Report Server and products which is compatible and currently in the expansion stage

POS. well accepted by their customers for the international market. domestically and internationally. Leveraging their advantage in Muhamad Ismail is the CEO and All this is possible due to the the domestic market, PT. Zahir 89 50 Successleader Stories of PT. Zahir International. availability of the local human

50 Success Stories 89 /OTHER SERVICES/ I N DONESIA

Expanding distribution /cOhaTnHnEelR fo SEr thReVI nCexES/t de c a d e s I N DONESIA Company Profile /OTHER SERVICES/ indonesia Expanding distribution After 20 years of business in is their business driver. Users of channel for the next decades Corporate Name: domestic market, the company is Zahir’s services include not only Company Profile International is accele rating the There are quite a number of PT Zahir Internasional currAefntertly 20in tyehea resx poanf bsuisoin esstsa gein smais thleli ar nbdu smineedissu mdr ievernte. r Uprseisesrs obfu t Corporate Name: market internationalization. competitors in the market to fdoorm theest iinc ternmarakteiot,nal the m coamrkpetan. y is alZashoi rla’sr gese rmultivices nainctilounalde neontter onlpryi ses.Company Profile cLuerveragirentlyn ign t thheei re axdpvanansitoange s itnage th e smaprovidell a naffordabled mediu maccounting enterpr iandses but PT Zahir Internasional There are quite a number of Established: 2005 fdoorm thee st iinBusiness-to-businessc ternmarakteiot,nal PT. m Zaahirrk et .is their alfinancialso large managementmultinational software. enterp rises. competitors in the market to provideCorporate Name: LInternationaleveragimodelng tash e isiallr accelerating aenterprisesd v an tage in needthe th e to With this in mind, PT. Zahir prepare accounting and financial aInternationalffoTrdahebrele a arc estrivesc qouiuntite to na understand gn aumndb finer ao nf cialPT. Zahir InternasionalEstablished: 2005 dmoamrkeestt iintc meranarketito, nalPT.i zatiZahiron . Number of Employees: More than 100 report, and they need a usefriendly mccustomers’oamnapegetimto erneedsns tin so t fhtbetterewar mae r. andk Wiet totactsh pthr oisv iden International is accelerating the Busintool. essA -tgoodo-bu sclientines s relationshipis their miaquicklyffonrdda, P bT.tole Zahiraprovideccounti International notng aonlynd finproa strives ncialEstablished : 2005 market internationalization . Number of Employees: More than 100 modethroughl as all e widenter rangeprise sof n distributioneed to mtductso aunan debutgerm salsoteann tvalue-addedd so cuftswartomee. r servicesWis’ needsth th i s in International Activities: channel is their business driver. such as accounting management Number of Employees: prepBusinare acecsso-untito-bnugs ianneds sf iinans thceiialr mibetntedr, PanT.d Zahiracts q Internationaluickly to provide strives • Having foreign affiliates and branc hes Users of Zahir’s services include support to corporate customers. More than 100 mreopdeortl ,a ans adll t ehnetery npeerids eas usenee-d to ntoo ut nodenlrys ptanro du cctust boumte arlss’o needs •In ternatiExporton ofa gl oAoctivitids to eforeigns: countries fprriepnadlnotrey at ococonlyol.unti A gsmallonogd an cli dande fninant mediumcial vabeltueter- aadndde adc stse rqvuicesick lsyuc toh provide as enterprises but also large • Having foreign affiliates and branc hes relationship through wide range International Activities: reportmultinational, and they n enterprises.eed a use- ancoctoounlntyin pgr o mdaunactsge bmute nalts sou pport to • Export of goods to foreign countries ofrfi ednisdltryib tuootiol. nA c ghoannod cliel ent vacolruepor-aadted ecdu ssteormviecesrs. such as • Having foreignAwards affiliates: and

branches relationship through wide range a ccounting management support to • Best Choice Award 2013 of distribution channel corporate customers. • Export ofA wgoodsards: to foreign

countries • Best Choice Award 2013 Email:

Awards: [email protected] • Best ChoiceEmai Awardl: 2013

[email protected] Email: Tel.: +62 81 198 66999

[email protected] Tel.: +62 81 198 66999 Website: Tel.: +62 81 198 66999 www.zahiraccounting.com/id Website: Website: www.zahiraccounting.com/idwww.zahiraccounting.com/id Facebook:

Facebook:www.facebook.com/zahiraccounting Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Above – Bahir’s accounting and financial management software. zahiraccountingwww.facebook.com/zahiraccounting Above: Bahir’s accounting and financial management software Instagram: @zahiraccounting Below (clockwise) – Muhamad Ismail on the Online Seminar, Demonstration booth at an accounting exhibition, Zahir’s outlet where customers can try software AbovBelowe – Bah (clockwise):ir’s accounting aMuhamadnd financi aIsmaill mana onge mtheen tOnline softwa Seminar,re. Demonstration booth at an accounting Instagram: @zahiraccounting exhibition, Zahir’s outlet where customers can try software Instagram: @zahiraccounting Below (clockwise) – Muhamad Ismail on the Online Seminar, Demonstration booth at an accounting exhibition, Zahir’s outlet where customers can try software

90 50 Success Stories 90 50 Success Stories 90 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ LAO PDR

aa RentsBuy Sole Co., Ltd.

From nothing to one of the most successful entrepreneurs, the passionately driven Houmph an SAIYALATH built his own real estate empire in just less than 10 years

solely-owned entrepreneur, without him dreaming about Houmphan SAIYALATH. From becoming a successful business then, RentsBuy has gradually owner and having a better life for grown by expanding in terms of himself and his family. He was services offered and physical ordained to obtain education from offices to cover various cities. The local temple. After finishing high company is currently establishing school, he was awarded with a 4 additional offices in Lao scholarship to pursue a bachelor’s major cities which are degree at the University of Lao. Luangprabang, Khammwoan, He worked at the World Bank- /O/OTHERTHER SERVI SERVICES/CES/ laoL pdrAO PDR

Suv annakhet, and Champasak. Laos for 2 years after /OTHER SERVICES/ LAO PDR

aa graduation and was awarded

aa The company recently Ren RentsBuytsBuy Sole Sole Co., Co., Ltd. Ltd. another scholarship from the receiv Rened antsB auywar Soled fro Co.,m th Ltd.e Asia From From nnothingothing toto one one of of the the most most successful success fentrepreneurs,ul entrepreneursB, elgium Government in From nothing to one of the most successful entrepreneurs, Pacithefi thec p passionatelyaPssrionpateerly tydriven dri Avenwa Houmph Houmrdsp anh 20an SAIYALATH SAIYALATH17 for built built his own his own the passionately driven Houmph an SAIYALATH built his owncooperation with the National Propreal realer tye estatesta Cte oempireemnpsireu in linta just justn lessc lessy than, thanin 10 w 10yearsh yearsa t w as real estate empire in just less than 10 years Institute of Development

the fir st year for a Lao company to

Adminstration (NIDA) to pursue ever participate in the asowlelya-ownrded. eTntrhepriesne ur, without him dreaming about Houmphansolely-owne d SAIYALATH.entrepreneur, From ownerwitho andut h ihavingm drea mia betterng abo ulifet for Houmphan SAIYALATH. From hisbe cMomiBng Aa su dccesesgfulr beeusin easst NIDA in then,Houm pRentsBuyhan SAIYA LhasATH . graduallyFrom himselfbecomi nandg a suhiscces family.sful bu sHeine swass is c onsidered to be a cothuenn, RterntysBuy has gradually owner and having a better life for grownthen, R ebyntsBuy expanding has grad uainl lyterms ordainedowner a ntod obtainhaving educationa better lif efrom for ggrroownwn b byy e expxpanandingding in i tne rtmserms of of Bhimseahnimselfgkok, anldf ahnisd f ahmiis Tlfy.ami hHely.a was Hile a wasn d. of services offered and physical local temple. After finishing high mil e stone that proves tserserhvvaiicescest o oLffffereaerdeo dan an’ds dp h pyhsiycsalic al ordaiorndaied ntoe do btotai onb etaidunc aetdiounc afrtioomn from offices to cover various cities. The school, he was awarded with a ooffifficceess to to c ocoverver va varioriuosu csi tcieitsi.e Ts.h Te he locallo tcaeml tpelme. pAlfeter. A fifternis hfiingis hiignhg high Mr. Houmphan SAIYALATH, risi ng businesses have companythe is currently establishing scholarshipH ato vpursueing a bachelor’snot g iving up his ccoommppananyy i si sc ucurrrrenetlnytl eys etasbtalibshliisnhgi ng schoscohol, hoel ,w haes wawaasr adedwa rwidedth awi th a 4 additional offices in Lao major degree at the University of Lao. He 44 aadddditiitoionalnal o fofficfiecse ins in La Loa o schosclahroshlaiprs thoi p utros upeu ras buaec ah ebloarc’hs elor’s Managing Director cap acity to compete ancitiesd bwhiche are Luangprabang, workedchil dat htheoo Worldd dBank-Laosream of becoming a mmaajjoorr c citiiteies sw whihcihc har aer e degredegree at eth aet Uthneiver Unsiverty osf iLtya oo.f Lao. Khammwoan, Suvannakhet, and for 2 years after graduation and LLuauannggpprraabbanang,g K, Khahmamwmowanoan, , He Hwoer wkeodr kaet dth aet W thore lWd Boranldk -Bank- exce llent in regional anChampasak.Sudvanna glokhetb, aalnd C hampasak. wasbLua oawardedss foirn 2 yee aanothersrssma after scholarshipn, in 2007, Houmphan Suvannakhet, and Champasak. Laos for 2 years after fromgrad utheatio nBelgium and was aGovernmentwarded The company recently graduation and was awarded arenas just like any other manoethter asch oflarrisheipn frodm twhe ho had a passion for KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS r e ceiv The Te dhcompany ean c oamwarpan drecently fyro rmece thn ereceivedt lAys ia in cooperation with the National Belgianuomth Georvern schomlaernsth inip from the anPrea ceivciawardfic ePdr oan pfrome ratywar Athewad fr rodAsiasm 20 t h17Pacifice fAors ia Institute of Development coun tries. bcouoBpserliagintiuomne wGsiotshvern thae mnNaedtniot nal inh appened to be a • PropertyPrPaocpiefircty P AwardsCropnesurtylta 2017 Ancway, forrind sw Property 20hat1 7w faos r Adminstration (NIDA) to pursue Always thriving for success Instciotuotpee orfa Dtieoven lwopitmh etnhte National Consultancy,tPrheo fipresrtty ye Caro nfosinru a l taLwhatanoc yc,o minwasp wanh ya thett ow as his MBA degree at NIDA in pArdmioInstnpsittreuatrieo otynf ( DN eIDbveAlro)o tpom pkeunrestu re . He received an firstetverhe fipyearrasrtt iye ciforpaar te fao irnLao at hLe a companyaow caormd. pTanh itosy to Bangkok, Thailand. • Working together his AMdBmiA dnesgtreeati aotn N (IDNIAD iAn) to pursue iesver con psiaderrticeidp taote b ein a tchoeu natwrya rd. This ever participate in the award. oBpanhgkok,pis oM BrTAht aduileagnrdee.i ty at N IDtoA inle arn about miis lceosntosnidere theadt ptoro bvese a t choaut nLtaroy’s • Online platform This is considered to be a country HavingBangkok, not T hgivingailand . up his DreaMmr. H obumpigha na SAnIYAdLA TaH,i m milestonermihiisilnegs gtbounsh ein thatte,hsas et sprovesp ohroaveves t h tthateh at LLao’sao’s childhoodenHtravein gpdream nrote g invofin egbecoming uup hriss h ia p, running a Mr. MHoumphananaging D SAIYALATH,irector Mr. Houmphan SAIYALATH, risingcarispiancg ibusinessesty b utos icnoemsspee shavete h anave dthe bthe capacity e businessman,childhooHda dvir neinag m 2007,n ootf gbie vHoumphancionmig unpg ah is suc c eedManaging Director excellent in regional and global businessman, in 2007, Houmphan PROFILE Managing Director toca pcompeteacity to candomp ebete anexcellentd be in metbu cash friendilidnhooe dswho dsre, ahad ma on af bdpassionec otmihn eg a real estate KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS aerxecenalsle jnuts tin lik re gianoynal oth aenr d global metb au fsriineensdsma whon h, iand 2a00 pa7,ss iHoon ufomr phan regionalcountrie sand. global arenas just like forbu businesssiness an dand happ happenedened to b eto a be K E•KEYYA SUlw aSUCCESSCysC tESShriving ELEMEN ELEMENTS for successTS arenas just like any other mamretk a feriten din wh oL haad oa p aPssDion Rfor from his RentsBuy is the very first Th e saying that lifeany i sother li kcountries.e a a ppropertyroperty b robroker.ker. He rHeeceiv receiveded an •• Working Always thriving together for success countries. business and happened to be a • Alw ays thriving for success anfor pipopportunityeortnundity. t oEv leatorn e alearnbnoutt uaaboutl ly in 2008, he •• Working together property broker. He received an commercial real estate brokerage climb• Working,Online but platformtogether the view is gDreamD reeama bbigtig ia andsnd a aimim hi high,gh, to to entrepreneurship,entrepreneurship , runrunningning a a • Online platform opportunity to learn about •PROOnlineFILE platform succeedsucceed business,dedicatbusiness , aandnd tehtheed re alallreal esta te oestate f h is effort and pro bably accurate enouDgreham t boig and aim high, to marketmarekne tintr ine Laop Lrea noPDR ePuDr Rsfromh firpo,m hisrun h ifriend.sn ing a and agency in property selling, RentsBuy is the very first The saying that life is like a succeed friebndu.s Evineesnst,ua anlldy itnh e2 0re0al8, ehset ate PROcommFILEerc ial real estate brokerage climbThe, butsaying the vthatiew islife gre a ist is like a Eventuallyresou inr ces2008, heto dedicated star t up RentsBuy. descrPROFILEibe Houmphan’s jouney dedicatmarekde tall in o Lf haios PefDforRt f arnodm his leasing, investing, and appraisal in an dR eangetsnBuycy in i sp rtohpee vrtyer yse fillrinstg , probTahbley saacyicunrga teth eant oluifgeh i st oli ke a all of his effort and resources to climb, but the view is great is resofruirecesnd .t oEv starent uaupl lRye innt s2Buy008. , he commleasienrgc,i alin vesrealti negs,t aanted b arpopkreariasalge i n descclimbrib, ebut Ho tuhme phvieanw’s i sjo gunreeayt is start up RentsBuy. Lao PDR. With a reputation befor e RentsBuy he e sist atheb liverysh efirstd hprobablyis co maccuratepan enoughy to dedicated all of his effort and At the andLcommercial aaoge PnDcyR. iWin p thrrealo ap re erestateptyut saetill obrokerageinn g, describebperfoobrea bhl ey e asHoumphan’sctacbulriashtee de nhoisu cgohmjouney tpoan y At the RentsBuy. Rather than having resources to start up RentsBuy. RenleatasandcsincumulBuyg, iagencynvesatedt.i no Rvergin, an aalpropertydmt aohpstp e10ra r iyears,sselling, alt ihn an beforedesc hrai bheve establishedHinougmph an his’s j ocompanyuney beginning of the accumulated over almost 10 years, the company has managed to serve sufficient resources to start up his operation, the beginning of the Laoleasing, PDR. Wi investing,th a repu tandatio nappraisal RentsBuy.before he esRathertablish ethand his chavingompan y At the more than 70% in property buying own business like many business only assets he the company has managed to serve suffaciccumulini eLaoanted tPDR. orvere Withsalmoo usat r10reputationces years, to sufficientRsetnatsBuyrt resources . uRapthe rh ttohian sstart ha vupin ghis beginning of tohe peration, the thean codm rental,pany andhas upma tona 100%ged to in serve oswnuffeicrise, nHto ruemsophurances’s tjou srtnaeryt huaps his had wasope ara tion, the porpertyaccumulated appraisal. over almost 10 years, ownalwa ybusinesss been a tlikeoug hmany one. business motorcycle to more than 70% in property buying ownmo rthebe tu hcompanyans 70%ine inhass propertys managed lik ebuying to m serveanowners,oywn b bu sHoumphan’sisneisns likees ms ajourney ny busi nhasess only assets heo nly assets he The company was establis hed ride around andmore rental, than and 70% up into property100% in buying alwaysownBoerr sbeenn, aHnod au r mtoughaiphsedan ione.n’ st hjoeu rney has had was a owneonr 8s A,u guHst 2o00u8 mby anph ambanitious’ s jcoounutrrysnidee oyf L uahnagpsrab ang Vientiane to find had was a and rental, and up to 100% in porpertyand rental, appraisal. and up to 100% in always been a tough one. propmertoietos rincycl e to province, never a day passed ride around porperty appraisal. alwa yporperty Tsh eb coee mappraisal.panny wasa t eostaubligs hhed on eBorn.Bo r n aandnd rairaisedsed in thine the motorcycle to on 8 August 2008 by an ambitious countrysidecountryside ofof L uaLuangprabangngprabang Vientiane to find The company was established province,province, neneverver a ad ayday pa ssedpassed properties in ride around The company was established on 8 August 2008 by an ambitious without him dreaming about 91 Bo50 Successrn Stories an d raised in the on 8 August 2008 by an ambitious counsolelytry s-i deowned o fentrepreneur, Luang pbecomingraban a gsuccessful business Vientiane to find p91r operties in pro50v Successince, Stories ne ver a day passed 50 Success Stories 91

91 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ lao pdr

At the beginning of the services to clients. And for those operation, the only assets he had clients who are travelling or have Company Profile was a motorcycle to ride around an interest in buying or renting a /OTHVientianeER SERVI to findC propertiesES/ in need property in Lao PDR, the companies LAO PDR Corporate Name: of rent and sell. He also rented a will consign the work over to small room and converted it into RentsBuy and vice versa. This RentsBuy Sole Co., Ltd.

need anof reofficent a nofd hissel lown.. He aAfterlso several Aarrangementgoda, Book providesing.com, the an companyd Airbnb. rentedmonths a small passed, room aHoumphannd conver tedasked Twithhe l broaderaunch a groupsims to ofhe clientslp apart EstablishedCompany: P2008rofile it intohis an sister office and of cousinshis own. to Ahelpfter him in cfromusto mjuster sLao find residents. and reserve Corporate Name: RentsBuy Sole Co., Ltd. sev e r/altheO monT businessHERths SERVIpa standardssed,C ES operations./ accommodation to stay in Lao Number of Employees:LAO 18 PDR Houm Keepphan preserving asked his on sist theer arealnd estate PDR. Currently, the site is in a cousins to help him in the tEnhancingrial period an customers’d will be fully nbusinesseed of re ntethic and sewithll. H etimely also and Agoda, Booking.com, and Airbnb. International Establishs : 2008 Activities: business standard operations. pconvenienceromoted soon withafter. an online requalitynted a smafter-saleall room service and co nisve rwhatted The launch aims to help HavingCompa noutsourcingy Profile of service in Keepit Houmphanp inretose arnv ionffgi ceohasn o ft hhealwaysis r oewn.al e sAbelievedtfaterte platformcustomers find and reserve foreign countries businsevesesr ealt hmonic wthitsh p taimssedly, and accommodation to stay in Lao Corporate Name: RentsBuy Sole Co., Ltd. and that to him, is probably the Number of Employees: 18 qualiHtyo uamfteprh-ansa leask sedrv hiceis s iisst werh aant d PDR. Currently, the site is in a rule of thumb for success. As has been stated at the cousins to help him in the trial period and will be fully Awards: Houmphan has always believed beginning, currently RentsBuy Establishs : 2008 business standard operations. promoted soon after. • Asia Pacific Property Award and that to him, is probably the is offering an online reservation International Activities: KWorkingeep preserv togethering on the rwitheal es tate 2017 in Property Consultancy rule of thumb for success. service for accommodation in Lao Having outsourcing of service in foreign business ethic with timely and countries other co-agents to achieve PDR. The clean, neatly designed, •N ASEANumbe r of BusinessEmployees Award: 18 2016, /OTHER SERVICES/ quality after-sale service is what LAO PDR better results for everyone and interactive webpage of SME Excellence Awards in Houmphan has always believed Awards: Working together with other Innovation and that to him, is probably the Laostay.com got its inspiration International Activitie s: • Asia Pacific Property Award 2017 in co-agrul eenIn otf s t htoum termsabc hfori e svuec ofcebe sst.te businessr from previous successors in online •Having Top 100 outso Excellenceurcing of service Typical in foreign need of rent and sell. He also Agoda, Booking.com, and Airbnb. Property Consultancy resulinternationalization,ts for everyone RentsBuy accommodation reservation sites, countries Enterprise in Indochina 2014 • ASEAN Business Award 2016, SME rented a small room and converted The la unch aims to help is working in close collaboration Agoda, CoBooking.com,mpany Pr oandfile Airbnb. Excel lence Aw ar ds in Innovation it into an office of his own. After c u s In t o m terms ers findof business and re serve Right: Houmphan and the award in Property Consultancy from Awards: Wwithork ian gnumber togeth eofr w internationalith other tTheh e Asia launchPacific Prop aimserty Awa rtods 2help017 customers • Top 100 Excellence Typical internationalization, RentsBuy is Corporate Name: RentsBuy Sole Email:•Co.,A Lsiatd. P acific Property Award 2017 in several months passed, acccorealom-agm estateeondatits tbrokersoo anc thoi e andsvtae ybconsultancy eitnte Lar o find and reserve accommodation Enterprise in Indochina 2014 B elow: The team behind the success of RentsBuy Property Consu ltancy Houmphan asked his sister and wPDorkrRien.sg Cu ilunts rclo rfeosnre tle cvyoe,lla rtyhboeon rseai tite o nis in a [email protected], firms including CBRE Thailand, to stay in Lao PDR. Currently, the • ASEAN Business Award 2016, SME with a number of international [email protected] cousins to help him in the trial JLL, p e In r andi o terms d Knightan ofd wbusiness Frank.ill be fTheseully real Asitebove :is Ex ainmp leas otrialf Rents Bperioduy.com and and laosta ywill.com h ombee page Excellence Awards in Innovation real estate brokers and Right: HoumEpshatna abndl ithseh awsa :rd 2008in Prope rty Consultancy from Email: inestateterna tcompaniesionalizatio nprovide, R ents Buyadvisory is fullythe Asia promotedPacific Property A wsoonards 201 7after. • Top 100 Excellence Typical business standard operations. copnrsoumltaontedcy firsoomsn inc aftleurd.ing CBRE Tel.:inEnf o+856terp@Rreis n20ets in Buy233 Indo. co333chm,in 47a 2014 working in close collaboration Below: The team behind the success of RentsBuy Keep preserving on the real estate Thailand, JLL, and Knight Frank. [email protected] with a number of international business ethic with timely and These real estate companies Above: Examples of RentsBuy.com and laostay.com homepage real estate brokers and Number of Employees: 18 EmailWebsite:: quality after-sale service is what provide advisory services to consultancy firms including CBRE [email protected], clienTtsh.a Andiland f,o JrL tLh, oansed cliKniengthst wFrahon k. RenTtseBuyl.: +@8gm56 ail20.co 23m3 333 47 Houmphan has always believed www.laostay.com a re tTrahveesell irnegal or es thaateve co anmp iannteriese st and that to him, is probably the International Activities: www.mahasab.com in buyipronvgide or a rdevnistorinyg sera pvriocepse troty in We bsite: rule of thumb for success. L ao PcliDeRnt,s t.h Ande co fmorp tanhoisees cli weilnlt s who Having outsourcing of service in foreignTel.: +856 20 233 333 47 countries Facebook:www.RentsBuy.co m, www .laostay.com co nsaignre ttrhaeve wlliorngk or over have to an interest in buying or renting a property in www.facebook.com/ RentsBuy and vice versa. This We bswwite:w.mahasab.com Working together with other arranLgeaom PDenRt, pthreo vcoidesmp anthiee s will Awards: RentsBuyproperty www.RentsBuy .com, www .laostay.com co-agents to achieve better compcoannsyi gnwi the b wroorakder over gr toou ps of • Asia Pacific Property Award 2017 in RentsBuy and vice versa. This w w w .mahasab.com cli ents apart from just Lao Property Consultancy TwitterFacebo andok: Instagram: results for everyone arrangement provides the • ASEAN Business Award 2016, SMwwEw .facebook.com/ RentsBuyproperty re sideconmtsp.an y with broader groups of @RentsBuy Excellence Awards in InnovatFaiocenbo ok: In terms of business Righclit: Heonutmsp ahapna arntd fthreo amwa rjdu istn P Lroapoer ty Consultancy from the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2017 • Top 100 Excellence Typical internationalization, RentsBuy is residents. Officialwww.facebo oLine:k.co mRentsBuy/ RentsBuyproperty Enterprise in Indochina 2014 Twitter and Instagram: @RentsBuy EnBelhowa:n Thcei tneagm bcuehinsdt tohem succeersss o’f RentsBuy working in close collaboration with a number of international convenience with an online Twitter and Instagram: @RentsBuy EnAbove:han Examplescing cu of RentsBuy.comstomers ’and Off icial Line: RentsBuy pAlabotvfelaostay.como: Erxmamp les homepageof RentsBuy.com and laostay.com homepage Email: real estate brokers and convenience with an online consultancy firms including CBRE pAlsa thfaosr mbee n stated at the [email protected], Off icial Line: RentsBuy beginning, currently RentsBuy is Thailand, JLL, and Knight Frank. Right: A Houmphans has bee andn thesta awardted aint Propertythe [email protected] offeriConsultancyng an on fromlin thee r Asiaese Pacificrvat Propertyion Awards These real estate companies beginning, currently RentsBuy is service2017 fo / rThe a cteamco mmbehindo thedat succession ofin RentsBuy Lao provide advisory services to offering an online reservation Above: Houmphan and t he award in Property Consultancy from PDR. The clean, neatly designed, the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2017 / The team behind the service for accommodation in Lao success of RentsBuy clients. And for those clients who Above: HoumTpehaln.: a n+d t8he5 a6wa r20d in P 23roper3ty Co33ns3ult a4nc7y from and iPDnteractiR. Thev cle ewanebp, neaagetly o df esigned, the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2017 / The team behind the are travelling or have an interest success of RentsBuy Laosant92ady .icnoteractim gotv eit ws einsbppageira otiof n 50 Success Stories in buying or renting a property in fromL paroesvtaioyu.cso msu cgceot sitsso insrs ipnir onatiolinn e We bsite: Lao PDR, the companies will accomfrommo pdatirevioonu sr esuserccevsastoiorsn i nsi tonesl,i n e consign the work over to accommodation reservation sites, www.RentsBuy.com, www.laostay.com RentsBuy and vice versa. This w w w .mahasab.com arrangement provides the 92 company with broader groups of 50 Success Stories 92 50 Success Stories clients apart from just Lao Facebook: residents. www.facebook.com/ RentsBuyproperty

Twitter and Instagram: @RentsBuy Enhancing customers’ convenience with an online platform Off icial Line: RentsBuy As has been stated at the beginning, currently RentsBuy is offering an online reservation service for accommodation in Lao Above: Houmphan and the award in Property Consultancy from PDR. The clean, neatly designed, the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2017 / The team behind the success of RentsBuy and interactive webpage of

Laostay.com got its inspiration from previous successors in online accommodation reservation sites,



aa SamartSamart EventEvent Organizer Organizer Co., Co., Ltd. Ltd. aa Samart Event Organizer Co., Ltd. AA professionalprofessiona levent even torganizer organizer from from Lao Lao PDR PD Rwith wit hthe the A prexperienceexopferiesesncioena of o florganizing orgaevennizt orgaing an an event izerevent fforro for mthe t heL formerao for PmDer PresidentR P wreistidh etnhet expofoferi thethee ncUnited Unie otefd orgaStates Statesniz ing an event for the former President of t he United States

Mr. Anoulack Making good use of PATHOMMAVONG is the relationships with large Mr. Anoulack PATHOMMAVONG ManagingMr Direc. Anotulor aockf S amart MakingenterpMakri goodsesi n guse go ofod use of Eveis thent OManagingrganizer aDirectornd is a multi of Samart- PATHOMMAVONG is the relationships Linrkeinlag twiioth nwith slahrgeip large s with large taEventlented eOrganizerntrepreneu r wandho hasis a a enterprisesenterprises is one of the key paManassion gingfor en Directertaintmore notf aSnadm thaer t enterprises multitalented entrepreneur who success factors of Samart Event adEvevertnisemt Oregant ninduizers taryn,d an isd ais multithe - has a passion for entertainment Organizer. T hLeiyn’vkei nbgee win wthor lkairngeg ketay lebenhtedind tehnet surecpcesrens eouf Irn wdeheo has a Linking with large enterprises and the advertisement industry, closely wientterh Lpaor’isses loca isl loanrgee of the key Rpecaosrsdiso ann fdo mr eannyter mtoraien ment and thise one of the key success factors of and is the key behind the success enterprises as well as businesses. Samart sEventucces sOrganizer. factors o fThey’ve Samar t Event ofa dIndeeverti semRecordsent induand smanytry, an mored is themulti national enterprises. been workingOrgan izer.closely T hwithey’v eLao’s been working businesses.key behind the success of Indee local “largeOncleo oseenterprisesf olyur wi bitghgest L a ascol’ isewell nlotsca isasl l arge MRueltcio-tradlse nantedd m eveannyt m ore Beerlao e(nLaterosp’ leriasesding a sb rweweryell a)s, organibusineazsseser a. n d Advertisement multinational enterprises. Multi-talented event who hasmulti gracionausltiyo bnaleen e onurter prises. pr oducer organi azer and cu“Onestom erof f orour ov ebiggestr 10 yea rclientss ,” said is As its name indicates, Samart Anoulack. B ee“Orlanoe hoafs o huros tbeidg gest clients is AdvertisementMulti-talented producer event Beerlao (Laos’ leading brewery), Mr. Anoulack PATHOMMAVONG, Event Organizer provides all kinds various Bkienedrsla oof l(aLrgeao esv’ elenatsding such brewery), organi azer and Advertisemewhont has graciously been our Managing Director of entertainment and business as the Bweehrlao oh Masu gsirca Zcoionue,sl y been our prAso ditsu cnameer indicates, Samart customer for over 10 years ,” said events ranging from classical Beerlao cWusatterom Ferst f, oran do vBeere r10lao years ,” said cEventoncer ts, Organizercircus sho wsprovides, large-sc aleall Anoulack. Beerlao has hosted KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS As its name indicates, SamarGt lobal CoAnuonultdoawn.ck. BSaeemralart oE vheanst hosted Mr. Anoulack PATHOMMAVONG, pkindsarties , runof ninentertainmentg and outdoor and variousOrganizer kinds has a lsofo orlargeganis edevents a Mr . Anoulack PATHOMMAVONG, Event Organizer provides all kindsuchs as vtheari oBeerlaous kind Musics of la rZone,ge ev ents such • LeverManagingaging bus iDirectorness sbusinessports eve nteventss, year -enrangingd from classical concert with sponsorship Managing Director of entertainment and business Beerlao aWaters the BFest,eerla ando M uBeerlaosic Zo ne, connections cclassicalountdown concerts,s, motor shcircusows, an shows,d by Toyota Motor o f Japan. These preevess ncotsn fraernengingces t ofro namm ecl aa fsesw.ica l Globalevents usCountdown.Bueallerlay hoo Wst t ahSamartterou sFanesd tEvents, ofan d Beerlao • Taking local culture as large-scale parties, running and KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS concerts, circus shows, large-scalOrganizerep eople, Ganl odhas bthale Cosalsocoup en torganisedodf othwn.e eve Sn ata m art Event KEY iSUnspCirCatESSion for ELEMEN innovation TS outdoor They alsportsso arr anevents,ge all tyyear-endpes of • Leveraging business classicalis massi ve.concert with sponsorship acountdowns,dpvaerrtisemes, reunnt sn motorsiuncgh ana s shows,dLED ou td oandor Organizer has also organised a • Hconnectionsuman capital training by Toyota Motor of Japan. These • Leveraging business apressdsvpeorrt iconferencestssin egve, rnaditso, ys ptoeoa tnamers-,e anndd a s few.ocial Thcleya asrsei caallso c aocnticerve itn wi theth sponsorship • Taking local culture as media. They attract local young events usually host thousands of connections countdowns, motor shows, and politicalb any Td obyuositane Mss osptoacer o suf cJh a pan. These PROFILEinspiration for innovation an pdrThey easdsu lc to Lalsonafoe ge rearrangennecerasti oton sn allaasm wtypesee lla fe w.people, as with andepveoli nctheyt sdia usscopelougueall ofy an h thedo sp trevent etshso u sands of • Ta•k i Humanng loca capitall cultu trainingre as aofs int advertisementsernational trave lesuchrs t o asLa oLED isco massive.nferenpceeosp, anle,d an hads ctohoer dinscoaptede o f the event Samart Event Organizer was PDR. They also arrange all types ofan official event upon the visit of inspiration for innovation advertising, radio spots, and social is massive. established in 2006, with the aim advertisements such as LED forTheymer UareS p realsoside ntactive H.E. Minr. the • o Hf devumelaonpi ncga pthiet aadvertisementl train ing media.“Wit hThey the a idattract of tec hlocalnolo gy,young PROFILE advertising, radio spots, and socipoliticalalBa rack O and b a ma Tbusiness.h ey are spacealso asuchctive in the industry and promote awareness oandur c oadultmpan Laoy ha generationss reached ou tas to well a of local and imported products laasmrge einternational dia.audi e Tnhce,e yw ah titravelerstcrha hcat sl ohcae ltople ydLaoo ung as withOth epoliticalpolicyr than dialogueeve anntd o rbga uandsniinz aepresstsios ns,p ace such PROimFILE porSamartted pro dEventucts. Organizer was tPDR.hane cdo madpanulty Lgraoow ge trenmereantdiounssl ya s wellconferences,S amart asEve withn tand O rpga ohasnliizerc ycoordinated dia alsolo gue an d press established in 2006, with the aim ina as 10intyeeranar pteiorionald,” tsarayves lers to Lao anpr ovofficialidecs oan dvfeventeicere onn ce uponmsa, rank edtthei nhg a svisit co ordinated One of the highlights was Sofam developingart Event Otherg aadvertisementnizer was An o“Withulack .the “The aid increased of technology, use of our ofac tformerivities forUS la presidentrge multina H.E.tional Mr. organising an event for H.E. Mr. PDR. an official event upon the visit of establindustryished in and200 6,promote with the awareness aim eCommercecompany has is reachedalso one out of a to key a large for Barackenterp rObama.ises such as Toyota, Pepsi Barack Obama, the former and Carflosbremrg.er US president H.E. Mr. o f devofel olocalpi ng tandhe advertisement imported products businessaudience,“Wi growth”.t hwhich the a idhas o f helpedtechno ltheogy, president of the United States of our company has reached out to a Barack Obama. induAmerisimportedtry acna,d u ppromote products.on his vis awarenessit to Lao company grow tremendously in OtherIn 10 thanyear timevente, S aorganization,mart Event large audience, which has helped Organizer haOst mhearde t hitans p oesveitinont oinr ga nization, of localPDR and. imported products a 10 year period,” says Anoulack. Samart Event Organizer also impor tedOne pr odofu ctthes. highlights was “Thethe cincreasedompany usegro wof teCommerceremendou slyprovides S amadviceart E veonn t Omarketingrganizer also organising an event for H.E. isin also a 10 oneye aofr pae rkeyiod ,for” sa businessys activitiesp rforov idelarges a dmultinationalvice on mark eting OMr.ne oBarackf the h iObama,ghlight s thewa sformer growth”.Anoulack. “The increased use of enterprisesact isuchvitie sas for Toyota, large mulPepsiti national organpresidentising an eofve thent fUnitedor H.E. States Mr. of and Carlsberg. In 10 year time,93 50 Success Stories eCommerce is also one of a key for enterprises such as Toyota, Pepsi BarackAmerica, Obam aupon, the fhisorm visiter to Lao business growth”. Samart Eventand C Organizerarlsberg. has made presidePDR.nt of the United States of its position in the Laos’ Meeting, America, upon his visit to Lao In 10 year time, Samart Event Organizer has made its position in PDR. 50 Success Stories 93

93 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ LAO PDR

the Laos’ Meeting, Incentive Government support for Company Profile Travel, Conference and human capital training Exhibition/Event (MICE) market. Samart Event Organizer has Corporate Name: financial support from Lao Samart Event Organizer Co., Ltd Keeping Laos’ local culture government agencies, mainly from the Department of SME with innovative ideas Established: 2006 Promotion (DOSMEP) to have L a o PDR has a reputation technical training. Anoulack as one of the favorite travel believes that enhancing the Number of Employees: 11-50 destinations for international human capabilities of company travelers. The country has staff is critical to exceed the beautiful mountains and capital, expectations of today’s IInternationalnternational AActivities:ctivities: Inbound world heritage and culinary demanding international Having inbound tourism advantages. Awards: The company received local and travelers. international recognitions To these existing assets of the Awards: The company received local country, Samart Event Organizer and international recognitions. adds new and innovative energy Email: and transforms the country into [email protected] an even more attractive Email: [email protected] destination. Tel.: +856 20 28890000, /OTHER SERVICES/ LAO PDR /OTHER SERVICES/ LAO PDR +856 21 254114

t/OTHERhe Laos’ Mee SERVICES/ting, Incentive Government support for LAO PDR Company Profile Tel.: +856 20 288 90000, tThrea veLalo, sC’o Meenferteingce, Incande ntive Ghuomvearnnm caepnita slu tppraionritn fgo r Exhibition/Event (MICE) market. Company Profile Travel, Conference and humSaamna crat pEivetanlt t Orargainninizerg has Corporate Name: +856 21 254114 EIncentivexhibition /Travel,Event (ConferenceMICE) mar kandet. and transforms the country into an finaSnacmiala surt Eppveonrtt fOrorgam nLizerao has CSamorparorta Evte eNnamet Or:ga nizer Co., Ltd Facebook: Exhibition/Event (MICE) market. even more attractive destination. Kee ping Laos’ local culture fingovaenrcnimal esuntp apgeornt cfroiesm, m Laionl y Company Samart Ev Profileent Organizer Co., Ltd from the Department of SME wKeitehp inng oLavaots’iv elo icdaelas cu lture government agencies, mainly E stablished: 2006 Keeping Laos’ local culture GovernmentPrfroomm tohtieo Dn e(pD asupportOrtmeSMEnPt )o ftfor oS MhaEve www.facebook.com/samarteventorganizer w i t h i n n ovative ideas CorporateEstablished Name:: 2006 Lao PDR has a reputation tecProhmnoictalio ntr (aDinOinSgM. EAPn)o tuola hckave Facebook: awiths one innovativeof the favorit eideas travel human capital training Samart Event Organizer Co., Ltd L a o PDR has a reputation tecbelhienvesical t htraati enninhgan. Acinogu tlaheck Number of Employees: 11-50 destas oninae otifo tnhse fforav oinriternte traatveionall www.facebook.com/samarteventorganizer Lao PDR has a reputation as one Samarthbeumlieavesn c tahpaaEventtb eilitnhiane s coifn Organizercgo tmhep any N umber of Employees: 11-50 desttraveinalertsi.o nTsh feor c oinuntryterna htaiosnal staff is critical to exceed the Established: 2006 of the favorite travel destinations hash umfinancialan cap asupportbilities o ffrom com panLaoy btreaaveutleifulrs. m Tohunte coauntryins an hda cas pital, expectations of today’s IInternationalnternational AActivities:ctivities: Inbound for international travelers. The governmentstaff is cri tagencies,ical to ex mainlyceed th frome wbeoaruldtiful her mitagounte aanidn sc uanlinda caryp ital, demanding international I Havingnternati inboundonal Activiti tourismes: Inbound country has beautiful mountains thee Departmentxpectations ooff SMEtoday Promotion’s NumberInternational of Employees: Activities: awdovranld taghereis.tag e and culinary travelers. AHavingwards: inbound The company tourism received local and and capital, world heritage and (DOSMEP)demanding to in ternhaveat ionaltechnical 11-50 a d v an Totag thees.se existing assets of the travelers. Ainternationalwards: The companyrecognitions received local and culinary advantages. training. Anoulack believes that Awards: The company received local country, Samart Event Organizer international recognitions To these existing assets of the enhancing the human capabilities InternationalAwards:and international The company Activities: recognitions. received local adds new and innovative energy Emai l: c ounTotr y,these Sam existingart Even assetst Orga nofizer the of company staff is critical to Havingand internationalinbound tourism recognitions. anaddds t rnanews fanormd isn tnhoev caotiuvent eryn einrgyto petiEmaindl:e [email protected] country, Samart Event Organizer exceed the expectations of today’s Email: anan de vetrann mosforem ast thraec ctiovuen try into [email protected] adds new and innovative energy demanding international travelers. [email protected] destan eveinant imoon.r e a t t r active Awards:Email: T [email protected].: +856 20 28890000, destination. The company received local T e l . : +856 2201 22584819140000 , and international recognitions Tel.: ++856856 2201 2 2885411 90000,4

+856 21 254114 Email:FTel.:aceb +856ook: 20 288 90000, [email protected] +856 21 254114 Fwwwaceb.fooacebk: ook.com/samarteventorganizer Facebook: www.facebook.com/samarteventorganizer Tel.:Facebook:www.facebook.com/samarteventorganizer +856 20 288 90000 www.facebook.com/samarteventorganizer +856 21 254114

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ samarteventorganizer

Above and left: Above and left: Examples of events organized by Samart Event Organizer Examples of events organized by Samart Event Organizer Above and left: Examples of events organized by Samart Event Organizer

94 50 Success Stories 94 50 Success Stories Above: Examples of events organized by Samart Event Organizer

94 50 Success Stories

94 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ cambodia /OTHER SERVICES/ CAMBODIA


aa aa SOPHIYASOPHIYA Travel Trave l& & Tours Tours SOPHIYA Travel & Tours AnAn outstanding outstandin gtourism tourism company compan thaty tha openst open thes the gateway gateway connectingAconnecn outstanditing the then worldg w toourrisml dto t Cambodiao Ccoammpbanodiay t ha t opens the gateway connec ting the world to Cambodia

brand. Therefore, she decided to A strong team driving aboutbsetran udp . CambodiaaT htrearveeforl beu, s sitohne sfellowdse, cSiOdedPH world tIoY A toAb byussinesst rherong team.t greaowm Asdthr ivingdescribed by travellersTravel & Tobyu rsoffering, to spre adinnovative the Sophear, the company of only 27 set up a travel business, SOPHIYA b u siness To S o grphoweart, ha part of her andTwroarve affordabled la &bo Tuotu Cras ,mtravel tob osdiapr packages.e atod ftehlleo w full-time emplo yees is composed b u s i nToessS osuphcceeasrs, ias pcaorntt orifb huetre d to wwoorrdld a tbroauvet lClearms boydia off etroi nfegll ow of a very strong and talented bbuys hineers tse asum.cc Aesss d ise sccornibtreidb ubtye d to winnoroldvat triaveve lanlerds abffyo orfdaferbilneg t ravel The company offers exciting team.bSyo phhe Everyre ater,a tm.h estaff A cso md ememberpsancriyb oedf on bisyl ywell ipnnackovatagesive. and affordable travel tours ranging from free and easy educatedS27oph fuell-timear , andthe employees cohasmp anbeeny o isf on workingly p a ck a gesThe. company offers exciting tours to those that are more with27co mfu thepll-timeo sedcompany o employeesf a ve r fory s taro islongn g an time.d t o u r s T rhane giconmg pfranomy ofrffeeer sa nedxc eitaisyng challenging and adventurous, and Allctao mleofnp tedothemsed te oa fm. aare vEve reyequippedr syt rsotanfgf man edwithm be r ttoouurrss rtano tgihonseg f trhoamt afrree mo anrde e asy the in-depth exploration of culture, high-techtaisle wnetedll e dteutoolsacatm.e Evdthat anerdy hswouldtaasf fb mee enmhelp ber tcohuallrse tnoging those an tdh aatd avreen moturoreu s, and history, and tradition depends customersiws owrekllin egd wiuandcatthe tenhancedh ean cdom hap satheir nbyee fno r own a cthalle inen-depgingth a nexdp alodrvaetniotunro ofu s, and wloonrgk itnimg wie. Alth lt ohfe t choemmp aarney for a ontchue l tintheur-edep , desirehitshto erxy, pof lano radthet tior andcustomers. oitfi on capabilities when delivering their leqonuig ptipmeed. wAlitlh o fh tighhem-te acrhe t ools that Itcdepeu lturcurrentlyned, sh oisnt otrh y,e dancoversesdi rter ao df itt5hio en main services. Moreover, SOPHIYA eqwouiuldpp ehde lwp icthu shtoighme-tersc ahn tdo ols that destinationsdepecustonmdse rosn. It thwhich ceu drresei nraretle yo fcCambodia, othvere s 5 Travel & Tours also has its own wenohuldan cehe ltph eciurs otownm ecarsp aanbdilit ies Laocmusati oPDR,nm dersst Myanmar,i.na It tciuorrnse wntl hThailand,yic cho averre s 5 and in-house tour leaders and tour ewnhheann cede ltihveirri nogwn th caeirp seabrilitviceiess. VietmCamin Nam.b doedia,stina Ltaio nPsD wRh, iMchy aanrem ar, escorts. These travel with the wMhorene odvereliv, eSrOinPHg thIYeAir Tserravveicel &s. CTahmailbaondia,d, a Lnado V PiDetnRa, m.My anmar, group to provide more in-depth MTooruerso veralso, ShOasPH itsI YoAwn T rinave-hlo &use T h a il aDuend, taon tdh Ve igertnowam.th o f the Due to the growth of the andTtoo utechnicalrr sle aalderso hsa asinformationn idts t ownur e insc-orh othantsu.se a b u s i nDueess ,t Soo tphhee garro lwaterth o ffo tundhe ed business, Sophear later founded regulartTohuerse le touratrderave sguidel a windth t would. otuhre egsrcoorupts t.o bthuesi SnOesPsH, SIoYphA Ceaorr plaorterat ifonund, ine d MMrs.rs. OkOkhnahna SreatSreat MomMom Sophear,Sophear, the SOPHIYA Corporation, in Tphroesevide tr amveorl wie inth- dethpe tghr oanudp to twhhe iScOh PshHeI YtooA kC oSrOpPHoraItYioAn T, irna vel & Mrs. Okhna FSrFounderoeundat Moer m Sophear, which she took SOPHIYA Travel ptecInrohv doingindeic alm iorso,nfeor Sophearinm-deatipotnh makest ahnand a sure wThoiucrh a snhde Utoo&Mk SEO SPHpa,I MYAa sTsraageve &l & Founder & Tour and U&ME Spa, Massage thattecregul hallnai cofral t o heriunrfor gstaffuimdaet ireceive wono ulthdan. enough a TSoaluorn a nudn derU&M thEe cSoprap,o Mraatsiosnage’s & KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS & Salon under the corporation’s trainingr e gul aInr tdoouandirn g uisod,havee S wopo huledacomplete.r makes KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS Swingalon formingunder th ae successfulc o rporatio n’s KEY SUCCESS ELEMENTS wing forming a su ccessful knowledge s ur e Inth adto ainllg abouto sf oh,e Sr op stahdestinationsffea rre mceivakee s • wingbusin formingess emp iar esuccessful o f her own. The • A A str strongong t teameam ooff eeducatedducated andseurn oeug totherhha tt raall i noifrelatedn hge anr sdta hffa rvnecessaryeeceiv e businessbsuscicneesss t reempireanmpsliaretes o off in h etheror on wn.umown.e Troh uThee s • Aan andstrd co committedongm mteaittme do f sstaff teadfuf cated ecnoomugplhe tetr akinoinwlg eandgde haaboveu t successsaucchciesvems ttranslatesranensltsa stesuc hin intoatso tnh umenumerous Berost us information before they go out in • aTendc hcnoomlogimittcaeld i nstaefgrf ation cdestompinaletetio knnso awlnded ogteh earbo reulat ted • Technological integration achievementsaOcuhtibevemounden Ttos usrusuch cOhp ae sr aasttho er theBoef st th Beste the field. And most importantly, • Teforc hbnettoleogir secarvil icnetse gr ation destnecesinasatrioyn isn faonrdm oatthioenr rbeelafotedre they for better services OutboundOYueatbr ofrundom TtTourhoeu rMe O pkOperatoroernagt oTro ouf r itofsmhe the she ensures that her staff are • ngeoces ousta irny tihnef ofiremlda.t iAonnd b mefosrte they • f K or Knowingno bwettinger yse yourorviur c ccompetitioneomps etition YearYAlealiran ffromrceom A tw htheaer Med , aMekongkmoonng gTsot uoTourismrthismers. capable of communicating in many gimo opuort tainn ttlhye, fisheled e. nAsnurd ems othsta t her • Kanandnodw h howiongw ty tooo ud differentiateriff ceomprenteitaitteion AllianceAlAtl itanhece sa AmAward,wea timrd, ea ,m amongstSonphgseta or thhothers.eerrses. lf languages to be able to serve imstapffor ataren ctlayp,a sbhle eonf sures that her ayondu rshoewlf t o differentiate Awast th ael soam reec otimgnies, eSdo phas eaa r herself multinational groups of customers. yourself At the same time, Sophear herself sctoamff marunice capaatibnlge ionf many yo urself wassucc aelsssof ulre cbougnisinseesds oaswn a er. She was also recognised as a successful clanomguagmunices atoti nbge ianb mle aton ys erve PROFILE swasucc erecssfeuln tlbyu saiwarnesds eodwn theer .2 S0h1e7 business owner. She was recently Improvinglanmultiguagnaetsio tonal theb eg roa bqualityulep sto o sf er veof the PROFILE wasASE recANe Yntlouy tahwar Socdieald Entrepreneurthe 2017 P RO FILEBeing misunderstood so awarded the 2017 ASEAN Youth multicustonametirosnal. groups of AASwEaArdN i Yno Manuth ilSoa.,ci Philippinesal Entrepreneur from service with technology and o f t e n B beyin fgor miseignunerders ast ao oTdh asoi girl, a c u s t o mers. Being misunderstood so often SocialAthwea Ards iiannEntrepreneur Man Youiltha., Social Philippines Award from in innovation opfatessni obny- fdorrieveignn ebrans aksi nag T anhadi girl, a I m p roving the quality of the Manila.,tEhne tArespianr ePhilippinesn Yeouurtshh iSocialp Association from the Asian pfinbyasas nioforeignerscen- gdrraiveduna te banas an kdian angThai an exd- cagirl,bin a Isemrpvriocevin wgit hth tee cqhunaoliltoygy of atnhde YouthE(NYC). ntrep r eSocialneur s hipEntrepreneurship Association fincpassion-drivenreawn cem egmrabdeura, teO kanhnadbanking an Sr exa-t caMom binand seinn Asrv oai cvafull-fledgede twioitnh tec handno ltechnologyogy and Association (NYC). cSrfinanceoephw meaerm sawgraduateber t, hOek imh naandpo Sr rtaaneantce ex-cabinMom of (NYC). orientedinnova ttravelion & tour services As a full-fledged and Sdevcrewopheleo amember,pri sawng h tehr eb imOkhnaelopvedorta cSreatnoceuntr o fy Mom’s company, SOPHIYA Travel & As a full-fledged and devSophearelopin g sawher btheeloved importance country’s of A strong team driving Tours has exciting products to offer developing her beloved country’s business growth to travellers, regardless of their brand. Therefore, she decided to travel purpose. For efficiency in 95 50set Success up a Storiestravel business, SOPHIYA To Sophear, a part of her business operations, ticketing and95 50Travel Success & Stories Tours, to spread the word business success is contributed hotel reservation can be done and

50 Success Stories 95 /OTHER SERVICES/ CAMBODIA technology oriented travel & tour Realising who your competitor is and striving hard to improve and services company, SOPHIYA Company Profile Travel & Tours has exciting to win Corporate Name: Sophiya Travel & Tours products to offer to travellers, Sophear realises that there is regardless of their travel purpose. always competition in every business For efficiency in business sector. “We do have competitors. But Establish: 2005 operations, ticketing and hotel we are never afraid of them. Actually, reservation can be done and they make us strive harder to improve confirmed by the online and keep abreast of information about Number of Employees: 27 application. The company has attractions and destinations with partnered with world-wide training and quality services to airlines via the IATA booking InternationalInternational Activities:Activities: improve our standards, and to Having outsourcing of serives in engine to improve the flight • Having outs ourcing of services in differentiate ourselves/OTHER from t hSERVICES/em,” foreign countries cambodia booking procedure through a one /OTHER SERVI foreignCES /countries CAMBODIA Sophear stated. She also added that • Inbound tourism stop ticketing service shop. This Inbound touri conducting research isconfirmed very c byru theci onlineal tteco application. hnology or ienRealisingted travel & who tour yourRe alising who your competitor is helps the company to book tickets services company, SOPHIYA and striving hard to improve and The/OT companyHER SERVI has partneredCES/ with competitor is and striving CAMBCOoDmIApa ny Profile SOPHIYA Travel & Tours to Travel & Tours has exciting to win Company Profile to any part of the world without world-wide airlines via the IATAAw ahardrds: to improve and to win understand what the mbookingarke tengine reall toy pimproveroducts tothe offer to travellers, Corporate Name: Sophiya Travel & Tours technology oriented travel & tour TheR ecompanyalising wh haso yo receivedur co m p eSo localtitphore i aandsr real ises that there is having to go to the official regardless o•f the20ir tr1a7ve AlSE purpANose. Yo uth Social Corporate Name: wants. By participatinserflightg viinces bookingt rcoamvepan l procedurey,tr SaOdePH IY Athrough and striving hard to ialmwapryosve co amnpde tition in every business For efficieninternationalcy in buSophearsiness recognitionsrealises that includingthere SophiyaCompan Travely Prof i&le Tours purchasing channel of each airline a one stop ticketing service shop. to Ewnintr epreneur Awasecrdsto r. “We do have competitors. But Establish: 2005 shows in the region anTrdave olt &h Teoru rws heass teexocripnteinr ga tions, tickeisti nalwaysg and h ocompetitiontel in every This helps the company to book• 2017 ASEAN Youthwe aSocialre never afraidCo orpfo trhateem. Name Ac: tSuaophlliyy,a Travel & Tours operator. The same goes for hotel products to offer to travellers, • business 20 So16ph Oute arsector. sretaalnisdie s n“Wethga tW thdooemr e enishave markets, the companytickets can ntoo anyt o nlparty rofeser theva tworldion ca n be done and they make us strivEstablish:e harder t 2005o improve regardless of their travel purpose. al wacompetitors. EEntrepreneurshipsnyst rceopmrpeneeti tiurButon iA nw weevae rrdsyare Award b u sneverines s(AYSEA) reservations, since the company Fwithoutor effic ihavingency in tobu gosinc etoosn sthe firm officialed by the online and keep abreast of information about Number of Employees: 27 announce its presence to customers, • sec afraid 2016tor. “ We Outstandingof d othem. have coActually,mp eWomentitor s. theyBu t Establish: 2005 opurchasingperations, tchannelicketing ofanapp deach hlioctea airlinetlio n.• T he Tcohme pBanesyt h Oasutb ound Tour Operator of has also linked up with world- wemake are ne usver strive afraid harder of thea m.ttotr aAimproveccttiuaonllsy, a nd destNumberinatio nofs wEmployees:ith 27 but also capture the toroperator.euserrivsmatio n Thet craen same nbed d o npgoesfea ratnn forde re hoteld wi t h w tEntrepreneurorheld Y-weaider, Meko Awardng Touri (CYEA)sm Allianc e they make us strive hardterra tion imngp ranoved quality services to International Activities: wide hotel booking engines to confirmed by the onlianier lines via t h e I ATand 2015A keepbo Theok iabreastn g1st Outstanding of information ASEAN International Activities: markets outside of Careservations,mbodia. since the company• anAd wkeeaprd a breast of inforimmaptrioonve a boouurt s tandaInternationalNumbrdse,r a onf Empd tol o Activities:yees: 27 Having outsourcing of serives in application. The compeannginy hea st o improveabout the attractionsflight and destinations • Having outs ourcing of services in assist with its accommodation has also linked up with worldwide • a t t TrWomenahceti o1nsts Aan SEEntrepreneurd destANina Btuidiosnifnsf eewrssie tAwardnhwt ioatem eou nr se lves from them,” foreign countries partnered with world-bwoiodeki ng proceduwithre th trainingrough a andone quality services Having outsourcing of services foreign countries hotel booking engines to assist with training and quality servSiceophs toe ar stated. She also added that • Inbound tourism reservation procedure. airlines via the IATA bsotoopki tnigck etin• g se tor F2014vo iceimproverum sho The opf. TourOu Besthi ststandards, st aOutboundnding andASE TourtoA N InternationalIninternati foreignonal countriesActivities:Activities: Inbound touri its accommodation reservation improve our standards, acnodn dtou cting resear c h i Havings very outsourcingcrucial to of serives in engine to improve the flight differentiate WOperatoromen E nourselvesoftr theepr eneYear, fromur, etc. them,”etc. • Inbound Having tourism outs ourci ng of services in helps the compdianffeyr teon tbiaoteok o tiurcsekelvests from them,” foreign countries procedure. SOPHIYA Travel & T o foreignurs to countries booking procedure thtro uagnhy a p onaret of theSophear world wi stated.thou tShe also added that Inbound tourism Awards: So phear stated. She also undaddedrs tthanatd what t• h e mInboundarket touri really stop ticketing service hshoavpin. gT htois go toc othconductingned uocftfinciga rl e seresearcharch is veryis very cru crucialcial to Awards: The company has received local and helps the company to book tickets wants. By particip ating in travel trade • 2017 ASEAN Youth Social purchasing channSOtoPHe lSOPHIYA IoYfA e aTcrhave a ilr Travel&lin Teo ur s& to Tours to The company has received localinternational Entreprene recognitionsur Awards including to any part of the world without shows in the regioAnw arnds:d other western operator. The sundaunderstandmeer sgtoanesd f worh what ahto tteh ethel m amarketrket re allreallyy • 20201716 OutASEANstandi Youthng W Socialomen markets, the comandpThean internationalcompanyy can n ohast o receivednl recognitionsy local and having to go to the official Telwa.:wants. n+t8s.55 By By(p0a r)tparticipating i1c2ip a9t6in2g i9n02 tr ain ve ltravel trade • 2017 ASEAN Youth Social EEntrepreneurshipsntrepreneur Awards Award (AYSEA) reservations, since the company including:international recognitions including purchasing channel of each airline announce its presenceE nttore cpurenestourm Aewrasr,ds • T2016he B esOutstandingt Outbound Women Tour Oper ator of has also linkeds hutradeopw wis it nshowsh t wheor rel indg-i othen a regionnd oth eandr w eotherstern 2017 ASEAN Youth Social operator. The same goes for hotel but also capture t•h• 2017 e to20u 1ASEANr6i smOuts tar nYouthedinndg oW fSocial omen tEntrepreneurhe Year, Meko Awardng Touri (CYEA)sm Alliance m awesternrkets, t hmarkets,e compan they c acompanyn not onl cany Entrepreneurships Award (AYSEA) reservations, since thewi codme phanoteyl booking engines to Entrepreneur Awards • A2015ward The 1st Outstanding ASEAN announce its presence tom cuasrtkoemtse rosu, tside o • f Entrepreneur C a 2016mbo Outstandingdia. Award Women (AYSEA) assist with its acnotcom onlymod announceation its presence to • The Best Outbound Tour Oper • a t o r T Womenohf e 1st A SEEntrepreneurAN Business Awardwome n has also linked up with world- Webbust ite:also c apture the tourism trend of • 2016 Entrepreneur Outstanding Award Women (CYEA) reservation procedcustomers,ure. but also capture the the Year, Mekong Tourism All• i anc e F2014 orum The of Ou Besttst aOutboundnding ASE TourAN wide hotel booking engines to markets outside of Cambodia. • A2015ward The 1st Outstanding ASEAN Entrepreneur Awards (CYEA) Operator of the Year, etc. assist with its accommodation tourism trend of markets outside Womenst Entrepreneur Award Women Entrepreneur, etc. www.sophiyatours.com • The 1 ASEst AN Businesswomen reservation procedure . of Cambodia. •• 2015 F2014o rTheum The o1f Ou BestOutstandingtst aOutboundnding ASE TourAN ASEAN WOperatorome Womenn E noftr theepr EntrepreneureneYear,ur, etc. etc. Award Tel.: +855 (0) 12 962 902 Facebook: • 2014 The Best Outbound Tour

TeOperatorl.: +855 (0 of) 1 2the 96 2Year, 902 etc www.facebook.com/SophiyaTravelAn d Website: Tours Tel.:Webs ite:+855 (0) 12 962 902 www.sophiyatours.com www.sophiyatours.com Website: Facebook: www.sophiyatours.com Above: Sophear giving an acceptance speech at the Cambodia Youth Entrepreneurship Facebook: www.facebook.com/SophiyaTravelAnd Award for the 2016 Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Award www.facebook.com/SophiyaTraveTlAnoursd Facebook: Tours www.facebook.com/

Below (left) : The team at SOPHIYA Travel & Tours Above: Sophear giving an acceptance speech at the Cambodia Youth Entrepreneurship SophiyaTravelAndTours Below (right): A picture from the trip arranged by SOPHIYA & Tour Above: Sophear giving an acceptanceAward for speech the 2016 at Outstanding the Cambodia Women Youth Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Award Award for the A2016bove Outstanding: Sophear giving Women an acceptance Entrepreneur speech at the AwardCambodia Youth Entrepreneurship Award for the 2016 Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Award

Below (left) : The team at SOPHIYA Travel & Tours Below (left): The team at SOPHIYA Travel & Tours BelowBelow (left) (right): : The team A pictureat SOPHIYA from Travel Below the & trip Tours(right): arranged A picture by SOPHIYA from the trip & arrangedTour by SOPHIYA & Tour Below (right): A picture from the trip arranged by SOPHIYA & Tour

96 96 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 96 50 Success Stories 96 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ THAILAND

aa Udon Auto Glass Co., Ltd. A successful company of 200 people that has conquered the entire Northea/OTHERstern r SERVICES/egion of Thailand in auto glass installation and THAILAND /OTHER SERVICES/ THAILAND auto related servi ces


aa UdonUd Autoon Au Glassto Glass Co., CoLtd.., Ltd.

AU successfuldA osucnce sAucompanysful comtobup Glasssofanin 200ye sosf w200peopleom Copeoplean th in. at ,U that dLtd.has on has cT onqueredhan conquered i, the ithe nentirestabil ity and her willingness to NortheasternA suentcceiress fNuorl regioncomtheapsbant ueofrtyn Thailanda olrsfe o200gi aonn i peopleon fins Tp hiautoraaila tthatio nglassnd f hasinor autoinstallations oconquered glass in and sthethael lautoapt hioenr ansisdter , she established auto related services relatedentire servicesNortheastermna rneygi oofn t hoef Tyohungaila ngedn iner aautotion glass instaUlldaotnio Aun antod Gl ass to buy glass from auto related servicfoesllo wing her, especially young her sisters and that was how it all women entrepreneurs. This is started. instability and her willingness to reflected in hebru saimnesosunt wom oanf in Udon Thani, but also an inspiration for so help her sister, she established business woman in Udon Thani, Udon Auto Glass to buy glass from national and imnternany ofa tthioe ynoaungl generation inUsdtoanb ilAuityt oa nGlda hsse rto wil buylin glgnasses sfr toom butbu sialsoness wanom ainspirationn in Udon Thforan i,so Rherea lsistersizing and lo cthatal cwasom howpe titi talliv e recognition.b Sutfho aelllso rowie acenng i nhnestlrp,yi er asjuptieoscnti all foyr youngso hheelpr shisetre srsis aternd, tshhaet ewasstab hloiswh eitd a ll many of the young generation advastarted.ntages to remain representedm Tawhnoyam iloefa ntnh eedn y tanroeungpdre n geeunres.r aTthioisn i s Usdtaornte Aud. to Glass to buy glass from followingreflect edher, in h erespecially amount o f young following her, especially young comh epr seisttietrisve and that was how it all received an awarnatiodnal as a nTdh ianternilanadtio’sn al womenwomen eentrepreneurs.ntrepreneurs. T hThisis is is RealizingsRtaerateldiz. i n glocal loca lcompetitive competitive outstanding ArSecEoAgnNitio wn.o Smhee rnece ntly just Because Thailand has a very reflectedreflected in in her her amount amount of of national advantages to remain represented Thailand and advantages to remain entrepreneandunar ti ionnal internationalM anandil ian,tern atiorecognition.nal strocnogm glpeatsisti vem anufacturing received an award as Thailand’s competitiveRealizing local competitive Sherec ognrecentlyition. S hejust rece nrepresentedtly just Philippines. outstanding ASEAN women indadvau s t r y,nBte agetcausehes c tToohm raeilpamannad iyhna iss a a vberlye to represented Thailand and Thailandentrep randeneu rreceived in Manil aan, award so ucrBecausesocetrmo npglge agltis atsessThailandives m manufacor ethas uerffiin gca ieveryntly received an award as Thailand’s as Thailand’sPhilippines. outstanding ASEAN strongindu stry,glass the c ompmanufacturingany is able to Daring andou trsitanskding tak AiSnEgAN as wo tmheen and c h e Baepcausely co Tmhapilanrde dh atso a im verpy orts women entrepreneur in Manila, source glasses more efficiently entrepreneur in Manila, frindustry,omstr ontgh gl ethera scs o mcompanyunantufacriest u.is r“i nAablegl l g latos s is winning aPhilippines.ttiDtuardineg and risk taking as the and cheaply compared to imports Philippines. sourceindu strglassesy, the c ommorepan y iefficientlys able to winning attitude sourfrcedom oltohcaer clloyun ftrroiems. “ TAlhl galai ss is Samol was born in a family andsso oucheaplyurrceced gl laos casescomparedlly m froorme eT ffihtoac ii importsently Daring and risk taking as suppliers, mainly from Bangkok, Da r i n g S amndol rwiassk b toarkni inng a as fam thiley fromansud p potherchlierasp, lmycountries. caoinlmyp farroemd “AllBanto im gkokglasspor,t s of farmers along with her sisters where the production sites are thewionn winningf fainrmg eartst ai ltattitudeoundge w ith her sisters is frwosourcedhmer oe tthhee r p crlocallyooundutcrtiie osn.from “sAitells g alarThaies s is in Nakhon Raitnc hNaakshiomn aR aptrchoavsimnce,a pr ovince, losuppliers,catslooeucatdrced”e dsa” l mainlyosaycasys lSl Sya afm rofromomol.l T. h aBangkok,i Mrs. Samol Chakuttadakul, w h Searem tohle w maasj obroirtyn oinf t ah efa pmeoilpyl e’s suppliers, mainly from Bangkok, Mrs. Samol Chakuttadakul, where the m aSamoljority was of tbornhe p eino pa lfamilye’s of where theIn term productions of a stra tesitesgic are Managing Director of fwaormrke irss a aglroicnugl twuriteh-r heelarted sis,te sursc h w h Inere term the prso doufc ati osnt rsaittees giarce work is agrfarmersicultur ealong-rela withted, hersuc hsisters in located”locatio saysn, U dSamol.on Thani province is Managing D irector in Naas oknh oan r iRcea tpclanhatatsimioan p. rWiovtihn ce,a as on a riceNakhon plantat iRatchasimaon. With a province, locatlococationsneiderd, ”U saeddy otso nS b aTem thhoanel. c aip pitarlo vince is MMrs. KrsE. Y SSamola SUmoCl ChCChakuttadakul,ESSakut tELEMENadakul, TS whberraeve th hee marat,j oSraimtyo ol fd tehceid peedo tpol e’s wheremo vethe to majority Bangkok ofto thepur speople’sue highe r co n Ins p ir der o terms v Ininece termd o oftfo t sha be ostrategic efN a ort hsthera Ecteaa gilocation,spternci ta l KEY SUCCESS ELEMEN MManaginganagTinSg DDirectorirectbor ave heart,w Soarkm iso alg driecuclitduered-r teola ted, such • Be daring and risk taking worked uiscat agriculture-related,ion in accounting an dsuch law. Udonlorecatgi Thanioionn o,f U t provincehdeo cno Tuhnantr y.isi pSoconsideredro itv imnceak eiss move to Banagkoks on a rtioce p pulanrstatueio hn.i gWihtehr a province of the North Eastern as on a rice plantation. With a to cseobennsse ider theto eutil d capitaltoiz eb eth teh set provincercatpeigitacl of KE Y• SUReCalCizESSe loca ELEMENl competitiveTS bra ve h eSahret ,la Steram camol de cbiadcked a tnod region of the country. So it makes • Be daring and r iskKEY ta SUCCESSking ELEMENTSeducation in accounting and law. plroocatviniocen off Uthdeo nN orThtanh Ei parsoternvince advantages bravemowveo r tkheart,oe dBan at gkokheSamolr si tsote pr ’usdecided rgsluaess h sihg ohptoe.r the North Eastern region of the senrseaesgi ttohone utilcoof mthpiezan ceoy tu’shn detir sy.strt Soirbau titieo mgin ack es •• Be Be• ddaringaring aandnd riskrisk takingtaking moveeduFrcat otomi oBangkok tnh aint sahcec oa touncc umulpursueting anated dhigher law. country. So it makes sense to utilize • Realize local com p et iMtiaveke use of tech n o l ogy S he later came back and center of glass and distribute it to • Realize local competitive knowledge on auto windshield locatseinosen t o futil Uidzeo tnh eT shtranateigi pcr ovince • Re•a lCorporize locatle c uomnitpye titive education She lainter accounting came back and an dlaw. theo thstrategicer outlet s alocationcross th e rofegi oUdonn and advantages worked at heri nssitsallatert’iosn g. lAafstesr s4h years,o p. the as tlhocate cionm opf Uandoyn’s T dhianstir pirbouvitniocen aadvantagesdvantages worked at her sister’s glass shop. ThaniVie nprovincetiane, Lao asPD theR. company’s • Make use of technoPlROogyFILE From that shep aircc decumulided atot esdta rt their own as the company’s distribution •• M Makeake uusese ooff ttechnologyechnology FrSheom laterthat scamehe ac cbackumul andated worked cedistributionnter of gl acenterss an dof di sglasstrib uandte it to Udon Auto Glassk Cno.o, wlLtde. dge onh aoustiong wi estnadtes bhuiseinldes s and have center of glass and distribute it to • Corporate unity •• Corporate unity th atk nherowl sister’sedge on glass auto shop. wind Fromshield that otdistributeher outl itet tos aothercros outletss the racrossegion and Corporwas foundatee du nonit yJ uly 20 1995 moved to Udon Thani province. o ther outlets across the region and installationshe.i nAs tfallataccumulatedert io4 nyears,. A fter 4theknowledge years, the on VtheieVn regioniteinantiane ,ande L, Laa Vientiane,oo PDDRR. . Lao PDR. PROaFILEnd later officially registered on During the 1997 financial PROFILE July 23rd 1997. pair decidedautop atiro windshielddecstairdedt th toe isinstallation.rta ortw thne ir ow nAfter houcrsiisnisg, ehsetra steis tbeurs’si nbeusssi naensds whaves PROFILE Udon Auto Glass Co., Ltd. 4 years, the pair decided to start Udon Auto Glass C o . , L Cutdrr.e ntly, thereth ahroe ua stoitanlg o ef statesev beurseliyn aeffectedss an dby hthaeve cri sis and was founded on July 20 1995 theirmoved own to housingUdon Th anestatei pro businessvince. 8thUdo n Auto Glass outlets: 7 in she asked for Samol’s help. She was founded on Julya n2d0Udon later 199 oAutoffi5c iall Glassy reg iCo.,stemr eLtd.do ovedn was to Uanddo nhave Th anmovedi pro vtoi nUdonce. Thani Thardiland and 1 in Vientiane, Lao saw Du thriisn ags t ah eb u1997sine sfisn ancial July 23 1997. th and later officially refoundedgistePDrRe .d Ason o the nJuly business 20 has1995 grown, and province.criosipsp, ohretru sniisty,te rta’sk binugs iinnetoss was rd During the 1997 financial July 23 1997. later SamolCu officiallyrre nChakuttadakultly, tregisteredhere are ahas tonota become l Julyof sevceorneslyider affectedation t hbey mthaer kcreits is and 8 Urddo n Auto Glass outletcs:r 7is ini s , her sister’s business was Currently, there23 are not1997. a onlytota al sucessfulof and respected sh Duringe asked the for 1997Samo financiall’s help. S crisis,he Thailand and 1 in Vientiane,sev Laoerely affectedhersaw sister’s th ibs yas t abusinessh beu csirniessi swas an dseverely PDR. As the business has grown, 8 Udo n Auto Glass o utCurrently,lets: 7 in there are sah totale ask ofe d faffectedoorp pSoarmtu bynoil ty,the’s hta crisiseklinpg. iandSnhtoe she asked Samol Chakuttadakul has become Thailand and 1 in Vientiane,8 Udo n AutoLao Glass outlets:saw t7h iins as forac ob nSamol’susisderinaetsi oshelp.n the Shemar ksawet this as 97 not only50 Success a sucessful Stories and respected PDR. As the businessThailand has grown, and 1 in Vientiane,oppo rLaotun ity,a tabusinessking i nopportunity,to taking PDR. As the business has grown, Samol Chakuttadakul has become consideratiintoon thconsideratione market the market Samol Chakuttadakul has become instability and her willingness to not only a sucessful and respected 97 50not Success only Storiesa sucessful and respected help her sister, she established

50 Success Stories 97 97 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ THAILAND /OTHER SERVICES/ THAILAND Utilizing technology to Business visionary through /OTHER SERVICES/ THAILAND produce insight and guide linkage with Japan Company Profile Utilizing strategy technology to Business visionary through Even as a visionary leader, produceU /OtiTliHziERng insight tSEechRnVIo landCoEgyS / guidet o linkageBusiness with Japanvisionary through CorporateCorporate Name:Name: Udon Auto Glass Having only a social media just auto glass installation serCompanyvice Profile THAILAND strategy/p OroTdHuERce iSEnsRigVIhtC aEnSd/ g u ide linkage with Japan Udon Auto Glass Co., Ltd. presence is not enough for the Evencan as ’at visionarygenerate leader,desira bjustle and CompanyT PHArofIilLe AND sUttrialitzeingyg technology to Business visionary through Corporate Name: business to be successful. One of s u Evestainn eads ag rvioswiothna. rTyh leeraeder,fore , Established : 1995 prHavingod u c /eO iTnonlyHsiERgh t aSE a nRsocialdVI guCi EdSmediae/ autolinka glassge w installationith Japan service can’t CorporateCorporate Name:Name: Udon A uto Glass U t i l i z Hinagv tinecgh onnloylo agy so tcoi al media Businessjust a uvtiosi golanassry insta throllautgiho n service Udon Comp Autoany PGlassrofi lTCo.,e HA Ltd.ILAND presencemstraantye gydi f isfe rnotent iaenoughtors o f forUd othen Au tgenerateo S adesirablemol alwa andys k esustainedeps hers elf up to Udon Auto Glass Co., Ltd. produce insight and guide li n ka Evege wn iaths a J viapsioanna ry leader, pGrlaesessn isce i ins fnaoctt etnhoeu ugshe f oorf the growth.cand ’taTherefore, tege nwiertahte t hdesiSamole lartesab lalwayste t aencdh n ologyCoCo.mr ppoarantye NPrameofil: eU don Auto Glass sbusiness t r a t eHgyaUv tiintolgiz oinbenlgy t easuccessful.c shoncoiallo mgye tdia o One justB auusinessto glas vsi instasionallaryt itohnr osuergvhice Corporate Name: btecushinneoslso tgyo bien tesugcrcaetedssfu iln. Oton teh oef keeps sEveu herselfsTtnah inaes ec ad o upvi mgsr piootoanwna tdatehyry .o lTeffers hawithder,ere fa ortheuteo, filmEstablish:Udon AutoE Glasss 1995tabl iNCo.,shedumb Ltd.: 1995er of Emp loyees: 200 ofpr emanysencep r iodifferentiatorss dnuocte e innosuight f ora nof dth geUdonu ide canl’itn gekangeer awteith desi Jarpaanble and CoCorporateC omrppoarnayte P Name:Nroamefile: Udon Auto Glass m a n Hy adivifnfegr oenlntyi aat soorcsi alof m Ueddiaon Auto julatestst aSu atmtechnology.o golal asslwa instays lklaTheeteiopn s company sheervrsiceel f u p to Autobbusiin neGlassessst str oao tbpeisegye srinu act cifactoesns.f u“Mthel. Oy n useide oof lof is my installation, glass coating, anUdondEs Gtab PSAutolished Glass: 1995 Co., Ltd. pGrelasessn ceis isn n foatc et nthoueg uhs feor o ft he cansus’ t d a ge ina te n eEveed wir ganrtet oha wsdesi tathh vie.r s Talioahbnateseler reaytfn orltedeae cder,,h n ology. Number of Employees: 200 technologyfmoartnhy disifsfteer re.nintegrated Stiahteo risn otrf o Uddintoucone Au d thetano d offers autotracki filmng .installation, With her p glasserso nal CorporateCorporate Name:Name: Udon Auto Glass business t o b He asvuicncge osnlsfyu la. sOoncieal o mf edia sSuasmtjuainoslt e adulwa tgor goylasw sktshe instae. pTsh hellareertfisoorenle fs ,ue rpv itceo E stablished N: umb1995eIrn oternatif Emplonoyeael sA: ctiviti200 es: technology integrated into the coating,The candom pGPSany otracking.ffers au toWith film Udon Auto Glass Co., Ltd. mbusinesseGnalancsyos udi isrfp afi renoperation.geder sefeannctce time at hitsoe nr tusoo st“Myo eeuf n oUseofud idol gothhn f eAuor is ERP t thmyoe datecan wi’tpt gehr etnhfeeerra lteeantes desicet trfeaocbrhle nt ahonledo gyJa. panese business operation. “My idol is my Sheram oipersonalnl satlwaallayst io kepreferencene,p gls haesrss ceolf a ufortpin t go,the an d GPS InternationalNumb er o f Empl Activities:oHavingyees: 200 foreign affiliates and branches Gforthsteclaofshtswn isosister.a libroneugy s ffia noricn etsteShe tsth ghteore abu tedintroducedfies esnan u oicnfc etceoss tf hufuncle. Oandnet ioo f n,d Tahtees uwicsottmachinu ptlehantdeur g ylra eotesw ffersatnht .dt Te achaluhetrnsoeof filmorl owiegy, t .h her sonEs tbabelisnhedg : 1995 forth simsteanry. diShffer ienntiraotodrucs oef dU danond Au to Japanesetracki cultureng. Wit andh h ealsor p ewithrsonal her NHaving umber foreignof IEmpnternatil oaffiliatesyeeons: 200al Aand ctiviti es: tecencouragedwbuhhsinicnohelos isgys o w pin ehtermeagtir oantotedu.r “M usecinoytm o id thetpohele tis iERPt morys Tihnest Scallaaommaotpwariol ananlwa,y gld oyesaffers dskse aecp oassauc hthtieonro gsfilmlae, lanfr us pdh tGiop PS to stu dy in efonrctohu srisaGtegedlars.s S ismeh ien i fntaotcr tuo tdhseeuc utehsdee o anERPf d sontracki dbeingpartene gwif.e Witrtawardedhe nthhcee hl afetesor rpa tt etscholarshiphresceoh Jnalnaolpo agyn.e se to branches bsoftwareusiness oforper athetio nfinance. “My id ofunction,l is my installation, glass coating, and GPS N umbInternatier of EmponHavingalo Ayectivities :foreign 200es : affiliates and branches sdeonofcntow’tua rhrateceaged vefhorn ”meo .lt ohTgy teho ifi nusnante seegna rtahcetedeb lERPfunce inst oS tahimoe no, l studypreTfceh urineel Japctn ourJapan,ceme paf oananrn, yt d ssheho heffersal eJ s hasahop a aawius ntestablishedo ete hsefilms th ae brl issohn e bde ain g Awards: fwhichorth s isteis r. whatShe i ntourrod uccompetitorsed and tracking. With her personal Having foreign affiliates and branches wansohfdtiwc ha eribesru fwtsoreihna etamhstse o tfipuonaner rp acetoiceromfn ofunc.p r“Memtyit biidooaronsl, isic m y cultinursteallar aenlatdiot alnio,s glnoa swishs itcpho ahwiteinrtg sh, oan nthd b eGe iPScnog u ntr yIn bternatiy onal Activities: edon’tncou rhave”.aged me This to u seenables the ERP Samol pa rrelationshipefearwarenced feodr tawithh sec Jha otheplaanr escountrysehi p to sbytu dy inAwards: The company has received local and forth sister. She introduced and tracking. With her personal Having foreign affiliates and branches sddatwoofhtnwiac’tah arh ienalsa fveworhytic ”at.ht T eos hufi itornans c e opnamcerop bfuncdelteuistco tSeriosa i nmn,s oilg ht csourcingauwarlturJapdee sadaon nadu high-quality, sral cschsione la gwih rhatshshig iehphse t-r oaq s buamaterialssotlnius ldbhityeey iidn nmg a ateriaInternatils onalA Awctivitiardesands:: international recognitions including and her eteamncour toaged perform me to u sebasic the ERPdata preference for the Japanese The company has received local wandhoidndc ’th ho hietsarh wve teher”as. tm T toh utiaosrt ec pyionaemrebfplolderstmi tSeoa nbrmsdla oseli cs s asuchJapwarar dasneela,d sglasss uthaio ces hnchh sacoatingaohssla ie pglsr tswiahbsipt lsmaterialih s tc hoto ehsdaetu t acid noy gufrom i nm tray t ebryi alHavingA frwaro foreigndms: affiliates• and Thailand's branches Outstanding ASEAN analyticsso ftotw arproducee for the fiinsightnance func andtion , culture and also with her son being and internationalThe company recognitions has received local and and her team to perform basic relationship with the country by The company has received Women local andEntrepreneur 2017, ASEAN dothersdatbouns’tai nha aenalthatvewssh”ytic i.oc yieldshTp hipsi oswto reh tna aendlessput rnobouliedrt siuce oScsm aebusiness.m p ienotsilt iogrhs t JapJapanasno, usJhrtoacep ihnaaensuregns h etisogt aheb- nlqisstheuauhreled it aythighest-h me ahteriaigh elsts -Awards: and international recognitions including data analytics to produce insight souarwarcindge hdi ga hsc-qhoualalristhyi pm taoteria studyls i n including:and international recognitions including anopportunities.andd h oetrh dteoarnsm’t t hhtao ave pt ”eyi.r Tfeohlridsm se naebnabsdlliecse Ssasm ol rpossibleelatJapiosuncapsnh hservice.o, iasphs ewi igl bhtalhess estshs ectearo bcvaloitsce.uihnegtd r yam bayt erial fro mThe company • has Thailand's received• The local Outstanding Best and National ASEAN SMEs Award, the and othe rs that yields endless such as glass coating material from A•w• Thailand’sar dThailand'ss: Outstanding Outstanding ASEAN datbuas iannalessytic opsp toor pturondiuticees i.n sight sourcJianpga hnig tho- qeuansluitrye m thateriae higlsh est- and international Women recognitions6th, Entrepreneur 7th, including 8th National 2017, ASEAN SME Contest businesans odp hpeorr tteuanmi ttioe sp.e rform basic Japraenla tioo nesnhsiup rwie th eth hei cgohuensttr-y by The companyWomen has Entrepreneur received local and2017, ASEAN and others that yields endless such as glass coating material from • WomenThailand's •Entrepreneur OutstandingThe Best National 2017,ASEAN SMEs Award, the data analytics to produce insight spouorscsinibg lhei gshe-rqvuaice.lity materials and• internationalThe Best National recognitions • SME SMEs including Provincial Award, the Champion Award b usiness opportunities. Jpaopsasnib tloe esnersvuirce.e t he highest- Women Entrepreneur 2017, ASEAN an d others that yields endless such as glass coating material from • Thailand'sASEAN6th, 7th, Outstanding 8th6th, National •7th,Business ASEAN 8th SME National Contest Development SME Contest Activities possible service. • WomenThe Best Entrepreneur National SMEs2017, ASEAN Award, the business opportunities. Japan to ensure the highest- • • TheSME Best Provincial• NationalSME ChampionProvincial SMEs Award, Award Champion Award • The6th, Best 7th, National 8th National SMEsStar Award, SME 2016 Contestthe possible servLeft:ice. • Businessth •th DevelopmentBusinessth Development Activities Activities • 6th,theSME 7th,6 Provincial, 8th7 , National 8 National Champion SME Contest SME Award Services offered by Udon Auto • Governance of the Year Award, • ContestStar 2016 Star 2016 Glass • SMEBusiness Provincial Development ChampionThe AwardActivities North East (5 consecutive years) Left: Services offered by Udon Auto Glass• Governance • Governance of the Year Awardof the ,Year Award, •• SMEBusinessStar 2016Provincial Development Champion Activities Award Below: The North East (5 consecutive years) Left: Services Bofefelroedw b:y U Uddon AAuutoto G Glalsas ss complex in Ud••o n BusinessStar GovernanceTha 2016ni DevelopmentThe of the North Year East AwardActivities (5, consecutive years) LeftUdon: Servi Autoces of fGlassered b ycomplex Udon Au tino Glass Email: province • GovernanceThe North of East the Year(5 consecutive Award , years) LBeftel:o Swerv: UicdesoUdon no fAfeurteod G Thaniblya ssU dco nmprovince Apluetxo iGn lUasdso n Thani Star 2016 provinceB elow: Udon Auto Glass complex in Udon ThaniEmail The North: East (5 consecutive years) Leftpr: Seorvviincesce o ffered by Udon Auto Glass Email:[email protected] , Below: Udon Auto Glass complex in Udon Thani • Governance of the Year Award, province Emailudauto: [email protected]@comh ,o tmail.com Below: Udon Auto Glass complex in Udon Thani , EmailudnThe:t@ North hotmaudauto ilEast.comgl (5as consecutives@hotmail .com province [email protected], udnt@ hotmail .com udautoudn years)t@gl [email protected] , Tel.: +66 42 211 24T8el-.9: +66 42 211 248-9 udnt@ hotma il.com Tel.: +66 42 211 248-9 TEmail:el.: +66 42 211 24 8-9 TeWel.: +bs66ite: 42 211 248-9Website: BBeloww: :S Samamol owl iwthi hther h Oeurt sOtauntdsitnagn AdSinEgA NA WSEoAmNen W omenB elow: ThBe etrolopwhy: fThrome tthroe 7pth SyM fromEs Na tthioen 7atlh A SwMarEdss N20a1t5io gnivaenl A tow ards [email protected], given to th Below:EEntreeprpre enSamolneuerusr Asw A withawrda 2r 0dher1 72 0in 1Outstanding M7 iann iMla,a Pnhiillaip,p P iASEANnheisli ppin es Below:Udon Aut oTheU Gdlao sstrophyn gAivuetno b Gfromy ltahsse O gtheffiivce n7o fb t hySMEse t Shme aOll Nationalff aincde Mofe dthiue mAwards S Emnatellrpr a nisdes M edium Enterprises Website: Below: Samol with her Outstanding ASEAN Women PromoBtioelno w: The trophy from the 7th SMEs National Awards 2015 given toWe wwbswite:.udonautoglass.com WomenBelow: Sa Entrepreneursmol with her Outs tAwardanding A 2017SEAN Wino Manila,men B2015elow given: TheP trorom top hUdonyo tfromion Autothe 7th SGlassMEs N givenationa lby Aw theards Office 2015 gi vofen the to [email protected] w.udonauto glass.com Entrepreneurs Award 2017 in Manila, Philippines Udon Auto Glass given by the Office of the Small and Medium EnterprWei sebss ite: PhilippinesEntrepreneurs BAewloawrd: S2a0m17o li nw iMtha hneirl aO,u Ptshtialnipdpining eAsS EAN WomenUSmall don A uBandteol Gowl aMedium:ss Th gei vtroenp bh yEnterprises ftromhe O thffei c7eth oSfM th EPromotiones NSmataiolln aln Adw Mareddsi u20m1 5E gnivteenrpr toi ses PromotPioromn otion www.udonautowwwgl.asudso.conautom glass.com Entrepreneurs Award 2017 in Manila, Philippines Udon Auto Glass given by the Office of the Small and Medium Enterprises w ww.udonauto glass.com Promotion Tel.:Facebo +66ok: 42 211 248-9 Face book: www.facebook.com/udonautoglass Facebook: Facebo o k: Fa cebook: www.facebook.com/udonautoglass wWebsite:ww.facebo ok.com/udonautoglass www.faceboowk.wcowm./fuacebodonautook.glcoassm/udonautoglass

Offwww.udonautoglass.comicial Line Accoun t

Official Line AccounOfft icial Line Account Official Line AOffccoicialunt Line Account Facebook:


Right: Samol Official Line Account was invited as a guest speaker

by the Japanese Government to speak about women as an Right: Samol was invited as a guest spentrepreneureaker by the Japanese Government to speak about women as an entrepreneur. Right: SamRoli gwhat:s Sinamviotel dw ass ian vgituedes at ss ap egaukeesrt sbpye atkheer by the Japanese GoJvaeprannmeseen Gt otvoe rsnpmeaenkt atob osupet awok amboeunt woas maenn as an entrepreneur.en trepreneur. Right: Samol was invited as a guest speaker by the 98 50 Success StoriesJaRpia gn hetse: SGaomveorln mweanst intov istpeeda ak sa abo guut ewost mspeena kaesr abny the 98 enJtarpepraneenseeu r.G overnment to speak about women as an 50 Success Stories98 98 50 Success50 Stories Successe n tr eStoriespreneu r. 98 50 Success Stories 98 50 Success Stories /OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES /OTTHHERER SERVI SERVICCESES/ / PHILIPPPIHILINESPPI NES

aa Vcargo Worldwide aa VcarVcarggoo Wor Worldwideldwide An 18 year in operation pioneering company that year in operation pioneering company that AtransformsAnn 1818 year the in traditionaloperation logisticspioneering business company that transforms the traditional logistics business transforms the traditional logistics business

threbrandede brand val inue 2008and p etorc eemphasizeption. dealson tim withe in veitss tedloyal as clients this ge tone berate thes sustainable business and the t h brandHea bvrinan gvalue db eevaln and uoep ea perception.rnadti npge rfocer ption. best returnon tim one time inve investedsted as t ashi sthis ge nerates relationsushstipa ifnoar bthlee bcuomsinpanessy. a n d 18 ye a r s ,H thaev cinogm bpeeanny iosp ae rating for generates sustainable business and relationship for the company. B 2B18Having ser yevaicre s ,c otbeenhmep can omy,operatingp oanffeyr iinsg a t hefor relationship for the company. so-called logistics marketing Service alignment to the key 18 Byears,2B ser thevice companycompany, is o fafe rB2Bing the serservicevsioces-ca wcompany,llheedr eloing itsht eiofferingc cso maprank etheyt in gso- differSenetrivaitcoers a lignment to the key combines logistics and freight Service alignment to the key calledserv logisticsices whe marketingrein the co servicesmpany Fodri fmfearney nsutciacetsosrsful service with marketing service. differentiators whereincomb inthees locompanygistics a ndcombines freight businesses, one of the key success For many successful logistics ser Cuvrrice eandn witlyt ,h freightV mcaarrgko e iservicetsi nsegr vsiec riwithvnigce. factors is their ability to For manybusin esuccessfulsses, one businesses,of the key s uccess nmarketingumbers of service.multinational and differentiate themselves from its Currently, Vcargo is servicingone offact theor skey is t hsuccesseir ability factors to national clients from various competitors. Offering something numbers of multinational and isn ewtheir andid fdifabilityefrfernetni at tectoan th gidifferentiateemseve a lves fro m its in duCurrently,stries – F MVcargoCG, ap pislian servicingces andna elteioctnalron iclics,e finnants frce,om various themselvescompancoym a phfrometaidto s rtaitss.r tO . competitors.fferiHowevnge sro, me thing numbers of multinational and maninufacdustturriiensg –, a FnMd eCveGn, aSMEs.pplian ces Offeringfor Paunloe w, isomething tan is dm diorfef eimr epnnewort ctaan nt gitandov e a national clients from various and electronics, finance, differentknow wcoh macant ptoan dgiveyo awi h theaa tdhcompany esseta rt. H oawev er, industries – FMCG, appliances manufacturing, and even SMEs. headdiffe rstart.efnotria Pt oHowever,arusl. oV, ciat rigso mfor Wo orrPaulo,el dimwipd oreit tant to Sandtro ng woelectronics,rk ethic is the finance,key isst rmoreivesk t noimportant ohwave w hitas ts et ortov di coknowe wiantdh whatthese fmanufacturing,or success and even SMEs. tobu sdoin ediswiths fofepr eerthesenattiioant osdifferentiators. rans. cVhcoraregdo t oW or ldwide Mr. Paulo Tibig, S tWrohenng a wskoerkd w ehtaht tihce i ruls teh oef key those differentiators to Vcargos Worldwidetrives to ha vestrives its s etorv haveice a nd thufmobr orsu tchce esusscc ess element for sustainably drive the company Chief Executive Officer Strong work ethic is the key its servicebus andines businesss operati operationsons anchor ed to Vcargo is, the very first thing that like cogs that keep a machine KEY SU CMCrESS. Paul ELEMENo Tibig, TS for success When asked what the rule ofanchored tho tose those diffe rdifferentiatorsentiators to to Mr. Paulo Tibig, came to Paulo’s mind was the operates smoothly. Chief Chief ExecutiveExecutive Officer Officer bustihneusms bet horic t. h“Oe nsue cocfe osusr e cloreme ent for sustainablysusta driveinab lthey d rcompanyive the c olikemp any Being the pioneer in • Maintaining business ethic va luVWhenecars org om asked iasn, ttrha es whativse troy d ftheoir st trulehin gof th atcogs thatlik ekeep cog sa tmachinehat keep operates a machi ne combining traditional logistics KEtoY e SUnsuCreC thESSe su ccELEMENess TS bthumbuscamines seor, two hthe Peath ulsuccessero ’lso camill nyelement do rw as t hfore smoothly.operates smoothly. and freight service with marketing • KEYAn al iSUCCESSgnment of ELEMENTSbusiness inVcargoternbusaitn iois,enalls sthe ey,t h verytihca. t“ aOfirstdnhee rothingef toou tr hthat ec or e • service, t h e rBe ehiandg btheeen p ai opneeeriord i nof •opeM Maintainingarianttiaonsini ngan d bbusiness suesrviineces s ethic ethic hcameighvaesl ut toetsh oiPaulo’scral m satannt rdamindasr dis, t” o swas adyso the Being the pioneer in combining trial ancdo merrboinr.i Hngo wtreaverdit,i overnal tlhoegi stics to ensure the success Pbusinessaulo. For ethic.him, it “Oneis cru cofial ourto b ecore traditional logistics and freight to ensure the success business, whether locally or years, the company has consistent in terms of quality and and freight service with marketing • •An An a lalignmentignment ofof businessbusines s valuesintern or amantrastionally, is t toha dot a dbusiness,here to theservices uccess fulwithly m amarketingstered its l ogiservice,stics P ROFILE codes of conduct along the course service, there had been a period of opeoperationsrations aandnd serviceservice whetherhighe slocallyt ethic alor sinternationally,tandards,” says theremark ehadting been serv iace period that c ofater trials to and of the service starting from the trial and error. However, over the In 1999, a driven young thatPa adhereulo. Fo rto h ithem, ithighest is cru cethicalial to b e error.corpor However,ate needs overin te rthems years,of the discussion period to the final years, the company has entrepreneur Paulo Tibig founded standards,”consisten sayst in terPaulo.ms oForf qu him,ality it an dcompany marketin ghas in isuccessfullytiatives. Its pmasteredroven delivery of service. Paulo also successfully mastered its logistics hPiROs ownFILE logi stics company, Vcargo is crucialcodes o tof c beon consistentduct along in th termse cou rseits res logisticsults, amo marketingng others, lserviceed the that added that since the service of Worldwide. He started to have companmya trok betei nregc osegnizrviceed tahsa otn cea ters to PROFILE Vofca orqualitygf oth ise intse randanvigcei b codeslset,a trhtei n cofgo mfroconductpman yth e caters to corporate needs in terms e x p o s Inur e1 999,in th ea l odgriisvteicns ybouungsine ss of the tcoopr pdoromaetest incee frdeisg hint- terms of ralongecodigns cizutheesss ti hocourseant pite irsi ojudofs t oathe st hg eo oservicefdinal as of marketing initiatives. Its proven waentyr beapckre nine ucor llPeageu lwo hTienb ihge f ounded forwarmdinargk beutsininge ssineitsi abtyi vthees .Civ Itsi lp roven In 1999, a driven young thstartinge delasltiv se efromrryv iocef the seprro discussionvviice.ded P. aulo period also results, among others, led the whiosr koewnd a lso ag ipsatrict sti cmoem mpeasnsy,en Vgerca rgo Aeronaruetsiucslt Bs,o amrdo (nCgA Bot)h aenrds ,al lesod the entrepreneur Paulo Tibig founded Ntoo tawthedidedth stfinal atnhdinga t deliverysi nrececo tgnh eitof sioe nrservice.sv ice of company to be recognized as one of fWoro ar lcduwstiode.m bHroek setraargeted co tmo phanavey. as one coof mthpean topy stoh ibppe erresc boygniz Cebeud as one his own logistics company, rPauloeceivVcea dralsog boy iV s caddedintargano Wg ithatborleld, wtsincehidee c, o mthepan ythe top domestic freight­forwarding Oexrpiginosuallrey inan mtheed l aosg iVsitnictesl b usiness Pacifico Af itrhlien et.op domestic freight- the rceocmognpanizye st itllh acto nits ids ejruss t as good as Vcargo Worldwide. He started service of Vcargo is intangible, businesses by the Civil Aeronautics Lwaogiy sbtiaccks, tihne ccoollmepgean wy hweans he forwarding businesses by the Civil ctheontt hinecompanyu loausst bseursv inirecognizescees sp deroavlisd we ditthat.h its it Board (CAB) and also as one of rweobtor ankhaveededd as i exposurean p200art8 t itmo inem mthephesa sslogisticseizenger Aeronautics Board (CAB) and also loisy aNjustl oclit weasnitt hsgood sttoa bne dingas th ethe bre sclastto rgne turserviceition ns the top shippers by Cebu Pacific fobusinessr a custo mway bro kebackrage cinom pcollegeany. as one of the top shippers by Cebu provided.receive d by VcaNotwithstandingrgo Worldwide , Airline. Orwhenigina llhey naworkedmed a sas V ina tepartl time Pacific Airline. the company still considers messenger for a custom brokerage recognitions received by Vcargo Logistics, the company was 99 Worldwide,continuo usthe bu sincompanyess deal s wstillith its 50re company.bSuccessranded Stories i nOriginally 2008 to e mnamedphasize as Vintel Logistics, the company was considersloyal cli encontinuousts to be th e bbusinessest retur n

99 5050 Success Success Stories Stories 99 /OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES

Company Profile

Corporate Name: Vcargo Worldwide

Established: 1999

Number of Employees: 250

/OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES International Activities: Having outsourcing of service in foreign

Company Profile countries Corporate Name: Vcargo Worldwide

Established: 1999 Awards: • Cebu Pacific Top Shipper 2010-2016 /OTHER SERVICES/ Number of EmpPHILIPPINESloyees: 250 • Philippines Civil Aeronautics Board, /OTHER SERVICES/ PHILIPPINES Top Airfreight Forwarder 2010-2014 International Activities:

Having outsourcing of service in foreign • Asean Business Awards Philippines, /OTHER SERVICES/ Companycountries ProfilePHILIPPINES Co mpany Profile 2014 Young Entrepreneur Award C CorporateAorwpaoradste: Name Name:: Vcargo Worldwide • Philippine Marketing Association, Vcargo Worldwide Co• mpCaenbuy PPraocififlice Top Shipper 2010-2016 2014 AGORA Awards, Outstanding Established:• Philip 1999pines Civ il Aeronautics Board, Corporate Name: Vcargo Worldwide Establish:Top Air f1999reight Forwarder 2010-2014 Achievement in Entrepreneurship Ab •o veA:s eVanCa Brgusoi’nse essm Apwloarydees Ps hdielilpipinveresin,g service to a client Numb20er o1f4 Emp Youlonyeg eEsn: t2r5e0p reneur Award for Medium Scale Enterprise Established:Number of1999 Employees: 250 Le •ft : VPChialiprgpoi’nes c Moraprkoertinateg oAffssiocciae itnio Mn,a nila, Philippines • 2014 Asean Business Awards, 2014 AGORA Awards, Outstanding International Activities: NInternationalumbAerc hofie Empvemloeyen Activities:te isn: 2E5n0t repreneurship Having outsourcing of service in foreign Runner-up, Most Admired Asean Above: VCargo’s employees delivering service to a client for Medium Scale Enterprise Bcountriese Havinglow: V outsourcingCargo’s wa ofre hserviceouse siner vice Enterprise Left: VCargo’s corporate office in Manila, Philippines foreign• 201 countries4 Asean Business Awards, InternatiRuonnneal rA-up,ctiviti Meos:s t Admired Asean Below: VCargo’s warehouse service Awards: HavingE noutsourcingterprise of service in foreign •countries Awards:Cebu Pa cific Top Shipper 2010-2016

• Philippines Civil Aeronautics Board, • Cebu Pacific Top Shipper 2010 AEmailwaTrdsop: A cuirfsrteoighmet rFcaorrwea@rdvecar 20rg1o0.-c20om14.ph Email: [email protected] • 2016Asean Business Awards Philippines, • 20Ce1bu4 Y Poaucinfgic E Tnotrpe Sphreipnpeurer 20Aw1a0r-d20 16 •• PhilippinesPhilippines CCivilivil Ae Aeronauticsronautics Bo ard, Above: VCargo’s employees delivering service • Philippine Marketing Association, Board,Top Ai rTopfreigh Airfreightt Forwarde r 2010-2014 to a client Tel20.: +146 A3G 2O 6R4A2 A 0000wards , Outstanding • ForwarderAAcsheieanv eBmuesin n2010-2014te issn EAnwtraerpdrsen Pheiurlipspinhip es, Right: VCargo’s warehouse service Above: VCargo’s employees delivering service to a client f20 o r 1M4 eYdiumoung ScaEntlere Epnreternepruris Aew ard Tel.: +63 2 642 0000 Below: VCargo’s corporate office in Manila, •• AseanPhilip Businesspine Mark eAwardsting Asso ciation, Left: VCargo’s corporate office in Manila, Philippines • We20bs1ite4 A:s ean Business Awards, Philippines Philippines,R20un14ne ArG-up,OR MA 2014 oAswt aArdmired dYoungs, Out sA tsaenandi ng Below: VCargo’s warehouse service wwwEAnc.terhviecaprvreigmsoee .cnot min. Ephnt repreneurship Above: VCargo’s employees delivering service to a client Entrepreneurfor Medium Sca Awardle Enterprise

Left: VCargo’s corporate office in Manila, Philippines •• Philippine2014 Asean Marketing Business Aw ards, EmailR:u cunnestor-mup,er caMroes@t Avcadmiredrgo.co Ams.ephan Website: Below: VCargo’s warehouse service FaAssociation,cEenbterooprk:i s e 2014 AGORA Awards, Outstanding www.facebook.com/vcargoworldwide Below: VCargo’s service trunks Tel.Achievement: +63 2 642 0000 in www.vcargo.com.ph Email : [email protected] Entrepreneurship for Medium

W ebScalesite: Enterprise Tel.: +63 2 642 0000 www• 2014.vca rAseango.com .Businessph Awards,

Runner-up, Most Admired Facebook: W ebsite: FacAseanebook: Enterprise www.vcargo.com.ph www.facebook.com/vcargoworldwide BBeloew:l VoCawrgo:’s sVervCicea trrgunkos ’s service trunks www.facebook.com/vcargoworldwide Email:

[email protected]:

www.facebook.com/vcargoworldwide Below: VCargo’s service trunks Tel.: +63 2 642 0000



Facebook: 100 50 Success Stories www.facebook.com/ vcargoworldwide

100 50 Success Stories

Above: VCargo’s service trunks 100 50 Success Stories 100 50 Success Stories



aa Yang KYangee Logistics Kee Logistics Pte. Pte. Ltd. Ltd. /OTHER SERVICES/ S INGAPORE aa A fast growing AY fastan growingtgra Knspeor etransportationt aLogisticstion and l oandgist Ptlogisticsicse. co mL companyptd.any with globalwithA fpare sglobalts growingence presence in over tra nin s11 pover orcotuntra 11ti oncountriesie ans d logist ics company

aa wiYathn gglo balKe pere sLogisticsence in over 11 Pt coe.untr Lietd.s A fast growing transportation and logistics company

with global presence in over 11 countries beverage, healthcare, and Accelerated growth by andbe veragretail,e, hfoodealt hcarande , abeverage,nd AcceleratedAcceler growthated gr obywth by chemical sectors. merger & acquisition

healthcare,chemical andsect chemicalors. sectors. merger & acquisition Currently, Ken Koh, has merger The mo &st acquisition notable acquisition

succeeded h i s f a Cutherrr eKnohtly ,Ya Kenng Koh, has The most notable acquisition b everagCurrently,e, heal thKencare , anKoh,d haswas cAomccpeletedrat eind 2gr0o1w7 wthh beyn Yang Kee as thech Chiefseumicaccee Executiveld sedct horiss. f a ther Koh Yang meTherwas gmoster c&o manotablecpqleutedisi tiinacquisitiono n20 17 whe n Yang succeeded his father Koh Yang KeeK ee Logistics acquired Axima Pte. Officer for Ktheee casom thepan Chiefy. Executive was completedKee Log iinst i2017cs ac qwhenuired Yang Axim a Pte. as the Cu Chiefrren tlExecutivey, Ken Ko hOfficer, has forL td., an Au Thsetr moalianst n boatasedble acquisition Officer for the company. Kee LogisticsLtd., an acquired Austral iAximaan based Pte. succeeded his father Koh Yang compwasany. c o Tmhpilse tedstr ainteg 20ic1 7 when Yang the company. Ltd., anco Australianmpany. T basedhis st company.rategic Kee as the Chief Executive Kee Logistics acquired Axima Pte. From Singapore to 11 acqThisuisi tstrategicion will acquisitiondrive the fu willtu rdrivee OffiFrcoerm fo rS tihneg caopmoprane tyo. 11 Ltd.,a ancq uiAusisttiroalni anwil bl adsedriv e the future countrieFroms acr oSingaporess Asia Pa toci f11ic grothewth future of Yan growthg Kee’ s ofin tYangerna tKee’sional countries across Asia Pacific comgpranowy.t h T ohfis Y santragteg Keice ’s international freiginternationalht busines s bfreighty exten dingbusiness its Yancountriesg Kee Logis acrosstics was Asia acquifrseitigiohnt wilbusl idnreivses bthye e fuxtetunreding its Fr o m SYianngga Kpeoer eL otogi 11sti cs was footprint to huge developed founded in 1990 as a trucking by extendingfootprin t titso hugefootprint devel optoed cPacificofuoundntrieeds ianc 1r99os0s Asas aia t rPuacckiifnicg markgertosw stuhc ohf aYsan Agu Kstereal’si ian, tCerhnainatio nal company with only 2 trucks. hugefre igdevelopedmhta brkuesitns ess usmarketsc bhy aesx teA unsuchsdingtral iitaas,s China c o m Ypanang yK wiee tLho ongisltyic 2s wastrucks . andAustralia, tfhoeo tpriUandin t tetChina thdoe Sh Utatugen andiet sedev.d “StheeTtatloph ieseUniteds dwil. “Tl h is will Today, wfi othundTYang oitdase hdy Kee e,i naw d1i tq99Logisticshua 0it rsater sh easa t dwasriunqc uak foundedinrterg s in streStates.nmgtahreks ntert oes“This nusgurt cphh oe ansswilli toAiouu rns tp ristrengthenonals ikiateio, yCn h inan k ey Singaporcineo aS mni1990npdgaan bpyr an oraswie ct ha neonstruckingd libyn r2 an trcuh cksecompanys .i n tradeoura lann dposition terhsae,de dUee nlan iptineeed ns keyS, otatduree etrade spf.re en“igT ohhlanes,urits wilfrel ig ht AustraliaTwith, oCAdaaum syonlyt,b rwaloidti ahi2a, it ,C strucks.Ca hmheibanadoqd, uaiHToday,a,ro terCnhgsi na inwith, Ho ng madeepennasgetremnm geatournhnate nc gea freightopmuareb pniliot stciimanagementtaeiops,na ban inili dkt ieeys , an d Kong, IndSitsoinK nheadquartersgaoenspigora, ,Ind eMala anodn byers inania ,cSingapore Malahes iny sia, and expcapabilities,antrda deou lanr see rsv, idandceee po effernexpand oiurng fsre tigoh ourt Abranchesustralia , inCa mAustralia,bodia, C hCambodia,ina, Hong expand our service offerings to PhilippinesP, hTilihapilpainneds, VThieatnilaanmd , Vietnam management capabilities, and KChina,ong, Ind Hongones iaKong,, Mala ysIndonesia,ia, c usservicetomerc su”offeringss, tsaomyse rKes” ,n tosa K yocustomers”,sh Ke. n Koh. and US, “Yandg UKSee, ”“ Yaans ag gKreoeu”p a iss a a g roup is a expand our service offerings to PMalaysia,hilippine sPhilippines,, Thailand, V ieThailand,tnam says Ken Koh. Mr. Ken Koh, global totalglo logbialst tiocsta slo lolugtiiostincs solutions customers”, says Ken Koh. Mr. Ken KohM, r . Ke n K o h , anViet d UNamS, “Y andang KUS,ee” “Yangas a gr oKee”up i sas aM odernMizoadtieornn iozfa trtioand iotfi otrnaadli tional Group Chief Executive Officerprovider. provider. Group Chief GExecutiveroup C hief Officer Executive Officer global total logistics solutions logisticslo bguisstiincse sbsu wsiinthes s with Mr. Ken Koh, a group is a global total logistics ModernizationModernization of o f traditional pr o v i der. Wi th over 1.8 million square technology and innovation Group Chief Executive Officer Withsolutions over 1. 8provider. million square tectraditionalhnology an logisticsd innova tion KEKEYY SU SUCCESSCCESS ELEMENTSELEMENTS feet of total warehouse area, Yang logistics business with KEY SUC CESS ELEMENTS feet of total warehouse area, Yang Ken Koh joined the K e eWi ist hon oev eorf 1t.h8e mi tollpi olong siqstuaricse a n d business tKeecnh nKoolh owith gyjoi an netechnologyd tihnen ovatio n KE• Y Geographic SUCCESS hub ELEMENKeTeS is onf ee eoWithtf otfh teo tatoverolp w l aor1.8geihs otimillionucsse aanreda ,square Yang company in 2001 to modernize • Geographic hub warehousing companies in comandp an innovationy Kine n2 00Ko1h tjoo imneodd tehren ize • Geographic• h Technologyub and innovationwar ehousKfeetineeg isofc o ototalmnep oan fwarehouse tihees tionp log iarea,stics aYangnd and expand the business. The • Technology and innovation Singapore. Its services includean d ecxopmanpand tyh ien b200usi1n teos ms. o Tdehren ize • Technol ogy• G aefornograd modernized innovaphic htuibon logistics SingaporwareKee. Ie tshiso seuonesrinvgi c cofeos m ithenpcludean itopes i nlogistics company invested in IT and international freight forwardincgo, m panKenandy e Kohixnpvesan joineddt ethde i nb theu ITsi n companyaenssd. The in • •Tef or Acceleratedc hmonodlogyern iza growthnedd ilnnovaogi byst iitcnisontern atioSandnalinga freiwarehousingporge.h t I tsfo rsewarr vicompaniescdeisn ign,clude in for mod ernized logistics comimpanpyle imnvesentedted isyn sITtems and f or cargo • fAorcc moeledraetrnediz groed lwogiths tbyics iSingapore.nwarterneahtioounal seIts freim agnaserviceshtge fomrware ntincluded, ing, im p2001lem eton tedmodernize systems and fo expandr cargo the • Accelerated groMergerwth &by Acquisition (M&A)warehouse management, implmemanaengetedm syenstemst, wa rfoehr ocaursgeo Merger & Acquisition warinternationaldaenhgerousoeu ms agnafreightoogedsm se tornforwarding,t,a ge, truckim nagbusiness.na gemen tThe, wa rcompanyehouse invested Merger & •A Acqccueilseirtaionted growth by dangerous goods storage, trucking manamgeanamegentm, wenart,e hetocu. se (M&A) dawarehouseanngerd diousst r gioboudtiso snt,or anmanagement,age,d s tpreucckiialnizedgm a inna geITm andent , implementedetc. systems Merger & Acquisition and distribution, and specialized management, etc. (M&A) andangerouspdr diojsetcrti bl ougoodsgitiostni,c ansstorage, fodr s ptheec itruckingral ized for cargo management, In March 2 0warehouse17, Yang K ee ( M&A) project logistics for their In March 2017, Yang Kee PROFILE pandrmultioj edistribution,ct lnaogitisotinalcs f ocu rand sthtoe mirspecialized ers in a wide management, L Inogi Mstairc etc.csh s 2ign01e7,d Y aan pagr Ktneer ship PRO FILE multinatimultionalran nagecut soiotfonal imnd ecuursst tinroime ase. wider s in a wide LogisLtiocgiswi sstiitgnchs seLidogn gaoe pds aSaro ptnuatrehtnr sEeharispht iAps ia to PROFILE PROFILE range of iprojectndustr ies.logistics for theirwi th Logos South East Asia to Founded F o und e dby by KohKoh YangYang Kee in rmultinationalange of indus tcustomersries. in a wide wiInt ho MarchLfferogo hs i Sgoh2017,u-tqhua E laistYangyt Alosgiia s ttoKeeic s Founded by Koh Yang offer ohfferigh -hqiguah-lqituay liotygi lsotgiicsst ics K e 1990,e i n F o199 und Yang 0e, dY anbKeey gK K ohLogisticse eYa Lnoggi st iciss ians range of industries. Logisticspro psignederties ina S inpartnershipgapore and will Kee in 1990, anKYeanend-to-end ee nignd K 199-teoe- 0eL,n oY dgiansupply ssugtpi Kcpsel eyichains Lc hoagiisn tlogistics ics is prowithpeprrt oLogosipebsee rin tbieuil SouthSs iindni gaSnig npEast tgaorhepe orAsia Yaanen da gton wilKd offer ewille Ll ogistics an end-to-enldano gissolutions eusnptdipc-sltyo s -coehl nuaproviderdtiio nsu npsp plyr ocwithvhiadien r awi globalth a be bhigh-qualityuilbed binIntuilgd etihgnre ga Yattedlogisticshen YaHg uKnbge eaK propertiestLe Teo uasLgiosgt iSiscotsiuc sth Integrated Hub at Tuas South logistics soluglotloiogipresencenbssalt ipc psr roseovseli uindnteio ce11r n wicountries.isn pt 1hr1o avc ioduenr twirieths. a Inteing rSingaporeatedLi nHku, bw andhaitc Th willuas wil l beS ino clubuildingtuhde the global presence in 11 countries. Link, which will include the global presen ce i n Wi 11t hco au tnetarmie s.of over 650 Linthek, w Yanghiwcoh r Keewilld’sl Logisticsfiinrsclt ufrdeam tIntegratedhede multi-s torey With a team of over 650 worHubldw’so rfatliadru s’sTuastto ffimrasatm tedfSouthreadm c moedn ul Link,taimtiuln-setti r-o whichsderteopyre oyt that With a tema mpl Withoyf eoever s, aYa 6n5teamg0 Ke e ofLo gioverstic s 650 automated container depot that employees, Yang Kee Logistics will includeaddres sethes th e world’sproduc tivfirstity issues employees, Yasernemployees,gve Ks eae w Liodegi rsanYangticges ofKee ind uLogisticsstries automadadrtedes sceosn ttaihe nperord deucptiovtit tyh iasstu es iserncludingservesves a wa it dehwidee r oani l gerangean odf gai nofds,u industriesstries addrframedessets h tahmulti-storeyte t hper otrdaudicti voinaltautomatedy iisnsduuest r y is serves a widei nrancludingge of tihned ouils tarnides ga s, that the traditional industry is conincludingsumer a nthed roiletai andl, f gas,ood consumerand thacontainert the tcruardi retdepotniotlnaly f a icthatnindgu .s taddressesTrhy iiss will b e a including thec oinls aunmde rga ans,d retail, food and currently facing. This will be a consumer and retail, food and currently facing. This will be a

50 Success Stories 101 101 101 50 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 101 50 Success Stories //OTHEROTHER SERVICES/ SERVICES/ SINGAPORE SINGAPORE game changer in the industry to lead productivity gains. With a /theOT HproductivityER SERVI issuesCES /that the in close proximity, the supply SINGAPORE warehouse and automated Company Profile cgamtraditionalontaie chnanerger dindustrye pino th heo inuisds uesdcurrentlyt riyn t cloo s e chain effect will be more seamless, Company Profile plfacing.eraodx pimiro Thisdtuy,ct willtivhiety bes gua api npgamesl.y Wic hachangerthi na effect reducing turnaround time. Corporate Name: warehouse and automated wilin thel be industry more s toea leadmle productivityss, reducin g Company ProfileYa ng Kee Logistics Pte. Ltd. c/gains.oOnTtaiHn EeWithRr d SEep oRta VI howarehouseuCsESed /in clo s e and Corporate Name: SINGAPORE turnaround time. YangC Keeorpo rLogisticsate Name Pte.: Ltd. pgamautomatedroxeimi chtany,ger t containerhe i nsu tphpe liyn depotcdhausitnr y housede tffecto

willeadl bper omodurceti vsietyam galeinss,. r Wieduthc ian g Yang Kee LogisEticstsa Pbtleis. hedLtd.: 1990 twarurnaehroouundse a ntimd aeu. t omated Established:Com pany Profile 1990

container depot housed in close Below (from left to right) – Framed multi-storey automated container depot, Mr. Koh Yang Kee, founder CorpEosrtaatbel iNshedame:: 1990 prHoeaxdimiquartty,ers tinh Sein sgaupporpe,l y chain effect Number of Employees:Number o 650f Employees: 650 wilBelowl be (from mor lefte s etoa mright):less ,Framed redu cmulti-storeying automated container depot, Mr. Koh Yang Kee, Yang Kee Logistics Pte. Ltd. BTerulocwki n(fgr oamnd l edftis troi bruigtihotn) –o pFeraramteiodn msu lti-storey automated container depot, Mr. Koh Yang Kee, founder tfounderurnar oHeadquartersund time in. Singapore, Number of Emp loyees: 650 TruckingHeadquar andters i ndistribution Singapore, operations International Activities: Trucking and distribution operations International Activities: HavingEsta blis hedforeign: 1990 affiliates and

branches International AHavictivitinegs: f o reign affiliates and branche s Below (from left to right) – Framed multi-storey automated container depot, Mr. Koh Yang Kee, founder Headquarters in Singapore, NumbHavier onfg Emp foreligoyen aefsf:i l6ia5t0e s and branche s Trucking and distribution operations Awards: Awards: • In ‘MostternatiAwa Enterprisingronds:a l Activities: 3PL SME of the year 2015’• at the‘M Supplyost En terprising 3PL SME of the Havin• g fo‘rMeigonst aEffnilteriatpres iandsing br 3PanLc ShMe sE of the Chain Asia Awards year 2015’ at the Supply Chain Asia year 2015’ at thAe wSuaprpdsly Chain Asia • SME 100Aw Awardards 2016 – Awar•ds: SME 100 A• wardS M20E16 1 –00 Award 2016 – Singapore’s Fast MovingSingap ore’s Fast Moving • ‘MosSit Engapnteroprreis’si nFastg 3P ML SoMvinEg o f the CompaniesyearC 20omp15’ aatn iesthe SupCpolymp Chaainnies As ia Awards • SME 100 Award 2016 – Email: EmaiSingapl: sogr.sea’sl eFastsEmai@y Manoglv:ki snege. csoamle [email protected] [email protected]

Tel.: +65 6430 4388 Tel.:Emai l+65: sg.s 6430ales@ y4388aTngekl.e:e +.c6om5 6430 4388

Website:Website: Tel.: +65 6430 4388 www.yangkee.comwww.yangkee.cWomeb site:

www.yangkee.com Website: Facebook: Facebook: www.facebook.com/yangkeelogwww.yangkee.com www.facebook.com/yangkeelog Facebook:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/yangkeelog

www.facebook.com /yangkeelog

102 50102 Success Stories 50 Success Stories 102 50 Success Stories



Responsible Institution

The ASEAN Coordinating Committee on MSME (ACCMSME) oversees the implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan on SME Development (2016-2025). This includes the Strategic Goal C on enhancing market access and internationalization for SMEs in ASEAN, through providing information platforms and capacity building programs at the regional level, to help promote the export quality/capacity of MSMEs, and develop regional support schemes for market access and integration into the global value chain. The desired outcomes and planned actions are:

Desired Outcomes Planned Actions

Increase information on regional and global market C1-1 access and opportunities. Promote partnership with MNCs/large enterprises Support schemes for market access C1-2 C1 and integration into the global supply to increase market access and opportunities. chain will be further developed. C1-3 Enhance the use of e-commerce.

Promote adoption of international standards of C1-4 quality to facilitate market access.

Export quality/capacity of SMEs will Establish mechanisms to help SMEs increase C2 C2-1 be promoted. exports.

50 Success Stories 103 Brunei Darussalam

Responsible Institution

Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) – is the MSME focal agency with the mission to enable enterprises through a business-friendly environment that provides infrastructure, reliable support services and effective development programs to encourage businesses to succeed.

DARe’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Industry Business Academy An SME development and program where the core concepts are in starting, running, and expanding a business.

A Start-up Bootcamp A 100-day ‘accelerator’ program that identifies businesses that have the potential to scale rapidly and export their products and services. It ropes in leading experts in key business fields including legal, marketing, branding and finance. Towards the end of the program, start-ups will then take center stage on a “demo-day” where they pitch to investors. Micro-Credit Financing Through DARe’s collaboration with local banks, micro businesses can apply Scheme for a micro financing of up to BND$15,000 to start or further grow their business.

Market Access A platform to provide opportunities for local enterprises to connect to the overseas market. DARe is working closely with the Energy and Industry Department under the Prime Minister’s Office to ensure effective business matchmaking and networking events such as overseas expos and trade fairs, as well as counsel MSMEs on the next steps needed to export. Industrial Sites Provides and manages industrial land and complexes for businesses at 30 sites across all 4 districts in Brunei.

104 50 Success Stories Cambodia

Responsible Institution

The General Department of SME and Handicraft (GDSMEH) – supports the development of MSMEs of Cambodia toward economic harmonization and society to achieve national and related policies. Its missions are: boost business environment and investment on manufacturing SMEs; improve the competitiveness of MSMEs; promote the productivity and value added products for export markets and supporting industries; create conducive manufacturing MSMEs registration licenses environment in simple and time saving manner; prepare or promote the cluster of MSMEs in various segments of production; assist MSMEs in access to finance.

Cambodia’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description Market Research Ministry of Commerce is offering the market research assistance to the Cambodian MSMEs. Financial Support to Ministry of Commerce is currently supporting some international trade International Trade Fairs fairs. Cluster Development Ministry of Industry and Handicraft (MIH) is cooperating with Worldbridge International Co., Ltd in piloting the first SME Eco Park, which aims at gathering MSMEs producing food and beverage into one single production base and link or supply to the market with assistance from the company itself. The company is responsible for market research, partner identification and matchmaking. Once this initiative is succeed and ready to plug in, MIH is planning to have it plug in each province with along with another initiative of OVOP (One Village One Product).

50 Success Stories 105 Indonesia

Responsible Institution

The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs – acts as main government institution responsible for SMEs and entrepreneurship development in Indonesia. In addition, there are at least 24 ministries and agencies taking parts in the development of SMEs in Indonesia, in which each focuses on different aspects.

The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs’ initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Exhibition This exhibition program are devided into domestic and international exhibition, which bring together all the interested SMEs. The international exhibition program has included several countries, such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, China, USA, Dubai, United Kingdom, and many other countries. Standardize and This program aims to ensure that the operational activities and products Certification produced by SMEs are in compliance with applicable standards, through standardization and certification facilities. The facilities includes ISO 9001:2008, SNI, HACCP, Intellectual Property Right (Copyright and Brand Right), and Halal. Follow-up on ASEAN The active participation of Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in many Cooperation international forums, such as ACCMSME, BIMP-EAGA, ACEDAC, etc. could foster SMEs internationalization, through their participation in international workshop, seminar, and forum.

SMEs Digitalization In collaboration with US-ASEAN Business Council, with the theme of “Digital Tools for SMEs”, this workshop aims to increase SMEs awareness on technology, by educating SMEs on how to expand their business through the maximum use of digital platform.

Improving SMEs ASEAN – Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT): Technology Competitiveness through Advice and Solution from Korea (TASK) is a SMEs mentoring program by International Experts international experts. This program aims to directly assist SMEs to seek for technical solutions and best practice in order to improve their productivity.

106 50 Success Stories Lao PDR

Responsible Institution

The Department of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion (DOSMEP) – the mandates of promoting and developing the SMEs nationwide through various supportive policies stipulated in the SME Development Plan. The current version is the SME Development Plan for 2016-2020, in which is being implemented now.

DOSMEP’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Business Matching Event The event is jointly organized various annual business matching with Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI). Previous business matchings were between Laos and Thailand, Viet Nam, Singapore, and Korea.

Export Subsidy A subsidy program provided to eligible SMEs.

Capability Building for To provide training on Productivity and Quality management as to improve SMEs product and services closer to international requirements: - Provide training on Business Planning Development as to strengthening the business management and mitigating risks of business operations. - Support local SMEs, especially women and young entrepreneurs, attending regional workshop to understand the regional business trends. - Provided training on ICT application for SMEs under ACTI Project. - Workshop on improving quality of handicraft products.

Know-how Sharing To provide workshops for local SMEs on various fields which attended by regional and global guest speakers and expert. Eg. Sustainability Agribusiness Assessment, Sustainability on Ecotourism SMEs, Best Practice of GMP for Food and Beverages SMEs. Market Research Cooperated with Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) setting up SME Service Center under the support of RELATED Project (GIZ) as to serve basic information for SMEs. The centre is located at the LNCCI - Established the Ecommerce website www.plaosme.com to be the market place for SME’s products and services. This is the initiative stage on bring SME to regional market. Partner Identification The current partner includes; - The Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) - The Department of Trade Promotion - The Department of Import and Export - Business Associations – Associations under the LNCCI, Lao Women Entrepreneur Association, Young Entrepreneur Association - Office of SME Promotion (OSMEP), Thailand

Financial Support to Partially sponsor for SME attending to international trade fairs: Milan EXPO, International Trade Fairs CAEXPO. The sponsoring includes air ticket, accommodation, or exhibition fees.

50 Success Stories 107 Malaysia

Responsible Institution

The SME Corporation Malaysia (SME Corp. Malaysia) – is a Central Coordinating Agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia that formulates overall policies and strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and coordinates the implementation of SME development programs across all related Ministries and Agencies. The current SME Masterplan captures initiatives into 6 focuses under the 6 high impact programs.

SME Corp. Malaysia’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Integration of Business The program aims at creating a single window for both business registration Registration and Licensing and licensing to encourage formation and formalization of businesses. The HIP 1 is Malaysia’s inter-agency effort, being led by Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) in collaboration with SME Corp. Malaysia, Companies Commission of Malaysia, Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU), Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) and the state Governments. Technology A program designed for Malaysian SMEs to help them seamlessly move their Commercialization Platform innovations along the complex stages of the commercialization process by providing end-to-end facilitation. The model addresses the innovation gaps through a holistic and ‘market-driven’ approach in supporting innovation and industrial competitiveness.

SME Investment Program The program is a co-funding initiative between Government and private investors to enhance access to financing for early-stage SMEs. Under the program, investment management companies known as SME Partners who will solicit funds from the private investors will be appointed. SME Partner will then channel the fund to viable SMEs in the form of debt or hybrid of debt and equity. Going Export Program The GoEX offers customized assistance to new exporters and SMEs venturing into new markets. Export-ready SMEs can avail to comprehensive support which among others includes linkage to market expertise and buyers, and compliance to standards to expedite internationalization of products and services.

Catalyst Program The program aims to create homegrown champions through a targeted approach with support in the area of financing, market access and human capital development. The program will have transparent selection criteria and exit mechanism. The Green LED/SSL, BioNext Initiative, Aerospace and Medical Devices under the Catalyst Program are currently being implemented to create high growth SMEs. Inclusive Innovation The Inclusive Innovation is specifically designed to empower the bottom 40% of the income pyramid. The program will promote transformation of communities, including micro enterprise in the rural areas through handholding as well as provision of technical, financial and management support.

108 50 Success Stories Myanmar

Responsible Institution

SME Development Department – is a department under the Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection, Ministry of Industry, with a mission to develop the economy by promoting the development of small and medium enterprises, creating jobs, generating new income, and raising the standard of living of its people.

SME Development Department’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Business Matching Event Myanmar holds a number of business matching events with its trading partners every year. Most of which are specifically for small and medium enterprises.

Capability Building for 1. Basic Short Course for Skill Labour Training SMEs 2. Business Management Training (cooperated with GIZ) 3. Corporate Social Responsibility International Session Training (cooperated with Building Markets) 4. Business Plan Creation and Strategy Development Training (cooperated with FNF) 5. Training for Youth & Women Entrepreneurship (cooperated with UNIDO) 6. Start& Improve Your Business (SIYB) Training (cooperated with ILO) 7. Costing and Planning for Financial Plan (cooperated with ILO 8. Work Improvement Small Enterprise (WISE) TOT (cooperated with ILO)

Know-how Sharing Technology Transfers were supported by Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department (SMEDD) cooperated with inline ministries and development partners as follows: • Dry-rice noodle technology transfer • General knowledge on IP- Myanmar Version • ISO 9001 for SME • ISO-ITEC for SME • MANGO SME • Productivity and Waste Control • Productivity Improvement Through 5 S • Protect Design, GI, Patent, Trademark • PUM Tea • Soap Technology • Tomato Technology • Foundry and Forging

Awareness programs were implemented by SMEDD and development partners’ organizations: • SME Guidebook Awareness Training • Credit Guarantee Insurance System Awareness Workshop • JICA Two Step Loan Awareness Workshop • Saturday SME Talk (GIZ) • OECD Policy Dialogue / Workshop (OECD) Market Research 1. Costing and Planning (AAT Business School ILO) 2. Market Analysis Tools Training( supported by SMEDD) 3. Action Learning Training( supported by SMEDD)

50 Success Stories 109 Partner Identification GIZ (Germany) FNF (Germany) UNIDO (United States) JICA (Japan) PUM Netherlands (Netherland) Building Markets (Canada) JROOT (Korea) Access to Finance 1. CGI (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation & C.B Bank) 2. Two Step Loan by JICA Policy, Law, Rules, and 1. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Law (2015 ) Regulations 2. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Policy (2015) 3. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Rules (2016)

110 50 Success Stories Philippines

Responsible Institution

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) – The DTI is responsible for realizing the country’s goal of globally competitive and innovative industry and services sector that contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation. Pursuant to the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, DTI shall endeavour to reduce inequality and poverty by expanding economic opportunities in industry and services, and by increasing the access particularly of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), cooperatives and overseas Filipinos (OFs) to these opportunities.

DTI’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Doing Business in Free The Doing Business in the Free Trade Areas program is a series of sessions that Trade Area (DBFTA) impart exhaustive information to various stakeholders, particularly MSMEs, regarding free trade agreements and preferential schemes of the Philippines. The DTI’s Export Marketing Bureau conducts these business information sessions covering topics such as market opportunities, tariff schemes, rules of origin, and customs procedures, among others. Regional Inclusive Platform The RIPPLES Program aims to develop new and existing exporters aligned for Philippine Exporters with the Philippine Export Development Plan’s key and emerging sectors. The (RIPPLES) interventions are designed to prepare MSMEs to compete in terms of volume, quality, price, packaging, compliance with market-entry requirements, rules and regulations, and design leadership.

The priorities sectors of RIPPLES include electronic manufacturing services and semiconductor manufacturing service; automotive and auto parts; aerospace parts; chemicals; shipbuilding, Roll-on Roll off (Ro-Ro) as well as small and medium-sized vessels; furniture, wearables and gifts, decors and housewares (GDH); tool and die; agri-business; information technology business process management; transport and logistics; tourism; and, construction procedures and documentation, import facilities for exporters, buyer linkages, export financing and incentives, product raw material sourcing and other statistical information. The agency also assists exporters in export relate problems and trade complaints.

Export Assistance Network The DTI Export Assistance Network (EXPONET) helps exporters and (EXPONET) prospective exporters’ access information and resolve specific problems related to exporting. EXPONET provides information on export seminar schedules, export organizing, export procedures and documentation, import facilities for exporters, buyer linkages, export financing and incentives, product raw material sourcing and other statistical information. The agency also assists exporters in export related problems/trade complaints.

50 Success Stories 111 Singapore

Responsible Institution

SPRING Singapore – is an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry responsible for helping Singapore enterprises grow and building trust in Singapore products and services. As the enterprise development agency, SPRING works with partners to help enterprises in financing, capability and management development, technology and innovation, and access to markets. International Enterprise Singapore (IE Singapore) – is the government agency that promotes international trade and partners Singapore companies to go global. A new government agency, named Enterprise Singapore, will be formed through the merger of IE Singapore and SPRING. This underscores the government’s commitment to adapt and strengthen our support for our enterprises. Leveraging IE Singapore’s core strengths in internationalization and SPRING’s expertise and levers in helping SMEs, the newly-formed agency will offer companies a holistic and integrated network to build capabilities and access overseas markets opportunities, in Q2 2018.

SPRING’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Market Readiness The MRA Grant supports pre-determined activities in overseas market setups, Assistance identification of business partners and overseas market promotion. These (MRA) Grant activities include conducting feasibility studies, incorporation of business entities in overseas markets, IP registration, PR and marketing and online marketing. MRA supports 70% of eligible costs of these activities, capped at $20,000 per fiscal year.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/MRA

Global Company The GCP Programme grooms globally competitive companies through Partnership (GCP) Grant building internal capabilities, developing manpower, accessing markets and providing access to financing under the GCP grant. GCP supports up to 70% of eligible expenses for SMEs, and up to 50% for other Singapore-based companies.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Global-Company- Partnership-Grant Market Access Incubation MAIP provides startups with funding of up to 70% on eligible costs for Program (MAIP) overseas missions and fairs organised by approved incubators. International Marketing The iMAP supports overseas business missions and Singapore Pavilions at Activities Programme international trade fairs organised by Trade Associations and Chambers. (iMAP) Companies who participate in iMAP approved activities receive support of up to 70% of eligible expenses, such as rental of exhibition space, booth construction cost and fair/mission consultancy expenses.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Market-Readiness- Assistance/Financial-Assistance/IMAP Double Tax Deduction for Singapore businesses can get a double deduction on their taxes for qualifying Internationalization (DTD) market expansion expenses and overseas investment development expenses.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/E-Services/Double-Tax-Deduction- for-Internationalisation

112 50 Success Stories Internationalisation Finance Companies in the Marine and Offshore sector (e.g. Offshore Support Services Scheme for Marine and and Shipyards), may access up to $70M in credit facilities. Offshore Engineering Companies (IFS - M &OE) Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Global-Company- Partnership/Access-to-Financing/Internationalisation-Finance-Scheme- Mand-OE

Political Risk Insurance PRIS enables qualifying Singapore companies to receive premium support Scheme (PRIS) for PRI policies. IE Singapore will support 50% of the premium for up to the first 3 years of each PRI policy. This is subject to a maximum amount of $500,000 per qualifying Singapore-based company.

*PRIS is a financial assistance programme under IE Singapore’s GCP programme.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Global-Company- Partnership/Access-to-Financing/Political-Risk-Insurance-Scheme

Loan Insurance Scheme The Loan Insurance Scheme (LIS) is a joint programme between IE Singapore (LIS) and SPRING Singapore. LIS helps companies secure short term trade financing lines from banks by insuring the banks against insolvency risks of the borrowers.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Global-Company- Partnership/Access-to-Financing/Loan-Insurance-Scheme https://www.spring.gov.sg/Growing-Business/Loan/Pages/loan- insurancescheme.aspx

Trade Credit Insurance The TCIS enables qualifying Singapore companies to receive premium Scheme (TCIS) support for TCI policies. IE Singapore will support up to 50% of the minimum premium for TCI policies held with Singapore-registered credit insurers. This is subject to a maximum amount of S$100,000 per qualifying Singapore- based company.

Link: https://www.iesingapore.gov.sg/Assistance/Global-Company- Partnership/Access-to-Financing/Trade-Credit-Insurance-Scheme Capability Development The CDG aims to support SMEs to scale up business capabilities and ensure Grant (CDG) business sustainability. Companies can take on projects in areas such as product development, human capital development, business processes enhancements for productivity and business model transformation. The grant defrays up to 70% of qualifying project costs such as consultancy, training, certification and equipment costs.

Link: https://www.spring.gov.sg/Growing-Business/Grant/Pages/ capabilitydevelopment-grant.aspx

50 Success Stories 113 Thailand

Responsible Institution

The Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP) – is the leading organization in formulating policies and strategies on SME promotion as well as to serve as a focal agency in coordinating the network systems of public and private sectors in order to drive SMEs to grow with strength and sustainability.

OSMEP’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Business Matching Event There are business matching events to support SME internationalization; welcoming foreign trade delegation to Thailand (incoming trade mission) and organizing a trade delegation to negotiate an overseas trade (outgoing trade mission). The government serves as a link between local businesses and foreign businesses. Moreover, the marketing activities includes activities in the public relations and promoting the image of Thai products and services as well. Capability Building for There are variety of programs on capacity building for SMEs, for example, SMEs development of knowledge for entrepreneurs to create value added products and services by focusing on branding, product development, or product and packaging development to meet new trends and needs of the international markets as in the form of seminar and training.

Trade Policy Information There are important information services available for export supporting, and Commercial such as the international market situation, which covers trade and investment Intelligence fundamentals, international trade information, and information support services such as potential market and insights.

Financial Support to Funding is already supported to SMEs in various projects, for example, to International Trade Fairs encourage entrepreneurs to attend trade shows in various countries. However, there are different levels of supports to SMEs.

Self Certification The government also facilitates self-certification process through the government e-service, which include the system of ASEAN self-registration on certification of the origin and exporter self-certification system. Participation in Global The government attaches great importance to enhance the competitiveness Value Chain of SMEs to become part of the global value chain. The mechanism includes (1) central market for trading materials and parts which acting as the intermediary on industrial linkage for the supplier and the buyer of the parts to meet as one-stop sourcing center (2) buyer meet seller which the manufacturer’s parts will visit the buyer’s factory to provide an opportunity to visualize the assembly process, also to provide an opportunity to produce various components to feed the buyers (3) sourcing service and business matchmaking services by supplying supplier information to buyer company and (4) Taking Thai SMEs to international exhibitions in order to provide opportunity to link with customers aboard, etc.

114 50 Success Stories E-commerce Promotion There are many implementing e-commerce promotion programs from government agencies. The programs include; (1) SME Go Online – facilitating and capacity building to enhance SME knowledge on online marketing. (2) Offline to Online Community Product Development (B2C) – creating an online marketing channel and establishing distribution centers through online channels for Thai SMEs. (3) E-Commerce Market Expansion Program – building and developing Thai businesses on using e-commerce to expand market in the digital economy and promoting Thai e-commerce business to be recognized and have potential to expand the business into the international market.

Custom Procedure There are two main services as follow. Information Integrated tariff database – there is a service providing the import – export tariff rate which getting exemption of duty, special privileges, also related knowledge. E-tracking system – it is a system providing online custom clearance tracking services such as inbound invoice, outbound shipment, account information, and invoice information to be used in fastening the work.

50 Success Stories 115 Viet Nam

Responsible Institution

The Agency for Enterprise Development (AED) – is an institution under the Ministry of Planning and Investment Viet Nam. It assists the Minister in performing state management functions related to Small and Medium Enterprise Development; state-owned enterprise reform. AED has duties to preside over or participate in preparing legal normative documents on the arrangement, innovation of state-owned enterprises, the development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and mechanisms, policies, solutions to the development of types of enterprises to submit to competent levels for promulgation.

AED’s initiatives supporting SMEs internationalization

Initiative Description

Business Matching Event National Program on Export Promotion implemented by Ministry of Trade and Export Support and Industry. The main objective of the Program is to strengthen trade promotion activities, export development, domestic market expansion in order to improve the competitiveness in production and business of Vietnamese enterprise; to link among trade, investment and tourism promotion. Capability Building for National SME Support Training Program implemented by Ministry of SMEs Planning and Investment. The main objective of the Program is to improve the management capability for SME and encouraging start-up.

Quality Standard National program on Improving productivity and quality of Vietnamese enterprise’s products and goods to 2020 implemented by Ministry of Science and Technology. Overall objective of Program is to formulate and apply a system of standards, technical regulations, management systems, models and tools for improvement of productivity and quality; to develop necessary resources to raise the productivity and quality of products and goods; to make visible changes in the productivity and quality of key products and goods as well as the competitiveness of enterprises to contribute to the country’s socio economic development. Building Brand The National Brand Program Promotion implemented by Ministry of Trade and Industry. The National Brand Program aims to promote national image, national brand through product brand (goods and services). This is a long-term trade promotion program aimed at building and promoting trade names, geographical indications and trademarks of Vietnamese goods and services on domestic and foreign markets.

116 50 Success Stories