Unit 3: Greetings (lesson 1-2 Discovery Chinese 1). Unit Overview ( 8 lessons, 2 of them are 100 min) 21 century skills+ higher thinking integration focus in this unit: communication (through conversation practice); creativity (give your pet a Chinese name project; create an authentic street interview through role play); collaboration (role play games; learning center games) critical thinking: (The project I gave them( greet the teacher and new classmates on the first day), they have to think critically( which words should be put into the sentences, which are dropped) and use creativity to complete) Content Knowledge: Basic words, phrases and sentences to greet people: 你, 我, 它,他,她,很好,谢谢,叫,什么, 名字,再⻅,们,吗,⽼师,同学 你好! 你叫什么名字?我叫。。。 你好吗?我很好,谢谢! Three conversations: 1. Greet each other; introduce yourself; 2. Introduce other people; 3. Street interview; Enrichment learning ( for differentiation): 认识你很⾼兴!我也是!你姓什么?你的中⽂名字叫什么?你的英⽂名字叫什么? Informal assessments: Pre-assessment; exit ticket; 3 conversations; 1 music play; 1 name your pet a Chinese name project plus conversation( 25 points each in grade book); learning center games; in-class observation; Formal assessment: end of unit test (75 points in grade book) All credits in gradebook for CK: 200 points All credits in gradebook for WH: 100 points ( class core values +grit) Home practice sent through google classroom on quizlet: https://quizlet.com/229525194/flashcards https://quizlet.com/229527951/flashcards

Lesson 1 (45 min) New words: 1. New words:

Lesson 1 9 Basic key words to greet someone in Chinese and ask their name

Wo 我 I, me

ni 你 you

jiao 叫 call, be called

ming zi 名 字 name

hao 好 good, well

shen me 什 么 what

2. Phrases: Ni hao 你 好 hello zai jian 再 ⻅ good bye

3. Dialogue 1 wenhao 问好(greetings)

Conversation 1( act it out without looking at reference, 25 points): A: nihao , Ni jiao shenme mingzi? 你好, 你叫 什么 名字? B: nihao, Wo jiao______. Ni jiao shen me mingzi? 你好 , 我叫——————————。 你叫 什么 名字? A: wo jiao______. 我叫——————————。 B: zai jian! 再 ⻅! A: zai jian! 再 ⻅ ! extra enrichment sentence( add them if you can): hen xing renshi ni! 很 ⾼ 兴 认识 你! I’m glad to meet you! Wo shi! 我 也 是! Me too!

Lesson 2: Communicative practice

1. Communicative practice: Give each student their Chinese name. Read it to them to see whether they can recognize it is actually their name. Have them learn how to write and pronounce it correctly according to . 2. Act out the Dialogue 1 with their Chinese names, adding the extra enrichment words for students who need to be challenged.

Have them greet each other with the signature heart-shaped handshake to add fun. 3. Learn Nihao with Tim. 2min 54 s


Authentic practice: make it into a music play (25 points points) 4. The rest of the time: independent practice time for with post-assessment ( exit ticket) lesson 3 learn pronouns in Chinese, word for plural form and how to introduce others

1. ta ta ta 她 他 它

2. Conversation 2( 25 pointsauthentic)

A: nihao , wo jiao______, Ni jiao shenme mingzi?

你好, 我叫—————, 你叫 什么 名字? B: nihao, Wo jiao______. ta jiao shen me mingzi? 你好 , 我叫——————————。 他/她 叫 什么 名字? A: ta jiao______.


C: hen gao xing renshi ni ! 很 ⾼ 兴 认识 你 !

B: Wo ye shi! 我 也 是! C+A: zai jian!

再 ⻅! B: zai jian! 再 ⻅ ! 10 minutes’ practice time and act it out!

Lesson 4 grammar word: 们 and flashback of all Chinese characters we have learnt! 1.men 们 Grammar today: 们 can only be used for pronouns and human nouns, as in ⼈们 and 你们,not for things or animals. ⽉们 ,⼑们 are not considered correct. 们 cannot be used in conjunction with measure words. ⼈们is fine, but 三个⼈们 is not; the last example reduces to 三个⼈

2. Pronouns in Chinese (hand out for Chinese pronouns for students to paste it on their notebook)

Singular form ni wo ta ta ta

你 我 她 他 它 you I, me She, her , him it

Plural forms nimen Wo men Ta men Ta men

你们 我们 他们 它们 you We, us They, them practice time: Chinese dictation test with your friend! Read the words and English meanings to your friend, write them down on white boards. See who wins! wo ni hao ta ta ta Zai jian jiao Ming zi 名字 我 你 好 他 她 它 再⻅ 叫 I, me you Good, He, She, it goodbye Call, name well him her be called

3. Exit ticket: two teams, write out the words I say in Chinese, let’s see who wins!

Lesson 5 (block day) 1. New words: 吗 signify a question

Hen 很 very

Xie 谢 谢 thanks

xing 姓 last name

2. Sentences: (1)Ni xing shen me? 你 姓 什 么? What is your last name? (2)Ni jiao shen me? 你 叫 什 么? What is your first name/full name? (This sentence is a short form of 你叫什么名字?)

(3)Ni hao ma 你 好 吗? How are you? (4)Wo hen hao, xiexie 我 很 好, 谢谢! I’m fine, thank you! 3. Video and authentic situation(25 points): (1)Chinese names 2 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cdsk4KHq2RI (2) English names vs. Chinese names: 9 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMjLBK2RsxQ (3)Authentic situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ohSKHDtGTQ 2 minute- ask Chinese names in the street new words: zhongwen zhongwenmingzi The Chinese name

yingwen yingwenmingzi The English language English name you meiyou have not have Conversation 3(25 points): make an authentic dialogue. One person interviews, the rest of the class answer questions. The teacher will do an example first. Interviewer: Ni hao, ni xing shenme? 你好, 你姓什么? Interviewee: Nihao, woxing______你好, 我姓______Interviewer: Ni jiao shenme? 你叫什么? Interviewee: Wo jiao______. 我叫______Interviewer: Ni you mingzi ma? 你 有 中⽂ 名字 吗? Interviewee: You! Wo jiao______. 有! 我叫______

4. Cultural piece and project: The 100 Most Common Chinese Family Names To choose a Chinese name for your pet, you should choose both the first name and the last name. Most people tend to have a well-known Chinese family name that sounds similar to their English family name, on the packet I gave you, you can see 100 most common Chinese family names. I will introduce the most popular Chinese family names’ origin for you and we’ll go over the pronunciations together. The origin of Chinese : It was called “Hundred family names”, but it doesn’t mean there are only 100 names in 《百家姓bǎijiāxìnɡ》. According to the different provenance and characteristic, it can divide into 14 different kinds of a surname. 1. Ancestral Totem like 熊(xiónɡ)、⻢(mǎ)、⽜(niú)、⽺(yánɡ)、⻰(lónɡ)、凤(fènɡ)、⼭ (shān)、⽔(shuǐ)、花(huā)、叶(yè)… 2. To the name of the word force ancestor’s surnames In Chunqiu period, King Ling of has a son called “王⼦年夫(wánɡzǐnìnɡfū)”, his descendants used "年" to be the surname. And some others like 牧(mù)、终(zhōnɡ)、 常(chánɡ)、孔(kǒnɡ)、廉(lián)、乐(lè)、⽪(pí)、⾼(ɡāo). • 3. A fief (an estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service.

2. )name to be a surname. Such as: 宋(sònɡ),赵(zhào)、吴(wú)、郑(zhènɡ)、陈(chén)、卫()、蒋(jiǎnɡ)、沈 (shěn). 4. Job or official position 司徒(sītú) is an official's name in and times until to and Handynasty, and in the same way, like 司空(sīkōnɡ)、司⻢(sīmǎ)... 5. Mountains and rivers: (jiang)江 6. Place : 陆 7. Tribe: Like 呼延(hūyán)、慕容(mùrónɡ)、宇⽂(yǔwén)、尉迟(yùchí)、万俟(wànsì). 8. Change the name toa void disaster, enemy, taboo, suspicion. Like:桂(ɡuì)、⽥ (tián). 9. Given by Emperor. Like:⾦(jīn)、刘(liú)、郑(zhènɡ). 10. In quantifier, ranking order and Chinese era as the last name. Like:万(wàn)、丙 (bǐnɡ). 11. A minority name change into a ethnic surname. Like 元 (yuán)。 12. The Han ethnic change into a minority name. There are a lot Han ethnic people change the surname into a minority in , , and dynasty. 13. Some minority family name. 14. Some family name is very easy to read wrong. Chinese characters have polyphone and dialect change etc. Like: “万俟”, pronounce “mòqí”,it has often been mistaken for "wànsì". “区”,pronounce “ōu”, it has often been mistaken for“qū”. The top 8 Chinese last names in 百家姓bǎijiāxìnɡ. Zhào qián sūn lǐ, zhōu wú zhènɡwánɡ 赵 钱 孙 李, 周 吴 郑 王 “百家姓bǎijiāxìnɡ” was formed in QianTangregion in .The emperor's surname is “赵”, that's why 赵 is in the first one. But every surname is equal, no matter poor, rich, expensive, cheap, and high or low are all the same.“百家姓bǎijiāxìnɡ”used “four-word” style to arrange the surnames, everyone has a rhyme. It played a huge role to pass on Chinese culture and to understand the Chinese characters. It is also a very important factor to spread Chinese culture in thousands of year.

How to Write Your Name in Chinese Family name+ Given name For example: 1. xiaowen 王 ⼩⽂ 2. 张 琳

5. Project: Make a Name Your Pet in Chinese! (if you don’t have a pet like me, you can have an imaginary one) 6. You are given an index card and in pairs, share one chrome book and find a surname and a given name (usually 1 or 2 characters) to give your pet a Chinese name. Make a name card for your pet. Teach everyone on white board what they mean. (you could add your pet’s picture on the back of the card if you like) 7. Exit ticket: authentic Conversation (25 points): introduce your pet to others; ask each other’s pet’s Chinese name Yìsi chǒngwù nǐde chǒngwù xǐhuān zhègè

意思 宠物 你的宠物 喜欢 这个 meaning,mean pet yourpet like this nǐde chǒngwù xìng shénme? 你的宠物姓什么? nǐde chǒngwù jiàoshénme zì? 你的宠物叫什么名字? shénme yìsi? 什么意思? yìsi shì 意思是…………… A: nǐhǎo! nǐde chǒngwù xìng shénme? 你好!你的 宠物 姓 什么? (What is your pet’s last name?) B: ______. 它姓______(its last name is….) A: nǐde chǒngwù jiàoshénme zì? 你的宠物叫什么名字? ( What is your pet’s full name?)

B: yisi shi______. 它叫______。 (its full name is…….) A: shénme yìsi?

什么 意思? (What does it mean?) B: yìsīshì______. 意思是______( it means______)。 A: hǎomíng zì! What a beautiful name! B: nǐde chǒngwù xìng shénme? 你的 宠物 姓 什么? (What is your pet’s last name?) A: ______. 它姓______(its last name is….) B: nǐde chǒngwù jiàoshénme zì? 你的宠物叫什么名字? (What is your pet’s full name?)

A: tājiào______. 它叫______。 (its full name is…) B: shénme yìsi?

什么 意思? (What does it mean?) A: yìsīshì______. 意思是______( it means______)。 B: wǒ xǐhuān zhègè mang zì! 我喜欢这个名字! A: xièxie, zàijiàn! 谢谢! 再⻅! B: zàijiàn! 再⻅!

Learning Target: Review all 22 new words and 11 new sentences we have learnt in unit 3, recognize them, say their pronunciation correctly https://quizlet.com/229525194/flashcards https://quizlet.com/229527951/flashcards 21 century Skills: collaboration; communication; creativity; Higher thinking integration: Apply; Analyze; Create; How: 4 learning center games Connection to Chinese culture: how to use chopsticks Teaching process: Pre-assessment: bell work Game: Fishing; snake chess; dumplings, big bees Post-assessment: make an authentic conversation; suppose it is the first day of school, greet the teacher; greet each other; use all knowledge we have learnt Games instructions: when the bell ring, change to the next game. In pairs, Game 1: Fishing: take turns, get the fish, read it out loud in Chinese, say what it means in English, then you can have the fish. See who gets the most fish! Games 2: Dumplings: use chopsticks, get the dumpling, read it out loud in Chinese, say what it means in English, then you can have the dumpling. See who gets the most dumplings! Game 3: Snake chess: Each pair needs one Yellow dice and your play stones. Every time you go to a step, read the character out loud, say the English meaning or else you need to go backwards one step. See who reaches the destiny first! Game 4 Big Bee: The most challenging! Use the magnifying glass to read hand-written Chinese characters! Remember, if you can recognize hand-written characters, you are a master!

Example: Scene 1Teacher: Tongxue men hao! 同学们 好! Hello, class! Class: laoshihao! ⽼师好! Hello , teacher! T: ni xingshenme? 你姓什么? What is your last name? S1: wo xing______. 我姓 My last name is______T: ni jiao shenme mingzi? 你叫 什么 名字? What is your first name? S1: wo jiao______. 我叫______My first name is______Teacher introduces herself. Students introduce each other. Scene 2:In the Hall ( in groups of 2 or 3) Students introduce each other and introduce your friend to other people using: Ta jiao shenme? 他/她叫什么? What is his/her name? Ta jiao… 他/她叫 His/Her name is______Renshini hengaoxing! 认识你很⾼兴! Glad to meet you! Wo yeshi! 我也是! Me too! Zaijian! 再⻅! Good-bye! lesson 6 Grammar Translation practice!

1.Key words: Laoshi ⽼师 Teacher Tongxue 同学 Classmate Work in pairs, write down the conversation in your notebook and translate the following dialogue into Chinese characters. A: Hello, class (the same as classmates in Chinese)!

------B: Hello Teacher!


A: What’s your name?

------B: My name is David ( ⽩⼤卫). ______

A: What is her name?


B: Her name is Mary Bai( ⽩玛丽). What is your name, teacher? A: My name is Mrs. Mohr. ( Mohr⽼师)

B: Hello Mrs. Mohr!

______Teaching point: 1. The Chinese punctuation works different than English, the period is a hollow circle.。 2. Hello somebody is somebody(noun/pronoun+好) 3. How you call your teacher in China: family name+⽼师

Lesson 7+8: review games: little magnifying bees; popcorns and end of unit test Extra: writing lesson Use 1 paragraph introducing your last name, name in Chinese; then another 3 family members. Example: 你好!认识你们很⾼兴!我来介绍⾃⼰和家⼈。我的名字叫孙琳。 我姓孙,叫琳。我妈妈的名字是孙颖莉。也姓孙,她叫颖莉。孙守 ⽥是我外公的名字。他姓孙,叫守⽥。我的外婆姓陈,她叫陈治。 谢谢!再⻅!
