PDF: V109-N47.Pdf
[L' E : MIT. Continuous }Cairfbridge: v ., l NewsAd Service| -IMassachusetts -[ i l |-|- Since 1881I i;.Friday -October -31,1989. V-H dz 109,_olume Number 47 lo w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orn p-o IC: 1 table r By Niraj S. Desai jected to harassment, intimida-I be shown on registration day of J The Academic Council appears tion, abuse, or degradation. either term, during Residence/ z to support a new MIT Policy on The Office of the Dean for Orientation Week, or in Kresge - Pornography that would prohibit Student Affairs and the Comnmit- Auditorium. Also, the sponsor- the showing of -pornographic tee on Discipline would handle ing group must give six weeks ad- films in Institute common areas, complaints under ' n er t~phi s ss d f l i .d fl d w t . R i i ¢ m y the policy. The vance notice before the showing. according to a letter from Faculty two) groups would determine The proposed policy differs Chair Henry D. F+ -Jacoby and As- whether the policy was violated, from the present one, Jacoby ." toeci-efiims~4hose .pumr *eif to condone thie'Sbor sociate Provost S. Jay Keyser. and what sanctions would : be said, in that it limits its scope to ;'.2&na -or, -eabl~e- ,- ~y'P'ersopittig`hubtsantia dsexy M' But the proposed policy is tenta- appropriate. films that use ;ex cXTmNaten! 1.Ca,,3u eci ;pspel,a coy i - sexually explicit tive, Jacoby said, and is still material to dehumanize .natiiiI0, V'outd be laltubd t£gaFt.de ee.4X Council seeks feedback or abuse 'every much up for discussion." subj ects, rather than films which .
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