Native (and selected other) Inventory Hamden Library Library Winter 2021 There are two lists: 1. Seeds collected locally 2. Seeds donated by Cheshire Nursery from Botanical Interests Seeds collected locally Latin Name Common name(s) Description Year Donor collected Achillea Yarrow Yellow 2020 Cheryl C Achillea Yarrow Lt. yellow 2020 Cheryl C Achillea yarrow Yellow 2020 Cheryl C millefolium Agastache Anise hyssop 2020 Cheryl C foenniculum Baptisia australis Wild Indigo 2020 Cheryl C Blue False Indigo Caryopteris BlueBeard 2020 Cheryl C Blue Mist shrub Chasmanthium Northern Sea Oats 2020 Cheryl C latifolium River Oats Cleome purple 2020 Cheryl C Conoclinum Perennial Ageratum 2020 Jim S coelestinum eximia fringed bleeding 2020 Cheryl C heart wild bleeeding heart Dicentra Bleeding Heart 2020 Cheryl C spectabilis Digitalis Foxglove purple, pink, white 2020 Cheryl C purpurea Doellingeria Flat-topped aster 2020 Jim S umbellata Eupatorium Boneset 2020 Jim S perfoliatum Latin Name Common name(s) Description Year Donor collected Eurybia White wood aster 2020 Jim S divaricata Eutrochium Joe Pye Weed 2020 Betsy G [purpureum?] Eutrochium Little Joe Pye Weed Does not come true 2020 Betsy G dubium to seed Eutrochium Joe Pye Weed 2020 Jim S maculatum Eutrochium Sweet Joe Pye Weed 2020 Betsy G purpureum Foeniculum Fennel 2020 Cheryl C vulgare Bronze fennel ‘Purpureum” Hosta ‘Blue Plantain Lily (spread-4’ - large 2020 Cheryl C Angel’ (Sieboldiana) ) Liatris spicata Blazing Star B* 2020 Cheryl C Jim S Gayfeather Liatris spicata White blazing star 2020 Cheryl C ‘alba’ Lunaria Money Plant 2020 Cheryl C Lupinus Lupine 2020 Cheryl C polyphyllus Nepeta cataria Catnip 2020 Cheryl C Penstemon white w/red 2020 Cheryl C Penstemon blue (purple) 2020 Betsy G Rudbeckia hirta biennial black eyed Each plant has 2020 Cheryl C susan different patterns of colors in yellow/orange/brown Rudbeckia Green head 2020 Jim S laciniata coneflower Salvia coccinea “Coral nymph” 2020 Cheryl C Latin Name Common name(s) Description Year Donor collected Senna Wild senna scarify seeds, plant 2020 Cheryl C hebecarpa 1/8” deep in fall Jim S 3’-5’ Solidago caesia Blue-stemmed 2020 Jim S goldenrod Stylophorum Wood poppy Celendine poppy 2020 Cheryl C diphyllum Symphyotrichum New England Aster 2020 Cheryl C novae angliae Jim S Verbena purple top vervain 2020 Cheryl C bonariensis Vernonia Prairie ironweed 2020 Jim S fasciculata Vernonia Giant ironweed 2020 Jim S gigantea Veronicastrum Culver’s Root 2020 Cheryl C virginicum Zizia aurea Golden Alexander 2020 Cheryl C

(see next page for the second list) Seeds from Botanical Interests (donated by Cheshire Nursery) Seed # size mix – hummingbird haven 2 10 grams Flower mix – save the bees 1 12 grams Phlox grandiflora starry eyes blend 3 200mg Flower mix – edible beauties 3 3 grams Flower mix – precious pollinators 1 3 grams Pink butterfly weed 1 150 mg Orange butterfly weed 1 150mg Hollyhock – Indian Spring 3 800mg Hollyhock – Night Watchman 2 400mg Columbine Mckana Giants 5 200mg Love-in-a-mist 3 1 gram Lemon & tangerine gem marigold 2 150mg Oregano -Greek 4 100mg Cosmos – Bright Lights 2 1 gram Scabiosa – Isaac house blend 5 25 seeds Sweet alyssum 3 250mg Corn poppy 1 1 gram California poppy 2 2 grams Lace flower – Madonna blend 4 200mg Borage 4 1 gram Flower mix – bring home the butterflies 1 3 grams Flower mix – precious pollinators 2 3 grams