Mary T. Hill Diary 1914

{Note pages at front of diary}

November – Cash Gertie P. Horrigan 1628 West 12th St. Los Angeles

Mrs. Geo. R. Finch C. Richard Stockton Ivy Towers Trenton N. J.

December - Cash Wanted help for fair for church Apr. 2nd. Society Mrs. Otto Isaacson Papers Mahnomen, Minn.

Wanting Clothes Hill Katherine Mary F. Fitzpatrick T. Minot, N. Dak Historical September - Cash Things needed at Jeckyl Island apartment Mary Wash clothes. roung [sic] Doilies for the curate Tea Napkins Coffee pot plate for serving Tack hammer Silver polish Minnesota

October - Cash March 2nd to Maria - 25.00

July – Cash Madame Helene 563 East 56th. Street New York

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Cor. 56th. St.

August – Cash Harry Kirke Porter 1600 I. Street James Carleton Young Man in Minneapolis who has Autographs Sets of Authors.

June – Cash Pd. House Cleaning May 12th 6400 Pd. Laundress 3 weeks – 26.00 Pd. Mrs. McQuillan to May 9th. 25.00 Society Memoranda Book I have read since early Papers in Feb. The New China H. Board Hill Happy to Lucky Ian Hay T. The Custom of the Country Historical Edith Wharton Pollyanna Elenor H. Porter Mary The End of her Honeymoon Mrs. Baloc Loundes Grace Church John Ayscough Caviar by Grant Richards Minnesota January 1, Thursday This seems first wintry day snowing. Papa and I are spending a very quiet day. He has been sitting for portrait in Drawing room to M. Caro Delvaille who took luncheon with us. Clara has gone to Dellwood it is a stormy day. Little Dorothy is better so is Jerome.

January 2, Friday A very dark cheerless day. Papa stayed at home all forenoon in Drawing room with Caro Delville [sic]. Charlotte Rachel and the artist took luncheon with us. Louis, jr. had

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trouble on knee lanced to day he is better. Little Dorothy is better too. Dr. Smith called in the evening. Clara took cold yesterday.

January 3, Saturday Still cloudy. Clara has pretty bad throat. Dr. Gilfillan saw her this morning. Mrs. Wm. Lee 84 - today. I went in to see her. Remarkable woman for her age. Papa went to the Yale dinner and made a short address. Clara is ill of a cold taken at Dellwood New Years day. Katherine Abott [sic] and I went to hear Ysaye the violinist.

January 4, Sunday Still cloudy - not cold. Wrote to Mike Gavin. Clara is no worse so must be better. Papa has gone out to North Oaks. Louis jr. and Little Dorothy are better. We are alone at dinner and in the evening I had Vincent de Paul and papa worked at a puzzle.

January 5, Monday And yet another cloudy day. 24 above about same temperature for days. Letters from Mrs. Freeman James Mamie and Ruth.

January 6, Tuesday Society At last sun shine today - until afternoon. Then cloudy again. Caro Delville [sic] seems to be getting impatient to go back East and appearsPapers to be finishing up papas portrait and the group over at Mauds. Mrs. E. H. Bailey called to day.

January 7, Wednesday Hill Cloudy but Spring like. Water running. George and Charlotte dined with us he has a cold. Papa Louis and Mr. Schultz spentT. the evening together. Rachel in her room all day to day. Historical

January 8, Thursday Heavy fog last night cloudyMary early forenoon a little sunshine cloudy mostly 30 above. Clara went out to day. Dorothy jr. here for luncheon after nearly 2 weeks seclusion.

January 9, Friday No cold change yet we are all wishing for snow. This evening Ed Holter came home with papa. They had been to North Oaks to see the cattle. He stayed to dinner and spent the evening. MinnesotaLouis came in he went home with Louis.

January 10, Saturday Seems colder but is 14 above at 830 a.m. I find it much more difficult to keep track of things it is necessary for me to go over places often to know where and how all are.

January 11, Sunday 14 below at 830 a.m. A very pleasant morning – cloudy. Papa and Mr. Gray went to Minneapolis in forenoon. I wrote to Mamie to Ruth and to Gertrude and some notes. Papa and Egil have gone to North Oaks this p.m. Snowing, windy colder.

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January 12, Monday The first day this winter below zero 8 below at 7 a.m. but temperature rose toward ten a.m. Dorothy sr.’s 26th. birth-day. Walter came from Northcote yesterday to return tomorrow. We hear Theodore Schurmeier is ill of pneumonia in New York. Caroline and Theodora have gone on to him.

January 13, Tuesday A sunny morning 10 above at 830 a.m. We had a fine Concert this evening. Dorothy and Mr. Dan Morison [sic] went with us.

January 14, Wednesday A beautiful day went out in the afternoon to pay a few visits. George Charlotte Louis Maud Egil and Rachel came to dinner to help eat a large Turkey Walter sent. Theodore Schurmeier reported doing well.

January 15, Thursday 30 above this morning at 830. Louis Maud and all their children left for New York this evening. It will be the childrens first sight of the great city. Society January 16, Friday 34 above this morning at 8 oclock. Cloudy. RachelPapers did not come down today. I saw her in the afternoon looking well. Auntie Phelps was here today. George and Charlotte left for New York and Washington this evening Hill January 17, Saturday Still Cloudy but not cold 30 above atT. 830 . Egil telephoned me that Rachel was ill. At 1115 this forenoon a fine daughter was bornHistorical all doing well.

January 18, Sunday A little snow this morning.Mary Thermometer 34. Went in to see Rachel and the baby after Mass found all well. Dorothy here for luncheon. Papa and I went to North Oaks in the afternoon. Finishing of the house progressing well.

January 19, Monday A very dark morning. Thermometer 34 - a little rain. Walter came down from Northcote this a.m. They tookMinnesota breakfast here. Rachel and baby all right this morning.

January 20, Tuesday A dark day. Rachel and baby doing well. A little snow

January 21, Wednesday Colder 10 below at 7 a.m. 5 below at 830 a.m. a fine winter day. Mrs. Geo. L. Becker came to day with Mrs. Bird. I called on Mrs. Cathcart. Egils family all right. Letters from Maud Mike and Louis jr.

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January 22, Thursday 2 above zero at 830 a.m. This is Seasonable weather. Papa left this evening for New - York.

January 23, Friday {Blank}

January 24, Saturday A telegram from papa to day telling us of his safe arrival in New – York. Have been reading ‘Fortitude’ and thought it a harrowing tale by Walpole.

January 25, Sunday Dark cold and snowing - snowed all day and moderated. Rachel and baby doing well. Dr. Edward Boeckmann says she is a Hill baby not like the Boeckmanns. I can not see that. Norman Georgiana and the Dorothys took luncheon with us.

January 26, Monday Still cloudy - mild day nearly 30 above this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bunn Mr. and Mrs. Katzenbeck Major Wilson and Dave Morrison dined with us last evening. Wrote to Papa today. A letter from Ruth. Society

January 27, Tuesday Papers A lovely morning. Sunny and warm. Went to Minneapolis to inquire for Mr. Dunwoodie; found he was very low. Then went to Aunties and to see New Depot of the G. N. a fine interior. Symphony concert to night. SlezacHill great voice not very sweet.

January 28, Wednesday T. A very dark morning 34 above at 830 a.m. HistoricalGeorge Slade returned from New York this morning. George came down to dinner and we talked over his trip. Heavy rain to day and to night electric storm near here. Mary January 29, Thursday Colder 4 above zero at 830 a.m. Sunny and pleasant but too slippery for any kind of going. A long letter from Mrs. Upham to day. Auntie came down to day to stay until Saturday. We went to see Rachel and baby. Roads are a glaze of ice last nights rain froze over. Minnesota January 30, Friday So slippery this morning that I did not go out. This afternoon we got down Town by going around 6th. Street. Hill impossible. We managed to get down to see Disraeli such an unusually fine play.

January 31, Saturday Not cold still very slippery. Auntie and I went to Catholic Orphan Asylum. Mother Josephine 52 years a sister the 3rd. In the afternoon I took auntie home and called on Dr. Hills family.

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February 1, Sunday 4 above this morning. Walter and the Dorothys at St Lukes at high Mass to day. Little Dorothy so solemn looking. They all with the Sielers took luncheon here. Louis and family return tomorrow. Papa and Charlotte arrive tomorrow night.

February 2, Monday Maud Louis and the children returned to day from Eastern Trip all well and full of experiences. This morning Rachel did not look very well - needs more rest. Papa and Charlotte returned from New York this evening.

February 3, Tuesday Near zero this morning. Rachel looks better baby very well.

February 4, Wednesday Zero this morning at 8 oclock. Walter down from North Cote [sic] this morning. They came over to take breakfast with papa.

February 5, Thursday A cold day. Busy preparing to leave. Walter and the Dorothys leftSociety for California via - to night at 1040. Papers February 6, Friday Quite a little snow This morning. The predicted fall in temperature did not come 8 above today. Hill

February 7, Saturday T. 14 below at 830 this morning but moderatedHistorical quickly. We leave for New York this evening.

February 8, Sunday Mary Chicago. Very cold and very windy here to day. After Mass Clara and I went to call on Mrs. Miller in her palatial apartment. Every thing exquisite - so spacious.

February 9, Monday New York. We arrived here about on time This morning Mrs. Schultz and the Meredith Bends on the train Minnesotawith us. Find all well here a cold day - no ice or snow. Papa dined out this evening to meet Mr. Geo F. Baker.

February 10, Tuesday New York. To day very mild rather cloudy began with snow a little after 4 p.m. Mr. Sunfal with Mike and Gertrude dined with us and they with Clara went to opera. Mr. Lanier and party left for Jeckyl today. Mrs. Chas W. Bunn took luncheon with us after trouble to find house.

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February 11, Wednesday New York. Colder this morning. The day has been a severe one have cold wind. Went to call on Mrs. Schultz and found it too difficult to walk home. Poor Margaret not at all well. We went to Opera Rosenkalier. I did not like it at all. Mr. Thorne came up town with papa and walked home from here it proved a little too much but he was all right soon.

February 12, Thursday New York. Very cold last night 6 below. And very, very, cold this morning. Have just written to Mrs. Upham Walter and Rachel. Letters from Egil and Charlotte. Lincolns Day observed pretty strictly here. We went over to see Ruths children to day it is so cold they are in the house. Mr. Elliott and Mr. Gray were in today.

February 13, Friday New York. Another cold morning very cold for here. A blizzard is predicted so I am doing up my little errands in advance. Mr. and Mrs. Thorne and Dr. and Mrs. Biggs dined here to night. Telegrams from Walter they are going to California on Congress via water. George Finch wires us his mother safely South. Mamie that she is improving.

February 14, Saturday New York. The blizzard is certainly here, deep about a foot of snowSociety and wind snowed all night. Papa can not go to Washington today. All Roads blocked for the time. Wrote to Maud and to Egil this morning. Clara has gone outPapers to Opera matinee trust she may get there all right. We dined at Gertrudes and played cinch. A tele {end of entry}

February 15, Sunday Hill A bright morning storm cleared snow in piles every where. Another telegram from Mamie asking Clara and me to spendT. the time in Washington with her. The Beards, Gavins, Ann Carter and Lee McClurg dinedHistorical with us. Ruths children had their first sleigh ride to day and then came here to Tea.

February 16, Monday Mary New York. Snowing again this morning. A telegram from Dorothy tells us they have arrived at Delmonte Cal. last night. A letters [sic] from Maud also one forwarded from Mamie. We Clara and I got to Washington to day. Papa went there yesterday.

February 17, Tuesday {small travel diary} Washington D.C. AtMinnesota Mamies 2320 S Street. We left New York and high snow drifts yesterday at 330 p.m. There is much snow here. Was cold last night. Mamie in her room she looks pretty well. We leave for Jeckyl [sic] Island at 555 this p.m.

February 18, Wednesday {Blank}

February 19, Thursday Jeckyl [sic] Island. Mother M. Xavier born Feb 19th 1825. Jeckyl [sic] Island. We arrived here last night 5 hours late on the Southern Ry. Today is nearly 70. We went to Beach

1914, p.7 in forenoon drove afternoon. Papa does not content himself here for long. Letter from Charlotte. And an entertaining one from Mr. Deacon. Good many here Laniers, Macys - & guests Mrs. Schrady, Mr. Ferguson Bournes - Dr. McClure Wm. Rockafellers – Pruyns, Mrs. Morgan and party.

February 20, Friday Jeckyl [sic] Island. Thunder storm last night heavy rain lasting to 930 a.m. Wrote to Charlotte and to Rachel. Very windy we drove on River Road and back by Beach. Few Shells scarcely any.

February 21, Saturday Jeckyl [sic]. Quite cold 47 at 845 a.m. but grew warmer. We drove on Beach and near South end picked up shells. Papa and I walked on Beach this morning was windy and cold there. Wrote to Maud. Telegraphed Walter it is his birth day.

February 22, Sunday Washintons Birth day. Jeckyl [sic]. A beautiful morning cool but Sunny and calm 48 at 9 a.m. We drove via River Road on to Beach. Clara and I took luncheon at Mrs. Macys. Being Washingtons birthday the flag staff trimmed whole length. Mr. Porter offered a Toast in honor of Father of his and our country. Society

February 23, Monday Papers Jeckyl [sic]. Cool but little warmer 52 at 830 a.m. rather windy. Wrote to Auntie. Letter from Ruth. Papa and Mr. Brown left this afternoon for Washington. Many people came each day. Col. Crowley his sister in law Mrs.Hill Esterbrook her daughters a Mrs. Roebling - 3 children are here. A Mr. Topping youngish man. Some dancing this evening. T. February 24, Tuesday Historical Jeckyl [sic]. A windy morning N.W. Winds. Pleasant sunny day however. A telegram from Mike, they will arrive on the Southern tomorrow. A telegram telling us papa reached Washington onMary time. Weather there cold. We went to Mrs. Shradys to tea, met Col Crowley The Roeblings and Mrs. Esterbrook. She is an old friend of Mrs. Higbees of St. Paul knows Mrs. Brooks Mrs. Geo Harris. Mr. Topping there and a Dr. and Mrs. Woodruf bride and groom not young.

February 25, Wednesday Jeckyl [sic]. This isMinnesota Ash Wednesday and what a cold rainy day it has been. We were called at 615 a.m. to attend Mass. As the Priest from Brunswick comes on Wednesday instead of Sunday. We expect Gertrude and Mike in an hour. Poured all day. Read much to day in Paradise Lost. Rained all day and blew high cold wind.

February 26, Thursday Jeckyl [sic]. This is a cold morning. Went down to 28 last night. Said to be the Coldest spell in Georgia in 20 years. Mike and Gertrude came last evening at eight thirty hours late a fearful night to cross in the Boat. Today is better. Sunny after ten a.m. - and not

1914, p.8 so windy. Wrote to Papa and to Ruth. Mrs. Finner came this evening with her daughter. Finished reading Paradise Lost to day

February 27, Friday Jeckyl [sic]. This morning still cold but, some warmer. Windy on Beach. Received a telegram from Maud telling me they reached Delmont the 25th. all well. Mrs. Taylor with them a telegram from Washington from Papa. wrote to Egil. We went Tea to Mrs. F. Bakers.

February 28, Saturday Windy and rainy all day cleared for 2 hours after 8 p.m. Wind changed at 11 p.m. and deluge of rain fell suddenly. Gertrude not well today. I read Ayscoughs Grace church stories to her - in the evening.

March 1, Sunday Jeckyl [sic]. Such high N. W. wind to day all day and so cold. Mrs. Morgan and party left to day. We went to Boat Landing but could hardly stand there for the wind. Heaviest wraps out to day. An illustrated Lecture on birds this evening very interesting a Mr. {blank space left for name} from Conn. Society March 2, Monday Jeckyl [sic]. So cold this morning firm ice on ditchesPapers still windy. Letters yesterday from Egil and Rachel. Sent telegram to Jerome this a.m. his 9th. birthday. Mr. Lanier and party left to day also 6 others. He will have a cold trip north. Hill March 3, Tuesday Jeckyl [sic]. Cold yet this morning butT. N.W. Wind has subsided. And Sun shines. My walk to the Beach was pleasant. We hear thatHistorical Sundays guests that left here could not go through to New York had to leave the train at . So much snow in New York. Mary March 4, Wednesday Jeckyl [sic]. A fine day Gertrudes birth day. We had a cake and candles for her and Mrs. Tenure, Mary Tenure Mr. Harkness Queen Loch and a Mrs. Lee came over to Coffee and the cake. Later Mrs. F. Baker, Mrs. Thatcher and a Mrs. Manning came in. I am reading Cloister and the Hearth. Minnesota March 5, Thursday Jeckyl [sic]. A rainy day. About noon we thought it was clearing. I went over to call on the Maurices when it poured again. New York papers full of the late storms and consequent dostress. Quite a number of new guests. Mr. Ordway came to day several that I do not know a Mr. and Mrs. Fisk are here a Mr. and Mrs. Burr friend of Louis and Jim. We met later at Mrs. E. Goulds to day.

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March 6, Friday Jeckyl [sic]. A changeable day. Jeckyl is aware that this is March. Still in view of storms else where we are fortunate here. Mr. Geo. F. Baker left to day half an hour earlier than I was told. So I missed seeing them off-

March 7, Saturday Jeckyl [sic]. Bright cold in early part of day. Wind came up at 11 a.m. rather cold out of sun. Wrote to Charlotte. Very windy afternoon. This evening at yearly meeting Mr. Bourne was elected President of Jeckyl [sic] Island Club to succeed Mr. Lanier who filled that office 17 years. We are delighted. Letters from Ruth Rachel and Maud.

March 8, Sunday Jeckyl [sic]. A cool bright morning 40 at 8:15. Every one is congratulating Mr. Bourne this morning. High Wind came up before noon and continued so we did not go out in the afternoon. Wrote to Papa.

March 9, Monday Jeckyl [sic]. A cold but beautiful morning frost last night the second time in two weeks. 40 at 815. As I was going over to breakfast at 8.20 I heard prolonged whistle, but had no idea what it meant, suddenly I heard a mans voice say Mrs. BakersSociety house a fire. At Ten oclock it was burned to ground. Nearly all its contents saved defective flue the cause. Fortunately it was a calm morning later windPapers came up. What a blessing it was day light. Rev. S. A Cornell and Mrs. C. called Rectory Albany, Ga.

March 10, Tuesday Hill Jeckyl [sic]. This is a perfectly charming morning after so much wind and cold with rain. I am enjoying The “Cloister and theT. Hearth” while resting from other pursuits. This evening Mr. and Mrs. L. Ordway Sam. OrdwayHistorical his bride and Katherine Ordway reached here on a House boat - from Florida. They all dined at Club.

March 11, Wednesday Mary Jeckyl [sic]. Another beautiful morning. A telegram from Gertrude and Mike. She arrived on time found cold weather in New York. The Ordway party took luncheon with us today. Mrs. Tinure and Mary left this afternoon. Also Conor Douglas and Mrs. D. of New York. A total eclipse of the moon this evening in a clear sky so sun to good advantage.

March 12, ThursdayMinnesota Jeckyl [sic]. Raining early to day and got so cold. Still at four we went for a drive in the Woods came back via Beach – comfortably. Read the end of her Honeymoon. Clara and I got in our walk to Beach between showers.

March 13, Friday Jeckyl [sic]. Bright but cold this early morning. We were up early today as we had Mass at 7 a.m. Took Tea at Mrs. Porters after a drive through Woods and on Beach. Mrs. Porter not very strong.

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March 14, Saturday Jeckyl [sic]. A very delightful day some warmer. Mr. Scrymser came in to tell me Mr. Wm. Rockafellar [sic] wants to buy the lot adjoining our side of apartment. Which belongs to Mr. Scrymser Mr. Pruyn and to papa. He will not find it for sale.

March 15, Sunday Jeckyl [sic]. A perfect morning. I am thankful to have such ideal days here for our last days of the Season. Found high Tide at Beach. We had a delightful drive this afternoon. A green note from Mike. Telegram from Charlotte. She did not go to French Lick after all.

March 16, Monday We left Jeckyl [sic] Island at ten fifteen this a.m. Waved away by many of the guests - got on train at Talman in about 40 minutes after reaching the station. It is a hot day.

March 17, Tuesday On Train. This morning at Washington We are over two hours late. There is little prospect of making up time. And that may be just as well. It is cooler comfortably so. Arrive finally at New York three hours late. Find Ruth the children and Gertrude at No 8 waiting for us. It is Anson sr.’s birth day so there is a lighted cakeSociety at Tea time.

March 18, Wednesday Papers New York. We are still without our baggage this morning. At eleven a.m. it has arrived fortunately. This is a cold rainy day. I went to Daltons to send some books I promised Mr. Grob for library there - for a little airingHill and home for the day. In the evening to the Opera Giaconda Carruso Homer Dustinn and Amatto! T. March 19, Thursday Historical New York. A lovely sunny morning. Went to Mme Helenes to find she in Hospital after Operation. Took a walk up. Park Ave. saw a good deal of snow still not melted. Mr. Jacacci and Miller Uri called.Mary Ruth dined with us. I read Pollyanna.

March 20, Friday- New York New York. A cloudy colder morning. In the afternoon sun came out and wind came up. Gertrude and Mike have gone to Philadelphia for over Sunday. I walked down from 105th. Street this afternoon it was dusty but not unpleasant on Sunny side. Finished reading Pollyanna,Minnesota a pathetic story.

March 21, Saturday A bright morning. A letter from Dorothy this morning. They have enjoyed California this season. And are probably on their way home. This forenoon went into see interior of St Thomases Church. Then Went to 105th Street to Park greenhouses to see Spring blossoms - a fine display. In the afternoon Went to Opera Orfeo de Erudice Homer and Gadski a beautiful production.

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March 22, Sunday New York. A fall of snow this morning all melted at 4 p.m. We went to luncheon at Mr. Laniers later called called on Mrs. Cutcheon she has gone to Kentucky. Clara called of Caro Delveilles found them well. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart and Anson and Ruth dined with us this evening.

March 23, Monday A fine day. Clara and I went to the Flower Show this forenoon. It was not as fine as last year. I saw some things new to me. A climbing lily scarlet. A new Rose ‘Mrs. Shawyer’ - deep pink large - deep pink hydrangea called the Radiant. A letter from papa to day. Anson jr. is better. Took a walk in the afternoon. Read Happy go Lucky in the evening.

March 24, Tuesday New York. A beautiful morning. We Clara and I went to see the Morgan Collection this forenoon. What a collection!! Tapestries, Ivorys, enamels, Carvings bronzes, marbles porcelains and much more. Dined at Gertrudes met the Wm. Thornes, the Agnews. The Masons Count de Chabaurnes - and Sam. Phals.

March 25, Wednesday New York. A charming Day. Sent a perambulator to Mary Boeckmann.Society Went to Mme. Helenes. Caro Delveilles called to day. Mr. Jacacci with them. Tonight the new Opera L’Amore Medico very disappointing. Telegram fromPapers Louis saying all well. Mr. Macpherson at Delmonte.

March 26, Thursday Hill New York. 70 today. A warm morning - slightly cloudy. Letters from Papa and Charlotte. Clara and I went again to Morgan Collection.T. We looked at Miessen porcelains and Serves pieces without number it seemed - Historicalfigures of all sorts and kinds. Then we went to the Miniature room, a large room filled with miniatures many of them interesting Historically and artistically. There were some old Masters portraits in same room. Mary March 27, Friday New York. 70 Today. A warm sunny morning. Letter from Rachel. Took luncheon at {inserted above: Gertrudes met yesterday} Mrs. Auchincloss and a Mrs. Schley there. Mike and Gertrude took dinner with us. As Anson is at Atlantic City Ruth will dine with us. As Clara and I walk home this afternoon we stopped in at Mrs. Thornes. Found Mr. and Mrs. Thorne well.Minnesota The Tjaders to sail for Europe in the morning. We met Ed Holter on the Avenue.

March 28, Saturday New York. A cloudy rainy morning not much cooler. Cold in the West A telegram from Maud, Louis has purchased property at Del Monte and is preparing to build. The children came to a “Tea Party” Anson, Mary, Grenville and Pauline Emmet. Ruth had live young chickens and two rabbits which I thought would overshadow my shells for them but not at all the shells proved more attractive. Claras friends Mr. and Mrs. Boidwin and Muller Uri came to dinner and went with Clara to Opera.

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March 29, Sunday New York. Rather cloudy still no rain. Gertrude has a bad cold. We took luncheon at Ruths. The children Anson and Mary came in the late afternoon. Wrote to James N. B.

March 30, Monday New York. This is a dismally dark day - rainy too. Went to see Dr. Weeks early to day. Fortunately he found my eyes in good condition for my case - and did not change my glasses. Went to Tea to Mr. Ed. Holters today to see his four nice friendly children. Gertrude some better.

March 31, Tuesday New York. Sunny morning We went last evening with Mike to see Grumpy a cleverly arranged and excellently acted detective story an English company. Mr. Lindly went in Gertrudes place. This is Corties birthday I sent him a Telegram. Clara spent evening with Gertrude. I read Borrow and played solitaire. Gertrude still in her room.

April 1, Wednesday New York. A cloudy morning. Clara and I went on 9 a.m. train over to Convent Station to see Mother Xavier found her looking well for a woman in her 90th.Society year. Indeed she looks much younger. Mary Griggs and Mary Tinure dined here and went to Opera with Clara. I spent part of the evening after dinner at Gertrudes.Papers Sister Pauline.

April 2, Thursday Still cloudy and rather warm - rained all nightHill I think.

April 3, Friday T. New York. A colder day. Went this afternoonHistorical to call on Mrs. Bend and found she is very ill had pleuresy [sic] and has pneumonia. Then went to Mrs. Millbanks – (Margaret Schlitz) she is not well but is some better. Telegraphed Maud and Mrs. Hill to inquire for Mr. Weyerhauser {sic –Mary Weyerhaeuser}.

April 4, Saturday New York. A bright rather cold morning. Dr. Turner came to spend the day about 1045 a.m. He Clara and I went to the Metropolitan Museum as I was going in the door I do not know what caused me to fall flat on my face and I have a small cut over right eye brow. Dr. Stewart isMinnesota very kindly attending me. There are no other bad results. Still I have rested quietly all day.

April 5, Sunday New York. We saw in last evenings Post that Mr. Weyerhauser [sic] died yesterday in Pasadena. I slept quite well last night today I can see I will have a black eye probably but I am all right - and going out to get the air. I could not go to Mass as I was so bandaged up. Little Anson brought me some blessed Palms and did not know what to think of my looks.

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April 6, Monday A bright beautiful morning. We expect Charlotte Papa and C.’s children tomorrow - my eye looks pretty badly to-day. Went to dress makers today.

April 7, Tuesday Papa, Charlotte Norman and Georgiana arrived this morning. All well. Papa and I went for a drive out Riverside saw a new Battle Ship in the River.

April 8, Wednesday New York. A cloudy day. Papa and I went to Sloans and selected rugs for new North Oaks house - and looked at furniture. My eye is better. So am I. Gertrude went with me to Plumers and I selected glass for North Oaks.

April 9, Thursday New York. Went to Mass at 8 a.m. at 84th. St. Jesuite [sic] Church. Went down town with papa - later took Norman and Georgiana to see Same Church and Repository. Dr. Stewart came in last night and said my injury was improving. A clear cold day. Inquired for Mrs. Bend she is better.

April 10, Friday Society New York . Good Friday. A clear fine morning. We went to the Jesuite [sic] Church for the three hour good Friday service beginning at noon.Papers I wish all might it every year. The most impressive solemn ceremony. Telegram from Dorothy. She reached home to day.

April 11, Saturday- New York Hill New York. A fine morning. Went to dress makers in forenoon. And in the afternoon went with papa to find electric fixtures. Mr.T. and Mrs. D. Miller dined with us. Telegram from Maud. They arrived home yesterday. Historical

April 12, Sunday New York. Easter day. MaryA beautiful morning cold. We went to 84th St. Church. In the afternoon papa and I went for a drive it was very windy. Mr. Lanier Miss Bigelow and Dr. Stewart called. I am over my accident. Pauline Emmet and her children came with the Beards and theirs to hunt Easter Eggs. The children with Norman and Georgiana enjoyed that. Gavins and Beards dined with us. Lee McClurg and Mark Reeves called.

April 13, Monday Minnesota New York. Another fine morning. This forenoon papa and I spent at Sloans selecting furniture for North Oaks. Later we went back to decide and then finished the afternoon selecting electric fixtures. Charlotte spending most of her time in her room with sinus.

April 14, Tuesday New York. Bright and cool. Busy these days shopping for North Oaks. We looked at China to day and got some glass for no. 8.

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April 15, Wednesday A rainy windy day. Gertrude and I selected Linens at Lord and Taylors new Store. We also Went to Sloans. Charlotte and the children went again to Peg of my Heart. Muller Uri Came in at Tea Time. Clara and I went to the Opera Tannhauser - it was fine.

April 16, Thursday New York. Still cloudy and wet this morning. Shopping this forenoon. Calling this afternoon. The Caro Delveilles called this late afternoon. So did Mr. John Riddle and Mr. S. Thorne. Mike and Gertrude spent last evening with us. Charlotte and Clara went to the Opera.

April 17, Friday New York. A beautiful morning. We are leaving for home today. Charlotte and Clara delay until Tomorrow.

April 18, Saturday St. Paul. We reach home at 10 p.m. tonight. A rather stormy day – rainging [sic] yet. George Egil and Rachel met us. We found the Dorothys at the house.

April 19, Sunday Society Quite cold and windy. Snowed last night. All white this morning – freezing. Papa and I went to North Oaks with Walter this p.m. Papers

April 20, Monday Still cold but moderating. Went out this morningHill to get some things for Sophia Johnson who will Wednesday. Went to the Opera in the evening. Florence Meuc Bith and Titta Ruffo - were fine. T. Historical April 21, Tuesday Warmer. Dorothy packing to leave for Northcote this evening. Bettie Barrows very ill. Mary April 22 – 24 {Blank}

April 25, Saturday The Week is ending and I have been very busy seeing to house cleaning. I have had a slight cold which hasMinnesota handicapped me some. Louis, Maud Egil and Rachel with Georgiana dined with us afterwards we had moving pictures of the children at Sea Side in California.

April 26, Sunday A warm morning. Major Wilson called last evening. We went to North Oaks this afternoon. Maudie and Georgiana went with us. Maudie has some trouble with foot she hurt on car coming home. {Written in Louis’ hand: glass cut}

1914, p.15

April 27, Monday Rained yesterday. Rains today very annoying when one plans to clean house. However some things can be accomplished between showers. Had to go to North Oaks to day. Sloans man there.

April 28, Tuesday And still raining. So I am seeking to have inside work done.

April 29 – May 1 {Blank}

May 2, Saturday This has been a busy week at home cleaning one room and closet after another. Papa and I went to North Oaks this afternoon and to see Mary Boeckmann. We also called on George Slade who sprained his ankle this morning.

May 3, Sunday A very late Spring. Trees and shrubs just coming out now. A dark threatening day electric storm and some rain Society

May 4 – May 6 Papers {Blank}

May 7, Thursday Hill Began to empty the old front house at North Oaks today. A piece of work for there was a collection of all sorts there includingT. the contents of the Cabin that was the ball alley. Historical May 8, Friday Today is a fine day and dismantling continues – apace. I must find a place to send many things of use. CharlotteMary and Rachel will make use of a few things. Some may be distributed amongst some of the working men.

May 9, Saturday Made great progress today as I find the Salvation Army will distribute articles with discretion. A letter from Ruth she has been ill ten days of Sinus but is better. Minnesota May 10, Sunday It is raining again has rained nearly every day last week except Friday.

May 11 – 13 {Blank}

May 14, Thursday Finished emptying old North Oaks houses to day and men began to take down the front house. It was a fatiguing and sad piece of work.

1914, p.16

{May 14th 1914 written on page for Notes 1915} Hugh Campbell and his wife Lena came to day

May 15, Friday This is a very fine day. After a busy forenoon I went to Minneapolis and took Auntie for a drive. Papa went to Northcote this evening.

May 16, Saturday Busy all day at North Oaks striving to put Chaos in some order. Papa returned from Northcote at 1130 p.m. Mrs. Geo. R. Finch Nell and George with Katherine Abbott Rachel and Egil and Mr. Lindley dined here this evening.

May 17 – 18 {Blank}

May 19, Tuesday Louis W. Hill and Louis Hills birthday father 42 - son 12 years old. We took luncheon over there to celebrate the occasion. I went out to North Oaks in the forenoon some things are straightening out at the house there. Society

May 20, Wednesday Papers (Blank}

May 21, Thursday Hill Rachel’s birthday. I am in Minnesota and residing in St. Paul 64 years to day. The city has grown remarkably but just nowT. I believe the streets are worse than ever. Anson Ruth the children and nurses arrived this eveningHistorical at ten oclock. Ruth seems better.

May 22, Friday {Blank} Mary

May 23, Saturday Papa took Anson sr. Anson and Mary to North Oaks this forenoon. Charlotte Norman and I took Anson sr. to Dellwood in the afternoon. He left for Chicago and New York in the evening. Ruth is better. Minnesota May 24, Sunday A cloudy Warm morning the lilacs never bloomed so profusely. Our grounds in town certainly are pretty now. Egil and Papa went to North Oaks this forenoon and returned in time for luncheon. We will dine with them.

May 25 – 26 {Blank}

1914, p.17

May 27, Wednesday Mr. Gaspard Farrer arrived this morning looking very well. Papa and he went to North Oaks after breakfast. George and Charlotte dined with us this evening. This afternoon I went with Mr. F. and papa to see New Minneapolis R. R. Station.

May 28, Thursday Mr. Farrer went with Egil and Charlotte to Town and Country Club to play Golf. Egil and Rachel dined with us - this evening. The Dorothys came to town yesterday.

May 29, Friday Ruth is better but not entirely over Sinus. She went to play golf today. Walter came down today. Little Dorothy does not know how to play with little children like Anson and Mary too bad! There was a golf party today Walter Hills Mr. Farrer ect. [sic].

May 30, Saturday Decoration Day. Someone telephoned to ask why I had no flag up to day. Not knowing that lightning dismantled our staff. We went to North Oaks this morning. Mr. Farrer also.

May 31, Sunday A fine day after early rain. Louis came in to breakfast having beenSociety to Mass at Little Canada. Papa and Mr. G. Fairer left for Glacier Park to day at ten a.m. Egil Rachel baby and Ruth at Dellwood for the day. Walter and DorothysPapers at Dellwood Yacht Club.

June 1, Monday A very hot day. I learn this evening that TheodoreHill Schurmeier is very ill in a Sanatrium [sic] in Richmond. And no one has gone to him. T. June 2, Tuesday Historical {No entry}

June 3, Wednesday {onMary page for June 2} Another hot day. Papa returned from Glacier Park at 730 this a.m. At ten this forenoon Mr. Bruce Sanborn telephoned me that Mr. Theodore Schurmeier died last evening 7 oclock at Richmond Virginia of heart trouble. Poor Theodore ended his days alone amongst strangers.

June 4 - 5 Minnesota {Blank}

June 6, Saturday A very hot day. Theodore L. Schurmeier was buried this afternoon. A pathetic ending to an unhappy life. And yet he did try to seem happy part of the time. And did not complain.

1914, p.18

June 7, Sunday Above 85 to day at 3 p.m. Weather unsettled. Wrote to Gertrude. Sent press clippings and a note to Ms. Upham.

June 8 - 11 {Blank}

June 12, Friday Auntie came down to see the children Anson and Mary H. Beard. I took Anson to Mineapolis when I took her home he was delighted to see bridges, trains the River ect [sic] - and tried to write his father all about it. Has rained a good deal this forenoon.

June 13, Saturday Raining again and cooler. Maud Went to Rochester this morning to see to her tonsils. Took Jennie Marcott with her.

June 14 - 19 {Blank}

June 20, Saturday Society I went through St. Pauls Hospital with Egil this morning found remarkable uses for the old Visitation Convent. Egil and Louis go to MontrealPapers leaving this evening to join papa fishing. Ruth and the children left us this evening starting for New York.

June 21, Sunday Hill We are having too much rain. It has been cold two days it warmer today. The house seems empty without the children. T. Historical June 22, Monday Alex. Hill appeared unexpectedly this forenoon looking very well. He and Emma are staying with a cousin inMary Minneapolis Mrs. Grey. Papa and party reached Montreal to day and left for River in forenoon.

June 23, Tuesday A cloudy day sultry. Alex and Emma spent the day with us. Charlotte brought in her children and Maud brought hers. Rachels baby was brought down so there was quite a gathering. GertrudeMinnesota arrived in a tremendous storm to night at 1010. Telegram from Gaspard Farrer tells me Papa left there this afternoon.

June 24, Wednesday A fine day after cyclone in S.D. at Watertown, tornado in Minneapolis and fearful wind here with heavy rain. Gertrude and I went to North Oaks this morning. Alex came down in the afternoon stayed to dinner. They go to Duluth tomorrow. morning and home via Lakes.

1914, p.19

June 25, Thursday Bright but changeable looking. Papa and party reached St. Johns River yesterday afternoon and went up River last evening.

June 26, Friday A telegram from the River saying all well and happy. Rain and more rain with electric storms and high wind most of this week. We fear for Crops.

June 27, Saturday Heavy rain again to day - and little sign of clearing. This has been an unusually wet June. George just brought in a large family of Lamonts from New York on their way to Ranch in .

June 28, Sunday A perfect day at last. Went down to 44 last night. We took luncheon at Rachels. Then went to North Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson were at Mauds. Wrote to Papa to Mary M. and to Ruth. Read ‘Westways.’ George Finch dined with us.

June 29, Monday This morning looks threatening I fear rather overcast. Society

June 30, Tuesday Papers An uncertain showery day. Put up Western Cherrys - 29 pts - 4 ½ boxes. Busy preparing for Claras Dinner dance for Gertrude to 40 guests. Received an early telegram from Mamie for my birthday tomorrow.Hill Sent Papa a telegram.

July 1, Wednesday T. This morning is in itself a beautiful birthdayHistorical greeting and gift. Received roses from Mrs. Carter and from Mike and Gertrude. Mocassin [sic] flowers from Auntie flowers from Fred Phelps. Roses from Mr. Macpherson Maud and Charlotte and families. Rachel and her baby with GertrudeMary for luncheon. Mrs. OBrien [sic] came today. A happy birthday.

July 2, Thursday Another beautiful day wrote to Papa. Busy putting things to rights and inviting Mrs. OBrian. Took Auntie home went via Minnehaha Falls have never seen falls so beautiful. Girls went to North Oaks on picnic. Annabel McQuillen dined with me. Minnesota July 3, Friday {Blank}

July 4, Saturday A beautiful fine holiday. We went to Mauds for luncheon. Slades Mr. Macpherson and Mr. Goodspeed with Mr. Lindley were there too. All went to Dellwood to Charlottes to dinner. We spent the night there. There were many fine works at the Dellwood Club.

1914, p.20

July 5, Sunday Dellwood. Still fine weather hotter however. We went to White Bear to Mass as we shall stay here until tomorrow morning. Heard a good sermon on St. Paul. Georgiana cut her foot Friday at Mauds but, she is all right. Rachel and baby here with Charlotte.

July 6, Monday Back home for luncheon a very hot day. Late in the afternoon we drove to Minnehaha Falls that is beautiful now. We saw Mrs. Upham last evening at Dellwoord. Also Gertrude Harris 3rd.

July 7, Tuesday A hot day. Mrs. Upham and Major Wilson dined with us this evening. Mike Gavin came tonight a Mr. Smith came on with him. Mr. Smith went to University Club.

July 8, Wednesday Went to North Oaks this forenoon. Mr. Smith dined with us this evening. He and Mike left for the Range at 1110 p.m. Papa is on way home- arrives Friday.

July 9, Thursday Trying to make Currant jelly to day. Our currants very poor. MittieSociety Porter here for luncheon. Also Charlotte and her children. Norman went to Circus afterwards. (This all belongs to yesterday) Papers

July 10, Friday Was very hot yesterday and last night gotHill up to 90. Clara and I dined at Rachels. The Baby spent the afternoon here to keep cooler. It is hot this morning. Walter and the Dorothys came down yesterday. HeT. went back in Auto last evening. Historical July 11, Saturday 3rd very hot day 94! this afternoon. Papa, Louis and Louis jr. with Egil returned from St. Johns River this morning.Mary All well - from sleeping under blankets and an open fire to 94!

July 12, Sunday And still hotter it seems this morning some thunder and lightning in early hours, no rain.

July 13, Monday Egil and Rachel movedMinnesota to Manitou Island this forenoon after luncheon they took the baby out there. They found her first tooth today. A surprise party is given to Maud this evening - to which the girls and Mike went. Major Wilson and Burt. Hewitt called this evening.

July 14, Tuesday This has been a day of interruptions and hurry. Charlotte and Mrs. Wann went with George to Winnepeg [sic]. Mike Gertrude and Clara left in the evening for Europe. Papa and I are left alone.

1914, p.21

July 15, Wednesday North Oaks. Very busy all forenoon as papa wishes to go out to North Oaks to day. We moved out at 2 30 p.m. and took our first meal in the new house this evening. Pretty hot day and evening. Louis and Maud went to Rochester today returned in the evening. Autoed both ways. They were our first callers after their children and Edward Hersey.

July 16, Thursday North Oaks. We had a tremendous storm electric heavy rain and wind about 3 this a. m. Wrote to Clara yesterday and telegraphed her today. Had a few lines from her from Chicago. Went to Town today. Storm cut off our electricity for a time. Louis, Maud their children Archie Jackson and Edward Hersey left this evening for Glacier Park. Egil and Rachel came over this evening.

July 17, Friday North Oaks. Quite windy and very cool this morning. Busy all forenoon putting 2nd floor in order. Tonight George Charlotte the children Egil and Rachel came over. George got 7 first prizes and 6 others at Winnipeg Fair cattle show for his Jerseys.

July 18, Saturday Society North Oaks. Went to Town was very busy at the house ect. [sic]. Katherine Abbott came home with me. We turned by Fair groundsPapers and saw Beachy {sic: Beachey} fly in an airplane and turn summer sault in air. A great crowd gazed upwards. A Telegram from Clara from the Lapland as they sailed this morning. Hill July 19, Sunday North Oaks. Started early for MassT. at White Bear and went first to island to see Rachel and baby. The Slade family and Mrs. UphamHistorical came to luncheon and spent afternoon. Mr. Shepard drove out. The Egil Boeckmann family and George Finch came over. Baby very good. Mary July 20, Monday North Oaks. This is a very hot day Conradine Sanborn has a 10 lb. baby girl born yesterday 6 a. m. Mrs. Sandfords ill baby died yesterday. Letters today from Ruth and Gertrude. Ruth suffering again from Sinus.

July 21, Tuesday Minnesota North Oaks. Went to town today and found occupation all forenoon. A very hot day and evening about 90. Papa is in St Paul 58 years to day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Hannaford Mr. Macpherson and Egil and Rachel dined with us. Hannafords spent the night. Letters from Clara and Mike.

July 22, Wednesday North Oaks. Last night very hot this morning sultry and cloudy. Very hot. Wrote to Clara to No 4 Rue Ventador Munroe co. Paris.

1914, p.22

July 23, Thursday North Oaks. Mrs. Lamborn came over to luncheon. Gertrude was expected but did not come she was indisposed. Papa and I took Mrs. Lamborn home to the Island and had a little visit with Gertrude. Wrote to Maud to Glacier Park.

July 24, Friday North Oaks. I went to town with Papa this morning and as usual found occupation. Wrote to Dorothy and went to see Mrs. Morison. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson drove out. Weather very hot. Saw Mrs. Morison to day I thought she looked badly.

July 25, Saturday North Oaks. Papa did not go to town to day. Mr. M. Brown came out with papers ect. [sic]. This is Normans 12th. birth day. We went over there to luncheon picking up Rachel and baby on the way. Mr. Galiday an aviator was there. This is hottest day.

July 26, Sunday North Oaks. A very hot morning. Went over to the Island to see Mary B. and then to Mass. George Charlotte Mr. Macpherson and a Mr. Galidet came to dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Chas W. Bunn drove over in the afternoon. Very hot all day.Society Egil and Rachel drove over in the afternoon. Papers July 27, Monday North Oaks. Hotter than ever this morning. Was 95 in St. Paul yesterday 90 here was highest. Todays paper reports Mr. H. ElliottHill worn out and resting in seclusion. Papa is very well indeed and enjoying this new place ect. [sic]. T. July 28, Tuesday Historical North Oaks. Some cooler this morning for which we are thankful. Papa came out early in the afternoon. Rachel and Katherine Abbott came over from Dellwood in the afternoon. Mrs. PinaultMary gave birth to twin boys in our old house here at North Oaks today. Austrians and Germans declare War.

July 29, Wednesday North Oaks. Went to town with papa in the morning. Wrote to Ruth and went to see Dr. Abbott - found him looking better than I expected. In the face of European disturbance not much said of MexicanMinnesota turmoil.

July 30, Thursday- North Oaks A rainy cold morning only 64 at 830 a. m. began to rain at 215 a. m. continues at 9 a. m. We are going to town to night and leave at 6 a. m. tomorrow for Grand Forks and Northcote.

July 31, Friday We left St. Paul for Grand Forks and Northcote at 6 this a. m. Arrived at Grand Forks at 230 p. m. Papa made an address at Fair. We left at 430 arrived at Northcote at 730

1914, p.23 very tired. Mr. George Leoher very badly hurt to day between Northcote and Humbolt his car turned over in ditch pinning him under (a Ford car) Walter away attending to him all the time.

August 1, Saturday Northcote Minn. Walter came home at 4 a. m. and went at 7 a. m. in Papas special with M. Leoher to Warren Hospital. Left Northcote at 2 p. m. on way heard Mr. Leohers chances few. We found all interesting at Northcote the Dorothys well. I feel proud of Walter he is so loyal and kind to those in trouble. He goes tonight to Warren. We arrived home at 11 p. m.

August 2, Sunday North Oaks. We returned here at 1145 a. m. We had a cable from Mike on the train Friday from Brussels saying safely waiting all well. I wish they were back in our own country. I have just written to Gertrude. Mr. George Leoher died this morning - leaving eight children. Charlotte came over to luncheon with the children. Mr. and Mrs. Dean (Wm. B.) came over. {Crossed out at bottom of page – “Mr. E. H. Bailey came out with papa to spend the night.”}

August 3, Monday Society North Oaks. Another beautiful summer morning. Everyone is distressed over the European War news nearly all countries seemingPapers involved. Was there ever such a situation. Where is all our boasted civilization and refinement. Mr. E. H. Barley came home with Papa to spend the night. Hill August 4, Tuesday North Oaks. A very hot morning. WentT. to Town and was busy with trifles. Went to see Mrs. Morison found her pretty well. War newsHistorical no better, most European Nations becoming involved. Papa received no reply to yesterdays cable to Clara and Mike. 85 at one p.m. Charlotte and children came over after dinner. Mary August 5, Wednesday North Oaks. A comfortable night. Raining this morning. Day cleared and was hot. European report more and more War all Europe disturbed and forced to Battle. We got no word from Clara or Mike. A letter from Mamie today. Charlotte and children came over to luncheon and spent afternoon. Later Rachel and Hulga came. Minnesota August 6, Thursday North Oaks. A beautiful morning N. W. winds - yet 99 79 {appears that 79 is a correction of 99} at 830 a.m. Many are reported to have called but no word from our children yet. Todays paper speaks of mediation. God grant it. President Wilsons wife is reported as very low. President Wilsons wife died - news of it to day.

August 7, Friday North Oaks. A hot day. Rained a little papa came home early. We are seriously concerned over this uncivilized war. God help the innocent sufferers - and they will be

1914, p.24 many. We received a cable from Mr. G. Farrer this morning telling us Jim, Clara and Gavins are in London. I went over to the Island today to luncheon at Mrs. Peets.

August 8, Saturday North Oaks. A very hot day with 90s. I went to town and attended to several things. War news does not improve Germany invades Belgium a neutral country and experiences heavy loss. Papa goes to Washington on business. I am sorry he must go this hot weather. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Brown are here for Sunday.

August 9, Sunday North Oaks. An electric storm at one a.m. and heavy rain for an hour. The day has been unsettled - hot sultry. A cable from Clara to see all well, comfortable, waiting September Boat to return. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Brown spent last night and to day here. I had an avalanche of visitors to day. Charlotte brought over Mrs. Finch George Nell Finch Georgiana and Annabel Fitzgerald. Mr. D. C. Shepard and Roger Shepherd came. Egil came with Rachel, John and Dorothy Upham. Mr. Barrows came with his daughter Adelaide and Anna Finch. Mrs. Raguet is here.

August 10, Monday North Oaks. A fine peaceful cool morning - after yesterday afternoonsSociety and evenings tremendous storm. Heavy rain down pour: such fearful lightning and thunder such leaden sky. We sat in candle light at dinner and allPapers evening - electricity all gone. Went over to Rachels and to call on Mrs. Lamborn who goes Thursday. Charlotte took luncheon here. Mrs. Raguet is here. Wrote to Clara, Mamie and Ruth. Dined at Mauds this evening. Hill

August 11, Tuesday T. North Oaks. A beautiful cool morning. BroughtHistorical Mrs. Schell out for the day. We went over to Dellwood and to the Island to see Mary Boeckmann. A telegram from Papa saying he will return Saturday night. Mary August 12, Wednesday A fine morning some rain last night cool weather. Went to town this forenoon and back by luncheon. Water wks are cleaning weeds out of Lake they grow persistently. Egil and Rachel came over to dinner. Maud Louis and Mr. Macpherson came in later. Letters from Clara and Mike from Brussels when they first landed. Minnesota August 13, Thursday North Oaks. An other fine morning rained a little again last night. War news no more encouraging seven nations involved. Eveng [sic] papers worst new yet from warring nations. Rachel came over to luncheon and brought Mary. She is a satisfying child so placid in all this turmoil. Major Wilson came out bringing Mrs. Ben Morrison.

1914, p.25

August 14, Friday North Oaks. A fine cool morning - so bright. Uncle Phelps and Auntie came out today to stay over night. We have been over to the Island and to Dellwood. Uncle Phelps has been all over the farm. Mrs. Raguet went back to Town to day.

August 15, Saturday North Oaks. Uncle Phelps and Auntie went to White Bear with me to Mass this morning. Georgianna [sic] received Communion for the first time to day. A letter from Clara to day from Brussels. War news grows worse and worse although we get but little that is reliable. Papa returned from the East to night- from New York and Washington.

August 16, Sunday North Oaks. A hot day. Wrote to Gertrude last night. Wrote to Ruth and to James today. The Cyrus Brown family all called this afternoon. Mr. Macpherson is spending the day with us. it is Georgiannas birthday - 11 years old. Maud dined with us.

August 17, Monday North Oaks. A bright morning after a rainy night, hot too. Went to town and returned in time to take luncheon at Mauds with 9 or 10 ladies to meet Helen Morrison who failed to come as Mrs. Morrison had had one of her spells. George and CharlotteSociety dined with us. Quite a wind storm in the early evening. Papers August 18, Tuesday North Oaks. We had heavy rain this early morning. Today is hot again. War news grows worse. Looks as though Germany wouldHill conquer Belgium. I have had so little sleep for two nights that I do not feel well. Papa came out early later we went over to Rachels - saw the Dorothys there. T. Historical August 19, Wednesday North Oaks. Very sultry - cloudy unsettled weather. This is our 47th. anniversary. This afternoon Major WilsonMary Mr. Macpherson and Katherine Abbott came out to spend night. George, Charlotte, Egil Rachel, Dorothy and Maud came to dinner so we had a few to help celebrate. I wrote Clara today. Letters from Gertrude and Clara.

August 20, Thursday North Oaks. A fine morning. Clara found friends in Belgium to advise her. She called on Col Youngbluth whoMinnesota had been our guest once with Prince Albert of Belgium present King.

August 21, Friday North Oaks. Went to town this morning. Katherine Abbott went in. I saw Mrs. Morrison found her around and pretty well. Papa and I returned about 4 p.m. and began to get telegrams from Louis of serious illness of Mr. D. Miller at Glacier Park. Louis was on Way home he returned to Park. Dr. Gilfillan went by Special at 530 later we got would there was some improvement.

1914, p.26

August 22, Saturday North Oaks. This morning we got word Mr. Miller some better. Rained all forenoon today. Papa is at home slight indisposition. This evening telegram from Louis that Mr. Miller has been operated for apendicitas [sic] and they are hopeful for his recovery later a message from Mrs. Miller and message from Mr. Miller.

August 23, Sunday North Oaks. This morning at eight a telegram from Louis saying Mr. Miller had bad night, was descending - half an hour later a message from Louis saying Mr. Miller was weak and growing weaker. At noon a telegram came saying he had died at 1010. He was at Glacier Park with Mrs. Miller – peritonitas [sic] set in. He is a great loss so fine a man.

August 24, Monday North Oaks. A cool morning after a cold night. Papa seems to feel better. Prepared to leave for Chicago when Papa decided not to join the Special but to go probably Wednesday night funeral Thursday in Chicago. Expect Louis here tomorrow morning early.

August 25, Tuesday Society A raw cold day, some rain. Louis returned on funeral special he came out for breakfast and will remain until tomorrow evening when we Papersgo onto Mr. Millers funeral Thursday. The account of Mr. Miller last days very pathetic. Letters to day from Mike Gertrude and Clara. I wrote to Clara. They will sail Sept 10th Baltic a cable to day from Mike. Hill {loose page included here which reads: 1941 T. 1914 Historical 27 Bought Pebble Beach Property before March Mary1914 27 years ago Louis Hill’s handwriting}

August 26, Wednesday North Oaks. 47 degrees this morning but sun shine. Went to town with papa after luncheon, in the eveningMinnesota Louis, Maud George and I went to Chicago to attend Mr. Millers funeral tomorrow.

August 27, Thursday Chicago. We arrived here on time. Judge Spencer and Mr. H. Holden met us. We went to The Blackstone later on Louis, Maud and I went to call on Mrs. Miller. She saw us. She is a poor heart broken woman. Fortunately the day was the finest I ever saw in Chicago. I never saw so many representative men at a funeral they came from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Mr. Miller is buried at Rose Lawn Cemetary [sic] 12 miles out.

1914, p.27

August 28, Friday North Oaks. We are back this afternoon but w reached St Paul at 715 this a.m. Papa is better than he has been for a week. Weather still cool but warmer. Egil and Rachel came over to dinner this evening. Today is Mrs. Raguets 70th. birth day. {In Louis’ handwriting: “87-1931”}

August 29, Saturday North Oaks. A fine sunny morning nearly 70 - at 830 a.m. Mrs. Upham came out today. She is troubled about Grace and her children in Europe these War times. Louis Maud and Mrs. Raguet dined with us. George and Charlotte came over in the evening. Louis brought over pretty vases filled with gladiola vases and all presented.

August 30, Sunday North Oaks. Much warmer this morning 74. I passed an uncomfortable night and do not feel well this morning - but managed to go to Mass and heard a good sermon on Pius IX and History of the Church. In the evening We dined at Charlottes. Mr. Macpherson Mr. and Mrs. C. Bunn were there. War news grows more alarming.

August 31, Monday North Oaks. A hot morning. I did not sleep well yet, I feel better.Society The morning paper reports that Bombs were thrown from into Paris from flying machines. Too terrible to dwell on. Letters from Clara Gertrude Dr. Turner Papersand Mittie Porter. Wrote Dr. Turner. Stormed electric and heavy rains all afternoon. Charlotte spent afternoon with us.

September 1, Tuesday Hill North Oaks. Very dark morning and still raining. I got little sleep last night none after one thirty until morning my throat troubledT. me. I am some more comfortable this a. m. Mrs. Upham went over to Bald Eagle Lake whenHistorical the weather cleared this p. m. to see Katherine Wright. She returned quite unhappy at her appearance.

September 2, WednesdayMary North Oaks. A clear beautiful morning. Mrs. Upham went in to town with papa this morning. A letter from Clara yesterday, not much news. She was in the country near London. Cooked tomatoes for winter soups today - tomatoes scarce in our garden this year - do not ripen. Rev. Father Vermott of Montana dined with us also Louis Maud Charlotte & George. Minnesota September 3, Thursday North Oaks. A cold wind this morning about 55 - at 9 a. m. Papa went to Anoka to a county Fair. One of the childrens dogs but {bit?} Jerome to day I believe it does not signify. Egil and Rachel came over to dinner it is a beautiful moon light night and calm after a windy day.

September 4, Friday North Oaks. This is a charming morning 66 at 830. I went to Town with papa was busy all forenoon. Went to see Mrs. Morrison found her pretty well. Ben and Helen left last

1914, p.28

night. Annabel McQuillan came out with us - to spend Sunday. I have painters at the house in town painting the Halls ect. [sic].

September 5, Saturday North Oaks. A disagreeable muggy day rather warm. Went over with Annabel to the Island and to Dellwood. Mary Boeckmann great little girl. A letter of 23 Aug. from Clara to day and a cable from Mike they will sail the 9th. on the Baltic

September 6, Sunday North Oaks. A rather cold day Went to Mass at White Bear heard good sermon on Word of God. Papa goes hunting with Louis this evening. Ed Durant and Mrs. L. Ordway were here when I returned from Mass. Gertrude Peet and Helen Bunn came over in the afternoon. Dr. Matthews and Mr. Lindley with Bonnie Ransom came over with Maud and Louis. {written in Louis’ hand – “Dawson Overby pass Louis Cortie A-22”}

September 7, Monday North Oaks. A cold day not above 60 - and cloudy all day made grape jelly. Annabel went in. Mrs. Raguet came out for a few days. Mrs. Lee came out for luncheon. Later Mrs. Raguet and I (after Annabel and Mrs. Lee went to town) went over to White Bear. A quiet evening at home. Society

September 8, Tuesday Papers North Oaks. A beautiful morning. State Fair began yesterday. Letters yesterday from Mike, Clara and Gertrude. All anxious to get home - from England. Germans have not yet besieged Paris. We Mrs. Raguet andHill I went to Rachels to luncheon and over to see Georgianna who was ill of cold. Finished up apple and grape jelly no plums here. Poor crabs. Sept. too cold to ripen grapesT. or anything so far. Historical September 9, Wednesday North Oaks. Another cold morning 52. I finished green tomato pickles and made tomato ketcheup to day. WeatherMary has been so cold for nearly two weeks that garden vegetables are poor. I have reason to think Mike and the girls sailed today from Liverpool.

September 10, Thursday North Oaks. Has been raining all night is raining now 816 a. m. and looks like continuing. Went toMinnesota town - put up a few peaches. Papa returned from his hunt this morning very well it was a success. Mrs. Raguet went home to day.

September 11, Friday Northcote [sic]. A warmer morning. Went to town for the forenoon. Rachel and Annabel came over in the afternoon. Papa received a cable from Mike from Queenstown. We do not know whether they sailed the 9th or 10th. We think 10th. Prof. Shawe came out yesterday to look about. Papa and I spent last evening at Mauds.

1914, p.29

September 12, Saturday North Oaks. A bright windy morning. Busy all forenoon with Dawsons and writing letters to Mamie, Ruth, Aunt Emma and a business letter to Louis and Congers for fine screens. Louis and Maud dined with us.

September 13, Sunday North Oaks. Last night was wild blew a gale all night began to rain early this morning and has rained and blown all day. A cheerless Day. Went to White Bear to Mass. Georgianna could not come over for the day it was so stormy.

September 14, Monday North Oaks. Yesterday was a depressing tiresome day rain and wind all day and all last night. This morning is calm - and still unsettled.

September 15, Tuesday North Oaks. Mrs. Raguet and I went over to Ruffs and Dellwood it was a delightful day.

September 16, Wednesday North Oaks. Papas 76th. Birthday. He arrived home this morning from Northcote Warren ect. [sic]. Went in to Town with him came back and wentSociety in again. He is having a happy day. Flowers everywhere 525 G. N. R. R. Veterans in town to celebrate the occasion. We all went to Masonic Temple at 6 p.Papers m. Maud and I gave Banner Cortie presented it. Hannafords and Jacksons and Mr.Macpherson dined with the family here.

September 17, Thursday Hill North Oaks. This is a lovely morning Papa goes to Sauk Center ect. [sic] to day. Mr. and Mrs. Hannaford went to town withT. papa this morning. Papa went to Northcote and some other place arrived home 8 p. m. Historical

September 18, Friday North Oaks. A very hotMary sultry day. Went to town and preserved some peaches. A telegram from Mike telling us they arrived today safely and well from England. I telegraphed Clara and Mike. Mr. Hale Holden was out at Louis this evening for dinner.

September 19, Saturday North Oaks. I went to town with papa early this morning he took train at 830 a. m. to attend two co. FairsMinnesota and address them he says these are the last. Wrote to Gertrude to Walter and 2 notes. Finished preserving peaches. Mrs. Geo R. Finch and Nellie came out to spend Sunday.

September 20, Sunday North Oaks. A hot morning but beautiful 76 at 8 30 a. m. Went over to White Bear to Mass. Mrs. Finch and Nellie here for the day. Papa was late coming home last evening from Pipestone and Wilmar 1030 p. m. he has complained of some pain for 3 days today I brought out Dr. J. Gilfillan he found papa has light case of shingles.

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September 21, Monday North Oaks. Began to make grape juice two bushels made 18 qts. A hot day 76 at 830 a. m. Papa came home to luncheon he is not feeling well he has Shingles. He brought home letters from Clara from New York from Gertrude and Mike from Ship. Katherine Abbott came out. Walter and the Dorothys came. Egil and Rachel to dinner.

September 22, Tuesday North Oaks. Wind changed after some rain this evening and temperature dropped. 56 this morning at 830. Louis and Walter left last evening for Glacier Pk ect. [sic]. Walter goes West today. I am making 7 bushels of grapes into grape juice. I find it best to mix delawares and concords together.

September 23, Wednesday North Oaks. A cool morning. Katherine Abbott is some better of her cold. I gave her a hot drink of my wine in hot water and little sugar a large glass. Papa seems a little more comfortable it is my first experience with shingles - it is no trifle. A telegram to day tells us Clara and Gertrude will be here Saturday night.

September 24, Thursday North Oaks. A pleasant Day but a chill in the air. Dr. Chas. E. SmithSociety came out today to talk over “shingles” with papa. Axel is out to begin to crush grapes for Wine 6 bushels of Concord today. Dr. and Mrs. Ramsey came outPapers in the evening. Papa at home all day he seems better

September 25, Friday Hill North Oaks. A fine day I went to town to see about things and to do some errands. Axel finished crushing grapes to day 4 bushels.T. Delaware and 2 ½ Wyoming. Papa is improving he is up at new bldgs now. LetterHistorical from Mike to day.

September 26, Saturday North Oaks. Clara GertrudeMary and the maid Maria returned to day from England. Papa went in to meet them. Their train was an hour late: they got out here at 1130 p. m. glad to be at home.

September 27, Sunday North Oaks. A warm morning. Jerome who has been ill of croup and bronchitas [sic] is better today. We wentMinnesota to White Bear to Mass - going first to see Mary Boeckmann. Charlotte came over in the afternoon. I had such a headache that I spent two hours in bed.

September 28, Monday North Oaks. A Summer day. Papa went to town this morning. I went too but I returned for luncheon. Jerome is up and out to day. Charlotte took luncheon with us. Rachel, Sigrid and Ann Freeman came over in the afternoon with Rachel Abbott.

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September 29, Tuesday North Oaks. This has been a fine day, over 70 and so calm. Papa went to town he did not sleep very well last night. Maud and Louis will be home tomorrow. I am indisposed generally some thing new for me.

September 30, Wednesday North Oaks. A fine charming morning. A perfect day. Louis and Maud came home from the West this morning. Papa seems some improved but shingles are no joke. I had so little sleep last night that with trouble from an old ailment I am miserable. Saw Dr. Gilfillan to day.

October 1, Thursday Papa went for a ride in the Saddle to day and appears to have enjoyed it. The Dorothys left this forenoon for Northcote. Louis Maud and Mr. Macpherson came over after dinner. I went to see Dr. Gilfillan today I have not been well for some time.

October 2, Friday North Oaks. Another fine perfect day. Papa seems improving. I am not comfortable and meals no interest to me yet I do feel some better then yesterday. Society October 3, Saturday North Oaks. A little cooler - but a beautiful day. I Papersfeel a trifle better in some ways - but far from well. Dr. and Mrs. Ramsey came out this afternoon to see Jerome and to call on the girls. Jerome is recovering from Bronchitas [sic]. Wrote to Mike. Hill October 4, Sunday North Oaks. A bright morning but veryT. windy. This is Peace Sunday in all Churches. May our Heavenly Father the Giver of all goodHistorical bring about Peace to all Nations. I regret I am not well enough to go over to Mass. Charlotte George and Mittie Porter took luncheon with us. Girls and Slades dined at Louis. Mary October 5, Monday North Oaks. A cloudy cheerless morning - not cold. I had an uncomfortable night - but as the day progress I think I am better. Dr. [Gilfillan?] came out yesterday he says I shall recover slowly - of an old enemy.

October 6, TuesdayMinnesota North Oaks. {Crossed out – “A rainy d”} A better day after rain. Papa and I both spent the day in our rooms. He dressed in the evening I did not. Katherine Abbott came back with Gertrude who lunched with Rachel. Egil and Rachel came in the evening. Mr. McPherson is out for the night.

October 7, Wednesday North Oaks. A sunny morning after electric storm and rain all night. Walter and Dorothy appeared for breakfast. They return to Northcote this evening. I think I am some better.

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October 8, Thursday North Oaks. Cloudy damp weather. I am still in my room and have been nearly a week. I am better to day for the first time. Mittie Porter and Katherine Abbott are here Friday Oct. 9th. Mittie and girls with Katherine dine at Charlottes her 13th Anniversay [sic]. Louis and Louis jr. leave this evening for a little hunt.

October 9, Friday North Oaks. I am better today I am sure - an unsettled day as to weather. An electric storm last night. A letter from Mike. I sent Mike Trade of the World to day. I am reading Quentin Durward.

October 10, Saturday North Oaks. This is a Windy changeable day, I am still improving. Dr. Gilfillan has been out to day. Katherine has gone home to day so has Mittie.

October 11, Sunday A disagreeable day. I am better but still up stairs. George Charlotte Mr. Macpherson and Mr. Goodspeed dined here. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson drove out in the afternoon.

October 12, Monday Society North Oaks. Rained last night has rained all day. Very cheerless. Papas new cattle came out here to day, he is much pleased with them.Papers Letters from Ruth and from James. I am still up stairs. {In between lines in middle of page, written by Louis – “Prof Shaw [lot?] in England dual purpose shorthorns see photo”} Hill October 13, Tuesday North Oaks. Today is colder and theT. afternoon cleared so the afternoon was fine. Charlotte here for luncheon. Mrs. Upham andHistorical Mrs. Tarbox on way to Charlottes stopped here for Charlotte. I am better but not strong. Still upstairs. Have finished reading Quentin Durward. Mary October 14, Wednesday North Oaks. A beautiful early morning misty between times a perfect day. I feel pretty well this morning. Helen Bunn came out last night she went in this morning. Gertrude went to town to spend the night with Rachel.

October 15, ThursdayMinnesota North Oaks. The most perfect morning. I went down to dinner last night. I feel comfortable this morning. Today has been wonderfully fine. Charlotte and George came out. Egil and Rachel came to dinner. Wrote to Mike and to Ruth.

October 16, Friday North Oaks. This is simply a glorious morning. Have just written to Mrs. Miller and to James N. B. Dr. Boeckmann and Egil have been out this morning to see new cattle the Dr came in to see me. We talked of the war. Louis and Louis jr. went hunting again tonight. {in Louis’ hand at bottom of page – “spring pheasants?”}

1914, p.33

October 17, Saturday North Oaks. Another surprisingly glorious morning - could not be finer or more beautiful. I am much improved. Nell Finch came home with Clara to spend the night. Walter and Dorothy came out. Bettie Barrows very ill. I rode over to White Bear Lake after two weeks confinement. This has been a wonderful day.

October 18, Sunday A very fine morning and day - some wind threatens a change in these perfect days. I went to Mass to White Bear. Georgianna came home with me. Egil, Rachel and Mary Boeckmann came out in the afternoon. Maud and Mr. [Senally? Lindley?] dined with us. Walter and Dorothy came out to breakfast and went in before luncheon time.

October 19, Monday North Oaks. This is a fine morning. So sunny but windy. I do feel stronger this morning. A letter to day from Dr. Turner. Maud came over in the forenoon. I am reading Sense and Sensibility.

October 20, Tuesday North Oaks. A delightful warm morning. The flies are as annoyingSociety as on a Summer day. Charlotte Rachel and Katherine Abbott came out they Gertrude and Clara had a picnic luncheon. Charlotte came back to dinner It was Papers76 to day a very warm evening.

October 21, Wednesday North Oaks. A hot morning over 70 in myHill room all night. Gertrude leaves us this evening. Maud and Charlotte for luncheon. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark Mrs. Upham and Mrs. Chas. MorrisT. drove out also Mr. and Mrs. Bovey and Mittie Porter and Mr. F. Johnson. Gertrude just left us toHistorical dine at Rachels. Clara and Charlotte have gone to join the party and see Gertrude off at Station.

October 22, Thursday Mary Our perfect weather interrupted this morning cloudy and raining an uncertain day. As Clara was not well I had a quiet day alone. Bettie Barrows died to day at three p. m. Louis and Mr. Macpherson took dinner with us.

October 23, Friday North Oaks. A cloudyMinnesota day. Colder and some rain. I went in to town and went to Mrs. Barrows. Of course they are inconsolable. I wanted to bring little Dorothy home with me but she did not want to come so far from her mother. A letter from Gertrude from Chicago and a telegram telling me she arrived well in New York.

October 24, Saturday North Oaks. Last night was windy and cloudy. This morning is sunny and beautiful. Minnie and Mary Oakes arrived from East at Mauds this morning. They with Maud and Louis dined with us. Louis jr. shot an old elk this afternoon. Norman had a chance too was not so sure. Bettie Barrows buried to day.

1914, p.34

October 25, Sunday North Oaks. Another remarkably fine morning. Went to Mass at White Bear in Basement School chapel. Egil and Rachel took luncheon with us. George and Charlotte dined with us. Cortie not well he strained himself trying to lift too much. {in Louis’ hand – “a Cannon”}

October 26, Monday North Oaks. A cold morning 29 at 8 a. m. and N. wind. Sunny too Father Gibbons came out to spend the day. Clara not very well. Cortie still ailing. Wrote to Mamie to day.

October 27, Tuesday North Oaks. The morning was pleasant. I went to town did some errands got back for luncheon. Bertha Sturgis came out to luncheon. Katherine Abbott is here. Cortie has been ill since Sunday. On his account they have all moved to town. Over a one hundred Autos came out this afternoon to see the imported cattle.

October 28, Wednesday North Oaks. This is a cloudy morning - 40 at 845 a. m. Cortie who has been ill since Saturday is better this morning. Letter from Gertrude to day. WalterSociety Dorothys and Mr. Barrows went up to Northcote last night. Mrs. Abbott came out to day for luncheon to spend the day. Katherine and Mittie Porter are stayingPapers here.

October 29, Thursday North Oaks. A beautiful morning. Has beenHill a remarkably fine day. Papa spent the forenoon out here. Later in afternoon Mittie, Katherine Abbott and I went over to Dellwood a wonderful sunset such T.glowing colors. Clara came home tired after her labors at Belgian relief work. Historical

October 30, Friday North Oaks. Another gloriousMary mild morning. Katherine went home this morning. I went to town, went in to see Maud and the ladies at Belgian relief work and sent them some American flags to put one in each box. Letters from Mike and from Ruth. I went to see Mary Boeckmann. She looks fine - is flourishing. This has been a wonderfully fine day.

October 31, Saturday North Oaks. A veryMinnesota fine day warm. Clara and Mittie went to Town with papa they returned to luncheon. We went over later to Charlottes and met a Miss Sawyer there. She is a farmer in N. J. and keeps Jersey cattle. I wrote to Dr. Biggs and to Gertrude. Egil and Rachel were at Charlottes. Clara will spend the night there.

November 1, Sunday North Oaks. This is a remarkably fine morning for the first of November at 845 a. m. 48 on the North and 58 on the porch on S. E. - the day got warmer. Afternoon was delightful papa took us over the new Road going North. Went to Mass over at White Bear. Slades all came over in the afternoon. George and Charlotte stayed to dine and

1914, p.35

spend the evening. Mittie still here. Walter was here to day with John Lohs. Louis spent the day out here with Louis jr and some boys.

November 2, Monday North Oaks. Cloudy and colder 46 on North side at 830 a. m. Windy but warm. We heard thunder and saw lightning no rain here - sun came out at 430 p. m. 62 at 5 p. m. Mary Beckmann not well but better than yesterday. We are busy knitting wool mifflers [sic?] for red cross.

November 3, Tuesday North Oaks. Again 46 at 845 a. m. an [sic] mild day grass still freshly green. I went to town. Mary Boeckmann some better. Mattie went home to day.

November 4, Wednesday North Oaks. Another pleasant day 46 on North side at 830 a. m. We are preparing to move to town tomorrow. Georgianna had her Tonsils taken out this forenoon. Mary Boeckmann is better to day.

November 5, Thursday North Oaks. A beautiful morning. We are moving to town to day.Society

November 6, Friday Papers St. Paul. A busy day putting things to rights. Charlotte was in. Georgianna doing well at St. Pauls Hospital after removal of her Tonsils fine Weather especially forenoons. Hill November 7, Saturday St. Paul. A pleasant morning coolerT. - 34 at 9 a. m. Afternoon cloudy. Begian [sic] Relief work going on well. Clara is much pleasedHistorical at responses. Georgianna goes home to Dellwood to day. Mary Boeckmann all right again.

November 8, Sunday Mary St. Paul. A glorious morning cool but fine 34 at 9 a. m.

November 9, Monday St. Paul. Papa and I breakfasted at Mauds this morning to meet Mr. Geo. Harris, Mr. Holden and Judge Spencer. Louis and they left at 9 a. m. to go over the Burlington system through elevenMinnesota states! in two weeks.

November 10, Tuesday St. Paul. Madame Vandevelde wife of Minister of Belgium with Mr. and Mrs. Severence Slades, Maud ect [sic] took luncheon here to day - later we all went to hear her give an account of poor afflicted Belgium. Quite a sum was subscribed at the meeting.

November 11, Wednesday St. Paul. Busy one way and another as we may go East soon. I went to North Oaks this afternoon. Judge Hook dined with us this evening.

1914, p.36

November 12, Thursday St. Paul. Good weather lasted until to day, it has been raw tried to snow and sleeted. Papa went to Northcote this evening.

November 13, Friday St. Paul. A cloudy damp day 32 at at [sic] 9 a. m. Mrs. Upham, Mrs. K. Clark, Mrs. Chas. Morris and Mrs. John F. Harris took luncheon here to day. Later I went to North Oaks - to get measurements for covering of Draperies.

November 14, Saturday St. Paul. Rather a damp morning. Made mince meat to day. In the afternoon went to Minneapolis with papa.

November 15, Sunday St. Paul. 28 this morning at 830 but a beautiful early morning. Bishop Carroll at St. Lukes to day.

November 16, Monday St. Paul. This morning delightful although nearly zero at an earlySociety hour 16 above at 830 a.m. I am getting ready to go East. Papers November 17, Tuesday St. Paul. Our mornings now are bright but all afternoons are cloudy. Nearly zero this early morning 10 above at 830. Hill

November 18, Wednesday T. St. Paul. Not so cold this morning 18 aboveHistorical at 830. We are leaving for New York this evening. Trying to snow a little.

November 19, ThursdayMary Chicago. We arrived here on time this a. m. I called on Mrs. Miller and found her of course some better but inclined to talk of Mr. Miller all the time. We left Chicago on 1240 p. m. train.

November 20, Friday New York. Arrived Minnesotahere on time after a comfortable trip. Gertrude came in from Tuxedo to meet us she had been there a few days. Weather moderate here. Went right to Schwarz to find a doll to dress for Dorothy like my little Red Riding Hood.

November 21, Saturday New York. A cold but sunny pleasant day. Papa did not go the Office to day. Wrote to James and to Mamie last night. Dr. Steward called this evening looking very well. Col Clough called while we were absent this afternoon left word he was leaving this evening for the West.

1914, p.37

November 22, Sunday New York. A cloudy morning. Gertrude and I went to 9 o clock Mass at St. Ignatius Church 84th. St. and heard a remarkable report of the works of their Parish. Wrote to Charlotte to Rachel and to Auntie. Went for Gertrude to take a walk and found Mr. and Mrs. Nichols there.

November 23, Monday New York. Mr. Thomas (Samuel) took papa down town and brought him home so I had Ferris and Gertrude and I did some shopping at Gilman Collamere ect. [sic]. Papa and I dined at Mrs. Samuel Thornes. Mr. Sterling was there and told Mr. Geo. F. Bakers grand son was killed in battle, Lady Strathcons [sic] son wounded.

November 24, Tuesday New York. A fine day. Ruth came to town. She and Anson spent the night here. Clara leaves St. Paul this evening for New York. Mamie wires she will come over Sunday. James N. B. comes tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with us.

November 25, Wednesday New York. Papa Gertrude and I went to Sloanes to look at Rugs for Louis new room the Music room. Then Went to Metropolitan Museum to see Altman SocietyCollection and Morgan Collection. Ruth and I took luncheon with Gertrude later Ruth took train for Tuxedo. Papers November 26, Thursday New York. Thanksgiving Day. An unusually fine warm morning and Day. James N. B. and I went to Mass at St. Ignatius Church.Hill Clara arrived at 920 a. m. We had Gertrude for dinner a small gathering for Thanksgiving. We went for a drive. Papa played a puzzle. T. Historical November 27, Friday New York. Warm but cloudy Papa stayed at home all forenoon. Mrs. and Miss Stewart called. We are all knittingMary for the Soldiers. A letter from Charlotte no news.

November 28, Saturday New York. A pleasant day. Papa went to Knoedlers and exchanged a Millet. Gertrude and I went to Schwarz and to Mme Helenes. When I came in this afternoon I found Mr. Samuel Thorne here with Joe. Thorne and his new wife. Minnesota November 29, Sunday New York. A very delightful warm morning. Gertrude and I went to 11 o clock Mass at 84th Street - met Maria Taylor and Mrs. Slade on the Avenue as we walked home. Saw Pauline Emmet at Church. Mr. Dickermen, Dr. Biggs Mrs. Biggs and Katherine called also Maria Taylor and Isabella

1914, p.38

November 30, Monday New York. Windy and warm. Went down town with Papa. Mamie went with us. Clara {“Ruth” – crossed out} and Mamie went to the Opera. Anson jr. and Mary came to town this morning and are with us for a couple days.

December 1, Tuesday New York. Papa stayed at home all day. Muller Uri called Mike returned from the South this morning. Gavins and Beards dined with us. This is a foggy day - very dark.

December 2, Wednesday New York. Weather close dark warm. Mamie and I went down town with papa this morning and on way up did some shopping. Clara and I took luncheon with Margaret Millbank and saw her baby. Major Wilson called this afternoon. Papa dining out. Clara and Mamie at Opera. I dined with Gertrude.

December 3, Thursday New York. A beautiful day made calls. Went to the Opera in the evening. Tristan and Isolde.

December 4, Friday Society New York. A fine morning. Papa and I leave in the morning early 740 a. m. for Rochester. Clara and Mamie remain longer here.Papers

December 5, Saturday We left New York on the Erie R. R. at 745Hill this a. m. in Mr. F. Underwoods car. He and Mr. Stone and Mr. Parsons going with us to Rochester N. Y. where we arrived at 6 p. m. Papa to attend a Banquet and makeT. an address on the business situation of this country. I went with Mrs. Geo. Thayer to dineHistorical with her - she had six lady guests. We left Rochester at 1135 p. m. for Chicago.

December 6, Sunday Mary On train of Erie Rail a very dull dark day. We reached Chicago at 430 p. m. Mr. Holden met us. We went to the Blackstone for an hour or so then again boarded the Burlington train at 630 p. m. for St. Paul.

December 7, Monday St. Paul. We arrivedMinnesota home this morning ahead of time at 7 oclock quite in the dark. We find all well here.

December 8, Tuesday St. Paul. As Joe Sikorski has an ulcer on an eye I have no auto now. George and Charlotte dined with us this evening.

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December 9, Wednesday Colder to day 20 above at 9 a. m. Busy doing odds and ends and preparing for Christmas. Maud dined with us - and spent this evening here. Children are now Collecting Posters that advertize [sic].

December 10, Thursday 18 above this morning trying to snow. Went to Minneapolis this afternoon found no one at home at Aunties.

December 11, Friday We dined at Louis this evening Mr. Macpherson was there. The two new rugs had come. The Organ is quite a toy for Louis.

December 12, Saturday Rather cold 10 above. The large rug has come for Louis large Room. Clara returned from New York this evening. Mr. McChesney came in a few minutes with Louis.

December 13, Sunday 10 above this morning and went lower through the day. Society December 14, Monday Went to a luncheon given by Mrs. Kenneth ClarkePapers in honor of Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. John F. Harris. A very cold day 10 below zero.

December 15, Tuesday Hill Another cold day. Stayed at home all afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Rice and Mrs. Schell called. Charlotte gave one of her Buffet SuppersT. this evening. Historical December 16, Wednesday Still very cold. Went over to Mauds this afternoon to a knitting party for the poor soldiers in Europe. Not many attendedMary the first gathering.

December 17, Thursday A fine day after three very cold days. Went to Minneapolis saw Auntie Mittie Porter Mrs. E. Hill Louise Hill and the [Babies?] –

December 18, FridayMinnesota {Blank}

December 19, Saturday Took luncheon with Rachel. Then went to Good Shepherd Sisters. Was disappointed with them no offer of help to knit or do anything for War sufferers. Helen Bunn spending the night here.

1914, p.40

December 20, Sunday A fine morning turned to cloudy afternoon 18 above zero. Begins to snow and we home for white Christmas. Wrote to Mamie to Ruth and to Dorothy. Louis Maud and Mr. Macpherson dined with us - this evening.

December 21, Monday Below zero this a. m. 2 at 8 oclock. The shortest day of the year but so bright that it did not seem so. Lovely afternoon. Went out to see Mrs. Raguet.

December 22, Tuesday A beautiful morning 2 below at 815 a. m.

December 23, Wednesday We trimmed the tree to day so as to be well ready tomorrow. Weather is fine snow is promised for Christmas. Went to see Mrs. Morrison found her looking well.

December 24, Thursday Quite a snow fall now for 4 mornings it has been just below zero at 830. We had the tree at 5 p. m. and Mary Boeckmann was at it looking so be wildered - but she was very good. All the children except Mary B took supper here. Tom OakesSociety too.

December 25, Friday Papers Christmas Day. We took supper and spent the Christmas eve at Mauds house. They had quite a party and a fine Musicale. Lou Shawe sang well. This is a beautiful day. Father Moynahan preached on the NativityHill and knowledge of God at St. Lukes.

December 26, Saturday T. 25 below zero at 5 this morning - but day moderatedHistorical and was fine.

December 27, Sunday More moderated to dayMary only 4 below at 9 a. Wrote to Ruth.

{on page for December 28; Monday crossed out, “Saturday” written in} Turned over 2 leaves. Very cold 25 below at 5 a. m. 12 below at 9 a. m. moderated and snowed this afternoon but still cold. We went to a Reception for the daughter Mrs. Pomeroy and Mrs. Millbank. Minnesota December 29, Tuesday A cold morning got colder all day at 10 p. m. 6 below zero and going down fast. Ruth Ramsey and Mrs.

December 30, Wednesday 18 below at an early hour this a. m. 14 below at 8 a. m. An old fashioned winter. I called on Mrs. Boeckmann to day and went to Mauds Knitting meeting. A beautiful afternoon and evening so bright and still.

1914, p.41

December 31, Thursday Not a cold day. I went to see Mrs. Schell after sending cables to friends in England and France. Symphony Concert in the evening we attended. Clara went to Charlottes to supper and to see old year out.

{Following entries on pages in back of small travel diary} Notes Mrs. McQuillan 556 Selby Ave Nov. 1914

Insurance Expiration H. W. John Manville Co. 251-253 Third Ave. S. Minneapolis Electric Reflector J. P. Frisk 239 10 Ave. New York

Notes and Bills Society Wm. Mills and Son 21 Park Place N. Y. Papers Batteries for Hand light Hill Receivable Wikel Work T. the name of the lace Historical Work in Germany Doilies I gave Charlotte Mary Notes and Bills Father Gibbons spoke of Life of Bishop Challoner

Payable Mrs. F. Ward Minnesota 477 Portland Tel D 7511

Cash Account - January 1914 G. N. Express No. 134 American Express 4166

1914, p.42

2320 S Street North 6067 The Telephone Mrs. Samuel Hills Telephone long distance too

Cash Account - October Laundress Mrs. Samec 714 Canton Street (Right of W. 7th. Street)

Cash Account - December Joanna left Saturday evening Aug 8th.

Cash Account - March Benjamin Disraeli An unconditional Biography by Wilfred Maynell Appleton Society No 8 E. 65th Plaza 154 Papers {following entries on back pages on large diary} November – Cash Gertie P. Horrigan Hill 1628 West 12th St. Los Angeles T. Historical Mrs. Geo. R. Finch C. Richard Stockton Ivy Towers Mary Trenton N. J.

December - Cash Wanted help for fair for church Apr. 2nd. Mrs. Otto IsaacsonMinnesota Mahnomen, Minn.

Wanting Clothes Katherine Mary F. Fitzpatrick Minot, N. Dak

September - Cash Things needed at Jeckyl

1914, p.43

Island apartment Wash clothes. roring Doilies for the curate Tea Napkins Coffee pot plate for serving Tack hammer Silver polish

October - Cash March 2nd to Maria - 25.00

July – Cash Madame Helene 563 East 56th. Street New York Cor. 56th. St.

August – Cash Harry Kirke Porter Society 1600 I. Street Washington James Carleton Young Papers Man in Minneapolis who has Autographs Sets of Authors. Hill

June – Cash T. Pd. House Cleaning Historical May 12th 6400 Pd. Laundress Mary 3 weeks – 26.00 Pd. Mrs. McQuillan to May 9th. 25.00

Memoranda page Minnesota Book I have read since early in Feb. The New China H. Board Happy to Lucky Ian Hay The Custom of the Country Edith Wharton Pollyanna

1914, p.44 l~

Elenor H. Porter The End of her Honeymoon Mrs. Baloc Loundes Grace Church John Ayscough Caviar by Grant Richards

Society Papers Hill T. Historical Mary


1914, p.45