Neal Coonerty and Bookshop Santa Cruz Neal Coonerty and Bookshop Santa Cruz: Forty-Six Years of Independent Bookselling Current location of Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Avenue An Oral History by Irene Reti University of California, Santa Cruz University Library Neal Coonerty and Bookshop Santa Cruz: Forty-Six Years of Independent Bookselling. Copyright © 2012 by the Regents of the University of California. All uses of this oral history are covered by copyright agreement between Neal Coonerty and the Regents of the University of California. Under “fair use” standards, excerpts of up to six hundred words (per interview) may be quoted without the Regional History Project’s permission as long as the materials are credited. Quotations of more than six hundred words require the written per- mission of the University Librarian and may also require a fee. Under certain circumstances, not-for-profit users may be granted a waiver of the fee. To contact the Regional History Project:
[email protected] or Regional History Project McHenry Library, UC Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Phone: 831-459-2847 Printed in the United States of America. A big thank you to Neal Coonerty for generously and wholeheartedly participating in this oral history project; to Esther Ehrlich, consulting editor, for her skillful editing; to Bettianne Shoney Sien for her excel- lent transcribing and personal interest in this project; to Lucie Rossi Coonerty for carefully reviewing the semi-final version; to Kathleen Roberts Design for graciously providing the photos; to Mark Ong and Donna Mekis for permission to reprint the Morton Marcus poem; to Christine Bunting, Head of Special Collections and Archives at the UCSC Library for helping bring this project to fruition; and to Virginia Steel, University Librarian at UC Santa Cruz, for supporting the Regional History Project’s efforts to document the history of the Central Coast region of California.