World Scout Bureau Mondial du Scoutisme Asia-Pacific Regional Office Bureau Régional Asie-Pacifique P.O. Box 4050 CIRCULAR Nº 23, SERIES OF 2004 MCPO 1280 Makati City Metro Manila To: Chief Commissioners Philippines International Commissioners 4/F ODC International Plaza Building Chief Scout Executives 219 Salcedo Street Legaspi Village, Makati City Metro Manila Philippines Tel: (+63 2) 818 09 84 (+63 2) 817 16 75 Fax: (+63 2) 819 00 93 (+63 2) 401 39 84
[email protected] 15 June 2004 21st Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference - 2004 CANDIDATES FOR THE APR SCOUT COMMITTEE 2004-2010 Dear Colleagues, In response to circular no. 7 series of 2004 calling for nominations for the Regional Scout Committee for the term 2004-2010, we are pleased to announce that we have nine candidates whose names are listed sequentially as per the date their nomination forms were received by the APR office before the 5 June 2004 deadline. 1. Mr Weerakoon Somadasa Hadirankumbura Cedara Sri Lanka Scout Association 2. Dr Yung Chaur-Shin The General Association of the Scouts of China 3. Lady Uraiwan Sirinupongs National Scout Organization of Thailand 4. Mr Mohammad Zainul Abedin Bangladesh Scouts 5. Mr Mohammed Ali Khalid The Bharat Scouts & Guides/India 6. Dr Fasli Jalal Gerakan Pramuka/Indonesia 7. Mr John George Ravenhall Scouts Australia 8. Mr Tan Cheng Kiong Singapore Scout Association 9. Mr Oh Sang Gyoon Korea Scout Association Out of the above nine candidates, five candidates are to be elected by the 21st APR Scout Conference in December 2004 in Brunei Darussalam.